of and the . Hills. Ochil the and Stirling of

1746 and you’ll see some amazing views of the carse carse the of views amazing some see you’ll and 1746

remains of a church blown up by the Jacobites in in Jacobites the by up blown church a of remains

www.stirlingheritagetrails.co.uk/audio/bb You’ll see the clock tower that is all that that all is that tower clock the see You’ll

mountains of the Trossachs. the of mountains

has a unique audio tour - listen and learn at learn and listen - tour audio unique a has made nails for the construction industry. industry. construction the for nails made

Stirling Castle, the Old Town and beyond towards the the towards beyond and Town Old the Castle, Stirling

III III of James James of after the battle of Sauchieburn. This route route This Sauchieburn. of battle the after about the textile mills and factories that that factories and mills textile the about

to . You’ll see wonderful views of of views wonderful see You’ll Castle. Stirling to

Jacobites. The ford is also the location for the murder murder the for location the also is ford The Jacobites. Stirling. Visit the old Main Street and learn learn and Street Main old the Visit Stirling.

part of the Royal Park and hunting grounds attached attached grounds hunting and Park Royal the of part

II the Romans, to Edward Edward to Romans, the , to Bonnie Prince Charlie’s Charlie’s Prince Bonnie to , pay to access the lucrative markets of of markets lucrative the access to pay

towards St Ninians and Coxet Hill, which was once once was which Hill, Coxet and Ninians St towards

for every army that has fought in the highlands, from from highlands, the in fought has that army every for Ninians Toll, where traders once had to to had once traders where Toll, Ninians

Chartershall before following the Bannock Burn back back Burn Bannock the following before Chartershall

cross Milton Ford, which has been the crossing point point crossing the been has which Ford, Milton cross Centre. This walk will take you past St St past you take will walk This Centre.

Battle of . See the charming village of of village charming the See Bannockburn. of Battle

the village was at the heart of mining in the area. You’ll You’ll area. the in mining of heart the at was village the Start and end your walk at the Mayfield Mayfield the at walk your end and Start

planted his standard at the the at standard his planted

Bannockburn and how for much of the 20th century century 20th the of much for how and Bannockburn

St Ninians St

to be where Bruce the Robert where be to

area. You’ll learn how modern tartan was invented in in invented was tartan modern how learn You’ll area.

that cover the Borestone, said said Borestone, the cover that

power of the water that powered the many mills in the the in mills many the powered that water the of power

famous flatstaff and rotunda rotunda and flatstaff famous

Bannockburn for much of the trail, learning about the the about learning trail, the of much for Bannockburn

Stirling Heritage Trails. Trails. Heritage Stirling

Visitor Centre. You’ll see the the see You’ll Centre. Visitor

merchant and tailor to King James IV. You’ll follow the the follow You’ll IV. James King to tailor and merchant

walkable, historic and friendly city as you explore the the explore you as city friendly and historic walkable,

the Battle of Bannockburn Bannockburn of Battle the

at the instruction of Robert Spittal, a wealthy Stirling Stirling wealthy a Spittal, Robert of instruction the at

in the village of Bannockburn. We hope you enjoy our our enjoy you hope We Bannockburn. of village the in

Start and end your walk at at walk your end and Start

1819 and Spittal’s Bridge, built built Bridge, Spittal’s and 1819

industrial revolution and modern tartan was invented invented was tartan modern and revolution industrial


civil engineer Thomas Telford in in Telford Thomas engineer civil

died. Many mills and mines were created during the the during created were mines and mills Many died.

