Aeroelasticity & Experimental (AERO0032-1)

Lecture 6 Vortex Induced

T. Andrianne

2017-2018 Aeroelasticity

= Study of the interaction of inertial, structural and aerodynamic forces

Applications on aircrafts, buildings, surface vehicles etc.

Inertial Forces

Structural dynamics Flight Dynamics Dynamic Aeroelasticity Collar’s triangle Structural Forces Aerodynamic Forces Static Aeroelasticity

1 Flow separation

Airfoil/wing aeroelasticity • Divergence • Flutter

Bluff-body aeroelasticity • Vortex Induced • Galloping



Vortices …

Flow visualizaon of vorces shed behind a cylinder


… induce vibrations

Vortex-induced vibraons 4

Today’s lecture

Dimensional analysis Examples of VIV Flow around static cylinders Effect of a prescribed motion of the cylinder Free vibration: VIV Modelling VIV Lock-in mechanism

5 Today’s lecture

Dimensional analysis Examples of VIV Flow around static cylinders Effect of a prescribed motion of the cylinder Free vibration: VIV Modelling VIV Lock-in mechanism

6 Dimensional analysis

Non-dimensional variables

• Geometry l = length / width D

• Dimensionless amplitude A vibration amplitude / diameter D

U Large Ur à Quasi-steady assumption • Reduced velocity U ∞ r = fD Small Ur (< 10) à Strong fluid-structure interaction

U∞ f D U A ∞ m

7 Dimensional analysis

m m • Mass ratio m = S = S = susceptibility of flow induced r m D2 / 4 F ρπ vibrations

mS = mass (p.u. length) of the structure [kg/m] ρ = fluid density [kg/m3]

U D • Re = ∞ = inertial / viscous forces ν ν = kinematic viscosity of the fluid [m2/s]

à Measure of the boundary layer thickness à Measure of the transition between laminar and turbulent flows

U Ma ∞ • = c = tendency of the flow to compress when it encounters a structure In this course : incompressible flows à Ma < 0.3 8 Dimensional analysis

energy dissipated per cycle • factor (classically) η = S 4π × total energy of the structure

YN ln(YN /YN+1) = 2πηS YN (linear system) m

When Fluid-Structure interactions are concerned

à “reduced damping” or ≈ mr ×ηS

9 Dimensional analysis

Motion of a linear structure in a subsonic, steady flow

Described by : → A = F l ,U , Re, m ,η D ( D r r S ) • Geometry l D

• Reduced velocity Ur • Dimensionless amplitude A D

• Mass ratio mr • Reynolds number Re

• Damping factor ηS

Source FIV1977 VIV Galloping (Lecture 2) 10 Today’s lecture

Dimensional analysis Examples of VIV Flow around static cylinders Effect of a prescribed motion of the cylinder Free vibration: VIV Modelling VIV Lock-in mechanism

11 VIV examples – in air

• Bridges

Great-Belt bridge (Denmark) • Chimneys

• High rise buildings

Burj Khalifa (Dubai) 12

VIV examples – in water / 2 phases flows

• Risers

source : Imperial college • Heat exchangers

source : Sandvik

13 VIV examples : Great-Belt bridge

Unacceptable VIV motion (~ 40cm) during final construction stage at low (and frequent) wind speeds (~8m/s)

(Larsen 2000)

14 VIV examples : Great-Belt bridge

(Frandsen 2001) (Larsen 2000)

15 From 3D to 2D

• Vortex shedding is essentially a 3D phenomenon à Flow components in the Z-direction à Geometric variation of the structure à Dynamic behaviour of the structure

• 2D analysis as a starting point to understand VIV : Even on 3D structures, 2D approaches are carried out (flow visualization, load analysis)

• A/D >> à 2D dominated

Structural motion takes the

control of aerodynamics

Sumer 2006 16 Dimensional analysis

Motion of a 2D linear structure in a subsonic, steady flow

Described by : A F U , Re, m , → D = ( r r ηS ) Great Belt bridge


U∞ m

Other parameters: • Surface roughness of the structure (for rounded shapes) • Turbulence intensity of the upstream flow

à Effect on the wake, hence of the and on the VIV 17 Today’s lecture

Dimensional analysis Examples of VIV Flow around static cylinders Effect of a prescribed motion of the cylinder Free vibration: VIV Modelling VIV Lock-in mechanism

