ISTORIE INSTITUŢIONALĂ ŞI ADMINISTRATIVĂ HUNGARY AND THE GOLDEN BULL OF 1222* Martyn Rady** Keywords: Hungary, Medieval, 1222, Golden bull, Andrew II, Resistance clause Cuvinte cheie: Ungaria, Ev Mediu, 1222, Bula de Aur, Andrei II, dreptul de rezistenţă The Golden Bull was issued by Andrew II in the spring of 1222.1 It is the first of five charters of liberty published by the kings of Hungary in the thirteenth century and is the most celebrated.2 It has since the eighteenth century often been compared to Magna Carta, as showing a constitutional kinship between Hungary and England.3 Despite its subsequent reputation, however, the Golden Bull is not mentioned in any of the Hungarian chronicles of the Middle Ages; nor does it feature in foreign accounts and correspondence. Although the charters subsequently granted in 1231, 1267, 1290 and 1298 built on its provi- sions and even borrowed from its text, they made no explicit reference to it. Moreover, despite the Golden Bull’s alleged circulation in seven copies, none of the originals has been found, even though one of these should according to the terms of its issue have been sent to the pope. Unlike the charter of 1231, which ∗ An earlier version of this paper was given at the seminar series, “Constraints on Rulership in the Age of Magna Carta”, held at UCL in October 2013. ∗∗ University College London (UCL), School of Slavonic and Eastern European Studies, e-mail:
[email protected]. 1 It was probably issued in early April. See Attila Zsoldos, “II. András Aranybullája”, Történelmi Szemle 53 (2011): 1–38 (4–5).