COMMISSIONERS OF THE SINKING FUND OF THE I would recommend the approval of this lease upon the terms proposed by the Commissioner of Docks and Ferries. CITY OF NEW YORK. November 3, 1902. EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer, Department of Finance.

Proceedings of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, at a Meeting held in the Gov- In connection therewith the Comptroller offerd the following preamble and ernor's Room, City Hall, at 2.3o o'clock, p. m., on Wednesday, November 5, 1902. resolution: Whereas, Section 826 of the Greater New York Charter provides that the Com- missioner of Docks shall have power and is authorized to lease in the name of and Present—Seth Low, Mayor; Edward M. Grout, Comptroller; Elgin R. L. Gould, for the benefit of The City of New York, in the manner provided by law, the Chamberlain; Charles V. Fornes, President, Board of Aldermen, and Herbert Par- franchise of any ferry or ferries belonging to said City for the highest marketable sons, Chairman Finance Committee, Board of Aldermen. price or rental, at public auction or by sealed bids, and always after public advertise- ment and apprasial under the direction of said Commissioner, but not for a term The following communication was received from the Department of Docks and longer than twenty-five years, nor for a renewal for a longer term than ten years; Ferries, relative to a lease to the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad and Company, of the franchise for a ferry from the foot of West Forty-second street, in Whereas, It is further provided in said section that whenever it may be deter- The City of New York, to Weehawken, : mined by the unanimous vote of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Docks, that the interests o,f the City will NEW YORK, October 17, 1902. not be best promoted by leasing the franchise of a ferry in the manner in said sec- N. TAYLOR PHILLIPS, Esq., Secretary to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund: tion thereinbefore directed, it shall be lawful for said Commissioner of Docks and SIR—I beg to state that I have agreed, subject to the approval by the Commissioners said Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, by resolutions adopted by such unanimous of the Sinking Fund, to lease to the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company, the franchise for a ferry from the foot of West Forty-second street, in votes, to lease such franchises by private agreement for terms not exceeding twenty- The City of New York, to Weehawken, New Jersey, together with the wharf prop- five years and under such conditions as, in their judgment, will best protect and erty belonging to the City, assigned to be used in connection with said ferry, upon further the interests of the City and the traveling public; and the following terms and conditions: Whereas, Under date of October 17, 1902, the Commissioner of Docks has First. The New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company to sur- render all its right, title and interest in and to its present franchise and right to recommended that the interests of the City will not be best promoted by leasing the operate a ferry from the foot of West Forty-second street, in The City of New franchise of the ferry from the foot of West Forty-second street, in The City of New York, to Weehawken, New Jersey. York, over and across the waters of the Hudson or North River, to Weehawken, Second. (a) The City to lease to the New York Central and Hudson River New Jersey, together with the wharf property belonging to the City assigned to be Railroad Company the bulkhead extending from the southerly side of West Forty- used in connection with and for the purposes of said ferry, at public auction or by second street, northerly a distance of about loo feet, together with the land under water in front thereof, amounting to about 22,630 square feet, to be used in con- sealed bids, and after public advertisement and appraisal, under the direction of said nection with and for the purposes of said ferry, together with the new made land Commissioner of Docks; now therefore be it extending inshore from said bulkhead a distance of 5o feet, for a term of ten years Resolved, That pursuant to the provisions of section 826 of the Greater New from May I, 1902, with the privilege of a renewal term of ten years; the rental for York Charter, the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, by unanimous vote, deter- the first term of ten years to be five (5) per cent. of the gross receipts, but not less than $12,100 per annum, and the rental for the renewal term to be five (5) per cent. mine that the interests of The City of New York will not be best promoted by of the gross receipts, but not less than the rate to be fixed at the expiration of the leasing the franchise o,f the hereinbefore mentioned ferry at public auction, as pro- first term of ten years by arbitration, and in no case to be less than $13,20o per vided in section 826 of the Greater New York Charter; and it is further annum. Resolved, That, pursuant to the provisions of section 826 of the Greater New Second. (b) The City to also lease to the company roo feet of bulkhead next northerly of the northerly line of West Forty-second street, for the purpose of a York Charter, the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, by unanimous vote, hereby second ferry rack, together with the land under water in front thereof, to be used approve of and authorize a lease to the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad in connection with and for the purposes of said ferry, amounting to about 22,63o Company of a franchise to operate a ferry from the foot of West Forty-second square feet, together with the new made land extending inshore from said bulkhead street, in The City of New York, over and across the waters of the Hudson or a distance of about 5o feet, for a term commencing when the said Too feet of bulk- head wall shall be completed and said property taken possession of by the New York North river, to Weehawken, New Jersey, together with the wharf property Central and Hudson River Railroad Company, and to terminate on May 1, 1912, with belonging to the City assigned to be used in connection with said ferry, upon the the privilege of a renewal for a further term of ten years; the rental for the first term tollowing terms and conditions: of ten years to be $6,050 per annum and the rental for the second term to be fixed at the expiration of the first term of ten years by arbitration, but in no case to be I. The New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company to surrender less than $6,600. all its right, title and interest in and to its present franchise and right to operate a Third. The right to run a ferry from the foot of West Forty-second street, in terry from the foot of West Forty-second street, in The City of New York, The City of New York to Weehawken, N. J. to, Fourth. Payments to be made quarter yearly in advance; when five (5) per cent. ‘Veehawken, New Jersey. of the gross receipts from the ferry shall exceed the sum paid as rent for that year, such excess shall be added to the sum due for rent on the next quarter. 2. (a). The City to lease to the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Fifth. Statement of receipts duly verified, to be made to the Commissioner of Company, the bulkhead extending from the southerly side of West Forty-second Docks on a date to be fixed. street, northerly a distance of about roo feet, together with the land under water in Sixth. The lessee to build and maintain all ferry structures and fixtures, etc. front thereof, amounting to about 22,636 square feet, to be used in connection with Seventh. The lessee to keep the wharf property dredged, leaving ro feet at mean low water. and for the purposes of said ferry, together with the new made land extending inshore Eighth. The lessee to maintain the wharf property in good repair, and in case of from said bulkhead a distance of so feet, for a term of ten years from May r, 1902, damage, to restore same. with the privilege of a renewal term of ten years; the rental for the first term of ten Ninth. The lessee to be responsible for all damage to any person or persons on years to be five (5) per cent. of the gross receipts, but not less than $12,100 per the property. Tenth. The lessee to maintain ferry houses and steam ferry boats for the trans- annum, and the rental for the renewal term to be five (5) per cent. of the gross re- portation of passengers, carriages, wagons, goods and merchandise, etc., to keep the ceipts, but not less than the rate to be fixed at the expiration of the first term of ten ferry boats in good repair and to furnish proper implements, tackles and necessaries, years by arbitration, and in no case to be less than $13,2oo per annum. and to provide suitable gates. Eleventh. The capacity, safety and comfort of the boats, and the number of daily (b) The City to also lease to the company too feet of bulkhead next northerly trips to be made shall be such as the Commissioner of Docks from time to time may prescribe, and if at any time the Commissioner of Docks or the person or persons of the northerly line of West Forty-second street, for the purpose of a second ferry then performing the duties now exercised by the Commissioner of Docks, shall be rack, together with the land under water in front thereof, to be used in connection of the opinion that the boat or boats furnished by the lessee, or that the number of with and for the purposes of said ferry, amounting to about 22,63o square feet, to- trips do not conform to the public recuirements, he may direct and the lessee shall gether with the new made land extending inshore from said bulkhead a distance of make such improvements, construct such new boat or boats, or increase the number about so feet, for a term commencing when the said roo feet of bulkhead wall shall of trips as in his opinion the service demands. Twelfth. Boats to be provided with fire pumps and hose and to attend at fires be completed and said property taken possession of by the New York Central and when required, the City to pay the sum of $2o, for each and every hour the boat is Hudson River Railroad Company, and to terminate on May r, 1912, with the privilege so engaged. of a renewal for a further term of ten years; the rental for the first term of ten years Thirteenth. The lessee to comply with all laws and ordinances now in force or to be $6,050 per annum and the rental for the second term to be fixed at the expira- hereafter to be made. Fourteenth. Rates not to exceed those now in force on the present ferry, tion of the first term of ten years by arbitration, but in no case to be less than $6,600. schedule of which is attached to the lease. Fifteenth. At the expiration of the lease the lessee may, and upon demand of the 3. The right to run a ferry from the foot of West Forty-second street, in The City shall, at the cost and expense of the lessee, forthwith remove the buildings, racks, City of New York, to Weehawken, N. J. etc., from the wharf property owned by the City, so that there shall be from the bulk- head out, at least ro feet of water at mean low water. 4. Payments to be made quarter yearly in advance; when five (5) per cent. of Sixteenth. The lessee not to assign or sublet without the consent of the Com- the gross receipts from the ferry shall exceed the sum paid as rent for that year, missioner of Docks. Seventeenth. The lease not to interfere with any previous grants or right to such excess shall be added to the sum due for rent on the next quarter. grant future ferries. Eighteenth. For non-payment of rent the City may re-enter and lease cease. 5. Statement of receipts duly verified, to be made to the Commissioner of Docks The Company now pay at the rate of $1t,000 per annum. Under the proposed on a date to be fixed. lease they will pay for practically the same property, $12,100, per annum, an increase of ten (xi) per cent., and at the expiration of the lease will remove the structures, if 6. The lessee to build and maintain all ferry structures and fixtures, etc. so ordered, without any claim or compensation therefor. I am of the opinion that the interest of the City will not be best promoted by 7. The lessee to keep the wharf property dredged, leaving to feet at mean low leasing the franchise of the ferry by public auction after advertisement and appraisal, water. in the manner first directed in section 826 of the Greater New York Charter, and therefore recommend the adoption by unanimous vote of the Commissioners of the 8. The lessee to maintain the wharf property in good repair and in case of Sinking Fund of a resolution authorizing the leasing of said franchise and property at the foot of West Forty-second street, to the New York Central and Hudson River damage, to restore same. Railroad Company by private agreement, upon terms and conditions above stated. The lessee to be responsible for all damage to any person or persons on the Yours respectfully, 9. McDOUGALL HAWKES, Commissioner. property. •7824 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902.

The lessee to maintain ferry houses and steam ferryboats for the transporta- said South street, and distant 40o feet northerly therefrom; thence easterly along tion of passengers, carriages, wagons, goods and merchandise, etc., to keep the said parallel line to the pierhead line established by the Secretary of War in 1::9: ferryboats in good repair and to furnish proper implements, tackles and necessaries, thence southerly along said pierhead line to the intersection of the easterly prolonga- tion of the centre line of said South street; thence westerly along said prolongation and to provide suitable gates. of the centre line of South street to the point or -,lace of beginning. All of which is shown on the map accompanying and submitted herewith in dupli- if. The capacity, safety and comfort of the boats, and the number of daily cate. trips to be made shall be such as the Commissioner of Docks from time to time Respectfully, may prescribe, and if at any time the Commissioner of Docks or the person or per- McDOUGALL HAWKES, Commissioner. sons then performing the duties now exercised by the Commissioner of Docks, shall In connection therewith the Comptroller presented the following report of the be of the opinion that the boat or boats furnished by the lessee, or that the number Engineer of the Department of Finance and offered the following resolutions: of trips do not conform to the public requirements, he may direct and the lessee shall make such improvements, construct such new boat or boats, or increase the October 27, 1902. Hon. EDWARD M. GROUT. Comptroller: number of trips as in his opinion the service demands. SIR—Hon. McDougall Hawkes, Commissioner of Docks and Ferries, in a com- 12. Boats to be provided with fire pumps and hose and to attend at fires when munication dated October 23, 1902, to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, sub- mits for their approval three maps or plans for the improvement of the water required, the City to pay the sum of $2o for each and every hour the boat is so front, in the of Richmond, as follows: engaged. First--At the foot of Vanderbilt avenue, Clifton: A strip too feet in width, ex- 13. The lessee to comply with all laws and ordinances now in force or here- tending from the present crib bulkhead to the pierhead line established by the Secretary of War in 1889, a distance of about 1,475 feet, which is designated as an after to be made. area proposed for ferry structures. Rates not to exceed those now in force on the present ferry, schedule of Second—Between Richmond avenue and Ferry street, at Port Richmond, a 14. bulkhead line is established and a marginal street behind the same, too feet in which is attached to the lease. width. The west side of Richmond avenue and the east line of Ferry street are ex- 15. At the expiration of the lease the lessee may, and upon demand of the tended to the pierhead line established in 1890, and the area included between these lines of the streets named and the new bulkhead line is that proposed for ferry City shall, at the cost and expense of the lessee, forthwith remove the buildings, structures. racks, etc., from the wharf property owned by the City, so that there shall be from This improvement immediately adjoins the present terminus of the ferry to the bulkhead out, at least to feet of water at mean low water. Bergen Point, located at the foot of Richmond avenue. Third—At or near the foot of South street, St. George. It is proposed to 16. The lessee not to assign or sublet without the consent of the Commissioner establish a marginal street, too feet in width, and connecting with South street by a of Docks. plaza, in front of which, between the bulkhead line and pierhead line, as established in 1889, a plot of land under water 40o feet in width, is reserved for proposed ferry 17. The lease not to interfere with any previous grants or right to grant future structures. ferries. The object of the Department is to acquire this property by condemnation pro- ceedings, and it will then be in a position to control both ends of any ferry, the 18. For non-payment of rent the City may re-enter and lease cease. franchise of which may be sold hereafter. And be it further I see no reason to object to the plans as submitted, and would recommend that the same be approved by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, pursuant to the Resolved, That the Commissioner of Docks is hereby authorized and directed provisions of section 819 of the Charter. to execute such lease when approved by the Corporation Counsel. Respectfully, Which was unanimously adopted. EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer. . Resolved, That, pursuant to the -Nrovisions "f section 819 of the amended The following communication was received from the Department of Docks and Greater New York Charter, the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby approve Ferries, submitting for approval three maps or plans for the improvement of the of the map or plan for the improvement of the water front and harbor of The City water-front in the Borough of Richmond, as follows: of New York, in the vicinity of South street, St. George, Borough of Richmond, adopted by the Department of Docks and Ferries October 22, 1902, and submitted I. At the foot of Vanderbilt avenue, Clifton. with a communication dated October 23, 1902. 2. Between Richmond avenue and Ferry street, Port Richmond. Resolved, That, pursuant to the provisions of section 819 of the amended Greater New York Charter, the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby approve At or near the foot of South street, St. George. 3. of the map or plan for the improvement of the water front and harbor of The City NEW YORK, October 23, 1902. of New York, between Richmond avenue and Ferry street, Port Richmond, Bor- Hon. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller of The City of New York: ough of Richmond, adopted by the Department of Docks and Ferries October 22, SIR—The Commissioner has this day, 1902, and submitted with a communication dated October 23, 1902. Ordered, That the map or plan submitted by the Engineer-in-Chief for the im- Resolved, That, pursuant to the provisions of section 819 of the amended provement of the water front at Vanderbilt avenue, Clifton, in the Borough of Rich- mond, be and is hereby approved and directed to be transmitted to the Commissioners Greater New York Charter, the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby approve of the Sinking Fund for their approval. of the map or plan for the improvement of the water front and harbor of The City Ordered, That the map or plan submitted by the Engineer-in-Chief for the im- of New York, in the vicinity of Vanderbilt avenue, Clifton, Borough of Richmond, provement of the water front at Port Richmond, in the Borough of Richmond, be and adopted by the Department of Docks and Ferries October 22, 1902, and submitted is hereby approved and directed to be transmitted to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund for their approval. with a communication dated October 23, 1902. Ordered, I hat the map or plan submitted by the Engineer-in-Chief for the im- The report was accepted and the resolutions unanimously adopted. provement of the water front at South street, New Brighton, Borough of Richmond, 1.,e and hereby is approved and directed to be transmitted to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund for their approval. The Comptroller brought up for hearing the matter of the application of the The proposed improvement in the vicinity of Vanderbilt avenue, at Clifton, in the Borough of Richmond, consists in establishing an area of land under water for Board of Education for a lease of premises Nos. 438, 440 and 442 Clinton street, the proposed ferry structures. The area so established is a strip zoo feet wide, ex- southwest corner of Carroll street, Borough of Brooklyn. tending from the present bulkhead to Vanderbilt avenue, easterly to the pierhead The Hon. Patrick Keady and Mr. F. K. Winslow appeared before the Board line established by the Secretary of War in 188g; its centre line running from the with a delegation of property owners and were heard at length in opposition to the easterly prolongation of the centre line of that portion of Vanderbilt avenue, which lies easterly of Bay street, all as shown on the accompanying map submitted herewith proposed lease. in duplicate. Mr. M. J. Kennedy, of the Board of Education, and Mr. Charles E. Wood- The proposed plan for improving the water front in the vicinity of Richmond bridge, Chairman of the Local School Board, both spoke in support of the applica- avenue, Port Richmond, Borough of Richmond, comprises establishing a bulkhead line, tion, and explained the circumstances which led up to the selection of this property. a marginal street, wharf or place and an area of land under water for ferry structures. The proposed bulkhead line begins at a point in the bulkhead line established by Discussion followed. the Secretary of War in 1890, said point being at the intersection of the northerly pro- The Comptroller explained the necessity for providing immediate accommoda- longation of the easterly line of Broadway and the said bulkhead line, running thence tions for the large number of children who are now only in part-time classes, and westerly in the westerly continuation of the bulkhead line established by the Secretary suggested that the matter lay over until the next meeting. In the meantime the of War in 1890, until it intersects a line drawn at right angles with that portion of Richmond avenue lying northerly of the Richmond Terrace; thence westerly along property owners could co-operate with the Local School Board with the view of said line drawn at right angles with Richmond avenue to the easterly side of Ferry finding other suitable quarters and submit a list of such places as can be found street, and passing through a point in the westerly side of said Richmond avenue with particulars, before next Monday. distant 230.69 feet northerly from the present or existing corner of Richmond ave- On motion, the matter was laid over. nue and Richmond Terrace, as shown on the accompanying maps. The proposed marginal street, wharf or place will be zoo feet in width, bounded on the outshore side by the above described bulkhead line on the inshore side by a The Comptroller brought up for hearing the matter of the proposed lease to the line drawn parallel therewith and too feet distant southerly therefrom, and extending from the westerly side of Richmond avenue to the easterly side of Ferry street. Hoboken Ferry Company of a ferry franchise from a point between Twenty-second The area of land under water proposed for ferry structures is bounded on the and Twenty-third streets, North river, over and across the waters of the North or easterly side by the northerly prolongation of the westerly side of Richmond avenue, Hudson river, to and from Fourteenth street, Hoboken, N. J. on the westerly side by the northerly prolongation of the southerly side of Ferry street, and extends from the above described bulkhead line northerly to the pierhead line Mr. Ross, representing the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Com- established by the Secretary of War in 1890. pany, and Mr. Coleman, the Vice-President of the company, were heard, and stated All of the above, as shown on the accompanying map submitted herewith in dupli- ill substance that they desired to become a lessee of sufficient space on the water cate. front to enable them to establish a ferry at or near Twenty-third street for the ex- The proposed improvement of the water front in the vicinity of St. George, neat clusive use of the patrons of their railroad—that they were willing to bid for one the foot of South street, in the Borough of Richmond, consists in establishing a marginal street, wharf or place, and an area of land under water for the proposed of the slips proposed to be leased to the Hoboken Ferry Company, but that if the ferry structures, as follows: Dock Commissioner could arrange for a third slip they would have no objection That marginal street, wharf or place begins at a point on the bulkhead line estab- whatever to a lease to the Hoboken Ferry Company. lished by the Secretary of War in 1889, where the centre line of South street inter- sects the same, running thence westerly along the centre line of South street 230 Mr. Albert Boardman, representing the Hoboken Ferry Company, replied to the feet; thence northerly on a line at right angles with the centre line of South street arguments of the representative of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, and 33 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of South street; thence northeasterly 172 called attention to the fact that the Hoboken Ferry Company was induced to con- feet to a point in a line drawn parallel with the said bulkhead line and distant too feet sent to a cancellation of its lease of the bulkhead at the foot of West Fourteenth westerly therefrom; thence northerly along said parallel line 18o feet; thence north- easterly in a straight line to a point in a line drawn parallel with the said centre line street, which lease did not expire until March t, 1905, upon the representation of of South street and distant goo feet northerly therefrom, said point being 5o feet the Dock Department that it would be given other quarters at or near Twenty-third westerly of the said bulkhead line; thence easterly along said line drawn parallel with street, and that the City was therefore under moral obligation to carry out its agree- the centre line of South street and 400 feet northerly therefrom 50 feet to the bulk- head line established by the Secretary of War in 1889; thence southerly along said ment. bulkhead line to the point or place of beginning. Discussion followed. The area of land under water proposed for ferry structures is bounded and de- Dock Commissioner Hawkes presented a plan whereby three slips could be pro- scribed as follows: vided for south of the Erie Railroad Ferry, but that it would entirely eliminate the Beginning at a point on the bulkhead line established by the Secretary of War in 188g, where the centre line of South street intersects the same; thence running use of the north side of the sixty-foot pier between Twenty-first and Twenty-second northerly along said bulkhead line to a line drawn parallel with the centre line of streets as shown on the plan, and in consequence a third slip would have a greater SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902. THE CITY RECORD. 7825 value than a proportionate amount of the two proposed to be leased to the Hoboken to be prepared by the Board of Education, for a term of five years from the date of Ferry Company. occupancy, with the privilege of renewal for an additional five years, at an annual rental of $900 and water tax, provided the building does not cost more than $3,000, The suggestion was then made that the Hoboken Ferry Company take the two and $60 additional per year for each $1,000; the said building may cost over $3,000 slips nearest to Twenty-third street, and the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western up to $5,00o. The Board of Education to keep the premises in re^,ir, to furnish take the other slip; the rental for each slip to be the same. light, heat and janitor service, to have the privilege of renewal of the lease upon This suggestion was agreeable to all parties interested and the matter was re- three months' notice of its intention to renew, the ground rent to begin when the structure is completed; a clause to be inserted that the construction of the building ferred back to the Dock Department for the purpose of presenting a plan for this shall be prosecuted exneditiously as soon as plans are furnished b- the Board of improvement, and proposed leases to the Hoboken Ferry Company and the Dela- Education, and that such plans arc to be furnished within two weeks after the lease ware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company. is signed. The Board of Education to have the option at any time during the con- tinuance of the lease, to purchase the site for the sum of $1o,000 in addition to the The following resolutions were received from the Board of Education relative to amount which may have been exnended in constructing the building. lease of premises corner One Hundred and Forty-fourth street and St. Ann's avenue, A true copy of resolutions adopted by the Board of Education on October 22, Borough of The Bronx : 1902. • A. EMERSON PALMER, Secretary, Board of Education. Resolved, That so much of the report and resolution adopted by the Board of Education on July 30, 5902 (see Journal, page i649), as relates to the lease of the In connection therewith the Comptroller presented the following report and of- store floor and part of cellar in the building on the northwest corner of One Hun- fered the following resolutions: dred and Forty-fourth street and St. Ann's avenue, Borough of The Bronx, be and October 28, 5902. the same is hereby rescinded; and be it fuither Hon. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller: Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund be and they are hereby SIR-The Board of Education, at a meeting of October 22, 1902, adopted the follow- requested to authorize a lease of the store floor (about 23 by 5o feet) and part of ing resolution in relation to leasing premises on the corner of Hamburg avenue and cellar (about 12 feet by 24 feet 6 inches) in the building on the northwest corner of Cornelia street, Borough of Brooklyn: One Hundred and Forty-fourth street and St. Ann's avenue, Borough of The Bronx, I would report that the resolution to be rescinded was adopted by the Board for one year from October 15, 1902, with the privilege of renewal for an additional of Education on July 7, 5902, and approved by the Commissioners of the Sinking year, at an annual rental of $42o. The Board of Education to give three months' Fund on July 17, 1902. The new resolution is exactly similar to the former reso- notice in writing of intention to exercise the option of renewal; the landlord to have lution, except the following additional clause: the privilege to have the privilege of placing "to let" sign on the premises three months "The Board of Education to keep the premises in repair, to furnish light, heat preceding expiration of lease: the Board of Education to make all repairs; the Board and janitor service, to have the privilege of renewal of the lease upon three months' of Education not to remove any improvements which may be fixed to the building, notice of its intention to renew, the ground rent to begin when the structure is except school desks and seats, blackboards, etc.; the Board of Education to make no completed; a clause to be inserted that the construction of the building shall be rlterations to the property except on receiving the written consent of the owner, Wm. prosecuted expeditiously as soon as plans are furnished by the Board of Education, W. Caswell, care of Warren & Skillen, agents, No. 96 Broadway, Borough of Man- and that such plans are to be furnished within two weeks after the lease is signed." hattan. 22, 1902. On July 16, 1902, in my report on the original resolution, I stated that the terms A true copy of resolutions adopted by the Board of Education on October and conditions were just and reasonable; the additional clause I consider ad- A. EMERSON PALMER, Secretary, Board of Education. vantageous to the City and think the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund can In connection therewith the Comptroller presented the following report and offered properly rescind their former resolution adopted on July 57, 5902, and authorize a the following resolutions: lease of the premises under the terms and conditions approved by the Board of October 28, 5902. Education. lion. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller: Respectfully, EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer. SIR-The Board of Education, by resolution adopted October 22, 1902, rescinded Approved: it; previous action of July 30, 5902, relating to the lease of the store floor and part EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller. of the cellar in the building on the northwest corner of One Hundred and Forty- fourth street and St. Ann's avenue, Borough of The Bronx, and adopted the follow- Resolved, That the resolution adopted by this Board at muting held July 17, ing resolution: "Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund be and they are hereby 1902, authorizing a lease to the City of premises on the corner oft Hamburg avenue requested to authorize a lease of the store floor (about 23 by 5o feet) and part of and Cornelia street, Borough of Brooklyn, for the use of the Board of Education, cellar (about 12 feet by 24 feet 6 inches) in the building on the northwest corner of be and the same is hereby rescinded. One Hundred and Forty-fourth street and St. Ann's avenue, Borough of The Bronx, Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby approve of and for one year from October 15, 5902, with the privilege of renewal for an additional year, at an annual rental of $420; the Board of Education to give three months' consent to the execution, by the Board of Education, of a lease to the City from notice in writing of intention to exercise the option of renewal; the landlord to have Augusta Gomer, of a one-story, four-room, wooden structure, with suitable sanitary the privilege of placing "to let" sign on the premises three months preceding expira- arrangements, to be erected on a plot of ground one hundred (too) by one hundred tion of lease; the Board of Education to make all repairs; the Board of Education (too) feet, situated on the corner of Hamburg avenue and Cornelia street, Borough not to remove any improvements which may be fixed to the building, except school desks and seats, blackboards, etc.; the Board of Education to make no alterations to of Brooklyn, according to the plans and specifications to be prepared by the Board the property, except on receiving the written consent of the owner, Wm. W. Caswell, of Education, for a term of five years from the date of occupation, with the privilege care of Warren & Skillen, agents, No. 96 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan." of a renewal for an additional five years at an annual rental of nine hundred dollars On August 9, 1902, I reported favorably on this lease, and the same was approved ($900) and water tax, providing the building does not cost more than three thousand by resolution of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, August 21, 1902. I see no objection to the new conditions which the Board of Education has dollars ($3,000), and sixty dollars ($6o) additional per year for each one thousand agreed to incorporate in the lease as now submitted. dollars the said building may cost over three thousand dollars tip to five thousand These conditions require the Board of Education to give three months' notice dollars; the Board of Education to have the option at any time during the continu- in writing of intention to exercise the option of renewal, to make all repairs; not to remove any improvements which may be fixed to the building, except school desks. ance of the lease to purchase the site for the sum of ten thousand dollars ($io,000) in seats, blackboards, etc., and to make no alterations to the property except on re- addition to the amount which may have been expended in constructing the building; ceiving the written consent of the owner; and the owner to have the privilege of the Board of Education to keep the premises in repair, to furnish light, heat and placing "to let" sign on the premises three months preceding expiration of the lease. janitor's service; to have the privilege of renewal of the lease upon three months' The term of the lease is to begin October 15, 1902, instead of "from date of occupa- tion" as in previous resolutions. notice of its intention to renew, the ground rent to begin when the structure is com- I would therefore recommend that the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund pleted; a clause to be inserted that the construction of the building shall be prose- rescind their resolution of August 21, 5902, and authorize the lease upon the terms as cuted expeditiously, as soon as the plans are furnished by the Board of Education, now proposed. and that such plans are to be furnished within two weeks after the lease is signed; Respectfully, EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer. the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund deeming the said rent fair and reasonable Approved: and that it would be for the interests of the City that such lease be made. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller. The report was accepted and the resolutions unanimously adopted. Resolved, That that portion of the resolution adopted by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund at meeting held August 21, 5902, as relates to a lease of the store floor and a part of the cellar of the building on the northwest corner of One Hun- The following report and resolution were received from the Board of Education dred and Forty-fourth street and St. Ann's avenue, Borough of the Bronx, for the relative to a lease of premises corner Pitkin avenue and Watkins street, Borough use of the Board of Education, be and the same is hereby rescinded. of Brooklyn: Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby approve of and consent to the execution, by the Board of Education, of a lease to the City from To the Board of Education: William W. Caswell, of the store floor (about 23 by so feet) and a part of the cellar The Committee on Buildings respectfully reports that the City Superintendent of Schools called attention to the necessity for additional accommodations at Public (about 12 feet by 24 feet 6 inches), in the building on the northwest corner of One School 84, Borough of Brooklyn, and after a thorough investigation, the best obtain- Hundred and Forty-fourth street and St. Ann's avenue, Borough of The Bronx, for able room in that vicinity was found to be the first floor of the premises on the a term of one year from October 55, 1902, with the privilege of a renewal for an southeast corner of Pitkin avenue and Watkins street, which will afford four kinder- additional year, at an annual rental of four hundred and twenty dollars ($420), garten rooms as an annex to Public School 84. The following resolution is therefore submitted for adoption: payable quarterly; the Board of Education to give three months' notice in writing of Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund be and they are hereby its intention to exercise the option ,o,f renewal; the landlord to have the privilege of requested to authorize the lease of the first floor of the premises on the southeast placing "to let" signs on the premises three months preceding the expiration of the corner of Pitkin avenue and Watkins street, Borough of Brooklyn, as an annex to lease; the Board of Education to make all repairs; the Board of Education not to Public School 84, for one year from November 57, 5902, at an annual rental of $5,200 (twelve hundred dollars), with the privilege of renewal for an additional year remove any improvements which may be fixed to the building, except school desks on the same terms. The owners, the Hebrew Educational Society, of Brooklyn, and seats, blackboards, etc.; the Board of Education to make no alterations to the S. F. Rothschild, President, No. 245 Hancock street, Brooklyn, to furnish light, heat property except on receiving the written consent of the owner-the Commissioners and janitor's services, and to make exterior repairs. The Board of Education to of the Sinking Fund deeming the said rent fair and reasonable, and that it would be give go days' notice of its intention to renew the lease. A true copy of report and resolution adopted by the Board of Education on for the interests of the City that such lease be made. October 22, 1902. The report was accepted and the resolutions unanimously adopted. A. EMERSON PALMER, Secretary, Board of Education. In connection therewith the Comptroller presented the following report and The following resolutions were received from the Board of Education relative to offered the following resolution: October 28, 5902. the lease of premises corner Hamburg avenue and Cornelia street, Borough of Hon. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller: Brooklyn: SIR-The Board of Education, by resolution adopted October 22, 1902, requested Resolved, That the resolution adopted by the Board of Education on July 7, the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund to authorize a lease of the first floor of the 1902 (see Journal, page 1461), recommending that the one-story four-room wooden premises on the southeast corner of Pitkin avenue and Watkins street, Borough of structure, with suitable sanitary arrangements, to be erected on a plot of ground Brooklyn, as an annex to Public School 84, for one year from November 17. 1902, at an too by Lao feet, situated on the corner of Hamburg avenue and Cornelia street, annual rental of $5,200, with the privilege of renewal for an additional year, on the Borough of Brooklyn, be leased for school purposes, for five years from the date of same terms. The owners, The Hebrew Educational Society of Brooklyn, S. F. Roth- occupancy, at an annual rental of $900 and water tax, be and it is hereby rescinded; schild, President, No. 245 Hancock street, Borough of Brooklyn, to furnish light, and be it further heat and ianitor service, and to make exterior repairs. The Board of Education to Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund be and they are hereby give ninety days' notice of its intention to renew the lease. requested to authorize a lease to be entered into with Augusta Gomer for a one- I have caused an examination of the premises to be made, and would report that story-four-room wooden structure, with suitable sanitary arrangements, to be the same consist of one large room, 48 feet by 85 feet, with a 12-foot ceiling, affording erected 011 a plot of ground 'co by ioo feet, situated on the corner of Hamburg ave- 4,08o square feet of floor space. The building is of brick, four stories in height, and is nue and Cornelia street, Borough of Brooklyn, according to plans and specifications used exclusively for educational purposes. 7826 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902.

The Committee on Buildings of the Board of Education reports that the City I have caused an examination of the premises to be made, and find that they Superintendent of Schools has called attention to the necessity for additional accom- consist of a three-story and basement, high-stoop brick dwelling, 25 feet by 45 feet, modations for Public School 84, Borough of Brooklyn, and after a thorough investi- with an extension 12 feet by 12 feet, of two stories and basement, on a lot 25 feet by gation, this was found to be the best obtainable room in this vicinity. The annual too feet, known on the assessment map as Lot No. 16, Block 504, section 2, having rental of $1,200 gives a rate per square foot of about 30 cents. an assessed valuation of $g,000. I am of the opinion that the terms proposed are reasonable and just, and that the The house, with the extension, contains sixteen rooms, and the rental asked, same may properly receive the approval of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. viz., $420 per annum, is very low, being only a little over 4/2 per cent. on the as- Respectfully, sessed valuation. EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer. I am of the opinion that the terms are reasonable and just, and I would there- Approved: fore recommend that the lease be authorized by the Commissioners of the Sinking EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller. Fund upon the terms proposed. Respectfully, Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby approve of and EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer. consent to the execution, by the Board of Education, of a lease to the City from the Approved: Hebrew Educational Society of Brooklyn, of the first floor of the premises on the EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller. F ou theas t corner of Pitkin avenue and Watkins street, Borough of Brooklyn, for use Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby approve of and as an Annex to Public School No. 84, for a term of one year from November 17, 1902, consent to the execution, by the Board of Education, of a lease to the City from the at an annual rental of twelve hundred dollars ($1,200), payable quarterly, with the University Settlement Society of New York, of the premises No. 28 Macdougal privilege of a renewal for an additional year on the same terms; the owners to fur- street, Borough of Manhattan, for kindergarten purposes, from November 1, 1902, to nish light, heat and janitor's service, and make exterior repairs; the Board of Edu- May I, 1903, at a rental at the rate of four hundred and twenty dollars ($420) per cation to give ninety days' notice of its intention to renew the lease-the Commis- annum, payable quarterly, with the privilege of a renewal to May 1, 1904, on the same sioners of the Sinking Fund deeming the said rent fair and reasonable, and that terms, the owners to furnish light, heat and janitor's service-the Commissioners of it would be for the interests of the City that such lease be made. the Sinking Fund deeming the said rent fair and reasonable, and that it would be for The report was accepted and the resolution unanimously adopted. the interests of the City that such lease be made. The report was accepted and the resolution unanimously adopted. The Comptroller presented the following report and offered the following reso- lution relative to a lease of premises corner One Hundred and Forty-eighth street and St. Ann's avenue, Borough of The Bronx, for the use of the Board of Educa- The following report and resolution were received from the Board of Education tion: relative to a lease of premises Np. 624 Fifth street, Borough of Manhattan: October 24, 1902. To the Board of Education: Hon. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller: The Committee on Buildings respectfully reports that the City Superintendent SIR-The Board of Education, by resolution adopted October 15, 1902, requested of Schools called attention to the necessity for additional accommodations at Public the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund to authorize a lease of the store floor of the School 105, Borough of Manhattan, and after a thorough investigation the best premises on the northwest corner of One Hundred and Forty-eighth street and St. obtainable building in the vicinity was found to be the premises at No. 624 Fifth Ann's avenue, Borough of The Bronx. for kindergarten purposes, for a term of street. The following resolution is therefore submitted for adoption: one year from the date of occupation, with the privilege of a renewal for an addi- Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund be and they are hereby tional year, at an annual rental of $48o: owner, John Bannen, No. to5 East One requested to authorize a lease of the premises No. 624 Fifth street, Borough of Man- Hundred and Fourteenth street. hattan, to be used as an annex to Public School io5, for a term of two years from I have caused an examination the premises to be made, and would report November 17, 1902, at an annual rental of $3,000, with the privilege of renewal for an that the store is on the first floor of a five-story brick apartment house. It is 22 feet additional year at the same rental. The owners, the Educational Alliance, East ti inches in width and 41 feet in depth, containing about 923 square feet of floor space, Broadway and Jefferson street, Isidor Straus, President, to furnish light, heat and which, at the rental asked, gives a rate of 52 cents per square foot per annum. janitor's service, to make repairs and to have the use of the premises after 3.3o p. m. I am of the opinion that the proposed rental is too high; that $42o per annum each day; the Board of Education to maintain a kindergarten on the premises, in would he full rental value for the premises, and I would recommend that if the owner addition to such other classes as it may determine, and to give ninety days' notice will not agree to accept such rental, the Board of Education be requested to select of its intention to renew the lease. other quarters. A true copy of report and resolution adopted by the Board of Education on Respectfully, EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer. October 22, 1902. Approved: A. EMERSON PALMER, Secretary Board of Education. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller. In connection therewith the Comptroller presented the following report: Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby approve of and consent to the execution, by the Board of Education, of a lease to the City from John October 31, 1902. Hon. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller: Bannen, of the store floor of premises on the northwest corner of One Hundred SIR-The Board of Education by resolution adopted October 22, 1902, requests and Forty-eighth street and St. Ann's avenue, Borough of The Bronx, for kinder- the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund to authorize a lease of the premises No. 624 garten purposes, for a term of one year from the date of occupation, with the Fifth street, Borough of Manhattan, to be used as an annex to Public School Tos, privilege of a renewal for an additional year, at an annual rental of four hundred for a term of two years from November 7, 1902, at an annual rental of $3,000, with the privilege of a renewal for an additional year, at the same rental. Owners, The and twenty dollars ($420), payable quarterly-the Commissioners of the Sinking Educational Alliance, East Broadway and Jefferson street, Isidor Straus, President; Fund deeming the said rent fair and reasonable and that it would be for the interests to furnish light, heat and janitor service, to make repairs and to have the use of the of th. City that such lease be made; and premises after 3.3o p. m. each day. The Board of Education to maintain a kinder- Resolved, That in the event of the owner's refusing to accept these terms, the garten on the premises, in addition to such other classes as it may determine, and to give ninety days' notice of its intention to renew the lease. Board of Education be and is hereby requested to select other quarters. I have caused an examination of the premises to be made, and would report The report was accepted and the resolution unanimously adopted. that they consist of a three-story and basement, high stoop, brick building 24 feet 9 inches by 8o feet, on a lot 24 feet 9 inches by g6 feet inch, known on the assess- ment map as Lot No. 22, on Block 387, in section 2, Borough of Manhattan. Assessed The Comptroller presented the following report and offered the following resolu- valuation, $14,000. tion relative to a lease of premises corner Rockaway avenue and Somers street, Bor- The building is all eady equipped and furnisned for school purposes, contains ten ough of Brooklyn, for the use of the Board of Education: rooms, suitable for class rooms, exclusive of anartments reserved for the use of a October 24, 1902. j anitor. Comptroller: The Committee on Buildings of the Board of Education reports that the City Hon. EDWARD M. GROUT, Superintendent of Schools has called attention to the necessity for additional ac- SIR-The Board of Education, by resolution adopted October 15, 1902, requests commodations for Public School los (which is on the north side of East the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund to authorize a lease of the store floor on the Fourth street, between Avenues B and C. immediately in the rear of these premises), first story of the premises, on the southeast corner of Rockaway avenue and Somers and after a thorough investigation this was found to be the best obtainable building street. Borough of Brooklyn, to he used as an annex to Public School 73 (Rockaway in the vicinity. avenue corner McDougal street) for a term of one year at an annual rental of $600, I am of the opinion that the terms of the proposed lease are excessive; that an with the privilege of renewal for an additional year. at the same rate; the owner, Val- annual rental of said premises, including light, heat and janitor service, should not entine Schmidt, to paint the interior of the store three coats. exceed $2,000 for a term of two years, with the privilege of renewal for an additional I have caused an examination of said premises to be made, and would report that year. they consist of a store on the first floor of a four-story brick apartment house, with a The entire basement floor and one room on the third floor are reserved for the floor area of about 1,608 square feet, having a frontage of 74 feet on Rockaway avenue, use of the janitor; also the lessor is to have the use of the premises after 3.3o p. m. by a depth of 23 feet and 9 inches on one side, and 17 feet and 6 inches on the other. each day. The rate per square foot per annum is 37 cents. Respectfully, I am of the opinion that the terms of the proposed lease are reasonable and just, EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer. and that the same may properly receive the approval of the Commissioners of the Approved: Sinking Fund. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller. Respectfully, EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer. Referred back to the Board of Education. Approved: EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller. Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby approve of and The following resolution was received from the Board of Education relative to consent to the execution, by the Board of Education, of a lease to the City from an amendment to resolution authorizing a lease of premises known as McCaddin Valentine Schmidt, of the store floor on the first story of the premises on the south- Hall, Berry street, near South Third street, Brooklyn: east corner of Rockaway avenue and Somers street, Borough of Brooklyn, to be used Resolved, That the resolution of the Committee on Buildings adopted on June as an annex to Public School No. 73, for a term of one year from the date of occu- 18, 1902 (see Journal, page 1155), requesting the Commissioners of the Sinking pation at an annual rental of six hundred dollars ($600), payable quarterly, with the Fund to authorize a lease of four rooms in the front part of the building known as McCaddin Hall, Berry street, near South Third street, Brooklyn, for the use of the privilege of renewal for an additional year at the same rate; the owner to paint interior Eastern District High School, at an annual rental of $2,000, including light, heat and of the store with three coats of paint-the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund deem- janitor's services, be, and it is hereby, amended by adding the clause "and taxes, if ing the said rent fair and reasonable, and that it would be for the interests of the City any, the property at the present time not being assessed." that such lease be made. A true copy of resolution adopted by the Executive Committee of the Board The report was accepted and the resolution unanimously adopted. of Education on September 17, 1902. A. EMERSON PALMER, Secretary, Board of Education. I see no reason why the request to insert a clause as above should be granted. The Comptroller presented the following report and offered the following reso- The property is exempt from taxation on account of its use for educational pur- lution relative to a lease of premises No. 28 Macdougal street, Borough of Man- poses. The City only proposes to use a part of the building, and as long as the re- hattan, for the use of the Board of Education: mainder is used by the church people for educational purposes the property will not be assessed. I would recommend that the application for the insertion of this clause October 28, 1902. be denied. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller: Hon. EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer, Department of Finence. SIR-The Board of Education, by resolution adopted October 15, 1902, and by a October 31, 1902. resolution of October 22, 1902, amending the same, requested the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund to authorize a lease of the premises No. 28 Macdougal street. Bor- Application denied. ough of Manhattan, for kindergarten purposes, from November I, 1902, to May /, 1903, at an annual rental of $420, with the privilege of a renewal to May 1, /9o4, on the same terms. The lessor, The University Settlement Society of New York, to The following report and resolution were received from the Board of Education, furnish heat, light and janitor service. relative to a lease of the Sunday school room and basement in the Mott Avenue 7827 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902. THE CITY RECORD.

M. E. Church, Mott avenue andOne Hundred and Fiftieth street, Borough of The The church edifice is of brick, 40 feet by 6o feet, on a lot so feet by 75 feet, known on the assessment map of the Sixteenth Ward as Lot t, in Block 29; an adja- Bronx• cent lot 25 feet by too feet (lot No. 36) is included in .an assessed valuation of To the Executive Committee: $18,000. Exempt from taxation. The Committee on Buildings respectfully reports that an effort has been made Light, heat and janitor service are provided by the lessors. The premises are to find buildings suitable for school purposes in crowded sections of the City, and of at present used for church mission work, and the Trustees of the church in agree- those investigated in the Borough of The Bronx, the Sunday-school room and base- ing to lease the premises to the Board of Education claim to have fixed as low a ment in the Mott Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, Mott avenue and One Hun- rental as will reasonably compensate them for the increased expenses incurred, and dred and Fiftieth street, have been selected as affording suitable accommodations, the use of the premises for school purposes. The rate per square foot per annum on having been formerly leased by the Board of Education for school purposes. 1.952 square feet, at the annual rental of $1,200, is 67 cents. The premises in question will afford six classrooms, with ample wardrobe ac- I have taken into consideration the fact that this property pays no taxes, and in commodations, etc., and are considered suitable for school purposes. The rental view of all the circumstances of the case and the accommodations afforded, I am of asked, $3,000 per year, as it includes water tax, light, heat and janitor's services, is the opiiiion that the terms of the proposed lease are reasonable and just, and that considered reasonable. the same may properly receive the approval of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. The City Superintendent has recommended that the premises he hired, as there Respectfully, are part-time classes in two schools in the neighborhood, Public Schools 115 and 167. EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer. Your committee would therefore recommend that the rooms in question be hired for one year from date of occupancy, with the privilege of renewal from date Approved: EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller. of expiration to July I, 1904. The following resolution is submitted for adoption: Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby approve of and Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund be and they are hereby consent to the execution, by the Board of Education, of a lease to the City from the requested to authorize a lease of the Sunday-school room and basement in the Mott Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, Mott avenue and One Hundred and Fiftieth trustees of the German Evangelical Mission Church, of the basement in said church street, Borough of The Bronx, for one year from the date of occupation, at an annual on the southwest corner of Leonard and Stagg streets, Borough of Brooklyn, for rental of $3,000, including water, tax, light, heat and janitor's services, with the use as an annex to Public School 43, for Kindergarten classes, for a term of one year privilege of renewal on the same terms from the date of expiration to July t, 1904. from December 12, 1902, at an annual rental of twelve hundred dollars ($1,200), pay- Trustees, Mott Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, owners. A true copy of report and resolution adopted by the Executive Committee of able quarterly, including light, heat and janitor's service—the Commissioners of the the Board of Education on October 15, 1902. Sinking Fund deeming the said rent fair and reasonable and that it would be for the A. EMERSON PALMER, Secretary, Board of Education. interests of the City that such lease be made. In connection therewith the Comptroller presented the following report and The report was accepted and the resolution unanimously adopted. offered the following resolution: October 31, 1902. The following report and resolution were received from the Board of Education Hon. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller: relative to a lease of the basement in St. Peter's Dutch Reformed Church, Union ave- SIR—The Board of Education, by resolution adopted October 15, 1902, requests nue and Scholes street, Borough of Brooklyn: the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund to authorize a lease of the Sunday-school room and the basement in the Mott Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, Mott ave- To the Executive Committee: nue and One Hundred and Fiftieth street, Borough of The Bronx, for one year from The Committee on Buildings respectfully reports that it has received a request the date of occupation, at an annual rental of $3,000, including water tax, light, heat from the Local School Board of District No. 33 to lease rooms in the church on and janitor service, with the privilege of a renewal on the same terms, from the date Union avenue and Scholes street, Brooklyn, for school purposes. of expiration to July r, 1904. Lessors, trustees of Mott Avenue Methodist Episcopal The matter has been investigated, and it is found that the premises proposed to Church, to have the privilege of using the premises when not required for school be leased consist of the entire basement in St. Peter's Dutch Reformed Church, purposes. Union avenue and Scholes street, Brooklyn. This basement can be made to afford I have caused an examination of the premises to be made, and would report that three large classrooms, well suited for the purpose at a slight expense, and the rental they are exceptionally fine quarters for a school. They were leased and occupied by asked. $780 per year, is considered reasonable for the accommodations to be the Board of Education from December 18, 1897, for one year, on the same terms provided. as now proposed. The City Superintendent of Schools has recommended that these rooms be This lease was continued by renewal up to July t, 1899, by resolution of the leased to relieve the congested condition of Public School 43. Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, January 20, 1899 (Minutes, page 38). The following resolution is submitted for adoption: The Sunday School room has a floor space of 3,037 square feet and comprises Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund be and they are hereby one large room, 29 feet 6 inches by 39 feet; two rooms of 17 feet by 24 feet each, requested to authorize a lease of the entire basement in St. Peter's Dutch Reformed and four rooms, 9 feet 6 inches by to feet 6 inches. A gallery with a floor space of Church, Union avenue and Scholes street, Brooklyn, for use as an annex to Public 1,216 square feet, comprising two rooms, 17 feet by 24 feet each, and four rooms School 43, for one year from date of occupation. with the privilege of renewal for 9 feet 6 inches by to feet 6 inches, is so arranged with movable sash partitions and an additional year, at an annual rental of $780. Owners, Consistory of St. Peter's curtains, that with the rooms on the main floor, one large room or auditorium is Dutch Reformed Church. secured. A true copy of report and resolution adopted by the Executive Committee of the There is available for classroom purposes in the Sunday School room in all Board of Education on October 15, 1902. about 4,000 square feet of floor space, which at the rental asked, viz.: $3,000, would A. EMERSON PALMER, Secretary Board of Education. give a rate of 75 cents per square foot per annum. In the basement, which is high, with a concrete cement floor, about on the, grade In connection therewith the Comptroller presented the following report and of One Hundred and Fiftieth street, there is one inclosed room, 17 feet by 25 feet, offered the following resolution: and an open space of over 4,000 square feet, extending under the entire church November 3, 1902. edifice. The church edifice is of terra cotta brick, comprising in one building Sun- Hon. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller: day School and parsonage, covering a lot 90 feet by too feet, known on the assess- SIR—The Board of Education, by resolution adopted October 15, 1902, requests ment map as Lot No. 36 on Block 2348 in section 9; assessed valuation, $15,000. the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund to authorize a lease of the entire basement Exempt from taxation. in St. Peter's Dutch Reformed Church, northeast corner of Union avenue and The Rev. Dr. Darwood, the pastor of the church, states that the Board of Scholes street, Borough of Brooklyn, for use as an annex to Public School 43, for Trustees, in consenting to the urgent solicitation of the Board of Education for a one year from date of occupation, with the privilege of renewal for an additional lease of these accommodations, has fixed a rental as low as in their judgment would year. at an annual rental of $780. Owners. Consistory of St. Peter's Dutch Church. compensate the Board for the additional expenses for light, heat and janitor service, The Committee on Buildings of the Board of Education reports that it has re- and for the unavoidable wear and tear on the premises, occasioned by their use for ceived a request from the Local School Board of District No. 33 to lease this base- school purposes. ment for school purposes; that it can be made to afford three large classrooms, well The Committee on Buildings of the Board of Education reports that an effort suited for the purpose, at a slight expense, to relieve the congested condition of has been made to find buildings suitable for school purposes in crowded sections Public School 43. of the City, and of those investigated in the Borough of The Bronx, these premises I have caused an examination to be made of the premises and would report that have been selected as affording suitable accommodations. The City Superintendent they consist of a basement under the brick church edifice 5o by TOO feet, covering the has recommended that the premises be hired, as there are part time classes in two lot on the northeast corner of Union avenue and Scholes street, Borough of Brook- schools in the neighborhood, Public Schools 115 and 167. lyn, the lot known on the assessment map of the Sixteenth Ward as Lot No. 20, in They will afford six classrooms, with ample wardrobe accommodations, etc., as Block 21; assessed valuation, $2o,000; exempt from taxation. well as facilities for recreation and exercise in the large basement. The basement is subdivided, providing three rooms, 40 feet by 45 feet, 24 feet by While it is a difficult matter to estimate upon the rental value of this class of 45 feet and 23 feet by 2g feet, suitable for classrooms, having a floor space of about property, I have taken into consideration the fact of its exemption from taxation, 3,870 square feet, which, at the rental asked, viz., $780 per annum, gives a rate of 20 and I am of the opinion that the terms of the proposed lease are reasonable and cents per square foot per annum. just, and that the same may properly receive the approval of the Commissioners of The basement is heated by stoves and a hot-air furnace, but the Board of Educa- the Sinking Fund. Respectfully, tion will have to provide coal and janitor service. EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer. I have taken into consideration the fact that this property is exempt from taxa- Approved: tion, and in view of all the circumstances of the case and the accommodations afforded. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller. I am of the opinion that the terms of the proposed lease are reasonable and just. and that the same may properly receive the approval of the Commissioners of the Sinking Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby approve of and Fund. consent to the execution, by the Board of Education, of a lease to the City, from Respectfully, the Trustees of the Mott Avenue M. E. Church, of the Sunday school room and EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer. Approved: basement in the Mott Avenue M. E. Church, situated on Mott avenue and One EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller. Hundred and Fiftieth street, Borough of The Bronx, for a term of one year from the date of occupation, at an annual rental of three thousand dollars ($3,000), payable Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby approve of and , quarterly, the rent to include water tax, light, heat and janitor's services, with the consent to the execution, by the Board of Education, of a lease to the City from the Consistory of St. Peter's Dutch Reformed Church. of the entire basement in St. Peter's privilege of a renewal on the same terms, from the date of expiration to JulY I, 1904, Dutch Reformed Church. northeast corner of Union avenue and Scholes street, Bor- the lessors to have the privilege of using the premises when not required for school purposes; the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund deeming the said rent fair and ough of Brooklyn. for use as an annex to Public School 43, for a term of one year from the date of occupation, with the privilege of a renewal for an additional year, at reasonable and that it would be for the interests of the City that such lease be made. an annual rental of seven hundred and eighty 'dollars ($780), payable quarterly; the The report was accepted and the resolution unanimously adopted. Commissioners of the Sinking Fund deeming the said rent fair and reasonable and that it would be for the interests of the City that such lease be made. The Comptroller presented the following report and offered the following reso- The report was accepted and the resolution unanimously adopted. lotion relative to a lease of the basement of the German Evangelical Mission Church, southwest corner of Leonard and Stagg streets, Borough of Brooklyn, for the Board of Education: The following report and resolution were received from the Board of Educa- November 3, 1902. tion relative to a lease of the basement of the Seventh Presbyterian Church, on the Hon. EDWARD M. GROUT. Comptroller: northeast corner of Broome and Ridge streets, Borough of Manhattan: SIR—The Board of Education, by resolution adopted October 15, 1902, requests the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund to authorize a lease of the basement in the To the Executive Committee: German Evangelical Mission Church, southwest corner of Leonard and Stagg The Committee on Buildings respectfully reports that it has considered the streets, Borough of Brooklyn, for use as an annex to Public School 43, for kinder- matter of leasing the basement of the Seventh Presbyterian Church. on the north- garten classes, for one year from December 12, 1902, at an annual rental of $1,200, east corner of Broome and Ridge streets, Borough of Manhattan, for school pur- including light, heat and janitor service. Owners, Trustees of German Evangelical poses, to relieve Public School 92. Your Committee believes that these premises Mission Church. are the best available for these purposes, and submits for adoption the following I have caused an examination to be made of these premises and would report resolution: that They afford a floor space of about 1,952 square feet, being a room 36 feet 6 Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund be and they are hereby inches by 55 fen, requested to authorize a lease of the basement of the Seventh Presbyterian Church 7828 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER I 5, 1902.

