24 - MAN(:HKSTKF< HKRALl), Wednesday, Aug. 15, 1984 Most cases dismissed Vermont governor defends raid on church Verdict doesn’t please Bolton association Rose home By Kevin Goddard than acting on evidence of abuse — the rights of children,” he said. they were valid, and that he would Snelling said the union may have and believes differences of opinion Manchester Inventor studies near-death as manager United Press International when they raided the Northeast The state seized the youngsters leave it up to lawyers for the state unveiled the proposal to attract over the party’s platform merely reflect the fact that the GOP is a Kingdom Community Church on in an attempt to check them for to decide whether to appeal the attention to a problem that has ... p a g e 3 M O N TPE U E R , VI - Gov. June 22. Snelling said. signs of abuse, but Mahady refused ruling. gone too long unaddressed, rather "big party” that embraces many ... p a g e 11 ... page 15 Richard Snclling continues to "When a judge tries to get in the to give the state tem|)orary cus­ But he hinted further legal action than out of a genuine belief the points of view. defend the state’s ill-fated raid on minds of people ... that judge has tody and -— in a series of rulings — was likely. campaign will succeed. an Island Pond religious group, no more chance of being right, or criticized the roundup as a viola­ " I really do believe the system " I suspect that what (teachers) despite a new ruling that authori­ no less chance of being wrong, than tion of constitutional rights. will work. In the end, there will be are trying to do is get people’s GnnVs fanwell ties were merely fishing for if I tried to judge what you were In the decision handed down lust some kind of a final determina­ attention by saying, 'this isn't a evidence of child abuse. thinking." he told reporters. week, the judge reviewed the tion," he said. little problem, it's a big problem,'" In 1884 the collapse of the Grant Snelling said Tuesday that Dis­ The governor also said he history of western civilization and On other matters, Snelling: he explained. & Ward investment house left trict Court Judge Frank Mahady. remained convinced most Ver­ cited a number of previous legal — Sa id he supports a move by the — Said he does not support a ex-President Ulysses S. Grant who last week di.Smissed about 60 monters. given the evidence he rulings to underscore the evolution National Education Association of Republican Party platform put penniless. He then began * his Clouds tonight; Manchester, Conn. child abuse cases for lack of reviewed before be authorized the and importance of constitutional Vermont to upgrade teacher salar­ together by Reagan administra­ “ Personal Memoirs,” which he evidence, attempted in the ruling roundup of 112 sect children, would protections against unlawful ies, but sees little likelihood of tion loyalists, but thinks platforms wrote while ill of cancer. He sunny Friday Thursday, Aug. 16, 1984 to read the minds of state officials. agree the rtdd was needed to search and seizure. success for a proposfil by the union have little genuine impact completed them four days before — See page 2 Single copy: 25C Mahady had no basis for the protect children from an abusive Snelling said he would need a to increase state taxes by $113 anyway. he died on July 23, 1895. Grant is judgment that officials were look­ form of coriK>ral punishment. "dozen law clerks" to research the million — with the money to go to He said he remains "proud" to buried in a tomb on Riverside UlanrlfrHtrr MrralJi ing for evidence of abuse — rather "There must be a way to protect citations before he could judge if teachers. support Reagan's re-election bid. Drive in New York City. Cypriot freighter hit by guif mine By Hanzada Flkry Roger Lowes of Lloyd's said the The fomgti relalions committee United Press International Theoupolis from Limas.sol re­ of Egypt's national assembly ported severe damage to its engine ('ailed fora "joint Arab strategy to Suez City. Egypt — A U.S. navy room. gnaranlee the seenniy of the Red 6 .ship carrying lour mineswoeping The USS Shrevepnrl. an amphil)- S e a .” helicopters sailed through the Gulf ious transport dock, rcaclicd the The eommiltee. in a statement of Suez today and a Cypriot southern end of the Suez Canal carried by Ihe Middle Fast News freighter sent a mayday call today, Suez {'anal Authority .soiir Agency, described Ihe mining of saying it had hit an underwater CCS said. Ihe Red Sea as a "criminal ael.” bomb. The Shreveport, hiden with