18 Flow around a static cylinders

Lifting cylinder (potential flow theory) * 2 - 2 2Γsinθ $ Γ ' à Steady lift force C =1−,4sin θ + +& ) / p RV 2 RV +, π ∞ % π ∞ ( ./ à No drag (D’Alembert Paradox) Γ cl = RV∞

Viscous effects à Flow separation 19 Flow around a static cylinders

Creeping flow : vorticity created in the BL is totally dissipated near the body

Transition to turbulence Increasing Re = inertial / viscous forces

Effect of viscosity in the vicinity of the body. Large amount of viscosity not dissipated near the body

20 Flow around a static cylinders How vortex shedding appears ? Flow separation

• Flow speed outside wake is much higher than inside • Vorticity gathers in upper and lower layers • Induced velocities (due to vortices) causes this perturbation to amplify

à Origin of the vortex shedding process = shear layer instability (purely inviscid mechanism) Vortex shedding = global instability : the whole wake is affected = robust : vorticity is continuously produced

@ a well defined frequency (see Strouhal) 21 Flow around a static cylinders

Strouhal number 600

400 fVS D S VS St ≡ f f U∞ 200 f = shedding frequency VS 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 D = cross dimension U ∞ U∞ = free stream velocity à Linear dependency of the shedding frequency with free stream velocity à St ~ cste in a limited range of Reynolds numbers !

22 Flow around a static cylinders

Aerodynamic forces

à Impact of the shed vortices on the aerodynamic forces



à Lift force varies at fVS

à Drag force varies at ~ 2 fVS

Sumer 2006 23 Flow around a static cylinders Aerodynamic forces

• Lift coefficient is an image of the fluctuating vorticity in the wake

(where the dominant frequency is fVS) à C (t) is characterized by f and C rms L L L f D à Dimensionless Strouhal number St = L U∞

L(t) rms rms St 2πU∞ CL (t) = 2 = 2CL sin(ωLt) = 2CL sin( t) 1/ 2ρU∞D D

• Drag coefficient : typically fD ~ 2 fVS

D(t) rms rms rms St 2πU∞ CD (t) = 2 = 2CD sin(ωDt) = 2CD sin(2ωLt) = 2CD sin(2 t) 1/ 2ρU∞D D

24 Flow around a static cylinders Aerodynamic forces

Strongly Reynolds dependent !

L(t) rms CL (t) = 2 = 2CL sin(ωLt) 1/ 2ρU∞D

rms St 2πU = 2C sin( ∞ t) L D

D(t) rms rms CD (t) = 2 = 2CD sin(ωDt) = 2CD sin(2ωLt) 1/ 2ρU∞D

rms St 2πU = 2C sin(2 ∞ t) D D 25 FIV2011 Today’s lecture

Dimensional analysis Examples of VIV Flow around static cylinders Effect of a prescribed motion of the cylinder Free vibration: VIV Modelling VIV Lock-in mechanism

26 Oscillating cylinder

à Cylinder forced to move

Imposed motion : y(t) = Asin(2π f f t)

A = Amplitude ff = Forcing frequency

Order of magnitude of the diameter (D) Varying around the stac cylinder shedding 0 à A/D ~ 1 frequency (fVS ) à 0 0< ff/fVS < 2 0 fVS = vortex shedding frequency that would be observed with cylinder at rest (i.e. following the Strouhal relaon)

Remember : Re has also a strong effect on the shedding process à Effect of the motion of the cylinder, for a given Re range. We can observe: Change in the flow pattern and in the shedding frequency

27 Oscillating cylinder : Patterns

Williamson 2004

• Limited range of forcing frequency and amplitude: à Two single vortices (“2S mode”) • Higher forcing frequencies and amplitudes: à Two pairs of vortices (“2P mode”) • Even higher frequencies and amplitudes : non-symmetric “P+S mode” 28

Oscillating cylinder : Frequency

0 Around ff / fVS ~ 1 à No change in pattern

à But effect on the shedding frequency fVS

f D i.e. f does not follow anymore the Strouhal relation St = VS VS U ∞ For a given Reynolds number and amplitude of imposed motion (A) 0 fVS /fVS fVS = ff

ff is increased 1 fVS is measured

0 Around ff / fVS ~ 1 à fVS = ff

= Lock-in phenomenon 1 f /f 0 f VS (wake capture) !! Different from lock-in in VIV !! 29 Oscillating cylinder : Frequency

