CENSUS, 1951






R. N. HAWA, I.A.S. Superintendent of Census Operations, , J aipnr.





1. Explana.tory Note (i)

2. Definition!! and Key 'to Sym.bol s .. (iii-iv)

3. Part I-Urban

(i) Urban City 2-3

(ti) Udaipu;t' Urban Non~City 4-7

4. Part II -Rural

(i) Tehsil Bhim. 8-13

(ii) Tehsil Deogarh 14-2]

(iii) Tehsil Amet 22-29

(iv) Tehsil Kumbhalgarh 30-39 (v) Tehsil Rajsa.m.and 40-47

(vi) Tehsil Relmagra 48-53

(vii) Tehsil Khamnor 54-65

(viii) Tehsil Girwa (Udaipur) 66-77 (ix) Tehsil Sa-Iumba.r 78---89 .. (x) Tehsil Sarada 90-97

(xi) Tehsil Kherwara 98-109

(xii) Tehsil Bhopal-Sa.gar 110-115

(x~) Tehsil Maholi 116-123

(xiv) Tehsil Vallabh-Nagar 124-137

(xv) Tehsil Lasadia .. 138-14-9

(xvi) Tehsil 150-165

(xvii) Tehsil Sa.ira 1f\6-173

(xviii) Tehsil Kotra 174-187

5. List of Unpopulated Villages I •• 188

6. List of Hamlets 189-201 PRIMARY CENSuS ABSTRACTS Explanatory Note

These abstracts SilOW figures of population according to eight livelihood classe9 for every town and e&ch of i t~ ward and each vIllage. They also show the area of each village or town. and for f'acn. village or townward the number of occupiei houses, house-ho]d~ an l litera.tes, m \ie~ a.nd fema.le3 8epJ.rately. These abstracts are in essence ~ village direct()l'Y with the d.lt.a. e {:hibited a.ccordtng to livelihood classes instea 1 of cOlnmunities as in 1941. These ab'3tra.ctl3 ha.ve b~en prepJ.re::l in two parts: Part I for towns in which all towns of the district are ShOWLl t-:>;::pth'3r~ arran6ed Ll.{pha.betically~ the n lome of tehsil in which the tOWB. is situated being given within brackets against the nam.e of the town and Part II for villa.ges. in which the villages ha ve been arranged alphabetically for each tehsil and tehsils arc arra.nged by loc~tion code numbers in el,ch district. The information regarding the displaced pergons has been given as HCel-d Note on each abstract, for the whole tehsil in the rural and tor the ...~hole dis trict in urban abstracts

In column ~o. 2 the code number of each village only is given, that of tehsil and district has been given in the Head Note. The area figure,;) given in Col. No. 3 have heeu obta.ined from the (Charge Superintendents) Tehsildars etc.

The figures in Cols. Nos. 6, 7, 27 and 28 have been obtained from the abstracts of the Nation'O\l H.egistera of Citizens prepared by the enumerators. These registers consist of a "tra.nscription of the replie:; t:J the more important census questions in respJct of every person enumerated. Figure3 of literates according to the tracts, derived from the cen,uS sli ps shown in Table D VI [, are generally more reliable than the vi:lage figures obtained ft'om Na.tional Registeri of Citizens. The census slip, on which the replies to the census q'lesti Ins were recardei, was the main document, the National Registers of Citizens was m~rcly a. copy. Moreover errJrs seem to have be2}ll committed by the enumerators while preparins- the ab1tract'1 of ~ational Register~ of Citizens.

Un-populated villa~es a.nd hamlet~ have not been given a. plaoe in the abstra.cts, their lists are given at the end.

Repeated a. ttem pts were mauc to verify the names of villages through the local officers. and corrections su(webted...,::> have 11€€n em.boJied so far it 'was practicabl~. At the time of this verificativll certain other discrepancies also came to notice namely (1) confusion in the treatment of hamlets was ob~rved in Rome ca'S6s, (2) certain villages belonging to one tehsil were entered in another one a.nd vice versa, (3) the popUlation figures of villages having similar or common names v.'""ere wrongly entered, (4) in some cases figures of hamlets were found totalled l.vith the vinag~ figures twice. This resulted in a slight change in total figures. This explains the difference# if any, between the totals of the Prima.ry Census Abstract'). and those of ta.bles prepared from it before such verification. ( 1i1 )

DEFINITION'3 AND l~~~Y 11'0 SYi,iBOLS Definitions.

Tract: -In past censuses the cen:::ms figures were tabulated by administrative units 1, e. districts$ tensils, etc. This time In almost all tables lJ11e figures have been represented by units whjuh haye been technically called "TRACTS". Tracts arc of three killds~ (1) all villages of a >Yub-division taken together form one rural tract; (2) all town::; (which are not cities) in a district taken together form an "urban non-city tract" and (3) every city is an "urban city tract" or in :::;hort "city tract". A list of tracts conlprised in each district has been gi·, en in the handbook of the district.

Town:-A "Town" has been defined as every municipality, every cantonment or every village which had a population of 5,000 or over in 1941. or any other village which was treated as a town for special reasons by the State Census Superintendent.

City:-A "City" is normally defined as a town with a populati.on of one lac or over, but this definition has been relaxed in Rajasthan, and towns with a population of 50,000 or over have also been treated as cities, to bring the definition In umformlty with th~ one adopted in the Municipal Act.

Village:-A "Village" means a revenue mauza whose revenue IS realised under a separate name. It includes all hamlets attached to it.

House:-A "House" has been defined as every structure made of any material which :is actually used as human habitation or if not so used is capable of being so used, wh:ch has separate rnain entranl:e froln the ~treet, lane, by-lane, etc. It includes btruutW'es of all kinds such as residential houses, te'nples, mosques~ offices, etc. The IDlnlffiu,n which was necessary for qualifying a structure to be classed as a house was at least two wLdls and a 1'0 'f made of allY material.

Occupied house:-"O 'cupied houses" were those which were used actually for the r<..lsidence of h unall bein,gs.

Household:-A I'Household" has been ('~efined to moan and include all persons liv~ng in cn'3 and the same house and dining at a common mess irrespective of th ,:il' blood relationshi, e g. "ervants res d,ng with their ..,.ters and taking meil!d in thejr kitchen weI" treate 1 as members of the master's household. On the contrary even ne'-nest relatives as hus' and or wife we e tr(;~Lted as separate families if for any reason. thsy happened to lh'e in sep~rate buildings .'1.nd dine at separate kitchens.

Household Population: -"Household Population" means persons living in numbered 1 hO·l:;:,es as membel'S of a commensal family inc~uding guests and servants. 1 J does not include ,a) honsele,:;s persons or (b) in'llate~ I)f institutions like jails, hospitals, l:ostels_ dak bungalows, boarding h)1,Ses, orphanages, sarais, d'-armashalas, porce line~, military lines .. ; sylum:;, etc. '0

Disp'aced person: -A "Displaced persoll" was del'ined a<;! "a person w11 0 m;gra1ed froTll West~r,l Paki'itHn after ls~ Marcht 1947 or from Eastern Pakistan af or i5th Oct )ber, ]946 due t I ('ommun1:,,! disturba !ce-: or fear of disturbances or due to p8rtitioll of and Pakistan. rhiIdren born to such persons after their ffiinrat:on to India were not to be treated as displaced persons". b

Ward.-A "Wa.rd" wag derined as ffiun;cipal ward in Ca"!o of m '_1nicipn.l town~. In non-municipal towns wards hav br)("u ''lade arbitrar]y by the Cen.sud Dep

Mertns of Livelikood.-In former cen"Jllses· it was cllstO'TIary to represent the basic populltion (lata bv community or religion. Thi~ time an innova.tio:l has been mario 2nd

in most of t h'3 tah'es the figures are published b': means of liveLhood gro'tps. All occu;)at ·ons have been r,la&5;ifiod undur eio'ht brL)a.d classe3 and given code nutnbers whic:l are as follows: b

I-Cultivator:::; 0; and \' boll \," or mainly owned arHl tl-->eir (lene111'l.,nts ( iv )

II-Cultivators of land whol1y or mainly unowned and their dependants

III Cultivating bbourers and their dependants

I\'-Xon-cult,iv:1ting owners of land; agr icultural rent receivers and their depenrlants. Persons including dependants who (Jerive their principal means of livelihood from:- v-- Production other than cultivation.

Y I Commerre.


V[[l-Other services and miscellaneous sources.

N. B.---In most of the Ta,bJes, the mil class number is only givE'n instend of descrIbing the class.

Code No -In the enumeration stage a sct of location code numbers was prescribed to idpntify each inhabited s ot whHreby the districts were numbered serially within the State, tehsils within a district and cities, towns and villages within a tehsil. Similarly houses were num.bered within a village . nd households within each house. Hamlets were given sub numbers unde~ the nun bel' of the parent vill-:lge. Key to Symbols

MjL - Means of livelihood. T Total. R - Rural. 1J =;;= Urban. P - _Per-;ons. M - l\1ales. F _ Females . • R~0 R. = f.'ub Division Rura1 U. N. C. = l~rban Non-Ci.ty.

Letter "l\i" when used with thf' name of a city indj('ates "Municipality"; letterEl "'1' 6.", T('~\vn Board; HS. A." r+otified Area. PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OR V Il LAG ED-I R E C TOR Y 2 THE PRIMARY PART I UDAIPUR·

1. No. & Name of District--1S UDAIPUR

2. No. of Tract.-85

r------I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their 0'-~~ 8;:;:': dependants 0 ..... Z Name of Town 00"' ~rF.l Number of ______Total No...A..- of PersOns____ ...... cc Code r- -"------':l r-----~----, r:---"-----, 'J:: No. of <'-~ i=I Ocoupied House- JJ Town Roman Soript Nagri Soript houaE's holds Pe.sons Males Females Males Females

(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ( 8) (9) (10) (111 (12)

1 118/8/222 UDAIPUR CITY 8-0 :acrlf~ !if~ 10,056 19.165 89,621 46,696 42,925 912 799 Ward No.1 854 1597 6,457 3,38:~ 3,074 23 8

Ward No. 2 950 1,892 8,351 4,198 4,153 4t 32

Ward No.3 943 1,951 8,448 4385 4,063 9 3

Ward No. 4 613 1,431 6,527 3,236 3.291 26 23

Ward No. 5 764 1,859 8,481 4,222 4,259 18 9

Ward No 6 1,006 1,870 9,400 4,822 4,578 18 12

Ward No 7 589 1,231 6,773 3,407 .3366 21 11

'Yard No.8 1,057 1,945 9,858 5,147 4,711 56 4,1

Ward No.9 927 1,742 7,358 3,815 ,3,543 27 !4

Ward No. 10 .• 1,267 10,963 10,169 5,922 4,247 441 4,0.

Ward No. II .. 837 1,408 6,444 3,451 2,993 229 22.

Ward No. 12 .. 249 276 1,355 708 647 3 CENSUS ABSTRACT URBAN URBAN'·mTY


3 PersollR 6,491

4 Hales 3,338

5 Females 3,153

AGRICUL rURAL CLASSES NON -AGRICULTURAL OLASSES ______-A- -.., r------"------.., II-CJ;ltivators Ill-Cuitivat- IV-Non-Culti- Persons(including dependants) who derive their principa.l of land wholly jng labourers vating owners mea.ns of livelibood from or mainly and their of la.nd; agri- r------.A.------~ unowned and dependants cult-ural rent. V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport ViII-Other their depen- receivf"rs other t!.sn services alld dants and their cultivation miscellaneous dependants sources L'Iterates Zci r----"---....., r---.A.--...., :-----"------. r----..A..----.., .----'"---...., r---..A----.., r----"----.., r---..A..--,~ 0; ''':' Males Females Ma.les Females Ma.les Females Males Females Males Females Males Females :Males Females Males Females ~

(13 ) (14 ) {l51 (16) (17) ( 1 ti) { 19) (20) (21) ( 22) (23) (24) (25 ) (26) (27) (28) (I)

677 486 207 179 671 465 7,221 6,995 10,143 9.517 2.522 2,407 24,343 22,077 24,697 10.118 1

19 II :1 1 :1 73 63 427 389 2.51 233 123 117 2,464 2,240 2,007 877

10 4 4 2 146 144 644 633 463 384 238 183 2,649 2,771 2,929 1,336

63 53 616 567 1,476 1,300 83 95 2,138 2,045 2,98.') 1,221

38 51 630 696 487 362 151 248 1,904 1,911 1,709 607

I 13 ]2 1.193 1.206 1,450 1,316 199 276 1,348 1,440 2.100 69~

IS 1~ "- 9 14 956 925 1,711 1,733 351 230 1,759 1,642 2,177 851 S 3 13 14 539 521 1,496 1,585 97 87 1.235 1,172 2.191 1.282

17 ]6 3 8 3S 16 664 637 1,228 1.114 370 351 2,771 2,528 2,564 1,017

21 2~ 4 57 54 431 439 518 504 148 161 2,609 2,339 1,994 810

438 27H 81 46 16!) 4 762 631 546 528 415 377 3,074 1,975 2,070 510

144 132 III 106 56 40 269 249 281 267 327 261 2,034 1,710 1,508 688

.( 2 90 102 236 218 20 21 358 304 463 221 4 THE PRIMARY 1. No. and Name of District:-IS UDAIPUR PART I 2. No.ofTract:-84.

3. No. of Towns:-ll. UDAIPUR

r------I-CultivtIotora of land wholly or main ly owned and their dependants

Name of Town Number of Total No. of Persons ,.------______-A-. ___ r----..A..-.-""""\ r----_..A.____ """"' r-_-:A_--...... Occupied House· Roma.n Scri pt Nagri Script hOllses holds Persolls ::vrales FCJnalm. Males Fenu"l"s

(1) (3) (4-) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ( 1 1 ) ( 12)

1 18 '3/61 AMET TOWN 0'06 789 1,226 5,583 2,867 2,716 260 240 Ward No.1 131 232 1173 fi76 597 70 64

Ward No.2 220 320 1,495 750 745 \12 9\)

Ward No.3 172 254 I, l77 605 572 32

Ward No.4 149 221 999 502 497 48 34

Ward No.5 117 199 739 434 305 I" II 2 18;1/51 BHIM TOWN 0·06 734 1,077 4,810 2,467 2,343 1.508 1,316 Ward No.1 152 264 ],085 58,'} .,00 181 179

Ward No.2 64 100 470 256 72 48

Ward No 3 161 212 1,014 499 515 354 335

Ward No.4 132 175 833 408 425 339 193

Ward No 5 139 205 883 442- 441 317 330

Ward No 6 86 121 525 277 248 245 221 3 18/14/168 TOWN 0'14 1291 1,673 7,317 3,6IS- 3.699 1,081 1.107 Ward No. I 199 323 1,4fi3 743 710 69 76

Ward No.2 337 414 1,786 867 919 172 163

Ward No.3 273 273. ,134. 551 :Z46

\Vard ::'Iro. 4 216 335 1,531 746 785 187 208

\Vard No.5 266 328 1,413 711 702 428 414 4 18/2/45 DEOGARH TOWN 1'0 1,106 1,636 6.872 3.378 3,494 B66 383 Ward No.1 190 257 1,063 523 540 48

Ward. No 2 34 170 748 373 37fi ,'}2 4n -

Ward No. 3 190 300 1,421 703 718 45 46

Ward No.4 182 1,160 579 587 7

Ward No 5 223 426 1,519 739 7St) 111'1 138

\Vard No.6 185 227 955 461 4fl4 HI 95

5 18/15/65 DHARIA WAD TOWN lfi'f~n ~i1JJ'qq 0'06 441 470 2,003 1,007 996 50 56

"Yard ~o. 1 441 470 2,OU3 1,007 !.I 96 :;0 50 'Yard No.2 6 18/5/72 KANKROLI TOWN 0'06 679 1,264 5,432 2.786 2.646 327 349 "Vard No.1 212 490 2,24~ 1,153 1,096 142 149

Ward No.2 283 453 1,883 951 932 100 154

Ward No.3 184 321 1,300 682 flI8 35 46 5 C)ENSUS ABSTRACT DISPLACED PERI:)Obi::; URBAN--( Contd.) t Persons 685 .:uRBAN NON-CITY 6 Females 336 AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON -AGRICULTURAL CLASSES J;; ~------~ II-Cultiva.tors III-C ultivat­ I\T -!'{on-Cu'ti­ Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of 18l1d wholly ing labourers vo.ting owners ,-______means of livelihood..A.. ______from --, or :=:ainly and their of la.nd; agri­ uno.... ned and dependan ts cultural rent. V -Production VI - Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their de pen­ receivers other than services and dantl!l and their ~ultivation miscellaneous deFendants sources Literates .. ___..A... __ --. ,-__..A... __"""", r- ._.A.._----" ,-__.A.. __ ---" r----!J;;;.__ --, r----..A.-~ .---=______r---..A..----, '=

\Isles l<~ema1e-s :\la10.3 1<' 'males Males Females Males Females Males Females ]\1a1elO Females Males F(_'UHlle'! Males Females;D

(13 ) (H) (15) ( 16) ( 17) (IS) (19) (20) (21 ) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

235 220 6 46 61 632 585 716 654 92 71 880 878 1.052 106

!2 43 13 10 194 194 123 120 6 5 128 161 172 2

39 39 1 1 4 120 119 174 153 5 2 318 329 155 12

54 57 3 4 161 142 186 175 8 154 155 319 29

100 81 2 4 2" 43 68 7~ 80 79 3 4 173 178 196 22 89 56 153 127 70 56 107 55 210 41 6 87 252 49 58 213 232 219 197 6 11 379 281 741 35 (2) 3 30 33 72 74 105 88 3 5 191 119 318

9 II 31 33 73 67 1 2 70 164 33

3 4 10 20 5 61 85 1 2 65 04

64 226 2 I 3 36

1 38 33 41 42 1 2 44 34 85

2 10 4 4 8 9 6 7 74 82 109 106 124 166 691 751 897 833 18 18 623 636 1.258 209 (3)

9 7 39 116 120 329 307 5 4 190 157 :~60 90

46 30 3 39 ::MH 307 166 14.3 9 9 182 20.3 46

51 72 73 95 94 2 2 114 117 240 42

15 21 18 20 21 25 180 200 231 205 1 3 93 103 311 20

4 4 88 7 12 62 51 77 82 1 44 54 93 11 38 36 33 32 61 69 702 750 788 788 163 151 1,227 1.285 1.409 140 (4) 2 I .5 73 80 140 137 5 4 244 262 241 17

34 36 3 3 19 19 ~8 78 87 103 III 36 26 HI 13

I 14 26 207 233 209 218 9 6 218 189 437 71 28 28 15 10 77 75 193 l67 261 300 308 16

8 6 206 204 124 129 14 9 268 221 13

3 91 114 44 50 32 21 200 214 III 8 59 61 8 10 26 33 232 202 357 336 39 48 236 250 452 57 i5)

;:;9 1)1 10 26 33 232 202 357 336 39 48 236 2.")0 :>7

8 13 125 95 7 11 574 544 498 477 141 125 1106 1.022 1.325 377 (6)

8 13 105 7 11 305 285 201 205 72 62 313 285 492 100

6 183 190 151 124 40 44 421 420 444 145

S6 69 146 148 19 372 327 132 35 b


I-CuI tivators of land wholly or mainly owned ~~ an(i sheir E-1::S dependants Z• Name of Town ..... ,------__...... A. ______:""\ OC'" Number of Total No. of Persons Code .tZI r----A..--r\ .. ., s:I r------....A....-r------.... r---..A.---~ j No. of Occupied Housel· Town Roman Script Nagri Soript .<." houses holds Persons Males Females "Males Felllalee-

(S) (3) 0) (4) (,} ) (6) (7) (i) (9) (IOJ (II ) (12)

7 18/14/225 KANOR TOWN CH4 ~ ~~ 909 1,295 5,452 2,767 2,685 532 487 Ward No.1 356 524 2.181 1,072 1,109 83 72 Ward No. 2 244 347 1,416 740 676 56 53 Ward No.3 207 319 1,345 691 654 129 116

Ward No 4 102 105 510 264 246 264 2~6 .... 8 18/11/li7 KBERWARA CAN'ft'. 0.78 ~~~T ~ 340 383 1,767 1,088 679 108 102 Ward No.1 161 191 1,015 695 320 107 100

Ward No. 2 179 192 752 393 359 1 2 9 18/18/197 KOTRA CAN'rl'. ~~ 0.08 164- 206 905 528 377 41 to Ward No 1 31 33 10!) 93 12 Ward No. 2 133 173 800 435 365 41 40 10 18/7/194 NATHDWARA TOWN ~, ;rt!i!fa1'l:r 0.06 1.704 2.990 12,341 6.454 5.887 54 35 Ward No.1 162 237 1,200 621 579 2

Ward No . .2 171 289 1,197 609 588 4

Ward No.3 239 451 1,913 986 927 ~ 4 Ward No. ~ 125 192 987 502 485

Ward No.5 290 454 1,866 944 922 10 6 Ward No.6 211 348 1.266 651 61,'> 12 13 Ward No. 7 378 694 3,024 1,655 1,369 21 11 WardNo 8 128 275 888 486 402 1 11 18/U/I25 TOWN ~~i!~ O.IU 1,143 1,375 5,876 2.932 2.944 287 ~ Ward No.1 196 233 900 444 456 12 11

Ward No. 2 421 ~aO 1,882 974 908 2240 !21 Ward No.3 169 193 8]5 390 42:> 8 a

Ward No.4 357 499 2,279 1,12-t- 1,15;:; 43 ~" ... I CENSUS ABSTRACT

URBAN-( Ooncld,.) URBAN NON-CITY-(Goncld.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTU}{AL.A-.-- ______CLASSEb " ------~ ------~ II-Cultiva.tors III-Cuitivat- IV-Non-Culti- of land wholly ing labourers vating owners PerSons (including dependant!') who derive their principnl or maInly and their of land; agr]- meanS____ of livelihood..A- ______from -.., unowned and dependants cultural rent r----- thf';r depen- receivers V -Production VI-Commerce VII-Tralll>port VIII-Otl,eI damts and their other than serviceI' and dependant" cultiva.tion miscellaneous sources Literates ,-__..A- ____---., ...-___ -"-----::-> ,-___.A. __-.., r---.A.---, v----J.-.---, r---.A.._--, ,-__J....__ -, ,----"----,

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21 ) (22) (23) (24) (26) (26) (27) (28)

67 56 76 83 156 164 471 475 682 637 18 26 765 757 1,110 761 (7) 58 49 57 68 Il4 II7 162 195 198 274 ]0 17 2110 317 480 71 10 6 14 12 191 153 245 241 8 216 202 319 66 ,,- 7 9 9 2~ 35 lI8 1 ~, 13D 2[19 238 308 30


12 '.' 200 208 112 75 16 10 645 272 680 47 (S) ,. 1 110 119 14 3 I 4Gfj !HI 469 2 II " ' 90 89 75 13 186 173 2II 45 6 122 77 139 135 27 19 193 102 277 22 (9) 12 7

122 77 139 135 27 In 100 90 192 I .• 25 25 10 8 49 41 1,060 1,079 1,657 1.474 245 208 3,354 3,017 3,556 1.019 (10) 7 5 53 42 130 126 7 3 403 404 147

I I 8G llO 136 144 21 361 307 411 100 1 2 4 5 12 18 94. 91 73 80 50 748 7(10 624 140

I I 138 ]51 242 220 14 14 107 99 293 143

]0 10 3 2 4 200 221 198 196 25 22 493 461 443 67

14 13 3 I 3 5 113 lI2 148 28 20 3:.lU 303 407 152

15 8 291 28] 630 482 89 85 609 502 622 90 \ 5 4 S.3 71 99 78 II 7 28 .• 242 352 177 86 21 13 100 98 804 654 902 901 62 880 873 1,168 273 (11) 7 4, 1 40 83 65 90 93 74 28 20 HI.') 220 219 47

