24 - MAN(:HKSTKF< HKRALl), Wednesday, Aug. 15, 1984 Most cases dismissed

Vermont governor defends raid on church Verdict doesn’t please Bolton association Rose home By Kevin Goddard than acting on evidence of abuse — the rights of children,” he said. they were valid, and that he would Snelling said the union may have and believes differences of opinion Manchester Inventor studies near-death as United Press International when they raided the Northeast The state seized the youngsters leave it up to lawyers for the state unveiled the proposal to attract over the party’s platform merely reflect the fact that the GOP is a Kingdom Community Church on in an attempt to check them for to decide whether to appeal the attention to a problem that has ... p a g e 3 M O N TPE U E R , VI - Gov. June 22. Snelling said. signs of abuse, but Mahady refused ruling. gone too long unaddressed, rather "big party” that embraces many ... p a g e 11 ... page 15 Richard Snclling continues to "When a judge tries to get in the to give the state tem|)orary cus­ But he hinted further legal action than out of a genuine belief the points of view. defend the state’s ill-fated raid on minds of people ... that judge has tody and -— in a series of rulings — was likely. campaign will succeed. an Island Pond religious group, no more chance of being right, or criticized the roundup as a viola­ " I really do believe the system " I suspect that what (teachers) despite a new ruling that authori­ no less chance of being wrong, than tion of constitutional rights. will work. In the end, there will be are trying to do is get people’s GnnVs fanwell ties were merely fishing for if I tried to judge what you were In the decision handed down lust some kind of a final determina­ attention by saying, 'this isn't a evidence of child abuse. thinking." he told reporters. week, the judge reviewed the tion," he said. little problem, it's a big problem,'" In 1884 the collapse of the Grant Snelling said Tuesday that Dis­ The governor also said he history of western civilization and On other matters, Snelling: he explained. & Ward investment house left trict Court Judge Frank Mahady. remained convinced most Ver­ cited a number of previous legal — Sa id he supports a move by the — Said he does not support a ex-President Ulysses S. Grant who last week di.Smissed about 60 monters. given the evidence he rulings to underscore the evolution National Education Association of Republican Party platform put penniless. He then began * his Clouds tonight; Manchester, Conn. child abuse cases for lack of reviewed before be authorized the and importance of constitutional Vermont to upgrade teacher salar­ together by Reagan administra­ “ Personal Memoirs,” which he evidence, attempted in the ruling roundup of 112 sect children, would protections against unlawful ies, but sees little likelihood of tion loyalists, but thinks platforms wrote while ill of cancer. He sunny Friday Thursday, Aug. 16, 1984 to read the minds of state officials. agree the rtdd was needed to search and seizure. success for a proposfil by the union have little genuine impact completed them four days before — See page 2 Single copy: 25C Mahady had no basis for the protect children from an abusive Snelling said he would need a to increase state taxes by $113 anyway. he died on July 23, 1895. Grant is judgment that officials were look­ form of coriK>ral punishment. "dozen law clerks" to research the million — with the money to go to He said he remains "proud" to buried in a tomb on Riverside UlanrlfrHtrr MrralJi ing for evidence of abuse — rather "There must be a way to protect citations before he could judge if teachers. support Reagan's re-election bid. Drive in City. Cypriot freighter hit by guif mine

By Hanzada Flkry Roger Lowes of Lloyd's said the The fomgti relalions committee United Press International Theoupolis from Limas.sol re­ of Egypt's national assembly ported severe damage to its engine ('ailed fora "joint Arab strategy to Suez City. Egypt — A U.S. navy room. gnaranlee the seenniy of the Red 6 .ship carrying lour mineswoeping The USS Shrevepnrl. an amphil)- S e a .” helicopters sailed through the Gulf ious transport dock, rcaclicd the The eommiltee. in a statement of Suez today and a Cypriot southern end of the Suez Canal carried by Ihe Middle Fast News freighter sent a mayday call today, Suez {'anal Authority .soiir Agency, described Ihe mining of saying it had hit an underwater CCS said. Ihe Red Sea as a "criminal ael.” bomb. The Shreveport, hiden with I.ilfya. which has lieen accused The latest case of a ship hitting a RH-53I) Sea SI allions ehoiipei s and l>y Egypt as a primary suspect ANDOVER mine — at least the 18lh in the pa.st 210 men. did not stop bill eonliimed lieuding more proof, said Ihe Mini Estate month — came as Libya charged south to the Giilf of Suez wluu e it is mull Inal lonal efforl to swee|> the the minesweeping operation by expected to lu-gin miiieswet-ping Red Sea was a big hoax by the A beautiful setting with this exceptional 12 U.S., British and French forces operations Friday. soperpowei's to occupy the area. Rm. home, featuring: was a hoax aimed at gaining Four British mine hunters and a "The ships of Ihe lliiiled Stales, control of the Red Sea and the Gulf support vessel wailed at the Kraiiee and Great Bnlain that of Suez, Adahiya naval base at the norlhern 12 room s total have been deserilted as mint's ^ Marble faced fireplace The Lloyd's shipping agency in tip of the Gulf of Suez to join in the Separate in law suite weepers in fact are preparing lo Spacious family room with ■seareh-and-destroy operation for ^ Spacious living room London said an 11.765-Ion Cypriot oeenpy the Red Sea and Ihe Gulf of Roman brick fireplace freighter hit "an underwater mines that have damaged at least ✓ Unique kitchen 3 car garage Suez." said the slale-ruii Libyan in-the 20 x 40 inground pool that is one of the bomb" in the Red Sea and reported 18 eommereial ve.ssels in the gulf Large master bedroom ^ 20x38 Inground pool News Agency .lANA, iiionilored in severe engine room damage in a and the Red Sea during reeeni Dining room with Parkade floor t / ' Quality throughout many attractions of this 4 bedroom raised ranch. Beirut Separate office or den Built by Everette Van Dyne, this quality-built mayday distress call late weeks. Wedne.sday. A spokesman for the Frt'neh It said Ibis was lo he done home also offers a 2-car garage, 1 full and 2 half Lloyd’s Shipping Intelligence Embassy in Cairo said Ihe Kreneli "llndi'f Ihe veil of .searching II baths, family room, fireplaced living room, 1V4 said the mayday call from the mine hunters. Cant ho and I)o- international wa.Srw.iy." it added Priced at $187,000. GLASTONBURY $119,900 We would be glad to show you through acre lot, and more. Price $115,000. Theoupolis, sailing from Giz.'in, maire. and theirsupport ship Isard The Sea Stallion ehopiiers are PRESTIGIOUS LOCATION overlooking golf course with magnificent view tile same type used by the U S of Hartford! Gorgeous customized Ranch featuring 3 bedrooms, kitchen & Saudi Arabia, was picked up on were on their w;iy to Ihe Saudi dining area with built-ins, 1st floor laundry room & 2 car garage An excep­ VHF radio by the Liberian- Arabian port of Jeddah where they Navy in 1974-75 lo liel|i clear the tional home throughout. Call for an appointment 643-4060 regi.stered steam tanker Mobil will undertake their shiire of Suez Canal of mines after Ihe 1973 A Swift in the southern Red Sea. scouring Ihe waters. Arab Israeli war n A U&R REALTY CO. (B Zinsser Agency c b 643-2642 — 750 Main St., Manchester Robert D. Murdock, Realtor MARKET REAL ESTATE SERVICES EVALUATION Blast cause unknown; 223 East Canter St., M anctieater 643-4060 646-1511 U SOUTH WINDSOR lengthy probe expected By Susan E. Kinsman United Press International

156 E Center St SIMSBURY — Ensign-Biekford Manchester Industries opened for business today despite uncertainty about the cause of a powerful blast that G leveled an explosives plant and Beal laJate . killed three workers Wednesday, Herald photo by Tarquino Officials from the federal Occu­ 647-7653 pational Safety and Health Admin­ Slippery little bugger istration were at the scene within hours of the explosion that caused SUPER INVESTMENT PROPERTY the first deaths in 80 years at the Steve Simonson makes a vain attempt to day camp, and is participating in the safety fuse and blasting cap M anchester catch a football while diving into the fourth annual Colors War. More pictures company. Absolutely immaculate 4 bedroom Co­ Ideal family home. 7 rooms, 3 bed­ pool at Robertson School Wednesday. on page 4. The force of the explosion was I felt up to mile away, threw cinder lonial with first floor family room, large rooms, 3 baths, fireplace, 2 car gar­ Steve is a counselor for the Y.W.C.A. blocks hundreds of feet, and raised a black cloud of smoke, dust and kitchen and gorgeous 16’ x 32’ inground age, carpeting, appliances, city fumes which forced about 200 pool. Don’t miss this house. Call today. utilities. people from their homes around Housing starts slip in July the perimeter of the 600-acre $145,000. complex. $86,900. Henry Fonteyne. president of By Denis G. Gulino rates. decline in that category, a depart­ Ensign-Biekford Industries, said United Press International The latest figures, however, ment analyst said. the cause of the explosion was failed to reflect a collapse of The latest figures for building unknown, but could have been ED GORMAN WASHINGTON — New housing housing that many analysts ex­ permits, the best indication of 3 stores and 6 apartments, newer construction slowed down 6,6 per­ pected would take place when caused by a "runaway reaction" of Associates U&R REALTY CO. builders’ intentions, were also chemicals. roof. cent in July but still maintained a fixed-rate mortgage interest rates down sharply, an 11.65 percent The acting director of OSHA's 604 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST respectable pace, above that of topped 14 percent and adjustable drop overall. 643-2692 INVESTORS - Take a long, hard Hartford area office said it could last year, the Commerce Depart­ rate mortgages jumped'as well. Mortgage "rates peaked about look - the figures work! Call office for ment said today. The seven-month average for take several weeks to pinpoint the 646-4040 Robert D. Murdock, Realtor five weeks ago, but they are still cause. all details. $122,900. Single family house construction housing starts through July is 1.908 very high,” economist Michael A company research manager was off 10.1 percent while multi­ million units annually. Both that Sumichrast said, speaking for the and two engineers were "making family apartment construction average and the July production National Association of Home some limited eommereial quanti­ dropped 1.9 percent, the depart­ figure are higher than .or Veterans Builders. ^ BEST SELLERS LIST ties of PYX,” a high-temperature ment reported. Administration-backed mortgages Housing starts were up 5.1 explosive used in oil drilling when The decline in July housing took effect, bringing it down to 13.5 percent in June after falling a the chemical exploded, Fonteyne starts, to an overall annual rate of percent from 14 percent. revised 11 percent in May. SELLING? D. W. FISH REALTY CO. .said. 1.761 million units after seasonal The construction figure for expected a decline; it was sort “I He identified the victims as 243 Main St. Manchester Vernon Circle, Vernon adjustment, was in line with single-family houses in July was of long in coming,” Sumichrast WE NEED YOU! research manager Ru.ssell A. expectations of a slowdown gener­ the lowest since December 1982 said. " I t ’s a very clear sign of a 4 . Gardner, 38, of Simsbury, William We have more buyers than homes! If 643-1591 872-9153 ated by the high level of mortgage and the third consecutive monthly weakening economy,” he warned. UPI photo you’ve considered selling over the R. Granquist Jr., 23, of New Britain and Craig M. Foltz, 25, of Rescue equipment waits to go into action as smoke rises last several years but were hesitant 1?. Middletown. from an explosion at the Ensign-Biekford Industries 6 because of market conditions ... Call The business agent for the union plant in Simsbury more than a mile away Wednesday. the professionals at 646-2482 representing about 300 p:nsign- SUNNYBROOK DRIVE Newsman tells of Andrea PoiHit The company manufactures explosives for mining and Qorgaous 8 room Colon 111 In M in c h n te r South Endl 2'6 baths. Bickford employees, said the com­ 1st floor family room, fireplace. 4 generous bedrooms, plus s 'WE'RE SELUNG HOUSES!" pany has been very concerned oil drilling. melnlelned lot end ERA BUYER'S WOTECTION PLAN. NEW YO RK (UPl)A former UPI reporter - remained, sort of dancing atop tho ijiaelstroro of about saftey since a Sept. 14, 1978 the only newsmen to witness the sinking o f the boiling water. The pressure blifgtMvOut.’Uw*-’ explosion seriously injured six Andrea Doria — waited 18 yeare to reveal today and some explosives are stored in my life and I knew it was portholes, out of which shot bedding, p p p ^ and all women as they filled caps with small buildings. something more than a test,” said how he picked his own^name out o f a drawing to sorts of peVspnal belongings." explosives for rockets, view the wreckage. Fonteyne said there was "abso- former First Seleetnian Russell McCarthy said the television reporter aboard the' "fk n ow th ey’ve been very sa fety Edward V. McCarthy, now press spokesman for lutely no danger ” to the plant's Shaw. " I could feel the concussion plane was “ gabbing hysterically into hup tape conscious,” said Richard N. Rust, Bronx District Attorney Mario Merola, also relived other .500 employees and there was almost a mile away ” recorder, making ho^ sense. But Uwn w e were all business agent for Local 687T of the the death throes of the Italian luxury liner that left no fire beyond the blast area. "The excited." Amalgamated Clothing and Tex­ 52 people dead in the early morning hours of July safety record of this company is “ I guess I can now reVeal how I gdt a place for tiles Workers Union. “I think if you 2S, 1058, following a collision with the Swedish liner extremely high. The last f a t a ^ ...... U P,” said McCarthy, who left U P I in 1973 to talked to most of the employees, Stockholm. was about 80 years ago,” Fonteyne become press spokesman for Merola. they wouldn't be afraid to go to A STUNNING INTERIOR A Gorgeous ★ McCarthy said that when the Coast Guard plane said "This was quite a shock to I I I S I Q © I O u d V WHAT A RANCH! Following the news of the cpillsion,- McCarUiy work tomorrow." us.” Spectsculsr custom Kitchen...Lsrge flrepleced living room.. 3 Will make you a believer in this 9 * room homel 4 bedrooms on carrying reporters arrived over the Andrea Doria generous bedrooms...plus en encloaed breezewey and 400’ the main level pluaa family roomi Lots of glass and vaulted ceil­ S. W in d so r $129,900 was sent to the Coast Guard Search and Rescue The first emergency crews on P Y X i.; a crystal compound of 70 pages, 2 sections deep loll ______ings! A must seetl,, 45 miles south o f Nantucket, Mass., “ We hesxlquarters in 'Manhattan. The Coast Guard the scene found a foundation, 4 bedroom Colonial. No feature is * Warmth ★ immediately noticed that the w ater in the acetone, nitric acid and other agreed to supply a small plane to take r e p ^ r s widespread debris and a mound of substances It is used in drilling Businlss * missing from this beautiful home. swimming pools was spilling, meaning it was over the ship to view the wreckage. earth built to contain any explo­ Manchester $79,900 kneeling oyer. deep oil wells where temperatures C la ssified ...... jg o g Large living room, family room, Since the plane only bad room for a newspaper sion. The research and develop­ reach upwards of .500 degrees Comics...... s Exudes from this beautifuU bed­ “ We kept circling and the young pilot of that reporter, a telisvlsion reporter, a televisiott ment facility had been blown away BIANCHARD & ROSSETTO, INC. and applianced kitchen. Formal plane got so excited he began flying lower and Fahrenheit, said Fonteyne. The Entertainment...... ig ^ REALTOnS room Colonial. 2 driveways, back cameraman, a still photographer and a movie with the three workers inside. three workers had been making ...... * 2 ‘/2 lower overthat ship. It seemed we were practically newsreel cameraman, the Coast Guard’s ^bUc dining room, slate foyer, baths, porch overlooking gorgeous About five hours later searchers the sub.stanee for months. o l Z ...... '! 189 WEST CENTER STREET zooming between her masts. ~ ' relations man - “ a Chief f'etty Officer named Alex 2 car garage, large patio, many reported "finding parts of bodies," The plant stands alongside 2(K) Peopletalk !! (Cornar of M c K m ) | S | backyard that gives this fine home "Finally, all the life boats on one side that they Haley, the same guy who later wrote 'Roots’" — extras. Fonteyne said. year-old white elaphourd colonial Sports...... ] [ ] ] ______646-2482 that little extra. couldn’t launch because of the listing of the ship decided to have a drawing of press cards from bis The bla.st occurred in the Powder went under as the ship sank. Only one lifeboat homes in thequiet Hartfordsuburb T e le v is io n ...... g bat. Forest area of the complex where of 20,000. W e a th e r...... blasting caps are manufactured "I'v e lived iq^t to this place all • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • « ^ Z - MANCHKSTKR HERALD, Thursday. Aug. 16, 1984 MANCUKSTKR HKHAl.n. Ttnirsdiiv. A u k Hi 1HH4 - 3 Study clears administration 98 hurt in scaffold collapse Schools’ concerns include ‘lurking’ issues, excellence By Sarah E. Hall elaborate task, he said. impact in Manchester, he said. There are two philo.sophies on twelfth grade. Deemed ’’pretty trators into classrooms niore often NEW YORK (UPI) - Spectators eager for a leaning against it. Herald Reporter "There’s been a decline in the And the push to ban asbestos in the kindergarten issue. Kennedy demanding now’’ by Kennedy, the — "a high priority for next year." birds-eye view of America’s Olympic medalists Police said at least 20 people were perched on purchasing power of our resour­ school buildings — ratherthan just said. One maintains that kinder­ policy will nonetheless have to be Kennedy said He praised the for gap in national income caused a wooden scaffolding to collapse and the structure, but some witnesses said as many as As the end of the school system’s ces," Kennedy complained. "The encapsulate it — could have major garten is primarily for social reviewed by the school board efforts of .Man B. Chesterton, tumble 15 feet to a street full of people watching 100 spectators jammed the scaffolding. summer slowdown approaches. real dollars have shrunk and the consequences for the town. development; the other that a under a new state law. director or curriculum and in­ WASHINGTON (U PI) - The likely to fuel an already heated most of this increase in income the ticker-tape parade, causing at least 98 The accident occurred at 12:10 p.m., before the Superintendent James P. Kennedy costs have skyrocketed ... And as A planned review of the kinder­ child’s first year of formal school­ The state will also demand that struction. to visit district schools average American is a bit better election-year debate over whether inequality," said economist Isabel injuries. athletes passed the building, and caused a and others in the administration times get tougher, the justifica­ garten system townwide might ing should be rigidly structured the board take a fresh look at its la.st year but admitted that "the off today than four years ago while Reagan's policies are unfair to the Sawhill, the report’s co-editor. ’ ’They fell like dominoes. They just fell down all 30-minute delay in the parade. are setting the stage for next fall, tions get tougher. You’ve got to also spark debate, in the wake of with an emphaisis on academics. attendance, retention and promo­ re.st of us eonid do more " the poor are poorer and the rich are poor. "('.ven without the cuts in taxes over the place. It was terrible,” a construction "It sounded like a cracking and people started winter and spring. have more data, and you’ve got to la.st year’s unsuccessful attempt Kennedy refused to side with tion, and teacher-training policies. richer, a study by a non-partisan The study showed that the real and social programs he Initiated in worker