Bridge, built by the legendary legendary the by built Bridge,

III Battle of Sauchieburn in 1488 where King James James King where 1488 in Sauchieburn of Battle

war memorial. You’ll see Telford’s Telford’s see You’ll memorial. war

the famous Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 and the the and 1314 in Bannockburn of Battle famous the

has stood on the nearby since 1869 since Craig Abbey nearby the on stood has

Start and end your walk at the the at walk your end and Start

Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297. Stirling has also seen seen also has Stirling 1297. in Bridge Stirling of Battle breathtaking views of the , which which Monument, Wallace the of views breathtaking

& Milton & and his troops who fought at the the at fought who troops his and Wallace William As you walk out of the village, you’ll be rewarded with with rewarded be you’ll village, the of out walk you As

The Wallace Monument was built in 1869 to honour honour to 1869 in built was Monument Wallace The constructed on the orders of Queen Victoria in 1864. 1864. in Victoria Queen of orders the on constructed Bannockburn, Hillpark Hillpark Bannockburn,

were the childhood home of Mary Queen of Scots. Scots. of Queen Mary of home childhood the were Queen, Margaret of Denmark – the mausoleum was was mausoleum the – Denmark of Margaret Queen,

Castle’s current buildings date to the 15th century and and century 15th the to date buildings current Castle’s III century. Look out for the grave of James James of grave the for out Look century. and his his and

many defining moments in Scottish history. Stirling Stirling history. Scottish in moments defining many poem “Scots Wha Hae”. Hae”. Wha “Scots poem Tower which has survived intact since the 13th 13th the since intact survived has which Tower

and the surrounding landscape has been integral to to integral been has landscape surrounding the and may have been inspired to write the the write to inspired been have may Burns Robert the abbey is in ruins, except for its magnificent Bell Bell magnificent its for except ruins, in is abbey the

the strategic heart of since Roman times times Roman since Scotland of heart strategic the I founded by King David David King by founded second day of the Battle of Bannockburn and where where and Bannockburn of Battle the of day second around 1140. Much of of Much 1140. around

www.stirlingheritagetrails.co.uk. Stirling has been been has Stirling www.stirlingheritagetrails.co.uk. You’ll see the remains of Cambuskennneth Abbey, Abbey, Cambuskennneth of remains the see You’ll the Scots are said to have emerged at dawn on the the on dawn at emerged have to said are Scots the

explore; you can download these from from these download can you explore; inspired the famous artists, the “ Boys”. “Glasgow the artists, famous the inspired walk along the ancient Balquhidderock Wood, where where Wood, Balquhidderock ancient the along walk

leaflet with more information and more places to to places more and information more with leaflet was one of the locations that that locations the of one was during the two day battle of Bannockburn in 1314 and and 1314 in Bannockburn of battle day two the during

call Stirling home. Each community has an individual individual an has community Each home. Stirling call II of which which Cambuskenneth of through the most likely site of Edward Edward of site likely most the through ’s camp camp ’s

history which has helped shape the communities that that communities the shape helped has which history charming conservation village village conservation charming walk You’ll landscape. the on

which has helped shape Scotland and the local local the and Scotland shape helped has which years. Wander through the the through Wander years. impact dramatic a had 1958 until

You’ll learn about the nationally significant heritage heritage significant nationally the about learn You’ll existed there for almost 1000 1000 almost for there existed 1902 from which Colliery, Millhall

replace a ferry crossing that that crossing ferry a replace of remains that all for out Look

varied heritage of this wonderful city. city. wonderful this of heritage varied

the Pedestrian Bridge, built to to built Bridge, Pedestrian the Garden. Community Braehead

communities to help you explore the rich and and rich the explore you help to communities

Start and end your walk at at walk your end and Start the at walk your end and Start

of walks produced in partnership with Stirling’s Stirling’s with partnership in produced walks of

Cambuskenneth Broomridge & Braehead Welcome to the Stirling Heritage Trails, a series series a Trails, Heritage Stirling the to Welcome