Lock-in range mainly depends on the imposed amplitude (ratio A / D)

FIV2011 A/D ì à Range ì

30 Oscillating cylinder : Lift force

Imposed motion: y(t) = Asin(2π f f t)

à The resulting lift force L(t) is not necessarily harmonic (idem static cylinder)

But through a standard Fourier analysis, it can approximated by

L (t) = L0 si n(2π f f t + ϕ ) = component of lift @ the forcing frequency (ff)

0 0 0 Driving parameters: A/D and ff /fVS à L0(A/D, ff /fVS ) and φ(A/D, ff /fVS )

Three different representations of the lift force : 1. Modulus and phase 2. Phased lift coefficients 3. Inertia and drag coefficients

31 Oscillating cylinder : Lift force

1. Modulus and phase 2. Phased lift coefficients C for A/D = 0.5 3. Inertia and drag coefficients L 5

CL (t) = CL sin(2π f f t + ϕ) 4

3 modulus phase 2 1 0 à both function of A/D and ff /fVS 0 0 ff /fVS 0 .5 .75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 max(CL ) for f /f = 1 f VS CL (A = 0) ϕ

2 270 180

1 90 0 -90 0 0 .5 1 1.5 2 A/D -180 0 .5 .75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 ff /fVS adapted from Carberry et al. (2005) 32 Oscillating cylinder : Lift force

1. Modulus and phase y(t) Asin(2 f t) 2. Phased lift coefficients = π f 3. Inertia and drag coefficients

CL (t) = (CL cosϕ)sin(2π f f t)+(CL sinϕ)cos(2π f f t)

in phase with y (and - ! y! ) in phase with y! Conservative forces Non-conservative forces

0 à both function of A/D and ff /fVS à might lead to positive or negative work for A/D = 0.5 C sin CL cosϕ L ϕ

1 1

0 0

0 f /f 0 .5 .75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 ff /fVS .5 .75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 f VS adapted from Sarpkaya (1979) 33 Oscillating cylinder : Lift force

1. Modulus and phase 2. Phased lift coefficients 3. Inertia and drag coefficients

" D2 % 1

CL (t) = −ρ$π 'CM !y!− ρDCD y! y! 4 2 # &

Inertia coefficient Drag coefficient

(added mass) 2 Ur Link with modulus : CM = CL cosϕ 3 2π (y0 D)

As expected for Ur à 0, CM à 1 (motion in still fluid)

adapted from Sarpkaya (1979) 34 Today’s lecture

Dimensional analysis Examples of VIV Flow around static cylinders Effect of a prescribed motion of the cylinder Free vibration: VIV Modelling VIV Lock-in mechanism

35 Free vibration: VIV

Consider a single dof system : a simple linear oscillator D U ∞ m

A F U , Re, m , Remember from the dimensional analysis : D = ( r r ηS )

In the case of free vibration, special interest for :

fS = frequency of the free motion ( ‘S’ stands for Structural) 0 fS = frequency of the free motion (in still fluid, i.e. U∞ = 0) Structural part A = amplitude of the free motion fVS = frequency of the vortex shedding process (with motion) Fluid part

" % A fS fVS U 0 → , , = F U , Re, m ,η ∞ fS independent of U∞ $ 0 0 ' ( r r S ) with Ur = 0 #D fS fS & fS D (but not of the fluid properties) 36 Free vibration: VIV

0 Fixed structural parameters : D, fS , mr, and η Fixed fluid properties : ν, ρ Frequency of motion Frequency of vortex shedding ! $ A fS fVS # , 0 , 0 & = F (Ur, Re, mr,ηS ) "D fS fS %

Airspeed effect (U∞)

For small variations of U∞ in a Re range

à Neglecting the Re effect

à Ur only

FSI201137 Free vibration: VIV

Amax Lock-in range in AIR in WATER

FIV1977 FSI2011 38 Free vibration: VIV

Two key quantities to characterize VIV (practical interest) :

• Amax : max amplitude of the y motion, reached at Ur=1/St

• Lock-in range : also occurs around Ur=1/St

! A f f $ From the dimensional analysis : S VS # , 0 , 0 & = F (Ur, Re, mr,ηS ) D f f " S S %