of Jesus Christ, on the northeast corner of Broome and Ridge streets, Borough of in a communication bearing date October 18, 1902, requests the Commissioners of the Manhattan, to relieve Public School 92, for a term of one year from the date of oc- Sinking Fund to authorize renewals of leases which expire January I, 1903, as follows: cupation, with the privilege of renewal from month to month. at an annual rental of $1,500, the owner to furnish light, heat and janitor service, and to make interior and "BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. exterior repairs. "1. Premises occupied by Engine Company 32, No. 1o8 John street, for a term of A true copy of report and resolution adopted by the Executive Committee of the one year from January 1, 5903, at an annual rental of $1,800, payable quarterly, and Board of Education on October 15, 1902. upon the same terms and conditions as contained in the existing lease; Isabel R. A. EMERSON PALMER, Secretary, Board of Education. s _ Clark, lessor. "2. Premises occupied by Engine Company 3o, No. 253 Spring street, for a term In connection therewith the Comptroller presented the following report and of one year from January I, 1903, at an annual rental of $540, payable quarterly; other- offered the following resolution: wise upon the same terms and conditions as contained in the existing lease; Trinity October 31, 1902. Church Corporation, lessor. Hon. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller: SIR-The Board of Education, by resolution adopted October 15, 1902, requests "BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund to authorize a lease of the basement of the "3. No. 28o1 Third avenue (being premises in rear of quarters of Engine Com- Seventh Presbyterian Church of Jesus Christ, on the northeast corner of Broome pany 41), for a term of one year from January I, 1903, at an annual rental of $75, pay- and Ridge streets, Borough of Manhattan, to relieve Public School 92, north- able quarterly, and upon the same terms and conditions as contained in the existing west corner of Broome and Ridge streets, for a term of one year from the date of lease; Emma Henneberger, lessor." occupation, with the privilege of a renewal from month to month, at an annual rental of $1,500, the owner, the Trustees of the Seventh Presbyterian Church of I would report thereon as follows: Jesus Christ, to furnish light, heat and janitor service, and to make interior and ex- I. Premises No. To8 John street, south side, between Gold and John streets, con- terior repairs. sist of a four-story brick building, entirely covering a lot 20 feet 6 inches by 59 feet I have caused an examination of said premises to be made and would report 4 inches, known on the assessment map as Lot No. 52, on Block 69, in section I. that the basement contains three rooms, suitable for classrooms, of the following Assessed valuation, $18,000. dimensions: 37 feet by 59 feet, 19 feet by 23 feet, and 21 feet 6 inches by 29 feet, af- These premises have been occupied by the Fire Department as quarters for Engine fording in all about 3.243 square feet of floor space, which at the Yearly rental asked. Company 32, under lease, since before 1888 at an annual rental of $1,800. The last viz.. $1,500. makes a rate of 46 cents per square foot per annum. lease was authorized by resolution of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, Novem- The Committee on Buildings of the Board of Education reports that these ber so, 1898 (Minutes, page 246), for one year from January 1, 1899, with the privi- premises are the best available for the purpose of relieving Public School 92. lege of four annual renewals. The property is known on the assessment map as Lot No.65, Block 342, in sec- 2. Premises No. 253 Spring street, north side, 58 feet g inches east of Varick tion 1, having an assessed valuation of $5o,000. and exempt from taxation. street, consist of a three-story brick building, 25 feet by go feet. on a lot 25 feet by The premises are well adapted for school purposes. 99 feet 6 inches, known on the assessment map as Lot No. 46, on Block 505, in Section I have taken into consideration the fact that the property is exempt from tax- 2. Assessed valuation, $10,o0o. Exempt. ation, and am of the opinion. in view of the accommodations afforded, that the terms These premises have been occupied by the Fire Department as quarters for Engine of the proposed lease are reasonable and iust, and that the same may properly receive Company 30, under lease, since before 189o, at an annual rental of $540, City to pay the approval of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. all taxes and Croton water rates. Lessor to pay all assessments. Respectfully. The last lease was authorized by resolution of the Commissioners of the Sinking EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer. Fund, March is, 1898 (Minutes, page 23), for one year from January I, 1898, at an Approved: annual rental of $540. Said lease has been renewed annually on the same terms. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller. 3. Premises in rear of No. 2801 Third avenue, west side, between Courtlandt avenue and East One Hundred and Forty-eighth street, consist of a plot of ground Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby approve of and about 20 feet by 22 feet, fenced in and partly covered by a one-story frame building, consent to the execution, by the Board of Education, of a lease to the City from the immediately adjoining in the rear of premises occupied by Engine Company 41, trustees of the Seventh Presbyterian Church of Jesus Christ, of the basement of the which is owned by the City (acquired December 26, 1874). This plot is the rear portion of a lot 25 feet by 112 feet (irregular), fronting on church on the northeast corner of Broome and Ridge streets, Borough of Manhattan. East One Hundred and Forty-eighth street, known as Lot No. 2o, on Block 2327, in for a term of one year. from the date of occupation. with the privilege of a renewal section 9. Assessed valuation (1902), $2,500. It has been occupied by the Fire De- from month to month, at an annual rental of fifteen hundred dollars ($t,soo), payable partment under lease since 1886 up to January 1, 5892, at an annual rental of $25, and monthly, the owners to furnish light, heat and janitor's service and to make interim since then at $75 per annum. and exterior repairs-the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund deeming the said rent The last lease was authorized by resolution of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fend November so, 1898 (Minutes, page 246), for one year from January r, 5899, at fair and reasonable, and that it would be for the interests of the City that such lease $75 per annum. Said lease has been renewed annually up to the present time on the he made. same terms. The report was accepted and the resolution unanimously adopted. As the lot occupied by the Fire Department is only 39 feet in depth on one side and 55 feet on the other, it is claimed by the Department that this adjoining plot in the rear is very essential for the use of the Department, as long as it remains in The following resolution was received from the Board of Education relative t° possession of the front lot. It is used as a storage for hay, grain, etc., and a an amendment to resolution authorizing a renewal of the lease of the basement and manure pit. parish house of St. John's German Lutheran Church. Fulton avenue, between One I am of the opinion that the terms of each of the aforesaid proposed renewals are reasonable and just, and that they may properly receive the approval of the Com- Hundred and Sixty-ninth and One Hundred and Seventieth streets, Borough of missioners of the Sinking Fund. The Bronx (sec page 652): Respectfully. Resolved. That the resolution adopted by the Board of Education on July 7, EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer. 1902 (Journal, page 1,459), requesting the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund to Resolved, That the Comptroller be and is hereby authorized and directed to authorize a renewal of the lease of the basement and parish house of St. John's Ger- execute renewals of leases to the City for the use of the Fire Department, as follows: man Lutheran Church, Fulton avenue, between One Hundred and Sixty-ninth and One Hundred and Seventieth streets, Borough of The Bronx, used as an annex to First-Premises No. to8 John street, Borough of Manhattan. for a term of one Public School 6r, for one year from November 28, 1go2, with the privilege of renewal year from January r, 1903, at an annual rental of eighteen hundred dollars ($18,00o). for -'n additional year. at aii annual rental of $1,800, the other terms and conditions to be the same as those of the existing lease, be amended by inserting $2,roo in place nayable quarterly; otherwise upon the same terms and conditions as contained in the of $5,800. as the annual rental. existing lease thereof; Isabel R. Clark, lessor. A true copy of resolution adopted by the Executive Committee of the Board of Education on October 15, 1902. Second-Premises No. 253 Spring street, Borough of Manhattan, for a term of A. EMERSON PALMER, Secretary, Board of Education. one year from January s, 5903, at an annual rental of five hundred and forty dollars ($540). payable quarterly; otherwise upon the same terms and conditions as con- In connection therewith the Comptroller presented the following report and of- tained in the existing lease; Trinity Church Corporation, lessor. fered the following resolution: Third-No. 280/ Third avenue. Borough of The Bronx, being premises in the November 3, 1902. Hon. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller: rear of quarters of Engine Company 41, for a term of one year from January I, 1903, SIR-At a meeting of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, held July 17, 1902 at an annual rental of seventy-five dollars ($751. payable nuarterly, and upon the (Minutes, page 653), a renewal of the lease for the premises on Fulton avenue between -theand conditions as contained in the existing lease; Emma Henneberger. One Hundred and Sixty-ninth street and One Hundred and Seventieth street, Bor- lessor, ough of The Bronx, was authorized for one year from November 28, 1902, at an mimed rental of $1.800. being the same terms as in the existing lease. -the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund deeming the said rents fair and reasonable, This is church property and the Trustees of St. John's German Lutheran Church and that it would be for the interests of the City that such leases be made. have declined to sign a renewal of this lease on the same terms, for the reason that The report was accepted and the resolution unanimously adopted. they do not consider the rental sufficient to remunerate them for the use of the church premises. and they request that the rental be increased $300 per annum. In the minutes of the Sinking Fund for October 26, 1900, page 423. a full descrip- tion of these premises will be found, showing that the school has the basement of The following communication was received from the Fire Department relative to the church, 12 feet in height and on a level with the street, and also a two-story brick an amendment to resolution authorizing a lease of premises on the south side of building in the rear, with a total available floor space of 4,168 square feet. East Fifth street, fifty-three feet east of White Plains avenue, Williamsbridge, Bor- The accommodations are good and the advanced rental, namely, $2,100 per annum, cannot he termed excessive, even though the church property is exempt ough of The Bronx (see page 738): from taxation, and I would therefore recommend that the Commissioners of the FIRE DEPARTMENT, CITY OF NEW YORK, Sinking Fund amend their resolution of July 17, 1902, by inserting $2,Ioo per annum Nos. 157 AND 159 EAST SIXTY-SEVENTH STREET. for the $r.800 contained therein, the Board of Education, by resolution adopted Octo. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, October 21, 1902. ber 15, 1902, having requested such amendment. Respectfully. The Hon. Commissioners of the Sinking Fund: EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer. GENTLEMEN-I have the honor to request that the resolution adopted by your Com- Approved: mission August 21, 1002. at the request of this Denartment in communication under EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller. date of the 6th of said month. in relation to the leasing of temporary auarters for the accommodation of Engine Company 62, be amended so as to read as follows: Resolved, That the resolution adopted by this Board at meeting held July 17. "Resolved. That the Corporation Counsel be and is hereby requested to prepare 1902, authorizing a renewal of the least to the City, from the Trustees of St. John's a lease to the City from Edmund C. Johnson of premises situated nn the south side of East Fifth street. 53 feet east of White Plains avenue. Williamsbridge, Borough of German Lutheran Church, of premises on Fulton avenue, between One Hundred The Bronx, consisting of a two-story brick stable about 28 feet by 64 feet, for the and Sixty-ninth and One Hundred and Seventieth streets, Borough of The Bronx, use of the Fire Denartment, for a term of twelve months from August 7, 1902. at for the use of the Board of Education, be and the same is hereby amended by sub- a r ntal of sixty dollars ($6o) per month; and the Commissioners of the Sinking stituting twenty-one hundred dollars ($2,100) as the rental, in place of eighteen Fund deeming the said rent fair and reasonable and that it would he for the interests of the City that such lease be made. the Comptroller is hereby authorized and hundred dollars ($1,800). directed to execute the same when prepared and annroved of by the Corporation The report was accepted and the resolution unanimously adopted. Counsel, as provided by sections 549 and 217 of the. Greater New York Charter." It appears that the lessor-unless he is accorded a recinrocal privilege-objects to the incorporation in the lease of a nrovision givinff to the City the privilege of The Comptroller presented the following report of the Engineer of the Depart- surrendering the premises upon thirty days' notice. and Tinder the circumstances, and in view of the consideration that even should the new home for this company now ment of Finance, and offered the following resolution, relative to a renewal of the in process of erection be ready for occiinancY before the exniration of twelve months leases of premises No. io8 John street and No. 253 Spring street. Borough of Man- from the date of the lease, the temnorary quarters could ctill be litilized for Denart- hattan, and No. 2801 Third avenue, Borough of The Bronx: ment purposes for the remainder of the term. I have deemed it advisable to renuect the amendment in the respect indicated of your resolution of August 21, 1902. author- November 1, 1902. izing a lease of the property in question. 110/1. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller: Yours respectfully. SIR-Hon. Thomas Sturgis, Commissioner. Fire Department, City of New York, THOS. STURGIS, Commissioner. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902. THE CITY RECORD. 7829

I see no objection to the proposed amendment, as requested by the Commis- In connection therewith the Comptroller presented the fqllowing report and of- -loner of the Fire Department, of the resolution adopted August 21, 1902, authoriz- fered the 1*i-flowing resolution: ing lease from Edmund C. Johnson, of premises situated on the south side of East October 27, 1902. Fifth street, Williamsbridge, Borough of The Bronx, for the use of the Fire Depart- Hon. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller: ment, October 28, 1902. Sm-Under date of October is, 1902, Hon. John McGaw Woollbury, Commissioner EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer, Department of Finance. of Street Cleaning, requests the consent and approval of the Commissioners of the In connection therewith the Comptroller offered the following resolution: Sinking Fund to a lease of the premises No. 231 Bowery, for a term of one year, from December 20, 1902, at an annual rental of $800, payable quarterly; the lessor to Resolved, That resolution adopted by this Board at meeting held August 21, build a necessary partition, to pay for the Croton water used on the premises, and 1902, requesting the C,orporation Counsel to prepare a lease to the City of premises to furnish sufficient steam to heat the said premises. situated on the south side of East Fifth street, Williamsbridge, Borough of the This proposed lease is for a section station to take the place of that at No. 167 Bronx, for use of the Fire Department, be and the same is hereby amended so as to Chrystie street. The lease for the premises No. 167 Chrystie street was made De- cember 19, 1899, for a term of three years, with a floor space of about 1,50o square read as follows: feet, at $720 per annum, the lessee to pay for water used, and to do all repairs and "Resolved, That the Corporation Counsel be and is hereby requested to prepare a alterations. lease to the City, from Edmund C. Johnson, of premises situated on the south side of I am told by the Deputy Commissioner of Street Cleaning that these premises East Fifth street, fifty-three, (53) feet east of White Plains avenue, Williamsbridge, are no longer suitable and that the landlord has notified the department that he proposes to raise the rent on a renewal. Borough of The Bronx, consisting of a two-story brick stable about 28 feet by 64 The premises at No. 231 Bowery consist of the ground floor of a rear five-story, feet, for the use of the Fire Department, for a term of twelve months from August 7, brick building, the upper stories being occupied by tenants. Good cement floor, 1932, at a rental of sixty dollars ($6o) per month; and the Commissioners of the well lighted, ceiling about 18 feet, heated by three steam radiators and piped for Sinking Fund deeming the said rent fair and reasonable, and that it would be for the gas. Lenght 63 feet, width 47 feet, containing about 2,670 square feet of available interests of the City that such lease be made, the Comptroller is hereby authorized floor space, which at $800 per annum will make a rental of about 3o cents per square foot. and directed to execute the same when prepared and approvd by the Corporation I consider the rental reasonable and just, and I would recommend that the Counsel, as provided by sections 149 and 217 of the Greater New York Charter." Commissioners of the Sinking Fund approve of the same, as requested. Which was unanimously adopted. Respectfully, EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer. Approved: EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller. The following communications were received from the Commissioners of Ac- Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby approve of and counts relative to a lease of Room No. 103 in the Stewart Building, No. 280 Broad- consent to the execution, by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning, of a lease to the way, Borough of Manhattan: City from Stephen G. Thomas, of the rear store of premises known as No. 231 NEW YORK, October 30, 1902. Bowery, Borough of Manhattan, with entrance thereto through the freight hallway, To the Honorable, the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, New York City: etc., the lessor to put a partition around the stairway so as to inclose the said store GENTLEMEN-Owing to the large force of men now employed in, and the increasing from the hallway and stairway, and to place in said partition an ordinary door, for a demands on the Engineering Department of this office, we find that the present term of one year from December 20, 19o2, at an annual rental of eight hundred dol- quarters, Room No. 105 in the Stewart Building, has become too small, an 1 is very lars ($800), payable quarterly, the lessor to pay for the Croton water used on the much overcrowded. We, therefore, ask that the adjoining room, No. 103, which is vacant at the premises, and to furnish sufficient steam to heat the said premises-the Commis- present time, be rented for our use. Said room is suitable, has a floor space of 705 sioners of the Sinking Fund deeming the said rent fair and reasonable and that it square feet, and the yearly rental asked is $1,300. would be for the interests of the city that such lease be made. Respectfully, The report was accepted and the resolution unanimously adopted. WM. HEPBURN RUSSELL, EDWARD OWEN, Commissioners of Accounts. The following communication was received from the Department of Street Cleaning relative to the lease of premises on Jamaica avenue, near Gillen place, Bor- NEW YORK, November 5, 1902. ough of Brooklyn: To the Honorable Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of The City of New York: NEW YORK, September 19, 1902. Gentlemen-We herewith present further details regarding the necessities for Hon. SETH Low, Mayor, Chairman Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners: additional room for our Engineering Department, for which we recently made appli- cation to yo,ur Honorable Board. SIR-I desire the consent and approval of your Board, pursuant to section 541 of Room, 105, which we now occupy, contains 705 square feet, and is used as a the Greater New York Charter, as amended, for a lease from Frank D. Creamer, of general engineering office, also as a cement-testing and physical laboratory, but all that piece or parcel of land bounded and described as follows: owing to so large a part of the floor space being taken up by desks, closets for the Beginning at a point on the northeast corner of Jamaica avenue and Gillen keeping of necessary records, atlases, etc., there is not sufficient desk room for all place; thence northerly along the easterly line of Gillen place 25o feet; thence of the men employed in the engineering department; also, several physical instruments. easterly at right angles to the easterly line of Gillen place roo feet; thence southerly which are used in the examination of materials for construction, cannot be set up parallel with the easterly line of Gillen place 193 feet ix inches, more or less, to the permanently owing to the lack of room. northerly line of Jamaica avenue; thence southwesterly along the northerly line of For the same reason, therefore, our drawing table, which is frequently used, can Jamaica avenue 114 feet 8% inches, more or less, to the point or place of beginning: only be set up and used by moving the desks. excepting, however, the portion thereof on which is now situated a hotel consisting Room 104, which is used as our Chemical Laboratory, contains only 446 square of a strip of land 25 feet 9 inches in width, extending northerly along the westerly feet, and owing to the great accumulation of work in that line, the specimens of side of Gillen place 150 feet from the northwest corner of Jamaica avenue and which have to be preserved, more room for storage purp.o,ses and that examinations Gillen place, for a term of ten (to) years from the date of occupancy at an annual may be carried on more advantageously is required. rental until the ist day of May, 1903, of $3,500, payable quarterly, and thereafter for We trust that this further information will be sufficient. the remainder of the said term of all of the said premises without exception whatever Respectfully, at the annual rental of $4,000, payable quarterly; it being understood that the ex- WM. HEPBURN RUSSELL, isting lease from William F. Donovan to The City of New York for the use of the EDWARD OWEN. Department of Street Cleaning, dated the 29th day of July. 190x, with the consent Commissioners of Accounts. and approval of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, dated the loth day of June, 1901, as follows: The room required is on the third floor in the Stewart Building, Chambers "Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby approve of and street front, and contains an area of 700 square feet, which is at the rate of $1.85 per consent to the execution of a lease to the City by the Commissioners of Street square foot per annum, which I consider reasonable and just. Cleaning from William F. Donovan of the plot of ground in the Borough of Brook- EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer, Department of Finance. lyn, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of October 3r, 1902. Jamaica avenue, 28 feet 8 inches east of the easterly line of Gillen place; running thence northerly and parallel with Gillen place 236 feet; thence easterly at right Approved: angles with the easterly line of Gillen place 6o feet; thence southerly and parallel EDWARD M. GROUT. Comptroller. with the easterly line of Gillen place 202 feet 4 inches, more or less, to the northerly line of Jamaica avenue; thence westerly along the northerly line of Jamaica avenue In connection therewith the Comptroller offered the following resolutions: 58 feet 9%2 inches, more or less, to the point or place of beginning; with the stable Resolved, That the Corporation Counsel be and is hereby requested to pre- to be erected thereon in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to pare a lease to the City, from Horace Russell and Edward D. Harris, Executors and this Board for a term of ten (to) years from the completion and occupancy of said Trustees under the will of Henry Hilton, deceased, of Room No. 103 in the Stewart stable at an annual rental of $3,000, payable quarterly ; the lessor to put and keep the premises in good tenantable condition and to pay all ground taxes; the City to pay Building, No. 28o Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, for the use of the Commis- for water used on the premises-the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund deeming sioners of Accounts, for a term from the date of occupation to May 1, 1903, at a the said rent fair and reasonable, and that it would be for the interest of the City rental at the rate of thirteen hundred dollars t$I,3oo) per annum, otherrrise upon the that such lease be made," same terms and conditions as contained in the existing lease of certain rooms, offices -and which said lease has since been assigned by said William F. Donovan to the said Frank D. Creamer shall be cancelled and surrendered at the execution and de- and apartments new occupied by the various City Department in said building; and livery of the proposed lease; the lessor to put and keep the premises in good tenant- the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund deeming the said rent fair and reasonable, able condition and to pay all ground taxes; the City to pay for the water used on and that it would be for the interests of the City that such lease be made, the Comp- the said premises. troller• is hereby authorized and directed to execute the same when prepared and It will be perceived that the existing lease referred to above consists of a strip approved by he Corporation Counsel, as provided by sections 149 and 217 of the of land running through the said premises, and it is proposed to cancel said lease and to take one lease from Mr. Creamer for the entire land, from now until the first Greater New York Charter. of May next, excluding the above-mentioned hotel and its appurtenances, and there- Which was unanimously adopted. after for the remainder of the term the entire plot of ground as dscribed above. Respectfully, JOHN McG. WOODBURY, Commissioner. The following communication was received from the Department of Street Clean- In connection therewith the Comptroller presented the following report and ing relative to a lease of premises No. 231 Bowery, Borough of Manhattan: offered the following resolution: October io, 1902. NEW YORK, October 15, 1902. I-Ion. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller: lion. SETH Low, Mayor, Chairman Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners: Sit-Hon. John McGaw Woodbury, Commissioner of Street Cleaning, in com- Sta-I request the consent and approval of your Board for a lease, pursuant to munication under date of September 19, 1902, requests the Commissioners of the Section 541 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, from Stephen G. Thomas, Sinking Fund to cancel the lease of premises, used as a Street Cleaning Department of the rear store of premises known as No. 231 Bowery, with entrance thereto through stable on Jamaica avenue (6o feet by 202 feet and 4 inches-236 feet by 68 feet 9,A the freight hallway for a term of one (I) year beginning December 20, 1902, for the inches) 28 feet 8 inches east of Gillen place, Borough of Brooklyn, authorized by the use of the Department of Street Cleaning, at an annual rental of $800, payable quar- Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, June 20, 1901, for a term of to years from Oc- terly; the lessor to put a partition around the stairway so as to enclose the said store tober 28, 1901, date of occupation, at $3,000 per annum ; lessee, Frank Creamer, as- from the hallway and stairway and to place in said partition an orainary door; the signee of Wm. F. Donovan, and the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund are requested lessor to pay for the Croton water used on the premises and to furnish sufficient steam to authorize a lease from Frank D. Creamer, of all that piece or parcel of land heat to warm the said premises. bounded and described as follows: The store is about 47 feet by 6o feet and contains two radiators. "Beginning at a point on the northeast corner of Jamaica avenue and Gillen This proposed lease is for a section station to take the place of that at No. 167 place; thence northerly along the easterly line of Gillen place 25o feet; thence east- Chrystie street now leased from the Henry C. Miner estate and which expires on the erly at right angles to the easterly line of Gillen place too feet; thence southerly 19th of December next. parallel with the easterly line of Gillen place 193 feet it inches, more or less, to the Respectfully, northerly line of Jamaica avenue; thence southwesterly along the northerly line of JOHN McG. WOODBURY, Commissioner. • Jamaica avenue 114 feet 8% inches, more or less, to the point or place of beginning; 7830 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902.

excepting, however, the portion thereof on which is now situated a hotel consisting Map of the Fifteenth Ward, Borough of Brooklyn, Land Map section 9, Block 2781; of a strip of land 25 feet g inches in width extending northerly along the westerly assessed valuation (1902), $5,600. side of Gillen place 150 feet from the northwest corner of Jamaica avenue and Gillen I am of the opinion that the rent reserved, viz., $1,600 per annum, is full, and place, for a term of ten (to) years from the date of occupancy at an annual rental after advising the owner that you would not approve of a new lease at so high a until the first day of May, 1903, of $3,500, payable quarterly, and thereafter for the rental, but would seek other quarters for the accommodation of the Court unless a remainder of the said term of all of the said premises without exception whatever material reduction thereon was made, he has submitted to you an offer in writing at the annual rental of $4,000, payable quarterly." to accept the sum of $1,350 per annum after May 18, 1903. The proposed lease includes the premises described in the original lease, and I would therefore recommend that the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund a strip of land 14 feet 6 inches by 193 feet it inches-202 feet 4 inches easterly of the authorize a lease of the premises on the southwest corner of Manhattan avenue said premises originally leased, also a strip 25 feet 9 inches by 236 feet-25o feet on (formerly Ewen street) and Powers street, known as No. 249 Manhattan avenue, Gillen place. Borough of Brooklyn, for the use of the City Magistrate's Court, Fifth District, The hotel on the northeast corner of Jamaica avenue and Gillen place is not to Second Division, for a term of five years from May 18, 1902, the annual rental for be included until May I, 1903. On occupation of the hotel it is proposed to give up the first year to be at the rate of $1,o, payable quarterly, and the annual rental for the premises No. 2495 Atlantic avenue, leased for sectional stations Nos. 24 and 25, at each of the succeeding four years to be at the rate of $1,350, payable quarterly, the $300 per annum. owner, John Auer (No. 8o9 Willoughby avenue, Brooklyn), to keep the premises in The additional land will be of great benefit to the Department of Street Cleaning, repair both inside and outside during the said term and to pay the water tax. affording space for a yard and giving a rear entrance from Gillen place. The hotel Respectfully, when repaired and thoroughly painted will make suitable quarters for sectional sta- EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer. tions. Approved: The rentals asked are full, but not excessive, and I think the Commissioners of EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller. the Sinking Fund may properly authorize the lease as requested by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning. Resolved, That the Corporation Counsel be and is hereby requested to pre- I would advise that the lease require the hotel to be thoroughly renovated and pare a lease to the City, from John Auer, of the premises on the southwest corner painted outside and inside, and ready for occupation by May r, 1893. of Manhattan avenue (formerly Ewen street) and Powers street, known as No. 249 Respectfully, Manhattan avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, for the use of the City Magistrate's Court, EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer. Approved: Fifth District, Second Division, for a term of five years from May 18, 1902, at an EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller. annual rental for the first year at the rate of sixteen hundred dollars ($1,600), payable quarterly, and the annual rental for each of the succeeding four years at the rate of thirteen hundred and fifty dollars ($1,350), payable quarterly, the owner to keep the premises in repair, both inside and outside, during the term of the lease, and to pay the water tax-and the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund deeming the said rent fair and reasonable, and that it would be for the interests of the City that said lease be made, the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to execute the 1_93: 1/ " 7 same, when prepared and approved by the Corporation Counsel, as provided by 4 sections 149 and 217 of the Greater New York Charter. The report was accepted and the resolution unanimously adopted. 2 Seo7y spy The following communication was received from the President of the Borough 237-1-air of The Bronx relative to a lease of premises at One Hundred and Seventy-fifth street and Anthony avenue, Borough of The Bronx: NEW YORK, October 22, 1902. Hon. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller: DEAR SIR-Mr. Joseph Pickard, the Property Clerk of this borough, reports to me Li 48:4' ! 36 01, that by some inadvertency the lease of the Mount Hope Stable, situated at One 4=',-ez.,..; ,Zrepe.e.-Z ki Hundred and Seventy-fifth street and Anthony avenue, has not been renewed this c‘i 0 ': / '5. e'.(--j 2<.5-for year, due, as he informs me, to the absence of Mr. Schmenger, the lessor, in Europe, about May 1 of this year. 250:0 " I would respectfully suggest that the Sinking Fund Commissioners authorize the renewal of the lease for one year from May I, 1902, as the use of the premises is re- GILL EN quired for the Bureau of Highways in this borough. Yours truly, Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby approve of and LOUIS F. HAFFEN, President of the Borough of The Bronx. consent to the execution, by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning, of a lease to the The above lease was authorized for a term of one year from May t, igloo, with City, from Frank D. Creamer, of all that piece or parcel of land in the Borough of the privilege of four annual renewals, at $42o per annum. The terms are reasonable, Brooklyn, bounded and described as follows: and I would recommend that the lease be renewed for one year from May 1, 1902, Beginning at a point on the northeast corner of Jamaica avenue and Gillen place; with the privilege of two further renewals of one year each. thence northerly along the easterly line of Gillen place 250 feet; thence easterly at EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer, Department of Finance. right angles to the easterly line of Gillen place, um feet; thence southerly parallel October 24, 1902. with the easterly line of Gillen place 193 feet, II inches, more or less, to the northerly In connection therewith the Comptroller offered the following resolution: line of Jamaica avenue; thence southwesterly along the northerly line of Jamaica Resolved, That the Comptroller be and is hereby authorized and directed to exe- avenue 114 feet, 8% inches, more or less, to the point or place of beginning; except- cute a renewal of the lease to the City, from J. P. Schmenger, of premises on the ing, however, the portion thereof on which is now situated a hotel consisting of a south side of East One Hundred and Seventy-fifth street (Prospect place), between strip of land 25 feet, 9 inches in width, extending northerly along the westerly side Anthony avenue and Crane place (now Clay avenue), Borough of The Bronx, occu- of Gillen place 150 feet from the northwest corner of Jamaica avenue and Gillen place. pied by the Bureau of highways of the President of the Borough of The Bronx, for -for a term of ten years from the date of occupancy at an annual rental until the a term of one (t) year from May I, 1902, with the privilege of two (2) further re- first day of May, 1903, of thirty-five hundred dollars ($3,500), payable quarterly, and newals of one (I) year each, at a rental of thirty-five dollars ($35) per month; other- thereafter for the remainder of the said term of all of the said premises without wise upon the same terms and conditions as contained in the existing lease-the exception whatever, at the annual rental of four thousand dollars ($4,000), payable Commissioners of the Sinking Fund deeminn- the said rent fair and reasonable, and quarterly; the lessor to thoroughly renovate and paint the hotel building, both out- it would be for the interests of the Cit,, that such lease be made. side and inside, to put and keep the premises in good tenantable repair, and to pay Which was unanimously adopted. all ground taxes; the City to pay for the water used on the premises and the hotel building to be ready for occupation by May I, 1903-the Commissioners of the Sinking The Comptroller presented a report of the Engineer of the Department of Fund deeming the said rent fair and reasonable and that it would be for the interests of the City that such lease be made; and Finance, relative to a request of the Register of the County of New York for a lease Pearl street, southwest corner Resolved, That upon the execution and delivery of the above-mentioned lease, of quarters in the Hallenbeck Building, Nos. 497-503 the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby approve of the cancellation and sur- of Park street, Borough of Manhattan, pending the completion of the new Hall of render of the existing lease of a part of these premises, authorized by the Com- Records. missioners of the Sinking Fund at meeting held June 20, 1901, for a term of ten Laid over. years, from October 28, 1901, at three thousand dollars ($3,000) per annum. The report was accepted and the resolution unanimously adopted. The Comptroller presented the following statement and resolution relative to a transfer of one million dollars ($1,000,000) from "Interest" to "Redemption Fund": November t, 1902. The Comptroller presented the following report and offered the following reso- Hon. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller: lution, relative to a lease of premises No. 249 Manhattan avenue, Borough of SIR-I hereby certify that the available cash balance in the City Treasury to the Brooklyn, for the City Magistrate's Court, Fifth District: credit of the "Sinking Fund for the Payment of Interest on the City Debt," at the close of business, October 31, 1902, was $1,199,250.73. October 24, 1902. Respectfully, Hon. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller: JOSEPH HAAG, Chief Bookkeeper. Sin-A five year lease from John Auer to the City of Brooklyn, of premises on the southwest corner of Manhattan avenue (formerly Ewen street) and Powers Resolved, That a warrant payable from the "Sinking Fund for the Payment of street, known as No. 249 Manhattan avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, at an annual Interest on the City Debt" be drawn in favor of the Chamberlain, for the sum of one rental of $1,600, payable quarterly, expired on May 18, 1902. million dollars ($1,000,000), to be by him deposited in the City Treasury to the credit The premises have been and are occupied by the City Magistrate's Court, Fifth of the "Sinking Fund for the Redemption of the City Debt No. thereby transfer- District, Second Division, On September 16, 1902, Hon. Frank E. O'Reilly, a Jus- ring the amount of surplus revenue of the "Sinking Fund for the Payment of Interest tice of said Court, in reply to a communication of August 4, 1902, from this Depart- ment, states that a renewal of said lease would seem advisable; that there is no on the City Debt" to the "Sinking Fund for the Redemption of the City Debt No. i," probability of the City erecting a building for Court uses in that district in the near pursuant to section 209 of the Greater New York Charter. future; that the premises now occupied are fairly well adapted for the purposes; that Which resolution was unanimously adopted. he saw no reason why they should not be taken for another term of five years, pro- vided the owner would make certain necessary repairs. At my request, Mr. Frank J. Helmle, Superintendent of Public Buildings and Offices, Borough of Brooklyn, caused an examination of the premises to be made The following communication was received from the Department of Health, rela- for the purpose of ascertaining the nature and extent of such alterations and repairs tive to a lease of premises Nos. 54 and 56 Water street, Stapleton, Borough of Rich- as were necessary to put the building in a good and tenantable condition. A copy mond: of his report and recommendations is attached hereto. NEW YORK, October 23, 1902. Mr. John Auer, the owner, has agreed in writing to attend to and complete at Hon. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller of The City of New York: once all the alterations and repairs as recommended in said report, which he esti- SIR-At a meeting of the Board of Health of the Department of Health, held mates will cost about $800. The building is of brick, 25 feet 5 inches front and rear and 37 feet in depth, October 22, 1902, it was basement and two stories in height, with an extension 25 feet 5 inches by 37 feet 6 Resolved, That application be and is hereby made to the Honorable the Commis- inches, two stories in height, connected with the main building. The lot, 25 feet 5 sioners of the Sinking Fund for a lease for one year from November t, 1902, with inches by 74 feet 6 inches, is known as Lot No. I, on Block 63 on the Assessment privilege of renewal, of premises Nos. 54 and 56 Water street, Stapleton, Borough of


Richmond, City of New York, to be used by this Department as headquarters for said BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. Borough, the rental to be at the rate of one thousand three hundred dollars ($1,3oo) per annum, including janitor service, water, light and heat. A true copy. Abraham & Straus 3 75 John Lockitt 3 00 C. GOLDERMAN, Secretary. Trow Directory, Printing and McDermott-Bunger Dairy Co 283 25 Bookbinding Co 7 5c The I. S. Remsen Manufacturing In connection therewith the Comptroller presented the following report and offered Co. 712 00 the following resolution: John W. Buckley 15 00 West Disinfecting Co 40 00 Eimer & Amend 6 30 E. A. Watts 36 50 November 3, 1902. Emil Greiner Ix 40 A. D. Matthews Sons 35 76 Hon. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller: George E. Saulnier 5 00 Hodgman Rubber Co 7 38 SIR—The Board of Health of the Department of Health, City of New York, on The I. S. Remsen Manufacturing Benjamin Boulger 500 00 October 22, 1902, adopted a resolution requesting the Commissioners of the Sinking Co. 96 60 Arthur C. Jacobson & Sons 242 58 Fund to authorize a lease of premises at Stapleton, Borough of Richmond, as head- S. 0. Barnett 35 00 quarters for the Department in said borough. I have caused an examination of the premises to be made, and would report that they consist of the store floor and part of the cellar of a new three-story brick build- ing, 5o feet by 6o feet, known as Nos. 54 and 56 Water street, north side, between BOROUGH OF QUEENS. Wright and Beach streets, at Stapleton, Borough of Richmond. The building is just completed, is heated by steam; the store floor is about 36 feet 6 inches by 53 feet 4 inches, containing about 1,922 square feet, which, at the annual The N. Y. & N. J. Telephone Co. I18 97 Standard Oil Co. of New York 17 50 rental asked, viz., $1,300, gives a rate per square foot per annum of 67 cents. N. Y. & Queens Electric Light A. F. Bromnacher & Co. 1 50 The lot is part of Lot No. 619 OM feet by irregular), Plot 4, Volume 1, Ward 2, and Power Co 17 5o J. & T. Adikes 27 37 Borough of Richmond; assessed valuation (1901) before erection of present building, R. M. Outwater I 55 William P. Thompson 3 21 $8,000. Estimated cost of building, $17,000; estimated value of land, $5,000 ; total, Charles J. Tagliabue 18 00 C. A. Cornell 10 ge $22,0oo. Miller & Deckinger 8 70 T. F. Archer 3 75 The upper floors are arranged for dwelling apartments, which are expected to George A. W. Brown & Co 48 so Morrell & Menchen 28 00 produce a rental of $984, which with that of the store floor will give a total gross James T. Lewis 4 51 George A. W. Brown & Co i 00 inco,me for the building of $2,284. West Disinfecting Company 20 62 Beers & Cornell 32 97 The present headquarters of the Department of Health are located on the first Richard V. Martin 12 00 The N. Y. & N. J. Telephone Co. 14 25 floor in the Richmond Building, corner of York street and Richmond Terrace, New Frank Faeth 10 00 Brighton. The President of the Borough of Richmond, in a communication dated October 3, 1902, addressed to Dr. John T. Sprague, Assistant Sanitary Superintendent, a copy of which is hereto attached, having special need of increased facilities for the various BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. bureaus connected with his office, has asked the Department of Health if it cannot secure quarters elsewhere than in the Richmond Building. Pursuant to this request the proposed premises at Stapleton have been selected, A. F. Brombacher & Co 15o Ed. Stewart 10 50 and are recommended by the Health Department as being in all respects convenient West Disinfectant Company 7 oo The Morey-La Rue Laundry Co. 1 25 and affording full and adequate accommodations for the work of the Department. Schieffelin & Co 4 95 G. H. Widmer I 50 I am of the opinion that the terms of the proposed lease are reasonable and Standard Oil Co. of New York.. 18 75 Emil Greiner 17 00 just, and I would therefore recommend that the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund Stanley & Donnelly 8 87 Percival K. Nichols 2 00 authorize a lease of the store floor and part of the cellar of premises known as Nos. 54 and 56 Water street, Stapleton, Borough of Richmond, for the use of the Depart- ment of Health, as headquarters in said borough, for a term of one year from Communication from the Assistant Corporation Counsel, recommending the dis- November 1, 1902, with privilege of renewal at an annual rental of $I.3oo, payable continuance of the suits named in his report. quarterly. Owner, Charles Braun, to furnish light, heat and janitor service. In the event of the approval of this lease, and the removal of the Health De- On motion, it was partment to these premises, said Department should formally turn over to the Com- Resolved, That the Corporation Counsel be and is hereby requested to dis- missioners of the Sinking Fund the rooms vacated in the Richmond Building at continue without costs the actions against the following named persons for violations New Brighton, and the President ,of the Borough of Richmond should make applica- of the Sanitary Code and of the Health Laws, the Inspector having reported the order tion to said Commissioner that the same may be duly assigned for his use. therein complied with, or the nuisance complained of abated, a permit having been granted or violations removed, or the order rescinded, to wit: Respectfully,

EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer. Approved: Names. No. Names. No. EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller.

Resolved, That the Corporation Counsel be and is hereby requested to prepare Mary Meyer 263 Adolph Hupfel 749 a lease to the City, from Charles Braun, of the store floor and part of the cellar of Bertha Schneider 1255 Moses Taylor 759 premises known as Nos. 54 and 56 Water street, Stapleton, Borough of Richmond. Atlas Improvement Co 1543 The Security Trust and Life In- William G. Mulligan 13 surance Co for the use of the Department of Health as Headquarters in said Borough, for a term 791 Adolph G. Hupfel 69 Mary Booth 808 of one year from November I, 1902, with the privilege of a renewal, at an annual Adolph G. Hupfel 244 College Point Ferry Co 823 rental of thirteen hundred dollars ($1,300), payable quarterly ; owner to furnish light, William G. Mulligan 245 David Keane 844 heat and janitor's service; and the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund deeming the Isaac Kahn 486 Adolph G. Hupfel 855 7 Mary Hoeft said rent fair and reasonable, and that it would be for the interests of the City that William L. Barnes. 48 897 Albert J. Patterson 497 Louisa E. Roth 899 such lease be made, the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to execute the John Jordan 499 William Whittaker 904 same when prepared and approved by the Corporation Counsel, as provided by sec- John Himmel 5oo John Geiger 910 tions 149 and 217 of the Greater New York Charter. Lee W. Greiner 516 Christiana Fisher 918 The report was accepted and the resolution unanimously adopted. Washburn Wire Works 542 Sigmund Sladkus 922 John O'Neill 558 John W. Haaran 934 •■ •••••■■■•■■•••■ John Matthews 607 Adolph Herker 936 William Stonebridge 649 George Freeborn 942 Adjourned, to meet at 2.30 o'clock on Wednesday, November 12, 1902. Alfred Trenkman 679 Daniel B. Freeman 943 James Murray 685 Samuel Kahn 951 N. TAYLOR PHILLIPS, Secretary. Charles A. Barwise 710 James Corbett 960

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OF THE CITY OF SANITARY BUREAU. NEW YORK. The following communications were received from the Sanitary Superintendent: 1st. Weekly reports of the Sanitary Superintendent. Ordered on file. 2d. Weekly reports from the Willard Parker, Reception, Riverside and Kingston New York, September 24, 1902. Avenue Hospitals. Ordered on file. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. 3d. Report on changes in the hospital service. Present—Commissioners Ernst J. Lederle, Ph. D. (President), Alvah H. Doty, On motion, it was M. D. (the Health Officer of the Port). Resolved, That the following changes in the hospital service be and are hereby The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. approved: Willard Parker Hospital. The Finance Committee presented the following bills, which were approved and ordered forwarded to the Comptroller for payment: Name. Position. Salary. Change. Data BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN.

Alice Elmore Domestic (Laundress) $168 Resigned Sept. 80902 Names. Amount. Names. Amount. Hannah McGrath It x68 Sept. 13, 1902 Hannah Flynn Id 168 Appointed.... Sept. 9, 1902

R. M. Outwater $6 75 R. M. Outwater i 92 Id Kate Hester 168 " .... Sept. 16, 1902 William O'Toole 26 55 Arthur McGerald 25 00 New York Ladder Co 6 6o Clover Farms Co 146 98 Anna J. Hutchinson Nurse 36o Leave of absence without pay Keuffel and Esser Co 4 56 R. M. Outwater i 00 from Sept. 22 to Oct 12 Charles F. Beck 2 oo Clover Farms Co 51 53 Budde & Westermann 3 3o W. & B. Douglas 12 50 Colton, Ohman & Co 5 oo R. M. Outwater 6o George Schilpp 10 25 Ernst Leitz TO 8o Riverside Hospital. W. N. Thayer Co 28 42 Hornthal & Co . 18 oo William P. Baker Co 2 25 Charles Renzland 140 00 P. E. Brooks 7 so Emil Greiner 1o8 70 Nellie Duffy Domestic (Wd. Helper) 168 Resigned Sept. 14, 1902 Rose Carroll 168 Sept. 14, 1902

Agnes Duiganan Nurse 420 Sept. 15, 1902 BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. Agnes Wilson Domestic (Laundress) 168 Sept. 76, 1902 Annie Coby (Wd. Helper) x68 Appointed Sept. 16, 1902

George W. Pouder 167 oo Thomas Hagan 165 9C Minnie Hanley 168 Sept. 16, 1902 Clover Farms Co 344 18 Henry J. Boes 500 Or dal The J. W. Craw Laundry Ma- John Cox 530 or Elizabeth Robinson (Laundress) 168 Sept. 16, 1902 chinery Co 96o oo A. Siefermann 740 oc James Neal Assistant Carpenter 360 Sept. 78, 7902


Kingston Avenue Hospital. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN.

14288. To board and care for one child at No. 152 Fourth avenue. Theresa Brennan Nurse 360 Salary reduced 14289. No. 56/ Nevins street, 1902 No. 137 Franklin street. from Sept. 17, 1 4290. To use a smoke-house at 1429s. To keep 2 chickens at No. 434 Fifty-first street. Nellie Cusick 36o Resi gned Sept. 17, 1902 14292. To keep 8 chickens at Benson avenue, near Bay Fourteenth street. 14293. To keep 15 chickens at No. 176 Cook street. Lizzie Boland Domestic (Laundress) at 6 Sept. 22, 1902 54294. To keep 25 chickens at No. 1137 Fifty-seventh street. 54295. To keep so chickens at Home Crest avenue, between Avenue V and Neck Thomas M. Carey Driver 720 Appointed.... Sept. t6, 1902 road. 54296. To keep 7o chickens at Troy avenue and Fennimore street. 44 44 Lewis E. Whittemore.. 720 Sept. 16,1902 14297 To keep about 200 chickens at No. 138 Watkins street, until October 1, 1902. 14298. To keep 8 chickens at No. 600 Vandyke street. I/ 14 Rochester avenue, south of East New York ave- Richard M, Shannon... 720 Sept. rs, 5902 8o6. To keep 40 cows at nue. et id Thomas M. De Peyster. 720 Sept. Is, 1902 BOROUGH OF QUEENS. 4th. Reports on applications for leave of absence. 14299. To board and care for two children at No. To6 Congress street, Flushing. 14300. To keep so chickens at No. 298 St. Nicholas avenue, Ridgewood. On motion, it was 14305. To keep 50 fowl at Marion street near Payntar avenue, Long Island City. Resolved, That leave of absence be and is hereby granted as follows:

22 to October I2, 1902, without pay. Anna J. Hutchinson, from September Reports on application for store and wagon permits for the sale and delivery 5th. Certificates in respect to the vacation of premises at east side of Albany of milk in The City of New York. venue, first house south of Fort Independence road, Kingsbridge, Borough of The 3ronx; Nos. To to 12 Liberty avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, and No. 54 Gordon On motion, it was treet, Borough of Richmond. Resolved, That the following permits for the sale and delivery of milk in The City of New York be and the same are hereby granted: On motion the following preamble and resolution were adopted: Whereas, The Sanitary Superintendent has certified to this Board that the build- BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. ng situated upon lot on east side of Albany avenue, first house south of Fort Inde- pendence road, Kingsbridge, in the Borough of The Bronx, has become dangerous Stores. to life by reason of want of repair, and is unfit for human habitation because of de- fects in the plumbing and draining thereof, and because of the existence of a nuisance No. No. in the premises which is likely to cause sickness among its occupants: 3937 No. g8 Seventh avenue. 3053 No. 2355 Third avenue, Ordered. That all persons in said building situated on lot east side of Albany 6767 No. 626 Hudson street. 3156 No. 770 Greenwich street. tvenue, first house south of Fort Independence road, Kingsbridge, in the Borough 4383 No. 418 East 119th street. 3285 No. 234 West Thirty-fifth street. if The Bronx, be required to vacate said building on or before September 30, zoo?, 181 No. 1738 Madison avenue. 3385 No. 1693 Second avenue. or the reason that said building is dangerous to life by reason of want of repair, and is 913 No. 348 East ro4th street. 3406 No. 64 Charles street. infit for human habitation because of defects in the plumbing and drainage thereof, 1022 No. 509 West Fifty-first street. 3469 No. 2417 First avenue. ind because of the existence of a nuisance on the premises likely to cause sickness 1136 No. 374 Bleecker street. 3512 No. 187 Tenth avenue. imong its occupants. 1199 No. 226 West Sixty-second street. 3698 No. 187 Hester street. And further, that this order be affixed conspicuously on the front of and in said 1203 No. 62 Amsterdam avenue. 4138 No. 16 Hancock street. milding and be served as the law requires, under the direction of the Sanitary 1244 No. 341 East 106th street. 4725 No. 158 West Seventeenth street. superintendent. 1258 No. 1750 Second avenue. 4853 No. 359 East 112th street. Whereas, The Sanitary Superintendent has certified to this Board that the build- 1293 No. 236 East io8th street'. 5457 No. 62 Seventh avenue. ngs situated upon lots Nos. to and 12 Liberty avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn, 1215 No. 37 First street. 6184 No. II Varick street. have become dangerous to life and are unfit for human habitation because of defects 1349 No. 941 First avenue. 7422 No. 599 West Forty-second street. n the plumbing thereof, and because of the existence of a nuisance on the premises 1373 No. 355 East 113th street. 10132 No. 416 East 124th street. which is likely to cause sickness among its occupants: 1514 No. 182 Seventh avenue. 10138 No. 256 East 125th street. Ordered, That all persons in said buildings situated on lots Nos. To and 12 Liberty 1750 No. 1829 Second avenue. 10337 No. 534 Hudson street. 'venue, in the Borough of Brooklyn, be required to vacate said buildings on or be- 1943 No. 86 Cannon street. 11342 No. 431 East Fifteenth street. 'ore September 30, 1902, for the reason that said buildings are dangerous to life and 2074 No. 420 West Fifty-third street. 9787 No. 27 Avenue B. Ire unfit for human habitation because of defects in the plumbing thereof, and be- 2251 No. 534 Fifth street. 11155 No. 128% Monroe street. muse of the existence of a nuisance on the premises likely to cause sickness among 2264 No. 905 Second avenue. 12207 No. 309 East Eighty-third street. is occupants. 2437 No. 215 East Twenty-sixth street. 12415 No. 337 Lenox avenue. And further, that this order be affixed conspicuously on the front of and in said 2653 No. 106 Suffolk street. 12332 No. 2293 First avenue. mildings, and be served as the law requires, under the direction of the Sanitary 2698 Nos. 94-96 Varick street. 11743 No. 131 Amsterdam avenue. superintendent. Whereas, The Sanitary Superintendent has certified to this Board that the build- Wagons. ng situated upon lot No. 54 Gordon street, in the Borough of Richmond, has become iangerous to life by reason of want of repair, and is unfit for human habitation be- 2691 No. 626 Madison avenue. 2692 No. 626 Madison avenue. muse of defects in the plumbing and drainage thereof. and because of the existence of BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. I nuisance on the premises which is likely to cause sickness among its occupants: Ordered, That all persons in said building situated on lot No. 54 Gordon street, Stores. in the Borough of Richmond, be required to vacate said building on or before September 30, 1902, for the reason that said building, is dangerous to life by reason No. No. of want of repair, and is unfit for human habitation because of defects in the plumbing 6o8 No. 806 Westchester avenue. 1228 No. 351 Willis avenue. and drainage thereof, and because of the existence of a nuisance on the premises 871 No. 801 Westchester avenue. 1229 No. 1006 Tinton avenue. likely to cause sickness among its occupants. 1220 No. 946 Washington avenue. 1230 Washington avenue and 171st And further, that this order be affixed conspicuously on the front of and in said 1221 No. 473 Willis avenue. street. building and be served as the law requires, under the direction of the Sanitary 1222 No. 461 Willis avenue. 1231 No. 530 East 136th street. Superintendent. 1223 No. Ioii Washington avenue. 1232 No. 3047 Third avenue. 1224 No. 3859 Third avenue. 1233 No, 961 Teller avenue. 6th. Report on compliance with certain orders to vacate premises, etc. 1225 Briggs avenue, near Fourth ave- 1234 No. 609 East 150th street. nue, Williamsbridge. 1235 No. 120 Trinity avenue. On motion, it was 1226 No. 1033 East 137th street. 1236 No. 761 Elton avenue. Resolved, That the following orders be and are hereby rescinded, for the reason 1227 No. 688 Courtlandt avenue. 1237 No. 1504 Brook avenue. that the causes for the same have been removed: Wagons. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. 215 No. 66o East 138th street. 217 No. 66o East 138th street. No. 11802. No. 238 East Twentieth street. 216 No. 66o East 138th street. 218 No. 66o East 138th street. No. 14003. No. 171 West Ninety-eighth street. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. Stores.

Nos. 945 and 946. Northwest corner Bronx and Pelham parkway and Williams- No. No. bridge road. 5471 No. 196 Irving avenue. 5510 No. 68 Belmont avenue. 7th. Reports on applications for permits. 5472 No. 126 Summit street. 55" No. 688 Sixth avenue. 5512 No. 197 Freeman street. On motion, it was • 5473 No. 1833 Fulton street. 5474 No. 2468 Pitkin avenue. 5513 No. 684 Sixth avenue. Resolved, That permits be and are hereby granted as follows: 5475 No. 1840 Broadway. 5514 No. 369 Bushwick avenue. 5476 No. 473 Marcy avenue. 5515 No. 232 York street. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. 5477 No. 126 Bridge street. 5516 Nos. 2-4 East Fifth street. 5478 No. 6S Adams street. 5517 No. 31 'Tompkins avenue. 5479 No. 142 Plymouth street. 5518 No. 1106 Fourth avenue. No. Business Matter or Thing Granted. On Premises At. 5480 No. 66 Stockholm street. 5519 No. 1328 Gates avenue. 5481 No. 968 Myrtle avenue. 552o No. 140 Dumont avenue. 5482 No. 510 Fourth avenue. 5521 No. Ito North Seventh street. :4269. To manufacture carbonated waters at.... Nos. 78-80 Bank street. 5522 14270. .... No. 308 Stanton street. 5483 No. 511 Central avenue. No. 399 Atlantic avenue. 14271. „ .... No. 43o Eleventh avenue. 5484 No. 849 Marcy avenue. 5523 No. 170 Fifth avenue. 14272. .... No. 413 West Sixteenth street. 5485 No. 306 Reid avenue. 5524 No. 686 Henry street. 14273. 44 ... 4 Nos. 526 to 53o West Thirty-eighth street. 5525 No. 62 Underhill avenue. 14274. .... No. 526 East Eighty-second street. 5486 No. 648 Myrtle avenue. 14275. 44 . . • . No. 313 East Eighty-third street. 5487 No. 196 Georgia avenue. 5526 No. 717 Myrtle avenue. 14276. .... No. 202 East One Hundred and Third street. 5488 Miller and Belmont avenues. 5527 No. 153 Ninth street. 14277. .... One Hundred and Sixty-eighth street and Amster- dam avenue. 5489 No. 150 Liberty avenue. 5528 No. 125 Fourth avenue. 54278. To board and care for one child at No. 88 Oliver street. 5490 No. 407 East New York avenue. 5529 No. 209 Scholes street. 14279. To board and care for two children at No, 305 East Seventy-eighth street. 549r No. 5o Sumner avenue. 5530 No. 235 Wyckoff avenue. 5492 No. 112 Varet street. 5531 No. 266 Front street. 5493 No. 104o Bedford avenue. 5532 No. 455 Broadway. 5494 No. 1421 Bedford avenue. 5533 No. 9 Bergen street. BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. 5495 No. 94 Seventh avenue. 5534 No. ,o8 Roebling street. 5496 No. 97 Sandford street. 5535 No. 225 North Sixth street. 5536 No. 374 14280. To manufacture and bottle mineral waters 5497 No. 664 De Kalb avenue. Atlantic avenue. at Nos. 558-56o St. Ann's avenue. 5498 No. 607 Sixth avenue. 5537 Rockaway avenue and Bainbridge. 14281. To manufacture and bottle mineral waters 5499 No. 389 Seventh avenue. 5538 No. 710 Fourth avenue. at No. 1570 Tinton avenue. 55,39 No. 704 Decatur street. 24282. To manufacture and bottle mineral waters 5500 No. 725 Sixth avenue. at No. 466 East One Hundred and Thirty-fifth street. 5501 No. 385 Keap street. 554° No. 427 Hicks street. 14283. To keep 6 chickens at No. 4 Trafalgar square, West Farms. 5502 No. 493 Seventh avenue. 5541 No. 273 Division avenue. 54284. To keep 12 chickens at Boston road, Bronxdale. 5503 No. 385 Hicks street. 5542 No. 47 Division avenue. 14285. To keep 13 fowl at East One Hundred and Forty-seventh street and Southern Boulevard. 5504 No. 784 Park avenue. 5543 No. 58 Devoe street. 14286. To keep 20 chickens at West side Broadway, south of Church street. 5505 No. 477 Sumner avenue. 5544 No. 135 North Ninth street. 54287. To keep 40 chickens at Boston road, Bronxdale. 5505 No. 684 Henry street. Gates and Covert avenues. 8o5. To keep a cow at Northeast corner Unionport road and Miana street, 5545 Van Nest. 5507 No. 698 Evergreen avenue. 5546 No. 1341 Third avenue. 5508 No. 197 Boerum street. 5547 No. 103 Metropolitan avenue. • 5509 No. 169 Siegel street. 5548 No. 93 Gerry street.


3385. No. 43 Eldridge street. 5549 No. 29 Hudson avenue. 5575 No. 223 Smith street. 46 3406. No. 64 Charles street. 5550 No. 154 North Ninth street. 5576 No. 365 Humboldt street. 3469. 46 No. 306 East One Hundred and Fifth street. 5551 No. 266 Degraw street. 5577 Nos. 171-173 Jay street. 3512. No. 187 Tenth avenue. 5552 No. 316 Smith street. 5578 No. 642 Grand avenue. 3698. 6 6 No.-142 East Houston street. 4138. No. 148 West Houston street. 5553 No. 387 Court street. 5579 No. 198 Albany avenue. 472 5. No. 150 West Seventeenth street. 5554 No. 366 Grand street. 558o No. 165a Fourth avenue. 4853. No. 412 East Eleventh street. 5555 No. 502 Grand street. 5581 No. 208 St. Nicholas avenue. 5457. No. 62 Seventh avenue. 6184. No. 11 Varick street. 5556 No. 429 Marcy avenue. 5585 No. 1538 DeKalb avenue. 7422. 64 No 438 West Thirty-seventh street. 5557 No. 183 Harrison avenue. 5583 No. 116 Underhill avenue. 10132. No. 420 East One Hundred and Twenty-fourth 5558 No. 223 Lee avenue. street. 5584 No. 91 Schenectady avenue. 10138. No. 254 East One Hundred and Twenty-fifth 5559 No. 58o Wythe avenue. 5585 No. 1538 De Kalb avenue. street. 556o No. 280 Grand street. 5586 No. 122 Fifth avenue. 1C337. No. 422 Hudson street. 5561 No. 577 Driggs avenue. 5587 No. 134 Osborn street. 11342. No. 431 East Fifteenth street. 9787. No. 27 Avenue B. 5562 No. 1803 Atlantic avenue. 5588 No. 2716 Atlantic avenue. 11155. No. i28V, Monroe street. 5563 No. 777 Gates avenue. 5589 No. 1712 Pitkin avenue. 12207. No. 309 East Eighty-third street. 12115. No. 337 Lenox avenue. 5564 No. 598 Wythe avenue. 5590 No. 391 Knickerbocker avenue. 12332. No. 1979 Third avenue. 5565 No. 864 Bedford avenue. 5591 No. 629 Marcy avenue. 11743. 44 No. 131 Amsterdam avenue. 5566 No. 24 Lafayette street. 5592 No. 66 Flatbush avenue. 5567 No. 44 Clymer street. 5593 No. 923 Gates avenue. 5568 No. 524 Graham avenue. 5594 No. 297 South Third street. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. 5569 No. 382 Manhattan avenue. 5595 Bath avenue and Bay Eleventh 5570 No. 274 South Fourth street. street. 5571 No. 279 Jay street. 5596 No. 167 Fifth avenue. 0666. To board and care for 2 children at No. 291 South Fourth street. 5572 No. 190 Dean street. 5597 No. 857 Myrtle avenue. 5573 No. 174 Irving avenue. 5598 No. 254 Hamilton avenue. BOROUGH OF QUEENS. 5574 No. 220 Lynch street. 5599 No. 38 Grand street. On motion, it was 12290. To board and care for 3 children at No. 56 Merrick road, Jamaica. 1209.7 " No. 23 Franklin street, Jamaica. Resolved, That permits be and are hereby denied, as follows: 72988. To board and care for 2 children at No. 35 Puntine street, Jamaica.