Riverside This leaflet is intended to help you explore Stirling Heritage Trails and enjoy Stirling as a “Walkable City”. Start and end your walk around Riverside near to the Shore Road The trails on the map allow you to enjoy and plan circular Bridge. Wander around this routes. The pink core paths are additional routes to enjoy suburb of Stirling, surrounded the area. on three sides by the River Forth Visit travelinescotland.com to help you plan your and on the other by the Railway journey to, in and around Stirling. that arrived in Stirling in 1848 and was until the construction of the Forth Bridge in 1890, the main rail artery linking the Highlands and Lowlands. Riverside was also a port, with ships loading and unloading cargo until the start of the 20th century. You’ll learn about the many industries that existed in Riverside, from one of Scotland’s first oil refineries to a cooperage that constructed barrels for the whisky industry. Much of your walk will follow the River Forth as it winds its way around the area. Visit walkit.com to help you plan your way around Riverside offers excellent views of Stirling Castle, the Stirling on foot. Wallace Monument and . Remember to follow the Scottish Outdoor Access Code while exploring the Stirling Heritage Trails. Start and end your walk at the Community Centre. Look out for , home to two iron age forts and a possible location for the hiding place of the “Sma’ Folk”, the cooks, armourers and other associated trades that assisted the army of Robert the Bruce and according to legend played a significant role at the Battle of Bannockburn. You’ll see the famous Bruce’s Well, site of an ancient chapel and the location where Bruce went to pray and be blessed before the battle. You’ll see Hayford Mills, built This leaflet is one of many produced in partnership with during the industrial revolution and which at one Stirling’s communities to help you explore the rich and point had over 500 looms and was the largest tweed varied heritage of our wonderful city. You’ll find them at producer in Scotland. In Drummond Terrace you’ll www.stirlingheritagetrails.co.uk see the home of William Young Moyes, an engineer For led walks in the area see the Stirling Walking Network on the ill fated Titanic in 1912. at www.activestirling.org.uk

www.stirlingheritagetrails.co.uk www.stirlingheritagetrails.co.uk

of Stirling and the Ochil Hills. Hills. Ochil the and Stirling of

1746 and you’ll see some amazing views of the carse carse the of views amazing some see you’ll and 1746

remains of a church blown up by the Jacobites in in Jacobites the by up blown church a of remains

www.stirlingheritagetrails.co.uk/audio/bb You’ll see the clock tower that is all that that all is that tower clock the see You’ll

mountains of the Trossachs. the of mountains

has a unique audio tour - listen and learn at learn and listen - tour audio unique a has made nails for the construction industry. industry. construction the for nails made

Stirling Castle, the Old Town and beyond towards the the towards beyond and Town Old the Castle, Stirling

III III of James James of after the battle of Sauchieburn. This route route This Sauchieburn. of battle the after about the textile mills and factories that that factories and mills textile the about

to Stirling Castle. You’ll see wonderful views of of views wonderful see You’ll Castle. Stirling to

Jacobites. The ford is also the location for the murder murder the for location the also is ford The Jacobites. Stirling. Visit the old Main Street and learn learn and Street Main old the Visit Stirling.

part of the Royal Park and hunting grounds attached attached grounds hunting and Park Royal the of part

II the Romans, to Edward Edward to Romans, the , to Bonnie Prince Charlie’s Charlie’s Prince Bonnie to , pay to access the lucrative markets of of markets lucrative the access to pay

towards St Ninians and Coxet Hill, which was once once was which Hill, Coxet and Ninians St towards

for every army that has fought in the highlands, from from highlands, the in fought has that army every for Ninians Toll, where traders once had to to had once traders where Toll, Ninians

Chartershall before following the Bannock Burn back back Burn Bannock the following before Chartershall

cross Milton Ford, which has been the crossing point point crossing the been has which Ford, Milton cross Centre. This walk will take you past St St past you take will walk This Centre.

