Test and Measurement Solutions for Every Aspect of Wireless Communications

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Test and Measurement Solutions for Every Aspect of Wireless Communications Wireless Communications Standards 2400 ISM Band 2.4 GHz 2485 2400 ISM Band 2.4 GHz 2485 2400 ISM Band 2.4 GHz 2485 300 300 TETRA TETRA 921 921 300 TETRA 921 300 2400 ISM Band 2.4 GHz TETRA2485 921 300 TETRA 921 ISM Band 5 GHz 2400 ISM Band 2.4 GHz 2485 ISM Band 5 GHz ISM Band 5 GHz 5725 ISM Band 5 GHz 5825 5725 ISM Band 5 GHz 5825 5725 ISM Band 5 GHz 5825 ISM Band 5 GHz 5725 ISM Band 5 GHz 5825 ISM Band 5 GHz 5725 ISM Band 5 GHz 5825 2400 DECT 2483.5 2400 DECT 2483.5 2400 DECT 2483.5 902 DECT 928 902 DECT 928 902 DECT 928 54 2400Cognitive Radio DECT 2483.5 862 902 DECT 928 1880 DECT 1880 1990 DECT 1990 902 DECT 928 1880 DECT 1990 2400 DECT 2483.5 1880 DECT 1990 1880 DECT 1990 2400 ZigBee 2483.5 2400 ZigBee 2483.5 2400 ZigBee 2483.5 868.3 902 ZigBee 868.3928 902 ZigBee 928 868.3 902 ZigBee 928 380.2 UL 389.8 390.2 DL 399.8 2400 ZigBee 2483.5 868.3 902 ZigBee 928 868.3 902 ZigBee 928 2400 ZigBee 2483.5 ZigBee ZigBee ZigBee T-GSM 380 ZigBee ZigBee 747 DL763 777 UL 793 747 DL763 777 UL 793 880 UL 915 925 DL880 960UL 915 925 DL 747960DL763 777 UL 793 880 UL 915 925 DL 960 410.2 UL 419.8 420.2 DL 429.2 747 DL763 777 UL 793 880 UL 915 925 DL 960 1850 UL 1910 1850PCS 1900 1930 UL DL7471910DL763PCS 199019007771930UL 793 DL 1990 880 UL 1850915 925UL DL 9601910 PCS 1900 1930 DL 1990 1850 UL 1910 PCS 1900 1930 DL 1990 1850 UL 1910 PCS 1900 1930 DL 1990 GSM 750 GSM 750 E-GSM 900 E-GSM 900 GSM 750 E-GSM 900 T-GSM 410 GSM 750 E-GSM 900 GSM 750 E-GSM 900 824 UL 849 GSM 850 869 DL 894824 UL 849 GSM 850 869 DL 894 824 UL 849 GSM 850 869 DL 894 450.4 UL 457.6 460.4 DL 467.6 824 UL 849 GSM 850 869 DL 894 824 UL 849 GSM 850 869 DL 894 GSM 450 806 UL 821 T-GSM 810 851 DL 866806 UL 821 T-GSM890 UL810 915851P-GSMDL 866 900 935 DL 960890 UL 915 P-GSM 900 935 DL 960 806 UL 821 T-GSM 810 851 DL 866 890 UL 915 P-GSM 900 935 DL 960 478.8 UL 486 488.8 DL 496 806 UL 821 T-GSM 810 851 DL 866 890 UL 915 P-GSM 900 935 DL 960 1710 UL 17851710DCS 1800 1805UL 1785DL DCS 1800 18051880 DL 1880 1710 UL 806 UL 821 T-GSM1785 DCS810 1800851 DL1805866 DL890 UL 915 P-GSM1880 900 935 DL 960 1710 UL 1785 DCS 1800 1805 DL 1880 1710 UL 1785 DCS 1800 1805 DL 1880 GSM 480 870.4 UL 876 915.4 DL 921870.4 UL 876 915.4 DL 921 870.4 UL 876 915.4 DL 921 698 DL 716 728 UL 746 870.4 UL 876 915.4 DL 921 1850 (E-)UTRA/TDD Band b 1910 1850 (E-)UTR1930A/TDD(E-)UTR BandA /bTDD1910 Band b 1990 1930 (E-)UTRA/TDD Band b 1990 870.4 UL 876 1850915.4(E-)UTRDL 921A/TDD Band b 1910 1930 (E-)UTRA/TDD Band b 1990 1850 (E-)UTRA/TDD Band b 1910 1930 (E-)UTRA/TDD Band b 1990 1850 (E-)UTRA/TDD Band b 1910 1930 (E-)UTRA/TDD Band b 1990 T-GSM 900 T-GSM 900 T-GSM 900 GSM 710 T-GSM 900 T-GSM 900 1900 1920 1900 1920 1900 1920 1900 1920 1900 1920 (E-)UTRA/TDD Band a (E-)UTRA/TDD Band a (E-)UTRA/TDD Band a (E-)UTRA/TDD Band a (E-)UTRA/TDD