Tooele centenarian celebrates 105 years See B2 TOOELETRANSCRIPT SERVING TOOELE COUNTY BULLETIN SINCE 1894 TUESDAY October 18, 2016 Vol. 123 No. 40 $1.00 Home sales hit ‘sellers market’ in 3rd quarter Supply of homes for sale running short

TIM GILLIE Multiple Listing Service. STAFF WRITER “It was a good quarter,” said Real estate sales in Tooele Faye Hall, president of Tooele County ended the third quarter County Association of Realtors of 2016 with a strong market, and an agent with Fusion Real according to a local real estate Estate in Tooele. association officer. A total of 383 homes were Compared to the third sold in Tooele County during quarter of 2015 the number of the third quarter compared TOOELE FIRE OPEN HOUSE home sales are up, the median to 358 during the same time price of sold homes is up, and period in 2015, which is a 7- the number of days a home percent increase.

SUE BUTTERFIELD/TTB PHOTOS sits on the market before being The median price of a sold sold is shrinking, according home rose by 12.6 percent, to third quarter 2016 statis- Eian Inman (above) gets some help with the hose from tics from the Wasatch Front SEE MARKET PAGE A8 ➤ fire fighter Joshua Benson Saturday at the Tooele City Fire Department Open House. Armando Hernandez (left) checks out the department’s fire fighting equip- ment. Molly and William Webb (below left) browse the fire trucks on display. David and Chance Baum, along Most July 19 fire with their cousin Trevor Mecham (bottom), respond to a mock emergency at the open house. Braxton Howard (below) inspects the equipment his father victims still living uses as a Tooele City fire fighter. in interim housing

JESSICA HENRIE damaged 17 others, temporar- STAFF WRITER ily dislocating some residents. With winter fast approach- Of the 10 people whose ing, all the people who lost home was a total loss, four had their homes in the Tooele complete insurance coverage neighborhood fire in July have and two had mortgage insur- roofs over their heads, an offi- ance. The last four homeown- cial said. ers were not insured, said The fire, which was declared Bucky Whitehouse, director arson by Tooele City police, of Tooele County Emergency started in a grass field near Management. 700 South and Coleman Street But despite having different around 10:45 p.m. on July 19. It destroyed 10 homes and SEE FIRE PAGE A8 ➤

Former football coach arraigned

SUN AND MOON SEVEN-DAY FORECAST FOR TOOELE UV INDEX in court Monday The Sun Rise Set WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Wednesday 7:45 a.m. 6:43 p.m. Thursday 7:46 a.m. 6:41 p.m. STEVE HOWE Friday 7:47 a.m. 6:40 p.m. STAFF WRITER Saturday 7:48 a.m. 6:38 p.m. Sunday 7:49 a.m. 6:37 p.m. The former Grantsville High Monday 7:50 a.m. 6:36 p.m. W Th F Sa Su M Tu School football coach arrested Tuesday 7:51 a.m. 6:34 p.m. The higher the UV Index™ in connection to sexual battery The Moon Rise Set number, the greater the need for eye and skin Wednesday 9:59 p.m. 11:41 a.m. protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 and lewdness with students Thursday 10:56 p.m. 12:44 p.m. Very High; 11+ Extreme made his second appearance Friday 11:55 p.m. 1:40 p.m. in 3rd District Court Monday Saturday none 2:29 p.m. ALMANAC Sunday 12:56 a.m. 3:11 p.m. Statistics for the week ending Oct. 17. morning. Nice with plenty of Pleasant with clouds A couple of showers Monday 1:57 a.m. 3:48 p.m. Sunny and cool Sunny Mostly sunny Mostly sunny Temperatures Curtis Lee Ware, 47, is Tuesday 2:57 a.m. 4:22 p.m. sunshine and sun possible High/Low past week 74/39 charged with five counts of Last New First Full Normal high/low past week 66/43 misdemeanor sexual battery 53 32 61 33 67 40 68 41 68 45 65 44 60 41 Average temp past week 57.7 Normal average temp past week 54.3 and four misdemeanor counts TOOELE COUNTY WEATHER Daily Temperatures High Low of lewdness. Ware became the Oct 22 Oct 30 Nov 7 Nov 14 Shown is Wednesday’s head coach of the Grantsville Forecasts and graphics provided by weather. Temperatures are Wednesday’s highs and High School football team in AccuWeather, Inc. ©2016 Wednesday night’s lows. SEE COACH PAGE A8 ➤ Curtis Ware UTAH WEATHER Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Logan BULLETIN BOARD B8 Grouse 53/24 Wendover PrecipitationINSIDE (in inches) Creek 54/33 Knolls Clive WEATHER Lake Point CLASSIFIEDS B6 49/28 56/32 56/32 56/36 Ogden Stansbury Park Dinner theatre set Stansbury beats HOMETOWN B2 55/34 Erda 56/35 OBITUARIES A6 Vernal Grantsville 55/34 Pine Canyon to open ‘The King Ben Lomond on Salt Lake City 53/28 56/34 39/31 OPEN FORUM A4 Tooele 58/36 Bauer and I’ with live last-second pass 53/32 Last Normal Month Normal Year Normal 53/31 Tooele Week for week to date M-T-D to date Y-T-D SPORTS B1 Provo Roosevelt 53/32 accompaniment deflection 56/27 57/29 See Stockton Pollen Index Price complete 53/31 See A7 See B1 59/32 High Nephi forecast Rush Valley 56/28 54/30 Ophir Moderate on B10 47/26 Low Delta Manti Absent 59/32 57/30 Green River Tu W Th F Sa Su M 66/35 Dugway Source: Intermountain Allergy & Asthma Richfield Gold Hill 54/31 58/27 Moab 50/31 RIVERS AND LAKES Hanksville 63/36 Beaver 63/34 Vernon In feet as of 7 a.m. Monday 59/30 Ibapah 53/29 24-hour 54/29 Stage Change Vernon Creek at Vernon 0.94 none Cedar City Blanding South Willow Creek St. George 62/26 63/34 at Grantsville 1.41 none 77/47 Kanab 67/40 Eureka 44/30 Great Salt Lake Elevation at Saltair Boat Harbor 4189.16 A2

A2 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN TUESDAY October 18, 2016 Mock constitutional convention City to hold hearing on dropping board OKs six proposed amendments of adjustment One of which was written by Rep. Nelson of Grantsville JESSICA HENRIE official or city employee and TIM GILLIE convention. among them, according to STAFF WRITER must “possess such qualifica- STAFF WRITER The other amendments Nelson. The Tooele City Council tions as the mayor may deter- A simulated convention approved by the convention In 2016, the Utah House will hold a public hearing mine necessary for the fair and of the states approved a pro- included: a requirement that of Representatives approved Wednesday prior to voting on thorough determination of posed amendment to the U.S. a super-majority of Congress a constitutional convention whether to eliminate the city’s facts and application of law,” Constitution authored by a must approve any increase in resolution, but the resolution board of adjustment. according to city code. Tooele County legislator. the national debt; a repeal of did not pass the state Senate, The public hearing will take According to Baker, refer- Rep. Merrill Nelson, R- 16th amendment that legal- according to Nelson. place at 7 p.m. in Tooele City ring most land use appeals Grantsville was part of the del- ized the federal income tax “The resolution was held Hall, 90 N. Main Street. During to an administrative hearing egation of 150 state legislators and a requirement that a up in the Senate because the hearing, citizens are officer is a better way of mak- from 50 states that participat- super-majority of Congress conservative groups, like the invited to speak for or against a ing sure citizen appeals receive ed in a simulated convention must approve increases in fed- Eagle Forum, are opposed to proposal to eliminate the board their due process than having held in Colonial Williamsburg eral taxes; a limit on federal a convention because they are of adjustment and refer most a volunteer board review the Sept. 22-23. over reach by returning the afraid of a runaway conven- land use appeals to an admin- appeals. The legislators were invited “commerce clause” of the fed- tion making changes in the istrative hearing officer. “This is not a case of right or to participate in the historic eral constitution to its original Constitution,” Nelson said. Currently, the board of wrong — boards of adjustment simulation by Citizens for Self- Rep. Merrill Nelson meaning; allowing a congres- The language of state adjustment hears appeals of bad and hearing officer good,” Governance. sional override for federal resolutions calling for the con- zoning decisions and decides Baker told the planning com- Citizens for Self-Governance the Constitution. regulations, and term limits on vention, state limits on their whether to grant variances mission last week. is a national citizens movement “Nobody wants to replace Congress. delegate’s power, and the con- from the zoning terms. The Instead, the city administra- pushing for states to invoke the Constitution,” Nelson said. If this had been a real con- stitutional requirement for rati- board can also “make deter- tion believes referring land use their right, according to Article “We just want a check on the vention of the states, 38 state fication by 38 states, virtually minations regarding the exis- appeals to a trained hearing V of the U.S. Constitution, growth and usurpation of the legislatures would now need eliminate the concerns about a tence, expansion or modifica- officer would result in a fairer, to call for a constitutional federal government.” to ratify the approved amend- runway convention, according tion of nonconforming uses,” more efficient process for citi- convention to propose amend- Nelson’s proposed amend- ments before they become part to Nelson. according to city code. zens, he said. ments to the Constitution. ment would give states the of the Constitution, Nelson Rep. Ken Ivory, R-West But city administrators have Another reason to make “One of our country’s big- power to overrule any federal said. Jordan, and Rep. Kim proposed Ordinance 2016-15, the change is the difficulty gest problems is usurpation by law, regulation, or executive It takes 34 state legislatures Coleman, R-West Jordan, also which would eliminate the in maintaining the board of the federal government,” said order, by a vote of at least 30 to force the call for a con- represented Utah at the simu- board of adjustment and refer adjustment because the board Nelson. “The states created the state legislatures. It was among vention of the states. So far lated convention. Ivory was appeals to an administrative meets so infrequently, Baker federal government and now six out of around 30 pro- eight state legislatures have elected to serve as president of hearing officer. said. the creature has overpowered posed amendments that were approved a resolution calling the convention. Citizens who wish to appeal According to, the creator. The states must approved by the simulated for a convention, Utah is not [email protected] a decision made by the admin- the board of adjustment has rise up to restore the proper istrative hearing officer would met three times in the past balance.” file a petition for the district six years — twice in 2011 and Article V of the U.S. court to review the decision, once in 2010. Constitution is the vehicle STOCKTON TOWN HAUNT said Tooele City Attorney Two board members have provided by the document’s Roger Baker. passed away since their writers for the states to use Last year, the city contracted last meeting without being to make changes to the fed- James Tanner of Tanner Law replaced, Baker said. eral government, according to Office in Tooele to act as an Kevin Shields, who was on Nelson. administrative hearing officer the board of adjustment in Article V of the U.S. for specific types of appeals. 2011, said he wasn’t sure if Constitution allows for two- At the moment, Tanner only he is still considered a current thirds of the states’ legisla- hears appeals for the following member. He was surprised to tures, or 34, to call for a consti- situations: nuisance citation, learn last week that the city tutional convention to propose order to reduce a nuisance, was considering eliminating amendments. Three-fourths, water restriction citation, park- the board. or 38, of the state legislatures ing citation, law enforcement He disagreed with a state- must ratify the proposed decision regarding a poten- ment Baker made last week amendments. tially dangerous animal, city about how citizen boards of September’s simulated decision regarding residential adjustment could sometimes convention was an example facilities for the disabled and “bring their personal biases of the kind of amendments a preliminary revocation of a to the decision-making pro- convention of the states could business license, according cess,” pointing out all board approve, according to Nelson. to his contract with the city, decisions must follow specific The involvement of legisla- which was approved by the city guidelines established by state tors from all 50 states demon- council on May 6, 2015. law. strates widespread support for The city pays Tanner $350 “We don’t, and can’t, ‘bring a convention, Nelson said. He per month for all cases related personal biases to the decision- also noted that the simulated to nuisances and dangerous making process’ any more than convention demonstrated that animals. For other types of any lawyer will. If we do, the a convention could safely be appeals, he bills the city at a next step for an appeal is litiga- conducted without harming negotiated rate, according to tion,” Shields said. the contract. He added, “Whether they Since Tanner was appointed disband the board or not, I the city’s administrative don’t have an opinion.” TOOELE TRANSCRIPT hearing officer, he’s handled During a meeting last BULLETIN around six appeals, Baker said. Wednesday, Phil Montano was Tanner Law Office is a the only member of the Tooele ADMINISTRATION private firm that handles City Planning Commission Scott C. Dunn Publisher cases under employment law, to vote against forwarding a Joel J. Dunn Publisher Emeritus divorce and family law and positive recommendation of OFFICE criminal defense, according to Ordinance 2016-15 to the city Bruce Dunn Controller its website. council. Chris Evans Office Manager If Tanner ever had a conflict In Montano’s opinion, elimi- Vicki Higgins Customer Service of interest where one of his nating the board of adjustment Samantha Tyler Circulation Manager clients submitted an appeal, and referring most land use EDITORIAL the city would appoint another appeals to one person would David Bern Editor administrative hearing officer, diminish the due process given Tavin Stucki Sports Editor Baker said. to citizens, he said. Darren Vaughan Community News Editor “We would also appoint According to Baker, the Francie Aufdemorte Photo Editor another hearing officer if we current living members of the Tim Gillie Staff Writer had too many appeals for just board of adjustment include: Steve Howe Staff Writer one hearing officer,” he said. Steve West, Tooele County Jessica Henrie Staff Writer SUE BUTTERFIELD/TTB PHOTOS The mayor is responsible School District facilities man- ADVERTISING Jackson Langley (top) decorates a pumpkin at the REACH Stockton Town Haunt Saturday after- to appoint an administrative ager; Cheri Zander, profes- Clayton Dunn Advertising Manager noon.Teresa Louderback in character as a Ravenclaw house ghost teaches Cassie Nazelrod how hearing officer with consent of sional engineer; and Shields, Keith Bird Advertising Sales to cast a spell. Raising Education through Arts, Characters and Heroes is a local educational the city council. The hearing an architect. Dianna Bergen Advertising Sales & nonprofit organization. officer must be a Tooele City [email protected] Classified Advertising Manager resident, may not be an elected LAYOUT & DESIGN John Hamilton Creative Director Liz Arellano Graphic Artist CORRECTION PRODUCTION Perry Dunn Pre-press Manager Last Thursday’s front- Pilot rescued after plane suffers engine Darwin Cook Web Press Manager page story “City may do Dan Coats Pre-press Technician away with board of adjust- Scott Spence Insert Technician ment,” incorrectly stated that the last time the Tooele failure and lands in Great Salt Lake SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Board of Adjustment $1.00 per copy; $40 per year delivered by carrier in Tooele, Grantsville, Erda, met was in February 2011. STEVE HOWE Stockton, Lake Point and Stansbury Park, The last time it met was in STAFF WRITER Utah; $45 per year by mail in Tooele County, Utah; $77 per year by mail in the May 2011. Before that, it The pilot of a downed aircraft had . had met in February 2011, to be rescued by shrimpers after a con- OFFICE HOURS: according to tooelecity. trolled landing into the Great Salt Lake on Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., org. The Transcript Bulletin closed Saturday and Sunday. Thursday. apologizes for the error. The man piloting the plane was forced CLASSIFIEDS DEADLINE: 4:45 p.m. day prior to publication. to make the landing into the lake near PUBLIC NOTICES DEADLINE: Stansbury Island around 12:45 p.m. after 4 p.m. day prior to publication. its engine failed, according to a news COMMUNITY NEWS ITEMS, release from the Utah State Park’s public BULLETIN BOARD, ETC.: Gotta Get information officer. 3 p.m. day prior to publication. The pilot was the sole occupant of OBITUARY DEADLINE: Something the plane and was rescued when a brine 10 a.m. day of publication. shrimp boat came upon the downed air- Publication No. (USPS 6179-60) issued twice a week at Tooele City, Utah. Periodicals Off Your craft, the release said. After pulling the postage paid at Tooele, Utah. Published by pilot from the water, the shrimpers con- the Transcript Bulletin Publishing Company, Chest? tacted Utah State Parks and the pilot was Inc., 58 North Main Street, Tooele City, Utah. Address all correspondence to P.O. Box 390, transferred to the state parks vessel that Tooele City, Utah 84074. responded to the crash. Write a letter POSTMASTER: In the incident listing from the Federal COURTESY UTAH STATE PARKS Send change of address to: Aviation Administration, the aircraft was PO Box 390 to the Editor, A plane floats in Great Salt Lake after the pilot made a forced water landing on Thursday. The pilot Tooele, Utah 84074-0390 (it’s good therapy). identified as a Grega GN-1 Aircamper. The survived the incident and was picked up by local brine shrimp vessel. Aircamper is a fixed wing, single-engine 435-882-0050 Fax 435-882-6123 email: [email protected] plane with two seats. park’s release. The plane had to be marked crashed on the Tooele County side of the or visit our web site extension at Letter to Editor The pilot was “shaken up and cold” as a navigational hazard for boats due to lake, the Tooele County Sheriff’s Office P.O. Box 390 after landing in the lake but was cleared its location in the lake. was contacted for the investigation and Entire contents ©2016 Transcript Bulletin by medical personnel, the release said. The owner of the plane was not offered assistance, according to Lt. Ron Tooele, UT 84074 Publishing Company, Inc. All rights The plane, which is mainly a wood and onboard the plane and was being con- Johnson. The incident report was received reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the or fiber construction, was floating above the tacted about the incident as of Thursday by the FAA on Oct. 13, according to the written consent of the managing editor or [email protected] surface of the water prior to crews retriev- afternoon. administration’s website. publisher. ing it from the lake, according to the state Once it was determined the plane had [email protected] A3

TUESDAY October 18, 2016 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN A3 Grease Monkey breaks ground for new facility in Stansbury

Franchisee owners use some local subcontractors, 300 locations throughout the such as Grantsville-based H&H U.S. and Latin America. It has plan to serve Excavation & Concrete. 12 locations in Utah. Along county’s commuters The Stansbury Park Grease with oil changes, each location Monkey is expected to employ offers a variety of auto ser- TIM GILLIE five or six people, including vices, such as air conditioning, STAFF WRITER two or three full-time workers, battery, brake, gearbox and An Erda couple is hoping when it opens, according to radiator service. that Stansbury Park’s commut- Gallegos. Founded in 1978, the ing workforce will support an Grease Monkey Grease Monkey brand is an oil change and auto service International, which is independent franchisor not business. based in Greenwood Village, connected with a major oil Alfredo and Jennie Gallegos Colorado, offers oil change company. broke ground Monday morn- and auto service at more than [email protected] ing on their Grease Monkey franchise business at Stansbury Crossing. Located immediately north of the Clean Wave Car Wash, the approximately 4,000- square-foot business should be open in February or March, depending on weather, accord- ing to Jennie Gallegos. “We have been thinking for some time that all the people ERDA FARMS that commute into Salt Lake County from Stansbury need a Supporting Your Local Farmers place to service their vehicles,” TIM GILLIE/TTB PHOTO she said. Alfredo and Jennie Gallegos are the owners of a new Grease Monkey franchise business coming soon to Stansbury Monday’s groundbreak- Park. ing was the culmination of a year and a half of planning, obtaining financing through agreements with Stansbury Sandy-based Entelen is the including purchasing property Zion’s Bank, permits from Park Improvement District, general contractor for the $1.3 from Woodbury Corporation, Tooele County and negotiating according to Gallegos. million project. Entelen will Tooele man charged with vehicle theft Friday & Saturday STEVE HOWE Quik Stop convenience store on lights and sirens but Mehalich ing Mehalich to the Tooele STAFF WRITER Broadway Avenue the morning continued west onto 1000 City Police Department, he A Tooele man was in court of Oct. 7 on a report of shop- North at about 25 mph. underwent a field sobriety test Monday after he was arrested lifting, according to a probable Mehalich turned onto Main and officers determined he in connection to an incident of cause statement. A man, later Street and then stopped in the was impaired after he failed to vehicle theft and driving under identified as Mehalich, had area of 1100 N. Main Street, maintain his balance or follow the influence. stolen two packs of cigarettes according to the probable directions. Paul Mehalich, 68, is before climbing into a white cause statement. When officers [email protected] 801.688.1238 charged with second-degree pickup truck that didn’t belong approached the vehicle, they felony theft and third-degree to him and driving away. found Mehalich with the two felony failure to stop or Officers managed to locate packs of cigarettes and he was respond at command of police, Mehalich in the white pickup arrested. as well as misdemeanor counts truck in the area of 700 The white pickup truck was of driving under the influence N. Broadway Avenue, the returned to its owner and the FOR LEASE and retail theft. statement said. The officers stolen cigarettes were returned Tooele City police officers attempted to stop the vehicle to the Quality Quik Stop, the were dispatched to the Quality by activating their emergency statement said. After transport- 336 N MAIN TOOELE Motorists warned to be aware Great location next to long established businesses, of more deer herds on roads doctor offices, hotel and

JESSICA HENRIE restaurant. STAFF WRITER As the leaves change colors and the weather turns colder, APX 3,000 SQ FT. building with 20+ parking stalls. Building has a large the deer migration is just open floor plan with 3 private offices, large bathroom for handicap access beginning, an official said. “Just watch [out] because and storage rooms. Building has new stucco, paint, carpet and landscaping. the deer are on the move,” $2100.00 per month, no maintenance fees, utilities not included. This said Tom Becker, local biolo- gist for the Utah Division of location would be great for title company, real estate agents, physical Wildlife Resources. “There are therapy, attorneys, insurance company and so much more. a lot more deer now on the roads, so just be careful.” If residents see any injured Please contact Kenny at 435-882-5560 or dead deer lying on the side for questions or to view the building. of a road within city limits, they can call their local animal control or the DWR’s Central Region office, which serves Tooele County, at 801-491- 5678. Becker said he and a few FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO other state employees are A deer stands alongside Skyline Drive in Tooele. The annual deer migration responsible for taking care of is just beginning, an official said. fallen deer. If residents see any injured there’s a holiday, during the careful on Skyline Drive and or dead deer outside city hunts or at a busy time for us, the canyon roads, which form limits, they can call Tooele it might be a day or two get- part of the deer’s historic win- County Dispatch at 435-882- ting it, but we’re pretty fast. ter range, according to Becker. 5600. Dispatch will pass on It depends on our manpower “It’s a little early yet, but the message to whoever is and where we are at the time.” there are a few that are com- responsible. Becker hasn’t seen too many ing down,” he said. “Right For example, contrac- dead deer so far this year, but now, they don’t need to be Get tors employed by the Utah he warned motorists to drive down; there’s still a fair Department of Transportation carefully. As temperatures get amount of feed up above. take care of deer along state colder, more deer will come [But] I think we’re starting to ready to highways, Becker said. down into the valleys search- see some movement.” “We’re usually pretty ing for food, he said. [email protected] quick,” he said. “Sometimes if Drivers should be especially Shake, Rattle & Tooele man facing felony drug Roll possession, weapon charges STEVE HOWE came up for a revoked regis- of the vehicle was searched, STAFF WRITER tration and no insurance, a according to the probable cause A Tooele man is facing felony probable cause statement said. statement. In the subsequent drug possession charges after When asked to provide his search, officers reported find- he was stopped by police in license, proof of insurance or ing a black tar-like substance connection to a revoked regis- vehicle registration, Silveira that tested positive for heroin, tration last Wednesday. was unable to. several used syringes, a digital Levi Jordan Silveira, 25, The car driven by Silveira scale with residue and a fire- is charged with first-degree was impounded due to the arm that had been reported sto- felony possession with intent to revoked registration and offi- len from Tooele in a shoebox. distribute a Class C substance, cers began a vehicle inventory, Officers also discovered a two counts of second-degree the statement said. During the small safe in the trunk of the felony theft by receiving stolen search of the vehicle, officers car, which officers applied, and property, second-degree felony located a used syringe in the received, a warrant for, accord- possession of a dangerous center console of the car and a ing to the probable cause state- weapon by a restricted person large amount of a white crystal- ment. Inside was another fire- and third-degree felony pos- line substance, which tested arm that was reported stolen session or use of a controlled positive for methamphetamine, and 80 unused syringes. substance. in an unsealed cardboard box in All told, officers recovered A Tooele City police officer the front passenger seat of the 34.8 grams of methamphet- stopped Silveira in the area of vehicle. amine and 0.7 grams of heroin 25 E. Skyline Drive after the Following the discovery of from Silveira’s car. ALL MONEY GOES TO ST. JUDE’S HOSPITAL passenger car he was driving the methamphetamine, the rest [email protected] A4 OPEN FORUM


• Editorial Editor David Bern • Guest Opinion [email protected] • Letters to the Editor Open Forum 435-882-0050

OUR VIEW Vital project Proposed pedestrian underpass for SR-138 at Stansbury Park is needed

