Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2018 4:45:48 PM ...... OMB No. 1124-0002; Expires May 31,2020 U.S. Department of Justice Supplemental Statement

Washington, dc 20530 Pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended

For Six Month Period Ending 6/30/18 (Insert date)


1. (a) Name of Registrant (b) Registration No.

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP 3492

(c) Business Address(es) of Registrant 1333 New Hampshire Aye, NW ' Washington, DC 20036

2. Has there been a change in die information previously famished in connection with the following? (a) If an individual: (1) Residence address(es) Yes □ No □ (2) Citizenship Yes □ No □ (3) Occupation Yes □ Non (b) If an organization: (1) Name Yes □ No 0. (2) Ownership or control Yes 0 No Q (3) Branch offices Yes □ No 0 (c) Explain fully all changes, if any, indicated in Items (a) and (b) above. As a partnership, partners leave or join the partnership on a regular basis.

IF THE REGISTRANT IS AN INDIVIDUAL, OMIT RESPONSE TO ITEMS 3,4, AND 5(a). 3. If you have previously filed Exhibit Cl, state whether any changes therein have occurred during this 6 month reporting period. Yes □ . No □ If yes, have you filed an amendment to the Exhibit C? Yes □ No G If no, please attach the required amendment.

1 The Exhibit C. for which no printed form is provided, consists of a true copy of the charter, articles of incorporation; association, andby laws of a registrant that is an organization. (A waiver of the requirement to file an Exhibit C may be obtained for good cause upon written application to the Assistant Attorney General, National Security Division, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20530.)

FORM NSD-2 Revised 05/17 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2018 4:45:48 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2018 4:45:48 PM 1 (PAGE 2)

4. (a) Have ariy persons ceased acting as partners,"officers, directbrs~or simile officials of the registrant'durihg this 6 month reporting period? . Yes 0 No □ If .yes, furnish the following information: ' Name Position Date Connection Ended As a partnership, partners leave or join the partnership on a regular basis.

(b) Have any persons become partners, officers, directors or. similar officials during this 6 month reporting period? ’ Yes [x] ■ ...... No □...... If yes, furnish the following information: Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed Asa partnership, partners leave or join the partnership on a regular basis.

5. (a) Has any person named in Item 4(b) rendered services directly in furtherance of.the interests of any foreign principal? ( Yes Q No ® If yes, identify each such person and describe the service rendered.

.(b) During this six month reporting period, has the registrant hired as employees or in any other capacity, any persons who rendered or will render services to the registrant directly in furtherance of the interests of aiiy foreign principal(s) in other than a clerical or secretarial, or in a related or similar capacity? Yes □ No El

Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed

(c) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their employment or connection with the registrant during this 6 month reporting period? Yes □ No EE] If yes, furnish the .following information: Name Position or Connection Date Terminated

(d) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their connection with any foreign principal during this 6 month reporting period? Yes S No CD If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position or Connection Foreign Principal Date Terminated SteveRoss Partner Embassy of the UAE 6/30/18 ThorPetersen Associate SultanateofOmari 6/30/18

6. Have short form registration statements been filed by all of the persons named in items 5(a) and 5(b) of the supplemental statement? Yes □ No □ If ho, list names of persons who have not filed the required statement, h/a

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7. Has your connection with any foreign principal ended during this 6 month reporting period? Yes □ No 0 If yes, furnish the following information:

Foreign Principal Date of Termination

8. Have you acquired any new foreign principal(s)2 during this 6 month reporting period? Yes 0 No □ If y es, furnish th following information:

Name and Address of Foreign Principal(s) Date Acquired Sultanate of Oman 4/18 . Ippan Shadan Hojin Nippon Keizai Dantai Rengokai ("Keidanren") 5/18 Embassy of Thailand 6/18 Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia 2/18

9. In addition to those named in Items 7 and 8, if any, list foreign principaI(s)2whom you continued to represent during the 6 month reporting period. Embassy of the UAE Embassy of Japan MoiseKatumbi Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands - Hong Kong Trade Development Council

10. (a) Have you filed exhibits for the newly acquired foreign principal(s), if any, listed in Item 8? Exhibit A3 Yes S No □ Exhibit B4 Yes S No □ If no, please attach the required exhibit. f (b) Have there been any changes in the Exhibits A and B previously filed for any foreign principal whom you represented during this six month period? Yes □ No S If yes, have you filed an amendment to these exhibits? Yes □ No S If no, please attach the required amendment.

2 The tain "foreign principal", includes, in addition to those defined in Section 1(b).of the Act, an individual organization any of whose activities are'directly or indirectly^' supervised, directed, controlled, financed, or subsidized in whole or in major part by a foreign government, foreign political party, foreign organization or foreign individual. (See1 Rule 100(a) (9)). A registrant who represents more than one foreign principal is required to list in the statements he files under the Act only those principals for whom he is not entitled to claim exanption under Section 3,of the Act. (See Rule 208.) 3 The Exhibit A, which is filed on Form NSD-3, sets forth the information required to be disclosed concerning each foreign principal. 4 The Exhibit B, which is filed on Form NSD-4, sets forth the information concerning the agreement or understanding between the registrant and the foreign principal. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2018 4:45:48 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2018 4:45:48 PM


11. During this 6 month reporting period, have you engaged in any activities for or rendered any services to any foreign principal named in Items 7,8, or 9 of this statement? Yes 0 No D

If yes, identify each foreign principal and describe in full detail your activities and services: Please see attached

12. During this 6 month reporting period, have you on behalf of any foreign principal engaged in political activity5 *as defined below? Yes 0 No □

If yes, identify each such foreign principal and describe in full detail all such political activity, indicating, among other things, die relations, interests and policies sought to be influenced and the means employed to achieve this purpose. If the registrant arranged, sponsored or delivered speeches, lectures or radio and TV broadcasts, give details as to dates, places of delivery, names of speakers and subject matter. Please see attached

13. In addition to the above described activities, if any, have you engaged inactivity on your own behalf which benefits your foreign principal(s)? Yes □ No 0

If yes, describe fully.

5 "Political activity,” as defined in Section l(o) of the Act, means any activity that the person engaging in bclieveswill.ofthatthe person"intends"to7inany way influence airy agency dr official of the Government of the United States or any section of the public within the United States with reference to formulating, adopting nr changing the domestic or foreign policies of the United States or with reference to political or public interests, policies, or relations of a government of a foreign country or a foreign political party. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2018 4:45:48 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2018 4:45:48 PM

(PAGE 5)


14.(a) RECEIPTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period, have you received from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal, any contributions, income or money either as compensation or otherwise? Yes 0 No □

If no, explain why.

Ifyes, set forth below in the.required detail and separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies.6 Date From Whom Purpose Amount Please see attached


(b) RECEIPTS - FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN During this 6 month reporting period, have you received, as part of a fundraising campaign7, any money on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7,8, or 9 of this statement? Yes □ No S3 Ifyes, have you filed an Exhibit D8 to your registration? Yes □ No.D

Ifyes, indicate the date the Exhibit D was filed. Date______•

(c) RECEIPTS-THINGS OF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, have you received any thing of value9 other than money from any foreign principal named in Items 7,8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal? Yes □ No [HI

If yes, furnish the following information:

Foreign Principal Date Received Thing of Value • Purpose

6,7 A registrant is required to file an Exhibit D if he collects or receives contributions, loans, moneys, or other things of value for a foreign principal, as part of a fundraising campaign. (See Rule 201(e)). 8 An Exhibit O. for which no printed form is provided, sets forth an account of money collected or received as a result of a fundraising campaign and transmitted for a foreign principal. 9 Things of value include but are not limited to gifts, interest free loans, expense free travel, favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, "kickbacks," and the like. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2018 4:45:48 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2018 4:45:48 PM

(PAGE 6)

15. (a) DISBURSEMENTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period, have you (1) disbursed or expended monies in connection with activity on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7,8, or 9 of this statement? Yes IE) No □ (2) transmitted monies to any such foreign principal? Yes □ No 0

If no, explain in full detail why there were no disbursements made on behalf of any foreign principal.-

If yes, set forth below in the required detail and separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies, including monies transmitted, if any, to each foreign principal.

Date To Whom Purpose - Amount Please see attached


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(PAGE 7) (b) DISBURSEMENTS-THINGS OF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, have you disposed of anything of value10 other than money in furtherance of or in connection with' activities on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes □ No 0 If yes, furnish the fqllowirig'infbrmatiqn:

Date Recipient Foreign Principal Thing of Value Purpose

(c) DISBURSEMENTS-POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS During this 6 month reporting period, have you from your own funds and on your own behalf cither directly or through any other person, made any contributions of money or other things of value11 in connection with an election to any political office, or in connection with any primary election, convention, or caucus held to select candidates for political office? Yes 0 No □

If yes, furnish the following information: Date Amount or Thing of Value Political Organization or Candidate Location of Event Pleasesee attached

10,11 Things of value include but are not limited to gifts, interest free loans, expense free travel, favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, "kickbacks," and the like.

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16. (a) During this 6 month reporting period, did you prepare, disseminate or cause to be disseminated ahy'infqrmatiorial materials?12 Yes □ No ill If Yes, go to Item 17. (b) If you answered No to Item 16(a), do you disseminate any material in connection with your registration? Yes □ No IS If Yes, please forward the materials disseminated during the six month period to the Registration Unit for review. 17. Identify each such foreign principal. . ' :

18. During this 6 month reporting period, has any foreign principal established'a budget or'allocated'a specified sum'of money to finance your activities in preparing or disseminating informational materials? Yes □ No 13 If yes, identify each such foreign principal, specify amount, and indicate for what period of time.