" AMax % → , Lockin(Ur ) = F (Re, mr,ηS ) #$ D &' à Neglecting the Re effect

à mr and ηS only π à Scruton number ( ~ reduced damping) Sc = (1+ m )η 2 r S à Skop-Griffin number : SG = 4π 2St 2Sc

39 Free vibration: VIV

Amax = Function(SG) Lock-in range = Function(SG)

à Amax < 1 or 2 diameters (even for very low mass-damping combination)

à Amax ~ 0 for heavy/damped structures

à Lock-in range ì if SG î

à VIV = Self-limited phenomenon

40 Today’s lecture

Dimensional analysis Examples of VIV Flow around static cylinders Effect of a prescribed motion of the cylinder Free vibration: VIV Modelling VIV Lock-in mechanism

41 Modelling VIV

Objective of the model :

à Estimation of Amax and Lock-in range in a given Re range (Critical airspeed from the St number (from literature or wind tunnel tests))

• “Empirical” models, i.e. based on static and oscillating experimental data • Many applications of VIV (in different fluids) à Tons of models (1960’s) • In this course : 2D models only

• Classification: FFluid = −mA!y!+ F

ρπ D2 Inviscid added mass m = Total force – added mass effect A 4

Type A: forced system Type B: fluid elastic Type C: wake oscillator

y y y G(y) U∞ F(t) U∞ F(y(t),t) U∞ WAKE WAKE WAKE F(q)

42 Modelling VIV

Type A : Forced system models Type A FIV2011

y From static cylinder : U∞ F(t)

rms " St 2πU∞ % WAKE CL (t) = 2CL sin$ t' # D &

2 rms " St 2πU∞ % F(t) = L(t) =1/ 2ρU∞D 2CL sin$ t' # D & 0 0 2 (mS + mA )!y!+ 2ηS (mS + mA )ωS y! +(mS + mA )(ωS ) y = L(t)

= Classical linear vibration problem

0 à At (Ur=1/St) : fVS=fS

• Amplitude of motion inversely proportional to damping (ζ ) • Phase jump from 0 to π

• fVS follows the Strouhal relation 43 Modelling VIV

Type A : Forced system models Type A

2 m m !y! 2 m m 0 y! m m 0 y L(t) y ( S + A ) + ηS ( S + A )ωS +( S + A )(ωS ) = U∞ F(t) WAKE

2 y(t) 1 C U " U % = L r sin 2πSt t +ϕ 3 1/2 $ ' D 2π * 2 2 2 2 2 2 # D & (1+ m ) (1−Ur St ) + 4ηSUr St ( ) 2η StUr tanϕ = S 1− St 2Ur2 FIV2011

at resonance with CL=0.35

A CL CL = 3 * 2 2 = D 4π (1+ m )St ηS 2SG

OK @ large SG numbers KO @ low SG numbers No prediction of Lock-in 44 Modelling VIV

Type B : Fluid elastic models Type B

y à Force dependent of motion U∞ F(y(t),t) (Amplitude, displacement, velocity, acceleration, combination of them …) WAKE

Similar to galloping models (Lecture 2)

à Several types exist :

2 " A % " St 2πU∞ % 1. Modified forcing model (Blevins, 1990) : L(t) =1/ 2ρU DCL $ 'sin$ t' ∞ # D & # D &

max(CL ) C (A = 0) 0 L for ff /fS = 1

2 2 " A % 0 " A % " A % From oscillating cylinder → CL $ ' = CL +α$ '+ β $ ' (forced motion) 1 # D & # D & # D &

0 CL0 α and β from experiments 0 .5 1 1.5 2 A/D 45 Modelling VIV

2 " A % " St 2πU∞ % Type B L(t) =1/ 2ρU DCL $ 'sin$ t' ∞ # D & # D & y 0 0 2 U∞ F(y(t),t) (mS + mA )!y!+ 2ηS (mS + mA )ωS y! +(mS + mA ) ωS y = L(t) ( ) WAKE at resonance (same than Type A) ! A $ C 2 L # & ! A $ 0 ! A $ ! A $ A " D % CL # & = CL +α# &+ β # & = " D % " D % " D % FIV2011 D 2SG

