JUL 0219Q6


PICNIC PINUPS Family Album III I iliv IsMII • Thousaixls socialized gaily at thc GAGV picnic on June 23. Page IS Ray Mosher award , -....3 Atany Lobby Day. 3 Incerview: Nanqr Rosin 6 OfMon: n/ote •96" 8 MaMrv the Scene. „J4 EntertakHnenc 17 Book review .. « 17 Cokimnists.... 19 Groups » 24 Classifieds 29 Calendar 30

Gay Men's Chorus, Women's Pride Parade * Choms head for Tampa, Fla. LOCAL AND STATE Over 1,000 singers set for GALA FesHual Bisha House appeals for volunteers, funds By Susan Jordan pecced to generate 10 to 20 million Bisha House is a terminal care home The Rochester Gay Men*s Chorus dollars in business for the local com­ for patients suffering from AIDS, and members of Rochester municy. and it is in great need of volunteers. Women's Community Chorus will Kenneth Cole, executive director Priority \% given to AIDS patients take part in the world's largest gay of GALA Choruses, said. "GALA because only two terminal care and cf>oral festival this month. officials initially considered other homes locally AIDS padents. The GALA Festival wili be held locatsons when Tanripa voters in 1992 "The other homes discriminace July 6-13 in Tampa, Fla. As che latest repealed the city's amendment to its and do not accept AIDS patiencs," issue of "Keynotes," the RGMC human rights ordinance banning dis­ say Elisha House spokespersons. newsletter, remarks, "35 groggy crimination on the basis of sexual "Ironically, these other homes are members of RGMC will gacher ac orientation. They decided to remain very welt financed, and staffed with the airport. For a 6:25 (a.m.) flight. in Tampa, though, when the city put a pool of hundreds of volunteers. In To Rorida. For a week. In July." the law back on the books in Octo­ the fast five years we %er4eA 70 It takes real dedication to face ber 1993. after the courts deter­ patiencs in their journey coward Florida's summer humidity, but che mined that 462 signatures thatforced peace, and 50 of those patiencs had RGMC has been a prominent mem­ the vote were Invalid." AIDS. We are in desperate need of ber of GALA Choruses (Gay and Gays and who attend the volunteers and donations to con­ Lesbian Association of Choruses) Festival wUi be able to consuk "The tinue to s«pMMiia«BMmMdl|r;'' since its 1986 event in Minneapolis,- Rorida Boycott Handbook" which Elisha House serves a population ^i^-i when RGMC made history by hav­ lists local businesses v^ich respect that has litde in financial resources. ing all members leam to sign their equality and have policies banning The proiect is depletinglcs resources version of "Kumbaya" in ASL, an anti-gay discrimination, as a guide on much faster than it is abkrto secure incident recorded in GALA*s ofHcial where to besc spend their money. grant funds. *'We do not char^ history (and the only mention of a Thirty-six concerts will be held in patients for cheir stay, nor is there specific chorus in that history.) the Tampa Bay Performing Arts any reimbursement from insurances The Festival will indude a keynote Center, and related events will take or Social Services," the group says. address by author Maya Angelou, place at other sites, including the Elisha House has room fbr two with Harvey Fierstein as opening Busch Gardens theme park, which patients at any one time. Each pa­ ceremonies m.c; and appearances has been rented for the night of July tient has their own private bedroom by Holly Near, Romanovsky and 11 for a concert including gay com­ and there are sitting rooms and a Phillips, cabaret singer Ann Hamp­ ics Robin Tyler and John McGivem, kitchen avaiial>le to hmiYf and friends. ton Callaway, rock trio BETTY, and and the a cappelja group The Flirta­ The house is staffed 24 hours, seven over 110 choruses and small vocal tions. An all-women concert featur­ days a week. Currently the organi­ groups from gay communities all ing Ysaye Barnwell of Sweet Honey zation relies on an aide agency to fill over che country, as well as Europe in the Rock wili uke place onjuly 12. the evening hours due to a lack of and Australia. RGMC director Nick Williams said volunteers. Each shift is four hours. More than a dozen new choral that he is looking forward to a rare The day and weekend hours are the works will be premiered by approxi­ musical treat. "What excites me most needed hours. Elisha House mately 5.000 singers. Estimates of most is the level of musicianship I'm has craining available for interested the potential audience run to 30.000 going to hear. All the choruses are volunteers. people. "It's huge." said Jim Clark of amateur, but some of them are "Our mission is co provide com­ the Tampa-Hillsborough Conven­ among the most-recorded choirs in fort care to make the patient's last tion and Visitors' Center. "It's one the U.S. this decade. days as joyful and comfortable as of the biggest meetings v^'ve ever possible. We offier unconditional love had in Tampa." The event is ex­ OKM-US continuttd on p. 3 and compassion for ALL patients in our house," the group says. Please call Lynne McNauhy at 464-8852 to inquire further. Donations mvy be Rep. Bamey Ftank to host fundraiser for Slaughter sent to Elisha House, 370 Chm Ave^ Rochester, N. Y. 14611. By Susan Jordan House Judiciary Committee. House of Representadves. 2410, or Cheryl CamJifo at 28S- Conp^oynnan Bamey Frank wMI host Cof^resswoman Slaughter is cur­ Mark Siv^iec and Cheryl CanrdMo* 7247. a communicy fundraiser for local rently finishing her fifth term, and co-chairs of the event said. "With Rep. Frank told the £mpiy Ooset Bikers ride for Congresswoman Louise Slaughter has a neariy perfect voting record rel^us polidcal extremists advanc­ about why he supports Louise on Juty 19 at 7:30 p.m., at a private on issues of concem to the leriitan, ing their hate-filled, discriminatory Sbu^ghter **Because I never have to home in Com Httl. (For k>cation. gay and bisexual communhy. accord­ agenda through Congress, it is im­ ask her. I have a lot of colleagues By Aron Blocher caU 232-2410 or 268-7267.) ing to the Human Riights Campaign, portant to re-elect advocates for who I lobby aiNxit whether gqf men Comeyec die''FonyBtpress Tour Rep. Frank, of Massachusetts, be­ a Washington. D.C-besed gay rights Wmeu like Representadves Slaugh­ and lesbians deserve die same rifhts "96" as lc pesees through our neck of came the nation's first openly fay oryniadon. According tt> a recent ter and Franic We invite aH mem­ as everyone else. Wldi Loulae, I the woods on July 20. Ifyou liaven*c ntember of Conrms when he came report in Congressionaf Quorneriy bers ofthe community to pardd- xmteBr have to ask. She's lundamen- yet heard what the cour Is aH about. oucin l9t7.Heisal«uln8advocattt magsTine, she may be in Hne to pete bt her campe)^ by {obilng us taly a decent immeii beinc WIIO does aHow me to Introduce you. for equaliqr and Democrack voictt assume dte chair of die. pwerfai for H^ food and dhnk on July 19.*" thhMi heciMaertiey*i"e die rirfic riibM bl condnued elforo to raise money in tfw HOUM of Reprwniariwei, Tkkats arer$SO and can be pur- eo do. wMeti is fsod for (il and a for theSusanG. IComen BreaaaCan- ans is a laiiHinc memoer of tvie dvMd br caMnf dte Louise Shui^* aap.% ConetfoidonSulKiomminMof Ae beck die maforfqr of bl die ver nv"eMCDOTi KAmvtttmntm ac «jx» onpbS forum far or^eofcig dtepmes be^t^eii indMdu- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Frank continued Irom p. I »*i-.». als. We reserve the r1|hc to edit for sfece and It's a very simple text, but a very passionate llw opMom of columnists, edtoorlil writers good example for our colleagues." and other Qontrlbuclns ^'>'*'lc«<^ *^ The CmpCjr Cieeet 179 Atlantic Ave. sion. There's a fairly small number of maie space ivtHeble basls.We w« not print pcr- Rochester ISIT I4C07> 125S ends with an orgasm written into musicai spouses (of Congressmembers), and Herb a t t e r •oral attKks on IrtdMdials, nor w« we be a format. It's beautiful — simple musically but viewpoint and Bob have become friends and have that stunning, a glorious piece of music. It's very in common.*' sin^ble, understandable, accessible. That's Frank said thac the "Defense of Maniage" the one we're doing. Rochester Women's Act (DOMA) is moving so quickly through Newsfronts Community Chonjs are doing another by • LOCAL AND STATE NEWS From Our Readers Congress because the Republicans are push­ Ysaye Barnwell of Sweet Honey in the Rock, ing it as an election year ploy. "It's moving so called *Sound Btes from Bdjing.'" tXKsid I hope a mote pobkaDtfr-awore gtxxap wiH hst because it's not dictated by real issues, Bay Mosher receives awarxi as RPD liaison A politicai event step forward to take xcq>onsibility for die Ptkle lt*s a Republican effort, it's not Defense of Bikort continuod from^ I Parade next year. Maniage, it's Defense of Republican Bec­ without political cer Foundation; Sue Slate and Gin Shear, Sincerely, tion," he said. content? founders of the Women's HotorcycKst Foun­ Add Asked why heterosexuals are so ob­ dation, have come up with the big one! It is a TotiieEditoR sessed vnth the issue, Frank said, "Why are national tour, with corporate sponsorship, Many people have asked me why I did not people so bothered? That's a good ques­ Reader criticizes whkih was not only bom m Leroy. N.Y., but march in the Pride Parade this year, and I would tion. Andrew Sullivan argued in his book tiniine^ location of will be passing through surrounding areas and be haj^y to have an opportunity to explain. I that it would be a better issue to focus on t:^i»:ne 0>unjustice Antonin Scalia seems to sec die gay ccHimiunity as made i:^ aiti^^ stoppingfor an aftemoon event in Churchville- dedded not to march as a protest against the Pride rarade because it's less disruptive than asking people to-do i^>pcr-middleclass white people. In his dissenting opinion in the recent overturn of Chili. poor timing of the march, and the lack of to hire gays» work with them etc. But SColorado's anti-gay Amendment 2, he claimed that gays are a small but hi^ily concentrated To the Editor: This is what rt*$ really about. A 14.300 mile political content in die following Cultural FesdvaL marriage is a very, very important issue in urban elite who possess unlimited wealdi and influence — or "raw power," as Ellen Yacknin wrote in I am appalled by some of the dedsions diat were route begins in St. Joseph, Missouri, on June For me, there are two purposes for a Pride our society. People are paradoxically last nx>nth's *TTie Law and Us" column. made by thc Gay and Lesbian Business Forum 29. It will then drop down to Houston, Texas, Parade; first, to feel pride in our identity instead troubled by the state of marriage and want Therefore, Scalia daimed, since we queers have aD this "disproportionate" influence and wealth (not Pride Parade planning committee for thc Roch­ and from there circumnavigates the United ofthe shame inculcated by society, and second, to do something even when there's no unlike politicals, judges and CEOs, one might think), it is fair and just for Coloradans, and presumably ester Pride Parade 1996. States, ending in Dallas. Texas on Aug. 18. to show that pride to thc heterosexual commu­ logical reason. all Americans, not only co hate us, but to manipulate ihc Constitution to dcpnve us of the rights enjoyed It is my understanding that partidpants in this where the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer nity and to doseted gays and lesfcaans — to be 'There is a separate issue of states' rights, byallotherAmeficancitizcns,inordertocompen- affects middleclass white gay males or females. event marched downtown, fit>m thc Liberty Pole Foundation is located. The tour is split up into Ray Mosher Robert Warshaw visible. On a summer Saturday night downtown, i think Lambda (Legal Defense and Educa­ sate for the enormous, unfeir power wc suppos­ Once sodety has come to accept th^tt as g?ys, as to Brown's Race, at 7 p.m. on June 22. How can we Megs." consisting of 100-300 miles each. Rid­ few p»e(^le were on the soreets, and the march tion Fund)*s mistake is in emphasizing that edly wield. fer as thcy are concerned, the need for sodal be visible if we're marching in a ^ost town? Who ers of this tour will pass a medallion and a Capt. Ray Mosher, head ofthe Downtown section ofthe Rochester Polke Department, is liaison was largely invisible to diat audience. thc decision of the Hawaii State Supreme FoiTunately for American civil tights, die ssix change will be over. would be downtown watching die parade at that scroll with names of victims, supporters and with the gay community. The Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley presented him with a spedal Court would be binding fbr all states. I don't majority jusrices did not agree with this highly Often such single-issue gays find it infqx>ssible AJso, at 7 pjn. thc 6 o*dock TV news had just time ofthe nig^t? survivors from motorcycle to motocyde as award on June 20 at Harro Bust. Chief of Police Robert Warshaw commented that the ended, and stations could not send "Live Eye" think that*s true. States can pass legislation relationship between the RFD and the gay community shoukl be used as a model for the rest of skewed perceptxMi. Scalia commented bitteriy that to "see" those ^eluding other gays) i»^o are not When I expressed my concems directly to two they make their way around the country. cameras to provide coverage. Only the compara­ to 6er\Y recognition, and some of them the nation. Speakers included Christy Simons ofthe GAGV Conununity Education Project, whk:h the majority justices were influenced by poiitical afiEhicnt, did not receive a c<^!i^ education, did men fiom die Rochester Gay/Lesbian Business Now, here's the part where Rochester and tively small 11 p.m. viewii^ audience saw the have. The states wouldn't have to abide by hokls sensftivity training sessk>ns for the Police Academy. nuher than judidal motives in their dedsion. Hiis nocgiowi^ in suburban neighborhoods, arc not Forum ygvho were involved in the planning ofthe its surrounding areas can enjoy both greeting coverage by Channel 10 and Channel 9. TTie it. My advice would be to concentrate on is a strai^ conclusion to draw, since the majority white or male or profiessionai or "strai^t-;^ event; I was told that the reason fbr choosing thc the tour, and helping to support the effort. It's march was invisible to a wider TV audience. Havtoii's rights, not on how this would be included both liberal justices and Ronald Reagan pearingf'—and who therefore arc invisible and evening time was because die LPGA would be a "Ride-n-BreaWfast," as we call h: (they are leave a message on my voice mail, 234-7075, Albany to join Jennie Bowker and Maura Who did see die Rochester Pride Parade? binding on all the states." appointees hardly known fbr their progressive simply don't count And the image of the gay golfing during the day! Excuse me, but I dHx^t happening in many cities throughout the coun­ and 1*11 call you back. I will be riding a leg of this Lynn Wegman and over 100 other lesbian, Essentially, tMily the marchers themselves, their Commentir^on the proposed plan to views, vtivle the three minority justices — Scalia, community and thc gay liberation movement the priority for gay pride was VISIBIUTY, not try), where a diverse coalition of people on tour in Florida, so be patient. I wHI get back to gay, bisexual, , and "straight, fiiends and si^^^xmers. itKlude the Employment Non Discrimina­ Rehnquist and Thomas — are sdf-prodaimcd which has often been projected to the public at leisure. motorcycles wlH ride in from everywhere, you. but not narrow" New Yorkers to talk to Finally, die decision to have a Cultural Festival tion Act in DOMA, Frank said. "I don't think warriors in what thcy, following Bismarck (trying large is an image of people who are Caucasiatl, "Ofcourse," one of diese men condescendingly gather in Leroy to organize a parade led by the their state ofRcials in Albany about the cather than a rally meant that marchers were the votes are there. It's an interesting idea, to wipe out German Cathobcs) and Hitier (trying straig^-^ppearingand vq^wardlymobile—"just explained to me,'Sx^e will get ample coverage of the Pony Express Tour, and head to the concerns of the leSbian/gay/bisexuaW asked to be passive consumers at yet another but with Republicans controlling the Sen­ to wipe out Jews) call die '*Kultiirkampf' — thc like heterosexuals." Tliat b, just like the hccero- event in thc news...*' Even if this Is the case, 10 Churchvillc-Chili Middle School to meet the transgender community. Their day was so "party." Although thc parade's title referred to ate, we don't have the voces." "culture war" against gay Americans which thc sexual white uppcr-middlcclass males vtho con- seconds of air time at 11 p.m. cannot replace the media and have a blast. This is our way of etnpowering, they wanted to sharv it with ^ J "our femilies," marchers were not asked to diink Frank said aboiit the Supreme Court RadicalR^thasinventedinotdertoimposetheir cxol society. eu^oria and empowerment I fek last year when I bringing afl types of people together on com­ you. about why they were marching, how our femilies ruling on Amendment 2, "It's a terrific repressive control on our sodety. Hit is judidal So if wc arc stereotyped by Radical Right marched with my firiends down Monroe Ave. mon ground to help batde this terrible dis­ 9:10 a.m. Arrived 'm Albany's mammoth are threatened, or how we can resist—even why decision. Very v/ell done and made it very objectivity? moudf^xeces like Scalia as too influential, too durif^ business hours. Peo{^ had to take note of ease. Remember, breast cancer strikes both Etnpire State Plaza state govertitnetit com­ we should want to resist. How did this help gay clear to people that not being discriminated As a dedicated agent of "traditional forces." of wealthy, too powerful—rich kids whinit^about our existence, whether thcy wanted to or not. On men and women every three minutes. Every plex. families? against is a right... The three dissenting course, Scalia could be cxpcactl to uncritically "spedal rights" — maybe we have only our- the other hand, an intolerant homophobe could 11 minutes, someone tiies from this disease. It 9:45 aumu Foutid Hearing Room C in the justices are unreachable... Kennedy and acccpc and promote all negative stereotypes of sehrestobJamc.Whcnthcmo5t-<^)presscd,most- I am not suggesting that there shoukl have easily chai^ the channd on die TV. is the number one killer of women between Legislative OflBce Building. Met dedicated O'Connor were the critical votes; they activisa arriving from Buflblo, Pbttsburgh, gayspushedby theR^t,whetherofthcPcdophile, powerless nrjcmbers ofour own movement and beenhoursofboring rhetorical speeches instead. Of course, thc hire of the dollar remains quite the ages of 34 and 55^ and last year alone, we represent rwpertaUe conservative opintoa*" Long Island, and points between. Partici­ the BfiEeminate Queen, thc Lesbian Witch or die community become visible to the rest of us, then Ihere are many ways of getting political ideas powerfuL After the march, dierc was a '^Cultural lost 46,000 loved ones to breast cancer. The Rochester group at the Capitol pated in fagjolative briefing information ses- Wcakhy Powcibroker — whichever seems most maybe heterosexual sodety will also be able to across, which can be informative, undireatenii^ Festival^" where a£Buent gays and lesbians pur­ Chorus continuod from p. I You don't even have to have a motorcycle even exdting and inspiring. Rodiestser gays make a sfon with Empire State Pride Agenda fobby- useful for their propaganda-of-the-moment. An­ "see" that nrK>st of us (millions of usl) are ordi­ diased fiecdom rings, t-shirts, and all kinds of nice 'The level of muskdanshlp among these to enjoy the festivities at this evenc There will Hie Business Fotum organizers are clearly ists. Ate bag lunch. odier fector may be operatir^ here, as wdL In our nary Americans of many diverse backgrounds, ditties and kitsch items so they coukl fed good gMy men and lesbtans singing together is so be live bands, Wanda Miller of WROC Chan­ well-intentioned, but equally dearly they have difference in Albany 12 pjnru Had open information-sharing sodety, g^ys and lesbians, wockii^ class people, not espedaUy wcaldiy or influential, arul cer­ about themsdvcs. This practice of buying pride b Mfh lt*s phenomenal.'" nel 8 TV as a guest M.C a bike show, dancing, much CO leam about political organizing—and By Cheryl CamiNo, FMd Manaifer» En»* dUbgue with skKere freshman Assaml^iy- pcc^silc of color, women, the disal^ed and all others tainly not just a small elite wotking in the shad­ not so dificrent fiom forms of idolatry that were Many choruses have comissk>ned new downs, prizes and mora. You can even vote maybe even about die need for it. They do not pR sacBsa III NW ^Aganoa man DavM Koon of Falrport. Offered ex- who arc deemed powerless are generally treated as ows to manipulate a helpless society f<^ their honored by Christians thfot^^iout Europe during works which will premiere at the Festival. for the best btfcas in the show, or race on a seem to understand that our mere visible pres­ wooden scooter kl the gym against the bikera. On June 4* Rodteatar area residencs Don amples of how lesbian/gay/bisexual/ if diey were invisible. Scalia, even though he comes own personal benefit. the Middle Ages. But this is not Medieval Europe, Wmams sakl that RGMC wM be kwoived ence on the streets is a poHtical act (as is our very There's all kinds of thinp to do. For a dona* Bielak. Tom Privitara. Coke Stewart, Kathy transgender people contribute to society in &om a working class immigrant background, has When our movement becomes tmly inclu­ atid diankfuUy not all gays/ksbians/bisexuals/ in apremiare. *V^e'refoii^to be partof one adopted the values of the power elite, and all existence). If it weren't for the courageous^ com­ tk>n ranginc from $5 to $ i 5. you can joki us at Hart, and Tom Krolak woke up bafora dawn Kvkig their everyday lives. Tried to meat . sive, then it will not be cuily middleclass whke dn^ queens/leadicrs/queers arc Christian dther. of nine faschal choruses. We had a choice of powerless mecnbers of sodety, including hetero­ mitted activists ofthe past 20 years, diere would tlie sdiool to await the riders. The fbn starts so thac thay could maac it the G^ ABanoe with Senator Alesi. Nobody was availabia. ^ gays and lesbians who are visible, who are lead­ I am all too aware that the tnembers of the which ¥^ wanted to ioin, but iust by the kick sexuals, are probably invisible to him (with the be no pride parades or g^y employee networks— at 11 ajn. The ChurchvMa-ChaihNddk School Community Canter before 5:30 ajn. i 2:M |».m. Met with Assemblyman Joe ers, and who set die agenda for everyone eke. Parade platining committee might defend their of the draw, we're ki the choir tittt wM do possible exception of heterosexual working dass And when the true diversity of gay America much less freedom rings and rainbow flag;s. is located on FaiH>anks Rd^ off Rte 33 be­ No. thay waran't participating in any under­ Morale who consistently votes kl favor of- position by saying that I coukl have partidpated in IjOvingAfain" by composer Joseph Jennings Italians). becomes visible, then the bigots who are trying Unfortunately for us, our <^)ponent$ on the tween ChurdtvHte and North ChiU If you cover shananiftfis; they were eml>arkingon the Sexual Orientation Non-Discrimina* the planning of the event if I have so many gripes (a member ofthe singinggroupChantedear) But Scalia is not thc only one wearing blinkers. to take away our i^ts will have lost the battie. Rig^tafenotincerestedinparties, nor are they the ¥^ould lilce a more personal review of the ona of tha most powerful acthfities avaiable to with a text by Afiican American poet Gk>ria Tiiere is a school of dioi^t within our conunu­ Because then it wilibe dear to Americans of ALL least bit afi:aid of political content and commit- l-Atters continued on p. 9 events, or have any questions at all, please American citizens — they were headkig for AMMHvy condnued on p. 9 Wade-Gayles. nity that feds die only form of oppression that dasses, races and backgrounds that, in most of should concern us as a movement is die one that the ways that count, we realty are just like thenv bur confidential GAGV Membership inciudes an Etttpty Closet

