Copyrighted Material
Index Abraham, 28–29, 44 atropine sulfate, 73 Abu Simbel, Temple of, 131 Australian Light Horse Brigade, aces, flying, 222–24 224–25 Adler, Alfred, 202 Aztecs, 111, 133, 242 Africa, 200–201, 218–21 agamid lizards, 95 baboons, 91–93 Ahnenerbe Society, 27 Babylonians, 34 air forces, 52, 53–54, 221–24 Baden-Powell, Robert, 126–27 airplanes, 52–54, 77–78 Baigent, Michael, 153–54 Alexander the Great, 229–30 banquets, 99–103 Alexius I, 157, 159 Barnett College, 138, 140 Algonquin Round Table, 234–35 Barranca, 7 Allen, Karen, 1, 3 bats, 89–91 Amenemope, 41 Bechet, Sidney, 232 Amun, Temple of, 39–40, 42–43, 44 Beersheba, 224–25 Anasazi Indians, 119–21 beetles, 102–3 Andes mountains, 7–8 Belloq, Rene, 1–2, 11, 12, 38, 47, 57, 59, 60 Andrews, Roy Chapman, 21 Belzoni, Giovanni Battista, 129–32, 191 anointing oil, 20–21 Benedict XVI, 26 anthropology, 234–35 Biblical accounts antidotes, 71–73 Ark of the Covenant, 30–31, 32 anti-Semitism, 141, 142, 143, 144–47, 158 Joseph of Arimathea, 150–51 ‘‘Anything Goes,’’ 66–67 Last Supper, 178–79 Arabs, 101, 191–92, 194 Bingham, Hiram, 17–19 archaeology and archaeologists, 14–22, Biondo, Flavio, 189 128, 138–40, 188–94 blood, drinking of, 108–11 Ark of the Covenant blowfish, 72 Biblical account, 30–31, 32 Blumburtt, Captain, 81 Copper Scroll information, 20 Boban, Euge`ne, 246 Jewish ceremonies for opening, 57–60 Bolsheviks, 223 Jewish history, 28–34 book burning, 166–67 location speculation,COPYRIGHTED 34–35 Boron, MATERIAL Robert de, 149, 151 Nazis’ search for, 27, 32, 35, 38, 43 Botwright, Peter, 24 in Tanis, 35, 39 boulders, 11–12 as telephone link to God, 60 bows and arrows, 14 in U.S.
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