No. Business Matter or Thing Denied. On Premises At. 14239. To keep 7 chickens at No. 29 Fingerboard road, Fourth Ward. :824. To board and care for i child at No. 414 East One Hundred and Twenty-fourth street. 1825. To manufacture carbonated waters at.... No. 455 East Tenth street. 8th. Reports on applications for relief from orders. 1826. No. 421 East Twelfth street. 1827. 64 44 No. 143 East Sixteenth street. 1828. Nos. 505-513 East Seventeenth street. On motion, it was 1829. No. 212 West Twenty-sixth street. Resolved, That the following orders be extended, modified or rescinded, as fol- 1830. Nos. 334.336 East Thirty-first street. 1831. No. 348 West Forty-fourth street. lows: 1832. No. 613 West Forty-seventh street. 1833. To use artesian well water at No. go East Third street. Borough of Manhattan. 1834. To sell milk at City of New York, Borough of Manhattan. 1835. No. 509 \Vest Fifty-fifth street. 322 Pleasant avenue, extended to October 7902. 1836. No 417 Third avenue. 16695. No. 1837. No. 164 East One Hundred and Sixth street. 77339. No. 246 West One Hundred and Forty-fourth street, extended to October i, 1838. No. 99 Hester street. 1902. 1839. No. 15 Monroe street. 77564. No. 107 West Fourteenth street, extended to October t, 1902. 1840. No. 1337 Third avenue. 1841. No. 1514 Lexington avenue. 1842. No. 2028 First avenue. Borough of The Bronx. 1843. No. 6o6 Eleventh avenue. 1844. No. 514 \Vest Forty-eighth street. 1891. No. 141 Pleasant avenue, Williamsbridge, extended to October 15, 1902. 1845. No. 446 West Fifty-third street. 1960. No. 301 St. Ann's avenue, extended to October 16, 1902. 1846. No. 655 Eleventh avenue. 1966. Northwest corner One Hundred and Forty-ninth street and Trinity avenue, extended to October 16, 1902. BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. 2022. No. 465 Robbins avenue, extended to October 16, 1902. Borough of Brooklyn. 1847. To keep 3 chickens at No. 938 East One Hundred and Sixty-eighth street. 3727. No. 200 Throop avenue, extended to October I, 1902. 1848. To keep to chickens at No. 347 Forrest avenue. 1849. No. 2011 Valentine avenue. 1850. No. 75o East One Hundred and Sixty-seventh Borough of Queens. street. 1851. To keep 52. chickens at No. 627 East One Hundred and Seventy-ninth 1130. No. 509 Broadway, Long Island City, extended to October 15, 1902. street. 1154. Jamaica avenue, corner Sinclair street, Flushing, extended to October r, 1902. 1852. To keep 18 chickens at One Hundred and Forty-seventh street and South- ern Boulevard. 1853. To keep 3o chickens at Nu. 917 Intervale avenue. Borough of Manhattan. 10616. 200 feet north of Spring street on Marion street. 12914. No. 1930 Third avenue. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. 16008. No. 65 East One Hundred and Twentieth street. 17150. No. 138 West Sixty-sixth street (rear). 7434 No. 504 West One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street. 1854. To keep and sell live chickens at No. 366 Wallabout street. 7 1855. To keep 5 chickens at No. 25911 Sunnier avenue. 1856. To keep 6 chickens at No. 162 Calyer street. Borough of The Bronx. 1857. No. 543 Marcy avenue. 1858. To keep 8.chickens at No. 317 Atlantic avenue. 759. Bailey avenue and Macomb street. 1859. No. 8o Meeker avenue. 1519. Wolf and Brich streets. 186o. To keep io„chickens at No. 1484 Bergen street. 1 861 . No. 826 l'ark avenue. 7223. Nos. 681 to 691 East One Hundred and Forty-seventh street. 1862. To keep 12., chickens at No. 479 Broadway. 1781. No. 886 East One Hundred and Eighty-seventh street. • 1863. No. 529, Morgan avenue. 7782. No. 888 East One Hundred and Eighty-seventh street. 1864. No. 25754 Twentieth street. 1865. To keep 20 chickens at No. 212 Greene street. 7862. No. 1072 East One Hundred and Seventy-sixth street. 1866. To keep 25 chickens at No. 741 Flushing avenue. 2066. Barretto Point. 1867. No. 182 Tompkins avenue. 2077. Classon Point 1868. To keep 5 cows at East side Snedeker avenue, 250 feet south of New Lots road. 2072. Classon Point. 1869. To keep ‘? cows at New Lots road, east of Rockaway avenue. 2083. Hunts Point. 1870. Snedeker avenue, near New Lots road. 2098. Westchester avenue and Classon avenue. 1871. To keep to cows at Snedeker avenue, near Hegeman. 1872. To keep 12 cows at flegeman and Louisiana avenue. 2099. Classon Point. 1873. To keep 14 cows at Snedeker avenue, near Hegeman. 1874. To keep 15 cows at Ilegeman and Louisiana avenue. Borough of Richmond. 1875. '1'o keep 20 cows it New Lots road, near Rockaway avenue. 1876. Rockaway avenue and New Lots road. 823. No. 42 Canal street, Second Ward. 1877. To keep 28 cows at Rockaway avenue and New Lots road. 873. East side Water street, Second Ward. 874. No. 19 Water street, Second Ward. 875. No. 23 Water street, Second Ward. On motion, it was 876. No. 25 Water street Resolved, That the following permits be and the same are hereby revoked: 877. No. 27 Water street, Second Ward. 932. Corner Roe street and Carey avenue, First Ward. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. On motion, it was Resolved, That the following applications for relief from orders be and are hereby No. Business Matter or Thing Revoked. On Premises At. denied: Borough of Manhattan.

580. To sell and deliver milk at No. 450 West Fifty-third street. 16238. No. 505% East Seventy-fifth street. 1544. No. 418 West Fifty-fifth street. 16989. No. 87 Sixth avenue 1179. No. 534 West Fifty-first street. 9593. No. 65 Mangin street. Borough of The Bronx. 914. No. 402 East Twelfth street. 6767. No. 991 East One Hundred and Fifty-second street. 1657. No. 571 East One Hundred and Thirty-third street. 4383. No. 2389 Second avenue. 1959. West side of Poe place, fourth house north of Coles plaecneu, e7ordham. 66 No. 181. 168 Chrystie street. 2111. Northwest corner Southern Boulevard and Decatur avenue. 913. No. 307 East One Hundred and Tenth street. 1022. 66 No. 906 Second avenue. 1136. 64 No. 241 Eldridge street. Borough of Brooklyn. 1199. No. 275 Mott street. 1203. 41 No. 1370 First avenue. No. 113 South Third street. 41 No. 249 Mulberry street, 1691. No. 276 Twentieth street. 1241. 44 4120. 12515. No. 1243 Third avenue. 1293. No. 211 East Seventy-third street. Borough of Richmond. 1215 No. 21 Stanton street. 46 1349. No. 417 East Seventy-second street 1017. No. 28 Elm street, Port Richmond, Third Ward. No. 2209 First avenue. 1373. 64 1514. No. 524 Mott street. 1029. No. 79 Fingerboard road. Rosebank. 175o. No. 1829 Second avenue. 1943. No. 876 First avenue, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. 2074. No. 299 Mott street. 2257. No. 838 East One Hundred and Thirty-eighth 1St. Weekly reports from the Assistant Sanitary Superintendent of the work street. performed in the Borough of Manhattan. Ordered on file. 2264. No. 241 Mulberry street. 2437. No. 239 East Twenty-sixth street. Division of Inspections. 2653. No. 804 Third avenue. 269. Nos. 94-96 Varick street. 2d. Weekly reports of the Chief Inspector. 3053. No. 2355 Third avenue. (a). Weekly report of work performed by Sanitary Police. Ordered on file. No. 906 Second avenue. 3205. 3d. Reports on applications for leave of absence. 7834 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902.

On motion, it was A report of the Sanitary Superintendent in respect to the conditions existing in Resolved, That leave of absence be and is hereby granted as follows: the Borough of Queens for the removal of garbage at Far Rockaway by Louis I. Joseph P. O'Reilly, September 16, 1902. Walters, Jr., and the Secretary was directed to forward a copy of said report to the W. F. Young, September 18, 19o2. contractor and to the Comptroller of The City of New York. Harry G. Doran, September 2o, 1902. A report in respect to the seizure at the Union Stock Yards of cows affected 4th. Report of violation of section 63 of the Sanitary Code. with tuberculosis, and the Secretary was directed to forward copies of the same to The Secretary was directed to notify the persons named in said report that a the Commissioner of Health of the State ,qf New York. repetition of the offense will be sufficient cause for the revocation of their permits. A copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, Division of Contagious Diseases. transferring the sum of $516.66 from the appropriation made to the Tenement House Department to the Department 0E Health, Borough of The Bronx, was received and 5th. Weekly reports of the Chief Inspector. ordered on file. (a). Monthly reports of charitable institutions. A report of an examination of articles worn out and unfit for use at the Reception (b). Reports of inspections of discharged patients from Riverside Hospital. Hospital, with recommendation that the same be condemned and ordered destroyed, Ordered on file. which recommendation was approved and the articles ordered destroyed. 6th. Reports on applications for leave of absence. On motion, it was A report in reference to Order No. 807 on premises on the south side of Sterling Resolved, That leave of absence be and is hereby granted as follows: place, near Bedford avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, and the Secretary was directed to Isabel A. Church, M. D., from September 20 to 22, 1902. respectfully request the Superintendent of Buildings to dump clean cellar earth on said lots, as recommended by the Assistant Sanitary Superintendent of this Depart- Division of Bacteriology. ment in the Borough of Brooklyn. Communications from the Assistant Sanitary Superintendent of this Department 7th. Weekly report of the Pathqlogist and Director of the Bacteriological in the Borough of Brooklyn in respect to the delivery of coal at the Kingston Laboratories. Ordered on file. Avenue Hospital in said borough by Contractor Marcks, which were ordered on file. 8th. Reports on application for leave of absence. A report concerning the possibility of using buckwheat coal in the boiler room On motion, it was of the Kingston Avenue Hospital, Borough of Brooklyn, which was ordered on file. Resolved, That leave of absence be and is hereby granted as follows: A report in respect to ambulance loaned to the Department of Health by St. Robert J. Wilson, M. D., from September 17 to September 24, 1902. Peter's Hospital, Borough of Brooklyn, which was ordered on file. Letchworth Smith, M. D., from September 22 to September 29, 1902. A report in respect to the killing of a bull on the Westchester road, in the Division of Chemistry Borough of The Bronx, which was ordered on file. A report submitting names of physicians for appointment as Ambulance Surgeons, 9th. Weekly report of the Chief Inspector. Ordered on file. and on motion, it was BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. Resolved, That the following-named persons be and are hereby appointed Ambu- lance Surgeons in this Department, Borough of Brooklyn, to serve with compen- Weekly reports from the Assistant Sanitary Superintendent of the work per- sation: formed in the Borough of The Bronx. Ordered on file. John Francis Ranken, M. D. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. Winfield S. Pugh, M. D. Arthur Doig, M. D. Weekly reports from the Assistant Sanitary Superintendent of the work Arthur W. Day, M. D. performed in the Borough of Brooklyn. Ordered on file. Clayton Sharp, M. D. Gilbert McIntosh Atkin, M. D. BOROUGH OF QUEENS. Fiske Wood, M. D. 1st. Weekly reports from the Assistant Sanitary Superintendent of the work Edwin Fiske, M. D. performed in the Borough of Queens. Ordered on file. Clarence Falkowsky, M. D. 2d. Reports on applications for leave of absence. John H. Wilkie, M. D. Archibald Delap Smith, M. D. On motion, it was Victor Seymour Pier, M. D. Resolved, That leave of absence be and is hereby granted as follows: A report in respect to the identification of George F. Rogers, who was arrested Charles B. Story, M. D., from August is to September 22, 5902. in the Borough of Brooklyn for falsely impersonating an officer of the Tenement BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. House Department, which was ordered on file. A communication from the Su -ervisor of the City Record in respect to furnish- 1st. Weekly reports from the Assistant Sanitary Superintendent of the work ing additional printed lists of contagious diseases, which was referred to the Secretary. performed in the Borough of Richmond. Ordered on file. A report of analysis of water from the North Beach Pumping Station, anti the Secretary was directed to forward a copy of said analysis to the Department of Water BUREAU OF RECORDS. Supply, Gas and Electricity. The following communications were received from the Registrar of Records: A copy of a resolution of the Board of Aldermen was received in respect to fixing the salaries of Telephone Operators in the Department of Health; also a ist. Weekly report. Ordered on file. copy of resolution of the Board of Aldermen, calling the attention of this Department to the annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic at Washington, which 2d. Reports on applications to record corrected certificates. were ordered on file. On motion, it was A report in respect to immigrants ill with contagious diseases and cared for by Resolved, That permission be and is hereby given to record corrected certifi- the Department. Referred to the President. cates relating to: A communication was received from Deputy Comptroller Stevenson in respect Joseph Vavro, married July 27, 5902. to the appropriation of $75,000 made to the Department of Health for repairs and John Bumbal, married August so, 1902. alterations to buildings, which was ordered on file. Paul Valuch, married August 17, 1902. A communication was received from Assistant Chief Clerk Crqwly of the Bor- Stephen Milcek, married August 24, 1902. ough of Queens in respect to indexing of records of births, marriages and deaths, Henry J. Scheideler, married September to, 1902. which was referred to the Registrar of Records. George L. P. Golar, born July 21, 1895. A copy of resolution of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund was received Andre C. H. Golar, born October 2, 1901. from the Secretary, authorizing lease of premises No. 277 Avenue C, Borough of Marie L. Golar, born April 3o, 1902. Manhattan, which was ordered on file. Aneita T. Mitchell, born July 31, 5902. An application was received from Clerk Annie M. McDermott for increase of Julia Ann O'Meara, born September 6, 1902. salary, which was ordered on file. George Rattigan, died June 4, 1880. An application was received from John McGowan and Jacob Russ, Elevator At- Angelina Graffeo, died March 6, 1901. tendants, for increase of salary, which was ordered on file. Fanny Maras, died May 4, 1902. An application was received from Dennis Crown, Laboratory Attendant, for in- Matthias Furstein,'died June 2, 1902. crease of salary, which was ordered on file. Patrick H. Dunn, died August I, 1902. Stableman Patrick Milan, against whom charges were preferred, appeared be- Michael McDonough, died August 26, 5902. fore the Board and was heard, and the case was laid on the table for further con- Ella Schroeder, died September 1, 1902. sideration. Guiseppe Consentino, died September 3, 1902. Dominico Raimondo, died September 3, 1902. On motion, it was Munzio Pontillo, died September 3, 5902. Resolved, That application be and is hereby made to the Honorable the Corn- Alexandria Nadniemenski, died September II, 1902. missioners of the Sinking Fund for the lease of a store room one story high 24 Frances L. Wemmell, died September II, 1902. by 12, on premises No. 690 Warren street, Borough of Brooklyn, owned by H. E. John Mansfield, died September 18, 1902. Kemper, at above address, with rental at the rate of $144 per annum, said lease to Cosima Freno, died September 3, 1902. extend one year, with privilege of renewal, the room to be used by this Department for the storage of disinfectants. 3d. Reports on applications to file delayed and imperfect certificates. On motion, it was On motion it was Resolved, That, under the power conferred by law upon the Board of Health of Resolved, That the Registrar of Records be and is hereby directed to file in the the Department of Health of The City of New York, section 5 of the Sanitary Code, volume of "Delayed and Imperfect Certificates" the following certificates: for the security of life and health, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as Maria P. F. Emmerich, born August 26, 1880. follows: Mathilda Stegherr, born September 23, 1883. Section 5. That the word "physician" shall include dentists and every other Maria S. Guanes, born March is, 1884. person who practices about the cure of the sick qr injured, or who has the charge of, Felix Geisman, born November x8, 1885. or professionally prescribes for, any person sick, injured or diseased, and any person Matilde S. Guanes, born March 18, 5887. who pursues the business of or acts as midwife; that the phrase "contagious disease" Miguel S. Guanes, born May 28, 1888. shall be held to include all persons sick, affected or attacked by or of a disease of an Rose Stulken, born July 31, 1888. infectious, contagious or pestilential nature (more especially, however, referring to Isidore Levy, born August 13, 1896. cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, chickenpox,diphtheria (including membranous Fannie Brodowsky, born September 2o, 1896. croup), ship or typhus, typhoid, spotted, relapsing and scarlet fevers, measles, acute Gertrude Maguire, born December 57, 1896. and chronic ophthalmia (trachoma), pertussis (whooptngcough), and also including George R. Crieghton, married June 3, 1901. any new disease of an infectious, contagious or pestilential nature), and also any other disease declared by this Board dangerous to the public health; and every MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS, COMMUNICATIONS. ETC. physician in said City shall at all times cause his or her name, office and residence, and also his or her kind and class of practice, to, be registered within the Bureau of The weekly statement of the Comptroller was received and ordered on file. Records and in a manner according to the regulations prescribed by this Board. The following communications were received from the Sanitary Superintendent: On motion, it was A report of inspection of New York City milk supply in the towns of Preble, Resolved, That the Secretary be and is hereby directed to forward a copy of Homer, Little York, Cortlandt, Kingsley, Nicholson, Carlisle and Foster, which was section 5 of the Sanitary Code, as amended, to the "City Record" for publication ordered on file. once a week for two weeks, as required by law. A report of inspection of condition of creameries and care of milk at Hurleyville, Sullivan County, N. Y., and the Secretary was directed to notify 0. C. Smith, of On motion, it was Hurleyville, and Anton Koester, of No. 5o9 West Fifty-fifth street. Manhattan, New- Resolved, That the President be and is hereby authorized to open bids or pro- York City, of the conditions reported. posals for furnishing the Department of Health with supplies or repairs to buildings, A report of the Sanitary Superintendent in respect to the erection by the De- etc., on behalf of the Board, and to tabulate the same and to report thereon to the partment of Street Cleaning of a crematory for the destruction of garbage and Board at a regular meeting next thereafter or at a meeting specially called to receive refuse in the Borough of '1 he Br,nx Lt Rider avenue and One Hundred and Fortieth such report and to act thereon. street, in said borough; and, on motion, it was Resolved, That the Board of tIealth approves of the location selected by the On motion, it was Department of Street Cleaning for the erection of a crematory for the destruction of Resolved, That the following-named person be and is hereby appointed in this garbage and refuse in the Borough of The Bronx, at Rider avenue and One Hun- Department, pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Municipal Civil Service dred and Fortieth street, in said borough. Commission, with salary and designation as follows: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902. THE CITY RECORD. 7835

BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. the building approved for manufacturing purposes, after providing such fire escapes or outside stairways as your Board may order. Ur. Paul Starrett appeared before the Board. Date On motion, laid over; appellant being directed to file drawing showing ideas of Entrance verbally presented. Name and Residence. Official Designation. Salary. Into Service. Appeal No. 306—On presentation of report and on motion, appeal was denied. Appeal No. 307—Alteration No. 1307 of 1902, premises Nos. to and 12 Catherine E. Helen Knight, M. D., No. 46 West street, Manhattan, Max Muller, Esq., architect and appellant; One Hundred and Twenty-fourth To allow the building to be altered for the purposes of a lodging house without Street Medical Inspector .$1,200 oo Sept. 22, 1902 inserting an additional flight of stairs. The building covers only about 3,050 square feet, of which about 2,200 square feet are usable after deducting stairhall, elevator and walls; is ten stories high and con- On motion, it was structed entirely fireproof, and is provided with wide fireproof stairs running up to Resolved, That the following changes in the service of this Department he and the roof, and which are inclosed with 6 inch thick fireproof partitions in each story. are hereby approved, as hereinafter designated: The building is also provided with a large passenger elevator inclosed in 6 inch fire- proof partitions and having solid fireproof doors to all openings. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. There will be provided two additional fire escapes in all stories. The floors except the second will be used as open dormitories, thus giving ready access to every one of the different exits in case of fire, besides the building being Name and Residence. Official Designation. Salary. Change. advantageously situated, facing streets and a public square on three sides. Mr. Max Muller appeared before the Board. S. K. Bremner, M. D., No. 163 West On motion, denied. Seventy-third street Medical Inspector $1,200 00 Leave of absence Appeal No. 308—Alteration No. 1492 of 1902, premises Nos. 465, 467 and 469 West as granted from Aug. as Broadway, Manhattan, Messrs. Parfitt Bros., architects and appellants; to Sept. 26, so We respectfully ask the Honorable Board of Examiners to authorize a waiver of amended as to 1902, on Application 1492, made read Aug. 21 the following objections, as per list dated October 20, to Sept. 8, by the Superintendent of Buildings, Borough of Manhattan, relating to building here- 1902. with mentioned. Objection I. The appellant desires a modification or waiver of section zo5 of the Code, to permit the erection of an additional story on the present non-fireproof build- On motion, it was ing, for the reasons set forth in our application to the Superintendent of Buildings. Resolved, That the following-named persons be and are hereby appointed in this Objection 2. We claim our application for an additional mansard story constructed Department, pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Municipal Civil Service of metal steel and fireproof blocks is strictly within the meaning of section 27 of the Commission, with designation and salary as follows: Code. Objection 3. We ask modification of the requirements of section 32 of the Code. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. for the reason that foundation walls of building proposed to be altered are thicker than are required for building 75 feet high, being of the thickness as required for building too feet high. The building with and including additional story will be only 87 feet Date high. Name and Residence. Official Designation. Salary. of Entrance The walls are built of good hard brick laid in cement, and is now plumb and true, Into Service. and for the uses to which such building is now or can ever be put to is abundantly strong. John J. O'Shea, No. 242 Hart street.. Disinfector $750 00 Seat. 22,-1902. Mr. W. E. Parfitt appeared before the Board. William J. Goodwin, No. 48 East On motion, denied. Eighty-eighth street, Manhattan Disinfector 750 00 Sept. 22, 1902. Appeal No. 309—Alteration No. 1596 of 1902, premises No. 133 West Forty-first B-2. street, Manhattan, E. E. Gandolfo, Esq., architect and appellant; Joseph E. Begg, No. 426 East Seven- To be allowed to build the extension as per plans and specifications now on file teenth street, Manhattan Disinfector 750 00 Seitt .22, 1902. at Bureau of Buildings for the Borough of Manhattan. George Barrie, No. 35o East Fifty--fifth Mr. E. E. Gandolfo appeared before the Board. street, Manhattan Disinfector 750 00 Sept.E- 23, 1902. On motion, approved. Patrick F. Conlon, No. 232 East Thirty- Appeal No. 310—Alterations No. 1345 and 1411 of 1902, premises No. i8 and 20 eighth street, Manhattan Disinfector 750 00 Sept. 23, 1902. West Thirty-first street, Manhattan, Benj. W. Levitan, Esq., architect and appel- B-2. lant; Patrick J. Griffin, No. 448 West Forty- ninth street, Manhattan Stenographer and Typewriter 900 00 Sept. 23, 1902. The Superintendent of Buildings has approved the plans, and it is now intended to increase the building 9 feet 6 inches in height, making the extra story a bachelor apartment. I respectfully request that I may classify the building as a "studio" building, with On motion, it was store in ground floor only. Resolved, That the following change in the service of this Department be and is I have built walls of new extension to conform to Code for "dwelling house" hereby approved, as hereinafter designated: only, and I have increased the thickness in one story. The new walls are built up in Portland cement mortar, making good solid walls. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. The old walls and building is well built ; the walls are laid up in hard lime mortar and cement in some cases. Where the two independent center walls are built they are bonded together, making this a solid 2 foot wall. Name and Residence. Official Designation. Salary. Change. The building will be occupied as follows: Ground floor, art store; Second floor, leather or burntwood studio; Anna C. Cary, Kingson Avenue Hos- pital Matron $600 oo Resigned to take Third floor, architect studio. effect Oct. 10, Fourth floor, bachelor apartments, six rooms; 1902. Fifth floor, bachelor apartments, six rooms; Sixth floor, studio. On motion, it was The second and third floors will be subdivided as the tenants may require, but in Resolved, That the following-named person be and is hereby appointed in this no case will the building be used for machinery or loft purposes. Department, pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Municipal Civil Service Mr. Benj. W. Levitan appeared before the Board. Commission, with designation and salary as follows: On motion, approved. Appeal No. 311—Alteration No. 3916 of 1902, premises No. go Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn, Messrs. Cohn & Mandiberg, appellants; We pray your Honorable Board to allow us to build an extension 25 feet wide, 18 Date Name and Residence. Official Designation. Salary. of Entrance feet deep, 3 stories in height, as the main building shown on plans and situated at the Into Service. rear of said main building. Section 142 of the Building Code permits us to make the extension 15 feet deep, but this would not be sufficient for the purpose we intend to Sarkis H. Abkarian, M. D., No. 235 use the building for, and we would like to make the extension 3 feet deeper than East Eighty-sixth street, Manhattan.. Medical Inspector $1,200 oo Sept. 22, 5902. allowed. R- I. We also propose to build a one-story brick extension in the rear of the proposed three-story frame extension, to the depth of 5 feet from the rear line. As the first and second floors are to be used for business purposes only, and the On motion, it was building will not be used as a tenement, we contend that it is possible for us to do so. Resolved, That the Tenement House Commissioner be and is hereby respectfully On motion, approved. requested to recommend to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment the transfer On motion, the Chairman was authorized to communicate with the Commissioners of the funds necessary to pay the Sanitary Policemen and Inspectors of this Depart- of the Sinking Fund, requesting the renewal of lease of the Board officers from Jan- ment who are employed in tenement house work in the Borough of The Bronx for uary I, 1903. the month of October, the sum of $516.66, as follows: Adjourned. JAMES GAFFNEY, Clerk. Salaries $400 00 Sanitary Police 116 66 Total $516 66 LAW DEPARTMENT. On motion, the Board adjourned. C. GOLDERMAN, Secretary. LAW DEPARTMENT. The following schedules form a brief extract of the transactions of the office of BOARD OF EXAMINERS_ the Corporation Counsel for the week ending October 25, 1902, as required by section

1■111,■■• 1546 of the Greater New York Charter: Note—(The City of New York or the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of The November 5, 1902. City of New York is defendant unless otherwise mentioned). Preseim—Messrs. William J. Fryer, Warren A. Conover, Cornelius O'Reilly, Chief Edward F. Croker, William C. Smith and A. F. D'Oench (Chairman). SCHEDULE "A." Meeting called to order at 2 p. m. Suits and Special Proceedings Instituted. Minutes of meeting of October 28th ultimo read, and on motion, approved. Appeal No. 288—On presentation of report and on motion, appeal was denied. Appeal No. 301—Laid over at last meeting, amendment filed on October 29th Register When ultimo; Court. and Corn- Title. Nature of Action. In further explanation of our application for the removal of the clause from our Folio. menced. building permit to the effect that there will be no manufacturing in the building, we would state that our object in making this application is to avoid the necessity of Supreme. 36 493 Oct. 20, 1902 Hove, Frederick.... Personal injuries, fall, hole in flagstone, putting two more staircases in this building, as it would be very detrimental to the Kings Co.. Smith street, Brooklyn, $5,000. building for the purpose for which it is intended. We would respectfully call your attention to the fact that the building has a large stairway at each end leading directly • • 36 494 Oct ao, Igoe Schlivinski, Charles, Mandamus to compel filing of one com- by guardian (ex plete list to whom teachers' license to an outside street, and that the elevators and stairways are enclosed from top to bot- rel.), vs. William H No. t has been issued. tom of the building by a fireproof inclosure. Maxwell, etc The floors of the building are of cement, and as stated to yon previously, the SUMMe. • ,2B 283 Oct. so, goa Strauss, Isidor and Certiorari to review assessment on real building is figured for a live load of 150 pounds on the second floor and above, and for ano. (ex re.), vs. estate for 1902. 200 pounds on the first floor, and has been passed by the Building Department for a James L. Wells, manufacturing building, with the exception of the stairways. We would like to have etc.


_ 36 499 Oct. 20, 1902 Aldrich, Emulous A. Personal injuries, fall, Central Park " 37 69 Oct. 24, 7902 Donovan. Timothy.. For breach of contract for purchase of West, between Ninety-third and land on One Hundred and Fourteenth Ninety-fourth streets, $2,000. street, $20,000.

Supreme, 36 500 Oct. 20, 1902 Driscoll, Stephen.... Personal injuries, fall, Bedford avenue, " • • 37 70 Oct. 24, 1902 Boeckel, William A., To foreclose mortgage on premises Nos, Kings Co.. near South Third street, $10,000. vs. Thomas Eagle- 38 and 40 Morton street. ton et al Supreme.. 36 495 Oct. 20, 1902 Beck, Joseph et al.. Damage to property, bursting of water pipe at Hudson and Chambers streets, •• 37 71 Oct. 24, 1902 Moynihan, Daniel C Certiorari to review dismissal from posi- $678.50. (ex rel.), vs. John tion of Captain, Police Department. N. Partridge, etc " .. 36 496 Oct. 20, 1902 Chovey, Charles L Damage to property, bursting of water et al pipe at Hudson and Chambers streets, Supreme, 37 72 Oct. 24, 1902 Burrell, Catherine B For award for parcel No. 1, Pitt street $3,147.61. App. Div. (Matter of)... school site.

" 36 497 Oct. 20, 1902 Dunstan, Eugene W. Damage to property, bursting of water " • • 37 73 Oct. 24, 1902 McGinnis, Joseph For award for parcel No. 2, Pitt street pipe at Hudson and Chambers streets, (Matter of) ... school site. 41,947.24. Municipal. 37 74 Oct. 24. 1902 O'Keeffe John A., Summons only served. City 36 498 Oct. 20, 1902 Morrison, James, vs. Fersonal injuries, fall, wooden bridge vs. Charles D. Charles A. Cowen on Fifth avenue, $2,000. Blatchford, etc.... et al :ity 37 75 Oct. 24, 1902 Brodie, Joseph F.... Salary as Axeman, General Improve- Supreme, 37 1 Oct. 27, 1902 Central Congrega- Damage to church building, defective ment Commission, Long Island City, Kings Co tional Society of sewer arrangement of Public School $81.35. Brooklyn vs. The 3, $1,352.96. City of New York Supreme.. 37 76 Oct. 24, 1902 Stone, Louisa M.. vs. To foreclose mortgage on premises No. et al John J. Moriarty 166 West Fourth street. et al Supreme 37 2 Oct. 21, 1902 Hoe, Robert, and ano Damage to building caused by mob, $870.10. " • • 37 77 Oct. 24, 1902 Momsen, Rudolph Salary as Lampman, Department of Highways, $1,108. " • • 37 3 Oct. 21, /902 McEnroe, Eugene J. Mandamus to compel reinstatement as (ex rel.), vs. James Deputy 'fax Commissioner. " • • 37 78 Oct. 25, 1902 Alles, Louis ... Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- L. Wells et al., etc. partment, overtime work, $1,800. Oct. 25, 1902 Bunn, John Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- 4 Oct. 21, 1902 Fisher, John 1.) For services as Notary Public, Depart- ° • • 37 79 ° • • 37 ment of Highways, $1,200. partment, overtime work, $1,800. Oct. 25, 1902 Blunt, William Supreme, 37 5 Oct. 22, 1902 Pfadenhauer, Mar- Damage to property, flooding of cellar, • • 37 79 Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- Kings Co garet $500. partment, overtime work, $1,800. Oct. 25, 19oz Bosky, George 6 Oct. 22, 1902 Diflo, Caroline Damage to premises, flooding of cellar, • 37 79 Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- ° • • 37 $5oo. partment, overtime work, $125. 25, Boone, Eli Supreme, 37 7 Oct. 22, 1902 King, Margaret, vs, Personal injuries, fall, obstruction in " .. 37 8o Oct. 1902 Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- Queens Co. The City of New street, Vernon avenue, $5,500. partment, overtime work, $1,150. York et al " .. 37 8o Oct. 25, 1902 Dunn, William Salary as Driver. Street Cleaning De- partment, overtime work, $750. City 37 8 Oct. 22, 1902 Lakely, Emma A Personal injuries, fall, temporary bridge, Fifth avenue and Eighteenth street, $2,000. • • 37 80 Oct. 25, 1902 Eckrich, John Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- partment, overtime work, $1,boo. Supreme, 37 9 Oct_C . 22, 1902 Schroeder, Richard Summons only served. " • • 37 81 Oct 25, 1902 Hummer, Henry.... Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De• Kings Co partment, overtime work, $1,500. 11 to Oct. 22, 1902 Holmgren, Ellen Summons only served. 37 " 37 131 Oct. 25, 1902 Hart, Dempsey Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- 14 partment, overtime work, $1,200. • • 37 to Oct. 22, 1902 Du Bois, Percy 3d• • Summons only served. Summons only served. " .. 37 81 Oct. 25, 1902 Hoffman, Albert Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- • • 37 to Oct. 22, 1902 McCabe, E. Powell partment, overtime work, $7,300. 14 • • t 7 Oct. 22, 1902 Crandall, Peleg C Summons only served. 37 " 37 82 Oct. 25, 7902 Kalbfleisch, Christian Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De• A. partment, overtime work, $200. • • 37 II Oct. 22, zgoa Zepp, William A Summons only served, Summons only served. .. 37 82 Oct. 25, 1902 Lawrence, George Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- • • 37 Oct. 22, 2902 Stewart, Florence H partment, overtime work, $1,500. Summons only served, • • 37 12 Oct. 22, 2902 Gieschen, Henry. • • • .. 37 82 Oct. 25, 1902 Leftwich, Clay Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- partment, overtime work, $7,800. • • 37 12 Oct. 22, 1902 Schilling, Lizzie Summons only served. 411 .. 37 83 Oct. 25, 1902 McArdle, Patrick • Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De. 14 • • 37 12 Oct. 22, 1902 Hahn, Maria Summons only served. partment, overtime work, $1,000. •• 37 13 Oct. 22, 1902 Hahn, Louisa Summons only served. " 37 83 Oct. 25, 7902 Murdaugh, Henry Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- partment, overtime work, $1,800. . 14 • • 37 13 Oct. 22. 1902 Pfund, John T Summons only served. " • • 37 83 Oct. 25, zgo2 Monaco, Paolo Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- U. S. Dist. 37 45 Oct. 22, 1902 Booth, Alfred W Summons only served. partment, overtime work, $1,800. et al " • • 37 84 Oct. 25, 1902 Marturano, Giovanni. Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- Supreme 37 46 Oct. 22, 1902 Vinanzini, Sante Summons only served. partment, overtime work, $1,800. • • 37 47 Oct. 22, 1902 Zinzi, Samuel Summons only served. " .. 37 84 Oct. 250902 Riley, Edward Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- partment, overtime work, $7,80o. • • 37 47 Oct. 22, 1902 Parnuto, Antonio Summons only served. " • • 37 84 Oct. 25, 1902 Sparks, Joseph H Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- • • 37 48 Oct. 22, 1902 Drescher, Max J... • Summons only served. partment, overtime work, $1,150. .12B 284 Oct. 22, 1902 Cudahy Packing Co. Certiorari to review assessment on per- • • 37 85 Oct. 25, 2902 Scaccio, Francesco Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- (ex rel.), vs. James sonal property for 1902. partment, overtime work. $1,500. L. Wells et al., etc. " • • 37 85 Oct. 25, 1902 Scott, Walter Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- Supreme, 37 49 Oct. 22, 1902 Allen, Frederick H., Mandamus to compel filing with West- partment, overtime work, $1,350. West. Co (ex rel.), vs John cheFter County Clerk sixty names hied in favor of relator's nomination. R. Voorhis et al • • • 37 85 Oct. 25, 1902 Stegman, Edward Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- partment, overtime work, $1,700. SLIffell1e 1213 285 Oct. 22, 1902 Association of the Certiorari to review assessment on real Graduates of the estate for 1902. • .. 37 86 Oct. 25, 1902 Upton, Robert Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De• Columbia Chapter partment, overtime work, $500. of Alpha Delta Phi (ex rel.) vs. James • .. 37 86 Oct. 25, 2902 Warren, Samuel Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- L. Wells et al partment, overtime work, $1,400. 7215 286 Oct. 22, 1902 Manzano Farming Certiorari to review assessment on per- Land 37 88 Oct. 25, 1902 Strong. George A. For land under water of East river at Co. (ex rel.) vs. sonal property for 1902. Office.. and ano. (Matter Long Island City. James L. Wells of) et al Supreme..12B 287 Oct. 25, 1902 Waldorf • Astoria Se- Certiorari to review assessment on per- 44 Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- 37 56 Oct. 22, 1902 Coffarelli, John ar Co. (ex rel.) vs. sonal property for 1902. partment, overtime work, $600. James L. Wells et al 37 57 Oct. 22, 1902 Flynn, Joseph D• • Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- partment, overtime work, $1,1oo. " ..12B 288 Oct. 25, 1902 Goetz Silk Manufac- Certiorari to review assessment on per- ing Co. (ex rel.) vs. sonal property for 1902. 37 57 Oct. 22, 7902 Hoffman, Frank.... • Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- James L. Wells partment, overtime work, $1,400. et al

41 Oct. 22, 1902 Hughes, Patrick. • • • Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- 37 57 partment, overtime work, $1,800. "SUSPENSION" ACTIONS. 44 Oct. 22, 1902 Lee, Edward J Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- 37 58 partment, overtime work, 0,8o0.

22, 1902 Muth, John T Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- 37 58 Oct. Regis- partment, overtime work, $1,800. ter and When Title. Nature of Action. Folio. Commenced. 44 Oct. 22, 1902 Sayers, Charles W Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- 37 58 partment, overtime work, $1,800.

59 Oct. 22, 1902 Williams, William Salary as Driver, Street Cleaning De- 37 partment, overtime work, $200. 36 5o1 Oct. 20, 1902 Anglio, Giovanni Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 25o. H. B 36 502 Oct. 20, 1902 Wanages, Alexander. Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 250. vs. Summons only served. 36 soz Oct. 20, 1902 • Curci, Guiseppe Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 250. Municipal. 37 6o Oct. 23, 1902 Pendyke, Frank, 36 soz Oct. 20, 7902 Capone, Carmine Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 250. Charles D. Blatch- 36 503 Oct. zo, 1902 Callnori Guiseppe Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 25o. ford 36 503 Oct. 20, 1902 CUZZO, Vincenzo Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 25o. 36 503 Oct. 20, 1902 Tavanlo, ,James Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 250. Supreme 37 61 Oct. 23, 1902 Begley, Patrick (ex Certiorari to review dismissal from Po- rel), vs, John N. lice Department. 36 504 Oct. 20, 1902 Carucci, Ciro Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 25o. Partridge, etc 36 504 Oct. 20, 1902 Capone, Fiorinto Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 250. 36 504 Oct. 20, 1902 Cianflone, Gabriela Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., $250. 36 505 Oct. 20, 1902 De Berienzi, Liugi Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., $25o. " - 37 62 Oct. 23, 1902 Forster, Adolph Certiorari to review dismissal from Po. lice Department. 36 505 Oct. 20, 1902 De Rienzi, Giovanni Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., $250. 36 505 Oct. 20, 1902 Del Signore, Antonio Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., $250. 36 son Oct. 20, 1902 Flynn, Michael Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., $250. Supreme, 37 63 Oct. 23, z9o2 Gredel, William F Certiorari to review dismissal from Po- lice Department. 36 5o6 Oct. 20, 1902 Fresanto, Matteo Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., $250. Kings Co 36 506 Oct. 20, 1902 Giovdano, Paolo... , Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 250. • 36 507 Oct. 2o, 1902 Genova, Guiseppe Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., City 37 66 Oct. 23, 1902 Bishop Manufactur- Value of goods delivered to defendant, 94.56. ing C6., Robert $291.94. 36 5o7 Oct. 20, 1902 Lounino., Guiseppe Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 250. 36 Sol Oct. 20, 1902 Mello, ,seph.Jo Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 250. Matino, Anbonia Kelly, James R. P Amount expended and lost by map fur- 36 508 Oct. 20, 1902 Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 25o. Supreme 37 64 Oct. 23, 1902 Oct. 20, 1902 Moshobetta, Michele et al nished as a basis for bid for sewer 36 508 Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 250. pipes, Jerome Park Reservoir, 435,- 36 5o8 Oct. 20, 1902 Moriano, Anbonia Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 250. 718.50. 36 509 Oct 20, 1902 Mozhei, Angelo Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 250. 36 509 Oct. 20, 1902 Mosella, Guiseppe Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 250. Oct. 20, 1902 MOZZO, Gennavina Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., " 37 65 Oct. 23, 1902 Kothe, August Personal injuries, fall from wagon, hole 36 509 250. in sidewalk, Manhattan street, $25,- 36 510 Oct. zo, 1902 Panzello, Gennanio., Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 250. 000. 36 5 to Oct. 20, 1902 Pasquale, Frank Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 250. 36 510 Oct. 20, 1902 Ranalli, Cosima Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 250. 36 51i Oct. 20, 1902 Russo. Domenico Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 250. Supreme, 67 Oct. 23, 1902 Pasqua, Luigi Salary as Sweeper, Street Cleaning De- 37 partment, during illness, $124.29. 36 511 Oct. 20, 1902 Santorella, Michaele Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 250. Kings.. 36 511 Oct. zo, 1902 Scala, Gesele Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., $250. 36 512 Oct. 20, 1902 Saratello, Vito Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 1250. Supreme 37 68 Oct. 24, 1902 Geoghan, William Certiorari to review dismissal as Medi- (ex rel.), vs. Willis cal Examiner, Civil Service Commis. 37 14 Oct. 22, 1902 Angell°, Giovanni Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. L. Ogden et al sion. 37 15 Oct. 22, 1902 Cocci, Archillo Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., iso.


37 15 Oct 22, 1902 Capuana, Nicola Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. People ex rd. Edward Burns vs. J N. Partridge. Entered order denying re- 37 14 Oct. 22, 1902 Cranflone, Gabriela Sweeper. Sheet Cleaning Dept., 150. lator's motion for peremptory writ of mandamus. 37 16 Oct. 22, 1902 Boppoln, Antonio Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. 37 i6 Oct. 22, 1902 Calandnlla. Tomaco Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. John Peterson vs. The City of New York. Entered judgment dismissing the 37 16 Oct. 22, 1902 Cucco, Giovanni Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. complaint with $57.31 costs. 37 17 Oct. 22, 1902 Calluoio, Guiseppe Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. People ex rel. James Carroll vs. J. E. Swanstrom. Entered order discontinuing 37 17 Oct. 22, 1902 Capone, Carmine.-- Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., ISO. 37 17 Oct 22, 1902 Curci, Guiseppe Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. proceeding without costs. 37 i8 Oct 22, 1902 Bennorda, Giambat- People ex rel. Abraham Levy vs. William M. Calder. Order entered granting tista Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., $15o. motion for peremptory writ of mandamus. 37 i8 Oct 22, 1902 De Filippo, Nicola Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., $150. 37 i8 Oct 22, 1902 De Bartolonieo, Gen- People ex rel. Corinne J. Moore, as Administratrix, etc., vs. T. Sturgis. Order naia Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. entered granting motion for peremptory writ of mandamus. 37 19 Oct. 22, 1902 De Vita, Guiseppe Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. 37 19 Oct. 22, 1902 De Salva Guiseppe Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 15o. Judgments were entered in favor of the plaintiffs in the following actions: 37 19 Oct 22, 1902 Cicera, Vincenzo Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. 37 20 Oct 22, 1902 Carucci, Cira Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. 37 20 Oct. 22, 1902 Capone, Fiorinta Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., $150. 37 ao Oct 22, 1902 Cuozzo, Vincenza Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept.,150. Register 37 21 Oct22, 1902 Cadana, Vincenza Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 15o. Date. Name. and Flio. Amount. 37 21 Oct. 22, 1902 Cortese, Pasquale Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., i5o. 37 21 Oct. 22, 1902 Capone, Domentca Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., Ise. 37 22 Oct 22, 1902 Delia, Felice Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., $150. 37 22 Oct 22. 1902 Danniana, Rocco Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., i5o. October 20, Km Conine, Eli B 8 387 Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. $5,900 00 37 22 Oct 22, 1902 Dabraccia, Paola October 21, 1902 Dolan, William J 29 516 265 to 37 23 Oct. 22, 1902 De Clerics, Camilla Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. 37 23 Oct. 22, 1902 Derrica, Matteo Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. October 2I, 1902 Gould, William B. and ano. (r) 31 150 228 38 37 23 Oct. 22, 1902 Del Signore, Antonio. Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., iso. October 21, 1902 Gould, William B. and ano. (2) 31 551 264 88 37 24 Oct. 22, 1902 De Berienzi, Luigi Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 15o. October 21, 1902 Papay, Daniel 31 150 125 so 37 24 Oct. 22, 1902 Ferrato, Gaetano Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., i5o. 37 24 Oct. 22, 1902 Forraco, Camo Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. October 21, 1902 Manhattan Brass Company 31 150 265 00 37 25 Oct. 22, 1902 Fanella, Frank. Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., iso. October 20, 1902 Hoff, S. Adelia 27 96 300 00 37 25 Oct. 22, 1902 Flynn, Michael Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., i so. 20, 1902 Wagner, Antonie 168 04 37 25 Oct 22, 1902 Fresanta, Matteo Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., i5o. October 31 7 37 26 Oct. 22, 1902 Giacoia, Francesca Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. October 22, 1902 Bruckner, Gustav 3o 457 210 32 37 26 Oct. 22, 1902 Genora, Guiseppe Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., i5o. October 25, 1902 Dingman, Ada M 21 196 964 60 37 26 Oct. 22, 1902 Gargano, Antonio Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., iso. October 18, 1902 Devine, William C 34 353 29 06 37 27 Oct. 22, 1902 Guidice, Gerardi Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. 37 27 Oct. 22, 1902 Giordana, Paolo Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. October 22, 1902_ Evans, Esther B. 5,388 67 37 27 Oct. 22, 1902 Giannanton1 Guiseppe Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 15o. October 24, 1902 Meany, Sarah B. 243 75 37 28 Oct. 22, 1902 Galiazzo krancesco Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. October 24, 1902 Cazino, Maro B. 37 28 Oct. 22, 1902 Green, Philip Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., iso. 143 75 37 28 Oct 22, 1902 Guariglio, Pasquale Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. October 24, 1902 Luinus, Merioh B. 213 75 37 29 Oct. 22, 1902 Imbriscia, Antonio Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., i5o. October 24, 1902 Bosco, Lui B. 143 75 37 29 Oct. 22, 1902 LaMa, Vincenzo Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. October 24, 1902 Armella. Mile B. 37 29 Oct. 22, 1902 Juliano, Felice Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. 173 75 37 3o Oct. 22, 1902 OM. Andrea Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., $i5o. October 24, 5902 Bianco, Michael B. 193 75 37 3o C'ct. 22, 1902 Lounina, Guiseppe Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. 37 3o Oct 22, 1902 Lombardo, Donato Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., $150. 37 31 Oct. 22, 1902 Mashoberta, Michele Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., $15o. 37 31 Oct. 22, 1902 Mazzo, Gennarina Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., $150. 37 3i Oct. 22, 1902 Marro, Antonio Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 15o. SCHEDULE "C." 37 32 Oct. 22, 1902 Mozhei, Angelo Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. 37 32 Oct. 22, 1902 Moriana, Antonio Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. RECORD OF COURT WORK. 37 32 Oct. 22, 1902 Matura, Antonio Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., t5o. 37 33 Oct 22, 1902 Masella, Guiseppe Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. People ex rel. John M. Digney et al. vs. E. M. Grout. Motion for writ of man- 37 33 Oct. 22, 1902 Mello, Joseph . Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., iso. damus argued before Hall, J. Decision reserved. G. Landon for the City. "Mo- 37 33 Oct 22. 1902 Morella, Antonio.... Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. tion denied with $io costs." 37 34 Oct. 22, 1902 Mercaldo, Antonio... Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept, t5o. 37 34 Oct. 22, 1902 Monica, Pasquale.... Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., iso. People ex rel. Edison Electric Illeminating Company vs. T. L. Feitner et al. 37 34 Oct. 22, 1902 Nigro, Aniella Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., $x so. Motion to dismiss writ of certiorari as to real property and to refer cause as to 37 35 Oct. 22, 1902 Orapello, Ambrasio Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., $150. 37 35 Oct. 22, 1902 Pasquale, Frank Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., $150. personal property argued before Scott. J. Decision reserved. E. C. Kindleberger 37 35 Oct. 22, 1902 Patterson, Forrestin Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., $150. for the City. 37 36 Oct. 22, 1902 Pettinato, Angelo Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., $150. People ex rel. Pearson, McGlynn & Co. vs. J. A. Cantor. Motion for peremptory 37 36 Oct. 22, 1902 Panzella, Gennato Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., $15o. writ of mandamus argued before Hall, J. Decision reserved. J. L. O'Brien for the 37 36 Oct. 22, 1902 Russo, Domenico Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., $150. 37 37 Oct. 22, 1902 Parrone, Raffaele Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., $$$$$$i 5o. City. "Motion denied with costs of $1o." 37 37 Oct. 22, 1902 Sassi, Luiggi Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., i5o. Ada M. Dingman, an infant, etc., vs. The City of New York. Tried before Leven- 37 3Z Oct. 22, 1902 Shuttina, elegrino Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., i5o. tritt, J., and a jury. Verdict for the plaintiff for $750. J. W. Hutchinson, Jr., for the 37 38 Oct 22, 1902 Salotta, Angelo Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept.,, iso. 37 38 Oct. 22, 1902 Spine., Salvatora Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. City. 37 38 Oct. 22, 1902 Rossa, Michele Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 15o. Charles H. Hastings et al. vs. The City of New York. Tried before Scott, J. 37 39 Oct. 22, 1902 Romola, Nicola Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., i5o. Decision reserved. E. J. Freedman for the City. 37 39 Oct. 22, 1902 Ranallo, Michele Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 15o. 37 39 Oct. 22, 1902 Russo, Vito Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., i5o. People ex rd. Solomon Goldenkranz vs. W. L. Ogden et al. Motion for per- 37 40 Oct. 22, 1902 Scalise, Angelo Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., iso. emptory writ of mandamus submitted to Hall, J. Decision reserved. J. F. O'Brien 37 4o Oct. 22, 1902 Santorello, Michaele Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 15o. for the City. 37 40 Oct. 22, 1902 Saratellat Vito Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., ISO. 37 41 Oct 22, 1902 Shombolina, Marco Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., i5o. John J. Fallon vs. The City of New York. Tried before Truax, J., and a jury. 37 41 Oct. 22, 1902 Scala, Gesuele Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. Verdict directed for the plaintiff for $2,422. E. J. McGuire for the City. 37 41 Oct 22, 1902 Sussman, Michael Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 15o. John Donovan et al. vs. The City of New York. Plaintiff's demurrer to the .37 42 Oct. 22, 1902 Toscano, Natala Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. 37 42 Oct. 22, 1902 Trezza, Domenico Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., i5o. City's answer argued before Keogh, J. "Demurrer overruled with costs." A. E. 37 42 Oct. 22, 1902 Taranlo, James Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., iso. Hadlock for the City. 37 43 Oct. 22, 1902 Vassallo, Guiseppe Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 150. People ex rel. Thomas Coyle vs. J. J. Scannel. Motion for peremptory writ 37 43 Oct 22, 1902 Vanegose, Joseph Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept, i5o. 37 43 Oct. 22, 1902 Wana es Alexander. Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 15o. of mandamus argued before Hall, J. Decision reserved. C. A. O'Neil for the City. 37 44 Oct 22, 1902 Notar rancesca, Biago Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., is, John Donovan et al. vs. The City of New York. Tried before Keogh, J., and a 37 so Oct. 22, 1902 Bransfield, Patrick Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 206.85. jury. "Complaint dismissed." A. E. Hadlock for the City. 37 5i Oct. 22, 1902 McEvoy, Christopher J Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., $272.86. People ex rel. Alfrederick S. Hatch vs. W. E. McFadden. Motion for leave 37 31 Oct. 22, 1902 Marziass,o Nicolo Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 65.o1. to appear in Court of Appeals submitted at Appellate Division. Decision reserved. 37 51 Oct. 22, 1902 Menzo, Vito Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dent., 94.56. G. L. Sterling for the City. 37 52 Oct. 22, 1902 Manzo, Rocco L Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 63.04. 37 52 Oct 22, 1902 Martucci Guiseppe Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 128.05. Pitt Street School Site "re petition of J. J. McGuinness." Pitt Street School 37 52 Oct. 22, 1902 Marro, Guiseppe Sweeper. Street Cleaning Dept., 338.84. Site "re petition of C. H. Burrell." Motion for reference submitted at Appellate 37 53 Oct 22, 1902 Metzler, Herman Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 95.56. Division. Decision reserved. J. H. Greener for the City. 37 53 Oct. 21, 1902 Minucco, Carlo Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 96.53. 37 53 Oct. 22, 1902 Morina, Guiseppe. • Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 206.85. People ex rel. Hugh Dolan vs. P. M. Stewart; People ex rel. Andrew F. O'Toole 37 54 Oct 22, 1902 Murphy, James M Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 63.04. vs. the Same. Argued at Appellate Division. Decision reserved. W. B. Crowell 37 54 Oct 22, 1902 Muzzalo, Carmine Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 269.89. for the City. 37 54 Oct 22, 1902 Newscholz, Charles Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., $283.68. 37 55 Oct 22. 1902 Morano, Giovanni Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., $283.60. The City of New York vs. William E. Dean et al. Submitted at Appellate Divi- 37 Oct 22, 1902 Nichollas, Antonio Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 94.56. sion. Decision reserved. C. Mellen for the City. 37 ir9 Oct. 25, 1902 O'Brien, 14oilin Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 342.78. People ex rel. Margaret Murphy vs. The Board of Education. Submitted at Ap- 37 go Oct. 25, 1902 O'Toole, Michael Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 289.59 37 go Oct. 25. 1902 Riccuto, Domenico Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 301.41. pellate Division. Decision reserved. W. B. Crowell for the City. 37 90 Oct 25, 19oz - Robinson, John ' Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 167.45. People ex rd. Michael H. Leach vs. J. MeG. Woodbury; People ex rel. Bar- 37 91 Oct. 25, 1902 Randolph. Amos Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 301.41. tholomew Donovan vs. J. A. Cantor. Argued at Appellate Division. Decision re- 37 91 Oct. 25, 1902 Ragone, Salvatoro Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 279.74. 37 91 Oct. 25, 1902 Ruser, George Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., $88.65. served. T. Connoly for the City. 37 92 Oct. 25, 1902 Rosman, Kalman Sweeper, Street Cleaning Dept., 301.41. Gertrude A. France vs. The City of New York. Motion for leave to serve amended complaint. Argued before Hall, J. Decision reserved. H. S. Rankine for the City. "Motion granted." SCHEDULE "B." People ex rd. George B. Hallock vs. E. M. Grout. Motion for peremptory writ of mandamus argued before Dickey, J. Decision reserved. W. S. Brewster JUDGMENTS, ORDERS AND DECREES ENTERED. for the City. "Motion denied." Astoria Heights Land Company vs. The City of New York. Entered decision Alexander J. McCollum vs. The City of New York. Motion to open default of directing judgment on the merits in favor of the defendants, dismissing the corn- defendant argued before Lynch, J. "Granted on payment of $10 costs." D. Joyce plaint with costs. for the City. - People ex rd. Thomas R. Kelly vs. T. Sturgis. Entered order denying motion Andrew P. Baird vs. The City of New York; Joseph Vollkommer vs. the Same; for peremptory writ of mandamus with $10 costs. George Fleer vs. the Same. Tried before Maddox, J., and a jury. "Judgment di- Alfred Bridgeman et al. vs. The City of New York. Entered decision directing rected for the plaintiff." S. K. Probasco for the City. judgment on the merits, dismissing the complaint with costs. John McNamee vs. The City of New York. Reference proceeded and closed. People ex rel. John J. Manly vs. T. Sturgis. Entered order denying motion for R. P. Chittenden for the City. peremptory writ of mandamus with $ro costs. Annie Koesterner vs. J. E. Swanstrom. Tried before Maddox, J. Decilion re- Daniel Fallon, an infant, etc., vs. The City of New York. Entered order vacating served. P. E. Callahan for the City. order directing plaintiff to file security for costs. People ex rel. Abraham Levy vs. W. M. Calder. Motion for peremptory writ People ex rd. Walter G. Murphy vs. J. L. Wells et al.; People ex rd. Henry of mandamus argued before Dickey, J. Decision reserved. P. E. Callahan for the City. "Motion granted." Frank vs. R. G Monroe. Order entered granting alternative writ of mandamus to relator. HEARINGS BEFORE COMMISSIONERS OF ASSESSMENT IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. People ex rel. Mary E. Kelly vs. R. H. Adami et al. Order entered granting Manhattan Approach to East River Bridge No. 2. Three hearings. Little West Twelfth and Thirteenth Streets Dock Proceeding. Three hearings. Twentieth alternative writ of mandamus to relator. and Twenty-first streets, Twenty-first and Twenty-second streets East River Dock William B. Gould et al. vs. The City of New York et al. (Actions I and 2). De- cision entered directing judgment in favor of the plaintiff and of the lienors. Proceeding. One hearing. C. D. Olendorf for the City. Thomas A. Brown vs. The City of New York. Order entered discontinuing Manhattan Approach to East River Bridge No. 4. Two hearings. Rapid action without costs. Transit (One Hundred and Twenty-second to One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Eighth Cornell Dam Water Supply proceeding. Order entered dismissing appeal streets.) One hearing. C. N. Harris for the City. of Blanche C. Shields as administratrix, etc. Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth Streets Park. Five hearings. James and Cherry People ex rd. William Ward vs. J E. Eustis. Entered order denying motion Streets School Site. One hearing. J. 'I'. Malone for the City. for peremptory writ of mandamus with $10 costs. St. Nicholas Park. Entered order confirming fourth separate report of Com- SCHEDULE "D." missioners of Appraisal. Mary Ann O'Brien vs. The City of New York. Entered order dismissing com- CONTRACTS, ETC., DRAFTED, EXAMINED AND APPROVED AS TO FORM. plaint on the merits without costs. Louis S. Gerken vs. The City of New York. Order entered discontinuing action Contracts Ex- Advertise. without costs. I Contracts Ap- amined and Re- ments Ap- Department. proved as to turned for proved as to Dennis F. Buckley vs. The Mayor, etc., of The City of New York. Entered Ap- Form. pellate Division order denying motion to dismiss appeal on payment of costs. Revision. Form. People ex rel. John B. McDonald vs. E. M. Grout. Entered order denying re- lator's motion for peremptory mandamus. Education 7 2 Isabella Horowitz vs. The City of New York. Entered order denying plaintiff's Charities motion for a new trial.