A Pul^cation ofthe Gay Alliance SUBMIT to the Empty Closet! ofthe Genesee Valley

Call for work -- writers, artists, photographers. 179 AduK Ave • KodKHcr NY 14607-1^5 244-9030. Susuijofdtn Por Mon lAfamwDOa Cal: (71fi)244-MO0 Harlow Russdl the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley! Q Enclosed is a check payable to GAGV AdvcrtitiaS polk)^ Tlw Enpty CkM«t doct OM |WM •dvobtcmciui Aw aAecmonal orfetHHKM of Hw pctwn or dw ncmbcn of thai a«|pm^^ OMmaim mtdt ittmkig^ otphoiegraftit, not Ao«* it pritKa^fttmiB^ AM For fanbtr infcmwaiod, plaak* WHK •» the Canity CtoKt J 79 Adanric AWL, tfBBi chM dtt pcnon pktuBtd la ifac td it far Mfe. orilHC ;ou vM'*Ba^ RadHMrNY.1460l7~l2SS,«ralC7U}244-903Q. MEMBBasuiP LEVELS (PLEASE CHECK ONB) Q Please chargp my q VISA or q Mastetcard account ifaat piMucufer ptmm ifytm ptttoma€ *« 4UiUMmmm advcinHadL IWCB^NyOoHt fedwoMaripuUieaboAofdttCair AlbMcvofibcCcnnM Vakf» IAC. , H uiMd io dtt byfnn of tbat offarinMoa. to (Nvpcw feI O bdb«n Q Individtiai $25 annually Q Lifetime $500 The Empty Ooset nSubscrii>e! Advcni thst i*€ nplkxljp ncitt, mm, wgmt^ idUchur at Iha lorttttur p^ Luttmumtj ifcol loca> aiai aafeoiMi yy wtsad nem aod Account No: Exp. Date: wpo^ida i fat—far idaaa—d ofdw wotk (mm dK local PT • Household $40 annually a Smdent $20 annually r.iobriplwwiiiM feifeiibip aiilia nha«aiimnmfey,Mid*pbBap*« Signature of cardholden D Renew of a MifeMil MCwodt OTIUUBO ood g*f j Q Contributes ySO annuaUy Q Organization $50 annually • Fw jMlBBCHIOll^ UHBH IWWl HCflMt, Mtm, IMWIH, pOMiy, MiklOl Name: We'd like to ask you to become GAGV Natne imttthftMlimmpntobtenllm^mfKfOatm «efe« Q Patron $100 annually Q Business $75 annually Address bf d^ ladi of dw aoa* (gt^ot^ mi rmiw •••» adi by A* ttHk.) Ptm at cm poqMas fe lo oadoMHi a codttaadar members (see ad on next page) but ifyou Dsi%i Mw^ct far motK$amu wdy «di tm mnltikM fc* t iiK. .VaoHatbacwiMtD Q Bene&ctor $250 annually Stn^t Address: lll^«fe«BOfdl — paoffaofesloi^ Mdoldl jusc want a subscription, use this forml PidecnioolofawarinB Thariieunoaat fe pnAMihail 11 diaea a ytar lofbft. (p>naodia> iiidjaniiaq oaaahioai^by iba rainr<| Hijaai fnm fatditGo)r Qty and State: Zip: A one-year subcripiksn inciudes 11 ate AJbaaeaofifaaCtmm Valay. 1^Afii iiiiaiilj aOOOeopfeiofoacb HM t oftthMiidBii.«emfei anfem aod odMT co«rifaM^«dMn S9s O 1 year $15 (S23 Canadian; $28 IntemackMial) maiedkipiamenvekipefl. RetumtoECFRESS^ 179 feioaaioiiiiftiiiiiliiiiiintWdni aiiliofAgpisib^iisiibywdhi aad do wt osaBMaiaf ffflact dia c^hctM MdHda of iba Caf Support Progtams and Services! Home Phone: Business: • BfeioaaatadaMKAi^.'rW B^tfoadttioMMc •••MflaiihaaiMnofeof ^Mr AKaan of Ac GOMM* Vdbr OK dl* Cavif Ooaaa-No M^ aanoa^ lOV Q 2 yean: $20 ($35 Canadian; $38 Intemadonal) AdmocAvenat, Rodiester, NY 14607-1255 I «M ha r^Mwd •febom wdHaa or I ^ t> / ^ ??^i>^4^:r^^~'i'W^f^/ ' :M- r H m in f,ir v c x-4> « Non Discrimination Act (ENDA) as an amend­ were lesbians and invohnsd in an intimate The amendment was approved by a vote ment to tha Defense of Marriage Act when rebtionship with each othar^ Accordk^ to of 207 to 73, with five members of Pariia­ Bishops drop heresy Anti-gay school board Supreme Court the biU reaches the Sanate ffoor this month. members of their home communities, the ment abstaining. The amendment will let gay trial against Righter HRCs Daniel Zingale says diis wilt "call die women ware invoh^ ki gay organizatfons. common-law partners share the same rights agenda loses in New reverses Cincinnati's Wufr of diose who say they are for DOMA There was no robl>ery kivolved inthe kici- as heterosexual common-law partners, in­ A panel of eight Episcopalian bbhops has Hampshire^ New York anti-gay measure but not anti-gay. It would also mean that anti­ dant. There b no known motive at this point, cluding the right to inherit property and a dedded not to charge retired Bishop Walter The Supreme Court followed up on its May gay job discrimination would be debated on which can be a bias indkator ki itself. It b deceased partner's pension. Righter with heresy for ordaining a gay man. Recent defeats of anti-gay policies and sc^ool ruling against Colorado's Amendment 2 on the Senate ffoor. Presklent Ointon supports pos«ble that their kiHer or killers bdiavad The panel ruled on May 15 in Wilmington, board candidates may indicate that the reii­ "We welcome the feet that Pariiament June 17. by overtuming a federal appeals them to be lesbians^ Del. that Episcopal doctrine does not spedfi­ gfous right is losing ground in their national e^DA. passed thb law," said Geza Juhasz, a member court's 1995 upholding of an anti-gay dty "Accordk^ to the NatHMial Coalitfon of cally ban the ordination of non-celibate gay attacks on gay rights and free speech in schools. In other marriage-relatad news, currently of the gay group Szivarvany ("Rainbow.") charter amendment (Issue 3) in Ckidnnati, IVewsfronts Anti-Vk>lence fVograms, 59 gay man and men. The trial would have been only the The anti-gay censorship policy in the • NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL NEWS there ara 35 anti-^y maniage bills under "But I don't think thb proves that most Ohfo. Issue 3 had been invalkfeted in 1994. consklaration m state legislaturas. Ofthe 35. women ware tha victims of hate crimes in (legislators) are more enlightened... The few second time in 200 years thata heresy trial has Merrimack, N.H. schools was repealed on The Court's action sends the case back to support him for president. 19 have died, 11 have bean enacted, ona has natfonal parks ki 1994. The Shenandoah was actually imposed on the pariiament by taken pfece. Gay rights supporters hailed the June 3, as the reiigfous right lost control ofthe the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, signaling Gaifs protest signing However. UrvaM Vaid, former director of cleared both chambers, one has cJaarad one slayir^ randnd us of another attack on a the Constitutional Courc" dedsion as a moral victory. school board. The policy had banned all class­ the NGLTF. sakl that although she feeb she that the appeals court's reasoning was ffewed chamber, and three are pendmg floor action. lesbian coi^e a^ght years ago. In 1988. The court ordered in March 1995 that Righter, 72, knew that Barry Stopfel was in room discussion that could be regarded as of anti-marriage iMli "can't vote for this guy.... in the long haul" she Rebecca W^ht was murdered and har fover and must now conform to the Constitution's -Lisa Keen, 7?ie Wosfi^igton Blade common-law relationships be extended to a committed gay relationship when he or­ presenting homosexuality "as a positive lifestyle Since May. ^y voters have been swamping is "sur«" dut she Witt. She tokl the Mew York grant of equal protection. Oaudia Brenner was severely injured. CHI die same-sex couples. dained him a deacon in New Jersey. Righter aitemative." The Merrimack school board the Democratic National Commlccee oflice Times that she will vote for Ointon, "but I Appalachian TraM in Pennsylvania. Oaudfe voted 3-2 to overtum the censorship policy, "We convinced the federal trial court in Ljesbians killed on -Christopher Jones. The Wttsh'mgton Bhde ignored a 1979 church resolution saying that with angry protests about President don*t hava to say I Hke him or IHce doirig it." Brenner's wHlkigness to go public with her it was inappropriate for bishops to ordain after a moderate candidate, Rosemary Rung, 1994 to strike down Issue 3 based on the Ointon's signing of tha so-called "Defense Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole Appalachian Trail ordeal was a defining moment kl passing the non-celibate gays. Stopfel was later ordained defeated a right wing candidate. same longstanding constitutional principles of Marriage" Act (DOMA). is also opposed to same sex marriage, and was Two Vermont women murdered on the Ap­ Hate Crimes Statistics Act.« Oregon hate group a priest by Bishop John S. Spong, and is now Jessea Greenman of PERSON (Publk: Edu­ set out by Justice Kennedy in the Colorado case," said Patricia M. Logue, managing at­ Ointon sakl in May that he has ahrays in feet the co-sponsor of DOMA. In February palachian Trail on June t were lesbians, and "Another feet b that at least one FBI rector of die300-member St. Geot^ge's Church cation Regarding Sexual Orientation Nation­ drops ballot measure tomey for the Midwest regional office of opposed same-sex marriage, and stated during the Republican primaries ha si^ied an the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force is spokesperson has already dbmissed the pos­ in Maplewood, N.J., which chose Stopfel from ally) said, "I'd like to say we've tumed a .rV' Lambcfe Legal Defense and Education Fund. that DOMA will only "make it dear that anti-gay-marriage pledge. And far fixxn op­ concerned that uivest^tors itKluding the FBI sibility of a hate crime. Unless there are fects attacking gay rights over 96 applkiants. corner, but maybe we're at the point v^ere "We are grateful that Judge Arthur Speigel's states can deny recognition of gay mar­ posing only gay marriage, he opposes all forms have not taken the women's lesbian identity to support thb condusion, we are deeply "We are not ^ving an opinion on the moral­ we can see the comer." The anti-gay Oregon Citizens Alliance has thoughtful decisfon. aldiough reversed by riages that occurred in other states." He ofgay rights; at a speech before the Catholic into account as a possible motive. alarmed by such an announcement... Exacer- ity of same-gender relationships," said Bishop Also in eariy June, five of sbc openly gay dropped plans for another balfot measure the Sbcth Chxuit. has now been vindicated added, "If that's ali it does, dien i will si^ ic" rVess Assoclatfon in late May. he stated tfiat The bodies of Julianne Williams and Lollie batirig our alarm is a conversation NGLTF C. Cabell Tennis, bbhop of Delaware and a community school board candicfetes were asking state voters to write anti-gay dis­ by tfie Supreme Court." Christian Coalition leader Ralph Reed told "restoring our social and moral order has got Winans were found by park rangers at a fidd organizer Tracey Conaty had with Agent member of the panel. "We are dedding the dected in New York City. The five won seats crimination into the Oregon constitution. the New Yotk Ttmes on May 30 that his to be somewhere near tfie top of the list" of secluded campsite in Shenandoah National Donahue. During thb conversation, Mr. narrower issue of whether or not a bishop is in three Manhattan districrts and one Br(x>klyn Suzanne B. Goldberg, stafF attomey for group will push to get the bill on Clinton's national priorities. However, Dole has not F^rk in Virginia. Both women's throats had Donohue indicated that he was unaware that The announcement came on the heels of restrained" from ordaining "active homosexu­ district, all of whkh are regarded as politically Lambda, which was co-counsd in both Colo­ desk for signing by Labor Day. made anti-gay statements in the last month, bc^n slashed. FBI agent John Donohue is on the victims were lesbians and that he had not the Supreme Court's ruling against als." liberal. But even the candidate who lost did rado and Cindnnati cases, said, 'The Court whk:h adds credibility to tfie charge by gays Coloracfo's Amendment 2. tocfey shows the power behind its ruling last Melinda f^ras, director of the Nationai record as ruling out bias as a possible motiva­ heard ofthe Rebecca W^t/Oaudia Brenner Righter said that he hopes the decision well in a conservative Staten Island dbtrict. tfiat Republicans are trying to drive a wedge "It's not often that Lou Mabon and OCA month... the equal nghts of lesbians and gay Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF). tion for the killings. He did not indkrate what incident." means "there are no outcasts in the Episcopal coming in 12th out of 28 candidates. between Ointon and gay voters. make our day*.'* said Julie Davis of Basic men must be respected at all levels of gov­ called Clinton's stand "a slap in the face" to fectors led the ¥BA to rule out bias. Paras asked for a meeting with the FBI Church... I hope the General Convention will Doug Robinson, one ofthe gay winners, and gay citizens. Former Clinton friend and Rights Oregon. "While the high court's rul­ ernment... After weathering a nationwide The bill is movir^ toward Corigressfonal Melinda f*aras, executive director of the ofRcial in charge of the kivestigation. now have a chance to talk this through. The parent of two adopted children, says he in­ Democratic gay activist David Mboier said ing affirms our belief in the judicial system, onslaught of anti-gay and anti-civil rights approval fester than most legishtfon does, NGLTF, wrote in a June 7 letter to Attomey : -National Gay and Lesbian Task Force church is always in the process of transforma­ tends to seek sensitivity training sessions for recognition of the legal rights of all Orego- measures, we are beginning to emerge tri­ on CBS's Fdce tfie Nation on May 26 that de^Mte the efforts of Rep. Bamey Frank (D- General Janet Reno. "We are asking fbr your tion. The only way we can be the kind of teachers and adminstrators to help them deal nians won't happen in the courts alone. umphant in this arena." Clinton's position is "unconscionable." In Mass) to strike sections of tfie bill or render it help CO insure that the FBI and the National Hungary permits gay church we are is to listen to opinions." with gay students and children ofgay parents. Seatde. Tina Podlowski, openly lesbian City only temporary.The House Judiciary Subcom­ We've got a lot of educating to do through­ Issue 3 would have amended the city Park Service are diligent in investigatirig all Anti-gay Episcopalians condemned the de­ 'The public has realized that we have a lot to Councilmember who was the chair of the mittee approved tfie bill on May 30 and the fiill out the state. Recent surveys show that 80 charter to ban any city laws or policies that aspects of these crimes, indudir^ the possibil­ comnrKMi law marriage dsion as "a flagrant vfolation of long held offer... That's a major step forward," he sakl. Washington State Clinton campaipi. re­ Committee approved it on June 12. percent of the public doesn't know that it b would prohibit discrimination against gays ity that the murders were motivated by anti- The Hurigarian Pariiament approved on May Christian belief." Bishops representing about *Ten to 20 years ago, who would have thought signed her position, saying that Ointon's currentiy legal to discrimkiate a^nst ^y and lesbians in employment, housing, etc The Human Rights Campaign and a coali­ k»l>ian bias. 21 an amendment to the civil code whkh wil 10 percent of U.S. Episcopalians are hinting we'd be on sch(x>l boards today?" position amounted to his "stickir^ a finger men and lesbnns in Oregon." tion of gay groups have aslced Sen. Edward "These are the fects as we know them. The alfowgays and lesbians to enter common-few that they wiil break away from the church. -Peter Frieburg, The Woshi/igton BMe -Lambda Legal Defense and Education in my eye," although she would continue to -Basic Rights Oregon Fund Kennedy (D-Mass) to attach the Empfoyment women were travdir^ together and both refetionships. -Gay People's Chrotikte



