Ellsworth American : December 2, 1914
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Cllfisswtl) ELLS WEDNESDAY DECEMBERjmerfruti. 1914. i WORTH, MAINE. AFTERNOON, 2, !“7ES ABL\m^B No. 48. abbcrtiscmcnta. LOCAL AFFAIRS. tote, Charleston, for Thanksgiving, and tt&bnfwinents. Morton Whitcomb from the University of Maine. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TBI8 WEEK. ANNOUNCEMENT Miss Iva B. Scott, of Enfield, who is Lost—Robe. Strand Theatre. attending Bangor high school, spent the In its Notice—John G Davis. Thanksgiving recess with L. M. Scott and announcing membership in Moore’s Drug Store. Union wife. Trust J A federal McGown—Shoes. Company the reserve Sinclair’s Orchestra. system Hoy C. Haines returned Monday from a fin effect Nov. David Friend—Fur Coats. 16) Century Boot Shop—8hees. visit to Boston and New York. He at- ELLSWORTH, ME. Sheriff's sale—Charles M Wilson. tended the Yale-Harvard foot ball game at Mr: NATIONAL Bangor, New Haven. BURRILL BANK, New York Syndicate. OF ELLSWORTH Bucksport, Me: Thursday evening of next week, “A Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000 Bucksport Loan and Building Association- Night in Vaudeville,” under the manage- further assurance that it is more than Statement. can give now, ever, in an ment of Sinclair's orchestra, will be the Assets, $1,700,000 to render an Rockland, Me.: advantageous position unexcelled service, attraction at Hancock hall. combining Wanted—Agent. First” with efficiency in Sav- ••Safety every department—Check, Portland, Mb.: Mrs. Mary Perkins left last week to and Safe Deposit. ings Twitchell-Champlain Co. spend the winter with her sisters, Mrs. The merit of a bank lies in its strength and in the application of Lynn, Mass.: Uavinia Reeves, in Bangor, and Mrs. its strength for the benefit of its depositors and the community. the “A Brief Wanted—Lady Agents. Fannie Arey, in Write (or Booklet, Explanation." It tells how in an easy-to- Bucksport. The resources and experience of this tank, its efficient and con- understand, readable Yours for the Harry C. Stratton and wife, of Wal- way. asking. CONDEN8ED TIME TABLE. servative management and the efforts of officials and employees to in tham, Mass., arrived yesterday. Mr. Trains arrive at Ellsworth from the west at every way please and satisfy its patrons place this bank in a partic- a. Stratton will but a few while 7.18,11.46 m., 4.14, p. m. stop days, and enable It Look for the "riember” Trains leave Ellsworth for the west at 11.06 a. ularly strong position to render banking service of sign Mrs. Stratton will remain for a longer m., 6,36. 10.52 p. m. the order. To this our customers in Hancock and visit. very highest Washington counties, numbering more than 5,000, can testify. SCHEDULE OF MAILS The Ellsworth town basket ball team If you are not already deriving the benefits and advantages of- AT bllswobth postofpicb. met defeat in its first game of the season fered this we extend an invitation to become a In effect Sept. 27, 1914. at Bar Harbor last Friday night, when by bank, customer, met the Y. M. C. A. team of Bar Harbor. feeling confident that you will be highly pleased with the results. mails rbcbivbd. to Save Now. The score was 42-11. Begin Money From West—7.18 a m; 4.14, p m. From East—11.06, 6.36, and 10.52 p ra. The first basket-ball game of the season To to save is as as begin fully important the MAIL CLOSES AT POSTOFFICB in Ellsworth will be played next Friday Union Trust Company Goino|Wbst—10.30 a m; 5 and 9 pm. amount you save, or the of your evening at Hancock hall, between the frequency deposits a 3.45 ra. Going||East—6.46 m; p high school teams of Ellsworth and South- to save with this bank's Begin NOW, help, and west Harbor. A dance will follow. Registered mail should be at postoffice half you’ll be surprised to see how quickly your deposits an hour before mail closes. Arrangements are being completed by the ladies of the Baptist aid society for will total the interest which we up—plus earnings WEATHER IN ELLSWORTH. their annnal sale to be given next Tuesday “If the young man ever to succeed in busi- will add Call or write. and Wednesday in the vestry. There will expects regularly. For Week Ending at Midnight Tuesday, be a program, largely music, each even- ness he must be economical. No matter how small Dec. 1, 1914. ing. [From observations taken at the power the sum the boy or young man is he should station of the Bar Harbor & Union River Arthur I. Studor, wife and little son, receiving, Power Co., in Ellsworth. Precipitation is re- save a of his given in inches for the twenty-four hours who