{.] SALTASH. 858 (POST OFFlC~ mayoralty, assisted by the corporation, improved the paving Marshall Spink, B.D. Here is a Board school for boys and of the streets and sewerage of the town. The RoyalAlbert girls; new premises are in course of erection, at an esti­ bridge, which carries the Cornwall railway across the river mated cost of £1,900. The Baptists and W esleyans have Tamar, was erected in 1857-59, from the designs of I. K. each a chapel here. There are charities amounting to £60 Brunei: it consists of two spans, each 455 feet: the centre yearly value. Saltash maitJtains its own poor. Cockles pier rests on the solid rock, and is carried up to a height of and mussels are carried to Devonport and by ~40 feet from the foundation: the span is of oval tubing 17 the women of Saltash; but the fisheries have been much feet by 12, the ends of which are connected by chains form­ injured of late by impurities from mines at the head of the ing a parabolic curve, from which chains the roatlway is , and are likely to be destroyed. Cattle fair11 are suspended at a height of 100 feet above high-water mark : held on the 2nd of February and 25th of July; fairs for the whole structure is strengthened and steadied by vertical pleasure, 26th and 27th of July. Saltash is a nursery for struts and diagonal braces: it was opened by the late Prince seamen, furnishing a great number of men and boys for the Consort, on the 2nd May, 1859. There is a similar bridge . Here is a large Town HalJ, a plain building, over the Wye at Chepstow, also erected by Mr. I. K. Brunei. which the authorities permit to be used for any useful or The effect of this railway on the commerce of the county charitable exhibitions; also a very good mechanics' institute, has been very great: owing to the rapid communication it the lectures of which are delivered in the Town Hall: a offers with London, a market is provided for the brocoli, library attached contains between 300 and 400 volumes. A potatoes, and other vegetables, which are produced in this regatta for rowing boats is held here in the summer; the county far in advance of any other in . The chapel watermen of the port are celebrated for their skill, and have of St. Nicholas is an ancient building dating from the year carried off prizes at regattas round the coast. Two river 132f); it has been recently beautifully restored at a cost of steamers ply hourly between here and Devon port. The area £1,300: the register dates from the year 1697. The living is 177 acres; gross estimated rental, £6,862; rateable is a perpetual curacy, yearly value about £100, with 4 value, £5,638; and the population of the town and chapelry acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the trustees of in 1861 was 1,900, and in 1871 was 2,293. the late Sir Robert S. Hawks, knt., and held by the Rev. Parish Clerk, Ferdinand Keast.

Official Establishments, tocal Institutions, &c.