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'•• €-^^. '^^^j^f^M^^^ V ?^^,^ •^"; "^^ ^^ f ^ i ft*!** community. Even dKX^ I had no Strong interest TVZ^Mwris iny work, ncx iny iTKliviciual titles. I'm your time getting money to do your work, and thc urban people, and a lot of the pec^e who still in ie%ous issues, it just so happened that MetriU a medui activist; not a video artist I much prefer woric becomes secondary. I really don't like that come are low income, along widi, now, suburban­ Ktner, an oidatned Episcopal minister, had been wotkmg in collaboration with odier peo(de. TV EC: Can you tell us a little about your current ites. Tlie tape is about fcxxi supply and feeding a invited to celebrate a tnass at Cahmry St. Andrro^; i^KvMfTckies produce a incMithly pfc)gratri, but even personal project, a histoiy ofthe R video fiom die Reynolds Film and Video Founcbdon Rochester Resources: Mecfia activist Nancy Rosin just fed diat at die time,aldicxi^ Fd always had an wodcshops and show people how to get access. material in your TV Dinmr show covering the interest in civil r^ts and was i^ainst the war in We do a one-day woricshop in pncxhiction and which is administered through the dty historian's interfaith memorial service for the^two Oregon Vietnam, meeting Merrill was the event that inter­ editing and give them information about access co office, and also used some ofthe money fix>mm y lesbians who were killed last year. Have you ever ested me in feminism and had a huge impact on ecpiipment grant from the New York Foundation for the Arts thought of doing a gay-related project? By Susan Jordan EC: How (iid you get interested in phcxo^a^y me, personally as well as polidcally. 7T<£^vnirrhas gotten refunded every year by the which was given to me to use in whatever way I NR: Yeah, I have thought about that, actually. This is the first in a series of interviews entided and videcxaping? I went around tapii^ everydung related to the CcxincO on the Arts, in spite ofall die <:uts. TTut wanced. The tape touches on a lot of diings. I I think it wouid be interesting to do a history ofgay '^Rochester Resources," which will be about NR: I gpt into f^KXOgraphy my junior year in issue, and woriced on that tape fbr a whc^ year. I weVe managed co survive is an acxompJishment became completdy bogged down in research. It's activism in Rochester. I'm espedall)' interested in people who have made a difference in die greater coU^e, when my brother gave me a camera, and I felt I grew artistically by doing that. It's true, tcx>, A lot of pec^ple CHJ TV LHtttter, woricing in tumed into a history of cvcrjthing that happened local history after working on the Market project. Rochestet cxxnmunity. and who also ha(3pen to immediately fek very drawn to that. When I was that the tape was eventually aired cm WXXI several coalition with other gtot^, were really respon­ in RcKhcster in thc 19th and 20th centuries! TTiere's something about a local community, that be openly lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. younger I was very involved in writing, and that times, and was used by the pec^e involved in die sible fbr the creation of an independent public (Laug^.) you can see certain themes that aren't pardcular to The interview subjects will be artists, perform­ was my main interest When my brother gave me issue of ordaining women, which was a surprise to access station, RcKhescer Cable TV (RCTV). It A lot of it is about thc land, and whac became of local communities, but putting diem in a local ers, writets, dergy, business people, politicians the camera and I realized my visual interest, video me and gave me an inkling as to how powerful a used to be housed by Time Warner, but duting thc the land as the dty was founded and grew. It's a context you see them in a new way. and govenmient employees, sdentists, local his­ seemed like an ideal ccxnbitiation of writing and meciium community television is. I had and have last franchise agreement with a cable company, history of agriculture, and eating habits, and the EC: When you were coming of s^ in the '60s, torians, and anyone whose work has hdped f^otcfgraphy. no itifierest in comtnercial TV. It sounds ironic but RCTV was created as the dtj' public access chan­ fbod industry and how it devdoped; like the move do you diink it was more difiQcult to come to terms make Rochestcr what it is — and who is willing I became interested in video vthen I gpt in­ it isn't really. I n*t get cable, and have never seen nel It is not and <:annot be a commercial outlet for from the dty to tlie suburbs, and the rise of widi gay klentity than perhaps it is ncTW, when Nancy Roski (rjght) vkieotapes a femkilst anti-vk>lence march ki 1991. to talk about their experiences as gays in this volved with Portable Channel, a local groc^ diat a single thing I've done in my own home. programming, and it c:an*t be censored. If the Jt^ supermarkets, and changes in transporcaticsn and things are ac lease spoken abcxit morc openly? thc effect that had on agriculture and marketing. conununity. started when video was in its infancy. I heard once HC: Why does making documentaries interest Birch Society is induded, diat's die price you have NR: I think probably what was helpful to me **lesbian" wasn't in die air. Now things arc so wrong widi identifying widi gender redes, but 1 Award-winning videot^>er Nancy Rosin is a (and this may just beal^end) diat the first Portapak you more than features? Do you think of ycxirself CO pay fbr having your own voice heard. It's about the rise of die fbod industry and thc was growing up in the '60s and going to an all- polarized. I fed it's gcx>d that all this is in die open. personally just didn't kientify with strict "butch/ Rochester native, bom and raised in Penfield and (portable video camera) on thc street was in die as an artist, and if not, u4iy? I've always thought of video as a tool, and impact that's had CMI what and where people eat. women's coUegic. Tlie ccxnbinaticxi of bdng there Buc because the issue is so prominent now and so fenune" roles. *60s in New York City, andjohn Lennon bought now living in her granc^Kuents' okl hcnzie in the NR: I don't think of myself as an artist. I think because it's h^hly ticdinc^ogical and is changii^so The markec was founded in an old Italian ne^- and comir^of age in a period of cultutal tqpheaval much hatred is bdngexpressed, that can be firight- EC: What are your plans fix fiiture projects, a camera and gave it to a group of activists who dty. One grandfiuher, a carpenter, wcxked on the rig^t ficMndi e start I was mote interested in video r:^dly, it's been comj^ecely revolutionized. When bochood, and was one of die focal points ofthe was helpful bec:ause evcrythirig was besr^ ques- enii^ CO pecjple ccxntng out In those days It was cxice youget the Markec tape finished? statted using it. At that time even mainstream TV ne^ibofhocxi. There are a lex of issues involved Geotge Eastman House, and Nancy grew i^ to as a politica] tool. Lately I don't mind calling myself I started itwas red-to-reel, and you had to rewind tioncci so k felt to me like a safe time to cpaestkin more like crcxnttig out into a vacuum. There was no NR: Sometiines 1 think my gravestcxie wiH read, stations were in die prcxxss of changing to video about focxl and culture and ethnidty, and a kx discover an intetest in both local histoiy and in an artist be<:ause artists are so under siege. When I the teeJs by hand when you were editing. But my sexuality. I didn't fed k was agonizii^ at aD to gay fibefatkm movement. 'TtU be finished any mmute." But cxie topic Fve — it was a new medium. about StnaU fermcrs and the stni^glc diey've had to photc)gn^>hy and video. started doing video, dcKumencary was often kept thcic's«omethingabcHit die amcxint oftim e neected come out—Ifeltitwascofnplecelyexhtlirating.1 My first experience of going CO a bar as a lesbian thcHightoftsahistcxy of attitudes toward the pcxx. remain viaye. And about die importance ofpeoplc Nancy is a member of the TV/^swivrcollective, llierc was somedung adled Media Bus, a group in some category diat wasn't "art." Tliere were to keep up with thc ceciinology that's very fiustrat- came out in 1965, in my sophomcxe year. was when people were vcry mucii inco rcTle playii^ I jiBt fixmd it reaOy interesting when I was doing buying fbod from die people who actually grew ic which ftfoduces a hi^-qualitypul^ access cable of video fieaks ix4io traveled around New York certainly dcTcumentanes made diat people diought ing. Being in video, money is a major problem. Not Befixe that, when I was in high sciKX^ my which I didn't identify with, so that was the confus­ die Market cape* The fact thac diere's stiH this place where kx:al show CXI RCTV. ZVZ^BWirris a project of Metro State in an old bus and tai:^t lal priest age ordinary people to think of creating their own how to get access (to community TV.) Ben Merrill Bimer) brou^t her an award as Producer TV shows. I went to a party of theirs one ni^t of the Year fixxn the Black Media Coalition. where dicy \irerc showing tapes. I met Bonnie "TTiough thc tape was mosdy about the oppres­ Klein and expressed interest in scxne ofthe tapes sion of women," Nancy says, **I drew a lot of 1 had seen. Tliey of&ied workshops, and made TILE j CARPET ec]uipment available at a small fee — they were a CKXvn parallels with racist oppression, which I guess is ELECTRICAL J DRYITALL why I got the award." She has also received a LIFT public access center. I fed vcty lucky diat Bonnie grant, a grant fixxn the Reynolds Film and Visual cook me on to work on a cape, and I learned about WALLCOVERIiVGS CARPEiVTRr Foundation, and a grant fiom the New Yoric Scace editing. Foundation fbr thc Arts, which was given to her to What really changed things for me was that we AND MUCH use in any project ofher choosing. were supposed to go out and t^>e an event in thc Woman's Health Partnership y MORE!

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Women and children may camp on the land or Lettan continued Irom p. 3 I p.jn*Metwlth Senator Richard OoUlnger's cratic National Convention this August. In sleep In the house (depencfing upon space Chief of Staff. Thanked his ofilce for his con­ addition, two key positions on the platform about dicit choices. This is true. But, like most availability), and there Is a modest overnight sistent support on almost all issues of con­ and rules committees will be held by lesbian queers, I am too busy trying to make my visitMlity fee based on income. Exchange of services h cem. Discussed the possibllhy of state grants and gay representatives. coum elscwhcte... like at work, with feiefids, and in also possible. Accessibility Is limited and to community organizations like the Gay Alli­ The delegates ¥^ will represent our com­ (against) the cultural mainstream. No thanks to changes constantly due to weather, on-going Building a business relationship ance. munities in Chicago this August are: anyone fiom the Rochestet Gay/Lesbian Busi­ structural work, etc. It is important to call 2:45 p.ni. Followed Assemblywoman Su­ District delegates l>y county - Oile PINION ness Ponsm. ahead if you would like to visit. is like building a personal one- Getto (Albany). Alan Fleishman and Lola TonyLeuacxi san John's staffer through the ofRce complex to the Assembly chamber. Met Susan John in Simmons (Kings). Sue Cowell (Monroe), Donna For information on Women's PeaceLand, The *96 vote:tinne to move fbrwatxl the Assembly waiting room and thanked her Schwartz (Nassau). Rachel Lavine. David Smith call (607)869-3801 or write Women's Why should we vote for her support bf our issues. Discussed her and Doug Stemer (New York). PeaceLand. 5440 Rte. 96, Box 34. Romulus You want someone who knows N.Y. 14541. Their Web site can be accessed By Michael RosanOy Political die decticxi of progay N.Y. State Senators, bodi position on the bill mandating HIV testing of At-large delegates by county - Crystal for Bill Clinton? criminal defendants. f*aris (Bronx). Larry Adamcyzk (Erie). Tom at http://www.rpi.edu/-mccabd (for informa­ Denicx:rats and Republicans. Scxnc si^Tpcxtive when to talk* tion about die Barbara [Deming Menxrial Walk) Director, Empire State Pride members of the Senate fiu3e difficult races dus year. To the Editor: 3:10 p.nn« Found our way back to Senator Duane and Deborah Glick (New York), Patricia Agenda We w31 be activefy involved in these campai^^ as On thc ver>' day that the U.S. Supreme Court Aiesi's office. Tried to get a meeting with him Hayes and Martin Sternberg (Queens), and Steve Henaghan (Suffolk). This year, we fiice body contested races fix: the wdUasmcanqia^nscodefeatanti'gayincuinbents. struck down the 1992 Colorado anti-gay state or a staffer. Were told to call his district office Law fimn opens doors New York State l^;lslature and for the U.S. As we head into this dection seascxi, we need And how to listen. amendment, Bill Clinton announced that he in Rochester. Standing committe members - Plat­ A new law firm, Olver. Korts, Korona and Presidency. The cxxtccxne of diese races may your he^ now more chan ever. Currendy, wc are would sign the Defense of Marriage Act, a na­ 3s30 p.m. Took photo in front ofthe State form: Jeff Soref (New York); Rules: Barbra Russeii LLP. has opened ics doors for business wdl determine the ccxuse of die ksbian and gay puttif^our fieldoperaticx i in place. In evety zcgicxi tional ban on same-sex marriage. Capitol. Kavanaugh (Erie). at its ofBces at 10 Tobey Village Office Park. tights strv^g^e, in this State and naticxiaOy, fbr of die State, we arc recruiting a Vcxer Reg^straticxi Yet, coverage in thc Bf^/pcy Chstt sxiggpsts that it 4 p.m. Attended a de*briefing session to Fred Hochberg, who by being a member of Pittsford. Its members are Melvin L Olver. years to come. Ccxxdinator, a Pride Agenda Membership Ccxx- Life is an agent for change- is the Republicans who would polarize voters in an report on our visits and strategize about the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Janet H. Korts. Matthew M. Korona and Kim­ In cxdcr to maximLzc thc power ofthe lesbian dinatcx, a Campaign Vohinteers Crdinacor (fbr election year. And what about our lying president? follow-up. is automatically a delegate, completes New beriy P. Russell. and gay vcxe, the Pnde Agenda's immediate pnor- cxir endcxsed candidates), a Media Ccxxdinator I am too. It is cjuite clear (for once) where he stands on an 4:30 p.m. Attended reception and con­ York*s representation. In announcing the beginning of the new ity is a massive vcxer r^;istration drive. We have and an Action Mobilizaticxi Ccx>rdinator. issue. So... where*s thc polarization? ferred with others about their visits, Last November, the Pride Agenda, working practice, Ms. Russell stated. "All of us share a launched this effcxt in virtually every area of die These ccxjrdinators are vital to organizing a Lest we forget: Clinton has backed off from or 5:30 p.m. Left for Rochester. Wrote this with the New York State Clinton/Gore re­ common goal of providing quality legal ser­ State, fix>mBri e to SuHbOc Counties, by working in corps of dedic:ated and mcxivated volunceers to For an on going relationship in the world of financial dodged evety campaign promise he made to se- diary in the van. election campaign, secured nine open lesbians vkes to our dients ~ intiMduak and businesses - partnership with l(x:al lesbian and gay political ensure a successful fidd scructurc, Ifyou arc inter­ security, you need someone who hears how youVe cureourvotes. Will thc gayand lesbian community To conclude, lobbying is as easy as finding and gay men to run as delegates in the March on a very personal and personable basis. It organizadons. Our ultimate goal is to r^^cer sip- ested in hdping our movement during this caudal different, listens to what you want to accomplish. Then continue to be willing ass-lickcrs of thc Demo­ your official's office and talking to him/her primary. This number represented a major makes a difference that we all enjoy working proximatdy 5,000 new voters. dection year, please consider volunteering for one helps you do it. If that's a partnership you're looking cratk Party in 19%? 1 sure hope not. about what concems and affects you. It can be increase over the lone lesbian delegate who together — we feel that translates into a participated in the 1992 convention. A major component of our voter r^stration of these positions in your area. for, call me. Louis Richanis done in Albany or in Rochester. All it takes is favorable v¥orking environment for our dients.** drive is to mobilize our newly registered voters to We will also produce a Pride Agenda ''Voter Valerie L. Stanek, Special Agent (See attkk in Newsfronts^ pag! 4.) a litde bit of time. It*s fiin, too. But the work to secure more delegates A resident of the Town of Chili, Mel Olver went beyond thc Democratic primary. Execu­ get out to vote. To achieve this goal we will keep a Guide" listing all of our endorsed candidates for Alicia D. Basso Albany continued hxntw p* 3 If you ¥^llage Attomey for the Vaiage Rochester NY. 14618 HIV testing which the Empire State Pride Election Day. This is the most effective method to For the first time in its history, the Pride Agenda nneeting witii the Clinton/Gore campa^ up of ChurchviUe, arkl Attorney for the Presbytery (716)461-0100 Agenda opposes. Left hoping that he would ensure a significant turnout ofthe lesbian and gay will be actively engaged in the U.S. Presidential until the time of the Democratic Conunittee of Genesee Valley. Engaged in the general reflect upon our arguments. campaign because so many ofthe issues we care so Pride Agenda State convention on May 31. At that time tite practice of law. Mel has concentrations in the vote. Met with Greece Assemblyman Joe Robach. rest of the delegates were selected. The Pride Agenda will also focus a considerable deeply about are under attack firomth e Christian ThePrudential announces delegates areas of estates and trusts (plannir^ and ad­ lAifbrtunately, he reaffirmed his opposition to amcHint of time, energy and resources on the te- RigJit. These include lesbian and gay dvil rights, ministration), real estate, mumcipal taw, and Prudential Preferred Financial Services non-dlscrimlnation legislation. However, he The Empire State Pride Agenda* New York dection of pro-lesbian and pro-gay N.Y. Scate reproductive fr^om, HTV/AIDS funding, health business and corporate law (both for profit A Oivieion of Th* Pmdan^M irwuranco C^ompany of America did Indicate that he opposed the anti-gay State's lesbian and gay political organization, Wbmen plan Peace legislators, all ofwhom arc up for re-dection this care reform, and affirmative action. Although wc O IMS Th* Prwlsntnl tnturmoe CompMrfy of Amavka • f>niclsntM Plaza • Nwwcrk. h«J 07102-3777 and not-for-profit). A member of the Gates marriage bill m its current form. There is anrxHinced today the selection of a record 17 year. have not yet made an endorsement, wc will shordy Walk, land trust ChUi Counsel ofthe Greater flochester Metro aiways hope. openly lesbian and gay delegates to the Demo- We need to maintain our Democratic majority render one. The Women's Encampment for a Future of Chamber of Commerce, Mel has served on its in the New York State Assembly. Many of our We have much to acxomplish between now and Peace and Justice is sponsoring the Barbara Board of Directors for the past six years. fiiends in the Assembly have been targeted for November. The Pride Agenda invites you to join Deming Memorial Peace ^alk, July 19-Aug. Janet Korts was admitted to the practice of defeat by the Republican Party. Approximatdy 20 us to maximize our strength by getting involved in TIK^ )lortin}i flliM'i* For M(»n 26, from the Women's Encampment land In law in 1987. A member of the Law Guardian Assembly Democrats are in danger oflosing their the eJectoral process. We need your hdp to r^;ister Romulus. N.Y,. to New York City. Panel for the Appellate Drvision. Fourtti De­ scats. If diese vulnerable Assemblymembers arc and mobilize voters and wcxk on the campaigns of The Coinmunity The Women's Encampment collective says, partment, Janet is engaged in the genera/ defeated, we may vcry wdl lose our ability to pass our fiiends. Please give us a call at (2125673-5417, "For the past few years we have been going practice of law, with concentrations in the the Sexual Otientacicxi Ncxi-Disoiminaticxi Bill or (716)271-2420. IsOur through a major transformation. Despite ru­ areas of ttotnestic relations and family law. (tfie Civil Rights Bifl) and odier kgislaticxi impcx- Hdp us, as we work in parmership with mor that we have disaippesired or disbsoided, which erfcompasses an expanding tttediztion tant to cxir ccxnmunity. We wifl also wcxk eo dcfirat grassroots cxganizaticxis througout the State, to Stror^est Asset. we are cot\dnmt\g as a land tnttt^ open to practice. A resident of Penfield. she is also a host of and-lesbian and anti-gay elect our supporters and defeat our enemies. VC^th women of peace, called Women's PeaceLand. active in the areas of estate planning and real Assemblymenibers your dedicated and generous assistance, wc are We are building an intemational communis estate transfers, induding lender dosings. In die ccxnit^ year we must continue CO increase certain CO prevail with politicai action and retreat at its center, Matt Korona was admitted to the practice IV^Bank a change which we believe is necessary to of law in New York State in 1986, after EstabUshed in 1856 create a sustainable and meaningful future for practiclrig for several years in Ohio, wtiere he 3290 Monroe Avenue this much-beloved place." was admitted in 1979. Matt, who lives in KATHY PETERS Rochester New York The Peace Camp started in 1983 when a Penfiekl. engages in the general practice of (across from Pittslofd Plaza) series of actions by women took place pro­ law, with concentrataons In the areas of gen­ testing nuclear proliferation and militarism at eral corporate and business law, commercial LICENSED Nancy Coddington Branch Manager the Seneca Army Depot, in solidarity with the transactions and real estate. Kimberiy Russell was admitted to the prac­ MASSAC E Jc^in Ganshaw Assistant Maw^er HOIVIE OF THE RMIVI^ Greenham Common Women's Encampment k\ England. The late Barbara Demir^ author tice of law in 1992 after graduating with THERAPIST weEKLY SPECIALS and longtime peace and civil rights activist, was honors from the Unhfersity of Delaware and (716)385-5981 one of the chief inspirations for the Encamp­ the Universtty of Buf^o Law School. Kim­ 716.271.6617 ment. Many thousands of women gathered in beriy is engaged in the general practice of law, the summer of *83, and at the ex¥i of the with concentrations in the areas of real estate •-. .1- ,"••-•' ' • summer, some women deckied to stay on and law. covering all aspects of residential and build a permanent peace presence aruj open commercial transactions, induding lender cfos- women's land alongside the now-closed Army kigs, estate planning and small business trans­ Depot (then a major storage site for nudear actions. Kim resides in the Town of Mendon and is a contributing writer to this newspaper SLEEPING BEAR WOMEN'S B&B weapons.) with artides addressing the special needs of During 1990 and 1991, women met to gay and lesbian individuals. women's determine the future of the land. A decision 607/277-6220, 208 Nelson Road Ithaca, NY 14850 2 suites T T liappy liour was finally made to transform the anarchic and Unda Armstrong also jokted the firm on transitory Peace Camp Into a wonnen's land March I »»« senk>r paralegal. Linda, who lives trust and international participatory commu­ in Ogden, received her Puale^ CenAcate in Ithaca's first bed and breakfast for women only. ...experience it today 1986 and has practiced In the areis of domes­ Log home on four acres, quiet country setting, nity. The Women's PeaceLand Collective b in die process of applying for non-proAt status tic rebtions and family law, litigation, trusts pond, Jacuzzi, homey atmosphere. Ithaca, State and Elates, real estate and coNectlortt. She Parks, Cayuga Lake and colleges within 10 and is working on details of expanskMi and Every 1st & 3rd Thursday of Each Month policies on buikiing new structures. Some has been a member of the Paralegal Associa­ minutes. Spacious suites (early American and tion of Rochester for lOyears* serving as past t At Muther's 40 Union dreams inchide a pond, a retreat center with Southwest) with log-beamed ceilings. Air- ^IMssslble and environnientally gentle buM- Vke Preskient of the Membership Commit­ tee and currentiy on the Nominating conditioned, cable TVA/CR, library, BBQ and - Infi. a consignment cnft shop, etc t Specialty priced beer & well vodka drinks Commieae fer the 1996 Board of Director picnic area, full breakfast, no curfews, gay Volunteers are needed to help wfth posftiom;apest member of tiie Assodationof friendly community. Birthday and anniversary T 5:00 RM. - Until ffenemHk^ tax accounting and repair woHc TrM Lawyers of America and a current aHft. "get-away" specials. Open June 1 - December 1 OR'land. There are three categories ol mem­ ate member of thm Honroe Coun^ Bar bership: supporting members, lease holders AssodatioaUnda also brings to the 8rm an innkeepers: Liz & Cricket Muther's 40 South Unioa Street • 325-6216 (women ¥4w Hve on the land) and coMective extensive and personal lBno»i^e4ge of issues mamper* |woman wno are part of oie oao* «King fiy and lesblM IndMduals. sion-maldngbody.) Visitors are also waicoma.