The Stansbury Park Service Agency wants to construct a pedestrian under- pass below SR-138 to provide safer pedestrian access across the busy state highway, better connect the Benson Gristmill area of Stansbury with the rest of the community, and link trail systems. As reported on page A6 in last Thursday’s edition, the service agency voted last Wednesday to pursue an environmental impact study for the underpass. The cost of that EIS is reportedly $20,000 to $50,000. The EIS is required before the service agency can use a $200,000 federal grant to pay for the underpass’ engineering costs. The grant is from the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program. It provides funding for projects in nonattainment areas that help reduce vehicle traffic congestion and improve air quality. Stansbury Park, along with all of Tooele Valley, is a designated nonattainment area by the Environmental Protection Agency. Nonattainment means the local air rou- tinely exceeds National Ambient Air Quality Standards, specifically Particulate Matter 2.5. Service agency manager Randall Jones explained to the board the grant is for engineering costs and does not include construction. That cost won’t be fully known until the underpass has been engineered and contractor bids have been received. Also, the grant comes with strings attached. Jones said it requires matching funds of $13,400 from the service agency, which is in addi- tion to EIS costs. Jones further told the board Tooele County will sponsor the service agency’s submission for the grant, but will not fund the EIS, nor matching funds to secure the grant. The sponsoring county agency is the Tooele County Health GUEST OPINION Department. After the board approved Jones’s request for the EIS, board chairman Neil Smart expressed strong support for the underpass. “I think it’s a necessary con- Another look at Ophir’s disincorporation nector to the community,” he said. “I would rather give up a few big projects over the next couple years to do that…” read with interest the article on tion was successful. So now the town Jones noted the Utah Department of Transportation is working on plans the disincorporation of Ophir will be governed by Tooele County. for a reduced speed crosswalk on SR-138 at Benson Gristmill. But in our view, in the Sept. 22, 2016 edition of Go figure — more outsiders! I Scott Degelbeck such an addition may do more harm than good — especially during morning the Tooele Transcript Bulletin. As a As for the town’s finances, they GUEST COLUMNIST rush hour for thousands of commuters who use SR-138 every weekday. former Ophir Town Council member are always a challenge and the audit- In an interview today, Jones said the underpass proposal has been in the with strong ties to Ophir, I feel the ing requirements keep increasing. works for years. The $200,000 grant has been awarded to the service agency, public and readers should have some Nonetheless, the financial stability of but can’t use it until the EIS has been completed. He said the service agency additional information. challenge was based on the conten- Ophir, and funds available at the end will pay for the EIS and the $13,400 matching grant. As with many small towns, it’s diffi- tion that we were not residents, not of February 2016, were 37 percent Next is to obtain funding to pay for the underpass’ construction, which cult to get those living full time in the eligible to vote, hence not eligible to more than at the end of June 2008. Jones said could come from additional federal alternative transportation community to step up and serve on hold office. All bills and financial commitments grants or private sources such as developers or fundraisers. He said the Utah the town council. Why? Because small Based on the election code, the were being met. Department of Transportation has been helpful, but hasn’t offered to commit towns often have controversial issues, Tooele County Clerk/Auditor sup- Also, the legacy of the Ophir funds for the project. sometimes involving neighbors. I was ported the challenge and notified us Historic District and the Town Park The service agency is commended for wanting to build the underpass and elected to the Ophir Town Council of our ineligibility. Earlier in the year belongs to many. Numerous persons, hopefully will be successful in that endeavor. May it also be successful in pull- about seven years ago, filled a four- at an Ophir Town Council meeting, many if not most being “out-of-town- ing together financial partners to help pay for the project, which will also ben- year term and was re-elected. During we told those in attendance, including ers,” volunteered to man the historic efit nearby Old Mill Elementary that opens next fall. that time, the Ophir Land Use Code other council members, the reason we district on weekends. The same indi- This is one vital project that hopefully can be accomplished soon. No young- was developed, public hearings were were serving was because no other viduals ensured the success of Ophir ster should ever have to walk across SR-138 to see a friend or get to school. held and the code was passed by the full-time residents had been willing to Days. town council. do so. We said if there were other full- So to those of you claiming to be I should mention the code was time Ophir residents willing to serve, Ophir residents, who complain about GUEST OPINION developed by a combination of Ophir we would step down. the influence of “out-of-towners,” residents and “out-of-towners.” As We were assured there were Ophir remember those same individuals with any land use code or ordinance, residents who were willing to fill the manned and did upkeep on the his- it contained provisions some individu- positions. In fact, two residents had toric district; volunteered and helped The poisonous wedge als might consider restrictive. filed applications for mayor. Both put together Ophir Days; showed up As a council member, I supported were interviewed by the town council. for town cleanup; donated money and the code and had a responsibility to Based on the claim there were other equipment use to the town; cleaned of Trump is upon us monitor its enforcement and com- full-time residents willing to fill the snow off the streets in winter; cleaned pliance. I hope Tooele County, as it positions, two other council members trees off streets knocked over by the ess than a month before the assumes management of Ophir, will and I vacated our council positions. wind; and tracked finances and pre- election, the Republican continue to recognize and enforce Guess what? The positions were pared budgets for the Town of Ophir. Lspeaker of the House says he those provisions. not filled even though they could The list could go on and on. won’t defend or campaign with his I guess I am one of those “out-of- have been. When told by the county Thanks to “out-of-towners” for all party’s presidential nominee. The town” people referred to in the article clerk/auditor that those who were you have done, and to Ophir residents nominee has responded by slam- who had their nose into everything. willing to serve should draw straws, who stepped up to help and make a ming the speaker on Twitter, and his Two other council members, the trea- because more applied than positions difference. Maybe some of those who campaign manager is accusing some surer, and at one time the mayor, also were available, the offer was refused. consider themselves Ophir residents (unnamed) elected Republicans of fell into the “out-of-town” category. So much for wanting to be legal! The are really the “outsiders.” sexual harassment against her. The reason we served on the council same process of drawing straws or The Donald Trump campaign and was because no full-time Ophir resi- pulling names out of a hat had been Scott Degelbeck is a resident of Tooele the Republican Party show every dents filed to fill the positions. used before in the election process. City and has a second home in Ophir. sign of entering into an ugly death controversies and interventions Earlier this year, I, and other Instead of filling the council positions, He lived in Ophir from infancy until he spiral. The revelation of the Trump and alleged pivots, the dam finally individuals who had been voting in and having the town governed by was 24 years old. “Access Hollywood” tape occasioned broke. the Ophir Precinct, were challenged those living there, a petition was filed a historic rupture, with elected The split creates the predicate for about our eligibility to vote. The for dissolution of the town. The peti- Republicans around the country a GOP internal war until November denouncing Trump and calling on and beyond. It will pit swing-state him to step aside. Republicans and those who want GUEST OPINION Any hope of Trump turning a to save them, like Paul Ryan, corner with his relatively competent against Trump’s hard-core base and second debate was dashed when the balance of ordinary partisan House Speaker Paul Ryan told his Republicans. The disunity itself will Trump guy-talk controversy a distraction colleagues that he is concentrating be damaging and dispiriting. on saving his House majority as a There will be every incentive for f you’re among the more than 100 important things to worry about, check on Hillary Clinton. Trump to exacerbate rather than try million people on this planet who and the debate didn’t give them the It is a fact that one out of two to smooth over, or at least look past, purchased and was titillated by chance to ascertain how the candi- I Rachel Marsden major-party presidential campaigns the divide. Hitting back at his party “Fifty Shades of Grey,” the best-selling dates would deal with critical issues fail. Some fail badly. But the GOP critics energizes his fans, and, if he novel about a sadomasochistic sexual GUEST COLUMNIST that impact women directly. may be about to experience an is headed for a loss in November, relationship between a wealthy young For example, there is heated debate unprecedentedly wrenching debacle it sets up a stabbed-in-the-back businessman and a college senior, because its nominee is an ideologi- narrative after the election. So his then the second U.S. presidential with. And he wasn’t incorrect. SEE MARSDEN PAGE A5 ➤ cal interloper with no impulse con- party detractors are insiders, quis- debate was likely right up your alley. What matters more to me is how trol or regard for political norms. lings and, to believe his campaign If you were looking for some depth Trump treats the women in his com- No matter how bad or weird the manager Kellyanne Conway, sexual and substance, then you were out of pany. In a CNN interview last year, LETTERS POLICY campaign seems now, it could get harassers. luck. Trump attorney Michael Cohen said The Transcript-Bulletin welcomes letters to worse and stranger still. The period before the first presi- Co-moderator Anderson Cooper that female executives outnum- the editor from readers. Letters must be no Bob Dole was a horrible presi- dential debate, when Trump pulled of CNN wasted little time asking ber male executives at the Trump longer than 250 words, civil in tone, written exclusively for the Transcript-Bulletin, and dential candidate and not a particu- close to a tie with Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump about a Organization, and females earn accompanied by the writer’s name, address larly conservative Republican. But feels like an eon ago. He had come leaked tape from 2005, recorded prior more than their male counterparts and phone number. Longer letters may be he was an honorable man who had back with a month of relative dis- to an on-air “Access Hollywood” seg- who hold comparable positions. published, based on merit and at the Editor’s a loyalty to things bigger than him- cipline beginning in mid-August ment in the company of host (and That speaks to Trump’s respect for discretion. Priority will be given to letters that refer to a recent article in the newspaper. All self, including his political party. that now looks like a parenthesis George W. Bush cousin) Billy Bush. the women in his company and their letters may be subject to editing. When Republicans had to cut him in an otherwise recklessly selfish Trump is heard engaging in the same abilities. Letters written to thank an individual or loose in 1996 to try to save their campaign. kind of talk that I’ve heard in rugby During the debate, the well-known organization should be submitted for congressional majorities, he was a That Trump would become a poi- clubhouses, among military-veteran sexual shenanigans of Democratic “Notes of Appreciation.” good and loyal soldier. sonous wedge issue within the GOP pals and even while working as a co- nominee Hillary Clinton’s husband, Readers who are interested in writing a lon- Does anyone expect that of was always a plausible worst-case host at the Fox News Channel. Bill Clinton, were also rehashed. ger guest op-ed column on a topic of general Donald Trump? His investment in scenario. Now, it is upon us. Trump If we’re going to start disqualify- Three women who had accused the interest should contact Editor David Bern. the party is nil, and he takes all supporters in the primaries wanted ing guys for talking like this among former president of sexual miscon- Email: [email protected] slights personally, whether they are to “burn it down.” They may well be other guys, then we’re going to have duct attended the debate, as did Bill Fax: (435) 882-6123 from Alicia Machado or the speaker able to point to the wreckage of the to make some awfully deep cuts in himself, which made for an interest- Mail: Letters to the Editor Tooele Transcript-Bulletin of the House. post-November GOP as an indicator almost every important facet of soci- ing dynamic. P.O. Box 390 The “Access Hollywood” tape of their smashing success. ety. We’d also be getting uncomfort- Cooper and co-moderator Martha Tooele, UT 84074 was a tipping point. In isolation, ably close to the dystopian measure Raddatz of ABC News were respon- perhaps Republicans could have Rich Lowry is editor of the of sanctioning thought crime, just sible for framing the discussion, and looked beyond it. But after so many National Review. like in the Stephen Spielberg movie they accommodated whatever sexual LETTER CONTEST “Minority Report,” in which Tom salaciousness would generate the Cruise plays the head of a police task most media buzz. If you can make Each month, the Transcript-Bulletin will select EDITORIAL BOARD the best letter of the month and reprint it in force that stops crime before it’s com- politics about interpersonal drama the first Open Forum page of the following Joel J. Dunn Scott C. Dunn David J. Bern mitted. and sex, then you don’t have to deal month. The winning letter writer will receive a Publisher Emeritus President and Publisher Editor On the tape, Trump is heard with complex and nuanced policy free one-year subscription to the newspaper. With the exception of the “Our View” column, the opinions expressed on this page, describing, in blunt terms, what implications. Ultimately, all of this The subscription can be transferred or used to including the cartoon, are not necessarily endorsed by the Tooele Transcript-Bulletin. people in show business can get away serves no one. Women have far more renew a present subscription. A5

TUESDAY October 18, 2016 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN A5 GUEST OPINION An America without borders is a nightmare ust as America was tossed But the Clinton campaign isn’t It might also be true that if a could be considered “two- re-install Hillary and Bill back — or did we eagerly commenting. And reporters hacker could hack into Clinton faced.” into the same White House jump? — into the sexual aren’t really pressing, preoccu- campaign emails, then a hack- She said Abraham Lincoln that they soiled years ago. J John Kass political gutter with Bill and pied as they are by that vulgar er might also have hacked into did it. In a movie. I get all that. GUEST COLUMNIST Hillary and Donald, there was video of a boorish Trump. top secret emails she kept on And now, rather than worry Trump is a boor and Bill other news breaking. Clinton campaign spokes- her home brew server in viola- about divisive issues such as Clinton is a boor and Hillary is At least I thought it was man Robby Mook was on tion of federal law when she borders, we’re consumed by Hillary — either a loyal spouse news. But I must warn you: understand it now, quite one of the talk shows saying was secretary of state. that vulgar Trump video. or a cunning enabler. And poli- Sex and sexual politics has clearly. Clinton’s dreams of American But I won’t say anything, lest Yet back when the Clintons tics is politics, so you’ll hate nothing to do with it. Clinton’s dream also open borders didn’t really I be denounced as a Russian held the White House, the the one or forgive the other It’s Hillary Clinton’s dream includes a Western mean open borders. spy. political left protected him. based on your preferences, or of an America without borders, Hemispheric common market, Mook said she meant open That WikiLeaks information And they defended Hillary for shout a pox upon them all. as expressed to investors of a like the European common borders in the context of green was available just before the defending Bill, who had a habit But having an America with Brazilian bank, in comments market that is dissolving in energy for all. last Clinton-Trump debate. The of putting his hands on women or without borders is also leaked by WikiLeaks. chaos, fear and debt. Cool. But then what about moderators could have asked when he held office. rather important, no? An America without bor- If that is indeed her dream, her dreams of the hemi- a question about it, but they Sex was a private matter And someone running ders, Hillary? How positively then she dreams the interna- spheric common market and chose not to. then. It’s quite a public matter for president might want to George Soros of you, Madam tionalist dream that would all the people traveling to They did ask about another now. But then it was all a pri- explain it all, in the proper Secretary. end America. But Americans and fro across the Western drop from WikiLeaks, that of vate matter, remember? context of course. “My dream is a hemispheric aren’t talking about this, per- Hemisphere? Clinton’s belief in holding one And so, after a brief bout An America without bor- common market, with open haps because there is no video So I’d like to hear Hillary public position on policy for of impeachment interruptus, ders? That’s not a dream, that’s trade and open borders, involving sex and Hollywood Clinton tell it. the public and another for pri- the American political estab- a nightmare. sometime in the future with and Trump. The way to deal with this vate consideration by insiders. lishment welcomed Bill and Ask the Europeans. They energy that’s as green and I would love to hear would be for Clinton to release Kind of like when she was Hillary back into the establish- know. sustainable as we can get it, Clinton’s explanation. Perhaps the transcripts of all her well- secretary of state and telling ment fold, where wealth and powering growth and oppor- she could put it in some proper paid speeches, the ones to America that the four dead near absolute power awaited John Kass is a columnist tunity for every person in the context. Wall Street and the one about Americans in Benghazi were them. for the Tribune who hemisphere,” Clinton report- Or perhaps she was merely border dreams to Banco Itau. killed by protesters angry What’s laughable about all also hosts a radio show on edly said to investors in a paid telling the Brazilians some- That’s what Bernie Sanders about some video. And then this is the Clintonista argu- WLS-AM. His email address is speech she gave to Brazilian thing they wanted to hear, wanted. telling her daughter and oth- ment that to cleanse America [email protected], and his Banco Itau in 2013. because they were paying her a But that’s not happening, ers, in private emails, that the of the stain of Trump, we must Twitter handle is @john_kass. Here’s the thing about bor- good chunk of cash. just like Donald Trump isn’t four were killed in a terrorist ders. If you don’t have borders, And if there is a way for releasing his tax returns. attack. you don’t have a country. America to maintain sover- So the Clintonistas are In the debate, Clinton was Please Help Us Americans are beginning to eignty without borders, Hillary blaming the Russians for the asked if an official holding a Help understand this. Europeans might be just the one to tell us. hacking. private and a public position Us Provide This Thanksgiving! Real Change Not Just Spare Change You can give a delicious Thanksgiving dinner to a Hungry and Homeless keep flooding the country with Atlantic Ocean. wrote. person for Only $1.98! Marsden cheap labor if citizens start The Clinton Foundation I couldn’t care less if Trump’s Salt Lake City Mission a trusted service provider for over 22 years will serve delicious ham or turkey and dressing, continued from page A4 pushing back in defense of accepted contributions from mouth needs an occasional women. Saudi Arabia while knowing soap wash. What matters far mashed potatoes with gravy, vegetables, roll, big piece of pie and drink. Your gift will also provide help, clean Hillary Clinton had the that the Saudis supported the more is that Trump has unwav- clothes, hygiene kits, life skills, education, assistance Germany, more than 1,000 audacity to call German Islamic State. An email that ering clarity of vision and counseling and so much more to the needy. This year we women across the country Chancellor Angela Merkel, Clinton sent to her campaign purpose, can identify danger expect to serve over 50,000 meals this Holiday Season!

were sexually assaulted on who’s chiefly responsible for chairman, John Podesta, on and is action-oriented in its �$19.80 provides 10 delicious Christmas dinners New Year’s Eve, according to a the European immigration cri- Aug. 17, 2014, (and was pub- elimination. Those attributes �$27.72 provides 14 delicious Christmas dinners leaked police document, and sis, her favorite world leader, lished by WikiLeaks) makes it could benefit not just women, ������������������������������������������������� �$55.44 provides 28 delicious Christmas dinners �$108.90 provides 55 delicious Christmas dinners about half of the suspects were adding that “her bravery in clear that she knew about this but everyone. ������������������������������������������ �$198.00 provides 100 delicious Christmas dinners foreign nationals who had the face of the refugee crisis is link. Please mail your gift today! �$542.52 provides 274 delicious Christmas dinners recently arrived in the country. something that I am impressed “We need to use our dip- Rachel Marsden is a colum- Salt Lake City Mission �$1,083.06 provides 547 delicious Christmas dinners ������������������������������ Earlier this year, a Swedish by.” lomatic and more traditional nist, political strategist and �$5,000 or my best gift of Other $______newspaper reported police Clinton’s actions as secre- intelligence assets to bring former Fox News host based in Donate By Phone 801-355-6310 �Please bill my credit card monthly for the above amount �������������������������������������������������������� had covered up reports of girls tary of state contributed to pressure on the governments of Paris. She is the host of the syn- Name______����������������������������������������� Address______being sexually harassed by failed military campaigns in Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which dicated talk show “Unredacted ����������������������������������������� City/State/Zip______immigrant youths at a music Libya and Syria, leading to the are providing clandestine with Rachel Marsden” Tuesdays ��������������������������������������� festival in mid-2015. It’s a topic creation of the Islamic State, financial and logistic support at 7 p.m. Eastern time on www. ������������������������� If Credit Card, #______Exp. Date: ______Signed:______that most politicians prefer to whose acts of terrorism have to ISIL and other radical Sunni �������������������������������������������������� Donate Online: avoid. After all, it’s tough to taken lives on both sides of the groups in the region,” Clinton Now Open Pankratz PATCH Benson Open Monday thru Friday 2pm-7:30pm Grist Mill Saturday 10:30am-7:30pm or by appointment PUMPKIN WALK Closed Sunday Accepting Credit Cards “Pumpkins of Discovery OCT 21 & 22 10AM - 8PM BENSON GRIST MILL 325 STATE RD. 138, STANSBURY PARK

Come on down to the Mill and check out the “Pumpkins of Discovery” displays. We will also have free activities for kids from 11am-2pm each day. Lots of vendor booths and food booths. Bring your kids in costume and they can Trick or Treat at the various vendor booths. Th ere will also be activities throughout the day which can be purchased, such as a petting zoo and pony rides.

or less For more information or if you would like to set up a display to be entered in the Pumpkin Display Contest, please call the mill offi ce Th ursday - Saturday 10am-6pm at 435-882-7678 or contact us by email at 150 North Coleman, Tooele [email protected] 435-241-9328 Hope to see you there! A6 OBITUARY

A6 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN TUESDAY October 18, 2016 OBITUARIES Renee Thomas Henrietta Mae Burgess McClung Fitzwater “True Blue BYU.” Renee Henrietta passed away Thomas Burgess passed away unexpectedly on Saturday, Oct. 13, 2016, at the age of 92 Oct. 15, 2016, after a short surrounded by family. She was illness. She was born Feb. 9, born Aug. 1, 1924, at home in 1932, to Henry Matthew and Pleasant View, Idaho. She was Rachael McClung in Nallen, the second of seven children West Virginia. She graduated of Charles Edward and Viola from Nuttall High School in Criesta Peterson Thomas. Lookout, West Virginia in Renee grew up on the family 1950. She joined the U.S. farm and was most content Air Force during the Korean riding horses and doing chores War and completed her basic with her dad. She was a home- training at Lackland Air Force maker, seamstress, singer and married in the Logan Temple Price, Gayle Walker and Polly Base, Texas in 1950 as a basic unsurpassed. She was also a Cochrane, Ivan Fitzwater, often times referee. She was on Aug. 10, 1948. They were Steenblik. She was preceded airman training in cryptology. musician who played the steel Angela and Marcia Salazar devoted to the LDS Church blessed with six children, and in death by her husband, par- While serving in the military guitar, while accompanying and four great-grandchildren. and applied its teachings to eventually settled and raised ents, sister Criesta, brothers she met her future husband, herself with a beautiful sopra- She was preceded in death how she lived her life. After their family in Tooele, Utah. Charles and Mark, grandson Jay Gordon Fitzwater, who no voice. She was a lifetime by her husband Jay Gordon high school, Renee worked at Tom and Renee served an LDS Bradley Burgess, great-grand- was also serving in the Air member of Weight Watchers, Fitzwater, granddaughter the Supply Depot in Ogden Spanish-speaking mission to son Cadem Bracken. Funeral Force. They married in 1951 in winning several awards while Maria Francesca Garneri, par- on large IBM data-processing Uruguay. Thereafter, she was services will be held at 2 p.m. Cheyenne, Wyoming, making working for them for more ents and two sisters. She will machines keeping track of war known as Madre to her fam- on Friday, Oct. 21, 2016, at their home in Tooele County, than 30 years. Still giving after be buried with her husband in munition shipments. After the ily. Renee is survived by her Larkin Sunset Gardens, 1950 Utah — first in Vernon, then her death, Henrietta was an Rush Valley, Utah, following war. Renee served an LDS mis- children Lorita Beers, Marcia E. Dimple Dell Road (10600 Rush Valley. She was a quiet organ donor. She is survived cremation. Special thanks to sion in western Canada. At the (Bruce) Bracken, Bruce (Lisa), South) in Sandy. A visitation southern lady and a woman by her children Angelia Joy, Brand Reynolds for the special completion of her mission she Lisa (Brent) Black, Arlene will be held from 12:30-1:30 of many talents. Henrietta Sidney Lee (Allen) Liddiard, care given to her for many remained in Canada briefly to (J.D.) Welch, Brad (Linda) and p.m. prior to the services. was a skilled artist, awarded Gordon Jay (Pennie) Fitzwater, years. She was truly fond of enjoy the sites. As a tourist, adopted daughter and friend Online condolences welcomed several blue ribbons for entries Martha Mae (Josef) Smith and him. The family would like Renee was introduced by the from Alabama, Kay Yawn (Roll at We in county and state fairs; an Lonnie Matthew Fitzwater; fos- to express their appreciation branch president’s wife to the Tide!); 16 grandchildren, 20 love you Mom. . . . “I loved you excellent seamstress, making ter children Charles Glen Davis to Didericksen Memorial of man she would marry. Thomas great-grandchildren with one first.” many of her children’s clothing and Roxanne Davis Warner; Grantsville, Utah. Arlo Burgess and Renee were on the way, and sisters Hope and her crochet abilities were grandchildren Casey and Jacob

Beth L. Greetis a homemaker. Beth’s greatest enjoyment was her family. She On a beautiful autumn day, loved family gatherings, visits, Oct. 12, 2016, Beth L. Greetis, and simple Sunday drives. She loving wife, mother, grand- was supportive of her family mother and friend, returned in all they did. Beth’s home to the loving arms of our heav- was her beautiful little world, enly Father and her eternal spotless, cozy and inviting. sweetheart, Edward A. Greetis. She loved spending time there Beth was born in Trenton, Utah surrounded by the things she on Dec. 8, 1929, to Edson and loved most, her family. Beth Fern Fuell. She married the was charismatic and caring love of her life, Ed Greetis, on which brought many cherished May 15, 1948. They were later friends into her life. She truly sealed for time and all eternity loved their many outings and on May 15, 1998. She is sur- occasional trips to Wendover. vived by her children: Patsy Beth was an active member of (Dick) York, Gary (Annette), the LDS Church. She loved her providing numerous services. Robyn (Lamar) Hadfield and latest calling of librarian where Beth’s hobbies included bowl- Tami (Cecil) Wall; 13 grand- she was able to visit with mem- ing, quilting, and crocheting. children and 21 3/4 great bers and especially children She provided quilts and doilies grandchildren. Beth worked as who loved to receive candy she to her family members and a waitress at Dell and Teddy always had available. Beth was friends. Beth will truly be Bear restaurants, and was very caring and compassionate missed by all her family and a business owner of Future and served as compassionate many friends. Funeral services Shape, but most of all she was service leader for many years were held Tuesday, Oct. 18.