7838 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902. Parks I and 6 a. m., to permit repairs to be made on each side of the Bridge roadways. Dur- Fire 2 ing these hours passengers were transferred to the trains on the Bridge railway. Street Cleaning 2 Bellevue and Allied Hospitals I The following table shows the traffic during the quarter: Water Supply 2 Public Works 3 I Carriageway Traffic. Health 2 I 20 2 ,---From New York.-, ,-From Brooklyn. Total 7 Led Single Double Led Single Double 1902. Horses. Vehicles. Vehicles. Horses. Vehicles. Vehicles.

BONDS APPROVED. July 1,046 31,746 13,52o 1,403 33,255 15,559 Finance 3 August 1,004 31,772 13,688 1,317 32,93o 15,620 SCHEDULE "E." September 874 32,454 • 14,020 1,267 33,693 16,556 - - OPINIONS RENDERED TO THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS. Totals 2,924 95,972 41,228 3,987 99,878 47,745 Totals-Led horses, 6,911; single vehicles, 195,850; double vehicles, 88,973. Number Department. of Opinions. Trolley Cars.

Finance 25 I Total Greatest Parks Per Number Docks I Month. In One Hour. Police 2 Street Cleaning 2 2 Public Works Tub, 119,546 Monday, July 14, 6-7 P. m 292 Water Supply 3 Bridges August 112,999 Thursday, August 14, 5-6 p. m az Borough Presidents 3 September 89,524 Friday, September 5, 5-6 p. m 271 Health Coroners Total 322,069 County Clerk • Total 43 Repairs. The Brooklyn Heights Railroad Company is relaying the surface car tracks G. L. RIVES, Corporation Counsel. with new rails, etc. During the quarter all these tracks on the Manhattan approach and terminal have been relaid, and the space between the rails has been repaved. This work was done entirely at night. The straight rails removed had been in use DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES. about four years, and the curved rails about two years. The portions of the roadway used for ordinary vehicles is being repaved. On the Manhattan approach about r4,000 square feet of roadway has been finished. New York, October 13, 1902. Careful and systematic inspection of the bridge has continued, and repairs have To the Honorable SETH LOW, Mayor: been made wherever needed. The steel trusses, floor beams and girders, in and around each tower, and Sir-Pursuant to section 1544 of the Greater New York Charter, I have the honor fronts of the warehouses and other bridge property under the Manhattan land to submit the following report of the Department of Bridges, for the three months span, have been carefully cleaned and painted. ending September 3o, 1902. A new stairway, eight feet wide, has been built through the brick masonry of The changes in employees and salaries are as follows: the westerly abutment of the Rose street arch, providing a direct connection be- tween Rose street and the bride promenade, and relieving the pressure of traffic on Deaths. the stairway at William street. Williamsburg Bridge. Per Annum. Progress during the quarter has been as follows: Cables-The placing of the wires in the main cables has been fully completed, the z Bridge Tender, Borough of Queens, July 7 $480 oo cables have been wrapped with wire wrappings into compact cylindrical form, more I Inspector, Brooklyn Bridge, September 6 1,200 00 than half of the cable bands have been placed in position and about 20 per cent. of I Carpenter, Brooklyn Bridge, September II 1,200 00 the suspender ropes have been placed on the bands. About 20 per cent. of the cable 1 Laborer, Borough of Manhattan, September to 730 00 bands remain to be delivered: nearly all of the suspenders and the greater portion of the cable cover-plates have been delivered at the site. Brooklyn Approach-The buckle-plate flooring and the railing arc practically Resignations. completed, and the work of changing the grade of the streets is well advanced, so that it should be completed within sixty days. Manhattan Approach-The terminal masonry is practically finished, and all of the 912 50 lower portion of the steel structure, except about 500 feet, has been erected. 1 Fireman, Borough of Manhattan, September 2 Suspended Span-About 75 per cent. of the material for the suspended span has I Bridge Tender, Borough of Queens, July 16 766 50 been delivered in the shops, and a small portion of it has been delivered at the site. The contractor has made good progress with the construction of its erecting plant, and expects to have about six or seven hundred tons erected during the present Appointments. month. The following table shows the proportion of the work completed and the por- tion done during the last quarter, as measured by the value of the work at schedule • Bridge Tender, Borough of Manhattan, July I 900 00 prices: Bridge Tender, Borough of Queens, August 4 766 50 Bridge Tender, Borough of The Bronx, August 4 73o 00 Proportion of Work Done, by Values.' t Bridge Tender, Borough of The Bronx, July 28 730 00 Foreman, Bridge Mechanic, Borough of Manhattan, August 15 1,500 00 At End of Last During Pres- Bridge Mechanic, Borough of Manhattan, August It 1,200 00 Contract. Total. Quarter. ent Quarter. I Fireman, Borough of Manhattan, September 7 912 50 Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. • Lineman, Brooklyn Bridge, September 15 1,050 00 2 *Inspectors of Masonry, Borough of Manhattan, July 29, per day 10 00 IC, 00 3 *Inspectors of Masonry, Borough of Manhattan, August 14, per day Cables 95 93 2 Brooklyn approach. 90 86 4 Manhattan approach 7o 59 II Discharges. Suspended structure 35 16 19 All existing contracts on which work has been done during the quarter 72% 63/A 9 5 *Inspectors of Masonry, Borough of Manhattan, August 20, per day. 10 00 MANHATTAN BRIDGE. Increases. Much progress has been made in the study of the detail plans for this im- portant bridge; and in a short time the same will be far enough completed to invite bids for construction of the Manhattan tower foundation and on both anchorages. 6 Riggers, Brooklyn Bridge, July 3o, each $75 450 00 At the beginning of the quarter the amount of work done on the Brooklyn tower Master Mechanic. Brooklyn Bridge. August 6 15o 00 foundation, as shown by the monthly estimates, was $272,000, or about 38 per cent. Superintendent of Electric Lights, Brooklyn Bridge, August 6 Ice co of the contract. At the present time $406,300 of work has been done, or about 87 per • *Inspector of Masonry, Borough of Manhattan, July 29, per day 5 07 cent. of the whole. During the quarter the caisson has been safely landed at elevation -92.85, on an exceedingly compact bed of coarse gravel immediately overlying the rock. The air- Decreases. chamber was filled with fine concrete (three-fourth-inch broken stone), and the masonry built up above high water. The contract will probably be completed during the month of October. • r *Inspector of Masonry, Borough of Manhattan, August t8, per day.... 5 07 BLACKWELL'S ISLAND BRIDGE. All of the drawings necessary for letting the contract for the superstructure are *Temporary appointment, caisson work, Manhattan Bridge. nearly completed. Position Abolished. Work is progressing rapidly on the masonry piers. During the quarter the work done, as shown by the monthly estimates, amounted to $170,000, or about 70 per cent. more than was accomplished during the preceding quarter. At the present time 42 per cent. of the contract has been completed, as shown by the monthly estimates; of Laborer, Borough of The Bronx, August 3 75° °° which 23 per cent. was done during the quarter just ended. 4 Pier 2 on Blackwell's Island is nearly completed. Pier 3 has been finished to elevation + 23. A large amount of stone has been cut Brooklyn Bridge. and stored, and the work of laying will progress rapidly. Work on the Manhattan side has been delayed because title to the necessary prop- Traffic has been maintained with the usual steadiness and safety. During August erty did not vest in the City until August 1, 1902. Since that time the property has and September the surface car service was discontinued each night between 8 p. m. been vacated at site of Pier 1, and the buildings are now being demolished.



The cash on hand to the credit of this bridge is, approximately (after deducting $28,995.99, exclusive of the cost of installing an electric motor, which has been pro- the amount due on contracts) $813,000. Of this amount, $55o,000 was authorized for vided out of the remainder of the appropriation for this bridge. the purchase of land, and condemnation proceedings are in progress for acquiring title to the property at the sites of the piers in Manhattan and in Long Island City. The Westchester Avenue Bridge Over the Bronx River. condemnation commissioners expect to hand in their report about January ; but title The easterly abutment was completed during the quarter. The erection of the to all the property required for the piers has already vested in the City. superstructure will begin soon. All the steel except the machinery has been com- pleted and shipped to the site. BRIDGES OVER HARLEM RIVER AND IN THE BOROUGH OF MAN- In August the macadam pavement on the west approach of the Westchester ave- HATTAN. nue temporary bridge, which had been deteriorating for some time, was completely washed out by repeated heavy rains. New pavement has been laid at a cost of about On September 2 a painting gang, consisting of one foreman and ten men, was $400. organized, and is now at work on the Third Avenue Bridge. Ordinary repairs have been made to the other bridges. Repairs and improvements have been made as usual by the repair gang and by Nearly all the piers of the old City Island Bridge have been removed during the mechanics from the Brooklyn Repair Shops. A shop and general storehouse is being quarter. This work is paid for from funds provided pursuant to chapter 638 of the erected on the fender pier of the Macomb's Dam Bridge. Laws of 1894. The asphalt pavement of the Third Avenue Bridge has been repaired, at a cost of DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES. $52o.6o, and the bridge is now being painted. The Broadway Bridge has received one coat of paint. Trial Balance and Statement, as per Ledger, for Three months Ending September The average number of draw openings per day for the quarter has been as fol- 3o, 1902. lows:

fled to Comp - Ship Canal 8 43-100 Appropriation Total Amount Balance Vouchers Certi- Macomb's Dam 4 97-100 Title of Appropriation. for Year Vouchers Certi- of troller During Madison Avenue 6 94-10o 1902, fled to Comp- Appropriation. Past Three Third Avenue II 81-100 troller to Date. Months. Willis Avenue 14 84-100 Salaries-General Administration...... $70,350 00 $40,159 05 $30,190 95 $14,049 48 One Hundred and Forty-fifth Street Bridge. Contingencies 1,000 00 676 29 323 71 go 08 This bridge is about 85 per cent. complete; only 2 per cent. has been done dur- Harlem River Bridges 159,964 75 105,044 21 54,920 54 35,832 87 ing the quarter, chiefly upon the approaches. The erection of the draw-span is still delayed by the work on the tunnel of the Rapid Transit Railroad Commission. Newtown Creek Bridges 45,91 9 00 29,992 21 15,926 79 9,590 21 Borough of Brooklyn. BRIDGES OVER NEWTOWN CREEK. Maintenance 57,581 50 35,937 73 21,643 77 14,387 72 Vernon Avenue Bridge Construction. Borough of The Bronx. The approaches and center pier and fender of the temporary bridge have been Maintenance 31,998 00 19,103 71 12,894 29 6,213 86 made ready for the erection of the draw-span, which is now under way. The tem- porary bridge will be completed and ready for traffic by the middle of November. Borough of Queens. The title to the property required for the permanent bridge will vest in the City on Maintenance 25,230 13 10,967 53 14,262 6o 4,188 07 October 24. Borough of Richmond. Grand Street Bridge. Maintenance 5,100 00 1,865 01 3.234 99 684 66 Work upon the new bridge at Grand street has proceeded more rapidly of late, and the bridge is now opened by the contractor for foot passengers every day. The following table shows the average number of daily openings during the last Financial Statement-Brooklyn Bridge. quarter: July 1-By Cash, balance on hand $26,235 40 Receipts. Number of Open- Boats Passed Time Draw is Open Month. ings in 24 Through in in 24 Tolls-Roadways $19,153 27 Hours. 24 Hours. Hours. Bridge cars (B. R. T. Co.) 22,750 00 Vernon Avenue Bridge- Trolley cars 17,216 70 July 77 293 6 hours 51 minutes 59,119 97 August 73 294 6 hours 40 minutes September 75 252 6 hours 39 minutes Rents-Real estate $23,388 34 Greenpoint Avenue Bridge- Wires and cables 12,572 SO July 72 129 5 hours 53 minutes August 68 123 5 hours 36 minutes Mail tube 500 00 September 64 119 5 hours 15 minutes 36.46o 84 Meeker Avenue Bridge- From-Harlem river bridges $6,975 59 July 36 84 3 hours 53 minutes Newtown creek bridges 564 50 August 34 78 3 hours 37 minutes September 32 74 3 hours 28 minutes Borough of Brooklyn bridges 3,008 10 Borough of Richmond bridges 349 71 Preliminary estimates have been made of the cost of installing electric motors Manhattan Bridge No. 3 569 31 upon Meeker Avenue Bridge. From such estimates it is believed that a considerable Blackwell's Island Bridge No. 4 252 96 saving in the expense of operation may be effected by the use of electricity. 12,714 49 From-B. R. T. Co $1,570 17 BRIDGES IN THE BOROUGH OF QUEENS. N. Y. & N. J. Tel. Co 164 47 The Flushing, Strong's Causeway and Little Neck bridges are in good condition. 1,734 64 The Flushing Bridge, however, is too light and narrow to meet the steadily increasing demands of traffic at this point. $136,265 34 Borden Avenue Bridge is in very bad condition. It has been strengthened as much as possible, with a view to guaranteeing safety for a couple of years. Expenditures. Plans are being considered for lift bridges in place of the present Borden Ave- Administrative Account- nue and Flushing bridges. Salary-Consulting Engineer $1,500 00 BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. Office staff 4,472 49 Washington avenue, Metropolitan avenue, Carroll street and Ninth street $5,972 49 bridges were repainted in July and August and the Carroll Street Bridge was re- Supplies $149 45 planked in July. The back walls on both abutments of the Hamilton Avenue Bridge Administrative expenses 336 62 were rebuilt in September. Other minor repairs were made as needed. Unused land around the Washington avenue and Metropolitan avenue bridges Study of plans 175 00 has been converted into grass plots and much improved in appearance. 661 07 Four new bridges are needed over the Gowanus canal, at Hamilton avenue, Third street, Ninth street and. Union street. Plans for such bridges are being $6,633 56 considered. New Rose street stairs 2,66o 13 BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. Maintenance Account- The Fresh Kills Bridge was painted in July, and the planking on this bridge is now being relaid. Salary-Assistant Engineer in Charge $874 98 The following table shows the number of openings of the bridges in the boroughs Toll Department of Brooklyn and Richmond during the quarter: 5,574 54 $6,349 52 Inspecting 1,369 44 Daily Maintenance, boilers, coal, etc 3,929 42 Borough of Brooklyn. July. August. September. Total. Average. Cleaning 7,615 48

Miscellaneous 9,8 21 Hamilton Avenue Bridge 904 864 829 2,597 34 Stable 1,102 29 Ninth Street Bridge 807 840 807 2,454 32 Electric lighting S,520 Third Street Bridge 508 504 489 1,501 19 Watchmen, station women 3,820 35 Carroll Street Bridge 427 381 383 1,191 15 Repairs to water meter 27 31 Union Street Bridge 191 164 174 529 7 Supplies 2,042 56 Washington Avenue Bridge 343 359 352 1,054 14 32,803 73 Repair Account- Metropolitan Avenue Bridge 531 527 532 1,590 21 Salary-Assistant Engineer in Charge $1,249 98 Harway Avenue Bridge 23 19 25 67 1 Foremen 2,910 o8 Borough of Richmond $4,160 o6 Lemon Creek Bridge 16 20 35 71 Repairs to Brooklyn Bridge- 32 Fresh Kills Bridge 31 30 93 1 Roadway $2,547 90 Repaving roadway 2,399 85 BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. 4,947 75 One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Street Bridge. Superstructure $9,323 38 The new bridge over Mott Haven Canal at One Hundred and Thirty-fifth street Superstructure, new railing 1,647 65 was opened to traffic on the 23d day of July, 1902. The cost of construction was 10,971 03 7840 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902.

Promenade 177 os From Tenement House Department—Acknowledging receipt of communication of the 24th inst. Manhattan station $864 76 From Fireman first grade Charles G. Morse, Engine Company Io7—Withdrawing Brooklyn station 35 19 waiver for promotion to the rank and grade of Engineer of Steamer. Brooklyn anchorage ,8 55 From Fire Marshal— 178 50 I. Report of transactions for the first and second quarters for the year Igoe. Franklin Square bridge 2. Report of reinspection of the Academy of Music, riling place and Fourteenth Prospect street bridge 586 25 street. relative to the requirements of the Department. Main street bridge 4 75 From Chief of Department— York street bridge 5 00 I. Returning application of the Police Department for the inspection of Academy of Music, Fourteenth street and Irving place, with report thereon that the requirements Centre street bridge 114 28 of the Department have been complied with, except that the outside siamese con- Brooklyn dock 194 05 nection should be 3 inches instead of 2% inches and the hose in premises should be 2,001 33 2% inches instead of 2 inches. Police Department notified. Repairs to— 2. Returning application from the Police Department for inspection of premises No. 397 West street, and known as the International Music Hall, with report thereon Warehouses $2,287 oo that the requirements of this Department have been complied with. Police Department Shop buildings 314 19 notified. 3. Returning communication from the Woman's Branch New York City Mission Streets, yards and fences and Tract Society relative to the requirements of the Department in premises No. 129 Engine house East Tenth street, with report thereon. Reply communicated. 4.• Recommending that the attention of the Bureau of Buildings be called to the Manhattan office 7:475 857065 necessity of additional fire-escapes in the following premises: Nos. 309 and 310 West Brooklyn Office 97 07o, street ; Nos. 460, 466, 474 and 476 Greenwich street ; No. 38 Renwick street ; Nos. 137-141 Varick street; Nos. 304-320 Hudson street; No. 18 Desbrosses street ; No. 546 Broome Electric light poles street; Nos. 432-436 Canal street; Nos. 507, 509, 512 and 514 Washington street; Nos. 3,546 01 40, 79 and 81 Watts street, and No. 14.0 Sullivan street ; southwest corner Charlton and Miscellaneous— Washington streets, and No. 54 Desbrosses street. Bureau of Buildings notified.

Paint making $105 00 From Deputy Commissioner, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens— I. Transmitting survey of Richardson street site ; also requesting information as Sundry small repairs 2,737 7 2 to site on Greenpoint avenue, opposite Calvary Cemetery. Reply communicated. Supplies and material 7,405 62 2. Relative to service of 10,248 34 Gravesend Exempt Firemen's Association, to vacate premises on Coney Island. From Chief of the Rockaway Beach Fire Department— $36,051 57 I. Relative to his claim for services as Chief. Borough of Brooklyn Bridges— 2. Requisition for supplies for the Rockaway Beach Fire Department. From the Special Fire Alarm Electrical Signal Company—Relative to special Hamilton avenue $576 13 building box at the New York Roof Garden Theatre. Metropolitan avenue 410 90 From James E. McGuire—Accepting appointment to the position of Lineman in the borough of Brooklyn. Harway avenue 22 20 Referred. Washington avenue 431 of From Mrs. Fitterer—Complaining of 'defective furnace flue at No. 8o6 East One Union street 5 89 Hundred and Forty-eighth street. To Fire Marshal. 319 23 From F. A. Koch & Co.—Reporting that firemen broke into their premises, No. Ninth street 349 Broadway, without necessity, during progress of fire in premises No. 351 Broad- Third street 37 88 way on the 25th instant. To Chief of Department for investigation and report. F. J. Bridges—Complaining of obstructed fire-escapes, premises No. 170 West Carroll street 321 o6 One Hundred and Seventh street. To Police Department. 2,124 39 From Consolidated Gas Company—Requesting permit to use furnaces on the street Newtown Creek Bridges- for the purposes of melting lead. To Inspector of Combustibles. From Foreman Engine Company 31—Reporting chimney fire, premises No. 56 Greenpoint avenue $42 55 Mulberry street, on the 28th instant. To Inspector of Combustibles. Vernon avenue 65 03 From Foreman Engine Company 39—Reporting defective smoke flue, premises No. III East Seventy-sixth street. To Fire Marshal. Meeker avenue 11 50 278 65 From Foreman Hook and Ladder Company 18- Grand street I. Reporting chimney fire, premises No. 69 Suffolk street, on the 27th instant. 397 73 2. Reporting defective chimney flue, premises No. 69 Suffolk street. To Fire Borough of Queens Bridges— Marshal. 22 From New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company—Requesting that Borden avenue $408 rfoufourort be placed in the Mott Haven yards. To Chief of Department for Strong's Causeway 208 41 report. From Anonymous—Complaining of insufficient fire-escapes, premises Nos. 695 and Flushing creek 613 09 697 Third avenue. To Bureau of Buildings. Little Neck 466 93 From R. Krause & Son—Complaining that there is not sufficient light in the hall- 1 ,696 65 way, premises No. 55 West One Hundred and Seventeenth street. To Department of Health. Harlem River Bridges— Contract of the National Sponge and Chamois Company, No. 16o William street, Willis avenue 722 41 for furnishing sponge, having been duly executed in accordance with law, was for- warded to the Department of Finance for filing. Third avenue 135 16 ■••■•■•■■ Macomb's Dam 97 o6 NEW YORK, July 29, 1902. Central 2 98 Communications received were disposed of as follows: One Hundred and Thirty-fifth street 337 18 1,294 79 Filed. Borough of Richmond Bridges— From his Honor the Mayor—Transmitting communication from the Secretary of Lemon creek $66 76 the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund relative to the removal of the engine house from the City Hall Park and to the question of a new location for said engine house. Fresh Rills 16o 20 From City Clerk—Copy of resolution adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, 226 96 Kw, requesting that fire-alarm boxes be placed in each of the schools in Greater Manhattan Bridge $476 35 New York. Blackwell's Island Bridge 67 03 From Department of Finance— 543 38 I. Requesting copies of specifications and proposals advertised in connection with bids to be opened August 5, 1902, be forwarded. Complied with. B. R. T. Co 658 44 2. Returning proposals of the Safety Insulated Wire and Cable Company for 42,993 91 furnishing underground cable, and Culver Ferguson for furnishing forage, for ap- proval of substitution of sureties. Substitution of sureties approved and proposals $85,091 33 returned. Sept. 3o, To Cash, balance on hand 51,174 01 From Municipal Civil Service Commission— I. Eligible list from which to appoint two Tinsmiths, three Painters, two Car- $136,265 34 penters and two Plumbers. 2. Recertifying the name of Assistant Foreman Louis T. Hauck for promotion Respectfully submitted, to the rank and grade of Foreman, and the names of Firemen Gerhardt Weber, John Regan, Charles Schimbersky, Samuel Roxbury, Frederic Smith, William J. Walsh, G. LINDENTHAL. Commissioner of Bridges. Robert C. Ruckholdt and Daniel Haggerty for promotion to the rank and grade of Assistant Foreman. 3. Eligible lists from which to appoint two Chiefs of Battalion and three Foremen. FIRE DEPARTMP NT. From Foreman Engine Company 57—Reporting repairs required to the quarters of Engine Company 57. Department of Docks and Ferries notified. From Foreman Hook and Ladder Company 21—Reporting that Fireman James P. Reilly protested against performing duty after 8 o'clock a. m. on the 25th instant. HEADQUARTERS, FIRE DEPARTMENT, CITY OF NEW YORK. From Chas. H. Stone, Foreman Engine Company 22—Applying for promotion to Nos. 157 AND 159 EAST SIXTY-SEVENTH STREET, the rank and grade of Chief of Battalion. NEW YORK, July 28, 1902. From Foreman Hook and Ladder Company 55—Reporting the death of Fireman Communications received were disposed of as follows: first grade Michael J. Irwin of that company at 5.15 a. in. on the 22d instant. From Foreman John T. Needham, Hook and Ladder Company 19.—Applying to be Filed. retired on one-half pay from all services in the Department from 8 a. m. August x, From Corporation Counsel- 1902, after twenty years' continuous service. Approved and ordered. '. Requesting additional information in the matter of the reinstatement of James From Fireman first grade Henry Boerum, Engine Company 127—Withdrawing P. Reilly. Reply communicated. waiver for promotion to the rank and grade of Engineer of Steamer in the boroughs 2. Relative to the examination of title to site for apparatus house on Jackson of Manhattan and The Bronx. avenue near Kouwenhoven street, borough of Queens. From Assistant Foremen James J. Collins, Engine Company III ; John M. Ryan, 3. Copy of order of the Supreme Court in the matter of petition of Joseph L. Hook and Ladder Company 6o, and James H. Byrne, Engine Company '42—Forwarding Bien for reinstatement to the position of Stenographer and Typewriter. waivers for promotion to the rank and grade of Foreman in the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx. Municipal Civil Service Commission notified. From Municipal Civil Service Commission- From Superintendent of Buildings—Relative to the transfer of two Painters from '. Relative to weights for the examination of Architect. the Repair Shops. 2. Relative to examinations for promotion to higher grades in the Fire De- From Foreman in charge of the repair shops— partment I. Itemized statement of cost of repairs to Engine 65, which was damaged by 3. Relative to the change of title of Oil Collector to that of Deputy Inspector collision with trolley car No. 528 of the Metropolitan Street Railway Company. Copy of Combustibles. forwarded to the Metropolitan Street Railway Company. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902. THE CITY RECORD. 7841

2. Returning communication of Stapleton & Manchester, attorneys, relative to an Requisitions were forwarded to the Municipal Civil Service Commission for eligible alleged infringement of the patent of Curtis Wigg for rubber tire supports, with report lists from which to appoint three Foremen, boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, thereon. Reply communicated and copy of report forwarded to the Corporation Coun- one Stenographer and Typewriter, borough of Brooklyn, and one Driver for the borough sel for advice. of Manhattan. 3. Submitting names and addresses of two Painters for transfer from repair shops ■ •■•■■ for service under direction of the Building Superintendent. Transfer ordered. NEW YORK, July 30, 1902. 4. Transmitting communication from Messrs. Brown & Miller, contractors, rela- Communications received were disposed of as follows: tive to new deck beams for fire-boat The New Yorker. Reply communicated. Filed. From the Fire Marshal, boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx and Richmond— I. Report of inspection of St. Francis Hospital, Nos. 605-613 Fifth street. Com- From Department of Finance—Returning proposal of George N. Reinhardt for municated to Chief of Department. furnishing forage, for approval of substitution of sureties. Substitution approved and 2. Report of transactions for the week ending July 26, 1902. proposal returned to the Department of Finance. From Chief of Department—Transmitting applications from the Automatic Fire From Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity—Acknowledging receipt Alarm Company for assignment of box numbers, premises Nos. 1293-131I Broadway of communication of the 25th instant, and advising of date of hearing in regard to and No. 376 Broome street. Approved and ordered. overhead wires in the borough of Brooklyn. From Fire Marshal, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens—Report of transactions for the week ending July 26, 1902. From Municipal Civil Service Commission— I. Eligible list from which to appoint one Driver for the borough of Manhattan. From Deputy Commissioner, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens— 2. Acknowledging receipt of communication of the 28th instant. I. Transmitting withdrawals of waivers for promotion to the rank and grade From Bureau of Highways—Relative to building contractors being required to of Engineer of Steamer, boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, from Fireman first furnish bond to guarantee the preservation of asphalt pavements in front of premises grade Frank Sherman, of Hook and Ladder Company 66; Joseph Brideson, Engine where they propose to erect new buildings or alter old ones. t-ompany 103; Harvey R. Hibberd, Engine Company 115; Joseph F. Holdsworth, From Foreman Hook and Ladder Company 5—Recommending that a 24-inch Engine Company 127, and George A. Jones, Engine Company 148. Duplicates tor- water-main be placed in West street, between Christopher and Gansevoort streets, and warded to the Municipal Civil Service Commission. that additional fire-hydrants be located as follows : Foot of Jane street, foot of West 2. Requesting that the findings of the Deputy Commissioner held in the bor- Twelfth street, northeast corner of Bethune and West streets, foot of Bank street, ough of Brooklyn on July 23 be acted upon as early as possible. foot of West Eleventh street, foot of Perry street, foot of Charles street, foot of West 3. Requesting the appointment of two additional Linemen, boroughs of Brooklyn Tenth street and foot of Christopher street. Communicated to Department of Water and Queens. Requisition forwarded to Municipal Civil Service Commission. Supply, Gas and Electricity. 4. Transmitting charges against members of the uniformed force, together • with From Foreman Engine Company 27—Recommending that a 24-inch water-main be testimony taken at trials held in the borough of Brooklyn on July 23, as follows : placed in West street, between Reade and Desbrosses streets, and that additional fire- Fireman first grade Hugh Garrah, Engine Company 117, for neglect of duty. hydrants be located on West street, between Reade and Desbrosses streets. Communi- Found guilty and sentenced to forfeit one day's pay. cated to Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. Fireman first grade James Hennessey, Engine Company 120, for absence without • From Foreman Engine Company 30—Recommending that a 24-inch main and leave. Found guilty and sentenced to forfeit three days pay. additional fire-hydrants be placed on West street, between Desbrosses and Canal streets. Fireman first grade Joseph J. McNamara, Engine Company 122, for absence without Communicated to Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. leave (two specifications) and intoxication. Decision reserved in the first charge, and From Foreman Engine Company 24—Recommending that a 24-inch water-main second charge dismissed. and additional fire-hydrants be placed on West street, between Houston and Christopher Fireman first grade William L. Bennie, Engine Company 140, for absence without streets. Communicated to Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. leave. Found guilty and sentenced to forfeit three days' pay. From Chief of Department—Returning communication of Ira A. Place requesting Fireman first grade Patrick Kane, Engine Company 151, for absence without leave that four fire-alarm boxes be placed in the yards of the New York Central and Hudson (two charges). Found guilty and dismissal from the Department recommended. River Railroad Company at Mott Haven, with report thereon. Reply communicated. Findings approved. From the Empire City Subway Company (limited)—Reporting broken Department cable in manhole at One Hundred and Twenty-fourth street and Amsterdam avenue. From Assistant Inspector of Combustibles—Recommending the discontinuance of Chief of Department notified. legal proceedings instituted against James Cunningham, of No. 375 Bergen street. Referred. Approved and communicated to the Bureau for the Recovery of Penalties. From Isaac B. Markey—Inclosing clipping from the Western Fireman relative From J. A. Engel—Complaining of insufficient means of escape in case of fire, to new fire-boat for the city of Milwaukee. premises No. 1019 Third avenue. To Bureau of Buildings. From C. Irving Fisher, M. D., superintendent of Presbyterian Hospital—Advising From 0. J. Lowe—Complaining of scarcity of water, premises No. 852 East One of the endowment by Mrs. Margaret J. Plant of a bed in the Presbyterian Hospital Hundred and Sixty-fifth street. To Department of Health. for members of the Fire Department of The City of New York. Reply communi- From Foreman Engine Company 17—Report of chimney fire, premises No. 104 cated. Rivington street, on the 29th instant. To Inspector of Combustibles. From Foreman Engine Company 73—Forwarding charge of neglect of duty against From Foreman Engine Company 20—Reporting violation of section 104 of the Engineer of Steamer George Lloyd. Building Code, premises Nos. 46 and 48 Marion street. To Bureau of Buildings. Referred. Expenditures Authorized. From State Board of Charities—Requesting inspection of Columbus Hospital, No. 226 East Twentieth street ; New York Homceopathic Medical College and Hospital, BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. Sixty-third street and Avenue A; Nursery and Children's Hospital, New Brighton, and Williamsburg Hospital, Bedford avenue and South Third street, Brooklyn. To Fire Miscellaneous repairs to buildings $300.coo Marshal. Requisition for carpentry repairs 300.00 From M. A. C. Levy—Respecting his complaint of violation of law at premises No. 97 Crosby street. To Inspector of Combustibles. Bills Audited. From A. Jacobs & Son—Complaining of open gas jets at premises No. 84 Hester street. To Fire Marshal. BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. From Foreman Engine Company 5—Reporting violation of section 769 of the Schedule No. 38 of 1902— Charter, premises Nos. 33o to 336 Madison street. To Inspector of Combustibles. Apparatus, supplies, etc $2,554.25 From Foreman Engine Company 65—Reporting defective chimney flue, premises No. 43 West Fifty-fourth street. To Fire Marshal. Schedule No. 4o of 1902— From Foreman Hook and Ladder Company x—Reporting roof of quarters in need Apparatus, supplies, etc $5,610.70 of repairs. To Superintendent of Buildings. From Foreman Hook and Ladder Company 8—Reporting defective chimney flue, Schedule No. 102 of 1901— premises No. 318 Church street. To Fire Marshal. Apparatus, supplies, etc $24.38 Fire Department, Fund for sites, buildings and telegraph Expenditures Authorized. system 59.88 BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. $84.26 Step ladders Schedule No. 103 of I901— Typewriting machine 9o90.o0 Fire Department, Fund for sites, buildings and telegraph system $205.64 Directories 65.5o Fly sheets for horses.... 100.00 BOROUGHS OF BROOKLYN AND QUEENS. Hardware, steam fittings, etc. ... 300.00 Schedule No. 72 of itgoi- Carpentry, Headquarters 145.00 Apparatus, supplies, etc Flag pole, Engine Company 72 86.00 $0450 Schedule No. 26 of 1902— BOROUGHS OF BROOKLYN AND QUEENS. Apparatus, supplies, etc $3,420.50 Tools and supplies for telegraph in borough of Queens $950.00 Appointed. Bills Audited. BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. Joseph Walsh, as Driver, at $912 per annum, from August I, 1902. Schedule No. 42 of 1902, salaries $398.98 BOROUGHS OF BROOKLYN AND QUEENS. Appointed. Thomas E. McGuire, as Lineman, at $1,000 per annum, from August r, 1902. Edward W. Curtis, as Lineman, at Um) per annum, from August 1, 1902. BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. Promoted to Engineer of Steamer, at $1,600 per annum, from August 1, 1902. Thomas A. Hagan, as Tinsmith, at $1,064 per annum, from August 1, 1902. Robert Peal, as Carpenter, at $1,064 per annum, from August r, 1902. Fireman first grade Charles G. Morse, Engine Company to7 to Engine Company 7, Henry Hochreister, as Tinsmith, at $1,064 per annum, from August I, 1902. Manhattan and The Bronx. Wm. J. Coombs, as Carpenter, at $1,064 per annum, from August I, 1902. Fireman first grade George H. Frederick, Engine Company 144 to Engine Com- James F. Clark, as Plumber, at $1,064 per annum, from August r, 1902. pany 12, Manhattan and The Bronx. Louis Toller, as Plumber, at $1,064 per annum, from August I, 1902. Fireman first grade Frank Sherman, Hook and Ladder Company 66 to Engine Company 4, Manhattan and The Bronx. Retired on Own Application After Twenty Years' Service. Fireman first grade Harvey H. Hibbard, Engine Company 115 to Engine Company BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. 18, Manhattan and The Bronx. Fireman first grade Henry Boerum, Engine Company 127 to Engine Company 3t; Foreman John T. Needham, Hook and Ladder Company 19, on $1,080 per annum, Manhattan and The Bronx. from August I, 1902. Forms of contract in triplicate for erecting a building for this Department on the Transferred. northwest corner of Sedgwick avenue and One Hundred and Seventy-eighth street, borough of The Bronx, and for erecting a building on the south side of Beekman BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. street, east of William street, borough of Manhattan, were forwarded to the Corporation Charles A. Smith and George W. Johnson, Painters, from Repair Shops to office Counsel for approval. of Superintendent of Buildings, from . August I, 1902. NEW YORK, July 31, 1902. Dismissed on Charges After a Hearing. Communications received were disposed of as follows : BOROUGHS OF BROOKLYN AND QUEENS. Filed. Fireman first grade Patrick Kane, Engine Company ist, from 8 a. m. August r, Fireman first grade Joseph J. McNamara, Engine Company 122, from 8 a. m. From City Clerk—Copy of resolution adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 22, August I, 1902. authorizing the Fire Commissioner to purchase and enter into contracts for the Contract of Thomas B. Leahy, No. 9 East Forty-second street, for alterations and purchase of various supplies which are needed for the immediate repair and restoration repairs to quarters of Engine Company 9, located at No. 55 East Broadway, having of the fire-alarm systems in the boroughs of Queens and Richmond, outside of the been duly executed in accordance with law, was transmitted to the Department of paid department, and for the equipment of such volunteer companies who are in Finance for filing. immediate need of apparatus, horses and supplies, such expenditure not to exceed 7842 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902.

the sum of $5,000, without advertising in the City Record and the corporation papers From Foreman Engine Company 1—Reporting that the new horse on trial with for bids or proposals for such supplies and equipment. Copy forwarded to the Deputy that company is suitable for the service in all respects. Commissioner, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, and to the Cashier. From Foreman Hook and Ladder Company 2—Reporting that the two new horses From the Corporation Counsel—Opinion relative to the power of the Fire Com- on trial With that company are suitable for the service of the Department. missioner to retire Fireman first grade James P. Reilly, of Hook and Ladder Company From Acting Chief of Department—Requesting regular leave of absence from 12 m. 21, upon application of said Fireman Reilly. Saturdays to 12 m. Mondays during month of August. Granted. From Department of Finance— From Deputy Commissioner, boroughs Brooklyn and Queens— I. Approving the adequacy and sufficiency of the sureties to proposals of Culver r. the appointment of twenty Firemen. Requisition forwarded to Ferguson for furnishing forage, and the Safety Insulated Wire and Cable Company Municipal Civil Service Commission. for furnishing telegraph wire. 2. Recommending the appointment of an additional stenographer for Brooklyn 2. Renewing request of May 9 relative to payment of claims for forage furnished Headquarters. Eligible list forwarded to the Deputy Commissioner. the Department. Reply communicated. From Kane and Wright—Relative to removal of stable manure from company From Superintendent of School Buildings, Department of Education—Acknowl- quarters. Reply communicated. edging receipt of communication of 23d instant, and requesting return of specifications. From Pettes & Randall—Requesting permission to make connection from St. Reply communicated. Mark's Avenue Hotel, Brooklyn, to the fire-alarm circuits. Reply communicated. From Fireman first grade John J. O'Connell, Engine Company 6, Theatre Detail— From T. S. Hunt, Division Engineer New York Central and Hudson River Rail- Reporting no diagram of exits on programme of Thalia Theatre, performance of 26th road Company—Requesting permission to change fire-alarm key from station to signal instant. tower at Spuyten Duyvil. Reply communicated. From Fireman third grade Charles B. Martin, Hook and Ladder Company 5, Theatre From Tams, Lemoine & Crane—Relative to propeller for new fire-boat, and altera• Detail—Reporting no diagram of exits on programme of Huber's Museum and Theatre, tions to fire-boat William L Strong. No. 1o6 East Fourteenth street, at performance on the 28th instant. Proprietor notified. From Fireman fourth grade Francis J. Ford, Hook and Ladder Company 5, Referred. Theatre Detail—Reporting no programme of performance with diagram of exits on same at Huber's Museum and Theatre, No. Too East Fourteenth street, at performance From Police Department—Requesting inspection of premises No. 253 Bowery. To on 29th instant. Proprietor notified. Chief of Department. From Foreman Engine Company 65—Recommending that additional fire-hydrants From Mullen Bros.—Requesting inspection of stand-pipes, etc., Olympic Theatre, be located on northeast corner of Forty-second street and Madison avenue; west side One Hundred and Twenty-ninth street and Third avenue. To Chief of Department. of Madison avenue, between Forty-second and Forty-third streets; southeast corner From William J. Thomas, Clerk, Jamaica Fire Department—Requesting use of Madison avenue and Forty-third street ; northwest corner Madison avenue and Forty- horse, wagon and harness on account of parade of Jamaica Fire Department, September third street ; east side of Madison avenue, between Forty-third and Forty-fourth streets ; I, 1902. To Deputy Commissioner. northeast corner Madison avenue and Forty-fourth street ; corner Vanderbilt avenue From Deputy Commissioner, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens—Returning draw- and Forty-fourth street ; south side of Forty-third street, between Madison and Vander- ings of ornamental posts and submitting photograph of ornamental posts used in bilt avenues ; south side of Forty-fourth street, between Madison and Vanderbilt Washington, D. C. To Cashier for estimate of cost of posts used in Washington. avenues. Communicated to Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. From George W. Stevens Co., Boston—Calling attention to their fire-alarm tele- From Chief of Battalion in charge of Hospital and Training Stables—Recommend- graph apparatus. To Cashier. ing sale at public auction of eight horses no longer fit for service of the Department. From Foreman Engine Company 31—Reporting chimney fire, premises No. 68 Ordered. Mott street, on the 30th ult. To Inspector of Combustibles. From Chief of Department—Returning application of Police Department for in- From Foreman Engine Company 74- spection of premises No. 302 Bowery, known as Lyceum Concert Garden, with report I. Reporting storage of combustibles in premises 76 West Seventy-first street thereon that the requirements of this Department have been complied with thereat. To Inspector of Combustibles. Police Department notified. 2. Reporting violation of section 97 of the Building Code, premises No. 295 Am- From Louis J. Grant, attorney- sterdam avenue. To Bureau of Buildings. '. Demanding the reinstatement of Daniel W. Price to the position of Engineer Expenditures Authorized. of Steamer in this Department. 2. Demanding the reinstatement of Thomas R. Kelly to the position of Fireman BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. in this Department. • From John R. Halsey, attorney—Certified copy of injunction in the matter of Plumbing, quarters Engine Company II $5o.00 Michael Brennan vs. the Fire Commissioner of The City of New York. Carpentry, quarters Engine Company 37 75.00 From Alexander M. Forman, attorney—Relative to complaint of Mrs. Neville Carpentry, quarters Engine Company 54 76.00 against a member of the Department Reply communicated. Requisition for an eligible list from which to appoint twenty Firemen for service Referred. in the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens was forwarded to the Municipal Civil Service From Hermann Lindheimer—Requesting approval of the organization of a hose Commission. company at New Dorp, borough of Richmond. To Foreman Leonard for report. From Slawson & Hobbs—Requesting information relative to "Fyrcide," a powder NEW YORK, August 2, 1902. fire extinguisher. To Chief of Department for report. The charge of absence without leave preferred against Fireman Joseph J. Mc- Communications received were disposed of as follows: Namara, Engine Company 123, dated July 29, 1902, was ordered on file, Fireman McNamara having been dismissed from the service, to take effect from August t Filed. From Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity— Bills Audited. I. Acknowledging receipt of communication of 31st ult., relative to additional BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. fire-hydrants. 2. Requesting that information relative to lighting be furnished to D. F. Verdenel, Schedule No. 132 of T899— representing that Department. Information furnished. Fire Department Fund for sites, buildings and telegraph system, Bond Issue of 1899 $2,398.80 From Municipal Civil Service Commission— I. Eligible list from which to appoint one Lineman for borough of Queens. Schedule No. tog of 19o1— 2. Eligible list from which to appoint one Telegraph Operator. Fire Department Fund for sites, buildings and telegraph system, Bond From Foreman Hook and Ladder Company to—Recommending that additional fire- Issue of 1901 $422.00 hydrants be located on east side of West street. Department of Water Supply notified. From Chief 31st Battalion—Reporting meritorious act of Fireman first grade Daniel BOROUGHS OF BROOKLYN AND QUEENS. V. Warner, of Engine Company 155, in rescuing three persons from drowning at Jamaica Bay on July 5. Ordered that name be entered on Roll of Merit for meritorious Schedule No. 27 of 1902— conduct outside of line of duty. Apparatus, supplies, etc $/,868.98 From Acting Chief 21st Battalion—Reporting meritorious act of Fireman first grade John W. Bedell in stopping runaway horse on Concord street, Brooklyn, July 22. Schedule No. 28 of 1902— Ordered that the name of Fireman first grade John W. Bedell be entered on the Roll Apparatus, supplies, etc $7,487.20 of Merit for meritorious action outside of the line of duty. From Chief of Department—Returning communication of Slawson & Hobbs rela- Retired on Half Pay. tive to "Fyrcide" powder for extinguishing fires, with report thereon. Reply com- municated. BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. From Deputy Commissioner, boroughs Brooklyn and Queens- Fireman first grade James P. Reilly. Hook and Ladder Company 21, on own /. Respecting communication from the Comptroller concerning bills for lighting. application in writing, from August I, 1902. 2. Acknowledging receipt of copy of resolution adopted by Board of Aldermen, Form of advertisement for the sale of eight horses transmitted to the Supervisor July 22. of the City Record for publication. 3. Relative to requisitions for supplies, other than for fire-alarm system, for volun- Contract of H.. de B. Parsons for services as Consulting Engineer in preparing teer fire companies, borough of Queens. Reply communicated. plans and specifications, etc., for the construction and completion of a fire-boat, having From G. H. Huber—Relative to programmes for performances at Huber's Museum. been duly executed in accordance with law, was forwarded to the Department of Finance for filing. Referred. Requisition for an eligible list from which to appoint one Lineman for service in From F. 0. Pierce Company—Respecting permit issued to sell oils, etc. To In- the borough of Queens and one Telegraph Operator for service in borough of Man- spector of Combustibles. hattan was transmitted to the Municipal Civil Service Commission. From Estate of D. H. McAlpin—Notice that order relative to premises No. 215 Notice of motion in the matter of application of retired Assistant Foreman James West Thirty-eighth street will be complied with. To Fire Marshal. Flannelly, of Engine Company 104, borough of Brooklyn, for a peremptory writ of From Deputy Commissioner, boroughs Brooklyn and Queens—Reporting death of mandamus, together with a statement of the facts, was forwarded to the Corporation Mary Read, pensioner, and returning pension check. Also reporting death of Annie Counsel. ■•■••■■•• Smith, daughter of Robert J. Smith, deceased Fireman. To Secretary Relief Fund. From W. T. Wood, No. 4117 Third avenue—Reporting that water from hydrant on NEW YORK, August I, 1902. Woodycrest avenue, south of One Hundred and Sixty-eighth street, is being used for Communications received were disposed of as follows: building purposes. To Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. Filed. Promoted. From his Honor the Mayor— BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. I. Transmitting communication of Hon. Charles Alt respecting a matter con- John J. Nanry, from Groundman to Telegraph Operator, at $',2oo per annum, cerning the uniformed force. Reply communicated. from August 1, 1902. 2. Returning Fire Marshal's report for first half of year 19o2. From Board of Estimate and Apportionment—Copy of resolution transferring Appointed. $45,310 from appropriation made to the Fire Department entitled "Re-establishment, BOROUGH OF QUEENS. Maintenance and Supervision of the Fire Alarm System in the Borough of Queens" to Edward F. Phillips, as Lineman, at $1,000 per annum, from August 1, 1902. the appropriation, "Apparatus, Supplies, etc., Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens." Copy forwarded to Deputy Commissioner. BOROUGHS OF BROOKLYN AND QUEENS. From Department of Finance— x. Advising that Comptroller's certificates have been endorsed on contracts of July 28 to August 2, 1902. Thomas B. Leahy, dated July 22, 1902, for alterations to quarters of Engine Company q, Communications received were disposed of as follows: and contract of National Sponge and Chamois Company, dated July 23, 1902, for furnishing sponge for use of Department. Filed. 2. Approving adequacy and sufficiency of sureties on contract of George N. Rein- From the Deputy Commissioner, Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity— hardt for furnishing forage. Notice that fire-hydrant would be located on north side of Hart street, forty feet east From Commissioner of Public Works—Rescinding order relative to obtaining con- of Myrtle avenue, as requested. sents of building contractors. From Deputy Chief of Department in charge— From Fireman first grade John H. Maguire, Engine Company 44, Theatre Detail— I. Returning application of Police Department for inspection of premises known Reporting no diagram of theatre printed on programme of performance at Terrace as Arverne Hotel Casino, borough of Queens, with report thereon. Police Department Qarden on July 29. notified. _ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902. THE CITY RECORD. 7843

2. Reporting that the recommendations of this Department have not been complied From Deputy Commissioner, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens- with in premisel, known as Prospect Hall, located on Prospect place near Fifth avenue, '. Relative to requirements of Bedford Bank before they will cash salary checks for and recommending that too feet of fire hose be connected to stand-pipe on each floor. members of the Department. Communicated to the Comptroller. Superintendent of Buildings notified. 2. Notice that he has transmitted requisition to J. Elliot Smith, Electrical Engineer From Nassau Coal Company—Relative to the indebtedness of a member of the in charge of fire-alarm system, borough of Queens, requisition for services of wagon uniformed force. and Driver. 3. Acknowledging receipt of copy of resolution of Board of Estimate and Appor- From Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity- tionment transferring $45,310 to appropriation, "Apparatus, Supplies, etc.," boroughs '. Respecting broken cross-arms on telegraph poles. Reply communicated. of Brooklyn and Queens. 2. Advising that orders have been issued for placing three fire-hydrants on Kent 4. Relative to transfer of Fireman Richard J. Condon and Engineer of Steamer avenue and two hydrants on North Seventh street. George Mahoney. Reply communicated. From Department of Finance—Returning bills of Elizabeth and Joseph McKee and From G. W. Benjamin—Relative to erecting building for use of Department in Ludwig Sikora for real estate in borough of Queens. Williamsbridge. Reply communicated. From Assistant Foremen Collins, Engine Company III ; Byrnes, Engine Company From Jacob Alexander—Requesting application for appointment as Fireman. Reply 142, and Ryan, Hook and Ladder Company 6o—Waiving their rights to promotion to communicated. lank and grade of Foreman in the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx. From City Paymaster—Relative to endorsement on pay rolls, etc. Reply com- Referred. municated. From the Brooklyn Heights Railroad Company—Relative to bills for privileges on From Foreman Engine Company 18—Reporting violation of section 75o of the the elevated structure. Greater New York Charter, premises No. 65 West Eighth street. To Inspector of From Richey, Bowne & Donald—Relative to placing fire-alarm box at Borden and Combustibles. Review avenues. From Foreman Engine Company 44—Reporting violation of section 4r, chapter 334, From H. Ernest Anstie—Relative to permanence of employment as Stenographer Laws of 1901, premises Nos. 1505, 1555 and i606 Avenue A, occupied as bakeries. To Bureau of Buildings. in this Department. Reply communicated. ■ 110.■ Referred. NEW YORK, August 6, Igoe. From Foreman Engine Company 107—Reporting chimney fire, premises No. 97 Communications received were disposed of as follows: Johnson street, July 28. To Assistant Inspector of Combustibles. From John Schmidt—Complaining of lack of fire-escapes, premises No. 352 Stock- Filed. holm street. To Tenement House Department. From Corporation Counsel—Returning, approved as to form, contracts for erecting From Anonymous—Complaining that doors leading to roof, premises Nos. 86 and 88 apparatus house on northwest corner of Sedgwick avenue and One Hundred and Herkimer street, are kept locked. To Tenement House Department. Seventy-eighth street, borough of The Bronx, and apparatus house on south side of From R. Buckley—Complaining of chimney, premises No. 681 Park avenue. To Beekman street, east of William street, borough of Manhattan. Tenement House Department. From Department of Labor, State of New York—Copy of chapter 454, Laws of 1902. NEW YORK, August 4, 1902. From Deputy Commissioner, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens- Communications received were disposed of as follows: '. Statement showing balances of different funds, August I, 1902. 2. Acknowledging receipt of communication of 2d instant, relative to award of Filed. hose contracts, and communication of 4th instant, relative to award of contract for From Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity—Relative to permit granted furnishing wheels. to G. W. Collier to use water for building purposes. From Gustav H. Schwab—Requesting to be informed if the Manhattan fire-alarm From Municipal Civil Service Commission—Eligible list from which to appoint system still connects with the city fire-alarm system. Reply communicated. twenty Firemen. From City Trust, Safe Deposit and Surety Company—Relative to bond executed From Foreman Engine Company 2—Reporting death of retired Engineer of Steamer on account of contract of Underground Cable Company, July 23, 1897. Reply com- Patrick J. Donovan, on 30th ult. Secretary of Relief Fund notified. municated. From Foreman Engine Company 73—Reporting death of horse registered No. 1339. Referred. From Chief of Battalion in charge of Hospital and Training Stable—Reporting From Sebastian & Saul—Estimate for repairing cable truck. To Chief Operator death of horse registered No. 1339. Fire Alarm Telegraph Branch. From Chief of 15th Battalion—Reporting that Mr. Brennan, owner of premises From Police Department—Requesting inspection of Eldridge Jewish Concert Hall, occupied by Engine Company 62, informs him that the proceedings instituted by him No. 133 Eldridge street, and Thalia Concert Hall, No. 236 Broome street. To Acting against this Department are entirely in the hands of his lawyers. Chief of Department. From Superintendent of Buildings—Recommending that contracts be entered From Interurban Street Railway Company—Requesting changes in position of Fire into for the erection of certain new apparatus quarters. Approved and ordered. Department cable, corner of Sixth avenue and Eighth street. To Chief Operator for From Acting Chief of Department—Advising of the intention of Mr. Brennan, the report. owner of premises occupied by Engine Company 62, to remove said building. From Department of Education—Reporting horse and wagon at Flushing which From Deputy Commissioner, boroughs Brooklyn and Queens—Returning eligible will be transferred to the Fire Department if wanted. To Deputy Commissioner for list from which to appoint one Stenographer, with recommendation. report. From Gustav Fratizreb—Relative to appointment of Linemen in the borough of From W. E. D. Stokes—Requesting inspection of work in his building. To Chief Richmond. Reply communicated. of Department. From First Assistant Chief of Fire Department, Kansas City, Mo.—Requesting copy From H. Levy—Complaining of defective chimney flue, premises No. 1269 Madison of laws relating to Fire Department of The City of New York. Reply communicated. avenue. To Fire Marshal. From Assistant Foreman Engine Company to—Reporting chimney fire, premises Referred. No. 37 Beaver street, on the 5th instant. To Inspector of Combustibles. From State Board of Charities—Requesting inspection of Columbus Hospital, From Foreman Engine Company 5—Reporting violation of section 103 of the Homeceopathic Medical College and Hospital, Manhattan Nursery and Child's Hospital, Building Code, premises No. 19 Scammel street. To Bureau of Buildings. New Brighton; and Williamsburg Hospital, Williamsburg, Brooklyn. To Chief of Department for report. Appointed. From Superintendent of School Buildings, Department of Education—Requesting BOROUGH OF QUEENS. location of fire-alarm boxes nearest to schools in Richmond. To J. Elliot Smith, Daniel McGlone, as Lineman, at $r,000 per annum, from August 7, 1902. Electrical Engineer in charge. From Fireman Edward F. Kane, Engine Company 44, Theatre Detail—Reporting no diagram on programme of Terrace Garden for performance July 3o. To Bureau for REMOVAL OF CITY RECORD. Recovery of Penalties. From Foreman Engine Company 12—Reporting chimney fire, premises No. 35 Vandewater street, on the 3d instant. To Inspector of Combustibles. The Office of THE CITY RECORD has been moved to Room 1639 Park From Foreman Engine Company 31—Reporting suspicious fire, premises No. 26o Canal street, on the 3d instant. To Fire Marshal. Row building, No. 21 Park Row, where all mail should be directed. Appointed. Telephone, 467 Cortlandt. BOROUGHS OF BROOKLYN AND QUEENS. The supply room of THE CITY RECORD is located at No. 98 Duane James E. Ray, as Stenographer and Typewriter, at $I,2oo per annum, from August 7, 1902. street, near Broadway, where all work is delivered and copies of the paper Contract of the Consumers' New York Rubber Tire Company for furnishing twenty are on sale. front and twenty hind wheels for the use of this Department in the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, having been executed in accordance with law, was transmitted to the Department of Finance for filing. CITY CLERK.