19. During this 6 month reporting period, did your activities in preparing, disseminatingor causing the disseminationof informational materials include the use of any of the following: G Radio or TV broadcasts □ Magazine or newspaper G Motion picture films G Letters or telegrams G Advertising campaigns G Press releases G Pamphlets or other publications G Lectures or speeches □ Other (specify)...... Electronic Comm un ications G Email G Website URL(s):;.______. . □ Social media websites URL(s):.. □ Other (specify) _;______

20. During this 6 month reporting period, did you disseminate oir cause to be disseminated informational materials among any of die following groups: G Public officials G Newspapers □ Libraries G Legislators G Editors G Educational institutions G Government agencies □ Civic groups or associations G Nationality groups G Otin&r (specify)

21. What language was used in the informational materials: G English Q Other (specify).______. . .______

22. Did you file with the Registration Unit,'U.S. Department of Justiceacopybf each” item of such informational materials disseminated or caused to be disseminated during this 6 month reporting period? Yes G No O

23. Did you label each item of such informational materials with the statement required by Section 4(b) of the Act? Yes G No Q

12 The term informational materials includes any oral, visual, graphic, written, or pictorial information or matter of any kind, including that published by means of advertising, books, periodicals, newspapers, lectures, broadcasts, motion pictures, or any-means or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce or otherwise. Informational materials disseminated by an agent of a foreign principal as part of an activity in itself exempt from registration, or an activity which by itself would not require registration, need not be filed pursuant to Section 4(b) of the Act

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(PAGE 9)

VI - EXECUTION In accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1746, the undersigned sweats) or affirm(s) under penalty of perjury that he/she has (they have) read the information set forth in this registration statement and the attached exhibits and that he/she is (they are) familiar with the contents thereof and that such contents are in their entirety true and accurate to the best of his/her (their) knowledge and belief, except that the undersigned make(s) no representation as to truth or accuracy of the information contained in die attached Short Form Registration Statements), if any, insofar as such information is not within his/her (their) personal knowledge.

(Date of signature) (Print or type name under each signature or provide electronic signature13)

July 30,2018______/s/Melissa Laurenza eSigned

. 13 This statement shall be signed by the individual agent, if the registrant is an individual, or by a majority of those partners, officers, directors or persons performing similar functions, if the registrant is an organization, except that the organization can, by power of attorney; authorize one or more individuals to execute this statement on its behalf.

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Question 11:

Embassy of Japan: During the reporting period, Registrant advised the Government of Japan regarding United States trade and investment.policy, particularly with respect to relevant bilateral and multilateral dialogues and the Congressional agenda as it related to trade and investment policy. Registrant met with the Congress, U.S. Administration-officials, and private sector stakeholders. Registrant also monitored and informed the Government of Japan of congressional hearings and other events and developments regarding matters of interest to international trade and investment.

Embassy of the United Arab Emirates: During the reporting period, Registrant advised the Embassy of the UAE regarding negotiations and policies relating to the U.S.-UAE Civil Air Transportation Agreement (otherwise known as an Open Skies Agreement), particularly with respect to a Record of Discussion and side letter Covering financial transparency of state-opened enterprises and reaffirming the terms of the original agreement. Registrant counseled the Embassy of the UAE on foreign policy issues, including Iran sanctions, the war in Yemen, export controls and possible arms sales, compliance with U.S. boycott laws, U.S. human rights reports, the termination of relations by the UAE and other nations with Qatar (including related international disputes), hate speech and influence on U.S. politics by Mideast regional media outlets, cybersecurity, and compliance with U.S. international law, and U.S. Congressional matters.. This included monitoring, compiling information, and analyzing the potential and legal ramifications of legislation. Registrant also monitored and informed the Embassy about Congressional hearings and other events and developments regarding matters of interest.

Moise Katumbi: During the reporting period, Registrant counseled Moise Katumbi on matters before the U.S. Congress and Administration relating to free and fair elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo (“DRC”). This included monitoring, compiling information, and analyzing the potential and legal ramifications of oversight hearings before House and Senate Committees regarding free and fair elections in the DRC, and the need for sanctions to ensure that they Occur. Registrant also assisted Moise Katumbi with meetings with Members of Congress, the Administration, U.S. NGOs, and the U.S. press regarding the issue of free and fair elections in the DRC. Finally, Registrant monitored and informed Moise Katumbi of Congressional hearings and other events and developments regarding matters of interest affecting Africa generally and the DRC specifically.

Hong Kong Trade Development Council: During the reporting period, Registrant counseled Hong Kong Trade Development Council on U.S. Congressional matters. This included monitoring, compiling information, and analyzing the potential and legal ramifications of legislation. Registrant also monitored and informed Hong Kong Trade- Development Council of Congressional hearings and other events and developments regarding matters of interest to Hong

Republic of the Marshall Islands: During the reporting period, Registrant advised the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) regarding legislative strategy to enact the RE AL ID Act Modification for Freely Associated States Act (HR 3998/Young (R-AK) and the visit of RMI President Hilda Heine to Washington, DC in September, .2017. Activities also included advice and assistance in identifying economic opportunities for the RMI, legislative monitoring, and

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analysis of legislative proposals as well as meetings and other communications with the U.S. Congress and U.S. Administration.

Sultanate of Oman: During the reporting period, Registrant provided counsel regarding efforts to obtain an exemption from Section 232 tariffs imposed on aluminum and steel and conducted outreach to U.S. government officials regarding the same.

Public Investment Fund: During the reporting period, Registrant provided legal advice and guidance with respect to the Public Investment Fund’s engagement with CFIUS and the U.S. government in connection with the Public Investment Fund’s current and anticipated investments in the U S. and conducted outreach to U.S. government officials regarding the same.

Embassy of Thailand: During the reporting period, Registrant provided advice and counsel and conducted outreach to U.S. government officials regarding the U.S.-Thailand hade relationship, including the Generalized System of Preferences.

Ippan Shadan Hojin Nippon Keizai Dantai Rengokai (“Keidanren”): During the reporting period, Registrant implemented and facilitated a legislative exchange program through meetings between members of the National Diet of Japan and Members of the U.S. Congress. Registrant provided logistical support for the meetings, provided briefing materials; to participants and served as liaison between Keidanren and offices, organizations or U.S. officials in Washington, DC.

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MANNER OF ACnVITY/SUBJECT MATTER (bill, GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS OR EMPLOYEES CONTACT (meeting. DATE resolution, treaty, position) Olent CONTACTED (Name and Tide). Office call, email! To discuss US policy related to democracy in Gregory Simpkins,'Staff Director, House' 01/03/18 the ORC Katumbi Africa Subcommittee- email 1/10/18 _ DiscussTPP/bilateral economic dialogue Japan. Meeting with Cong. Joaquin Castro In person 01/19/18 US /RMI Relationship Marshall Islands' John Rader, National Security'Council Email/Cair Susannah Welford, President and Founder, 01/24/18 Women's leadership Marshall Islands Running Start email Doug Domenech, Assistant Secretary, Insular 01/25/18 Meeting request Marshall Islands and International Affairs Email Susannah Welford, President and Founder, 01/25/18. Women’s leadership. Marshall Islands RunhingStart call Real ID Act Modification for Freely 01/29/18 Associated States Act {HR 3398) Marshall Islands Michael Songer, Rep. Voung call Real ID Act Modification for Freely 02/02/18 Associated States Act (HR 3398) Marshall Islands Michael Songer, Rep. Young. email Steve Rablnowitz (President, Bluelight Strategies) Issues relating to client's termination of Aaron Keyak (Managing Director, Bluelight relations with Qatar and accuracy and Strategies) transparency of Qatar government-owned Joseph Sandler (Member, Sandler Reiff Lamb 02/02/18 media ... UAE Rosenstein 8t Birkenstock, P.C.) Meeting To discuss Japanese international trade 02/07/18 policy Japan Tom Mancinelii, LA, Sen..Coons email Luke Murry; Policy Advisor, House Majority 02/08/18 H.R.3398 Marshall Islands Leader . . . Email Real ID Act Modification for Freely 02/08/18 Associated States Act (HR 3398) Marshall Islands Isaac Edwards, Senate ENR Committee email Sharon Eshelman, Professtional Staff Member, House Committee on Oversight 02/09/18 H.R. 3398 Marshall Islands and Government Reform Email


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Kelsey' Wail, .Professional Staff Member, House Committee on Oversight and 02/09/18 H.R. 3398 Marshall Islands Government Reform Email Luke Murry, Policy Advisor, House Majority 02/12/18 H.R.3398 Marshall Islands Leader Email Brittan Specht, Senior Policy Advisor, House 02/14/18 H.R.3398 Marshall Islands Majority Leader Email Doug Dorrienech, Assistant Secretary,'Insular 02/20/18. Meeting request Marshall Islands and International Affairs Email Doug Dorrienech, Assistant Secretary,''Insular 02/21/18_ Meeting topic request _. Marshall Islands and International Affairs ______Email Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Qatar goveYriment-owned Josh Flyyn Brown, Senate Judiciary 02/22/18 media. UAE Committee Counsel Call. Doug Domenech, Assistant Secretary, Insular 02/26/18 Meeting topic list Marshall Islands and International Affairs Email Issues relating to client's termination of*” relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Qatar government-owned Josh Flyyn Brown, Senate Judiciary 02/26/18. media.______.... UAE. Committee Counsel _ . ... Meeting. Issues relating to client's termination'of' relations with Qatar and accuracy and ' transparency of Qatar government-owned Josh Flynn-Brown (Counsel, Seriate Judiciary 02/26/18 media UAE Committee) .... Meeting Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar arid accuracy and transparency of Qatar government-owned Steve Rabinowitz (President, Bluelight 02/26/18 media UAE Strategies) Call Doug Domenech, Assistant Secretary, Insular 02/27/18 Funding issues Marshall Islands and International Affairs Meeting.