44 8 9 7 " 186 187 144 149 35 324 263 160 22 5 6 152 180 ]39 145 86 88 173

11 3 49 53 201 197 526 533 11 13 27 .• 302 ].39 THE PRIMARY PART II

t Populated 92 5. No. of Villages 1: U:I!lpopulated 1 1. No. and N lome of District-IS UDAIPUR 2. Natn. of Sub-Division-BHI:M 6. No. of Hamlets 2116 3. No. and Name of Tehsil-l BHIl\I 4. No. of Traet--78 7. No. of Towns 1

8. Area of Tehsil in Sq. Miles 223 r-'---

I-Cultivators cf land wholly or m.ainly owned and their dependant.. Name of Villagp Num.ber of Total No. of Persons Code r------"------~ r------~--__ ~r------~------~ r-----~----~ No. of Occupied Houl"le­ Village Roman Script ::s'a.~ri Script, houses holds Persons Males Fexnales Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

1 41 Ajitgarh 3f3fr~ ],148 90 J44. 640 337 303 206 210 ~ 17 Akhegarh 3f~~ 473 22 37 166 79 "1:>7 7S 87

3 23 Aruarpura a:rq~~T 229 19 27 151 79 72 ,9 4, 40 Amner atT"~~ 2,146 ll8 161 711 358 353 323 3:W

5 75 Antal; .. aii!'TWt 278 3 3 14 6 8 1 6 19 BadIa Hira ~~lfT~)~T 1,].'58 :31 75 111 65 46 :m 44 7 29 Badni .. iffq.=r) 660 36 74 362 187 175 ]71 151

8 82 Bagana ~ 1,840 177 220 941 453 488 273 :!Hl

9 70 Bagar

13 56 Barar if'U~ 9,157 687 914 4,306 2,128 2.178 1,80!) 18411

14 83 Barjal .. if~.::i(T5 3,138 200 240 1,129 544 585 514 5~2

15 31 Bharlawa ~~('f'~T 1,209 59 81 365 163 202 161 200 16 78 Bheragura ~~Tt!.~T 30;-; 51 78 326 160 166 153 102 17 27 Bhoru I,,-hcra ~~ 'fi~T 1,410 44 79 384 197 187 141 18 48 Bhil Khera ~'w ~~T 212 23 36 17 90 8.") 81 7~ 19 II Bhopalgarh ~)qm,,~ 151 8 13 56 30 26 30 20 33 Blliawas fcr5Tqrcn~ 3,436 154 234 1,000 511 489 489 41 208 100 108 90 06 21 73 Biramgul'a fif~~r... 995 39 "22 10 Borva .. i{trcr; 3,980 100 174 895 '462 433 447 23 74 Chatan ""TCf 849 40 68 321 177 }44 152 L 1.") 24 84 Chhapli '3.'l'w) 7,155 (;58 717 3,136 1,5(12 1,574 1,21H 1.279

25 52 Dansria ~~f1(~T 1,612 100 131 666 33& 330 271 27t) 26 86 Dawer ~~~ 4,681 241 365 1,710 8.'50 8(10 663 680 27 45 Dehria ~~f~ 54.3 31 50 235 122 113 ]11 107

28 5 Dev Khera ~q ~~l 33 40 1\)8 101 97 tlU 9. 29 30 Dhoti ~)it 1,1533 83 94 407 225 182 2UU 163 30 G5 Dhuwala Kalan 239 13 20 83 41 42 3U 31 ~C{T~T ~ 234 HI 28 1240 63 61 57 55 31 67 Dhuwala Khurd '!~, ~i 9 #CENSUS ABSTRACT RURAL


9. PersonS 5

10. Males 5 1I . Females NIL

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL.A.. ______CLASSES_ ------_.j.._------. r------.------., II --Cultiva.tors I [I-Cultivat­ IV-Non-Culti­ Persons (includitlg dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ing labourers "?A.t ing own~rs means of livelihood from 0::- mainly and t;heir of land; a.gri­ r------"- ---., unowne,l and (i"'pend ... ntR eu I t11 ra1 ren1; v-r,,, luct;ion VI-Commerce ' .... II-Tra.nsport. VIII-Other t.heil'depen­ receivers other than services and dants and their cultiva.tion mlscellaneolls d dependa.nts sources Literates z • ___ ..A- __ ~ r---_-A-___ ~ r---- A.. ___-., r---.A.----.. r---...... -~ r----'-----., r---.A.----. ,-__ .A.___ -., as

Males Females Males Females Males Fema.les Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fema.les ':a00

(13) (14) (I5) (16) ( 17) (18) (l9) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ( 1 )

l~ 8 6 3 II 15 33 35 37 17 2 30 15 75 2 1 2 I 3

1 I 1 2 3 23 25 6 2 14 4

1 2 4- 2 5

6 2 2 6

16 14 3 7

7 6 2 8 40 61 41 41 46 49 44 32 101 [) 8

4 2 10 7 28 22 56 61 38 34 II4 9 9

1 3 1 14 20 32 31 4 37 39 135 4 10

I 11

2 5 I) 6 5 8 I 26 12 27 20 21 27 70 48 131 165 2 8 70 250 22 13

8 22 7 11 20 50 14

1 2 I 8 15

I) 2 2 2 2 16

13 10 37 25 2 5 17

6 8 2 2 I 3 II 18 19

13 10 1 8 13 26 20

2 3 3 6 5 3 2 21

3 2 12 20 22

8 3 6 8 4, 4 11 2 3 10

5 5 9 10 37 41 56 95 77 10~ 109 16<1 22 24 3 10 17 17 42 27 1 19 12 ]3 17 94 94 46 44 142 9 26 6 6 1 3 I 17 1 27 2 1 28

11 2 7 5 4 2 I 1 16 1 29

2 2 7 (\ 2 2 I 4 30


I-Cultiva.tors of land wholly or mainly o'.vned and their dependants Name of VIllage Number of Total No. of Persons Code ,------"- --- r---.A.. ----, .------"------., r----"------., No. of Occupied H ouse- Village' Roma.n Script N agri Script housE'S holds Person>; Malos Fema.les Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( HJ) (11) (12)

32 28 Dungar Khera ~.rr~ ~~T 2,050 59 206 542 276 266 260 256 33 15 Fateh Khera q;ff~ ~fT 367 25 31 127 66 61 66 61

34 6 Fatehpur @J q;('f i'ftr1lTTcr 339 32 45 174 94 80 87 77 Nayagaon. Q~~ ~"ii 43 Ghata m~T 976 42 5X 328 163 165 160 163 93 Gudachar 36 i!;ST~~' 4;:;9 55 840 433 22,) 201'1 • 20-i 187 37 77 Gura T<:hema ~~T ~11T 705 13 22 75 32 31 27 81 Gu~a 1\Iota 38 ~~r ")eT 680 36 185 10J 7~ 76 Gura Pitha 39 ~~T q"l'q( 329 13 19 92 40 44 32 40 13 Ratun l,831l 78 113 528 267 261 240 237 ~¥' 651 41 "'ftri'f:r~ 43 66 276 141 13 IS 42 16 .Jaswantpura 345 7 10 54 26 25 26 ::if«:io~~T 18 .Jet Khera 43 ;if,;; ~~T 696 27 60 267 146 121 146 121 44 25 .Jetgarh 1,671 126 213 946 481 465 357 3[}6 \i)~ 3 .Jetpura 45 ~<'I'gU 352 IS 23 122 ()7 55 ~ 90 .Jhunthra 9R 46 t!'q~T 33 30 206 106 100 96 94 47 6t) .Jhutwan ilFCfT 35;; 36 36 154 79 73 71 59 48 63 Kachhbah iifiT~at~r 2,725 293 37:> 1,560 788 518 548 49 57 Kahari "'~,1 1,175 57 60 286 136 150 124 13S 50 49 Kaladeh ~~ 880 82 94 368 189 179 100 82

51 92 Kalaguman 2,077 125 180 887 482 40~ 424 367 Cfin:5'T~ 55 Kaletra 52 'tit~u 1,721 84 114 546 263 283 257 271 53 24 Kania Khera ~';"~T eif' 186 2[; 28 201 104 97 80 79 54 80 Kaniyana lfif-i trT"fT 335 22 23 107 58 49 56 43

55 35 K"'1."kra 380 14 14 61 33 2S 33 28

56 68 K ... thar 1fiOT~ 36 11 12 59 26 33 18 24 57 89 K"sagura mrr..,- 143 26 41 210 105 105 99 94 ~ . 58 12 Kesarpura q~~T 342 24 47 191 94 97 91 93 87 Khera. Jasa 59 ~~ "ffiT 451 40 56 288 147 141 137 130' 60 4 Kheri ka. Khera ~'T 'tiT ~~J 1,066 58 92 510 268 242 256 233"- 30 Kheta Khera 116 42 39 42 61 ~~~ 9 19 81 39 62 34 Kukra. P,T 12522 591 812 4.182 2,084 2,098 1,891 1,912' 63 54 Kukar Khera 2,321 127 53 876 435 441 278 284 P"~T 14 Laget Khera 64 ~f(f ~~ 1,117 66 103 475 2409 226 236 220 65 61 Lakhagura 2.492 186 20Q 872 425 447 241 290'

66 2 Mana Nagla. 746 28 36 183 98 85 97 8a;

~7 6!! Mandawar 2,815 208 299 I,S69 679 690 537 581 11 CENSUS ABSTRACT RURAL-(Contd.)

BHI:M-~ Oontd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON- AGRICULTURAL CLA SSES - __,.,.A..__ ~------" ,- --'---.. II-Cultivators II I-Cultivat­ IV--Non-culti­ Persons (including dependantR) who derive their principal of land wholly ing labourers "ating owners means of livelihood..A. ____ from or mainly and their of land; agri­ -, unowned and depen.lants cultural rent V-Produ('tion VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other thAlrdepon- receivers other than services and dants and theIr cult,lvation miRcelhlneous dependant'" RourCl'S Literate's r----..A.----, ,.---_"~---, r-----..A--__ ---.. r---..A.-----.. ,----"----, ,-----"---, 1\[ale9 Females Males Females Ma.les Females :Males Females Males Females MaleR Female'S MaleE' Females Jl,iales Females

( 13) (14) (I5) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21 ) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

1 15 10 20 32


6 34

2 1 I 1 2 33

4 12 10 (j 7 7 3G 12 [) 37

3 2 1 3t>

4 1 5 I 1 2 I 39

1 14 2 9 10 40 l:!l 122 1 I 2 41

I 2 42 43

7 16 24 24 27 27 21 31 18 18 I:! 83 2 44


2 8 6 11 46 [) 14 3 2 2 47

36 25 28 20 36 34 32 45 56 26 13 50 30 151 2

2 2 4 lU 1 5 3 10 49

18 17 5 17 19 17 41 6 1 70 3 50

24 20 1 I 17 6 1 1 14 11 54 51

1 2 2 2 5 1 5 16 52 17 15 7 3 53

2 6 1 54

11 55

7 a 1 1 2 56 8 I 3 3 57

2 3 1 1 58

4 3 6 8 7 59

10 5 2 60 I 61

1 82 39 83 72 77 266 5 62 2 1 ]6 30 43 71 59 20 17 83 2 63 4 16 6. 31} 32 18 30 fn 29 84 20 127 65 1 1 1 66 22 11 10 17 18 54 8 25 I 2 29 25 83 3 67 12



I-Cultivators of land wholly or ma.inly owned and their dependants ~ Name of Village Number of Total No. of PerSon" Cii Code No . ...-______Jo.- ---, ,-----"------. ,-- ....-'-.------, r---...A----c .- of Village Oceupied House- ~ . R .. man Sc-ript ~agri Script hou..,es holds Persons 1>lales :F eIuales 111801 .. s Females

(1) \2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ( 11) (12)

68 91 Mudla 92 62 7 24 12 12 12 12

69 94 Munk5awas 242 23 28 124 58 66 42 50 70 60 Nabri .. ;nq':lT 1,484 38 56 293 150 ]43 134 122 71 42 N aloi lalpura ;nmf ~W!~T 2,429 110 162 777 388 389 338 343 72 39 Nandawat ;tcrTct('( 1,471 108 139 719 358 361 338 335 Naya gaoll i'fQ Fatehpur 1m" ~qi qa~~~ Sef' Serial No. 34

1.568 54 69 330 166 164 157 158 73 47 Palra q~ 74 72 Pipli fqqw) 4,852 292 377 1,765 841 924 644 714 75 88 Piprelu qTq~~ 815 23 34 182 91 91 87 84 402 22 28 126 65 61 65 61 76 I Rajor ~T~T~ 77 46 SameHa ~wtn 310 54 63 265 135 130 106 102 78 32 Saroth m~)q 3,009 137 209 903 481 422 443 379 79 8 Sawanjna. ...~t\iP{T 776 41 58 242 127 115 127 ll5 80 7 Sekhawas ~1!fr

86 69 Thoria q)f~ 883 39 48 216 109 107 98 92

87 38 Tibara feql~T 1,257 59 71 306 163 143 154 ]29 96 141 637 329 308 314 300 88 44 Titri ~T~~) 2.239 89 37 Togi e)~T 1,672 120 138 595 302 293 236 228 110 2 2 15 9 6 g' 6 90 64 Udpura '3"cr,!~ 241 37 44 ]84 73 111 73 III 91 9 Umarbaori ~~;;;rT<{~T 630 20 32 147 72 7" 92 26 Urrnnedpura ';:3"I=i\'~,!"T 13


BHIM-( Concld.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON -AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ____ J,._ ___ ------~ r.=----- ~------II-Cultivators m-Cultivat­ IV-Non-Culti­ Persons (including dependants) who derixe their p1incipal of land wholly ing labourers vating owners means of livelihood from ormfJ.inly and their of land; agri­ r-­ unowned and dependants cultural rent V-Production VI-Commerce~------VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen­ receivers other than services and dants and their cultivation miscellaneous o dependants sources Literates Z r--- ...... --~ r-__ ..J.,-. __ ~ r----"----.. r----"------, r---.A..----. r----"-----,. r----A---.___, r- -_j._----. -;;;-;:: Ma.les Females Ma.le .. Females Males Females Males FeIDales Males Females Males Females Males Females Males }<'e'ln8les J5

(1) (13) (14) (15) (16) ( 17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)


8 I 2 1 6 2 3 69

1 1 12 2 2 3 70

5 29 27 5 3 7 7 39 71

I 19 22 38 72

for fiCUres

I 6 5 2 9 73

S 11 27 24 48 52 33 32 28 28 17 10 36 53 121 74

I 2 6 1 1 3 75

6 7

I I 1 20 22 7 I 31 77

1 2 18 23 1 2 16 16 58 1 78 4 79

9 19 20 1 3 5 8 323 80

3 3 2 3 2 2 81

3 I I 1 8 6 2 2 2 2 16 82

3 2 9 2 2 I 9 83

23 24 16 21 as 23 49 31 13 8 68 1 84

I I 16 18 4 4 2 4 25 1 85

3 5 4 6 I 3 4 13 86

3 2 5 4 5 15 87

1 2 I 12 6 1 6 88

3 1 1 30 33 19 21 11 7 81 89 4 90

5 91

2 10 13 1 2 13 92 14 THE PRIMARY PART II

Populated 128 6. No. of Villages { Unpopulated 4

1. No. & Name of Dist.rict- 18 UDAIPUR 2. Name of Sub-DivilSion-BHTM 6. No. of Hamlets 14

7. No. ofTowna Nil

3. No & Name of Tehsil-2 DEOGARH 4. No. of Tract-78 8 Area of Tehsilin Sq. Miles •. 175 ,...------

I -Cultivators of land wholly or mainly o'Woed and -thpir dependants Name of VJIIage Number of Total No. of Persons r- ..)0... ___ ...... , Code r------_)..._- ______~ r--- __..)0... ____...... , r-- _..)0...-_-. No. of Occupied Hou~e­ Village Roman Script Nagri Script houses holds PersoILS Ivlales Females Males Females

0) (2) (il) (4) (5) (6) (8) (9) ( 10) (11 ) (12)

1 29 Amar Garh 3{li~ Of<1: 360 4 4 22 9 13 9 13

2 85 Amba ka Khera ;m:.n epr ~T 904 8 16 120 58 62 56 60 3 63 Anjana OTt5tT~T 2,650 107 129 592 308 284 177 160

4 79 Anop pura 3{"'·)q'~·H J ,060 36 39 172 89 83 84, 75 5 33 Anti Kalan OfTf;('fco ;:::)1 530 36 57 294 152 142 139 126 6 59 Baga ka Khera 64 ~Tm epr ~~, 860 13 31 ·141 70 71 60 7 100 Bakhatpura 27 136 72 64 58 53 "l~~r 421 17 8 23 llaniahatri ifT;::ftI.:l TQ_ le'R:t 483 24 34 192 91 101 86 95 9 109 Banjaria ci~RrlfT 296 6 11 52 26 26 25 23 10 75 Barwalon ka Khera ~~<:n;nt epT ~,¥r 366 17 21 82 47 35 25 Ii

11 117 Basi if~) 63 80 364 182 182 151 146 12 3 Bateri a2:~T 910 25 32 149 77 72 71 63 13 58 Bena. ka Khera i;:rT coT ~~r 1.536 41 56 262 134 llS 119 104 14 88 Berawas ;fUa-m 160 4 5 26 16 9 12 T 195 15 56 Bhachardia .nq~~)lfT 375 62 73 420 204 216 177 16 82 Bharatsingh ka ';HC'ff~6: 'fiT '!.~T 726 30 53 269 135 134 69 64 Gur"a 17 60 Bhuiru Khera o;{~ ~~ 521 16 25 107 57 50 54 47 18 68 Bhundwa'l 86 78 55 56 -!;:~

19 97 Bhurwara ~~en:sr 729 23 29 153 87 66 81 62 ~ . 20 49 Bijepura Gfr\i{~~r 18S 26 28 136 67 69 44 47 21 61 Bilakhi ~TmlSl 500 18 28 145 69 76 45 51 22 77 Bujra .. 103 ~'if~T 3.700 29 43 240 III 129 94 23 28 Chanwala ReI ka ",t::-wT ~;n q;J ti~T 47 5 16 83 37 46 37 43 Khera 24 89 Charda 17 26 148 78 70 77 60 ""~~T 800 25 50 Charnia. 'a"T~frrl1r 78 9 22 108 60 48 48 40 26 48 Chena Asan ~rfT a{JffO{ 368 5 13 70 37 33 35 28

27 102 Chundi "'!;::s) 417 20 28 150 90 60 85 56 28 129 Dala ka Khera «wT i!I'i1' ~~T 902 31 53 281 144 137 136 129 29 98 Dangri .. :strt~) 1,194 37 54 230 123 107 85 75

30 132 Dantra Cfn:~~l 530 44 62 254 126 128 125 127 31 118 Darada 97 52 45 28 22 GT~T$l 745 15 19 32 87 DauIajl ka Khera Cf1wl'itT "iiT ~~ 786 24 57 250 129 121 50 49 15 .cENSUS ABSTRACT RURAL-(Oontd.)


H. Persons 10

10. Ma:K.e 7

11. Females 3

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ------"------. ~ .------II-Cultivators III-Cultivat­ IV-Non-Culti­ Persons (including dependant!!) who derive their principal of land wholly ing labourers vating owners means of livelihood from or mainly and their of land; agri _,._ ~ unowned and dependants cultural rent V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII- Other their depen­ I eceivers other than services and dants anr! their cultivation mi'lcellaneous dependants !!OUrCeB Litera.tes ___ -"--__",-- __.A.. __--. ,--__ ...... ____ ~ ,-----_.,,_-~ r---...A---~ 3 ~ Males Females Males Females ;\1" ales Females 1\-Iales FemaJes Males Fell~ales Males Females Males Females Males Females rn

(13) Ilol) (I5) ( 16) (17) (IB) (19) (20) (21) ( 22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)


2 2 1

3 3 40 33 36 39 II 8 41 41 29 3 2 3 I 3 4 4

2 1 ~, ]3 5

3 7 4 6

4 7 9 I 7 7

5 6 S

1 3 I 9

4 5 I 3 2 :1 2 11 10

3 4 4 12 8 5 9 10 12 11 11

3 4 3 2 12

6 I 4 5 3 4 2

I 3 1

11 6 11 10 8 15 10 16 2 7 4 35 37 16 6 2 IH 3 3 17

7 7 I I 23 14 5 2 IS .., 2 ]9

5 5 ;; 2 13 15 1 20

1 '1 6 6 3 10 If} 21 8 15 11 27

3 1 1

1 1 2 12 8

2: 5

5 4 1 2 7

4, 8 5 5 1 4 28 15 10 1

1 1 3

2 3 ... 4, 11 8 7

1 1 6 3 6 23 22 13 3S 24 16 16 THE PRIMARY PART II TEHSIL

I--Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their dependants o z Name of Village Number of Total No. of Persons Code --~------~ r-----A------. r-----_J.._------~ r--- J.. __ --. No. of r------Occupied House. ] Village Roman Script ~agri Script houses holds Persons Males Fema.les Ma.lee Fema.les

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

33 53 Daulpura 2,200 7] 90 438 233 205 185 167 ~~~u 34 25 Depura 1,502 28 ~~~T 48 263 138 125 136 122 35 127 Devria ~~ 482 19 31 155 85 70 85 70 36 64 Dhelaj q~~ 78 5 5 28 IS 10 18 10 37 119 Dodia ka Khera ~)~r 'fiT ,,~ 230 6 8 39 23 16 23 16 38 131 Dudalia g~Tf~lIT 1,765 53 81 358 189 169 134 12() 39 32 Ghati .• q'fe'f 530 45 72 342 178 164- 176 163 40 121 GunIa .. ~"hn... 1,528 20 39 217 III 106 111 106 41 55 Hadwa ka 'Vas 651 ~cn ~T C(T« 16 25 129 60 69 52 59 42 116 Halela. ~~~T 1,560 21 28 121 61 60 59 56 43 51 Hawala ~TW-T 810 41 45 328 171 157 163 149 44 54 Hira Khera ilRT ti~ 800 17 20 107 52 55 52 55 4!) G6 Hira ki BaRi ~"{"T ~j II'Tm 570 27 28 134 73 61 f}0 1S6 46 19 Isarmand ~"''{lf;:q 3,370 107 149 652 330 322 262 24R

47 l22 JadBa " ;S(~frT 1,087 10 54 26 28 24 27

48 110 Jawarji ka Khera .. "ifl"c'"{"~T I!tiT ~~ 164 3 3 11 7 4 7 4- 49 43 J8

51 101 Jlran ~"{"l~ 3~O 21 31 143 72 71 5f) 59 52 70 .;Toge1a \ifTq{?T 8n 7 13 86 43 43 43 43

53 10 Kala Guna <:f)T~T I];I'JJT 2,997 4S 67 324 166 158 166 158

54 38 Kal SarIa <:f)W- ~"{)ln 1,270 82 ] II 534 273 261 IfiS 152 55 12!1 Kamerl a "f>lit"{"llfT 1,073 48 69 304- 147 157 123 130

56 46 Karnla ~0T 2,000 56 74 389 205 184 156 171 57 47 Kamli .. iflp:f~ 420 124 ]27 403 237 166 94 69

58 R Kankl'od I:trt'~)it 1,800 30 48 227 115 112 104 96

59 30 I~aIlwaria ~~j~i 824 43 217 106 111 63 63

60 76 Kanwera ifli'f~T 862 29 38 169 88 81 85 75 61 80 Kawas Gura 1,166 16 21 88 43 45 34 35 ~qsl,.. 62 104 Kerpura

63 40 Khakharda ~T~'{~ 66 78 380 203 177 163 145

64 5 Kharnia ~lfT 868 17 21 123 63 60 60 55 94 65 4 Khuma ka Khera .. ~T~ 1,077 27 34 184 88 96 87 66 67 Kishanpura f 1ifi'9i'{~U 825 40 42 208 107 101 61 68 67 81 Kotra .. ~)~ 755 35 42 199 100 99 85 79 166 68 35 Kundeli ~~ 850 61 73 327 158 169 152 69 7ii1> Kundwa 1,513 73 96 439 223 216 81 79 '~T 17 CENSUS ABSTRACT RURAL-(Gontd.) DEOGA.RH-( Oontd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ______.Io._ ___ - ______~ ,-______..A.. ______~_~

