JUL 0219Q6 '.hq PICNIC PINUPS Family Album III I iliv IsMII • Thousaixls socialized gaily at thc GAGV picnic on June 23. Page IS Ray Mosher award , -....3 Atany Lobby Day. 3 Incerview: Nanqr Rosin 6 OfMon: n/ote •96" 8 MaMrv the Scene. „J4 EntertakHnenc 17 Book review .. « 17 Cokimnists.... 19 Gay Groups » 24 Classifieds 29 Calendar 30 Gay Men's Chorus, Women's Pride Parade * Choms head for Tampa, Fla. LOCAL AND STATE Over 1,000 singers set for GALA FesHual Bisha House appeals for volunteers, funds By Susan Jordan pecced to generate 10 to 20 million Bisha House is a terminal care home The Rochester Gay Men*s Chorus dollars in business for the local com­ for patients suffering from AIDS, and members of Rochester municy. and it is in great need of volunteers. Women's Community Chorus will Kenneth Cole, executive director Priority \% given to AIDS patients take part in the world's largest gay of GALA Choruses, said. "GALA because only two terminal care and lesbian cf>oral festival this month. officials initially considered other homes locally accept AIDS padents. The GALA Festival wili be held locatsons when Tanripa voters in 1992 "The other homes discriminace July 6-13 in Tampa, Fla. As che latest repealed the city's amendment to its and do not accept AIDS patiencs," issue of "Keynotes," the RGMC human rights ordinance banning dis­ say Elisha House spokespersons. newsletter, remarks, "35 groggy crimination on the basis of sexual "Ironically, these other homes are members of RGMC will gacher ac orientation. They decided to remain very welt financed, and staffed with the airport. For a 6:25 (a.m.) flight. in Tampa, though, when the city put a pool of hundreds of volunteers. In To Rorida. For a week. In July." the law back on the books in Octo­ the fast five years we %er4eA 70 It takes real dedication to face ber 1993. after the courts deter­ patiencs in their journey coward Florida's summer humidity, but che mined that 462 signatures thatforced peace, and 50 of those patiencs had RGMC has been a prominent mem­ the vote were Invalid." AIDS. We are in desperate need of ber of GALA Choruses (Gay and Gays and lesbians who attend the volunteers and donations to con­ Lesbian Association of Choruses) Festival wUi be able to consuk "The tinue to s«pMMiia«BMmMdl|r;'' since its 1986 event in Minneapolis,- Rorida Boycott Handbook" which Elisha House serves a population ^i^-i when RGMC made history by hav­ lists local businesses v^ich respect that has litde in financial resources. ing all members leam to sign their equality and have policies banning The proiect is depletinglcs resources version of "Kumbaya" in ASL, an anti-gay discrimination, as a guide on much faster than it is abkrto secure incident recorded in GALA*s ofHcial where to besc spend their money. grant funds. *'We do not char^ history (and the only mention of a Thirty-six concerts will be held in patients for cheir stay, nor is there specific chorus in that history.) the Tampa Bay Performing Arts any reimbursement from insurances The Festival will indude a keynote Center, and related events will take or Social Services," the group says. address by author Maya Angelou, place at other sites, including the Elisha House has room fbr two with Harvey Fierstein as opening Busch Gardens theme park, which patients at any one time. Each pa­ ceremonies m.c; and appearances has been rented for the night of July tient has their own private bedroom by Holly Near, Romanovsky and 11 for a concert including gay com­ and there are sitting rooms and a Phillips, cabaret singer Ann Hamp­ ics Robin Tyler and John McGivem, kitchen avaiial>le to hmiYf and friends. ton Callaway, rock trio BETTY, and and the a cappelja group The Flirta­ The house is staffed 24 hours, seven over 110 choruses and small vocal tions. An all-women concert featur­ days a week. Currently the organi­ groups from gay communities all ing Ysaye Barnwell of Sweet Honey zation relies on an aide agency to fill over che country, as well as Europe in the Rock wili uke place onjuly 12. the evening hours due to a lack of and Australia. RGMC director Nick Williams said volunteers. Each shift is four hours. More than a dozen new choral that he is looking forward to a rare The day and weekend hours are the works will be premiered by approxi­ musical treat. "What excites me most needed hours. Elisha House mately 5.000 singers. Estimates of most is the level of musicianship I'm has craining available for interested the potential audience run to 30.000 going to hear. All the choruses are volunteers. people. "It's huge." said Jim Clark