Gracey Roskam, Direct of Advance and 02/28/18 US/RMI Relationship. Marshall Islands Scheduling, US Mission to the United Nations Email

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Austin Smith, Deputy Director, US Mission to 02/28/18 US /RMI Relationship Marshall Islands UN Email Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy arid transparency of Qatar government-owned Josh Flyyn Brown, Senate Judiciary 03/01/18 media. UAE Committee Counsel Call 3/2/18. Discuss .TPP/bilateral economic dialogue Japan Sen. Maggie Hassari (D-NH) In person 3/2/18 Discuss TPP/bilateral economic dialogue Japan Sen. Bill Nelsdff(DrFL). In person 3/2/18 Discuss TPP/bilateral.economic dialogue Japan Sen. Chris Van,Hollen (D-MD) In person 3/2/18 Discuss.TPP/bHateral economic dialogue Japan Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) In person 3/5/18' Discuss .TPP/bilateral economic dialogue__ Japan Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). In person 3/5/18 Discuss TPP/bilateral economic dialogue Japan Rep. Cedric Richmond (D:LA) In person 3/5/18 Discuss TPP/bilateral economic dialogue Japan Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM) In person 03/06/18 Proposed meeting with client Everett H. Eissehstat (, Deputy Email Director of the National Economic Council PIF {Public and Deputy Assistant to the President for Investment Fund Itner national Economic Affairs of Saudi Arabia) Matthew S. Dolbow (, Staff Member, National Security Council

Gracey Roskam, Direct of Advance and 03/07/18 General Relationship Marshall Islands Scheduling, US Mission to the United Nations Email Austin Smith, De’puty.Director/US Mission to 03/07/18 US/RMI Relationship Marshall Islands UN Email 03/12/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Michael Fuchs, Senior Fellow, CAP email 03/12/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Michael Fuchs, Senior Fellow, CAP email Brittan Specht, Senior Policy Advisor, House 03/14/18 H.R. 3398 Marshall Islands Majority Leader ______Email PIF (Public Investment Fund Luke Murry, Senior Policy Advisor to Rep. 03/14/18 US-KSA bilateral trade and investment of Saudi Arabia) Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). Meeting

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PIF (Public Eric Trager, Professional Staff Member, Investment Fund Middle East Senate Foreign Relations 03/14/18 US-KSA bilateral trade and investment of Saudi Arabia) Committee Meeting PIF (Public Investment Fund John O'Hara, Chief Counsel for National 03/14/18 US-KSA bilateral trade and investment of Saudi Arabia) Security Senate Committee On Banking Meeting PIF (Public Investment Fund Sierra Forbes Robinson, Professional Staff 03/14/18. US-KSA bilateral trade and investment of Saudi Arabia) Member Senate Committee On Banking Meeting PIF (Public Investment Fund Kristine Johnson, Professional Staff Member, 03/14/18 US-KSA bilateral trade and investment of Saudi Arabia). Senate Committee On Banking Meeting PIF (Public Investment Fund Colin "P.J." McGinnis, Policy Director, 03/14/18. US-KSA bilateral trade and investment of Saudi Arabia) Senate Committee On Banking;____ Meeting. Aimen Mir, Deputy Assistant Secretary for PIF (Public Investment Security, Committee on Foreign Investment Fund Investment in the United States, U.S. Dept, of Saudi Arabia) 03/14/18 US-KSA bilateral trade and investment of Treasury Meeting PIF (Public James Brown, Committee on Foreign Investment Fund Investment in the United States, U.S. Dept. 03/14/18 US-KSA bilateral trade and investment of Saudi Arabia) ofTreasury Meeting Aimen Mir, Deputy Assistant Secretary for PIF (Public Investment Security Investment Fund James Brower, Policy Advisor of Saudi Arabia) 03/14/18 Introduction of PIF to CFIUS Committee Meeting PIF (Public US-Saudi Arabia bilateral trade arid Kevin McCarthy, Office of House Majority 03/14/18 investment Fund Meeting investment leader, U.S. Capitol, Room H-107 of Saudi Arabia) Andy Olson, Congressional Fellow to the PIF (Public US-Saudi Arabia bilateral trade and Seriate Foreign Relations, Senate Foreign 03/14/18 Investment Fund Meeting investment Relations Committee, Dirksen Senate Office of Saudi Arabia) Building, Room 423

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PIF (Public John O'Hara, Chief Counsel for National US-Saudi Arabia bilateral trade and 03/14/18 investment Fund Security, Senate Committee On Banking, Meeting investment of Saudi Arabia).. Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room 534. Aimen Mir, Deputy'Assistaht Secretary for PIF (Public US-Saudi Arabia bilateral trade and Investment Security, Committee on Foreign 03/14/18 Investment Fund Meeting investment Investment in the United States, U.S. Dept. of Saudi Arabia) of Treasury, Room 3205 ...... _ . 03/14/18 US-Saudi Arabia bilateral trade and PIF (Public Luke Murry, Senior Policy Advisor to Rep. Meeting investment Investment Fund Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), U.s! Capitol, Room H- of Saudi Arabia). 107 ______03/14/18 US-Saudi Arabia bilateral trade and Andy Olson, Congressional Fellow to the Meeting' investment Senate Foreign Relations, Senate Foreign PIF (Public Relations Committee, Investment Fund Eric Trager, Professional Staff Member, of Saudi Arabia) Middle East, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room423 „ ___ : _____ ‘ . 03/14/18 US-Saudi Arabia bilateral trade and John O'Hara, Chief Counsel for National' Meeting' investment Security, Senate Committee on Banking, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room S34 Sierra Forbes Robinson, Professional Staff Member Senate Committee on Banking, PIF (Public Dirksen Senate office Building, Room 534 Investment Fund Kristine Johnson, Professional Staff Member, of Saudi Arabia) Senate Committee on Banking, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room 534 Colin "PJ." McGinnis, Policy Director, Senate Committee on Banking, Dirksen Senate office Building, Room 534 Greg Walters, Assistant USTR for Public 3/14/18 232 Tariffs UAE Engagement. email, call PIF (Public Tim Tar'pley; Deputy Chief of Staff & Investment Fund Legislative Director, Office of Chairman Ted 03/15/18. Introduction of PIF of Saudi Arabia) Poe Meeting

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Tim Tarpley,'Deputy Chiefof Staffft PIF (Public Legislative Director, House Foreign Affairs US-Saudi Arabia bilateral trade and 03/15/18 Investment Fund Subcommittee on .Terrorism, Meeting investment of Saudi Arabia) Nonproliferation 8i Trade, Rayburn House Office Building, Roonr2132______. Tim Tarpley, Deputy Chief of Staff 8t PIF (Public Legislative Director, House Foreign Affaire US-Saudi Arabia bilateral trade and 03/15/18 Investment Fund Subcommittee bn Terrorism, Meeting investment of Saudi Arabia) Nonproliferation & Trade, Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2132 03/15/18 Question re meeting Everett H. Eissenstat (whaeop7gbv), Deputy Email PIF (Public Director of the National Economic Councii Investment Fund and Deputy Assistant to the President for of Saudi Arabia) International Economic Affairs

03/15/18 List of attendees for meeting Everett H. Eissenstat (who.eop.goy), Deputy Email PIF (Public Director of the National Economic Council Investment Fund and Deputy Assistant to the President for of Saudi. Arabia) International Economic Affairs

Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Qatar government-owned Josh Flyyn Brown, Senate Judiciary 03/15/18 media. UAE Committee Counsel ____ „ Call PIF (Public Dino Faiaschetti, Chief Economist, House' US-Saudi Arabia bilateral trade and 03/16/18 Investment Fund Committee on Financial Services, O'Neill Meeting investment of Saudi Arabia). House Office Building______PIF (Public ' Dino Falaschetti/Chief Economist; House US-Saudi Arabia bilateral trade and 03/16/18 Investment Fund Committee on Financial Services, O'Neill Meeting investment of Saudi Arabia). Ho'use Office Building PIF (Public Eric Trager, Professional Staff Member,‘ Investment Fund Middle East Senate Foreign Relations 03/19/18 US-KSA bilateral trade and investment of Saudi Arabia). Committee . . Emails

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Issues 'relating'td client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Qatar government-owned Josh Flyyh Brown, Senate Judiciary 03/19/18 media. UAE Committee Counsel Call To discuss Japanese international trade 03/20/18 policy Japan Colleen Nguyen, LD, Rep. Kathleen Rice email To discuss US policy*related to democracy in Chris Griswold, Oep. Chief of Staff, Rep. Tom 03/20/18 the DRC Katumbi MacArthur email 03/23/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Carly Reed, (Former LA), Rep. Eric Swalwell email 03/23/18. Embassy.of Japan:Roundtable_ Japan.. Corey Jacobson, LD, Rep. Ted Lieu'. email 03/23/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable - Japan Jacqueline Usyk; LD.Rep. Cardenas email' Chris Krafchak, State Dep't Fellow, Rep. 03/23/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable. Japan email 03/23/18' Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan' Rachel Kelly, Deputy C6S„Rep. Jim Himes email 03/23/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Frank Pigulski, LD, Rep. Beto O'Rourke email 03/23/18 Embassy of Japah-Rouridtable Japan Geo Saba, Legislative Aide, Rep. email Casey Kustiii, Sen. Policy Advisor, Rep. Ted 03/23/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Deutch email Jennifer Hendrixson White, Minority Staff, 03/23/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan HFAC . email 03/23/18' Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan' Carly Reed, (Former LA), Rep. Eric Swalwell email* 03/23/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Corey Jacobson, LD, Rep. Ted Lieu email 03/23/18 Em bassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Jacqueline Usyk, LD, Rep. Cardenas email Chris Krafchak, State Dep't Fellow, Rep. 03/23/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Adam Schiff email 03/23/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Rachel Kelly, Deputy CoS, Rep. Jim Himes email 03/23/18. Embassy.of Japan-Roundtable . _ Japan. Frank Pigulski, LD, Rep. Beto'O’Rourke email 03/23/18 Embassy of Japan-ROundtable Japan Geo Saba/ Legistative Aide/ Rep/Ro Khanna' email' Casey Kustin, Sen. Policy Advisor, Rep. Ted 03/23/18. Embassy of JapanTRoimdtable Japan Deutch. email Jennifer Hendrixson White, Minority Staff, 03/23/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan HFAC email To discuss US policy related to democracy in Elizabeth Jaffee, DRC Desk Officer, Dept, of 03/23/18 the DRC Katumbi State meeting