II-Oultivator. III-Cuitiva- IV-Non-Culti­ Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ting la.bourers vating owners means of livelihood froUl r- J-___ orrnainly and their of land; agri- ----. unowned and depallda.ntlJ cultura.l rent V -Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen­ rec(-'ivers other than services and da.nts and their cultivation miscellaneoul!! 0 dependa.nts sources Literates Z r-__..A- __~ ,..-___J- __--.. :---__....__~----. Gii _--J----"""'\ ,---_---'-' __---... r----"--~ .~ Males Females Males FemaleB Males Females Ma.les Females Mal~9 Famalo9 Males Fe males Males Females Males Females 00

(13) (14) (15) (I6) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (2-1 ) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

1 13 10 23 16 12 11 21 33

2 3 2 34 2 35 36 37

11 11 6 7 8 20 16 2 1 7 7 13 38

2 1 1 39 40

2 2 4 6 1 1 1 1 41

1 4 1 1 42

5 3 2 3 43

4 1 9 4 45

8 7 20 20 14 12 14 14 12 21 17 46

2 I 47 48

2 49

[j 5 I 4 I 1 .'l 50

5 8 5 1 ':;1 52

4 53

32 22 18 18 17 22 20 16 13 12 15 19 27

8 11 II 13 3 2 3 7 55

1 1 2 8 10 3 56

18 7 116 85 5 44 10 57

2 2 5 7 1 3 3 4 58 1 1 6 12 21 24 1 14 11 3 &9 3 6 1 60

6 7 2 2 1 61

1 1 1 62

2 1 12 15 8 3 4 1 2 2 12 10 3 1 6'~

3 5 64

1 2 1 65

2!J 19 7 7 10 7 I 66

2 5 14 4 4 3 16 67

4 2 I I 3 68

8 6 15 22 48 32 49 58 22 H) 60 If, 69 18

THE PRIMARY PART II TEHSIL ro------I-CuH.ivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their dependants

,0 :z Narnr__ .A....)f __ \'illage _ Number of Tota.l No. of Perso:w! Oi ,------. r-'J___...A.I..----, ,----"""------." r---- ..A.._ --__., .~ Code No. Occupied House- :n of Village Homan Script Nagri Script houses holds Persolls Males Females Males Femfl Jea

/1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11 ) {12)

70 103 Kunwathal ~ql~w 5,626 164 228 1,274 673 601 349 30~ 71 36 Kurachha ka Khera '!J-n~T ~T ~¥T Hl5 4 4 27 12 1;:; 7 10 72 12 Lachhmipura

75 130 ]'\fad +n~ 2,285 55 72 373 186 187 186 187

76 49 Madaria ~({"r~nrT 2,681 90 123 615 323 292 130 117 77 96 ]\fahasingh ji ka 1,135 30 47 25l 140 111 101 85 Khera ~:ni!f~ :;;r') ~ ~.-r 128 Mala ji ka Gura 4,u 46 78 ~T~T ::iff l!IiT ~ 15 20 96 50 46 50 79 21 Mala ka malia 1=f1'(:I5'T "'T ~f~T 160 20 21 90 44 46 40 36 80 46 Malion ka Was qf~trl

84 71 Mandawara ~;:gTCRT 2,300 71 H5 514 270 244 230 21 ; 85 11 Mata ka Gaon "TaT IifiT ifT

89 83 Nandwa ;:rT;:i{~T 363 19 25 144 72 72 72 72 90 99 Narana ","";on 1,168 36 57 234 126 108 64 60

91 115 Nardas Ka Gu~a ;::r~Cfi1 ~T 3,162 60 117 514 274 240 '195 163

92 37 Nirnjhar ;:fhr~ 2,500 53 80 335 171 164 120 116 93 62 Pahralia 'q'6~Tfi;sllT 550 13 15 86 45 33 37 94 107 Panri .. qr;n; 1,041 41 83 387 211 176 182 149 95 106 Panya ~ 440 7 13 70 32 38 30 37 96 84 Pardi .. ~T 1,467 81 102 52] 269 252 140 132 97 34 Pata ki Anti QrC!l

101 7 Pushala ka Khera ~~lwT~T ~ 543 15 15 54 26 28 12 In

102 6 Ralaita ~1l{

103 05 Ran "T'f 854 25 50 263 135 128 97 tl3 104 17 Rashml ~l~t 1,252 40 42 247 133 114 123 99 105 112 Ratna. Gura ~o"'l Vl~T 233 21 33 188 102 86 102 ~. r.cENSUS ABSTRACT RURAL-(Conta.)

DEOGARH --- (Oontd.)

_____AGRICULTURAL-A.-- CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ~ ~------~ iI -Cultivators IiI-Cultivat­ IV-Non-Culti­ Persons (including dependants) 'Who derive their principal of land wholly ing labourer'" vating owners means of livelihood from or mainly and their of land; agri­ y­ ------~------, unowned and dependant.. cultural rent V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Tranf'port VIIT-Other their depen­ receivers otberthan services and dan.t" and. their ou1tiva'l:ion miscellaneou s dep enn ants sources Literates r----'-----. ~ __.A.. __--., r---~--., r--_.A..- -~ r-----'-----.., r---~--.,

Males Females M a11'>s [Coma1os Males Females Males Females Malee Fema.les MaleP- Femoles Males Females Males Females

" l::l) (14) (15) ( t6) (17) (1 S) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (I)

48 19 29 79 64 94 78 16 {) 73 68 81 5 70

5 [) 3 71 1 72 73

SR 88 3 2 46 88 79 127 132 1 177 184 182 16 74

3 75

18 17 7 3 19 13 47 41 78 75 24 26 108 76

4 2 5 3 1 1 29 20 2 77

78- 3 6 1 4 1 79 13 7 5 3 2 30 32 2 1 6 12 3 80

8 4 5 4 1 3 1 1 81 82

83 19 17 1 5 2 1 6 3 8 4 1 84

1 5 2 2 5 11 8 8 5 21 13 2 85

27 35 3 3 1 1 7 3 40 2 86

6 4 1 1 87

23 21 1 10 8 88 89 8 1 1 12 9 26 19 10 6 5 4 3 90

14 19 1 20 15 19 21 25 22 39 91 16 10 8 12 16 4 5 1 4 6 1 92

6 4 2 4 3 93 6 4 3 7 7 4 13 12 1 1 94 2 1 96 23 18 9 7 17 22 42 44 II 11 27 18 24 6 96 3 1 1 2 8 9 2 97

2 1 98 1 3 2 2 3 5 99

4 8 2 1 3 100 3 3 2 1 7 12 2 2 101 1 102

1 4 26 24 II 7 8 2 103 10 6




I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their dependants o r---_ - ___- ___Name ..A..of ______VIllage :-""\ NUlDber of Total No. of Persona Z Code No. _---..A..-----. ,-____--"- ____ ----. ,-__..A.. __--, .. of Village Oocupied House- Pi Roman S oript Nagri So:ript ho~ holds Pereons Males Females Malee Females lZl

(I) (2) (3) (4.) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11 ) (12)

106 13 Rughnathpura. 310 13 78 42 36 41 35 ~'e'f;fT"~~T 14 107 90 Rughnathpura. ~~~~ 512 18 20 114 6:J 51 55 40 108 45 Sangrarnpura. VVT~~U 23 23 114 70 44 70 44 109 72 Salma ka Kher. ~ni5~T IiliT ••' 720 25 32 160 88 72 70 53 110 86 Ssmarna.ka. ~~l'fTIfi" 442 10 32 161 80 81 62 50 111 16 Sangawas 1,080 62 64 301 156 145 109 104 ~l'''fr 112 94 Sanaaria. ~i~~T 700 8 17 91 45 46 37 42 113 69 Sanwa.dari frO:: I!ffqtt 2,270 124 149 736 396 340 325 278 114- 31 Send ka Khera. ~~ 1I)T ~~ 130 4 4 15 8 7 3 3 115 14 Shakargarh ~~~ 1,616 30 38 192 97 95 67 75 116 44 Shayopuri ~... ~~ 600 25 36 156 88 68 78 66 117 93 Solankian ka. Gura. ~~lIfiTlft !lfi'l ~T 468 10 15 88 49 39 43 27 118 92 SuUa ~~f 317 8 9 64 32 32 32 25

119 11 Suratpura. ~~~~T 728 17 20 96 49 47 42 39 120 9 Tal ~TW 6,234 213 258 1,313 678 635 409 403

121 120 Ta.pIa. .. cnq-~ 1,343 42 53 279 137 142 129 127

122 91 Tegl a-qT 998 39 50 258 123 135 98 104 123 57 Teli Khera. ~e, ~ 175 19 33 l62 86 76 82 69 124 65 Tikhi (If",,"' 350 11 12 84 46 38 46 38 125 113 Tokra

126 1 Unda Vasan ~T fJl'm;r 523 9 10 52 34 18 34 18 127 2 Urjangarh ~"'''~ 220 39 54 298 143 155 143 155 128 123 Viana •• f!!flml"T 590 8 54 251 131 120 67 50 ~t


~URAL- (Confd.)

DEOGARH (Concld. )

'AGRICULTURiAJ.1 qLASSE~ NON- AGHICULTURAL CLASSES ----___ -.--::A..----_------, r- ~------~ \ 1 '" I I I' - CultIvators 1_Tl-,9¥f tiv at~, IV ~N on-Culti- :Persons '(lncludm'g depI"Ldanf,s) wrio derI~e their p'"rufc{paJ Qf land wnolly ing labourers vatlng owners rr,eans of hvehhood from / or maInly ~q,~H·. -' of land; agrl- r- --. unowned and dependants cultural rent V - ProductlOn VII QomDl,erc~ VII-Transpfj)r1; VII~.:] Ot;her hll~lr deJil~n- receIvers other thah servIces and dants 1 and theIr oult1vatlon miscellaneous dOl end ants sources LiterateI'! 0 r----...A.. __--, ,.-__ ..A. __...... , ,..-___ ...A- __ ~ Z ,----"-----, r---.A_--~ r---.A.----, r---...A..---... r---...A.._--... Ci -0:, Malos Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males l' em ales m'" ( IS) (i4,) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

1 -l 106

3 3 5 8 It)7 ]&8

~ 8 7 :1 2 I 8 8 6 109 5 6 10 12 16 4 110 21 16 5 I 1 2 13 9 7 13 "26 1 11£1 1 2 3 3 2 1 ll2 31 32 11 10 29 20 " ll~ 1 4 2 1 1 - 114 27 19 3 1 22 U5

7 2 1 1 1 1 116

6 12 117 7 118

6 7 1 1 1 119 7 21 29 47 27 128 ll6 66 60 ZOt) 48 1::0

8 15 lJl 2 3 9 8 14 20 ] 122

2 4 2 3 123 124 I 2 125


2 127 37 42 13 ]6 6 :s 1 7 !} 9 12 22 THE PRIMARY! I PART II

I Populated 14 f 5. No. of VillageIJ { Unpopulated 1. No. & Name of 01l»""..1t_18 UDAIPUR 2. Name of Sub-DiTision-RAJSAMAND 6. No. of Hamlet..

7. No. of Town. Nil 3. 1\:0. & Name of Tehsil-3 AMET 4. No. of Traot-79 8. Area of Tehllilln Sq. Milee 176


I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly own« a.nd their dependa.nts o Namp of Vlllage Number of Total No. of Persons %. r-- _. ______A_ - r--- _.A.. __-." ,.-_____.A.. ""'"'\ r----.A.-__ 4i Code No. '0:: of V illag e Oooupied House­ Il> Roman Soript Nagri Soript houses holds Persons Males Females Ma.les Fema.lel 00

(1) (2) (3 ) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

22 134 67 67 65 65 1 45 Aga,l Gaon CII11T~ '1'T!f 1,445 12 2 54 Agria atftTf" Iff 2,594'5 142 203 1,125 568 557 428 4:07 3 22 Aidan 2,002 53 81 397 205 192 173 153 a;mr~A 592 22 33 163 80 83 70 74 4 66 Akia. alTctl~ 114 106 84 5 130 Amartia. a.tq';!.faQT 828 30 40 220 83 6 127 Amia. at~rtlf( 517 20 34 183 100 83 91 73 7 34 A'lan 3lm;:r 308 10 12 74 37 37 31 29

8 71 A.san Kotesavri atT~;or~~~ . ~,685 3 9 39 17 22 17 21 9 140 Bagpura "il~l~T 596 22 31 169 84 85 69 65 46 32 10 86 Ba.llan ka Khera iI'~m ""T ~~T 294 9 18 86 40 39 11 55 Banda ifO'~T 636 20 46 227 112 115 89 7-1 12 72 Bania Khera il'T;:~ ~ 317 6 12 61 33 28 12 13 87 Barjal .. 559 10 19 115 64 51 62 51 14 109 Bhadla 2,032 69 95 476 246 230 237 215

15 99 Bhagwanpura 607 8 18 106 48 58 39 4-!

16 43 Bhakrorla. ] .233'5 49 57 319 176 143 166 132 65 17 Bherudas ji ka Kher 990 22 28 125 67 58 57 251 229 229 200 18 106 Bhil MagI'S ~r~ +iifU 1,078 62 98 480 110 118 103 113 19 96 Bhoh Khera ~T~') ~ 920'7 22 46 228 27 45 20 121 Bhopa ki llhaga! lllq-r ",,) ~Tllw 240 281 9 72 45 26 llTqfw~l~'f 27 26 25 22 21 60 Bhopalpura 6 9 53 112 107 67 (1) 22 85 BhopaJi ka Khers "'lltT::stl ~r ~~T 722 26 49 219 245 236 200 195 23 23 Bikawas ift"'F;tm 2,669 54 85 481 158 147 141 126 24 124 Birwas il'l~~ 917 4t 66 305 44 39 39 36 25 114 Budhpura ~~g~f 733 13 20 83 69 72 60 26 123 Bukarda ~l!Jfi"«fT 728 17 150 81 70 58 55 42 27 26 Chanpa ka aUla Xliq'T ",r '1,!T (;63 16 26 128 123 9 11 69 38 31 38 30 28 38 Chatar]i ka Gura. o;;r?l~t'3fl tr.T ;rGT"'. 161 80 81 70 70 29 103 Chatarpura :;;{~~~I 475 23 33 ]3 17 95 43 52 29 38 30 61 Chatarpura 'Ef<.'f~~r 99 56 43 55 40 31 68 Chawanrl I-Chera ~lci~ ~~T 487 In 23 -cEBSUS ABSTRACT RURAL--(Contd.)


9. Persona Nil It1. Male. Nil 11. Fem&l_ Nil


II-C,ultivators lIT -Culti vat­ IV-Non-Culti_ Persons (including dependa.nts) who deri..... their principal of land wholly iug labourer" va.ting owners means of livelihood froID. or mainly and their of land; a.gri. r-- ~ ------unowned and dependants cultura.l rent V -Production VI-Commerce VII-TranRpo!'t VIII-Other their de pen - receivers other than services a.ud dante and their cultivation miscellaneous dependants ____ .A..______•___ .A..-_., ,-_ __.A... _____ ,-__sources -"-__ ___ 4:r----..A-----.. ,-___..A- __., r---. .A.--~

Ma.les Females >,1101 J" Fema.les M ... les Females Ma.les Female" Ma.les Femal_ Males Females M.les Fema.les

{ 13) (14 ) (16) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) ( :!O) (21) (22 ) (23) (24.) (26) (27) (28) (1)

2 2 1

1 6 28 33 4.2 39 34 36 32 65 9 2

I 26 2 6 1 3

1 4, 3 •

18 6 lS 2 5

1 4. 5 1 6 5 I 7 1 8

1 1 5 5 4. 6 10 8 9 8 7 1 10

5 10 4, 11 , 11

20 19 1 1 12

1 1 13 9 15 7 14

9 14 15

1 8 7 1 16 1 1 1 17

10 11 12 18 4. 18

1 6 1 1 19

1 27 20

2 4. 21

14. 12 1 4. 7 8 16 22 6 22

13 11 25 23 3 1 1 3 5 3 23

1 2 16 19 14 24

1 3 3 1 2 25

3 1 6 4. 3 1 4 26

7 1 1 9 8 2 27 1 28

1 4. 7 5 4. 1 29

8 \) 1 6 4. 1 30

1 3 31 rIlE''' P:RmrA"EY -¥ART1I TEHSIL

T- Qulti vato r .. of land who l1y or ma.inly ov.-ned and theIr o dependants ~ Name 01; ViU~ge , Number of Total li(o, pf Person" ' r- ...A.. ___~ v--=--.A.--~ -;e Code No. "....------,.,._~------.... r-----'---...... ~ of Village Occupied Rouse­ 00 ROD1a.n Soript Nagri Script h01jll3ea holds Persons Males Femalea Male~ Fer:nah~&

(1 ) (2) (3) (4) tt;) (6) (7) ( I) (10) (ll ) (12)

32 8 15 63 41 41 Chokri ...)~ 2.793 28 120 33 9 Degana 2,207 32 43 187 97 90 47 -'9 "i'TAT 34 92 1,516 60 8"6 438 228 210 211'5 196 Dekwa1"8 'i~ 35 1 -259 237 233 Deora ka Gura t?!{~T 'f>f 'l~ 2,366 92 112 525 266 132 36 13S Deoli .. ~wT 616 37 48 284 143 141 130 37 29 Devria tCffttn 889 32 57 274 133 141 II4 119 38 10 Dewaji ka GUra 510 14 113 59 54 55 52 q.T . ~~1 "" ~ "- 39 17 695 38 240 12'8 112 114 99 Deviy~ ka Merda ?lerTqr ~ ~ 40 111 Dhanakpura. 339 13 90 45 45 45 45 ~"U 41 61B_ Dhani .. ~, 66 34 32 34 32

42 50 Dhanoh ~)~, 1,078 54 324 178 146 165 134 43 25 300 275 Dhelana including ~~T q'tf ~1 2.627 56 109 663 349 314 :Chani 44 13 Dherda ka gura 471 3 {j 27 15 12 11 8 i~~ "" ~~ 45 70 Dhtikal Singh j i ka 632 23 a2 182 99 83 66 65 Khera. ~.~r~ \Sf( ~T m 46 85 69 Didwana ll"'''CfTifT 930 31 67 225 120 105 86 47 51 DingroI n-rr~)~ 1,705.3 . 89 116 577 300 277 198 173

48 44 Dovada ~!CfsT 1,413 77 123 596 310 286 262 243 49 82 Dudaba Solanklanka i!<{TfW"ll"T ~)~fO!fi?rt IIiT 675 14 23 106 57 49 56 49 50 117 Dunga ka Khera 1(m "fiT ~lIT 669 43 65 297 156 141 129 117 ~ . 51 107 Fatehpuria. ~~f~q-T 158 8 8 50 22 28 7 11 62 122 Gadriawas q..r~lfTqm 518 12 16 99 48 51 48 iH

53 36 Gadrola m~"()m 1,947 26 49 232 U8 U4 102 95 54 11) Gajingji ki Bhagal q~1q~1 ~ ~T"<;; 406 14 31 150 82 68 75 56 55 62 Ganga Gura 1497 13 16 92 47 45 31 32 "qT1T>IT"'. 32 56 108 Golera ka kuva q)~~ IiflT ~cn 1,110 14 17 77 40 37 37 57 120 77 83 GopaJpura q)qT~"u 83 22 37 181 89 92 23 58 5 Goval .. 1T)Cf~ 1,117 25 43 239 128 III 21 69 97 Ghosundl m~.~ 1,221 73 III 586 309 277 300 266 176 60 21 Gugli '!,tTwt 1,629.5 55 72 389 204 185 198 61 137 Gulwa 1,447 61 83 396 189 207 150 175 "l~T 80 16 73 38 35 34 32 Gumanjl ka G ura .. ~~r !fil~T 334 8 86 54 42 63 12 Hakiawas ~Tf"'q-TCfl~ 1,2645 27 43 194 108 52 53 f)4 100 Hawnla ~Cfmt 474 25 26 107 53 54 65 14 89 46 43 4:l Jaswantpura. \if~~~~ 617 10 66 49 Jatia. Khera \ifTfetlT ~¥T 339 25 38 212 III 101 III 101 67 3 Jawalia. \ifCfTf~T 979 21 25 113 59 64 46 33 CENSUS ABSTRACr


AMET-( Oon~.)


I-Cultivators III·-Ollitiva~- IV-Non-Culti­ Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ing labourers vating owners means of livelihood from or mainly and their of land; agri- r- unowned and dependants cultural rent V-Production VI-Commerce VII-T.ranspol't VIII-Other their depen­ receivers other than services and dants and their cultivation miBcellam'ous dependants sourceR r---.A.--~ ._----'---, r---"-----v----..A..~ ,..------A.__ , , __.A. __, ,-__J.___-,.

MaL,s Fema.les Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Malell Females Males Females Males Females • (13) (14,) (16) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (2S) (1)

II 3

31 1 I I 10 8

II 5 4- 4, I 34

11 10 T T ,. 2 4 7 I 35 I I 7 '" I 1 I 2 36 I (, 11 12 S 4, 5 37

1 3 2 2 3 iii

6 3 Ii 3t 3 4,0 41

II II 1 8 'I

8 III 18 7 /I 211 4,3

3 1 I ",4,

28 16 1 4. 3 9 4,5

21 l! /I 3 /I 5 16 1J 4,6

18 It 1 1 7 15 18 18 1 56 4,7 10 1 4,7

2 42 33 3 4, 4, 2 1 /I 1 48 I 49

1 3 26 21 50

7 I 7 15 51 52

3 /I 2 10 7 2 2 /53

2 I) 2 6 54

4, 2 11 11 1 55

2 5 1 2 56

2 3 7 2 3 2 57

98 82 I 8 G 58

2 2 9 7 I 59

2 (; (i 3 60

3 13 9 10 1 7 10 26 61

3 62

31 28 1 10 I 63 1 1 '" &5 66

2 I) 11 16 67 THB PRDlARY PART II


:I--Caltivat<>r. of 1a.nd wholly or mainly owned and t>heir dep~ndants N arne of Village Number of Total No. of Persons Code ~------;:x. ~--"----- r------~------~ r-----'---...... No. of Occupied House­ Village Roman Script .:-rsgri Script house. holds Persons Ma.les Females Males Females • (1) (2) (3) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (1ll (12 ).

68 42 Jawanji kaRhers. 141 16 72 34 38 22 23 \if~~' -m~ .:Ill 46 Jetpura 417 ~~T 124 183 879 462 338 306 70 93 Jilola. ~

79 135 Karat-was

80 11 Kemri ~'fl:r 680 8 1~ 85 61 34 50 32

81 29 Kha.khar ~Ia.la ~Rtt q"Tc.::51 523'7 28 60 244 134 110 55

82 82 Khara. ~T 5,195 22 49 205 104 101 26 19

83 77 Kisha.npura f~~~ 4,496 8 10 7~ 39 33 3li 27 84 125 Kishanpura filfi~~~ 606 11 18 93 49 44 34 85 98 Kishanpura. filfi~~ 6a5 46 62 301 162 139 I] 0 86 74 Kola ka Khera ~)WT ~ ~~ 435 15 27 126 79 47 21 13 87 66 Kotri .. ~~ 566 13 18 120 59 61 5\1 In 88 76 Kulanchi ~~ 356 11 13 80 41 39 5 4

89 63 Laiji ka Khera tflW-ilr I!I'iT ~ 314 14 15 73 38 35 34 31

90 84 Liki .. f~ 1,023 56 99 431 211'1 213 184 179

91 139 Lodhiana w-)f~f;:JT 1,488 101 13'7 713 352 361 261 263

92 -4.0 Loth ka Gura ~o "" ~F 356 7 9 39 17 22 16 20

93 {)O Makarda ~~

94 -4.7 Mali Khera ~T{'ij ~ 318 12 19 138 65 73 6~ 69 95 67 Manakdah ~1"'

9~ 16 Merda .. it~

'97 102 Modarda. ka Khera ")q"T'(~T

'98 83 Mund Kosi a 1;.:~ ilfilfutn 672 16 23 119 62 57 46 47

'99 112 Murda ~~r 3,526 120 161 7ge 397 399 321 322

1.00 '15 Nabria .. ""cr~",T 653 29 3R 192 103 89 24 22 101 7 Nanana .... ,'.... T 1,2J3 51 71 359 181 178 39 32 102 27 Naruji ka Gura .... :~ "fiT ,~ (l09 31 41 204 103 101 48 53 IOS :2 Na.val Singhji ka. 750 31 44 189 106 83 54 45 Khera. .... cmrq~ IIfn' ~.-r 2'1 CCE!l8US ABS'l'RACT

R URAL-( Gonta.) -AME r-(Goned.)