said, describing the incident that marred to fall. We were lucky people fell on us,” said Kennedy predicts that the big­ make it clearer and clearer.” by state Education Commissioner either, citing both the necessity of Kennedy said. The latter, he • Cable T\' 'W e’re convinced organization says. disposable income of i>erson.s on 1981 and 1982 and even with a the Big Apple’s patriotic salute to the nation’s Terry Kennedy of Short Hills, N.J., who was gest single issue will be one left Kennedy claimed there are Gerald N. Tirozzi to mandate not boring young children who are predicted, will be a "m ajor issue" that we can make Ix’lter use of the The study found that President the bottom fifth of the economic milder recession, there still would athletic heroes. under the scaffolding with her son, John, 12, when over from last year: academic several issues "lurking around" all-day kindergartens. ready for more in-depth learning made difficult by lack of money cable TV opportunities available to Reagan’s economic and domestic scale dropped 7.6 percent, from have been a wide disparity in Police said only two of the 98 people hurt were the accident occurred. excellence. "Im proving the in­ that could erupt into controversy. "W e’re going to have to gear up and the dangers of going and adequate time to offer in­ us." for showcasing student talent policies have helped expand what $6,913 to $6,391, while it increased income ’’ seriously injured — one suffered a neck injury, Some of the injured were struck by pieces of the structional program is what we’re He said he feels such turmoil is for a really major study this year, overboard. school seminars. or bringing information to pari'iits. has been a growing and somewhaOvS-T-percent forthosein the top fifth, "The rea.sons for this trend are the other a possible heart attack. wail. all about," he said. disruptive to a school system with some of the best consulting • Coordinating studies grade-by­ Kennedy said unexplained financiai gap among from $,37,618 to $40,880. not entirely clear, but they appear Building officials said the construction scaf­ The building is owned by Kalikow D,2 Real Juggling school finances will the because "the business of learning help in the state," he said. "The SOME OTHER ITEMS on the grade. to ensure that students • A survey to assess the opinions the upper, lower and middle Overall, it said, family incomes related to generally high levels of folding at 195 Broadway was built in accordance Estate Corp. and was once the headquarters of the second-biggest item faced by needs a quiet, orderly booming day-care and nur.sery- school board and administrative learn skills in proper sequence, Manchester residents hold on the classes. The .study, however, did after taxes and adjusted for unemployment in recent years and with city standards and was meant to catch AT&T. The communications firm moved out in, the administration, the superin­ atmosphere." school phenomenon has really agenda for the upcoming school without undue redundancy. town schools This would Ih- not lay the blame for the disparity inflation increased by about 4 demographic changes, such the debris from renovations being done at the May 1983. tendent said. Dipping enrollments struck within the last four to five year include: Dubbed "K through 12 articula­ distributed sometime within the on the administration. percent, from $20,333 to $21,038, "a growing number of female-headed structure. The injured were taken to six hospitals by a — "the biggest single problem that A NEW FEDERAL LAW allow­ years ... With the sophistication of • The townwide homework policy, tion" by educators, the study will next 12 months. Kennedy said. Financed by the Urban Institute, mode,st increase by historical families at the bottom of the The wooden wall, made of plywood and 2-by-4 swarm of ambulanough the dense crowd to reach we’ve faced in the last five years" ing religious groups and other the TV age, children are coming to which mandates the minimum place special emphasis on social • And a review of the elementary a non-profit re.search group, the standsards." income distribution and growing boards, collapsed due to the weight of the people the victims. — and inflation have combined to student organizations access to school with a lot more knowledge amount of take-home study for studies, Kennedy said. report card system by a special study, "The Reagan Record,” was "President Reagan’s policies number of the two-earner families make budgeting an increasingly school space could have some used to.” students in kindergarten through • Get'in., central office adminis­ committee. released Wednesdav and is is are not responsible for all or even at the top." Inventors plan to appeal Peopletalk Weather Manchester/Area Today’s forecast In Brief Town man says game verdict unfair Connecticut, Massachusetts and No CD comments yet Bv Sarah E. Hall dict is entirely supportable,” Selya Rhode Island: Mostly sunny hot Herald Reporter ruled. Town General Manager Robert B. Weiss said and still rather humid with highs 86 Coleman said he believes the disclo­ Little Richard today that he has not yet received any comments to 92 except cooler along the coast An award of nearly $1 million to a sure form is a "sham document. It docs on his proposed use of Community Development especially the southeast coast. Manchester inventor and his former not repi esent the understanding of the wants his money Block Grant funds should the town re-enter the Chance of a few showers or partner who charged that the Milton parties involved” He pointed to court program. Chanting ‘Tve been thunderstorms in the western Bradley Co. .stole the idea for its Dark testimony by Millens Taft, a former robbed," singer Uule Ri­ He will accept written comments through highlands late afternoon and even­ Tower board game from them was senior vice president at Milton Brad­ Monday, and the proposed use of funds and grant chard stages a protest ing. Lows 55 to 65. Friday sunny overturned this week by a U.S. District ley, which held that the two inventors Wedne.sday in Los An­ application will then be submitted to the Board of and pleasant, high around 80. Court judge. were promised their ideas would be Directors for final approval on Tuesday. geles against three music "We were very surprised,” Briar- kept confidential or el.se the company Maine: Partly sunny with scat­ Under Weiss’ proposal, the town would spend companies that he claims wood Drive resident Allen K. Coleman would pay for their use, tered showers or thundershowers $133,000 of the $468,000 in federal grants it is owe him $114 million in said Wednesday of the decision, which Charles Perrottet, Milton Bradley’s today. High near 80 north to near90 eligible for on sidewalk and drainage improve­ royalties for his hit .songs. was handed down on Tuesday. The vice president of corporate develop­ south. Clearing tonight. Low in mid ments, $130,000 on housing rehabilitation. $75,000 The singer wanted to inventor had predicted just weeks ment, said today that the company is 50s to lower 60s. Mostly sunny on parking and drainage facilities at the Senior publicize the lawsuit he before the reversal that he and his "obviously pleased." "W e felt and we nied in June against the Friday. High near 70 north to near Citizens Center, $60,000 on playground improve­ former partner might win continue to feel that we were in the 80 south. ments, $.50,000 on a new elevator at the Municipal record companies. damages in the suit. right, and that has been somewhat Building and $20,000 on administrative costs. New Hampshire: Mostly sunny Coleman, 37, and his former partner. vindicated at this point," he continued. then partly sunny with a chance of You may want rain today State forbids zone changes Roger Burten, 41, of Newport, R.I., " I f I was Milton Bradley, I wouldn’t showers or thundershowers this Today: mostly sunny, hot and continued humid. High 85 to 90. plan to appeal the reversal, Coleman be bragging about this one," said John afternoon and evening. High near Wind westerly around 10 mph. Tonight: partiy cioudy this BOLTON — The chairman of the town Zoning said. They were awarded more than P. Barylick, Coleman’s lawyer, shortly Commission announced Wednesday that the state $900,000 in April when a Rhode Island 80 north to near 90 south. Clearing evening. Ciear and more comfortabie later tonight. Lows 60 to after tlie decision. UPI photo tonight. Low in mid SOs to lower transportation department issued an order jury agreed that they deserved a share Dark Tower is not identical to 65. Wind northwest around 10 mph. Friday: sunny and pleasant. 60s. Mostly sunny Friday. High in earlier this summer prohibiting towns along the of the $14 million in profits Milton "Triumph," the game the men say they mid 70s to lower 80s. High in low SOs. Saturday (air. Highs in 80s. Today’s weather corridor of the proposed relocation of Route 6 Bradley has netted from Dark Tower, a tried to sell Milton Bradley in 1980. But Michael’s a super smoocher picture, which has a surrealistic look, was drawn by Kevin from changing the zoning status of land inside the popular board game featuring a it uses the principle of a rotating Airplane, part I Vermont: A mix of clouds and Hodgkins, 10, of 14 Welcome Place, who was a student at corridor for the next two years. rotating contol unit which the pair control unit in the middle of the game Elizabeth Taylor is not consoling herself over As the old song says, a kiss is just a kiss — sun today. Warm with a chance of a Highland Park School. Zoning Chairman Philip Dooley said the zone claims to have invented. board. the death of Richard Burton at the Scottish unless the kisser happens to be Michael Jackson. thundershower. Highs in 80s. Clear freeze would keep towns from changing land But Providence U.S. District Judge The company twice rejected the and cool tonight. Lows in SOs. farmhouse of former Beatle Paul McCartney and "H e kissed me three times. He kissed me three inside the proposed corridor to higher priced Bruce M, Selya reversed the jury’s "Triumph” idea. But a year later, his wife Linda, despite media reports in Britain to times,” I.eslie Robinette, 17, of Greeneville, Sunny and comfortable Friday. zones, which would force the state to pay the decision decision, claiming that a legal when Coleman and Burten went to a toy Highs 70 to 75. Herald photo by T Hrqutnio the contrary. Tenn., squealed after a triple from the superstar. o- owners of the land more money than the land is document the two men signed in fair in New York City, Milton Bradley "Paul and Linda did not invite Liz Taylor to "That little moustache tickles," giggled Miss currently worth when the state comes around to February, 1980, waives their right to unveiled Dark Tower. Coleman Inventor Al.len K. Coleman, 37. of 134 Briarwood Drive sits in his their Scottish home, and she is certainly not Robinette. Extended outlook seize the land by eminent domain. sue. claimed the company "enhanced” staying with them,” said a spokesman for the The romantic interlude came during the The Relocation of Route 6 is the latest name for Selya ruled that even though the men their concept with back-lit slides, electronics workshop. Behind him is the Milton Bradley game McCartneys. Certain segments of the British Jack.sons’ concert swing through Tennessee. The Extended outlook for New Eng­ the state’s recently revised plans to join existing deserved the money and the company’s increasing the selling price. “Dark Tower," which he and a former partner say is based on an media that make the National Enquirer look teenager first met the singer when she was land Saturday through Monday: links of what is now the Interstate 84 extension case was weak, Burten and Coleman The two inventors sued, claiming the idea stolen from them. A jury agreed and awarded the two stodgy reported Tue.sday that Ms. Taylor made a critically ill in a Seattle, Wash., hospital. She between Bolton Notch and Columbia. were not entitled to royalties under company stole their idea for the inventors nearly $1 million in April, though a federal court judge mid-air change of plans after McCartney radioed recovered after a widely reported hospital visit Connecticut, Massachusetts and Massachusetts law because they structure of the game board and Rhode Island: Mostly sunny days an invitation to her jet leaving Switzerland, by Jackson. Town holds tag sale signed a disclosure form. (Milton profited from it. Milton Bradley reversed the decision Tuesday. where she had visited Burton’s grave. The girl wanted to thank Jackson, whom she and clear nights Saturday through Bradley is located in East Longmea- claimed the game had been in develop­ From Venetian blinds to copy machines, the Ms. Taylor skipped the funeraPand memorial credits with saving her life. But she got more than Monday. Daytime highs in upper dow. Mass, The case was tried in ment months before Burten and Coleman currently runs two busi­ liunul croHH-Hlitch instruction books town will rid itself of surplus furniture — service because she feared paparazzi would she bargained for when she was escorted to his 70s to middle 80s, overnight lows Providence because it was a conve­ Coleman proposed their idea, though nesses out of his Briarwood Drive featuring quotations from Scripture. potentially at bargain prices Saturday — at a tag storm the gatherings. dressing room by tour officials. mid SOs to low 60s. nient location for the plaintiffs). the company was unable to produce home. One, called "Jeremiah Junc­ The other, "Micropro Associates,” is "Come here, Leslie," Jackson said. " I t ’s so sale Saturday. "But for the legal effect of the any specific documentation supporting tion" and co-owned by his wife Linda, is Coleman’s own engineering and con­ Vermont: Comfortable temper­ The items to be sold include student chairs and a company which publishes inspira- struction company. good to see you again.” Then he leaned over, put ature and humidity levels through disclosure agreement, the jury’s ver­ its claims, according to Barylick. Airplane, the sequel his arms around her neck and kissed her. desks (or $2, typing desks for $10, Venetian blinds the period. Highs in 70s and low 80s. for $1', light fixtures, formica tables, copiers, Super model Brooke Shields, ^ e r visiting Lows in SOs. A chance of showers typewriters and ditto machines. friends in San Diego recently, prepared to board a Sunday, otherwise fair weather The sale begins at 9 a.m. in the cafeteria of the VNA group moving private jet when she likely. Waddell School, 163 Broad St. discovered that the Her talent is biggest Bolton blasting angers residents pilot was drunk, the Maine and New Hampshire: Fair Saturday. Chance of showers into school building stewardess about to "Rhinestone,” Dolly Parton’s recent movie Houses near completion got a call from a man who lives measuring under .5 on the Sunday. Fair Monday. Highs in 70s BOLTON — Zoning Commis­ give birth and a musical with Sylvester Stallone, may have Satellite view sion Chairman Philip Dooley on Notch Road extension com­ ■seismograph, that drew .several to lower 80s with some upper 60s Four of five houses being rehabilitated for Attracted by the low rent. Visiting Nurses and mechanic was hav­ bombed with the critics and the public, but Miss said Wednesday that an explo­ plaining that the blast cracked complaints north on Monday. Lows in upper occupancy by low-income tenants have received Home Care of Manchester will move into the recently ing trouble screw­ Parton’s admirers are still legion. Commerce Department satellite photo taken at 4 a.m. EOT shows sion set off early this month at his ceiing in several places and Although-tte calk'd the blast­ 40s and SOs. certificates of occupancy from the town, said closed Highland Park School by late fall or winter. ing tight the loose One of her biggest fans is colleague Kenny scattered thunderstorms over parts of the Rockies and Southwest. Bolton Notch Quarry raised the made him spill his iced tea down ing "routineNtoF*-H—<|uarry.’’ Carol Shanley, executive director of the Housing Executive Director Lois Lewis said Wednesday. engine. Rogers, who offered this estimate: Dolly could These thunderstorms are embedded in a general area of cloudiness hackles of several residents on his shirt. Dooley refused to Dooley said he would t'ncourage Said the me­ have been an even bigger star if they’d promoted Authority. "It should be a big savings for us," said Ms. Lewis, High and low which has persisted for several days. Ms. Shanley told members of the authority I^otch Road extension even release the man’s name. Buck to limit future blasts to 400 chanic, "It has her talent rather than her breasts,” the country noting that the VNA will be charged only for the share though the size of the blast was The first blast of the day drew pounds. The highest temperature re­ Wednesday night that the fifth certificate was of utilities and maintenance costs covering the rooms more screws than it western singer said during an interview that well within state and town no complaints, Dooley said. It Dooley said residents who ported Wednesday by the National expected by Friday. Before the homes can be it uses at Highland Park. More money will be needs, anyway, so appears in the September issue of McCall's limits. used 397 pounds of explosives think their hou.ses have been Weather Service, excluding occupied, they must receive certificates from the available to spend on programs as a result, she said. the heck with it." magazine. 