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A Picnic Album

OUT & ABOUt'lN.^b CHESTER Social notes: a union cerenrKMiy i<

Aggy Dune (left) and Danienne Lake (right) AU phonos drfi p^e br Ron dark with June ofthe Pointer Sisters at Qub Marcella. BLUE SKIES: The Rochester Gay Men's Chorus and Women's Community Chorus presented a concert on June 15 at the Eisenhart Auditorium of the Museum and Science Center

R^ina Resnick and Michelle Lynn Wise of East Irondequoit announce their union cer­ emony, which took place on May 25 at thc Rotary Club Lodge of Greece Canal Park. Regina, whograduated firomRutger s Univer­ sity in 1990, is physidan assistant in the Depart­ ment of Surgery at Rochestcr General HospitaL ON SHOW: Photographer Cheryl Amati MicheUe is a habibtation aide at Continuing At the White Party at Club Marcella. Developmental Services. She is attending Mon­ Martin at her exhibit "The American Way" at roe Community CoU^e. Gateway Poster and Framing Co. R^^ is the daugjitcr of Herman and Vivian Resnick of Nonhfiekl, N.H.; her birth mother, Marcia Resnick, is deceased. Michelle is thc daughter of John and Nancy Fribancc of East RGMC producer Dave Pellow introduces the Irondequoit her birth fether, AXTilbam U. Wise, concert; behind him is the new RGMC banner. is deceased. An estimated 4,000-pius people attended the GAGV picnic on a beautifully clear and sunny day Thc witnesses or ''best women" were Amy at Genesee Valley Park on June 23. (More coverage in the August Empty Closet.) Hazard and Rose Husted. TTie union was per­ I WALK THE TALK formed by thc Rev. Gini Keck, and thc cot^ ^ Right: ClubAdanthstaffcelebratesatCobbs Hill jl W lijjll I r I'I i III honeymooned in Key West, Fk. Q Pdirk after the June 2 AIDS Walk, which raised At the Off-White F^ny. Qub Adantis. over $ 116,000 for AIDS Rochester and others.

Patio Dining LESBIAN AND GAY LAW Happy Hour Your athmiey shouM Iw someone you can trust Somecme with wfaoM ycra can disc^ That's the only way you can get legal advice tailored to your personal needs. Weekly Specials The office of LAWRENCE iOUEGEIt ATTORNEY is a lesbian a0 gay-iriendly law fiim. Mention the En^yty Oosrf Kdien caOing for a oonsultati«m. C Tropical Drinks FULL SER VICE GENERAL FRACTiilX OF LAW N.Y. LOTTO Repiesentation of a Lesbiaii Mother or • Personal Injuiy/Auto Accidents C;ay Fattier in a child custody/ visitation/ • Civfi Suits Quick Draw support/divcnce case • Real Estate/House Oosings Vtma & Estate Planning spedfically • Snuil Business/Corporate Pool Table for sanie«ex couples • Bai^lnipicy/Defot Relief UvingWiUs Pinball • Ciij^Snal Defense Health Cane Proxies • Le^ Name Change Domestic Partnerahip Agreements • Notliy Public Call or write for free pamphlet cm most legal topics.


1 East Main St, Suite #400, Rochester N.Y. 14614 m J •- - •• - a' iMunDcr Of -JfeSr York Slate Bto "^y A ^^ • District of CohnnUaBv For more information call: 325-6216 • Mwttker*$ ttmr & RatUmrmmt • 40 South Union Street 325-2640 • Monioe County BBT • American Bar Aasodation 1-800-719-3260 out of aiea • Lambda Legal Defense Colunmists CHECK THIS OUT • Introducing Reasons for Hope, on HIV treatment news. Lesbians to Present r A G E 23 Dramatic Reaciings of Calendar Poetry & Prose • P<»iy Express bikers riding fbr Local lesbian actors wiil present "In Our Own breast cancer research stop here Voice/' a collection of prose and poetry in dra­ this month. matic readings, onjuly 18. PAGE 30 Works by local writers wilibe induded. Theevent, patt of die VisualVoiccsRcaders'Thcatcrserics, wifl &nptya<>m«alvw)«tooldagforinfo^ ^ Gay Groups be hckl at Wdters and Books, 740 Umversity Ave., you ^^^t^*^^ to u,! Subm&slons are due by th* ISth of each month at: Brothers United plans a member­ at 7L30 p.m. AdmisskMi is f5 general, $4 W&B The Empty Closet. 179 Atlantic Ave.. Rochester. NY 14607-1255. Or call 244-9030. ship drive. members. For informatk^i caO 473-2590. PA^E 24

Gaylaxlans: Out of the PERFORMING ARTS Closet, Into the Universe

The Gaylaxians arc coming — but narion of gay-posirivc genre related thcy don*t want to be taken to our The Search for Identity books to gay youth assistance services, leaders. However, thcy do recruit. publishing local newsletters and a The Gaylaxians are a gay, ksbian and Gayiaxian Intemational quarteriy news­ By Michelle Hurt bisexual social organization for tiiose letter, Tbe Gtpfkaic Ga:^tte, and much ''Mother Hicks," a production by I who enjoy science fiction, fantasy and more. the Women's Community Perfor­ horror, and thcy are flying in by star^hip TheupcomingGaylaxicon VII marks mance Project, was an engrossing and broomstick to their anjiual conven­ the 10th anniversary of the Network, play pregnant with symbolism and tion in Buriington, Mass. on July 7-9. and will feature pands, workshops, an, multiple themes. Their motto: * *Out ofthe closet and into readings, video room, gaming, a choco­ Even thougji the play is set in the thc universe." late synnposium, and more. Costumes Appalachian Hills agood numberof The Gaylactic Network coordinates are encouraged, though the group says years ago, it mirrors a number of local chapters nation\*ide to promote "Our weapons policy is quite strict!" issues that the community is wres­ inclusion and positive portrayal ofgays, (No Romulan dismptors allowed?) It ding with currendy. We follow a lesbians and bisexuals in books, films, will take place in the Burlington Marriott "misfit" as she tries to find her iden­ TV shows and other entertainment Hotd, about 10 miles northwest of tity as an individual, as well as with a genres. They have lobbied the various Boston, and rooms cost $65 per night femily. In the end, her idea of what a Star Trek features thiov^ letter-writ­ fbr \xp to four people. Those under 18 femily is is redefined and she starts ing campaigns for some years, and their must attend with a parent. The charge on the right path of sdf-alachian Hills AloAer Nk*i a phy by Sarah Zeder. VW presented by VViW W at Writers & Books in May. Above: Nicolette Mansur. where die play is set. Apparently in tfae original p^y the townspeople Two Vintage Films &om the town more apparent, ^ic lik- simple requests like washing and were the voice ofTuc, Accortiing to encdTuc to a secretary, someoocpeopfe no chewing of tobacco was anger- Image Out: The Rochester Lesbian diange is the norm. die director, Maria Sdpione, using and Gay Film and Video Festival pre­ calk around as if they are not there. AD ii^. It was obvious that the wife. Drqjping with dncmatic styie and the spirits kept die isolation of Tue sents a screenit^ of two Hollywood die while Tue probacy knew every­ Alma, wanted to care for Giri. But diic sexual intrigues, TheHw^ris fess a vintage films on Aug. 15 at thc Utde diing about the town. she was fitting for the fieedom vampire hoiror film and morc a sensu­ Theater^ beginning at 7 p.m. Tickets The j^y rcvoWcs around "Girl," an that as a tomboy she'd become ous drama of lesbian attraction and de­ are S5 per film. orphan younger than Tue whom the accustcOTied to. At this point Giri sire. Tlie infamous sizzling scene be­ In an attempt to re-examine films town has taken pity on, and takes care of diinks she should find her birth tween the two distinguished actresses on a rotating basis. Her name is "Giri" parents. Her only link is a handker­ fixwn Hollywood's past, thc festival pre­ and a striking performance by David sents its first of die Vintage Scries: films because no one bodiered to give her a chief with initiab on it. This is wheie Bowie make this one film not to be the k^end ofMother Hicks comes diat have been noted dther for their "reaT* name. She is having a difficult missed on the big screen. in. queer texts or subtexts within a contem- transition in her new home. For me, Other festival notes indude the potttty k>ok back. Wc aie exdted to watching Giri cake kicredible offense to Continued on p. IS avaikbifity of advertising dcher in our Kim Palmever bnngeo Rochester 72v//Mg^irand Crttis- progrunor on-screen atthe little. Over i^ two films from die eariy'SOs whidi 70,000 patrons saw die on-scteen ads haveabiatocy ctf tfaeir own. Thtt mondk successful, writers in the dass was a getting hot, because for mc diat is dte last year and 42»000 progeams weie dis­ we ^ tadk fll3aut.the fikn 72»//49|^ heterosexually-'identified woman who sc^ criteria of gcx>d erotica. If k doesn't tributed For funher details and races, s)cxt month we willva: suddenly ages. Het draug^ on our hotlirie at 271 -2640. SmUb Hittm; Letkietes Write Gtey Mak rily to a heterosexual audience. Befoce i afifeccioas find their way to Dr. Stfa FinaBy^ we would like to extend a fai^ suggesQve matter, I nonedwless Erttietir ttttti Ga^ Meti Write Ltskiettt knew ^ly smut existed, I devouied a Robem Qilaycil by Susan Safandoo), diank you to dte members of Out and &k (and feel) duit a piece diat cals ksdf BrwttM. Carol Queen and Lawrence numberof'man-fiidts-woman^'book^ who faaawnncao n die subjea of accd- Abour who made a generous donadon erode shouU inckide enough spece in k Schitnd, eds. Pittsburgh Gets Pi«ss, I even read romance novels for tfae mttdagpq§. Soon afiar dxir eyes meet, todte festivaL AlsckudostoJaneMoyer for a wide tang^ audience to ci^oy. 1996.112.95, paperback. gencfic — but highly arousing — de- who has been woriiif^ hard to secure a Whenlevabateddkis woman's worit scf^Nions of rugged heroes. Hence 1 come the imeigued Sanmdoo, and compiMtft for us. Recehring stqsport Four years ago I attended a creadve asa fialedsto(y,Icm|)hasiaedksinabO- tead diis woman's heterosexually reficr-

^, ^,c^3^; W^^ t ,^( ^ r>^-' -J f^#I *•' 1^% i^ Jf and ufge Sen. D'Amato and Sen. Moynihan to curity and about being able to pay our bills. was die CCPs fiuhire to adequacdy address die The Hig^ Court did not bother to look at thc Despite campaigns to flood Washington with In every crisis there is a message. Crisis is life's "fantasies") in the mind of those involved as to What is even more painful to mc is the fiict diat support ENDA as an amendment to DOMA We're concerned about our health, personal spread of TB among diose kl die CCP. merits of the case. Instead, it hdd, in a two-page ktters, phone calls and faxes urging representa­ way of forcing change. Change is inevitabk. Change what outcome may be, and others are realistic members of our own community contiriue to whik at the same riime opposing DOMA. (Yes, in relationships and the welfare ofour families. In 1983, Justice Edward Ldiner hdd diat while dedsion, that because the Gty established it, a tives to oppose this bill, nothing seems to be able is about breaking down old structures and shaking assessments based on factual data. For many die judge, mock, and exdude our own brothers and the world ofWashington it is possible to oppose a Our worries are global too: thc quality of our persons with HIV'rdated illnesses arc not entided court had no authority to review the adequacy of to stc^ it Until now, that is. A bdd strat^y has loose negative habits so that something new and experience ofbeing hurt in the past became pivotal sisters. How many times in our OWN community bill while at the same time supporting an amend­ water and air, die overall states ofour community, to die same type of sheker as PWAs, die CCP the program, no matter how poor or dangerous recendy emerged to put the proponents of the better can take their pAsiCc. Do not get me wrong. in dieir dedsion to put the effon forth to connect do we hear someone making fun of an effeminate ment to it) In addition we need to write our state, country and the world at large. Whik it is true policy of barrack-scyk housing was nonediekss it mi^t be. In other words, die court said to the anti-gay "Defense of Marriage Act" POMA) on Crisis is painful, but new life is rardy possible or not. It is almost as though there is a sense of man, a cross-dresser, or someone into leather, setiators at U.S. Senate, Washington D.C 20510. that there isn't enough common sense, justice or inationaL He directed that no more than fbur plainti£&, "So long, fiurewdl, and dose the door die defensive — amend ENDA to DOMA. without them. protectiveness or guardcdness that one leams in or the transgendered ccnnmunity? The odicr night A brief safi^ letter woukl read: love at woric in this wodd, it is also true that we do perstxis shouki be placed in one room, thac CCP behind you." ENDA, die Employment Non-Discrimination Life is about change, so it is a waste of predous order to survive. at one of the dance clubs I was next to someone •T uige you to support ENDA (S. 932) as an have the power to make things rig^t beds should noc be kss than e^t feet ^^xut, that The good news is that the plaintiffs and their Act (S. 932/H.R. 1863), would prohibk discrimi­ time and energy to worry about or to resist that What wc did not have ampk time to get into in \(4io was mocking out the way one young man was amendment to DOMA (S. 1740) and to oppose Living hasn't been very easy for many of us. It vcntibcion in sudi housii^ should meet minimum attomeys, whik disenheartened, are not going nation on the basis of sexual orientation in thc which is central to life—the very thing that orders depth at the (^>en forum, but which is not to be lost dancing, because his style was unique. I made it a DOMA at the same time. Whik ENDA addresses also wasn't easy for diose who deared die padi for standards, and diat pkuncifik should have access CO hotne. "Conditiport of same sex I have had men in my private practice share their Whik no state currendy recognizes the rights of outside forces, but internally as well., we are losing one was happy and everyone iq>peakd. I^aintiffe illness," said Girmy Shubcrt, one of the (daintifBs* military. It does, however, ensure millions of We are one another's hope and we arc sustained marriages, and the humiliating "don't ask, don't hurt, pain, and fear of rejection at feeling "too old" same-gender coiq>les to marry, job discrimination hope. contended diat four persons in a ttxttn was too attorneys. Americans of fairness in the workplace. by an awareness that despite appearance, there is tell" military policy), to outri^t physical abuse and and not being seen as attractive as thcy age. Some against lesbians and ga^'s is widespread. Suppressing negative thinking is a constant many. Tliey also appealed Justice Lehner's ruling Tlie other good news is that while the Mixon The anti-gay Supporters of DOMA constandy a master plan and a divine order at work. If we trust violence for being, or being perceived as gay {Bmpty have actually shared comments others have made struggle, a struggle I've been engaged in most of diat peo[^ with HIV tekted illnesses were not dedsion reveals vfhax is despicable about the courts tout polls showing that 70 percent ofall Americans 'T along with nearly 84 percent of Americans in that, we can tum our fears into arrows of Closet^ 5/96 cover stor\' about gay bashing of referring to them as "trolls" and "chicken hawks." my life. 1 worry, even though I know that it doesn't purpose with faith as our guiding aim. Keep the entitled to the same shdter as PWAs. Defendants at times, the litigation reflects what is good about are opposed to same-gender mani^es. These sup­ believe lesbians and gays should not lose their several members ofour community'). The pain is sometimes so severe that so.nc have make a simation better or that problems will dis­ faith. appealed because they contended that, as the gov­ lawyers at times. (No jokes, please, I've heard them porters daim diey aren't anti-gay but just doing livelihoods because of discrimination. Because of The experience of grouing up gay is one of gone to the point of considering plastic surgery. 1 solve. Worrying douds our vision, confuses our ernment, they had a ri^t to set up a CCP program alL) Throughout its protracted history, private what thdr constituents desire. They are ignoring a this I urgp you to siq^xirt ENDA. going into hiding of one's true Self in order to have overheard conversations criticizing the v nunds, weakens the body and kills thc spirit. When with 12 persons to a room. Both plaintiffs and counsd from a large firm, Komstein, Vdsz and recent Newsweek poll showing that neady 84 per­ *T also bdieve marriage is a basic, fundamental survive. Fearing abuse or abandonment, the lesson someone dressed, because it was different than the­ that happens we become ready receivers for doubt, The Authentic Self defendants screed that there was no fiKrtual basis in cent of Americans oppose discrimination against human right The dedsion of \diom one should was "don't let them see who you really are.'* The way thdr victimizcr dressed. Other similar com­ Wexler, have represented plaintiffs "pro bono" fear and depression: those things that constantly the record that the "four-person solution" would marry is an intensely personal one. The federal By Thomas Fronczak, ACSW message to Self was that "who you are is not OK." ments have heen made about someone's hair st\. (that's "frir free" in Latin), and they're committed lesbians and gays in the workplace. Amending gnaw at us. We become stuck instead of making meec "minimum standards of sanitaticxi, safety govemment has no ri^t making chat decision. \Xliile most gay men and lesbians arc able to or the fact that they do not look HI le guy on the to carrying on the %ht That's good, because the ENDA to DOMA calls the bluff of diosc daimii^ ncccssar)' mo>'es to correct what is not happening and decency." Nor does thc federal govemment have any lig^t How we care overcome this mindset as their adult Self becomes convcr of CQ. I rcccndy commented on a ven; Mham decision is sure to guarantee that the fight thcy aren't anti-gay. Anyone who is not anti-gay in our lives or in the world. Wlien we lose hope, we will continue fbr some time. celling states \(4iich laws of other states they can more securely developed through experience in attractive man 1 noticed while out to dinner,and In 1995, thc intermediate i^ipeals court in New can easily stqiport a £ur bill like ENDA. In addi­ disconnect from our power. We stop imagining a At a recent open forum at the Gay Alliance ignore. Because of this I urgp you to oppose living, and through supf>6rt ofa larger communit)', the person I was with commented "Yeah, but his York Qty disj^reed with pLunciffs that pcopk tion, unlike DOMA, ENDA serves an actual need brighter ftiture that we can create because we don't Community Center (May '96), Bill Kelly and I IX)MA. few ever forget what the experience of being legs are too white." Too white for whai and L with HTVrdatcd illnesses were entided to thcsunc Pblitical Update Currently none ofthe 50 states allow same-gender see our present situation as what it really is — an presented on issues of Sex, I^ve, and Commitment "As one ofyour constituents, I loc4c forward to ridiculed, teased, mocked, called degrading names, whose standards? I see people compuioivdy ev'Er­ shelter as PWAs. The court agreed, however, that marriages. However, in 41 states ^chiding our opportunity to bring about change. in male-male relationships. bdng excluded, or being abused for being gay ever asing at thc gym and dietinginunhealrhyw n the lO-vohime trial recotd demonstrated persua- By Andrew Lee own New York) it is legal to fire an employee solely hearing your views fwi these two important issues." Of interest as we were discussing relationship By definition, change is upsetting. And people feltmce. to mention taking (non-prescribed) anabolic ste­ sivdy diat ndther the Gty's CCP nor Justice on the basis of sexual orientation. The letter can be as brief or as long as you wish; was the notion thai before relationship could oc­ DOMA and ENDA will go to extremes to avoid being upset (* Things roids so that the}' can look like some ideal -heir Lehner's plan would adequatdy protect plaintiffs ENDA has a real chance of passing in the the important thing is to write it cur there had to be a meeting of two men. As we This is true with any marginalized group. The are fine," *T1iere is no problem," "I don't want to mind. from TB, and thus did not meet minimum consti­ For the past several weeks thc les­ Senate. It currently has 30 cosponsors in the Sen­ discussed die methods and skills involved in meet­ pain, hurt, and tears of growing up different from make waves**). We avoid thinking about or dis­ mtional standards. The apellate court remanded bian and gay community has wit­ ate, as well as support ofmany Fortune 500 com­ ing and engaging others, the notion of "expected the cultural "norm" and feeling excluded arc also The open forum also touched on the issue of Woman to Wonnan cussing a problem until it has become too big or the case to trial court fbr fiirther hearings, but the nessed a piece of major anti-gay panies and several governors, induding Republi­ rejection" came up from a significant number of experienced by other marginalized groups (i.e. monogamy/non-monogamy in m'^le couples. too urgent to ignore. We bury oursdves in work, defendants sq^pealcd first legislation, erroneously named the By Jamiylah Miller the partidpants in the discussion. It seemed im­ African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, wometi. Differences of opinion were to be expected. The can Governors William Wdd (Massachusetts) and partying, drugs or anjThing to avoid that uncom­ This June 11, in \diat Housing Worics Inc (a "Defense of Marriage Act," speed dirough Con­ portant enough to follow up this important topic Deaf, those living with physical challenges.) We men actually listened to each other fairly well, in an Christine Todd Whitman (New Jersey), and Keep the faith fortable feeling. N.Y.C non-profit that wotks on behalf of hcHne- gress, liven usually gay-friendly politidans have Presidentdinton, ByamendingENDAtoEXDMA, here and perhaps in a future open forum. live in a culture that can be far too unkind to those effort to leam about each other. Some hdd some Wehonesdy believe that the artoflivingis found different from the majorit^^ What the larger cul­ kss PWAs) calkd a "ckariy poiitical move," the been jumping on the bandwagon of this bill the Senate will finally be forced to vote on this As women we are well ac­ As we went around the room discussing how pretty rigid ideas on the topic. Tliis is fine for them, in thc seeking of pleasure and the avoidance of ture teaches is a sort of fundamentalism that states and I would not minimize an>Hx>d/s feelings or N.Y. Court of Appeals reviewed a year's worth of which attempcs to n^ate thc U.S. Constitution's l^;islation. quainted with the pressures of men approach others to meet (if thq^ do at all), what pain, when the very reason for our being is to be that there is one true way, and ifyou diverge from values on the topic. I ask however, do we have a titration, 10 volumes of trial testimony, and two "full faith and credit clause" at the same time it In order to succeed we need to contact our day-to-day living. Wc worry was painfully dear was that for many the act of present now... to experience whatever happens to diat, you are wrong or not to be induded. This is an right to judge someone who is different than carefiilly constructed court decisions, and threw legislates discrimination against same-gender senators bycallingthe U.S. Captal (202-244-3121) about the foture, about job se- risking to engage another can bring up significant us and around us so that we can grow in awareness, elitist power-over model that dictates victimiza­ the Mixati plaintifiFs out ofthe courts akogcthcr. coupks. fears. Many of diese fears are based on past rela­ ourselves? Our community can be very judg^nen- courage and wisdom. tion. It does not just occur in our OUTI community', tional experience, some are created (as "stories" or tal of thc sexual practices of others (as if this is bat it happens. L% 1 Ferris Todd, Ed.D