I[ -Cultiv<~··ors III-CuIUvat­ IV-Non-Culti­ Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ing labourers vating owners means of livelihood from or mainly and t.heir of land; agri­ or­ ..A.-.. -, unowned and dependflntf! cultural rent V-Production VI-Commerce VII-TrATIHport. VIII-Other their depen­ receivers other than servicl's and dants a.'-ld their cultivation miscellaneouR ,-__....A-- __ dependants sourees Litera.tes r---..A..- ----, ,..- __ .A..----,. ,- __ ..A..__ -, ,..-__..A.. ___ --... r-___ .A..__ --, r---..A.-_-, :i

Mal,s Females Males Females Males Females :aio.les Fernal Males F mnales Males Females Me.les Fe:males f ...~ CI en ( 13) ( 14) ( 15) 16) (17 ) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (24) (26) (21) . ( 27) (28) (I)

12 14 I 1 68

34 31 21 25 18 13 38 31 5 2 41 1 69 10 14 12 17 10 3 33 22 33 22 30 2 70

.5 6 Ifi 15 15 I~ ~3 17 6 2 I 42 71

2 % 10 53 8 II 30 72 29 :n I 1 1 73


3 5 I 7[5

7G 77

1 I 7~ 79 I SO 22 21 " 21 20 7 " 15 81 64 67 8 3 1 1 .5 82

2 3 5 1 ~ 83

2 16 20 1 4 1 84


aO 31 8 3 3 86 87 32 3 I 88

1 3 3 1 1 89

1 12 16 13 10 9 7 5 90

23 27 2 l5 s 18 +1 4~ 13 91

1 1 ~2

8 9 2 1 93 2 1 94 1 10 6 1

16 17 3 3 2 15 15 8 5 6 9~ 5 4 97 2 7 8 6 1 1 1 98

14 12 19 12 29 37 II 99

.59 2 2 3 3 2 1 100

73 72 8 12 10 7 27 35 24 20 13 101

37 34 5 18 10 1 10::'

51 37 1 1 103 28 THE PRIMARY' PART II TEHSlL

I-Cultivators of land "Wholly or mainly oW'ned, and their dependants ~ ~ame of Village Number of Total No. of Persons .---- -'------, r----...... ---~ .-----...... ~ "...... -.-_QC-----, ~ Code No. Occupied House ~ of Village Roman Script; Nagri Script houses holds Persons Males Females Malee Female. (1) (2) (3) (4) ( 5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12) 10~ 118 0 Ina ka Khera 1,151 39 4,8 ar)w.n !fiT "'" 277 151 126 139 120 106 301 Pabrana q';f~;:n 1,239 10 23 112 60 52 1 1 lOG 35 Pa.lasiya q-(':nf~ 327 18 32 14.5 tl6 79 liS 60 lOT 131 Pa.notia q;:ftfintT 1,086 29 41 248 129 119 113 108 108 53 Parbati q~) .587 n 34 143 72 71 4l'i 46 10D 69 Patia ka Khera q'l~{1:rT .-r ~'T 39 9 19 85 46 39 21 19 IlO 88 Racheti 'T~iT 1,234 lQ 37 193 97 96 7"1 '78 III &l Rachheti ka Khera. ~eT!fiT ~'" 760 24 39 210 108 102 78 75 Il2 89 Rachheti ki Dhani. . ~

111 101 Rajpura ~'U Z25 19 12 56 31 26 27 21 114 115 Rakampura ~~U 281 15 18 IH 41 40 28 27 Ill) 119 Ravs kaKhera. 'U

110 57 Sardarpura. ~~~J 185 :\ 13 8 (j S 5- 121 73 Sa.revadi ~T 868 9 16 89 52 37 37 122 110 Sarnis. Khera ~T'd"~t:I'l ~ 331 13 23 143 73 70 ·68 61 UI 13 Sela. Gura. ~ '1'" 3.027 117 167 856 436 04,20 324 no 1Z4 48 Singanw_ ~crm 391 87 103 520 274 246 258 !30· 125 '78 Septia .. ~fi!'ll'r 539 21 35 165 82 83 17 21

126 41 Shakrao ~ar) 830 11 29 145 72 73 72 73 U7 128 Shambhupura 'ld~~'U 311 14 25 128 63 65 53 53 128 61/E Shivnath purs. nlq"lltC~~T S 34 16 18 16 18 12~ 132 Shimal .. ~")1::m;s 589 60 290 150 140 150 l4,0 130 6 Shobhagpura m~~~T 250 23 100 54 46 9 10 131 61 Shria Bar 6- P..TtlTl .." .. 9 3 6 3 132 20 Sian&. {ftQfifT 2.020-7 101 138 tl55 332 323 319 312 133 28 Sirodi ~"R'T 907 65 78 368 170 192 140 151 134 19 Sumadia ~'q'Tf~ 453.5 10 14 51 27 24 27 23 135 28 Tanka a;:rifiT 822 50 68 :U8 170 148 152 134. 136 30 Tikar .. fC!:1f;, 1,239 82 108 520 260 260 220 !15

137 124 Tikerdi fe~;jT _244 4 7 39 18 21 18 20

138 37 Tallvan ~l'" 423 13 19 88 44 43

13~ 52 Udwaton ka Khera .. 'd41qM !fiT ~ 235 6 U 48 2S 20 21 14 • 140 113 Ulpura 1.907 44 72 344 181 163 149 137

141 95 Varnia 8 14 58 2S 30 !7 29 29 -CENSUS ABSTRACT


AME T-( Oonc.ld.)


II-Cul~ivators III-CuI ti va­ IV-Non-Culti­ Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ting labourers vating owners means of livelihood from or mainly and their of land; agri­ r------.A_ ~ unowned and dependants cultural rent V-Production VI-Commerce VlI-Transport VIII-Oth£r their depen­ receivers other than services and dants and their cultivation miscellaneous 0 dependants sources Litera.tes Z ,----"'---.... r----"---.... ,--..A___ ~ r--J--~ ,--- __..A.. __ .... r----"'---~ r----"---~ ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Malee Females Males Fema.les eli-

( 13) (14) (15) (I6) (17) (IS) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (2S) ( 1)

1 11 6 3 104

58 50 1 I 105

10 9 2 7 1 3 IUS

7 4, 3 5 4 3 107

16 2 5 9 6 7 2 108

12 ]2 1 8 7 5 1 109

4 5 2 7 7 6 4 4 110

13 13 6 8 11 6 III

1 112

4 113

1 1 1 1 I 2 10 9 2 114

8 4 2 3 4 4 3 3 1 J 5

I 7 3 2 7 7 13 116 5 5 1 7 10 9 117

6 9 1 I 1 lIS

II 12 39 95 58 62 339 329 259 252 29 28 265 234 455 34 119 120

1 I 121

6 I 2 122

33 34 12 10 8 37 28 16 19 I 8 11 22 2 123

3 2 4 5 2 f> 6 124,

55 58 10 4 4 1 126

<)~ 1 7 4 I 2 1 2 7 ] -, 128 129

17 15 4 1 130 131

I I 2 10 10 11 132

3 :3 8 10 ::1 22 133 1 134,

I 4 1 1 11 12 17 1 135

15 ]2 16 12 5 7 14 5 136

1 2 137

1 138

3 3 3 1 139

9 5 2 1 17 15 3 4 1 140 • 1 " 1 1 141 30 THE PRIMARY PART II

Populated 160 5. No. of Villages { Unpopulated Nil

1. ~o. & Name of District-I 8 UDAIPUR 2. Name of Sub-Division-RAJSAMAND 6. No. of Hamlets 289

3, No.&; Name ofTehsil-4 KUMBHAL GARH 4 No. of Tract-79 7. No. of TOWns Nil 8, Area of Tehsil in Sq. Miles 320 ,..------I-Cultivators of land wholly or mautly owned and their dependants Z Cod" :-'0. Name of Village NUH:tber of Total No. of Persons ,--__ _A._ __~ _ of Village ,.------"- ,..-- ---"------,------"------., .S Occupied House- ~ Roman Script N agri Script hou-;"s holds Person.. Malee Females Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4 ) (O) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10) (11) ( 12)

1 38 Amartia 1,700 41 66 289 150 139 150 139 8t"~r 2 60 Amliar .. at~:n.;fhn~ 200 35 45 214 106 108 87 87 3 63 Amli ka Gura olT~l ~ tT~T 200 22 37 153 83 70 83 69 ~ . 4 70 Antalia 3lO'Z'Tfw-m 2,294 III 147 811 416 395 359 341 5 30 Antri .. 3Tt~T 100 18 25 138 71 67 70 85

6 89 Areth ki Bhagal 3T'~o ~r ~T'1'W- 3,591 27 28 115 61 54 53 49 7 146 Atdumba 3lesQT 1,161 89 102 459 240 219 223 193 133 Atri 31'l<:R) 2,161 79 86 23G 218 234 216

9 96 Bad Caon ~ tTtilf 1,691 123 123 557 296 261 291 25!J

10 116 Badgula ~~WT 3,110 158 166 750 3HZ 367 381 354 II 47 Badgunda ifTS~~T 1,060 39 40 208 99 109 99 109 12 93 Bal-was ifW-ql~ 500 12 16 82 47 35 42 32 13 29 Bamnia ifT'fVT111T 200 28 33 138 71 67 66 62 14 73 Bania Tukra ifTi'fTtrT ~~T 1,104 98 119 524 281 243 278 236 15 HH1 Banokra Gfi'f)~T 1,581 77 87 423 222 201 197 183

16 3 Bansa GfffiT 1.000 59 80 376 205 171 196 153

17 132 Bara Gf~T 826 89 104 456 226 230 223 226

26 140 78 62 75 5~1 18 50 Borda ki Bhaga1 ifnaT lifif ~Tl(w 848 26

19 103 Bardaya ifT~~~T 217 9 13 51 30 21 26 18

20 127 Bardra ~~i(¥T 1,196 67 84 364 174 190 173 190 I 21 98 Barind GfT~R 787 43 51 220 III 109 105 96 Bhawani ki Bhagal 200 53 73 274 119 155 108 137 22 100 ~cn;r) 'fiT ~Tlfw 224 116 108 114 106 23 68 Bida kl Bhagal ifl-n 'fiT ~TtTw­ 1,IGj 34 43 24 90 Bida ki Bhagal ifT~T!!fl) ~;n 522 11 13 5f! 33 26 33 26 25 4G Borad ~)~,s 1,261 4.') 20U 115 94 109 90

26 2 Bori CfRf 3.')0 _I"­ 36 172 95 77 90 73

27 71 Chacha ka Gura :;;r;J{T !!flT 1!~1 200 11 21 106 53 53 47 48

28 52 Chadana ki Bhaga] :;;raTi'fT llfif ~'1';n 350 18 25 117 68 65 43

29 121 Chanwa Bhagttl :;;r;t,{T ~1'tT'W 1,163 89 107 472 217 253 216 • 31 CENSUS ABSTRACT HURAL-(Contd. )


9. Persons 1

10. Ma.les 1

II. Females Nil

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES __• ___ .A. ______~ r----______J.__ ----- ____ -"

II -Cultivators Ill-Cultivat­ IV- is" on-Cult~­ PerSons (including dependants) who derive their principul of land wholly ing labourers vating OWners means- _____ of livelihood.A. _____ from - ______--., or mainly and their of land; agri- ,----. uno"Wned and depends.nts cultural rent V -Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen­ receivers other than services and dants and their cultivation miscellaneous dependants sources Literates c ,--_.A.__ ~ r--_.A.--.., r-_-..A..__ --., r-__.A. __--., r---;..A-----., ,,-___A.__ - z r---.A.-----., 0; .0::, Males Females }'vIeles Fema.les lI.'fales Females }'vIslas Femalas Males Females Males Females Males Females :Males Female.. &5

13) (14} (15 ) (I6) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21 ) (22) (23) (24) (25 ) (26) (27) (28) (1)

1 I 19 21 2

1 3

20 18 3 3 9 10 16 14 9 9 29 4

1 2 2 5

2 5 5 1 6

1 1 8 15 6 8 2 2 II 7 1 1 1 2 1 8

5 2 1 1 9

10 11 1 2 8 10


3 12 2 2 1 2 3 2 13

I 2 5 1 14 13 9 8 7 2 2 7 15

s 10 1 3 {; 3 5 16 3 4 6 17 3 3 2 18

2 3 1 1 HI

1 20

3 10 1 1 2 3 21

11 18 7 22 2 2 24

4 2 1 1 1 1 1 25 2 2 1 2 2 1 26

2 2 4 3 27

3 5 I I 28

1 1 1 1 29 32 THE PRIMARY PART II '!'EHSIL

I-Cultiva.tors of la.nd wholly or mainly owned and their dependants Na.me of Villa.ge Number of Tota.l No. of Persons CodrJ" r-- ~ ------.-----...... __----, ,---__ .A.. _____-" r---_"_-~-" ~;o. of Occupied House- Village Roma.n Script N agri Script houses holds Persons Males Females 1\'[ales Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10) 111) ( 121

30 149 Chaptala ki Bhagal. • :;::{~~l IIIR "mtTW 854 18 20 91 43 43 48 43 31 105 Chatra ji ka Gura .. ~ :;::{la~l \ifT "" ~~l 177 10 18 95 48 47 48 46 32 113 Chawana ka Gura •• :;::{lCIT"fl ~r ~~r 150 19 19 90 44 46 43 46 33 4 Chundawaton ka :;;.f~'CRfl llfil ~Yr 70 9 16 66 35 31 32 30 ~ . l;;:h,~ra 34 112 Da,bl, uelia ~"J.hllT 500 25 33 177 105 72 104 70 35 1:31 Delwadla ~~ 'cnf~ 391 38 38 171 85 86 84 80 36 139 Deoron ki Bhagal •• ~~T CfiT

38 .~2 Dhandha ka Gura •• 70 4 4 17 9 8 9 8 fi.~ "" ~r 3& 61 Dhanln "f{"fTO'{ 2,052 118 175 820 412 408 292 284 40 9 Dhilodia 250 27" 41 209 115 94 78 fG~fS1tl 98 41 82 Dhola kl Od I5(TB"f "') ~,~ 2,283 30 35 153 76 77 68 69 42 144 Dhorall 134 175 725 ~l~" 1,970 402 323 3&9 323 43 42 Dhundiawas 22

48 III Ganga Gura 'lim ~~1 542 20 24 101 47 54 47 54 49 46 Garhbor 'l~qT1: 2,294 297 511 2,l48 1,101 1,047 576 1')45

50 87 GaV\Tar 'l<{r~ 2,726 165 193 S09 425 384 407 370 51 99 Ghata mGt 2,456 124 133 656 365 292 347 273 52 34 Gitoria f11c::)~t:n 1,200 68 103 558 284 274 259 236

53 109 Gow-at .. "T'5IB" 820 65 87 423 220 203 2:20 203

54 14 Gudalia ~'d"wtll 350 24 45 217 109 108 107 105 55 143 Hala' ki Bhagal ~~1'i Ofl)

56 92 HnTnpr Pal ~it~ tll'W 1,273 66 78 393 216 177 216 177 57 10 Hapda ~q~T 100 21 33 HiO 87 63 87 t\3 58 51 Hatta Ji ka Gura iiTG~T ~ ~~1 650 26 32 206 112 94 112 94 59 152 Jadphan m'~1:fit 3.')0 43 66 298 161 137 138 109 60 134 Jaitaran ,*~'n.Uf 1,998 80 87 431 225 206 222 202 61 41 Jasaji lea Gura \il'Tmiil"T !.fiT ~~ 300 33 41 186 106 80 101 77

62 18 Jambu ka Talao \iff ~ '" T ~

63 39 Janawad. \i(';fT<{

64 72 Jaradya 'iiR:T~'tfT 716 30 31 158 84 74 79 67 81 65 5 Jawalia ~4Tf~llT 1,211 32 61 263 130 133 91 33 CENSUS ABSTRACT

R URAL-( Oontd.)


AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON -AGRICULTURAL CLASSES -----___--A.. ..A.. --., ~ r- IV-Non-Oulti- Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal II-Cult" vators III-Cultivat,- vat.ing owners ,,--______means of..A.. livelihood______from , of lauL! Wholly ing labourers of land; agri- or ruainly and their cultural rent- uno,vued and depondant.s receivers V-Product.ion VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII_":'_O chm 0 thc>ir depen- and their ot.her than services and Z dante dependants cultivation miscellaneous sources Literates 3.... r- __ ..A.. ___---, ,-__..A. __ --., ,---,,----. II) ,---__._--~ r--_-"-----, ,--_--A..-_--, ,----"----. .,----"-----., rn Males Pemales Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Meles Females

(28) (1) ( 13) (14) (15) ( 16) { 17) (18) ( 19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27)

30 31 1 1 1 32

I 2 I 33 34 1 2 3 35 1 I 36 I 3 I 1 5 5 I 6

7 10 2 4 5 37 38

10 7 2 52 47 33 56 23 12 32 39

II 6 I 6 9 3 40

8 S 41

I 2 2 42

2 2 43

10 15 3 5 6 4 I 15 44 1 45 46

2 47 48

II 10 19 21 18 18 145 IGI 11)9 130 1 172 171 399 32 49

2 2 2 1 1 1 12 10 8 50

I 2 1 8 9 2 7 6 1 43 51

2 7 8 6 15 2;; 3 52 53

2 2 1 54 55

56 57 58

18 26 2 2 2 1 8 59

1 3 2 1 60

1 4 ~ 1 6}

I 1 :1 2 1 62

1 4 63

3 4 2 3 64

I 32 41 7 10 30 65 34



1- Cultivator" of land wholly or mainly 0" n,'d ",nd their dep' ndants Nfl no of Village NUlnher of '.rotal No. of Per-oos ~-______A______~ Code r----..A.----.. 'r-- ____.A._ ----, ,----'------, No, of Oce upied House. VillagE' Roman Script Nagri Script houses holds Persons :Males Females l\1ales Females

{3) ( 6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

66 62 \ifCfTf{l1T 500 60 72 381 204 177 1(;0 ti7 54 Jilwara f\il~cn~T 1,453 :227 253 1,202 572 630 2[\" 68 107 Jitria \ilrnf~ 463 30 40 188 97 91 07 SH 69 35 Joj ~)\iI 400 38 54 289 159 j30 153 122 70 77 Jud 248 I) 15 74 44 30 44 30

71 84 Kachhar 150 32 33 133 75 58 74

72 123 Kadia '. ::!,413 129 144 652 331 321 327 310

73 140 Kadurya .,)96 65 83 367 202 165 138 122 ~ 74 128 Kaithana ci'

77 114 Kalinjar Cfifw;:~ 1,408 71 99 422 202 220 198 78 124 Kamoda ~RT 900 37 37 160 91 69 90 79 65 Kanwaria ciCfTf~ 805 101 103 483 238 245 236 244 80 79 Karda ka Gura iifi.~T );{.~ 784 73 85 387 199 188 Hl7 188 93 147 Kodakra fi)qf

99 13 Lambodi wiGi't~r 1,000 94 134 661 352 338 100 158 Lakhamawaton ka· 589 68 75 329 170 159 141 12!l Gura ~~"T~ 'f'T

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ______...A.. ______.., ~------...A..------~

II -Cult,vat,ors 1 II-Cultlvat· IV -Non-Culti- P"Y'sons (including dependants \ who derive their principal of land wholly ing 1 aGo nrers vating OWnerS means of livelihood from ormalnly and thLHr of land; agri- r------______A______------. unowned ancl dependants cultural rent. V -Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen­ receivers other than services and dant!" and their cultivation miscellaneous Litera.tes 0 dependants sources Z ,, ___ J _ __--,. ~ ___ ...A.. ___ -, ,-__-A------, r::-_-A-_--,_,--- _ _A ___--..., r---.,.A_-~---., r-----"-----.., r---.:A....-. a;; ·c M-11es Fe ,,,ties :Vlaices Females Males Felnales :Wales l!'em"'les i\lallls F'_>,n,des Males Femalps Mlllps Female" ~

( 13) (15) (11) ) ( 17) ( 18) (19) (~O) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

26 23 17 16 1 1 66

12 12 40 01 74 82 116 122 136 67


4 1 2 3 2 69 70

1 9 1 71

2 1 7 72

39 30 5 3 2 1 3 4 15 2 73 3 2 74

29 HI 23 ~1 4 36 26 1 1 10 7 15 75

10 (j 12 6 76

4 77

1 78

2 3 79 1 3 1 1 xO

3 1 48 47 47 60 78 68 121 114 1 201 162 354 55

6 6 2 :') 3 3 2 3 1.5 16 3 3 26 1

4 I

6 6 I 2 85

3 4 3 15 7 41 1 86 87

I 8S

1 1 12 - 2 3 1 4 1 1 91

2 92

4 7 3 93

4 4 .5 9.1


10 3 6 7 06

1 2 5 5 4 1 16 15 8 3 97 5 9 3 2 2S I 98

1 I 1 1 4 12 12 D2 99·

15 8 8 7 1 100

llJL 36



I-Cclltivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their dopendallt" o Name of Village Number of Total No. of Persons ,------____ ..A.. Z Code r--~-~\ ,-_____.A. _____ -, ,-_.--"---~ d No.of Occupied HOUBe- 'g Villa.ge Roman Script 1'\agri Script. 00 houses holds Persons l\Iales Females Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (IS) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (ll ) (12)

102 28 Loharna w~;n 450 39 53 285 139 146 118 130 103 150 Machda q'A'~ 426 95 108 490 27l 219 235 189 104 Illi Madrecho ka Gura ,"~..n

116 80 Natha ji ka Gura. ;:n1QT\it') IiIil q~ 808 33 45 197 ]O!) 101 81 117 83 Nathela ;n~T 2,142 104 131 593 314 279 305 276

ll8 49 Nichla Ghata ;:r)'Ofm 'EfTeT 310 26 32 20S 107 101 102 96 119 40 Nimri " o:r~~ 200 20 30 173 71) 1)4 74 92 120 102 Nohra ki BhagaI .".~~ ~ ~ 25 5 6 27 I H 14 13 14 121 66 Obri ka llalara ~)

123 85 Oladar an~:ns i ( 1.869 125 163 72f) 357 347

124 156 Palachh ~m 1.598 70 77 374 172 IB7 166

12,) 160 Parruaron ki Bhagal q~ ~ ~T'1'W GOS 40 42 178 93 78

126 153 Pasu,l. .. qT~m 2,101 139 IGI 77~ 40" 371 3!H 362 1~7 84 Paw.Lw-L qqrrrT 1,040 28 39 H)!) ]01 88 88

128 130 PipaTla qtq'FfT 2,283 78 83 371 20U 171 190 158

1~~) 131 PipL' q~ 1,334 66 86 4-G5 22H 210 209

130 3l; Pl1ndia ka Kheru ~ll{T em ~~T 40 4 4 21 10 11 10 10

131 2:1 PuLhiu ~

132 142 Runavton ki Bhagal ~;ncfanl

133 74 Rnt i '[',1,1.11 ~) ~mt· 30 171 78

134 79 Ri"hh,cl f~~~ 1,S4-t 510 l.l'l 1, I "S 711+

Rondkct Gura m

137 145 S~llnicha 340 407 1,7bl 734 37 CENSUS ABSTRACT • RURAL-(Gontd.)