435.884.3031 • Grantsville, Utah Virginia Buhler Kaye (Chesser), Tom Belich and Karma Jo (Mathews). Belich Hawkins Mel and Virginia started their life together in Midvale, liv- TOOELETRANSCRIPT BULLETIN Subscribe Today • 435-882-0050 Virginia Buhler Belich ing in a small house provided Hawkins, at age 94, joyfully by Mel’s employer (United went home to her Heavenly States Smelting). They moved Father and to join her eternal to Kearns after 10 years and companion on Oct. 15, 2016. when the Midvale Smelter She is survived by her son and closed they moved to Tooele, daughter, eight grandchildren Utah. Virginia went to work and 21 great-grandchildren. at the Tooele Army Depot Services will be held Oct. so her children could attend 21, 2016, at 1 p.m. at Goff college. She received many Mortuary, 8090 S. State Street, service awards and accolades Midvale, Utah. Viewing will for her superior performance. be from noon-12:45 p.m. prior After Melvin’s passing, she to service. Interment will be married Max Hawkins. They sons-in-law Dean Mathews in the Midvale City Cemetery. enjoyed each other’s compan- of St. George, Utah and Larry Virginia was born Jan. 19, ionship for 19 years. Virginia Chesser of Salmon, Idaho; 1922, to Jesse Joseph and Iris was a member of The Church grandchildren Nicole (Belich) Kunz Buhler in Bern, Idaho on of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Scrubbs, Peter Belich, Broc a night the temperature was Saints serving in many capaci- Mathews, Monika (Mathews) 45 degrees below zero. Her ties including Junior Sunday Pierce, RJ Mathews, Britny feet were never warm from School Coordinator, Primary (Mathews) Hall, Marci that day forward. She and her Teacher and Young Woman (Chesser) Hall, Valorie family moved to Midvale, Utah leader. In her later years, (Chesser) Hall plus spouses shortly after her birth. She Virginia was an avid reader, and 21 great-grandchildren, graduated from Jordan High reading up to the last days of all of whom love and adore School and was proud to be a her life. She answered and Virginia. Preceding her in “Beetdigger.” Virginia was very sent e-mails, participated in death are her eternal compan- industrious, having many jobs Facebook and played games ion, Melvin Belich; daughter as a young woman to help with on the computer. She enjoyed Susan (Belich) Chesser; par- the family budget. She mar- having family around her and ents Jesse and Iris Buhler; sis- ried Melvin Joseph Belich on was very proud of all of them. ters Betty (Buhler) Yuhas and July 23, 1943; their marriage She is survived by her brother Marjean (Buhler) Jacobson; was later solemnized in the Joseph Buhler of Midvale, brothers Roscoe Buhler, Melvin October 25, 2016 Salt Lake LDS temple on Feb. Utah; son Tom Belich, Mt. Buhler and second husband 10, 1944. They were blessed Shasta, California; daughter Max Hawkins. 5:00-8:30 pm with three children: Susan Karma (Belich) Mathews;

Hosted @ Casa del Rey Reiko Lee Dennis Chaput 533 E. Main St Grantsville, UT 84029 Hashimoto Warr (Frenchy)

Reiko Lee Hashimoto Warr On Oct. 10, 2016, Dennis was born in Japan on June Chaput (Frenchy) passed away. 5, 1928; she died in Orem, There will be a wake held at Utah on Oct. 12, 2016. Lee is 48 E. Vine (Corner Pocket) on survived by her son Michael Oct. 22, 2016, at 2 p.m. Boyd Warr, and her daughter, Join us for dinner while we serve YOU and work Sherrie Ann Warr Martell. She was loved by many for her service in the LDS Church and James Albert Kinney for tips to buy turkeys and hams for this years’ her talent and love of garden- ing and cooking. Many people James Albert Kinney, age Holiday Dinner baskets @ the Food Bank were rewarded for their help 86, passed away Oct. 16, 2016, to her with delicious chocolate at his home in Circleville, éclairs and eggrolls. A celebra- Utah. Graveside service will be tion of life memorial service held Friday, Oct. 21, 2016, at will be held on Saturday, Nov. 11 a.m. at the Leeds Cemetery Complete 5 from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in Leeds, Utah under the at the Erda Church House, 134 direction of Southern Utah Local Sports E. Erda Way, Erda, Utah. Mortuary. Online condolences can be made at www.sumortu- DINNER RAFFLE In Every Issue TOOELETRANSCRIPT BULLETIN A7

TUESDAY October 18, 2016 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN A7 Old Grantsville Church theatre begins run of ‘The King and I’

JESSICA HENRIE lenging but it’s an awesome King and I” apart from previ- STAFF WRITER challenge because we don’t ous musicals performed at the The Old Grantsville Church have a conductor, so we have Old Grantsville Church is that Dinner Theatre opens a new to make sure we know where the decade in which the story musical this week with its big- we are and when we come in.” takes place is the same decade gest cast ever and live music, This is Miles’ first time par- the church was built, Wanberg said director Macae Wanberg. ticipating in a production at said. Performances of “The King the Old Grantsville Church. “It’s kind of a fun coinci- and I” begin this Thursday and Her daughter, on the other dence,” she said. continue through Monday. hand, has performed in several Tickets for the show have There are 43 cast members, plays. been popular and Wanberg including 15 children and “When we first moved here said she expects the seats to fill around 10 teens, Wanberg … we were looking for a way up quickly. said. to get involved in the commu- A variety of businesses will “This is the biggest cast nity,” she said. “My daughter cater the performances on Oct. we’ve had so far,” she said. has been in several [plays]; I 20, 21 and 22. Evening per- “We haven’t had many more never have but … hearing they formances begin at 6:30 p.m. than 30 ever before. It’s been a were wanting to do ‘The King with a matinee performance little bit of a challenge — we’re and I,’ I thought it’d be fun to on Saturday starting at 12:30 having to create more dressing have some live music.” p.m. Tickets must be reserved room space and fit them all Miles added, “I’m really or purchased in advance and onstage at the end.” impressed with the cast. There range from $16 to $20 each. Wanberg chose to include are some really good actors. It’s The doors open a half hour so many people because the going to be exciting to see how before the published start time. play calls for a large supporting it turns out.” To reserve tickets, call or cast. Despite the logistical chal- Most of the cast members text 435-241-8131. To pur- lenges involved in costuming are local residents — audi- chase tickets in advance, visit and directing so many people, ence members will recognize www.oldgrantsvillechurch. the play has come together, she a familiar face in the king, com. said. played by Aaron Nelson. But The theatre will hold a In addition to seeing more leading lady Breanne Schow is show-only performance on performers, audience members from Lehi, Wanberg said. Oct. 24 at 7 p.m. Tickets can be will also be able to enjoy live Schow has opera training, purchased at the door and cost accompaniment to the musi- and she’s been able to help $10 for adults, $8 for seniors cal for the first time, Wanberg coach the cast in singing. age 60 and up, and $7 for kids said. COURTESY OF KELLY WANBERG “She’s probably our person age 4-12. The doors open at “It’s been really great; Breanne Schow, in character as Anna, is surrounded by children Coulter Thomsen, Rylee Dalton, Hannah Smith, Lila with the most expertise and 6:30 p.m. they’re all really great musi- Mouritsen, Emma Mouritsen, Spencer Smith, Haleigh Rice, Eliza Smith, Keilani Martinson, Mary Martinson, Brielle most everybody else is kind of The Old Grantsville Church cians,” she said. “This show is a Rasmussen, Jaxson Smith, Ryan Scott, Charles Martinson. “The King and I” opens this Thursday. from the area,” Wanberg said. Dinner Theatre is located little more classic and formal, “We have some great talent in at 297 W. Clark Street in so it fits well.” lead the group. accompanying sound to the However, this is her first the area.” Grantsville. Zana Miles, the mother of Miles, who plays the viola, group of string instruments. time participating in a smaller Another thing that sets “The [email protected] one of the cast members, sug- found violinists Chantel Farley This isn’t the first time Miles accompanying group. Although gested using a string quartet and Jean Pierre Jaquot as well has accompanied “The King it has its difficulties, her fellow when Wanberg first started as cellist Nathan Christensen and I.” In high school, she was musicians have impressed her. holding rehearsals. Wanberg to form the quartet. Pianist a member of the orchestra that “It’s definitely a new experi- liked the idea, asking Miles to Christie Steadman will add an played for the musical. ence,” Miles said. “It’s chal- In Memoriam Kenneth Sheriff’s dispatch office gathering H. Nix October 19, 1949 - donations for displaced colleague March 2, 2009 STEVE HOWE Fire District. Fire and smoke and 7/8 in shirts; the boys apartment, she said. STAFF WRITER were showing on the roof and wear jeans in sizes 6, 12 and Donations can be dropped The fire that caused exten- water used on the roof caused 14, as well as shirts in youth off at two locations: Tooele sive damage to a South Rim sections of drywall to fall on sizes XL, M-L and 7/8. County Dispatch at the home on Oct. 8 displaced a firefighters inside the home; In addition to donations of Emergency Operations Center, Tooele County dispatcher, her they were uninjured. clothing and toys, the family 15 E. 100 South in Tooele City, Your essence and strength will husband and four children. The family has a small is in need of gift cards or mon- or the Tooele Utah Highway forever be with us. To help out, the Tooele refrigerator in their hotel room etary donations for household Patrol office at 1929 N. Aaron County Sheriff’s Office but doesn’t have a stove to goods and other basic needs, Drive. Gift cards or monetary Dispatch is gathering dona- cook on, Nelson said. While Nelson said. While the dam- donations can be mailed to Love and gratitude always, tions for the family. they have been able to return age to the home is assessed the listed address for Tooele Shannon and Cassandra Tooele County Sheriff’s Lt. to school, Tooele County and repaired, the Cloughs will County Dispatch. Regina Nelson said the dis- Dispatch is looking for dona- likely need to rent a home or [email protected] patcher affected by the fire, tions of toys, board games, Jennifer Clough, returned to books, Legos, dolls and other work following the fire but the toys for the three boys aged family is still living in a hotel in 7, 11 and 14 and a 9-year-old Lake Point. The Cloughs’ home girl. received extensive smoke, fire “They’re trying to get back and water damage during the to some sense of normalcy,” blaze but was not ruled a total Nelson said. loss. Through its Facebook page, THE STEADY HAND At least 25 firefighters Tooele County Dispatch listed from five different agencies the sizes for all members of the battled the three-alarm fire at family for donations of new the home on Deer Run Drive, and gently used clothes. The according to the North Tooele daughter wears size 7 pants OF LEADERSHIP

Strengthening Utah’s economy Championing education Keeping taxes low Fighting federal overreach

FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO The Clough family home is South Rim suffered fire damage on October 8. The Tooele County Sherriff’s Office Dispatch is collectiing donations to help the family.




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During his arraignment on notified the police department, Market Coach Monday, Ware was reminded the parents of the students and his release is conditioned on no the school district. The school Tooele County 3rd Quarter Homes Sold continued from page A1 continued from page A1 direct or indirect contact with district conducted an internal 400 the alleged victims. investigation and the school from $185,000 in the third 2015. A pretrial conference for board accepted his resignation quarter of 2015 to $208,300 in 300 Following Ware’s arrest on Ware was scheduled for during its Oct. 11 meeting. the third quarter of 2016. Sept. 1, Grantsville City Police Nov. 22 at 1:30 p.m. before Ware was hired as an The number of days a home Chief Kevin Turner said the Adkins at the Tooele County assistant football coach at stays on the market before 200 victims were 16 and 17 years Courthouse. Stansbury High School in being sold was 17 days in the old during a press conference In the probable cause state- September 2009 through third quarter of 2016. That is at the school district offices. ment from Grantsville City December 2010. He was hired Number of Homes SoldNumber of Homes 100 the fastest turnaround time for Police were notified of the police, one of the alleged as an assistant football coach home sales in Tooele County alleged sexual misconduct by victims said Ware touched her at GHS in August 2011 and 0 since June 2007. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Ware with one student; a sec- inappropriately on several dif- transferred to the same posi- The steady, slow rise in local ond juvenile female victim was ferent occasions and said she tion at SHS in April 2014. home values is creating a sus- Tooele County 3rd Quarter identified in the subsequent saw the same abuse happen to Ware was hired as the tainable market, according to investigation. the other victim. GHS head football coach in local real estate agents. Median Home Sales Price Ware bonded out of jail on According to a news release February 2015 and was hired “That steady growth is $220,000 Sept. 8 for $39,720 following from the Tooele County School as a special education, long- good,” Hall said. “We aren’t his initial appearance in court District, GHS principal Mark term substitute teacher in seeing a huge bubble that before Judge Robert Adkins, Ernst received information of August 2015. $190,000 could burst on us.” according to court records. the alleged sexual assault and [email protected] Vicki Griffith, broker with Premier Real Estate of Tooele, $160,000 agrees with Hall. “That steady increase is $130,000 Fire what we want to see,” Griffith said. continued from page A1 In addition to an increase $100,000 in home values, an increase in 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 levels of insurance coverage, home sales in the upper end everyone who was displaced by of the market is contributing “With a low supply of homes home buyers, according to the July 19 fire has a place to a little to the increase in the and a strong demand for sales, Griffith. stay, he said. median sales price. we are in a seller’s market,” she “The rental market remains “Most of them are in tem- “We sold a $475,000 home said. tight along with homes porary housing,” Whitehouse in Erda this quarter,” Griffith However, with interest rates below $200,000,” she said. said. “[Bill] Fuwell has been said. “During the recession, still low and no down pay- “Hopefully as people move up through the rebuilding process properties in that price range ment financing still available to bigger homes that will open and there are others that are in were not moving.” in Tooele, there is still a good up new listings on the lower different levels of rebuilding as While homes sales and supply of buyers, according to side of the median price.” well, but most are in temporary prices are up, the number of Hall. Hall said local real estate housing.” new listings for sales was down Even with a buyer’s market, agents are looking forward to “Temporary housing” can TTB FILE PHOTO 12 percent in the third quarter home appraisers serve as a 2016 ending as a good year for mean anything from living in Ten homes were destroyed in the July 19 fire in Tooele City and most of the of 2016, dropping to 444 from check, keeping sale prices from real estate in Tooele County, an apartment to staying with displaced residents are still living in temporary housing, an official said. 504 in the third quarter of jumping, according to both regardless of how the presiden- family, Whitehouse said. 2015. Hall and Griffith. tial election turns out. In addition to having a place Nine local agencies and more in Tooele City’s known history, The drop in new listings With home sales rising and “It might make a difference for now, all but two of the fire than 80 firefighters responded according to Jim Bolser, city combined with the increase in homes in the upper end of the in interest rates,” Hall said. victims are looking to rebuild to the fire in July, which was director of community develop- sales is creating a short supply market moving again, Tooele “But the election won’t affect on their lots, he said. pushed by 20-30 mph winds ment and public works. of homes for sale in the county, County needs more homes our market.” “So far in talking to them, toward homes on Van Dyke Tooele City Police according to Hall. below $200,000 for first-time [email protected] we’re only aware of two and American ways, as well Department and state fire offi- that are not leaning toward as South Coleman Street and cials continue to investigate the rebuilding,” Whitehouse said. Concord Drive. The blaze fire as arson. “…They’re trying to figure out burned through the night. Total costs of the blaze are ��������������������������������������� how to stay through different In terms of loss of structures, still being determined. funding sources.” the blaze was the biggest fire [email protected] TOOELETRANSCRIPT Subscribe Today! 58 N. Main Street 882-0050 BULLETIN MATTERS OF FAITH The Eternal King will always comfort you Less waiting where it matters most – he coming presidential election has everyone up in arms. Although there our emergency room. T Andy Lynch are many reasons this is so, they Faster. GUEST COLUMNIST are beyond my area of expertise. In a medical emergency, every minute matters. So, at Instead of weighing the pros Mountain West Medical Center, you’ll find faster care and cons of each candidate, I will point you to a reality of which ness to rule is by an endowment in the emergency room. We work diligently to have you you may have lost sight. The by/of God’s Spirit, and 2) as a reality of which I speak is this: If result of this endowment, he will initially seen by a medical professional* in 30 minutes – or you are a Christian, you have a rule with perfect wisdom, knowl- king and His name is Jesus. edge, and judgment concerning less. And, with a team of dedicated medical specialists, we We can find out more about all things. can provide a lot more care, if you need it. Him from the pages of the Bible From our point of view, we in Isaiah 11:1-5. I want to point know King Jesus has claimed out three particular characteris- this ability for Himself when He The 30-Minutes-Or-Less E.R. Service Pledge – tics of King Jesus found in these tells the crowds He has come to at Mountain West Medical Center. verses: He is in the Davidic Line do the exact will of the Father (v. 1), He is “Spirit-Filled” (v. 2), and not His own in John 6:38. In and He is a Righteous Judge (vv. other words, King Jesus pursues 3-5). the plan of God in all things, Isaiah 11:1 opens with a peek including His reign as King into the devastation the Lord — perfectly. has just introduced in the final Finally, Isaiah 11:3-5 provides verse of Chapter 10, where we the people of Israel a view of see the kingdoms will be shorn how it is the Spirit-Filled, Davidic to the ground like a forest that King will utilize that perfect wis- has been completely harvested. dom, knowledge and judgment. However, we also see a glimpse What both they and we are able of the hope the Lord provides in to see is the fundamental char- the “stump.” acteristic of this King’s rule is In this case, the stump is not Righteousness demonstrated by the invading kingdoms that the his insight (v. 3), his compassion Lord will judge, but instead the and authority (v 4), and his over- stump of the Davidic line, a line all uprightness (v. 6). so disjointed and seemingly The insight of verse 3 seems insignificant that the Lord refers to be of a deeper measure than to it not by King David’s name, what human senses can supply, but by his father’s — Jesse (cf. 1 indicating that like God, who Sam 16:1). looks upon the heart (cf. 1 Sam A significant hope for Israel 16:7) so also this King. The com- then, and us now, is that the passion the Coming King dem- Lord is confirming His promise onstrates toward the helpless is to King David to seat a son (Son) the opposite of the contemporary upon his throne forever (cf. 2 Kings of Israel and would appear Sam 7:8-17; 1 Chron 17:1-15). to be the exact activity God has In effect, we see that God, who in mind when He reveals He will cannot lie (Titus 1:2), is affirm- be Israel’s Shepherd (cf. Ez 34). ing His promise to King David. The authority of the King is From our point of view, we revealed to be absolute; what- are able to look to the past fulfill- ever His mouth speaks comes ment of this promise in the arriv- to pass whether in blessing al of the King in the Incarnation, or condemnation. Finally, the as well as to future fulfillment as inward righteousness of the King presented in Revelation 19-22, is displayed outwardly to such an when the King returns to claim extent that Isaiah compares it to the kingdom that is rightfully clothing adorning the King! His. You may be wondering what We learn in Isaiah 11:2 that this has to do with you. It really the King is what we might term doesn’t matter who ends up as Spirit-Filled, or Holy Spirit- president, because he or she Filled. In this case, the spirit will be unable to unseat King being described is called the Jesus from His throne, and if “Spirit of the Lord,” which is a you are a Christian, that should translation of just two words in be a source of great comfort. Hebrew. What we have then is However, this should not be the bestowing of God’s Spirit taken as a call to abandon your to/on His king in a special man- right of franchise, but rather to ner that perhaps has not been use your God-given conscience seen since the reign of David in in the exercise of the same while Israel’s history. giving your King the glory He We can derive two things con- alone deserves. *Medical professionals may include physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners. cerning the characteristics of the King in this verse other than he is Andy Lynch is pastor at to be Spirit-Filled: 1) that his fit- Stansbury Park Baptist Church.

93450_MOUN_ERpledge_5_197x10c.indd 1 9/29/16 3:26 PM TUESDAY October 18, 2016 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN B1

Unless otherwise requested, community news items such as weddings, missionaries, birthdays, babies and The Bulletin • Weddings, Missionaries, Birthdays Board must be submitted by 3 p.m. the day prior to the desired publication date. To place a community news item or for more • Classifieds and Public Notices information contact the Community News Editor at 882-0050 or [email protected]. Items more than one month old Sports will not be considered for publication.

SPORTS WRAP Junior Buffs Basketball Registration is now open for Tooele nearly overlooks Park City Junior Buffs Basketball. The program is open to all boys in grades 1-8 and will begin Nov. Buffaloes come back from 14-0 halftime deficit to win by three touchdowns 19. Please register now as TAVIN STUCKI later to make it 7-0 with 6:42 ball,” Tooele senior defensive late fees will begin Nov. 1. All SPORTS EDITOR THS FOOTBALL left in the first. end Jaren Wilson said. “My “The first half, teams are guaranteed eight For about two quarters, it Midway through the second running backs ran hard and games plus a playoff game. looked like Park City might offense, a tough defense,” quarter, the Miners stopped wouldn’t go down.” it was all on us. Registration also includes a mess up the region standings Tooele head coach Kyle Brady Tooele senior running back Then good things started to jersey and a clinic prior to with an upset over probable- said. “They hung with all the Mike Dunn inches short of the happen for Tooele. We kept shoot- team selection. Visit www. No. 2 seed Tooele at home on top teams in our region.” line to gain on a fourth-and-2 After a touchback to open to register. Thursday. The Buffaloes struggled play, and Zur connected with the second half, Wilson sacked ing ourselves USWNT But after a rousing halftime early and allowed a Park City junior wide receiver Beau Zur, forcing a fumble that set The US Women’s National speech with a two-touch- touchdown eight plays after Pederson for a 20-yard touch- the Miners back to their own 2- in the foot. The Team will face Switzerland down deficit at the break, the going three-and-out on offense down to make it 14-0 three yard line. A defensive offsides second half, we at Rio Tinto Stadium on Buffaloes went and scored to start the game. Senior quar- minutes later. penalty made it second-and- Wednesday at 7 p.m. Tickets three times in the third quarter terback Spencer Zur ran for “The first half, it was all on 13, but Zur was again stopped played to our are available through ussoccer. en route to a second-half shut- a 38-yard gain in a designed us. We kept shooting ourselves behind the line for a 2-yard com. out and a 35-14 win. keeper to get the Miners to in the foot. The second half, loss. Zur was injured on the potential.” HS 3A football scores “They’re a good team. I the Tooele 1-yard line, then we played to our potential and Jaren Wilson mean, they’ve got a really good finished the drive off two plays we were playing Tooele foot- SEE TOOELE PAGE B4 ➤ Canyon View 30, Tooele football North Sanpete 27 Juan Diego 38, Emery 7 Morgan 17, Grantsville 14 Union 28, Carbon 0 Delta 38, Richfield 8 Sluggish Stallions hold off Scots Stallion Juab 355, Manti 3 HS 3AA football scores Stansbury Bear River 33, Judge 7 coach Ridgeline 49, Logan 7 wins eighth Stansbury 35, Ben Lomond 28 Tooele 35, Park City 14 straight in earns HS 3A soccer tourney scores Ridgeline 1, Tooele 0 campaign of Logan 5, Stansbury 3 Snow Canyon 2, 3AA North 100th Canyon View 1 (OT) Juan Diego 6, Park City 2 DARREN VAUGHAN Semifinal matchups COMMUNITY NEWS EDITOR A lackadaisical effort may career (Matches to be played at Jordan High School on Friday. have been good enough for a winners to play at 4:30 p.m. region championship-clinching Saturday at Rio Tinto Stadium) victory Thursday night, but the Stansbury football team was victory 4 Ridgeline vs. 1 Logan, 3:45 p.m. anything but satisfied after its DARREN VAUGHAN COMMUNITY NEWS EDITOR 2 Snow Canyon vs. 35-28 road victory over Ben 2 Juan Diego, 6 p.m. Lomond. The Stansbury football team’s 35-28 victory over Ben HS 3A volleyball scores Lomond on Thursday night Park City 3, Union 0 SHS FOOTBALL allowed the Stallions to clinch Juab 3, Carbon 2 the Class 3AA North region North Sanpete, 3, Richfield 0 The Stallions (8-1, 6-0 Class title, but it represented another Canyon View 3, Cedar 1 3AA North) had touchdowns milestone as well: the 100th called back by penalties and win of Clint Christiansen’s Region 18 volleyball Scores dropped open passes, and the coaching career. Intermountain Christian 3, defense let the Scots (5-4, 2-4) Dugway 0 post 409 yards of total offense. St. Joseph 3, Merit 0 “This was a wake-up call SHS FOOTBALL Wendover 3, West Ridge 0 for our kids,” Stansbury coach Tintic 3, Wendover 1 Clint Christiansen said. “We Christiansen has a 54-30 did everything possible to just FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTOS record as Stansbury’s head Grantville Jr Jazz kill ourselves out there. It was Stansbury’s Tavita Gagnier (34, above) knocks down a pass as time expires in Thursday’s away game against the coach, dating to the Stallions’ Online registrations are now one of those games, but a good Ben Lomond Scots. Stansbury’s Ryan Moody (26, below) runs for a gain in the 35-28 win. inaugural season in 2009. open at www.grantsvillejrjazz. team’s got to battle through Stansbury will make its sixth com. You can register in that.” Didericksen scored on a 70-yard receiver. Moments like that left consecutive postseason appear- person at Hometown Pizza Stansbury led 28-7 at half- sprint down the right sideline on Christiansen frustrated through- ance this fall and has posted a (Handy Corner) at 230 E. time, only to see Ben Lomond Stansbury’s next offensive play. out the evening. 51-14 record since 2011. Main Street in Grantsville quarterback Kenyon Harris and The Stallions added a third “We left three touchdowns “It’s special, but there’s from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Oct. slotback Deontay Nish rack up touchdown with 22 seconds left out there in the first half,” he a lot of people who have 13, 20, 27 and Nov. 3. For 147 yards and two touchdowns been involved in this,” said questions or more info, email in the first quarter on McIntyre’s said. “We made a lot of mistakes [email protected]. through the air in the second 14-yard run. that we don’t usually make, but Christiansen, who was half. The Scots had 11 plays Ben Lomond cut the lead to we got out of here with a win.” unaware of the milestone Junior Stallions basketball go for 10 yards or more after 21-7 with 6:31 left in the first Ben Lomond opened the until hearing about it after the Basketball season is just halftime. half as Angelo Rios scored on a second half with a nine-play, game. “I’ve had a blueprint of around the corner — Do not “I think this game will 2-yard run set up by a 39-yard 65-yard drive capped by Rios’ 1- what I wanted to accomplish miss out on Junior Stallions humble us a little bit,” Stansbury pass from Harris to Connor yard touchdown run. Stansbury here, but any coach will tell basketball. Junior Stallions senior Matt McIntyre said. “We’ll “We were calling good plays Barrow on fourth-and-5. But answered with an eight-play, you that you’ve got to surround basketball offers eight come back next week even more — there were a couple plays two plays and 58 seconds later, 60-yard scoring drive that ended themselves with great people Saturday skill-building sessions prepared and crank up our that were there all night. Our McIntyre stiff-armed several with a 7-yard run up the middle who believe in what you want with high school coaches and intensity because now we know line was doing what they were Scots defenders on his way to by McIntyre. to accomplish. I’ve been fortu- players, a competitive league we’ve got to work for it.” supposed to do and opening a 41-yard touchdown run to After that, it was the Harris- nate to have some great guys and a guaranteed eight games McIntyre was a workhorse, up those holes for me to run restore the Stallions’ 21-point to-Nish show for the Scots. The over the past eight years who per participant. Each player will rushing for 253 yards and three through.” advantage. two connected for a 15-yard have played just a big a part receive a jersey or T-shirt along touchdowns on 31 carries. Two Stansbury got on the board Stansbury missed an opportu- touchdown pass with 4:33 left in building this program as I with a Stallion basketball. of those scores came in the first 3:18 into the game on Casey nity to stretch its lead even fur- in the third quarter, and created have.” For registration, please visit half. Roberts’ 56-yard touchdown run ther with just under two minutes a tense moment for the Stallions Christiansen, a graduate of “Our line was doing a good down the left sideline. After Ben left in the half as the Stallions with Nish’s 42-yard catch and Grantsville High School and The program is scheduled to job opening up holes and hold- Lomond’s next drive fizzled and failed to convert on a perfectly begin Nov. 12 for children in ing their blocks,” McIntyre said. the Scots had to punt, McCoy thrown deep ball to an open SEE STANSBURY PAGE B5 ➤ SEE CLINT PAGE B5 ➤ grades K-8. The cost is $60 for the skill sessions, $60 for the competitive league or $100 for both. Email any questions to jrstallionsbasketball@gmail. Early mistakes cost Cowboys in loss to 1st-place Morgan com.