Therapy for individuals, Pathway Counseling Services. Inc. .Jlo one. uroaC-d undens-tand, RAD I A NT couples, children, 496 White Spruce Blvd. • 424-7180 WELLNESS gay and lesbian fomiiies ASSOCIATES Parent/child conflict 15-plus years providing counseling/psychotherapy: ... -Sv/^o can r imsi9 Sexuai abuse recovery Chronic physical and • Individual • Family • Couples • Group Leigh Ehresman, MS. Ed. • Child therapy/ages 3 plus .. .'Eiki mio can r iai\z to? Psychotherapy and emotional pain Therapeutic Resolution of conflicts Specialty areas: Splrit/Mind/Bodywork Anxiety and depression • Play therapy • Relationships • Self-esteem • De­ pression • Anger • Anxiety/Panic • Separation/Di­ Firtdyttttr ttum voice, reclamt your inner powety leam to prottiote your oum heabh. vorce • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder • Ph5rsical, Sexual, Emotional Abuse • ADD/Adults & Children 766-7607 For appoiniment, call 482-4396 aullyiiieite CSW Geri S t a nton Because it is itnportatit to t)e understood. -pMENTA L HEALTH COUNSELOR

INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY COUNSELING Thomas Fronczak. csw, ACSW EXPERIENCE YOU CAN TRUST Individual. Couple, $ Group Therapy ^ COK\|-lcleK\+icily w/cif^in and suppo>*+lve e.yw\oi*'y\n\e.yd. Ongoing Groups Individual, Couple and MS.Ed., MS.Ed. - Inflmocy Between Men Group Therapy National Certified Counselor HIV/AIDS Issues Specializing in Conoems of: Certified Clinical Mental FUTURE GROUP EI^ VIO F5 r-j M ENTS " Say Fathers Sroup CALL ANY TIMF Sexuality Concems (CoB fer Infennotkm on group Isolation and Loneliness, Health Counselor RekrtlonsWp Issues Relationships, Separation, • ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS OpetmtgSJ 496 White Spruce Blvd. S L I D j N G S r:/^i.4 Self-Esteem, Abuse, and Rochester, NY 14623 • COMING OUT ISSUES -v-t::. Sexual Orientation 496 White Spruce Boulevard. (Across from MCC). 258-0022 Bet. 2323 TDD (716) 533-2041 Voice (716) 258-0022 Ext. 2321 •^ li •s»^!S!. nootphic dominanoe-subtnisdon modd of ddty, body's business!). Persons who express dieir heard d^pain in tiK stc»ies of men living with HIV (A spedal dianks to one of the particqxints of or efiBidng the body and the earth in their relation­ uality in variant forms (at bath houses, S/M, when it comes to dating and disdosure. lltcre is die open forum for hel^iing me with die idea for ship to spirit. almost always feared rejection. A similar fear that this artide. As always, ytTur input is wdcome.) AIDS Directory J3, leather, in group scenes, with multqile part- These more scht^ady investigations have every- RESOURCES FOR rs, casuaUy widi friends, anonymously, or with often came with cotning out is revisited all over Thmas Fnme^ak, CSW, ACSW, is NYStertfteti \*^iere been informed, motivated, and/or supple­ iftercnt fetishes) have not ordy been judged, but again. I suggest we have the greatest of sensitivity sodal worker, in the jkids tfretationsb^ and sexnatity mented by less formal bandings together ofwomen 'Ur^^^M^Stm' •• ^beled. and compassion to this issue. After all wc have fdt concerns^ HTV, cmd chemcal addictitms. Ym can contact WO M E N to fig^t for their rigbts, heal their wounds, and Free testing for HIV exposure is available from New York State Department of Health: call die similar fear of rejection growing up gay. him through his pritwite practice at White ^mce at 258- Who sets die norm here? Each person defines carve out lives fbr themsdves that do not collude Rodiester Area Regional Hodine at (7 f 6)423*8081. or I -800-962-5063 for pay phones or calls How can all of this happen? Why do members 0022 ext. 2323, or e-mail at TFronc(ak@mttiticom,ofg their OWN somaltty and expression of that. Quite with abuse. Women have formed self-he^ groups, HEALTH: 1310. E-mail: RochNOW@aoLcom Web outside Rochester Deaf or hearing impaired people should call (716)423-8120 (TDD.) of an already dvilized groi^ continue to cdticize personally I do not care how many pct^sle some­ safehouses, consdousness-raisinggrot^, profes^ Monroe CoMt\ty Women's Het3M\ Partner­ page: www.rochester.edu/SBA/95-7S/ Statewide infbrmation can be obtained by calling I -800-541 -AIDS. Other organizations which their own kind? The answers may be as different as provide AIDS-related services are as follows: one is sexual with or in vtbai ways or places diey Womanspirit sional/assodarional suppon groiq>s, events that ship. 1441 East Ave.. Rochester NY 14610; rochnow.html those involved. I do think that there is an identifi­ choose to be sexual What seems to be more showcase women's culture, rape crisis hodines, (716)473-2652. Comprehensive breast SPIRITUAL: AIDS Rochester, lnc.» 1350 University Ave., provides education, referrals to appropriate cation with the abuser that occurs in such situa­ By Dr Paula deChelly important is that the person is in OWNERSHIP historical archives, and myriad other collective cancer screening services for uninsured Wotnynspirit Celebrating woman-cen­ service agencies, client and ^mily services, advocacy for people fiacing HIV-linlced d^rimina- tions. Often lacking in self esteem due to abuses by tion. and other services, including financial assistance and a public education speaker bureau. of their sexuaHty and aware of CHOICE. The Best4cept secret endeavors to meet women's needs. and underinsured women. tered spirituality. Rrst, third and fifth Thurs­ hope is that the experience is one that is validating, a larger sodety, I think pc<^lc find diat if they can (716)442-2220 V/TDD (business line) or (716)442-2200 V/TDD (hodine). The scarring and wounding of Women's literature (as wdl as other media) and Elizabeth Wentie Breast Qit\ic. 1351 Mt. days, 7-9 pm, GAGV Community Center. feds good both during and afterwards, whether it put someone else down, then that raises not only Helping People with AIDS, Inc. (HPA) P.O. Box 1543 Rochester NY 14603-1543 is a non­ women are not new. Abuse of feminist literary critidsm have spoken doquendy Hope Ave. 442-2190. Dr. Wende Logan- 179 Adantic Ave. 248-3391. be in the context of play or intimacy. Does the their sense of sdf, but sense of power and control. Young and an all-woman staff provide CULTURAL: profit, volunteer organization. HPA raises and distributes funds to support programs that It is really this notion of power-over. The victim­ women and children has gone on of abuse, and it is in this area that u'omen's most person use their voice to communicate their needs mammograms. RotJiester Women's Community Chorus. provide services to peopte living with HIV and AIDS. Funding is provided to agencies located izcr or larger society is seen as powerful, and to for centuries in one form or an­ personal, deeply fdt stories of abuse and male in the counties of Monroe. Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca. Livingston, Chemung, Steuben, Wayne and interests? Are the individuals responsible to MDl RodiesterWotDeti's Heahh Outreadi. 473-7365. (Sec Ongoing calendar, page 31.) identify with them and put down others is a way of other, in one place or another. Indeed, the abuse domination have been told. Tliis holds true for and Yates. Hotiine (716)987-1853. Sdf and their parmer (i.e. safer sex) with a sense of HIV prevention. Contactjamiylah Miller. Eve'sDropping. Locally produced cable bdng different from those being exduded and ofwomen is our civilization's best kept secret, contemporary women as well as for women of mutual relational responsibility to who thc other 442-2220, ext 3026. AIDS Rochester. 1350 TV show by. for and about women. City Gay Alliance ofthe Genesee Valley peer fecilitators can provkie referrals to physicians and ridiculed. It is most often these people who are and it is a secret that, however unconsciously other ages, although these latter women often service agencies. Person on duty Monday/Friday 6:30-9:30 p.m. Message machine other times. '>erson is and how they fed both during and University Ave. ARI also has other ser­ channel 15,8:30 pm Sundays; 10 pm Tues­ being judgmental, critical, and outright unkind and unknowingly, we have all agreed to keep. veiled their perceptions in imagistic and symbolic (716)244-8640, ftenvards? Most importandy is DOES IT FEEL vices for HIV positive women. days. Write 200 Pirk Ave., Rochester NY ^OOD, and is this about sexuality in cdcbration who have a lower sense of sdf esteem. People most TTiis changed as the second wave of feminism code. Cotnmutiity Health Netwarl^. 758 South 14607. HIV/STD Coordinatk>n Project of Monroe County. 855 W. Main St, run through Monroe 3fSc!f. often abuse as thcy have been abused. The cyde began to wash over us in the iate 1960s, and to leave TTie end results of this movement ofwomen to County Department of Heatth. provides information, education and training and maintains a Ave. 244-9000. Support group for HIV Lesbian Writers Croup. All levels and continues. in its u-ake a dear picture of the waj's in which a know themsdves, heal themsdves, claim thdr resource library. Sue Cowell. (716)274-6114 (V/TTY). One of my greatest concems is the way that types of writing. Meets third Mondays. 7- woman's worid has been more intellectually lim­ inheritances, and live fully in the world has been positive women, "Making Connecdons." sodety has been so unkind and outright hurtful to As a community, 1 suggest that we personally 9 pm, GAGV Community Center, 179 Communtty Heafth Network (CHN). 758SouthAve. Aggressive early intervention medicai ited, culturally deprived, sodally atomi;2ed, geo­ that the silence that has sliroudcd abuse for genera­ Contact Lyn Blackburn. Meets first and those living with HTV/AIDS. TTie experience of look at ourselves and thc comments we make third Mondays, 9:30-1 i am. Pre-interview Adantic Ave. (On hiatus until fall.) care fbr all aspects of HIV/AIDS care. Oinkal trials, programs fbr women, mental health and social graphically restricted, and economically depen­ tions has been broken. During die past 20 years, work/case management (716)244-9000. finding out that one is HTV positive can be initially about others. I would suggest not getting involved dent than a man's. The movement ofwomen to women have been telling thdr stories and the required. "Moms Etc." support group for Sikwood Books. 633 Monroe Ave., Roch­ life-shattering and so emotionally chatged that in conversations where someone is being mocked Rochester Area Task Force txi AIDS (RATFA) is a collection of agencies providing a redefine (and transform) our herstory, our daily worid has not been die same. What we had been all female caregivers: contact Sydney estcr NY 14607.473-8110. disdosing such information takes place usually or put down, and ifyou find yoursdf in the middle Metzger. CHN has many other focus Women's Performance Projecc (Wild multiplicity of resources and services to the upstate New York communi^. Their offices are lives, and our rdationships has, among its other tau^t to believe about our lives, our fiamilies, and k>cated through the Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency, which also provkies medkral only in rdationships v^ere there is a significant of one of these conversations, I would suggest groups and services for HIV positive Wimmin) All-female performance group. gifts, revealed the systemic, pervasive, gjobal na­ our sodeties was not true. Our abusers tumed out literature and newspaper clippings, as well as demographic and statistical data for use in developing amount of trust. The tragedy is that a significant conftonting not only the issue but the person ture of abuse ofwomen. to be the people and institutions •^^hose very charge women and HIV negadve partners. 235-4182. health care servkes. Kelli McMahon, (716)461-3520. secret shared with a friend, is then shared with his making the comment. Thc change takes place with Altematives for Battered Wtttnen, 232- Iris l^ng Productions. Lesbian-based com­ Feminist historians have traced the structural was to protect us and advance our interests. Greater Rochester AIDS Interfaith Network (GRAIN) provkies lay and professfonal care friend, and his fiiend shares it with his friend, etc. ourselves first before the larger community can 7353. Shelter, counseling. Lesbians wel­ pany offers B&B. speakers, retreats, unions, underpinnings of abuse in patriarchal sodeties; Tellif^ the tnidi about our victimization (and through healing and memorial services; training of fnendly visitors fbr visiting tK>mes. hospitals, The control of who knows is now out of the change. I suggest wc have a responsibility to each lesbian performers, special events. Write feminist social sdentists have uncovered che so- our collusion with it) has empowered us. As we come. hospices and prisons; information about pasted resources and advocacy on befialf of people individual's hands. other and our community to not rcf^cate thc PO Box 254. Rochester NY 14601-0254. docultural workings of abuse and its repercus­ began to realize diat our cxjjcriences as abused POLITICAL: affected by AIDS. (716)889-8050. People gossip, I bdieve, about this topic be­ abuses wc have all experienced growing up. Per- Womet) Agaitist a Violetit Efiviroryttient GENERAL: sions among sodety's different sodal/familial women were shared by others, die possibilities for Monroe Community College maintains an AIDS Resource Library in the Leroy V. Good cause it is so emotionally charged for everyone hsips if wc make the worid more land dirov^ our grov^. At the same time, feminist psycholo^sts our healing changed and expanded. Recognition (WAVL) Issues of violence against women. Women's Resource Center. YWCA, 175 Ubrary. 1000 E Henrietta Rd. 424-5200. involved, whether HTV positive or n^ative, that caring, die fear of rejection diat many face when have identified thcways in which individual women of this shared experience has also enabled us to PO Box 15650. Rochester NY 14608. N. Clinton Ave. 546-7740. the anxiety of the situadon needs some oudet meeting others can be lessened, since we will all Monroe County Health Departnnent, at 111 Westiall Road in Henrietta, offers testing and are wounded by abuse and how the wounds might face the ways in which we internalize our oppres­ 234-9709. www.rochester.edu/SBA/95- Chedc our monthly and ongoing calendars However I would ask thatyou have respect fbr the meet within a relational field of caring versus "one- counseling for HIV and other sexually transmitted dbeases. (716) 274 6146. be healed. There have been spiritual dinnensions to sion and to ask, what psychc^ogical characteristics 75/wav.htmi for more groups and events, and call the individual living with HIV and allow them to i^, oncHJown." After all, it is die rainbow flag that Strong Men>orial H«>sphal provides a complete range of HIV medkal care, induding access to all these investigations as feminist theologians do we have in common that derive from our Natiofial Organization for Women (Greater (kiySource Infoline for referrals,, of 244S640. control the disclosure. Needing an oudet fbr your­ we claim with PRIDE to represent our diversity. experimental treatment protocols, and HIV testir^ Also provkies individual and gxMjp have searched fbr modds of spiritual life diat do subordinate status in sodety? Rodiester NOW.; PO Box 93196; (716)46 i- And send us your information! self is necessary and pethaps askir^ permission Let us all acknowledge and make room for the psychodierapy. Trdning of heahh care professk>nals also available. Infectious Disease Oinic, (7* 6) not perpetuate abuse by erasing women frx>m a Dr. Paula deCheify is a pscyhothett^iist in private from the person living widi HIV to sharc the news diversity, not only within our community and each 275-0526. Department of Psychiatry, (716) 275-3379. AIDS Traming Project. (716) 275-5693. particular cosmology, promulgating an anthropo- practice in Rochester, sepedaliv^^gin tvotnen*s hea&t^. sure viral loads above 400 per milliliter. There are with a friend is a first step you could take. I have odicr, but widiin ourselves. vanations on this test but they all use essentially thc Planned Parenthood of Rochester and Genesee Valley offers testing and infbrmation Reasons for Hope (716)546 2595. same method. By the Boston Al DS Writers The second type, bDNA, direcdy measures the Threshold Youth Center provkies confidential testing for young people ages 12-25. Fees on PSYCHOTHERAPY FOR AVfULTS & AIXJLESCENTS I amount HIV RNA. Because it counts the number dkiing scale, no one denied servke. Threshold Center fbr Aitemative Youth Servkes, 80 St PUJI Group St454.7530L RELATIONSHIP & FAMILY COUNSELING ' B-POSITIVE' DATING" of pieces of RNA without copying it first, it was Get a viral load test now! initially only accurate fbr viral loads above 10,000 New York AIDS institute ExpeHmental Treatment infoline. Up to date informatkxi on For the person who lives a "positive" lifestyle. per milHtiter. Sdentists have devdoped better ver­ cMcai trials and expanded access prpprams. Touchtone phone. l-dOO-MEDS-4-HIV; (212)239- Amy Pitt, MSW Meet and date people who share Now is the time to get a viral load test. It is morc sions of this test diat are now being used fbr the same "positive"ptiysical, important than ever before for HFV positives to research. These new bDNA tests measure viral Finger Lakes Family Care witl provkie confidential or anonymous free testing in Ontario/ know the status of their infection because now loads down to 500 and wiH be available to the Wayne Counties. 1-800-650-9853. Phone for appointment: 244-3984 emotional, and spiritual there arc proven ways to treat HIV which pro­ £>^/lookasyou. public this sutnmer. AiCtionFrontCenter(ActionforaBet6erCommunfty.) Provides HIV prevention education and Offices in Rodiester, Warsaw, Geneseo long health and life. Until recently each type of viral load test had its case management servkes. Training and technical assistance to service provkiers. Resource Ubrary Viral load tests predict how rapidly T ceQs wiU advants^^es and disadvantages, but these difiFer- open to publk. All servkes free and confidentiaL Multicultural and biinguai staff. fUidy Rivera, dedine and therefore how long people are Hkdy to ences have been resolved. Many new tests will program manager. l50N.QintonAve.Hours8:30-5pm.Monday-Friday.546^i80;te546-5669. Call 1-900-255-1515, Ext. 2825 remain healdiy. By using die results of these tests, Free anonynrKHJS HIV testlr^ on vvalk-ln basis, Thursdays 9 am-4 pn^ provkled throt^ soon be available; it is impoitant to know that they at Action Front Center, 242 Andrews St Carmen Hau, 262-4330. $2.99 per minute / must be 18 yrs> doctors can better dedde if antiviral thcr^>y is all measure the same thing. Touch-tone Ptione Required, necessary, and ifthe therapy being used is working. What do the results mean? C^hoik Charities AIDS Services. Provkies linkage with otiier service provkiers. transpor­ tation and financial assistance for housing. Monday-Frkfay 8:30 am-4:40pm. ll50Bufbk3Rd328- Serv-U (619) 645-8434 Thc good news is that die FDA has just approved There are two important measurements of how 3210. a version of this test, the "Amplicor HIV Monitor severe HIV infection is. One is T cdl counts and Specify Participant of Extension 2825 during Bio Teat,*' so that Medicaid and odier insurance com­ thc other is viral load. T cell counts tdl how much Disdosure need not be a problem! panies will probably rdmburse for it Even better, damage has been done to the immune system at Roche Manu&cturing Systems, the company who any given time. If T cells are low dicn some type of Put Dignity Back Into Dating!! makes this test, is now offering two ftee per person therapy is needed to prevent thc onset of opporm- tests; have your doctor cafi 1-888-TESn^-PCR (1- nistic infections. The significance of viral Ipad test 888-837-8727) for an application. is that, unlike T cell counts, they can predict how Karen A. Miller/CAw.cAc. Since these tests will play a crudal role in cutting- severe the infecrion wiil be in the future. In other edgs thctapy in the "905, everyone tieeds to know wofdS) i£ viral load is hi^ the HIV is tkung CHN. m«« t ac w WW ante amutttMM* ^(4»tt a vifidload teat is, what the results mean and dams^ to the immune system and wiU ksd to how diey can be used. PSYCHOTHERAPIST SPECIALIZING IN Joseph P. Burke, Esq. AIDS sooner than if it is low. ^Wbat is a Viral Load Teat? Hie best way to understand this Is thfoti^ an ommunity Heatth Network offers a full range of Individual • Relationships • Group Attorney Aviral load testis a measurement of the number analogy. Pretend that you arc riding in a car diat is medical ond support services in one a)nvenient Alternative Lifestyles 30 West Broad Street, Suite 504, Rochestcr of Tjtoses floating around in the bkxidstxeam. heacMi^ towaid a wafi. Your T cdl count fl^ilfryou C ^Mwiayo^go to get a viral load test, alter taking a how far from the \]indlyou,ape, so if yon lil0j^ location. We provide this core regordiess of your hjfewitfiampfe^tfaedoctorwfllseridittOftlabQgatD^ oTT ceis you arc fiiffaway . Vour vind loatt^|f|i^you insurance coveroge or your ability to pay for tii||^ sfa^ win coqnt hov many vifuaes die«e aie how &itt yoaan goings so if you have a h||P^?iral Personal Injury pip^pik of bkxxl (Vital kxid is fi^po^^ load it means yoa alt goii^ fast Natonf^yoo ;, «fvicei Automobile Accidents fif^^iiS^16w[^%xtfmnienm waiKS&be ^ mgr ^iinaa dv^ifrafi and J Civil Rights Litigation i^jpfoximaBdy one~filtfi of A teesptxeL) Befbic» ytthen all diac was atnakkk '• If you h«vi fliy, w tfaink you mighl, coll us. /Make >^vifiMW8 are so smal^ cdemiBt^ needed to ctnjotmt the oqly mlbmMttion we fiid Small Business/Corporate Real Estate 6a appotimnen} to moot our coring stoff. YouH »essywaysofcountmgiheKKLTncsea«etwo distance fipoffM^walk^masM'wiih die iid|^ tem, PCS. (Poj^ptneiase €3itm Revctton) iritalloadtetts #a caasdl how ijMtyuu'ic life SM w^jQiN il KodMStir's If iV sptdolist. 7 N. GoodnrKin St • Rm 3 (716) 436-6897 Dediceaed to Serving The Community (bouK&DNA)- This is ciudal beoape it enables a doctot lb siqr, JIte fitM type of test iiMs PCR 10 tnake mffions 'The mfectson is modi^ too qukU/* aiui then Rochester, NY 14607 (716)244-1330 Call today for a fiee consuJtatton of copies of the vinis^a opcgaoog ifutniCDOiis imke an effon to sk>wHIV down, or''It is tnoving known as RNA. By making lots of copies, it is very skywt/'and cominoe to rnonitor the stanis of Tel: 454-3771 / e-mail: [email protected] emett fbr the sdenttst to estimaie how many vi- the infection. ruwsdx9e«re.ThisitchetypeofvinlkMdtestdttt was iqpfMoved fay die n>A. k can accurately m 27 /*. f * 7 K^^i. T^f at Tara, Ifyou were there last year ycxi all over thc U.S. converging in Den­ today where all are wdcome — and standing-room-only Rochester audience fongas.com/'-tangers because thc Muther's 40 Union for the delidous know that it's an action filled day wich ver, Co. for the "Rocky Mountain among these spedal churches is Dig- a preview* ofour GALA program at thc Rangers have gone world wide! buffet and great service during the fi­ "Heighho! Heigjiho! It's off to Tampa carnival games, raffles, valuable ptizes, Hi^-Great"/LCCl Grand Invita- nity/Integiity. Eisenhart Auditorium ofthe Rochester We have created a homepage detail­ nale festivities. Among the prizes we go!" great music and Mexican fare. The g^and tfonaL We encourage one and all to attend Museum and Science Center. Guest ing the community services in which awarded were a portable stereo CD/ Well, maybe the verse doesn't scan, prize raffic this year is for a flill-sized Advance rcgistiation is requited, but our sefvkes injuly on Sundays,5pjn. at artists were the Rodiester Women's die Rangers are engaged. With a simple cassette/radio, a Waterford crystal dock, but it's the sentiment that counts. On pinball machine! So, be a down and if you simply must go» caU Rob for Sc Luke-SL Simon Cytcne, 17 Soudi CommunityChorus and their extremely click ofyour mouse, you can find infor­ a Fernando Alvarez art print, a giant July 6,35 sleepy (die plane leaves at 6:25 come to thc carnival. details at 225^769. Bczh\^ St. Some exdting events arc well-received Quintet RGMC's music mation on past and fixture events, how I^oo cooler on wheels and dinner for sLm.) but excited members ofthe Roch­ July 11-14 is die "Casino Royale" being planned fbr Dignity/Integrity in director Nick Williams tried something to j<»n or help, biographies on the mem­ two at Muther's 40 Union. Kudos to TTie Avenue Pub wiD host our Sept. ester Gay Men's Chorus will take wing theme diosen for the Freewheelers Car die future. There's a new Community different with Pablo Casal's version of bers, and a guest book which you can treasurer and event chair Jacquie Bailey 15 Hawaiian Luau and Tea Dance to forarendezvous with 5,000 other mostty Ckib (San Francisco) West Coast meet Coundl brimtning with new ideas. "O Vos Omncs:" hc has the men stand "sign." Induded are many interesting and Rather Cheryl Marko for their tire­ benefit Threshold Center for Alterna­ Held at the Embassy Suites in San Luis gay and leslnan singers at GALA V, die ia gidng pairs throi^out tbe audience "links" to odier local sites, and "an­ less preparation fbr this event. tive Youth Services. Threshold loses will be at a member's home on Weds. Scmie of the thitigs possibly in die Obispo, Calif., advance r^stradon was qoadicnsial gathedr^ of the Gay and and has tss sing diis hannonically intri­ chors" fbr services and busin^ses who Hie Rangers will be proudly march­ much needed fimding because of their die lOdi. Call 637-6101 for directions. Summer biking works indude forums on homosexual­ eof^e required by 6/15 and is sold out. I nd}]y news vqpcbte actually axxivcd. technical expertise in creatif^ our web Umbo contest, island music, various apf)earances in Washington, Y^.Q.^ various trips we have cycled to Fairport estcr is a faith community of gays, lesbi­ stole the show widi dieir toe-tsqi^iing thisjuty 21 at Durand Ea$tman.Padc In Brothers United Mote details about GALA V ^ipear page. Multicom4 is currendy installii^ juries and wonderful prizes. to idbe Bmpty Qoset, Boston, Buffalo, Rochester and and downtown, always makinga spedal ans, bisexuals, transgender people and renditiotis ofsistedy irreverence. It can*t the past we have taken July as a sort of Brothers United*s membership drive on page one of dus issue, and we shaQ new hardware and should be vi^ and Wc wouki fike to welcome our new­ tl^AliaodcAvc,, N.Y.C. PlavTng at a pride parade with stop for ice cream! Beth andjohn look fiiends. We worship in the Catholic and be exi^ained; you had to be there. hiatus, but... ix^iat the heck! It's July and continues throughjuly 28: "a reaffir­ share die story of all (well, maybe not i3^ running soon. Be a Cyber Ranger and est member, Alex Swydynsky. Alex was tons of adoring fans is just one reason fbnA'ard to seeing you. For more infor­ Episcopal traditions—but welcome all Now is die time to think ahead to outdoor dining is a must. But, so the mation of committment." of otir adventures in die August Em^ visit our site often! unanimously accepted as a Ranger at why we love to play. marion, call 271-5209. regardless of religious affiliations. Ev­ your fall schedule (Tuesday evenings) Rangers can en}oy thc day as well, it win We are pleased to be in our sixth year. Chset. But we cspeciall)dook forward to our last business meeting and we're sure However, our next big project is gear­ ery 5 p.m. Sunday mass is followed by a and ask yourself if die time has not Tlie June Scavenger Hunt benefit for be catered. The menu indudes baked All are wdcome. For an application call July 7, when wc shall be carrying the that his desire to help in our efforts and ing up for the fall Lesbian and Gay Boating Club joyous sodal hour.JOIN US! Formore finaDy come for you, too, to become a Altematives for Battered Women was chicken, sausage with peppers and on­ Empire Bears 461-3814. Brodiers United's Pride Cel­ new RGMC banner, made possibk in information, please call 262-2170. member ofRGMC. Pavatotti you don't such gteat fun that die hunt will now be ions, baked ziti, buigers, Zwcigds hots, his musical talents will be a definite asset The Empire Bears plan a camping Bands of America Conference which By Joe Molare ebration Week runs from July 25-28. part by special gifb from Amie Pegish need to be; many of us io the Chorus an annualJun e event to benefit a worthy salt potatoes, mac salad, and assorted to our group. Maybe Ivana Jackcmoff summer. On July 12-14 wc will be at will be hdd in Rochester this Septem­ The boats are all back in thc water! July 25 fThursday) Spshdes Tourna­ and Marty Dolan ofBachelor Forum, in had had no prior choral experience, but cause. Although there was low partid­ fruit! Well also supply the kegs, soft will have an esccKt co die Christmas gab! Jones Pond. You're welcome to visit ber. Thc higblight ofthe conference will Summer is here! Wonnen's hiking ment, $100 first prize. Club Obia, 532 the Tampa Gay Pride March. Then thc Nick Williams is such a great vocal pant tum out, those who did had a drinks, and ice; a deal at $10! Advance Watch for fiirther details on our i^ or share our site. Call Gary at 637- be playing at the annual Dining for Our first event for die *96 season was Upper Falls Blvd., 8 pjn. $5 entry fee. next day we present our program in a teacher that together wc can make a riotous time searching for dues in the sale tickets only will be available starting coming events in thc Empty Closet, on 6101 for details, or contact Jones Pond Dollars Hdping People with AIDS a rafting expedition down the Genesee group July 26 (Friday) Lazcr and Crystal moming session alongwith major men's beautiful sound that we can't make indi- six participating host establishments. July 1 at your favorite libation station our internet homepage, on Multicom4 to reserve a space. fundraiser. Over 100 musidans fixxn in Letchworth State Park. Ei^t people A new women's hiking group is now Showtime, Qub Obia, 532 Uf^jcr Falls choruses from Chicago, San Diego, and viduall>'. And ain't that really what it's all Special thanks to Anthony's 522, Thc and must be purchased byjuly 17, Well local events listings and on our posters. across the country will be providing a turned out for thc event and all had a forming. It will offer brisk hikes and On Aug. 23-25 we will be at Camp Blvd; i 1 pjn. untfl ? San Antonio. Even though this is not a about? Sec chis article in the August EC Avenue Pub, The Bachelor Forum, have plenty oflawn games and contests, Anyone interested in knowing morc utiique experience. great dme. We had two of die dght tafis walking adventures on local trails. Hillside in Pennsylvania for their sec­ July 27 (Saturday)- Brodiers United competition, we want to do our very for the times for voice placement, or call Common Grounds,Muther's 40 Union, our famous 50/50, music, dandng, and about the Rochester Rangers can write July is our mondi off, but practices in die fiotilla. FoHoixu^ a three hour The groi4> will met on Friday eve­ ond Bear Weekend of the summer. fifdi annual picnic, Mendon Ponds I^uJc, best to represent Rochester proudly, so the Chomsline at 423-0650 with ques­ and Tara for their generous donations hot summer fim! You may want to CO us via snail mail at Rochestcr Rang­ resume j^atn in August. CaH 242-0237 tr^ along thc gotge, we enjoined apknic nings. For mote itifbrmation, caH 247- Fourof our members were ar die firstin 12-7 pjn. Ftee. Bting a dish to pass. light a candle or stroke your crystal and tions, and well get back to you. and for co-hosting the hunt. Hats off to rememberyour picnic gear, chairs, blan­ ers, 1361 Ridgeway Ave., Rochester, if you woukl fike to play with us. We are dinner in the park befcHc tetutning to 3299. June and had a gnrceat dme. July 27 (Saturday) - Post Picnic Jam, send your good vibes soudiward on Common Grounds for the wonderful kets, bug spray, etc.... N.Y. 14615, or ennaii rochestcr rangers a commutiity band ^x^iose members Rochester. It was a great day. Hianks to Our first armual Empire Bears pknic Oub Obia, 532 Uj^)cr Falls Bhrd, 11 Monday moming. Rangers bagel, coffee and mimosa bar at regis­ @multicom.org. Remember our motto have a wide range of playing abilities. Chris for otganizifig. It was so mudi fim Aug. 18 wiil bring our annual Mexi­ will be hdd at a private can^^site in pjn. until? PLAGAL BIG NEWS! Check out http:// tration and to Jerr)' and Kevin at "you help us help others." Bassically Ticblemakers is open to new wc are planning our next rafof^ tc^ in On June 15 we gave an enthusiastic. can Fiesta Carnival Benefit on the patio Orleans County onJul y 27. Well s^qjply July 28 Sunday) B.U. Brunch. Loca­ Pro-life? A support group will be start­ members at any time. Come out and die spring of ^97. supper and Sunday break£ist. You si^ tion and cost to be announced. Call 461- ing soon. join us! Some loaner instruments arc ply your own snacks, beven^jcs atid Some other events indude a boat 3814 for details. For information, contaa PLAGAL available. overnight gear. CaD 637-6101 to ren­ rendcTvous in IrcKidequoit Bay in Au­ (Prt>-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbi­ ter and find out about ptices. Our practices are hdd atSdiocd 12 gust. Call 271-4482 for detsuls and a Dignity-lntegrit/ ans), P.O. Box 10035, Rochestcr N.Y. A Rainbow Community If you're diinking of attending our (The J.P. Duffy School) on Soudi Ave. complete list of events. Many gays, lesbians, and bisexuals and 14610, or P.O. Box 33292, Washington More Light is a national network of inclusive Presbyterian churches Lyn Pezzulo Ms* Ed* July miondily meeting, take note: it wiH opposite Holland Hospital fitwti 7- transgender people grew up in D.C.20033; (202)223-6697. The group's 8:45 pjn. on Monday nights. Look for Lannbda Car Club welcoming gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered persons into full ^ NOT be hdd die first Wednesday at thc churches that condemned dicir sexu­ mono is "Human rights start when hu­ co-ministry and life celebration within our worshipping famiiy. Counselor for all GAGV Community Center. Instead, it us onscage in tfic caietcnx Call 242-0237. July 4-7 finds dassic car lovers firom ality. TTiank ^^jod there arc churches man life begins." emotional concerns Two services every Sunday at 11:00 am - a traditional service in the Sanctuary - Individual and couple tlierapy - a contemporary service in Celebration Hall - Barbara Debes, M.S. Adult Education 9:45 am Sliding Scale 594-5142 Cal! for dates and times when Rev. Jane Spahr will be worshipping with us. Please contact Rev. Gai! Ricciuti for more infonnation.