Band a 2300 (E-)UTRA/TDD Band e 2400 2300 (E-)UTRA/TDD Band e 2400 2300 (E-)UTRA/TDD Band e 2400 2300 (E-)UTRA/TDD 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1920 19201427.9 1452.9UL 19801475.9 1500.9 (E-)UTRA/FDD Band I 2110 DL 2170 1880 1920 1920 UL 1980 (E-)UTRA/FDD Band I 2110 DL 2170 (E-)UTRA/FDD Band XIII (E-)UTRA/FDD Band(E-)UTR XIII A/FDD Band V (E-)UTRA/FDD Band V (E-)UTRA/FDD Band XIII (E-)UTRA/FDD Band V UL (E-)UTRA/(E-)UTRFDD BandA/FDD XI BandDL XIII UL (E-)UTRA/FDD Band XI DL (E-)UTRA/FDD Band V UL (E-)UTRA/FDD Band XI DL (E-)UTRA/TDD Band f (E-)UTRA(E-)UTR/TDD BandA/FDD f Band XIII (E-)UTRA/FDD Band V (E-)UTRUL (E-)UTRA/TDD ABand/FDD f Band XI DL (E-)UTRA/TDD Band f UL (E-)UTRA/FDD Band XI DL (E-)UTRA/TDD Band f 2400 WLAN 2497 2400 WLAN 2497 2400 WLAN 2497 758 DL768 788 UL 798 758 DL830768UL 840 788 UL 798 875 DL 885830 UL 840 875 DL 885 758 DL768 788 UL 798 830 UL 840 875 DL 885 698 UL716 728 DL 7462400 758 DL768 WLAN788 UL 798 8302497UL 840 875 DL 885 1850 UL 1910 1850 1930 UL DL 1910758 DL7681990 1930788 UL 798 DL 8301990UL 840 875 DL 885 1850 5150UL WLAN1910 1930 DL 1990 2400 WLAN5350 2497 5150 WLAN 1850 UL 1910 51501930 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2110 DL 2155 VHF VHF VHF UHF UHF VHF UHF VHF UHF UHF 174 DVB-H 230 174 DVB-H 230 174 DVB-H 230 3100 470 DVB-H470 DVB-H 8623100 174 DVB-H 862230 470 3100 DVB-H 862 174 DVB-H 230 470 1452 DVB-(S)H 1492 DVB-H 1452 DVB-(S)H 1492 862 1452 DVB-(S)H 14921749.9 UL 1784.9 (E-)UTRA/FDD1749.9 BandUL IX 1784.91844.9 (E-)UTRDL 1879.9A/FDD Band IX 1844.9 DL 1879.9470 DVB-H 1749.9 UL 1784.9 (E-)UTR862A/FDD Band IX 1844.9 DL 1879.9 UWB1452 DVB-(S)H 1492 1749.9 UL 1784.9 (E-)UTRUWBA/FDD Band IX 1844.93100 DL 1879.9 UWB1452 DVB-(S)H 1492 UWB 10600 1749.9 UL 1784.9 (E-)UTRA/FDD Band IX 1844.9 DL 1879.9 UWB 10600 UWB 10600 3100 UWB UWB 10600 UWB UWB 10600 VHF VHF VHF UHF UHF VHF UHF VHF L Band UHF L Band L Band UHF L Band L Band 2635 2660 2635 2660 2635 2660 174 T-DMB 240 174 T-DMB 240 174 T-DMB 240 470 ISDB-T 1Seg 770 470 ISDB-T 1Seg 770 174 T-DMB 240 470 ISDB-T 1Seg 770 174 T-DMB 240 470 ISDB-T1452 1SegT-DMB770 1492 1452 T-DMB 1492 2635 2660 17101452 T-DMBUL 1492 1770 1710 UL 1770 (E-)UTR470A/FDD 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960RL 915 917 FL 960 872 RL 915 917 FL 960 410 RL 483 420 FL 493 872 RL 915 917 FL 960 872 RL 915 917 FL 960 TACS Band TACS Band TACS Band 450 MHz Band TACS Band TACS Band 2300 WiMAX 2400 2496 WiMAX 2300 2690 WiMAX 2400 2300 WiMAX2496 2400 WiMAX 2496 2690 WiMAX 2690 3400 3400 WiMAX 3800 3400 3400 870 RL 876WiMAX3400 3800915 FL 921870 RL 876 915 FL 921 3400 WiMAX 3800 870 RL 876 915 FL 921 2300 WiMAX 2400 2496 870 RL 876 915 FL 921WiMAX GPS L5 2690 1750 RL 1780 Korean PCS1750 Band RL 17801840 FL Korean1870 PCS Band 1840 FL 19201870 RL 1980 1920 2 RLGHz1750 Band RL 19801780 Korean2 GHzPCS870 BandBandRL 876 18402110FL 9151870FL 921FL 2170 211023001920 FL RL 2170WiMAX 1980 24002 GHz Band
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