II-Cultiva.tors III-Cuitiva.- IV-N on-Culti- Persons (including dependa.nts) who derive their principa.l of la.od wholly ting labourers vating owners means of livelihood from or ma.inly and their of la.nd; a.gri- .... unowneda.nd dependa.nts cultura.l rent V-ProductioD VI-Conunerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen- receivers other tha.n services a.nd dants a.nd their cultiva.tion lXliscella.neous dependants sources Litera.tes ~ r= ...... --~ ,.----"---~ r---...... ___~ ,.---...... _~ .A.----.. ~ ,-__.A------.. ,.-----J.--~ :a Males Fema.les Males Fernalee Ma.les FeD1a.les Males Females Ma.les FeD1a.les Ma.les Fema.Jes Ma.les Fem.ales Ma.les Fem.a.les ~

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24,) (25) (26) (27) (2S) (1 )

6 5 6 9 3 1 8 1 6 3 102

4. 2 15 15 1 11 10 6 2 17 103 1 104 14 12 9 11 2 4. 33 29 54 55 32 38 166 3 105 6 S 1 106 1 107

lOS 2 109

1 1 13 15 1 16 8 110 111

1 5 112 1 • 2 113 9 7 10 114 3 2 2 3 2 115 1 I 2 1 5 5 116 • 9 3 117 3 3 2 2 5 118 2 1 3 1 119 120

5 2 4 121 24 23 74 80 15 28 25 31 6 3 1 13 5 16 1 122 II 9 1 10 2 123 3 2 1 4 1 4 124 3 4 125 9 2 1 1 1 3 4 3 2 3 126 10 ' 13 127 10 13 6 128

9 14 9 II 1 2 2 129 1 1 130 1 1 131 2 132 133 1 49 60 93 89 182 169 62 56 289 25 134, 2 2 3 1 135 6 8 14 17 2 5 23 16 22 1 136 1 102 108 48 54 24 17 113 5 137 38 THE PRIMARY



I-Cultivatora of land Wholly or mainly owned and their dependants o Name_ of-Jo- ______Village --., Number of Total No. of persons z ,------., ___..A..----"

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10} (11) (12)

491 83 86 406 201 20'-; 138 135 Sanduko ka Gura ~"'T 'fit 'l~ 197 203 139 110 Sangat mw 1,556 63 70 352 205 147 ;!04 145 140 26 Saras ka Gura ~~ ~~~ 500 14 18 126 67 59 67 59 101 141 :1.7 Sathia m~qT 1,200 125 588 314 274 270 230 142 27 Sevantri ~"'T 3,000 174 227 1,055 501 .554 409 432 31 218 143 106 Shishodia ka Gura.. f~TfqJ.fT ~ ~~ 240 49 119 99 103 81 24 144 129 Siya ~TlfT 171 23 110 53 57 53 57 300 43 50 299 151 148 141 145 16 Soniyana ~);ftt:rl;:n 136 146 76 Sukher Gaon 2,930 170 209 978 476 502 466 490 ,,~~'" "'

152 16 Thoriawas ~)f~;;n~ 150 17 22 129 66 63 66 61

~1!f. 154 137 164 794 421 373 421 373 153 81 Thurawad '" . 154 125 Udawad ~q 1,052 30 32 168 75 93 70 89

155 7 UluarwaS :a:;"~m 3,200 114 150 730 391 339 335 300

156 48 Up aria Ghatra :a:;'q'~~1 '!f'e~' 325 22 32 178 103 75 101 72 157 141 Uplawas 809 32 46 200 97 103 82 85 158 148 Usar 762 140 152 654 335 319 306 288 159 37 WaH ki Bhaga1 2 3 42 18 24 18 24,

160 157 Wawda 806 40 53 254 125 129 106 Ill) 39 CENSUS ABSTRACT ltURAL-(Oontd.) KUJlBHAL GARB-(Ooncld.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ------___...__------~ ,..------~------. IL-Cultivators IU-Cultiva- IV-Non-Culti- Persons (including dependantR) who derive their principal of la.nd wholly ting labourers vating owners DleaDS of livelihood from or mainly and their ofla.nd; agri- r------..A------___ unowned and dependants cultural rent V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen- receivers other than services and dants and their cultivation miscellaneous dependants Literates r-__..A.. __ - Bources :i ,-,...._ _"..,__ r----A.---, ,..--__"_---, ~---'----, r----.A.----., r----A.---.. _ --."._----" :3 .... ct> Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females tl2

(I3) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (~2) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

1 3 2 2 138 1 2 4 139

4 140

34 37 4 2 6 5 38 1 141

I 4, 15 20 54 79 2 20 19 156 5 142

9 11 2 5 5 2 14,3 144

2 4 8 8 1 145

1 3 6 5 3 4 18 146

3 2 20 17 6 17 147

9 6 1 1 23 20 1~ 148

3 1 4 2 2 2 2 8 149

1 9 1 10 10 8 2 7 150 151

2 152 153

2 3 3 1 2 1 154 31 20 2 1 2 2 5 .'5 6 3 10 8 10 1 155

2 3 156

9 10 1 1 3 4 1 3 1 1 167

7 9 5 14 8 5 3 3 6 35 158 159

12 15 4 4 3 6 160 THE PRDlAll~ PART II

r. Populated 136 3. No. of Villages K lJ Unpopulated 2

1. No. & Name of Distriot- 18 UDAIPUR 2. Name of Sub-Division-RAJSAMAND 6. No. of Hamlets 16 7. No. of Towns 1 3. No. & Name of Tohsil- (; RAJSAMAND 4. No. of Traot.- 79 8. Area of Tehsil in Sq. Miles 212


I-Cultivatortl of land wholly or mainly owned and their dependants NalDe of Village ,-___NUInber.A. ___ of r-Total No. of.A. Persons _____ r--_J...-----., r------'------_ ~ Code Occupied DOUBe· iii No. of ROlDan Soript Nagri Script houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females "i Village !Xl (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

I 123 Akodia. ka Khera. 1.151 38 44 247 116 131 104 116 2 88 Amloi 956 67 63 314 161 153 148 140 3 8 Arwara. 1,301 16 41 297 129 168 122 160 4 95 Asatia 1.230 112 149 603 328 275 119 119 5 23 Atma 2,441 130 169 860 437 423 352 336 6 41 Bagota 1,277 70 88 451 251 200 246 195- 7 64 Badarda 800 53 78 446 224 222 203 201 8 101 Badlia n~ 698 46 55 230 163 157 129 121 9 108 BagdoIa cmr.m 800 22 37 183 102 81 81 67 10 105 Bagpura. ~U 617 80 32 147 74 73 67 63- 11 30 Bagundra ~qT 409 29 64 307 164 143 158 134 12 133 Ba.nai Gf'GI'yf 1,095 54 70 370 191 179 185 172 13 53 Bansawaliya ka­ .mTqf~ !!fiT trfl 500 37 37 237 118 119 116 III aura .. ' 14 97 Bansola 222 15 17 78 40 38 32 80 15 138 Basni 250 45 80 410 212 198 209 197 16 106 Bhagwanda Kalan 135 38 48 250 131 119 102 9S 17 36 Bhagwanda Khurd 68 ~RT~ 245 38 88 159 85 74 78 18 112 Bhana ~vrr 1,005 130 200 1,015 530 485 342. 301 19 89 Bhat, Khera 11~~ 75 6 7 37 21 16 21 16- 20 77 Bhatoli 111~m) 1,000 89 120 596 306 290 274 255 21 109 Bhagwatpura ~'1Cf~U 1,844 75 104 658 288 270 221 222

22 17 BhundaI ~;:~~ 431 37 44 212 100 112 100 III 23 40 Bhunda:p. ~~ 500 93 133 409 224 185 197 171 24 137 BinoI :::rT~ 4,026 186 209 1,028 529 499 315 312 25 33 Boraj 117 .)~ 1,394 91 105 495 261 234 127 26 34 Boraj ka Khera .~ ifrr Q(,T 573 72 81 379 178 201 114 117 27 114 Chhaper Kheri 55:> 35 44 260 142 118 134 llO Ul1R ~ 28 61 Chintaman ka Madra. 500 11 15 72 38 34 36 31 f .... Rir...... IfI'f '"~ 29 1 Dabla 47 ~ifWT 755 16 17 110 60 50 51 41 CENSUS ABSTRACT RURAL-(Gontd.)


!I. Persons 34

10. :\Iales 20

11. Females 14

AGUICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTUHAL CLAS~ER ------~ -, r------__,A.._------. II --(;1111 ivatom 1I r --Cultivat­ IV --Non-Culti- Persons (including dependant") \\ lio d"rive their principal of land whollY ing laboul'?rs vating OWn'Wi< means of livPlihoorl trorn or H)"inly • and their of land; agri­ -'no'.vne,l and dependants cultural rent r------_..A-- ~------~ Iwir dflpen­ receivers V-Production VI--Commercp VII-Tr.lnsport VIII-Other dants and their other than services and d.-.pendants cultivation miscellaneous o sources Lite"s.tes z .-----"-__ ----, .---.A..__ -, ,--__--"- __ -, ,--__ -"-__..-., ,-__J,_---., -t

(26) (27) (28) (1) (13) (l4) (15) (16) (17) (Iii! (1~) (2() (21) (22) (23) (24) (25)

1 1 2 12 1~ 3 2 1 2 8 10 4 1 2 2 3 3 2 4 6 4 110 71 28 28 3 4 48 37 7 4 13 12 10 5 5 7 19 21 41 41 3 3 17 15 52 6 4 3 1 2 2 8 1 7 12 11 3 3 5 6 1 1 I 8 8 7 2 1 2 1 19 24 15 1· 9 15 8 6 6 1 10 2 1 1 3 4 6 3 11 3 4 2 3 2 2 12 3 2 2 3 I 13 2 8 3 14 2 4 1 1 5 1 6 15 1 1 1 9 1 16 12 5 2 7 15 17 f) 4 1 2 29 81 1 18 57 48 51 62 45 45 35 19

8 13 1 20 6 3 20 24 6 15 20 1 21 (j 2 38 30 1 2 1 20 1 22

1 22 ~ 5 4 5 6 3 1 1 7 2 6 114 24 42 33 26 20 III 102 3 .• 3 25 6 47 40 60 57 1 21 14 59 31 26 4 3 2 5 27 27 9 18 22 27 3 4 1 5 3 10 28 1 1 2 1 4 3 29 42 THE PRIMARY


r------I-Cultivato ,." of land wLnll,' "r n'lnin1y :'nI1 '"b{) n'W"n(';~ '" their dC·l"nn.~,l]Jt" :._...... til .- '" -5 Name of Village 0< ~umber of Total ~0. of Persons Cod" ,.------"--_ ------~ g :::: r---_.j.._----.. ,------_."._------., r-~-~- J. ---~ No. of .... _ Occupied House- -1gri S<'l'ipt l c'lhes holds PersonS Males F,>maks ::I.1al .. " FenLIJes

(I) (2) (4) (fi ) (6) ( 7) (8) ( 9) (10) (11 ) (!~)

30 4 '~') ::!ZI 10.'; Devana ~cn;:n ~- 40 46 116 84 31 86 Devgaon ~Cfi1tcf 2\)7 31 144 73 71 41 32 Devpul'l~ it~u 481 32 56 ::104 158 146 155 142 33 135 Devri l-;:hera ~~~'T ~~T 3.3() 40 47 216 120 96 107

34 140 Deve 0 kit Kheda ~ct~l Cfi1" ~T 288 13 33 1.;8 \W fi8 87 I;J

35 68 Devthari ~

36 14) Dhanla en;:r~T 821 fi8 8.5 433 227 206 211

37 20 Dhm

38 117 Dhanji ka Khera ~r ilfil ~T 369 21 26 150 82 68 77 til

39 58 Dhanwal q;:r~~ 1,873 74 94 433 218 215 207

40 73 Dhoinda q)f~ 2.507 462 462 1,848 920 928 634 1547

41 50 Dipti n~T 150 28 31 157 70 87 60 74 42 51 Dipti Khers f~~~ 350 87 105 480 270 210 249 43 7 Daulatpul'a C(~~u 356 21 21 99 50 49 46 44 57 Do val" <;f)Cf¥ 1,303 72 103 509 279 230 255 45 132 Duliyana. ~fwi:fT"T 200 42 46 n6 108 109 100 46 110 Durn Khel'a ~ ~~T 1,160 37 71 325 181 144 17 .. ~ . 47 90 Emd~ 92S 73 146 795 387 408 3.56

48 92 353 2 fj 25 15 10 11 49 78 Fatehnagar ka Khera q;:~~;:rfT~ ilfil ~,T 3fl8 12 51) 29 30 .26 27 50 83 Fatehpura q;:~er'IU 333 30 39 183 uo 78

51 122 Gadria~vas iTT:g ~~ (\:10 24 lll> 1i8 57 .,7 52 103 Ghati ., oem:r 1.354 fi4 67 :>,12 173 13H 147 118 53 128 Govalia iJ)",fWtff 264 20 25 148 80 76

54 96 Gudii ., t:'fs~T_,. 12 17 47 47 33 :~o 55 25 Gugleta 1!"~ 31.'5 4 HI 17 15 III 56 22 Janjar ~~ 1.493 6S 78 188 11)0 174 ISl ;;fT",C{ 57 74 Jawad S06 51) 74 37::1 195 178 134 IIH 58 129 Jodhpur a ;;fT~U 1,097 44 64 372 lSI HH 168 59 59 Kana Deo ka Gura ilfilOn it

60 13 Kanavada 1,680 47 70 387 201 ]86 187 171)

61 136 Karanpura ~l;r~u 307 21 2\) 139 70 69 tir> Ir,g 62 3 Karer>L lJf>~~T 1,3~::I 60 03 320 IGI 14n 1 Z.J

63 19 Kelva ., .~CfT 3,OU3 4Sn 3.E).'S 1,531 687 71)4 66 120 Khakhaliya Khera ~~T~~ 400 23 1Z6 68 2H "CENSUS ABSTRACT RURAL-(Oontd.)

RAJ,')AMAND-( Contd.)


___-- ___-_-_1''- ______~ r------~------. II-Cultivators III-Cnitiva,t. IV-Non-CuIti. of land ,,-holly ing LtbollrEw" vating owners PerS'lOS (including dependants) who derive their principal

01 Inmoly A.nd tlwlr of land; agri- r-_-______means of livelihood from .A..______~ 110wne<1 and depend'nt..; cultural reont 1. heir QP pen - r.acei,,"'ers V -Production VI-Commerce VI f-'I'J'au"port VIII-Other tiant" a,nd their other t,}tan services and dependants cultivlltion miscellaneous sources Literates ,--_""___---, r----'------.\

]\Iaje~ ;,'emaleiS Males Femalps Ma.les Females Males Females Males Fe males Male.. Females Ma.les Females Males Fern"lse

(UH (II" (l&j (19} (21\ (22) (23} (25\ <2.7) ('2.8} (1)

:2.3 7 10 30

20 2 8 11 7 :U

2 1 32

3 3 5 3 .5 .5 2 33

3 7 34

1 2 9 5 12 1 35

1 f, 3 1 1 27 36

1 2 3 5 3 1 37 4 7 1 38

4 2 1 6 2 2 1· 1 3 4 39

1 3 14 19 11 20 76 78 93 66 91 95 20 10 40

3 2 1 3 2 2 4 6 15 1 41 1 20 17 42

2 3 2 3 1 43

2 9 1 8 12 7 9 44 6 8 1 45

2 2 2 5 5 1 3 46 6 4 5 5 4 5 1 2 13 10 13 1 47

1 3 1 4- 48

3 3 3 1 4\1 1 .3 3 1 1 5()

1 1 51

4 3 6 4 3 12 15 52 2 2 2 1 53

II 10 1 3 2 4 3 54 4 1 55

1 4 1 2 2 10 3 9 fi6

21 18 1 2 17 14 6 9 1 16 15 29 1 57

2 10 8 4 58

2 1.3 15 6 2 9

2 1 10 8 1 1 1 8 60

1 4 2 61

1 2 2 9 12 23 62

31 23 13 13 28 27 227 252 311 283 19 12 211 217 355 18 63 4 1 10 8 1 64

18 8 4 3 3 4 4 3 1

9 16 3 1 27 16 12 1 44



I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their N a.me of Village dE'pendants Code' ,------...-\.._------~ Number of Total '" o. of Persons No. of r·I-----.A____----, r-' -_ --___ ..A-____---, r----..A.---, Villag£' Roman Script K agri Script. Occupied House- hOllses holds Persons MaJe:- FemaJeF Ma]l'" FE'maleE

(1 ) (2) (31 (4) {5} (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ( In 12)

67 37 Kharadia ~~f~tfr G92 45 52 23G 12f1 J 0\) 68 139 Kharamala ~~",TWT l,G88 94 164 546 277 69 126 Khati Khera ~T ~'" 804 21 25 172 SG 70 13D Khema ka Khera . " ~~ ~ ~ 831 19 30 162 su 82 79 81

71 2 Rheto kl Bhagal ~) IIiT ';{TqW' 446 27 27 138 7fj 63 72 61

72 29 Kishanpura ~~~U 901 12 17 95 48 47 -16 41j 73 121 Kunwaria .~~... 3,578 398 585 2,599 1,331 521 548 74 102 Lalpura ~~U 1,200 49 55 302 151 ]51 121 120 75 107 Lavana W'ilITQ1'T 125 36 55 304 158 146 140 128 76 111 Madra "'T~'T 800 35 46 261 136 125 114 10fi 77 12 Madri .. 1fTql 390 83 83 418 216 202 204 186 78 45 Madri Goblia ,"f{~1 ttmll'l 1,232 39 51 292 156 136 145 122 79 118 Mahasatiya ki Madri ~mfa'Q"T -t\' a:n~T 1,000 54 72 340 173 167 148 141 80 63 Manja". ~ 1,500 58 83 334 173 161 94 82 113 Mandawar 81 qRFR 400 36 45 220 113 107 113 106 82 6 Mandawada qRl"Cfn"T 714 46 73 317 174 143 164 133 83 80 Meghtiya Rhurd it~I" wi.. 100 8 9 48 20 28 4 10 84 81 Meghtiya Kalan q~Zlfr~ 500 45 57 296 154 142 1I0 93 85 11 Miyari Mq.·(l 600 66 66 332 188 144 152 124

86 93 Mohi q~r 210 502 2,a-~O 1,169 1,171 560 561 28 Mokhanlpura 87 q)w~, 311 23 3.5 160 85 75 80 71 88 32 Morchana ~;n 475 58 58 298 152 146 127 121 89 38 Morvan If):rcrvr 800 38 44 231 106 125 94 114 90 46 Mundol ~~W' 856 66 66 273 138 135 72 78 91 62 Nandora iffil'¥1 1,539 94 105 429 224 205 190 169 92 91 Nandoli Pfi';f)i'i3') 464 45 68 313 ]5S ]55 150 150 93 127 Nathuwas :rt '1._ 1ft 726 46 47 219 117 1'02 107 90 94 27 Nijarna 2,000 4 4 23 12 11 10 11

95 7tl Nogaon 500 68 84 418 207 211 194 199

96 125 Pap.ampura q.q~~1 528 14 14 93 46 47 46 47" 97 5 Padasali CRl~ 1.578 85 119 569 304 265 HIS 178 98 115 Parvat Kheri "11ia- ti.' 220 35 40 198 98 100 95 100 99 31 Pasund 'm!.'"l' 1,433 81 86 441 235 206 215 190 60 Pharara 100 ~m 800 216 268 1,217 623 594 562 50~ 101 124 Piyawari fq'q"l

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL___--A--- CLASSES _ ------"- ----, :l:I-Cultivators III-Cuitivat- IV-Non-Culti- --- Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ing labourers vating owners means ofhvelihood from r-- ___..A. or mainly and their of land; agri­ ---~ unowned and dependants cultural rent V-Production VI-CoInmerce VII-Transport VIII-Other the ir depen- receivers other ;than services ~nd dants and their cultivation miscellaneous . .; depen da.nts sources L1terates l2i _---"---"""'\ r---..A..--",,",\ ___-..A.-----" r----"----, c----"----. r----"----_:'i!... "\(ales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males FeUlalea ~

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

6 5 7 7 4 67

4 3 1 2 47 53 3 3 4 3 22 68 2 1 2 69 1 1 70 3 2 "11

2 I 1 72

],5 31 107 108 1 2 226 249 190 195 17 21 191 178 229 10 73 1 5 1 10 11 4 5 14 10 6 74 10 5 5 3 3 10 3 75 13 10 3 3 6 7 4 76 1 4 3 2 1 8 9 1 77 8 7 3 3 4 9 78 14 12 7 12 4 2 3 79 43 38 22 27 6 2 1 2 7 10 34 11 80 1 10 1 81

4 3 2 1 4 6 82 16 18 3 83

7 13 23 22 6 I 8 13 11 4 84 3 2 30 12 3 6 12 85

1 3 189 178 11 14 151 148 121 108 17 5 119 154 221 15 86 5 4 • 87 2 5 4 5 1 2 18 13 88 12 11 7 89 5. 3 5 8 3 1 14 9 6 3 33 33 8 90 6 5 1 1 1 18 4 1 5 I 1 16 10 5 91 8 3 2 7 92

5 7 1 2 4 3 4. 2 93 2 9' 5 5 6 4 2 3 95 96

5 5 14 12 59 41 28 29 75 1 97

2 I 7 98

8 4 5 8 3 I 3 4 1 6 99 1 4 10 20 36 8 7 28 38 11 100 6 3 2 2 31 24 3 101 32 28 3 4 26 25 12 8 8 8 34 1 )02 46


I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their dependant& .... Name of Village Number of Total No. of Persons .$ -"--- . ~ r------__ ----- r--__..A..-----, r-----..A.------, r----.A..-----, 1ZI Code Occupied Ho use­ No. of Roman Script Nagri Script houseB holds Persons Males Females Males FemaleS' Village

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lO) (11) (12)

103 39 Piplantri Khurd ffAwml ~ 2,000 25 38 163 73 90 52 66 104 67 Piparda qlcn~ 4,282 99 124 1,386 726 660 621 566 105 100 P1pli Achariyan qlcml OT-,;;nf~", 2,800 205 232 1,136 581 555 33 325 G 106 14 Podawali q)~I

114 10 Rughnathpura ~i4"'I1li~~r 249 5 7 48 21 27 21 27 115 134 Sadra .. 1,208 40 60 336 174 162 168 H>O ~ 116 55 Sakroda mof)~)qr 1,100 101 161 782 424 358 389 332 Sangat Kalan 117 42 m

126 56 Sundercha ~~ 2,500 105 136 525 266 259 248 235- 127 21 Talai ~f 824 69 81 386 210 176 188 161 128 52 Tarot a-U~ 809 49 65 313 171 142 166 141 129 98 Tarsingda a~~' 200 17 17 89 45 44 37 34 130 116 Tasol .. ar~)w 857 113 156 645 306 339 191 203- 131 66 Tejpura ~~U 84 10 12 56 30 26 29 24 132 84 Tejpura ~U 150 11 17 75 41 34 25 133 9 TunkraKalan «!"'"" ~ 1,220 95 107 522 242 280 152 208- 134 69 Tunkra Khurd ZIIRT..... ~. 1,757 15 21 -88 48 40 22 15 135 18 Ummedpura \3",c(~(T 341 16 26 108 55 53 45 45- - 81 136 26 Umti •• ~l 806 34 36 175 82 93 92 47 'CENSUS ABSTRACT

RURAL-{ Contd.)