Utah Motorsports Campus DARREN VAUGHAN The final event scheduled at COMMUNITY NEWS EDITOR “I felt like we GHS FOOTBALL Utah Motorsports Campus is For 42 minutes on Friday, the beat them on the 13th round of the Utah Grantsville football team out- Grantsville Quarterback Coy Johnson (10) gains some yards after Kart Championship on Oct. 22. played Morgan, the top-ranked the field and breaking past Morgan’s Porter Giles Utah Jazz team in Class 3A. (21). Johnson was a threat with his The Jazz beat the Clippers Unfortunately for the the score didn’t arm and his legs, throwing for 109 104-78 on Monday. Rudy Cowboys, the first six minutes of yards and rushing for 70 more in Gobert had 17 points, 10 the game ultimately determined show it.” Friday’s loss. rebounds and three blocks. the outcome. The Trojans capi- Riley Smith Utah is scheduled to play the talized on an early Grantsville Grantsville football 9:07 left in the first half. The final preseason game at 7 turnover and added another drive took nine minutes and 18 p.m. on Wednesday against score on a deep passing play, and seconds to complete. the Portland Trailblazers. never surrendered the lead en to punt on its next possession, “He was doing a good job The regular season will begin route to a 17-14 win in the Class the Trojans needed just two plays — making good reads and mak- Tuesday at Portland. 3A North finale at Morgan High to score as quarterback Tucker ing good throws,” Grantsville School. Skinner hit running back Austin coach Loren Anderson said. “He’s Real Salt Lake “I felt like we beat them on the Francis for a 54-yard touchdown a two-year starter, so we kind of RSL played to a scoreless field and the score didn’t show reception. expect him to do well. Coy’s a draw with Sporting Kansas City it,” Grantsville senior Riley Smith From that point on, the competitor and he’s a leader. The on Sunday, giving Real a bump said. “After the first six minutes Cowboys were the better team, kids expect a lot of him and he to fourth place in the Western and after they went up 14-0, I limiting Morgan to 175 yards of does a good job.” FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO Conference standings. Salt felt like we came back and we total offense the rest of the way The momentum carried over Lake will next face Seattle on won that ballgame even though while gaining 311. to the defensive side of the ball a 45-yard field goal as time fourth-and-1. the road Sunday in a four-vs.- they scored more points.” Quarterback Coy Johnson as Jonah Bartley sacked Skinner expired, stretching the lead to It appeared Grantsville was five matchup in the west. The Cowboys (4-5, 3-2 Class was a threat with his arm and on three consecutive plays 17-7. about to regain momentum two Utah Grizzlies 3A North) fumbled the ball on his legs, throwing for 109 yards on Morgan’s next possession. The Trojans had a chance to plays later when Smith sprinted The Grizzlies pounded the their second play from scrim- and rushing for 70 more. Many Neither team got much going put the game out of reach early 70 yards down the right sideline, Idaho Steelheads on Friday mage, giving the Trojans (8-2, of those yards came on the offensively until Morgan got the in the fourth quarter after driv- putting the Cowboys in prime and Saturday, winning both 5-0) the ball on Grantsville’s 14- Cowboys’ first scoring drive, a ball back near midfield with 1:29 ing 82 yards to the Cowboys’ scoring position. But when an games by a combined score of yard line. Sam Fisher put Morgan 17-play, 86-yard masterpiece left in the half. The Trojans had 5-yard line. But Grantsville’s official threw his flag for a face 7-1. The two teams will tangle on the board with a 2-yard run that culminated in Johnson’s 7- a touchdown called back on an defense rose to the occasion, mask penalty against the Trojans, again this weekend in Idaho. four plays later. yard touchdown pass to Andrew offensive pass interference call stopping Francis on third-and-1 After Grantsville was forced Floyd on fourth-and-goal with before Carson Flinton booted and stuffing Conley Breshears on SEE COWBOYS PAGE B5 ➤ B2 HOMETOWN


STORY DARREN VAUGHAN Vibrant at 105 Nora Dalpiaz celebrates milestone birthday with family, friends

ora Dalpiaz has seen things that most people SUE BUTTERFIELD/ only read about in history books. She was TTB PHOTOS in her 20s during the Great Depression. The Nora Dalpiaz N (top) sits in her bombing of Pearl Harbor happened when she was living room 30. Eighteen U.S. presidents have served during her Wednesday lifetime. with flowers she And Nora recently reached another milestone: received on her on Sept. 30, she celebrated her 105th birthday at a 105th birthday gathering of friends and family in her apartment at in the back- the home of her granddaughter, Amy Wilcox, and ground. Amy her husband, Chris. She was recognized by Tooele Wilcox and Mary City Councilman Steve Pruden, who presented her Bottino (left) with a certificate on behalf of the city in honor of her pose with their grandmother milestone birthday. and mother. Nora has lived in Tooele since 2008, having lived nearly all her life in small mining towns in Carbon County. She was born in Majestic, Colorado, the



Nora continued from page B2 LOST Lost family pet has been missing since Tuesday, October 11. Vicinity of 1000 N and Paulus Blvd REWARD! Information regarding “Moe”. Please call Julie at 843-0269 or 830-3167.

SUE BUTTERFIELD/TTB PHOTO COURTESY OF MARY BOTTINO Nora Dalpiaz lived most of her life in small mining towns in Carbon PET OF THE WEEK County, Utah. She moved to Tooele, where she lives with her grand- daughter, Amy Wilcox, in 2008.. third of eight children to John and Helen Williams Piacitelli. The family moved from Colorado to Sunnyside, Utah when Nora was four or five years old. When she was eight years old, Nora helped care for her family during the 1918 influ- enza epidemic. “I was kind of a takeover person,” she recalled. “I was the nurse. I fixed their meals and the whole business. I for fi nding all didn’t really get sick.” our pets a good Nora and her husband, Frank, were engaged in 1937 home. after meeting at a church car- nival at the old Saltaire – an event holds a special place in her memory. “[Saltaire was] where we went out on Saturday nights and danced,” Nora said. “It was For more info. on animals- Adoption Procedure a big dance hall in those days. Tooele County Local shelter adoption requires It wasn’t a long engagement Animal Shelter 882-1051 vaccination payment, licensing – maybe about a year.” and possible shelter fee. They were married a year Tooele City Animal Shelter 882-8900 later and moved to the small Shelters are required to town of Helper. Frank served in Grantsville hold animals for 5 business the postal service of the United Animal Shelter 884-6881 days before euthanization. States Navy in the Philippine Islands during World War II, eventually becoming the post- Brought to you by Joe H. Roundy, D.V.M. master in Helper. “I remember that,” Nora said Tooele Veterinary Clinic of Frank serving in the war. PHOTO COURTESY OF MARY BOTTINO 1182 N. 80 E., Tooele • 882-1051 “That was a very unhappy time mother-in-law has experienced Franklin and Isabel Wilcox (top right) snuggle up with their great-grandma in my life.” in her life, but also how vibrant Nora Dalpiaz after school Oct. 5 at their home. Nora has two children, five Nora’s daughter, Mary she continues to be – right grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Nora met her husband, Frank (above) at Saltaire, an old dance hall near the Great Salt Lake, in 1937. They Bottino, remembered the down to how she dresses. Your Complete TOOELE had been married 58 years when Frank passed away in 1996. The couple is TRANSCRIPT story Nora told her of how she “She amazes us every day,” pictured on their 50th wedding anniversary in 1988. Local News Source BULLETIN found out that Frank was being he said. “She’s always dressed deployed. really nice. Even when you “What she used to tell me just want to lounge around in was she was at the park in San sweatpants, she doesn’t. She Francisco with my brother always dresses nice. I can’t playing and they were just imagine seeing [Nora] at having a day at the park,” said Walmart in her pajamas like Bottino, who travels from her everybody else.” Take the first step toward relief home in Salt Lake City each She even has her own cel- Wednesday to spend time with lular phone, which she uses from hip or knee pain. her mother and help her with to communicate with the Active. cooking and other needs. “He Wilcoxes, her son Phil and Get back to the active life you love with help from Mountain West Medical fell in the water or somehow Bottino. Center. Join Dr. Jake Daynes, orthopedic surgeon, for a free seminar to learn got wet, so they had to come “It’s a flip phone. Obviously, home and change clothes. she doesn’t do any internet about solutions to knee and hip joint pain. He will discuss treatment options When they got there, my dad searches,” said Chris Wilcox, that range from physical therapy and injections to minimally invasive surgery, was there with a duffel bag who is a teacher at Tooele High loading his clothes. That’s how School. “Even her ability to Jake Daynes, D.O. including robotic-assisted surgery. Get your questions answered and learn they found out.” [use the cell phone] is pretty Nora attended the Holy amazing. One thing that I tell Orthopedic Surgeon whether you may be a candidate for joint replacement surgery. Cross Hospital School of the kids [at school] is that if Nursing, graduating in 1937 I put my phone on vibrate, I and working at Holy Cross and always look to see if it says Carbon hospitals for more than ‘Grandma Nora.’ When I tell 40 years. She retired in 1979. the kids who old she is, they’re Nora and Frank were mar- shocked and they don’t believe ried 58 years when Frank it.” passed away in 1996. Nora took part in the State FREE Joint Pain Seminar According to her biography of Utah’s annual celebration of When: Tuesday, October 25 submitted to the Governor’s centenarians, hosted by Gov. Century Club of Utah, she Gary Herbert and First Lady Where: Mountain West Medical Center continued to live in Helper Jeanette Herbert in August Classrooms until age 95, remaining active in Salt Lake City. She was the in the St. Anthony’s Catholic third-oldest woman in atten- 2055 North Main Street, Tooele Parish choir right up to dance, and she is one of only Start your journey now! when she moved to Tooele. 20 people in the state age 104 She is a parishioner of Saint or older. There are 141 mem- Sign up by calling 435-843-3787. Marguerite Catholic Church in bers of Utah’s “Century Club,” Tooele. including two from Tooele Chris Wilcox marveled not County. only at how much his grand- [email protected]

PHOTO COURTESY OF MARY BOTTINO Patient results may vary. Consult your physician about the benefits and risks of any surgical procedure or treatment. Tooele City Councilman Steve Pruden recognized Nora Dalpiaz for her Independent Member of the Medical Staff at Mountain West Medical Center. 105th birthday on the city’s behalf.

93745_MOUN_ORTHDaynes_7_945x10c.indd 1 10/14/16 3:21 PM B4 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN TUESDAY October 18, 2016 Stallions fall in 3A soccer quarterfinals Four-goal deficit proves too much for Stansbury

DARREN VAUGHAN COMMUNITY NEWS EDITOR The Stansbury girls soc- cer team had every reason to throw in the towel in their Class 3A state quarterfinal game on Saturday.

SHS SOCCER FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTOS The Stallions faced a four- Stansbury senior Krystanne Idom (25, left) fights with a Logan player for goal halftime deficit on the possession during the 5-3 road loss in the second round of the Class 3A road against defending state playoffs. Mackenzie Landward (22, above) breaks free to score for Stansbury in Saturday’s match. champion Logan on a light- ning-fast artificial turf field. The way the Grizzlies played Stallions. The Grizzlies (13- “In my opin- in the first half, the eight- 3) led 2-0 just over eight goal mercy rule didn’t seem minutes into the game, using ion, I felt these out of the question. their speed on the artificial Stansbury, however, had turf to get Stansbury playing were the two other ideas. The Stallions on its heels. Kaycee Larsen came charging back with put Logan up 1-0 with 33:08 best teams in three second-half goals, and left in the first half off a pass seemed destined to pull even from Zoe Clark. Larsen then the state going until Logan got a late goal to assisted on Shannon Jensen’s preserve a 5-3 win. goal 1:16 later to double the at it.” “Soccer is a lot about lead. Jeremy Alverson momentum,” Stansbury Ten minutes later, Logan’s Stansbury soccer coach Jeremy Alverson said. Erika Hubbard was pulled “We put those three [goals] down by a Stansbury defend- pair of assists and Kendall in and all of a sudden, it just er inside the 18-yard box, Bell had one assist for the felt like, ‘OK, Logan’s start- resulting in a penalty kick Stallions, while Gaillard ing to feel that pressure com- for the Grizzlies. Karly Lopez made five saves. Saturday’s ing in.’ We believed all year converted on the PK to put contest was the final game in each other.” the Grizzlies up three, and for seniors Karlee Brandt Maddy Graber got the added another goal with just and Katrina Clausing, as well Stallions’ comeback rolling, under a minute left in the as Idom, Boyce and Morgan scoring less than a minute later, Landward took a pass hopes dashed with 1:46 left not in the eyes of the play- opening half. Greenside, who was out with into the second half. The and buried her second goal in the game when Grizzlies ers, coaches and fans. “In my opinion, I felt these an injury. goal came just after Sammy of the afternoon, giving the senior Nicole Nye’s long- “At halftime, we were just were the two best teams “This season was amaz- Howa’s shot was stopped as Stallions a chance to com- distance shot found its way like, ‘we’re one big family in the state going at it,” ing,” Boyce said. “I’m Stansbury (12-5-1) put pres- plete the comeback with over the outstretched arms — let’s just work as a family Alverson said. “It just hap- going to remember my best sure on the Grizzlies almost 3:54 left on the clock. of Stansbury goalkeeper and work together as a team pened to be earlier in the friends, growing up with immediately. “[Being down] just made Kirsten Gaillard and just and we can do this,’” Boyce bracket than we had hoped. them and loving them so Mackenzie Landward con- us angry and more aggres- inside the top-right corner of said. Once we got used to that much. I’m going to remem- verted on a breakaway with sive, and we just gave it our the net. But that didn’t take As well as the second turf, we kind of settled down ber my senior year — I’m just just under 13 minutes left in all,” Stansbury senior cap- away from what the Stallions half went for Stansbury, the and it was two equal teams super happy.” the game, pulling Stansbury tain Paige Boyce said. were able to accomplish in game couldn’t have gotten playing good soccer.” [email protected] within two. Nine minutes The Stallions had their the second half — especially off to a worse start for the Kyrstanne Idom had a Late penalty dooms Tooele’s playoff run as Buffs fall 1-0 to Ridgeline

TAVIN STUCKI SPORTS EDITOR Boasting the top defense in 3A wasn’t quite enough to help the Buffaloes advance past Ridgeline in the playoffs on Saturday, as Tooele fell 1-0 thanks in part to a late penalty.


“It’s just a really hard game to lose cause we held them off and we knew we could win it,” senior defender Tiff Bird said. “We came into this strong. We played the best game we’ve ever played and it’s good. We COURTESY OF TINA TATE played our best and we gave Tooele’s back line and goalkeeper allowed the fewest goals in all of Class our best effort. They get one 3A this season. From left: junior Emma Hogan, junior Kaitlin Asay, junior PK off of a bad call, and you goalkeeper Kate Michael, senior Tiff Bird and junior Maddy Tate. know what? It’s what happens, it’s OK.” saves for the Buffaloes. While “We gave our In the 76th minute, she dropped a few saves that Ridgeline’s Abbie Kotter made bounced a short way in front best effort. They a run up the right side and into of her, the junior keeper was the box when she was tripped never in a position of letting get one PK off up by a Tooele defender on a goal past during the run of the line of the 18-yard box. play. of a bad call, The referees signaled a foul “We realized what we could and after a brief conversation do after the first half,” Bird and you know awarded Kotter a penalty, said. “When it was 0-0, we’re much to the dismay of Tooele like ‘you know what, we can what? It’s what parents and players, who do this.’ I think in the first half happens.” argued the foul occurred out- KEITH BIRD/TTB PHOTO we started out with a lot of side the penalty area. nerves and things were going Tiff Bird Tooele’s Chelsea DeSantiago (21) pushes her way into a possession battle during the 1-0 loss to Ridgeline on Tooele soccer Kotter shot to the right and Saturday at Tooele High School as part of the Class 3A playoffs. on. We’re not used to this big slid the ball past the arms of a of a crowd being out here. … diving Kate Michael to make “Sometimes you can win games Sydney Russell found herself decisions more so than any- The second half we were a lot Duggan said the back line it 1-0. and not perform well, and a foot offside before being at thing else.” calmer and we knew that we was vital to the near shutout, “I’ve said to the girls all today they performed fantastic the right place at the right While Ridgeline outshot could do it.” forcing Ridgeline to settle for year; ‘performance is more and just didn’t get the result.” time near the left corner of Tooele 23-0 with 12 of those Saturday’s match was the long-range shots from outside important than results,’” head Five minutes into play after the Ridgeline 6-yard box in a on frame, the second half was second low-scoring contest the goal box — one contributor coach Stephen Duggan said. the break, Tooele forward weird double-deflection off the relatively evenly possessed. Ridgeline played in the tour- to the visiting side’s high shot keeper and into the net. The Tooele had more than a few nament; the Buffaloes might tally. head referee at first didn’t see chances on crossing passes not have had the opportunity The Buffaloes finish the the linesman’s offside signal toward the back post that no to play at home at all dur- season with an 11-5-2 record CORRECTION and was writing the goal into Buffalo found herself on the ing the playoffs at all had the after starting the season with his notebook before Ridgeline receiving end of. Riverhawks not upset Region a nine-game unbeaten streak. players pointed the call out to Tooele had a couple of 9 champion Desert Hills on Tooele’s only losses came to him; after a brief conversation, opportunities at the end of the penalty kicks after a scoreless league winners Park City and the goal was disallowed and match. Junior defender Kaitlyn draw in the first round. Stansbury, and Saturday’s loss the match remained dead- Asay sent a 45-yard free kick Ridgeline will advance to to Ridgeline — Tooele beat locked at 0-0. into the box that was deflected play county rival Logan in the Ridgeline in late August at “It went on a referee’s call, just wide by a flick header in semifinals at 3:45 p.m. Friday home in a 1-0 pre-region sea- yeah?” Duggan said. “It’s a the 77th minute. Russell took at Jordan High School. son match. questionable call. There’s a corner kick in the 78th that “We knew that it was going “They’ve got a great game two questionable calls in that didn’t produce a goal. Asay to be a super close game,” plan,” Christensen said. “You game. One on the offside call also took an indirect free kick Ridgeline head coach Darin can tell that they’re coached that we scored the goal on — I from about 28 yards away in Christensen said. “As far as my well and they just stay super can’t figure out, playing live, stoppage time that was stopped team, we’re just used to super organized on defense. They’re how it could have been offside by the defensive wall. Russell’s close games all the time. We just a super hard team to beat. — and then the penalty call, corner kick that proved the don’t get excited, 0-0, 1-0. We We’re super happy that we the girls are saying it was out- final play of the match didn’t just keep the beat all the way could beat a team like this.” side the box. The game was cleanly find any of the other 10 to the end.” Tooele will return nearly the kind of decided by refereeing Tooele players in the box. The Tooele defense con- entire team — Bird was the “Ridgeline are a really good cluded what Duggan called only senior who started the team,” Duggan said. “The girls, a fantastic season his players match. TTB FILE PHOTO for 76 minutes of that game, shouldn’t judge based on the “This season has had a lot Stansbury senior golfer Renden Dye, matched them. And even after result of their final match. of ups and a lot of downs, but shown here at a region competition they scored, they came back They allowed 14 goals in 18 we’ve improved so much,” Bird earlier this season, was misidentified and they never gave up.” matches, and Duggan said only said. “This season we started in previous editions of the Tooele Transcript Bulletin. The Transcript During the first half, eight of those were in the run to create a name for ourselves, Bulletin regrets the errors. Ridgeline slightly outplayed of play — he said the others and that’s been huge for us.” Tooele. Michael made 11 came by way of penalty kicks. [email protected] TUESDAY October 18, 2016 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN B5

busted play late in the drive, convert on fourth-and-inches to said. “We want to make good Cowboys Johnson took a hard hit that left avoid giving Grantsville a chance memories for the seniors’ last Continued from Page B1 him woozy and sent him to the to complete the comeback. time [playing at home]. We just sideline for the rest of the game. “The kids have a lot of heart,” want to focus on what they’ve got members of the Grantsville Backup quarterback Brady Anderson said. “They’re going to Wednesday and then come back coaching staff came on to the Arbon came in and finished what play hard and they’re not going the next week and beat them on field to argue, thinking the pen- Johnson started. He found Gavin to quit. There’s no quit in these the road.” alty was on the Cowboys. As a Eyre for a 16-yard pass to get the kids. We’ll regroup and we’ll be Anderson said he doesn’t result, the Cowboys received a ball to the 1-yard line, and took it back.” expect either team to open pair of unsportsmanlike conduct in himself two plays later to pull Grantsville finished third up the playbook too much in penalties, backing them up to the the Cowboys within three. in the region standings, earn- Wednesday’s contest, particularly Trojans’ 43-yard line and stalling “Coy’s a great leader and gave ing them a trip to Delta in two since they’ll see each other again the drive. it everything he’s got — he got weeks for the opening round of nine days later. The Cowboys had another himself taken out of the game,” the playoffs. Coincidentally, the “We’re not going to show them chance late in the contest, tak- said Smith, who rushed for 110 Cowboys will play host to the anything that’s up our sleeve,” ing possession of the ball with yards. “Brady came in and did a Rabbits in their regular-season Anderson said. “They’re going to 5:22 left. Johnson marched hell of a job and got us in the end finale Wednesday. do the same thing. It’s going to Grantsville from its own 32-yard zone.” “It’s our Senior Night,” Smith be a vanilla game. Somebody’s line to the Trojans’ 13-yard line, The Trojans recovered the going to win, somebody’s going thanks largely to his 30-yard run ensuing onside kick and were Grantsville running back Andrew to lose and we’ll strap it up and Floyd (23) dives into the end zone on fourth-and-2 and a personal able to run out the clock, though on fourth-and-goal to cap off a play again the next week.” foul against Morgan. But on a the Cowboys forced them to nine-minute drive in the first half. [email protected] FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO

game to us. We can never go in line on his 28-yard run that next drive, and Dunn scored 12 carries for 67 yards and a Tooele will next face Tooele on a game and think that, it’s made it 28-14 with 6:50 left in two plays later from 8-yards touchdown. Kinsman had 57 Judge Memorial at 7 p.m. on Continued from Page B1 not going to go well for us. So the game. away. yards and a touchdown. Thursday. The Bulldogs are 0-9 we came out the second half, “I love Jackie,” Smith said. The Tooele defense held Defensively, Wilson had so far this season. play and permanently left the got ourselves together.” “To see him go out there and the Miners to negative rushing three sacks, dropping the Zurs Kinsman said the Buffaloes field. Tooele sophomore quarter- get his touchdown was just yards in the second half, bring- for a total of 25 yards. Junior need to remember what is at Park City punted to their back Austin Meoño capped a amazing. I saw him get past ing the net ground yardage to Jeno Bins was credited with a stake in the state tournament own 36-yard line, and Dunn 14-play drive with a 1-yard the 5[-yard line] and was like, a total of 57. The Miners threw fumble recovery to go along so as not to overlook Judge like ran the ball in on the first play sneak that made it 21-14 after ‘if I know Jaxon, there’s no way for 112 yards. with his team-high six tackles, they almost did with Park City. of the drive to make it 14-7 a successful Eli Shovan point- he’s going down.’ He was stum- Tooele senior running back which tied with senior Zach “Just look past it and see after 2:04 had elapsed in the after-touchdown attempt. bling, but I knew he was going Lincoln Powers alone ran 30 Dean. what we have in the future,” he quarter. Park City junior Tyler Shea to find a way. times for 171 yards. Dunn had “It’s good to get a win but said. “Keep the train rolling.” “My line? They was working took a brief stint at quarter- Tooele freshman Nukuluve 10 carries for 82 yards and a we’ve got to fix a lot of things,” [email protected] really hard to open up holes back in the second half and Helo blocked a punt on the pair of scores while Smith had Brady said. and I just shot through them,” was replaced by receiver Dunn said. “The first half Collin Zur; Spencer Zur’s twin we came out really slow. We brother. Collin Zur marched thought they was just going to the Miners to the Tooele 15- hand us the win.” yard line — helped in part by Smith tied the game midway a pass interference penalty on through the third quarter as he what might have been an inter- capped off a five-play, 59-yard ception on fourth down. Collin drive. Zur threw three incompletions “He went in and he ripped inside the Tooele red zone and on us: ‘I was telling you guys senior fullback Connor Keizer all week to not overlook this was stuffed in the backfield team. If we came out sloppy for a 1-yard loss, giving Tooele like we did, this was going to the ball back on downs at their happen,’” Smith said of Brady’s own 16-yard line a little more halftime speech. “We made than a minute into the fourth some adjustments on offense, quarter. but really what it just was is Buffalo senior fullback we all had the persona that Jaxon Kinsman scored his first we were just going to come in touchdown of the season, near- and win this like it was a given ly tripping short of the goal