of amateur, but some of them are "Our mission is co provide com­ the Tampa-Hillsborough Conven­ among the most-recorded choirs in fort care to make the patient's last tion and Visitors' Center. "It's one the U.S. this decade. days as joyful and comfortable as of the biggest meetings v^'ve ever possible. We offier unconditional love had in Tampa." The event is ex­ OKM-US continuttd on p. 3 and compassion for ALL patients in our house," the group says. Please call Lynne McNauhy at 464-8852 to inquire further. Donations mvy be Rep. Bamey Ftank to host fundraiser for Slaughter sent to Elisha House, 370 Chm Ave^ Rochester, N. Y. 14611. By Susan Jordan House Judiciary Committee. House of Representadves. 2410, or Cheryl CamJifo at 28S- Conp^oynnan Bamey Frank wMI host Cof^resswoman Slaughter is cur­ Mark Siv^iec and Cheryl CanrdMo* 7247. a communicy fundraiser for local rently finishing her fifth term, and co-chairs of the event said. "With Rep. Frank told the £mpiy Ooset Bikers ride for Congresswoman Louise Slaughter has a neariy perfect voting record rel^us polidcal extremists advanc­ about why he supports Louise on Juty 19 at 7:30 p.m., at a private on issues of concem to the leriitan, ing their hate-filled, discriminatory Sbu^ghter **Because I never have to home in Com Httl. (For k>cation. gay and bisexual communhy. accord­ agenda through Congress, it is im­ ask her. I have a lot of colleagues By Aron Blocher caU 232-2410 or 268-7267.) ing to the Human Riights Campaign, portant to re-elect advocates for who I lobby aiNxit whether gqf men Comeyec die''FonyBtpress Tour Rep. Frank, of Massachusetts, be­ a Washington. D.C-besed gay rights Wmeu like Representadves Slaugh­ and lesbians deserve die same rifhts "96" as lc pesees through our neck of came the nation's first openly fay oryniadon. According tt> a recent ter and Franic We invite aH mem­ as everyone else. Wldi Loulae, I the woods on July 20. Ifyou liaven*c ntember of Conrms when he came report in Congressionaf Quorneriy bers ofthe community to pardd- xmteBr have to ask. She's lundamen- yet heard what the cour Is aH about. oucin l9t7.Heisal«uln8advocattt magsTine, she may be in Hne to pete bt her campe)^ by {obilng us taly a decent immeii beinc WIIO does aHow me to Introduce you. for equaliqr and Democrack voictt assume dte chair of die. pwerfai for H^ food and dhnk on July 19.*" thhMi heciMaertiey*i"e die rirfic riibM bl condnued elforo to raise money in tfw HOUM of Reprwniariwei, Tkkats arer$SO and can be pur- eo do. wMeti is fsod for (il and a for theSusanG. IComen BreaaaCan- ans is a laiiHinc memoer of tvie dvMd br caMnf dte Louise Shui^* aap.% ConetfoidonSulKiomminMof Ae beck die maforfqr of bl die ver nv"eMCDOTi KAmvtttmntm ac «jx» onpbS forum far or^eofcig dtepmes be^t^eii indMdu- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Frank continued Irom p. I »*i-.». als. We reserve the r1|hc to edit for sfece and It's a very simple text, but a very passionate llw opMom of columnists, edtoorlil writers good example for our colleagues." and other Qontrlbuclns ^'>'*'lc«<^ *^ <h«ir own darity. We wM print afwnymous letters Ifthe text. It's about making love, where you wake Frank said that he regards Slaughter as a and do not necenvily refect the coSeccive name and phone number are provided ts the up in the morning and there's the person you friend. "Louise and her husband Bob and my attitude of the Gbx Aliwiee of tha GanwMM £dicor: conAdemiaScy wiR be respected. Sub- spent the night with, and their eyes open and VaHex or the Enw Qoeet We wE print mintonsareduebythe I Sth of the months partner Herb and I have socialized on occa­ you re-create the glory of the night before. It letters at the editor's dbcretlon and on > The CmpCjr Cieeet 179 Atlantic Ave. sion. There's a fairly small number of maie space ivtHeble basls.We w« not print pcr- Rochester ISIT I4C07> 125S ends with an orgasm written into musicai spouses (of Congressmembers), and Herb a t t e r •oral attKks on IrtdMdials, nor w« we be a format. It's beautiful — simple musically but viewpoint and Bob have become friends and have that stunning, a glorious piece of music. It's very in common.*' sin^ble, understandable, accessible. That's Frank said thac the "Defense of Maniage" the one we're doing. Rochester Women's Act (DOMA) is moving so quickly through Newsfronts Community Chonjs are doing another by • LOCAL AND STATE NEWS From Our Readers Congress because the Republicans are push­ Ysaye Barnwell of Sweet Honey in the Rock, ing it as an election year ploy.
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