2 0 # A & # A & → CL = (α − 2SG)% (+ β % ( $ D ' $ D ' 2nd order equation to solve for A/D à

OK @ large SG numbers Better than Type A @ low SG numbers (underestimate !) Still no prediction of Lock-in 46 Modelling VIV

2. Advanced forcing models: Type B à Amplitude and phase of the force depend on amplitude and reduced frequency of the motion y U∞ F(y(t),t) WAKE à Concept of phased lift coefficients (oscillating cylinder)

! A $ 2 ( ! A $ ! A $ + L# ,Ur,t& =1/ 2ρU∞ *CL cosϕ # ,Ur &sin(ωt) +CL sinϕ # ,Ur &cos(ωt)- " D % " D % " D % ) ,

Identified from imposed motion à Ur=U∞/(fD)

0 0 2 ! A $ mS !y !+ 2η SmSω S y! + mS ω S y = L# ,U r,t& is valid outside coincidence ( ) " D %

A −C sinϕ A / D,U =1/ St At coincidence : = L ( r ) D 2SG 47

Modelling VIV

1. Modified forcing model (Blevins, 1990) : Type B

2 " A % " St 2πU∞ % L(t) =1/ 2ρU∞DCL $ 'sin$ t' y # D & # D & U∞ F(y(t),t) WAKE

2. Advanced forcing models :

! A $ 2 ( ! A $ ! A $ + L# ,Ur,t& =1/ 2ρU∞ *CL cosϕ # ,Ur &sin(ωt) +CL sinϕ # ,Ur &cos(ωt)- " D % ) " D % " D % ,

3. Time domain fluidelastic models:

à Explicit use of the time dependence of time (Chen et al.1995)

! A $ ) ! A $ 2 ! A $ 2 ! A $ , 2 L# ,Ur, y, y!, !y!& = +−m# ,Ur &!y!− ρU∞c# ,Ur &y! − ρU∞k# ,Ur &y.+1/ 2ρU∞CL sin(ωVSt) " D % * " D % " D % " D % -

Classical fluidelastic forces (added mass, damping and stiffness)

forcing term, at the frequency of vortex shedding 48 Modelling VIV

! A $ ) ! A $ 2 ! A $ 2 ! A $ , 2 L# ,Ur, y, y!, !y!& = +−m# ,Ur &!y!− ρU∞c# ,Ur &y! − ρU∞k# ,Ur &y.+1/ 2ρU∞CL sin(ωVSt) " D % * " D % " D % " D % - Problem of the Chen’s model : harmonic motion assumed, because of the

dependence of m, c and k on Ur and A/D (identification based on oscillating cylinder experiments)

Another (much more complex) model, proposed by Simiu & Scanlan (1996)

) 2 , 2 # y & y! y L(y, y!,t) =1/ 2ρU∞D+c(Ur )%1−ε 2 ( + k(Ur ) +CL (Ur )sin(ωVSt). $ D 'U U * ∞ ∞ -

depends on Ur only à not especially harmonic

non linear term to account for amplitude effect

49 Modelling VIV Type A : forced system Type B : Fluid elastic Type C : wake oscillator

y y y G(y) U∞ F(t) U∞ F(y(t),t) U∞ WAKE WAKE WAKE F(q)

2 rms " St 2πU∞ % F(t) =1/ 2ρU D 2CL sin$ t' ∞ # D &

2 " A % " St 2πU∞ % F(t) =1/ 2ρU DCL $ 'sin$ t' ∞ # D & # D &

! A $ 2 ( ! A $ ! A $ + F# ,Ur,t& =1/ 2ρU∞ *CL cosϕ # ,Ur &sin(ωt) +CL sinϕ # ,Ur &cos(ωt)- " D % ) " D % " D % ,

! A $ ) ! A $ 2 ! A $ 2 ! A $ , 2 F# ,Ur, y, y!, !y!& = +−m# ,Ur &!y!− ρU∞c# ,Ur &y! − ρU∞k# ,Ur &y.+1/ 2ρU∞CL sin(ωVSt) " D % * " D % " D % " D % - ) 2 , 2 # y & y! y F (y, y!,t) =1/ 2ρU∞D+c(Ur )%1−ε 2 ( + k(Ur ) +CL (Ur )sin(ωVSt). * $ D 'U∞ U∞ -