ra Westminster Presbyterian Church ^^«,"j'uiir):[3:{sju^^ DIGNITY-INTEGRITY Individual, Relationship, Groups THE DOWNTOWN UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ! A MORE UGHT Congregation ROCHESTER Groups Currently Available 121 North Fitzhugh St Rochester, NY 14614 (716) 325-4000 Partners of Lesbian Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse where people of all sexual orientations (Roman Cathoiic-Episcopal) • Married (to Men) Lesbians worship and nilnister together Please Call for Funher information Located in Rochester's 19th Ward We welcome all regardless of worship tradition 330 Wellington Ave. 436H3200 or sexual orientation. 54-5 Park Avenue 271-4610 Worship: 10:30 a«m. Sundays Third Presbyterian rhurdi Sliding Fee Scale Liturgy every Sunday at 5:00 p.m. 4 Meigs Street at East Avenue / y y / / y y -^y^/^yy. 271-6513 Social Hour at 6:00 p.m. I^tluck Dinner every third Sunday of the month ^^WN STRESS BECOHES \ journey to ^H^Uness TOONUCH.. bgether we zvill create an Church of St. Luke and St. Simon Cyrene 17 South Fitzhugh St. CONSIDER THE VALUE OF enmronment that promotes ^sycfiotfurapy COUNSELiNC T (Comer of Broad St. and S. Fitzhugh St.) Phone 262-2170 for healing, provides supportfor exploring • HMNVMMJALS your personal joumey and empowers *'Empotoerment This Eucharistic community exists- • you to make self-respecting choices. A More Light Church • to worship God *Await^tig Creatttdttfi • to proclaitn the good news of Jesus Christ *Sjiftnjoo(s Where Gay, lesbian and bisexual persons are welcomed as partners in mini^ry. • rAmNTMG CONOMNS • to witness to the reality ofChristian gay Sunday 10:30 AM Worship *^avv nM. \Aj;\t^M^, MS. Ed. tfien atid women Tauta deChdty, Th/D. Nationally Certified Monday Island 3rd 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Support Grouo (7U)I3f-'ffS« Individual, Coiiqrfesy Gioups Join us in celebrating 20 years 4733QS0 Ssn Languwe Fkofidait Child cara - Wheekhair accessible - Lf-oped for the hearing impaired (n6)38S4735 in our conununity! i«^ can predict a person's kMig-tcrm health, it couU be continued from p. 23 dierapy is necessary. For people who ate not on best to start on. Use a combination of antivirals used to drasdcally shorten dn^ studies. This may antivirals the viral load test can si:^gest when to because it has been proven that combination Here are some guidelines for judging how fast mean more and better dn:^ available sooner to begin using diem. People already taking antivirals dierapy extends hie and health hx above and you're gobg: if viral load is under 2000 copies per those HIV positives who need them. Viral load can use viral load tests to decide if they are working, beyond die use of one antiviral at a time. milliliter (movingsiovdy) HIV is posingUtde threat tests are being used to measure the drt^ effective­ and when to switch them. Before starting new therapy get a viral load test; to ihe immune system; under 10,000, Oust rolling), ness in all current protease inhibitor trials. Mea- after one month of antiviral ihen^ get anodier HTV is probably causing minor damage to dK To manage HIV it is best to have a series of test suiennentsofviralloadwere considered alongwith viral load test If the dierapy is working the results immune system. A viral load of greater dian 10,000 results to begin with — two viral load tests and T Tccfi counts at the FDA hearings when deciding of the second viral load test will be signifkantly (casting) is causing some damage, and over 30,000, cell counts taken two to four weeks apart is a good to grant s^>proval fbr d4T, saquinavir and the lower than that ofthe first. In this case you are on (movii^ fast) can resuk in signi6cant dams^ to starting pcnnt. One test isn't going to do it because AZT/3TC combination. There are addidonal an effective therapy, and should sdck with it, and yourimmune system. Note: peof^ with full blown the lesuhs can vary. This series of tests will tell a possibilities for viral load test in the fotuie. A PCR monitor viral load by having anodier test every AIDS can have viral load test results in thc millions. person if they are stable or if HIV is damaging die test which measures viral load down to 20, instead three months. If thc viral k>ad doesn't go down Since now thete is medicine available diat slows immune system and intervendon is necessary. If of the cunent 400, is now in development. ^ then the doctor should probably switch treat­ HIV, you need to get a viral load test to best viral load has been rising or is over 30,000 orTcell variadon on the viral load test could be used f ments. TARA LOUNGE manage the treatment of diis disease. counts are below 500 and have been dropfnng screen blood products for HIV if the FDA ap How to uae the resulta? fasterdian 100 per year, orT cell counts are below Treatments which dxop viral load are usually proves it fbr that specific use, and mig^t also b 300, ag^essivc treatment is in order. associated with better results, and it seems diat the The results of viral load tests, when considered used to predict the risk of transmission of HI 153 Uberty Pole Way, 238-4719 morc powerful the reduction in viral load and the aloi^side T cell counts, are a quicker and more If aggressive treatment is necessary, talk to a from modier to fetus. Most importandy, sine more sustained, the better. Get a viral load test now accurate way of choosing when and what type of doctor about what andvirai cottrbhtathn would be every person responds a little differendy to andv and act on die results with a doctor fatniliar with ral therapies, viral load tests wiU efiEecdvdy ind HIV illness and the recent developments in its vidualize thc treatment of HIV disease. Viral lof treatment tests make it possible to find the best drt^ comb What to watch out for? nadon for each person. Looking for some extra Income? As HW illness develops the levds of virus can jjjij THURSMY. JULY 4,199i> TARA PRESENTS You can help others and earn money at the same time! go up and down. Sometimes after fKt shots or The Bosttm AIDS Wtitm Crot^ mttsists affUtbet ix^icn you are sick the results of viral load tests can Ft>iattatttlIjimPe^ofACrUPBosttrtt;Dat^idStmtiras, TARA'S ANNUAL Ifs About Tf me! goji^ very hig^ so in such cases wait a fiiU month Zatmi Ki^tadia, Robert Keebs, Derek Ubby, atdlMrry HCR Home Health Agenqf Bres^mrfitatt Seatxh FPTA Cttte. Tbe Ra^km Paml hoslMl by Miss fumy ll0clMSl«r 19f* conducts y>?e 2 1/2 week traimng classes and get the test redone. It is unclear what these short-term rises in viral load mean, but this is one tttttsiftt efDr Cai Cbbeir, Reseattb ZXtettttry ^CRI, 4Tft OF JULY PICNIC to get you started as a reason why no treatment dedsion should be based Nettf En^att^ Dr. KettAtayttr, RtseardtDmOtirtfThe Home Health Aide. on only one test. In die case where you have one Fettttwf Cotttttittttity HeaiA Cotter; Dr. J)te«« iSfioow^ 4PM TO 9PM HCR offers: hi^ test diat is not consistent with past results, MeSml DtfeOttr Femt^ Ctnttttettttity Heath Center; Stemart I^andert, Senior ComtUtant atjobtt Stttav Ittc; • Flexible schedules • Health/dental insurance wait one month before checking viral load a^ain. You need mote than one test over a petiod of time Jobtt James, Editttr artd PttbSther efAIDS Treaittteitt Fwe, ii^Oo^ tmd Celadl Sh«H LfiiM NMd i»MiMi • Competitive wages • Overtime pay so that when it comes to usii^ viral load tests as Nett^ attti Katett Thttottr, DtrettorcfEtiittatiotf otBotfy • Part or full-time • Mileage reimbursement Pttsiiife m Nem York. Marissa Ftoimrs SiMfca ASIMMI part of treatment decisions, your doctor has an positions accurate picture of how you are doing. The kkas es^tttssed at tiiis artkie are titomef the Bostott Doofk pum a«9 J/2 koWb AIDS Writers Grotfi attd do ttot tteeessariiy refieet the Coasiwlla SanMMlM Ddaris Other uses of Vifal Load Testa Call today for information on our epittiotts efAe Remttf Patiel fJappif UouH, WM dutda, next training dass! When it is establi^^ how in^ a viralload test witii special ap|>aaraac« %y ^ ^^^ Deb Smith and DomeiSe htex,. tfeitt Sirens off Atlaatis » Saturday July 87* 1996 HCKHMMH«MiAfftw«9 ^^^7 ^ Recruitment Coordinato^, , r 9:30pNi i«»M^v*»«*r4»«MiK" ^ ^i 50272-19308 White, extSpruc. 30e5 Blvd. a^^ /fata Smcce "^ OJ. Cbff tuU doMCiMg at Tara in tiie patio lounse (across frvo St In thm ifmrt of domitewii RochMtar Ofasfe tttntke^ (kdc ask about ihe special inceniives we tsffer! Hours: d a.m. until 5:30 p.m Monctey through Friday ByAppt Evenings Mor>-Thurs Until 9 p.m. By Appt Saturdays * Out of gaa? Well bring you aomef * Dead Battery? We'll give it a jump! * Flat tire? Well change itl " Need a tow? Well get someone there! GOODBYE DICE JULY PIANO BAR VETERINARY * Alt tor a minimum Servioe Charge wm. STHBOBMETCH HOSPITAL COUPONS It's salt 6ut Tme! 720 Pittsford-Victor Rd. S5.00 OFF Gcmit foreynr M SAT*6TH BOBMCTCH Pittsford* New York 14534 FREE 1/2 PRICE (716) 248-9590 Windshield Washer on Gus's Tire Rotation NYS inspection So Let's Party in Memory.. Fluid Save $7.95 at Gus's • on cars & light trudcs with any paid service SUNDAY ANOY FLEMING, For fastest servioe Well cheek tira trvad* NH. 1BTH ROSLYN performed atOus*s appointmanta are pressure & alignment DVM rscocnmended and rotate your Ures JULY 28, 1996 SAT. 13TH PIETCNBNIETCHE «»• 4pm to 9pm sMefneliife to oNenMiliM AufomodvaConipiiterJ Transmission Servica Computeffzsd eti^ electronics Only $69.95 at Gus's WhesfAUgnment Ckidien BBQ System Analysis 4.Wb8el $49.95 with nUs Diagnostic Service Includes up to 5 Qts. FRI. 19TH OERRynNOERS at Gus's Includes Transmission Fluid, 3 MonthOOOO Mile Computer Data Scan, , New ScraeiirFillory Wmanty Potato Saiad, Macaroni Salad. EmlMions A Electronic rransmlssion PtKt% Gasket *U|M>t Trucks ft Vane SAT.ftOTH BOBDIETCH Systoni Checks Automatics On^ Add $10.00 and. reiislk trays Only $49.85 at Ous*s Gua*s Auto Sarvica

