DecemberDecember 20122012 NNewsletterewsletter In This Issue Third Annual Commissioner’s CERT Challenge Third Annual 2nd Place Winners 3rd Place Winners 1 Commissioner’s CERT Valdosta State Prison Lee Arrendale State Prison Challenge Third Quarterly 2 Awards Ceremony of 2012 Field Training Offi cer “Ramp Up” 1st Place Winners K-9 Unit The 3rd Annual Commissioner’s CERT Excellence in Marksmanship Award Team Obstacle Course Challenge was held on Nov. 16 at Geor- Deshawn Jones Hays SP Voices of Hope gia Diagnostic and Classifi cation Training Lee Arrendale SP 3Record 2nd CD Center in Jackson. Team Rope Challenge Award Excellence in Physical Fitness Ware SP Fall Senior The teams competing in the fi nals were Standards Award GDCP, K-9 Unit and Lee Arrendale, Autry, Freddie Davis 3rd Annual Commissioner’s CERT Leadership Off-Site Calhoun, Central, Coastal, Georgia, Georgia SP Cup Challenge Winners were: Hays, Telfair, Valdosta and Ware State Prisons. Event Team Winners were: First Place K-9 Unit CERT teams participated in fi rearm, Excellence in Team Leadership Award Images Across the obstacle, leadership and tug of war Lee SP Second Place 4 State competitions. Valdosta SP Team Leadership Award Introducing Twitter Individual Excellence Award recipients Valdosta SP Third Place were presented to the following: Lee Arrendale SP Team Marksmanship Award Excellence in Policy & Procedures Award Ware SP Rodney Smith Have a great Telfair SP story idea? Please submit articles and photos to Gwendolyn Hogan by December 13th. : Email 12ForLife students at the 3rd Annual Commissioner’s CERT Challenge Tug of War participants Firearms participants
[email protected] Did You Know..Voices of Hope recorded their Second CD at Emory University! Third Quarterly Awards Ceremony of 2012 2On October 30th, the Department held the third Quarterly Awards Ceremony of 2012 in Roberts Chapel at State Of- fi ces South at Tift College.