30.00 Dooley said at the Zoning and measured .02 on a seismo­ damaged hy the blasting should Alaska and Hawaii, was 103 federal Department of Housing and Urban Now located in offices at 150 N. Main St., the Miss Shields didn’t SEATTLE Commission’s monthly meeting graph used to monitor the blast. contact Buck or Buck’s insurer. degrees ai Lake Havasu City, Ariz. Development. That will probably take between non-profit agency is currently seeking a grant of up to run screaming off Wednesday that he witnessed State law permits blasts meas­ The town is not liable, he said. Today’s low was 49 degrees at two and three weeks, Ms, Shanley said. $50,000 from the Hartford Foundation for Public the plane, however. f > r7-MIMHEAPi two explosions set off by Quarry uring 10 times higher, or .2. The Opposition from neighbors Yellowstone Park, Wyo. / .ifiiMVi''. Jt Giving to meet the cost of moving. The VNA will have The incident owner David Buck on Aug. 2 town limit is only five times has kept the zoning commission Cleary’s term extended to buy room di v iders and other equipment.andpayfor Brooke Shields turned out to be a NEW YOSK under the supervision of the higher, or .1. from giving Buck permission to Superstar, super tipper wiring work in the three rooms it will occupy. segment for NBC’s Across the nation COVENTRY — The Town Council Wednesday town fire marshal. Within five It was the second blast, using dig sloneon more than a (piarler “ T V ’s Bloopers and Practical Jokes.” What did night voted to extend the term of Acting Town The nursing agency will share the facility with the Frank Sinatra made a waiter in Genoa, Italy, a Thunderstorms that played minutes of his return home he 779 pounds of explosives and of the 10.7-acre quarry Brooke do? Stay tuned this fall, when her reaction Manager Michael F. Cleary until Sept. 15 and town recreation department and a day-treatment happy man Tuesday, after the singer enjoyed a havoc with Los Angeles and airs. *>• lloiJl continue interviewing candidates for town center for troubled adolescents. The VNA will hold its lunch of pasta and fish. Sinatra flew to Genoa by flooded parts of Utah and Califor­ LOS Af------helicopter from Monte Carlo, where he had manager on Saturday, Chairman Robert 01m- health clinics for infants and pre-schoolers in nia diminished today over the "common rooms" such as the cafeteria, which will be recently appeared at a Red Cross gala. Southwest and the Rockies. LOWEST stead said today. Now you know Cleary’s term had been set to expire on Aug. 31, made available for free, Ms. Lewis said. The singer and a small party gathered at the A storm Wednesday sprinkled TEMPCRATUItES but was extended after the top candidate for the Earlier this summer, Ms. Lewis said the proposed Edmund Jackson Davis, Republican governor Zefferino Restaurant, where they noshed on .40 inches of rain on downtown Los e o £ y - ',60 40 NEW / OHLEANS town manager’s job accepted a job in another move was "still up in the air" because VNA officials of Texas from 1870-1874, barricaded himself in the homemade ravioli and pasta with pesto. The Angeles, nearly twice the .21 town. The post was vacated in June when form did not know if the space available at Highland Park state capitol and declared the state’s election service or the food must have been excellent, inches reported by this date in 1983. Town Manager Charles McCarthy resigned. would suit their needs. A subsequent study by a laws unconstitutional when his re-election bid since the generous crooner left a $100 tip on a The storm downed power lines and 70 70 In an executive session Wednesday, the council consultant satisfied their concerns. failed. $135-dolIar tab. caused freeway accidents, traffic AM now again reviewed the original pool of 40 applications The Manchester Board of Education plans to retain snarls and flooding. PPI WEATHES FOTOCAST t and Olmstead said the council hoped to interview control of the closed school and not turn it over to the In Death Valley, Calif., 5.5 at least three more candidates on Saturday. town in case an unforeseen rise in the student inches of rain in a 24-hour period population creates a need for more cla.ssroom space. washed out roads in widespread National forecast Almanac flooding that trapped at least 30 vehicles. For period ending 7 a.m. EST Friday. During Thursday night, FRESH Today is Thursday, Aug. 16, the "The whole valley is isolated thunderehowers are expected In the North Atlantic Coast States, the 229th day o f 1984 with 137 to follow. because of flash finding,” said East Gulf Coast Region, the Southern Plains Region, the Upper The moon is moving toward its chief ranger Dick Rayner. Mississippi Valley and the Northern Plains Region. Elsewhere third quarter. “ There’s one road open from weather will remain fair in general. Minimum temperatures Include; Beatty, Nev., to the valley, but you BAY SCALLOPS There is no morning star. (maximum readings In parenthesis) Atlanta 72 (81). Boston 67 (78), The evening stars are Mercury, can’t go any places after you get Chicago 67 (85), Cleveland 61 (80), Dallas 72 (95). Denver 62 (86). I Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. there.” Duluth 56 (79), Houston 69 (93), Jacksonville 72 (91), Kansas City 72 Those bom on this date are under Thunderstorms remained today (93), Little Rock 71 (93), Los Angeles 67 (78), Miami 78 (89). the sign of Leo. They include the over southeast Arizona, Montana, Minneapolis 60 (66), New Orleans 75 (83), NewYork 69 (82), Phoenix poet Lord Alfred Tennyson in 1850, Colorado and the Nebraska Pan­ 79 (103), San Francisco 55 (74), Seattle56 (71), St. Louis 70 (93) and circus master Robert Ringling in handle, Washington 73 (86). Chrysanthemums $ 1897, actor Fess Parker in 1925 and all labeled for color — in b u d & bloom NOW ^ 1 ®® lb . actor Robert Culp in 1930. PLANT NOW FOR EARLY COLOR o n l y On this date in history: Lottery Manchester Herald In 1812, British forces foiled VIBRANT COLOR TO FILL THOSE EMPTY SPACES plans for a U.S. invasion of Canada Richard M Diamond, Publisher BEST TIME OF THE YEARJTO... by capturing the city of Detroit. Connecticut daily SPECIAL this week Penny Sadd Our Own In 1896, the North Country gold Wednesday: 315 ' Mark F. Abraitis Azaleas I gal. FEED YOUR LAWN rush'tegan with the thscovery of Associate Publisher Business Manager - ■ ■ ^ J gal. WINTERGREENi gold in the Klondilurs region of Play Four: 6613 ^ Canada’s Yukon Terntory. USPS 327-500 VOL. cm. No. 271 Junipers p kindd 2 gal. liwn food covirt iq .II In 1948, Babe Ruth died in New Forsythia 2 gal. May 5.000 York City of cancer. He was 53. other numbers drawn Wednes­ Published dally except Sunday Suggested carrier rotes are $1.30 Boxwood 2 gal. mti Color It Green and cei loin holidays bv the Man­ weekly, $5.13 tor one month, $15.35 ' In 1977, Elvis Presley died at his day in New England: chester Publishing Co., 16 Bralnard for three months, $30.70 for six home in Memphis at age 42. Place, Manchester, Conn. 06040. months and $61.40 for one year. Mall U T E X IT E DRIVEW AY SEALER COLESLAW 690,^ New Hampshire daily: 1710. Second clou postage paid at Man­ rales are available on request. It’f bott to do It new only ' 168 Woodlarid St., Manchester Rhode Island daily: >751. chester, Conn. POSTMASTER: CoYori 250 -re. ft. A thought for the day: British Rhode Island weekly: 630, 4055, Send address changes to the Mon- To place a classified or display Opin Dally fi4 3 .R 4 7 d statesman Viscount John Morley chester Herald, P.O. Box S9t, SUPER TOUGH. SUPER RUBBERIZED >9S 8 anvoao pm OHtH 91535, 152314. advertisement, or to report a news said, "Those who would treat Manchester, Conn. 06040. Item, story or picture Idea, coll Maine daily: 393. ^ 3 7 1 1 . Otilce hours are 8:30 a.m. politics and morality apart will To subscribe, or to report o to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Coming Tuesday, Aug. 21 at the Manchester Bandshell . ...----- never understand the one or the UPI photo Vermont daily: 773. delivery problem, call 647-9946. other." Massachusetts weekly: Yellow Office hours ore 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 The Manchester Herald ‘is a MCC campus 60 Bidwell St. ^ HIGHLANB PARK MAmT 317 Highland St., Manchester p.m. Monday through Friday and 7 subscriber to United Press Interno- Today In history 880, Blue 82, White 3. to to a.m. Saturday. Delivery tlonol news services and Is a The Prince of Polka Bands - Wesoly Bolek from Rhode Island - featuring "Pete should be mode by 5 p.m. Monday John Jay, who served from 1789 Massachusetts Megabucks: 8- member ol the Audit Bureau of On Aug. 16, 1977, Elvis Presley died at his home in through Friday and bv 7:30 a.m. Circulations. Pantaluk on the trumpet, recently back from a successful tour of the U. S. and to 1796, was this country’s first ll-^^26-30-33. Saturdoy. Japan. ______f Chief Justice. Memphis at qge 42. ^ Massachusetts daily: 6581. MANniKSTKK MKKAU). Thursdiiv, \iiH. Uk U*H4 :> 4 MANCUKSTKK HKHALD. ThursfUiy. Aug Hi, 1984 President to see lllllllll■ ■ l■ llllll■ ll■ ll key groups today CHOICEST MEATS m TOWN

By Norman D. Sandler group he has wooed on repeated United Press International occasions: Polish-Americans. The C olor Wars president, who eased economic DELI HUT WASHINGTON — President sanctions against Poland during a BUTCHER SHOP i l f Reagan, just back from an 18-day two-week stay at his California USDA CHOICE BONELESS vacation marred by gaffes and ranch, is to meet with leaders of »2.99 stumbles, resumed campaigning the large Polish-American com­ SHOULDER STEAK < 1 O A from the White House today, with munity, with the prospect for a LONDON BROIL 1 a O T n .5 9 his sights trained on three key further relaxation of pressure on U9VM VfTUIVt interest groups. the Polish government likely to be SHOULDER CLOD i l ^3.99 With his advisers determined to among the topics discussed. 0 LAKES put the slips and slides of the last The return to the famili;tr ROAST two weeks behind them, Reagan confines of the White House had . * 1 . 7 9 M.99 USDA vNUlCE BONELESS 111 plunged into two days of ethnic Reagan aides hopeful that the M ¥ politics in advance of a return to storm clouds that emerged in T O P B LA D E $2.09 the campaign trail this weekend. California would soon be forgotten. STEAK m > Reagan returned late Wednes­ "No more screw-ups,” one White . * 2 .0 9 H i * LEAN — HEAD IfUl day from California, where he and House official quipped. "It’s back $1.89 Mrs. Reagan attended the wedding on track — hopefully.” CORNED of their daughter Patti to yoga However, those around the presi­ 69< in.struetor Paul Grilley. Today, he dent were not in uniform agree­ BEEF . * 1 . 3 9 n1 n < ( planned a meeting with leaders of ment on the extent of damage LEAN FLAT CUT a Jewish women’s group and was inflicted by a series of mixed CORNED $2.59 to step up his overtures to women signals over the issues of taxes and BEEF ill! in the afternoon by signing legisla­ debates, the first lady’sSprompt- . * 2 . 2 9 tion that will strengthen enforce­ ing of the president in response to a ment of court-ordered child sup­ question about East-West rela­ BAKERY port payments. tions, Reagan’s joke about bomb­ SEA COVE PRODUCE The bill was one of several ing the Soviet Union and a Garden Fresh DEPARTMENT initiatives Reagan has supported television interview in which dep­ FRESH luicy Callloinia Plums lb. 5! Honey and Egg over the last two years as a result uty chief of staff Michael Deaver, COD FILLETS . * 2 . 6 9 of advice from a high-level work­ the keeper and shaper of the s i ' iin Bartlett Pears lb. 59^ Twist Rolls 6 / 6 9 C ing group, composed of adminis­ presidential image, acknowledged FRESH Bed Apples 3 lb. bag 89( tration officials and Republican Reagan sometimes dozes off dur­ 8 Inch congresswomen, that has concen­ ing Cabinet meetings. JUMBO SHRIMP . * 1 2 . 9 9 w, Pink Meat Cantaloupes ea. 89C trated on polishing his image One optitistic assessment within ! Green Beans lb. 59C A p p le P ie * 1 . ? 9 among women voters and narrow­ the White House was that the FRESH ing the gender gap, one of his most pitfalls that occurred during the S EA PER C H . * 2 .5 9 . Green Super Select Cukes 6 /$ l.0 0 persistent political problems. first three weeks of August had Large Stuffing Green Peppers lb. 59C Italian Bread 2 / M . O O The outreach to women has been offset by similar missteps on - V ■ ■ ^ become even more important the Democratic side: a failure by since Democrat Walter Mondale Mondale to quickly exploit Rea­ chose Rep. Geraldine Ferraro as gan’s joke and Deaver’s embar­ CHEESE French loan of Arc Brie 60% lb. <3.49 his running mate. Reagan was to rassing disclosure, the pressure on COFFEE Swiss Chocolate Almond Beans dramatize his commitment to Ms. Ferraro’s husband, John Za- SHOP Domestic Baby Swiss lb . < 3 .4 9 women’s interests by signing the carro, to release copies of his tax SHOP M . 9 9 lb . child support bill at a Child Support returns and signs of trouble for the Conference being held at a Wa­ Mondalc-Ferraro ticket in the shington hotel. South, where Reagan hopes to On Friday, Reagan is scheduled capitalize on division within the to turn his attention to another Democratic Party. i ii I ' V - i • ^ ' (I ' » GOP moderates BONELESS SHOULDER STEAK 89 m m r OUR OWN want say in party BAKED H AM ......

By Laurence McQuillan drunk. " UNO O' UKES United Press International The final document reflects Reagan’s own conservative view American Cheese...... DALLAS — Nipping a con.serva- but tempers the right-wing senti­ tive bid to put Republicans on ments of some party members. record for abolishing a graduated Completion of the platform, income tax. White House envoys which will be submitted to next week’s Republican National Con­ ,-•3* ■ now are within striking di.stance of \o Suhniitutv a party platform reflecting Presi­ vention for approval, follows a We Give Old Fashioned dent Reagan’s personal credo. sometimes heated melee Wednes­ For {funlily The GOP Platform Committee day over elimination of the tradi­ Butcher Service ... today entered its final day of work, tional graduated income tax. with most of the major dissension- Tuesday, a subcommittee gave i S H unqualified support to an amend­ causing issues already taken care STORE HOURS: of. ment for a flat tax, but the full Leaders of the party’s moderate platform committee Wednesday Mon. & Tues. 'til 6:00 317 Highland St. wing were ready to take a final purged that plank following often stab at trying to insert some causes bitter debate. Wed., Thurs., & Fri. til 9:00 dear to their hearts into the A flat tax would impose levies on MANCHESTER document, but the conservative all income at the same percentage Sat. & Sunday makeup of the panel dooms those rate. til 6:00 CONN. efforts. Reagan’s victory on the flat tax Sen. Lowell Weicker, R-Conn., came without debate — a reflec­ £IIC£IL££TD said moderates would seek amend­ tion of the intense White House 646-4277 ments, including one to restore the efforts that went on behind the GOP’s endorsement of the Equal scene. Rights Amendment, support of the The committee also dropped 1984 Civil Rights Act now before language that would extend tax Congress and. federal funding of credits to children by extending abortions in instances of rape or the Individual Retirement Account incest. concept to them. Under the origi­ He conceded it is an impossible nal draft proposal, parents would mission, however, saying his only have been allowed to set aside GROCERY SPEi lALS ^ EROZEIS A- DAIRY chance of success with panel money, tax-free, for a child’s members might be to "get them all education or home ownership. DOLE PINEAPPLE JUICE 46 oz. 99< POPSICLE Herald photos SWEET LIFE u , . 8 9 < CELESTE CHEESE PIZZA OR ^ by AITarquinio HALVES or SL PEACHES 16 01. 59< Burford ad raps NEW — PREGO PLUS SUPREME VEGETABLE v/i 01. 8 5 C SPAGHETTI SAUCE 32 01. $1.99 ORIGINAL RONZONI AUNT JEMIMA . . „ 6 9 < Ferraro finances zm, VERM, or UNGUINE 16 01. 2/$l AUNT JEMIMA BUTTERMILK BLUEBERRY INTROVIGNE’S WASHINGTON (UPI) - returns and a $134,000 loan made W A FFLE S > . . . . 6 9 < Former Environmental Protec­ by Zaccaro to his wife’s New York BREAD CRUMBS 8 01. 2/$l SARAl£E f A tion Agency chief Anne Burford congressional campaign. HERSHErS CHOC MOUSSE BAVARIAN . 1 ^ 2 . 5 9 and a conservative group today Mrs. Burford is one of Reagan’s CHOCOLATE SYRUP 16 01. 2 1 will unveil a television commercial most controversial appointees. As 69< MINUTE MAID WITH PULP EPA administrator, she was a SUNMAID in which she attacks Geraldine ORANGE JUICE u . , $ 1 . 3 9 Ferraro over her finances. frequent target of criticism from RAISINS .*79< Mrs. Burford and the National environmentalists for favoring de- MINUTE MAID Conservative Political Action velpment and failing to clean up toxic wase sites. In December 1982, A-1 STEAK SAUCE s . . 9 9 < FRUIT PUNCH « „ 7 9 < Committee scheduled a news con­ KELLOGG’S ference at a Washington, D.C., to she was held in contempt of PROMISE show the commercial, which Mrs. Congress for refusing to turn over FROSTED FLAKES 2 0 0 1 . MARGARINE secret EPA files. She resigned in $1.79 . » 8 9 < Burford filmed Wednesday. 20 OZ. BONUS PACK KRAFT The commercial, in which Mrs. March of 1983. WISHBONE DRESSINGS $1.29 Burford attacks what she calls a SNO-MAN SHRP WHITE CHED $ 1 . 3 9 double standard in the handling of KRAFT the Ferraro and Burford controv­ Child support LU N C H BAGS 100 count 79< ersies, was made by the conserva­ WIZARD NY X SHARP CHED . . $ 1 . 3 9 tive group, spokesman Craig Shir? CHARCOAL LIGHTER 32 01. ley said. bill awaits $1.29 <- It is the latest Republican attack I on the Democratic vice presiden­ the president tial nominee over disclosure of he> Bnances. There’s a lot of action as the fourth annual Color Wars get under way Shirley said the group will decide WASHINGTON (UPI) - Presi­ Wednesday at the YWCA’s summer day camp at the Swanson Pool in after Ms Ferraro makes a disclo­ dent Reagan-today signs a bill, sure of her finances Monday passed with overwhelming con­ Robertson Park. Clockwise from top left: Patrick Jones, Amy Graff whether to put the commercials on gressional approval which will lllllllllllllllllllllllll and counselor Maureen Lacey prepare their Red Army for the first the air. They would not be aired crack down on delinquent parents until after next week’s Republican who fail to meet child support National Convention in Dallas. payments. event. Maureen Lacey dives to catch a soccer ball. Elisha Bernstein = With coupon & $10.00 purchato a iw ilh coupon 0 110.00 purenott ! ^W llh coupon 0 110 00 putchoM "W e’re ready to go if the Reagan arranged to motor to the ■ with coupon R tIO.OO purchiit I a^Llmlt 1 C oupon par cuatom ar I Limit 1 Coupon par cuttomar I 1 Limit 1 Coupon per cuitomor | and Jesse Longway compete in the fill-the-bucket competition. Mary situation doesn’t take a different Sheraton-Washington Hotel to sign m Limit 1 Coupon por cuitomor the legisation at the National Child ! MAXWEU HOUSE { Jo Guiliano makes the catch and heads into the pool. Lifeguard Patty turn between now and the week of I SEALTEST Aug. 27," Shirley said. Support Symposium. CHARMINI AJAX McNamara takes a break and enjoys watching the rest of the events. Shirley said the commercial was 'The measure amends the Social [ V2 G A L ! MASTER On Wednesday, the Red Army was in the lead, followed by the Green, the idea of John Dolan, head of the Security Act to ensure mandatory UUNNIY DET. committee. income withholding for states and BLEND BA1MIHSSIE! KING SIZE 72 OZ. Yellow and Blue teams. Events continue through Friday. “ They are friends. He suggested other governments in child support I ICE CREAM I i 4PK. I ■ it. She said, ’Yes, I’d like to do it,’ enforcement. ALL FLAVORS I 13 OZ. I and it was filmed this morning," It requires states to garnishee I I Shirley said. wages if a parent fails to make a I o ff He said Mrs. Burford attacks a court-ordered support payment after 30 days. It also provides for I $189 I “ double standard" in the two i $ 1 ’ ’ i 99< i cases. She also takes on the refusal interception of federal and state I EXPIRES MM. IMIi, ISM I UPMES MW. Ittk, 1M4 | I" EXPtItES Ml*. IMk. lOM I EXPMU MM. IMk, ItM of Ms. Ferraro’s husband, John tax refund checks to cover back I WGHLAND PARK MARKET b ^HIGHLAND PARK M ARKER ^HhBH,LANDP«KNj}||R^^ | ^HIGHLAND PARK M ARKETj Zaccaro, to release his income tax payments. , B - MANCHKSTER HERALD, Thursday, Aug. IB, 1984

