Vol 50 No 1 2003.Pdf
President JAMES E. BOB0 Vice President BYRON CRAm Editor DOROTEIY M. ROBERSON Contributions of all types of Tennessee-related genealogical Librarian LORETTA BAILEY materials, including previousiy unpublished family Bibles, Treasurer LUCIIJS F. WRIGET, JR diaries, journals, letters, old maps, church minutes or Business Manager JOHN S. WOODS histories, cemetery information, family histories, and other Recording Secretary MARY YARBROUGH doamems are welcome. Codbutors should seod photo- Corresponding Secretary SANDRA COOK copies of original documents or duplicates of photos since Membership Chairman WILLIAM C. WILSON they cannot be. returned. Manusnipts are subject to editing ' Director of Sales LORI TRENK for style and space requirements, and the contributor's name Director of Certificates JANE PARK PAESSLER and address will be noted in the published article. Please include footnotes in the article submitted and list anv Direct~at Large SANDRA AUSTIN ~ < additional sources. Check magazine for style to be used. Director at Large DOUG GORDON Manuscripts or other editorial contributions should be. typed or printed and sent to Editor Dorothy Roberson, 71 50 -: -: Jane and Frank Paessler, Carol Bels6eld Rd., Memphis, TN 381 19, Minag Helen Rowland, Jean Alexander West, Mark Williamson TC'3 SURNAME INDEX EIJJ2 Y STAFE; Howard Bailey, lean Belzer, Harold Members can obtain information from this file by writing Crawford, Kathryn Dickinson, Joanne Eastman, Lena Belie TGS. Give the full name of the ancestor you are researching, Forestq Shirley Gee, Jean Gillespie, Stewart Herron, Joan at least one date and one location, and enclose a self- Hoyt, Thurman "Buddy" Jackson, Sharon Kelso, Terry addressed, stamped #I Oenvelope. Ifthe information is Nelson, Sherry Nohsey, run Overman, Ruth Reed, Deborah available, you will receive two photocopy pages of up to 10 Sandndge, Juanita Sipson, Jean Thomas, Joan Vie, surname cards of your ancestors, including the name and Pauline Washington, Myra Grace Wright, Charles Yates, address of the person who submitted the information.
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