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To discuss US policy related to democracy in Chris Griswold, Dep. Chief of Staff, Rep'. Tom 03/23/18 the DRC Katumbi MacArthur meeting Todiscuss US policy related to democracy in Sasha Lezhnev, Associate Director of Policy, 03/23/18 the DRC______• _ . .. Katumbi. Enough Project , . call To discuss US policy related to democracy in Chris Griswotd, Dep>: Chief of Staff, Rep. Tom 03/23/18 the DRC Katumbi MacArthur email Td discuss US policy related to democracy in Sasha Lezhnev, Associate Director of Policy, 03/23/18 the DRC Katumbi Enough Project.______email Doug Domenech, Assistant Secretary, Insular 03/23/18 Meeting request Marshall Islands and International Affairs Email Yuri Beckelman, Dep. Chief of Staff, Rep. 03/26/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Takano email Yuri Beckelman, Dep. Chief of Staff, Rep. 03/26/18 Embassy, of Japan-Roundtable Japan Taka'n'o email 03/27/18 Embassy'of Japan-Roundtable Japan Zach Cafritz, LD,: Rep. DonBeyer__. email 03/27/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Zach Cafritz, LD, Rep. Don Beyer email Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Qatar,government-owned Josh Flyyn Brown, Senate Judiciary 03/27/18 media. UAE Committee Counsel Call Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparent of Qatar government-owned Josh Flynn-Brown (Counsel, Sen. Judiciary 03/27/18 media UAE Committee) Call 03/28/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable' Japan Robert Edmonson, CoS, Rep. Nancy Pelosi email 03/28/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Robert Edmonson,' CoS,'Rep. Nancy Pelosi email 03/29/18 Embassy.of Japan-Roundtable Japan Craig Link, LD, Rep. James Clyburn email 03/29/18 Embassy.of Japan:Roundtable. Japan Craig Link, LD, Rep. James Clyburn email To discuss Japanese international trade 03/29/18 policy Japan Patrick McEachern, Fellow, Wilson Center meeting, email To dlscuss'Japanese international trade 03/29/18 policy Japan Shantanu Tata, LA, Rep. DelBene meeting To discuss Japanese international trade 03/29/18. policy ______Japan _ ErikAshida, LA, Rep. meeting

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To discuss Japanese' international trade' Peter Billerbeck) Foreign Policy Advisor,"Rep. 03/29/18 policy Japan Moulton meeting 04/02/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Michael Fuchs, Senior Fellow, CAP email 04/02/18 Embassy.of JapahTR6uhdtable Japan Jenny Perrino.LD, Rep. Marcy.Kaptur. email 04/02/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan William Tranghese, CoS, Rep. Richard Neal email

04/02/18 Embassy of JapanrRdundtable Japan Thomas Woodburn, LA, Rep. Diana DeGette email Jessica Hagens-Jordan, Leg. Fellow, Rep. Jim 04/02/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Himes email 04/02/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Ryan McGuire, LA, Rep'. email 04/02/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable" Japan Jonathan Halpem, ID,'Rep'. Sanford Bishop' email 04/02/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Betsy Dudley, LA, Rep. email Alex Schnelle (former Leg Correspondent), 04/02/18 Embassy.of Japan-Roundtable Japan __ Rep. Steve .Cohen...... _. ____ email 04/02/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Michael Perez, LA,.Rep. Susan Davis. email 04/02/18 Embassy of Japan-Rouridtabie Japan Ashley Hayes, Hill Staffer email 04/02/18 Embassy of JapaiirRoundtable Japan Matthew Fery, LD, Rep. Brian Higgins email 04/02/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Michael Fuchs, Senior Fellow, CAP email' 04/02/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Jenny Perrino, LD, Rep. Marcy Kaptur email 04/02/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable. Japan William Tranghese', CoS, Rep. Richard Neal email

04/02/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Thomas Woodburn, LA, Rep. Diana DeGette email Jessica Hagens-Jordan, Leg. Fellow, Rep. Jim 04/02/18 Embassy, of Japan:Roundtable Japan. ___ _ Himes email 04/02/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Ryan McGuire, LA, Rep. Charlie Crist email 04/02/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Jonathan Halpern, LD, Rep. Sanford Bishop email 04/02/18 Embassy.of JapahrRoundtable Japan Betsy Dudley, LA, Rep. Steve Cohen email Alex Schnelle (former Leg' Correspondent),' 04/02/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Rep. Steve Cohen email 04/02/18 Embassy of Japan-rRoundtable Japan . __ Michael Perez) LA, Rep. Susan Davis email 04/02/18 Embassy'of Japan-Roundtable" Japan' Ashley Hayes' Hill Staffer" email 04/02/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Matthew Fery, LD,.Rep. Brian Higgins email 04/03/18. Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Anne Sokolov, LD, Rep. Tim Ryan email

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Christine Wagner, Sen. Defense and.Foreign 04/03/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Policy Advisor/Rep. Stephanie Murphy email 04/03/18 Embassy, of JapanrRoundtable. Japan Qais Roshah, LA, Rep. Joe Kennedy I email 04/03/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Levi Patterson, LA] ReprBen'Ray Lujan" email' 04/03/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Susannah Ross, LA, Rep. Gene Green email 04/03/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Anne Sokolov, LD, Rep. Tim Ryan email

Christine Wagner, Sen. Defense and Foreign 04/03/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Policy Advisor, Rep. Stephanie Murphy email 04/03/18 Embassy .of Japan:Roundtable' Japan Qais Roshan, LA,' Rep. Joe Kennedy III email 04/03/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Levi Patterson, LA,'Rep. Ben Ray. Lujan email 04/03/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Susannah Ross, IA, Rep. Gene Green email To discus's Japanese international trade 04/03/18 policy Japan. Colleen Nguyen, LD,.Rep. Kathleen.Rice____ email To discuss Japanese International trade 04/03/18 policy Japan Ed Yange'r, LA, Rep. Bordallo email To' discuss Japanese international trade 04/03/18 policy Japan Walt Gonzalez, LD, Rep. Ruppersberger email To discuss Japanese international trade Jon Pawlow, Legislative Director, Rep. Adam 04/03/18 policy. .... Japan Smith - email To'discuss JapaneseInternational trade 04/03/18 policy Japan Nicole McLaren, LD,' Rep. email To'discuss Japanese international trade 04/03/18 policy' ...______Japan Danny.Meza;.COS, Rep,Castro email To discuss trade 04/03/18 policy Japan Patrick Malloy, Dep. COS, Rep. Cuellar email To'discuss Japanese international trade 04/03/18 policy Japan Ryan Uyehara,.LA,.Rep. Bera____ email To discuss Japanese international trade 04/04/18 policy...... Japan_ ._ Matt Fery,COS, Rep. Brian Higgins meeting To discuss Japanese international trade 04/04/18 policy Japan Zachary Cafritz. LD, Rep. Don Beyer meeting

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To discuss Japanese international trade 04/04/18 policy Japan Olivia Oo, LA, Pep- Tony Cardenas meeting To discuss Japanese international trade 04/04/18 policy Japan Michael Perez, LA Rep. Susan Davis. meeting To discuss Japanese international trade 04/04/18 policy Japan Brandon Mendoza, LA, Rep. Susan Davis meeting To'discuss Japanese international trade 04/04/18 policy. Japan Geo Saba, LA, Rep. Ro Khanna meeting To discuss Japanese international trade 04/04/18 policy.. ____ _ . _____ Japan Ryan Uyehara, LA, Rep. Bera meeting To discuss Japanese international trade 04/04/18 policy' Japan Michael Fuchs, Center for American Progress meeting Issues relatingYo client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and ' transparency of Qatar government-owned Josh Flyyn Brown, Senate Judiciary 04/04/18 media. UAE Committee Counsel Call 04/05/18. Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Ben Hutterer, LA, Rep. Ron Kind email Kelsey Aulakh,' (former LA),"Rep.Earl 04/05/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable. Japan Blumenauer email 04/05/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Laura Thrift, LD, Rep. email Sapna Shafma, Military LA, Rep. Anthony 04/05/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Brown email 04/05/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Daniel Bleiberg, LA, Rep. Lois Frankel email Yana Mayayeva,- Women's Policy Director,-. 04/05/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Rep. Lois Frankel email 04/05/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable- Japan Colin Anonsen, LA, Rep. email 04/05/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Joe Mihges, LA, Rep. Ed Perlmutter email Allison Jarus,''Sen..Policy Advisor, Rep. Mike 04/05/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Quigley email 04/05/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Walter Gonzales, LD, Rep.- Ruppersberger email 04/05/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable" Japan Tyler Jerisen7(Fdrmer LA), Rep! Adam'Smith' email 04/05/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Ben Hutterer, LA, Rep. Ron Kind email Kelsey Aulakh, (former LA), Rep. Earl 04/05/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Blumenauer email