Clint Continued from Page B1 * Southern Utah University, served as the head coach at South Sevier and Provo before coming back to his native Tooele County to lead the FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO Stallions. His coaching style Stansbury coach Clint Christiansen SEPTEMBER 16 – OCTOBER 30, 2016 is marked by a passionate and earned his 100th career game as intense approach on the side- head coach as the Stallions beat lines along with a dedication Ben Lomond 35-28 on Thursday. THRILLING RIDES, to his athletes as people off the field. of what he means to them on “I’m hard on these kids but and off the field. LIVE ENTERTAINMENT, they know that I love them,” “He’s the greatest coach he said. “I’m hard on them for any of us could ever ask for,” a reason — I want greatness McIntyre said. “He’s definitely AND 8 HAUNTED HOUSES from them and I know they had the biggest influence on want it too.” my life — he’s a great guy and Stansbury senior Matt I love him to death. He really McIntyre was glad he and his cares about his team and he’s teammates were able to help an amazing person. I wouldn’t HAUNTED ATTRACTIONS: their coach reach 100 career want to play for anyone else.” victories, particularly because [email protected] FRIGHTENING FRISCO NEW FOR 2016 NIGHT WALK ZOMBIE LOCKDOWN TERRORS OF THE PAST FUN HOUSE OF FEAR PIONEER VILLAGE SCARE ZONE

FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO Stansbury junior running back McCoy Didericksen (5) reaches out to stop a Ben Lomond tackler during Thursday’s 35-28 road win. FOR CHILDREN: Harris went 19-for-35 for 254 Stansbury yards and two scores through the Continued from Page B1 air, and Nish had 12 receptions for 169 yards for Ben Lomond. SPOOK-A-BOO WALK-THRU run for a score with 1:50 left in Rios had 163 rushing yards on 23 the game. The Scots got the ball carries before suffering an injury back after forcing Stansbury to go in the final minutes that created SCARY & CROW’S STRAW MAZE three-and-out, but Harris’ desper- a lengthy delay while trainers ation heave was knocked away attended to him. by Stansbury’s Tavita Gagnier as Stansbury will play host to time expired. Bear River on Wednesday in “I think we just got it in our its regular-season finale. While heads that the game was over,” the game means nothing in the McIntyre said. “[Ben Lomond] standings for the Stallions, they started making some adjustments would still rather go into their on defense that we weren’t ready bye week before the Class 3AA for and we just didn’t play like quarterfinals on a high note. *See for scheduled dates and hours of operation. we’re supposed to play. We’re not “We go in as the No. 1 Weather and other factors permitting. X-Venture Zone attractions the team we were in the second seed, but if we lose next week are not included with your Single Day Passport. half.” against Bear River, that’s going Stansbury ran for 475 yards as to be fresh on their minds,” a team, including 100 yards from Christiansen said. “We’ve got to NO COSTUMES, FACE MAKE-UP OR MASKS ALLOWED. Didericksen and 79 from Roberts go out there and finish this thing. as Christiansen earned his 100th We’ll have our hands full — Bear CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE career coaching victory, dating River’s a good football team back to his days at Timpview — and then we’ll have a week off | before coming to Stansbury when to heal those bumps and bruises.” the school opened. [email protected] B6 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN TUESDAY October 18, 2016