RAJASMAND-(Concld. )

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ----_...... ------~ ,------_.....___------, II--Cultivators III-Cultivat­ IV -Non-Culti­ Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ing labourers vatin~ owners :means of lIvelihood {ro:m or mainly and their ofland; agri­ ,- _..~------~ unowned and dependants cultural rent V -Production VI-CoIDlDerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen­ receivers other than services and o dants and their cultivation :miscellaneous z dependants sources Literates co y--_ ...... _-"""'I ,---...... _---, ,--__..___---.. ,--_...... _---, ,----~----, ,-____..___--, ,-_...... _--,. -;::: OIl Males Females Males Fe:males Malee Fe:rnales Males Fexnalea Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femalesa'.2

(13) (14) (15 ) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) {28}' (1)

3 14 17 3 4 26 103 3 3 13 12 10 14 50 41 9 9 20 16 35 1 104- {) 10 73 70 77 71 33 25 1 I 54 48 91 105 I 2 I) 5 106 5 2 14 10 10 10 9 4 19 I 107 3 1 1 2 108 2 1 3 1 2 10 5 13 109 5 9 I 3 32 47 31 20 21 28 23 23 40 1 110 4 6 36 25 34 31 382 66 :l89 356 34 17 857 799 842 174 III

112 4 5 :3 3 2 5 113 114 2 1 4 1 4 115

14 9 15 13 6 4 14 U6 1 I I 2 1 3 4. 2 4 6 13 117 20 15 2 I 78 69 5 6 17 1"1 43 1 118

2 5 4 6 6 19 119 I 1 120 19 33 43 .. 121 5 5 16 15 I I 1 1 122 2 7 123

3 3 1 124 17 15 6 8 4, 1 11 3 II 7 125

I I 5 11 11 1 1 3 8 3 1 126

9 9 3 2 3 3 3 4- 1 11 127

1 I 4 128

7 4 1 6 128

3 4 66 69 15 27 6 3 25 33 51 130 1 2 131 15 8 4 1 4 132 55 43 1 34 29 26 1 133 26 21 1 1 2 11 1 134

3 3 7 5 135 1 1 - I 13S 48


Populated 91 5. No. of Villages { Unpopulated 3 1. No. & Na.m3 of Distriot-I8 UDAIPUR 2. Name of Sub-Division-BAJSAMAND 6. No. of HaDlle1;s 23 3. No. & Name of Tehsil-6 RELMAGRA 4. No. of Tra.ot--79 7. No. of ToWns ., Nil 8. Area of Tehsil in Sq. Miles .. 212

r------I-Cultivators of land wholly or Dlainly owned and their dependants N sme of Village Number of Total No. of PersonA Code No. -A.------". r----..A----...... r- -"--- --__,. r-----"----". of Village Occupied House- Roman Script N agri Hocipt houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (8) 4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

t 83 Amarpura 929 at+i(~<1 56 75 471 243 228 214 197 2 71 Anjna .. at1;sr;n 1,600 64 86 422 220 202 200 191 3 49 Aradkia 1,213 48 57 290 163 127 123 96 \I, 9 Bakhatpura ~"""" 1,008 28 40 220 122 98 118 94 ~'U 5 84 Bakhatpura 276 8 11 56 28 28 25 24 ~~ 6 36 B~mnia Kalan ifI11fif1n ~ 2,557 233 277 1.371 665 706 483 532 7 60 Banedia ~r 2,795 154 203 1.039 513 526 296 317 8 20 Bethumi il'¥'r 1,523 68 III 486 260 226 16 23 9 50 Bhama Khera ~"" ~t 1,100 49 56 314 163 151 lI8 122 10 79 Bharai 1f



II. Females II

AGRIOULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ____ .A. ._------"\ ,----~ ------.. II-Cultivators III-Cult",..L­ IV-N on-Culti­ Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ting labonrers vating owners r-- means of ..A-livelihood______from -" or mainly and their of Ian d; agri- unowned and dependants cultural rent V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Tra.nsport VIII-Other theIr depen­ receivers other than services and dants and their cultivation miscellaneous dependants souree& lAter.tee <5 r---.A.__ .... r---..A...---" r---..A..----"\ __-.A.----. r--__.J".~ r- __.A._ - --. ,..--_..A..---" ...----"---"""\ Z a; Males Females Males Females Males Fema.les Ma.les Females Males Fema.les M&les Females Males Females Males Females j

(13) (15} (I fl) (17) (I 8) (19) (20) (21 ) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (~8) (I)

4 5 24 23 1 3 6 1

3 I 8 4 8 6 1 12 2

3 3 6 3 5 4 13 9 13 12 15 3

I 2 1 1 3 8 4-

3 4- 1 5

7 9 48 41 48 46 52 47 9 8 18 23 103 6 I)

36 36 6 2 25 31 42 24 40 46 1 1 67 69 80 11 7

184 155 I 15 17 22 6 2 21 24 17 8

]0 11 11 8 24 10 9

I 2 3 11 8 1 5 9 4 10

2 2 41 45 1 2 9 10 5 11

4 2 1 6 10 12 9 5 11 5 12

4- 5 6 3 5 8 1 3 12 13

] 30 39 2 5 20 24 69 64 22 23 92 7 14

3 4 15 13 7 6 14 11 1 2 14 15

1 1 15 16 12 16

3 3 {; 5 5 5 4- 2 2 17

10 4 7 8 1 20 13 1 3 3 2 4 18 11 14 44 38 24 16 17 17 29 43 15 19

3 4 10 11 12 5 7 3 16 20

I 2 14 10 14 12 1 1 14 14 37 21

5 1 8 3 2 22

I 3 19 26 28 22 49 29 74 78 171

3 5 I 5 2 I 17 8 14 7 2 24

5 4 1 2 3 2 25

for figUl eF.

6 4 5 • 6 1 26

I I I I 4- 3 27

6 3 28

20 21 6 9 1 5 5 5 2 29

7 ]4 18 33 31 17 11 10 14 95 1 30

80 104- ]#\ l(}5 192 187 203 182 133 406 15 31 50 THE PRIMARY- PART II TEBSIL


I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their dependa.nts r-- Name of..A- ______Village --, NUIDber of Toto. I No. of Persons r-----..A...----., r-----J------, ,---..A...__ --. OodeNo. Oooupied Houae- ofVUlage Roman Script Nagri Script houses holds Persons Males Females Males Fe:males-

(1 ) (2) (3) (4 ) (5) (6) (7) (8) (10) (11) ( 12)

17 Gobind Singhji ki See S. No. 39 Kheri @ J unda. ki q)flf~ ~ "" ~ Kheri. ri it(~qf ",). ~lit 3% 5 Gogathala "" . 1,148 88 126 628 306 322 168 172 ~~ 33 67 Jagat Singh ji ka 300 20 26 114 54 60 41 38 Khcra ~ f~ Iflf~" 25 Jagpura 535 78 83 430 232 198 194 164 1i(1I1~1 35 24 Jawasia \iI':uf.a41 946 59 104 556 279 277 249 248 36 14- Jitawas arl<'UCufi 201 213 979 490 489 413 425 37 4,0 Jhva. Khera 'if~l ~"1 616 51 64 335 162 173 125 129 38 15 Junda .. ~ 6,302 217 257 1,282 649 633 456 448 39 17 J undo. ki Kheri @> "!ilCfl !ti, ~ ri q'~ 300 29 41 194 98 66 83 79 Gobind Singhji 10 Kheri. f~~ 'iff "" ~ 90 Kabra 1,520 149 184 818 426 392 254 241 1IIiTiRT 55 Karolia 171 ~7W41 800 46 66 :U8 147 154 137 8 Khandel Q(i~ 3,384 116 167 707 345 362 231 266 85 Kborbamnia w~imr-::fhrr 2,237 69 89 463 243 220 217 19& 59 Khatukra. We~.. . 3,204 97 114 658 341 317 292 277 26 Kolpura. "'~~ 708 33 41 177 96 81 88 68 46 91 Kotrl .. ~)a"f 3,272 152 205 955 479 476 380 376 47 25 Kundia ~fQT 3,034 153 188 956 482 474 395 592

48 7 Kuraj " ~~ 8,770 547 661 3,085 1,544 1541 648 635 49 76 Lachhmipura ~~T 427 10 14 125 64 61 55 51

50 64 Ladpacha ~q-'il' 2,315 108 129 666 352 314 296 256

61 31 La.khmipura ~~~T 800 19 27 139 75 64 41 39

52 11 Lapsia Khera ~1vT~ 1,101 86 115 542 276 266 216 217 .3 38 Lathia Kheri wn5\1n ~, 1,300 51 67 313 149 164 118 133 54 88 Makanpura "i!fii"~(i 400 21 24 113 61 52 53 43 55 6 Mali Khera ... rn-'~ 349 28 31 173 S7 85 69 67 56 78 Mali Khera ~f .n.r 700 28 39 170 92 78 27 20 1i

58 72 Mataji ka Khera ...nmt') 'fit WF 308 35 47 196 100 96 89 88

59 18 Mataji ka Khera. ~li!fiT~' 260 6 11 38 lR 2C 14 17

60 43 Mau 'R 487 066 19 468 223 245 188 203

61 3 Mega Khera ~1!fT ~~ 430 41 45 224 112 1I2 103 102

6~ 74 Mehanduria ~~~T 1,664 60. 75 378 20l 177 182 165

63 52 Menia ~m 2,274 76 108 454 216 238 175 193 64 41 Morra ~T 576 ti3 67 375 195 18(1 176 167 65 8 Oda. aft~l 1,553 114 151 719 360 359 261 264 51


RURAL --(Oontd.)


AGRIOULTURAL OLASSES NON -AGRICULTURAL OLASSES ______..A------... II-OultiVtitors III-Cuitiva.- IV-N on-Cutti­ Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive t.heir princip.il of land wholly ting labourers yating owners means of livelihood frum or maInly and their of land; agri­ r--- ~------, unowned and dependants cultural rent V-Production VI-Commerce VII-TralU;port VIII-Other their depen- receivers other than services and dants a.nd their oultivation miscellaneous dependants sources d Lit.era"tes Z r------"-----~ ,-__..A.. __...... ,-___._~ ,--__..A.. __ -, r----~ ---. ,-_-~---., ,----..A.----, .-----"----__" QS

Males Females Males Females Males Females Ma.les Females Males Females Males Females Males Female!" M ales Females ]

(13) (U) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (:>4) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

for fIgures

38 1 1 9 18 29 16 11 40 44 15 32

1 12 18 4 33 7 7 1"'- 10 2 13 15 12 34,

16 17 1 1 9 7 3 2 1 2 11 35

(1 5 11 13 2:1 16 12 14 10 7 12 9 25 36 3 3 10 10 24 31 5 31

8 5 8 2 108 111 20 19 9 11 40 37 113 2 38

7 6 5 5 3 6 10 39 13 13 88 70 15 20 2" 21 32 27 98 6 40 6 6 5 2 6 2 32 4,1

13 10 2 5 6 18 10 9 7 53 58 28 1 42

1 8 6 3 2 14 16 1 43

7 8 7 6 7 3 22 13 6 10 16 .44-

1 2 1 6 5 2 1 23 45 13 HI 27 13 16 11 15 18 18 20 69 6 46-

29 34 10 8 1 33 27 3 5 II 8 61 1 47

54 53 99 88 104 124 24,7 2"4 193 191 199 206 4,8 2 ...... 3 3 3

3 1 4 25 22 9 7 18 25 19 50

5 12 11 II 2 11 7 51

11 12 10 6 4 28 24 21 52 5 "'- 3 2 3 2 19 23 6 53 4 4 4 5 1 54

1 3 1 3 12 10 6 515

36 38 2 14 7 5 2 8 10 13 56

14 17 2 15 16 57 59 13 14 67 67 21 6 57

5 1 2 3 6 oS 2 2 2 1 59

9 7 3 1:; 11 18 11 60 2 1 1 1 2 4 4 " 3 tH - 1 8 8 3 1 3 1 24 62 T 8 l4, 4 I:> 3 6 8 4 6~

1 3 12 8 3

17 3 17 22 23 19 30 29 33 52 THE PRIMARY PART II TEBSIL

r------I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and t.hei:r dependants Name of Village Number of Total No. of Persons ~ ____• _____..A. ______-. Code ,.- - ___,.A----, r-----r------, No. of Occupied House. Village Roman Script X agri Scri pt houses holds Persons Male

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12 '

66 34 Pachhamata 1,795 214 256 1.162 618 544 345 ,313 ~l{\'n 67 21 Panotia q;:f)f~T 810 129 168 789 405 384 321 307 68 4 Pema. Khera q-qT ~~T 465 31 41 277 139 138 125 123 69 I Pempura 374 30 37 171 88 83 70 61 ~~T 70 93 Pipawa.s ftf,,",,'" 800 34 45 185 98 87 78 65 71 2 Piph Ahiran mw') at~)u;r 1,764 191 232 1,148 579 569 429 419 72 .54 Pipli Dodlyan 2,502 96 128 611 295 316 265 290 ~ lIilihu;.r 73 53 Punkhia 600 55 74 395 202 193 202 193 -i~)lfi 74 77 Rajput'a 1,373 59 69 371 183 188 173 179 ~\if~'U 75 12 Rampuria. 128 13 16 102 50 52 42 44 ~Tq~T 76 39 Relma.gra 4,281 464 582 2,659 1,409 1,250 546 456 ~"U 77 51 Sadri .. m-q') 2,000 105 140 652 338 314 285 2J7 78 44 Sakhrawas 2,300 115 115 837 433 404 365 331 « ~

QI 32 Udalpura ~~~T 752 22 34 169 86 83 70 73 53 CENSUS ABSTRACT

RURAL-( Oontd.)

RELMAGRA-( Ooncld.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ------~ r--- ~ 11- Cultivators III-Cultiva­ IV-Non-Culti- Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ting labourers vating owners means of livelihood from or mainly and their of land; agri- c- .------______~ unowned and dependants cultural rent V--Production VI-Commerce VII--Transport VIII-Other their depen­ receivers other than services and dants and their cultivation miscellaneous 0 dependants sources Literates Z ___~ ,...--__.A.. __---. r------. r---.A..----, r--__"__---' ,_--_..A-__--, ~

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males FeDlales ~

(13 ) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) ( 20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

:l7 21 21 14 31 29 67 63 83 67 44 37 III 2 66

9 13 16 16 17 17 33 23 9 8 20 67

1 7 11 3 3 I 2 1 3 68

3 3 4, .5 1 10 14 69

5 12 9 ~ 5 4 1 2' 3 70

18 1~ 6 36 55 45 34 20 14 25 33 55 2 71

3 6 I 3 22 16 1 I 3 8 72 5 73

6 8 1 1 1 I I 9 1 74- 4, 4 4- 4 75

47 38 20 14 86 71 153 142 190 187 3 4 364 338 406 46 76

19 19 5 4 18 19 2 1 9 14 14 1 77

2 3 1 1 20 24 15 17 4 3 26 25- 78 19 7 13 18 31 37 52 44 27 19 44 41 79 79 5 11 6 I 1 3 12 9 11 1 80 8 10 24 17 21 25 15 12 10 8 65 52' 63 3 81 1 82

30 2~ 19 2 4 83

4 6 5 4 5 1 84 85 2 3 I 86 I I 17 18 11 6 6 6 16 87 3 3 4 2 1 10 1 88

2 1 1 1 4, 2 1 89 9 12 2 2 6 3 4, 80 10 8 2' 91 54 THE PRIMARY PART II

r Populated 190 5. No. of Villages \. Unpopulated

I, ~o. & Name of Dj",trict-18 UDAIPUR 2. Name of Sub-Division-UDAIPUR 6. No. of Hamlets 345 7. No. of Towns

3_ No. & Name of Tehsil-7 KHAMNOR 4, No. of Tract-SO 8. Area of Tehsil in Sq. MIleE :no r------I-Cultivators of land 'wholly 01' Ill0 and tlleir dependants :;:='" .0 Code No. Name of Vin",ge ""' ~ Number of Tota.l No. of Persons ~_....,J-... ______-_~ 0 t> Z of Village __--- ".----...... -----.. r------"------.. ,---"""__ ---.. -; "'=I houses holds Persons Males Females Males Fema.les

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7 ) (8) (9) (II) (12)

I 137 Adgela .. 67 10 10 50 32 18 26 16 2 47 Akoda- .. 138 l48 219 918 476 442 459 430 165 170 142 3 55 Amarji ka Gura 69 89 353 188 130 ll8 109 94 4 14 Ataliya atm"ln 41 44 248 420 474 246 250 5 30 Bara Bhanuja il'll ~\'iI1 270 190 203 894 14 12 14 12 6 192 Badlawala. il'¥m' cm::J' 136 6 6 26 246 230 200 186 7 60 .r~'if1 1,600 100 no 476 310 145 165 117 132 8 176 Baman Hera ~;:r~ 540 47 69 489 240 249 203 204 9 48 Bamano ki Kadlyan ;;nq;:rr IW>T ",firqi 1,100 98 107 144 88 56 45 10 174 Badina1 «I~T.,m 95 20 24 100 56 53 42 11 157 Ba.nkon ka Gura .tlli'r T ~¥' 2 2 14 7 7 7 7 27 172 Chainpura ~~-":T l27 59 67 286 144 142 141 '141 28 <40 Chamo kl Madar 'i:if'R:o:rl ., ~n: 800 16 16 75 44 31 44 31 29 153 Chhalia . grfwqt 80 111 117 617 314 303 215 206 30 29 Cbbota Bhanuja ~~T 1.600 33 149 81 68 81 68 128 Chhoti Kheri UteT w.1' 3ll> 33 55 CENSUS ABSTRAOT RURAL-(Oontd.)


9. Persons 1 10. Males 1

II. :Females Nil

AGR1CULTURAL GLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES _____ ~ _J.-______- ______...... ,..-______..A. ____ --'- ______-- ___ ......

II-Cultl- III-Culti· IV-Non-Cn.1tiva- Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their principal va tors of vating ting ownet-s of mea.ns of livelihood from land wholly or labourers land; agricultural ,- --"- ...... mainly unowned and their rent receivers V -Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other 4il.nd their dependants and their other than services and dependants dependants cultivation miscellaneous 0 sources Literates Z r---..A. -----, -"-~----. ,--- -"-.-----, r----"----__. ,-__-A-- __--. ,-__.A.._---, r---.A..-----. r-r- ,--__"_--~ ~.... "Male!!! Females Male" Females Males Females Males Females· Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 00

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

5 1 1· 1 2 1

3 3 10 6 4- 3 16 2 4- 4 1 8 4 2 9 9 13 3 2 2 2 2 17 20 4 57 59 34 50 22 43 30 31 15 20 16 21 24 2 5 6 10 8 26 25 9 9 1 2 6 2 7 3 4 16 16 9 13 5 I 8 14 18 1 2 3 Ie 22 1 2 32 6 9 4 6 2 1 2 1 1 2 10 3 2 11 12

6 13 2 3 1 14 15 1 1 2 1 3 16 8 16 17 6 13 5 8 13 2 18 9 7 2 2 4 1 8 19 15 38 54 54 3 8 20 2 1 21 41 53 7 5 4 227 185 61 22 14 8 24 19 8 3 19 33 30 23 1 25 24

22 19 22 18 49 78 ~ 1 70 48 14 25 26 27 1 3 7 28 29 53 49 8 6 12 15 10 7 9 9 7 11 11 36 :n 56 THE PRIMARY PART II TE'HSIL

I-Cultivators of land wholly or IDainly owned end their dependants N &JD~ of Village NlUllber of Total No. of Persons Code r- r------..... r------A------, ..--..A-___-... No. of Occupied House- ViUage ROlDan Script Nagri Script houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

12 10 Chikolwas ",1Iifi84R1' 800 53 58 274 144 130 144 130 13 121 Dabiyon ka Gura diPif lin ~ 635 31 31 145 73 72 72 67 14 26 Dabun ~~ 1,600 78 94 429 233 196 151 126 35 87 Dadmi lI'l~ 845 54 57 249 127 122 58 60 3& 11 Dadwal iI(~CifW 1,300 87 106 441 227 214 205 188 37 III Damawarri .... I."" 50 6 8 26 15 11 7 6 a8 112 Delwara ~~ 1,617 495 602 2,515 1,267 162 146 39 122 Deoron ka Gura ~ lin, '1"- 222 13 13 51 23 28 16 20 4,0 141 Depur 1,123 136 141 619 322 297 202 173 ~~ 4,1 84 Dhana Kesuli ka 18 ~.- q~... lin' 1,123 8 10 27 18 27 4,~ 185 Dhani Bariyon ~1;ft' .If~ 405 21 21 95 60 35 49 4,3 12 Dhaila 2,024 137 138 609 323 286 220 ~~ 4,4, 131 Dingela ~q\'iST 4,,735 65 65 279 143 136 53 4,5 181 Dudhpura 28 27 27 27 'l~ 209 11 12 55 4,6 4,6 Dulawaton ka Gura. !.81-nil lin' 't." 600 90 92 447 234 213 105 90 39 Fatehpura .m~U 3.200 173 200 908 461 447 378 350 g5 'Gamatho ka N ohra ~"f lIlT ~ 81 7 7 32 15 17 a 17 5 Gaon Gura ~ 11'" 1,312 266 314 1,337 701 636 546 4,62 50 Ghol"ach :q-)..-"" 3,460 220 250 946 476 470 4,14 4,06 51 133 Gopa Kura q,,,, P'T 178 26 27 137 78 59 37 11) 52 88 Gorela ~~r 972 51 57 267 144 123 144 123 53 13 Gudlan ~\'ri 270 149 217 1,028 517 511 411 362 54 115 ~ 174 26 32 167 84 83 82 82 55 190 Gunjol '(_:at'm 578 87 109 498 274 224 211 159 56 149 Halawas 8 5 i!r~I"'I~ 69 3 15 9 6 57 187 Jagela ~, 607 42 43 230 114 116 102 108 58 129 Jetela ~ 348 32 37 147 75 72 60 55 59 L06 JJwa ka Renth ~...,.~ 56 12 17 81 43 38 43 38 60 7 JhaJon ki Madar •• I1Tm., ~ 3,700 358 408 1,91.010 901 1,013 579 715 61 123 Jhar Sadri 11m: mq, 1,360 58 58 281 1154 127 133 101 62 186 Jiwa Khera iij',cn ~ 730 65 65 300 150 1;;0 139 129 160 J odhpuria @ Khema. ~hlfT;;-qi~.. i~f See S. No. 89 Khera 63 74 Josluyon ki Madri. .


KHAKNOR-( Oontd.)