W DOOR PRIZES FRI. 26TH OIETCN $5.00 OFF TUNE4IP Winter Wipers Oil Change A Lube nVLRT 1/2 HOUR SAT.STm DIETCH at Gus's Auto Service Onty $10.95 Installed Only $10.95 10" or ir* Blades Up to 5 qts. Castrol OS

10% OFF Braim Reane PriceeOoNot Include Tax Coolant Fhiah ft FM Front Diae or $10.00 OFF Wnieel Drum Coupons MUST BE Diain ft Back Flush Install Near Diac Brahas or andtar Dnim LiningSk upto2 TopofffFMdLawels '^^m.'s&'sai^s^sssg^issp&a^^ '"^^j^^*-;* f^y^i y" > ?** ^SM ^.'^*,aiA^ 29 ANNOUNCEMENTS Women's spiritual rereat with Paula The Gay AlUatkcc seeics donation deChcUy, PhD., Sanuday, July 27. For VASSAR STREET of color TV, 24" or laigpr, and a VCR informadon and to register caB 473- for use in Community Center program­ 3050. PRICE: ming and events. All donations ate tax SERVICES deducdbie. Call 244-8640. Thanksl $97,500 Sensual body/ muscle rubs. Let spirituality Vohimeer for the Empty Closet this experienced (five years) consider­ Psychology LOCATION: We need word processors, database ex­ ate, discreet, healthy, youthful Italian perts, ad designers, writers (especially male attend toyour every need. Tm 5*8", Tapes, CDs & T-shirts Park Avenue Area reporters and reviewers), mailing vol- 150 lbs. and built Hke a runner. Treat \v Recovery unteeis, artists and photographers. 244- yoursdf, a friend or k>ver. You won't be SCHOOLS: IT. SELL IT. TRADI- I T. 9030. disappointed! Athlete or bodybuilder? Jewelry & Medallions Rochester - #23 School 12-Step books & cards Lesbian golfer woukl like to start an Great way to unwind after a workout! wei^t management? CaH 473-3050 for Non-smoking, day-woddng gay APPROXIMATE TAXES: informal tietwotk of women to ^y Appoinmients in your home or mine informadocu male to sharc furnished home in 19th golf with (non-compedtive.) All levels, (no messy oils used.) Reasonable rates. Hie soil is depleted. Minerals are a Ward, f 250/mondi afl. 436-6457. and always the latest in $3,200 Ease your anxiedes, soreness, stress, key factor in good health. Are you ^••-Vif^^-*^<;^ •.-•^•^."-- '•••••.• ::••'••'• -,45 ;-:"-:^ silkies, coiqilcs, and men welcome. In- FOR RENT \ a<»iwMrf 10 m>iMg ft i A lesbian writings & video worries. Rease cafl (716)235-6688 now. needing to do morc? Call for informa­ SQUARE FOOTAGE: tcrestedPRcasecaUSharon at 234-1930. Apartmentf Oxford area, unusual, Celebrating the Goddess. Do you need encouragement in tion, 473-3050. with skylights,la]:gelivingspace,in home 2,245 PERSONALS widi women only. 367-2784. ^^^^^teiiii.iN^ ymt> The folfowingprisoners arclonefy House for rent. Three bedrooms, LOT SIZE: and would appreciate bearing from one bath, garage. 19th ward west of 39' X 90' anyone who wiU write: Genesee Park Blvd. $655/month phis YEAR BUILT: GWM,20,6M90Ibs.,blond,lookii^ utilities. Availabk: Aug. 1. 461 -2273. for someone to correspond with and Available Sept. 1. Nice one-bed­ 1911 *•?•,• ./. X •:> •- • "''• - .-- • • •••• 633 MONROE AVE KEN SALTZMAN possibly morc. Very outgoing and flin, room Seabreeze duplex, yard, porch, m% APAINT1ER great sense of humor. Joshawa Reed, stove, refrig, parking, short walk to 1 block west of Oxford Sq. 280-197, PO Box 56, Lebanon OH Durand Beach and Park. PetOK. $415/ 473-8110 INFORMATION FREE ESTIMATES 45036. month plus. Year lease, security de­ Tawn R. Feeney 654-6174 Reaching: out to establish sincere posit. 323-2419. Iif ft Msiw and piacHK iMaibcr. Days: 271-0680x436 relationship.! am 30,6*, black hair, brown Nice one bedroom Westside $435. Evenings: 334-8617 eyes. Verj'lonely. Will answerall. Stanley flamcbrfll)fe to coofien fihuiiwiU' Heat, appliances, extras. Must see. 328- Tlbe BnqMy Ooecs kwx trBpoiiMhlf M. Woodbridge, PO Box 5500 1907 ANYTIME. fiat aay finaacwt ioa» oc ttfuyjw.af / Chillicodie OH 45601. FORSALE ROOMMATES/ Alleghany County. 14 surveyed HOUSEMATES acres, includes level grown iq> meadow, Padc Ave./Ea6t, available 9/1, WM woods, views and smafl stream, on to sharc latge four bedroom, two bath maintained town road, three miles co APARTMENT house. Washer-dryer. Non-smoker. Jones Pond, one mile to English HiH $350 phis half utilities. Call 473-318Z State Forest, quick drive to Swain and A true child of Bill and Bob is Letchworth State Paric Warranty deed, Dramatic - Attractive - Country Landmark 'Lanfi seekii^ shared housing in die Park Ave. owner financing, $15,900. Owner/bro­ feaaq area. Ifyou're seeking someone, please ker (607)562-3725. Mclisse, te(719 2««O0j call Savannah at 783-6017. in wooded area with ponds, stream, waterfalls NT Unique & Modern 4306 Culver Ruad state of tt«e Art Restoration -10 Minutes South of Marketplace Need Responsible & Dignified Heip - General Maintenance - Yard Work • 323-1690 Part Time- Reduced Rent Choice- Chance of a Lifetime-Ken or Jon Wear Seabreeze Park For all your real estate needs... 226-3331 0^1 Tsesdaj-lSaMaj •Residential •Commercial ••• .*• Apartments • Private Financings bthnafile REALTORSt? Excellence Peggy Felt redefines the Put the pieces back together. Marie Siwiec 1415 Monroe Ave. (ek* 90 lens) noun . (Editor Associate 'T}mqutdfy€tibeh^f essence of real estate service Vi.

'%. PROUDLY OOMMUNITY SINCE 19^ Rnding someone who has the exceptional comnmment required fbr professional Amy Jo O'Brian excelience is rare.. * lillll Hiiiii ^^f Residential & Investment Properties

... unless you select the real esterte :•--^ professional with atotal commitmen t 1 800 East Ave. Rochester, Nev/ York 14610 473-1320 to excellence in real estate service, Phone 716-244-6500 • Home 716-987-8451 ./. Peggy Felt Hiither-Doyle %:.y A Place for Healing PEGGY REALTY GROUP 32&«100 aaOKEflASSOCUTE RE^MKK 24»4)250x212 PERSONAL.. PROFESSIONAL QU Each ofBos Indspsndsntfy ownad snd opsiaisd ,''-v-^^. OLVER, KORTS. KORONA & RUSSELL LLP 10 Totey Vill^ Office Park - PiiiJorJ, NY 14534

Orletttals, Call For Professional, Personal Representation for: I:ijx:i KOi.N SIS B\ JAY\ Upholstery & • Purchases & Sales of Real Property Complimeniaiy Consultatic« • Futt Body - Wc«n^ DRY FOAM EXTRACTION SYSTEM • Real Property Partnership Agreements 1 i.-' No Steam or Over Saturation if AppcMntments to Fit Your Schedule Ones in just a few short hours • Wills & Estate Planning -i Sksf^, Sterile it^ Car^idernial No Toxic Dry Cleaning Fluids • Small Business transactions No Shrinkage or Bacterial Build-up Helpiagyou to make Eliminate Pet Flood & Fire Odors KimheAr Ru«*ellt 387-0500 infonxiedL cx^m&mable Call (716) 654-9154 fot a ine cii&iS? Aiiomejr real estate decisions. Helms Pinata Party; bring your kids. BarbataDetniiigMenKMial Peace Walk. July 19-Aug. 26. Starts July 19 at i'^i : :2> d " H ; 5 f 325-2560. The ONGOING Calendat Oh • COAP dty hike. 10 am. Call Tom, Women's Peace Land, Romulus N.Y., 271-3653. ends Aug. 26, New Yoik City. For in­ July l9:Con9iessmanBamey SUNDAY Beteavement Support WEDNESDAY Hifi^ Technology Gtoup NONDAYIS fonnation caH Donna Marie McCabe, Frank hosts a Aaidraiser for Louise Moie Li£^t Support Grot^ Second, fourth Mondays, 4-5'30 pm^ Women's Commutiity Chorus Tbird Fridays, dinner. CaU Dave, 359- (518)273-4287, or visit Wd> site, htq>:/ 3337. Slau^iter. 700 pm in Com Hi^ Empty Closet deadline. Artides, for gay and leslnan pele and AIDS Rochester, 1350 Universtty RdKarsab each Wednesday, 630^30 dassified ads, letters to the editor, non- /ixrww.cpi.edu—mccabd ^ietKls, 12:15 pm, last Sundays. Ave. Free 442-2220. pm, MCC Chapd, 8975 E. Maki St 473- Gfeater Rodiester Gay and Les­ cal 232-2410 or 288-7267. Downtown United Presbyterian 7365. cameta-teady ads. 244-9030. Empty Cloeet deadUne. Fhoto- Rodiester Histotical Bowling So­ bian Business Fotum gnqshs, camera-tcady ads. 244-9030. Church, 121N. Rdhu^ St 271-1606. ciety G«^ AlHance of die Genesee Valley Professionals* sodal group. Second h TUESDAY 16 Patents and Friends 7:15 pm, Mondays. Cbver Lanes, boaid of diiectofs Meeting second Thursdays, 530-7 pm, cash bar. Gal­ SATURDAY 13 COAP Msbee IbotfoalL 7 pm. CaD SATURDAY 20 of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAC^ 2750 Monroe Ave. 251-2175. Wednesdays, 7 pm, 179 Atlantic Ave. lery Cafe, Memorial Art GaUery, 500 COAP BBQ. 2 pm. Can David L.. Ride, 654-6479. Poii^Kx|MeaaTour.Ride-In6teak- 2:30 -5 pm, Frien

flron Blocher presents... m Tied to old ideas about church?^ vary St. J^btdrezi^s fParisfi (Corner of 68 Ashland Street Blast off to something new! & 95 Averill Avenue) SflTURDHV, JULV 27th, 1996 Opie n AMHS Ccitcfi tfie %Hsion Featyring. THE JMNNT itOiER IRNR Metropolitan Community Church 302 N. Goodman St. Suite 306 As a More Light parish we celebrate the full Proceeds to benent the Susen 6. Komen Rev. Ron Helms - Senior Pastor inclusion of gay^ lesbian and bi-sexual people in the household of God. ireest Cencer Foundetion in cooperetion ivith Phone:(716)271-8478 WotkiTourOperte Iti Sytmxise, t

Corfee Mouse MaiMn>Matnbftrshlp iNTEIW^E^'MV^E A COM.^^ ro* O^v US&MM AfC D«Jt»At CoNCBMil 32S4950 CORDIALLY lrA^TE5 You TO JOIN \JS music • discussion • panics Nanne: • • • • • Parents, H3k SuWAy Vbl5Hr EACH VM AT KWOAM. COHK MOU TO FOtLOV Families St Friends Address: of Lesbians & Gays As A MB^ea OF THE U«TAMAN UivaiAurr AISOOAIION Ev('ry Third Friday at 7 PM Meets on the last Sunday SUPPORT Vfe oxtNAfcr TO AfntM AM) noMcrn THI MHOfKr VCaTH AfO OKTCrr or CVCHY rOLSGN W* • 1 1 \ li of each month from "^ Phone: i3a-4J0PMatthe_ EDUCATION Friends lieetiiv House SiSlndMdual \ GERBIL *SSX^ 41 VMMtmlnster Road faOHoMiiHold/ Firi5T UiNiVEai>\Li5T CHURCH A Ou4»*r ADVOCACY Cultur* gatbil (neir comer of Ettt Ave) I^O S. CUNTON AT COUHT J46~gaa6 Zi FPU JMFO CALL poewi 10234.0116 ;NY I4M7 V- •;-...•.

I-I w-^- Z:'^".^ ^,^'> C. t--! E£ S a; :„ ¥'• ••••. '^ O C„- i^--1 s^;-.' S 3:.:^ s x i ^z. i.,.:3 c.::: ^s?. iSSfJ. [.'j/^^..f^.f f '••'I t I Hi lilY I . .-•i. ^Wl^ f ii^::5#^ I % -^^^ '^^^i^ l^-^S*^?::^ I«S^^





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f'^- VECTRA *«:.;:. M- ^ ^:-;>-:-" ission WORKOUT fe^' '"•• %^ iivm%J h^^<^

••' ••••• •'•'*••" •y- •••'• -'-'• • -, -^r*' *•• TcscH n i c:a.l Ix lCi«-St:at:ic>rk ^Syrrt** W f i I IPI

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iW^tmtttmrimm 35,«ir,l73,a|b« mt^mA,r^m^Jtktk ™^t Pww* Jjp^fc ttt 1om6^tot rata IT] mtbAmdk.S]p,mU.lmm }W pSSyi£Lti *r TOUWO llVtaMni| 'IMI* Mi. tok BMd MM liM lMN4Mr #« fprwvtE rLWw%gw « ai OMWUvsi •• wnm. yam, Mb edw iMihL 1»-24, eveky need. Tm ^r^p^ and bitilr Bke a <^WH 37, AUndh*. Mib mmsamtattvaummtttfm flAvr mabt, .19-4), far view* brfimtawAwfaAv, Sirwut 29yHn«U, JT tan^ HB>ili)W. and ona on one wfaiiwidw. mpwuM wB fa i—tiid. Ns nviser. Trese yoi^aii^^ft'fiadnd or lovc^ goffw or dhcnfat PfaowfapwQ Imwhoir, WUTUJM, rnlaoJawbr HMH htM o f«mms$ jMtfFA^ woa*thei4n end lowghlH-Inw <^ pn. fm Q faptfam faokiiB far b potncmcnts in your home or mine (no nncssy m»id CDS m*. SRW (brt vipKtalr r«b()»4h«) ir#i a guy IP V 3i oils used.) Reasonable rates. Ease your anxi­ SMU n»MaiGVW,'Q^geed Skoighl WtM» msfa. tbvfa Wkr. Hw i|« f m Mng fo^ gkf 1S ID dnpt, ivw» twr tw^ ore*.' W. pnfr hoir, IA» MH. M^ mm «r ft GfMfi •))«, 6't. XXJfes, flhf<«ubr (716)235.6688 now. 4).iaiiwyniirictipwM.Me. 'you fawcmd, ledkof irtimit.. nda mAii* bvtd, ten Udjr, MHJ> hoir ttid «ym, pod MM PtiWT JOCK GWM, 6'. 1«, i4 CQMMMON fm o Irak «nd body, udu hrtg him uMinidiip ol Anwriowt tfifah, aib iii«r Gey Wt* «bk 39 v«n gU, 5-10. «^^ipKia)nen. OAmtgoia CWM*! far bianddiip and nuana 24Sfci. t vv3|r PUHBi, hdtng, dhr^ ixA ml quo* owwui or HOM. I wuU noBtti bsMi a tifnngB. lfiORlNp«d •e MAH WAMIS um MM* rm •H to ftwr uiMEn* far fnanddip and oGoy VAiitoinafa, 6'3, 2Ufefc tm mnnmim AtunoMMt cPMuT a piltb i^laivtd^i. CJ RW-[A^Mot 33 w« oti. r« bobv hr toummm WMT no OM mi MOCK CM 3^ half. tMH •JIM. am tttm, mda urtdv 30 wtf< o Mwci to m^m a.^^/iWM»>WTg * Apg SAM itiftprrllill 1^^ * ai^YCAJts i » Wf oU Go^ Ifad fwh bobne baU Coi ns. (nn^M^ «W7f tior&NM'sbrtnii^twMdnH* far Wiwidi^. 0 labtovvp, ond poi- vMuaia snnmi GWM. 19. good n«w be« aflWHiip IMmy f MVy men Hoaw ' to bip «» ooinpa- 6'. 225. out oi dwe, cKfuJcr and nrrv ny f you On oU dwr* and vt nMOoJ wtcd mdnin. lodu od^L 18-22. ifW^MriwiOid. Mau MMWini M put hw, Rrewn t)«, ivy km, 3rMUt wtio ontA fcx* hn^Hig ond p>«ppr. fm facing far lun tiAc icH* » diow «ff unw compofv >owiol. pbm oofl 24 fiOl ivS mw tnto j/nfw and «od) IM (he WMt 1* rl bv wai*ng ffmtMBh) Video Sale far k«i ortd mv.} ntow W« g nw- nwOTadlAw. (Vuwii 'l/JIT bora W Ifawlwrf, udo. «t O^w nn VO«R FREE M CALL 1-8M-94«-«388. THi SYSTEM WIU M THE REST! COMPLETE LINE OF ADULT NOVELTIES, MAGAZINES, CD ROMS ALL PRICES REDUCED OLD NEW $49.95 SHr. $33.33 $44.95 Special Interest $39.95 $39.95 Current Releases $29.95 $34.95 4Hr. $24.95 $29.95 2Hr. $17.50 AS LOW AS $8.95