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04/05/18 Embassy of JapaivRoundtable Japan Laura Thrift/ID. Rep. Ea'rl Blumeriauer email Sapna Sharma, Military LA, Rep. Anthony 04/05/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Brown email 04/05/18 Embassy of Japan:Roundtable ’ Japan. _ Daniel Bleiberg, LA, Rep. Lois Frankel email. Yana Mayayeva, Women's Policy Director, 04/05/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Rep. Lois Frankel email 04/05/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Colin Anohsen, LA, Rep*. Ed Perlmutter email 04/05/18 Embassy of Japah-Ro'undtable Japan JoeMinges/LA/Rep. Ed Perlmutter_ email Allison Jarus, Sen. Policy Advisor, Rep. Mike 04/05/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Quigley email 04/05/18 Embassy, of JapaivRoundtable. Japan. Walter Gonzales, LD, Rep. Ruppersberger. email 04/05/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Tyler Jensen, (Former LA), Rep. - email Doug Domenech, Assistant Secretary, Insular 04/05/18 Request for call Marshall islands and international Affairs Email 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable' Japan Miriam Goldstein/(former LD)/ Rep/Speier. email 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan. Mitchel Hoehberg, LA, Rep. Speier email 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Eliza Ramirez/LA, Rep. Michael Capuano email 04/06/18 Embassy.ofJapanrRoundtable__ Japan. Wendell.White, Counsel, Rep..Pete Aguilar email 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Chonya Davis, SeniorTA'Rep/Joyce Beatty email' 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Nicholas Semanko, LD, Rep. Joyce Beatty email 04/06/18 Embassy.of Japan-Roundtable Japan Maurice Velazcb, LA, Rep. Val Demihgs email Aimee'Coliins:Mandevil!e, Sen.* LA; Rep. Val 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Demings email 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Donna Iken, LA, Rep. Grace Meng email Daniel Silverberg, National Security Advisor, 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Office of the House Minority Whip email David Bates, Defense Fellow, Rep. Jim 04/06/18 Embassy, of Japan-Roundtable Japan Cooper email 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Patrick Malloy,.(FormerLD)/Rep/.Cuellar. email 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Jacqui Kappler,'LD,' Rep: Hank Johnson' email Clayton Swope, Military LA, Rep. Derek 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Kilmer email 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Terra Sabag, LD, Rep. Rick Larsen email 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan:Roundtable. Japan Christina Parisi, LD, Rep. Carolyn Maloney email

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04/06/3,8. Embassy.of Japan-Roundtable. Japan. Dylan Sodaro, Senior. LA, Rep. Bill Pascrell. email 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Elaina Houser, LO, RepT Bflf Pascrell email 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Sterling McHale, LD, Rep. Scott Peters email 04/06/18 Embassy, of Japan-Roundtable Japan. Mike Nichola, ID, Rep. ,. email 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Miriam Goldstein, (former LD), Rep.'Speier' email' 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Mitchel Hochberg, LA, Rep. Speier email 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Eliza Ramirez, LA, Rep. Michael Capuano email 04/06/18 Embassy, of Japan:Roundtable. Japan. Wendell White, Counsel, Rep. Pete Aguilar! email 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Chonya Davis, Senior LA, Rep. Joyce Beatty email 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Nicholas Semanko, LD, Rep. Joyce Beatty email 04/06/18 Embassy of JapanTRouhdtable Japan Maurice Velazco, LA, Rep. Vat Demings. email Aimee Co!!ins;Mandeville, Sen. LAjReprval 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan. Demings email 04/06/18 Embassyof Japan-Roundtable Japan Donna Iken, LA, Rep. Grace Meng email Daniel Silverberg, National Security Advisor, 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Office of the House Minority Whip email David Bates, Defense Fellow, Rep. Jim 04/06/18 Embassy.of Japan-Roundtable Japan Cooper email 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan' Patrick Malloy,'(Former LD),' Rep. Cuellar' email' 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Jacqui Kappler, LD, Rep. Hank Johnson email Clayton Swope, Military LA, Rep. Derek 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan:Roundtable. Japan. Kilmer email 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Terra Sabag, LD, Rep. Rick Larsen email 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Christina Parisi, LD, Rep. Carolyn Maloney email 04/06/18 Embassy, of Japan-Roundtable. Japan Dylan Sodaro, Senior.LA, Rep. Bill Pascrell email 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Elaina Houser, LD. Rep. Bill Pascrell' email 04/06/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Sterling McHale, LD, Rep. Scott Peters email 04/06/18 Embassyof Japan-Roundtable Japan' Mike Nichola, LD, Rep.-Darreh Soto email Doug Domenech, Assistant Secretary/ Insular 04/07/18 Funding issues Marshall Islands and International Affairs Call 04/09/18. Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan James Schoff, Senior Fellow, Carnegie phone tall 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Ashley Smith,'LD,'Rep. David Scott' email' 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Varun Kroyi, LD, Rep. Brenda Lawrence email 04/09/18 Embassy.of Japan-Roundtable Japan Ben Goldeen, LA, Rep. Jim Costa email

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04/09/18“ Embassy, of JapanrRdundtable. „. Japan______Scott Hinkle, ID, Rep. Juan.Vargas. email 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Khaula Kaiser, leg .Fellow)' Rep. Karen Bass email" 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable. Japan Sarah Round, LA, Rep. Bonamlci. email Maxirie Suganffah, Sen. LA, Rep. Suzanne 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan:Roundtable Japan Bonamici email Helena Mastrogianisis, ID, Rep. Brendan 04/09/18 Embassy "of Japan-Roundtable Japan Boyle email 04/09/181' Embassybf JapanrRdundtable 1 Japan. Dan Kouchi, LA, Rep. Colleen Hahabusa. email 04/09/18 Embassy, of Japan-Roundtable Japan Alex Damato, Sen: LA; Rep. Doris Matsui email Annie Yea, Sen. Defense Policy Advisor, Rep. 04/09/18. Embassy.of Japan-Roundtable Japan Saliid Carbajal email 04/09/18" Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Louise Behtse'n, LD,'Rep.'Vicente Gonzalez 1 email Brendan Larkin, Senior Policy Advisor, Rep. 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan PaulTohkd email 04/09/181 Embassy of JapahTRoundtable. Japan Emily. Richar'dso'n/.LA, Rep. David Price... email. 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan William'Roberts, LD, Rep. Jarhie'Raskin" email MichaelBrownlie, Deputy CoS, Rep. Kyrsten 04/09/18, Embassy of.Japan-Roundtable, Japan Sihema email 04/09/18" Embassy'of Japa"n:Roundtable" Japan, Clay Boggs, LA;; Rep." Norma Tor res; email Matthew Ellison, LD, Rep. Debbie 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Wasserrhan Schultz email Garrett Durst, Deputy CoS, Rep. John 04/09/18 Embassy, of Japan-Roundtable Japan Garamendi . email 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Liz Lee, LA, Rep. email 04/09/18 Embassy of JapahrRoundtable. Japan Sarah Jacksoh; LD, Rep. Mark DeSaulnier email 04/09/18 Embassy-ofJapan':Rbundtable' Japan Matthew Manning, LD,~ Rep. Jimmy Panetta email* Arlet Abrahamian, Leg Counsel, Rep. Zoe 04/09/18 Embassy of Japah-Rouhdtable Japan Lofgren email 04/09/18“ Em bassy. of JapanrRdundtable Japan Matthew McMurray, LA, Rep. Robin Kelly email 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable7 Japan' Sonali Desai, LD, Rep. JudyChu" email' 04/09/18 Embassy of JapanrRdundtable Japan Jessica Schwartz, LD, Rep. Brad Schneider email 04/09/18" Embassyof JapanrRdundtable Japan. Brian Kaissi/Rep.Raja Krishhamdorthi.. email. 04/09/18. Embassy.of Japan-Roundtable Japan Zachary Ostro, LD, Rep. Robin Kelly. email 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Margaret Franklin, LD/ Rep. Al Lawson email

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04/09/18' Embassy .of Japan-Roundtable Japan James Schoff/ Senior Fellow,.Carnegie____H phone call' 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Ashley Smith, LD, Rep. David Scott email 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Varun Krovi, LD, Rep. Brenda Lawrence email 04/09/18. Embassy.of Japan-Roundtable. Japan. Ben Goldeen, LA, Rep. Jim Costa email. 04/09/18. Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan' Scott Hinkle, LD/Rep. Juaii Vargas email 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Khaula Kaiser, Leg Fellow, Rep. Karen Bass email 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan' Sarah Round, LA, Rep. Boriamici email Maxine Sugarmari, Sen. LA; Rep.'Suzanne 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Bonamici email Helena Mastrogiahisis, LD, Rep. Brendan 04/09/18. Embassy of Japan-Roundtable. Japan. Boyle... _ . .. . ______email 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Dan Kouchi; LA, Rep. Colleen Hanabusa email 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Alex Damato, Sen. LA, Rep. Doris Matsui email Annie Yea, Sen! Defense Policy Advisor, Rep. 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Salud Carbajal email 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Louise Bentsen, LD, Rep. Vicente Gonzalez email Brendan Larkin, Senior Policy Advisor, Rep. 04/09/18. Embassy.of Japan- Roundtable Japan. PaulTonko email 04/09/18. Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan'. Emily Richardson/LA; Rep! David Price email 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan William Roberts, LD, Rep. Jamie Raskin email Michael Brownlie,-Deputy' CoS, Rep. Kyrsten 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Sinema email. 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Clay Boggs, LA, Rep. Norma Torres email Matthew.Ellison, LD, Rep. Debbie 04/09/18. Embassy.of Japan-Roundtable Japan. Wasserman Schultz email Garrett Durst, Deputy CoS, Rep. John 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Garamendi email 04/09/18. Embassy of Japan:Rbundtable _. Japan Liz Lee, LA,.Rep. Barbara Lee. email 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan' SarahJackson/LD,'Rep..Mark DeSa'ulhierr email 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Matthew Manning, LD, Rep. Jimmy Panetta email Arlet Abrahamian, Leg Counsel, Rep. Zoe 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Lofgren email 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Matthew McMurray, LA, Rep. Robin Kelly email 04/09/18_ Embassy.of Japan-Roundtable. Japan Sonali Desai,.LD, Rep. Judy Chu email