II-Oulniv80tora III-Oultiva­ IV-Non.Culti- Persons (inoluding dependa.nts} who deri"e their principal af land wholly ting Ia.bourera va.ting owner. mea.ns of hvelihood fl'O~ or:mainly and their of la.nd; agri- r------'--- -_ -- --., unowned an.d depend~nts cI11t,ura.l rent "V -Production VI-Oon::uuerce VII-TraDBport VIII-Other . reoeivers other tha.n services and thei .. depel1- <:) and 1;h"ir cultivation :rniscella.neou8 dant.s Literate II Z dependants SOIlI"(')eR r-_.-.J>..---, r--.A.--...... r---J.-----.. r---.A.--...... ,---_..A---_-, r----..A.~ ~ Males Females Males Fe_a.lea ~ Males 1<'smales M"les Fem.alell Males Fema.les Ma.les Females Males P'em.a.les Ma.le.. Fem.ales

(240) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1) (13) (H) (lSl (16) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23)

18 32 JJ 1 5 10 11 12 1 34 %5 13 1 10 5 10 1 35 19 'f 1 13 11 36 37 8 10 71 38 52 00 200 Ul 3.1 IS 39 s '1 I 62 59 4,0 16 5 1 1 S1 1'1 28 4,1

10 6 I 42 I 24 26 67 Ii 43 4 81 81 3

1 2

1 IH LOI 11 140 1.0 39 18 ~O !O 11 1 42 33 170 2 1Q 37 M 67 8 60 50 10 1 15 16 30 31 7 51 10 1 L 9 52 53 o 53 1. 'T 10 IS 2 1 54

28 I M '7 IS 11 1 I

[1 3 57

6 S !'is 5 1 59

54 62 lU 6 60 66 31 32 77 GO 17 21 61 4 1 1) 1 1 5 12

17 25 21 17 18 7 13 1_0 7 23 33 70 13 10 25 21 1 1 33 1 1 "1 16 Hi 66 19 I!! 1(; 7 "'1 58



r------I-Cultiva.tors of land wholly or m&inly owned and their dependants ~ NalXle of Village 3 Code Number of Tota.l No, of Persons 1D No. of r- --., r---...A.__--.,. Oecupied House- Xl Village Roman Soript; N agri Script bousea holds Persons Ma.les Females Ma.les Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (8) (9) (10) ( 11) (12) 67 139 Kajiawas CfiC-.ll:41:arm 502 27 27 114 57 57 45 42 68 169 Kala Kheri Badlawah lfrfwT ~'T l'WT ~t qna:1l1 48 3 12 60 35 25 34 25 98 Ka.H-was ~f'Slltl~ 1,677 56 63 307 146 161 105 121 59 Kaloda 'f;~~T 78 84 436 225 211 142 131 74 35 Ka:Illa. , , if;'11=1'T 1,137 85 102 486 245 241 158 14 75 96 Kamli ka Gura ~ 290 17 21 85 45 40 40 30 76 33 Karai " ~ 148 150 760 392 368 167 15 77 57 Karanjika Gura. ~~o:f3fT 'til ~.-r 53 !i7 290 155 135 113 96 78 165 Karj I y a l!f"~::f~fl:r1 235 10 14 7I 42 29 31 25 79 79 Karoli ~ , Cf>~~T 2.186 180 202 975 611 464 157 147 80 80 Ka.roH ki Dhani ~R:r) IfiT ~Tvrt 1.033 57 57 188 70 118 11 15 81 105 Karundon ka Dhana 'f;'~~1 ~ ~TQ1'l 69 13 17 82 44 38 44 38 82 42 Kathar .~1~ 1.600 143 164 761 395 366 306 ~68 83 159 Kesarpuria. iis~f~IH 200 1 1 3 2 I 2 1 84 82 KesuE i;;~wr 1,398 129 140 669 333 336 264 255 85 175 Khumanpura ~r.f~ 182 16 21 123 75 48 67 46 86 25 Khamnor ~)~ 2,862 349 441 1,962 960 1,002 3i,4 368 161 Kherana 87 ~1"'" 846 45 53 235 ll6 119 107 111 SS 17 Khedliya. ~~~, 768 ."i2 54 270 128 142 IV'i 132 89 160 Khema Khera @ ~¥n ~;p ~~~f'Vn -a-q:; 7 .Jodhpuri& 16 45 50 41 5() Kheri 90 24 ~~') 922 98 98 500 248 252 239 91 164 Khf"r1 '. ~~r 1,180 47 56 267 134 133 126 llg 92 189 KhokhR Dhani ~t~t 544 20 22 89 43 45 182 Kiyawag f~ql~l'Q' 635 45 51 242 129 113 126 110 183 Kochli ~~T 41Q 7 11 64 34 30 34 28 94 Kolar, _ 95 ~~ 868 19 29 79 3U 40 14 18 22 Kosiwara 96 ~~'1{T~ 2,600 211 260 1,198 626 572 325 292 97 100 Kotri kB DhanB ~i!'~ lifi r ~.."., 1,033 71 330 161 169 l4-8 163 98 69 Kote1a ~~Wl 734 46 63 275 150 125 95 87 188 Kothariya 99 ~tf~ 2,501 371 435 1,867 965 902 242 208 100 158 Kumaria ka Khera ~+1 if·non ."" ti:n 563 3~ 52 285 154 131 ]52 131 101 71 Kuncholi !t~ 1,217 69 76 333 166 167 152 152 51 Kunda. •• l,lOO ~1 40 40 203 112 91 18 59 CBNSUS ABSTRACT

RUH,AL (Oontd.)

KHAMNOR-( Oontd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES .------"------, r----- II-Cultivators III-Cultivat­ IV-Non-Culti. Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their prinoipal of land wholly ing labourers vating owners ,-___ - ______means of livelihood--J<- from -.. or mbolui,l< and their of land; agri­ unowned a.nd dependa.nts oultura.l rent V-Produotion VI-Co:mm.eroe VII-Tra.nsport VJ:ll.-Other theIr depen­ receivere other than servioe.. and danta and their oultivation misoellaneous <# .,-dependants__.A- __ -... sources Literat9ll:Z; ----"----, r---.A----... _---"----.,~..A.. -- ---..;!~ Males Fema.les Males Femdoles Males Females Males Females MalesFemales Males Females Males Females Males Females .:s

(14) (15 ) (16) (17) { 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (13) (26) (27) (28) (1)

7 8 7 67 3 5 9 68 69 2 70 1 7I 11 5 6 5 3 4 21 26 13 1 72 28 22 1 2 3 52 63 11 73 27 16 22 27 4 7 34 39 3 4 74 1 2 3 6 1 I 1 3 75 74 72 26 16 64 62 36 29 25 37 51 76

39 33 3 1 2 3 77 4 1 3 4 78 195 116 46 28 16 21 53 43 26 28 18 21 26 79

7 4 48 94 80

1 81 7 4 20 15 20 29 10 13 27 32 I 82


52 55 2 5 2 15 19 8 84 5 2 3 5 85

58 59 41 43 32 43 173 182 122 1I3 I 179 189 324 48 86 2 1 5 2 2 .5 87 I 9 4 3 5 6 88 4 1 89 2 10 7 7 4 90 1 2 6 H 1 1 HI

31 38 4 1 4 3 3 2 7 92: 3 1 1 2 4 93 2 1 94

8 7 6 10 16 1 g5

10 9 35 40 8 21 79 73 109 92 1 59 45 77 2 96 13 6 4 97

41 28 14 10 6 98

160 130 29 33 66 76 180 192 150 122 3 7 135 134 255 31 99 2 2 100

6 1 1 1 7 8 14 101 79 73 102 PART II TEHSIL·


I-Cultivators of land wholly orlmainlyowned· a.ndtheir dependants ~ Name oC Village Number of Total No. of Persons Ii Code No. r------...... _ .------...... -----'---, r-.A. ,.-- __ .A.-__-.,_ ~ of Village Occupied House- lEI Roman Script "N" agri Script houses holds Pet'Bons Males Females Males Females

(1) (%) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (II ) (10) (11) (12)

103 15 KuntW'a ~T 2.700 210 249 1.126 594 ~32 521 4-49 104 151 Lachhipura W'6U1~~1 632 19 22 120 60 60 60 60 105 78 Lahnadri ~~ ].455 177 193 854 434 420 313 188 lOS gg Lilera '"~ 369 7 8 32 12 20 ]2 20 107 118 Lolera ka Gura 348 62 55 305 145 130, ~ IfiT ,'" 163 142 lOS 4,1 Loaing t:n"'" 1,600 158 170 731 367 364 42 57 lOt 34 llachind 4,592 168 200 1,000 526 33] 320- ~ 474 110 8 llando 1,769 73 88 403 205 198 189 182 ~ 111 44 1Ia1a ki Kheri 1,180 15 29 159 79 80 76 7~ "'IWT "'" WF 112 IT Malid .. 30] ~ .990 64 62 163 138 141 121 113 81 :&land ka Gura 57 285 ]29 107 1ri-. 1IiT ~~T 518 49 152 133 114 14,0 Kandiyana "r.Q'''' 1.027 138 158 746 405 341 304 24+ 115 11. Mandothal ],094 96 103 460 232 228 224 221

116 14, Karuwall 1,560 175 120 568 286 282 284 280

117 191 Modwa 233 17 27 142 71) 63 76 55 liS 142 Mogana '1)411." 2.713 93 113 4Q(; 26:! 234 151 137 lIt 6 Mokhara tfun~ 3,297 287 357 1,777 904 873 1590 647 120 23 Molets, ~)~~, 800 100 102 486 249 237 ]81 166- lSI 47 Moron ki Kariyan 1,585 108 124 675 302 273 302 272 q)if "'" "'"'tli IH I!T Moti Kheri -m, w.1 1,531 76 81 443 271 172 ]46 149- 121 114 Mujhela II 7 ~~ 99 '" 4 22 14 8 124 178 Nainpura 1,048 38 52 234 123 III 114 107 125 IT7 Nam&ni 985 68 97 456 232 224 105 102

126 105 Nathuwa.. 1,883 169 186 756 31:>4 372

U7 53 Nedach 3,200 280 326 1,253 701 5{)2 595

U8 '75 Neechli Odan 1.489 116 124 528 289 239 233 182- 129 120 Negdia ".lf~Ql 2,486 158 166 763 374 388 333 ~4 6 130 104 Neta ka Ours ~cn~~ 427 41 53 259 136 123 136 12:{ 131 148 Pakhund ~. 5,400 113 191 959 420 nOR 37ri 132 73 Paneriyon ki Madri !) 5 20 lU 10 1

133 83 Papamal 24 24 125 64 61 64 61

134 68 Parawal 1,260 129 100 818 426 346 2~9

135 64 Pasuniya 1.321 93 96 411 194 217 ]83 202' q~f""'1 136 1 3~ Patalpura 46 13 13 4U 21 19 16 ~~ 25 34 137 156 Phoolpura ~~:!(I 380 13 It 64 28 14.., 138 54 Pipar qTqT~ 63 71 151 151) 148 61 CENSUS ABSTRACT RURAL-(Oontd.)

KHAMNOR-( Oontd.)


II -Cultivators III-Cultiva­ IV -Non-culti­ Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ting labourers vating owners means of livelihood from or mainly and their of land; agri­ ,------,~------~ unowned and dependants cultural rent V-Production VI-Commerce VII- Tra.nsport VIII-Other their depen­ receoivers other than services and dants and their oultivation miscellaneous dependants sources Literates r----..A._ ,-.__ ..A.. __ --., r---.A--::-,\ ,---.A ___ :-"\ ,-__..A.. __ ...... Oii ,----~--:--. ,----"----. .~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Male" Females 'i.\lales Fema.les Ma.les Females Males Females Males Females ~

{lS} ,(14J (I5J (16) (17) (18 } (19} (2Q) (21J (22) (23) (24) (25) (26, (27)

18 10 10 28 15 18 5 5 25 22 97 11 103 1 104

99 128 22 27 3 s 39 19 58 50 7 1 105 106

3 2 6 11 4 2 2 1 107 2 1 305 300 9 3 3 4 5 108 27' 20 125 107 17 17 7 3 12 3 7 101 109 16 16 4 no

3 4 III

1 5 4 6 5 I 3 9 5 1 112 20 21 2 1 1 1 2 1 16 113

10 12 2 2 14 15 9 14 8 4 9 8 49 42 49 13 IH

3 3 1 1 4 3 7 115 2 2 116

1 2 1 I) 1 1 10 117 75 63 23 25 3 2 10 '1 35 12 118 48 38 97 114 13 13 41 42 15 19 23 5 119 31 39 I 3 12 16 9 7 1 14 6 13 120

1 121

7 5 2 4 3 1 16 10 122 2 1 123

1 I I I 6 3 2 ] 24

6 2 2 13 26 52 44 38 25 1 15 25 61 6 125

122 ] 14 66 58 5 15 15 8 176 147 74 9 126

5 7 73 74 19 20 1 3 5 6 21 3 127 3 6 I 52 51 7 128

5 14 3 33 28 54 129 2 130

6 9 11 15 3 5 13 16 21 131

2 2 7 8 2 I 132 133

10 34 30 25 11 10 29 34 38 1 134

1 9 12 2 2 3 135

2 1 1 1 2 4 136 I I 2 1 3 137



I-CultivatorLs of land whoUy or mainly owned and their dependants Name of Village Number of Total No. of Persons r------"- Code ,.------~------... r----~---.,. No. of Occupied House­ Village Roman Script Nagri Script houses holds Per>lons Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11 ) (12)

139 86 Pipalwas qA~ 606 88 95 428 215 213 187 179

140 77 Rabchha ~T 1,754 135 139 629 335 294 323 283

141 32 Rachhoti UU)e) 600 22 32 96 46 50 22 28

142 162 Rakhamgarh ~~ 736 19 19 98 54 44 44 38 143 116 Rampuriya ~",~T 1I5 17 17 76 38 38 19 16

144 132 Rarrlpuriya ~11=I~fun 98 7 7 38 28 10 28 10 145 15 Rawon ki Gudli u:a Gura ~ft~fll'it:rl ~ ~l'T 610 38 44 o Sarelnagri (;2 3 9 :30 13 17 ~ 174 180 ~~T 63 0J.UJtW& ..-ACT RURAL - (Gonid.)

:{(BADJDtOR - ( GonM.)

AG RICULTURAL CLASSES ______NON-.AGRICULTURAL..A. __ CLASSES ------~------~ r------II--Cultivators III-Cultiva­ IV-Non culti­ PersonS (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ting labourers va.ting owners means of livelihood from or ma.inly and their of land; agri. r------s -"------. unowned and dependants cultural rent V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen­ receivers other than servioes and dants and their cultivatior. miscellaneous dependant.. source.. Literates .,.....-_--"-___ ~ ,..-__..A- __ ----., r----..A.._--., r----"-----. r--..-..A.-_-,

M.ales Females Males Females Males Female", Males Females Males Fem.ales Males Females Males Femal~B Males FelDales

(13) (14) (15) (16) (l7) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) • (25) (26) (27) (28) (l)

7 2 2 2 9 3 1 16 20 5 139 8 5 4 6 6 2 140 15 14 2 7 7 1 3 141 4 2 3 1 3 3 142 2 2 2 10 8 4 1 2 9 • 1 143

1 145 5 146 1 7 53 46 28 22 10 1 147

1 5 1 5 7 148 14 13 10 6 2 1 149 23 150 3.14 103 4 57 78 43 52 29 85 20 73 1 151 7 5 3 25 26 7 13 10 16 60 2 152

5 5 6 5 3 3 7 5 153

1 154 1 2 2 12 17 155 2 4 1 156 \ 1 I 3 1 3 J 57 2 3 1 • 1 1 3 63 63 1 158

101 86 38 29 4 23 29 39 33 1 30 27 113 7 159

15 18 51 43 2 62 47 117 81 34 38 103 160 1 1 1 16.


68 72 85 72 2 6 57 51 36 42 30 17 209 203 118 4 163

3 3 2 3 164

10 7 21 20 63 57 92 70 4 5 11 8 97 1 16.')

3 4 4 4 13 8 7 5 166

3 3 5 4 10 16 3 4 10 3 167

2 7 41 40 6 16 1 168 1 2 169

20 25 6 6 12 11 3 4 170

2 4 1 171 172

1 4 6 1 174 64


.------I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned i and their dependants Q ~m 7. cD .-______Name-V... of Village ..... ~ Num.ber of Total No. of Persons ~ Code .---____.A. ____ --, ;:: ~ ~< r--.A.----, y--__j._----,

182 63 Uowse ::i'~'m 2,110 159 171 786 407 379 211 194

183 76 Uparli Odan aq(~ at).t 2,944 177 199 805 403 402 352 359 184 52 Usao -. ::i'WA 2,300 131 133 607 313 294 222 196 185 18 Usarwas '3"~m 2,893 182 226 1,074 547 527 466 444

186 152 Utharda ~~ 432 48 76 341 177 164 169 151 187 139 UthnoI ~)\;r 1,614 152 191 810 410 400 275 268 188 70 Wagol 1f11T~ 1.484 157 188 854 437 417 120 HI 189 173 Wansda ~ 407 32 32 159 87 72 69 53 litO 38 Wati .. 11m) 3.391 244 278 1,256 698 558 482 721. 65 CENSUS ABSTRACT RURAL-(Gontd.)


_____AGRICULTURAL .A..______CLASSES --, NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ,..------~------, II-CultIVators III-Cultivat- IV -N on-Culti- Persons (including dependants) who clerive their principal of land wholly ing labourers vating owners ,--___---- ______means of livelihood..A- ______from -_--, or mainly and their of land; agri- unowned and dependftnts cultural rent V-Produotion VI-Commerce VII- Tra.nsport. VIII-Other th&ir depen- reOeivArs other than service8 and dante and their cultivation miscellaneous dependants sources Literates r--- __ ..A- ___ --, ~ ,------"------, ,------"------, ,-----...... _--~ ,----..A---h ,___ ..A.. -- f"""""\ ,----"-----, -r---_"_--~ '"'; -;:; Males Females Males Females Males Fema.les Males Females Males Females Males Females Ma.les Females Males Females J5

(IS) (H) (15) (16) (17) (I 8) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) tH) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

3 175

14 9 1 176 110 105 2 9 12 6 3 8 5 2 177 1 2 3 3 1 178

1 9 8 21 21 14 179 11 10 2 2 7 4 10 {) 180 1 181 17 19 67 61 36 51 31 20 45 34 32 1 182 11 3 40 40 38 183 54 64 6 9 8 5 10 8 13 12 16 184

7 4 5 15 40 39 14 11 15 14 11 185 3 6 7 2 3 13 186 17 16 26 31 24 23 7 12 2 3 59 57 29 187 213 216 28 17 39 35 37 38 17 188 3 5 3 1 2 4 4 6 1 1 5 3 3 1 189 23 24 39 28 101 95 21 17 11 6 1 20 17 106 1 190 66


Populated 213 No. a.nd NaIll6 of Dislirict-18 UDAIPUR 2. Name of Sub-Division-UDAIPUR 5. No. of Villages . { •1. No. and Name of Tehsil-S GIRv\' A 1. No. of Tract-SO Unpopulated 1 6. No. of Hamlet.s 42

7. No. of ToWns 1 8. Area of Tehsil in Sq. Miles 464.'5

I-Cultivators of 1a.nd wholly or mainly owned j and their dependants Name of Village Number of Total No. of Persons Code r­ r--~---.. ,-- ...A. :-"\ r------'-'--~. No. of Occupied House_ - Villa.ge Roman Script N agri Script houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females..

(1) (2) (3) (40) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10) (ll) (12)

1 67 Aad an~ 1,000 30 30 180 87 93 87 9 2 66 Kotra ~~ "'R'U 1,600 160 IS3 753 368 385 361 384 3 136 4In_a._rpura an:r~~ 800 105 108 539 277 262 268 259 39 Amberi ~U 3,410 99 111' 485 233 252 167 180 ' 5 191 Asat amr.t 120 13 13 76 35 41 35 41 201 Awra :at'P«I 816 61 64 316 154 162 151 162

7 93 Ayar an~ 4,264 46 48 219 107 112 96 104 8 52 Bacbhar iRJl~ 2,462 69 69 374 179 195 165 IS3" 9 92 Bars Bhsnsra ~1 ~~ 1,915 225 267 1,237 631 606 331 303 10 9 Badauga Q;Ift 36 36 208 95 113 11 Badi Qr 1403 149 700 358 342 324 316, 12 73 Barl Uadri ..,~ ~ro 1,064 146 150 708 338 370 330 352 13 IS5 Ba.lo.v ..,\IISle( 21Z 68 71 340 163 177 122 134 14 14S Bali "") 6,144 212 217 960 490 470 386 35S 15 78 Balicha ..,~ 1,512 101 101 350 205 145 22 13 16 199 Bambora ~.m 3,336 330 408 1,737 863 874 224 230

17 5 Banaika. iiPf(q;m 1,100 72 76 325 160 165 158 163

IS 23 Bandarwara 1ifr;:~fT 130 13 13 76 36 40 36 40

19 211 BausUs 1,000 16 16 66 37 29 33 29 20 154 Banu 2,500 19 19 84 54 30 45 27 21 142 Baran cnvt 139 143 813 425 388 420 382

22 132 Barapala ~rq1t=5'T 6,000 386 395 1. 794 926 868 840 817

23 12 Barda Rajputana ;f{~ ,(CGI'J:(1Ti11 339 150 154 715 368 347 215 205

24 50 Bar Gaon it~ qi'ff 1,600 144 149 608 295 313 82 93 25 6 Barodia .~~ 56 61 180 86 94 82 92- 26 6 Bayal ~ 23 24 112 58 54 12 10 27 158 Bed ... 36 36 109 36 73 1 28 46 Bedia icn=n 1,148 340 403 1.675 852 823 140 135· ...... 29 37 Bedia Khurd it;rt=ST litCf SO 56 68 293 137 156 96 100 30 107 Bedwas ncmJ 2,284 259 .292 869 453 416 187 147 31 183 Bernal i~ 1,3!6 74 84 383 203 180 162 138 32 118 Bhaia ka Gura },166 571 543 526, ~ IIfiT ~ 2,178 20& 229 595 67 CENSUS ABSTRACT R URAL-(Oontd.)