PosT & MoNEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Post MAGISTRATES usually attending are:­ Office Savings Bank, Government Annuity & Insurance William Rundle, esq. Saltash. Office.-Joseph Rawling, postmaster. Mail arrives at John Beer esq. Devonport 5 a.m. 11.14 a.m. 1.41 p.m. & 7.19 p.m.; dispatched William Edward Brooking, esq., Saltash at 5 a.m. ll.14 a.m. 1.41 p.m. & 7.19 p.m Clerk to the liiagistrates, Fredk. 'V m. Pouget, Cleverton INSURANCE AGENTS;- Crou;n Life, E. P. Gilbert, Chapel yard SALTASH ScHooL BoARD. Liverpool9" London 9" Globe, J. Rawling, Rev. Marshall Spink, chair- Rev. John May Manchester Fire, A. Grose, Portland villa man William Edwards Brooking Railway Passengers', J. Raw ling Wm. Gilbert, vice-chairman William Wymond CoRPORATION. Clerk to the Board, Edwin Philip Gilbert, Chapel yard Mayor-William Rondle The Board meet the first fridav• in each month Recorder-John Beer Board Schools, Francis Thomas Read, master; Miss Aldermen. Frederica Toope, mistress William Rundle Rev. Marshall Spink Superintendent Registrar, Frederick William Pouget William Edwarcls Brooking J. L. Clark Cleverton, Fore street J. H. Cook William Gilbert Registrar o.f Births, Deaths~ lriarriages, William Elias John 1\Iartyn Efford Webber, 9 Tamar terrace Freemen. Railway Station, George Hawke, station master William Martyn I G. Tnnes CARRIERS TO :- H. C. Deeble William Shaddock & PLYl\IOUTII-Osborne, Wednesday 1'own Cle1'k, Frederick Wm. Pougel Cleverton, 20 Fore st CALLINGTON-·W. Bond, to & from, daily Tn!ftsurer, William Innes, 2 Commercial place LA UNCESTON-Osborne, saturday Petty Sessions are held at the the Town Hall, Fore street, & PLYMOUTH-Thomas P.awley, Saturday the last monday in each month A 2-horse Mail to & from Callington daily PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Frost Langforrl, Dunheved N orthcott Thomas, 21 Fore street Barry Miss, Bell Vue terrace Geach Miss, Clifton villa, Port view Pollard Miss, 4 Tamar terrace Beer Mrs. Sunny bank Gilbert Edwin Philip, Chapel yard Porter Philip, 109 Fore street Bennett John, 59 Fore street Gilbert William Thos. Ash ton cottage Pritcbard Richd. Davison, 3 Home pk BPnnett John, Magdala villas Godtlard Thos. Lynwood villa, Port view Prout l\I ri!. 13 Fore street Billing Mrs. Portland villas, Port view Grier John Frederick, l\fagdala villas Reid William Henry, Pert view BlatchleyCapt.Chas. R.N.Port Viewho Grigg John, Nelson villa, Port view Revell 1\lrs. Clifton villa Brook Thomas, Port view Grose Alfred, Portland villas, Port view Rogers .J ames, Port view BrookingWm.Edwards,3Commercial pl Harry Lieut.James, R.N. 7 Home park Rogers Mrs. Church Park cottages Buck Mrs. Paxton villas, Port view Hawke l\lr8. 13 Fore street Rundle William, Albert cottage Buckler John, Home park Hawke William, Port view Sants Geor;:re, 125 Fore street Hydder John, Tamar house Hewlett Capt. William, R.N. Albert ter Shaddock William, Albert road Campbeli. Mrs. Chedworth villa Heyl James, Valetta house Smith John Jane, Well park Carden James, Medina villas Holman Mrs. Rose Hill cottage Snell Edward c.E. Culver park Cater Robert Britton, 2 Tamar terrace Hood Thos.Blair,Seaview vil. Port view Snell Richard, Park cottage Christian Mrs. 12 Fore street Hooff Francis, Turner bank Sobey Mrs. Albert terrace Clark John, Sunny bank, Port view Hooper William, Port view Spink Rev. Marshal!, B.D. [inrumbent], Clark John Lower, M.n., F.R.c.s. Hoppins Mrs. Slade Park cottage Fore street 91 Fore street I ones William, 2 Commercial place Stafford William, Lynwood villas

Cleverton Fredk.Wm. Pouget1 20 Forest Jeffery William, Bell Vue terrace Stivey Mrs. Warleigh ''illa Cogginsl\Irs. 7 Tamar terrace Johns Mrs. Magdala villas Symons Mrs. Albert terrace Cook John Henry, Essex house .Tohnson Mourice, Wilton villa Tonkin Charles, Prospect villa Cotter Capt. J ohu, R.N. 1 Home park Kemp Lieut. Elijah Jhn.R.N .Orwsby vil J olm, Port view Curtis William,Paxton villas, Port view Lander Philip, Chapel yard W alters John, W Pst Park, Port view Curtler Ernest, Church Park cottages Littleton Nicholas, sen. Alexanrlra place Welln Rev. Thomas [Wesleyan], Pro!l- Curtler John, 14 Fore street Littleton Thomas,jun. Alexandra place pect cottages Darling Mbs, Albert terrace Martin J osPph, R.N. Essa cottage WICkman 1\Irs. Laurel Bank, Port view Deeble Richard Collings, 117 Forest Martin William Henry, Portland villas, Wilcocks John, 1 Sprin~field villas Devonald Tl10mas, West park, Port view Port view Willcocks Mrs. Alto Vesta villa JJrewe James Wm. Arlams, 118 Forest Martin Mrs. 10 Tamar terrace \Villiams Mrs. Ill Fore street Dyer Capt. Richard, R.N.4 Homepark Martin Richard Norman,2 Home park Wil:,on Edward, College house Eg~ Edw. Thos. W oodtord vil. Port view Martyn William, Beulah villa Wilton Harry J ames, 6 Tamar terrace Elliott Mrs. 18 Fore street MayRev.. John [Baptist], Woodstock vil Wood Charles, Marine villa, Albert rd Elliott Thomas, R.N. Park Hill cottage. Neale Mrs. 12 Fore street Wymond William, Port \iew