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04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Jessica Schwartz, LD, Rep. Brad Schneider. email. 04/09/181 Embassy.of Ja pan-Rouridtable. Japan. Brian Kaissi,'Rep.'Raja'Krishnamoorthr' email' 04/09/18. Embassy.of Japan-Roundtable Japan Zachary Ostro, LD, Rep. Robin Kelly email 04/09/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Margaret Franklin, LD, Rep. Al Lawson email To discuss Japanese international trade 04/09/18 policy Japan Colleen Nguyen, LD, Rep. Kathleen Rice email To discuss Japanese international trade 04/09/18 policy Japan Hana Greenburg, LD, Rep. Kind. email To'discuss'' 04/09/18. policy Japan Jeremy Tittle, COS,.Rep. Carbajal email To' discuss Japanese'International''trade 04/09/18. policy...... '...... _ Japan Patrick Malloy, Dep. COS, Rep.’.Cuellar„. email. To discuss Japanese international trade Joh Pawlow, Legislative Director, Rep. Adam' 04/09/18 policy Japan Smith email Sharon Esh'elm'an, Professtidhal Staff ' Member, House Committee on Oversight 04/09/18; H R. 3398 Marshall Islands and Government Reform Email Kelsey Wall, Professional Staff Member, House Committee on Oversight and 04/09/18 H.R.3398 Marshall Islands Government Reform , . . Email Brittan Specht, Senior Policy Advisor, House 04/09/18. H.R.3398, .. Marshall Islands Majority Leader ...... Email Zachary Lobel, Leg Counsel,'RepT Hakeem' 04/10/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Jeffries email Brian Kyler, Leg. Fellow' Rep! Mike 04/10/18. Embassy, of Japan-rRouiidtable Japan Thompson...... _ email 04/10/18' Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Michael Peterson, LA7Rep7 Pete Visclosky email 04/10/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan David Rosenbaum,(Former LD) Rep. Tjtus email 04/10/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable' Japan Erica Riordah, LA, Rep. email Zachary Lobel, Leg Counsel, Rep. Hakeem 04/10/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Jeffries email Brian Kyler, Leg. Fellow; Rep. Mike' 04/10/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Thompson email 04/10/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Michael Peterson, LA, Rep. Pete^yisclosky email

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04/10/18. Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan David Rosenbaum,(Former LD) Rep. Titus email 04/10/18 Embassy of Japan-Roundtable Japan Erica Ribrdari, LA, Rep. Dina Titus email To discuss'Japanese international trade' V ‘ 04/10/18 policy Japan Ben Goldeen, LA, Rep. Costa call To discuss Japanese international trade 04/10/18. policy , .. .. _...... Japan.. Josh Connolly, COS, Rep. Speier email To discuss Japanese international trade 04/10/18 policy Japan Erin Fins, SLA, Rep. Kennedy email To discuss Japanese international trade 04/10/18 policy Japan. Hana Greenburg, LD, Rep. Kind. email To.discuss Japanese international trade 04/10/18 policy Japan JZ Golden, LA, Rep. Larsen email To'discuss Japanese' international trade 04/10/18 policy Japan Laura Thrift, LD, Rep. Blumenauer email TO discuss Japanese international trade 04/10/18 policy.. . ______Japan Danny Meza, COS, Rep. Castro _ email Issues relating to client'sterrhination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Qatar government-owned Josh Flyyn Brown, Senate Judiciary 04/11/18 media. UAE ' Committee Counsel Call

04/12/18 Request for a meeting with ChairmanRoyce Katumbi Amy Porter, COS and Kate Barlow, Scheduler email 04/13/18. Follow~:up Communications, Katumbi Kate Barlow, Scheduler______email

Gary Trlpmacher, Deputy Dir., Office of the U.S. Representatives© the United Nations Washington Office [USUN/W], United States To discuss US policy related to democracy in Mission to the United Nations [USUN], 04/13/18 the DRC Katumbi United States Department of State [DOS]' call To discuss US policy related todemocracy in Janette Yarwood/Staff Director, House 04/13/18 the DRC Katumbi Foreign Affairs email To discuss US policy'related to'democracy in Chris Griswold, Dep. Chief of Staff, Rep' Tom 04/16/18 the DRC Katumbi MacArthur email

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To discuss US policy related to'democracy in 04/17/18 the DRC Katumbi Jonathan Van Buren, leg. Aide, Sen. Young email To'discuss US policy related to democracy in 04/17/18 the DRC Katumbi Lindsay McDonough, Scheduler, Sen. Young email To discuss US policy related to democracy in Thierry Dongala, Senior Advisor, House 04/19/18 the DRC • Katumbi Foreign Affairs Committee call

Meeting Request for H.E. Mr. Khaldoon Al Mubarak, Group CEO and Managing 04/24/18. Director of Mubadaia Investment Company, UAE Michelle Mittler (Sen Schumer Scheduler) Email 04/25/18 Issues relating taclient's terminatioffof * UAE OfefTAdaki, Republican Staff Director, HFAC Meeting relations with Qatar and accuracy and TNT Subcommittee transparency of Qatar government-owned J. Patrick Me’gahan, Professional Staff media. Member, HFAC TNT Subcommittee Golan Rodgers, Republican Staff Director, HFAC TNT Subcommittee Oren Adaki (Republican Staff Director, HFAC 7TIT Subcommittee) Issues relating to client's termination of Patrick Megahan (Professional Staff relations with Qatar and accuracy and Member, HFACTNTSubcommittee) transparency of Qatar government-owned Golan Rodgers (Republican Staff Director, 04/25/18 media UAE HFAC MENA Subcommittee) Meeting To discuss Japanese' international trade 04/26/18 policy Japan Jeremy Tittle, COS, Rep. Carbajal email To discuss Japanese international trade Julia Friedman, Trade Counsel,'Ways and 04/27/18 policy Japan Mean's Minority meeting. 04/30/18. Follow;up.oh Meeting Request UAE Michelle Mittler.(Seh Schumer Scheduler) Email 04/30/18 Issues relating to client's termination of" UAE Gillian Turner, Correspondent, Fox News Email relations with Qatar and accuracy and - transparency of Qatar government-owned media. To discuss Japanese intemationartrade 05/01/18 policy______. .. Japan. Juan Hinojosa, COS, Rep. Quigley email

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To discuss Japanese international trade 05/02/18 policy Japan Jonathan Smith, COS, Rep. Kilmer email. To discuss Japanese'international trade' 05/02/18 policy Japan Mike Goodman, COS, Rep. Kind email 05/02/18 Issues relating to client's termination of UAE Gillian Turner, Correspondent, Fox News Email relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Qatar government-owned media. Meeting request for the Senator for Group CEO and Managing Director of the Jess Fassler, Chief of Staff for Senator 05/03/18 Mubadala Investment Company UAE Giliibrand email 05/03/18 Issues relating to client's termination of UAE Gillian Turner, Correspondent, Fox News Email relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Qatar government-owned media. PIF.fPublic Investment Fund 05/04/18 US-KSA bilateral trade and investment of Saudi Arabia) Karen House Meeting 05/04/18 Issues'"relating to client's termination of UAE Gillian Turner, Correspondent, Fox News Meeting relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Qatar government-owned media.. To“discuss Japanese' international trade 05/07/18 policy Japan Ashley Jones, COS, Rep. Schneider email To discuss Japanese international trade 05/07/18 policy.._____ Japan__ Tricia Russell,COS, Rep..Gottheimer.. email Stanley J. Garbacz, Nebraska Agricultural 05/08/18 Gov Ricketts DC visit Japan Trade Representative Call To. discuss Japanese international trade 05/08/18 policy Japan Meg Joseph, COS, Rep. Sinema email 05/08/18 Issues relating to client's termination of • UAE Gillian Turner, Correspondent, Fox News Email relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Qatar government-owned media.

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To discuss Japanese international trade 05/09/18 policy Japan Erik Ashida, LA, Rep. Denny Heck call To discuss Japanese international trade 05/09/18 policy Japan Colleen Nguyen, LD, Rep. Kathleen Rice meeting To discuss Japanese international trade 05/09/18 policy Japan Colleen Nguyen, LD, Rep. Kathleen Rice' meeting Casey Higgins, Counsel toSpeaker of the' 5/9/18 301 and 232 tariffs Japan House call 05/09/18 Issues relating to client's termination of UAE Giljian Turner, Correspondent, Fox News Email/Meeting relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Qatar government-owned media. Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Qatar government-owned Gillian Turner (Washington Correspondent, 05/09/18 media UAE Fox News) Meeting To discuss Japanese international trade Chris Murphy, Assistant to the'President,' 05/10/18 policy Japan NDN email To'discuss US policy related to democracy in Sasha Lezhnev, Associate Director of Policy, 05/10/18 the DRC Katumbi Enough Project _ ...... email. 05/10/18 Religious Freedom Summit UAE Riley Miller. Barries, Chief of StafFto Email' Ambassador Sam Brownback To discuss Japanese international trade 05/11/18 policy Japan Adam Elias, COS, Rep. Foster email Request to reschedule cancelled meeting 05/14/18 with Chairman Royce for May 22nd Katumbi Kate Barlow, Scheduler email Application of Federal law relevant to' 05/14/18 Marshallese living in the U.S. Marshall Islands Sen. Mazi Hirono (CMHI) in person discussion

Gary Tripmacher, Deputy Dir., Office of the U.S. Representative to the United Nations Washington Office [USUN/W], United States To discuss US policy related to democracy in Mission to the United Nations [USUN], 05/15/18 the DRC Katumbi United States Department of State [DOS] call

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Paul Fagan, Director of the Democratic To discuss US policy related to democracy in Republic of the Congo Program, McCain 05/15/18 the ORC Katumbi Institute . ______... call. To discuss US policy democracy in 05/15/18 the DRC Katumbi Jonathan Van Buren, Leg. Aide, Sen. Young email To discuss US policy related to democracy in 05/15/18 the DRC Katumbi Khaliyah Legette. Scheduler, Sen. Booker email To discuss US poljcy related to democracy in 05/15/18 the DRC Katumbi Lindsay McDonough, Scheduler, Sen. Young email To discuss US policy related to democracy in 05/15/18 the DRC Katumbi Ryan Evans, LA, Sen. Isakson email To discuss US policy related to democracy in 05/15/18 the DRC Katumbi Sophia Lalani, LA, Sen.Booker, email 05/15/18 Issues relating to client's termination of UAE Gillian Turner, Correspondent, Fox News Email relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Qatar gdveriiment-owned media. To discuss Japanese international trade 05/16/18 policy Japan Terra Saba'g, Legislative Director, Rep. Larsen email