I.ilfya. which has lieen accused The latest case of a ship hitting a RH-53I) Sea SI allions ehoiipei s and l>y Egypt as a primary suspect ANDOVER mine — at least the 18lh in the pa.st 210 men. did not stop bill eonliimed lieuding more proof, said Ihe Mini Estate month — came as Libya charged south to the Giilf of Suez wluu e it is mull Inal lonal efforl to swee|> the the minesweeping operation by expected to lu-gin miiieswet-ping Red Sea was a big hoax by the A beautiful setting with this exceptional 12 U.S., British and French forces operations Friday. soperpowei's to occupy the area. Rm. home, featuring: was a hoax aimed at gaining Four British mine hunters and a "The ships of Ihe lliiiled Stales, control of the Red Sea and the Gulf support vessel wailed at the Kraiiee and Great Bnlain that of Suez, Adahiya naval base at the norlhern 12 room s total have been deserilted as mint's ^ Marble faced fireplace The Lloyd's shipping agency in tip of the Gulf of Suez to join in the Separate in law suite weepers in fact are preparing lo Spacious family room with ■seareh-and-destroy operation for ^ Spacious living room London said an 11.765-Ion Cypriot oeenpy the Red Sea and Ihe Gulf of Roman brick fireplace freighter hit "an underwater mines that have damaged at least ✓ Unique kitchen 3 car garage Suez." said the slale-ruii Libyan in-the 20 x 40 inground pool that is one of the bomb" in the Red Sea and reported 18 eommereial ve.ssels in the gulf Large master bedroom ^ 20x38 Inground pool News Agency .lANA, iiionilored in severe engine room damage in a and the Red Sea during reeeni Dining room with Parkade floor t / ' Quality throughout many attractions of this 4 bedroom raised ranch. Beirut Separate office or den Built by Everette Van Dyne, this quality-built mayday distress call late weeks. Wedne.sday. A spokesman for the Frt'neh It said Ibis was lo he done home also offers a 2-car garage, 1 full and 2 half Lloyd’s Shipping Intelligence Embassy in Cairo said Ihe Kreneli "llndi'f Ihe veil of .searching II baths, family room, fireplaced living room, 1V4 said the mayday call from the mine hunters. Cant ho and I)o- international wa.Srw.iy." it added Priced at $187,000. GLASTONBURY $119,900 We would be glad to show you through acre lot, and more. Price $115,000. Theoupolis, sailing from Giz.'in, maire. and theirsupport ship Isard The Sea Stallion ehopiiers are PRESTIGIOUS LOCATION overlooking golf course with magnificent view tile same type used by the U S of Hartford! Gorgeous customized Ranch featuring 3 bedrooms, kitchen & Saudi Arabia, was picked up on were on their w;iy to Ihe Saudi dining area with built-ins, 1st floor laundry room & 2 car garage An excep­ VHF radio by the Liberian- Arabian port of Jeddah where they Navy in 1974-75 lo liel|i clear the tional home throughout. Call for an appointment 643-4060 regi.stered steam tanker Mobil will undertake their shiire of Suez Canal of mines after Ihe 1973 A Swift in the southern Red Sea. scouring Ihe waters. Arab Israeli war n A U&R REALTY CO. (B Zinsser Agency c b 643-2642 — 750 Main St., Manchester Robert D. Murdock, Realtor MARKET REAL ESTATE SERVICES EVALUATION Blast cause unknown; 223 East Canter St., M anctieater 643-4060 646-1511 U SOUTH WINDSOR lengthy probe expected By Susan E. Kinsman United Press International 156 E Center St SIMSBURY — Ensign-Biekford Manchester Industries opened for business today despite uncertainty about the cause of a powerful blast that G leveled an explosives plant and Beal laJate . killed three workers Wednesday, Herald photo by Tarquino Officials from the federal Occu­ 647-7653 pational Safety and Health Admin­ Slippery little bugger istration were at the scene within hours of the explosion that caused SUPER INVESTMENT PROPERTY the first deaths in 80 years at the Steve Simonson makes a vain attempt to day camp, and is participating in the safety fuse and blasting cap M anchester catch a football while diving into the fourth annual Colors War. More pictures company. Absolutely immaculate 4 bedroom Co­ Ideal family home. 7 rooms, 3 bed­ pool at Robertson School Wednesday. on page 4. The force of the explosion was I felt up to mile away, threw cinder lonial with first floor family room, large rooms, 3 baths, fireplace, 2 car gar­ Steve is a counselor for the Y.W.C.A. blocks hundreds of feet, and raised a black cloud of smoke, dust and kitchen and gorgeous 16’ x 32’ inground age, carpeting, appliances, city fumes which forced about 200 pool. Don’t miss this house.
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