Richard M. Diamond, Publisher Douglas A. Bevins, Managing Editor OPINION James P. Sacks, City Editor P A R K A D E TRAIN RIDES FOR THE KIDS Ja ck 25C Candygram incident has a serious side Anderson LOADING 11 AM-4 PM determined what was and was not obscene.” If there As I drove along the country road to Caroline was reason to suspect that the wood chips inside the THURSDAr 0 & L Sfhussler’s house last week, I felt a growing sense of FRIDAY BERRIES TV. dread. messages were some sort of contraband, .she Manchester contended, then Ludes should have been opened the A couple of hours before, Mrs, Sehussler had asked SATURDAY LIGGETT DRUG for an interview after months of refusing to talk about a Spotlight letters in front of the teachers to whom they were SALES union grievance she had been pursuing. addressed. She would not say precisely why .she wanted to talk, " I wouldn’ t read a student’s note, and I know many Sarah E. Hall teachers who would not read a student’s note,” she said. and I suspected revenge was the motive. 1 must have Herald Reporter goofed in my reporting of the “ candygrams” grievance “ Why would I want to? It might contain something C I A w o r k s she brought against Manchester High School Principal uncomplimentary about me.” SAVE S .U •Jacob Ludes this May, I thought, and now she wanted to ” My disappointment in not really having the issue MMD SA V E ^ T tongue-lash me. addressed was overwhelming,” Mrs. Sehussler w it h M o o n printing a description of the missives. The candygram VALUABLE PRESCRIPTION COUPON The tractor crawling along just ahead of my car gave continued. She said she was deeply saddened when the SUPER VITAMIN-C addres.sed to her contained a single "off-color” word: school board did not discuss the aliedged violation of COMPL|j,500 mR me ample time to think. •OAlpfi^Toco- lecithin ] "suck," used in reference to an objectionable situation in Saivador •fttrpf vttti Addod aXOMPlEI 0 Btoflnonoids 100 WC Mrs. Schussler's complaint stemmed from Ludes' her constitutional rights, and critically noted that only 19 GRAINS OFF KTA. QAMA. atltNCED to IK| o) oRutiN M W O and not an act of lust ("the thought of that at my age! ” three members read the 'grams when they were passed CAP SULES censure of three Valentine notes sent to her and two DELTA TOCOPHEROiS c o m n iT f o H«60ortd>A 2SMG 1 0 0 tonmiLA other teachers as part of a student fund-raiser. But Mrs. Sehussler mused.) around — “ as if they were contaminated.” ANY PRESCRIPTION _39 WASHINGTON - In the Central $10 REG $ 4 8 7 R fC M 8 0 $2^ The second, addressed to guidance counselor Kevin 10 SO REG $ ]^ 9 9 lOOCkPt since the Manchester teachers’ union decided to drop • New or Trooflorrofl (froa ofiwr PhonMcy) 100 91/1 O’ Donnell, used the phrase "young ass" in a teasing THE ADMINISTRATION threw out a smoke screen, American hinterlands, it is some­ 3.«0 REG. S8.30 the grievance earlier this month — after it had been • Jolt |iwo 01 yoor ooiohor om4 loodkofioo iwmo t sort of way that decidedly did NOT conjure up images she charged. “ They said the students had to be times difficult to distinguish the rejected by both the school administration and the itroMrik Wo orUI io Iho roit oo4 m II yoor dodor of anyone’s derriere being ogled. And the third, protected. But from what?" She claimed that School CIA’s operatives from the Rev. Board of Education — what could be left to say? Sun Myung Moon’s disciples. They Back to Class • H yoor y ro io ip ^ 1* $10 — Wo fill It Frooll I was in for a surprise. addressed to former Manchester Education Association Superintendent James P. Kennedy said he would rebut j" U..M, jP President Anne Gauvin. had no word that would have Ludes’ judgement in front of a teacher and suggested appear to be working in harness It it v«fy Mty and timpla — mtraly (MM miMT ||c«kta^ {nifiicisstol 11 wwjiw “Off-Price” amta !! '<•»” ! mir !l aanraMWIKOTt Mrs. Sehussler did not criticize nte, except to say that raised an eyebrow, though it did contain a cryptic inside that a chain of loyalty from principal to school board against the communist-tainted call our Phormocy — Phona 647-9966 n u u ,11 i! NAt 11 (Coupon offoctivo Aug. IS thru Sopt. 30, 1984) I ruuiMO M the picture of me which accompanies this column is not joke. i Sandinista regime in Nicaragua. had shielded Ludes from the start. Goodfor45Dayi•dfcr^ " very good. She wtived me down from the roadside, led " I can’t imagine anyone being being shocked by Kane, whom Mrs. Sehussler called "a dear, dear I Rnoiooaobooi ' I r« This troubles at least one Pen­ Umit: OlM toi«Oy SIGN NAME ^&Anrkrsni ^ me into her 19th-century farmhouse, and explained that this,” Mrs. Sehussler said. "Do you know what I hear in periion ... a fantastic father, husband, teacher, human tagon analyst, now stationed in I to-oMOO I “ I f !r . - f r t ! r __ I f W-* I her refusal to talk until the grievance was settled had the halls?” being," is the one she said was forced to suffer. “ He did Korea, who has warned the White VALUABLE PRESCRIPTION COUPON , siratucM I I imniAat been a matter of principle for her. nothing wrong,” she said. “ He had a right to expect House that the CIA-Moonie connec­ CUP AND SAVE ' Mitooe 11 OATS“ ||(MOiiuiwunB)|lI I (MOT HHMUnB) 11 HSm |! I •in “ I am an extremely private person. Nothing like this AS A TEACHER IN New York City high schools for privacy." tion could cause possible political ------. u s m i - ! “pf l|r.* ‘ t:r.t. * W ?. »9” || PP 35*6 k I |l«MOOa»HOIN«59 99 I 7 has ever, ever happened to me before.” said Mrs. seven years, and at MHS for l.'i, Mrs. Sehussler has Mrs. Sehussler pointed out that the school board damage to President Reagan’s ______I L"rz:::ui (OMOOOMOSMiJ I W—OOOIBWbOl j I —— — — *— —— ****_[ Sehussler, a slight, gray-haired woman, “ But it took a probably heard a lot of profanity. (Her husband denied her request to air hor complaint in a closed reelection campaign. BLOCK BUSTER COUPONS great deal of control on my part not to say anything up Norman, in fact, was one of Greg Kane’s teachers.) But se.ssion, leaving a formal union grievance as the only till now." she showed signs of allegiance to ideals that are far The analyst’s unofficial memo, option. “ All it required, initially, was an apology (from FM W EHMi On the coffee table lay surprise number two — the from profane, Ludes),’’ she said. “ I never thought it would go this titled “ Potential Problems,” has PRESCRPTNMIS |I n K S S H C U K three candygrams which the school administration had ” 1 was raised by immigrant parents with such far.” been slipped to my associate EVEiTnniSteiMjir' deemed "obscene.” respect for the Constitution, compared to the country Nonetheless, she said she told Kane of her plans to Donald Goldberg. mi le WEO" ' they came from — Russia," .she said. " I ’m totally, pursue the matter “ because I knew there was going to “ Current Moonie involvement THE MISSIVES WERE a let-down, frankly. They totally sincere in saying that I think this is an extremely be fallout. He said to do whatever I though was right.” I tiiru SAT with government officials, con­ Pomout Labol Womon'o FaoMont contained no sexual innuendo, no lewd insults, none of important issue” Those who thought the candygrams issue died along tractors and grantees (in Central For Loaal .TZpSW&r wtSAVt YOUmOMSY! what 1 had come to believe they contained. Just little A mother of two grown children, Mrs. Sehussler said, with the union grievance may yet be proved wrong. America) could create a major MANCHESTER PARKADE. MANCHESTER four-line poems starting "Roses are red," with shop she would have been furious if they had been praised for Mrs. Sehussler would not rule out further action on the scandal,” the memo warns. “ If teacher Greg Kane's "signature” — a small circle of actions such as intercepting the candygrams and matter, even though some insiders claim it is too petty their activities and role become SAVE ^5000 wood .shavings — pasted on a line below, presenting them to Ludes. to be taken seriously. public knowledge, it will unite both emphasis Mrs. Sehussler refused to release the notes for ON A PAIR OF "What have the students learned from this? That they Her disagreement with them could not be more the left and the right in attacking PARKADE CLEANERS publication, though they would have been suitable for it. l,adi(‘s S/K’dalty Shofi have a right to open someone else’s correspondence," vigorous. the administration.” WEDDING RINGS "The issue is not their contents. The issue is the right to Mrs. Sehussler said, But she would not reveal what else she plans to do; “ I 394 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE privacy and censorship,” she said. "The part that 1 find most upsetting is that the can only say at this point that I ’m considering certain The memo continues: “ If efforts Sweaters But tne MHS special-education teacher did agree to students were placed in u position where they options open to me," she said. are not taken to stop their growing Tel. 649-5559 influence and weed out current Moonie involvement in govern­ Pants - Jeans & ment, the president stands a good 7 ....I 2 ‘ » ’ In Manchester IIII OH h u l m e chance of being portrayed in the Off when cleaning your Skirts media as a poor, naive incompe­ drapes, slipcovers and bed­ tent who is strong on ideology and 10% spreads I’aiilics, Spoi l SoX. weak on common sense.. 3 for 2.49 Democrats move Purchase a pair of 14K gold wedding rings priced from t’aiilv Hose "The likelihood of a reporterora $200'’° per pair and we will deduct $50°° off the purchase price. Democratic staff member piecing Off suede and leather clean­ OultMwttar -^Choose from plain, carved or diamond styles. Blazer Fall 1 & 2 Pe. the total picture together is too ing Coats & into the sewers? PP\N JONES INPUSTRIAL AVEEA(^ f-.JiUi- great to be neglected. Any thought Example 20% Jackets Dress & that this festering problem will go .jackets Regular Price Your Savings Your Net Cost Pant Siiils Senatorial District candidate away if ignored is foolish.” Critics are right when they per pair per pair per pair i*)***^ & u p 2499 say that if one were to judge Cassano — McCavanagh The “ total picture” of Moon's » 200““ »50“® * 150“ Cleaning on American 5 0 0 o f f 2 0 % o f f by the composition of the argued that because the activities in Latin America is not IQ O ® oft clear. But there is no doubt that the Flags Democrats are the ones who Offer good for a llmitad flm t oniv. Prior tales are excluded. FREE group of state and local Korean messiah — now in prison officials that toured the Por­ can work effectively with the for income tax evasion — has ter Street area on Tuesday, it governor and his administra­ emphasis established a solid presence in the “ P1oc« Your Trust ti th* Diamond Sftociolitts ' (Formerly Youth Centre) would be possible to get the tion, they are the ones who region, with ties to right-wing O fw w c a ^ "Alterations Done On the Premises.” impression that sewer lines should march alongside him. groups and U.S.-supported MANCHESTER PARKADE • S4S-0012 aleo are laid along political lines. By the same token, it might guerrillas. VERNON. SIMSBURY, WESTFARMS MALL, BRISTOL 649-1389 While it is a good thing that seem that the Democratic My associate Jon Lee Anderson reports from Central America that the state has decided to come Party alone deserves the CAUSA International, Moon’s pol­ DIANA'S BAKERY through with nearly $1 mil­ kudos for the state’s sudden itical front, has representatives lion it previously found un­ ability — announced less than working in programs that help the SAVE! UP TO 6 0 % available for the reconstruc­ 24 hours after the tour — to CIA in its “ contra” war against the tion of a badly needed trunk fund 55 percent of the sewer Sandinista government. Present Dad with That*s sewer from Porter Street to reconstruction project. CAUSA mafiltains a publicity But it appears likely that office in Tegucigalpa, the Hondu­ CLASSIC BLACK. nutritious and the downtown area, it is ‘Oh, that? The Fed’s Paul Voicker has the hiccups.” ’ SALE Zinsser and other Republi­ ran capital, but its principal tastes good, unfortunate that the tour IlAlIi|iO''6l C'OSS Sly'ing gSSumss 4 9 * IS SHOPPING AT OIANA S BAKEPYI activities are in the field. CAUSA AbeauMuisaiinD'ACA 'imsN given Gov. William A. O’Neill cans are right when they accpnisd wiin ;? kargi go<0 % rrrfr"-^ir In CAKES For AM Ocematona say Cheese! provides cash and other aid to «ie:;i'0|>i4ie AmougniluiQdi took on the air of an event charge that the governor’s Honduran-based Nicaraguan con­ 'O’ dao on n s soec

MANCHESTER .HERALD. Thursday. Aug. 16, 1984 - 9 CAPTAIN EASY ‘ by Crooks A Casate Thursday T V "THEN,AT THE NEXT $TOP„. :.WH0 6BTS0H soARP suroewALO,. ’...THE 5 0 N O F THE FAMOUS MYSTBR'i'-- WRITER.OSWALP OSWA l P., " ' - Prosecution testimony continues NEXT TIME, WANPA IS THIS COMES OUT HERE .SEAT t a k e n 4 ^ 0 PM OD MOVIE: Tr»cl. of tho Q t il Gimme e BresA Nell’s attempt to Dr. Gene Scott W oon B* M t’ The rising of ihe moon trans­ play Cupid’ to the Kanisky family takes a (20) Soap forms a man into a rr>on8ter because of a decidedly sour turn (R) meteorite fragment imbedded in his body (24) Dr W h o Witness says Aillon didn’t check daughter’s injuries (24) Rainbow Jackpot Chase Cordetl. Donna Leigh Drake 1974 20/20 (3$ Twilight Zone Chevrolet World Chetnplon- ($7) MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour manager for Mutual 01 New York, ■Np of Women’s OoH Coverage of the (4i) Noche de Gala Bv James V. Heallon against Aillon after 16 months of At that point Aillon had not Some of the witnesses have died cross-examination. Markle would fCNN] Moneylino te.stified he had tutored Aillon on a first round is presented from Shaker Pavarotti Live at Madison Square United Press Infernotlonal m arriage. entered the house as he did later and so it is necessary for their be able to tell the jury there is no Heights. OH, (60 min | Garden [ESPN] SportsCenter life insurance course and on July Aillon was then an unemployed with a notebook and tape recorder, previous testimony to be read to testimony refuting the reference to [HBOI MOVIE: 'Heart Like a Wheel' 25. 1972, Aillon had passed an [M A X ] MOVIE: 'St^rerman III' Clark (CNN] Prime News i s - , I NEW HAVEN - Although his welfare client; his father-in-law and Montano had not told him of his the insurance policy. The first woman dragractng champion is the jury. The process ran into a Kent IS sent to his hormtown to cover a [ESPN] NFL's Greatest Moments N FL’s Frank Cuomo, an ussi.stant sales exuminatiuii on it. lorn botwoon hor family and racing Bonnie estranged wife and her parents was a millionaire lumber dealer. gruesome discovery. snag as Fhiblic Defender Donald story about class reunions, but as fate Greatest Moments presents highlights of I ' - . i would have it, Superman must save the Bodalia, Beau Bridges. Hoyt Axion 1983 had just l^ n found stabbed to "Did you observe the defendant Mrs. Montano went to inform a Dakers accused Markle of trying a Super Bowl ’X’ featuring the Rated P(i world from evil. Christopher Reeves. Ri­ Steolers vs the Dallas Cowboys death, G uillerm o Aillon did not ever check the baby in your relative and when she returned she "backdoor” maneuver so he could chard Pryor, Annette O’Toole 1983 [TMC] MOVIE: 'The Deep' A young LEVY’S LAW JamM Schumaiitar [M AX] MOVIE: 'Journey to the Center then exam ine his cryin g and presence?” State's Attorney Ar­ testified she saw Aillon carrying get testimony adverse to Aillon. Rated PG couple vacationing in Bermuda becomes of the Earth' On a journey to find tho cen­ bloodstained 7-month-old daughter Fall puts hiker in hospital involved in intrifjue and terror centering ar nold Markle asked Mrs. Montano. thd baby clasped to his chest. This involved the 1973 testimony ter of the earth, a scientist and a sludrmt v e u -, po NO 6WEAT U ASr TIME: 4:30 PM [HBO] Etosh4: Place of Dry ound two sunken ships Jacqueline Bisset. TH A TiS THE- for injuries, a prosecution witness “ No,” she said. Aillon was crying, she said, and of the deceased Vincent Montano, find themselves in the lost city of Atlantis M XI THINK. GOT Water Derwrens of a dry lake bed in south­ Nick Nolle. Robert Shaw 1977 Rated PG 6N ATE A WA£> IN TOW , CONC&66ION has testified. The testimony cam e Wednesday in the area this week, state police Pat Boone. James Mason. Arlene Dahl e n o u g h m e n t o saying, "Katrina, Katrina. You a brother of the slain man. NEW MARLBORO, Mass western Africa struggle to survive in this STANP. said. National Geographic special 1959 Rated G (USA) Alfred Hitchcock Hour HANPUE vsecueiry f o s AT UEA6T THAT &I6. Mrs. Donald Montano was called at Aillon's third trial or the have no m ore m om m y. I want Montano had testified the baby (UPI) - Lynn Candles, 16. of IT M C I MOVIE: 'The Little Prince' A AN AI2EA THI6SIZE-? to the North Haven home of her murders of the three. His 1973 Barbara.” was the beneficiary of a $50,000 life Avon, Conn., who apparently Ms. Candles, who suffered a 5:00 PM (ESPN) PK A Full C o n u ci 11*15 P M (41) Reporter 41 young prince comes to earth from a tiny brother-in-law the morning of Aug. conviction was reversed because Mrs. Montano took charge of the insurance policy his brother had slipped and tumbled 40 feet while fractured skull and wrists, was Karate [ESPNI Mazda SportsLook SEC. asteroid to find the moaning of life Bob 31 14, 1972, by her husband, who had of judicial impropriety and his baby who she said was drenched in taken out on his own life. Dakers hiking with a friend in the found in an isolated area near the Fosse. Gone Wilder. Richard Kiley 1974 1 1 130 PM C3J Barney Milter 80-foot falls and rushed to the 5:30 PM (HBO) MOVIE: 'Radi' A Rated G I 10-113 gone to the home with Aillon at his retrial jury in 1979 couldn’t agree blood and urine but when she took objected to that portion being read, Campbell Falls State Forest, re­ ^rnalist ar>d a feminist experience the C$J Baretta insistence, ostensibly so Aillon on a verdict after 56 hours of her home and changed her clothes, Fairview Hospital in Great Bar­ (USA) PSA on USA Today's program but Markle said "it goes to mained hospitalized today, offi­ Bolshevik Revokition in Russia Warren C9j (40) Njyhtlino could reconcile with his estranged deliberations. she found the child to be un­ rington before being taken to the Beatty, Diano Keaton. Maureen Stapleton features tho $110,000 Buffalo Open (2 m otive.” cials said Rated PG. ■ h r s ) (D Recing From Roosevelt wife, Barbara, 26. Mrs. Montano, the mother of five harmed. Later that day she turned While Superior Court Judge Pittsfield hospital, police said. fAJNiCIftM. T h e park is on the [TMC] MOVIE: 'The Spirh o f St. Louis' 8:30 PM ® MOVIE The white (11) Honeymooners 6TAX7IUM Instead Montano found the bo­ children, said when she drove up to the baby over to Aillon’s sister at William L. Hadden Jr. questioned Ms. Candles was in the intensive Charles Lindbergh's famous flight across Horses of Summer' Tho continual quar­ (20) Leave It to Beaver dies of his brother, J. George the house in response to her the North Haven Police Depart­ whether it did show m otive, he care in the Berkshire Medical Massachusetts-Conneclicut state rels and infidelity of a hustrand and wife the Atlantic is dramatized James Stewart (72) (30) T o nigh t S h o w Montano, 49, his wife, Bernice, 46, husband's telephone call, he told ment. The baby's bloodied sleep- ruled in favor of Dakers, but said Center in Pittsfield following the line, but the accident occurred on Murray Hamilton 1957 shut out their child, causing his complete demoralization Joan Soberci. Frrxfenck (39) Starsky and Hutch and their daughter who had just Aillon to step back from the car so wear was entered as exhibits because Dakers said in the pres­ Wednesday mishap, which was the the 40-acre portion of the park in Massachusetts, state police said. 6:00 PM ® ® ® 8® N.W. Stafford 1973 (41) Pelicuio: 'Policias y Ladrones' ALLEY OOP - by Dave Qraue instituted divorce proceedings he could talk to her privately. Wednesday. ence of the jury he would waive second accident involving a hiker ® TIk m 'i Company (22) Famity Ties Alex helps Skippy [CNN] Sports Tonight ® 8.WW.A.T. cope with the nows that ho is an adopted ...AN' WHEN HE child (R) [ESPN] Top Rank Boxing WELL,WELL, W ELL! (S) CHIPa 1 1 -^5 PM DOES, I'M GONNA LOOK WHO'S HERE! from M errillville, IN Top Rank Boxing pro- S4) Dinner at Julia's A Barbecue ’ Julia SETTLE THINGS ( 9 Dr. Qana Scott seiits a 10-round Middleweignt bout foa: Child solocis somo goal cheese for a bar W ITH 'I M ' Coast Guard lab BucB Rogors bocue and guest chef Francois Kissel pre­ luring Mike.Laftdini vs .Wilbur Johnson. & Undar Salt pares Dungeness crab slew (R) jClosod [m a x ] M O V IE : 'S u p erm an III' Clark Captioned] Kent IS sent to his hornolown to cover a ® Tony Randall story about class reunions, but as fate 81) Raportar 41 [^SPN] Top Rank Boxing from G R O s s m n n ' s w ould have it. Superman m ust save the safe after spill Merritiville, IN Top Rank Boxir>g presents (B^ Raading Rainbow a 10-round Middleweight bout featuring world from evil Christopher Reeves; Ri­ chard Pryor; Annette O’Toolo 1983 R n C ^ e v R n s p r o d u c t s c o m p R n v (CNN) Prog Cont'd Mike Landini vs Wilbur Johnson Rated F^G NEW LONDON (UPI) -Asm ail N early SO people in 20 nearby [USA] USA Cartoon Expreas 9.00 PM C D Simon & Simon A J and quantity of highly volatile acid homes were advised to leave their Rick are hired after a retired FBI agent is 1 2:00 AM CD CD Hawaii Five-0 CD Rockford Files responsible for the evacuation of homes. Four academy buildings 6t30 PM QE) One Day at a Tima murdered and John Dillingor s gun is stolen from his collection (R) (60 min ) (11) Star Trek the U.S. Coast Guard Academy were cleared and barricades were <8> iSk NBC Nawa (jfi) Dr. Gene Scott Cl4) Dr. Gene Scott and nearby houses Wednesday has set up in a 1,000-foot radius of the 0 ® Nightly Buainesa Report Sl2) djf]) Cheers Sam helps a struggling been "disjposed of properly,” a science building. 9 Jefferaona (20) (4b) T h ick e o f the N igh t Your Store for Projects and Red Sox out by giving him his good THE BORN LOSER Art Sansom state official said today. The Army's 146th explosive (57) Ten O'Clock News ® A B C News luck charm (R) William Hegener, chief of the ordinance detachment arrived [C N N ] N e w sn ig h t ® Noticlero SIN ® lM ytt» iyl Wo. the Accused ' Chief In m MEANIMfc OF LlFe./lAY r UH„.\NHy CAM IM g AAEAN1N6 state Department of Environmen­ from West Point and after con­ [CNN] Aak C N N w/Oen Schorr specior Boltro orders an exhumation and [U S A ] All American Wrestling tal Protection's oil and chemical ferring with state officials, put the Paul decides to make a run for it (R) (60 UTTLE l^IBWP, GAN BB RXAID OF L ire re FOUND IMA (ESPN) Mazda Sportalook 12:30 AM CD Thicke of the Night spills section, said about 4 ounces bottles in a box of sand and min.) (Closed Captioned] IN A FLA6 0 N OF Ate! (M A X ) MOVIE; 'Couraga of Black (2^ Entertainment Tonight FLA60N OF ALE? of potentially explosive picric acid removed them from the building. (4^ NFL Pre-Season Football: Baauty' A young boy is given a new coll Pittsburgh at Dallas (20) Late Night with David Letterman was found in the academ y's Area residents were allowed to for his binhday John Crawford, J Pat (^ Hogan's Heroes O'MaHey. 