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Garage, Yard trim, baseboards, Spectrum Triple Play ing. $39.99/2 4 TUPPERWARE! Back trimmed, air condition DRYWALL: Hanging, 1-800-314-2312 men- Even if you can!t mouldings, drywall re- TV, Internet and months. Add internet by popular demand Sales drain and cover, rain finishing, texturing. tion offer 46191MKB reach a phone! FREE pairs, texturing, Voice for $29.99 for $14.95 a month. our electric pink gutters cleaned out, 34 years experience. or www.OmahaS- brochure. CALL HAVING A GARAGE caulking, weather- each. 60 MB per sec- Call 1-800-611-1081 “That!s a Bowls”-12pc sprinkler mainte- Licensed and in- 800-831-5787 SALE? Advertise it in proofing, framing, ond speed. No con- set. Total $140. Or nance. 435-882-2577 sured. Doug FOR SALE Golden share with friend. the classifieds. Call HANDYMAN, tree home updating and tract or commitment. Lung Cancer? And 60 435-850-9182 Roy. (435)830-2653 Power electric wheel- That!s 12 gifts for un- 882-0050 trimming, sprinklers, renovations and We buy your existing Years Old? If So, chair. Purchased der $12 each, fill with yard work. Residen- much more. Small contract up to $500 You And Your Family 8-2016 was used goodies. Ends tial and business. Call jobs okay. Call 1-800-608-3361 May Be Entitled To A twice $1,200. Calll 10/27/16. Go to web- Pets J i m m y a t Shane (435) Significant Cash TREE WORK. Free 801-300-0080 site (435)241-8675 840-0344. Award. Cal l estimates! Local click on Got Knee Pain? Back 800-418-1064 To company. Licensed a party. Or call Sherry Pampered Pet Re- Pain? Shoulder Pain? Learn More. No Risk. & insured. Bucket (435)496-0313. See sort Get a pain-relieving No Money Out Of truck, Crane serv- you @ Pumpkin Quality pet care for brace at little or NO Pocket. ice, Stump removal, Walk. over 30 years. cost to you. Medicare Dog & Cat boarding mulch. Patients Call Health METAL ROOF/WALL 801-633-6685 Pre- You may have just the 435-884-3374 Hotline Now! 1- Panels, Pre-engi- 800-914-8849 neered Metal Build- thing someone out of ings. Mill prices for town is looking for. VOICE LESSONS. All HALF OR WHOLE Place your classified RUSH NowNow AcceptingAccepting Applications Applications ages. No experience sheeting coil are at a LAKE NowNow RentingRenting choice grain fed 4 year low. You get ad in 45 of Utah's 160 GRANT ST, STOCKTON required. Learn KENNELS. steers ready to the savings. 17 Col- newspapers, the cost IncomeIncomeIncome Restrictions Restrictions ApplyApply Apply proper techniques, Dog & Cat boarding, Income Restrictions Apply List Price $249,000 butcher. $2.30/lb car- ors prime material, is $163. For up to 25 will work with all obedience training. ExclusivelyRental assistance for Seniors may be cass weight (does not cut to your exact words. You will be ExclusivelyRental assistance for Seniors may be Just completed 1483 sq. ft. new custom home, styles of singing. Call (435)882-5266 include processing). length. CO Building reaching a potential available. Call for details with all the upgrades. Move in ready. 3 bedroom, (435)850-0590 available.Pet Friendly Call for details Averaging 700lb car- Systems of up to 340,000 Pet Friendly 2 full bath, full unfi nished walk out basement. m cass weight. Process- 1-800-COBLDGS households. All you 435.843.0717 Spectacular views from the large covered deck of ing available thru Call for435.843.0717 details Miscellaneous need to do is call the CallTDD for 800.735.2900details the west valley and mountains. Must see! Call for Hunsaker or Tooele XARELTO USERS Transcript Bulletin at 435.843.0717TDD 800.735.2900 an appointment today! MLS# 1381646 Valley Meats. Call have you had compli- 882-0050 for full de- Livestock 435.843.0717 APOLLO SPRAY-ON (435)830-3322 cations due to inter- tails. (Mention UCAN) Paul Johnson Kevlar bedliners are SELL YOUR computer nal bleeding (after Wasatch Homes Group now available at January 2012)? If so, SELL YOUR CAR orNeed to sell that new in the classifieds. Call champion bull or your 801-652-4049 Sorensen Towing and 882-0050 or visit you MAY be due fi- boat in the classifieds. Auto Repair. Call nancial compensa- Call 882-0050 or visit yearling calves? www.tooeletranscript. Place your classified Brian 435-843-0075. com tion. If you don!t have www.tooeletranscript. The finiest bedliner an attorney, CALL In- com or e-mail your ad ad into 47 newspa- available anywhere BECOME A SUB- juryfone today ! to tbp@tooeletran- pers, find your buyers for your pickup truck. SCRIBER. 882-0050 7-800-281-4236 quickly. For only $163. your 25 word WIC CPA NURSE classified will be seen by up to 500,000 TOOELE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT readers. It is as sim- STARTING SALARY: $22.29-$24.58 PER HOUR; DOQ TTMP PROJECT ple as calling the STATUS: HALF-TIME WITH FRINGE BENEFITS Tooele Transcript CLOSING DATE: OPEN UNTIL FILLED SPECIALIST B u l l e t i n a t (435)882-0050 for de- THE OPPORTUNITY tails. (Ucan) Performs a variety of services in the WIC TOOELE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT MEALS ON WHEELS Program in Wendover, Utah, including STARTING SALARY: $24.58 SECRETARY III STRAW bales. New clerical, lab and nutrition education. STATUS: FULL-TIME WITH BENEFITS DELIVERER crop. $5/ bale you Responsible for determining nutritional CLOSING DATE: OPEN UNTIL FILLED TOOELE COUNTY COMMISSION pick up. $7/bale De- risk and prescribing food packages for WIC DIVISION OF AGING STARTING SALARY: $15.85 - $19.33 PER HOUR DOQ livered. Gart h customers. May provide specialized public STARTING SALARY: $12.41 PER HOUR STATUS: FULL-TIME W/ BENEFITS THE OPPORTUNITY STATUS: HALF-TIME W/FRINGE BENEFITS (435)837-2246 health nursing services. The Registered Nurse TTMP Project Specialist will be responsible CLOSING DATE: OCTOBER 19, 2016, 5:00 PM CLOSING DATE: OCTOBER 25, 2016 @ 5:00 P.M. (435)830-2309 performs acts, which require specialized for developing, implementing, monitoring, knowledge, judgment and nursing skills based and evaluating the Tooele Teen Mother THE OPPORTUNITY THE OPPORTUNITY upon principles of psychological, biological, Sporting Program (TTMP). The ideal candidate Deliver hot meals to homebound elderly within Looking for an upbeat, efficient and Goods physical and social sciences. Provide Spanish will work closely with the Teen Pregnancy a specifi c geographic area. Pick up daily route confident professional to perform advanced translation between clients and staff. This is Prevention Coordinator and the WIC sheet at the Tooele Senior Center. Pick up confidential secretarial and administrative an Alternative Funding Position. SELLING YOUR Coordinator to perform various duties to meals from the Tooele County Detention Center. duties for the Tooele County Commission ensure the program runs smoothly. TTMP Office. Performs advanced clerical functions mountain bike? Ad- EXAMPLE OF DUTIES Temperature check meals and secure meals for vertise it in the classi- 1. Evaluates and assesses high risk clients to Specialist will perform duties that require including but not limited to bookkeeping, specialized knowledge, judgement, and delivery. Deliver hot tray and cold bag meal to correspondence by telephone, greets the fieds. Call 882-0050 provide medical nutrition therapy. each client. Exchange a few words with each www.tooele tran- 2. Provides nutrition education on an nursing skills based upon principles of public, composes and types letters, memos, psychological, biological, physical, and client confi rming that they are in their “normal” presentations, brochures and newsletters. individual basis or in a group setting for condition and all is well there for the day. Refer various needs of the target population, social sciences. Assists with travel itineraries, organizes and to Aging Services staff if problems are found. schedules meetings and keeps Commission especially nutritional needs for pregnancy, EXAMPLE OF DUTIES Return any leftover meals and temperature Personals breastfeeding, infants and children. • Conduct various types of education, calendars. Researches, prepares, submits and check meal to the Tooele Senior Center. tracks grant applications for state and federal 3. Performs a variety of advanced nursing training, and counseling for teens. Complete paperwork. Conduct a vehicle safety procedures; administers vaccinations; assesses grants or other areas as determined by the Meet singles right now! • Collaborate directly with local physicians, check before and after delivery. May perform general health conditions; obtains specimens. educators, and other community leaders to County Commission. Assists with customer No paid operators, 4. Performs skilled nursing procedures as develop, plan, and promote teen pregnancy other duties as assigned. service inquiries and coordinates follow up. just real people like necessary in safe, competent, and efficient prevention through the teen mother program. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS you. Browse greet- manner. • Assist with providing abstinence based MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS ings, exchange mes- 5. Determines eligibility of Women’s, Infants education in the school setting for youth 10- • High School diploma 1. Education and Experience A. High school graduate, plus three (3) sages and connect and Children (WIC) applicants using State 16 years of age, using the Choosing the Best And live. Try it free. Call WIC Policies and Procedures. Life curriculum. • (1) One year of experience of general years of advanced office experience. Fully competent in personal computers and now: 800-359-2796 6. Assesses and assigns nutrition risk factors • Attend professional meetings, workshops, responsibility work, preferably in a public ucan by using biochemical data, anthropometrical trainings and conferences. service setting; general knowledge of vehicle application of software (Word Processing, data, medical history, and diet history. This • Be available 24 hours per day for transportation and maintenance such as oil spread-sheets, presentation and database). A high degree of independent judgment and will include performing lab functions, such as community emergencies. check, gas, fl uid levels, etc. and interest in responsibility is required. A high degree of Help Wanted finger sticks, weights, and heights on children MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS helping homebound elderly and disabled 0-5 years of age and adults. ethics and confidentiality is required. A high A. Education: Graduation from college or persons. degree of professionalism is required. Must And Business owners If MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS university with Bachelor’s degree in nursing possess a valid Utah driver’s license. you need someone or Associate Degree Registered Nurse with • Must have a valid Utah Driver’s License and • Must be Federally CPA Registered B. An equivalent combination of education fast, place your clas- (Registered Physician, Registered Nurse with two (2) years of nursing experience. good driving record. and experience. sified ad in all 48 of (2) years’ experience or Bachelor’s degree AND Utah's newspapers. B. Experience: Must have worked at least REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS & ABILITIES: in Nursing, Nutritionist with a Bachelors 2. Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities The person you are two (2) years in nursing and two (2) years in Ability to work independently, adjust to changing or Masters in nutrition or Bachelor’s Proven organizational, planning and looking for could be public health or equivalent procedures and schedule work effi ciently. Ability degree in dietetics. Must be registered interpersonal skills; effective public relation from out of town. The with ADA and a registered dietician.) combination. to establish and maintain effective working and public speaking skills. Ability to cost is only $163. for And relationships with employees, other agencies Must be able to lift 20 pounds and climb maintain confidential and secure data. a 25 word ad and it • Must be a licensed registered nurse or a and the public; ability to follow written and stairs. While performing the duties of this Establish and maintain effective working reaches up t o licensed dietician in the State of Utah job the employee is frequently required verbal instructions; ability to communicate And relationships with other government 340,000 households. to sit, talk and hear. The employee is effectively, verbally and in writing. Maintain a All you do is call the • Must be bilingual (English/Spanish) positive attitude towards Senior Citizens and officials, employees, agencies, and occasionally required to stand, walk, use volunteers. Significant contact with Transcript Bulletin at Tooele County and get along well with the REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS & hands, reach with hands and arms, climb administrators, public and private (435)882-0050 for all ABILITIES: or balance, stoop or kneel. Specific vision General Public. Knowledge of the geographical organizations in developing and soliciting the details. (Mention Must have a valid Utah Driver’s License abilities required by the job include close area to which assigned. This category involves cooperative relationships. Able to maintain UCAN) You can now and will be required to travel during the vision, distance vision, color vision, frequent lifting of 25-50 pounds with occasional confidential information. order online peripheral vision, depth perception and lifting of up to 100 pounds or more. This is day and overnight. Principles of diet and Communicate effectively, verbally and in nutrition. Knowledge in diet recall, food ability to adjust focus. A Valid Utah Driver’s often combined with standing, bending, twisting, License is required. Must be a licensed or working on irregular surfaces or at heights writing. Ability to work under pressure; Clean Harbors is seek- chemistry, infant and child development, problem solving experience and the breastfeeding principles, nutrition assessment, registered nurse in the State of Utah. above the ground. This, as well, combined with ing a Part-Time Cus- ability to work independently with limited todian for our location and interviewing and counseling techniques. working in weather conditions that may not be supervision. Mastery of the English language Ability to present effective nutrition classes, For a complete job description or an on-line ideal, heat, cold, rain, snow and wind. in Grassy, UT 20 including grammar, spelling and writing. hours per week. Days work cooperatively with clients, coworkers, application please visit professionals and others. Must be able to lift worked are flexible Please see our website for the full 20 lbs. For a complete job description or an on-line description of this job. but hours must be Applications & Resume must be submitted to application please visit 7:00am to 5:30pm. For a more complete job description or an on-line Tooele County Human Resource Office, Rm 308 Apply online For more an application please visit application please visit 47 South Main Street, Tooele, UT. careers.cleanharbors. Applications must be submitted to Or email application and resume to com REQ #43742 Tooele County Human Resource Offi ce, Rm 308 Applications must be submitted to the EEO Employer; Applications must be submitted to [email protected] 47 South Main Street, Tooele Tooele County Human Resources Office, Rm308 FRAMING CREW or Tooele County Human Resource Office, Rm 308 EEO Employer Or email application and resume to individuals needed. 47 S. Main Tooele, UT 84074 47 South Main Street, Tooele [email protected] Own transportation, This announcement does not represent the entire or email Tita Adams at [email protected] or email application and resume to job description. For a complete and thorough job hand tools & phone [email protected] EEO Employer EEO Employer required. Please call description please visit our website. (435)830-1480 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND BONDS TO BE IS- SUED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Novem- ber 2, 2016, the Gov- erning Board (the “Board”) of the Munici- pal Building Authority of Grantsville City, Utah (the “Authority”) will adopt a resolution (the “Resolution”) de- claring its intention to issue its Lease Reve- nue Bonds, Series 2016 pursuant to the Utah Local Building Authority Act, Title 17D, Chapter 2, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended, and the Local Government Bonding Act, Title 11, Chapter 14, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended, and call- ing a public hearing to receive input from the public with respect to the issuance of the Bonds. TIME, PLACE AND LOCATION OF PUB- LIC HEARING The Authority shall hold a public hearing on Wednesday, No- vember 2, 2016, at the hour of 7:00 p.m. The location of the public hearing is at 429 East Main Street, Grants- ville, Utah. The pur- pose of the meeting is to receive input from the public with respect to (i) the issuance of the Bonds and (ii) any potential economic im- pact that the improve- ments, facility or prop- erty financed in whole or in part with the pro- ceeds of the Bonds may have on the pri- vate sector. All mem- bers of the public are invited to attend and participate. PURPOSE FOR ISSU- ING BONDS The Authority intends to issue the Bonds for the purpose of (i) fi- nancing the construc- tion of a justice build- ing that will house the police department and justice court offices and all related im- provements (the “Pro- ject”) and (ii) paying is- suance expenses to be incurred in connec- tion with the issuance of the Bonds. PARAMETERS OF THE BONDS The Authority intends to issue the Bonds in the principal amount of not to exceed Two Mil- lion Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,700,000), to bear interest at a rate not to exceed two and one-half percent (2.50%), mature in not more than thirty-one (31) years from their date or dates, to be sold at a price not less than one hundred per- cent (100%) of the to- tal principal amount thereof. OUTSTANDING BONDS SECURED BY LEASE REVE- NUES The Issuer has $3,783,511.97 Bonds currently outstanding that are secured by the Lease Revenues. OTHER OUTSTAND- ING BONDS OF THE ISSUER Additional information regarding the Issuer's outstanding bonds may be found in the Is- suer's financial report (the “Financial Re- p o r t ” ) a t : accountability/finan- cial-reports-of-local- governments. For ad- ditional information, in- cluding any informa- tion more recent than as of the date of the Financial Report, please contact the Sherrie Broadbent, Fi- nance Director at (435)884-3411. TOTAL ESTIMATED COST Based on the Issuer's current plan of finance and a current estimate of interest rates, the total principal and in- terest cost of the Bonds if held until ma- NOTICE OF PUBLIC turity is $3,869,988. HEARING AND The Bonds are to be BONDS TO BE IS- issued and sold by the SUED Authority pursuant to NOTICE IS HEREBY the Resolution, includ- GIVEN that on Novem- ing as part of said ber 2, 2016, the Gov- Resolution, the draft of erning Board (the a Master Resolution, PUBLIC NOTICE: “Board”) of the Munici- (the “Master Resolu- The Grantsville City pal Building Authority tion”), a Master Lease Council will hold its of Grantsville City, Agreement (the “Mas- regular meeting at Utah (the “Authority”) ter Lease”), a Lease- 5:00 p.m. on Wednes- will adopt a resolution hold Deed of Trust and day, October 19, 2016 (the “Resolution”) de- Assignment of Rents at 429 East Main claring its intention to (the “Deed of Trust”) Street, Grantsville, UT issue its Lease Reve- and a Ground Lease 84029. The agenda is nue Bonds, Series Agreement (the as follows: 2016 pursuant to the “Ground Lease”) which CALL TO ORDER Utah Local Building were before the Gov- AND PLEDGE OF AL- Authority Act, Title erning Board and at- TUESDAY October 18, 2016 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETINLEGIANCE 17D, Chapter 2, Utah tached to the Resolu-B7 ROLL CALL Code Annotated 1953, tion at the time of the AGENDA: as amended, and the adoption of the Reso- Help Wanted Wanted Apartments Buildings Public Notices 1.Public Mayor Notices Youth Public Notices LocalPublic Government Notices lutionPublic and Noticessaid Master for Rent Meetings Awards.Meetings Miscellaneous BondingMiscellaneous Act, Title 11, Resolution,Miscellaneous Master 2. Public Comments. Chapter 14, Utah Lease, Deed of Trust Drive with Uber. No I PAY ABOVE pawn If you build, remodel or PUBLIC NOTICE 3. Summary Action SMALL CLAIMS Code Annotated 1953, and Ground Lease, Now Accepting Applications experience is re- shop offers for gold remove buildings you Notice is hereby given Items. SUMMONS as amended, and call- and are to be adopted quired, but you!ll and precious metals. can place your classi- that the Tooele City a. Approval of Minutes In the District Court of ing a public hearing to by the Governing need a smartphone. This includes broken VALLEY fied ad in 45 of Utah's Council will meet in a b. Approval of Bills Utah, Tooele Valley receive input from the Board in such form It!s fun and easy. For or unwanted jewelry, newspapers for only Work Session, on 4. Consideration of an Justice Court, Tooele, public with respect to and with such changes more information, call dental gold, as well MEADOWS $163. for 25 words Wednesday, October amendment to the In- County, 74 S 100 E the issuance of the thereto as shall be ap- 1-800-939-8254 as gold & silver coins. • 2 bdrm townhome ($5. for each addi- 19, 2016 at the hour of terlocal Agreement re- Ste 12, Tooele Utah, Bonds. proved by the Govern- Call or tex t tional word). You will 5:00 p.m. The meet- garding tax incentives 84074 TIME, PLACE AND ing Board upon the FARM LABOR wanted style apartments for (801)330-8155 after rent reach up to 340,000 ing will be held at the for Project Purple. 1st Choice Money LOCATION OF PUB- adoption thereof; pro- in Rush Valley 6pm. households and all Tooele City Hall Large 5. Mayor and Council Center, Plaintiff/Peti- LIC HEARING vided that the principal $12-$14 per hour de- • $580-$614 per mo. you do is call the Conference Room lo- Reports. tioner, 980 N Main St, The Authority shall amount, interest rates, pending on experi- Motorcycles & • $400 security deposit Transcript Bulletin at cated at 90 North Main 6. Adjourn. Unit B, Tooele UT hold a public hearing maturity, and discount ence. Own transpor- 882-0050 for all the Street, Tooele, Utah. Christine Webb 84074, 435-882-8104 on Wednesday, No- of the Bonds will not tation needed. Email ATVs • Income restrictions apply details. (Mention 1. Open Meeting City Recorder VS Melissa Graff, 530 vember 2, 2016, at the exceed the maximums [email protected] UCAN Classified Net- 2. Roll Call In compliance with the Blueridge Dr, Tooele, hour of 7:00 p.m. The set forth above. m with 3 references. YAMAHA 450 2003 • Playground Kodiak and snow work) 3. Discussion: Americans with Dis- 84074 location of the public Copies of the Resolu- GREAT CLIPS is look- blade with trailer • Covered parking - Ordinance 2016-17 ability Act, Grantsville CASE #168000194 hearing is at 429 East tion, the Master Reso- ing for fun energetic An Ordinance of City will accommodate I swear that the follow- Main Street, Grants- lution, the Master $ 4 , 0 0 0 O B O • Washer/Dryer hookups Financial stylist/barbers. We of- 435-882-2538 Tooele City Prohibiting reasonable requests to ing is true: 1. Defen- ville, Utah. The pur- Lease, the Deed of fer great benefits un- Services Roosters as Pets in assist persons with da n t o w e s me pose of the meeting is Trust and the Ground the MDR, R1-7, R1-8, disabilities to partici- $2472.00 Plus pre- to receive input from Lease are on file in the limited earning poten- Paying too much for R1-10, R1-12, and pate in meetings. Re- judgement interests to the public with respect office of the Secretary tial. Plus a hire on bo- Autos SR-22 or similar Applications are available R1-14 Zoning Districts quests for assistance the date of judgement, to (i) the issuance of of the Authority located nus of up to $400. high-risk car insur- on our website Presented by Roger may be made by call- if qualified for prejudg- the Bonds and (ii) any at 429 East Main Full and part time po- ance? Call NOW to DONATE YOUR CAR, Baker ing City Hall (435) ment interests. 2. This potential economic im- Street, Grantsville, sitions available. If see how we could TRUCK OR BOAT housing.htm - Conditional Use Per- 884-3411 at least 3 claim arose on July 8, pact that the improve- Utah, where they may you are interested in save you money TO- TO HERITAGE FOR or at our office at mit Application Fees days in advance of a 2016. ments, facility or prop- be examined during joining our team call 66 West Vine St. DAY 1-800-410-0130 A n g e l a a t THE BLIND. Free 3 for Home Occupations meeting. THE STATE OF UTAH erty financed in whole regular business hours Day Vacation, Tax Mon-Fri - Follow Up One or more Council TO THE DEFEN- or in part with the pro- of the Secretary from 801-919-4337 or 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 435-843-9410 today. Deductible, Free Public Notices Presented by Jim Members may partici- DANT: You are sum- ceeds of the Bonds 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Towing, All Paper- Questions, call Marci @ Meetings Bolser pate electronically. moned to appear at may have on the pri- Monday through Fri- HELP WANTED in work Taken Care Of. 435-241-3550 - Fee Re-structure for The anchor location trial to answer the vate sector. All mem- day, for a period of at construction. Pay CALL Deadline for public Dow James Building will be City Hall at the above claim. The trial bers of the public are least thirty (30) days based upon experi- 1-800-360-4120 TOOELE COZY 1bdrm notices is 4 p.m. the Presented by Brian above address. will be held at the court invited to attend and from and after the last ence. $10-$15 per 1bth $575/mo plus day prior to publica- Roth (Published in the Tran- address shown above. participate. date of publication of Got an older car, boat hour. Call 801-706- $350 deposit. No tion. Public notices 4. Council Reports script Bulletin October If you fail to appear, PURPOSE FOR ISSU- this notice. or RV? Do the hu- 5339 smoking call Brain at submitted past the 5. Close Meeting 18, 2016) judgment may be en- ING BONDS SECURITY FOR THE mane thing. Donate it NEWSPAPER CARRI- 435-849-2175 deadline will not be - Litigation tered against you for The Authority intends SERIES 2016 BONDS to the Humane Soci- ERS NEEDED in the accepted. - Property Acquisition the total amount to issue the Bonds for This Series 2016 ety. Call 1 - Public Notices Erda area. Call Homes for UPAXLP 6. Adjourn claimed. Date of Trial, the purpose of (i) fi- Bonds are to be issued 800-849-1593 Trustees 435-882-0050 and Rent Michelle Y. Pitt November 18, 2016 nancing the construc- under and secured by PUBLIC NOTICE ask for Samantha. SELL YOUR CAR or Tooele City Recorder Deadline for public 9:00am, Room 11. tion of a justice build- and entitled to the pro- Notice is hereby given Pursuant to the Ameri- Notice to Defendant. A ing that will house the tection of the Master boat in the classi- WHY RENT When notices is 4 p.m. the PAPER CARRIER that the Tooele City cans with Disabilities small claims case has police department and Resolution, pursuant fieds. Call 882-0050 You Can Buy? Zero day prior to publica- N E E D E D I N Council will meet in a Act, Individuals Need- been filed against you. justice court offices to which all base rent- or visit www.tooele- down & Low In- tion. Public notices TOOELE AREA. Business Meeting on ing Special Accommo- This imposes upon and all related im- als payable by the City transcript. com come programs, 1st submitted past the Area covers Smelter Wednesday, October dations Should Notify you certain rights and provements (the “Pro- under the Master time & Single par- deadline will not be Road, Oquirrh Ave- 19, 2016 at the hour of Michelle Y. Pitt, Tooele responsibilities. You ject”) and (ii) paying is- Lease and, if paid by ent programs, accepted. nue, Valley View Rooms for 7:00 P.M. The meet- City Recorder, at may obtain small suance expenses to the City, the Purchase Berna Sloan (435) UPAXLP Drive, 580 North, 620 Rent ing will be held in the 843-2110 prior to the claims information and be incurred in connec- Option Price, are as- 840-5029 Group 1 N o r t h . C a l l Tooele City Hall Coun- meeting. i nstructions a t tion with the issuance signed to secure the 435-882-0050 ask for SINGLE PERSON HOMES available to cil Room located at 90 (Published in the Tran- Public Notices http://www.utcourts.go of the Bonds. payment of principal Samantha. wanted to share my purchase for LOW IN- North Main Street, script Bulletin October Water User v/howto/ PARAMETERS OF of, interest on, and Stansbury home. COME buyers with Tooele, Utah. 18, 2016) Disabillity Accomoda- THE BONDS premium, if any on the $600/mo includes 1. Pledge of Allegiance Deadline for public tions. If you need ac- The Authority intends Series 2016 Bonds. Business good credit.! Berna PUBLIC NOTICE utilities. Sloan (435)840-5029 2. Roll Call notices is 4 p.m. the commodation of a dis- to issue the Bonds in Additionally, a security Opportunities The agenda for the 435-277-6653 Group 1 Real Estate. 3. July 2016 Fire Re- day prior to publica- abililty, contact a judi- the principal amount of interest in the Project Tooele County Rede- Small Business own- covery Update & Pres- tion. Public notices cial service assistant not to exceed Two Mil- shall be granted to the velopment Agency ers: Place your clas- Apartments entations submitted past the at least 3 days before lion Seven Hundred holders of this Series meeting to be held Oc- sified ad in 45 news- Homes Presented by Bucky deadline will not be hearing. Date: Novem- Thousand Dollars 2016 Bonds pursuant for Rent tober 18, 2016 at 6:45 papers throughout Whitehouse accepted. ber 18 ($2,700,000), to bear to the Master Lease, to p.m., will be posted on Utah for only $163. 1BDRM apartment, 4. Mayor's Youth Rec- UPAXLP Lisa Bate interest at a rate not to further secure the the county website at for 25 words, and $5. $600/mo plus security $$SAVE MONEY ognition Awards Court Clerk exceed two and Authority's obligations ( per word over 25. deposit, w/d hookups, Search Bank & 5. Public Comment (Published in the Tran- one-half percent under the Master, click on Public Notices You will reach up to covered parking. H U D h o m e s Period script Bulletin October (2.50%), mature in not Resolution. “Tooele County Com- Miscellaneous 340,000 households (435)849-3969 www.Tooele Bank- 6. PUBLIC HEARING 18 & 25, 2016) more than thirty-one NOTICE IS FURTHER mission Meetings” and and it is a one call, (435)830-9147 Berna & MOTION on Ordi- (31) years from their GIVEN that a period of on the public notice Deadline for public PUBLIC NOTICE one order, one bill Sloan (435) nance 2016-15 An Or- date or dates, to be thirty (30) days from website notices is 4 p.m. the Notice is Hereby Given program. Call the 840-5029 Group 1 dinance of Tooele City sold at a price not less and after the last date ( day prior to publica- that Tooele City, Utah Transcript Bulletin at Tooele Gateway Amending Tooele City than one hundred per- of the publication of Apartments Planning on selling mn/index.html) . Cop- tion. Public notices is Considering a Curb- 882-0050 for further Code Chapter 7-5 Re- submitted past the cent (100%) of the to- this notice is provided your home, you could garding Conditional ies may also be ob- side Recycling Pro- info. (ucan) 2 AND 3bdrm apartments deadline will not be tal principal amount by law during which (i) be sending your sales Uses, Eliminating the tained at the County gram for Residential thereof. any person in interest behind Super points to up to Clerk's Office, County accepted. Customers. The Cost Board of Adjustment, UPAXLP OUTSTANDING shall have the right to Wanted Wal-Mart. Swimming 340,000 households and Referring Land Health Department, of this Program will be BONDS SECURED contest the legality of pool, hot tub, exercise at once. For $163. Use Appeals to the Transcript Bulletin, STATEMENT OF IN- between $4.75 and BY LEASE REVE- the Master Resolution, room, playground, full you can place your Administrative Hearing Tooele County Senior TEREST AND QUALI- $6.00 per Month. NUES Master Lease, Deed of I AM paying more for clubhouse. 25 word classified ad Officer Center, Grantsville FICATION Tooele City Residents The Issuer has Trust, Ground Lease, junk cars/trucks. I will to all 45 newspapers Presented by Roger City Hall, Grantsville Tooele County School Interested in Partici- $3,783,511.97 Bonds or any provision made Tooele Gateway come to you and tow in Utah. Just call the Baker Senior Center and District is accepting a pating in this Program currently outstanding for the security and Apartments it away. Call/Text Transcript Bulletin at 7. Resolution 2016-47 Wendover Senior Cen- Statement of Interest Must Submit a Tooele that are secured by the payment of the Bonds, (435)224-2064 (435)843-4400 882-0050 for all the A Resolution of the ter. and Qualifications from City Curbside Recy- Lease Revenues. and that after such DL5970 details. (Mention Tooele City Council Marilyn K. Gillette, qualified architectural cling Program Opt-In OTHER OUTSTAND- time, no one shall ucan) Form to the City during SELLING YOUR Accepting the Com- Tooele County firms for the design, ING BONDS OF THE have any cause of ac- Clerk/Auditor the Opt-In Period, from HOME? Advertise it in SELLING YOUR pleted Public Improve- preparations of con- ISSUER tion to contest the SETTLEMENT CAN- (Published in the Tran- September 1, 2016 the classifieds. Call HOME? Advertise it ments Associated with tract documents, and Additional information regularity, formality or YON APARTMENTS script Bulletin October through October 31, 882-0050 or visit in the classifieds. Call the Canyon Village construction admini- regarding the Issuer's legality thereof for any 2 & 3 bedroom apts. 18, 2016) 2016. Residents Can www.tooeletran 882-0050 or visit Phase 4 Subdivision stration, for several outstanding bonds cause whatsoever; Prices starting at Submit the Form On- www.tooeletran Presented by Paul PUBLIC NOTICE small projects includ- may be found in the Is- and (ii)registered vot- $840/mo. Call Dan- Hansen ing. Classroom addi- l i n e a t suer's financial report ers within the Author- The agenda for the BECOME A SUB- ielle (435)882-6112 8. Resolution 2016-48 tion to Tooele Jr. High; (the “Financial Re- ity, may sign a written Tooele County Com- SCRIBER. 882-0050 for info. A Resolution of the School, Weight room email at utilities@tooe- p o r t ” ) a t : petition requesting an mission meeting to be Tooele City Council addition to Grantsville; fax at (435) election to authorize Mobile Homes held October 18, 2016 Accepting the Com- High School, Replace- 843-2159; in Person accountability/finan- the issuance of the at 7:00 p.m., will be pleted Public Improve- ment of the track at at, or by mail to, cial-reports-of-local- Bonds. If written peti- posted on the county 14X65 TRAILER for ments Associated with Tooele High School Tooele City Finance, governments. For ad- tions which have been w e b s i t e a t sale, $15,000, Hen- the Shields Residence and other small build- 90 N. Main St., Tooele, ditional information, in- signed by at least CARRIERS ( wood Mobile Park. Presented by Paul ing on that site, Class- Utah 84074. The cluding any informa- twenty percent (20%), click on Call 435-841-0151 or Hansen room addition at Wil- Tooele City Council tion more recent than of the registered voters “Tooele County Com- Needed! 435-840-8824. 9. Minutes low Elementar y will Present the Curb- as of the date of the of the Authority are mission Meetings” and 10. Invoices School, and other side Recycling Pro- Financial Report, filed with the Authority 1997 CAVCO mobile on the public notice Presented by Michelle small projects for two gram at their Business please contact the during said thirty (30) home for sale. 2 bed- website Pitt years. Meetings on Septem- Sherrie Broadbent, Fi- day period, the Author- room 2 bath asking ( 11. Adjourn SOIQ Due: November ber 21, and October nance Director at ity shall be required to $17,000 OBO. Call Jo mn/index.html) . Cop- Michelle Y. Pitt 1, 2016 @ 4:00 P.M. 19, 2016, at 7:00 PM. (435)884-3411. hold an election to ob- at 435-840-3648 ies may also be ob- Tooele City Recorder Tooele County School These Meetings are TOTAL ESTIMATED tain voter authorization tained at the County is looking for Pursuant to the Ameri- District 92 South Lode- Open to the Public. COST prior to the issuance of Clerk's Office, County cans with Disabilities stone Way Tooele, UT Michelle Y. Pitt Based on the Issuer's the Series 2016 Paper Carriers Office Space Health Department, Act, Individuals Need- 84074 Tooele City Recorder current plan of finance Bonds. If fewer than Transcript Bulletin, in East Erda! ing Special Accommo- A copy of the complete (Published in the Tran- and a current estimate twenty percent (20%) Tooele County Senior dations Should Notify SOIQ is available by script Bulletin August of interest rates, the of the registered voters FOR LEASE Office/ Center, Grantsville Michelle Y. Pitt, Tooele email to swest@tooe- 30, September 6, 13, total principal and in- of the Authority file a Business Space City Hall, Grantsville City Recorder, at Propos- 20, 27, October 4, 11, terest cost of the written petition during Utilities included. Senior Center and 843-2110 prior to the als will be received by 18 & 25, 2016) Bonds if held until ma- said thirty (30) day pe- If you’re interested please call 48, 52, 54, & 58 Wendover Senior Cen- meeting. Tooele County School turity is $3,869,988. riod, the Authority may South Main. ter. NOTICE OF PUBLIC 435.882.0050 (Published in the Tran- District at the address The Bonds are to be proceed to issue the (602)826-9471 Marilyn K. Gillette, H E A R I N G A N D script Bulletin October and time stated above. issued and sold by the Bonds without an elec- Tooele County BONDS TO BE IS- 18, 2016) The Owner reserves Authority pursuant to tion. Clerk/Auditor SUED the right to reject any the Resolution, includ- DATED this November (Published in the Tran- NOTICE IS HEREBY Lots & Land DEADLINES FOR clas- and all proposals. All ing as part of said 2, 2016. script Bulletin October GIVEN that on Novem- sifieds ads are Monday proposals are subject Resolution, the draft of Christine Webb 18, 2016) ber 2, 2016, the Gov- PASTURE AVAIL- and Wednesdays by to final approval of the erning Board (the a Master Resolution, Secretary ABLE for rent or pur- 4:45 p.m. PUBLIC NOTICE: Board of Education. All “Board”) of the Munici- (the “Master Resolu- (Published in the Tran- chase. 1 acre fenced, questions concerning tion”), a Master Lease script Bulletin October GOT A good idea for aThe Grantsville City pal Building Authority water, easy acces. Council will hold its the proposal shall be of Grantsville City, Agreement (the “Mas- 18 & 25, 2016) CROSSING GUARD Price negotiable story? Call the Tran- directed to Steven L. ter Lease”), a Lease- script and let us knowregular meeting at Utah (the “Authority”) TOOELE COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE (208)908-2099 5:00 p.m. on Wednes- West, Construction will adopt a resolution hold Deed of Trust and 882-0050. Coordinator for Tooele Assignment of Rents STARTING SALARY: $11.26 PER HOUR SELL YOUR computer day, October 19, 2016 (the “Resolution”) de- County School District (the “Deed of Trust”) Opinions in the classifieds. CallWANT TO get the latestat 429 East Main claring its intention to STATUS: ON-CALL POSITION, NO BENEFITS at 435-833-1900 - Fax and a Ground Lease 882-0050 or visit local news? SubscribeStreet, Grantsville, UT issue its Lease Reve- Shared CLOSING DATE: OCTOBER 26, 2016, 5:00 PM 435-833-1912. A greement (the www.tooeletranscript. to the Transcript Bulle-84029. The agenda is nue Bonds, Series (Published in the Tran- “Ground Lease”) which POSITION DUTIES: com tin. as follows: 2016 pursuant to the Freely. Provides assistance to elementary school CALL TO ORDER script Bulletin October Utah Local Building were before the Gov- (Yours and Ours.) children crossing the roadways in designated AND PLEDGE OF AL- 18, 20, 25 & 27, 2016) Authority Act, Title erning Board and at- tached to the Resolu- Open Forum crossing areas surrounding schools in LEGIANCE HAVING A yard sale?17D, Chapter 2, Utah Stansbury Park; morning, mid-day and after ROLL CALL Code Annotated 1953, tion at the time of the Every Tuesday Advertise in the Tran- adoption of the Reso- the school day. Directs and supervises traffic AGENDA: script as amended, and the crossing the crosswalks in his/her designated 1. Mayor Youth Local Government lution and said Master TOOELETRANSCRIPT Water Resolution, Master areas. Performs related duties as required. Awards. BECOME A SUB-Bonding Act, Title 11, BULLETIN Preference given to those who are Stansbury 2. Public Comments. SCRIBER. 882-0050 Chapter 14, Utah Lease, Deed of Trust Park residents. 3. Summary Action Code Annotated 1953, and Ground Lease, Items. as amended, and call- and are to be adopted MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: a. Approval of Minutes ing a public hearing to by the Governing • Graduation for high school or GED or an Rights b. Approval of Bills receive input from the Board in such form equivalent combination of education and 4. Consideration of an Forpublic All with respect the to Greatand with such Events changes in Life experience. amendment to the In- the issuance of the thereto as shall be ap- • Ability to communicate effectively terlocal Agreement re- Bonds. proved by the Govern- verbally and in writing. garding tax incentives TIME, PLACE AND ing Board upon the • Must be able to pass all security checks. for Project Purple. LetLOCATION Everyone OF PUB- adoption thereof; pro-Know! For Sale vided that the principal • Must be 21 years of age. 5. Mayor and Council LIC HEARING • Must have a valid Utah Drivers License. Reports. The Authority shall amount, interest rates, 6. Adjourn. hold a public hearing maturity, and discount Christine Webb Placeon Wednesday, a Notice No- inof the the BondsTranscript will not Bulletin! Applications and a complete job City Recorder vember 2, 2016, at the exceed the maximums East Erda set forth above. description are available at the In compliance with the hour of 7:00 p.m. The Tooele County Human Resource Office, Americans Weddings with Dis- • Birthdays • Graduationslocation of the public • RetirementCopies of the • Resolu-Anniversaries Rm 308; 47 South Main Street Tooele ability Act, Grantsville hearing is at 429 East tion, the Master Reso- or online at $ City will accommodate Military • MissionariesMain Street, • Grants- Honorslution, & Awards the Master Applications must be submitted to reasonable requests to ville, Utah. The pur- Lease, the Deed of each Trust and the Ground Tooele County Human Resource Office, assist persons with pose of the meeting is 9,500 disabilities to partici- to receive input from LeaseTOOELE are on file in the Rm 308; or email application to 435-882-0050 • 58 N. Main, Tooele TRANSCRIPT pate in meetings. Re- the public with respect office of the Secretary [email protected] quests for assistance8:30 to 5:30 Mon-Fri (closed Sat to& Sun) (i) the issuance of of theB AuthorityULLETIN located EEO Employer 435-224-4000 may be made by call- the Bonds and (ii) any at 429 East Main ing City Hall (435) potential economic im- Street, Grantsville, 884-3411 at least 3 pact that the improve- Utah, where they may days in advance of a ments, facility or prop- be examined during meeting. erty financed in whole regular business hours One or more Council or in part with the pro- of the Secretary from Members may partici- ceeds of the Bonds 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. pate electronically. may have on the pri- Monday through Fri- The anchor location vate sector. All mem- day, for a period of at will be City Hall at the bers of the public are least thirty (30) days above address. invited to attend and from and after the last (Published in the Tran- participate. date of publication of script Bulletin October PURPOSE FOR ISSU- this notice. 18, 2016) ING BONDS SECURITY FOR THE The Authority intends SERIES 2016 BONDS to issue the Bonds for This Series 2016 the purpose of (i) fi- Bonds are to be issued nancing the construc- under and secured by tion of a justice build- and entitled to the pro- ing that will house the tection of the Master police department and Resolution, pursuant justice court offices to which all base rent- and all related im- als payable by the City provements (the “Pro- under the Master ject”) and (ii) paying is- Lease and, if paid by suance expenses to the City, the Purchase be incurred in connec- Option Price, are as- tion with the issuance signed to secure the of the Bonds. payment of principal PARAMETERS OF of, interest on, and THE BONDS premium, if any on the The Authority intends Series 2016 Bonds. to issue the Bonds in Additionally, a security the principal amount of interest in the Project not to exceed Two Mil- shall be granted to the lion Seven Hundred holders of this Series Thousand Dollars 2016 Bonds pursuant ($2,700,000), to bear to the Master Lease, to interest at a rate not to further secure the exceed two and Authority's obligations one-half percent under the Master (2.50%), mature in not Resolution. more than thirty-one NOTICE IS FURTHER (31) years from their GIVEN that a period of date or dates, to be thirty (30) days from sold at a price not less and after the last date than one hundred per- of the publication of cent (100%) of the to- this notice is provided tal principal amount by law during which (i) thereof. any person in interest OUTSTANDING shall have the right to BONDS SECURED contest the legality of BY LEASE REVE- the Master Resolution, NUES Master Lease, Deed of The Issuer has Trust, Ground Lease, $3,783,511.97 Bonds or any provision made currently outstanding for the security and that are secured by the payment of the Bonds, Lease Revenues. and that after such OTHER OUTSTAND- time, no one shall ING BONDS OF THE have any cause of ac- ISSUER tion to contest the Additional information regularity, formality or regarding the Issuer's legality thereof for any outstanding bonds cause whatsoever; may be found in the Is- and (ii)registered vot- suer's financial report ers within the Author- (the “Financial Re- ity, may sign a written p o r t ” ) a t : petition requesting an election to authorize accountability/finan- the issuance of the cial-reports-of-local- Bonds. If written peti- governments. For ad- tions which have been ditional information, in- signed by at least cluding any informa- twenty percent (20%) tion more recent than of the registered voters as of the date of the of the Authority are Financial Report, filed with the Authority please contact the during said thirty (30) Sherrie Broadbent, Fi- day period, the Author- nance Director at ity shall be required to (435)884-3411. hold an election to ob- TOTAL ESTIMATED tain voter authorization COST prior to the issuance of Based on the Issuer's the Series 2016 current plan of finance Bonds. If fewer than and a current estimate twenty percent (20%) of interest rates, the of the registered voters total principal and in- of the Authority file a terest cost of the written petition during Bonds if held until ma- said thirty (30) day pe- turity is $3,869,988. riod, the Authority may The Bonds are to be proceed to issue the issued and sold by the Bonds without an elec- Authority pursuant to tion. the Resolution, includ- DATED this November ing as part of said 2, 2016. Resolution, the draft of Christine Webb a Master Resolution, Secretary (the “Master Resolu- (Published in the Tran- tion”), a Master Lease script Bulletin October Agreement (the “Mas- 18 & 25, 2016) ter Lease”), a Lease- hold Deed of Trust and Assignment of Rents (the “Deed of Trust”) and a Ground Lease Agreement (the “Ground Lease”) which were before the Gov- erning Board and at- tached to the Resolu- tion at the time of the adoption of the Reso- lution and said Master Resolution, Master Lease, Deed of Trust and Ground Lease, and are to be adopted by the Governing Board in such form and with such changes thereto as shall be ap- proved by the Govern- ing Board upon the adoption thereof; pro- vided that the principal amount, interest rates, maturity, and discount of the Bonds will not exceed the maximums set forth above. Copies of the Resolu- tion, the Master Reso- lution, the Master Lease, the Deed of Trust and the Ground Lease are on file in the office of the Secretary of the Authority located at 429 East Main Street, Grantsville, Utah, where they may be examined during regular business hours of the Secretary from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Fri- day, for a period of at least thirty (30) days from and after the last date of publication of this notice. SECURITY FOR THE SERIES 2016 BONDS This Series 2016 Bonds are to be issued under and secured by and entitled to the pro- tection of the Master Resolution, pursuant to which all base rent- als payable by the City under the Master Lease and, if paid by the City, the Purchase Option Price, are as- signed to secure the payment of principal of, interest on, and premium, if any on the Series 2016 Bonds. Additionally, a security interest in the Project shall be granted to the holders of this Series 2016 Bonds pursuant to the Master Lease, to further secure the Authority's obligations under the Master Resolution. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a period of thirty (30) days from and after the last date of the publication of this notice is provided by law during which (i) any person in interest shall have the right to contest the legality of the Master Resolution, Master Lease, Deed of Trust, Ground Lease, or any provision made for the security and payment of the Bonds, and that after such time, no one shall have any cause of ac- tion to contest the regularity, formality or legality thereof for any cause whatsoever; and (ii)registered vot- ers within the Author- ity, may sign a written petition requesting an election to authorize the issuance of the Bonds. If written peti- tions which have been signed by at least twenty percent (20%) of the registered voters of the Authority are filed with the Authority during said thirty (30) day period, the Author- ity shall be required to hold an election to ob- tain voter authorization prior to the issuance of the Series 2016 Bonds. If fewer than twenty percent (20%) of the registered voters of the Authority file a written petition during said thirty (30) day pe- riod, the Authority may proceed to issue the Bonds without an elec- tion. DATED this November 2, 2016. Christine Webb Secretary (Published in the Tran- script Bulletin October 18 & 25, 2016) B8 BULLETIN BOARD