NEW YORK, August 5, 19o2. New York, November 13. Opening of Proposals. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Committee on Streets, Highways In the presence of the Fire Commissioner and a representative of the Comptroller. and Sewers of the Board of Aldermen will Affidavit as to due publication in the City Record of advertisement inviting hold a public hearing in the Aldermanic proposals was read and filed, and approved forms of contract were submitted. Chamber, City Hall, Manhattan, on Mon- Proposals were received as follows: lay. November 17, 1902, at one o'clock p. In., for consideration of all matters relat- BOROUGHS OF MANHAT TAN AND THE BRONX. ing to the opening of and closing of treets, change of grades. etc. For furnishing and delivering 500 tons of Anthracite Coal. All persons interested in the above No. I—John H. Meyer, No. 18 Beekman place $4,375 00 matter are respectfully requested to at- tend. —accompanied with security deposit of $90. The contract was awarded to John H. P. J. SCULLY, Meyer, he being the only bidder. Ordered, that the security deposit be forwarded to the Comptroller. City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Aldermen. From Department of Finance- CITY OFFICERS. '. Receipt for security deposit accompanying proposal opened at these Head- („,:t TATEMENT OF THE HOURS DURING quarters this date. CHANGES IN DEPARTMENTS. 4-7 which the Public Offices in the City are open 2. Notice that the custom of swearing to vouchers before forwarding for payment for business, and at which the Courts regularly open and adjourn, as well as of the places where to the Finance Department has been abolished from August 1. COUNTY COURT, KINGS COUNTY. such offices are kept and such Courts are held; From Tenement House Department—Copy of rules and regulations of that Depart- November to. together with the heads of Departments and ment. Receipt of acknowledged. Courts: From Department of Education—Requesting proof of specifications for connection Notice is given of the decease of Julius EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. of Public School buildings with fire-alarm system. Reply communicated. L. Wieman, formerly Chief Clerk of the Mayor's Office. From Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity—Relative to establishing County Court of Kings County, and of No. 5 City Hall, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Saturdays. additional fire-hydrants. the new appointment, Charles S. Devoy 9 A. M. to la M. r.s Chief Clerk. Telephone 1929 Cortlandt. From Foreman William J. Duffy, Hook and Ladder Company 21—Requesting, on SETH LOW, Mayor. behalf of members of that company, permission to present a veteran's badge to retired JAMES B. REYNOLDS, Secretary. WILLIAM J. Moass,Assistant Secretary. Fireman James P. Reilly. Disapproved, and notice forwarded. TENEMENT HOUSE DEPART- JOHN GRUENIERG, Oiief Clerk. From Fire Marshal, boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx and Richmond—Report of MENT. transactions for week ending August 2d, 1902. Bureau of Licenses. 9 A. M. tO 4 F. ICI Saturdays, 9 A. M. tO to M. From Chief of Department—Returning application of Police Department for in- November 13. Telephone 706 Cortlandt. spection of premises No. 253 Bowery, known as Casino Concert Garden, with report William H. Rahman, No.657 West One GEORGE WHITFIELD BROWN, Jr., Chief of Bureau. Principal Office, Room 1, City Halt. Hamar thereon that requirements of this Department have been complied with thereat. Police Hundred and Forty-eighth street, New OswALD CAREY, Deputy Chief, Boroughs of Department notified. York City. Architectural Draughtsman, Manhattan and The Bronx. From Fire Marshal, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens—Report for week ending salary $1,200 per annum, this appoint- Branch Office Room 12, Borough Hall, Brook- 1902. lyn; Josapu McGutaxissa, Deputy Chief, Bor- August 2, ment to take effect November IO, 1902. ough of Brooklyn. 7844 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902.

Branch Office, " Richmond Buildine New GEORGE L. Rivas, Corporation Counsel. lyn, 398o Main; Queens, 439 Greenpoint; Rich- Offices, Arsenal, Central Park. Brighton, S. I.; WILLIAM R. WOELFLE, Financial FRANK N. APPLEGATE, Secretary. mond, 39 Tompkinsville; Bronx, 62 -Tremont. RICHARD YOUNG, Commmissioner of Parks for Clerk, Borough of Richmond. THEODORE CONSOLE, GEORGE L. STERLING ROBERT GRIER MONROE, Commissioner. the Boroughs of Brookl yn aud Queens. Branch Office, "Hackett Building," Long CHARLES D. OLENDORF, EDWARD J. McGuiai, WILLIAM A. DE LONG, Deputy Commissioner. sion, Prospect Park, Island City; Offices, Litchfield Man CHARLES H. SMITH, Financial Clerk, JAMES M. WARD, GEORGE S. COLEMAN, CHARLES NICHOLAS S. HILL, Ja., Chief Engineer. Bimostivn. Cc rough of Queens. N. HARRIS, CHASE MELLEN,OHNJJ C. CLARK, GEORGE W. BIRDSALL, Consulting Hydraulic JOHN E. EUSTIS. Commissioner of Parks for CHARLES S. WHITMAN, EDWIN FREEDMA__,T4 TER- Engineer. THE CITY RECORD OFFICE, the Borough of The Bronx. ENCE PARLEY, JOHN C._ WAIT, JOHN W. HUTCH- GEORGE F. SEVER, Consulting Electrical Engi- Offices, Zbrowski Mansion, Claremont Park. Bureau of Printing, Stationery and Blank Books. INSON, JR.,OLIVER C. SEMPLE,S JAME T. MALONE, neer. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 4 P. 11.; Saturdays, ' Supervisor's Office Park Row Building, No. 21 1114 L O'BRIEN CHARLES A. O'Nzur.., GEORGE ROBERT A. KELLY, Water Registrar. 12 M. Park row, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.; Saturdays, 9 A. M. 1.0ANDON, HAROLD S. RANKINE, ARTHUR SWEENY, EDWARD S. BROWNSON, Jr., Secretary to the to 12 M. Telephone 467 Cortlandt. Supply room, WILLIAM BEERS CROWELL, DAVID RUMSEY, AN- I tepartment. DEPARTMENT OF TAXES AND ASSESS- No. 98 Duane street. DRESS T. CAMPBELL, JOHN F. O'BRIEN, FRANK. ROBERT VAN IDERSTINE, Deputy Commissioner, MENTS. LIN C. HOYT, E. ROSBY KiNDLEHERGER, MONT. Borough of Brooklyn, Municipal Building, Brook- PHILIP COWEN, Supervisor; HENRY Mchin.,. Stewart Building, No. 28o Broadway. Oaks LEN, Deputy Supervisor. GOMERY HARE LE ROY D. BALL, Assistants. lyn. JAMES MCKEEN, Assistant, in charge of Brook• WILLIAM F. HULL, Deputy Commissioner, Bor. hours, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.; Saturdays, 9 A. U. lyn brand office. ough of The Bronx, Crotona Park Building One to 12 M. CITY CLERK AND CLERK OF THE JAMES L. WELLS, President; WILLIAM S. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. GEonor E. BLACKWELL, Assistant, in charge of Hundred and Seventy-seventh street and Third Queens branch office. avenue. COGSWELL. GEORGE J. GILLESPIE, SAMUEL STRAS- BOURGER, RUFUS L. SCOTT, Commissioners. City Hall, Rooms 11.12, co A. M. to 4 P. M.; DOUGLAS MATHEWSON, Assistant, in charge of GUSTAVE A. ROULL/ER, Deputy Commissioner, Saturdays, to A. U. to 12 M. Borough of Queens, Hackett Building, Long Bronx brunch office. MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS- Telephone 5365 Cortlandt. ALBERT E. HADLOCK, Assistant, in charge of Island City, P. J. SCULLY, City Clerk and Clerk of the Richmond branch office. GEORGE S. SCOFIELD, Deputy Commissioner, Bor- SION. Board of Aldermen. ANDREW T. CAMPBELL, Chief Clerk. ough of Richmond, Richmond Building, New No. 346 Broadway, 9 A. M, to r. M. NICHOLAS I. HAYES, First Deputy City Clerk. Brighton, S. I. MASON, COR- Tenement House Bureau and WILLIS L. OGDEN, ALEXANDER T. MICHAEL F. BLAKE, Chief Clerk of the Board Building Bureau. NELIUS VANDERBILT, WILLIAM A. PERRIER, of Aldermen. No. Si Irving place. Office hours, 9 A. El FIRE DEPARTMENT. WILLIAM N. DYKMAN, THEODORE M. BANTA IMO Joseett V. SCULLY, Deputy City Clerk, Borough to shpiTHIIE.w St.turdaEy:iNtA.Ast.istoanntooinn. charge. NELSON S. SPENCER, Commissioners. of Brooklyn. Office hours for all, except where otherwise S. WILLIAM BRISCO, Secretary. Tizomss J. McCwaE, Deputy City Clerk, Bor- noted, from 9 A. M. tO 5 P. M..; Saturdays, 12 M . Bureau ough of The Bronx. for Collection Arrears of Personal Taxes. BOARD OF ASSESSORS. WILLIAM R. ZIMMERMAN, Deputy City Clerk, Headquarters. Borough No. 28o Broadway (Stewart Building). Office of Queens. hours for the public, to A. M. to a r. U.; Satur- Office, No. 32o Broadway, 9 A. M, to 4 P. M.; MICHAEL J. COLLINS, Deputy City Clerk, Bor- Nos. 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street. Saturdays, 12 U. ough of Richmond. days, to A. M. to 12 Telephone 868 Seventy-ninth street, Manhat- MARTIN SAxE, Assistant, in charge. B ENT AMIN E. HALL, President; Hamm E. tan; 636 Main, Brooklyn. KETCHAM and Eisocif VREELAND, Board of As- BOARD OF ALDERMEN. THOMAS STURGIS, Commissioner. sessors. WILLIAM H. JASPER, Secretary. Bureau for the Recovery of Penalties. RICHARD H. LAIMBEER, Jr., Deputy Commis. No. 11, City Hall, 9 A. M. to 4 P. at; Satur- Nos. 119 and 121 Nassau street, 9 A. M. to 5 sioner, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. days. 9 A. M. to 12 M. P. u.; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to 12 M. WILLIAM LEARY, Secretary. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. ARTHUR F. Cosay, Assistant, in charge. Telephone 3o Cortlandt. EDWARD F. CROKER, Chief of Department and BOARD OF EDUCATION. CHARLES V. FORNES, President. in Charge of Fire-alarm Telegraph. P. J. SCULLY, City Clerk. Bureau of Street Openings. JAMES F. MURRAY, Deputy Chief, acting in Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street. Borough Luarge of Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. of Manhattan, 9 A. M. to 5 r. U. Saturdays, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Nos. go and 92 West Broadway, 9 A. U. to 5 GEORGE E. MURRAY, Inspector of Combustibles. 9 A. M. MI 12 M. P. M.; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to 12 IC THOMAS N. FREEL, Fire Marshal, Boroughs of CHARLES C. BURLINGHAM, President; FRANK Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broad- Jou); P. Dorm, Assistant, in charge. Manhattan, The Bronx and Richmond. L. Basaorr, Vice-President; A. &Anson way, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M.; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to Central Office open at all hours. PA T.7.1 Ell, Secretary . 12 noon. COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. WILLIAM H. MAXWELL, City Superintendent EDWARD M. GROUT, Comptroller. Rooms 114 and Its, Stewart Building, 9 A. U. MUNICIPAL EXPLOSIVES COMMISSION. of Schools. N. TAYLOR PHILLIPS and JAMES W. STEVENSON, to 4 P. M. Telephone 43t 5 Franklin. C. R. J. SNYDER, Superintendent of School Deputy Comptrollers. Committee to examine persons who handle ex- Buildings. WILLIAM HEPBURN RUSSELL and EDWARD plosives meets Thursday of each week, at a HUBERT L. SMITH, Assistant Deputy Comp- OWEN, Commissioners. PARKER P. SIMMONS, Superintendent of School troller. o'clock P. M. Supplies. Nos. 157 and 159 OLIVER E. STANTON, Secretary to Comptroller. COMMISSIONERS OF SINKING FUND. East Sixty-seventh street, HENRY R. M. Coox, Auditor. Headquarters Fire Department. HENRY M. LEIPZIGER, Supervisor of Lectures. Main Division. SETH Low, Mayor, Chairman; EDWARD M. Fire Commissioner, THOMAS STURGIS, Chairman; GROUT, Comptroller; ELGIN R. L. GOULD, Cham- H. J. STORRS, Chief Clerk, Room WILLIAM J. CHARLTON, Esq.; Gen. GEORGE 0. berlain; CHARLES V. FORNES, President of the EATON, J. AMORY HASKELL, Esq.; Dr. CHARLES F. ART COMMISSION. Bookkeeping and Awards Division. Board of Aldermen, and HERBERT PARSONS, MCKENNA; JOHN F. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. City Hall, Room at. Chairman Finance Committee, Board of Alder- 1197 Cortlandt. JOSEPH HAAG, Chief Bookkeeper, Room a. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. U. Saturdays, Telephone Call, men, Members. N. TAYLOR PHILLIPS, Deputy A. M. tO 12 M. JOHN DEWITT WARNER, President: FREDERICE Stock and Bond Division. Comptroller, Secretary. DTELMAN, Painter, Vice-President: A. AUGUSTUS Office of Secretary, Room No. :a, Stewart DEPARTMENT OF STREET CLEANING. HEALY, President of Brooklyn Institute of Arts JAMES J. SULLIVAN, Chief Stock and Bond Building. SETH Low, Mayor of Clerk, Room 39. Nos. 13 to 21 Park Row, A. M. to 4 P. M. and Sciences, Secretary: 9 The City of New York: FREDERICK W. RHINE- BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPOR- Telephone 3863 Cortlandt. Bureau of Audit—Main Division. JOHN MCGAW WOODBURY, Commissioner. LANDER. President of Metropolitan Museum of Art: JOHN BIGELow, President of New York WILLIAM MCKINNY, Chief Auditor of Accounts, TIONMENT. E. M. GIBSON, Deputy Commissioner. JOHN J. O'BRIEN, Chief Clerk. Public Library; DANIEL C. FRENCH, Sculptor: Room 27. Telephone, Finance Department, 2115. HENRY RUTGERS MARSHALL. Architect; SAMUEL P. Law and Adjustment Division. Telephone, Public Improvements, 4594 Cort- DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION. AVERY; WILLIAM J. COOMBS. \VILLIAM J. LYON, Auditor of Accounts, Room landt. MILO R. MALTBIE, Assistant Secretary. 183. The MAYOR, Chairman; the COMPTROLLER, Central Office. PHYLLIS L. MCCORMACK, Clerk. PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN, PRESI- Investigating Division. DENT OP THE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, PRESIDENT No. 148 East Twentieth street. Office hours THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF THE OF THE BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, PRESIDENT OP from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.; Saturdays, 9 A. M, to CITY OF NEW YORK. CHARLES S. HERVEY, Auditor of Accounts, THE BOROUGH OF THE BRONX, PRESIDENT OF THE 12 M. Room 173. BOROUGH OF QUEENS, PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH Telephone 1047 Eighteenth. Rooms Nos. 516 and 517, No. z Madison ave- Charitable Institutions Division. OF RICHMOND. THOMAS W. HYNES, Commissioner. nue. JAMES W. STEVENSON. Deputy Comptroller, Sec- A. C. MACNULTY, Deputy Commissioner. 0 A. M. to 4 P. Saturdays. C) A. M. tO 12 M. DANIEL C. POTTER, Chief Examiner of Accounts retary, Finance Department, No. 28o Broadway. A. F. D'Ossicii, Chairman; FRANCIS C. MOORE, of Institutions, Room 40. Joust H. MOONEY, Assistant Secretary, Public DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES. CORNELIUS O'REILLY, WILLIAM C. SMITH, WAR- Improvements, City Hall. REN A. CONOVER, WILLIAM J. FRYER, EDWARD F. Bureau of the City Paymaster. ClIARLES V. ADEE. Clerk to the Board, Finance Central Office. CRONES. JAMES GAFFNEY, Clerk. No. 83 Chambers street and No. 65 Reade street. Department. No. 28o Broadway. Foot of East Twenty-sixth street, 9 A. M. to Joni-4 H. Tim iseamsis, City Paymaster. 4 P. M. AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS. Telephone 6o5 Madison Square. EXAMINING BOARD OF PLUMBERS. Bureau of Engineering. Holm Fouts, Commissioner for Manhattan Room 207, Stewart Building, 5th floor, 9 A. M. and Bronx. President, WILLIAM MONTGOMERY; Secretary, Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broad- to 4 P. M. Telephone 1942 Franklin. DAVID JONES; Treasurer, EDWARD MACDONALD; ex JAMES F. DOUGHERTY, First Deputy Commis- ANDREWS. way. The MAYOR, the COMPTROLLER, ex officio; Com- sioner. officio. HORACE Loomis and P. T. EUGENE E. MCLEAN, Chief Engineer, Room 5s. missioners, WILLIAM H. TEN EYCK (President). Rooms 14. 15 and 16. Aldrich Building. Nos. TORN J. RYAN. WILLIAM E. CURTIS and Jolts P. CHARLES E. TEALE, . Second Deputy Commis. 149 and 151 Church street. Bureau for the Collection of Taxes. sioner, for Brooklyn and Queens, Nos. 126 and WINDOLPH; HARRY W. WALKER, Secretary; ts8 Livingston street, Brooklyn. Office open during Imsiness hour. ever° day Borough of Manhattan—Stewart Building, WILLIAM R. HILL, Chief Engineer. in the year, except legal holidays. Examina- Plans and Specifications, Contracts, Proposals Monday. Wednesday and Team O. and Estimates for Work and Materials for Build- tions are held on DAVID E. AUSTEN, Receiver of Taxes. BOARD OF ARMORY COMMISSIONERS. Friday after i P. M. 'OIIN J. McDonouon, Deputy Receiver of ing, Repairs and Supplies, Bills and Accounts, The MAYOR, SETH Low, Chairman; The PRESI. 9 A. M. tO 4 P. M.; Saturdays, 12 . ces. Out-door Poor Department. Office hours, 5.3o Borough of The Bronx—Municipal Building, DENT OP THE DEPARTMENT OF TAXES AND ASSESS- 'Third and Tremont avenues. MENTS, JAMES L. WELLS, Vice-Chairman; The A M. to 4.30 P. U. B. UNDERHILL, Deputy Receiver of (RESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN, CHARLES Department for Care of Destitute Children, BOROUGH OFFICES. JOHN No. 66 Third avenue, 8.3o A. M. to 4.35 r. M. Taxes. V. FoitNes; Brigadier-General JAmes McLzes Borough of Manhattan. Borough of Brooklyn—Municipal Building, and Brigadier-General GEORGE MOORE SMITH . BELLEVUE AND ALLIED HOSPITALS. Office of the President, Nos. to, Ii and 12, Rooms 2-8. Commissioners. JACOB S. VAN WYCK, Deputy Receiver of JOHN P. GUSTAVESON, Secretary, Stewart Telephone 2730 Madison Square. City Hall, 9 A. M. tO 4 P. 11.; Saturdays, 9 A. M. Taxes. Building, No. 280 Broadway. hoard of Trustees—HOMER FOLKS, Dr. JOHN t) 12 M. Borough of Queens—Hackett Building, Jackson Office hours, 9 A. M. to 4 r. U. Saturdays . \V. BRANNAN, THEODORE E. TACK, MARCUS STINE, JACOB A. CANTOR, President. avenue and Fifth street, Long Island City. A. M. tO 12 M. TAMES K. PAULDING, SAMUEL SACHS, MILES GEORGE W. B'LAKE, Secretary. FREDERICK W. BLECKWENN, Deputy Receiver FIERNEY, HOWARD TOWNSEND. I'EREZ M. STEWART, Superintendent of Build- POLICE DEPARTMENT. ings. of Taxes. GEORGE LIVINGSTON, Commissioner of 'Public Borough of Richmond—Bay and Sand streets, Central Office. TENEMEN1P-HOUSE DEPARTMENT. Stapleton. Manhattan Office, No. 61 Irving place, south- Works. JOHN DEMORGAN, Deputy Receiver of Taxes. No. 300 Mulberry. street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. II FRITZ GUERTLER, Assistant Commissioner of Telephone 310o Spring. west corner Eighteenth street. Public Works. J Telephone 5331 Eighteenth. Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and {OHN N. PARTRIDGE, Commissioner. WILLIAM II. WALKER, Superintendent of Pub- Arrears. REDERICK II. E. EBSTEIN, First Deputy Coin Brooklyn Office, Temple Bar Building, No. 44 lic Buildings and Offices. Court street. WILLIAM H. MICHAELS, Superintendent of Borough of Manhattan—Stewart Building, missioner. Bronx Office, to be established. Room 8i. ALEXANDER R. PIPER, Second Deputy Commis Sewers. Aioner. ROBERT W. DE FOREST Commissioner. JOHN L. JORDAN, Assistant Superintendent of WILLIAM E. MCF ADDEN, Collector of Assess- LAWRENCE VEILLER, First Deputy Tenement' and Arrears. J. , Coax HILL, Secretary to the Police Corn Buildings. ments house Commissioner. High- EDWARD A. SLATTERY, Deputy Collector of As- misstoner. WESLEY C. BUSH, Second Deputy Tenement- TAMES G. COLLINS, Superintendent of ways. sessments and Arrears. house Commissioner. Borough of The Bronx—Municipal Building, BOARD OF ELECTIONS. WILLIAM MARTIN AIKEN, Consulting Architect 12 oom s 1.3. Headquarters. General Office, No. 107 West DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FER- for the Borough of Manhattan. JAMES J. DONOVAN, JR., Deputy Collector of Forty-first street. RIES. Borough of The Bronx. Assessments and Arrears. Commissioners—Join; R. VOORHIS (President), Borough of Brooklyn—Municipal Building. CHARLES B. PAGE (Secretary), JOHN MAGUIRE Pier " A," N. R., Battery place. Office of the President. corner Third avenue HENRY NEWMAN, Deputy Collector of Assess- MICHAEL J. DADY. Telephone 1681 Broad. and One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street, ments and Arrears. A. C. ALLEN, Chief Clerk of the Board. McDoUGALL HAWIES, Commissioner. 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to 12 II Borough of Queens—Hackett Building, Jackson JACKSON WALLACE, Deputy Commissioner. Louis F. HAFPEN, President. avenue and Fifth street, Long Island City. BOROUGH OFFICES. RUSSELL BLEECKER, Secretary. HENRY A. Gu MBLETON. Secretary. PATRICK E. LEA/IY, Deputy Collector of Assess- Office hours, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.; Saturdays. MICHAEL J. Gatzvitz, Superintendent of Build- ments and Arrears. Manhattan. 12 M. ings. Sand streets, BRUCKNER. Commissioner of Public Borough of Richmond—Bay and No. 112 West Fortv-second street. HENRY Stapleton. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Works. GEORGE BRAND, Deputy Collector of AIMS. WILLIAM C. BAXTER, Chief Clerk. Southwest corner of Fifty--fifth street and Sixth Borough of Brooklyn. ments and Arrears. The Bronx. avenue, Borough of Manhattan, 9 A. M. to 4 r. M. Bureau for the Collection of City Revenue and of One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street and Burial Permit and Contagious Disease Offices President's Office, No. II Borough Hall, Markets. Mott avenue (Solingen Building). always open. A. M. tO 4 P. M.; Saturdays. q A. M. to 12 M. CORNELIUS A. BUNNER, Chief Clerk. ERNST J. LEDERLE, Commissioner of Health T. EDWARD SWANSTROM, President. Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broad- and President. 1USTIN MCCARTHY, JR., Secretary. nay, Room 139. Brooklyn. Telephone 1204 Columbus. WILLIAM C. REDFIELD, Commissioner of Pub- WILLIAM T. GOUNDIE, Collector of City Reve- No. 42 Court street. CASPAR GOLDERMAN, Secretary. lic Works. nue and Superintendent of Markets. GEORGE RUSSELL, Chief Clerk. CHARLES F. ROBERTS, M. D., Sanitary Superin- Withiwis M. CALDER, Superintendent of Build- JAMES 11. BALDWIN, Deputy Collector of City tendent. ings. Revenue. Queens. WILLIAM H. Guit.rov, M. D., Registrar of GEORGE W. TILLSON, Engineer in Charge, Bu. DAVID O'BRIEN, Deputy Superintendent of Records. reau of Highways. Markets. No. 51 Jackson avenue, Long Island City. REDERICK H. DILLINGHAM, M. D. Assistant Join.; THATCHER, Superintendent of the Bureau CARL %.0FGEL. Chief Clerk. Superintendent, Borough ofManhattan. anhattan. of Sewers. Bureau of Municipal Accounts and Statistics. FRANK J. HET.MLR. Superintendent of the Bu- Richmond. EDWARD b. HURD, M. P., Assistant Sanitary Stewart Building. Chambers street and Broad Superintendent, Borough of The Bronx, No. 1237 reau of Public. Buildings and Offices. way. Savings Building. Stapleton, S. I. Franklin avenue. JAMES A. ROONEY, Supervisor of Complaints. ALEXANDER M. Ross. Chief Clerk. Tosser! H. RAYMOND, M. D., Assistant Sanitary HENRY A. GOULDEN, Superintendent of Incum- JOHN R. SPARROW, Supervising Accountant ard All offices open from g A. M. to 4 P. M.; Sat- Superintendent, Borough of Brooklyn, Nos. 38 brances. Statistician, Room 173. . nys, 9 A. M. tO 12 M. and 40 Clinton street. Borough of Queens. SAMUEL HENDRICKSON, M. D., Assistant Sani- Bureau of the City Chamberlain. President's Office, Borough Hall, Jackson aye- DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES. tary Superintendent, Borough of Queens, Nos. Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broad- 372 and 374 Fulton street. Jamaica. mie and Fifth street. Long Island City. County Court- Nos. 13 to at Park Row, 9 A. M. to 4 P. It,: Jousr T. SPRAGUE, M. D., Assistant Sanitary JOSEPH CASSIDY, President. way, Rooms 63 to 67; and Kings CEORGE S. JERVIS. Secretary to the President. house, Room 14, Borough of Brooklyn. Saturdays, q A. M. to I P. M. Telephones: 6o8o Superintendent, Borough of Richmond, York City Chamberlain. Cortlandt. Manhattan; 2206 Main, Brooklyn; 7g avenue and Richmond Terrace. New Brighton. TOSEPU Rasuri.. Commissioner .1 Public Works. ELGIN R. L. GOULD, SAMUEL Gartitnais. Superintendent of Highways. Jolts H. CAMPBELL, Deputy Chamberlain. -Fremont, The Bronx; 413 Greenpoint, Queens. Staten Island. GUSTAV LINDENTHAL. Commissioner. Office. Hackett Building. Lone Island City. LAW DEPARTMENT. NELSON L. ROBINSON, Deputy. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. JOSEPH P. POWERS. Superintendent of Build- ings. Office of Corporation Counsel. DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, WILLIAM R. Wx1.1,cox. Commissioner of Parks PHILIP T. CRONIN, Superintendent of Public GAS AND ELECTRICITY. for the Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond Buildings and Offices. Staats•Zeitung Building, ad, 3d and 4th floors, M ATI HEW J. GOLDNER, Superintendent of Nos. 13 tO 21 Park Row, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. and President of the Park Board. 9 A. M. to 5 P. wt.; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to is M. GEORGE S. TERRY, Secretary, Park Board. Sewers.s. Telephone 5366 Cortlandt. Telephones: Manhattan, 256 Cortlandt; Brook- SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902. THE CITY RECORD. 7 845

south and east of Broadway Office, Long Island City, 9 A. M. until 4 P. M. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. Assignment Bureau, room on third floor. First Ward lying and Whitehall street. Court-room, corner of Saturdays, from 9 A. M. until 12 M. No. 189 Montague street, Brooklyn, 9 A. U. to Clerks in attendance from to A. M. to 4 P. M. Clerk's Office, Special Term, Part I. (motions), Grand and Centre streets. Borough of Richmond. 4 E. M., except Saturdays in June, July and HERMAN BOLTS, Justice. FRANCIS MARGIN, August, 9 A. M. tO 1 P. M. Room No. 13. Clerk's Office, Special Term, Part II. (ex-parte Clerk. President's Office, New Brighton, Staten WILLIAM B. DAVENPORT, Public Administrator, Island. business), room southwest corner mezzanine Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 r. M. GEORGE CROMWELL, President. floor. Court opens daily at to A. at, and remains open MAYBURY FLEMING, Secretary to the President. Clerk's Office, Special Term Calendar, room until daily calendar is disposed of and close of LOUTS LINCOLN TRIBUS, Commissioner of Pub- QUEENS COUNTY OFFICES. southeast corner second floor. the daily business, except on Sundays and legal lic Works. Clerk's Office, Trial Term Calendar, room holidays. Fifteenth Wards. lotin SEATON, Superintendent of Buildings. SURROGATE. northeast corner second floor. Third District-Ninth and JOHN TIMLIN, JR., Superintendent of Public Clerk's Office, Appellate Term, room southwest Court-room, southwest corner Sixth avenue and Buildings and Offices. DANIEL NOBLE, Surrogate. corner third floor. West Tenth street. Court open daily (Sundays Office at Jamaica. H. E. Butt, Superintendent of Highways. Trial Term, Part I. (criminal business). and legal holidays excepted) from 9 A. M. to 4 Except on Sundays, holidays and half-holidays, RICHARD T. Fox, Superintendent of Street Criminal Courthouse, Centre street. Cleaning. the office is open, between March 3t and Uctobei Justices-GEORGE C. BARRETT, CHARLES H. Wm. F. MOORE, Justice. DANIEL WILLIAMS, Office of the President, First National Bank 1, from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. int Saturdays, from 8 IRUAX, CHARLES F. MACLEAN, JAMES FITZGERALD, Clerk. A. M. to 12 at.; between September 3o and April Building, New Brighton, 9 A. M. to 4 P. 11.; Sat MILES BEACH, DAVID LEVENTRITT, LEONARD A. Fourth District-Tenth and Seventeenth Wards. on Saturdays, from 9 urdays, 9 A. M. to 12 M. I, from 9 A. M. to 5 P. at.; (iIEGERICH, HENRY BISCHOFF, JR., JOHN J. FREED- Court-room. No. 3o First street, corner Second 5. M. 10 12 M. MAN, GEORGE P. ANDREWS, . HENRY DUGRO, avenue. Clerk's office open daily from 9 A. M. CORONERS. surrogate's Court sits on Thursday and Friday JO/1N PROCTOR CLARKE, HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE. to 4 P. M. Court opens at to A. M. daily, and re- Borough of Manhattan-Office, New Criminal of each week, except during the month of August. FRANCIS M. SCOTT, JAMES A. O'GORMAN, JAMES mains open to close of business. A. Ccurt Building. Open at all times of day and when no court is held. Calendar called at 10 m \. BLANCHARD, SAMUEL GREENBAUM, ALFRED GEORGE F. RoEscu, Justice. JULIUS HARBUROZR, C erFikf .t night. COUNTY COURT. STECKLER. THOMAS L. HAMILTON, Clerk. SOLOMON GOLDENKRANZ, NICHOLAS T. BROWN, h District-Seventh, Eleventh and Thir- GUSTAV SCHOLER, MOSES J. JACKSON. County Courthouse, Long Island City. SUPREME COURT-SECOND DEPART- teenth Wards. Court-room, No. 154 Clinton Borough of The Bronx-Corner of Third ave County Court opens at 9.3o A. at.; adjourns at street. nue and One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street. 5 P. M. MENT. BENJAMIN HOFFMAN, Justice. THOMAS FITZ- Telephone 113, Tremont. County Judge's office always open at Flushing. Kings County Courthouse, Borough of Brook- PATRICK, Clerk. WALTER H. HENNING, Chief Clerk. N. Y. lyn, Y. Sixth District-Eighteenth and Twenty-first Wards. Court-room, northwest corner Twenty WILLIAM O'GORMAN, JR., JOSEPH I. BERRY. HARRISON S. MOORE, County Judge. Courts open daily from Io o'clock A. M. to 5 third street and Second avenue. Court opens at Borough of Brooklyn-Office, Room ry, Bor o'clock P. M. Five jury trial parts. Special Term SHERIFF. of ough Hall. Open at all times of day and night for Trials. Special Term for Motions. 9 A. M. daily, and continues open to close except between the hours of la M. and 3 e. m County Courthouse, Long Island City, 9 A. at GERARD M. STEVENS, General Clerk. business. on Sundays and holidays. to 4 P. M., Saturdays, from 9 A. M. to 12 IL DANIEL F. MARTIN, Justice. ABRAM BERNARD, PHILIP T. WILLIAMS, MICHAEL J, FLAHERTY. JOSEPHH. 11. DE BRAGGA, Sheriff; JosIAH C. Hew CRIMINAL DIVISION-SUPREME COURT. Clerk. Borough of Queens-Office, Borough Hall, Fut. VETT, Under Sheriff. Seventh District-Nineteenth Ward. Court- room, No. isi East Fifty-seventh street. Court ton street, Jamaica, T.. I. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Building for Criminal Courts, Centre, Elm, SAMUEL D. NUTT, LEONARD RUOFF, JR. White and Franklin streets. opens every morning at 9 o'clock ( except Sun- MARTIN MAGER. JR., Chief Clerk. Office, Queens County Courthouse, Long Island Court opens at 10.30 A. M. days and legal holidays), and continues open to Office hours from 9 A. M. to 4 P. 11. City, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. THOMAS L. HAMILTON, Clerk; EDWARD R. CAR- close of business. Borough of Richmond-No. '74 Bay street, OHN B. MERRILL. District Attorney. OLL, Special Deputy to the Clerk. HERMAN JOSEPH, Justice. PATRICK MCDAVITT, Stapleton. Open for the transaction of business IMints O'LEARY, Chief Clerk. Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. tO 4 P. M. Clerk. Eighth District-Sixteenth and Twentieth all hours of the day and night. COUNTY CLERK. GEORGE F. SCHAEFER. counT Oar GENERAL SESSIONS. Wards. Court-room, northwest corner of Twenty- Jamaica, N. Y., Fourth Ward, Borough of Held in the building for Criminal Courts, Cen- third street and Eighth avenue. Court opens at Queens. ire, Elm, White and Franklin streets. 10 A. M. and continues open until close of busi- Unice hours, April 1 to October z, 8 A. M. to Court opens at 10.30 o'clock A. M. ness. A. M. to 4 P. M., and NEW YORK COUNTY OFFICES. 5 P. m.; October I to April 1, g A. M. tO 5 P. 11.; RUFUS B. COWING, City Judge; JOHN W. GOFF, Clerk's office open from 9 oaturdays, to 12 M. ,m Saturdays until 12 M. SURROGATES. itecorder; JOSEPH E. NIWBURGER, MARTIN T. Mc County and Supreme Court held at the Queens \IAHON and WARREN W. FOSTER, Judges of the Trial days and Return days, each Court day. New County Courthouse. Court open from o County Courthouse, Long Island City. Court Court of General Sessions. EDWARD R. CARROLL, HENRY MERZRACH, Clerk. A. M. to 4 P. m., except Saturdays, when it closes ..pens at 9.30 A. M..,. to adjourn 5 F. M. (leek. Ninth District-Twelfth Ward, except that por Lion 'hereof which lies west of the centre line at 12 14. JAMES INGRAM, County Clerk. Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 r. M. FRANK T. FITZGERALD, ABNER C. THOMAS, Sur. CHARLES DOWNING. Deputy County Clerk. of Lenox or Sixth avenue, and of the Harlem iver north of the terminus of Lenox avenue. rcgates; WILLIAM V. Limy,, Chief Clerk. COMMISSIONER Ole JURORS. CITY COURT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Court-room, No. 17o East One Hundred and SHERIFF. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 4 P.' M.; Saturdays Twenty-first street, southeast corner of Sylvan Stewart Building, 9 A. M. tO P. M. 9 A. M. to 12 M. No. 32 Chambers street, Brown-atone Building. place. Court opens every morning at 9 o'clock WILLIAM T. O'BRIEN, Sheriff; EDWARD C. MORN, EDWARD J. KNAUER, Commissioner. it Hall Park, from to A. M. to 4 P. M. (except Sundays and legal holidays), and con- Under Sheriff. H. HOMER Moose. Assistant Commissionet. General Term. tinues open to close of business. Trial Term, Part I. COUNTY JAIL. JOSEPH P. FALLON, Justice. WILLIAM J. KEN- PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. Part II. NEDY, Clerk. No. 70 Ludlow street, 6 A. v. to TO r. M. daily. No. 103 Third street. Long Island City. 9 A. II Part III. Clerk's office open daily from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. IVrttiAm T. ()'BRIER, Sheriff. e Part IV. X Tenth District-Twenty-second Ward and all THOMAS H. SULLIVAN, Warden. (0 HP,..FILME.S A. WADLEY. l'ublic Administrator. Part V. hat portion of the Twelfth Ward which is Special Term Chambers will be held from to 1,ounded on the north by the centre line of One DISTRICT ATTORNEY. t. M. to 4 P. M. Hundred and Tenth street, on the south by the Building for Criminal Courts, Franklin and Clerk's -11fiCe. from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. centre line of Eighty-sixth street, on the east by Centre streets. RICHMOND COUNTY OFFICES. JAMES M. FITZSIMONS, Chief Justice; JOHN H. the centre line of Sixth avenue. and on the west by F. Office hours, from o A. M. to s r. M. Saturdays. VICCARTHY, LEWIS J. CONLAN, EDWARD the North river. Court-room, No. 3i4 West Fifty- 9 A. M. to 12 M. COUNTY JUDGE AND SURROGATE. O'DWYER, THEODORE F. HASCALL, FRANCIS B. fourth street. Court opens daily (Sundays and WILLIAM TRAVERS JEROME, District Attorney. Terms of Court, Richmond County, Igoe: I /ELEHANTY, SAMUEL SEABURY, Justices. THOMAS legal holidays excepted) from g A. M. tO 4 P. M. JOHN A. HENNEBERRY, Chief Clerk. C ounty Courts-STEPHEN D. STEPHENS, County F. SMITH, Clerk. THOMAS E. MURRAY, Justice. HUGH GRANT, RU Judge. First Monday of June, Grand and Trial Jury; COURT OF SPECIAL SESSIONS. CleeEleventhlke' District-That portion of the Twelfth East side City Hall Park. Office hours from 9 First Monday of December, Grand and Trial Building for Criminal Courts, Centre street, \Yard which lies north of the centre line of West A. M. to 4 P. M.; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to 12 M. Dur- J ur;y between Franklin and White streets, Borough of One Hundred and Tenth street and west of the ing the months of July and August the hours are F ourth Wednesday of January, without a Jury; ‘lanhattan. centre line of Lenox or Sixth avenue, and of the from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. Fourth Wednesday of February, without a Court opens at to A. M. liarlem river north of the terminus of Lenox or JOHN H. J. RONNER. Register; MATTHEW P. J ur;y Justices-First Division-Et-1nm B. HINSDALE, Sixth avenue. Court-room, corner of One Hun- BREEN, Deputy Register. F ourth Wednesday of March, without a Jury; WILLIAM E. WYATT, JOHN B. MCKEAN, WILLIAM dred and Twenty-sixth street and Columhus ave- Fourth Wednesday of April, without aury; C. HOLBROOK, JULIUS M. MAYER, WILLARD H. nue. Clerk's office open daily (Sundays and legal COUNTY CLERK, Fourth Wednesday of July, without a JJury; I /LUSTED. WILLIAM M. FULLER, Clerk; JOSEPH holidays excepted), from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Court Nos. 8, 9, io and II New County Courthouse. Fourth Wednesday of September, without a JONES, Deputy Clerk. convenes daily at 9.45 A. M. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. J ur;y Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. FRANCIS J. WORCESTER, Justice. HEMAN B. THOMAS L. HAMILTON, County Clerk. Fourth Wednesday of October, without a Jury: Second Division-Trial Days-Borough Hall, WirsoN, Clerk. HENRY BIRRELL, Deputy. -All at the Courthouse at Richmond. Brooklyn, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at PATRICK FL DUNN, Secretary. Surrogate's Court-STEPHEN D. STEPHENS, Surro 10 o'clock; Hall, Jamaica, Borough of BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. gate. Queens, Tuesdays, at 10 o'clock; Town Hall, New COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. Mondays, at the First National Bank Building, Itrighton, Borough of Richmond, Thursdays, at First District-All that part of the Twenty- fourth Ward which was lately annexed to the Room 127 Stewart Building, Chambers street St. George, at 10.30 o'clock A. M. ■0 o'clock. and Broadway. 9 Tuesdays, at the First National Bank Building. Justices-JOHN COURTNEY, HOWARD 5. FORKER, City and County of New York by chapter 1034 of A. M. to 4 r. v. the Laws 1895, comprising all of the late Town CHARLES WELDE. Commissioner. St. George, at 10.3o o'clock A. M. i'ATRICK KEADY, JOHN FLEMING, THOMAS W of Wednesdays, at the Surrogate's Office, Rich- FITZGERALD, JOSEPH L. KERRIGAN, Clerk; JOHN of Westchester and part of the Towns of East- PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. mond, at 10.30 o'clock A. M. I. DORMAN, Deputy Clerk. chester and Pelham, including the Villages of No. 119 Nassau street, Clerk's office, Borough Hall, Borough of Brook- Wakefield and Williamsbridge. Court-room, Town 9 A. at: to 4 r. M. Hall, Main street, Westchester Village. Court WILLIAM M. HOES, Public Administrator. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. lyn, open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. ...pens daily (Sunday and legal holidays excepted) Port Richmond, S. I. from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Trial of causes are Tues- Office hours, from 9 A. M. to 12 ss., and from CITY MAGISTRATES' COURTS. day and Friday of each week. KINGS COUNTY OFFICES. I P. M. to 5 P. M. Courts open from g A. M. until 4 P. M. WILLIAM W. PENFIELD, Justice. THOMAS F. EDWARD S. RAWSON, District Attorney. City Maktstrates-rizttuit A. BRAUN, ROBERT C. DELAHANTY, Clerk. COUNTY COURT, KINGS COUNTY. CORN ELL, LEROY B. CRANE, JOSEPH M. DEUEL, Office hours, from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M.; Saturdays, COUNTY CLERK. CHARLES A. FLAMMER, LORENZ ZELLER CLARENCE closing at 12 12. County Courthouse, Brooklyn, Rooms to, 19, 22 County Office Building, Richmond, S. I., 9 \V. MEADE, JOHN 0. MOTT, JOSEPH FOOL, JOHN Second District-Twenty-third and Twenty- and 23. Court opens at to A. M. daily, and sits A. M. to P. M. S. MAYO, EDWARD HOGAN , PETER P. BARLOW. fourth Wards, except the territory described in until business is completed. Part I., Room No. 4 EDWARD M. MULLER, County PHILIP BLOCH, Secretary. chapter 034 of the Laws of 1895. Court-room, 23, Part II., Room No. to, Courthouse. Clerk's Clerk. CROWELL M. CONNER, Deputy County Clerk. First District-Criminal Court Building. corner of Third avenue and One Hundred and Office, Rooms 19 and 22, open daily from 9 A. M. Second District-Jefferson Market. Fifty eighth street. Office hours from 9 A. M. to Saturdays, ta to 4 P. M.; M. SHERIFF. Third District-No. 6o Essex street 4 E. M. Court opens at IO A. M. JOSEPH ASPINALL and FREDERICK E. CRANE. Fourth District-Fifty-seventh street, near Lex- JOHN M. TIERNEY, Justice. THOMAS A. MAHER, County Judges. County Courthouse, Richmond, S. I., 9 A. 11 to 4 P. M. wgton avenue. Clerk. CH ARLES S. DEVOY, Chief Clerk. FRANKLIN C. VITT, Sheriff. Fifth District-One Hundred and Twenty-first SURROGATE. THOMAS H. BANNING, Under Sheriff. street, southeastern corner of Sylvan place. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. Sixth District-One Hundred and Fifty-eighth Hall of Records, Brooklyn, N. Y. COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. street and Third avenue. First District-Comprising First, Second, Third, JAMES C. CHURCH, Surrogate. Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Tenth and Twelfth Wards Village Hall,Stapleton. Seventh District-Fifty-fourth street, west of WILLIAM P. PICKETT, Clerk of the Surrogate's Eighth avenue. of the Borough of Brooklyn. Courthouse, north- Court. CHARLES J. KULLMAN, Commissioner. in est corner State and Court streets. J. LOUIS GARRETSON, COMMissioner. Court opens at to A. M. Office hours, 9 A. M. to JOHN J. WALSH, Justice. EDWARD MORAN, Office open from 9 A. M. until 4 m.; Satur- SECOND DIVISION. E. M.; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to IS M. P. Clerk. 4 days, from 9 A. M. to 12 M. Borough of Brooklyn. Clerk's office open from g A. M. to 4 r. M. SHERIFF. City Magistrates-ALFRED E. Smelts, A. V. B. Calendar called at to A. M. County Courthouse, Brooklyn, k•OORH EES, JR., _JAMES G. TIGHE, EEDWARD J. Second District-Seventn, Eighth, Ninth, Elev- 9 A. M. to 4 P. U. Saturdays 12 M. DOOLEY, JOHN NAUMER, E. G.. HIGGENBOTHAII, enth. Twentieth, Twenty-first, Twenty-second and NORMAN S. DIKE, Sheriff; WILLIAM W. W/N• THE COURTS. FRANK E. O'RIELLY, HENRY J. FURLONG. Twenty-third Wards. Court-room located at No. GATE, Under Sheriff. First District-No. 318 Adams street. 794_ Broadway, Brooklyn. APPELLATE DIVISION SUPREME GERARD B. VAN NVART, Justice. WILLIAM H. COUNTY JAIL. COURT. Second District-Court and Butler streets. Third District-Myrtle and Vanderbilt avenues. ALLEN. Clerk. Raymond street, between Willoughby street and FIRST JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. Fourth District-Lee avenue and Clymer street. Clerk's office open from g A. M. tO 4 r. M. DeKalb avenue, Brooklyn, New York. Courthouse, Madison avenue, corner Twenty. Fifth District-Manhattan avenue and Powers Third District-Includes the Thirteenth, Four- NORMAN S. DIKE, Sheriff; JAMES F. ROACH, fifth street. Court opens at I P. M. street. teenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eigh- Warden. CHARLES H. VAN BRUNT, Presiding Justice; Sixth District-Gates and Reid avenues. teenth and Nineteenth Wards. Courthouse, Nos. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. EDWARD PATTERSON, MORGAN J. O'BRIEN, GEORGE Seventh District-Grant street (Flatbush). 6 and 8 Lee avenue, Brooklyn. WILLIAM LYNCH, Justice. JOHN \V. CAR. Office, County Courthouse, Borough of Brook- L. INGRAHAM, CHESTER B. MCLAUGHLIN, EDWARD Eighth District-West Eighth street (Coney W. HATCH, FRANK C. LAUGHLIN, Justices. ALFRED PENTER, Cler . lyn. Hours 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Clerk's office open from C) WAGSTAFF, Clerk. WILLIAM LAMB, JR., Deputy Borough of Queens. A. U. to 4 P. M. JOHN F. CLARKE, District Attorney. Court opens at lo o'clock. Clerk. City Magistrates-MATTHEW J. SMITH, LUKE REGISTER. Clerk's Office opens at 9 A. M. Fourth District-Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, J. CONNORTON, EDMUND J. HEALY. Twenty-sixth, Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth First District-Long Island City. Hall of Records. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 4 SUPREME COURT-FIRST DEPART- Wards. Court-room, No. 14 Howard avenue. Second District-Flushing. F. m., excepting months of July and August, then MENT. THOMAS H. WILLIAMS, Justice. HERMAN CrOHL- from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M.1 provided for by statute. Third District-Far Rockaway. County Courthouse, Chambers street. Courts INGHORST, Clerk; JAMES P. SINNOTT, Assistant JOHN K. NEAL, Register. Clerk. WARREN C. TREDWRLL, Deputy Register. open from io.15 A. M. to 4 P. M. Borough of Richmond. Special Term, Part I. (motions), Room No. Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. D. H. RALSTON, Assistant Deputy Register. ma . City Magistrates-Joan CROAK, NATHANIEL Special Tenn, Part II. (ex.parte business), Fifth District-Eighth, Twenty-second, Twenty- Room No. 15. \ I AltS14. ninth. Thirtieth, Thirty-first and Thirty-second COUNTY CLERK. First District-New Brighton, Staten Island. Special Term, Part III., Room No. 59. 1Vards. Courthouse. Bay Twenty-second street Second District-Stapleton, Staten Island. Hall of Records, Brooklyn, 9 A. M. to 4 r. M. Special Term, Part IV., Room No. II. and Bath avenue, Bath Beach. Telephone 83, CHARLES T. HARTZHEIM, County Clerk. President of Board, ALFRED E. STEERS, No. 76 Bath. Special Term, Part V., Room No. 3o. Clarkson street. Special Term, Part VI. (Elevated Railroad CORNELIUS FURGUESON, Justice. JEREMIAH J. COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. Secretary to Board, THOMAS Osman, West Cases), Room No 36. D. O'LEARY, Clerk. , Eighth street, Coney Island. Trial Term, Part II., Room No. 25. Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 F. M. JACOBJACOB BRENNER, Commissioner. Trial Term, Part III., Room No. 17. BOROUGH OP QUEENS. FRANK J. GARDNER, Deputy Commissioner. Trial Term, Part IV., Room No. 18. MUNICIPAL COURTS. ALBERT B. WALDRON, Secretary. Trial Term, Part V., Room No. 16. First District-First Ward (all of Long Island Office hours from o A. M. to 4 P. m.; Saturdays, Borough of Manhattan. Trial Term, Part VI., Room No. 24. City, formerly composing five wards). Court- from 9 A. M. to 12 M. Trial Term, Part VIT.. Room No. 23. First District-Third, Fifth and Eighth Wards, room, No. 46 Jackson avenue, Long Island City. COMMISSIONER OF RECORDS. Trial Term, Part VIII., Room No. 33. and all that part of the First Ward lying west Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 e. M. each Trial Term, Part IX., Room No. 31. of Broadway and Whitehall street. including day, excepting Saturday, closing at 12 M. Trial Rooms 7, 9, to and II, Hall of Records. Trial Term, Part X., Room No. 32. Governor's Island, Bedloe's Island, Ellis Island, days, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. All Office hours, 9 A. M. to 4 P. m., excepting Trial Term, Part XL, Room No. 22. and the Oyster Islands. New Courthouse, No. other business transacted on Tuesdays and Thurs- months of July and August, then g A. M. to Trial Term, Part XII., Room No. 34. 128 Prince street, corner of Wooster street. days. P. M.; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to 12 M. Trial Term, Part XIII., and Special Term, Part DANIEL E. FINN, PLUNICe, FRANK L. BACON, THOMAS C. KADIEN, Justice. THOMAS F. KEN- GEORGE E. WALDO, Commissioner. VII., Room No. a6. Clerk. NEDY, Clerk. Jossem H. GRENELLE, Deputy Commissioner. Appellate Term, Room No. 31. Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 T. M. Second District-Second and Third Wards, fitomAs 1). Mosscaoe, Superintendent Naturalization Bureau, Room No. 38, third Second District-Second, Fourth, Sixth and which include the territory of the late Towns of RICHARD S. 5TsVSs, ChiefClerk. floor. Fourteenth Wards, and all that portion of the Newtown and Flushing. Court-room, in Court-