1957 d'f) El MateBcio science building and gingerly return. [CNN] Freeman Reports 1 :00 AM C5D Laveme and Shirley rem oved. The acid, com m only used in 7:00 PM ® C B S Nawa (HBO) MOVIE: Mr. Mom' A risrng O ) S a in t “It was disposed of properly” laboratories, was discovered while ® O M-A-S-H Last Three Days of Our Sale^ young executive trades places with his (li) Twilight Zone around 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, said civilian contractors were cleaning ® A B C Nawa w ife when he is fired. M ichael Keaton Ton ClS) Dr. G en e S c o tt Hegener, who declined to say out a laboratory area in prepara­ ® VagaS Garr, Martin Mull 1983 Rated PG M a u d e where the chemical was taken or tion for the start of the new (H) Jaffarsona 9:30 PM eg) 0® Night Court Nora js how it was disposed. academic year. [CNN] Crossfire O Dr. Dana Scott dismayed when the husband she pres­ The substance “ was considered Joseph Crouch, who lives in a umed dead in the Vietnam W ar returns and [HBO] Rich Little-Come Laugh with Me ( 9 I Lova Lucy dangerous because some of the nearby apartment house, had been sues her and her new husband |R) [TM C] MOVIE: 'Kiss My Grits' A paro­ & Navra chemical had begun to crystallize- trying to reach his aparment but De Fiesta lee. sentenced to return to prison, decides FRANK AND ERNEST <»by Bob Thavos MacNall/Lahrar Nawahour (TMC) MOVIE: Mr. Mom' (Cloaod to escape to Mexico with his son Bruce .“ said Lt. Neil Ruenzel, the acade­ was stopped at a police barricade. Wheel of Fortune Captlonad) A rising young executive Davison. Tony Franciosa. Susan George my’s public affairs officer. “ When “ I'm really surprised. All I wapted 1982 Rated R Femity Feud trades places with his wile when he is fully crystallized and exposed to to do was to get to my place and .fired Michael Keaton. Ton Garr Martin [U S A ] Don Orysdale shock, the chemical detonates.” take a shower and leave my truck ® Belle Conmtgo Mull 1983 Rated PG I JuXT fVNAPF THE- @ ) Wild World of Animals 1:30 AM CD Groat Record/ Police and Coast Guard security and pick up m y car.” i 10.00 PM Knota Landing M a ck’s ...Collection AUTO crews started evacuating the area Nancy Caudill, 23, a seaman [CNN] Moneyline obsession to destroy the Wolfbridgo p a y a b n t CID Independent News / , Bu t at 10 a.m. EDT after the unstable apprentice stationed at the [ESPN] SportsCenter Group IS so consuming that it leads Mack and Karen to separate (R) (60 min ) (20) Children Cought in the Crossfire LOANS chemical was discovered by a academy, was among those evacu­ [USA] Redio 1990 Gary Collins and Mary Ann Mobley co-host ( D News PolS/'T TR-L Trip CAP, chemical engineer on the faculty in ated. "I just hope it does not blow 7 - 3 0 PM C3D PM Magazine an hour-long profile of the lives of six child­ D NFL Pre-Season Footbaft: JIP ren who are the innocent victims of war a Smith Hall laboratory at the up because I have a lot of things in (SD All In tho Family dD Independent News Anson Williams. Bette White and JoAnn northeastern corner of the there,' shesaid. “ Everything I own CE) T k Tec Dough Pfiug are guests O ) Dr. Gene Scott campus. is m there.” Reg. 17.99 Gal @9) O ur M iss Brooks (H) Independent News ^ Twilight Zone Th A v zs 8 'lb c u P P s iN o i. STAIN ® Solid Gold Hits (4.D Despedida (22) (2$ Hill Street Blues The M ayor ro- Semi-transparent. Oil- & M*A*S*H [CNN] News W ra p-U p lieves Funllo of his command and Joyce base. In-stock colors O Entertainment Tonight has been marked for murder by a venoeful [USA] Magazine man, (R) (60 min ) WINTHROP ®by Dick Cavalll Bay State court • Solid Heg 17 99 14 99 O : Minnesota 2:00 AM CD C B S News Nightwatch at Boeton ® Don't Knock tho Rock CD MOVIE: 'Not With My Wife, You SEE THAT/MN SITTING- ON M i ® People's Court (3) Hogan's Heroes Don't' An Air Force major discovers that HEte EITHER M Y ® Dr. W ho [CNN] Evening News an old buddy is becom ing too friendly with OUR PORCH? HE'S MY FA T H E R ^ BRO TH ER his neglected wife Tony Cunis, Virna Lisi, sides with irwin [CNN] Crossfire [USA] Tennis Magazine BLACK. SHEEP UNCLE NED. OR M r MOTHER'S. George C. Scott 1966 [ESPN] ESPN's Speedweek 10:15PM (MAX) MOVIE: ’The CD Joe Franklin Show By Dave Wood ages last year. The town appealed. [USA] Dragnet Twelve Chairs' A priest, an ex-nobleman d D Andrea Doria; The Final Chapter r United Press International The major bone of contentter to and a rascal try to track down 12 chairs 1/ 8:00 PM ID Magnum P.l. Magnum searching for the one that holds a wealth of George Plimpton hosts this live broadcast the medical examiner in Ware end TC's rivalry comes to a head when jewels. Mel Brooks. Frank Langella Oom of the opening of the safe salvaged'from BOSTON — Municipalities and from the chief of the Clinical they both sponsor a youth basketball the sunken ocean liner, Andrea Doria. DeLuise. 1970. Rated G. their police officers can be found Chemistry Department of Labora­ teem. (R) (60 min.) (3) Independent Newt 10:30 PM ® 25 Y u r a in tha liable in drunken driving cases, the tory Medicine at the University of CD MOVIE: ‘Lkm o f the Desert' Part 1 Jetatreem [H B O ] MOVIE: Gloria' A former gun Itelien dictator Mussolini orders a new mill- state's highest court says. Massachusetts Medical Center. CD Hispanic Horizons moll protects a young boy from New York tery governor to crush his enemies and City gangsters. Gena Rowlands. 1980. The Supreme Judicial Court The letter identifies the blood capture their leader. Anthony Quinn. Oliver d D Nows Rated PG. C ilMbyWA vdf. ruled Wednesday that the town of alcohol levels in Fuller and Irwin Reed. Rod Steiger. 1983. SO) Twilight Zone (MAX) MOVIE: Mondo Cane' This do­ ®MlI Ware and its police were negligent taken immediately after the D (S) Andrea Doris: The Final Chapter 08) Odd Couple cumentary shows how bestial the world accident. George Plimpton hosts this live broadcast in setting a drunken driver free dD 24 Horas can be Narrated by StefanoSibaldi. 1963. The town maintained the letter of the openir>g o f the safe salvaged from Rated R. moments before his car slammed the sunken ocean liner, Andrea Doria [HBO] And If I'm Elected This special into another, killing a man and his violated the hearsay rule and was [U S A ] Virginia Slims o f Newport D N e w e features political TV commercials. ^ Crossword not “ a record kept in the ordinary 4'x8'x?4" Top Quality Tennis Today's program features the Astrograph baby daughter. 4'x8'x'/,j" [USA] Seeing Stars Economy ® Dr. Gene Scott women's tennis finals. (3 hrs.) The court also ordered a new course of business.” WAFERBOARD SHEATNIN6 TEXTHRE M l SIDIN8 It also argued that even if the ® MOVIE: 'The Damned Don't Cry' A 11:00 PM ® O) ®) ® Nawa 2:15 AM [ESPN] SportsCenter trial in the case of Debbie Irwin, 2x4x8’ STUD Agency certified Exterior grade Rustic For use indoors or out women rises from her middle class sur­ ACROSS 60 Breadwinner Answer to Previous Punie Aug. 17,1964 letter were admissible as a routine ® Taxi who charged negligence and sued An economical, low priced, standard 4'x 0'x V4"...... 4 29 4’x8’x V ...... 1398 roundings to becom e a glamour girl. Joan 2:30 AM [CNN] Sports Latanight This coming year you will make some' business record, the test results sized stud Crawford. David Brian. Steve Cochran ® Phil Silvara the town for $1 m illion after police [ESPN] Auto Racing '84: Formula One 1 Urchin powerful contacts who will be In a posl--- 1950. QD Odd Coupla DOWN (□□ocanc] ■ □□B D B ti] stopped — then released — a are not admissible. Garrnan Grand Prix Coverage of this auto 4 Chinese tlon to give your career a boost. The per­ race is presented from Hockenheim, West □BDBCIED ■ □B D B E l drunken driver who later hit her “ According to the town,” Hen­ sons who will be the luckiest for you tulii' Germany. (90 min.) philosophy 1 Golfing aid □□□QBD ■ [3BBDB fa m ily’s car. nessey wrote, “ the test results are be those born under the sign ot Capri­ [T M C ) MOVIE: 'Beloved Infidel' The 7 Veteran sailor 2 Adenosine tri­ □EilD B B E IB B BE3 corn or Virgo. Her husband, Mark Irwin, and ‘second level hearsay.’ It argues romance between F. Scott Fitzgerald and 10 Arrival-time phosphate □DDDIDBIDiH 20-month-old daughter, Misty that because the plaintiffs pres­ Sheilah Graham is portrayed. Gregory CSBB ncZlEDD LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) You’re likely to be ented no evidence regarding the Peck. Deborah Kerr, Eddie Albert. 1959. guess (abbr.) (abbr.) Jane, were killed in the Mother’s 11 Superlative 3 Milk farmer luckier today In fulfilling career objectives Day crash in 1978, along with the procedures followed or persons PARTY LINE 3:00 AIVI ® MOVIE: Sorrowful than you will be tomorrow. Make hay, suffix 4 Sports group □ □ I driver of the other car, Donald involved in extracting and labeling Jones' A bookie gets involved with racke­ B □ □ □ while the sun shines. Major changes are the tested samples from Fuller and Lara Jill Miller (I.) and the teers and fixed races in this Damon Runyon 12 Wild goat 5 Snake In store for Leos In the coming year Fuller. □ □ E E I B D C ] Irwin, the test results cannot be rest of the girls are irritated story. Bob Hope. Lucille Ball 1949. 14 Inscription ,6 Additional Send tor your year ahead predictions The high court said the town said to have been recorded in the Self-Sealing 4 ' x 8 'x V 2 " Agency Certilied J T rlO f’ess Reg. 69.99 with Nell (Nell Carter) when [CNN] Freeman Reports 16 Polishing ones □□B BBBBB BC3ID today. Mall $1 to Astro-Graph, Box 469 ' could be held liable for the actions 5 Gallon Pail C a E D d B O B ■ □ □ □ E l B D of the police officer^. But the court ordinary course of business. ... she spends most of Valen­ 3.45 AM [MAX] MOVIE:'Anastasia' stone 7 Bound Radio City Station, Now York, NY 10019.' BRIVEWAV SEALER ASPNALT ROOF SHNIGLES PLYWOOD SNEATHING WHITE GOWBO DOOR After being released from an asylum, a girl □□□D B O ■ QBBnciQ Be sure to state your zodiac sign. also ruled that damages were "W e agree the letter should not Covers 33'/3 sq. It. 15 yr. pro­ Prehung 32” or 3e"x80”x1 tine’s Day on the phone talk­ 18 Raised border 8 Defensive Coal tar emulsion. Seals cracks. V ...... 7 49 • V ...... 11 99 declares she is Anastasia Romanov, sole □BBIDBCl ■ anBOlBB VIRGO (Aug. 23-8apl. 22) Do not be lim ited to $100,000 per plaintiff — a have been admitted as evidence,” SealerIFIIIer-5 Gal...... 9.99 rated warranty Stock colors W/screen. tempered glass, hardware. ing long-distance with her 19 Old age missile (abbr.) 'h" mlllcert ...... 7 39 surviving heir of Czar Nickolai II'. Ingrid obsessed by things of a material nature decision that would reduce a jury's Hennessey added. “ Clearly the boyfriend on "Gimme A Bergman. Yul Brynner. Helen Hayes 1956, 21 So 9 Songstress 27 Biblical king 42 River in today. Youro joy will be (ound In the real- Break," airing THURSDAY $800,000 award in the Irwin case. letter admitted here was not a 4:00 AM d l) Ufo of Riley (Scot.) Della __28_ Regan's father Yorkshire values that life offers, like love and good AUQ. 10 on NBC. (Repeal) friends. “ I think it's great,” said Mrs. record made within the meaning of (C N N ) News Overnight 22 Diurnal 13Aidindiagnos-3o Discretion The Right Price and Much More for Aii \bur Projects 43 Fights LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) You may have' Irwin, who has moved to New the statute.” CH ECK LISTINGS FOR E XA C T TIME (E S P N ) PK A Full Contact Karate periods mg (comp. 32 Unconcerned 45 Coda dot to deal with some negative situations Hampshire with her son. “ Now wd.) 4:1 5 AM (HBO) MOVIE: Mr. Mom' 24 Three (prefix) 47 Deadfall early In the day, but be ol good cheer' towns are liable for police obficers. 15 It is (contr.) 33 Commentator because these are manageable. You caii A rising young executive trades places 25 Islanda in 48 Weight I think a lot of people will think 17” with his wife when he is fired. Michael Kea­ Florida 17 Okay Sevareid overcome adversity. twice, about driving while drunk ton, Tori Garr, Martin Mull 1983 Rated allowance SCORPIO (OcL 24-Nov. 22) Today has 80 Lb.-Reg. 2.89 2"x8” x16” 14/2 250' Roll PG. 26 Shade tree 20 Illuminated 34 Force unit and town officials will think 22 Think 50 Noun suffix greater promise than early signals may CONCRETE WIX PATIO BLOCK ELECTRICAL WIRE 27 Push 36 Lamprey Indicate. Lady Luck will be there to back instead of letting them go.” 4:30 AM QJ Abbott and Coitello 23 Accomplice 52 Deposit per For 2" thickness or more. Natural. With a non-skid Solid copper Type NM. 29 Jubilant 38 Female saint you up when she Is needed. In a 4-3 ruling, the Supreme 53 Period of High strength. Sets posts back. For walkways, more. with ground U .L listed 31 Stopped 24 Bushy clump SAOITTARIU8 (Nov. 23-Doc. 21) Think Judicial Court ruled the improper coupit (abbr.) JhiafAplaswl 4im A 35 Talking bird (Brit) In terms of being helpful and of service to admission of evidence necessitates 39 False show (Communist others today. Good deeds will be recog­ Bridge 36 Quick lunch 25 Midwestern a new trial. The court said a letter color nized. appreciated, and later re w a rd e d • SEVEN DAYS place college 41 Insecticide IIISI that documented the alcohol level **-4*"- 19) Thing* in the blood of the drivers was Looking lor i cozy cottage, _____ StCT 37 Little Big 1 2 will run smoothly tor you today If you do Sewer and Drain 13.99 3 4 9 6 7 8 9 improperly admitted into evidence The queen of hearts held the first Horn general not take yourself or what life has to offer maybe a fireplaco? Come and •to 9010' Oowelled NORTH t-1444 Short on points, too aerloaly. Smile and be a winner during the original trial. 4” X10’ PIPE 40” SHOPLNNT trick. Next, a heart was played to 40 Soft metal - 1 0 11 AND RAIL FENCE ♦ 109432 1 2 13 AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fob. 19) Don’t think "W e conclude that there must be enjoy the fall foliage with us. SoKd or perforated. Bell- Aasembled W/2-40W bObe. Blast's king. Although East's play of 41 Crazy First quality. Two rails with VAOSS long on skill you have to be out where the action Is In- a new trial because of the improper end, no coupling needed. cord, plug, hardware the club king now would be the best 14 scarfed ends, and one post ♦ KJ6 44 Sesame plant 1 9 1 6 17 order to enjoy yourselt this evening Relax on your own front porch defense, a third heart was in fact con­ admission of evidence of the blood Clearan ce 45 Fish of the Spending time at homo with those voti alcohol levels of the two motor and watch the sun sat ovsr the ^ 1 9 9 t-imited Ouantitiea tinued and won by dummy's ace. Now 16 2 0 lova will be more fun. WEST east By OawaM Jacoby carp family L, vehicle operators,” Chief Justice the concept was simple — Kehela 79C mSCES (F^. 20-Mrch 20) Whether H’a White Mountains and lovely ♦ J « ♦AQ7 a ^ James Jacoby 46 German Edward F. Hennessey wrote in the must develop his long suit without 2 2 2 3 mingling with a sizeable crowd or pro­ 8”x8''x16’' Reg . 6.99 Quart 17.95 Gal. VQJ107 VK42 article 42-page majority decision. Newfound Lako. Bungalo VII- ♦ 10 822 S07 allowing West to gain the lead. The ■ ■ moting a big deal, anything that smacks CONCRETE BLOCK d C C Z l> s t a in O U m P IC WOOD STAIN O ver the yearn, the5 perennial Cana- spade 10 was led from dummy, queen 47 Half a score 2 0 r of largeness could turn out to be A ju ry in Northampton found the ♦•05 4X10043 logo. Box 131CA, Bristol, N.H. For smal construetton 04 base. Protects and Semt-tranaparent oil stain dlan pair in the W o rId k Team^Olympi._____ from Elast, and South ducked. East 48 Nervous extremely fortunate lor you today. town negligent and awarded Mrs. SOUTH ■ jobs, outdoor projects. beautifies. Stock colors • SoUdRsg 17.95... 13.95 2 9 ARIES (M arch 21-April 10) Today Is a ad haa been Eric Murray and^ Sammy" played a diamond, won by dummy's twitch 3 0 3 2 3 3 Irwin more than $800,000 in dam­ 03222.______4X05 3 4 day wtfere you'll have an opportunity to Kebela, both of Toronto. When this jack, and another spade was led. 49 Straighter 486 ■ expand upon something good you- event took place at Valkenburg, the 3 9 3 6 ♦ AQ54 When East ducked, declarer won the 51 Spread on already have going. Look (or ways tS: 4AJ72 Netherlands, in 1980, these two faced king and cleared the suit. Now nine thick enhance your position. > 3 7 1“ an Egyptian pair in a match crucial tricks were made. 55 Authoress 3 6 3 9 4 0 TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Somewhere': BERT J. SMITH, me Vulnerable; Neither to Canada's chances of advancins 6' Wide-Reg. 2.79 Kiln Dried 94 Lb. Reg. 5.99 Not surprisingly, North-South's 24 Ferber ■ (ar removed from where you presently- Dealer North further. high-card points w ere not bid to game 4 1 4 2 4 3 reside, something beneficial Is happanlngT PNK SNELVING 56 Organ for INSURANSMITHS SINCE M A U CARPET PONTLAND CEMENT West Ntrtfe East The Egyptian East bid one club in in the other room. The Torontonians' WL on your behalf. You’ll learn of this occur­ Green. For indoors or out. 1"x10"x3' ShelvioQ grade For construction repairs, Saalh hearing 4 6 4 7 rence later. •• Pass 14 Pass second seat. South and West passed, aggressive bidding, plus Kehela's 4 6 • In/Out Carpet....1.69 Lin. Ft. • 4'.. 7 49 • 6 '...... 3 99 masonry repair 57 Before OEMNI (May 21-June 20) Condition^ 1914 Paa Dbl. Pass SNT and Ehic Murray, a passed hand, reo- ability to play the spades to lie as he ■ ■ 4 9 58 Stop­ 9 0 91 9 2 look promising (or you today In joint van-'* MOtT rriM I M h s AO AM AT M OUOfi M R U A U O TM M M P M IU T PaM Pan Pass pened with a takeout double. Kehela, need^ them to, helped keep Canada 6 3 9 4 lures or shared enterprises. You. ss welH Sale Ends August 18th ix c u iiX T ivwrroAV low m r m m o u m i m k u h a v h u h m m r n w trading on the fact that the auction in the competition. ping rc sTOM wf M ttevi t m m b h t to u a i (U A m tT is to o u u m 9 6 9 6 as your associates, will be lucky. Openlng'lead: V Q would help him to locate any key ______(abbr.) 9 7 ®4NCER (June 21-Jtily 22) Do not cast- 649-5241 cards, bid three no-trump immediate- The Oxford English Dictionary 59 Soap yoursell In the loner’s role today. YotT laaSSJ^SL mwaroN H«iFg» nxm 9 1 9 9 ■y- began publication in 18M. ingredient 6 0 require Joyful companions or, more IdeaN 65 E. Center Street 3127 aarsn Twnpika 3200 Na. Main 6L 70 Hazart • FMsaiba I ly, lim e with your special someone. " ■**-” '*■ O iU O n i 026-0380 741-2266 Manchester, CL O PE N Mon. thru FrI. B a.m. - 8:30 p.m.; Sat. 8 a m. - 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 9 a.m. - 3 p m. 10 MANCMKSTKR HKRALf), Thursday. Aug. 16, 1984 MANCHESTER HERALD, Tlmrsday. Aug 16. 