Botany Department

Topic: and multiple fruits

Specialty: Pharmacy

Lecturer: professor Gontovaya Tatyana Nicolaevna Lecture plan Theoretical questions: 1. Fruits. Its parts. 2. Clasification. 3. Diagnostic features of fruits. 4. Multirle fruits.

2 Literature 1. Pharmaceutical botany : textbook / T. M. Gontova, A. H. Serbin, S. M. Marchyshyn et. al. ; edited by T. M. Gontova. – Ternopil : TSMU, 2013. – 380 p. 2. Test items with explanations for preparing for license examination KROK-1 “Pharmacy” (BOTANY) / [Gontova T. M., Kriukowa Ya. S., Gaponenko V. P. et. al.]; under the editorship of Kriukowa Ya S.. – Kharkiv, 2016. – 88 p. 3. Pharmaceutical botany. Anatomy and morphology of the plant vegetative organs : methodical instruction for practical classes for higher education students of the 2nd course / Gontova T. M., Gaponenko V. P., Mashtaler V.V., Maqla O.S. – Kharkiv :PC Esin, 2017. – 40 p.

Official site of the Scientific Library: biblioteka/ The page of methodical work of the department on the National University of Pharmacy site: botaniky/

3 Seed: structure, classification by nature and place of accumulation of nutrients. Distribution of seeds and fruits.

4 1а

1. Pericarp: 1б 1в а - exocarp 2 б - mesocarp в - endocarp 2. Seed 3 3. pidicle

5 Clasification 1. Due to consistence of pericarp Dry Fleshy

6 2. Due to way of the seeds release 1. Розкриваються 2. Не розкриваються

3. Розпадаються

Мерікарпії7 3. Due to number of seeds

One-seeded Many-seeded

8 Additional morphological signs of the fruits: form, size, surface character color, pubescence presence of growths, etc.

9 Morphogenetic features 1. Type of the gynoeciun

А. Apocarpous Б. Monocarpous

10 В. Cenocarpous

Pseudomonocarpous Schizocarpous

11 2. Due to ovary position

From superior ovary From inferior ovary

12 I. Monocarpous

Dry, explosive, many-seeded

13 Legume family

Non-explosive Explosive fleshy

loment Dry, indechiscent, one-seeded

15 Fleshy, one-seeded Prunoideae 1 exocarp

2 mesocarp

3 endocarp

16 Dry drupe

17 II. Apocarpous dry, many-seeded, explosive polyfollicle


18 Fleshy polyfollicle

19 Dry, many-seeded, невскривні Polynutlet

20 Phraga (false)


Growth receptacle

the remains of the calyx 21 Cynarodium (false, polynutlet) Dog rose the remains of the calyx


Growth receptacle

22 Fleshy , meny-seeded Aggregate-accessory


receptacle the calyx

23 III. cenocarpous fleshy , many-seeded 1. from superior ovary 2. From inferior

the remains of the calyx exocarp



seeds 24 (from superior ovary) Citrus

exocarp mesocarp seed

endocarp pirenarium, or cenocarpous drupe



26 (from infirior ovary) (false fruit) Maloideae


exocarp mesocarp endocarp the remains of the calyx

27 Pepo (from inferior ovary) (false) Cucurbitaceae the remains of the flower seeds Granatum (from inferior) (false)


29 Dry, explosive, many-seeds, from superior ovary Silicle

Loment silique

Musturd family 30 Fruitcase explosive: By seams By denticles

By lid

By holes

31 Schizocarpous – dissected fruits kalatch Malvaceae


mericarps 32 Cremocarps (from inferior ovary) Celery

Filiform carpophore


33 Dill Mint family Coenobium (tetranutlet)


34 Mint Oregano Thymus Regma


35 Disamara


36 Pseudomonocarpous Nut dry, non-explosive, one-seed

Winged nut cupule


37 Acorn (from inferior ovary)

cupule 38 Cypsela (from inferior ovary) Asteraceae

With hapteron With pappus With corona 39 Corn seed (from superior ovary) Poaceae

40 - is aggregated of mature fruits, which developed from flowers of one dense inflorescence

41 Conclusions

1. A fruit appears from a matured gynoecium of flower. A fruit consists of seed (-s) and pericarp. 2. Classification: dry and fleshy, one-seeded and many-seeded, monocarpous, apocarpous and cenocarpous, from superior and inferior ovary. 3. Pseudomonocarpous fruits are formed from the cenocarpous genoecium. Only one seed-bud is developed. 4. Multiple fruit or collective fruit is aggregated of mature fruits, which developed from flowers of one dense inflorescence.

42 You can see the lecture on the site


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