Gary Tripmacher, Deputy Dir., Office of the U.S. Representative to the United Nations Washington Office [USUN/W], United States To discuss US policy related to democracy in Mission to the United Nations [USUNJ, 05/16/18 the DRC Katumbi United States Department of State [DOS] call To discuss US policy related to' democracy in 05/16/18 the DRC Katumbi Sophia Lalani, LA,Sen..Booker; call 05/17/18 Issues relating to client's termination of UAE Gillian Turner, Correspondent, Fox News Email relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Qatar government-owned media. Todiscuss Japanese international trade 05/18/18 policy Japan. Erik Ashida, IA Rep. Denny Heck call

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To discuss Japanese international trade 05/18/18 policy Japan Terra Sabag, Legislative Director, Rep. Larsen meeting. To discuss Japanese international trade 05/18/18 policy Japan Mike Goodman, COS, Rep. Kind meeting To discussJapanese international trade 05/18/18 policy Japan Chris Huckleberry', Dep. C05, Rep. Schrader meeting To discuss Japanese international trade 05/18/18 policy Japan Adam Elias, COS, Rep. .Foster meeting Todiscuss Japanese international trade 05/18/18 policy; ______.. Japan Austin.Durrer,COS, Rep. Crist.. meeting To discuss Japanese international trade 05/18/18 policy . Japan Juan Hinojosa, COS, Rep. Quigley meeting To discuss Japanese international trade 05/18/18 policy Japan Simon Rosenberg, President, NON „ meeting__ To discuss Japanese international trade 05/18/18 policy Japan Terra Sabag/Legislative Director, Rep. Larsen email Janies McPherson, General Cou'sel to the 05/18/18 Request for call Marshall Islands Army Email Request to include Mr/Tshisekedi in the meeting with Gov. Katurhbl and Chairman Kate Barlow, Meg Gallagher, Committee 05/21/18 Royce Katumbi Staff and Amy Porter email To discuss US policy related to democracy in Peter Pham, Director, Africa Program, 05/21/18 the DRC Katumbi Atlantic Council email Free'and fair elections iri Democratic" Meghan Gallagher/Staff, Office of Rep'. Ed 05/21/18 Republic of Congo Katumbi Royce call Free and fair elections in Democratic Kate Barlow, Scheduler, Office of Rep. Ed 05/21/18. Republic of Congo... _ . Katumbi Royce.. Email Free and fair elections in Democratic Kate Barlow, Scheduler; Office of Rep; Ed 05/21/18 Republic of Congo Katumbi Royce Email 05/21/18 AppropriatiortsFuhdihg, Marshall islands Isaac Edwards, Senate ENR Committee. email Meeting with Chairman Royce with Gov. Chairman Ed Royce, Meg Gallagher, 05/22/18 Katumbi, Mr. Tshisekedi and Don Pongrace Katumbi Comrhmittee Staff and Amy Porter, COS meeting To discuss US policy related to democracy in Thierry Dongala,-Senior Advisor, House 05/22/18 . the DRC Katumbi' Foreign Affairs Committee email

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2018 4:45:48 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2018 4:45:48 PM

Paul Fagan, Director of the Democratic To discuss US policy related to democracy in Republic of the Congo Program, McCain OS/22/18 the DRC Katumbi Institute To discuss US policy related to democracy in Steve Weissman, Historian, Author and 05/22/18 the DRC. Katumbi Independent Political Scientist meeting To discuss US policy related to democracy in 05/22/18 the DRC Katumbi Mvemba Dizolele, Fellow, SAIS meeting To discuss US policy related to' democracy in 05/22/18 the DRC Katumbi Anthony Gambino, Ponzi Foundation meeting To discuss US policy''related to democracy in Emily Reriard, Senior Policy Advisor, Open 05/22/18 the DRC Katumbi Society. Foundations... ______meeting. To discuss US policy related to democracy in 05/22/18 the DRC- . Katumbi Rep. Royce meeting To'disciissUS policy related to democracy in Megan Gallagher, Policy Analyst, House 05/22/18 the DRC Katumbi Foreign Relations.Committee meeting To discuss US policy related to democracy in 05/22/18. the DRC______Katumbi. Rep. Bass. meeting To discuss US policy related to'democracy in 05/22/18 the DRC Katumbi Rep. Chris Smith meeting To discuss US policy related to democracy'in PieroTozzi, Counsel; House Foreign Affairs 05/22/18 the DRC Katumbi Committee _ _ meeting. To discuss US policy related to democracy in Thierry, Senior Advisor, House 05/22/18 the DRC Katumbi Foreign Affair's Committee meeting Free and fair elections in Democratic Rep. Ed Royce, Chairman of House Foreign 05/22/18. Republic of Congo Katumbi Affairs Committee Meeting Follow up re points of contact bn Army James McPherson, General Cousel to the 05/22/18. issues. „...... Marshall Islands. Army ___ ...... Email Gene Collins/Deputy Assistant Secretary of Prinz Eugen Clean-up the Army (Environment, Safety, and 05/22/18. Marshall Islands Occupational Health) ___ . . . .. Email Paul Cramer, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Installations, Housing, and 05/22/18, Family.housing construction. Marshall islands. Partnerships), Email

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Andy Winer (chief of staff to Sen. Schatz) and Arun Revana (Legislative Director to Sen. 05/22/18 Appropriations Funding Marshall islands Schatz) email U.S. Army General Counsel James 05/22/18 Matters mandated under the FY18 NDAA Marshall Islands McPherson conference call To discuss Japanese International 05/23/18 investment policy Japan Erik Ashida, LA, Rep. benny Heck call To discuss US policy related to democracy In Elizabeth Jaffee, DRC Desk Officer, Dept, of 05/23/18:. the DRC______Katumbi. State. ... __ meeting. To discuss US policy related to'dembcracy in Sasha Lezhnev, Associate Director of Policy,' 05/23/18 the DRC Katumbi Enough Project meeting To discuss US policy related to democracy in Thierry Dohgala, Senior Advisor, House 05/23/18 the DRC Katumbi Foreign Affairs Committee call To discuss US policy related to democracy in 05/23/18 the DRC Katumbi Alexis Arieff, African Affairs Analyst, CRS meeting To discuss US policy related to democracy ifi Michael Phelan, Senior Professional Staff, 05/23/18; the DRC Katumbi Senate Foreign.Relations meeting Joshua Meseryey, Senior Policy Analyst, To discuss US policy related to democracy in Africa and the Middle East, The Heritage 05/23/18 the DRC Katumbi Foundation meeting To discuss US policy related to democracy in Emily Renard, Senior. Policy Advisor, Open 05/23/18. the DRC ...... Katumbi. Society Foundations meeting To discuss US policy related to democracy in Nicole Widdersheim, Director'of African 05/23/18 the DRC Katumbi Affairs, NSC meeting To discuss.US policy related to'democracy'in Cy ril Sartor, Senior Director of African 05/23/18 the DRC Katumbi Affairs,NSC meetings ___ To discuss US policy related to democracy in 05/23/18 the DRC Katumbi Anthony Gambiho, Ponzi Foundation meeting Sultanate of 5/23/18 232 Tariffs Oman Clete Willems, Senior Director, NEC call 5/24/18 Discuss TPP/bilateral economic dialogue Japan Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-At Large/DE) In person To'discuss US policy related to'democracy in 0S/24/18 the DRC Katumbi Alexis Arieff, African Affairs Analyst, CRS call

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2018 4:45:48PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit .07/30/2018 4:45:48 PM

To discuss US policy related to democracy in Thierry Dongala, Senior Advisor, House 05/24/18 the DRC Katumbi Foreign Affairs Committee call To discuss US policy related to democracy in Steve Weissman, Historian, Author and 05/24/18 the DRC Katumbi Independent Political Scientist email Mika Morse, Legislative Counsel to Sen. 05/24/18 Appropriation Funding. Marshall Islands. Brian Schatz (D-HI) meeting 05/24/18 Media issues related to,ME UAE Drew Johnson Cal!' Issues relating to client's termination of relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Qatar govemmertt-owned Drew Johnson (Contributor, Daily 05/24/18 media UAE Caller/Newsmax) Call To discuss Japanese international 05/25/18 investment policy Japan.. Clark Fonda, COS, Rep. Pittenger_ call, email. To discuss US policy related to democracy in Thierry Dongala, Senior Advisor, House 05/25/18 the DRC Katumbi Foreign Affairs Committee call To discuss US policy related to democracy in Steve Weissman, Historian, Author and 05/25/18 the DRC Katumbi Independent Political Scientist call Gene Collins, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Environment, Safety, and 05/25/18 Family housing construction Marshall islands Occupational Health).. ______Call 05/25/18 Issues relating to.dient's termination of UAE Gillian Turner, Correspondent, Fox News Email' relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Qatar government-owned media. 05/26/18 Issues relating to client's termination of UAE Gillian Turner, Correspondent, Fox News Email relations with Qatar and accuracy and transparency of Qatar government-owned media. S/28/18 232 Tariffs Japan Clete Willems, Senior Director, NEC- call 05/28/18' Possible visit by RMI President Marshall Islands US Ambassador to the RMI, Karen Stewart email Greg Walters, Assistant USTR.for Public 5/29/18 232 Tariffs Japan Engagement call Jayme White,' Chief Trade'Advisor; Senate 5/29/18 232 Tariffs Japan Finance Committee call

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2018 4:45:48 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2018 4:45:48 PM