DUNDALK NIiVVS ^*mm i.iti' '•^: K(i -i.-i :\ V :l -t^ : CERBIL « A Qu««r •;^.^v^- is Oultur* Seeks SubmissioQf 8ub«fiitfiQW ! Subscribe rnow At Mub Murcettiis WMiAftny

AnmM fironi Buffalo vtslis Oub UtarceNa

yi \mjittn'^%^'^<:9*i^i ' " '•'


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Ambrosial Sabd at the Whi«i pftrty

li a ^fw .pb«i» {mwi» iHK penJlnf covtnweof Kurt WW >i|py iigll^^ At Oub AthmbVOff-Whittt Pmy Hq« Do4#tt of Rodivmr st th« Mss 1 Heather Skye at Qub Marcella I CofidnMriF^cMKitCiubAtfMtooiiJum 16 ".;.•.-', , -*»..-

't*-"^'-. ^^- •i«P WM.23. •ma mttth-} aiMjBiiiMiainiijrii^,haiiaq*w 1BrOtiwaiig,iiiiwiiiL CSptfilMCBVtPHIIMRPinnQH ML '^^^M'^^J ^lB«&«^l»;)te'* ibH*. wm,er*^mmt^3a,wfmuK ::^r tfigj "*'^|^l*»' •m* tKMMH imiaiiiiit Wai tm^my BiWM. 22. F«a| [.^'•y-. StK.. yitr. ISO tfDMMML «Mer M., > : • #S£M •K^NfftoM MWM. I90 OMIC to JEH mi Tiinii|iiftiMfi), >i aai (ifrzs) 10 HRf' v3Gailft VMHVCH dGPvCUt iRiiMdliirtiMauii fiiMH.Ibf ilHni M. He -^.. _-.^ lodlutaopt_IgDptfMAl. f *litt,IWMHrfheelt & ilMO^ sMi. abi IbVYVm for M r atllrM,43ilgOjFiwtir. YwrwblHil^niWiiiiJ, tMSS "* •' ' ' 4aya' • 0^^^.^^'^^ ibamiif^irfiMtMi tMMii,ifcimafca r^^-iiri WMISO very A- M 3l« 00 ¥•!•••• kMaBt HSF* ami* .QDSX^— f.^^3Lj tmcSvc iite MV Mctiv dMM one Lfiitt! der ») fer fwiWy w yny libaMi 55 »PIWMayB0j>e6yr>wl«rtfr. fi>elcwM. ifvi wtttaat^*.! ^MivttfMa;aBi«;'< mmmf % •^^pctittMife^ayaa^weMiv AMracan MWC. IMC 3frjk ISO Mr OR. MMS ^BBEL ttactfv* M Aw wiitf's riUMBy Itiinil- !S?^^S!tSS£^iRr^ Ss^^!^^^^ ««.M^i..an««(^.prt«^«a biagMiiii: ta^wTrtf •••-'^•' -'----ni-^ *-•••, ***** owMa^issa^^iwafcy.^niwt •nt. Ckm, d(icf«L expect >Mne. anaa PiltMliccifll I 93^9 »*>teiiaoSt ^^ 1^ iiM aaw JML ihim. #t9W fc^wiib>^Ji|uiiwaiMa5w' 69MaMMWM*ST;Mei^OW i£!^'>"'«- «^ **^ "^ MWM ctean. for rriendHbtp, Ruytw fricirfiiBfepCTwSteipihiiniwaa iJBl tgft.Jfafe>Mi lacar M, msk$ f tar OMMFiMiaiina ails' Ble tofaiy «^ pofcw^ oiftw ama MV (wiier 35). Vfl9 wat^r TSMfc ctfKklHiMlihL *«SM tefc..,lMafrawaMMeiii^W)il'b>etod^ MkabDnvknow_ .. . ««7a WM3MTOwWlw»wii,e»jpy»diaK- F« virv aamalBit. jMft%<^«»agJ 0«WM (4^) far hajwy f^ Wiiihipl MWBt. 43,190 _ BMFfar^*PBBaiy% a»» mn(6 liMftiat. .mar* Av la, coBftfft nrtiiaw ^fttfWiBwi ff mi ' MJlvBtMHriMii^lSOdaaMniBiM ISO WM 05-35) whnV alincthc. g]|3^ «HMi«aiui«^«c«fo»M(if* BWicM.waniMi^ftv.aao»i,. ,^ -inz:"-;:--.,^--'.^^'^ airiaBtffi*ic>tawauJorpwaB—t.. waftMKw BN^ay^ yftea h»fcto« WM. 3.1 kwfcinf for LTa lUrtBiowMfnicw^ ^ •*wmM. ^ only. cttfkwthy. t^ytsi btiild. 26. ISO Bi firbttb. No MV EWHiBor; iSOsiiK fl3£tt far mevrf bMiu, owMcae M0v^ Vary uirtiiifii i.iaMy WWM. 29. aMM fmtgbcjr.eafcr, open nmnt. *dvai- AnrMa^ aiwurt— OWFT, i(Hl(te.tocStaaKi venrdbcroet. I AttfMBwWMJIi.bofclwtorWM ^^yfyriS^^S^^-^ M4ft,rr-J<5lte^ welfei«itipped. uauw. thm, KckaoUer.dmniiiMt. IlilKsro8MMice«ciHiic>.wiiBabn«fr- SWTwiAli^FVwfcttiwt ai.* 37. ,.>^^^pgR wk.rktdlwOTeCloofciilf forts/ dtsHptiAvwiM<3ai^>foralrteitc*> [ac, fcoKsty, fawUy. ipwte ISO M^ U{»tf^Mnf«nMl*M«i«»«« WHe. fti.. d A d A^ Mek» Bf^twiM* ai^Rvwni MWM WTV^iaaittotViGDX^C^W^^ Cfi'^<^.?y'Jyaig: !S5 !g«»»«dlbiw^e»ggr»Jgg iinctriv, femlnint GWFF Kfe nutt. Milt WMl ftv dfaKKM. d^rtiMe encww ISOAki.«mMit«G/BfM iwiinni- aiWM 4^ riy*, 190 IM.. «ca MWM 77. bbn. aHnrtiVc, csecr. WC4X«4T,taiV3ntt,venclaA WL fMB *. «.-^ * ***'3a.«^/wiM.i«wii«r««w^ho4y.piw*if»»pi^ sewnMl, advemucow. o« untfwd, GF 3>, mthhn coMparioiwIilp or anddacneCiceSciipccbl l>^ar«ny IM^ywie GWM ISO mfnaAtp^ clean, fun; seeks BiWC for adwcn- VoH|aMfRlatvCfy«trKUw.8a- one or (wo Mi »bi enjoy (arit iPlwiifti «3BW SJ5S ?I!1£S?^ ^ * .iSS* Inwm New 10 am, Scrbns only. •ye or nee. for muUHlly icwii^j cydlH pennei* md dbting nkifcin- lures. faAU^ cxplnralhiAS attd ei>- *971 disp. Pmicr GM't (25'3S> >nd irU- telfcgMfwf«i«d(oodii'«5^ tof^ Umes, kinky emroameci a^ s^M M. toofcim fot r«u>y fulfill- gg^^^^^^g^y^^ ..^.. vwncfs, •2753 SWC ISO at-cHrtOH r for rtmatr SWFtoakbHroriittracUvcSWFrw UvelyfjL »I3»I l^i ?TipiiirtiiBIWM.vrryhnt.tookin_._— —_»«*•p anVM^.tiM«o«. B SMBBb dftd Itae^™***™*-*""^^s5«5sa:r^sf^';^ imwipOrtMH. ^ MBIM earty 4a^s.lal), seeks 10 give IwKiruniinKS. #317* Eoodtiwcs. #1574 BiBUMI 37, ensy to Mt slonf wiA. for tof, dbciKt fMltfy rbtnitnuM «Trjfll>lliB..iiiid-«l^e503wnerw -^_uXtZ^ . . ^ . ,„ -„r ^ venuret MiJity to follow inslrw- F^easwc U> M's. Availabk dayttme. SBIF27, t4d^ncm l9(Mh«»ateh- ARTKtfw, Bi-cvrinw. m WF, 5y, cnioj'i Iwvui^ fno, ISO fhcad, fuilv md yt uijcthera MUSI he elctn and diiatgL ^2471 *>M fuiiimeit. *'P of soMod, <*ld faaHioBeJ d^ciplwe. ing CVBiF Ul ulk. ptnsiHc rcluiciii- I5*> »».. Ktfciii»K for BiWF fw dninr prtirihfa tm #f^ CWM 3a, seeks GBM for fw »d GWM 29. aitr«ctivc, nriminef's MWPM44. CD. necks peuple wb>'d FiMdii ISM3fctK^eilmswjUt V2M4 I ship. Vcr> euy giiifi c good seme of fTtendshiptnd good (imcs. Sbe'n very build, seeking simifar fw fun awd cw^ ttuii ot Qihcr Ciys. irX3M9 Cwdtootdf.tl—biMM.wdibwiit ooodtimcs. «8»3 thtee uf four BiMt" hunior. tso simc. OtP? caqger 10 expton sensual (bacrt and '"^ CWM 22. seckinf wril equipped B/ Mod biiKs #3>W M.3wMrtfSWWFISOSWFda>tp.pos^feLm «^-;aSmw6Cor.etoM^for aSii'5S5!r:i^Cr5:2SS^ffl&Sifbe^d jft o«^SJ2r neblidiisbip^. ;_^.aQ57 fur friendsblp aad ntvch more Su^ Iwitfi. frimMiip flrtt. toBybc loare. woww«ey«s , rr, ISI lb*.. Mother of MBIWM ISO OM of twy fdoa.Wg» ZZ^f^^i^ istj TZZi^ 7V5 [hs.. 35, hmwn^ dcigt wetetuwe, »74i I Most tiawt sftwc of huiwor. *I4I>I fSVli |i|iR.ake8«Bi4odi7. mw««rafid JoU. Good IsoklME GWM, 6^'. hesitd. WC35a45.*Unctivc.seeksC7BiF plsy8»iiM»wia. awusttehB, IKi Ms for boi fun. Give jforfwuaeyeacoqnuG^nandnewexnc- GWF 21. ted/bowiB. ISO feminmc BJWM(lJt'25)withs>mrinicre3U. ^Jj^" "«»" *^ "•™"'gg^ gigMagMWiaiiespcrtt«ML^ j,^^ ^^^^ ^^ JM« afcMA it s try? «MB JrtencciLDftdfiBe^ 99t5 ff7» *3BIM GF for iRotHMafiieM,lflH term icb' ai-CwIiMii MM. 33. SV. !«) Itw tii B^^S^ MWMasrly 49^ seeks she Mor nil—MIBT^ Attnnlv* OWM, 21, gnod kxAine. fVary MBfWflis BF kukiuf for B/ M ESO Biteni. ISO cuumry hw)™ or IHF for MciHtaUp, pMaitdie rebiiofi^ in«ip«»«^ttM»s, ISO special rafa- ^'**''*y OMUitiaift WM. 44. opea Okhidcd. M^:^^mi^^j!if«^j^ v.r,..*iM-^.«2ia3;2: E^SiEJSS^S:"^ fcS?*^^ !li!!!i'"':an y a|^ or ncc, who imnis tioothip with special Bl njrtauaaWF Iniltiiqi intry soaK- fBMiHc. aunctive. mpoittiMe: lilBS for friendMp. ptiysical inlimacy. prtvaie. no airings. Bt servfce.»4ia3 *•*« tttWM. trim: secfaoMer. JpariniiL fc^,|,..,„- ^>,riMb7liFh'ilin 1 1 i Isenaeaf hintflr. ^ JS*«T^I»Wi;BJdiyc.r. lil^Si^StalSS^";;^ ^"L«!-!*-e!!& dbefpttanrtan WM (So*) r«r sttl^ MaMfi^iMiiiiftdliaWMISOdaifci- •IS4I Vcry pratty. cxlrctncly BiTV who I5WF. aoiBdMBi^ etWHionilly. fnea- _^ FWiiiBbieGWMvoksweHeuiiinicd leases very wcl). very sesy, very UatUabMe. ISOwlinisii^ Fwtio'd frtassy widk satirt and sift mdcmeaife: d A d fite. DbciMifM awewtea- Aoraeava SWF. 36. hkmVhhie. AibKafeMWM,laEe3^^'^*»^*''»Q^»«P*'t^^>fa^ iliMau^bMpyMM.4£ Ml*. IVf» M fnr fawaay fulfilkncBt »oay \m tmrkim WF. BiKJMftirteitiaKs. GWM J7.MrawA/ficcn, ISO honeat, tittofWbiae, iMByTBiWMMk^Btf «•! sinccK M for Irietiibbip. possible Ito ewih. hmesi^^pgtjtamkw, , AcaadiaahtWCaaeksOF^ferfiin SBmrM 33.190 WGM^ l« pAU , z- "T-.—^ £U^lIf&>ni» -.la- ZT^ Bt^ariw LTK #41 U_ ISO MDiefor fftf ftliiiip fiftiLiaiyi «M u«.-i •-«»<.* i««,^ g:r^f"'*-'"°^'^J3w sssS-wSS^Si;;^^ •*•--•*" *^'""n^ «*-«.>«. ^.d™c.»«,.i GWM 29v 5*lir\ 153 Ita, bnwo/ laiWFiaoWFrArinBcfi Bnar li. ittl'JtfeM. 151) IIH„ Icok- 4831 Mne, ISOGM < I fl-38) for rrickbhip. —p -™ ——• cac flow* 10 earth and dbcseet ^^ ^_^___ _ isf for domfwi OffiF (21 -33) for Vary cttncava BBfWM mMnt WM 43. cbM. dbeaae aee. 5%*, «>4f M^yr'«b4*jl«|«>fc»tfH,«4ly VflrTM«rM«*«.ritWMI50aurW' piwsiMc rclationsfaip ***^ m 149 Rw.. wcU toili. ISO tme* wBa >ofbwnr«|pya4BKr- ^^ m wM for possiMe aew Bi GBFwMaii^»aKtoaKn.fD« fsMT AdftOaML Sitoobar. lika* la BiWM (dli4u 3tD. sleadef. well WM iHbMt far WM for fun at hb 41491 equipped, fvr DHbsy IMiaineiiL JOI pimx. Aj^ untmportaniL *4jOa GWF ISO h^MBi GWF fOf tood cSZ: iiOHA, n»l icbtioaahip. Very siaceic. F 23b IBO a»v F who Hkes ta have NaiaMr •MF*i>t^ "•"iMy •"^y f*>r AftlcaM Aaserkaa MM enjoys es- 41792 Im he itmrntke SMl nne. «3K9 GWFM 3E3. MMM. 3^. 17B Na., fuMoMrfaac^ne. crciae. miBiic, movies^ more. *3B23 bnHkWfRCB. lifcaa ouUooct, MM bao WC aMOrt, «dU«f WF (25-40) MWCtaabb^tfOrMOVGmiF.dftd •921 BIWM 42, ISO GWM (.S.f^3). ^- hsr scene. «iWl T^MMbtrfsifd rri.nrriiffiirinjfcr '^f^;^;fttSlt^tag9ik^timm^»ffmt, tmMUt TV>a> lor noaoi*- _,^^ ^^^„ Ahletk. open gmHivc, fiv mutuHl a^Tccmcnt. tiibaba. wbiQBAaciMn M aai^ «iinc> BF3«'a.iooki,«f^FfdfAD«b» ^=T=i3i:r::=r-^*^ aiwM3^rr.i«>B*.toodai.pa. >fliiwaiia.«m4a^MBtM^i laifcabJy; BMB* . ___ _„__ 43BW ISO«aanilliie.snifhiaciiii«Mtt^ |lt°3S, yn-, no a*. daiM^rfc. M«,Mto-ft- uve, aMk aiC w«h voycwbtic view* 4>MB-.bt^B^^ Mod MOIHIUL anakba^ 9tM 23. good kwkiitf. kniking for cwiBMCMforholBMaL 9tm$ toMEiiiC<(!rGWM<2S-annrfeaa. ^ ' » inc. Live pgiar fwwqr! DboreiioA new experiences wiih diacieei M who hsB«ia«oatartV>vto naKT 22^*^S'2£i'H^ capaav.w^ nu npi inn m/ wam HHfCd. •47V MWMHiSOhCWM^sfordbEM alwiwef tiaiefcMaaa*»awd.whM.:fjg_a».'«»}^ ^^ aim,-mmt. hm Itka to have fun. »3723 ibae. fasttaay ftflfMhaot. |wcioabMtf^Bi<4,k«sFfgag SS.gg^SB^Sg MKoawnia. •Wii 0*WBawgfa*«wbD*^a va—Br*».i«toPsQiig>3agg'ill!^'^^^*''<''^^^>**lwi S^SSS^iiSSi^SSSSt Sl£iS!Sib!^|Mbe4^ menL »3MB |iS;°aSa!«?5Sf.F«f*>»F. abwr.j*. ISO SWF(29-32> wi» JSI%SS?E£«i^;lfl2r:S!r ^••'""""'"'••TUK ioiimmmi»wmm,^^Mm TbaaeanaiBy aswMI porilaiiof «t339 iMi. wrriwiii and howaty. Leu »l«a SWMMOaiWMforlaieRtMtaf 8Wft^*fr*»rt«l^_i«>TVfraCTi ' av 1*81 hspptiia No the ads on the system! To hear all of flKBiFlDfaiaaiM|4 wai» 35. leelB* aof swi foot worship. r*ercMMMiL AtBB kwit—II OnWMlODane, aiBM "•""- •49*•9" coMKpcsiuancsll9T1^a*77(S1.3Qper nTriiiiM^fmllliMtiiiiirfnrnrr OWra%fy..iigailli»kiiiin^iMl. Ctftl3I.ISOftM ilWMwcihlaiae.edu> ntiawcl and use the Seas Baa Wmt- ItiiBe, fba^lliiinilianiK. aauaa iSDOWFCtSNKB wMi open nttA fiiaUkiHl. BiMfl'flk. #11 Bia.. M ciMd;lli. dbcnn. w^ Mealhedftd Mill UM.iatt e«^tall. well KMwwBM lW|MhlltCMI%4 »piB». a»i3B BIWK 4t, seek* sab- lofMditf waatoi iH^lBOaiMMH r.fmtrvt^ ^4*?! MIKVSM, iBbabv BIWM (23-32} I* W nteed lOMnv. aMB4 CMtcaii »7ler .Pwbpitoanpli lOlM ISO CD. 3i. ,145 ABAKM* WWBL 27. ISO MfF b» no 'tiwm !!!Syg_™'E.l'!y>*""'NBfe- g«w«*i«diawMftM i fOOmunbtnt flwBMMfBftiiMri 4i«r BnlB«S|,«r.3BD«M.la«l4sfam^^p^^n^ r sWMIait wi'y V*4wiHaft haHiiy. SWWJB^a^*aWwiiMMn>^kaqH^ EiM*M%MrlblMi%»- JKOTBaaoii MBHB'MMMMI rJOHto' fWvtSttaOOBpLmmnUB iiV HPM

»1» 'A»Bj >N) 282-2200 IBO ..*/f^."^.«mm^_ n-lL> JMHPMir^ la more nrannaoon ^^1 :^v •^r'V ;t^:

"-^.•'••''"•^'^ kkmmmm mm0$mmiltt ^nvalbw^a). ainl mdkf htti '[•1itm^tiit!m:'mik^^P»tmytim iBd 'ii»a-^#wrjiijSil'.|tlii J^iiiiW^aiet-ttaai-'ty- IJiMMiwiJlMIRt^hJMBj ast Yottt ad wflt^.plMA^fr a^^ '^mlm*fi''^^y^tmu^i00^^^H (24 hoon a day) •^.;^ •^•'H-/ j5«^p**i^«af3e^ ^TDo diV w- 0i oe^

If You Have Any Comments Or Questions R egarding Our System, Please CtiW 262-2200