1984 II U.S./World Money dispute In forcing puiiout FOCUS/ Family De Lorean jury still trying from UNESCO LOS AN dKLK S — Jurors in the John De Ix>rean WASHINGTON (UPI) - The State Department cocaine trafficking trial arc burdened with 18,000 says it will get back $20million in unused money from pages of court transcripts that contain both sides UNESCO “ one way or another” in a technical dispute of the complex ca.se against the one-time that appears to make it more certain the United States wonderboy of the auto industry. will pull out of the organization by the end of the year. The six men and six women adjourned Near death The amount is the U S. pro-rated share of a fund set Wedne.sday without reaching a verdict on the up to allow for fluctuations in the exchange rate of eight felony counts against the former auto­ U S. dollar, .so the United Nations Education. maker, and were to begin their seventh day of Scientific and Cultural Organization budget would not Those who have seen the white light can now talk about It deliberations today. suffer from a falling dollar. In the last year, the dollar The jury received the ca.se Aug. 8, and has been has been extremely strong in relation to other plowing through more than 300 hours of testimony currencies, and the fund has not been used. provided by 17 witnesses and 65 secret audio and By Sarah E. Hall It currently amounts to a little le.ss than $80 million, video surveillance recordings, I Herald Reporter and the U.S, share of that would be 25i)ercent, orabout ‘I was in an extremely deep, deep, deep De Lorean. ,59. is charged with plotting to $20 million. UNESCO has already returned about $70 import and distribute 220 pounds of Colombian Not long ago, a well-to-do Bolton valley which was very dark and had million from the fund to contributing nations, but woman told a friend at her bridge cocaine in a failed attempt to pull his Northern .s0 there arc signs, according to U.N. officials, that ■ ■■ * enormous sides,' she says. ‘It was the kind of sports car company from the brink of club that she’d once had a bankruptcy. UNESCO was planning to hold onto the $80million, as j ” near-death experience.” place where most people would be apprehen a means of compensating for the money that will be Abruptly, the rest of the women lost if the United Status leaves tl^e organization at the in the room stopped talking and sive or frightened, but I wasn't. I was full of Explosion kills oil workers end of the year. looked up from their cards. But no peace.' State Department spokesman John Hughes said, one snickered at the mention of a RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil - At least 31 oil "UNESCO regulations clearly allow for the return of topic which 10 years ago might workers were killed Thursday in an explosion on this money to member governments and it’s our UPI photo have invited ridicule. an off-.shore drilling rig, the state-owned oil intention to reclaim the U.S. share.” "You know that E. F. Hutton A Bolton woman company Petrobras said. A State Department official said, "One- way or commercial?” asks the woman, A statement said there were no survivors from another we’re going to get our money back — either by Protests In ‘Reaganville’ who requests anonymity. “ Well, the explosion at the In.sova rig off the coast from UNESCO returning it, or we will withhold that much that’s what it was like. People are the town of Campos, some ,300 miles north of Rio. from our last assessment, $25.4 million due in A group representing the homeless sets protesting a “fraudulent” report on the fascinated by this now. They It said at least 31 workers were on the platform December. ” always say, 'Tell me more, tell me when a gas blowout sparked an explosion and fire The official said the State Department has written up tents to build a Reaganville commun­ homeless, and conditions at a more.’” in the early hours. Those who survived the blast two letters to the UNESCO director-general Amadou- ity in Lafayette Park Wednesday across government-owned building leased as a Indeed, a local researcher were killed when they jumped off, Petrobras said. Mahtar M ’Bow and in both cases ” we received replies from the White House. The group is shelter for street people. claims it's become routine for which were unsatisfactory, and simply didn’t answer people who were on the threshold the legal points we raised.” of death or under great stress to Police clash with miners The State Department, the official said, is in the report that something strange LONDON — Police clashed with striking proce.ss of preparing a third letter, demanding Racial slurs lead to death happened to them. Typical are miners today as two lone dissidents braved a reimbursement of the $20 million before it is spent by accounts of the “ self” leaving the human barricade of about 4,000 men blocking M ’Bow to help make up for the part of the UNESCO body, moving through a dark space HOUSTON (UPI) - The city of because racism was ” an implicit City Attorney Jerry Smith said it access to a coal mine in the northern district of budget the United States normally contributes. or tunnel, and encountering a Houston and two firefighters must official policy” due to leaders’ Yorkshire. A U.S. official said other member nations, notably was not known whether the city radiant light. Sometimes the pay $53,000 in damages to the the failure to discipline the violators. would appeal. Police said miner Brian Green and a colleague Switzerland. Holland and West Germany, have also "s e lf” encounters deceased family .sent letters to M ’Bow demanding their share of the $80 wife of a black man a judge said and friends. managed to get into the mine and no one was hurt was tormented by racial slurs to in the incident. million fund be returned to them. Says Nancy Bush of Hop River the point his health deteriorated Road in Bolton, executive director In another northern English district, Derby­ and he died of a heart attack. Obituaries of the International Association for shire, 17 miners were arrested in clashes with ” We argued in court that (racial Near-Death Studies: “ Science police that have become the hallmark of the attacks) contributed to or caused Pennsy leader says these experiences are impos­ 23-week strike against proposed mine closures Rockville. Calling hours are F ri­ his death,” Patrick Gilpin, attor­ Rose A. Selbie sible. But we find it equally and job layoffs in the nationalized coal industry. ney for technician James W. day from 7 until 9 p.m. A Loyal Rose A. Selbie, 76, of 14 Oakland impossible that thousands of peo­ Police said a total of 5,558 people have so far Hamilton, a civilian employee for Order of the Moose service will be been arrested in the strike, which the National complains about St., died Wednesday at her home. ple around the world who have at 7:30 p.m. at the funeral home the Houston Fire Deparment, said She was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., reported these experiences have Coal Board said has resulted in losses of $31.95 Wednesday. and an ELks service when at 8:15 on Sept. 30, 1907, and had been a simply gotten together to pt>rpetu- million in equipment abandoned in strikebound p.m., during calling hours. This is the logo of the International Association for U.S. District Judge John Singlet­ resident of Manchester for jnore ate a hoax.” mines and declared unsafe. TMI cleanup lag Memorial donations may be Near-Death Studies, based in Bolton. on’s criticized the city and firefigh­ than 45 years. Founded at the University of made to the Balboa Naval Hospi­ ters C.L. Wilford and C.P. Nelson She leaves a son. JamrfsJ. Selbie Connecticut in 1981, lANDS offers WASHINGTON (UPI) - Pennsylvania Gov. Dick for racial discrimination against tal, San Diego, Calif. Men sentenced to death of Manchester: and a brother, support services to those who sia, after she had spent Z'h days in stroking her forehead through the Thornburgh says the Nuclear Regulatory Commis­ Hamilton, who died in February John Grogan of West Virginia. experience near-death, along with night. Her child had died during MOSCOW — A former clergyman, two doctors sion has not resolved the major safety problem 1983. In Memoriam labor. The Holmes Funeral Home, 400 their families, and others working ”1 was in an extremely deep, birth. But aside from that and and a one-time actor were sentenced death for holding up the reactivation of Three Mile Island’s Singleton, ruling in favor of In loving memory of,Louise M. Main St., has charge of funeral with them. It boasts about 1.000 deep, deep valley which was very other clues, she and her husband — hijacking a passenger plane and ordering it to fly undamaged unit — the lagging cleanup of the nuclear Hamilton’s 1982 job discrimination Sullivan, wile, --motber, grand­ arrangements which are members worldwide — more than dark and had enormous sides,” she who was busy with final exams at out of the Soviet Union, the official news agency plant’s damaged reactor. lawsuit, said the technician en­ mother and great grandmother incomplete. a dozen in Andover, Bolton, says. ” It was the kind of place the time — never learned whether Tass reported, Thornburgh told the NRC Wednesday it must make tered the fire department in 1979 who was called to rest on August Coventry, and Manchester. The where most people would be she had come close to dying Ten people, including the pilot, the navigator sure sufficient money is available to clean up Three without blood-pressure problems. 16th, 1982. group meets on the second Friday apprehensive or frightened, but I herself. and a stewardess, were killed during the Mile Island’s damaged reactor before voting on the Within four years, Hamilton Anthony Ivaniski of every month at Manchester wasn’t. I was full of peace.” Nonetheless, she insists the attempted air piracy that happened in the restart of the plant’s undamaged reactor. suffered a stroke and a fatal heart Time heals they say and maybe it Retired Master Sgt. Anthony J. Community College. Like many who experience near­ experience changed her life. ” I Georgia Republic last November, unofficial "There .should be no que.stion at all that the safe attack because of stress from the does. Ivaniski. 61. of Escondido. Calif., "Many of our members had a death, she says she remembers guess I had been pretty feisty sources said. removal of a highly radioactive wreckage at one job. He was 44. But memories last and so does died Sunday at Balboa Naval near-death experience 20 or 30 walking toward an "exquisite” before,” she says. "But there were It was not clear whether they were shot by the nuclear reactor ought to be assured before another is Whites told black co-workers love. Hospital in San Diego. He was born years ago and still recall it light which she finds difficult to many more important things after hijackers or a police commando unit that stormed returned to service, and returned to risk, just 200 they should be sent back to Africa Down in our hearts she is living yet in Rockville. vividly.” says James Crum, 24, a describe. (Some other people that. I couldn’t waste my time on the Aeroflot TU-134. yards away,” Thornburgh said at a packed NRC and posted cartoons like one We love her too dearly to ever He was a .career Marine and Manchester man who is one of report seeing colors or perceiving arguing ... I was contented — Tass said Teimuraz Chikhladze, a former meeting. depicting a group of monkeys forget. served in World War II and in lAND’s three paid staff members. spaces non-existent on earth.) She maybe spiritual was the word.” priest, brothers Kakha and Paata Iverieli — both Thornburgh said the deteriorating damaged saying. "They can’t fire us ... Korea, where he was the recipient “ But many never told anyone didn’t want to leave, but had the While the woman says her physicians — and former actor German Kobak- reactor was increasingly prone to breakdowns, iusband, son, daughter-in law, slaves have to be sold.” Hamilton of the Silver Star. about it for fear of being locked up sensation of being pulled back. marriage did not suffer as a result, hidze were sentenced to death by the Georgia including releases of radiation that could cause a said. randchildren and He is survived by three sisters, S in a looney bin.” The next (Jay, when her doctor — Crum says his colleagues joke that Supreme Court "in view of the special gravity of nightmarish scenario at the undamaged reactor if it The stress “ had physical side Teri Ivaniski and Stella Smith, great grandchildren the crime committed.” The Bolton woman who requests a “ very brusque, rather arrogant” near-death experiencers must was operating. effects and contributed to Hamil­ both of Manchester, and Helen anonymity says she had her A fifth suspect, Tinatin Petviashvili, who young man” — woke her up, he have the highest divorce rate in the In late May. GPU officials told a House ton's poor health,” the judge said. Borne of Green Castle, Pa. In Memoriam near-death experience in 1949. unofficial sources said was Kobakhidze's wife, immediately asked her if she country. A change of personality in subcommittee they were $200 million short of the "It was incredible,” said Gilpin. The funeral will be Saturday at In loving memory of Margaret ” I never told a soul about it, remembered anything. She said the affected partner — often a was sentenced to 14 years in prison. M. Miner, who pa.ssed away Au­ amount needed to keep cleanup operations on " I t ’s really unforgivable in this 9:15 a.m. at White-Gibson-Small because I thought people would say no. sudden disregard for status, earn­ gust 16th, 1974. schedule next year. day and age.” Funeral Home in Rockville, with a ,’Oh, sure,” ’ she says. She was surprised to find herself ings, or material possessions — They blamed much of the problem on the nuclear Hamilton was persecuted by his 10 a.m. mass of Christian burial at \ ^ e revealed her secret to IRA ambushes police patrol Our thoughts arc with you always. in a private room, with hospital may explain the break-ups, he Herald photo by Pinto power industry, which promised to contribute $192 supervisors because he made a St. Joseph Church in Rockville. mends and family 28 years later, staff fussing over her. She had says. BELFAST, Northern Ireland — Suspected Irish million to the cleanup but had come up with only $81 "quest for equal treatment” by Burial will be with military honors Sadly mis.scd by after her grown son loaned her the expected to wake up in a ward Crum and his wife, an accoun­ million. James Crum, 24, stanijs on the porch of of a tunnel appearing on one side. He Republican Army gunmen ambushed a police complaining about the abuse, at St. Bernard’s Cemetery in Daughter and family. first book ever published on the along with the other students’ tant, live at 192 School St. He has patrol in Londonderry today following a night of The commission invited Thornburgh to present his Singleton said. his 192 School St. home, holding aglass topic — Raymond Moody’s "Life wives who were paying a cut rate never had a near-death experience serves as research associate, business violence in both Irish nationalist and pro-British views on the possible restart of the undamaged Houston Mayor Pro Tern Judson After Life.” at the university hospital. replica of the International Association manager, membership coordinator and neighborhoods of Northern Ireland. reactor, which has been shut down since the nation’s Robinson, who is black, said he Her experience occurred while Her bang%.^were standing of Near Death Studies’ logo — a Chinese A police spokesman in Londonderry, Ulster’s worst commercial nuclear accident ravaged its twin spoke with Hamilton when he first Teens’ condition guarded managing editor for the UConn-based she was under general anaesthe- straight up, as ifsomeone had been Please turn to page 12 second largest city and about 65 miles northwest Unit No. 2 reactor in March 1979. complained of discrimination. yin-yang symbol, with a light at the end organization. of Belfast, said no one was injured in the ambush Since then. GPU has been seeking permission from Similar discriminatory conditions Two teenagers who suffered separated from his face in the in which at least 10shots were fired at the patrol in the NRC to restart the undamaged reactor. still exist within the fire depart­ serious head injuries in a motorcy­ accident and that doctors have the predominantly Catholic Gobnascale distpict Thornburgh’s remarks came three weeks after the ment, he said. cle collision last Saturday at the wired together the bones in his jaw. of the city. NRC staff said it believed the undamaged reactor ’T d like to think that they don't, intersection of Broad Street and She said doctors believe he may He said the gunmen set a trap by leaving a could be restarted without "undue risk” to the public. but being realistic. I ’m sure there West Middle Turnpike were still in also have suffered damage to the Don’t bring home the bacon when the wild pigs strike number of gas canisters outside a shop and GPU executives told the NRC they believed they are areas where those problems guarded condition this morning in part of his brain that affects his the intensive care unit at Hartford reasoning ability. tipping police anonymously about a suspected could operate the undamaged reactor safely, saying still exist,” Robinson said. I ’m a little worried. Oh, it’s not quite as bad as a pigs would sign film rights to the story of their bomb. new managers were running the plant and concerns Nelson and Wilford, Hamilton’s Hospital, a hospital spokeswoman I DON’T KNOW why the pigs dug up the television year ago when I heard that the killer bees were on rampage. "Piggin g Out in Miami” would be a natural A four-man patrol was checking the tip when “ a about safety were paramount.’ supervisors, and the city were said. She said Watts regained con­ cable. That seems to be a really drastic way of pulling their way to North America. I ’m not quite as paranoid box office smash. number of gunmen fired between 10 and 15 shots GPU Chief Executive Officer William Kuhns said ordered to pay Hamilton’s wife, According to police, Manchester sciousness early this week but was the plug. I mean, if they didn’t like watching "The as Jimmy Carter was when he confronted a killer from ... about 300 yards away,” the spokesman _the company had been “ humbled and humiliated” by Carrie, $50,000 in punitive dam­ resident Ian Blood, 18, of 97 Lenox sedated when he started to move Connections I couldn’t figure out what the pigs wanted at the Dukes of Hazzard” they could al least have taken it up St., and Vernon resident Chris­ rabbit on a row boat ride several years back. said. its mistakes during the Three Mile Island accident ages for her husband's “ humilia­ around to much. She said she and Kennedy Space Center, though. Maybe they watched with the network executives. I never knew pigs were topher Watts, 19, were riding He said the police vehicle was hit several times and the cleanup. tion, mental anguish and decline in Watts’s family are allowed to see But I ’m concerned, nonetheless. And I ’ve decided to Susan Plese ’’Pigs in Space” on "The Muppet Show ” and they got interested in quality programming. but the officers managed to escape without "But we respectfully suggest that the crucible of his physical and mental health.” motorcycles in opposite directions their sons for 15 minutes every alert the public, just'in case they haven’t already read hooked on the glamour. I never thought of pigs as when Blood turned left in front of hour. Herald Reporter returning fire. these proceedings demonstrates that we have learned Hamilton also ordered the city to the story about the pigs. Wild pigs, to be exact. glamorous types, though. Goes to prove you can’t tell But suddenly, I had another thought Maybe the pigs Watts in the intersection and the No organization immediately claimed respon­ from those mistakes and have brought into being a pay her $3,129 in back pay. Both teenagers had a passenger "W ild pigs terrorize Fla.,” the newspaper headline a pig by his blubber. had been reading George Orwell Maybe th(?y were collision occured. on their bikes, neither of whom was sibility for the attack. strong nuclear organization that has benefited from TTie judge found the city liable screamed last week. The story was buried on the back getting ready to take over the world Blood’s mother. Beryl Blood, injured seriously, police said. Seems as though the pigs have been doing a little that learning,” Kuhns said. for damages in Hamilton’s death pages, presumably to avoid mass panic. said today that he is being kept The condition of Watts had beep skinny-dipping, too, according to the article. "They This is really scary. It is (mssible that some day sedated to keep him from moving listed as stable two days after the “ Marauding bands of wild pigs are terrorizing live on the island and swim across the mainland to you II wake up to find a bunch of pigs in combat around. She said doctors may accident, but worsened Tuesday. Florida in growing numbers, ” the first line of the forage,” a spokeswoman for the Pig Control Office fatigues occupying your kitchen. They’ll be up to their discontinue the sedation tomorrow Blood’s condition has not changed. story said. I read on to find that the pigs were accused my mind, as you can well imagine. What do the complained. snouts in chocolate cliip ice cream, leftover steak Kuwait buys arms from Russia if his condition improves. The accident is still under of all sorts of ugly business, from tearing up vegetable marauders look like? I pictured a pack of pink piggies I had another vision. Hundreds of pigs battling the slathered with real mayonnaise, chunks of Velveeta Mrs. Blood said her son’s skull investigation by police. gardens to ripping out television cable to invading led by the Big Pork and his woman, tearing up tomato currents, swimming madly, snorting all the while, and all the dill pickl(.