house of late Town of Newtown, corner of OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF STREETS IN THE BOROUGH OF Subj ects. Weights. Broadway and Court street, Elmhurst, New York. BROOKLYN, ROOM No. 15, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, BROOKLYN. Technical knowledge 6 P. 0. address. Elmhurst, New York. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, '1HE CITY OF NEW YORK. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities of Experience 2 WILLIAM RASQUIN, JR., Justice. HENRY WAL- cement walk to be constructed is as follows: Handwriting TEE, JR., Clerk. 26,886 square feet. Arithmetic EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE of Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. tO 4 P. M. Time for the completion of the work and the Candidates should be Assistant Engineers S received by the President of the Borough of at least ten years' experience, and should be Third District—JAMES F. McLAUGHLIN, Justice. Brooklyn at the above office until 11 o'clock a. rn. full performance of the contract is sixty (to) 4 familiar with the keeping of records in connec- GEORGE W. DAMON, Clerk. on working days. Courthouse. Town Hall, Jamaica. The amount of security required is fifteen hun- tion with engineering work, and have experience Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1902. dred dollars ($1,500). in handling a corps of Assistant Engineers en- Court held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- No. 1. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR gaged in making topographical surveys. No. 2. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR There is st- present a vacancy in the Bureau of days at io A. M. AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR MAKING GENERAL REPAIRS AND Public Works, office of the President of the BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. ALTERATIONS TO INTERIOR OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CZMENT Borough of Richmond, the compensation of which CONCRETE SIDEWALKS IN VARI- is $2,000 per annum. First District—First and Third Wards (Towns BOROUGH HALL, BOROUGH OF OUS PLACES AND ON VARIOUS of Castleton and Northfield). Court-room, former BROOKLYN. STREETS IN THE BOROUGH OF Village Hall, Lafayette avenue and Second street, The time for the completion of the work and BROOKLYN. LEVELER (4th and 5th Grades)—Friday, De- New Brighton. the full performance of the contract is too calendar The Engineer's estimate of the quantities of me- cember 5, 0902, at zo a. m.; compensation JOHN J. KENNEY, Justice. FRANCIS F. LEMAN. days. ment walk to be constructed is as follows: more than $1,050, but not more than $1,35o Clerk. The amount of security required is $1o,000. 14,520 square feet. per annum. Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Bids will be compared and the contract awarded Time for the completion of the work and the The receipt of applications for this examination Court held each day, except Saturdays, from 10 at a lump or aggregate sum. full performance of the contract is fifty (so) will close on Monday, December 1, at 4 p. m. A. M. The bidder will state a price for Estimates "A," working days. The scope of the examination will be as follows: Second District—Second, Fourth and Fifth "B," "C," "D" and "E,' by which the bids will The amount of security required is one thou- Subjects. Weights. Wards (Towns of Middletown, Southfield and be tested. The bids will be compared and the sand dollars ($z,000). Technical knowledge 6 contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. Experience Westfield). Court-room, former Edgewater Vil- No. 3. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR lage Hall, Stapleton. Blank forms may be obtained and the plans and Handwriting GEORGE W. STAKE, Justice. PETER TIERNAN, drawings may be seen at the office of the Assist- AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR Arithmetic FLAGGING SIDEWALKS IN VARI- Clerk. ant Commissioner of Public Works, Borough of Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Brooklyn, Room No. is, Municipal Building, Bor- OUS PLACES AND ON VARIOUS ASSISTANT ENGINEER. RAPID TRANSIT Court held each day from 10 A. 11., and con• ough of Brooklyn. STREETS IN THE BOROUGH OF COMMISSION (4th Grade)—Monday, De- BROOKLYN. tinues until close of business. J. EDWARD SWANSTROM. cember 8, 1902, at to a. m.; annual com- Praident. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as pensation not exceeding $1,200. follows: Dated October 31, 1902. The receipt of applications for this examina- 13,65o square feet of bluestone flagging, fur. tion will close on Friday. December 5, at 4 P. m. nished and laid. The scope of the examination will be as follows: BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. Time for the completion of the work and the Subjects. Weights. See General Instruction. to Bid- full performance of the contract is thirty (30) Technical knowledge 6 0:3- working days. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OP THE BOROUGH OF ders on the last page, last column of Experience MUNICIPAL BUILDING, BOR- The amount of security required is one thou- Handwriting BROOKLYN, R0011 15, the "City Reoord." sand dollars ($1,000). OUGH OF BROOKLYN, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. n6,19. Aritlfmetic a "41. 4. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR Candidates should have had experience in work AND MATERIAL REQUIRED FOR in connection with tunneling, and civil engineer- EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF FENCING VACANT LOTS IN VARI- ing work incident thereto. S*a' received by the President of the Borough of BROOKLYN, Room No. 'I, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, OUS PLACES AND ON VARIOUS II o'clock a. m., Brooklyn at the above office until BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. STREETS IN THE BOROUGH OF DIETICIAN—Tuesday, December a, 1902, at 10 on BROOKLYN. a. M. The Engineer's estimate of the amount of fence This examination is open to men and women. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1902. S EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE to be erected is 2,662 linear feet. Tea received by the President of the Borough The receipt of applications for this examination FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR Time for the completion of the work and the will close on Saturday, November 29, at 12 m. No. t. of Brooklyn, at the above office until 11 o'clock full performance of the contract is twenty (20) AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR a. m., on The scope of the examination will be as follows: THE ERECTION OF A PUBLIC working days. Subjects. Weights. The amount of security required is five hundred COMFORT STATION, UNDER- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1902. Duties 6 GROUND, AT THE JUNCTION OF dollars ($5oo). Experience 3 DIVISION AVENUE AND BROAD- FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND No. 5. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR Arithmetic WAY, BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR AL- AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR There is at present a vacancy in the Department CITY OF NEW YORK. TERATION OF SEWERS NECESSI- FENCING VACANT LOTS ON of Public Charities, the compensation of which is The time for the completion of the work and TATED BY ATLANTIC AVENUE VARIOUS PLACES AND ON VARI. $720 per annum, with maintenance. the full performance of the contract is too IMPROVEMENT SUBWAY, IN OUS STREETS IN THE BOROUGH Candidates should have had experience in the calendar days. FRANKLIN AVENUE, BETWEEN OF BROOKLYN. care of kitchen, serving room and dining room, The amount of security required is $7,000. ATLANTIC AVENUE AND BRE- The Engineer's estimate of the amount of fence and of help employed therein, and will be held No. a. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR VOORT PLACE; B RE V 00 R T to be erected is 2.480 linear feet. responsible for the menu of hospitals and charit- AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR PLACE, BETWEEN FRANKLIN Time for the completion of the work and the able institutions of the City; and should be com- THE ERECTION OF A PUBLIC AVENUE AND BEDFORD AVE- full performance of the contract is twenty (2o) petent to prepare special and extra diets for the COMFORT STATION, UNDER- NUE,• BEDFORD AVENUE, BE- working days. wards, and employees' meals alike. Candidates GROUND, AANS JTJNCTIOFN O TWEEN BREVOORT PLACE AND The amount of security required is five hundred should also be competent to conduct a course of FULTON D JORALEMON A POINT ABOUT 4o FEET NORTH dollars ($5oo). didactic lectures to the nurses in training, in con- STREETS, BOROUGH OF BROOK- OF FULTON STREET; GRAND The bidder will state the price of each item or nection with a laboratory course of cooking LYN, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AVENUE, BETWEEN ATLANTIC class of work contained in the specifications or lessons. The time for the completion of the work and AVENUE AND A POINT ABOUT schedules per linear foot or square foot, yard or the full performance of the contract is zoo 165_ FEET NORTH OF PUTNAM other unit of measure. BUILDING INSPECTOR OF MASONRY AND calendar days. AVENUE. Blank forms may be obtained and the plans and CARPENTRY (4th Grade)—Wednesday, The amount of security required is $z,000. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as drawings may be seen at the office of the Presi- December lo, at a o a. ni.; annual compensa- No. 3. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR follows: dent of the Borough of Brooklyn, Room 15, Mu- tion not exceeding $1,200. AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR No. 1. 2,035 linear feet 54-inch brick sewer. nicipal Department Building. The receipt of applications for this examination THE ERECTION OF A PUBLIC No. a. 17 manholes. J. EDW. SWANSTROM. will close on Friday, December 5. at 4 P. m. COMFORT STATION, UNDER- No. 3. i8,000 feet, B. M., foundation planking. President. The scope of the examination will be as follows: GROUND, AT THE JUNCTION OF No. 4. 285,000 feet, B. M., sheeting and bracing. Dated October 29, 19o2. Subjects. Weights. FULTON STREET AND FLAT. No. 5. 5 cubic yards concrete. n1,19 Technical knowledge 6 BUSH AVENUE, BOROUGH OF No 6. 5 cubic yards brick masonry. Experience 2 BROOKLYN, THE CITY OF NEW No. 7. z Siphon "A" complete. Handwriting YORK. No. 8. z Siphon "B" complete. OFFICIAL PAPERS. Arithmetic a The time for the completion of the work and The time for the completion of the work and Candidates securing a place on the eligible list the full performance of the contract is too the full performance of the contract is seventy-five as a result of this examination will be certified calendar days. (75) working days. for appointment to all of the five boroughs com- The amount of security required is $7,000. The amount of security required is $16,$00. "New York Times," "New York Sun," "New prising The City of New York. They must have The bids will be compared and the contracts The bidder will state the price of each item or York Mail and Express," "Real Estate Record had at least five years' experience as architects, Guide," "Commercial Advertiser," New awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for each article contained in the specifications or schedules and engineers, masons, carpenters, plumbers or iron contract. herein contained or hereto annexed, per linear Yorker Zeitung," "Leslie's Weekly." • workers. Blank forms and further information may be foot, feet B'. M., cubic yard, or other unit of PHILIP COWEN, Supervisor. obtained and the plans and drawings may be seen measure, by which the bids will be tested. The October i, 1902 be compared and the contract awarded NURSE (1st Grade)—Friday, December 12, 1902, at the office of the Assistant Commissioner of bids will at a o a. in.; annual compensation not ex- l'ublic Works, Borough of Brooklyn, Room No. at a lump or aggregate sum. ceeding $750. 15, Municipal Building, Borough of Brooklyn, Blank forms may be obtained and the plans THE CITY RECORD. This examination is open to men and women. New York City.. and drawings may be seen at the office of the The receipt of applications for this examination J. EDWARD SWANSTROM, Assistant Commissioner of Public Works, Borough THE CITY RECORD IS PUBLISHED DAILY, of Brooklyn, Room No. 15, Municipal Building, will close on Monday, December 8, at 4 pi. an. President. Sundays and legal holidays excepted, at No. The scope of the examination will be as follows: Dated November 12, 1902. Brooklyn. 3, City Hall, New York City. Annual subscription, utieSsubjects. Weights. J. EDWARD SWANSTROM, $9.30, postage prepaid. l7 See General Instructions to Bid- President. 5 PHILIP COWEN, Supervisor. Experience 3 ders on the last page, last column, of Dated November z, i902. Handwriting the "City Record." Arithmetic ni4,d3 11:7See General Instructions to Bid- flUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE ders on the last page, last column of OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF cortrussioN. TELEGRAPH OPERATOR—Monday, December the "City Reeord." 15, 1902, at 1 o a. m. BROOKLYN, ROOM No 15„ MUNICIPAL BUILDING, n6, a9. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. PUBLIC NOTICE WILL BE GIVEN OF ALL This examination is open to men and women. competitive examinations at least two weeks The receipt of applications for this examination in advance of the date upon which the receipt will close on Thursday, December t i, at 4 p. m. QEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF of applications for any scheduled examination will The scope of the examination will be as follows: *•-•T received by the 'resident of the Borough BROOKLYN, ROOM 15, MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT lose. Subj ects. Weights. of Brooklyn at the above office until II o'clock BUILDING, BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, THE CITY OF Persons desiring application blanks may obtain Technical knowledge 6 a. m. on NEW YORK. the same by applying to the office of the Com- Experience 2 mission, either in person or in writing, stating in Handwriting •WEBNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1902. each case the position or positions for which they Arithmetic S EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE wish to apply. Candidates should be familiar with the system FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND sa received by the President of the Borough of telegraph as used in the Fire Department of I RED FC R When application is made for a position for MATERIALS REQU of Brooklyn at the above office until II o'clock which no examination is scheduled, the name of The City of New York. CONSTRUCTING A SEW4,11. tr. a m., on the applicant will be recorded and an application At present there are three vacancies in the OVINGTON AVENUE, BETWEEN 'lank sent, when a date for such examination is aforesaid Department, the annual compensation THIRD AVENUE AND FOURTH WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1902. of which is $1,200. AVENUE, AND OUTLET SEWERS xed. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING 3,000 All notices of examination will be posted and S. WILLIAM BRISCOE, IN SILLIMAN PLACE, BETWEEN Secretary. THIRD AVENUE AND SECOND SQUARE FEET OF NEW BLUE- advertised. Such notices will state the scope of STONE FLAGSTONE, AT THE the examination, but for more general informa- nr3 AVENUE, AND IN SECOND AVE. should be made at the office of NUE, BETWEEN SILLIMAN WALLABOUT YARD. tion application PLACE AND SEVENTY-FIRST The time for the delivery of the articles, ma- the Commission. terials and supplies and the performance of the S. WILLIAM BRISCOE, BOARD OF ASSESSORS. STREET, IN THE BOROUGH OF Secretary. BROOKLYN. contract is by or before December 31, 1902. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as The amount of security required is two hun- UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO follows: dred dollars ($2.)o). 61 ELM P the owner or owners of all houses and lots, The bidder will state the price of each item MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, 970 linear feet 18-inch vitrified stoneware pipe STREET, NEW YORK, November 11, 1902. improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, sewer laid in concrete. or class of work contained in the specifications that the following proposed assessments have been 40 linear feet is-inch vitrified stoneware pipe or schedules per square foot or other unit of completed and are lodged in the office of the sewer laid in concrete. measure. 'DUBUC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Board of Assessors for examination by all per- 780 linear feet 12-inch vitrified stoneware pipe Blank forms may be obtained and the plans V that open competitive examinations will be sons interested, viz.: sewer laid in concrete. and drawings may be seen at the office of the held for the following positions: 19 manholes. President of the Borough of Brooklyn, Room 15, BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. Municipal Department Building. 4 receiving basins. TOPOGRAPHICAL DRAUGHTSMAN (16th List 7222, J. EDWARD SWANSTROM, No. I. Grading a lot on the south 11,600 feet B. M. foundation planking. Grade)—Monday, December x, 1902, at a° side of Bleecker street, between Irving avenue The time allowed for the completion of the President. a. m.; annual compensation, $3,000 or more. and Wyckoff avenue. Dated October 2g, 1902. work and full performance of the contract is The receipt of applications for this examination List 7223, No. 2. Flagging sidewalk on the so working days. will close on Friday, November 28, at 4 p. an. south side of Dean street, between Buffalo avenue The amount of security required is thirty-five The scope of the examination will be as follows: and Rochester avenue. hundred ($3,500) dollars. crsee General lestraettene to Bid- Subjects. Weights. List 7224, No. 3. Sewer in Eighty-first street, The bidder will state the price of each item ders on the last page, last *miasma, et Technical knowledge 6 between Second avenue and Third avenue. or article contained in the specifications or sched- the "City Record." Experience List 7225, No. 4. Grading lots on the south ules herein contained or hereto annexed, per n3,19. Handwriting side of Forty-first street, between Fourth avenue linear foot, B . M. or other unit of measure, Arithmetic and Fifth avenue. by which the bids will be tested. The exten- Candidates must have had at least ten years' List 7226, No 5. Grading a lot on the north sicns must be made and footed up, as the bids OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OP THE BOROUGH OP experience in geodetic surveys and preparation side of Forty-seventh street, between Fifth avenue will be read from the total. The bids will be BROOKLYN, ROOM 15, MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT of topographic maps, and not less than five and Sixth avenue. compared and the contract awarded at a lump BUILDING, BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, THE CITY OF years' experience in handling men in geodetic and List 7227, No. 6. Sewer basin at the intersec- or age: egate sum. NEW Yoex. other accurate survey work with view to securing tion of the northerly side of the plaza at the foot Blank forms may be obtained and the plans and efficient work from field parties, and skilled in of Grand street and the easterly curb line of drawings may be seen at the office of the Assist- the plotting of the field notes and the preparation River street, Fourteenth Ward. ant Commissioner of Public Works, Borough of SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE of the mans needed. List 7228, No. 7. Flagging sidewalks on the Brooklyn, Room No. 15, Municipal Building, received by the President of the Borough of There is at present a vacancy in the Bureau of south side of McDonough street, between Ralph Brooklyn. Brooklyn at the above office until I r o'clock a. M. l'ublic Works, office of the President of the Bor- avenue and Howard avenue. J. EDW. SWANSTROM, on ough of Richmond. List 7230, No. 8. Flagging sidewalk on the President. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19. 1902. east side of Rockaway avenue, between Dean Dated Nov. 7th, X902. ASSISTANT ENGINEER (loth Grade)— street and Bergen street. No. 1. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR Wednesday, December 3, 1902, at lo a. m.; List 7231, No. 9. Flagging sidewalks on the 0:7See General Instructions to Bid- AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR annual compensation not exceeding $2,roo. south side of Arlington avenue, between Brad- ders on the last page, last column, of CONSTRUCTING CEMENT CON- The receipt of applications for this examination ford street and Wyona street, and on the west the "City Record." CRETE SIDEWALKS IN VARIOUS will close on Saturday, November 29, at 12 m. side of Bradford street, between Arlington ave. I112 26. PLACES AND ON VARIOUS The scope of the examination will be as follows: nue and Fulton street, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902. THE CITY RECORD, 7847

Home street, the elevation to be 77.4 feet above List 7232, No. to. Flagging sidewalks on the to the lowest bidder on each line or item, as public interest so to do, proposes to alter the map or plan of The City of New York, by widening mean high-water datum. west side of Downing street at the foot of stated in the specifications. Seconu—Thence northerly to the intersection Quincy street, and on the north side of HOMER FOLKS, Wales avenue, from Kelly street to East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street; Robbins ave- with Freeman street, the elevation to be 70 feet uipcy street at the foot of Downing street. Commissioner. above mean high-water datum. List 7233, No. t i. Flagging sidewalk on the THE CITY OF NEW YORK, November 72, 1902. nue, from Westchester avenue to East One Hun- dred and Forty-ninth street; Beck street, from Resolved, That the President of the Borouigh of northeast side of Evergreen avenue, between The Bronx cause to be prepared for submission Schaeffer street and Decatur street. l'See General Instructions to Bid- Robbins avenue to Beach avenue, and Fox street, ders on the last page, last column, of from Robbins avenue to Beach avenue, in the to this Board three similar maps or plans for cer- List 7234, No. 12. Flagging sidewalk on the tification and filing in the manner required by northwest side of Gates avenue, between Cen- the "City Record." Borough of The Bronx, City of New York, more niz,21 particularly described as follows: law, showing as nearly as possible the nature and tral avenue and Hamburg avenue. extent of the proposed change of grade and the List 7235, No. 13. Flagging sidewalks on the Wales Avenue. location of the immediate adjacent or of inter- southwest side of Hamburg avenue, between secting open or established streets, roads, squares, Bleecker street and Greene avenue. and on the DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES, FOOT OF Wales avenue, from Kelly street to East One EAST TWENTY-SIXTH STREET, BOROUGH OF MAN- Hundred and Forty-ninth street, is to be widened or places, sufficient for the identification and northwest side of Bleecker street, between Ham- one (1) foot on the western side. location thereof. burg avenue and Central avenue. HATTAN, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Resolved, inat this Board consider the pro- List 7236, No. 14. Flagging sidewalks on the Robbins Avenue. posed change of grade at a meeting of this Board, northeast side of Hamburg avenue, between Put- EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE 4.11 received by the Commissioner of Public Robbins avenue, from Westchester avenue to to be held in the old Council Chamber (Room 16), nam avenue and Madison street, and on the S City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New northwest side of Putnam avenue, between Ham- Charities at the above office until 12 o'clock m. East One Huacired and Forty-ninth street, is to be on widened one (1) foot on the western side. York, on the 28th day of November, zgos, at 2.3o burg avenue and Knickerbocker avenue. o'clock p. m. List 7237, No. 15. Flagging sidewalks on the TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1902. Beck Street, Now East One Hundred and Fifty- Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board south side of Prospect street. between Jay street No I. JOB "C," FOR FURNISHING ALL first Street. cause these resolutions and a notice to all persons and Bridge street, and on the east side of Jay THE LABOR AND MATERIAL FOR Beck street (East One Hundred and Fifty-first affected thereby that the proposed change of street, between Prospect street and Sands street. THE ERECTION OF A BUILDING street), from Robbins avenue to Wales avenue, is grade will be considered at a meeting of the List 7250, No. i6. Flagging sidewalk on the FOR THE STORAGE OF COAL, to be widened 1.37 feet on the northern side, and Board, to be held at the aforesaid time and place, east side of Linwood street, between Fulton KINGS COUNTY BUILDINGS, BOR- from Wales avenue to Beach avenue, is to be to he published in the "City Record" for ten days street and Folsom place. OU GH F FO OOKL N widened 2.70 feet at Wales avenue and 3.3o feet continuously, Sundays and legal holidays ex- List 7251, No. 17. Flagging sidewalk on the No. 2. J FURNISHINGU N S ALL at Beach avenue on the northern side. cepted, prior to the 28th day of November 1902. east side of Linwood street, between Atlantic THE LABOR AND MATERIAL FOR J. W. STEVENSON. avenue and Liberty avenue. THE INSTALLATION OF A HEAT- Fox Street, Now East One Hundred and Fiftieth Secretary Board of Estimate and Apportionment. List 7252, No. 18. Flagging sidewalk on the ING AND POWER PLANT, KINGS Street. Attest: west side of Linwood street, between Atlantic ave- COUNTY BUILDINGS, BOROUGH JOHN H. MOONEY. nue and Liberty avenue. Fox street (East One Hundred and Fiftieth OF BROOL N. street), from Robbins avenue to Wales avenue, is Assistant Secretary. List 7251, No. to. Flagging sidewalk on the No. 3. JOB "L," FKOYR FURNISHING ALL n13.24 cast side of Linwood street, between Liberty ave- THE LABOR AND ATERIAL FOR to be widened 1.37 feet on the northern side, and nue and Glenmore avenue. THE INSTALLATION OF AN from Wales avenue to Beach avenue is to be List 7254. No. 2o. Flagging sidewalk on the ELECTRIC UZI fl ING PLANT, widened 0.52 feet at Wales avenue and 0.55 feet west side of Linwood street, between Liberty ave- at Beach avenue, on the northern side. KINGS COUNTY BUILDINGS, BOR- Resolved, That the President of the Borough of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE nue and Glenmore avenue. O OKLYN Board of Estimate and Apportionment of HING ALL The Bronx cause to be prepared for submission to No. 4. JOB ""P" FF OR U S this Board three similar maps or plans for certifi- The City of New York. deeming it for the public BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. THE LABOR AND MATERIAL FOR interest so to do, proposes to alter the map or Sewer and appurtenances in cation and filing in the manner required by law, List 7219, No. 21. THE ERECTION OF A BUILDING showing as nearly as pOssible the nature and ex- plan of The City of New York. by changing the Fairmount place, between the Southern Boule- FOR A HEATING, LIGHTING AND tent of the proposed widening and the location grade of Jacobus place, between Terrace vard and Prospect avenue. POWER PLANT, AND FOR UN- of the immediate adjacent or of intersecting open View avenue and Van Corlear place, in List 7220. No. 22. Sewer and appurtenances in DERGROUND TRENCHES OR CON- or established streets, roads, squares or places, the Borough of Manhattan, City, of New York, East One Hundred and Eighty-second street, be- DUITS, KINGS COUNTY BUILD- and that a meeting of said Board will be held in INGS, BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. sufficient for the identification and location tween Mapes avenue and Belmont avenue. thereof; the Old Council Chamber (Room i6), City Hall, The limits within which it is proposed to lay The time for the completion of the work and Resolved, That this Board consider the pro- Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on the the said assessments include all the several houses the full performance of the contract will be one posed widening at a meeting of this Board, to be 28th day of November, 1902. at 2.3o o'clock n. and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces and parcels hundred and sixty (t6o) consecutive working days held in the Old Council Chamber (Room z6)ity m., at which such proposed change of grade will of land situated on— for each job. on Borough of Manhattan, City of New Mork, be considered by said Board, all of which is more No. 1. South side of Bleecker street, between The amount of security required will be: On on the 28th day of November, 1902, at 2.3o particularly set forth and described in the fol- Wyckoff avenue and Irving avenue, on Block 88, job "C," five thousand dollars ($5,000); on job o'clock p. m.; lowing resolutions adopted by said Board on the Lot No. 8. "H," twenty-five thousand dollars ($25.00o); on Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board 7th day of November, 1902, notice of the adop- No. 2. South side of Dean street, between job "L," eight thousand dollars ($8,000), and on cause these resolutions and a notice to all persons tion of which is hereby given, viz.: Buffalo avenue and Rochester avenue, on Block job "P," twenty thousand dollars ($2o,000l. Resolved. That the Board of Estimate and Ap- and 176. affected thereby that the proposed widening will 186, Lot Nos. 79, loz, 118, 175 Bids will be compared and the contract awarded be considered at a meeting of the Board. to be portionment of The City of New York, in pur- No. 3. Both sides of Eighty-first street, be- at a lump or aggregate sum for each job. suance of the provisions of section 442 of the Bidders for this work must be engaged in and held at the aforesaid time and place, to be pub- tween Second avenue and Third avenue. lished in the "City Record" for ten days con- Greater New York Charter, deeming it for the No. 4. South side of Forty-first street. be- known to be well prepared to execute same in public interest so to do, proposes to alter the map accordance with the plans and specifications, and tinuously, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, tween Fourth avenue and Fifth avenue, on Block prior to the 28th day of November, 1902 or plan of The City of New York, by changing 710. Lot NOS. 37 and 40. upon demand by the Commissioner must produce the grade of Tacobus place, between Terrace View proof satisfactory to said Commissioner that they J. W. STEVENSON, No. g. North side of Forty-seventh street, be- Secretary, Board of Estimate and Apportionment. avenue and Van Corlear place, in the Borough tween Fifth avenue and Sixth avenue, on Block possess the necessary plant, tools, materials, etc.. of Manhattan. City of New York, more par- etc., which will be required in the erection and Attest: 757, Lot No. 57. JOHN H. MOONEY, ticularly described as follows: No. 6. East side of River street and west side completion of the work. Beginning at a point the centre line of Terrace Blank forms may be obtained and the plans and Assistant Secretary. of Kent avenue, between North First street and n13,24 View avenue and Jacobus place, elevation 62 feet the plaza at the foot of Grand street. drawings may be seen at the office of Louis H. above City datum; thence northerly along the No. 7. South side of McDonough street, be- Voss, architect, No. 65 DeKalb avenue, Borough centre line of Jacobus place to centre line of Van tween Ralph avenue and Howard avenue, on of Brooklyn. Corlear place, elevation 86 feet. Block 58, Lot Nos. 120 and 129. Dated October 3o, 1902. All elevations above City datum. No. 8. 'East side of Rockaway avenue, be- HOMER FOLKS, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Resolved, That the President of the Borough tween Bergen street and Dean street, on Block Commissioner, Board of Estimate and Apportionment of of Manhattan cause to be prepared for submission The City of New York, deeming it for the public to this Board three similar maps or plans for 234. Lot No. 4. I7See General Instructions to Bid- interest so to do, proposes to alter the map or No. 9. South side of Arlington avenue, be- ders on the last page, last column of certification and filing in the manner required by tween Bradford street and Wyona street, on plan of The City of New York by closing and law, showing as nearly as possible the nature and the "City Recotd." discontinuing the unnamed street lying between Block 296, Lot Nos. 7 and 8. o31,112,5 extent of the proposed change of grade and the No. io. West side of Downing street, at the Decatur and Marion avenues, extending from East location of the immediate adjacent or of inter- foot of Quincy street, on Block 74, Lot No. 114. One Hundred and Ninety-third street to East secting open or established streets, roads, squares No. i1. Northeast side of Evergreen avenue, One Hundred and Ninety-fourth street, in the or places, sufficient for the identification and BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPOR- Borough of The Bronx, City of New York, and location thereof. between Schaeffer street and Decatur street, on that a meeting of said Board will be held in the Block 172, Lot No. 94. TIONMENT. Resolved. That this Board consider the Pro- No. 12. Northwest side of Gates avenue, be- Old Council Chamber (Room i6), City Hall, Bor- posed change of grade at a meeting of this ough of Manhattan. City of New York; on the tween Central avenue and Hamburg avenue, on OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board, to be held in the Old. Council Chamber 28th day of November, igoa, at 2.3o o clock p. (Room t6), City Hall. Borough of Manhattan, Block 49, Lot No. 42. N Board of Estimate and Apportionment of at which such proposed closing and discontinu- No. 13. Southwest side of Hamburg avenue, The City of New York, deeming it for the public City of New York, on the 28th day of November, ing will be considered by said Board, all of which 1902, at 2.30 o'clock p. between Bleecker street and Greene avenue, on interest so to do, proposes to alter the map or is more particularly set forth and described in the M. Block 45, Lot No. 40. plan of The City of New York, by locating and following resolutions adopted by said Board on Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board No, 14. Northeast side of Hamburg avenue, laying out Palisade place, from Popham avenue the 7th day of November, 1902. notice of the cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- between Putnam avenue and Madison street, on to Sedgwick avenue, in the Borough of The sons affected thereby that the proposed change of adoption of which is hereby given, viz.: grade will be considered at a meeting of the Block 68, Lot No. 114. Bronx, City of New fork, and that a meeting of Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap- No. 15. South side of Prospect street, between said Board will be held in the Old Council Chain- Board, to he held at the aforesaid time and place, portionment of The City of New York, in pursu- to be published in the "City Record" for ten days Tay street and Bridge street. on Block 78, Lot her (Room 16), City Hall, Borough of Manhattan. ance of the provisions of section 442 of the No. 6. City of New York, on the 28th day of November. continuously, Sundays and legal holidays ex- Greater New York Charter, deeming it for the cepted. prior to the 28th day of November. 1902. No. 16. East side of Linwood street. between 1902, at 2.,30 o'clock p. m., at which such pro- public interest so to do, proposes to alter the map Fulton street and Folsom place, on Block 323a, posed locating and laying out will be considered J. W. STEVENSON, or plan of The City of New York, by closing and Secretary, Board of Estimate and Apportionment. Lot No. 1. by said Board, all of which is more particularly discontinuing the unnamed street lying between Attest: No. 17. East side of Linwood street. between set forth and described in the following resolu- Decatur and Marion avenues, extending from Atlantic avenue and Liberty avenue, on Block 363, tions adopted by said Board on the 7th day of JOHN H. MOONEY, East One Hundred and Ninety-third street to Assistant Secretary. Lot Nos. 34. 40. 41 and 42 November, 1902, notice of the adoption of which East One Hundred and Ninety.fourth street. in No. i8. West side of Linwood street. between is hereby given, viz.: the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York. n13,24 Atlantic avenue and Liberty avenue, on Block 358. Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap- Resolved, That the President of the Borough Lot Nos. 8. o. 17. 22 and 46. portionment of The City of New York, in pur- of The Bronx cause to he prepared for submission No. 19. East side of Linwood street. between suance of the provisions of section 442 of the to this Board three similar maps or plans for Liberty avenue and Glenmore avenue, on Block Greater New York Charter, deeming it for the certification and filing in the manner required by OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 365. Lot No. 24. public interest so to do, proposes to alter the map N No. 20. West side of Linwood street. between law, showing as nearly as possible the nature and Board of Estimate and Apportionment of or plan of The City of New York, by locating extent of the proposed closing and discontinuing The City of New York, deeming it for the public Liberty avenue and Glenmore avenue, on Block and laying out Palisade place, from Popham ave- and the location of the immediate adjacent or of interest so to do, proposes to alter the map or 361. Lot Nos. 7 and 13. nue to Sedgwick avenue, in the Borough of The Both sides of Fairmount place, from intersecting open or established streets. roads. plan of The City of New York by laying out No. 21. Bronx, City of New York; squares or places, sufficient for the identification West One Hundred and Forty-eighth street from Southern Boulevard to Prospect avenue. Resolved, That the President of the Borough of and location thereof; St. Nicholas avenue to Edgecombe avenue, in the No. 22. Both sides of East One Hundred and The Bronx cause to be prepared for submission Resolved. That this Board consider the pro- Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, and that Eighty-second street, between Mapes avenue and to this Board three similar maps or plans for nosed closing and discontinuing at a meeting of a meeting of said Board will lie held in the old Belmont avenue. certification and filing in the manner required by this Board. to he held in the Old Council Chamber Council Chamber (Room i6), City Hall, Borough All persons whose interests are affected by the law, showing as nearly as possible the nature above-named proposed assessments. and who are (Room 16), City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, of Manhattan, City of New York, on the 28th day and extent of the proposed locating and laying City of New York, on the 28th day of November, of November, 1902, at 2.3o o'clock p. m., at which opposed to the same, or either of them, are re- out and the location of the immediate adjacent or 1902, at 2.30 o'clock p. m.; such proposed laying out will be considered by nuested to present their objections, in writing, to of intersecting open or established streets, roads, the Secretary of the Board of Assessors. No. 320 Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board said Board, all of which is more particularly set squares or places, sufficient for the identification cause theta resolutions and a notice to all persons forth and described in the following resolutions Broadway, New York, on or before December 1t, and location thereof; 1002, at 3 p. m., at which time and place the affected thereby that the proposed closing and adopted by said Board on the 7111 day of Novem- Resolved, That this Board consider the pro- discontinuing will he considered at a meeting of ber, 1902, notice of the adoption of which is said objections will be heard and testimony posed locating and laving out at a meeting of this the Board, to be held at the aforesaid time and hereby given, viz.: received in reference thereto. Board, to be held in the Old Council Chamber place, to he published in the "City Record" for Resolved, That the Board or Estimate and Ap- BENJAMIN E. HALL. (Room 16). City Hall Borough of Manhattan, ten days continuously, Sundays and legal holidays portionment of The City of New York, in pursu- HENRY B KETCHAM, City of New York, on ilfie 28th day of November, excepted, prior to the 28th day of November, ance of the provisions of section 442 of the ENOCH VREELAND. 1902, at 2.30 p. m.; 1902. Greater New York Charter, deeming it for the Board of Assessors. Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board T. W. STEVENSON, public interest so to do. proposes to alter the map WILLIAM H. JASPER, cause these resolutions and a notice to all persons Secretary, Board of Estimate and Apportionment. or plan of The City of New York, by laying out Secretary. affected thereby that the proposed locating and Attest: West One Hundred and Forty-eighth street, from No. 320 Broadway, laying out will beconsidered at a meeting of the JOHN H. MOONEY, St. Nicholas avenue to Edgecombe avenue, in the CITY OF NEW YORK, BOROUGH OP MANHATTAN, Board., to be held at the aforesaid time and place, Assistant Secretary. Borough of Manhattan, City or New York, more November to. 1902. to be published in the "City Record" for ten days M3,24 particularly described as follows: nio,2o continuously, Sundays and legal holidays ex- Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Ave. cepted, prior to the 28th day of November. 1902. nue St. Nicholas, distant 719.50 feet from the J. W. STEVENSON, northerly line of West One Hundred and DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC Secretary, Board of Estimate and Apportionment. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Forty-fifth street; Attest: Board of Estimate and Apportionment of First—Thence easterly and parallel with West CHARITIES. JOHN H. MOONEY, The City of New York, deeming it for the public One Hundred and Forty-fifth street to the west- Assistant Secretary. interest so to do, proposes to alter the map or erly line of Edgecombe avenue for 200 feet. nI3.24 plan of The City of New York by changing the DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES, FOOT OF Second—Thence northerly and along said west- grade of Hoe street, between Home street and erly line for 6o feet. EAST TWENTY-SIXTH STREET, NEW YORK. Freeman street, in the Borough of The Bronx, Third—Thence westerly and parallel to West One OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City of New York, and that a meeting of said Hundred and Forty-fifth street to easterly line N Board of Estimate and Apportionment of Board will be held in the old Council Chamber of Avenue St. Nicholas for zoo feet. TO CONTRACTORS. The City of New York, deeming it for the public (Room 16), City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, Fourth—Thence southerly along said easterly line interest so to do, proposes to alter the mapor City of New York, on the 28th day of November, of Avenue St. Nicholas for 6o feet to the point plan of The City of New York by widening 1902, at 2.30 o'clock Q. M., At which such pro- or place of beginning. PROPOSALS FOR BIDS OR ESTIMATES. Wales avenue, from Kelly street to East One posed change of grade will be considered by Hundred and Forty-ninth street, Robbins ave- said Board, all of which is more particularly set Grades. nue, from Westchester avenue to East One Hun- forth and described in the following resolutions Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Ave- EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE dred and Forty-ninth street; Beck street, from adopted by said Board on the 7th day of Novem- Robbins avenue to Beach avenue, and Fox street, ber, 1902, notice of the adoption of which is here- nue St. Nicholas, distant 749.50 feet northerly received by the Department of Public Chan- from the northerly line of West One Hundred ties at the above office until 12 o'clock noon, on from Robbins avenue to Beach avenue, in the by given, viz.: Borough of The Bronx, City of New York, and Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap- and Forty-fifth street, being the center line of MONDLAIN, NOVEMBER 24, 1902, that a meeting of said Board will be held in the portionment of The City of New York, in pursu- NV.est One Hundred and Forty-eighth street Old. Council Chamber (Room 16), City Hall, ance of the provisions of Section 442 of the produced easterly; elevation 95 feet above City FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on the Greater New York Charter, deeming it for the datum. THIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED TONS 28th day of November, 1902, at 2.30 o'clock p. public interest so to do, proposes to alter the map Thence along the center line produced, dis- ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS m., at which sych proposed widening will be con- or plan of The City of New York by changing the tance 200 feet, to the westerly line of Edge. COAL. sidered by said Board. all of which is more par- grade of Hoe street, between Home street and combe avenue; elevation 86.66 feet. The time for the performance of the contract ticularly set forth and described in the following Freeman street, in the Borough of The Bronx, All elevations above City datum is by or before December 31, 1902. resolutions adopted by said Board on the 7th City of New York, more particularly described as The land to be taken is found in Section 7, The amount of security required is fifty (so) day of November. 1902, notice of the adoption of follows: Block 2053. per cent. of the amount of the bid or estimate. which is hereby given, viz.: Beginning at the intersection of Hoe street ResolvedThat the President of the Borough The bidder will state the price per gross ton Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap- and Home street the elevation to be 66 feet above of Manhattan cause to be prepared for submission for coal, by which the bids will be tested. The portionment of The City of New York, in pur- mean high-water datum as heretofore. to this Board three similar maps or plans for extensions must be made and footed up, as the suance of the _provisions of section 442 of the First—Thence northerly to a point distant 32s certification and filing in the manner required by bids will be read from the total and awards made Greater New York Charter. deeming it for the feet frcytn the northeast curb intersection of law, showing as nearly as possible the nature and 7848 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902.

extent of the proposed laying out and the location avenue and the first street easterly of the Bronx "A"-Charge of Lines. 6. The discontinuing and closing of all that part of the immeolate adjacent or of intersecting open river to be zo feet above mean high-water datum, The northern line of East Two Hundred and of East Forty-eighth street which is bounded and or established streets, roads, squares, or places, as heretofore. Thirty-third street, easterly of the Bronx river, to described as follows, to wit: sufficient for the identification and location Resolved, That the President of the Borough coincide with the northern line of Nineteenth All that poetion of East Forty-eighth street thereof. of The Bronx cause to be prepared for submission avenue, and the southern line of East Two Hun- lying between a line 116 feet 8 inches easterly Resolved, That this Board consider the pro- to this Board three similar maps or plans for dred and Thirty-third street to be TOO feet south- of and parallel with the easterly line of Madison posed laying out at a meeting of this Board, to certification and filing in the manner required by erly therefrom and parallel to the northerly line. avenue and the present railroad occupation. being be held in the old Council Chamber (Room t6), law, showing as nearly as possible the nature and a parcel 33 feet 4 inches in length by 6o feet in City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New extent of the proposed widening and change of "B"-Grades. width, and which is shown by yellow shading and York, on the 28th day of November, 1902, at 2.30 lines and the location of the immediate adjacent The elevation of the floor of the bridge over marked "E" on the map thereof. which is hereto o'clock p. m. or of intersecting open or established streets, the Bronx river to be 88 feet above mean high- annexed and marked "Exhibit 2" Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board roads. squares, or places. sufficient for the iden- water datum. 7. The discontinuing and closing of all that part cause these resolutions and a notice to all per. tification and location thereof. The grade at the western aide line of Bronx of Park avenue and all those parts of East Forty- sons affected thereby that the proposed laying out Resolved, That this Board consider the pro- Boulevard to be go feet above mean high-water ninth street, East Fiftieth street, East Fifty-first will be considered at a meeting of the Board, to posed widening and change of lines at a meeting datum. street, East Fifty-second street, East Fifty-third street. East Fifty-fourth street and East Fifty- be held at the aforesaid time and place, to be of this Board. to he held in the old Council Cham- The grade at the eastern side line of Bronx fifth street, which are comprised within the parcel published in the "City Record" for ten days con- ber (Room 161, City Hall. Borough of Manhat- Boulevard to he 92 feet above mean high-water tinuously, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, tan. City of New York. on the 28th day of No- datum. of land described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the prior to the 28th day of November. 7002. vember. Inez. at 2.30 o'clock p. m. The grade at the western side line of Second southerly line of East Forty-ninth street and the T. W. STEVENSON. Resolved, That the secretary of this Board street to he 111 feet above mean high-water Secretary Board of Estimate and Apportionment. cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- datum. westerly tine of Park avenue and running thence westerly on said southerly line of East Forty. Attest: sons affected thereby that the proposed widening The grade at the eastern side line of Second ninth street 20 feet: thence in a northeasterly di. JO/TN H. MOONEY, and change of lines will be considered at a meet- street to he 113 feet above mean high-water Assistant Secretary. ing of the Board, to he held at the aforesaid time datum. rection 62.71 feet to a point in the northerly line of East Forty-ninth street. said point being 389.2s n13,24 and place, to be published in the "City Record" 'rhe grades at the western and eastern side feet easterly of the easterly line of Madison ave- for ten days continuously, Sundays and legal holi- lines of White Plains road to he i71 feet above days excepted, prior to the 28th day of November. mean high-water datum. nue: thence northerly. parallel with Madison toot. avenue, 200.83 feet to the southerly line of East NOTICE TS HEREBY GTVEN THAT THE. The grade at the curb intersections at an un- Fiftieth street: thence easterly on the said south- Board of Estimate and Anportioement of T. W. STEVENSON. named street located about too feet easterly of erly line of East Fiftieth street 3.75 feet: thence The City of New York, deeming it for the public Secretary, Board of Estimate and Apportionment. White Plains road to he t8t feet above mean northerly on a line parallel with the easterly line interest so to do, promises to alter the man or Attest: high-water datum. and at the intersection of the JOHN H. MONEY, of Madison avenue and lea feet easterly thereof plan of The City of New York, by establishing curb lines of Olinville avenue to be TOO feet above '164./7 feet to the northerly line of East Fifty- the grade of East Eighty-third street. from East Assistant Secretary. mean high-water datum. as heretofore. 01 3 fifth street; thence in a northeasterly direction End avenue to a point ago feet easterly there. 3, 4 Resolved. That the President of the Borough of 204.34 feet to a point on the southerly line of East from. in the Nineteenth Ward. Borough of Man. The Bronx cause to he prepared for submission to Fifty-sixth street, said point being 430.73 feet battan. City of New York, and that a meeting of this Board three similar mans or plans for certifi- easterly of the ealterly line of Madison avenue: said Board will he held in the old Council Cham. OTTCE TS HEREBY rowN TI-TAT THE cation and filing in the manner required by law. her (Room thence easterly along said southerly line of East City Hall. Borough of Manhattan, N Board of Estimate and Apportionment of showing as nearly as noasible the twine and ex- Fifty-sixth street to the present railroad occupa- City of New Writ. on the 28th day of November, the City of New Yoel. deeming it for the nehlic tent of the proposed change of lines and grades and tion: thence southerly along said railroad occuna- 1002, 21 2.1n o'clock p. rn., at which such IWO- interest SO to do. proposes to alter the map or Plan the location of the immediate ediacent or of inter- tint, about 1,927 feet to the westerly line of Park nosed establishing of erade will he considered by of The rity of New Yroh. by eheoging the secting open or established streets. roads. squares avenue: thence northerly along said westerly line said Board, all of which is more particularly set grade of Shepherd avenue. between Blake avenue or places sufficient for the identification and of Park avenue t0n.42 feet to the point of begin- forth and deaerthed in the following reanlotions and Reiman+ avenue in the Borough of Brook- location thereof: ning, and which are shown by yellow shading adopted by said Board on the 7th day of Novem- lyn City of New Ynrk. and that a meeting of Resolved. That this Board consider the pro- and marked "F" on the man thereof. which is ber. ton2. notice of the adoption of which is said Board will he held in the old Council Cham- posed chance of lines and grades at a meeting hereto annexed and marked "Exhibit 2." hereby elven. viz.: ber (Room i61. City Hall. Borough of Manhattan. of this Board. to he held in the Old Council Cham- R The discontinuing and closing of all that Resolved. That the Board of Estimate and Ap- City of New Vcwk_ on the Atli day of November ber (Room 161. rift, Hall, Borough of Manhattan. part of Park avenue and all three parts of Feat portionment of The City of New York. in per- tona. at aato o'clock n. m.. at which touch nronosed City of New York, on the aRth day of November. Forty-ninth street and East Fiftieth street which potence of the nrovisions of section 442 of the chance of grade will he considered by said Board. 7001. at o'clock p. are comprised within the parcel of land described Greater New York Charter. deeming it fnr the "IT of which hi more narticularle art forth and Resolved. That the Secretary of this Board as follows: rublic interest sn to do, proposea to alter the described in the following resolutions adopted by cause these resolutions and a notice to all persona Beginning at the point of intersection of the wan nr nlan of The City of New York by estab- said Board on the 7th day of November, 1002, affected thereby that the nronnsed change of lines southerly line of East Fiftieth street and the lishing the grade of East Eighty-third street. from notice of the adoption of welch is hereby given, and grades will he considered at a meeting of the easterly line of Park avenue and running thence East End avenue to a point 250 feet easterly viz : Board, to he held at the aforesaid time and place. southerly on said easterly line of Park avenue therefrom, in the Nineteenth Ward, Borough of Resolved. That the Board of Estimate and Ap- to he published in the "City Record" for ten days 200.83 feet to the northerly line of East Forty- Manhattan. City of New York. more particularly portionment of The City of New York. in pursuit. continuously, Sundays and legal holidays ex- ninth street: thence easterly on the northerly line described as follows: ance of the nrovisinns of Section 442 of the cepted. prior to the 28tif day nr Nnven11,1. 7002. of East Forty-ninth street too feet: thence south- Beginning at a noint the center line of East Greater New York Charter. deeming It for the T. W. STEVENSON. erly on a line parallel with and 305 feet distant End avenue and East Elphty-third street, eleva- noblic interest sn to do proposes to alter the Secretary . Board of Estimate and Apportionment. from the westhrly line of Lexington avenue 6o tion 45 feet above City datum: thence easterly map or plan of The City of New York. by Attest: feet to the southerly line of East Forty-ninth airing the center line of Feat Eighty-third street changing the grade of Shepherd avenue. between Tong H Mooney Street: thence westerly along the said southerly distance 3nn feet. elevation 1R.25 feet. Blake avenue and Belmont avenue. in the Borough Assistant Secretary. line of East Forty-ninth street about T45 feet to All elevations ahnve City datum. of Brooklyn. City of New York, more particu- n11.24 the present railroad occupation: thence northerly Gaerie to be established is found in Section 5. larly described as follows: along said railroad occupation 370.81 feet: thence Block mot) of the Land Man of the Borough of Beginning at the intersection of Shenherd ave. southerly about so feet to a point on the northerly Manhattan. City of New York. ne and Blake avenue, the elevation to be 23./5 N line of East Fiftieth street, said 'mint being 40 Reanlved. That the President nf the Borough feet as heretofore: YritrnV GIVEN THAT TT-IF feet westerly of the easterly line of Park avenue: of Manhattan cause to he nrenared for submis- First-Thence northerly to the intersection of !hoard of Estimate and annortionwent of thence southerly on the arc of a circle of 7n The City of 7qp0 sion to this Board three similar maps or plans Sinter avenue the elevation to be an t feet. , York deeming it for the noblie feet radius To the point of beginning. and which iererest sn for certification and filing in the manner required Second-Thence northerly to a noiet distant 227 to do, nronosea to alter the Man or are shown by yellow shading and marked "G" by law. showing as nearly as priaaible the nature feet from the northern side line of Sutter avenue Ulan of The City of New York by widening rarTr on the man thereof which is hereto annexed and and extent of the nronnaed establishing of grade the elevation to he 27.0 feet: avenue nn the westerly side. between East Fifty- marked "Exhibit 2." sod the location of the iwweainte adiacent or of Third-Thence northerly TO the intersection of sixth street and Peat Forty-ninth t. and chug- Resolved. That the President of the Borough intersecting open or established streets. roads. Belmont avenue the elevation to be 20.64 feet, as inn nortion• of Past Fortv-sixth. East Forty-sev- of Manhattan cause to he prepared for submis- *genres nr places. sufficient for the identification heretofore. enth. Fast Fortv-eighth and rant Forty-ninth ate., sion to this Board three similar maps or plane and lneatinn thereof. All s1.10114071s refer tn mean h(rth-water datum adinining the Nen, York Central Railroad, in the for certification and filing in the manner required Resolved. That this roar(' consider the proposed as eatabliabea be Department of Highways. llorniteb of Manhattan City of New Ynek. and by law, showing as nearly as possible the nature that a weetten of said Board 0411 establishing of oracle at a meeting of this Ttnard. of Brooklyn he held in the and extent of the proposed widening and closing to he held in the old Council Chamber (Rnom Reentsmd. That the President of the Borough Old Cm.neut Chamber (Room tel. City Hall. Bo, and the location of the immediate adjacent or of vel, City Hall, Tiormieb of Manhattan. City of of tat-rink-1yr calls, to he nrepared for selynissinn moth of afanhattan. City of New Ynek no the intersecting open or established streets. roads, New Ynek on the 28th day of November. Topa, to this Board thee. simile* mans or Plans for cer- 'tat day of Nnvemher. tnna at 2.70 n'clock n. squares. or places, sufficient for the identification at 2.3n o'clock n. m. at whirl" such nronnaea widening and closing will and location thereof. tification and filing in the manner reouired by he considered by Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board law. shoving as nearly as tweelble the nature and said Board. all of whirl, ia more Resolved. That this Board consider the pro- Noise these resolutions and a notice to all nersons extent of the mnn-wed change of grade and the naMirnlarly set forth and described in the fal- nosed widening and closing at a meeting of this affected thereby that the romposed establishing of location of the immediate arlisieent nr of inter- lowing reaoletiona adopted by said Board on the Board, to be held in the Old Council Chamber oracle will be considered at a meeting of the seetine nnen r eatahlieberl streets roads. annares. ?esti day of October tno2. notice of the adoption (Room t61, City Hall. Borough of Manhattan, of Board, to he held at the aforesaid time and place. places. sufficient for the identification and loca- is hereby {riven. 1112.1 City of New York. on the asst day of November. to he published in the "City Record" for ten ne tion thereof. Resolved. That the 'Board of Estimate and Aro- 1902, at 2.30 o'clock p. m. days contimmealv Sundays end legal holidays ex. Resolved. That this Board consider the pro. nort;oommit of The City of New York. in per. Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cepted, prior to the 28111 Ow of Nnventher 1902. nosed change of grade at a meeting of this Board. aentire of the erevisions of section 442. of the cause these resolutions and a notice to all persons T. W. STEVENSON. to he held in the old Council Chamber (Room tn. Greater New York Charter. (-termini" it fnr the affected thereby that the proposed widening and Secretary Board of Estimate and Apportionment. City Hall llorneel, of Manhattan. City of New nohlie interest an to do nennotuns to alter the man closing will be considered at a meeting of the Attest: or nlan of The City of New York. by widening Ywar. on 11.e 28th day of November. T902, at 2,30 Board, to be held at the aforesaid time and TOTTN H. MONEY. Park avenue on the weaterlv aide. o'clock D. rn. between East place. to he published in the "City Record" for Assistant Secretary. Resolved. That the Secretors- of thin Board Fifty-sixth street and East Forty-ninth Street. and ten days continuously, Sundays and legal holidays 013,24 eamse thewe reenlutinna sea a notice to all neranna clewing portions of East Forty-sixth. East Forty- excepted, prior to the 21st day of November, toot. affected thereby that the nrnonsed (theree nf oeventh, East Forty-eighth and East Forty-ninth J. W. STEVENSON. N OTICE TS HEREBY GTVEN THAT THE grade will he considered at a. meeting of the streets. adininitor the New York Central Rail. Secretary. Board of Ettimnte and Apportionment of 'Board, to he held at the aforesaid time and road, in the Borough of Manhattan. City of Attest: The City of Nen. York, deeming it for the nub. nlace. to he published in the "City Record" And New York, more particularly described as fol- TOTTEN H. MooNEY, lie interest an to do ornpreee to alter the man or the eornoration newananers for ten days continua lows: Assistant Secretary. 5. The widening of Park avenue. between East nlan of The City of New York by widening East flesh,. Sent-lava and legal holidays excepted. prior n7.20 Forty-ninth street and East Fifty-sixth street. on One Hundred and Seventy-seventh Street from to the 28th day of Novemher. 1 02V. Boston road to the Bronx raver. changing the T. W. STE ENSON. the westerly side thereof, so that the westerly line lines of Treginnt avenue from the Bronx river to Secretary Board of Estimate and Apportionment. of the said Park avenue, between said streets. shall he described as follows: DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY the first Street easterly therefrom. in the Browne, Attest: of The Benny. City nf New York. and that a Jong H. MOONEY. From East Forty-ninth Street to East Fiftieth GAS AND ELECTRICITY. meeting of said Beard wilt he held In the old Assistant Secretary. street the westerly line of Park avenue to coincide Council Chamber (Room in. City Hall. Borough nt 3.24 with a line 1d7.25 feet easterly of and parallel of Manhattan City of New York. on the 28th with the easterly line of Madison avenue. DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY. GAS AND ETIC- day of November. 1002. 511 o'clock n. at From East Fiftieth street to East Fifty-fifth TRTCTTY, Room 1536. Nos. 11.21 PARE Row. BOR. which with proposed widenine and change of street the westerly line of Park avenue to coincide OLGH OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. OTTCE TS 'HEREBY GTVEN THAT THE with a line 1ST feet easterly of and parallel with lines will he considered by astd Board. all of all Board of Estimate and Apportionment of whirl, is more nartienlarly set forth and described N the easterly line of Madison avenue. EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE The City of New York. deeming it for the public From Fast Fifty-fifth street to East Fifty-sixth *ea' received be the Commissioner of Water Sup- in the following reanletinna adonted by said a S interest an tn do. nronosea to lter the man or street the westerly line of Park avenue to coincide ply. Gas and Electricity at the above office until Board on the 7th clay of November. 7002. notice New Ynek. by changing the (Ilan nf The City of with a straight line drawn from a point on the 2 o'clock p. rn., on nf the adontion of whirl, is hereto, riven, vie : line, and grades of East Two Hundred and lleaolved That the Board of Estimate and An- northerly line of East Fifty-fifth street. 35i feet Thirty-third street. from Webster avenue to the easterly of Madison avenue. measured on said NV'ETIIIESDAIY, NOVEMBER 26, 1002. nortininnent of The City of New York. in remelt- Bronx river. :inn from the Bronx river to Peat , of she nsouTainns of section 4,1 of the northerly line of East Fifty-fifth street. to a point Borough of Queens. Second street. in the Borough of The Bronx. City on the southerly line of East Fifty-sixth street. Greater New York Charter. .teeming it for the of New York. and that a meeting of said Board In t.rnonses to alter the man 188.7a feet easterly of the easterly line of Madi- FOR COMPLETING THE CONTRACT FOR pliblie interest en tn will be held in the Old Council Chamber (Room or Men of The City of New York. by widening of son avenue, measured along said southerly line of FURNISHING AND DELIVERING ,6), City Hall. Borough of Manhattan. City East Fifty-sixth street. said proposed westerly Rao (1,, Hundred and Reventv-seventh Street. New York. on the 28th day of November. 7002. at 4.600 GROSS TONS ( 2.240 LBS. TO from nnatno read to the Bronx river changing line of Park avenue being shown upon a man A TON) OF F.00 SIZE WHITE 2.1n o'clock n. m.. at which such proposed change the lines of Tremont averier fame the Renew thereof. which is hereto annexed and marked ASH ANTHRACITE COAL. nf lines and grades will be considered by said "Exhibit 7." river to the ftrat street easterly therefrom in the Board. all of which is more particularly set forth The time for the delivery of the coal and 2. The discontinuing and closing of all that part Bnrnnnh of The Prnox. rite of New York. more and described in the following resolutions adopted the performance of the contract is by or before nirtleoiarly described as follows: of East Forty-sixth street. which is bounded and March 23. 1903 . by said Board on the 7th day of November, 7002. described as follows, to wit: notice of the adoption of which is hereby given, The amount of security required is five thou T-Widstrisr of Fag' f)ee Til ■sefreel n.d .Teventy- All that portion of East Forty-sixth street lying sand dollars ($5,000)- seventh Street from Pnrtem Rood viz : between a line too feet westerly of, and parallel Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap- The bidder will state the price of each item or to the Renttr Were. with. the westerly line of Lexington avenue and article- contained in the snecifications or schedules, portionment of The City of New York, in pur- the present railroad occupation, being a parcel tag This widening consists in adding a stein 7n suance of the provisions of section 442 of the per pound, ton, or other unit of measure, by fret in width on the wont, side of the existing feet in length by 6o feet in width. and which is which the bids will be tested. Greater New York Charter. deeming it for the shown by yellow shading and marked "A" on East One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street. Public interest so to do. proposes to alter the map The bids will be compared and the contract and eettine off the corner nt the southeast inter. the man thereof, which is hereto annexed and awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for each or plan of The City of New York. by changing marked 'Exhibit 2." section of Eno One Hundred and Seventgaeventh the lines and grades of East Two Hundred and contract 3. The discontinuing and closing of all that -trees and Went Farms' road In order to make the Thirty-third street, from Webster avenue to the Delivery will he required to be made at the width nf Boston road ago feet. part of East Forty-seventh street which is bounded time and in the manner and in such quantities as Bronx river, and from the Bronx river to East and described as follows. to wit: of The Bronx, City may be directed. 2-Change of 1.(net of Tremont Avenue. from Second street, in the Borough All that portion of East Forty-seventh street of New York, more particularly described as fol- Blank forms may be obtained at the office of the Brone Rh," 10 the First Street lying between the westerly line of Lexington ave- the nepartment. Room i521. Easterly Thereof. lows: nue and the present railroad occupation, being a "A"-Change of Lines. ROBERT GRIER MONROE. Tt !si nropocerl to deflect Tremont avenue from strip 275 feet in length by 6o feet in width, and Commissioner. the first street easterly of the Bronx river in a The northern line of East Two Hundred and which is shown by yellow shading and marked Dated November f I. 1902. northerly direction ten West Farms road. and to Thirty-third street. between Webster avenue and "B" on the map thereof. which isi hereto an- widen West Parma road from inn fret to T5o the Bronx river. to be on the prolongation west- nexed and marked "Exhibit a." 11:7See General Instructions to Bid- erly of the northern line of East Two Hundred feet. from the Bronx river to the first street 4. The discontinuing and closing of all that ders on the last page, last column, of and Thirty-third street. east of the Bronx river, part of East Forty-seventh street which is bounded the "City Record." easterly thereof. where said line agrees with the northerly line of and described as follows, to wit: n13,26 3-Disrontentennee of Tremor? afneege. from the the existing Nineteenth avenue. All that portion of East Forty-seventh street Brow% River to the First Street The southern line of East Two Hundred and lying between the easterly line of Madison avenue Thirty-third street. between Webster avenue and Easterly Thereof. • and the present railroad occupation. being a strip DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, .GAS AND ELEC- This discontinuing extends for a distance of the Bronx river, to he southerly and distant TOO 159 feet in length by 6o feet in width, and which TRICITY. Room 1536, Nos. 11-21 PARE Row, BOR- shoot tan feet from the centre of the Bronx feet measured at right angles and parallel to the is shown by yellow shading and marked "C" on OUGH OF MANHATTAN. THE CITY OF NEW YORE. river easterly where it will meet the changed loca- shove-described northern line of East Two Hun. the map thereof, which is hereto annexed and dred and Thirty-third street. tion of Tremont avenue. marked "Exhibit 2." SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE "B"-Grades. s. The discontinuing and closing of all that received by the Commissioner of Water Sup- 4-The Grades. part of East Forty-eighth street which is bounded The grade at the intersection of Eva Two ply. Gas and Electricity at the above office until A-The grade at the intersection of Past One and described as follows. to wit: 2 o'clock p. m. on Hundred and Seventy-seventh street and Boston Hundred and Thirty-third street and Webster All that portion of East Forty-eighth street road to he to feet above mean high-water datum. avenue to be nit feet above mean high-watet lying between the westerly line of Lexington ave- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1002. as heretofore. datum, as heretofore. nue and the present railroad occupation. being a B-The grade at the bridge over the Bronx The grade over the property of the New York strip 250 feet in length by 6o feet in width. and Boroughs of Manhattan and The 'Bronx. river to he at its westerly rem v3.7 feet above and Harlem Railroad to be 93 feet above mean which is shown by yellow shading and marked mean high-water datum, and at its easterly end high-water datum. "D" on the man thereof. which is hereto annexed FOR FURNISHING. DELTVERING AND T.AY- The grade few the bridge over tffe Bronx rivet INIG WATER MAINS IN CLARE- tT a feet above mean high-water datum. and marked "Exhibit a." to be 88 feet above mean high water datum. C-The grade at the Intersection of Tremont - SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902. THE CITY RECORD. 7849