50 Modelling VIV Type A : forced system Type B : Fluid elastic Type C : wake oscillator

y y y G(y) U∞ F(t) U∞ F(y(t),t) U∞ WAKE WAKE WAKE F(q)

Limitations of Types A and B : 1. Limited to harmonic motions (except at the price of cumbersome models (Simiu & Scanlan 1996)) à Difficult to generalize to more complex motions (multifrequencies …) à Not a major limitation, because VIV often results in quasi-harmonic motions

2. More important: no physical interpretation of wake as a global mode


Modelling VIV

Type C : Wake oscillator models Type C y G(y) U∞ “Fluid force is the result of the wake dynamics, WAKE itself influenced by the cylinder motion” F(q)

à Coupling of two systems : CYLINDER (y variable) and WAKE (q variable)

! F(q) = effect of the wake on the cylinder # m!y!+... = F(q) " G(y) = effect of the cylinder on the wake W q(t) = G(y,...) $# [ ] W[q(t)] = dynamics of the free wake

Several formulations exist for F(q), G(y), W[q(t)] and the choice for q(t) In all cases, the parameters of the models come from experiments on : • Static cylinder à Lift force à F(q) Wake dynamics à W[q(t)] • Oscillating cylinder à Wake dynamics à G(y)


Modelling VIV #! m!y!+... = F(q) Type C : Wake oscillator models " W q(t) = G(y,...) $# [ ]

Most natural choice of q(t) by Hartlen and Currie (pioneers) : q(t) = CL (t)

1 2 à Directly : F (q(t)) = F (CL (t)) = ρU∞DCL (t) 2

W[q(t)] must respect two essential features of the wake as a global mode : 1. The oscillating wake results from a self-sustained flow instability, as linear unstable mode 2. This instability is self-limited, as a nonlinear global mode

A Rayleigh equation capture these features : W [q(t)] = q!!− aq! + bq!3 +ω 2q = 0 (a van der Pol oscillator does it too) with a, b > 0

Finally, G( y) = cy! (rather arbitrary choice by H&C)

53 Modelling VIV

Type C : Wake oscillator model by Facchinetti, de Langre & Biolley

0 • Using the wake dof : q(t) = 2CL (t) / CL • Based on a van der Pol oscillator for W[q(t)] • Using acceleration for coupling the wake to the structure ) ! 2 π $ ! 1 $ 1 2 0 + #mS + ρD &!y!+#cS + ρU∞D St CD &y! + kS y = ρU ∞DCLq + " 4 % " 2 % 4 * 2 + U∞ 2 ! U∞ $ A + q!!+ 2πSt ε (q −1)q! +#2πSt & = !y! , D " D % D

0 from force measurement in static cylinder experiments (typical values: CL =0.3 and CD=1.2) from wake analysis (hotwire) in static cylinder exp. (typical values : St=0.2 and ε = 0.3) from wake analysis in oscillating cylinder exp. (typical value : A = 12)

54 Modelling VIV

Type C : Wake oscillator model by Facchinetti, de Langre & Biolley

Using typical values (+CD=1) à Strong underestimation of the amplitude à But good qualitative influence of the SG parameter on the lock-in range

FIV2011 FIV2011 forcing model

modified forcing model

wake oscillator

55 Modelling VIV

Type C : Wake oscillator model by Y. Tamura and G. Matsui (1979)

Y = non-dim vertical displacement α = wake position

( ! ν $ 2 α * Y!! 2 m f C Y! Y f m ! +# ηS + r ( + D ) & + = − rν 2 # m!y!+... = F(q) * " 2πSt% (2πSt) " ) ! 2 $ # W [q(t)] = G(y,...) * 4 f 2 2 !! ! $ α!!− 2ξν #1− α &α! +ν α = −mrY − 2πSt ν Y * C2 + " L0 % " Y! % CL = − f $α + 2πSt ' # ν & 0 from force measurement in static cylinder experiments (typical values: CL =0.3 and CD=1.2) from wake analysis (hotwire) in static cylinder exp. (typical values : St=0.2 and f = 1.16) from wake analysis in oscillating cylinder exp. 56 Today’s lecture

Dimensional analysis Examples of VIV Flow around static cylinders Effect of a prescribed motion of the cylinder Free vibration: VIV Modelling VIV Lock-in mechanism