>s. Kennedy Space Center. KUWAIT (UPI) - Kuwait, military advisers were expected to bolster its defenses for the Gulf identified, the Soviets build a plants and cucumber vines and then rooting through hundreds of pink snouts the only thing visible across I felt fear clutch at my heart. I mean, Florida isn’t Heaven help you if thc;y find some; Imcon in the meat rebuffed by the United States, has be stationed in Kuwait for the first tanker war. Kuwait asked for the counterpart to the Stinger — the the petunias, just for the sheer thrill of it. Porcine the waves. drawer. Or pork chops, or a canned^ham. That’ll be bought weapons worth an esti­ time to give technical and training weapons after Washington sold 400 SA-7, NATO code-named Grail. Independent so far away. Suppose some of the pigs hitched a ride on vandalism. "P igs ahoy,” the pig lookout would yell, and all the the end of you. The pigs will do you in mated $300 million from the Soviet assistance. Stingers and 200 launchers to Kuwait already has some in its a 747 returning to Bradley from Disneyworld, and Pigs in flannel shirts, dark glasses, driving mainlanders would line the beaches, waiting for the Union and may accept a group of Insurance tried their tactics here? Few details of the weapons neighboring Saudi Arabia. arsenal, according to the authorit­ dust-covered pickup trucks to the next scene of their pigs to land. I didn’t even know pigs knew how to Clean out your refrigerators, Manchester. U-t no Soviet military advisers on its soil purchase were released in Kuwait, Although the Soviet anti- aircraft ative International Institute for Center, Inc. wanton destruction. What a horror tale. Hollywood swim. And what’s their forte? The crawl, backstroke, ■trace of |jork remain.The pigs are coming. And for the first time. where Soviet Gen. Yuri Grishin, missile sold to Kuwait was not Strategic Studies in London. OF COURSE, the article created many questions in would love it. I decided that maybe in a year or so the doggie paddle? Piggy paddle? remember, you heard it here first. Defense Minister Salim al Sabah president of the Engineering De­ negotiated the agreement for his partment of the State Committee Persian Gulf oil state during a visit for Foreign Relations, signed the to Moscow last month and it deal for Moscow. %r‘-yri includes the purchase of anti­ "This is undoubtedly a lot larger Want to be a writer? Then pick the right color pencil aircraft missiles to protect Ku­ than any other Kuwaiti arms Stop Smoking wait’s oil facilities. purchase from the Soviet Union, "The agreement comes in accor­ but don’t look at it as a full-scale Writers are often asked how they do it. They’re ” In good hands, general education courses at least himself. ” - E.B. White dance with Kuwait’s policy of turn to the Soviets by Kuwait,” a always flattered by the question because it suggests Bob Lothrop Jon Norrit, CPCi teach a youth how to read. No way has yet been found modernizing various branches of Western diplomat said. there’s something special about being a writer. The Artists of a large and wholesome vitality get rid of in 5 Days to teach him how to write.” — Jacques Barzun the armed forces,” Faisal Da- The deal was arranged shortly people asking the questions quickly make it clear they their art .easily, as they breathe easily or perspire " I f I write well, it’s because I have a chair in which wood, the acting Defense Ministry after the United States refused a don’t think there’s anything special at all about being Andy Rooney easily. But in artists of less force, the thing becomes a undersecretary, said Wednesday. it is impossible to get comfortable.” — Johann Goethe Kuwaiti request in May for the sale • 1\0 WITHDRAWAL 3 C P I U S a writer. pressure and produces a definite pain, which is called Under the agreement, Soviet of Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to "In composition, I do not think .second thoughts are m eans " I ’ve been thinking about writing a book m yself,” artistic temperament The tragedy of the artistic • FREE CONSULTATION Syndicated Columnist best.” — George Gordon Byron >cuYe getting people often say to me. temperament is that it cannot produce any art.” — ” My only stroke of genius as a writer was in naming G.K. Chesterton • MONEY BACK GUARANTEE I can tell from the way they say it that they feel the my principal character ’Tarzan.’” — Edgar Rice b etter only reason they haven’t done it so far is not because Find out what the editor wants, how long he wants 85 E. CENTER ST.;:i • OVER 90% SUCCESSFUL Burroughs 3 he saying "you’re not getting older, you’re getting better" Is they don’t know how but because they’ve been doing it and get it to him the day he has to have it. It doesn’t especially true of mature drivers. Your driving record proves "When you’ve finished whatever you’re writing, • - other, more important things and haven’t had the have to be very good.” - Joe McCarthy 649-5268 It. So Great American Is offering a "50 Plus^’ Select Driver of a city, with men making a new road under his throw out the first paragraph and start there.” — Discount of up to 10 percent, plus an additional discount of time. ’The art of writing is the art of applying the seat of STOP SMOKING CENTERS window in competition with a barrel organ, and, on the Porter Perrin up to IS percent for low mileage drivers. In spite of that. I ’m always on the lookout for good the pants to the seat of the chair.” - M H. Vorse mat, a man waiting for his rent.” — William Vollam “ If you wish to be a writer, write.” — Epicetus NATIONWIDE SINCE 1968 advice for writers. When the advice fits the pattern of If you write 1,000 words a day — that’s only four If you’re between the ages of 50-60 call our agency to find Morton "There seems to be no physical handicap or chance WEEKEND SPECIAL Ssr | out If you’re eligible. my own life, I think it’s excellent. When it doesn’t, I typewritten pages — in three months, you’ll have ’’There is nothing to write about, you say. Well then, of environment that can hold a real writer down.” — OVER 200 CENTERS laugh at how impossible it is to give advice about 90,000 words, a book! ” — Anne Hamilton write and let me know just this — that there is nothing Kathleen Norris writing. "There is only one trait that marks the writer. He is Carnations to write about.” Pliny, in the year 90 A.D. "The best writing is done by people who get 646-6050 I have a little collection I’ll share with you: always watching. It’s a kind of trick of mind and he’s MANCHESTER 649-7867 "Colleges are good at punctuation marks but not at pleasure from doing it, and it doesn’t matter whether 830 Hartford Road, Manchester “ If you think any sentence you’ve written is born with it.” — Morley Callaghan what to put between them.” — Alva Johnson (Across from Lynch Toyota) GWAIAMJM4MJL what they do is important or useful to anyone else. ” I ’’The man who writes about himself and his own particularly good, strike it out.” — Samuel Johnson CALL TODAY " I t ’s a matter of selecting the right color pencil. ” — may have said that my.self. time is the only man who writes about all people and "The best place for a writer is in the hideous uproar Ring Lardner . "The whole duty of a writer is to please and satisfy ^ about all time.” — George Bernard Shaw 12 - MANCHESTER HERAl-D, Thursday, Aug. 16, 1984 MANCHESTERi»i.’’\ i i v nA'..v’8 1 r,

Shepherd mix and others Have a funny story to tell you. It kind of bears out the talking about, and started up the path along the base determined at that point to make it to the top. Woman fears office affair old saying, "Pride goeth before a fall. ” of the mountain. " I f you haven’t been out here too lung, the rarified Most readers of this column know that I spent a good Washburne. at its summit, is about 10,700 feet. air will get to you,” she informed me. and then said. eight days out in Montana, Wyoming, and Yellow­ From where I started to take pictures, the trail up is a " I f you'd like some company. I ’ll go along with you." stone Park visiting my oldest son, Scott. are available at the pound Joe's World good three miles long. Climbing the path never (In retrospect. I think maylH-she was worritMl that the has lost its early promise Scott, who is the envy of his father and his father’s entered my mind when I hit the trail, and started old gaffer might not make it on the trail.) fishing cronies, has the pleasure of working in taking wildflower pictures along both sides of the Anyhow, with numerous, and more numerous By Barbara Richmond Yellowstone Park, and enjoying (on his off time) J oe Garman path. 200-foot rest stops, we made it to the top. D E AR ABBY; Until the first of changes his mind again. Herald Reporter some of the best fishing in the United States. As 1 climbed higher, some of the colors of the The climb was worth it. I could see the Tetons a good the year, I worked as a secretary to GETTING MARRIED Although he tried to spend some time with me each species of Indian Paint Brush changed color, and I 125 miles away, and I felt like I was standing on top of a very sweet man, several years IN FLORIDA Buck, a German shepherd cross, day, there were days when he had to devote full-time was sucked along, up to a beautiful vantage point, the world. ^v plus, to his job. older than myself. He told me his Dear is this week’s fea tu r^ pet. He’s where I could look out over part of the valley 1 h^ left Here I was, almost 11.000 feet on lop of a mountain, wife didn't appreciate him and he DEAR GF;TTING: Ask your about 4 or 5 years old and was On one such day, when my time was my own, I down the switchbacks to reach the bottom, the thought behind. and this 62-year-old guy had done it. Of course, it took found me very comforting to talk Abby uncle if he wants to give you away, picked up Friday night on North decided to devote the entire day to photographing crossed my mind that it was going to be quite a hike to I looked up. and I looked out, and thought to my.self, me quite a long time, but I did it And I felt like a different parts of the Park. to. One thing led to another, and we and don’t try to second-guess his Main Street. come up. but it was fleeting. "H ey ... you're up this far. Why not go to the top? million bucks ... until became intimate. Abigail feelings. Invite your mother and Dog Warden Richard Rand said The closest beauty spot to where 1 was staying was There should have been red lights flashing a You're in good shape. You made it from the bottom of I looked down the trail I had so laboriously His wife found out about us and Van Buren the relatives you want and let them another dog was roaming with the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone Park. It was just warning all over the place. At the corner of every the canyon. Go for it." traversed, and saw a lovely 25- or 28-year-old blond he laid m eoff, but continued seeing decide whether they want to accept Buck. The other dog was claimed about a mile away, and contained some of the most switchback, I had to sit down to catch iny breath, then girl, in running shorts and jersey. come running easily me whenever he could. He called or not. by its owner. If Buck isn’t claimed spectacular scenery within this national park. shoulder that 35-pound load of camera equipment. and I HAVE NEWS for you. Great shape I am not in. up the path. She'd run the entire distance up the me every day and we'd talk on the Your closing sentence causes me by Tuesday he will be ready for And me, being me, after photographing most of the start back up. That is not for climbing in rarified air. mountain. phone. He continued my salary to question your maturity. If the adoption. vantage points that are laid out for tourists, decided After walking 300 feet up that path. I found that I Talk about a man's ego being deflated. Zing, just although I was no longer working away from married men! As my guy you want to marry might Rand said he’s a nice dog with a that maybe I could get some super pictures climbing W ELL, TO MAKE a long story short, 1 made it, had was looking for the nearest rock to rest my bones, like that. But I still have toconfe.ss, I have a little, bitty for him, and he also paid off all my sainted father used to say, "E very "change his mind” (again, yet!), sweet disposition. He doesn’t bark down into the canyon, and shooting up through the lunch, and asked Scott where he thought I ought to go legs, and body. Catching my breath was also of the feeling of accomplishmeni left in me that she couldn't canyon walls. debts and made me many once in a while the hog kills the perhaps you should slow down and much, either. in the afternoon. utmo.st importance. wipe out. promises. butcher, but most of the time, the rethink the whole thing. Sport, the pointer who has been There are paths for nuts like me, and so I lugged all "You like to take flower pictures. The wild flowers While sitting on a rock after the first rest stop, (I When he and his wife went on a butcher kills the hog." at the pound for weeks, still doesn’t my camera equipment down the paths to get what at the base of Mt. Washburne are really something to found I needed a rock every 200 feet) a young lady of Joe Garman, a Manchester resident (or many vacation, he arranged for me to D EAR ABBY: This concerns the have a home. Maybe someone will turned out to be some really nice photographs. see. I ’d go there this afternoon," he said. about 22 years came along and asked if I was all right. years, is a recognized authority on the subject of stay in a motel nearby so he could DEAR ABBY: I'm getting mar­ frustrated couple who were unable take pity on him soon. He’s not only Climbing back up again was something else. Going So, following his advice, I drove to the area he was I informed her that I was OK, and just bound and bamboo fly rods, and the sport of fly fishing. spend some time with me. Well, his ried soon and was going to ask my to marry because the man’s wife a nice dog — he’s a good-looking wife must have had him tailed favorite uncle ( "Jim ") to give me had left him and he couldn’t find dog too. because she found out about it, and away because my father is dead. her in order to obtain a divorce. The female cocker spaniel fea­ he told me we'd have to "cool it" Now I'm wondering if I should. The wife had not been heard of for tured last week is also still waiting About Town for a while. You see. Uncle Jim is now a over four years and all efforts to quietly to be adopted. She’s been His telephone calls have been devoted family man, but he used to find her had failed. Obviously the given the name of Angel by Rand. Biker becomes New Brunswick spectacle tapering off and he seldom gets be a Catholic priest and he may not man couldn’t marry again without Does that give you an idea of her AARP to go to Maine away to see me anymore. Things feel comfortable participating in a divorcing his wife, so they turned disposition? She’s about 8 years old are not like they used to be, and I'm non-Catholic wedding. to you for advice. and was found roaming on North Connecticut Northeast Chapter 604, American Aug. 2 just wanted to be off the island by night. beginning to worry. He made Should I leave him out of my You suggested that they retain a Main Street on Aug. 2. Association of Retired Persons is planning a 7:13 a.m. I bumped along Koute 2 to Mount Pleasant, many promises. three-day trip to Bar Harbor, Maine Aug. 22 to 24 for Petit Large Primitive where I begun bumping along Koute II At St. wedding? If I do. I'm afraid my lawyer. Abby, why spend money The Benji look-alike named Herald photo by Richmond S u m m e r Do 1 have any legal rights? This mother (his sister) would be on lawyers? I had the same Betsy has been adopted by a Lewis an old-fashioned lobster cookout. A trip to Cadillac Campground, Kouchibouguac Chryso.stome, the Acadian region iH'gins H's not hard to recognize Acadian towns — they're Ihe is the second time this has deeply hurt. My mother and all her problem — only I couldn’t find the Street family. Buck was brushed to a shine by Dog Warden Richard Mountain and a boat cruise along the rocky coast of National Park, New Brunswick C y c l i s t happened to me with a married relatives are devout Catholics. husband who had left me. Rand reminds dog owners to be Maine, plus a stop at Booth Bay Harbor on the way ones with homes of blue and of yellow. man. 1 was raised Catholic, but now I went to three lawyers before sure their pets have their rabies Rand so he would look nice to have his picture taken. home are also planned. Heading south on Prince Edward Island Route Another feature of Acadian (owns is the huge FOOLED AGAIN 1 rn a born-again Christian and so one told me that all I needed was and heartworm shots. He also However. Rand had a difficult time getting him to perk up The group will stay at the Village Motel in downtown 14, I went through a town with the interesting Glenn Davis churehes, such as those in Baie-Egmont and Mont is m y fiance. Should I play it safe my husband's Social Security reminds them to keep their dogs his nice ears. Oh well, he's a nice dog anyway. Bar Harbor. name of Christopher Cross. I’m sure it has Carmel. While you see many churches, farms, D E AR FOOLED: Since I am not and not invite my mother or any of number. I found it. gave it to the confined to their own yard at all The bus will leave Concordia Lutheran CHurch, 40 nothing to do with the singing star. fishing boats and brightly-eolored homes in lhat a lawyer. I'm not qualified to tell her relatives? Pitkin St. on Aug. 22at 7:30 a.m. and return Aug. 24 in At Miminegash, I bought groceries, and took region — that's about all lawyer, and he located my hus­ times, unless on a leash. 1 p.m. or he can be reached by The fee for adopting a dog is 85 to ■ you what your legal rights are, but the early evening. pictures of the wharf. Ten miles later, I loaded up Instead of biking into Miscouche, I eho.se lo Hurry your answer. I need to get band in no time at all. The dog pound is located on town calling the pound at 643-6442 or by make the transaction legal. The if I may offer a bit of advice: Stay on water at Jeannie’s Place in Burton. The owner,, remain on Route II, and leave the Lady Slipper married soon before this guy JUST HELPING OUT property off Olcott Street. Rand is calling the police department, owner also has to have the dog a woman in her late 20s, works the store by herself route. About one mile from Summerside, I at the pound each day from noon to 646-4555. licensed. Teen contestants sought 14 hours a day, seven days a week for six months. stopped for groceries. I spread (he fly of my teni, Local contestants are being sought to compete in the Then she travels. 138 at West Devon. At every farm, not one person which was still wet with the morning's dew. on the official state .preliminary of the National All- " I have a sister in California that I stay with,” was around to ask permi.ssion to camp. It was grass to dry. 1 ate lunch while the fly was drying. Hives are allergic reaction American Teen Girl Pageant. The state preliminaries she said. "I was there a few winters ago and it back to the main highway. It was after 4 p.m. when I left Summerside — Public Records will be held in the grand ballroom of the Sheraton rained the whole time. I thought it never rains in A church service had just ended. A boy plenty of time to catch the 6:30 ferry at Borden. I Hotel in Hartford on Sept. 23. California.” approached me. "W here ya from ?” he sked. boarded the ferry at 6:15. As Ihe "Holiday Island" Warranty doeds 935 Main Associates to Giao and Pamela Broderick, 35 East- Contestants will enter communications and evening That’s what you get for believing everything "Connecticut.” begun the 45-minute crossing of the NorthumlH-r- Anna H. Dougan to Carl and Ngoc Hoang, M.D., unit B-1, field St. gown competitions and the semi-finalists will go on to you hear on the radio. He seemed puzzled. "D o you know where that land Strait to Cape Tormentine, New Brunswick. so see an allergist for cure Olive Anderson, 8 Highland St., compete in a personal interview competition. They Watkins Centre Condominium, Lisns I asked her about the ghost ship, which is seen it?" I said. I thought about the beautiful farms, sandy 855.000. must be between 13 and 18 years old as of Dec, 31. 815,000 (based on conveyance ta x ). St. Francis Hospital and Medical most frequently between Burton and Campbel- He admitted that he did not. Several people beaches and fishing ports that I'd miss. And, DEAR DR. LAMB — Can you give have high blood pressure and my Graham and Holly MacDonald Douglas B. McBrierty to Roger For applications write to International Pageants, 10 Iton, " I ’ve never seen it," she said, "but a lot of especially, the friendly people. me some information about hives? I Center against property of Ri­ gathered around to look at me and to ask potassium is low. I'm taking one to Edward and Constance Faber, Fisher and Pamela Broderick, First Ave., Peabody, Mass., 01960. the old-timers, including my uncle, claim to have It was 7; 15 p.m. when the ferry docked. From have seen an allergist and he put me chard Botticello et al, 906 Tolland questions about my travels. They didn’t stick potassium tablet a day fnr that. 50 Ralph Road, 8106,000. 