have spent the summer here, have always portion income.” ending at midnight.] turned to New York. Mr. Studor’s Weather Precip- Temperature condition* itatiou mother, Mrs. H. L. D. Woodruff, with son Hancock Luman, accompanied them for a short County Savings Bank, 4am 12 m forenoon afternoon visit in New York. Wed 83 — 40— cloudy cl’dy.fair Established 1873. Ellsworth, Me. Thurs 81— 45— fair fair %4There will be a musicale at the home of Fri 33— 48— cloudy,fair fair Roy C. Haines to-morrowr evening, the Sat 24— 30— clear clear proceeds for the Unitarian church fund. Sun 17— 40— clear c.’ear Miss Sophie Walker will be soloist, and ness on the road. At present his brother, NORTH ELLSWORTH. Mon 33— 48— fair fair there will be a program of choice selec- John E. Sawyer, is in charge at the store. Tue8 39— 44— cloudy fair, fog W. M. Higgins is building a piazza on tions on the Victrola. is the musical for Total precipitation f->r Nov., 3.25 in. Following program his house. Average for Nov. 33.35° New-s was received in Ellsworth last next Sunday morning at the Congrega- temperature H. F. Maddocks and wife were in Bar Average temperature for Nov., 1913, 41.1° w-eek of the death at Boston on November tional church: Prelude, “Marche A in Vaudeville Harbor last week. Night ai.lon p. royal, observer. 26 of Miss Marie Louise Tincker. Older Solennelle,” Lemaigre; anthem, “If Ye Smith is his residents of Ellsworth will remember her Love Me, Keep My Commandments,” Eugene visiting grand- parents at Indian River. Hancock December 1914 Fred D. Fields, who has been ill several as the daughter of the late Hon. Richard Nevin; offertory, “Berceuse,” Delbruck; Hall, Thursday Evening, 10, “Marche Gounod. Mrs. Louise Moore is her days, is much improved. Tincker, formerly of this city. postlude, Komaine,” visiting nnder of Sinclair’s Orchestra The choir is composed of Misses Mae brother, M. K. Haslam, at Waltham. management ( Supper will be served at the Unitarian At the Strand moving-picture theatre Bonsey, Margaret King and Hazel Giles, Fred Moore and Al. Manning, of Bar vestry this evening at 6.30. last Monday and Tuesday the opening Mi** Nln Alien. Indian and Cow Girl I Mr. J. We*eolf, Bell* and Xylophone. sopranos; Mrs. J. A. Cunningham and at H. F. Maddocks’. novelties. j series of the great serial drama, “Trey o’ Harbor, spent Sunday Mr M ailer J. Clark. Jr Rube Sketch \ L. M. Scott has gone to Lagrange for a Miss Carrie Russell, altos; O. W. Tapley, Mr. Jainra Marry**, 'Cellist. Hearts,” was presented. This picture Miss Geneva Smith, of Portland, re- Hl»» Alible Stevens, Cornetlst hunting trip of two weeks. J. A. Miss Ida will be on the bill at the Strand for tenor; Cunningham, bass; visited her Mr. Hiirol.l •*. play cently sister-in-law, Mrs. Itlgglu*, Lightning .HI** I*-belie Palvy. in her original v Nokomis Rebekah is Cartoonist. lodge arranging each and Brown, organist. Inez Smith. dances. Monday Tuesday evening. Spanish j for a dance to be given soon. Mr II*rf ilnmor, the man who will H. of James M. of and Mis* Mina Brook* an«l Mr Karl Bradford Lord, Hermon, and Miss McNulty, 2d, Bangor, Mrs. Freeman Cousins, of Kennebunk is make you laugh and cry. j W. A. Alexander has purchased the Falvy, in comedy sketch entitled / Reta F. Furness, of Kenduskeag, were Miss Mildred A. Coffin, of Northeast spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Mr* Ida L «Mnrlalr, Violinist. A Slight Mishap. I McKay camp at lower Patten pond. married at the Baptist parsonage in Ells- Harbor, were married at St. Joseph’s Hannah Maddocks. Home. Sweet Home the World Over, Orchestra Miss Delia Hopkins, who has spent the w'orth, on Thanksgiving day, by Rev. P. Catholic church in Ellsworth last Satur- Chelsea Piper, of Eastbrook, recently past four months in Boston, is at home. A. A. Killam. They left for a short wed- day, by Rev. P. F. Flanagan. A nuptial spent several days here with his daughter, Mrs. John F. of They will reside in Hermon. mass followed the ceremony. Members > Bradbury, Salem, Mass., ding trip. Mrs. Arthur Nason. T *Ui FOLLOWED BY A GRAND BALL of families of the bride and is visiting her mother, Mrs. John B. Dean. The annual of Green Mountain the groom meeting Chester A. of the were Miss Laura Tracy, of Maddocks, principal Mrs. Arthur W. Austin spent Thanks- Pomona grange will be held in Ellsworth present. Northeast Harbor, and Felix L. Ryan, of high school at South Braintree, Mass., •Music Sinclair's Orchestra, of Ten Pieces. giving in Bangor, with her sister, Mrs. W. to-morrow. The Ellsw’orth Merchants’ by attended the as maid-of- spent the Thanksgiving recess here with J.