57 Lock-in mechanism

à Link between Lock-in and linear coupled-mode flutter (> L3) (proposed by de Langre 2006) Wake oscillator model by Facchinetti, de Langre & Biolley (FLB) ) ! 2 π $ ! 1 $ 1 2 0 + #mS + ρD &!y!+#cS + ρU∞D St CD &y! + kS y = ρU ∞DCLq + " 4 % " 2 % 4 * k 2 t = S T + U∞ 2 ! U∞ $ A q!!+ 2πSt ε q −1 q! +#2πSt & = !y! mS + mF + D ( ) " D % D , Y = y / D C / 4 St # !! ! 2 γ = D ( π ) Non-dimensionalized : % Y + λY +Y = MΩ q $ 2 2 Ω = St Ur % q!!+εΩ q −1 q! +Ω q = AY!! & ( ) m + m µ = S F ρD2 " 2 $ Y!!+Y = MΩ q λ = 2ζ +γ / µ Neglecting damping and NL terms : # q!!+Ω2q = AY!! 0 (i.e. not responsible for lock-in) %$ CL M = 2 2 16π St µ f à Ω is the only driving parameter Ω = St U = VS r f

58 Lock-in mechanism

iωt Solution of this system is straightforward : (Y, q) = (Y0, q0 )e

" 2 $ Y!!+Y = MΩ q # 2 !! %$ q!!+Ω q = AY

Feeding the solution into the system equations 4 2 2 2 à frequency equation : D(ω) = ω +$#(AM −1)Ω −1&%ω +Ω = 0 if AM < 1 (verified in practice)

à Two modal frequencies ω1 and ω2

2 1 # 2 2 2 2 & ω1 = %1+(1− AM )Ω + (1+(1− AM )Ω ) − 4Ω ( 2$ ' 2 1 # 2 2 2 2 & ω2 = 1+(1− AM )Ω − 1+(1− AM )Ω − 4Ω 2% ( ) ( $ '

Variation of ω1 and ω2 with Ω (= driving parameter) ?

59 Lock-in mechanism

Depending on the sign of the radicand :

2 1 # 2 2 2 2 & ω1,2 = %1+(1− AM )Ω ± (1+(1− AM )Ω ) − 4Ω ( 2$ '

2 1 1 (1 +(1− AM )Ω2 ) − 4Ω 2 ≥ 0 Ω < or Ω > 1+ AM 1− AM de Langre 2006

à ω1 and ω2 are real modal frequencies à two neutrally stable modes co-exist (neutrally because damping is neglected here)

1 1 The corresponding mode shapes : 1+ AM 1− AM Y MΩ2 Ω2 −ω 2 0 = = q 1 2 A 2 0 −ω ω

à close to ωR = Ω = Wake mode à close to ωR = 1 = Structural mode

Ω 60 Lock-in mechanism 1 1 In the range < Ω < 1+ AM 1− AM

Two modes exist, but with complex conjugate frequencies

Ω ω1,2 = 2 (1±itanθ) 1+ tan θ de Langre 2006 2 4Ω2 − 1+ (1− AM )Ω2 1 −1 ( ) θ = tan 2 2 1+ (1 − AM )Ω à Coupled-Mode Flutter solution (CMF) = merging of two frequencies 1 1 1+ AM 1− AM of the neutral modes

à Range of instability

one stable mode and one unstable mode Ω 61

Lock-in mechanism de Langre 2006

Coupled-Mode Flutter solution (CMF) one stable mode and one unstable mode

ωi < 0 ωi > 0

In the CMF range : - No distinction between modes - Strong deviation of the frequency of the wake mode from ω = Ω (Strouhal 1 unstable1 relation), instead ω ~ 1 1+ AM 1− AM - One unstable mode instead of two well separated stable (pure wake and pure structural) modes stable à CMF range ~ Lock-in range

62 Ω

Lock-in mechanism

Most unstable mode ?