MONT, CONVENT, GERARD, MAR- The time for the delivery of the articles, ma- HUNDRED AND THIRTY-EIGHTH Delivery will be required to be made at the CHER, PELHAM, SEDGWIC K, terials and supplies and the performance of the STREET, FROM LINCOLN AVE- time and in the manner specified. SUMMIT, TREONT,M U N D E R- contract is by or before November 25, 1902. NUE TO THE WEST SIDE OF THE Blank forms and further information may be CLIFF,_ WALNUT AND SEVENTH The amount of security required is fifty (5o) NEW YORK AND HARLEM RAIL- obtained and the plans and drawings may be seen AVENUES; IN NINETEENTH, per cent. of the amount of the bid or estimate. ROAD PROPERTY. at the office of the Fire Department, No. 157 TWENTIETH, THIRTY - THIRD, The bidder will state the price of each item or The Engineer's estimate of the work is as fol- and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Manhattan. THIRTY-FIFTH, FIFTY-EIGHTH, article contained in the specifications or schedules lows, viz.: THOMAS STURGIS, FIFTY-NINTH, ONE HUNDRED herein contained or hereto annexed, per pound, REPAVING. Commissioner. AND TWENTY-SECOND, ONE ton, dozen, gallon, yard or other unit of measure, 300 feet new curb. Dated November 1 I, 1902. HUNDRED AND THIRTY.FIFTH, by which the bids will be tested. The extensions 1,700 feet new bridgestone. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY. most be made and footed up, as the bids will be 3,0oo square yards new granite block. IC:7Fee General Instructions to Bid- SIXTH, ONE HUNDRED AND read from the total for each item and awards 900 cubic yards concrete. ders on the lust page, lust column, of THIRTY • SEVENTH, ONE HUN- made to the lowest bidder on each item. The Engineer's estimate of the work to be done the "City Record." DRED AND THIRTY-NINTH, ONE Delivery will be required to be made at the under resolution adopted by the Board of Esti- 012,25 HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIRST, time and in the manner and in such quantities as mate and Apportionment on the 27th day of June, ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY- may be directed. 1902, and by winch the bids will be tested is as HEADQUARTERS OF FIRE DEPARTMENT OF THE THIRD, ONE HUNDRED AND Blank forms and further information may be follows: CITY OP NEW YORK, Nos 157 AND 159 EAST FORTY-FOURTH, ONE HUNDRED obtained and the plans and drawings may be ASSESSMENT WORK. SIXTY-SEVENTH STREET, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, AND FORTY-SIXTH, ONE HUN- seen at the office of the Department of Correc- 2,000 linear feet old curbstone, reset. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. DRED AND SEVENTY-EIGHTH, tion, the Borough of Manhattan, No. 148 East 4,800 square yards granite block. ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY- Twentieth street. 600 cubic yards concrete. SIXTH AND TWO HUNDRED AND THOMAS W. HYNES, The amount of security required is thirteen BALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE SIXTY-FIRST STREETS, AND IN Commissioner. thousand dollars ($13,000.) S received by the Fire Commissioner at the UNDERCLIFF PLACE. Dated November io, 1902. The time allowed to complete the whole work above office until io o'clock a. m. on The time allowed to complete the whole work is seventy-five (75) working days. will be three hundred (300) days. 11:78ee General Instructions to Bid- TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1902. The amount of security required is twenty ders on the last page, last column, oil No. 4. LAYING TELFORD MACADAM Boroughs of Brooklyn LUAU Igneous. PAVEMENT AND CONSTRUCT- thousand dollars ($20,000). the "City Record." No. 1. FOR FURNISHING AND ;R- The bidder will state the price of each item or nii,e4 ING GUTTERS IN EAST ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-THIRD ING 16,300 FEET 01, TWO AND article contained in the specifications or schedules, ONE-HALF INCH FIRE HOSE. per pound, ton, foot, yard or other unit of meas- STREET, FROM ARTHUR AVE- OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION, NUE TO SOUTHERN BOULE- The time for the completion of the work and ure, by which the bids will be tested. ROOM. No. 148, EAST the full performance of the contract is sixty The bids will be compared and the contract TWENTIETH STREET, BOR- VARD. OUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. The Engineer's estimate of the work is as fol- days. awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. 1 he amount of security required is $5,000. Blank forms may be obtained and the plans lows, viz.: and drawings may be seen at the office of the EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE 7,205 square yards of macadam pavement on tel- Boroughs of Brooklyn and queens. ford foundation. Department, Room 1521. S received by the Commissioner of Correction No 2. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVER- at the above office until II o'clock a. m. on The amount of security required is three thou- r RI LEN TH1RD-SIL E. ROBERT GRIER MONROE, sand dollars ($3,000). Commissioner. HOSE WAGONS. TUESDAY, .NOVEMBER 18, 1902. The time allowed to complete the whole work The time for the delivery of the articles, ma- Dated November 6, 1902. Borough of Brooklyn. is seventy-five (75) working lays. terials and supplies and the pertormance of the No. I. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVER- No. 5. PAVING WITH GRANITE BLOCh. contract is 120 days. ING FLOUR, LUMBER, STEAM FIT- PAVEMENT ON A SAND FOUN- The amount of security required is $3,000. 17See General Instructions to Bid- TINGS, ETC. DATION THE ROADWAY OF Boroughs of Brooklyn and taueenik ders on the last page, last column, of The time for the delivery of the articles, ma- TREMONT AVENUE, FROM No. 3. FOR 1, URNIsilING AND DELIVER- the "City Record." terials and supplies and the performance of THIRD AVENUE TO BOSTON ING TEN tilitli-SIZE.HOUE. AND 117, 20 the contract is by or before 3o days. ROAD. LADDER iBUCE.s. The amount of security required is fifty per The Engineer's estimate of the work. is as fol- The time for the delivery of the articles, ma- cent. (5o per cent.) of the amount of the bid lows, viz.: terials and supplies and toe periormance of the or estimate. 5,000 linear feet new curbstone. furnished and contract is 120 days. DEPARTI1ENT OF CORRECTION. The bidder will state the price of each item set. The amount of security required is $7,500. or article contained in the specifications or 4,600 linear feet old curbstone, rejointed and re- The bids will be react from the total and the set. OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION, schedules herein contained or hereto annexed, per contract awarded at a lump ur aggregate sum for pound, ton, dozen, gallon, yard or other unit of 4,000 square feet new bridgestone, furnished and each contract. NO. 148 EAST TWENTIETH STREET, BOROUGH OF laid. MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. measure, by which the bids will be tested. The Delivery. will be required to be made at the extensions must be made and footed up, as the 5,800 square feet old bridgestone, rejointed and time and in the manner and in such quantities relaid. QEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE bids will be read from the total for each item as may be directed. and awards made to the lowest bidder on each 23,800 square yards new granite block pavement, Blank forms and further information may be 4,-/ received by the Commissioner of Correction on a sand foundation, laid with sand at the above office until Iz o'clock a. m., on item. obtained and the plans and drawings may be seen Delivery will be required to be made at the time joints. at the office of the Fire Department, Nos. 157 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1902. and in the manner and in such quantities as may 33,00o square feet old flagging relaid. and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Manhattan. be directed. 4,000 square feet new flagging laid. Borough of Manhattan. zoo cubic yards dry rubble masonry for bring- THOMAS ST URUIS, FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR Blank forms and further information may be Commissioner. No. 1. obtained and the plans and drawings may be seen ing retaining walls to proper grades. AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR 13 receiving basins to be rebuilt in accord- Dated November II, 1902. REPAIRING ROOF OF BUILDING at the office of the Department of Correction, the Borough of Manhattan, No. 148 East Twen- ance with specification in use in the NOW USED AS CARPENTER Bureau of Sewers, Borough of The ir....'See General Instructions to Bid- SHOP, SITUATED AT HART'S tieth street. ders on the last page, last colunin„ of THOMAS W. HYNES, Bronx, ISLAND. The amount of security required is twenty thou- the ••City Record." The time for the completion of the work and Commissioner. 012,25 Dated November 5, 1902. sand dollars ($20,000). the full performance of the contract is by or The time allowed to complete the whole work before 3o days. is one hundred and twenty-five (WWs) working HEADQUARTERS FIRE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY The amount of security required is fifty per days. OF NEW YORK, Nos. i57 AND 159 EAST SIXTY- cent. Bids will be compared and the contract ETtilee General Instruction. to Bid- SEVENTH STREET, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. ders on the last page, last eolumn of No. 6. FURNISHING AND DELIVERING the "City Record." LUMBER AS REQUIRED TO DE- CITY OF NEW YORK. Borough of Manhattan. n6,18. PARTMENT YARD, ONE HUN- DRED AND FORTY-THIRD EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE No. 2. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVER- STREET AND COLLEGE AVE- S received by the Fire Commissioner at the ING • GROCERIES, OILS, IRON, NUE, OR AT THE SEVERAL above office until 10 o'clock a. m., on STEAM FITTINGS, ELECTRICAL BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. BRIDGES, AS MAY BE DI- 25, SUPPLIES, LUMBER AND MIS- RECTED. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1902. CELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Amount of security required is $1,00o. Boroughs of Brooklyn non Queens. The time for the delivery of the articles, ma- OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF The time allowed is by or before December 31, 'lo. I. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING terials and supplies and the performance of the THE BRONX, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, CORNER THIRD 1902. contract is by or before 3o days. AVENUE AND ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SEVENTH 500 TONS OF EGG SIZE ANT.H.RA- The contracts must be bid for separately, and LITE. COAL. The amount of security required is fifty (5o) STREET, CROTONA PARK, NEW YORK, October 25, the bids will be compared and the contract award- per cent. of the amount of the bid or estimate. The time for the completion of the work and 1902. ed at a lump or aggregate sum for each contract. the full performance of the contract is yo days. The bidder will state the price of each item .111•170••••••• Blank forms can be obtained upon application or article contained in the specifications or sched- The amount of security required is $2,00o. EALED BIDS AND ESTIMATES WILL BE therefor, and theplans and specifications may be ules herein contained or hereto annexed, per seen and other information obtained at said office. Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx. pound, ton, dozen, gallon, yard or other unit of S received by the President of the Borough measure, by which the bids will be tested. The of The Bronx at the above office until ix o'clock LOUIS F. HAFFEN, No. 2. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVER- extensions must he made and footed up, as the a. m. on President. ING 1,2uo TONS ANTHRACITE bids will be read from the total for each item THE CITY OF NEW YORK, November 6, 1902. COAL, EGG AND STOVE SIZES. and awards made to the lowest bidder on each THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1902. The time for the delivery of the articles, ma- terials and supplies and the performance of the item. No. x. REGULATING AND RE-REGULATING, ItYSee General Instructions to Bid- Delivery will be required to be made at the contract is by or before February 1, 1903. GRADING AND REGRADING, SET- ders on the last page, last column, of The amount of security required is $3,000. time and in the manner and in such quantities TING CURBSTONES, FLAGGING the "City Record." as may be directed. n7,i8 The bidder will state the price per ton, or other Blank forms and further information may be SIDEWALKS, LAYING CROSS- unit of measure, by which the bids will be tested. WALKS, BUILDING APPROACHES The extensions must be made and footed up, as obtained and the plans and drawings may be OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OP THE BOROUGH OF seen at the office of the Department of Correc- AND PLACING FENCES IN, AND the bids will be read from the total, and the PAVING WITH GRANITE BLOCK THE BRONX, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, CORNER THIRD contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for tion, the Borough of Manhattan, No. 148 East AVENUE AND ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SEVENTH Twentieth street. PAVEMENT THE ROADWAY OF each contract. EAST ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY- STREET, CROTON?. PARK, NEW YORK, November 6, Delivery will be required to be made at the THOMAS W. HYNES, 1902. Commissioner. THIRD STREET FROM BROOK time and in the manner and in such quantities as Dated November to, 1902. AVENUE TO THIRD AVENUE. may be directed. The Engineer's estimate of the work is as fol- OTICE OF SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION Blank forms and further information may be lows, viz.: —On Tuesday, November 18, i902, at obtained and the plans and drawings may be the Borough 11:3"See General Instructions to Bid- ASSESSMENT WORK. zo.3o o'clock a. m., the President of seen at the office of the Fire Department, Nos. ders on the last page, last column, of of The Bronx will sell at public auction through 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Manhattan. the "City !record." 130 cubic yards of excavation (all kinds). McCauley & Hochreim, auctioneers, the buildings 014,26 6,300 cubic yards of filling. and parts of buildings, etc., standing within the THOMAS STURGIS, 200 linear feet new curbstone, furnished and lines of— Commissioner. set. No. I. Quarry road, from Third to Arthur ave- Dated November xi, 19oz. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION, No. 148 EAST 300 linear feet old curbstone, rejointed and nue. TWENTIETH STREET, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, reset. No. 2. Grote street, from East One Hundred liLTSee General Instructions to Bid- THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 66o square feet new flagging, furnished and and Eighty-second street to Southern Boulevard. ders on the lust page, lust column, of laid. No. 3. Belmont place, from Third to Lafon- the "City Record." BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE 4,210 square feet old flagging, relaid. taine avenue. fix2,25 ■ 550 square feet new bridgestone for crosswalks, No. 4. Briggs avenue, from Kingsbridge road S•••7 received by the Commissioner of Correction to East One Hundred and Ninety-fourth street. at the above office until 11 o'clock m., on furnished and laid. 400 cubic yards dry rubble masonry in retain- Catalogues and full particulars of sale can be WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1902. ing walls, culverts and gutters. obtained at the office of the President. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. Borough of Brooklyn. 2,830 square yards of granite block pavement on SALE. sand foundation. TERMS OF OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OP No. 1. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR The Engineer's estimate of the work to be done AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR Cash payment in bankable funds at the time MANHATTAN, CITY HALL, THE CITY OF NEW under the provisions of section 169 of the amended YORK, November 13, 1902. ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS TO Greater New York Charter, as amended by the and place of sale, and the entire removal of build- WORKSHOP. Laws of 1902, and by which the bids will be tested ings, parts of buildings etc., from the street by The time for the completion of the work and is as follows: the purchaser or purchasers within thirty (3o) QEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE the full performance of the contract is by or REPAVING. days after the sale. If the purchaser or pur- ksa received by the President of the Borough of before 3o working days. chasers fails or fail t9 effect the removal within 200 linear feet new curbstone, furnished and set. Manhattan, at the City Hall, Room No. 16, until The amount of security required is fifty (5o) that time he or they shall forfeit his or their 11 o'clock a. m., on per cent. of the amount of the bid or estimate. boo linear feet old curbstone, rejointed and purchase money and the ownership of the build- The extensions must be made and footed up, as reset. ings, parts of ouildings, etc. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1902. the bids will be compared and the contract 1,300 square yards of granite block pavement on LOUIS F. HAFFEN, awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for each sand foundation. President of the Borough of The Bronx. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND contract The amount of security required for the faith- n7,18. MATERIAL REQUIRED FOR AN Blank forms and further information may be ful performance of the contract is five thousand EXTENSION TO OUTLET SEWER obtained and the plans and drawings may be dollars ($5,000). AT THE FOOT OF WEST SEV- seen at the office of the Department of Cor- The time allowed for the completion of the FIRE DEPARTMENT. ENTY-SECOND STREET. rection, the Borough of Manhattan, No. 148 East whole work is 6o consecutive working days. The Engineer's estimate of the quantity and Twentieth street. No. 2. PAVING TIT ROADWAY OF EAST quality of the material and the nature and extent, THOMAS W. HYNES, ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN i HEADQUARTERS OF FIRE DEPARTMENT OF THE as near as possible, of the work required, is as Commissioner. FIRST STREET WITH ASPHALT CITY OF NEW YORK, Nos. 157 AND 359 EAST follows: Dated November II. 1902. BLOCK PAVEMENT ON A CON- SIXTY-SEVENTH STREET, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, 371 linear feet of wooden barrel sewer, of 4 CRETE FOUNDATION, FROM THE CITY OF NEW YORK. feet interior diameter, Class I. II:78lee General Instructions to Bid- PARK AVENUE TO WASHINGTON 79 linear feet of brick sewer, of 4 feet interior ders on the last page, last column, of AVENUE., AND WITH SHEET AS- diameter, Class H. the "City Record." PHALT ON A CONCRETE FOUN- S EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE I/3 cubic yards of brick work, laid in cement 012,26 DATION, FROM WASHINGTON received by the Fire Commissioner at the mortar, for retaining wall. AVENUE TO CROTONA PARK. above office until to o'clock a. m. on 6 inch by 12 inch bluestone coping, 6 feet 2 The Engineer's estimate of the work is as fol- inches long. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION, No. 148 EAST lows: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1902. The time allowed to complete the whole work TWENTIETH STREETOROUGH OP MANHATTAN, 2,475 square yards of sheet asphalt pavement, in- will be one hundred (zoo) working days. CITY OF NEW YORK. cluding binder course. Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx The amount of the security required is five 6i5 cubic yards of concrete. No. I. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR thousand dollars ($5.00o). Q EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE 2,150 linear feet of old curbstone, rejointed and AND MATERIALS REQUIRED IN The bidder will state the price of each item or S47 received by the Commissioner of Correc- reset. MAKING REPAIRS AND ALTERA- article contained in the specifications or schedules tion at the above office until it o'clock a. m. on z,o3o square yards of asphalt block pavement. TIONS TO THE FIRE BOAT ZO- herein contained or hereto annexed, per linear be amount of security required is five thou- PHAR MILLS, ENGINE st. foot, feet, board measure, or other unit of - MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1902, sand dollars ($5,000.) The time for the completion of the work and measure, by which the bids will be tested. The Borough of Manhattan. The time allowed to complete the whole work the full performance of the contract is 120 days. extensions must be made and footed up, as the is forty (40) working days. The amount of security required is $2o,000. bids will be read from the total. The bids will be No. r. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVER- No. 3. PAVING AND REPAVING WITH Bids will be compared and the contract awarded compared and the contract awarded at a lump or ING POULTRY, SALT PORK, AP- GRANITE BLOCK PAVEMENT at a lump or aggregate sum. aggregate sum. PLES, ETC., FOR THANKSGIV- ON A CONCRETE FOUNDATION The bids will be read from the total and the Blank forms may be had and the plans and ING. THE ROADWAY OF EAST ONE contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. drawings may be seen at the office of the Com- 7850 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 190.:. missioner of Public Works, Nos. 13-2i Park row, The amount of security required is Fifteen 8 noiseless covers complete for sewer man- 5,525 square yards asphalt pavement, including Bureau of Sewers, Borough of Manhattan. Hundred Dollars ($1,500)• holes, furnished and set. binder course. JACOB A. CANTOR, No. 3. REGULATING AND REPAVING WITH 2 noiseless covers complete for water man- 5,550 square yards old stone pavement to be re- Borough President. ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON PREs- holes, furnished and set. laid as foundation or in approaches, etc. THE CITY OF NEW YORK, November 13, 1902. ENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS Time for the completion of the work and the 1,870 linear feet new curbstone furnished and FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY full performance of the contract is 35 days. laid. OF FIRST STREET, FROM FIRST The amount of security required is Fifteen 490 linear feet old curbstone redressed, re- EL7See General Instructions to Bid- AVENUE TO AVENUE A. Hundred Dollars ($1,500)• joined and reset. ders on the last page, last column, of The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as is noiseless covers complete for sewer man- the "City Record." follows: No. to. REGULATING AND REPAVING WITH holes, furnished and set. nx4,25 2,780 square yards asphalt pavement, including ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON PRES- 2 noiseless covers complete for water man- binder course. ENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS holes, furnished and set. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF 2,800 square yards old stone pavement to be re- FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY Time for the completion of the work and the MANHATTAN, CITY HALL, THE CITY OF NEW laid as foundation or in approaches, etc. OF ONE HUNDRED AND full performance of the contract is 6o days. YORK. 1,535 linear feet new curbstone furnished and TWELFTH STREET, FROM SEC- Theeam dooulinatrs of security required is three set. OND AVENUE TO THIRD AVE- thou sand NUE. EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE 25 linear feet old curbstone redressed, rejointed No. 17. REGULATING AND REPAVING WITH and reset. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as SAsa received by the Commissioner of Public follows: ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON PRES- Works of the Borough of Manhattan at the City 4 noiseless covers complete for sewer man- ENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS holes, furnished an set. 2,150 square yards asphalt pavement, including Hall, Room No. ;6, until I1 o'clock a. m., on binder course. FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY 2 noiseless covers complete for water man- OF ONE HUNDRED AND SIX- holes furnished and set. 2,160 square yards old stone pavement to be re- TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 1S, 1902. laid as foundation or in approaches, etc. TEENTH STREET, FROM AVENUE Time for the completion of the work and the A TO MORNINGSIDE AVENUE. full performance of the contract is 35 days. 1,190 linear feet new curbstone furnished and No. 1. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR set. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as AND MATERIAL REQUIRED FOR The amount of security required is Fifteen follows: Hundred Dollars ($1,500), 40 linear feet old curbstone redressed, re- REPAIRS TO SEWER IN STAN- jointed and reset. 37,400 square yards asphalt pavement, including TON sT RE ET, BETWEEN MAN- No. 4. REGULATING AND REPAVING WITH binder course. ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON PRES- 6 noiseless covers complete for sewer man- GIN AND RIDGE STREETS. holes, furnished and set. 8,55o square yards old stone pavement to be re- The Engineer's estimate of the quantity and ENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS laid as foundation of in approaches, etc. FOUNDATION THE ROADWAY z noiseless covers complete for water man- quality of the material and the nature and extent, holes, furnished and set. 2,825 cubic yards of concrete. as near as possible, of the work required, is as OF ONE HUNDRED AND TWEN- 5,67o linear feet new curbstone, furnished and TY-NINTH STREET, FROM AM- Time for the completion of the work and the follows: fun performance of the contract is 30 days. set. 1,too linear feet of brick sewer of 4 feet in- STERDAM AVENUE TO LAW- 8,504 linear feet old curbstone redressed, re- RENCE STREET. The amount of security required is fifteen hun- jointed and reset. terior diameter, Class I. dred dollars ($i,5oo). 500 linear feet of brick sewer of 4 feet in- The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as 7 noiseless covers complete fur sewer man- terior diameter, Class II. follows: No. it. REGULATING AND REPAVING WITH holes, furnished and set. 238 linear feet of brick sewer of 4 feet in- 2,13o square yards asphalt pavement, including ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON PRES- 13 noiseless covers complete for water man- terior diameter, Class III. binder course. ENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS holes, furnished and set. 100 linear feet of salt glazed vitrified stone- .2,150 square yards old stone pavement to be re- r OUNDA1 ION , THE ROADWAY Time for the completion of the work and the ware pipe culvert of I2-inch interior laid as foundation or in approaches, etc. OF MOTT STREET, FROM SPRING full performance of the contract is ioo days. diameter. 1,040 linear feet new curbstone, furnished and STREET TO PRINCE STREET. l'heaindooullnatrssoti ssecurityse .o) required is fifteen 90,000 feet B. M. of timber and planking for set. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as thousand bracing and sheet piling. 1 5o linear feet old curbstone redressed, rejointed follows: - No. 18. REGULATING AND REPAVING WITH 100 linear feet of 6-inch iron or stoneware and reset. 1,450 square yards asphalt pavement, including ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON CON- house connection drains. 5 noiseless covers complete for sewer man- binder course. CRETE FOUN DATION, THE ROAD- The time allowed to complete the whole work holes, furnished and set. 1,460 square yards old stone pavement to be re- WAY OF BROAD STREET, FROM will be two hundred and fifty (250) working days. 3 noiseless covers complete for water man- laid as foundation or in approaches, etc. WALL STREE'l TO EXCHANGE The amount of the security required is ten holes, furnished and set. goo linear feet new curbstone furnished and thousand dollars ($10.000). Time for the completion of the work and the set. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as No. 2. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR full performance of the contract is 25 days. 100 linear feet old curbstone redressed. re- follows: AND MATERIAL REQUIRED FOR The amount of security required is Fifteen jointed and reset. 1,58o square yards asphalt pavement, including REI'AIRS TO SEWER IN TWELFTH Hundred Dollars ($1,5oo). 5 noiseless covers complete for sewer man- binder course. AND THIRTEENTH AVENUES, No. 5. REGULATING AND REPAVING I.VITH holes, furnished and set. zoo cubic yards concrete. BETWEEN TWENTY-SEVENTH ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON PRES- 3 noiseless covers complete for water man- noiseless cover complete for sewer man- AND THIRTIETH STREETS, AND ENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS holes, furnished and set. hole, furnished and set. 1N TWENTY-SEVENTH, TWENTY- FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY Time for the completion of the work and the I noiseless cover complete for water mat. EIGHTH AND TWENTY-NINTH OF ONE HUNDRED AND SECOND full performance of the contract is 20 days. hole, furnished and set. STREETS, BETWEEN ELEVENTH STREET, FROM SECOND AVE- The amount of security required is one thou- Time for the completion of the work and the AND THIRTEENTH AVENUES, NUE TO THIRD AVENUE. sand dollars ($1,000). full performance of the contract is .m days. AND IN THIRTIETH STREET, BE- The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as No. 12. REGULATING AND REPAVING WITH The amount of security required is one TWEEN ELEVENTH AVENUE follows: ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON PRES- thousand dollars ($tmoo). No. 19. FOR PAVING WITH ASPHALT THE AND NORTH RIVER. 2,150 square yards asphalt pavement, including ENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS The Engineer's estimate of the quantity and binder course. FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY NORTI1ERLY END OF THE FIRST quality of the material and the nature and ex- 2,170 square yards old stone pavement to be re- OF WOOSTER STREET, FROM SECTION OF RIVERSIDE DRIVE tent, as near as possible, of the work required, is laid as foundation or in approaches, etc. HOUSTON STREET TO BLEECKER TO ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY- as follows: 1,255 linear feet new curbstone, furnished and STREET. FIFTH STREET. 972 linear feet of 4 feet circular brick sewer, set. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as 'hEngineer's estimate of the quantities is as including embankment, Class I. 25 linear feet old curbstone redressed, re- follows: follows: 240 linear feet of brick sewer of 4 feet by jointed and reset. 1,ibo square yards asphalt pavement, including 1,45o square yards asphalt pavement, including feet 8 inches interior diameter, includ- 6 noiseless covers complete for sewer man- binder course. binder course. ing embankment, Class II. holes, furnished and set, 1,180 square yards old stone pavement to be re- 201 cubic yards concrete. 1,012 linear feet of brick sewer of 3 feet 6 2 noiseless covers complete for water man- laid as foundation or in approaches, etc. 230 linear feet nlw curbstone furnished and inches by z feet 4 inches interior diame- holes, furnished and set. 590 linear feet new curbstone furnished and set. ter, Class III. Time for the completion of the work and the set. Time for the completion of the work and the 84 linear feet of salt glazed vitrified stone- full performance of the contract is 25 days. 150 linear feet old curbstone redressed, re- full performance of the contract is 20 days. ware pipe culvert of 12 feet interior The amount of security required is Fifteen jointed and reset. The amount of security required is nine hun- diameter. Hundred Dollars ($1,500). 4 noiseless covers complete for sewer man- dred dollars _($9oo). 25,000 feet B. M. of timber and planking for holes, furnished and set. No. 20. REGULATING AND PAVING WITH No. 6. REGULATING AND REPAVING WITH ASPHALT BLOCK PAVEMENT ON bracing and sheet piling. 3 noiseless covers complete for water man- The time allowed to complete the whole work ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON PRES- CONCRETE FOUNDATION, THE ENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS holes, furnished and set. will be two hundred and fifty (25o) working Time for the completion of the work and the ROADWAY OF ONE HUNDRED FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY AND FIFTIETH STREE'l. FROM days. OF FIFTY-SIXTH STREET, FROM full performance of the contract is 15 days. The amount of the security required is seven The amount of security required is seven hun- ST. NICHOLAS AVENUE TO thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500). EIGHTH AVENUE TO NINTH EDGECOMBE AVENUE. AVENUE. dred dollars ($7oo). The contracts must be bid for separately, and The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as the bids will be compared and the contract The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as No. 13, REGULATING AND REPAVING follows: WITH ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON follows: awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for each 743 square yards asphalt blocks. contract. 2,800 square yards asphalt pavement, including PRESENT- PAVEMENT RELAID binder course. AS FOUNDATION THE ROAD- 117 cubic yards concrete, including mortar bed. The bidder will state the price of each item 112 linear feet new curbstone furnished and set. or article contained in the specifications or sched- 2,800 square yards old stone pavement to be re- WAY OF ONE HUNDRED AND laid as foundation or in approaches, etc. THIRTY-FIRST STREET, FROM 334 linear feet old curbstone redressed, rejointed ules herein contained or hereto annexed, per and reset. foot, yard or other unit of measure or article by 83o linear feet new curbstone, furnished and SEVENTH AVENUE TO EIGHTH set. AVENUE. 6o linear feet heading stone to be furnished and which the bids will be tested. The extensions set (not to be bid for). must he made and footed up, as the bids will be 83o linear feet old curbstone redressed, re- The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as jointed and reset. Time for the completion of the work and the read from the total. follows: full performance of the contract is 15 days. Blank forms may be had and the plans and 7 noiseless covers complete for sewer man- 2,700 square- yards asphalt pavement, including holes, furnished and set. The amount of security required is seven hun- drawings may be seen at the office of the Com- binder course. dred and fifty dollars ($75o). missioner of Public Works, Nos. 13-21 Park row, 2 noiseless covers complete for water man- 2,70o square yards old stone pavement, to be re- holes, furnished and set. No. 21. REGULATING AND REPAVING WITH Bureau of Sewers, Borough of Manhattan. relaid as foundation or in approaches, etc. ASPHALT BLOCK PAVEMENT ON Time for the completion of the work and the 1,500 linear feet new curbstone, furnished and set. GEORGE LIVINGSTON, full performance of the contract is 25 days. MORTAR BED FOUNDATION, THE Commissioner of Public Works. 105 linear feet old curbstone, redressed, re- ROADWAY OF WILLIAM STREET, November 6, 1902. The amount of security required is Fifteen jointed and reset. CITY OF NEW YORK, Hundred Dollars ($1,500). FROM CEDAR STREEl"f0 LIB- 9 noiseless covers complete for sewer man- ERTY STREET. No. 7. REGULATING AND REPAVING WITH holes, furnished and set. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON PRES- z noiseless covers complete for water man- follows: (C7See General Instructions to Bid- ENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS holes, furnished and set. 520 square yards asphalt block pavement laid in ders on the last page, lust column, of FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY The time for the completion of the work and mortar bed. the "City Record." OF NINETEENTH STREET, FROM the full performance of the contract is 3o days. so linear feet new curbstone furnished and set. n7,18 FIRST AVENUE TO SECOND AVE- The amount of security required is two thou- so linear feet old curbstone redressed, rejoined NUE. sand dollars ($2,000). and reset. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as No. 14. REGULATING AND REPAVING Time for the completion of the' work and the OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF follows: WITH ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON full performance of the contract is to days. 2,240 MANHATTAN, CITY HALL, THE CITY OF NEW square yards asphalt pavement, including PRESENT PAVEMENT RELAID The amount of security required is three binder course. YORK, Nov. 6, 1902. AS FOUNDATION THE ROAD- hundred dollars ($3oo). 2,250 square yards old stone pavement to be re- WAY OF PLEASANT AVENUE, laid as foundation or in approaches, etc. No. 22. REGULATING AND PAVING WITH FROM ONE HUNDRED AND ASPHALT BLOCK PAVEMENT ON EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE 1,280 linear feet new curbstone, furnished and TWENTIETH STREET TO ONE received by the Commissioner of Public set. CONCRETE FOUNDATION, THE S HUNDRED AND TWENTY- ROADWAY OF ONE IIUNDRED Works of the Borough of Manhattan, at the City 90 linear feet old curstone redressed, re- FOURTH STREET. Hall, Room No. 16, until t 1 o'clock a, m., on jointed and reset. AND EIGHTY-SIXTH STREET, The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as FROM AMSTERDAM AVENUE TO 7 noiseless covers complete for sewer man- follows: TUESDAY, NOYE31,11ER 18, 1902. holes, furnished and set. ELEVENTH AVENUE. 7,540 square yards asphalt pavement, including The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as 2 noiseless covers complete for water man- binder course. No. I. REGULATING AND REPAVING WITH holes, furnished and set. follows: 628 cubic yards of concrete. 2,608 square yards asphalt block pavement. ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON PRES- Time for the completion of the work and the 1,625 linear feet new curbstone, furnished and set. 412 cubic yards concrete, including mortar bed. ENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS full performance of the contract is 3o days. 430 linear feet old curbstone, redressed, re- FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY The amount of security required is Fourteen 386 linear feet new curbstone furnished and jointed and reset. set. OF NINETY-FIRST STREET, FROM Hundred Dollars ($1,400). 7 noiseless covers complete for water man- MADISON AVENUE TO PARK x,16o linear feet old curbstone redressed, re- No. 8. REGULATING AND REPAVING vVITI-1 holes, furnished and set. jointed and reset. AVENUE. ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON PRES- The time for the completion of the work and The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as 12o linear feet heading stone to be furnished ENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS the full performance of the contract is 75 days. and laid (not to be bid for). follows: FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY The amount of security required is four thou- 1,390 square yards asphalt pavement, including Time for the completion of the work and the OF TWENTY-THIRD STREET, sand dollars ($4,000). full performance of the contract is 40 days. binder course. FROM SIXTH AVENUE TO ELEV 1,40o square yards old stone pavement to be re- No. 15. REGULATING AND REPAVING The amount of security required is twenty-five ENTH AVENUE. WITH ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON hundred dollars ($2,5oo). laid as foundation or in approaches, etc. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as 770 linear feet new curbstone furnished and PRESENT PAVEMENT RELAID No. 23. REGULATING AND PAVING WITH follows: AS FOUNDATION THE ROAD- ASPHALT BLOCK PAVEMENT ON set. 12,700 square yards asphalt pavement, including 4 noiseless covers complete for sewer man- WAY OF ONE HUNDRED AND CONCRETE FONDATION, THE binder course. TWENTY-SEVENTH S T R E E T, ROADWAY OF ONE HUNDRED holes, furnished and set. 12,80o square yards old stone pavement to be re- Time for the completion of the work and the FROM FIFTH AVENUE TO AND NINETIETH STREET, FROM laid as foundation or in approaches, etc. EIGHTH AVENUE. AMSTERDAM AVENUE TO full performance of the contract is twenty (20) 8,000 linear feet new curbstone, furnished and days. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as ELEVENTH AVENUE. set. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as The amount of security required is One Thou- 35o linear feet old curbstone redressed, re- follows: sand Dollars ($1,000). 8,600 square yards asphalt pavement, including follows: jointed and reset. 3,584 square yards asphalt block pavement. No, 2. REGULATING AND REPAVING WITH 5 noiseless covers complete for water man- 8,6o0 squbairnedeyrarcelosurosled stone pavement, to be re- 533 cubic yards concrete, including mortar bed. ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON PRES- holes, furnished and set. 31I linear feet new curbstone furnished and set. ENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS laid as foundation or in approaches, etc. Time for the completion of the work and the 4,580 ..near feet new curbstone, furnished and set. 1,225, linear feet old curbstone redressed, re- FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY full performance of the contract is 6o days. jointed and reset. OF TWENTY-SEVENTH STREET, 400 linear feet old curbstone, redressed, re- The amount of security required is Eight jointed and reset. 168 linear feet heading stone to be furnished FROM SEVENTH AVENUE TO Thousand Dollars ($8,000). and set (not to be bid for). EIGHTH AVENUE. 26 noiseless covers complete for sewer man- No. 9. REGULATING AND REPAVING WITH holes, furnished and set. Time for the completion of the work and the The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON PRE, 5 noiseless covers complete for water man- full performance of the contract is so days. as follows: ENT PAVEMENT holes, furnished and set. The amount of security required is three 2,75o square yards of asphalt pavement, includ- FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY The time for the completion of the work and thousand dollars ($3,000). ing binder course. OF THIRTY-SF: \ the full performance of the contract is 8o days. No. 24. REGULATING AND PAVING WITH 2,75o square yards old stone pavement to be re- FROM TENTH AVENUE TO ELEV- The amount of security required is forty-five ASPHALT BLOCK PAVEMENT ON laid as foundation or in approaches. etc. ENTH AVENUE. hu. dred dollars ($4.500). CONCRETE FOUNDATION, THE z,60o linear feet new curbstone furnished and The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as No 16. REGULATING AND REPAVING WITH ROADWAY OF ONE HUNDRED set. follows: AND EIGHTY-SECOND STREET, 3o linear feet old curbstone redressed, rejointed 2,78o square yards asphalt pavement, including ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON PRES- ENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS FROM ELEVENTH AVENUE TO and reset. binder course. BROADWAY. 9 noiseless covers complete for sewer man- FOUNDATION THE ROADWAY OF 2,800 square yards old stone pavement to be re- The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as holes, furnished and set. laid as foundation or in approaches, etc. NINETY-THIRD STREET, FROM follows: t noiseless cover complete for water man- 1,570 linear feet new curbstone, furnished CENTRAL PARK WEST TO AM- and STERDAM AVENUE. 2,173 square yards asphalt block pavement. holes, furnished and set. set. 301 cubic yards of concrete, including mortar Time for the completion of the work and the zoo linear feet old curbstone redressed, rejointed The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as bed. full performance of the contract is 35 days. and reset, follows: 216 linear feet new curbstone furnished and set. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902. THE CITY RECORD. 785( t,000 linear feet old curbstone redressed, re- office of the Department of Parks, Arsenal, Cen- AVENUE, BETWEEN SEVENTY- Blank forms may be obtained and the plans and jointed and reset. tral Park. Manhattan. EIGHTH AND SEVENTY-NINTH drawings may be seen at the office of the Super- 4 noiseless covers complete for water man- STREETS, BOROUGH OF BROOK- intendent, at Estimating Room, Hall of the Board WILLIAM R. WILLCOX, of Education, Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street, holes to be furnished and set (not to be JOHN E. EUSTIS, LYN. bid for). The time of completion is sixty working days. Borough of Manhattan. Also at branch office. RICHARD YOUNG, on 6 noiseless covers complete for sewer man- Commissioners of Parks. The amount of security required is $soo No. 131 Livingston street, Borough of Brooklyn. holes, furnished and set (not to be bid Dated November 8, 1902. Item 1. C. B. J. SNYDER, for). Borough of Manhattan. Superintendent of School Buildings. 120 linear feet of heading stone to be furnished IlLrSee General Instructions to Bid- Dated November 6, 1902. and laid (not to be bid for). ders on the last page, last column, of NO. 2. FUR SANITARY WORK OF ADDI- Time for the completion of the work and the the "City Record." TION TO AND ALTERATIONS IN full performance of the contract is 30 days. 010,20 PUBLIC SCHOOL 89, ON THE (7See WESTERLY SIDE OF LENOX General Instructions to Bid- The amount of security required is two AVE- ders on the last puge, last column, of thousand dollars ($2,000). NUE, BETWEEN UNE HUNDRED the "City Record." AND THIRTY-F'OUR'TH AND ONE No. 25. REGULATING AND PAVING WITH OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, ARSENAL 03,17 GRANITE BLOCK PAVEMENT ON BUILDING, FIFTH AVENUE AND SIXTY-FOURTH HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FIFTH CONCRETE FOUNDATION, THE STREET, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF STREETS, BOROUGH OF MAN- ROADWAY OF NEW ELM STREET, NEW YORK. HATTAN. FROM CITY HALL PLACE TO The time of completion will be to April 3, 1903. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. The amount of security required is $21,000. GREAT JONES STREET (FROM BE PRINCE STREET TO GREAT EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL The bids will be compared and the contract Iba received by the Park Board at the above sum for each contract. JONES STREET). awarded at a lump BRYAN L KENNELLY, AUCTIONEER. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as office of the Department of Parks until 3 o'clock Blank forms may be obtained and the plans tol lows: p. m. on and drawings may be seen at the office of the superintendent, at Estimating Room, Hall of the 6,800 square yards new granite block pavement, 'IMURSTDAY, NOVEMBER 20, IDult. CORPORATION SALE OF REAL ESTATE. including sand bed laid with paving Board of Education, Park avenue and Fifty-ninth cement joints. Borough of Brooklyn. street, Borough of Manhattan. Also at branch • 200 square yards old stone block pavement to FUR FURNISHING ALL THE LA- office, No. 131 Livingston street, Borough of be relaid in approaches (not to be bid Brooklyn. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BOR AND FURNISHING AND the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of for). ERECTING ALL THE MATERIALS C. B. J. SNYDER, 1,133 cubic yards concrete. Superintendent of School Buildings. the City of New York, by virtue of the powers NECESSARY OR REQUIRED TU vested in them below, will offer for sale at public 1,700 square feet new bridgestone furnished and COMPLETE THE CEN THAL POW- Dater November is, 1902. laid. lL See General Instructions to Bid- auction, on ER PLANT FOR THE BROOKLYN ders on the last page, lust column, of so linear feet new curbstone furnished and set. INSTITUTE (.).1: ARTS AND MONDAY, IliOVE11111641 24, 1902, so linear feet old curbstone redressed, rejointed the "City Record." SCIENCES. 012,24. at and reset, The time for the completion of the work and is o'clock noon, at the New York Real Estate Time for the completion of the work and the the full performance of the contract is one hun- salesroom, No. ill Broadway, Borough of Man- full performance of the contract is 6o days. uattan, the following-described real estate belong- dred and fifty consecutive working days. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, CORNER PARK AVE- The amount of security required is six thousand The amount of security required is fifty thou- ing to the Corporation ut The City of New York, dollars ($6,000). NUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, BOROUGH OF MAN- viz.: sand dollars. HATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK. No. 26. REGULATING AND GRADING FIFTY- Bids will be compared and the contracts All that certain vacant lot of real estate belong- SIXTH STREET FROM ELEVENTH awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. ing to the City of New York, situated on the east AVENUE TO TWELFTH AVENUE. EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE slue of Fourth avenue, seventy-hive 1,75) feet north Blank forms and further information may be received by the Superintendent of School The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as obtained and plans may be seen at the office of S ut wentietli street, and being twenty-bye (25) follows: Buildings at the above office of the Department teat wiue in front and rear, with a depth of one 5,5oo cubic yards earth excavation. the Department of Parks, the Litchfield Mansion, of Education until is o'clock noon, on Prospect Park, Brooklyn, and also at the office nuntlred (too) tect tin cacti side, and known as 1,70o linear feet new curbstone furnished and set. tfro lot 71, in block 72, tit the highth Ward ut the 6,700 square feet new flagstone furnished and of the Architects, McKim, Mead & White, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1902. norudigh of Brookiyii. laid. Fifth avenue, Manhattan. Borough of Manhattan. WILLIAM R. kVILLCON, the 0111111110111 ur upset price fur which tine said Time for the completion of the work and the FOR INSTALLING ELECTRIC LIGHT 'itemises wilt be solo is fixed at eleven hundred full performance of the contract is 5o days. JOHN E. EUSTIS, 13$1,1uu) RICHARD YOUNG, WIRING, FIXTURES AND ELEC- dulials, and the sale is to Ue made upon The amount of security required is fifteen hun- TRIC BELL SYSTEM IN NEV, we tunuwilig dred dollars ($1,500). Commissioners of Parks. Dated November 7, 1902. PUBLIC SCHOOL 188, EAST HOUS- The bidder will state the price of each item or TON, LEWIS, EAST THIRD AND ThltAlS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. article contained in the specifications or schedules (r7See General Instructions to Bid- MAN HATTA N STREETS, BOR- The highest bidder will be required to pay 25 herein contained or hereto annexed, per linear OUGH OF MANHATTAN. foot, square foot, square yard, cubic yard, or ders on the lust page, lake column, of per cent. ot the amount of its mu, together with the "City Record." Time of completion is go working days. We auctioneer's tees, at the time tit the sale; other unit of measure. The extensions must be Amount of security required is $8,000. 75 made and footed up, as the bids will be read n8,2o. per cent. upon me uelP,ery tit toe deed, The bids will be compared and the contract heed 911211 Ue a quit claim deed; the description of from the total, and awards made to the lowest awarded' at a lump sum. bidder. The bids will be compared and the con- property in said deed to be Uy the waru, block Blank forms may be obtained and the plans and lot numuer as disignated on the assessment tract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for DEPARTCIEN I Oi- .11,et, I and drawings may be seen at the office of the each contract. maps tar said ward in tie Burotign of Brooklyn, CLEANINU. Superintendent, at Estimating Room, Hall of the and to ue delivered tinny days from the hate tit Blank forms, specifications and any further in- Board of Education, Park avenue and Fifty-ninth formation can be obtained at the office of the the sale. Said payments to be made in cash. ROOM 1421, street, Borough of Manhattan. be Comptroller may, at his option, resell the Commissioner of Public Works, Bureau of High- DEPARTMENT OF STREET CLEANING, C. B. J. SNYDER, ways, No. 21 Park row, Borough of Manhattan. Nos. 13-21 PARK ROW, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, property it the successiul bidder shall fail to com- Superintendent of School Buildings. ply with the terms ut sale, and the person failing GEORGE LIVINGSTON, Tux CITY OF NEW 1 ORE. Dated November i1, igo2. Commissioner of Public Works. comply therewith will be held liable for any THE CITY OF NEW YORK, November 6, 1902. deficiency Which may result from any such resale. EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE 8:7See General instructions to Bid- The right to reject any bid is reserved. 60 received by the Commissioner of Street ders on the last page, lust column, of maps of said real estate may be seen on applica- (CY See General Instructions to Bid- Cleaning at the above office until t o'clock p. m. the "City Record." tion at the Comptroller a Unice, Stewart Building, ders on the lust page, last column, of on n8,21 No. z8o Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, atter the "City Record." FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1902. November 5, 1902, n7.18 By order ot tne Commissioners of the Sinking CONTRACT FOR FURNISHING ALL THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, CORNER PARK Ave- Fund, under a resolution adopted at LABOR AND MATERIALS RE- a meeting ot NUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, BOROUGH OF MAN- the Board held October 22, 1902. QUIRED FOR THE REMOVAL OF HATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. SNOW AND ICE OF THE BOR- EDWARD M. GROUT, OUGH OF MANHATTAN. S EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE • Comptroller. AUCTION SALE. The time for the completion of the work and received by the Superintendent of School CITY OF NEW YORK, DEPARTMENT OP FINANCE, the full performance of the contract is by or Buildings at the above office of the Department COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, November 5, looz. before April 15, 1903. of Education until 12 o'clock noon, on T HE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, BOR- n6,24 The amount of security required is one hun- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1902. oughs of Brooklyn and Queens, will sell at dred thousand dollars ($100,000). public auction at the workshops in Prospect Park, The compensation will be at a price per cubic Borough of NOTICE OF ASSESSMENTS FOR OPEN- Ninth avenue and Seventh street, in the Bor- Brooklyn. yard, and the contract, if awarded, will be award- ING STREETS AND PARKS. ough of Brooklyn, on Thursday, November ao, ed to the lowest bidder per cubic yard, subject to FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING igo2, at to.3o a. m., the following named prop- the approval of the bid by the Board of Estimate PLUMBER S', STEAMFITTERS', erty: and Apportionment, pursuant to section 544 of ETC., SUPPLIES TO THE WORK- I N PURSUANCE OF SECTION loos OF THE • horse. the Greater New York Charter. as amended. SHOP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF "Greater New York Charter," the Lump. buggy. Blank forms may be obtained at the office of EDUCATION. IN THE BOROUGH troller or The City ot New York hereby gives spindle wagon. the Department of Street Cleaning, the Borough OF BROOKLYN. FOR THE YEAR public notice of the confirmation by the Su- • light wagons without tops. of Manhattan, Nos. 13.21 Park row. ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1903. preme Court and the entering in tine Bureau • light business wagon. JOHN McG. WOODBURY, The amount of security required is fifty per for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears, I surrey with pole, Commissioner of Street Cleaning. cent. (so) of the value of the estimated quantity of the assessment for OPENING AND 2 ice planes. Dated November 7, 1902. of supplies that will be required for the year ACQUIRING 'TITLE to the following-named i twenty-pound brass belt 1903, and for which the bidder proposes to bid. street in the BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. I six-pound brass hose nozzle. 17See General Instructions to Bid- The bidders for this work shall state the price 5 watchmen's register. ders on the last page, last column, of of each item at article contained in the specifi- T W EN TY-FOURTHANWDARD, 12. SECTIONS If I iron gear for steam roller. the "City Record." cations or schedules herein contained or hereto I steam guage. nio,21 annexed per pound, ton, dozen, gallon, yard or EAST ONE HUNDRED AND NI NETY- 8 steam guage glasses. other unit of measure by which the bids will be FO U ItTH ST frEET—OPEN I N G, from V filen. i greenhouse fumigating furnace. tested. The extensions must be made as the bids ASHES, ETC., FOR FILLING IN LANDS. tine avenue to Webster avenue. Confirmed Au- 28 large glass lamp globes. will be read from the total of each item and gust 4, 1902; entered November 5, 1902. Area of 13 gas globes. awards made to the lowest bidder on each item. assessment includes all those lands, tenements 69 lantern globes. Delivery will be required to be made at the ERSONS HAVING LANDS OR PLACES and hereditaments and premises situate, lying 65 lamp chimneys. time and in the manner and in such quantities and being in the Borough of The Bronx in The 2 pieces of glass, 2z3 feet and r inch thick. P in the vicinity of New York Hay to fill in as may be directed. can procure material for that purpose—ashes, City of New York, which, taken together, are About two tons scrap iron. Blank forms may be obtained and the plans bounded and described as follows, viz.: Beginning 35 lambs. street sweepings, etc., collected by the Depart- and drawings may be seen at the office of the ment of Street Cleaning—free of charge by ap- at a point formed by the intersection of the west- 15 sheep. Superintendent, at Estimating Room, Hall of the erly prolongation ot that part of the middle line Terms of Sale, plying to the Commissioner of Street Cleaning. Board of Education, Park avenue and Fifty-ninth Nos. 13 to 21 Park Row, Borough of Manhattan. of the block between East One Hundred and Cash payment in bankable funds at the time street, Borough of Manhattan. Also at branch Ninety-second street and Kingsbridge road, lying JOHN McGAW WOODBURY, office, No. Iv Livingston street, Borough of and place of sale, and the articles purchased to be Commissioner of Street Cleaning. eastwardly from Jerome avenue, with a line removed within ten days thereafter. Brooklyn. drawn parallel to the westerly side of Jerome On failing so to do the Department, at the C. B. J. SNYDER, avenue and distant ioo feet westerly therefrom; expiration of the time named, may cause the Superintendent of School Buildings. running thence northerly along said parallel line materials to be removed or resold. POLICE DEPARITIENT. Dated November II, 1902. to its intersection with the westerly prolonga- To secure the removal of the scrap iron above tion of the middle line of the block between specified, thepurchaser will be required to make POLICE DEPARTMENT—CITY OF NEW YORK, I899. LYSee General Instructions to Bid- Kingsbridge road and East One Hundred and at the time of sale a cash deposit of $25, which ders on the last page, last column, of Ninety-sixth street; thence easterly along will be returned if all the iron is removed within WNERS WANTED BY THE PROPERTY the "City Record." said westerly prolongation and middle the specified time; otherwise such deposit will be 0 Clerk of the Police Department of The n8.21 line of the blocks to the easterly forfeited to the Department. City of New York, No. 300 Mulberry street, Room side of Valentine avenue; thence easterly along No. 9, for the following property, now in his the middle line of the blocks between East One RICHARD YOUNG, custody, without claimants: Boats, rope, iron, Commissioner of Parks, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, CORNER PARK Avs- Hundred and Isanety-fourth street and East One lead, male and female clothing, boots, shoes, wine, NUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, BOROUGH OF MAN. Hundred and .Ninety-sixth street and its prolon- Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. blankets, diamonds, canned goods, liquors, etc.; NEW YORK, NOV, 14, 1902. RATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK. gation eastwardly to its intersection with a line also small amount money taken from prisoners drawn parallel to the easterly side of Marion 1115,20 and found by Patrolmen of this Department. QEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE avenue and distant loo feet easterly therefrom; OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, ARSENAL CHAS. D. BLATCHFORD, thence southerly along said parallel line to its received by the Superintendent of School intersection with the middle line of the block BUILDING, FIFTH AVENUE AND SIXTY-FOURTH Property Clerk. Buildings at the above office of the Department STREET. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF between East One Hundred and Ninety-fourth of Education until 12 o'clock noon on street and East One Hundred and Ninety-fifth NEW YORK. POLICE DEPARTMENT—CITY OF NEW YORK, BOR- MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1902. street; thence easterly along said middle line of OUGH OF BROOKLYN. the blocks to the westerly side of Webster ave. EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE WNERS WANTED BY THE DEPUTY Borough of Brooklyn. nue; thence southerly along said westerly side of received by the Park Board at the above O Property Clerk of the Police Department of No. FOR THE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION tr ebster avenue to Its intersection with a line office of the Department of Parks until 3 o'clock The City of New York—Office, Municipal Build- drawn parallel to the southerly side of East One p. in. on OF ADDITION TO AND ALTERA- ing Borough of Brooklyn—for the following prop- TIONS IN PUBLIC SCHOOL 123, Hundred and Ninety-third street and distant too THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1902. erty. now in his custody. without claimants ON THE EAST SIDE OF IRVING feet southerly therefrom; thence westerly along Boats, rope, iron, lead, male and female clothing, AVENUE, BETWEEN WILLOUGH- said parallel line to its intersection with a line Borough of Manhattan. boots, shoes, wine, blankets, diamonds, canned BY AVENUE AND SUYDAM drawn parallel to the easterly side of Marion ave- goods, liquors, etc.; also small amount of money STREET, BOROUGH OF BROOK- nue and distant loo feet easterly therefrom; FOR CONSTRUCTING A PIPE SEWER AND taken from prisoners and found by Patrolmen of LYN. thence southerly along said parallel line to its APPURTENANCES FROM THE this Department. The time allowed to complete the whole work intersection with a line drawn parallel to the "PUBLIC COMFORT HOUSE" IN EDWARD E. DOONON, will be as follows: First, proposals will be re- southerly side of East One Hundred and Ninety- THE NORTH MEADOW TO THE Deputy Property Clerk. ceived for the completion of the work by Septem- third street and distant 200 feet southerly there- EXISTING SEWER NEAR NINETY- ber 1, 1903; second, proposals will be received from; thence westerly along said parallel line and NINTH STREET AND FIFTH AVE- for the completion of the work by January 1, its prolongation westwardly to the easterly side of NUE, ALL IN CENTRAL PARK. 1904. Kingsbridge road; thence northerly along said The time for the completion of the work and ' DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. The amount of security required is $75,000. easterly side of Kingsbridge road to its intersec- the full performance of the contract is seventy- tion with the easterly prolongation of that part five consecutive working days. Borough of The Bronx. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, CORNER PARK AVE- of the middle line of the block between East One The amount of security required is three thou- No. 2. FOR REPAIRING AND REFINISHING Hundred and Ninety-second street and Kings. sand dollars. NUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, BOROUGH OF MAN- HATTAN, CITY OP NEW 'YORK. OLD FURNITURE IN PUBLIC bridge road lying westwardly from the Grand The bidder will state the price of each item SCHOOLS of AND citi. BOROUGH Boulevard and Concourse; thence westerly along or article contained in the specifications or sched- EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE OF THE BRONX. said easterly prolongation and middle line of the ules herein contained or hereto annexed, per The time of completion on each schoql will be block and its prolongation westwardly to the foot, yard or other unit of measure or article by S received by the Superintendent of School Buildings at the above office of the Department eight (8) working days; that is, the work must point or place of beginning. which the bids will be tested. The extensions The above-entitled assessment was entered on of Education, until 12 o'clock noon, on be done between December 26, 1902, and January must be made and footed up, as the bids will be 5, 1903. the date hereinbefore given in the Record of read from the total. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1902, The amount of security required is: Titles of Assessments, kept in the Bureau for the The bids will be compared and the contract Borough of Brooklyn. Public School 91, $3oo. Collection of Assessments, and Arrears of Taxes awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. Public School 98, $10o. and Assessments and of Water Rents. Unless Blank forms concerning bids may be obtained NO. 1. FOR FURNITURE FOR PUBLIC The bids will be compared and the contract the amount assessed for benefit on any person or and the plans and drawings may be seen at the SCHOOL 127, ON SEVENTH awarded at a lump sum for each contract. property shall be paid within sixty days after the 7852 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902.