Paul Cramer; De'puty'Assistant Secretary of. the Navy (Installations, Housing, and 05/29/18. Family housing construction Marshall Islands Partnerships) Email 05/29/18' Possible"visit by RMI President Marshall islands US'Ambassador to the RMl'Karen Stewart'. email' Paul Cramer, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Installation's, Housing, and 05/30/18; Family.housing construction. Marshall;lslands_ Partnerships). _ Email. 05/30/18 Religious Freedom Summit UAE Riley Miller Barnes, Chief of Staff to Email Ambassador Sam Brownback To discuss Japanese international 05/31/18 investment policy Japan Clark Fonda, COS, Rep. Ptttenger email 05/31/18 Religious Freedom Summit UAE Riley Miller Barnes, Chief of Staff to Call Ambassador Sam Brownback To discuss US policy related to' democracy in Thierry Dongala, Senior Advisor, House 06/01/18 the DRC Katumbi Foreign Affairs Committee. call, email To discuss US policy related to democracy in Thierry Dongala, Senior Advisor, House 06/01/18 the DRC . __ Katumbi Foreign Affairs Committee email 06/01/18 Religious Freedom Summit UAE Riley Miller Barnes, Chief of Staff to' Email Ambassador Sam Brownback To discuss US policy related to democracy in Thierry Dongala, Senior'Advisor, House 06/04/18 the DRC* Katumbi Foreign Affairs Committee email PIF (Public Investment Fund Kara Ahern, Chief of Staff to US 06/05/18 US-KSA bilateral trade and investment of Saudi Arabia) Congresswoman Liz Cheney . _ Call______To discuss US policy related to democracy in Janette Yarwood, Staff Director, House 06/06/18 the DRC Katumbi Foreign Affairs call, email To discuss US policy related to democracy in Janette Yarwood, Staff Director, House 06/06/18 the DRC Katumbi Foreign Affairs email To discuss US policy related to democracy in Thierry Dongala, Senior Advisor, House 06/06/18'/ the PRC, ______. Katumbi. Foreign Affairs Committee email Mika Morie/Leglslative'Counsel to Seri. 06/07/18 Appropriations Funding Marshal! Islands Brian Schatz(D-HI) meeting Real ID Act Modification for Freely 06/07/18 Associated States Act (HR 3398) Marshall Islands Adam Schantz, Rep. Gabbard meeting

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To.discuss Japanese international 06/08/18 Investment policy Japan Clark Fonda, COS, Rep. Prttenger email 06/11/18. US/Japan bilateral relations 8t trade Japan .. Senator Meeting Real ID Act Modification for Freely 06/11/18 Associated States Act (HR 3398) Marshall Islands Michael Songer, Rep. Young email 06/12/18 US/Japan bilateral relation's & trade Japan Senator David Perdue Meeting Doug Ddmenech, Assistant Secretary, Insular 06/12/18 Meeting request Marshall Islands and International Affairs Email To discuss US policy related to democracy in Thierry Dongala, Senior'Advisor, House 06/13/18 the DRC Katumbi Foreign Affairs Committee .. ___ call, email ... To discuss.US policy related to democracy in Luke Murry, National Security Advisor, House 06/13/18 the DRC Katumbi Majority Leader call, email To discuss US policy related to democracy in Janette Yarwood, Staff Director, House 06/13/18 the DRC Katumbi Foreign Affairs email To discuss US policy related to democracy in Megan Gallagher, Policy Analyst, House 06/13/18 the DRC Katumbi Foreign Relations Committee email To'disc'uss US policy related to'democracy in Thierry Dongala, Senior Advisor, House 06/13/18 the DRC Katumbi Foreign Affairs.Dimmittee email

Gary Tripmacher, Deputy Dir., Office of the U.S. Representative to the United Nations , Washington Office [USUN/W], United States To discuss US policy related to democracy in Mission to the United Nation's [USUN], 06/15/18 the DRC Katumbi United States Department of State [DOS],. call To discuss.US policy related to democracy in Janette Yarwood, Staff Director, House 06/15/18 the DRC Katumbi Foreign Affairs email Issues relating to client's termination of David Weinberg (Washington Rep. for Iht'l. relations with Qatar and accuracy and Affairs, Anti-Defamation League) transparency of Qatar government-owned George Selim (Sr. VP of Programs, Anti- 06/15/18. media _ UAE Defamation League). ___ Meeting Caitlin Poling,' National Security Advisor," 06/17/18 US/Japan bilateral relations 8t trade Japan Senator Perdue Call Meeting requests and coordination 06/19/18 regarding US-Japan economic policy Keidanren Rachel Kelly, Dep. COS, Rep. Himes email

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To discuss Japanese international' 06/20/18 investment policy Japan Clark Fonda, COS, Rep. Pittenger email 6/20/18 Discuss TPP/bilateral economic dialogue Japan Sen. Robert Merieridez (D-NJ) In person To'discuss US policy related to democracy iri Michael Phelan, Senior Professional Staff, 06/20/18 the DRC Katumbi Senate Foreign Relations email To discuss US policy related to democracy in Luke Murry, National Security Advisor, House 06/20/18 the DRC Katumbi Majority'Leader email To'discuss'US'poiicy related to'democracy in Thierry Dongala, Senior Advisor,' House' 06/20/18 the DRC Katumbi Foreign Affairs Committee email Meeting requests and coordination 06/20/18. regarding US-Japan economic policy.. Keidanren Terra Sabag, LD,Rep.:Larsen meeting_____ Meeting requests and coordination 06/20/18 regarding US-Japan economic policy Keidanren Rep. Larsen meeting To discuss Japanese international trade 06/21/18 policy Japan Justin Sok, LD, Rep. J. Smith call To discuss Japanese international trade 06/21/18 policy Japan Curtis Rhyne, LD, Rep. Hudson call Meeting requests arid coordination'- 06/21/18 regarding US-Japan economic policy Keidanren Terra Sabag, LD, Rep. Larsen call, email Meeting requests and coordination 06/21/18; regarding US-Japan economic policy. Keidanren Clark Fonda, COS, Rep..Pittenger call To'discussJapaneseintemational trade 06/22/18 policy Japan Justin Sok, LD, Rep. J. Smith meeting Doug Domenech, Assistant Secretary] Insular 06/23/18 Meeting request Marshall Islands and International Affairs Email To discuss Japanese international 06/26/18 investment policy Japan Clark Fonda, COS, Rep. Pittenger call To discuss Japanese' international 06/26/18 investment policy. Japan Erik Ashida, LA, Rep. Denny Heck call To discuss Japanese international trade 06/26/18 policy Japan Mike Dankler, LD, Rep. Walorski email Gene Collins, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Environment, Safety, and 06/26/18 Print Eugen .Cleanup.._ Marshall Islands Occupational Health) , Email

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6/27/18 Discuss TPP/bilateral economic dialogue Japan Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) In person To discuss US policy related to democracy in Thierry Dongata, Senior Advisor, House 06/27/18, the DRC Katumbi Foreign Affairs Committee email. Meeting requests and coordination 06/27/18 regarding US-Japan economic policy Keidanren Erik Ashida, LA, Rep. Heck call, email Meeting requests and coordination 06/27/18 regarding US-Japan economic policy Keidanren Larry Calhoun, COS, Rep. Yoho. email' To discuss Japanese international trade 06/28/18 policy Japan Zaich Cafritz, LD, Rep. Beyer call Meeting requests'and coordination " 06/28/18 regarding US-Japan economic policy Keidanren Charles Morrison, LA, Rep. Gallagher email, call Meeting requests and coordination 06/28/18. regarding US-Japan economic policy Keidanren Scott Hughes, LD, Rep. Cheney email, call Meeting requests and coordination' 06/28/18 regarding US-Japan economic policy Keidanren Charles Morrison, LA, Rep. Gallagher email Real ID Act Modification for Freely 06/28/18 Associated States Act(HR 3398)_ Marshall Islands. Adam Schantz, Rep. Gabbard. email Real ID Act Modification for Freely. 06/28/18 Associated States Act (HR 3398) Marshall Islands Michael Songer, Rep. Young email 06/28/18 Religious Freedom Summit UAE Sam Brdwhback, Ambassadbr-at-Large for. Meeting International Religious Freedom Riley Miller Barnes, Chief of Staff to Ambassador Sam Brownback To'disciiss Japanese ihternationai trade 06/29/18 policy Japan Laura Thrift, LD, Rep. Blumenauer meeting" To discuss US policy related to democracy in Thierry Dongala, Senior Advisor, House 06/29/18. the DRC. _ Katumbi Foreign Affairs Committee email Meeting requests and coordination:' 06/29/18 regarding US-Japan economic policy Keidanren Scott Hughes, LD, Rep. Cheney email, call 07/12/18. Legislative: Exchange: Keidanren. Congressman Joaquin Castro meeting 07/12/18 Legislative Exchange Keidanren' Congressman Jimmy Panetta meeting___ 07/12/18' Legislative Exchange Keidanren Congressman Joaquin Castro meeting. 07/12/18. Legislative Exchange.. Keidanren Congressman Jimmy Panetta meeting

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2018 4:45:48 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2018 4:45:48 PM


Hong Kong Trade Development Council 1/12/2018 $35,748.00 3/19/2018 $71,523.00 5/7/2018 $71,523.00 6/7/2018 $35,'748.00 .$214,542.00

Embassy of the UAE 2/6/2018 $446,422.25 4/11/2018 $65,000.00 4/18/2018 $296,845.37 4/20/2018 $65,000.00 5/16/2018 $65,305.00 6/22/2018 $1,093,580.65 $2,032,153.27

Embassy o Japan 2/12/2018 $50,000.00 3/12/2018 $50,000.00 4/9/2018 $50,000.00 4/10/2018 $95,000.00 5/3/2018 $35,000.00 .5/3/2018 $95,000.00 $375,000.00

Moise Katumbi 4/23/2018. .920425 $150,000.00 6/22/2018 925371 $175.00. $150,175.00

Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands: None

Public Investment Fund: None

Government of the Sultanate of Oman 6/19/2018 $30,000.00 $30,000.00

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Disbursements Embassy of the UAE $13,147.02 Travel, photocopies

Embassy of Japan $ 160,901.17 Meals, transportation, consultant fees

Hong Kong Trade Development Council $6,609.06 Meals, travel

MoiseKatumbi $98,514.50 Travel, consultant fees, postage

Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands $263.80 Food, transportation

Public Investment Fund $4,199.53 Meals, transportation, legal research fees

Government of the Sultanate of Oman $54.80 Photocopies

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/30/2018 4:45:48 PM