68-70 Bigelow St., 845,500. seen it.” The ship, its viewers say, always Cape Tormentine. I traveled about two miles on a very strict diet — no sweets, no Turnpike, 8128. around for long because the mosquitos were Your Mark and Carolyn Dionne to Computer group to meet appears in flames. beyond Bayfield. A lady at a farmhou.se soft drinks, no nuts and no breads. He Internal Revenue Service fierce — as bad, and as thick, as anyplace I ’ve DEAR READER — You are a vic­ Richard C. Bombardier, 33 Bilyeu OuKclalm doeds At West Point, 1 took a tour of the been, suggested a couple of places nearby where I said this was to find out what I am tim of the modern-day equivalent of Road, 856,500. against property of John E. TRS-80 Users Group of Central Connecticut will Health Roger Fisher to Roger Fisher black-and-white striped lighthouse. It's one of the Clarence Ford gave me permission to camp might pitch my tent. allergic to. the old-time medicine-show sales of Rawson, 118-K McKee St.. 81,060. meet Tuesday at the Bonanza Restaurant on Spencer n most unusual lighthouses, in that it has three beside, or in back of. the church. "W herever you I looked at several sites and decided that none These hives are very irritating. Lawrence snake oil. You need a doctor, not a lot St. Dinner is optional from 5to 7 p.m. The meeting will rooms for overnight guests. like,” he said. was suitable, but since it was already well past They sometimes appear all over my of high-priced, do-it-yourself prepara­ be from 7 to 9 p.m. Lamb, M.O. As dusk settled in along Route 14, the fields and sunset, I cho.se the least undesirable location. The body and other times only on my tions someone has talked you into Because the grass was shortest there, I liked quaint churches in Milo and Brae took on an grass wasn't very high, but the mo.squitoes were arms and legs. The only medicine that taking. Births Lecture for seniors the West Devon Bapti.st Cemetery, so that's especially quiet, peaceful look. There is some­ terribly thick! So bad were they that I didn't even seems to help is Prednisone, but the Lecithin is nothing more than fatty where 1 spent the night. Mary Ann Wade, registered physical therapist from thing quite special about having a horse trot over stake down my tent — 1 just threw everything doctor told me it was not safe to con­ acids, the main component of fat, and Shattuck, Maryrose Regina, Galllchant, Sarah Elizabeth, Crestfield Convalescent Home will present a lecture to get a better look at you in such a pastoral inside and dived in after. tinue taking it. Is there anything you choline. The lecithin you swallow is daughter of Charles A. and Lea L. and Mary Lou Clark Sr. and 8:15 p.m. symptoms that can be caused by an daughter of Peter and Joan Tack­ Aug. 23 from 1 to 2 p.m, at the Community Room, setting. can recommend? digested in your intestine, breaking it Gagnon Shattuck Jr. of Somers, Charlene Clark, of Michigan. allergy. It depends almost entirely on ett Gallichant of Vernon, was born Westhill Gardens. In Carleton, 1 called my father at 8; 30. The GHO Glenn Davis Is a Manchester resident who is down into its component parts. It’s no was bom July 31 at Manchester Hotchkiss, Travis Carlson, son of Monday was another day of biking late into the DEAR READER — Hives are which tissues contain IgE. The lungs, July 27 at Manchester Memorial Her topic: “ Safe-Proofing your Home.” She will had ended a few hours earlier, but I don’t recall hiking across Canada and New England this longer lecithin when it gets into your Memorial Hospital. Her maternal Donald and Darlene E. Prest evening. I'd been pushing hard to keep the allergic reactions, and you were wise nervous system and even the heart Hospital. Her maternal grand­ discuss safety (actors, prevention of falls, and will who won it. bloodstream. The lecithin in your grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Hotchkiss of Hebron, was tmm number of days, if not the miles, on Prince summer. He is keeping a log of his travels (or the to see an allergist. Hives themselves can be affected by allergies. mother is Janet E. Tackett of answer any questions on the subject. bloodstream is manufactured by your L. W. Gagnon of 198 Parker St. Her July 28 at Manchester Memorial Not wanting to camp along Route 2,1 took Route Edward Island’s bumpy roads to a minimuna) I Manchester Herald. are caused by an interaction between To help you understand this prob­ Milwaukee, Wise. Her paternal The program is sponsored by the town Health liver, and that is the only lecithin that paternal grandparents are Mr. and Hospital. His maternal grandpar­ the offending substance that you are lem, I am sending you The Health grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Department's Geriatric Clinic. will help you. I doubt if the amount Mrs. Charles A. Shattuck of East ents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles allergic to and a special immune anti­ Letter 19-12, Food Allergies. Others Alphonse Gallichant of 10 Turnbull Prest of Danielson. His paternal who want this issue can send 75 cents you are taking will raise your choles­ Hartford. She has five brothers, body produced by your own body, Road. She has a sister, Amanda grandfather is Warren Hotchkiss with a long, stamped, self-addressed terol or do you any harm, but don't Charles III, 12; Joseph, 11; An­ called IgE. If the IgE is in your skin, Lynn, 2>A. of Chicago Heights, III. envelope for it to me in care of this expect a miracle. drew, 8; Peter, 3; John-Paul, 2; that is where the reaction takes place, Sanford, Jeremy Steven, son of Albert, Matthew Hutchinson,; and it causes the hives. newspaper, P.O. Box 1551, Radio City B-15, as it has been called, is not a and five sisters, Bernadette. 14; Butler LANACANE vitamin, and the U.S. Food and Drug Mark S. and Jessica Walters son of Gerald L. and Kristine-’ The substance you are allergic to Station, New York, NY 10019. Michelle, 13; Theresa, 10; AnneM- Panadol Administration has forbidden it to be arie, 7; and Janice, 5. Sanford of 27 Henry St., was bom Hutchinson Albert of Ashford, was e __ CREAM (allergen) can be in your food or can G«U«M® MaKimum DEIAR DR. LAMB — I have been labeled as a vitamin. July 28 at Manchester Memorial bom July 28 at Manchester Mem­ result from contact. It can also be Roach, Kyle Lee, son of James taking two lecithin capsules a day for I’d like to see you get your vitamin Hospital. His maternal grandpar­ orial Hospital. His maternal DIAL $2®7 Sirangth inhaled. Food is a common source of M. and Tyece Varley Roach Jr. of Anti-Perspirant 2 oz. more than a year. I have cholesterol C from fresh orange juice or oranges ents are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. grandparents are Margery D. and TOOTHBRUSHE JOHNSON’S an allergen that results in hives. If the 43 Bigelow St., was bom July 31 at Aerosol Spray 60's $ 3 ' ’ and I would like to know if this could and other fruit. That will also provide Walters of 21 Strong St. His Maxwell B. Hutchinson of An­ VO^ Hairdress Foot Soap IgE 1s in your intestinal wall, it can Manchester Memorial Hospital. All lypoi All lypaa make it any worse. I also take vita­ the potassium you need. The garlic paternal grandparents are Mr. and 4 oz. produce severe abdominal complaints His maternal grandparents are dover. His paternal grandparents A ll types 4 oz. min B-15 and vitamin C and garlic capsules won’t harm you unless you Mrs. Robert L. Sanford, 80 Laurel and digestive symptoms. Melvin and Patricia Varley of 328 are David and Irene Albert of- ^ .5 oz. $ }0 7 2 oz capsules. Is there anything in any of St. His maternal great­ 1VASIGIL CREAM VANQUISH are one of these people who have Hilliard St. His paternal grandpar­ Vemon. He has two brothers, W.’ There is almost no limit to the grandmother is Jean Stoutnar of Proxobrufh Refilli these that can harm my health? I indigestion from strong spices. ents are James and Jeannette John McAdam Jr., 20; and Shaun; Tibliti VANQUISH 239 Woodbridge St. His maternal $J87 nil* extru titrength Roach of 35 Marshall Drive. He has A. Burhs, 11; and a sister, Lisa D.- $ 1 0 9 imm loftniilH great-great-grandmother is Mrs. two buffrf* a sister, Amy Roach, 6. McAdam, 18. $2 0 ’ 80C eo'i $ 2 3 9 ....HU Fred Harris of East Hartford. Bell, Ryan David, son of David Cotter, Alexia Marie, daughter Clark, Charlene Elizabeth, and Patricia Senatore Bell of 7 of Anthony and Nadia Nassiff Wife complains that husband daughter of Thomas and Wendy Walker St., was bom July 29 at Cotter of West Hartford, was bom Bremser Clark Jr., 107 Spmee St., Manchester .Memorial Hospital. July 27 at Manchester Memorial ^ P ^ BAUM BARR was bom July 28 at Manchester LEE His maternal grandparents are Hospital. Her maternal grandpar-: VISACLEAN Memorial Hospital. Her maternal Cocoa Butter Anthony and Elizabeth Senatore of ents are Fred and Therese Nassiff; STRIDEX BP High Fashion grandparents are John and Donna East Hartford. His paternal grand­ of 61 Steephollow Lane. Her- Lotion 8 oz. loves golfing more than her Bremser Sr. of 107 Spruce St. Her Nall Kit parents are Alan and Marie Bell of paternal grandmother is Faye W.: G e l $ 1 5 7 Hartford. paternal gmdparents are Thomas Cotter of Cincinnati, Ohio B E N G A Y DEAR DR. BLAKER - My hus­ DEAR REIADER — It could be for All types band loves golf more than he loves a number of reasons. Maybe you feel ■ rn 7 02. Sport’s Gel me! He leaves me every weekend guilty leaving wbat you consider to be 3 oz. when I really want him to be around, Ask your responsibilities. Or perhaps you and goes off to play with the boys. < have some fears of going out alone in They’ve seen the white light $417 I tried to learn how to play myself w Blaker the world. Maybe there are also $167 but soon realized that I will never be financial considerations. ^nlinued from page 11 among the small percentage of $287 good enough to join him on the course. Karen Blaker, Writt(^ Histories of the Near- There are, of course, other deeper reported experiences that were He is very busy at his office during Death Experience” — hints at her Ph.D. psychological reasons why you might himself. On a painfully small scary. ilCYNOUl the week and never gets home until 7 personal inclination. SHOWER be staying. One example is a need to salary, he serves as lA N D ’s ‘"riiere was a feeling of total ^ 1 ONE~A~DAY or 8 p.m. That leaves me bored and Crum likewise remains neutral be tin ted the way you are being business manager, research asso­ isolatidn and alienation, of being Vitamins TO lonely during the week and on the treated by your wife. Some people on the meaning of near-death NOXEMA G Y N O L II CAREFREE weekends. My life is terrible. ciate, membership coordinator all by yourself in this terrifying 60 ’s SHOWER perhaps you need professional coun­ feel that they do not deserve any and managing editor for both its dark place — for eternity,” she experiences. lANDS members say Skin Cream Starter Kit or Refill STAY FREE seling. But for the time being, contin­ better. Think about these things. And semi-annual scholarly journal and says. that stance helps make the organi­ O M ^ 4.44 0 2. Panty Shields DEIAR REIADEIR — It sounds like ue your beginning interest in golf and I suggest that you try marriage coun­ P o w d e r Silhouette’s quarterly newsletter. For years, until after went to zation more credible in the publfc ^ Max. Formuii *4.67 you have some big decisions to make. play on the weekend with women on seling. 6 oz. Regular er Deederant He points out lA N D ’s prime eye. $ 5 4 7 Regular Scent or You could leave him and try to find a your level. work for lANDS in 1982, Ms. Bush man who has more time and interest methodological problem; ‘‘All our kept what happened a secret. “ It PlusC >4.39 l a DEAR DR. BLAKER - I know I Down in the dumps? Get help from “ I think near-death studies is a 30’s Morning Fresh evidence is subjective,” he says. was the very worst of skeletons in $169 2 6 ’8 in doing things with you. You could hate my wife but I can’t leave her. We Dr. Blaker’s newsletter "Fighting legitimate field of research,” says i mt 4 oz. But Crum, who holds a bache^ the closet,” she says. It did not JI Stresaguard •5.47 „ fFAC a c t stay in your marriage and develop a have bwn married for 21 years and Depression.” Send 50 cents and a Judith Welles of Elm Hill Road in . !| - 4 4-, Pregnancynancy Test1 Kit fuller life by filling it with a job or lor’s degree in psychology, is occur to her until fairly recently $|89 have three children in high school. stamped, self-addressed envelope to Manchester, whose interest in the $g87 bobbies. Or you could continue your convinced that the near-death that her case was a near-death •li -V $107 She is always nasty to me and even Dr. Blaker in care of this newspaper, philosophy of religion led her to $ 7 6 9 e:^ present suffering. experiences which people report to experience. when I try to please her, she puts me P.O. Box 475, Radio City Station, New join lANDS. “ I think we’re getting I would not recommend the latter. him every week are authentic. down. I don’t see why she stays with York, NY 10019. more and more intellectuaiiy ablje Life is too short to spend it waiting “ It’s a very moving experience Ms. Bush, who is SO and di­ me. I expect her to throw me out at people who won’t go off the deep for someone else to change. Life is Write to Dr. Blaker at the above and it shows,” he says. “ Somehow vorced, refuses to interpret her KAOPECTATE | i ^ o anj^oment. end and draw conclusions too MISS BRECK also too short to spend it complaining. address. The volume of mail prohibits you can tell that these people are experience, TableU What I want to ask you, however, is personal replies, but questions of gen­ easily.” ; ASSURE ULTRA SWIM LADY'S CHOICE If you find that you can’t move in honest... Some start crying while WELLA BALSAM why I can’t leave when the situation eral interest will te discussed in Hairspray Shampoo or 20’s either of the more healthy directions. they’re talking about it.” Parity Liners Antl-Perspirant is this bad? future columns. She points to lANDS as a Says Criim: “ Some people will lAND’S director, Nancy Bush, Conditioner Shampoo or clearinghouse whose staff say It’s hallucination; some people All Typaa a numbers among the many who say $34 7 members are not out to espouse will say it’s oxygen deprivation; Scented or Conditioner they've been profoundly affected . ^, Unecenled 9 oz. 8 oz. ' A ll Types Cinema sny parti(xilar belief when it some people will say it’s proof of CORTAID jocnaTi by a near-death experience. Hers, comes to near-death eitperiences. AsSUit! I4 's 2 oz. life after death. We say we don't I j B u tlliM e Lotion 6 oz. which occurred during the birth of But the title of a book she is writing RiiilyLiiKPt know what it is, but it sure as hell Is $157 1 0 2 Hartford Monchester her second daughter in 1962, was — “ Amazing Grace; Oral and interesting.” Wllllmantic I '/ $127 •assb Clnemo City — Rope (P G ) 7;S0, 9:50. UA Theaters East — Revenue of the ; \ S *2 ** $207 $107 — Blow-Up (R ) 7:05 wllh Fearless Nerds (R ) 2:15, 4:15, 7:15, 9:15. — The Jlllson Square Cinema — The |1b b .=h.--.! Vampire Killers 9:05. — A Boy and His Jungle Book (G ) 2, 3:35, 5:05, 7, 9. — Muppets Take Manhattan (G) 1:30 — $2«7 Ooa (R ) 7:20,9:35. — The 4lh Mon 7:40, Dreomscope (P G ) 2, 4, 7:20, 9:30. Revenge of the Nerds ( R) 7,9:15.— The 9:55. Natural (P G ) 1:30, 6:50, 9:20 — Mansfield Woman In Red (PG) 1:30,7:10,9:20 — Thoughts lost Hartford Trans-Lux College Tw in — Cloak A Red Dawn (P G ) 1:30, 7, 9:15. Available at participating lostwood Pub A Cinema — The Dagger (P G ) 7,9. — Blade Runner (R ) 7 Windsor Crown Pharmacy VALUE PLUS STORES! Natural (P G ) 7:15. with Allen (R ) 9:15. ^ Roza — The Last Storflghter (P G ) “ God is love.” So it is declared Lenox Pharmacy sinners; they have the idea that Because He loves us. He wants Prescription Center Not all items available at ADVILL P oorR lcha rd 'tP u bA an em a— Best in the Holy Bible, in the First God is angry with them and does all stores. 299 E. Center St. DIGEL Defense (R> 7:30, 9:30. Vernon Orlve-lns us to forsake sin and turn to him. 208 W. Center St. CInel At— The Natural (P G ) 7,9:30. East Hartford— The Last Starflghter Epistle of John, chapter four and not love them. Not responsible lor Manchester T a b le ts AFTATE God’s love is unchanging and .Tablets — Bachelor Party (R) 7:10,9:10. (P G ) 8:15 with The Dark Crvstol (P G ) verse sixteen. I don’t know of any Manchester typographical errors. Showcota CInoma — Ghostbusters unfailing. Let us experience his (PG) 12:30, 2:45,4:55,7:20,9:40. — The 10. truth that the enemy of our souls L i q u i d West Hartford The Good News is that “ God love in a new demension by Regular or Karate Kid (P G ) 1:15, 4, 7, 9:40. — East Windsor — Best Defense (R ) IS more anxious to blot out of IDi-oa Gremlins (PG ) 12:20,2:45,5,7:30,9:55. Elm 1 A 2 — Best Defense (R ) 2, 7, 8:15 with 48 Hrs. (R ) 10:15. showed his love among us: He sent acknowledging our sin and receiv­ 50’s antacKJ ant( gas Lemon-Orange — Cloak A Oaooar (P G ) 12:40, 2:45, 9:30. — Bachelor Party (R ) 2, 7, 9:30. God’s Word. his one and only Son into the world HeilthS 4:50, 7:15, 9:30. — Red Dawn (P G ) Manchester — Three Stooges ing by faith God’s Son as our Kay Drug Co. 4 oz. Comedy 8:15 with Best Defense (R ) that we might live through him. Brooks Pharmacy Quinn's Pharmacy 60's 12:45, 3, 5:10, 7:30, 10. — Purple Rain TOe Movies — Revenge of the Nerds Some people have a false idea personal Saviour and Lord today! Bnuty Aids (R ) 12:30, 2:45, 5, 7:20,9:50. — Woman (R ) 12:30, 2:30, 4:30, 7:15, 9:10. — The 8:30 with An Officer and a Gentleman This is love: not that we loved God, 14 Main St.. 585 Enfleld Ave., 873 Main St. $357 In Red (P G ) 1, 3, 5:10, 7:40, 10. — (R ) 10. about God. They have been de­ Sale Pfiixs! Jungle Book (P G ) 12,1:45,3:35,5:20,7, but that he loved us and sent his Rev. Kenneth L. Gustafson, East Hartford Enfield Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 8:35, 10. — Dreamscape 12:20, 2:20, Mansfield — The Jungle Book (G ) ceived to think and believe that Son as an atoning sacrifice for our llkttiN ill. 16 - II, laM Manchester $247 (PG) 1:15,4,7:15,9:50. 4:20,7:40,9:40. ^ with Educating Rita (P G ) at dark. .pod hates them because they are Pastor sins.” — I John 4:9,10. Calvary Church i *1.59 J,. M - MANCHESTfeIR HERALD. Thursday. Aug. 16, 1984 MANCIIKSTF.K HERALD. Thursday Aug 16, 1984 - 15 Altitude sickness East Catholic high Emphasis is on ‘managei^ as Rose goes home posts final honors Doc takes study Bv Rick Van Sant thethe worst worst teams teams in in baseball. baseball. teammatesteammates on on those those world world cham- cham­ pushpush themselves, themselves, (but) (but) I I don’t don’t "The"The Cincin Cincinnati fan.s rooted for United Press InternotlonolInternational "P"Pete ete is is going going to to put put enthusiasm enthusiasm pionpion Cincinnati Cincinnati clubs, clubs, who who also also thinkthink he’ll he’ll do do it it in in a a nasty nasty way. way. meme for for 16 16 yea years, I think the fans xiie following is the fourth Lavey, south Windsor; Sharon McDer­ mott, Vernon; John Price, Glaston­ to Everest peak back in Cincinnati baseball.”baseball." returned to the RedsRi-ds this season,season. There's a difference in how you go still feel I’mI ’m a part of them and I quarter honor roll for East Ca­ bury; Richard Price, Glastonbury; CINCINNATI -— Pete RoseRose. predicted Reds’ part-owner MargeMaree said the club couldn’t have found a about il." feel the same w ay." tholic High School. Walter Trymbulok. Glostonbury; i-i Rapp was in his first season as Rose holds the major league Donna Tuttle, M||nchester. whose “ Charlie Hustle” playing Schott. ” I think this is one of the better manager. By GIno Del Guercio results. spirit rocketed the biggest things that’s happened to ” I think Pete is going to be a manager, lasting only 121 games. record for most games played G R AD E 9 First Honors United Press International The symptoms usually go away to the top in the 1970s, comes back Cincinnati baseball in a long time. great manager,” said Perez. In his final time managing the club (3.345). He won the National James Berak, East Hartford; Dovid Honors with Distinction Bolsoneau. Bolton; Angela Cacace, once a climber returns from the today to manage his hometown The hometown fans just adore Pete "H e ’ll make you play hard and Wediu'.sday night, the Reds beat St. I.eague Ro