date of said entry of the assessment, interest will man street; thence easterly along said southerly The bids will be compared and the contract First Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part be collected thereon, as provided in section zoo6 line of Freeman street to its intersection awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. I. to be held at the County Courthouse, in the of the Greater New York Charter. with the westerly line of Fox street; thence Blank forms may be obtained and the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New York, Said section provides that "If any such assess- southerly along said westerly line of Fox and drawings may be seen at the office orlatre on the 28th day of November, 1902, at 10.30 ment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty street to its intersection with a line parallel to Board of Trustees, Twenty-sixth street and First o'clock in forenoon of that day, or as soon there- days after the date of entry thereof in the said and moo feet southeasterly from the southeasterly avenue, the Borough of Manhattan. after as counsel can be heard thereon; and that Record of Titles of Assessments, it shall be the line of Intervale avenue; thence southwesterly JOHN W. BRANNAN, the said bill of costs, charges and expenses has duty of the officer authorized to collect and re- along said parallel line to its intersection with a President, Board of Trustees, been deposited in the Office of the Clerk of the ceive the amount of such assessment to charge, line parallel to and too feet easterly from the Bellevue and Allied Hospital& County of New York, there to remain for and collect and receive interest thereon at the rate ot easterly line of Tiffany street; thence southerly Dated October 24, 1902. during the space of ten days, as required by the seven per centum per annum, to be calculated to along said parallel line to its intersection with provisions of section 999, of the Greater New the date of payment from the date when such as- the northeasterly prolongation of a line drawn York Charter, as amended by chapter 466 of the sessment became a lien, as provided by section parallel to and zoo feet southeasterly from the 1:r See General Instructions to Bid- Laws of i9o1. 159 of this act." southeasterly line of Beck street; thence south- ders on the last page, last column, of Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK, Section 159 of this act provides • • • "An westerly and westerly along said prolongation the "City Record." November 14, 1902. assessment shall become a lien upon the real and parallel line to its intersection with the n12,24 OBED H. SANDERSON, estate affected thereby ten days after its entry in centre line of the block between Union avenue RIGNAL D. WOODWARD, the said record." and Prospect avenue; thence northerly along said DANIEL O'CONNELL, The above assessment is payable to the Collec- centre line of the block to its intersection with SUPREME COURT. Commissioners. tor of Assessments and Arrears, at the Bureau the centre line of the block between Kelly street JOHN P. DUNN, for the Collection of Assessments, and anu Beck street; thence westerly along said centre Clerk. Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water line of the block to the point or place of begin- FIRST DEPARTMENT. 014,25 Rents, in the Municipal Building, corner of One ning. Hundred and Seventy-seventh street and Third 1 he above-entitled assessment was entered on In the matter of the application of the Mayor. avenue, Borough of the Bronx, between the the date hereinbefore given in the Record of klderinen and Commonalty of The City of New FIRST DEPARTMENT. hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. m., and on Saturdays Titles of Assessments, kept in the Bureau for the Y ork, relative to acquiring title wherever the from 9 a. m. W 12 m., and all payments made Collection of Assessments, and Arrears of Taxes same has not been heretofore acquired, to the In the matter of the application of the Mayor, thereon on or before January 5,. 1903, will be and Assessments and of Water Rents. Unless lands, tenements and hereditaments required for Aldermen and Commonalty of The City of New exempt from interest, as above provided, and after the amount assessed for benefit on any person or the purpose of opening BRYANT STREET York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the that date will be subject to a charge of interest property shall be paid within sixty days after the (although not yet named by proper authority), same has not been heretofore acquired, to the at the rate of seven per centum per annum, from date of said entry of the assessment, interest will from the north line of the L. S. Samuels prop- lands, tenements and hereditaments required the date when above assessment became a lien be collected thereon, provided in section zoo6 erty to Woodruff street, as the same has been for the purpose of opening EAST ONE HUN- to the date of payment. of the Greater New York Charter, heretofore laid out and designated as a first- DRED AND FIFTY-THIRD STREET (al- EDWARD M. GROUT, Said section provides that "If any such as- class street or road in the Twenty-third and though not yet named by proper authority), Comptroller. sessment shall remain unpaid for the period of Twenty-fourth Wards, Borough of The Bronx. from Mott avenue to the yards of the New sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the City ot New York. York and Harlem Railroad, as the same has CITY OF NEW YORK—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, said Record of Titles ,f Assessments, it shall be been heretofore laid out and designated as a COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, November 5, 1902. the duty of the officer authorized to collect and first-class street or road in the Twenty-third n6,z9. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE receive the amount of such assessment to charge, bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred Ward, of The City of New York, collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calculated to by reason of the proceedings in the above-en- OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE the titled matter, will be presented for taxation to NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. date of payment from the date when such as- one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the bill of costs, charges and expenses in- sessment became a lien, as provided by section State of New York, First Department, at a Spe- curred by reason of the proceedings in the above- 159 of this act." cial Term thereof, Part 1, to be held at the entitled matter, will be presented for taxation to Section t59 of this act provides • • • "An one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, BUREAU FOR THE COL- County Courthouse, in the Borough of Manhat- State No. 57 CHAMBERS STREET, assessment shall become a lien upon the real tan, in The City of New York, on the 28th day of New York, First Department, at a Spe- LECTION OF TAXES, estate affected thereby ten days after its entry in cial Term thereof, Part I., to be held at the ETEWART BUILDING, New YORK, NOVEMBER 1, 1902. of November, 1902, at 10.3o o'clock in forenoon the said record." ut that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can County Courthouse, in the Borough of Manhattan, The above assessment is payable to the Col- be heard thereon; and that the said bill of costs, in The City of New York, on the 28th day of INLI ()TICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL lector of Assessments and Arrears, at the Bureau November, 1902, at 10.30 o'clock in forenoon of the year 1902 have charges and expenses has been deposited in the `e persons whose taxes for for the Collection of Assessments, and Arrears of Unice of the Clerk of the County of New York, that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be nut been paid before the ist day ot November, of Taxes and Assessments, and of Water Rents, in heard thereon; and that the said bill of costs, be paid there to remain for and during the space of ten We said year, that unless the same shall the Municipal Building, corner of One Hundred days, as required by the provisions of section 999 charges and expenses has been deposited in the to the Receiver of Taxes, at hie office in the and Seventy-seventh street and Third avenue, ot the Greater New lurk Charter, as amended by office of the Clerk of the County of New York, borough 1.1 winch the property is located, as fol- Borough of The Bronx, between the hours of 9 there to remain for and during the space of ten a chapter 460 of the Laws of 1901. days, as required by the provisions of section 999 lows: m. and a p. m., and on Saturdays from g a. m. Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK, No- Borough of Manhattan, No. 57 Chambers street. to 12 m., and all payments made thereon on or vember 15, imoz. of the Greater New York Charter, as amended by Manhattan, New York. before January a, 1903, will be exempt from chapter 466 of the Laws of 1901. Third and Tre- ALEXANDER TISON, Dated Borough ut The Bronx, corner interest, as above provided, and after that date GREGORY COSTIGAN, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK, mont avenues, The Bronx, New York. will be subject to a charge of interest at the rate November 14, 1902. and 8, Commissioners. Porous,' 01 Brooklyn. Rooms a, 4. 6 of seven per centum per annum from the date JOHN P. DUNN, THEODORE E. SMITH, Municipal Building, Brooklyn, New fork. when above assessment became a lien to the date ARTHUR D. TRUAX, Jackson avenue and Clerk. Borough 01 Queens, corner of paydrent. n15,26 Commissioners. Path street, Long Island City, New York. EDWARD M. GROUT JOHN P. DUNN, Borough ot Richmond, corner Bay and Sand Comptroller. Clerk. streets, Jtapteton, Staten Island, New York. CITY OF NEW YORK—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, FIRST DEPARTMENT. n14,28 —before the ist day oz December of said year, be COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, November 3, 1902. will charge, receive and collect upon such taxes n5,ili so remaining unpaid on that day, in addition to In the matter of the application of The City of SECOND DEPARTMENT. toe amount of such taxes, I per centum. on the New York, relative to acquiring title wherever provided by sections 916 and the same has not been heretofore acquired, to amount thereof, as ROCKWOOD STREET (although not yet In the matter of the application of The City of 918 ot the Greater New York Charter (chapter BOARD FIEETINGS. named by proper authority), from Walton ave- New York, relative to acquiring title wherever 378, Laws of saw). the same has not been heretofore acquired to DAVID E. AUSTEN, nue to Grand Boulevard and Concourse, in the Receiver of Taxes. The Board of Estimate and Apportionment Twenty-fourth Ward, Borough of The Bronx, AMOS STREET (although not yet named by meet in the old Council Chamber (Room Ito), City or New York. proper authority), from "Tompkins avenue or City Hall, every Friday at to o'clock a. m. Center street easterly, for a distance of about OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 200 feet to that part of said Amos street, NOTICE OF THE REDEMPTION OF BONDS JAMES W. STEVENSON, which 1HE LATE CITY OF BROOKLYN. Deputy Comptroller, Secretary. N bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred has been already deeded to The City OF by reason of the proceedings in the above-en- of New York by George W. Vanderbilt in the titled matter, will be presented for taxation to Fourth Ward, Borough of Richmond, City The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund meat one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the of New York. hi ()TICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN TO THE in the old Council Chamber (Room 16), City State of New York, First Department, at a Spe- holders of Four Per Cent. Arrearage Bonds Hall. every Wednisday at a o'clock p. m. e late City cial Term thereof, Part 1, to be held at the N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY (10-405), issued in the year 1883, by the N. TAYLOR PHILLIPS, County Courthouse, in the Borough of Manhat- an order of the Supreme Court of the State ut Brooklyn, under the provisions of chapter 57.z Deputy Comptroller. Sanatory chapter 443 of the tan, in The City of New York, on the 28th day of New York, bearing date the 16th day of ot the Laws ot idbo, and ot of November, 19oz, at io.3o o'clock in forenoon October, 1902, and filed and entered in the of- Laws ut Lehi, payable July 1, 19,23, and redeem- of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can fice of the Clerk of the County of Richmond on auie at any time atter ten years alter the date ut be heard thereon; and that the said bill of costs, their issue (July 1, 1583). that, in accordance OFFICIAL BOR.OUtal PAPERS. the 28th day of October, 1902, Lot C. Alston, tenus of their issue 1 will redeem said charges and expenses has been deposited in the Charles W. Alexander and Sidney F. Rawson with We Unice of the Clerk of the County of New York, were appointed Commissioners of Estimate and bonds on 1. ternary 2, 1903, at my °nice (Room BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. thine to remain for and during the space of ten 39), in the Stewart Building, No. abo Broadway, "Bronx Borough Record;" "North Side News." Assessment in the above entitled proceeding. in The City of New days, as required by the provisions of section 999 Notice is further given, pursuant to the statutes in the Borough ut Manhattan, 01 the urk, and that on that day said bonds will cease BOROUGH OF QUEENS. Greater New York Charter, as amended by in such case made and provided, that the said Lot 1 chapter 466 of the Laws of igoi. C. Alston, Charles W. Alexander and Sidney F. to bear interest. For Long Island City and Newtown Districts- Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK, No- EDWARD M. GROUT, - Rawson will attend at a Special Term of the Comptroller. Long Island City Star;" "Newtown Register." vember is, 1902. said Court for the hearing of motions to be held For Flushing, Jamaica and the Rockaways- JAMES R. TORRANCE, at the County Court House, in the Borough of City of New York, Department ot Finance, "Flushing Times;' "Jamaica Standard." Comptroller's Office, October 23, 1902. THOMAS W. CHURCHILL, Brooklyn, City of New York, on the a6th day of 024, 12 BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. EDWARD D. FARRELL, November, 1902, at the opening of the Court on Commissioners. that day or as soon thereafter as Counsel can be "Staten Islander;" "Staten Island World." JOHN P. DUNN, heard, for the purpose of being examined under NOTICE OF ASSESSMENTS FOR OPEN- Clerk. oath by the Corporation Counsel of The City 1213,26 of New York, or by any person having an in- ING STREETS AND PARKS. DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND terest in said proceeding, as to their qualifications FERRIES. to act as Commissioners of Estimate and As- 1 N PURSUANCE OF SECTION loos OF THE FIRST DEPARTMENT, sessment in this proceeding. "Greater New York Charter," the Comp- Dated DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FERRIES, PIER A, NOVEMBER 14, 1902. troller of The City of New York hereby gives In the matter of the application of The City of GEORGE L. RIVES. public notice of the confirmation by the Su- FOOT OF BATTERY PLACE, NORTH RIVER, BOROUGH New York, relative to acquiring title wherever Corporation Counsel, preme Court and the entering in the Bureau OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. the same has not been heretofore acquired, to tor the Collection of Assessments and Arrears, SPOFFORD AVENUE (although not yet No. a Tryon Row, named by proper authority), from Longwood Borough of Manhattan, ot the assessment for OPEN/NG AND QEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE 1114,26 New York City. ACQUIRING TITLE to the following-named ese received by the Commissioner of Docks at avenue to 'Tiffany street, and from Tiffany street in the BOROUGH OE THE BRONX: the above office until 12 o'clock m., on street to the Bronx river, in the Twenty-third 1 WENTY-THIRD WARD, SECTIONS to Ward, Borough of The Bronx, The City of SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. AND TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1902. York. KELLY STREET—OPENING, from Pros- Borough of Manhattan. pect avenue to Intervale avenue, between East N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE In the matter of acquiring title by The City of One Hundred and Sixty-seventh street and CONTRACT NO. 735. supplemental and additional bill of costs, New York to certain lands and premises sit- East One Hundred and sixty-ninth street. Con- charges and expenses incurred by reason of the uated on the northerly line of DEAN STREET firmed August it, 1902; entered November 3, FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING proceedings in the above-entitled matter, will be and the southerly line of PACIFIC STREET, 1902. Area of assessment includes all those ABOUT a 000 TONS OF ANTHRA- presented for taxation to one of the Justices of between Nevins street and Third avenue, in tenements and hereditaments and prem- CITE COAL. the Supreme Court of the State of New York, the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, lands, The time for the delivery of the coal and the ises situate, lying andbeing in the Borough of First Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part duly selected as a site for school purposes ac- The Bronx, in 1 he City of New York, which, performance of the contract is on or before the I., to be held at the County Court House, in the cording to law. taken together, are bounded and des•tibed is expiration of i8o calendar days. Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New York, follOWS, viz.: The amount of security required is $3,600. on the 28th day of November, 190.2, at to.3o at a point formed by the intersec- The bids will be compared and the contract o'clock in forenoon of that NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IT IS Beginning day, or as soon there- .1, tion of the easterly Robbins avenue and awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. after as counsel can be heard thereon; and that N the intention of the Corporation Counsel of the centre line of the( the blocks o between Kelly Delivery will be required to be made at the time the said bill of costs, charges and expenses has The City of New York to make application to the street and Beck street, running thence northerly and in the manner and in such quantities as may been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Supreme Court at a Special Term thereof for the along said line of Robbins avenue to its inter- be directed. County of New York, there to remain for and hearing of motions to be held at the County section with the southeasterly line of West- Blank forms and further information may be during the space of ten days, as required by the Court House, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City chester avenue; thence northeasterly along said outained and the plans and drawings may be seen provisions of sectiqn 999 of the Greater New York of New York, on the 26th day of November, southeasterly line of Westchester avenue to its at the office of said Department. Charter as amended by chapter 466 of the Laws 1902, at the calling of the calendar on that day, intersection with the centre line of the blocks McDOUGALL HAWKES, of 1901. for the appointment of three Commissioners of between Kelly street and Dawson street; thence Commissioner of Docks. Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK, Estimate and Appraisal to ascertain and appraise easterly along said centre line to its intersec- Dated November 3, 1902. November 14, 1902. the compensation to be made to the owners or tion with the centre line of the blocks between JOHN F. O'RYAN, persons interested in certain lands and premises Union avenue and Prospect avenue; thence F7See General Instruction, to Bid- ACOB KATZ selected as a site for school purposes in the Bor- northerly along said centre line to its inter- ders on the lust page, hurt column, of . WM. FLYNN, ough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, section with a line parallel to and too feet the "City Record." Commissioners. bounded and described as follows: northerly front the northerly line of Dawson n7,18 JOHN P. DUNN, Beginning at a point on the northerly line of street; thence easterly and northeasterly, along Clerk. Dean street, distant 175 feet westerly from the said parallel line to its intersection with a line ni4.25 westerly line of Third avenue; running thence drawn parallel to and too feet worthwesterly BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF BELLEVUE northerly and parallel with Third avenue aoo feet from the northwesterly line of Intervale ave- FIRST DEPARTMENT. to the southerly line of Pacific street; thence nue; thence northerly along gain parallel line to AND ALLIED HOSPITALS. westerly along the said southerly line of Pacific its intersection with a line parallel to and zoo street 132 feet; thence southerly and again par- feet southerly from the southerly line of East In the matter of the application of the Mayor, allel with BELLEVUE AND ALLIED HOSPITALS DEPARTMENT Aldermen and Commonalty of The City of New Third avenue too feet; thence easterly One Hundred and Sixty-seventh street; thence OF NEW YORK CITY, TWENTY-SIXTH STREET AND and parallel with Pacific street 7 feet; thence westerly along said parallel line and its pro- York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the southerly and again FIRST AVENUE, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE same has not been heretofore acquired, to the parallel with Third avenue longation to its intersection with the southerly CITY OF NEW YORK. too feet to the northery line of Dean street, and prolongation of the easterly line of Prospect lands, tenements and hereditaments required for thence easterly along the said northerly line of the purpose of opening EAST ONE HUN- avenue; thence northerly along said prolonga- S EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE Dean street 125 feet to the point or place of be- tion and easterly line of Prospect avenue to its received by the President of Board of Trus- DRED AND SIXTY-SEVENTH STREET (al- ginning. a line parallel to and zoo though not yet named by proper authority), Dated NEW YORK, Intersection with tees at the above office until 3.3o o'clock p. m. on from Sheridan avenue to the New York and November I I, 19oz. feet northwesterly from the northwesterly line MONDA.Y, NOVEMBER 24, 1902, GEORGE L. RIVES, of Stebbins avenue; thence northeasterly along Harlem Railroad, as the same has been here- tofore laid out and designated as a first-class Corporation Counsel, said parallel line to its intersection with the FOR LABOR AND MATERIALS REQUIRED No. 2 Tryon Row, ation of the centre line of the FOR CERTAIN ADDITIONS AND street or road in the Twenty-third Ward of northerly prolong The City of New York. Borough of Manhattan, block between ast One Hundred and Sixty- ALTERATIONS TO ELECTRIC n14,25 City of New York, ninth street and Chisholm street; thence south- LIGHT WIRING IN BELLEVUE easterly along said prolongation and centre line HOSPITAL. MOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE of the block to its intersection with a line The time for the completion of the work and I 11 supplemental and additional bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred by reason of the SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. parallel to and zoo feet northwesterly from the the full performance of the contract is seventy- alg saidIntervale evenue i; tst hence five (75) days. proceedings in the above-entitled matter, will be orthwester line inter- presented for taxation to one of the Justices of In the matter of acquiring ortheasterly on of parallel line to The amount of security required is two thou- title by The City of settionn with the southerly lane of Free- sand dollars ($2,000). the Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York to certain lands and premises sit- SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902. THE CITY RECORD. 7853

uated on the southerly side of NOLL for the purpose of opening CHURCH AVE- Room 23, Borough Hall, in the Borough of our office in the office of the Law Department, STREET, between Evergreen avenue and Cen- NUE, between Flatbush avenue and Brooklyn Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on or before Room 23, Borough Hall, in the Borough of Brook- tral avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City avenue, in the Twenty-ninth Ward, in the the first day of December, 1902, and that we the lyn, in The City of New York, on or before the of New York, duly selected as a site for school Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New said Commissioners will hear parties se objecting, first day of December. 1902, and that we the purposes, according to law. York, as the same has been heretofore laid and for that purpose will be in attendance at our said Commissioners will hear parties so objecting, out. said office on the third day of December, 1902, at and for that purpose will be in attendance at our 10 o'clock c. m. said office on the second day of December. 1902, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IT IS MOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Second.—That the abstract of our said estimate at To o'clock a. m. 4. the intention of the Corporation Counsel of ■ bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred and assessment, together with our damage and Second.—That the abstract of our said estimate The City of New York to make application to the by reason of the proceedings in the above-entitled benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates. and assessment, together with our domain and Supreme Court at a Special Term thereof for the matter, will be presented for taxation to one of Proofs and other documents used by us in benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates. hearing of motions to be held at the County the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State making our report. have been deposited in the proofs and other documents used by us In Court House, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, Second Department, at a Special Bureau of Street Openings of the Law Depart- making our report. have been deposited in the of New York, on the 26th day of November, Term thereof, to be held for the hearing of mo- ment of The City of New York. in the Borough ifureati of Street Openings of the Law Depart- 1902, at the calling of the calendar on that day. tions at the County Courthouse. in the Borough of Brooklyn, Room 21. Borough Hall, in the Bor- ment of The City of New York, in the Borough for the appointment of three Commissioners of of Brooklyn, in The City of New York. on the ough of Brooklyn. in The City of New York, there of Brooklyn. Room 23, Borough Hall, in the Estimate and Appraisal to ascertain and appraise 22d day of November, 1902, at 10.3o o'clock in to remain until the tenth day of December, toot. Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York. the compensation to be made to the owners or the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as Third.—That the limits of our assessment for there to remain until the tenth day of December. persons interested in certain lands and premises counsel can be heard thereon; and that the said benefit include all those lands, tenements and term selected as a site for school purposes in the Bor. bill of costs, charges and expenses has been de- hereditament.' and premises situate. lying sod be- Third.—That the limits of nor assessment for ough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, posited in the Office of the Clerk of the County ;ea in the Bornegh of Brooklyn. in The City of benefit include all those lands, tenements and bounded and described as follows: of Kings, there to remain for and during the New York. which. taken together, are bounded hereditaments nod premises situate. !vine and he- Beginning at a point formed by she intersec- space of ten days, as requited by the provisions and described as follows, vie.: leg in the Borneeh of Brooklyn. in The City of tion of the westerly line of Central avenue with of section 990 of title 4 of chapter Da, of chapter Beginning at a point on the nnethwesterly aide New York. which. taken vorether, are hounded the southerly line of Noll street; running thence 378 of the Laws of 1897. nf Fort Hamilton avenue and distant one hun- Re a described sa follows, viz.: westerly along the southerly line of Noll street Dated Bouillon OF BROOKLYN, NEW Yong, No- dred and one (toe) feet eleven and three-nearter Beginning at a point on the southerly side nf goo feet; thence southerly and parallel with Cen- vember to, loon. ttiW,) inches easterly from the easterly Ride of Terrace place, and distant one bemired (tool feet tral avenue TOO feet; therm easterly and par- LAWRENCE T. CUNNINGHAM, Fifty-fnurth street ; flint, in c2 th en ce northwesterly and westerly nf the westerly side of Nineteenth street: allel with Noll street 200 feet to the westerly line GUSTAVUS DARLINGTON, enrallel with Fifty-fnerth street to a point distant running thence southerly and parallel with Nine- of Central avenue, and thence northerly along JOSEPH E. OWENS. freer hundred and fifty (45n) feet northwesterly teenth street to the northerly aide of Vanderbilt the westerly line of Central avenue TOO feet to Commissioners. of the northwesterly aide of Eighth avenue. where street: thence easterly along the northerly aide the southerly line of Noll street, the point or THARLES S. TABER, the same intersects the former City line: running nf Vanderbilt street to the centre of the block place of beginning. Clerk. thence westerly alone the former City line to the between Eiehteenth street and Nineteenth street: Ltted NEW YorK. November 77, 1902. 010,20 centre line of the block between Fiky-fourth street thence northerly along the centre line of the block GEORGE L. RIVES, and Fifty-fifth street; thence soetheasterly along to the southerly aide of Terrace place: thence Corporation Counsel, the said centre line of the block between Fifty- ,Yesterly alone the anntherlv aide of Terrace No. 2 Tryon Row, SECOND DEPARTMENT. fourth street and Fifty-fifth street to the northwest- place to the noint nr place of beginning. Borough of Manhattan, erly side of Fort Hamilton avenue; thence easterly Fnerth.—That our rennrt herein will he :are- TI14,86 City of New York. along the nnrthwesterly aide of Fort Hamilton aented to the Senreme Court of the State of New Tn the matter of the application of The City of avenue to the point of beginning. verlc Second Department. at a Special Term New York. relative to acquiring title to the Foerth.—That our report herein will he nre- eherenf for the hearing of motions. to he held in SECOND DEPARTMENT. lands, tenements and hereditaments required eenterl to the Serge-me Court of the State of New the ronntv Courthouse. in the Tiormieh of Brook- for the purpose of opening SEVENTIETH The no, of New Ynrk. on the twentieth Tr the matter of the application of The City of STREET. from Fourteenth avenue to Twenty- York. Second Department. at a Special Term thereof for the hearing of mntinns. to Le held in day of December. Ton,. at the nnenine of the New York, relative to acquiring title wherever second avenue, in the Thirtieth Ward. in the the Counts, Court on that day. sod that then and there. or New roerthneee. in the Borough of Brook- the same has not been heretofore acquired, to Borough of Brooklyn. of The City of lyn. in The City of New York. on the twentieth as soon thereafter as counsel can he heard there- the lands and premises reauired for the con- York, as the same has been heretofore laid out. day of December. moor. at the opening of the on. a motion will he made that the said report he strortion of the BRTDGE OVER NEWTOWN Court on that day. and that then and there. or ennarrned. CREEK, from Vernon avenue, in the Bor- Dated linvnentt OP UNDERSIGNED. COMMISSION- as soon thereafter as counsel can he heard there- TIROOAT.YN, THE. CTTY or ough of Queens, to Manhattan avenue, in the E, THE on. a mntion will he made that the said report be NEW YORE' November ,n T nn., Borough nf Brooklyn. Re lands situated in W era of Estimate and Assessment in the T.AwRENcr, T CYJNNTNGFTAM, Borough of Queens. above-entitled matter, hereby give notice to all confirmed. Dated TiOrnnOTT or BROOKT-vx, THE CITY OF F. B. VAN VLECX persons interested in this proceeding, and to the Commissioners. owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all NEW YORK, Noyeeeher to rant. 'IVOTTCE TS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, houses and lots and improved and unimproved FREDERICK T. PEARSAT,T,. CHART ES S. Mira. the undersigned. were anpointed by an or- lands affected thereby. and to all others whom Chairman: Clerk. der of the Supreme Court, Second Department, it may concern, to wit: TOT-TN II RETT.T.Y, TIT 0.26 hearing date the 24th day of May. 1002, and First —That we have completed our estimate GEORGE J. MAY. duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the and assessment, and that all persons interested in Commissioners. County of Queens, at his office in Jamaica, in this proceeding. or in any of the lands. tene- CHARLES S. TART'S. SECOND DEPARTMENT. the Borough of Queens, City of New York, on ments and hereditaments and premises affected Clerk. the 27th day of May, 1002, II COpy of which thereby. and having objection thereto, do present 1110.26 Tn the matter of the application of The City of order was duly filed for indexing in the office of their said objections in writing. duly verified, to Nerve York. relative to acquiring title to the Clerk of the County of Oueens, Commission. us at our office in the office of the Law Depart- EIGHTIETH STREET. from Narrows avenue era of Estimate and Appraisal, for the perform- ment. Room 13, Borough Hall, in the Borough SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT to Enurteenth nvenne, in the Thirtieth Ward, ance of the duties in the premises imposed by of Brooklyn. in The City of New York, on or in the Borough of Brooklyn, The City of New law, and to make a lust and equitable estimate before the first day of December, 1002, and that York. and appraisal of the loss and damage, if any we the said Commissioners will hear narties so Tn the matter of acquiring title by The City of to the respective owners, lessees, parties and objecting, and for that purpose will be in at- IS HEREBY awry THAT ivE, persons respectively entitled unto or interested New York to certain lands and premises situ- NOTTCE tendance at our said office on the third day of ated on the enetherlv aide of SOUTH the undersigmed• were appointed by an order in the lands, tenements. hereditaments and prem. December, T002, at 4 o'clock p . m. of the Senreme ("meet made and entered herein ises required for the purpose of constructing a FOURTH STREET. on the northerly and Second.—That the abstract of our said esti- emnherly aides of South Fifth street and the on the star day of December. tont. and duly filed bridge over Newtown Creek. from Vernon ave- mate and assessment. together with our damage in the nfflee of the Clerk of Rifles (-minty. a nue, in the Borough of Oneens. to Manhattan northerly side of Broadway. between Havemever and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, esti- stre.'t and Drigge avenue, on the westerly and r.nny nf which order was Nled in the office of the avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn. the same mates. proofs and other documents used by us Register of the County nf Kings on the Rth day being particularly set forth and described in the easterly sides of Rnehling ctreet. and on the in making our report, have been deposited in the westerly side of Havemever street, between Of January. 1002. and indexed in the Irides' of implication and petition of The City of New Bureau of Street Openings of the Law Depart Conveyances in section TR. blocks go76. York. and also in the notice of the application TIronclwav and South Fourth steeet, in the coe7, ment of The City of New York. in the Borough nnreugh. of 'Brooklyn. in The City of New coeR. en7n, seen, coRt, snR2. coRt. coke., coRc, for the said order thereto attached, filed herein of Brooklyn. Room 23, Borough Hall, in the soRA. soR7, soRS. enAn, soon, snot. ellen, cont. in the office of the Clerk of the County of York duly selected. according to law. with other Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York. lands as a cite for the conctrection and per- section Tn. blocks 6266. 5267. 626R. fiafin. 6278. Queens on the 27th day of May, Iona, and of per- there to remain until the tenth day of December. 6770. 62Rn. 62R , Commissioners of Eatimate and forming the trusts and duties required of us by manent location of a eitsneneion bridge over 1902. the Fast river between the Cities of New York Assessment for the memoce of making a feet and the Greater New York Charter, and the acts or Third.—That the limits of our assessment for eneitnhle estimate of the loss or damage. if any, parts of acts supplementary thereto, or amenda- benefit include all those lands, tenements and and Brooklyn, now the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn, and approaches thereto. to the reenective Owners, lessees. parties and per- tory thereof. hereditaments and premises situate. lying and be- !Anne entitled to or interested in the lands and All parties and persona interested in the real ing in the Borough of Brooklyn. in The City of premises to he taken for the nernmee of opening estate taken, or to be taken in the Borough of New York, which, taken together, are bounded the said street or avenue. as particularly deacrthed Oueens, for the purpose of constructing a bridge and described as follows, viz.: N OTICE TS HERFAW GIVEN THAT TT TS in the netition of The City of Nen- York. filed over Newtown Creek, from Vernon avenue, in Beginning at a point on the southeasterly side of the intention of the Corporation Counsel of with said order in the office of the Clerk of King* the Borough of Greens, to Manhattan avenue, Fourteenth avenue and distant one hundred (too) The City of New York to make application to the (-emery and for the purpose of making a lust and in the Borough of Brooklyn, or affected thereby, feet northeasterly from the northeasterly side of Supreme Collet, at a Special Term thereof, for the equitable assessment of the benefit of said street or having any claim or demand on account there- Seventieth street: running thence southeasterly hearing of motions, to he held at the County nr avenue so to he opened. to the respective Own- of, are hereby required to present the same, duly and parallel with Seventieth street to the westerly Court Hottae. In the Borough of Brooklyn, in The era. netrtieR and persons respectively entitled to nr verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners side of New Utrecht avenue; thence southerly City of New York, on the 2tct day of November. interested in the lands and nremiaes and not of Estimate and Appraisal, at our office, room along the westerly side of New Utrecht avenue to t002, at the opening of the Comt nn that day. for required for the nernnee of neening said street ant, fourth floor, No. 2s8 Broadway, Borough of a point one hundred and eleven and thirty-five the appointment of three Commissioners of Esti- or nvenue bet benefited thereby. and of nRcer- Manhattan, in The City of New York. with one hundredths of a foot (111.35) southerly from mate and Apnraiaal to ascertain and appraise the tnininn and defining the district benefited by said arch evidence or other proofs as the said owners the southwesterly side of Seventieth street: thence Compensation to he made to the owners or per- assessment, and the extent and hneedariea of the or claimants may desire, within twenty days after northwesterly and parallel with Seventieth street sons interested in certain lands and premises duly respective tracts and narcela of land participating the date of this notice. to the southeasterly side of Fourteenth avenue: selected, according to law. with other lands, as a slid benefit and of nerfnrmine the trusts and And we. the said Commissioners, will be in thence northeasterly along the southeasterly side site for the construction and permanent location renitired of us by title A of chanter NVTI. attendance at our said office on the rith day of of Fourteenth avenue to the point of beginning. of a suspension bridge over the East river be- of the Charter of The City nf New York. in,' the December, 1002, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon Also beginning at a point on the southeasterly tween the cities of New York and Brooklyn (now acts or cart. of acts supplementary thereto or of that day, to hear the said parties and nersons side of Seventeenth avenue and distant one hun- the borough's of Manhattan and Brooklyn, in The arneedntnry thrrenf. in relation thereto. And at such time and place. dred (too) feet northeasterly from the north- City of New York), and approaches thereto. All parties and persons interested in the lands and at such further or other time and place as easterly aide of Seventieth street: running thence which said lands and premises are bounded and and premises taken or to he taken for the purpose we may appoint, we will hear such owners in southeasterly and parallel with Seventieth street to described as follows: of opening said street or avenue. or affected relation thereto, and examine the proofs of such the northwesterly side of Twenty-second aye- PARCEL "A." thereby. and having any claim or demand on ac- claimant or claimants, or such additional proofs nee: thence southwesterly along the northwesterly count thereof, are hereby required to present the and allegations as may then be offered by such side of Twenty-second avenue to the centre line All the lands and premises situate. lying and same, duly verified, to us. the undersigned Com- owner, or on behalf of The City of NewYork. of the block between Seventieth street and being in the Borough of Brooklyn. rite of New missioner' of Estimate and A. . pet. at nee Dated BorOUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK Seventy-first street; thence northwesterly along York. not owned by The City of New York, in office in the Bureau of Street Openings of the CITY, Novemher 1.4. ton. the centre line of the block between Seventieth the block bounded by South Fourth street, Law Department, Borough Hall, Borough of TORN F.. VAN NOSTRAND, street and Seventy-first street to the southeasterly Drigga avenue, South Fifth street and Roebling Brooklyn, in The City of New York. with such WILLIAM HARISON, side of Seventeenth avenue; thence northeasterly street. affidavits or other proofs as the said owner or FREDERICK C. TROWBRIDGE, along the southeasterly side of Seventeenth ave- PARCEL "B." claimants may desire, within twenty days after Commissioners. nue to the point of beginning. All the lands and premises situate, lying and date of this notice. JOHN P. DUNK Fourth.—That our report herein will be pre- being in the Borough of Brooklyn. City of New And we, the said Commissioners, will be in at- Clerk. n14419 sented to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, not owned by The City of New York, in tendance at our said office on the sth day of York, Second Department, at a Special Term the block bounded by South Fourth street, December, 1902. at Da o'clock in the forenoon thereof for the hearing of motions, to be held in Roebling street, South Fifth street and Have- of that day, to hear the said parties and persons SECOND DEPARTMENT. the County Courthouse in the Borough of Brook- meyer street, in relation thereto; and at such time and place, lyn. in The City of New York, on the twentieth PARCEL "C." and at such further or other time and place as we In the matter of the application of The City of day of December. 1002. at the opening of the All the lands and premises situate, lying and may appoint, we will hear such owners in rela- New York, relative to acquiring title to the Court on that day, and that then and there, or as tion thereto, and examine proofs of such claim• lands. tenements and hereditaments required soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, being in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, not owned by The City of New York, in ant or claimants, or such additional proofs and for the purpose of opening SEVENTY-FIRST a motion will be made that the said report be con- allegations as may then be offered by such owner STREET between Third avenue and the Shore firmed. the block bounded by South Fifth street, Dings avenue. Broadway and Roebling street, or on behalf of The City of New York. Road. in the Thirtieth Ward. in the Borough of Dated BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, THE CITY OF Dated BOROUGH OF 'BROOKLYN, THE CITY Of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, as the NEW YORK, November 70, 1002. PARCEL "D." NEW YORK, November 8. 1002. same has been heretofore laid out. PETER F. LYNAN, All the lands and premises situate, lying and THOMAS H. TROY. Chairman; being in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New JOSEPH A. GARDINER. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE WILLIAM SMITH. York, not owned by The City of New York, in VICTOR A. ROBERTSON, supplemental and additional bill of costs. Commissioners. the block bounded by South Fifth street, Roeb- Commissioners. charges, and expenses incurred by rea- CHARLES S. TABER, ling street, Broadway and Havemeyer street. CHARLES S. TABER, son of the proceedings in the above-entitled Clerk. Dated NEW YORK, November 7, ten. Clerk. nil, d2 matter, will be presented for taxation to one of nto,26 GEORGE L, RIVES, the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State Corporation Counsel, of New York, Second Department, at a Special No. 2 Tryon Row, FIRST DEPARTMENT. Term thereof, to be held for the hearing of ma SECOND DEPARTMENT. ntoao tions at the County Courthouse, in the Borough Borough of Manhattan. In the matter of the application of The City o of Brooklyn, in The City of New York. on the New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever 25th day of November, 1902, at 10.30 o'clock in the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as In the matter of the application of The City SECOND DEPARTMENT. the lands and premises required for the opening counsel can be heard thereon; and that the said of New York, relative to acquiring title to the and extending of CHISHOLM STREET (al- supplemental and additional hill of coats. lands, tenements and hereditaments required for though not yet named by proper authority). charges and expenses has been deposited the purpose of opening FIFTY-FOURTH In the matter of the application of The City of from Stebbins avenue to Intervale avenue, in in the Office of the Clerk of the County STREET, from the former City line to Fort New York, relative to acquiring title to the the Twenty-third Ward, Borough of The Bronx, of Kings, there to remain for and during the Hamilton avenue, in the Thirtieth Ward, in lands, tenements and hereditaments required City of New York. space of ten days, as required by the provisions the Borough of Brooklyn, of The City of New for the purpose of opening NINETEENTH of section ono of title 4 of chapter ro, of chapter York, as the same has been heretofore laid STREET, between Vanderbilt street and the 378 of the Laws of 1897. out. old City line, in the Twenty-ninth Ward, in WE, THE UNDERSIGNED. COMMISSION- Dated BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, NEW YORK, the Borough of Brooklyn, of The City of New era of Estimate and Assessment in the November 13, zoo!. York, as the same has been heretofore laid out. above-entitled matter, hereby give notice to all ALFRED H. MARQUIS, persons interested in this proceeding, and to the E. THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSION- owner or owners, occupant or occupants, of all Chairman; ors of Estimate and Assessment in the WILLIAM A. FISCHER, \IVTHE UNDERSIGNED. COMMISSION- houses and lots and improved and unimproved above-entitled matter, hereby give notice to all era of Estimate and Assessment in the lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it JAMES GRAHAM. persons interested in this proceeding, and to the above-entitled Commissioners. matter, hereby give notice to all may concern, to wit: owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all persons interested in this proceeding, and to the First—That we have completed our estimate CHARLES S. TABER, houses and lots and improved and unimproved owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all Clerk. n13.24 and assessment, and that all persons interested in lands affected thereby, and to all others whom houses and lots and improved and unimproved this proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenement. it may concern, to wit: lands affected thereby, and to all others whom and hereditament! and premises affected there!) First.—That we have completed our estimate it may concern, to wit: , and assessment, and that all persons interested in and having objections thereto, do present their SECOND DEPARTMENT. First.—That we have completed our estimate said objections in writing, duly verified, to us at this proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and assessment, and that all persons interested in our office, Nos. go and hereditaments and premises affected thereby. and 02 West Broadway, in the this proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements Borough of Manhattan. in The City of New York In the matter of the application of 'f he City of and having objection thereto, do present their and hereditaments and New York. relative to acquiring title to the premises affected thereby. on or before the 24th day of November, zoo.e, and .aid nbiections in writing. duly verified, to us at and having objection thereto, do present their that we, the said Commissioners, lands, tenements and hereditaments requircd LW office in the office of the Law Department, will hear parties said objections in writing, duly verified. to us at 00 objecting, and for that purpose will be in at- 7854 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902.

Third—That our report herein will be pre• named by proper authority), from Broadway tendance at our said office on the 26th day of No- pose of opening said street or avenue, or affected m. thereby, and having any claim or demand oz sented to the Supreme Court of the State of to Graham avenue, in the hirst Ward, in Bor- vember, 1902, at I t o'clock a. New York, First Department, at a Special Term ough of Queens, The City of New York. Second—That the abstract of our said estimate account thereof, are hereby required to presen• the same, duly verified, to us, the undersigned thereof, Part III to be held in the County Court and assessment, together with our damage and House, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates, Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment, at N City of New York, on the 5th day of December, bill of costs, charges and expenses in• proofs and other documents used by us in making our office in the Bureau of Street Openings of the Law Department, Borough Hall, Borough of 1902, at the opening of the court on that day, curred by reason of the proceedings in the above- our report, have been deposited in the Bureau of and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as entitled matter, will be presented for taxation to Street Openings, in the Law Department of The Brooklyn, in The City of hew York, with such affidavits or other proofs as the said owner or counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of City of New York, Nos. 90 and 92 West Broad- made that the said report be confirmed. the State of New York, Second Department, at way, in the Borough of Manhattan, in said city, claimants may desire, within twenty days after Dated, BOROUGH OF MAN HATTAN, New YORK a Special Term thereof, to be held for there to remain until the 4th day of December, date of this notice. And we, the said Commissioners, will be in CITY, October 27, 1902. the hearing of motions at the County Court x902. HENRY House, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in Third—That the limits of our assessment for attendance at our said office on the 25th day of THOMPSON, Chairman, The City of New York, on the nineteenth benefit include all those lands, tenements and November, 1902, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon JOHN H. JUDGE, day of November, 1902, at 10.30 o'clock in bereditaments and premises situate, lying and be of that day, to hear the said parties and persons FRANK A. O'DONNEL, the forenoon of that day, or as soon there- ing in the Borough of The Bronx, in The City of .n relation thereto; and at such time and place, and at such further or other time and place as Commissioners. after as counsel can be heard thereon; and New York, which, taken together, are bounded we may appoint, we will hear such owners in Josern M. Scnaamc, that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses and described as follows, viz.: Clerk. has been deposited in the office of the Clerk Beginning at the point of intersection of a line relation thereto, and examine proofs of such claimant or claimants, or such additional proofs of the County of Queens, Jamaica, there to re- drawn parallel to and distant too feet easterly 028,014 and allegations as may then be offered by such main for and during the space of ten days, as from the easterly line of Intervale avenue with a owner or on behalf of The City of New York. In the matter of acquiring title by The City of required by the provisions of section 999 of the line drawn parallel to and distant too feet norther- BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, 1 HE CITY 01 Greater New York Charter, as amended by chap- ly from the northerly line of East One Hundred Dated New York to certain lands andpremises situ- NEW YORK, October 2 1902. ated on the southerly side of One Hundred ter 466 of the Laws of 1901. and Sixty-ninth street, running thence westerly AS. F. QUIGLEY, Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK, along said last mentioned parallel line to its inter and Fourteenth street, between Madison and ;RANK G. MILLER November 5, 1902. section with a line drawn parallel to and distant Park avenues, in the Borough of Manhattan, DAVID S. SKINNER, in The City of New York, duly selected as a SAMUEL GRENNON, too feet westerly from the westerly line of Lyman Commissioners. PATRICK J CONNOLLY, place, thence northerly along said parallel line to site for buildings for the use of the Fire De- CHARLES S. TABER, AUGUST SINRAMM, the southeasterly line of Prospect avenue. partment, according to law, Clerk. o29,n21 Commissioners. thence northeasterly along the southeasterly JOHN P. DUNN, line of Prospect avenue to its intersec N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IT IS the intention of the Corporation Counsel Clerk. tion with a line drawn parallel to and distant n5,I5 inn feet northerly from the northerly line of SECOND DEPARTMENT. of The City of New York to make application to Freeman street, thence easterly along said parallel the Supreme Court at a Special Term thereof, line to its intersection with a line drawn parallel Part III., to be held at the County Court House, In the matter of the application of The City of in The City of New York, Borough of Manhat- FIRST DEPARTMENT. to and distant too feet westerly from the westerly New York relative to acquiring title to EAST line of Chisholm street, thence northerly along tan, on the seventeenth day of November, 1902, FIFTEENTH STREET, from Kings Highwa, at the opening of the Court on that day for the III the matter of the application of The City of said parallel line and its northerly prolongation to to the land of the Water Works, in the Thirty its intersection with a line drawn parallel to and appointment of three discreet and disinterested New York, relative to acquiring title wherever first Ward, in the Borough of Brooklyn, The the same has not been heretofore acquired, to distant too feet northerly from the northerly line persons, as Commissioners of Estimate and Ap- City of New York. the lands and premises required for the pur- of Jennings street, thence easterly along said par- praisal, to ascertain and appraise the compensa- tion to be made to the owners and all persons pose of opening and extending PUBLIC allel line to its intersection with the northerly pro- interested in certain lands and premises selected PLACE (although not yet named by proper longation of a line drawn parallel to and distant OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, as a site for buildings for the Fire Department authority), formed by the intersection of Tre- too feet easterly from the easterly line of Chis- .N the undersigned, were appointed, by an in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of mont avenue, Buckhout street and the Grand holm street, thence southerly along said prolonga- order of the Supreme Court made and entered New York, bounded and described as follows: Boulevard and Concourse, in the Twenty-fourth tion and nersliel line to its intersection with a line herein on the 3Ist day of December, 1901, and Beginning at a point in the southerly line of Ward, Borough of The Bronx, City too feet northerly Beginning of New drawn parallel to and distant duly filed in the office of the Cleric of Kings One and Fourteenth street, distant 25 York, from the northerly line of Freeman street, thence County, a copy of which order was filed in the fret easterly from the corner formed by the in- OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE easterly along said parallel line to the westerly office of the Register of the County of Kings on tersection of the southerly line of One Hundred supplemental and additional bill of costs, line of Bristow street, thence southerly along the the 8th day of January, 1902, and indexed in and Fourteenth street with the easterly line of charges and expenses incurred by reason of the westerly line of Bristow street and its southerly the Index of Conveyances in Secuon 2o, Blocks Madison avenue; running thence southerly and proceedings in the above-entitled matter, will prolongation to the southeasterly line of Stebbins 6777, 6778, 6797, 6798, 6820, 6821; in Section 22, parallel with Madison avenue zoo feet 11 inches be presented for taxation to one of the Justices avenue, thence southwesterly along the southeast• Blocks 7293, 7294, 7319, 7329. 7347. 734A Com- ti the center line of the block; thence easterly of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, erly line of Stebbins avenue to its intersection missioners of Estimate and Assessment for the and parallel to One Hundred and Fourteenth First Department, at a Special Term thereof, with a line drawn parallel to and distant too feet purpose of making a just and equitable estimate street so feet; thence northerly and parallel to Part I., to be held at the County Court House, southerly from the southerly line of Freeman of the loss or damage, if any, to the respective Madison avenue too feet II inches to the south- in the Borough of Manhattan in The City of street, thence easterly along said parallel line and owners, lessees, parties and persons entitled to erly line of One Hundred and Fourteenth street, New York, on the nineteenth day of November, its easterly prolongation to its intersection with or interested in the lands and premises to be and thence westerly along said southerly line of 1902, at 50.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that line drawn parallel to and distant too feet easterly taken for the purpose of opening the said street One Hundred and Fourteenth street so feet to day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be from the easterly line of Intervale avenue; thence or avenue, as particularly described in the peti- the point or place of beginning. heard thereon; and that the said bill of costs, southerly along said parallel line to the point or tion of The City of New York filed with saici Dated NEW YORK October 31, 1902. charges and expenses has been deposited in the place of beginning, as such streets are shown order in the office of the Clerk of Kings County, GEORGE L. RIVES, Office of the Clerk of the County of New upon the final maps and profiles of the Twenty- and for the purpose of making a just and Corporation Counsel, York, there to remain for and during the space third and Twenty-fourth Wards of The City of equitable assessment of the benefit of said street No. a Tryon Row, of ten days, as required by the provisions of New York, excepting from said area all streets, or avenue so to be opened, to the respective Borough of Manhattan. section 999 of the Greater New York Charter, avenues and roads, or portions thereof, heretofore owners, parties and persons respectively entitleu ns,r5 as amended by chapter 466 of the Laws of 1901. legally opened, as such area is shown upon our to or interested in the lands and premises, and Dated, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK, benefit maps deposited as aforesaid. not required for the purpose of opening said FIRST DEPARTMENT. November 5, rpo2. Fourth—That our report herein will be present street or avenue, but benefited thereby, and of hilANCIS V. S. OLIVER, ed for confirmation to the Supreme Court of the ascertaining and defining the district benefited W. H. BICKELHAUPT, grate of New York. Firer Denartmenf, if a St:wrist by said assessment, and the extent and boundaries MICHAEL HECHT, Term thereof. Part UT.. to be held in the County In the matter of the application of The City of of the respective tracts and parcels of land par- New York, acting by and through the Board of Commissioners. rrhouse. in the Borough of Manhattan, in The ticipating in said benefit, and of performing the JOHN P. DUNN, City of New York. on the eth day of February, Docks, relative to acquiring right and title to trusts and duties required of us by title 4 of and possession of certain uplands and lands, Clerk. zoos. at the opening of the Court on that day. chapter 17 of the Charter of The City of New wharf property, wharfage rights, terms, ease- n5,15. Dated BORO11Git OP MANHATTAN, NEW YORK, York, and the acts or parts of acts supplementary October 8, 1902. ments, emoluments and privileges necessary to thereto or amendatory thereof. be taken for the improvement of the water- THOS. F. KEATING, All parties and persons interested in the lands front of The City of New York, on the North GEO. E. MORGAN, PROPOSALS FOR BIDS AMID ESTIMATION and premises taken or to be taken for the purpose River, between West Eighteenth and West FOR THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Commissioners. of opening said street or avenue, or affected Twenty-third streets, and the easterly side of ToIIN P. DUNN . thereby, and having any claim or demand on the marginal street, wharf or place adopted by Clerk. n3,211 account thereof, are hereby required to present the Board of Docks, and approved by the Com- the same, duly verified, to us, the undersigned missioners of the Sinking Fund, and the North NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. FIRST DEPARTMENT. Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment, et River, pursuant to the plant heretofore adopted our office in the Bureau of Street Openings of by the Board of Docks and approved by the the Law Department, Borough Hall, Borough of In the matter of the application of The City of Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. Brooklyn, in The City of New York, with such GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. New York, relative to acquiring title wherever as the said owner or the same has not been heretofore acquired, to affidavits or other proofs claimants may desire, within twenty days after M OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A BILL East TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTIETH /I of costs, charges and expenses, incurred by STREET (although not yet named by proper date of notice And we, the said Commissioners, will be in reason of the proceedings in the above-entitled The person or persons making a bid or esti- authority), from Broadway to Bailey avenue, in attendance et our said office on the 25th day of matter, will be presented for taxation to one of mate for any services, work, materials or supplies the Twenty-fourth Ward, Borough of 'The o'clock in the forenoon the Justices of the Supreme Court, at a Special for The City of New York, or for any of its Bronx, City of New York. November, 1902, at to of that day, to hear the said parties and persons Term thereof, Part I. to be held at the County departments, bureaus or offices, shall furnish the in relation thereto; and at such time and place, Court House in The City of New York, Borough same in a sealed envelope indorsed with the title IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE NOTICE and at such further or other time and place as of Manhattan, on the 17th day of November, 1902, of the supplies, materials, work or services for bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred we may appoint, we will hear such owners in at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or which the bid or estimate is made. with his or by reason of the proceedings in the above-entitled relation thereto, and examine proofs of such as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard there- their name or names and the date of presentation matter will be presented for taxation to one of on, and that said bill of costs, charges and ex- to the President or Board or to the head of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of claimant or claimants, or such additional proofs and allegations as may then be offered by such penses has been deposited in the office of the the department at his or its office, on or before New York, First Department, at a Special Term Clerk of the County of New York, there to re- the date and hour named in the advertisement thereof, l'art I., to be held at the County Court owner or on behalf of The City of New York. Dated BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, THE CITY CF main for and during the space of ten days, as re- for the same, at which time and place the esti- house in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City quired by the provisions of section 999 of the 1.'; SW YORK, October 29, 1902, mates received will be publicly opened by the of New York, on the igth day of November, Greater New York Charter, as amended by chap- President or Board or head of said department. 19o2, at io.3o o'clock in forenoon of that day, or JOHN H. DOUGLASS, PETER F. LYNAN, ter 466, of the Laws of zgot. and read, and the award of the contract made a soon thereafter as counsel can be heard there- Dated New York, October 3t, ictoz. according to law as soon thereafter as practicable. on; and that the said bill of costs, charges and WM. A. MULDOON, Commissioners. JOSEPH M. SCHENCK. Each bid or estimate shall contain the name expenses has been deposited in the office of the Clerk. and place of residence of the person making the Clerk of the County of New York, there to re- CHARLES S. TABER, Clerk. o29,n21. 113.14 same, the names of all persons interested with hint main for and during the space of ten days, as re- therein, and, if no other person be so interested quired by the provisions of section 000 of the FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. it shall distinctly state that fact; also, that it is Greater New York Charter as amended by chap- made without any connection with any other per- ter 466 of the Laws of z9or. FIRST DEPARTMENT. In the matter of acquiring title by The City of son making an estimate for the same purpose, and Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK, is in all respects fair and without collusion or November 5, 1902. New York to certain lands and premises situ- In the matter of the application of The City ated on the easterly side of Briggs avenue, be- fraud, and that no member of the Board of Alder- JAMES OLIVER, men, head of a department, chief of a bureau, rtlitiM AS It. C:OUGHLIN, of New York, acting by and through the Board tween One Hundred and Ninety-ninth street of Docks, relative to acquiring right and title and Two Hundredth street, in the Borough of deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other officer TERENCE J. McMANUS, of The City of New Commissioners. to and possession of the lands, lands under The Bronx, in The City of New York, duly York is, shall be or become water filled in, wharfage rights, terms, ease- selected as a site for buildings for the use of interested, directly or indirectly, as contracting JOHN P. DUNN, party, partner, stockholder, surety or otherwise Clerk. n5,15 ments, emoluments and privileges appurtenant the Fire Department, according to law. 0 to the bulkheads between Eighteenth street and in or in the performance of the contract, ur in Nineteenth street, and between Nineteenth street N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IT IS the supplies, work or business to which it relates, and Twentieth street, East river, and mune the intention of the Corporation Counsel or in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid SECOND DEPARTMENT. tenant to the bulkhead and pier at the foot of of The City of New York to make application to or estimate must be verified by the oath, in Nineteenth street, East river, necessary to be the Supreme Court, at a Special Term thereof, writing, of the party or parties making the esti- taken for the improvement of the water front Part III., to be held at the County Court House, mate that the several matters stated herein are in In the matter of the applicatioe of The City of of The City of New York on the East river, in The City of New York, Borough of Manhat- all respects true. New York relative to acquiring title to EAST pursuant to the plan heretofore adopted by the tan, on the seventeenth day of November, 1902, Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by NINTH s'r REET, from Avenue U to Avenue Board of Docks and approved by the Com- at the opening of the Court on that day, tor the the consent, in writing, of two householders or V in the Thirty-first Ward, in the Borough missioners of the Sinking Fund. cppointment of three discreet and disinterested freeholders in The City of New York, or of a of' Brooklyn, The City of New York. persons, as Commissioners of Estimate and Ap- guaranty or surety company duly authorized by pa aisal, to ascertain and appraise the compensa- law to act as surety, and shall contain the mat- tion to be made to the owners and all persons ters set forth in the blank forms mentioned below. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, WE, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSION- interested in certain lands and premises selected No bid or estimate will be considered unless ac- the undersigned, were appointed, by an era of Estimate and Assessment in the above-entitled matter, hereby give notice to all as a site for buildings for the like Department companied by a certified check upon one of the order of the Supreme Court made and entered in the Borough of The Bronx, in The City of State or National banks of The City of New herein on the 31st day of December. igoi, and persons interested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, of all New York, bounded and described as follows: York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or duly fied in the office of the Clerk of Kings Beginning at a point on the easterly side of money to the amount of five per centum of the County, a copy of whit h order was filed in the houses and lots and improved and unimproved lands, pier or wharf property, and all persons Briggs avenue, distant 120.50 feet southwardly amount of the bond required, as provided in office of the Register of the County of Kings on from the southeasterly corner of said Bre section 420 of the Greater New York Charter. the 8th day of January, r902, and indexed in the interested therein, or in any rights, privileges .or interests pertaining thereto, affected thereby, and avenue and East Two Hundredth street, formerly For particulars as to the quantity and quality Index of Conveyances in Section 21, Blocks 7135, the Southern Boulevard; running thence east- of the supplies, or the nature and extent of the 7136, 7159, Commissioners of Estimate and As to all others whom it may concern, to wit: First—That we have completed our estimate and wardly parallel with East Two Hundredth street work, reference must be made to the specifica- sessment for the purpose of making a just anu 1.9.80 feet; thence southwardly at right angles assessment and that all persons interested in this tions, schedules, plans, etc., on file in the said equitable estimate of the loss or damage, if any, to East Two Hundredth street 25 feet; thence office of the l'resident, Board or Department. proceeding or in any of the uplands, lands, lands to the respective owner.. lessees. parties and westwardly parallel with East Two Hundredth under water, premises, buildings, tenements, hered- No bid shall be accepted from or contract persons entitled to or interested in the lands an street 25 feet; thence southwardly at right angles awarded to any person who is in arrears to premises to be taken for the purpose of opening itaments, pier and wharf property affected there- The to East Two Hundredth street 25 feet; thence City of New York upon debt or contract, or who the said street or avenue, as particularly described by, and having objections thereto, do present their westwardly parallel with East Two Huundredth said objections in writing, duly verified, to us, at is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any HI the petition of The City of New York filed street 99.40 feet to the easterly side of said obligation to the City. with said order in the office of the Clerk of our office, room No. 401, No. a513 Broadway, in Briggs avenue and northwardly along the east- the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New The contracts must be bid for separately. Kings County, and for the purpose of making a erly side of said avenue 50.2: feet to the point The right is reserved in York, on or before the 17th day of November, each case to reject just and equitable assessment of the benefit of of beginning. 1902, and that we, the said Commissioners, will all bids or estimates if it is deemed to be for said street or avenue so to be opened, to the Dated Nsw YORK, October 31, 190a. the interest of the City so to do. hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose respective owners, parties and persons, respect- GEORGE L. RIVES, Bidders will write out the amount of their ively, entitled to or interested in the lands and v-ill be in attendance at our said office on the bids Corporation Counsel, or estimates in addition to inserting the same in premises and not required for the purpose of 19th day of November, 1902, at 3.3o o'clock in No. a Tryon Row, figures. the afternoon of that day. opening said street or avenue, but benefited there- Borough of Manhattan. Bidders are requested to make by, and of ascertaining and defining the district Second—That the abstract of our said estimate their bids or n5,15 estimates upon the blank forms prepared and benefited by said assessment, and the extent and and assessment, together with our Damage Maps, and a:so all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and furnished by the City, a copy of which with the 1.0undaries of the respective tracts andparcels of proper envelope in which to enclose the bid, to- laud participating in said benefit, and of perform- other documents used by us in making our report, have been deposited in the Bureau of Street SECOND DEPARTMENT. gether with a copy of the contract, including the ing the trusts and duties required of us by specifications, in the form approved by the Car. title 4 of chapter 17 of the Charter of The City Openings, in the Law Department of The City or New York, at Bureau, the matter of the application of The City of poration Counsel, can be obtained upon applies. of Ncw York, and the acts or parts of acts the office of said In tion therefor at the office of the department Nos. 90 and 92 West Broadway, in the Borough New York. relative to acquiring title wh f for supplementary thereto or amendatory thereof. which the work is to be done. Plans and draw- All patties and persons interested in the lands of Manhattan, in said City, there to remain the same has not been heretqfore acquired, to ings of construction work may also be seen there. and premises taken or to be taken for the pur. until the 46th day of November, 1902. BLACKWELL STREET (although not yet