IT are designed for the IT professional [email protected]. Johnson at (435) 830-4706 with any ques- Kids’ Steak Night menu TOOELE STANSBURY PARK seeking to upgrade their skills and knowl- tions. Something new at the Friday Night Steaks: edge of networking and security, and pre- Fruit Growing Seminar there is a new kids menu. The Auxiliary will Senior Center Benson Gristmill Pumpkin Walk pares you for the CompTIA Network+ and Want to be able grow great fruit right in offer a new menu for kids 12 and under The senior center is for the enjoyment of The Benson Gristmill’s Pumpkin Walk will Security+ exams. Call the TATC at (435) your own backyard? Then don’t miss Adrian MOOSE ONLY. For $2 per person, they have their all seniors 55 and older. New and exciting be Friday and Saturday, Oct. 21-22 from 10 248-1800 for more information or to enroll. Hinton’s 1-hour information-packed seminar choice of a large corn dog, four mini corn activities include bridge, pinochle, bingo, a.m.-8 p.m. Admission is free. Check out on how to choose and plant fruit trees and Meals at the Lodge dogs, a hot dog or a grilled cheese on exercise program, line dancing, wood carv- the pumpkin displays, vendors and food Adult education make them flourish! Offered by the Tooele Friday and Saturday night dinners will be Texas Toast with their choice of French fries ing, Wii games, watercolor class, movies trucks. Children in costume can trick or Get your high school diploma this year. All County Master Gardeners, this free class served from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday night or tater tots. You cannot beat this. Parents, and health classes. Meals on Wheels avail- treat the vendor booths. Children’s activi- classes required for a high school diploma, will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 26 from 7- dinners include clam chowder or home- come down to steak night and let the kids able for homebound. Lunch served week- ties and games will be held from 11 a.m.-2 adult basic education, GED preparation and 8 p.m. at the USU Extension Office at 151 made soup, and/or fish baskets (halibut, join you and try our new menu for the kids. days. For age 60 and above, suggested p.m. each day. There will also be a petting English as a second language are available. N. Main. Adrian is a retired USU Extension shrimp), or chicken strips. Saturday night donation is $3. For those under age 60, zoo and pony rides for a small fee. The Register now to graduate — just $50 per horticulturist with extensive fruit production dinners include 12-ounce ribeye or T-bone Planning meeting cost is $5. Transportation available to the Benson Gristmill is located at 325 SR-138 semester. Located at 211 Tooele Blvd., call experience.You’ll be enjoying fresh fruit steak with choice of baked potato/fries, A planning meeting will be held on Tuesday, store or doctor visits for residents in the in Stansbury Park. (435) 833-8750. Adult education classes and preserves for years to come! For more salad and roll; halibut or salmon steak with Oct. 18, 2016, at 6 p.m. ALL OFFICERS are Tooele and Grantsville areas. For transpor- are for students 18 and over. information, contact Jay Cooper at 435- choice of baked potato or fries, salad and expected to be there to plan the activities tation information call (435) 843-4102. For 830-1447 or [email protected]. roll, or Jumbo shrimp with choice of baked for November. All chairmen with an activity more information about the Tooele center, SCHOOLS ESOL potato or fries, salad and roll. All meals for November should also be there to get call (435) 843-4110. ESOL conversational classes are held are for a reasonable price. No orders are their time on the calendar and have it all Story and Craft Hour Tuesdays and Thursdays. ESOL students CHARITY taken after 8:45. Daily lunch specials are set up. Books for the Whole Family Join us every Monday at 10 a.m. at the may also come anytime the center is open available at the lodge from 11 a.m. After Donated children’s books and paperbacks Tooele Family Center-PIRC as we enjoy the for individualized study. Registration is $50 Tooele Children’s Justice Center purchase of 10 (ten) meals either Friday/ Auxiliary PPs Dinner are for sale for 25 cents, and hardcovers adventures of books and make fun crafts. per semester. Call (435) 833-8750 for Tooele Children’s Justice Center is in need Saturday nights you get a free one. If you PMP Jeannie Bennett will host the Auxiliary are being sold for $1 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. For more information, call (435) 833- more information. of DVD-Rs, soda, bottled water and snacks. have more than four people in your party, Past President’s monthly dinner at the on Fridays and 11 a.m.-2 p.m. on Tuesdays 1934 ext. 1410. We are located at West We appreciate all donations. For inquiries please call ahead to ensure the cook can LaFountain Restaurant at 7 p.m. on at the Tooele City Library. All proceeds Elementary School, 451 W. 300 South, Early Head Start or drop-off call (435) 843-3440. 25 S. 100 plan better. No steaks will be served Nov. 5 Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016. All PPs are Do you have a child under age 3? Are go back to the library for projects and Tooele. Please enter through the south East, Tooele. or Nov. 12 because of the special events. invited to attend. See you all there. you currently pregnant? VANTAGE Early programs. side doors. For members and their guests only. Head Start is a free program for eligible United Methodist dinner Family Dinner/Movie Night Grave decorations Free Preschool Hour families that offers quality early educa- Tooele United Methodist Church offers a Entertainment MP Jessica and PMP Barbara Denner will Tooele City Cemetery has set its schedule Every Tuesday at 10 a.m., the Tooele tion for infants and toddlers in the home; free dinner every Wednesday. Coffee and The next live band is scheduled for host our first Family Movie Night on Friday, for grave decorations for 2016. Decorations Family Center-PIRC has a fun activity hour parent education; comprehensive health social hour starts at 4 p.m. and dinner is Saturday, Nov. 19 from 7-11 p.m. Oct. 28. Bring the family for dinner, the are allowed for seven days before and of learning, singing and creating. This class services to women before, during and after served from 5-6 p.m. All are welcome. kids can eat from the kids menu and the seven days after St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, is for all children 0-5 years old. Please pregnancy; nutrition education and family Craft Day adults from the Steak Night menu. After Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, come and enjoy the fun. For more informa- support services. Call (435) 841-1380 or The Tooele Valley Resource The Women of the Moose are sponsoring dinner, the movie Casper will be shown with Independence Day, Pioneer Day, Labor tion, call (435) 833-1934 ext. 1410. We (801) 268-0056 ext. 211 to apply or for Center a craft day Oct. 22 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. popcorn and candy. Have the kids bring Day and Halloween, as well as seven days are located at West Elementary School, free additional information. The Tooele Valley Resource Center, now We will be making candles and there will a blanket if they want to lay on the floor before and seven days after the anni- 451 W. 300 South, Tooele. Please enter sharing a building with the Tooele County be lunch and door prizes — all for $5. We to watch the movie. Sounds like fun, see versary of death and seven days before through the south side doors. Free developmental evaluation Food Bank at 38 N. Main Street, is cur- encourage everyone to bring a daughter, you there. and seven days after the birthday of the DDI VANTAGE Early Intervention offers rently in need of donations. Please con- friend or member who is not active. It will deceased. St. Marguerite Catholic School a variety of services to families with sider donating items such as deodorant, be a great social event. Let’s get together St. Marguerite Catholic School welcomes infants and toddlers from birth to age 3. chapstick, lotion, diapers, formula, toilet and have fun. ELKS Bingo is Back! students of all faiths from preschool Individualized services are available to paper, shampoo, conditioner, combs and St. Marguerite Catholic Church has started through eighth grade. Featuring all-day enhance development in communication, brushes. Cash is also welcomed. Those Halloween Party Meetings its bingo games again on Fridays starting kindergarten, all-day preschool, junior high motor development, cognition, social/emo- who receive services include individuals On Oct. 29, the annual kids’ Halloween Lodge meetings are held the second and at 6:45 p.m. Come and have a good time! grades 6-8, small class sizes, free trial tional development, self-help skills and or families in crisis, the homeless and party will take place from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. fourth Tuesday of every month. House Food is available. Call 435-882-3860 with days and an enhanced STEM curriculum health concerns. Contact us for a free families at risk of becoming homeless. For Members can donate candy and/or prizes committee meetings are held every third questions. called STREAMS with religion, Spanish, developmental evaluation at (435) 833- more information, call (435) 566-5938 or in support of this event. For Moose mem- Tuesday of the month. All members are music and art classes included. 15 S. 7th 0725. fax (435) 843-0244. bers and their guests only. welcome and encouraged to attend. Street in Tooele, 435-882-0081. GRANTSVILLE Healthy Cooking with ... Series First Baptist Food Pantry Last Man Standing Stansbury Park Elementary Make and enjoy samples, get recipes and The First Baptist Church in Tooele is offer- Last Man Standing will be held Nov. 5. HISTORICAL SOCIETY Family History Center School more in these fun hands-on classes. Three ing an emergency food pantry to meet the Tickets can be purchased from any woman Greet your ancestors free at the Grantsville Stansbury Park Elementary School PTA is different classes will be held. Healthy needs of our community. The food pantry officer or from the staff at SQ. $5 per Seeking Historical Items Family History Center, 117 E. Cherry Street selling Little Caesars Crazy Bread punch cooking with Apples! — Wednesday, Oct. is available for emergency needs. Hours ticket, which includes dinner and a chance Tooele County Historical Society would like All are welcome, with consultants there to cards Oct. 3-24. Cost is $10 for 10 free 19 from 7-9 p.m.; Healthy cooking with of operation are Saturdays from 10 a.m. for $500. There will be other prizes as well members of the community who have any assist you. Open Mondays noon to 4 p.m., crazy bread combos (with $5 pizza pur- Pumpkin! on Wednesday, Nov. 2 from 7-9 to noon. We are located at 580 S. Main family or personal histories, photographs, and Tuesday through Thursday noon to 4 chase). Seventy percent of proceeds go p.m.; Healthy cooking with Pomegranates! Street. For information call (435) 882- Moose Family Reunion books, brochures, DVDs, VHS tapes, or On Nov. 12, the Women of the Moose p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. directly to the school PTA. Valid at most on Wednesday, Dec. 7 from 7-9 p.m. 2048. newspaper articles that you would like will be hosting a Moose family reunion Utah locations! Expires 6/30/17. Get yours Attend one or all classes. Cost is $6 per to donate to our organization to please “Southern Style.” Dinner is going to be Senior Center today at: person/couple per class. Space is limited! The Tooele County Food Bank call us. We are also looking for books, The senior center is for the enjoyment served at 5:30 p.m. Kids, family and adult or contact a Stansbury Park Elementary Prepay and registration required. Stop by & Grantsville Emergency Food newspaper articles, photos, brochures of all seniors age 55 and older. For info, games will start at 4:30 p.m. School student. USU Extension office M-TH 8 a.m.-6 p.m. or any history that pertains to the Tooele call (435) 884-3446. Activities include Pantry or F 8 a.m.-noon to register. Classes will County area. If you would like to donate Bunco, exercise programs, bingo, ceramics, West Elementary School be held at 151 N. Main — Tooele County The Tooele County Food Bank and Grantsville Emergency Food Pantry are in them to our organization, or if you would pinochle, movies and wood carving, etc. West Elementary School’s PTA is having Health Bldg. Sponsored by USU Extension. EAGLES need of canned meats, soups, pasta and let us make a copy for the Tooele County Meals on Wheels available for homebound. a Halloween carnival Oct. 27 from 6-8:30 Call/text Darlene at 435-840-4404 with any non-perishable foods. We are accept- Historical Society, please call Alice Dale at Lunch served weekdays. For age 60 and p.m. Cost is $5 for a games wristband, questions. Sunday breakfasts ing donations for Pathways Women’s and (435) 882-1612. above, suggested donation is $3. For those $7.50 for a games and meal wristband, There is a breakfast served each Sunday Children’s Shelter (victims of domestic under age 60, cost is $5. Transportation $3.50 for a meal wristband or $20 for Dads Matter from 9-11 a.m. There is a special every Historical books abuse). They are in need of socks, under- available to the store or doctor visits for a family pass that includes games and Dads matter — which is why we are offer- Sunday for $5 per person and you can Tooele County Historical Society’s books wear, blankets for twin beds, hygiene residents in the Tooele and Grantsville meals for up to four people ($3 for each ing a free research-based parenting course order off the menu for $7 per person or will be available to purchase at our meet- products (hairspray, hair gel, body wash, areas. For transportation information, call additional child). Activities include: potions for fathers and father figures. You will learn $3 for seniors who order very few items or ing. The History of Tooele County Volume nail polish and remover), toys. Anything will (435) 843-4102. class, make a wand, owl post, haunted how to put an end to arguing, back talk and for kids age 11 and under. The breakfast II is $30, The Mining, Smelting, and be appreciated. Underwear and socks must stage, candy store, history of magic, carni- begging; teach responsibility without losing includes one glass of juice or milk and cof- Railroading in Tooele is $20, and we also be new. Other items can be gently used. Daughters of Utah Pioneers val games, bounce slide and cookie walk. your child’s love; set limits without wag- fee with refills. Bad beer is available and have eight note cards depicting four dif- The DUP is seeking any family histories, Please help us help our community. Drop Credit cards welcome. West Elementary is ing war; avoid power struggles and teach the food is delicious. ferent pioneer buildings for $4. These will photographs, books, stories or vintage boxes are located in the Intermountain located at 451 W. 200 South. your children to complete chores without make great gifts for your family and friends. artifacts (before 1900) to display at our Staffing Office, 7 South Main Street #203, Steak nights reminders or pay. Courses are 100 percent Please call Alice Dale at 882-1612 if you DUP Grantsville Museum, located at 378 Tooele, UT 84074. On Oct. 21, the dinner special is a 12- free, incentives are offered dependent would like to purchase these books. W. Clark St. (in the basement of the J. TATC upon attendance and food is provided ounce top sirloin for $12. On Oct. 28, the Reuben Clark Farmhouse across from the at each session. Register to attend at Baby blankets needed special is a five-piece shrimp dinner for Grantsville Cemetery). For more informa- Diesel Tech class Baby blankets are needed for the nursery $11. at Mountain West Medical Center. Blankets SEE BULLETIN PAGE B9 ➤ tion, call Ellen Yates at (435) 884-0253 or Become a Heavy Duty Diesel Technician should be new and in good condition. Coralie Lougey at (435) 884-3832. Visit and start earning an attractive income. Homemade blankets are also accepted or www. Employer partners are waiting to employ GARDENING if new. Donations can be turned in to the diesel technician graduates. Enroll today volunteer desk at Mountain West Medical and begin an exciting lucrative career. Visit Free Plant Diagnostic Clinic Bulletin Board Policy Grantsville Irrigation Center, 2055 N. Main St. in Tooele. Call or call 435-248-1800 for more A free plant diagnostic clinic will take place If you would like to announce an upcoming event, contact the Transcript-Bulletin at The water is now off. We’d like to thank the Diane at (435) 843-3691 with any ques- information. every Wednesday through October from 3-6 882-0050, fax to 882-6123 or email to [email protected]. “The Bulletin citizens of Grantsville for their efforts to p.m. at the USU Extension Office Library, tions. Board” is for special community events, charitable organizations, civic clubs, non-profit conserve water this season. 151 N. Main, Tooele. Staffed by experi- organizations, etc. For-profit businesses should contact the advertising department. enced and friendly Master Gardeners, you’ll Community Closet Please limit your notice to 60 words or less. The Tooele Transcript-Bulletin cannot EDUCATION Clean out your closets. The Community find quick answers for what is troubling guarantee your announcement will be printed. To guarantee your announcement please Closet is accepting donations for gently your garden and yardscape. Questions can call the advertising department at 882-0050. Information must be delivered no later Online courses used clothing. Donations are accepted at also be submitted via email at tooelemaste than 3 p.m. the day prior to the desired publication date. Online courses in Network+ and Security+ your neighborhood school. Contact Christy


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TUESDAY October 18, 2016 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN B9 NEED CASH NOW? We Want to Make Tooele Family Al-Anon (435) 840-3683. are welcome to bring their laptop, tablet or smart phone to follow along. This is a You a Loan! Wednesdays at 11 a.m. at the Tooele Tooele Naranon “Circle of Hope Bulletin Pioneer Museum, in the basement at the new venue for the membership and their $ $ continued from page B8 back of the building. For questions or more to Recovery” artwork will be on display. The optional information, please call Allene at (435) Tooele Naranon meets Thursdays at 6:30 monthly project is to bring artwork with an 100- 3,000 TODAY! 830-0465 or Elizabeth at (435) 884-0825 p.m. at 134 W. 1180 North, Suite 4 in autumn theme for critiquing. For further Noble Finance or (435) 241-9200. Tooele (Bonneville Mental Health). Open to information, email [email protected]. GROUPS AND EVENTS all those affected by someone else’s addic- Refreshments will be served. 435-843-1255 Tooele Al-Anon Choices 4U tion. As a 12-step program, we offer help Local author seeks photos This group meets Sunday at 5 p.m. at the by sharing our experience, strength and A local author and historian is seeking origi- Mountain Faith Lutheran Church, 560 S. hope. For more information, please contact nal photographs of Saltaire, Black Rock, Main Street. For more information, contact Terri at (435) 313-4851. Garfield Beach and/or Lake Point, as well Gesele at (435) 224-4015 or Jo-Ann at as any similar turn-of-the-century attractions (435) 849-4180. “Messiah” and resorts for an upcoming book project. Rehearsal for the 32nd Christmas rendi- Join the Club! Those who wish to contribute information Alcoholics Anonymous tion of Handel’s “Messiah” began Oct. 9 or photographs of these parks should con- Meeting daily at noon and 8 p.m. at the at the LDS chapel on 10th West and Utah tact Emma Penrod at [email protected]. Oasis Alano Club, 1120 W. Utah Ave. For Avenue in Tooele. The time is 7 p.m. This THE PIANO Contributions will be printed with credit in more information, contact Lance at (435) year, the presentation will be in two parts. Tooele Club a yet-to-be released pictorial history book. 496-3691 or Wendy at (801) 694-2624. The Christmas part will be presented on WORKSHOP Tooele 438 W 400 N Annual There is no such thing as too many photo- Dec. 18. The Easter part will be presented Serving Tooele County graphs as the author needs a minimum of Food Addicts in Recovery on April 9. This is an inter-faith community Teen Center Membership 160 photographs, and any help is greatly Anonymous choir and orchestra. All singers and musi- Boys & Girls 102 N 7th St. appreciated. Are you having trouble controlling the cians are invited to participate in this Call today to schedule your way you eat? Food Addicts in Recovery traditional event. For more information, con- complimentary evaluation Tooele, UT 84074 $10$ Tooele Valley Flute Choir Anonymous (FA) is a free, 12-step recov- tact Betta Nash at 435-882-5107 or Dave Club 435.843.5719 The Tooele Valley Flute Choir seeks mem- ery program for anyone suffering from Young at 435-882-2094. bers interested in our inaugural effort to food addiction. Meetings are held every 435-830-5345 raise the profile of local flautists. If you Saturday at 9 a.m. at the Pioneer Museum, Tooele Valley Homemakers Club Homework Help | Computers | Games | Arts | and More! love to play the flute and want to grow your 47 E. Vine St. in Tooele. Enter at the north The Tooele Valley Homemakers Club will • free piano evaluation and a free cost musical horizons, please join us! All levels back entrance. For more information, call have a garage sale, including baked goods, estimate for any work requested of skill and experience welcome. Contact Millicent at (435) 882-7094 or Denise at on Friday, Oct. 21 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Afterschoolol Emma at [email protected]. (435) 830-1835 or visit www.foodaddicts. Tooele County Health Department building, • tuning and voicing org. Everyone is welcome to attend. 151 N. Main Street. This one-day event is Tooele Valley Free Masons a fundraiser for the club. For more informa- • replacement of broken or chipped keys programs forfor The Tooele Valley Free Masons meet the Tooele County Aging tion, call Thiel Peck at 435-224-4807. • repair or replacement of missing or second Friday of each month for dinner and Tooele County Aging is looking for volun- Youth andd Teens socializing. If you are interested or have teers to help us meet the needs of seniors Tooele Valley Family History Fair broken strings The Tooele Valley Family History Fair, questions please join us at the Lodge, in the community. Many seniors require When School located at the corner of Settlement Canyon assistance and need rides to doctors or “Finding Connections in Your Family Tree,” • any other needed mechanical repairs ages 6 - 18.8. is Road and SR-36, or give us a call at (435) other health professionals. Rides help will take place Saturday, Nov. 12, 2016, or adjustments The Club 277-0087. seniors live more independent lives. Call from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Tooele East is In! Out (435) 843-4114 for more information. The Stake Center, 751 N. 250 East in Tooele. We Can Make Your Sad Tooele Valley Family History Grantsville and Tooele Senior Centers also The fair will feature guest speaker Susan Piano Happy Again Center are in need of volunteers. For more infor- Cundick. Choose the classes you want Research your ancestors free with trained mation about volunteering at the Grantsville to attend and print your class handout at THE PIANO WORKSHOP FamilySearch volunteers at the Tooele Center, call Dan at (435) 843-4753. For and bring it with you Valley Family History Center, 751 N. 520 volunteering at the Tooele Center, call to the fair. East, Tooele. Phone (435) 882-1396. Debbie at (435) 843-4103. Hours of operation: Tuesday through Friday, Stansbury Art and Lit Artist of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday Life’s Worth Living Foundation the Month Tooele County evenings 7-9 p.m. Wednesday evenings by Suicide support group every third Thursday Diane Allen is the Stansbury Art and appointment only. Special classes offered at 7 p.m. at the TATC, located at 88 S. Literary Society artist for October. Diane regularly. Call the center for more informa- Tooele Blvd., Tooele. If you struggle with has always considered herself “crafty” Domestic Violence Coalition tion. suicidal thoughts or have lost a loved but didn’t realize until she was diagnosed one to suicide, please plan on attending. with breast cancer in 2012 how this would Take Off Pounds Sensibly Please go on Facebook and like our page help her. She knew during the process of Invites You to Join Us at a If you are struggling with your weight, to keep current with our latest news and treating the cancer she would lose her hair you don’t need to travel the road alone. events. Contact us on that page. lifesworth- so decided to dye scarves for headwear. TOPS can help you achieve your goals and It served her well as a therapeutic outlet Candlelight Vigil support you in your journey. We provide while on chemo. Over the past four years accountability through weekly weigh-ins Disabled American Veterans Diane has been able to grow, learn and and support and encouragement in a non- Chapter 20 to help others going through cancer by judgmental environment. TOPS is open The Disabled American Veterans (DAV) will donating scarves and hosting workshops OCTOBER 27th, 2016 to all men, women, teens and preteens. hold its monthly executive and general to teach the art of silk painting. She loves There are now two TOPS chapters in Tooele meetings on the third Thursday of every to sell her silk creations at art festivals to accommodate your schedule. UT 330 month at the Pioneer Museum (rear and fairs and has displayed her art in vari- Tooele meets Tuesday at Cornerstone entrance). The executive meeting will be ous shows at Huntsman Cancer Hospital, Baptist Church, 276 E. 500 North. Weigh at 7 p.m. and the general meeting will be University of Utah, Eccles Art Gallery and in from 5:30-6 p.m., meeting at 6 p.m. Call at 8 p.m. The DAV is looking for volunteer the bi-yearly show for the Stansbury Art and Mary Lou at (435) 830-1150 for informa- drivers — no DAV membership is required. Literature Society. Her lovely hand painted tion. UT 365 Tooele meets Saturday at Will need a VA physical. No monthly silk scarves will be displayed on the Wall the Bit ‘n’ Spur Clubhouse, 240 W. 500 meetings are held in July or December. Gallery at the Tooele County Chamber of North. Weigh-in from 9-9:30 a.m., and the Call commander Curtis G. Beckstrom at Commerce building, 154 S. Main Street, meeting is at 9:30 a.m. This chapter will 435-840-0547 or adjutant Eric Suarez at Tooele, for the month of October. The meet occasionally at a private residence, 435-241-9781. public is invited to view these works of art so call ahead for the exact location. Call during the Chamber of Commerce regular Lisa at (435) 882-1442 or (435) 830-5651 Health Department and Aging business hours. for information. TOPS is a nonprofit orga- Services hours nization. See the TOPS website at www. The Tooele County Health Department and Tooele United Methodists Aging Services’ new hours of operation are Yes — our turkey dinner is back! Turkey Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m., and Friday with all the trimmings will be sold to the Tooele Gem and Mineral Society from 8 a.m.-noon. Check out our calendar community on Nov. 12 from 4-7 p.m. This Our club meets the third Tuesday of the on our main page for holiday hours and year’s fundraiser is made possible by vol- month (except June, July and August) from closures. For more information, call (435) unteers who have offered to help us. Prices 7:30-9:30 p.m. in the Pioneer Museum 277-2301. will be $3 for ages 6 and under, $7 for downstairs conference room located at 47 children age 7-12 and seniors and $8 for E. Vine Street, Tooele. Come learn about Same-Sex Attraction Support adults age 13 and up. See you there! rocks, minerals and ways to craft with them Group Meet the Author and enjoy field trips for rock collecting. This group is for men dealing with unwant- Rosie Maloney, co-author of “Girl Unbroken: SEE IT REPORT IT Membership $15/year. Email TooeleGemAn ed same-sex attraction. This group meets A Sister’s Harrowing Story From the Streets [email protected]. every other week on Thursday evening in of Long Island to the Farms of Idaho,” will Tooele. There is no charge for participation. HEAR IT Sons of Utah Pioneers be at the Chamber of Commerce building, This is a safe setting that will offer healing, The goal of the Sons of Utah Pioneers located at 154 S. Main Street in Tooele, for understanding, support and resources. For Settlement Canyon Chapter is to keep our a “Meet the Author” event Oct. 24. more information, call Rick at (435) 224- Wear Purple To Show Your Support pioneer heritage alive. We do this through 4355 or email [email protected]. histories, stories, artifacts, monuments, Stansbury Art and Lit October museums, service and scholarships. Much Caregiver Support Group Meeting of this labor of love is found in the Tooele Join us the third Monday of each month The Stansbury Art and Literary Society is Pioneer Museum at 47 East Vine in Tooele, from 2-3 p.m. at Mountain West Medical inviting you to a presentation about using Meet at Janna’s Java, 402 N. Main St., at 6:00 PM as well as various statues and monuments Center, 2055 N. Main Street in Tooele. the internet to sell and present artwork. around the county. The Tooele Pioneer The Tooele County Health Department’s This will be given by Ashley Hoth who is The Walk to Veterans’ Memorial Park Begins at 6:30 PM Cemetery at the mouth of Settlement Aging Services program is the sponsor for well versed in using online marketing sites Canyon is another of our projects. We are these Alzheimer’s Association’s Caregiver and social media It is being held at the Corner of N. Main St. and Vine St. always looking for artifacts and histories as Support Groups. The groups are designed Coulter House Event Center, 175 E. SR- a loan or gift to be displayed for everyone’s to provide emotional, educational and 138, Stansbury Park, on Tuesday, Oct. 25, benefit at the Tooele Pioneer Museum. If social support for caregivers. They help at 7 p.m. Ashley will talk on opening shops Candlelight Vigil Begins at 7:00 PM you are interested in the values of honoring participants develop methods and skills to with various online marketing places as past and future pioneers and in visiting solve problems. The meetings encourage well as how to share your artistic process their historical settings and learning more caregivers to maintain their own personal, on the different social media sites. People about those who settled and shaped Utah, physical and emotional health, as well as attend our business and education meeting optimally care for the person with demen- the first Thursday of each month. A potluck tia. Questions call 435-277-2456. dinner followed by various presentations starts promptly at 6:30 p.m. in the new Parkinson’s Disease Support TATC Center at 88 S. Tooele Blvd. Call Group ������������� Robert Hansen at (435) 249-0703 for more A diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease can ����������������������������������������� information. be overwhelming for the newly diagnosed. Mood disorder support group Tooele has a support group for persons ����������������������������� with Parkinson’s Disease and their caregiv- Do you or someone you love have a mood ����������������� disorder? NAMI-Tooele affiliation offers ers. You can learn how others are coping help, hope and healing. Please join us for with PD and how to live well. We meet the � support group sessions every Wednesday third Friday of each month from 1-2 p.m. at at 4:30 p.m. at the New Reflection TATC, Tooele Applied Technology College, The Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) along with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Clubhouse on 900 South in Tooele. For 88 S. Tooele Blvd., Tooele. For informa- tion, call Barb at (801) 656-9673 or Hal at (EPA), have issued a Record of Decision (ROD) for Operable Unit Two (OU2) of the Jacobs Smelter Superfund Site more info, contact Kelly at 841-9903. in Tooele County, Utah.