Remember we assumed no damping : ε = λ = 0

Out of the Lock-in range, it is interesting to know which mode is dominant

Considering non-zero damping : ε and λ > 0

A first order expansion of the frequency equation yields :

# 1−ω 2 & # Ω2 −ω 2 & ω = ω +iε%Ωω 2 0 (−iλ%ω 2 0 ( 0 0 2(ω 4 −Ω2 ) 0 2(ω 4 −Ω2 ) $% 0 '( $% 0 '(

if ω0 stands for ωW à ε and λ have a destabilization effect on the wake mode if ω0 stands for ωS à ε and λ have a damping effect on the structural mode à in both cases the most unstable mode has the frequency of the wake mode 63 Lock-in mechanism

à Resulting frequency of = the one of the dominant mode i.e. the wake mode AM = 0.05 AM = 0.75 de Langre 2006

Small Lock-in range Large Lock-in range Small deviation from Strouhal Large deviation from Strouhal outside CMF

64 Lock-in mechanism de Langre 2006

Critical mass ratio

Lock-in range = limit of CMF range : 1 1 < Ω < 1+ AM 1− AM

Ω The extend of Lock-in is significantly affected by the ratio of the cylinder

* mS mS + mF mass to the fluid mass : m = ≠ µ = 2 ρπ D2 / 4 ρD 4 m* = µ −1 π

−1 # 0 & MIN 1 MIN ACL The lower Lock-in limit : Ω = → St Ur = %1+ 3 2 * ( 1+ AM $% 4π St (m +1) '( −1 1 $ AC0 ' The upper Lock-in limit : MAX MAX L Ω = → St Ur = &1− 3 2 * ) 1− AM & 4π St (m +1) ) % ( 65 Lock-in mechanism

Critical mass ratio −1 ! 0 $ MIN 1 ACL The lower Lock-in limit : Ur = #1+ 3 2 * & St # 4π St (m +1) & " % 0 −1 Depend on St, m* and CL only " 0 % MAX 1 ACL The upper Lock-in limit : Ur = $1− 3 2 * ' St $ 4π St (m +1) ' # &

Fixed St = 0.2 de Langre 2006 0 2 values for CL AC0 C 0 = 0.6 m* = L −1 L CRIT 4π 3St 2 0 CL = 0.3

0 à Depending on the value of CL , a critical value of m* exists for which lock-in persists forever 66 Today’s lecture

Dimensional analysis Examples of VIV Flow around static cylinders Effect of a prescribed motion of the cylinder Free vibration : VIV Modelling VIV Lock-in mechanism

67 Summary

• Static cylinder à strong dependence on Re • Oscillating cylinder 0 Strong dependence on ff/fVS forcing frequency A/D forcing amplitude

à Effects on the flow pattern (2S, 2P S+P modes) & vortex shedding frequency à lock-in

Three different representations of the lift force : Modulus and phase Phased lift coefficients Inertia and drag coefficients 0 à function of A/D and ff /fVS 68 Summary ! $ A fS fVS • Free cylinder à VIV # , 0 , 0 & = F (Ur, Re, mr,ηS ) "D fS fS % Amax = Function(SG) Lock-in range = Function(SG) à VIV = Self-limited phenomenon

SG SG 4πSt 2 à 3 types of models: - forced system models - fluid elastic models - wake oscillator models

69 Summary Type A : forced system Type B : Fluid elastic Type C : wake oscillator

y y y G(y) U∞ F(t) U∞ F(y(t),t) U∞ WAKE WAKE WAKE F(q)

2 rms " St 2πU % ! A $ ∞ F ,U , y, y!, !y! F(t) =1/ 2ρU∞D 2CL sin$ t' # r & ! # D & " D % # m!y!+... = F(q) " # W [q(t)] = G(y,...) forcing model $ modified forcing model Type A B and C are empirical models

Type C models the cause of the fluid wake oscillator forces (that types A & B take for granted)

70 Summary

• Lock-in mechanism through linear analysis

" 2 $ Y!!+Y = MΩ q # 2 !! %$ q!!+Ω q = AY à Coupled-Mode Flutter (CMF) • Critical mass ratio à infinite lock-in range

• Link between Airfoil flutter and Lock-in pitch (α) and plunge (h) transverse displacement (y) and wake variable (q) ) ! 2 π $ ! 1 $ 1 2 0 + #mS + ρD &!y!+#cS + ρU∞D St CD &y! + kS y = ρU ∞DCLq + " 4 % " 2 % 4 * 2 C (t) + U∞ 2 ! U∞ $ A L + q!!+ 2πSt ε (q −1)q! +#2πSt & = !y! , D " D % D related to position of the separation point

71 References

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