Battle of Bannockburn. See the charming village of of village charming the See Bannockburn. of Battle

the village was at the heart of mining in the area. You’ll You’ll area. the in mining of heart the at was village the Start and end your walk at the Mayfield Mayfield the at walk your end and Start

planted his standard at the the at standard his planted

Bannockburn and how for much of the 20th century century 20th the of much for how and Bannockburn

St Ninians St

to be where Robert the Bruce Bruce the Robert where be to

area. You’ll learn how modern tartan was invented in in invented was tartan modern how learn You’ll area.

that cover the Borestone, said said Borestone, the cover that

power of the water that powered the many mills in the the in mills many the powered that water the of power

famous flatstaff and rotunda rotunda and flatstaff famous

Bannockburn for much of the trail, learning about the the about learning trail, the of much for Bannockburn

Stirling Heritage Trails. Trails. Heritage Stirling

Visitor Centre. You’ll see the the see You’ll Centre. Visitor

merchant and tailor to King James IV. You’ll follow the the follow You’ll IV. James King to tailor and merchant

walkable, historic and friendly city as you explore the the explore you as city friendly and historic walkable,

the Battle of Bannockburn Bannockburn of Battle the

at the instruction of Robert Spittal, a wealthy Stirling Stirling wealthy a Spittal, Robert of instruction the at

in the village of Bannockburn. We hope you enjoy our our enjoy you hope We Bannockburn. of village the in

Start and end your walk at at walk your end and Start

1819 and Spittal’s Bridge, built built Bridge, Spittal’s and 1819

industrial revolution and modern tartan was invented invented was tartan modern and revolution industrial


civil engineer Thomas Telford in in Telford Thomas engineer civil

died. Many mills and mines were created during the the during created were mines and mills Many died.

Bridge, built by the legendary legendary the by built Bridge,

III Battle of Sauchieburn in 1488 where King James James King where 1488 in Sauchieburn of Battle

war memorial. You’ll see Telford’s Telford’s see You’ll memorial. war

the famous Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 and the the and 1314 in Bannockburn of Battle famous the

has stood on the nearby Abbey Craig since 1869 since Craig Abbey nearby the on stood has

Start and end your walk at the the at walk your end and Start

Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297. Stirling has also seen seen also has Stirling 1297. in Bridge Stirling of Battle breathtaking views of the Wallace Monument, which which Monument, Wallace the of views breathtaking

& Milton & William Wallace and his troops who fought at the the at fought who troops his and Wallace William As you walk out of the village, you’ll be rewarded with with rewarded be you’ll village, the of out walk you As

The Wallace Monument was built in 1869 to honour honour to 1869 in built was Monument Wallace The constructed on the orders of Queen Victoria in 1864. 1864. in Victoria Queen of orders the on constructed Bannockburn, Hillpark Hillpark Bannockburn,

were the childhood home of Mary Queen of Scots. Scots. of Queen Mary of home childhood the were Queen, Margaret of Denmark – the mausoleum was was mausoleum the – Denmark of Margaret Queen,

Castle’s current buildings date to the 15th century and and century 15th the to date buildings current Castle’s III century. Look out for the grave of James James of grave the for out Look century. and his his and

many defining moments in Scottish history. Stirling Stirling history. Scottish in moments defining many poem “Scots Wha Hae”. Hae”. Wha “Scots poem Tower which has survived intact since the 13th 13th the since intact survived has which Tower

and the surrounding landscape has been integral to to integral been has landscape surrounding the and Robert Burns may have been inspired to write the the write to inspired been have may Burns Robert the abbey is in ruins, except for its magnificent Bell Bell magnificent its for except ruins, in is abbey the

the strategic heart of Scotland since Roman times times Roman since Scotland of heart strategic the I founded by King David David King by founded second day of the Battle of Bannockburn and where where and Bannockburn of Battle the of day second around 1140. Much of of Much 1140. around

www.stirlingheritagetrails.co.uk. Stirling has been been has Stirling www.stirlingheritagetrails.co.uk. You’ll see the remains of Cambuskennneth Abbey, Abbey, Cambuskennneth of remains the see You’ll the Scots are said to have emerged at dawn on the the on dawn at emerged have to said are Scots the