Your Complete TOOELETRANSCRIPT The Jacobs Smelter Superfund site is located in Rush Valley and includes the town of Stockton located about five Local News Source ULLETIN miles south of Tooele, Utah. The risks posed by the site derive from smelting and mining activity, which occurred B primarily in the 1860s and 1870s. Wastes in the form of heavy metal contaminated soil, mill tailings, and smelter wastes exist at several locations within the site boundaries. The primary contaminants are lead and arsenic.

This ROD documents UDEQ’s and EPA’s selected remedy for addressing lead and arsenic soil contamination on TOOELE both residential and undeveloped land in OU2, an 85 acre area where the former Waterman Smelter operations TRANSCRIPT occurred. BULLETIN �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������� The final remedy for the site was selected after reviewing and considering all PHOTO OF THE MONTH information submitted during the 60-day public comment period from September 21-November 21, 2015. Previous cleanup actions were completed at the OU1-Stockton residential areas, OU3- Union Pacific Railroad property, OU4-Rio Tinto Kennecott Copper property, and OU2- Rawhide Ranchettes subdivision. The site was September added to the National Priorities List (NPL) in 2000. 2016 Winner: ������������������������������ The Administrative Record file for the site includes the ROD plus all regulatory documents that formed the basis for Brissa the UDEQ’s and EPA’s selection of the remedial alternative. Copies of the ROD are available at the Site Jackson Administrative Record and UDEQ Records Center locations: ������������������� ������������������������������������������� �������������������� ����������� ����������� ����� ������������������������������ Your photo ������������������� could be ����������������������������� next! The ROD is also available online at: ������������������������������ Submit your �������������������������������������������������������������������������� photo to: francie@ ������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������� tooeletran- Division of Environmental Response & Remediation Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8 Phone: 801-536-4090 Phone: 1-800-227-8917 (toll free) or 303-312-6537 E -mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected]

������������� �������������������������� Division of Environmental Response & Remediation Phone: 801-536-4479 E-Mail: [email protected] � B10


SUN AND MOON SEVEN-DAY FORECAST FOR TOOELE UV INDEX The Sun Rise Set WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Wednesday 7:45 a.m. 6:43 p.m. Thursday 7:46 a.m. 6:41 p.m. Friday 7:47 a.m. 6:40 p.m. Saturday 7:48 a.m. 6:38 p.m. Sunday 7:49 a.m. 6:37 p.m. Monday 7:50 a.m. 6:36 p.m. W Th F Sa Su M Tu Tuesday 7:51 a.m. 6:34 p.m. The higher the UV Index™ The Moon Rise Set number, the greater the need for eye and skin Wednesday 9:59 p.m. 11:41 a.m. protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Thursday 10:56 p.m. 12:44 p.m. Very High; 11+ Extreme Friday 11:55 p.m. 1:40 p.m. Saturday none 2:29 p.m. ALMANAC Sunday 12:56 a.m. 3:11 p.m. Statistics for the week ending Oct. 17. Nice with plenty of Pleasant with clouds A couple of showers Monday 1:57 a.m. 3:48 p.m. Sunny and cool Sunny Mostly sunny Mostly sunny Temperatures Tuesday 2:57 a.m. 4:22 p.m. sunshine and sun possible High/Low past week 74/39 Last New First Full Normal high/low past week 66/43 53 32 61 33 67 40 68 41 68 45 65 44 60 41 Average temp past week 57.7 Normal average temp past week 54.3 TOOELE COUNTY WEATHER Daily Temperatures High Low Oct 22 Oct 30 Nov 7 Nov 14 Shown is Wednesday’s Forecasts and graphics provided by weather. Temperatures are Wednesday’s highs and AccuWeather, Inc. ©2016 Wednesday night’s lows.

UTAH WEATHER Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Logan Grouse 53/24 Wendover Precipitation (in inches) Creek 54/33 Knolls Clive Lake Point 49/28 56/32 56/32 56/36 Ogden Stansbury Park 55/34 Erda 56/35 Vernal Grantsville 55/34 Pine Canyon Salt Lake City 53/28 56/34 39/31 Tooele 58/36 Bauer 53/32 Last Normal Month Normal Year Normal 53/31 Tooele Week for week to date M-T-D to date Y-T-D Provo Roosevelt 53/32 56/27 57/29 Stockton Pollen Index Price 53/31 59/32 High Nephi Rush Valley 56/28 54/30 Ophir Moderate 47/26 Low Delta Manti Absent 59/32 57/30 Green River Tu W Th F Sa Su M 66/35 Dugway Source: Intermountain Allergy & Asthma Richfield Gold Hill 54/31 58/27 Moab 50/31 RIVERS AND LAKES Hanksville 63/36 Beaver 63/34 Vernon In feet as of 7 a.m. Monday 59/30 Ibapah 53/29 24-hour 54/29 Stage Change Vernon Creek at Vernon 0.94 none Cedar City Blanding South Willow Creek St. George 62/26 63/34 at Grantsville 1.41 none 77/47 Kanab 67/40 Eureka 44/30 Great Salt Lake Elevation at Saltair Boat Harbor 4189.16

TELL ME A STORY ‘The Woman in the Frame’ (A Vietnamese Folktale) was grateful for the attention, he was mystified. adapted by Amy Friedman and So one morning as he left, instead of heading illustrated by Meredith Johnson down the road for work, he hid in the bushes beside his window. He peered inside, waiting to nce upon a time, there was a young see what would happen. To his astonishment, a man named Hien who was all alone in beautiful young woman stepped out of a picture Othe world. His parents had died; he had on his wall. He had often studied that painting no sisters or brothers, no wife and no children. and had become somewhat infatuated with the Every evening he came home from work to his woman. But now she was outside the frame, and quiet house, and although he was lonely, he she was dusting his tables. seldom thought about all that was missing in his Hien hurriedly ran inside, grabbed her and life. said, “Who are you? Where do you come from?” One day when he returned home, he was The woman pointed to the picture frame and amazed to find the house tidy, the lamps lit smiled. “I felt so sorry for you,” she said. “So I and a delicious meal prepared on the table. decided to help you.” Everything about the place felt better than it “Wait — don’t leave,” Hien said. “Please. ever had. He ate the meal and thought about the Marry me and stay here forever.” mystery, but he was so tired that he quickly fell The woman shook her head. “Impossible. asleep. You’re a human being, and I’m a portrait on a In the morning he awoke to find breakfast wall. We are from different worlds, and that is had been made. He checked the windows and where I belong,” she said, pointing at the frame. doors, but they were locked. He looked every- “I’ll fix that,” Hien said, and he snatched the where, but found no one in his house. He could picture from the wall, raced into his room and not imagine who was taking such good care of locked it in a trunk. “Now you cannot return to him. the picture,” he told the woman. “Marry me.” This went on for several days. Although Hien Her name was Thuy, she told him, and she

TOOELE ARMY DEPOT (TEAD) Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) and Technical Review Committee (TRC) Meeting SAVE THE DATE Wednesday, October 19, 2016, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Bldg. 1005, Second Ave, Tooele, Utah, 84074 � TEAD-North Tooele Army Depot (TEAD) is hosting the bi-annual public � Groundwater Modeling Update meeting to discuss the restoration activities related to the � Update on Air Sparge, Soil Vapor Extraction Environmental and Base Realignment and Closure Programs. Remediation at Landfill and BRAC sites The Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) and Technical Review � Groundwater Treatment Plant Demolition Update Committee (TRC) were established to bring together members agreed. So they married and lived happily so frustrated that he finally turned to the boys � MMRP FS Project Status of the local community and the Army, and to provide the together. They had three sons, and life was and said, “Go to the trunk in my room. Here public with an opportunity to talk to experts about the work TEAD-South good. But every year Hien grew one year older, is the key. Open it, and you will see the empty being performed at the Depot. RAB/TRC meetings are held � AOC Update and Thuy never changed. frame and the place your mother comes from.” two times a year. The public is encouraged to attend. � As their sons grew older, they began to ask The boys did just as their father told them, � their father questions. but when they saw the empty frame, they still “Why does Mother never get older?” the old- did not believe him. � est son asked. And so, the next day, the oldest son went to � � � “You say you are from different worlds, but his mother and asked if the story their father � � � � where is Mother from?” the youngest wanted to had told them was true. “He showed us an � Nicholas Montgomery Helge Gabert, UDEQ� � Troy Johnson Patricia Smith know. empty frame,” the boy said. “But it’s only a story, � TEAD-North (801)� 536-0215 TEAD-South US EPA Region 8 Hien refused to answer, but the boys kept ask- isn’t it?” (303) 312-6504 � Environmental Engineer Dave Larsen, UDEQ Environmental Protection ing. “Tell us about our mother. She is so secre- Thuy looked at her son and tears filled her � Environmental Office (801) 536-0226 Specialist � (435) 833-2761 Katie Crane, UDEQ Environmental Office tive; please tell us her story.” eyes. “Where is the frame?” she asked, and the (801) 536-4169 (435) 833-4198 � At last Hien could keep the secret no longer, boy took her to the trunk, opened it and showed � � and he sat the boys down and told them the true her. � � story. Thuy took the frame in her hands and began The boys to tremble. Then, as her son watched in won- laughed. der, she placed it on the wall where once it had Tooele County Health Department “Impossible,” belonged. Then she called her other sons into 2016 School Flu Clinic Schedule: they said. “You’re the room. quite a storytell- “Boys,” Thuy said, “I love you with all my October 17 Stansbury Park Elementary School Middle Canyon Elementary School er, Father.” No heart, but I can no longer stay here. I belong to matter how he a different world, and I must return. Tell your Tooele County Health Department will be October 18 Rose Spring Elementary School Overlake Elementary School insisted, they did father I love him and will miss him. I will miss holding Flu Clinics in your school this Fall. not believe him. all of you and remember you always.” October 19 Tooele Junior High School Clarke Johnsen Junior High School Hien became With that, as the boys watched in wonder, she stepped into the frame. October 24 Excelsior Academy Dugway Elementary School The boys began to weep and Vernon Elementary School Frank cry out for their mother. They October 25 Sterling Elementary School OHLMAN pulled at the frame, but their Northlake Elementary School Attorney at Law mother was frozen there, her M smile unmoving, her eyes life- October 26 Grantsville High School LU Grantsville Junior High School less. Tooele County October 27 Grantsville Elementary School FREE When their father returned West Elementary School Consultation from work, they told him what October 31 Stansbury High School had happened. Blue Peak High School for Distraught, Hien broke November 1 Willow Elementary School Wills & down in sobs. He placed a Tooele County Settlement Canyon Elementary School Trusts cloth over the picture and tried November 2 Copper Canyon Elementary School to forget about Thuy. But soon Tooele High School after that, he removed her pic- November 3 Scholar Academy ture from the wall and took it St. Margeurite 493 W. 400 N. Tooele to a gallery. There it remains Ibapah School to this day, a beautiful woman November 4 Anna Smith Elementary School 882-4800 surrounded by flowers, smiling Wendover High School down at this world she once visited. SERVICE DIRECTORY B11


4. GEOGRAPHY: What small principality is located between France and Spain? 5. MUSIC: What father/daugh- ter duo had a Billboard No. by Fifi Rodriguez 1 hit in 1967? 6. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What nation is the top pro- 1. ENTERTAINMENT: The book ducer of vanilla? “Happy Trails” was the auto- 7. ASTRONOMY: What is the biography of what famous fifth planet from the sun in Western film couple? our solar system? 2. HISTORY: What U.S. office 8. GEOLOGY: What type of did Aaron Burr hold when rock is pumice? he shot and killed Alexander 9. FOOD & DRINK: What were Hamilton? the five original colors of Moments 3. LITERATURE: What was the M&M’s candies? pen name of this 18th-cen- 10. TELEVISION: What were tury French writer/philoso- the names of the boys on in Time pher whose real name was the 1960s show “My Three Francois-Marie Arouet? Sons”? THE HISTORY CHANNEL ➤ On Nov. 6, 1558, Thomas Kyd is bap- tized in London. Kyd Mega Maze created the “revenge play,” which gave rise to tragedies like William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet.” Kyd’s “The Spanish Tragedie,” or “Hieronomo Is Mad Again,” became the most popular play in England during its day. ➤ On Nov. 1, 1800, John Adams moves into White House in the final year of his only term as president. Although Adams was initially ALL PUZZLE ANSWERS BELOW enthusiastic about the presidential mansion, he Fairy Tales” and “Baby’s Book.” and Abigail soon found Values vary, but most of it to be cold and damp the early editions of the Little during the winter. Golden Books from the 1940s ➤ On Nov. 3, 1883, Black seem to be valued in the $25- Bart makes his last $100 range depending on both stagecoach robbery. Q: When I was a youngster title and condition. When guards spotted in the 1940s, almost every • • • gun barrels sticking birthday and Christmas Q: I got married in 1958, out of nearby bushes, would include at least two or and one of my wedding pres- they handed over their three “Little Golden Books.” ents was a milk glass plate strong box. The “rifle My earliest one was “Baby’s with a hand-painted apple in barrels” turned out to be Book” published in 1942. its center. It was identified as Others are “Nursery Tales,” being made by Fenton glass. sticks tied to branches. “The Lively Little Rabbit,” Does it have value? — Betty, ➤ On Nov. 5, 1895, attor- “Hansel and Gretel,” “The Hastings, Nebraska ney George Selden wins Shy Little Kitten,” “The Saggy A: Your milk glass plate U.S. Patent No. 549,160 Baggy Elephant” and “A Year should have a lacy-edge and for an “improved road in the City.” All are in fair-to- was made during the mid- engine” powered by a good condition. Even though 1950s. I found it referenced “liquid-hydrocarbon I have no intention of selling in “Fenton Glass” by Mark F. engine of the compres- them, I am curious about Moran, who believes your plate sion type.” With that, as current values. — Lynda, would retail for about $25. far as the government Madison, Wisconsin • • • Don’t quit on feral cats A: It is interesting to note Q: I have a large brass was concerned, George Selden had invented the that the Western Publishing, belt buckle that depicts I’m not saying it was fast will become “normal,” loving the parent company of Little Mickey Mouse and is marked car — though he had or easy experience. It took a felines, it is possible. Good Golden Books, started in a “Hollywood, California, USA, never built a single one. whole year before he would luck. — D. In Palmyra, New Racine, Wisconsin, basement. 1937.” What can you tell ➤ On Nov. 2, 1912, the even sniff my finger, and York Edward Henry Wadewitz, a me about it? — V.B., B.C., XIT Ranch of Texas, much longer for me to con- DEAR D: Thank you for 30-year-old bookkeeper, pur- Canada once among the largest vince him that having his the encouragement! It takes chased a small printing compa- A: All authentic Disney ranches in the world, ear scratched would be awe- a tremendous amount of ny in 1907 for $2,504, some of items are marked as such. sells its last head of cat- some. patience to convince a feral cat which he had borrowed from a However, I cannot find your tle. At its peak, the XIT, I have two other cats that to approach you. As you noted brother. Throughout the 1920s belt buckle in any of my Disney owned by Chicago capi- I am working with now. above, participating in a TNR and ‘30s, the company contin- guides and believe it is prob- talists, had more than “Mitzi” will allow me to program help control feral ued to prosper and grow. ably a reproduction. 160,000 head of cattle, DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I pet her, but does not like cat populations. It also can According to “Collecting employed 150 cowboys read your recent column on to be held, nor will she reduce the chance of injury Little Golden Books,” by Steve Write to Larry Cox in care caring for feral cats, and I come into the house ... yet. from fights over territory or Santi and published by Krause of KFWS, 628 Virginia Drive, and encompassed nearly disagree that such animals “Bullwinkle” most likely members of the opposite sex. Books, the first Little Golden Orlando, FL 32803, or send 3 million acres. can never be tamed. I used will never come in, as he is Readers, contact your local Books were published dur- e-mail to questionsforcox@aol. ➤ On Oct. 31, 1926, Harry to believe that as well, until deathly afraid of dogs and I shelter or veterinarian to find ing the autumn of 1942. The com. Due to the large volume Houdini, the most seven years ago when a skin- have three. He sleeps in our out if there’s a TNR program first 10 titles are “Three Little of mail he receives, Mr. Cox celebrated magician and-bones tiger cat showed barn instead, and shows up near you. Kittens,” “Bedtime Stories,” cannot personally answer all and escape artist of the up on my patio. The starved every morning for breakfast. “The Alphabet A-Z,” “Mother reader questions, nor does he 20th century, dies of cat that I thought was dead I had him neutered through Send your questions or pet Goose,” “Prayers for Children,” do appraisals. Do not send peritonitis in a Detroit when I first saw it is now a our local TNR (Trap, Neuter, care tips to ask@pawscorner. “The Little Red Hen,” “Nursery any materials requiring return hospital. Twelve days loving fat boy that sleeps Release) program. com. Songs,” “The Pokey Little mail. earlier, Houdini had with me every night. So, while not all feral cats © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc. Puppy,” “The Golden Book of © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc. been punched twice in the stomach, rupturing his appendix. movie]. As far as I am con- news to sate my appetite update: The lovable Fergus for a third and fourth sea- ➤ On Nov. 4, 1990, cerned, I’m completely up for during this Droughtlander? (who was played by cutie-pie son. But what you might “Dances With Wolves,” it. Most of the cast are up for — Dina J., New Haven, Romann Berrux in season not know is that ’s CEO a film about a Civil War- it.” Connecticut two) will be in his early 20s Chris Albrecht told a group era soldier and a group This past summer, Julian A: I do! I forgot to include for the third season of the of reporters recently that the of Sioux Indians, pre- told “Indiewire”: “I hope this news a few weeks ago hit romance/time travel/fan- popular series “will be around mieres in Los Angeles. there will be a film. There when I gave my “” tasy drama, and he will be for a long time.” The film, starring Kevin is an audience for a film. I’d played by Cesar • • • Costner, was a surprise structure a narrative with lots Domboy. We also Q: Please tell me box-office success and of things happening, but we have casting news when the new season of earned 12 Academy Q: I have heard rumors would need a kind of unity about Lord John “Homeland” begins. — Rae Award nominations. that a “Downton Abbey” to make a feature, which is a Grey, who plays G., via email movie might be in the challenge for me. It would be an integral part A: The hit Showtime crime © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc. works. Is this true? — a bigger canvas: A riot could in the remaining thriller will premiere its 12- Jennifer D., via email be a real riot, the ball a real books of the series. episode sixth season on Jan. A: I too have heard these ball. I would like that; I think Australian actor 15, 2017. It also has been If it happens here, rumors, and talk at the BAFTA it would be fun.” David Berry will renewed for a seventh and awards a short while back Michelle Dockery, who play the former eighth season, with the eighth read about it here. is only strengthening them. played Lady Mary, teased in British soldier- expected to be its last. Season Michael Fox, who played “Vanity Fair”: “I think there turned-Ardsmuir six begins its story several TOOELE TRANSCRIPT Andy the valet, intimated that is potential for a [‘Downton Prison governor months after the fifth, and BULLETIN Maggie Smith (our favorite Abbey’] film. That is some- who strikes up a takes place between Election Subscribe 435-882-0050 Dowager Countess) might be thing I would wholeheartedly dubious friendship Day and Inauguration Day. on board for a reunion big- consider, so we will see. It with the incarcer- screen feature film, which may not be over yet.” ated Jamie Fraser Write to Cindy at King would pretty much guarantee • • • (played by Sam Features Weekly Service, a green light for the project. Q: Thank you so much for Heughan). 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, “Downton” creator and writer all the “Outlander” news Also, I’m sure FL 32803; or e-mail her at Julian Fellowes told “Good that you provide during the you know that [email protected]. Morning Britain”: “I would long break between sea- “Outlander” has love to make [a ‘Downton’ sons. Do you have any more been renewed © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc. ANSWERS Trivia Test Answers

1. Roy Rogers and Dale 7. Jupiter Evans 8. Igneous 2. Vice president 9. Red, yellow, brown, 3. Voltaire green and purple 4. Andorra 10. Mike, Robbie and 5. Nancy and Frank Chip Sinatra 6. Indonesia © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc. B12 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN TUESDAY October 18, 2016

Lunch & DR. JACOB DAYNES LEARN Podiatrist FRIDAY • NOV 11 12:00-1:00PM

Dr. Kim Halladay, DPM will discuss the latest advances in treating heel pain. He will provide information on surgical and non-surgical options and why it’s so important that every treatment is tailored to each individual patient. Lunch will be provided.


Dr. Kim Halladay is a board-certifi ed Podiatrist Pettis Veterans Memorial Hospital. He is the

who has been practicing in Tooele since 1983. past president, vice president, and chair of the

He is a graduate of Brigham Young University, Public Relations committee of the Utah Podiatric

the California College of Podiatric Medicine, Medical Association and currently serves as the

and completed a surgical residency at the J.L. APMA PAC coordinator.

2326 N 400 E, BLDG. C STE. 100, TOOELE

Space is limited please RSVP 435-843-0180 Sole Mate. Active. FOOT INJURIES • ANKLE INJURIES • FOOT CARE

Getting you back to 100%, so you can give your 110% Take the rst step

Having been a college athlete, Je rey foot injuries, pediatric, geriatric, and toward relief from Carlson, DPM, knows the signi cance diabetic care. hip or knee pain.

of feet and the important role they Get back to the active life you love Same- and next- day play for the rest of the body. Dr. with help from Mountain West appointments often available. Carlson is an expert in both forefront Medical Center. Join Dr. Jake Daynes, orthopedic surgeon, for a free seminar and rear foot surgeries, sports-related Se habla espanol. to learn about solutions to knee and hip joint pain. He will discuss treatment options that range from physical therapy and injections to minimally invasive surgery, including robotic-assisted surgery. Get your questions answered and learn whether you may be a candidate for joint replacement surgery.


FREE Joint Pain Seminar JEFFREY CARLSON, DPM When: Tuesday, October 25 Where: Mountain West Medical Center Classrooms 2055 North Main Street, Tooele STANSBURY SPRINGS FOOT & ANKLE CLINIC HEALTH CENTER Start your journey now! Sign up by calling 435-843-3787. 576 HIGHWAY 138, SUITE 400 Located on the north corner of the Soelberg’s building in Stansbury 435 843 3647


REBEKAH ALDRIDGE, PA LEVI BACHLER, PA DAVID BOWMAN, DO JEFF CARLSON, DPM Family Practice Family Practice Urgent Care at Podiatry Grantsville Medical Clinic Grantsville Medical Clinic Stansbury Springs Tooele Medical Group Relief. Foot & Ankle If everything you eat causes pain, it could be your gallbladder.

Do you suἀer from pain in the upper right or upper middle part of your stomach a er eating? Have you been told that you have gallstones or should have your gallbladder removed? If you answered “yes” CATHERINE CARTER, NP BLAINE CASHMORE, MD JAKE DAYNES, DO Urgent Care at Stansbury General Surgery Orthopedic Surgery & to either of these questions, then Springs Oquirrh Surgical Services Sports Medicine you owe it to yourself to talk to Tooele Medical Group a physician about the signs and Orthopedic Surgery & Sports Medicine symptoms of gallstones and options for gallbladder removal, including minimally invasive and robotic- assisted surgery.

Call 435-843-3643 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Scott Stern and learn about your treatment options.

CURT DUSTIN, FNP PERRY HOELTZEL, MD SAMARA LAZERNICK, MD Family Practice Neurosurgeon OB/GYN Mountain View Health Care Wellsprings Women’s Care


MEGAN SHUTTS- SCOTT STERN, DO RONALD TRUDEL, MD STEVEN RICH, DO KARJOLA, MD Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Pediatrics OB/GYN Mountain View Health Care Wellsprings Pediatrics Wellsprings Women’s Care 196 E 2000 N SUITE 110, TOOELE (in Medical O ce adjacent to hospital) 435.775.9973 TOOELE MEDICAL GROUP PROVIDER REFERRAL LINE: 435 775 9973