explore; you can download these from from these download can you explore; inspired the famous artists, the “Glasgow Boys”. “Glasgow the artists, famous the inspired walk along the ancient Balquhidderock Wood, where where Wood, Balquhidderock ancient the along walk

leaflet with more information and more places to to places more and information more with leaflet was one of the locations that that locations the of one was during the two day battle of Bannockburn in 1314 and and 1314 in Bannockburn of battle day two the during

call Stirling home. Each community has an individual individual an has community Each home. Stirling call II of Cambuskenneth which which Cambuskenneth of through the most likely site of Edward Edward of site likely most the through ’s camp camp ’s

history which has helped shape the communities that that communities the shape helped has which history charming conservation village village conservation charming walk You’ll landscape. the on

which has helped shape Scotland and the local local the and Scotland shape helped has which years. Wander through the the through Wander years. impact dramatic a had 1958 until

You’ll learn about the nationally significant heritage heritage significant nationally the about learn You’ll existed there for almost 1000 1000 almost for there existed 1902 from which Colliery, Millhall

replace a ferry crossing that that crossing ferry a replace of remains that all for out Look

varied heritage of this wonderful city. city. wonderful this of heritage varied

the Pedestrian Bridge, built to to built Bridge, Pedestrian the Garden. Community Braehead

communities to help you explore the rich and and rich the explore you help to communities

Start and end your walk at at walk your end and Start the at walk your end and Start

of walks produced in partnership with Stirling’s Stirling’s with partnership in produced walks of

Cambuskenneth Broomridge & Braehead Welcome to the Stirling Heritage Trails, a series series a Trails, Heritage Stirling the to Welcome

Riverside This leaflet is intended to help you explore Stirling Heritage Trails and enjoy Stirling as a “Walkable City”. Start and end your walk around Riverside near to the Shore Road The trails on the map allow you to enjoy and plan circular Bridge. Wander around this routes. The pink core paths are additional routes to enjoy suburb of Stirling, surrounded the area. on three sides by the River Forth Visit travelinescotland.com to help you plan your and on the other by the Railway journey to, in and around Stirling. that arrived in Stirling in 1848 and was until the construction of the Forth Bridge in 1890, the main rail artery linking the Highlands and Lowlands. Riverside was also a port, with ships loading and unloading cargo until the start of the 20th century. You’ll learn about the many industries that existed in Riverside, from one of Scotland’s first oil refineries to a cooperage that constructed barrels for the whisky industry. Much of your walk will follow the River Forth as it winds its way around the area. Visit walkit.com to help you plan your way around Riverside offers excellent views of Stirling Castle, the Stirling on foot. Wallace Monument and Cambuskenneth Abbey. Remember to follow the Scottish Outdoor Access Code while exploring the Stirling Heritage Trails. Cambusbarron Start and end your walk at the Community Centre. Look out for Gillies Hill, home to two iron age forts and a possible location for the hiding place of the “Sma’ Folk”, the cooks, armourers and other associated trades that assisted the army of Robert the Bruce and according to legend played a significant role at the Battle of Bannockburn. You’ll see the famous Bruce’s Well, site of an ancient chapel and the location where Bruce went to pray and be blessed before the battle. You’ll see Hayford Mills, built This leaflet is one of many produced in partnership with during the industrial revolution and which at one Stirling’s communities to help you explore the rich and point had over 500 looms and was the largest tweed varied heritage of our wonderful city. You’ll find them at producer in Scotland. In Drummond Terrace you’ll www.stirlingheritagetrails.co.uk see the home of William Young Moyes, an engineer For led walks in the area see the Stirling Walking Network on the ill fated Titanic in 1912. at www.activestirling.org.uk

www.stirlingheritagetrails.co.uk www.stirlingheritagetrails.co.uk