'II. Persens 451

10. Males 244 11. Fema.les 2·07


II-Oultiva.tors III-Cultivat- I.V -Non-Cuiti­ Persons (including depend ... nts) who derive their principal of la.nd wholly ing labourers vating owners means of livelihood from or ma.inly a.nd their of land; agrl­ r------~ unowned a.nd dependa.nts oultural rent V -Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other~ their depen­ reoeivers other than servioes and da.nts and their cultivation miscellaneous dependa.nts souroes Literates,g r=--.A.--"-I r--.A. --"-\ r:---.A---"-\ r---.A.---.., ,--___"_~ r---~~ ,..-.--"----, ~-- j.------., """ Cii Males Female. Kales Females Males Females Ma.les Females Males Females Males Females Males FelZlales Males Females .J; 00

(18) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

1 1 1 6 4 2

5 I 4 2 2 3

4 7 17 6 7 14 22 22 I 2 15 21 4 4 2 5 .3 3 6 1 9 1 3 1 7

4 2 7 4 2 4 1 2 1 8

9 6 21 38 13 20 188 171 4 5 65 63 9 9 95 113 10

15 10 10 11 2 7 5 33 11

2 3 1 2 5 13 12

1 1 38 39 2 3 13 1 3 7 14 19 73 66 1 1 13 18 28 1 14 17 11 1 5 153 113 e 2 3 I 3 19 15

6 8 4 5 31 32 219 234, 225 16 20 102 135 303 15 16 2 2 17


1 1 2 19

9 3 1 20 4 4, 1 2 5 21

6 1 31 26 18 23 13 44 2 22 6 :1 7 129 121 15 14 4 I 23 50 53 15 24 5 2 9 2 134 139 43 4 2-1 4 2 25

45 44 1 26 36 72 27

I 2 27 20 6 3 181 210 136 110 II 15 350 328 1411 30 28

1 8 11 5 9 3 3 25 32 17 29 '72 so 8 8 37 43 67 61 1 5 51 39 30 33 42 30 18 25 23 17 32 1 31

4 9 11 27 2~ 2 2 10 6 9 32 68 THE PRIMARY



I-Cultivators of land wholly or maInly owned and their o , eppndants z Name of Village Number of Total No. of Persons ,.-___.A.. ____ ~ r------_A______~ Code No. Occupied House­ of ViU"ge Roman Scnpt Nagri Script houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

83 159 Bhala waton ka 956 23 23 112 53 59 52 57 Gura 34 47 Bhawana 2,722 284 331 1,451 697 754 359 369 35 166 Bhekra ~~ 333 21 28 157 80 77 72 72 36 120 Bhekra ,.;r~T 700 16 16 77 32 45 31 43 37 40 Bhilwara ~~~ 29 29 133 71 62 56 34 38 105 Bhoyon ki Pacholi .. ~)q'T 'fiT 1:J'if)~, 432 109 109 382 198 184 125 107 39 114 Bichdi 1,475 126 133 &fr~1 544 259 285 226 256 40 63 Borao ka Khera 200 &flU• .n ~r 12 12 53 27 26 27 41 196 Bori &f'Wl' 1,084 53 54 291 141 150 103 124 42 137 Bori Kuwa "T~T ~~ 300 61 61 289 146 143 137 135 43 43 Brahmanon ka 24 29 106 49 57 30 27 Gura '"~ .n 1!~T 44 21 Brahmanon ki Hunar 55 .T~ IIIJII'f ~~ 65 319 161 158 89 90 45 190 Bubel ,!e 86 93 414 200 214 168 172 46 155 BudhaI 1,783 41 41 172 99 73 94 69 "!~~ 47 57 Bujhra 1,212 237 257 arlfRT 1,278 655 623 66 68 48 139 .. . Chandni :;;rt.r;rf 400 36 36 172 89 83 89 83 49 150 Chanavada 2.000 274 274 1,359 630 729 593 697 50 179 Charmar 1,456 80 81 o;;r'f~ 370 187 183 133 128 51 126 Chasda o;;rr",~ 7,027 82 85 188 99 89 86 78 52 116 Changf'di :;:ffl~T 188 () 9 57 27 30 27 30 53 99 Chhota Bhensra m~ ~~n 1.400 88 4/')8 230 228 215 208 54 72 Chhoti Undri Uteft ~ .... ~ 1,600 127 127 671 317 354 315 346 55 49 Chikalwas :;;ft~Cfr'" 1,06R 64 69 311 157 154 69 51 56 210 Chirwa f,,",Cfr 169 ]99 772 378 394 187 214 57 84 Dakhan Kotra ~r~ ,,"nT 4,850 ] 31 131 651 317 334 264 284 58 106 Dangion ki Pacholi ~ffirlif ~) "",,,,* 577 125 142 528 261 267 229 235 59 187 Dantisar ~'"~ 83 89 385 200 185 III 112 60 102 Debari ~sm:f 2M 278 1,336 664 672 375 324 61 104 Df'dkia Khera 'i"ri'~tn ~~ 2,535 106 109 541 272 269 41 37 62 100 Dedki ki Dhani 'i~'fi) ~f lI''f'GTf 325 22 22 104 48 56 48 55 -63 ~ 1.050 21 21 96 49 47 49 47 64 44 Dewali ~21mf 3.320 66 66 222 112 llO 23 27 65 10 Dhar I!.l~ 1. ':'1>0 53 53 255 126 129 126 129 66 136 Dhavdi Talai I!.l~ mnf 2.030 11 Il 57 28 29 28 29 67 96 Dhiukh lI'T~~f 6.423 222 228 t.034 523 5Il 306 272 58 194 Dholi Khera ...... )~) QT ~24 45 48 226 117 109 \:13 69 CENSUS ABSTRACT RURAL-(Oontd.) GIRWA-(Oontd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES _-, ,---______NON-AGRICULTURAL ..A.. CLASSES ------~------::"""\ II__I!()ultl vators III--Cultiva­ IV__ N on-Culti­ Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ting labourers vating owners means of livelihooa from or mainly and "their of land; agri­ r------~ ~ unowned and dependants cultural rent V -Production VI--Commerce VII--Transport VIII--Other their depen­ receivers other than services and dants and their cultivation miscellaneous o dependants sources Literates Z r----..A..------, •___ A.. ___ -., '/---_"----, ,..--..A..---., r-----"---, r---..A..------, ,-__.A.-----., 0:: -fi3 Males Femalel!l Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females rLl

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

1 2 33

85 75 5 6 45 34 43 37 1 157 229 88 5 34 3 3 5 2 1 35 1 2 36

15 28 1 37

12 14 1 1 1 6 4 8 6 45 52 8 2 38

1 5 15 15 5 4 12 5 1 39 40

28 20 6 5 4 1 5 41

6 3 3 5 7 42

13 3 1 2 2 20 3 5 8 43

69 65 I 2 2 1 1 44

3 5 22 23 6 I} 3 2 .1 45 3 3 2 1 1 46

245 234 28 20 4 5 295 277 9 6 7 19 47 1 4S

2 4 22 21 9 11 25 2

47 48 3 3 4 2 50

5 2 2 4 2 3 5 1 6 53

4 4 1 6 7 5 3 5 7 51

2 8 54 54 54 2 11 16 5 3 1 17 28 13 5;'

40 30 63 64- 6 9 57 50 5 3 20 24 55 1 ;'6

() 14 20 14 13 14 2 3 9 5 35 2 57

3 3 6 2 1 I 4 2 18 24 1 5S

11 13 3 5 52 35 1 22 20 15 59

4 4- 54 32 51 62 29 25 35 37 6 19 110 169 50 2 60

5 3 1 1 212 216 8 6 2 3 61 1 62 63

15 4 72 79 6 64,

3 65 66

45 57 2 3 15 34 106 96 2 6 1 47 42 18 1 67 20 9 4 1 fl8 70


r---'----- • 1-Cultivat~rB of land wholly or m.Rjnly owned and their dependants Name of Village Number of Total No. of PersonA Code r------A-- . --_ --. r-----" , ,.----"""'- ~ ~_...A- __ ~ No. of Occupied House- Village Roman Script Nagri Script houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8). (9) (10) (11) (12)

69 58 Dodaw-ali ~n:'~T 2,439 90 90 518 254 264 245 256 70 86 Eklingpura ~fW'~~T 1,824 92 112 514 260 254 212 214 71 80 Gadariawas ~~f~iifm 176 22 25 116 65 51 32 26 72 1 Geloton ka was llw)('{f !ifl1 Cfl~ 500 24 30 102 53 49 4fl 44

73 Hi Ghasar 52 ~ 476 15 15 28 24 19 74 4 Godan Kalan i(mor ~wt 1015 40 40 239 122 117 122 II7 75 3 Godan Khurd ~m-t ~ 4.739 13 14 62 29 33 28 32- 76 138 Gojia .. ~)f~qy 300 58 58 292 137 155 127 147 77 79 Gordhan Vilas ~Nif fcmm 2,024 220 309 1,008 520 488 73 74 78 113 Gowla .. ~)cmT 175 30 30 150 74 76 61 64 79 181 Gudli .. t'j,~wT 5,034 327 399 1,732 838 894 539 536 80 209 Hatido ~ 362 15 15 47 23 24 23 24 81 54 Hawala Bara ~Cfml ~T 40 74 83 351 176 175 128 122 82 55 Hawala Chhotaa. ~ ~)er 59 59 258 130 128 74 72

83 26 lswal i;~ 2.067 126 139 608 292 316 289 316 84 145 Jabla \il"n{wT 500 50 50 236 121 115 116 III 85 153 Jagat l!f'I"(I 7,242 385 395 1,627 845 782 562 498 < 86 130 Jamar Kotra :m~~

87 206 .Tambu .. ~i!_ 600 14 15 81 42 39 37 38 88 157 .Taspura 17 ~'U 783 8 8 31 14 14 17

89 140 .Jawar .. ~Cf~ 2.000 292 299 1,097 602 495 333 369 90 125 .Thalon ka Gura ~l "" 1.770 46 46 204 10~ 102 88 94 91 32 .Ihalon ka Gura iR1wl lifiT 1.127 29 29 13_4 60 74 56 92 220 Jhalon kn Gura 1R'T<-ST lifiT 37 i6 199 102 17 75

93 89 .Jharno ki Sarai if'(off 'liT 106 17 18 75 38 :35 37

94 27 .Jhindoli fifon-~T '340 47 47 200 109 91 105 1'18 95 127 Jodhpuna \'if')"~~T 17 [7 86 45 41 45 96 8 Jolawa" \'if)~ Tcn« 53 .39 253 113 140 107 124 97 177 Jud "51$" 764 40 .31 245 131 114 105 89 98 210 Kailashuprl ~WW~t 147 l7Q_ _ _D05- - - 320 285 123 l02 91} 175 Kaion ka Gura SfiT3fT 'lit 1!~T Jl 11 .,)1 28 23 '1.7 100 108 Kaladwas fif;~Cfm 2.090 168 CJ71 483 488 ':67 :!60

101 170 KaEw,,]i

102 64 cfHm-Cfm '

103 200 Kalodia '!fl~)f$tTT ')40 30 l86 89 ~J7 89

104 104 Kamlop ~)q 142 27 151 76 '30 71 CENSUS ABSTRACT RURAL-( Oontd.)

GIS W A-( Oontd.)

_AGRI.CULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ______~ ------, r------II--Cultivators III-Cultivat­ IV--N on-Culti­ Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of laud wll.olly ing labourers vating owners means of livelihood from or mll.inly and their of land; agri­ ,..- .A--- -., unowned and dependants cultural rent V -Production VI-CoIIUIlerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen- receivers other than services and dants and their cultivation miscellaneous dependants .__ ~ __--.. SOuroes Literat.es as ~ ____ -A-__-,. ,------_,._---~ ,..------"----.. ,..-- ,--_-.A..__ --" ...---.A.___...... ,--_.A.__ ...... -0:; II> Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fexnales Males Females Males Females Males Females 00

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

I 3 3 3 4 3 7 69 2 19 22 I 1 8 4 20 II 20 70 8 10 8 3 17 12 10 71 8 5 I 72 1 1 3 2 1 2 4 4 73

74 1 1 75 9 7 1 1 5 76 13 7 1 4- 47 40 49 51 3 7 334 305 180 72 77 12 12 1 3 78 17 22 2 2 93 117 III 150 3 5 73 62 1I8 5 79 80

2 2 6 18 16 13 24 20 5 81 2 3 2 6 3 2 49 45 82 1 1 1 2 83

1 4 4 2 84

3 6 5 1 12a 131 115 106 2 3 35 37 120 9 85 5 4 1 3 2 3 86

5 I 87 88 239 lOS ]2 12 15 5 3 I 88 10 89

s 2 3 4 1 2 2 90

4 13 91 3 3 3 2 -;: II 92 2 1 93 3 94

95 1 2 1 3 8 1 2 6 9 96

4 5 2 3 6 4 2 12 17 4 97

22 18 2 2 14- (', 2 2 148 135 88 8 98 1 i

11 10 168 rS2 6 s 2 20 JOO 2 101

10 2 102


7 1 3 1 3 :W 16 5 7"2



I-Cultivators of la.nd wholly o or xnainly owned z and their Name of Village dependants Code Nwnber of Total No. of Persons No. of ,.-__.A.. ___ ~ .-----J--.._____ --, ___..;._ __~ Village Oocupied House- Roman Script Nagri Soript houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females (1) (Z) (3) (4 ) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) ( 12) 105 103 Kanpur 8,300 32 ~~ 34 189 85 104 85 104 106 137 Kanpur 1,000 ail 311 2,466 107 ~ 1,242 1,224 791 964 189 K&ruJd~ 1IIm~ 508 63 64 275 146 129 112 99 108 ~12 Karavdi 434 9 ~'

R URAL-( Oontd.)

GIRWA-( Contd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ------..A..------~r:=------_ _A_ II-Cultivators III-Cultiva_ IV-N on-Culti­ Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ting labourers vating OWners or mainly means of livelihood from and their of land; agri­ r------unowned and dependants cultural rent --.. their depen­ V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport receivers VIII-Other dants other than services and and their cultivation .;; dependants miscellaneous Z r----"--_-...., r----...A.. ___-...., r----'--~ sourc!3S Litera.tes- j y-__..A.. __----, r--~---. r----"----.,·t Males Females Males Females Males Females rL Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (lS) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24 ) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

105 5 3 37 61 136 132 27 17 6 7 40 40 53 1 106 32 28 2 1 1 2 107

2 1 lOS

14 28 4 5 I 2 109 8 4 3 4 3 28 I llO I I 2 4 111

3 3 112

I 2 113 4 9 114 3 5 88 85 8 7 20 25 14 115 I 1 3 I 2 7 21 362 10 5 S 2 15 1 116

8 7 I 1}7 lIS 2 7 119 120 12 18 5 8 II 17 I 4 16 14 3 121 I I 2 5 33 35 2 2 1 4 8 122 4 I 3 1 123 124 1 125 126

127 I 5 37 3"7 - 8 3 128 7 4 2 1 2 6 129 5 6 130 22 15 33 57 37 46 270 248 294 281") 11 14 260 256 461 82 131 5 3 I 5 5 132 138 I 2 2 6 I 8 7 9 '5 3 134 2 2 4 23 21 -136 145 93 99 1 1 67 85 145 13.'} 402 387 10 7 5 4 :H9 337 9 12 51 44 56 136 3 3 6 8 4 1 6 137 4 6 3 5 2 4 1 3 7 8 2 1 49 45 29 11 ] 38 I 1 2 119 II4 5 7 30 23 13 139 6 6 18 19 44 31 18 20 16 11 24 27 55 5 140 74 THE PRIMARY PART II. TEHSIL


J--Cultivatol's of land Wholly or mainly ownea and their o dep;>ndants Name of VI Jlagc> Numhpr of z ,-- _____ - _____ ..A. ______--. Total No. of Persun .. ,--__ ..A. __ . __ --. r-----..A....- -- __ ,.---..,. ~ -c Code No_ Occupied HOUf,e­ ~ of VIllage Roman Script NaCrI Script houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (R) (4) (5) (6) ( 7) (8) (9) (0) (II) (12)

141 61 Madri .. ~~T 692 36 36 154 86 68 8f) 68

142 I ~Tq 800 88 97 440 211 229 202 220 143 129 Mamadeo ~T~ 5,6;)6 32 32 128 56 72 55 72 144 51 ManoharpUl-a ~~)~~'Q 24 17 17 63 35 28 44 44 204 145 123 1\lanpura ~9f~" 1,600 96 108 88 101 146 87 Manwa ka Khera 1I1'(ql CifiT ~ ~t 1,110 74 87 444 217 227 194 204 150 147 213 Mathatha ~l~ 42 43 81 69 47 36

148 111 Matun q~9f 1,688 167 199 940 484 456 282 236

149 14 Morwanian q)~;nfi'{tfi 18 18 96 50 46 32 27 150 221 ::.\I[un"\\-as 64 70 299 161 138 159 136 151 172 ::"Tad "'fR' 566 17 19 97 49 48 35 38 32 36 195 106 152 199 Nadiwara 9fq'Tar'~T 89 106 89 3 153 211 ~agda ;n'11<{T 1 1 2 1 2 461) 2,148 1,OSF! 1M 75 ~ai 9fTt 6,688 430 1,060 421 414 155 13 Nathawaton ka 9ff!lflcml !fiT tT~T 1,500 35 36 lSI 94 87 29 26 Gura .... 72 348 162 156 74 ~awa Khera ~",T ~~T 338 72 186 157 162 157 169 Nawalsingh ka .:pot ~f~~ CifiT 'IlT 328 9 11 53 25 28 16 20 Gura 158 167 Nichala Chotia f;;:;;r~T :;;r)fa'lrl 172 19 19 45 39 44 37 1,206 159 149 Paduna q~;;r 3.000 235 231) 603 603 590 593 '" 160 69 'iTt 2.664 ]54 155 820 40D 41 J 395 397 161 17 Palri qrw~T 460 101 101 46(; 239 227 155 128 213 865 428 437 162 82 Paneriyon ki NI:adri ql;.lf{~l !fiT ~~T 213 166 182 25 25 127 69 .58 64 163 103 Panwari q'::t'qH:T 1,.'584 71 71 32[) H;4 161 164 92 Par-da _. q~T IS 165 122 Parol a ~)~l 27 27 132 60 5n 68 600 49 50 22R 130 91 120 166 203 Patu Khera q« ~~T 309 6 7 31 17 14 15 12 167 173 Pawad q'T~~ 168 85 Phanda 48 48 219 113 106 110 106 Ilii<{l 173 178 ~90 437 453 388 401 169 207 Phila q:ftwT 2.666 170 61 Pipalwas 1.064 55 55 247 ll5 132 115 132 qTq~",,'R 171 147 Piph 2.634 21)2 254 1.277 650 627 641 622 qTq~T 2~3 96 172 88 Pilohiton ki Madri 853 117 117 .JOG 303 90 f'R)f~~l OfiT ~q~T 173 66 Popalti L600 S6 S6 440 220 220 220 2?0 q)"~T 97 74 174 41 Pratap pura 212 41 42 203 106 41 ~;::rTq ~u G3R 5157 175 33 Ralna ._ 1.333 256 265 ,.305 667 544 ~qT 104 115 1 () 1 176 165 Ramaj 200 42 42 ~Iq;sr 75


__AGRICULTURAL ----___ .A.______CLASSES --,. NON -AGRICULTURAL CLASSES r------~ II-Cultivators III-Cllltiva- IV-Non-CuHl­ Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ting lR.bonrors _ vating owners means of livelihood from or ma.inly ancl their of la.nd; agri- ,...------_.)..__-~------, unowned and dnpcmrl

Males Females Males Females :M.ales Fernales Males Females Males Females lVlales Fernales Males Females Males Females'~rJ;,

(13) (l4) (i5) (16 ) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21 ) (22) (23) (~4) (25) (26) (27) (28) \1)

1 I 141 5 5 1 2 3 2 142 " 143 3 2 32 26 1 144

4 4 I 3 3 145

17 16 2 3 4 4 6 146 23 22 I 7 10 3 1 3 147 65 65 6 13 14 22 62 72 13 10 42 38 24 48 14 16 I 2 I 149 2 2 8 150 13 8 I 2 7 1 151 152 153 61 55 131 110 62 61 163 175 166 142 5 5 79 98 265 37 154 37 :W 2 2 2 13 23 13 14 7 155

4 15 2 1 6 1116 3 4 2 2 1 3 2 4 157

1 '2 UiS

1 1 2 9 6 4 159

6 7 2 5 (, 2 28 160

8 7 3 4 1 5 3 84 13 161

12 5 2 3 13 16 24 21 5 8 206 202 118 4 1{)2

2 3 3 163 15 6 8 6 10 {I 10.. 2 4 23 I f) 87 87 18 2 164 3 4 2 165

3 4 4, lb(j

2 2 161

I 1 1 5 168 2 44 44 3 4 6 2 16 {} 170

7 3 2 2 8 171 16 20 I 18 11 71 54 2 3 14 i5 100 18 7


2 2 53 1 174

31 7 34 29 25 23 s .1 17 r, 1 2 12 [76 76


l-Cultiva.tors of land wb oIly or mainly c5 owned Z Name of Village and their .~ ::ft~U~~e r--______-'-_____ ------""""\ Num~er of Total No. of Persons dependant s r------..... r- -~--_-'-____""""\ ,.-__-"---""""\ fI) Occupied House. 00 Roman Script Nagri Script houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females ,I) (2) t3l (4) (5 ) ( 6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11 ) (12) 177 214 Ranawas (IOwua 6 6 23 10 13 10 13 178 152 Runija ~f:sn 3,600 60 60 247 120 127 85 88 17 208 Ratanpura ~i'f~1 464 IS 20 -S3 43 40 43 40 80 35 Rathoron ka Gura ,(1~1 'fiT 240 17 21 q_,'" 97 49 48 44 43 181 133 Rawa . 39 39 173 74 99 74 99 182 179 Rawatpura 910 72 72 333 168 165 147 144 183 214 Rayan "<11ri 400 10 1] 43 22 21 22 21 184 42 Rebarion ki Dhani ~anf'(l.tl!!1it ~,oft 134- 4 7 25 13 12 3 5 185 101 Rebarion ka Gura . . ~,r'(l(T 'fit !" 485 1 81 84 340 149 191 25 27 186 188 Rorda ,(T'(qT 1,856 S7 88 391 207 184 130 121 187 44 Sabalpura ~.~,(T 534 75 SI 384 189 195 133 139 188 ]98 Sagtodi ~~f .'537 13 13 88 43 45 43 45 189 117 Sakroda. ~, 2,282 512 512 1,600 811 789 538 495 190 46 Sapetia mi:ffa-Iff 800 93 III 484 253 231 181 168 191 217 Sare ~~ 2,000 181 190 834 432 402 212 245 192 128 Satpur ~~'( 5,500 35 35 164 79 85 79 85 193 140 Saru ~~ 1,100 225 225 1,210 582 626 571 621 194 81 Sawina Khera m

210 168 Uparla Chotia 246 31 31 Hi3 72 81 56 64 211 194 Wagatsingh ka Gura CflTaf~ ~ ~T 568 5 5 16 9 7 9 7 212 182 Wagirodi ClfTqf~ 532 30 32 188 107 81 97 69 • 213 151 Wasu 2,046 90 90 407 199 208 145 14t 77 CENSUS ABSTRACT RURAL-(Contd. ) GIRWA-(r:oncld.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES "ON ·AGRIOULTURAL CLASSES r- ..A..______--____---,. ------~------~ II-Oultivators III-Cuitivat. IV-Non·Culti. Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wh,>Uy ing labo lrers vatlng owners means of livelihood from or mainly and the-ir of land; agri. r--____ - ____ --___...Jt.-....______---___ -----. unowned and da,)end~nts ,ultural rent V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their dependants receivers other than services and and their cultivation miscellaneous dependants sources Literates ~ .r---..A.. --~ ,..----"----~ r---~---_ r---';___~ :s .... \itloles 1,'",na1es Males F "males \lale .. Females Ma.les Females "Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Ji

( 13) (14) (15) <16) ( [7) (18) (19) (20) (21 ) (22) (23) (24-) (25) (26) (28) (1)


1 1 1 5 27 24 5 4 1 5 4 178 179

1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 180


2 2 3 14 II 3 5 182 IS3

3 3 6 4 1 2 lS4

2 4 11 30 44 54 67 76 4 Ib5 I 51 44 13 7 13 11 17 186

55 53 1 I 187 188 2 16 17 104 100 129 133 1 9 23 33 170 7 189 2 32 31 32 26 2 2 6 2 12 190 177 114 8 11 18 19 3 2 14 11 18 191 192

4 3 5 1 2 1 4 1 193

109 102 56 50 10 10 103 118 38 38 68 61 194: 1 195

379 398 3 3 11 12 198 225 23 3 82 42 50 1 196 70 79 49 2 22 18 47 HI7

2 3 J98

7 12 2 4 :i lO5 115 2 199

5 4 1 200

1 1 2 50 59 3 4 201

1 11 9 5 1 7 202

2 4 3 2 19 203 12 II 39 42 13 17 27 18 21

IS 17 32 3 17 16 1 19 41 :105

8 2 3 4 4 7 6 3 206 281 193 12 10 212 292 5 49 36 38 1 207 208

2 10 11 3 2 299

4 5 7 3 B 1 210 , . 21l 12 IS 1 212

8 7 34 8 4- 11 22 25 Ll3 78


Populated 202 5. No. of Village { Unpopulated 6 1_ No. &; Name of District-18 UDAIPUR 3. Name of SUb-Division-SARADA 6. No. of Hamlets 73 2. No. & Name of Tehsil-9 SALUMBER 4. No. of Tract-81 7. No. of Town. 1

8. Area of Teh.. il in sq. Miles 350


I-Cultivators of land wholly or J:Dainly owned and their dependants Name of Village Number of Total No. of Persons .,..------"------_ r-__.A._-_ --A-____...... ___-'-----,. Code No. Ocoupied House- of Village Roma.n Soript N agri Script houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females

(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11 ) ( 12)

1 53 Adkaliya. 8I~"'IR=sc:U 600 99 100 464 226 238 197 210 2 117 Akbepur am~~ 150 22 23 123 65 58 47 36 3 192 Amalwa ~WlifT 1,192 89 89 459 235 224 231 221

4 82 Amloda ~qT 1,224 71 73 334 17] 163 141 141 {j 182 Bara Talab 1,462 37 37 205 112 93 110 91 6 68 Ba.m.ania 2,626 243 254 1.161 555 606 430 439 7 80 Bandarwara ai'Hiiiill'!l 720 20 20 119 59 60 59 60 8 130 Banoda :q")~T 158 161 767 351 416 206 249 9 84 Baran ;;rnt 1.504- 40 47 249 120 129 111 119 10 144 Bara cru 400 22 22 104 5] 53 48 52 11 105 Barbari Rawan ~)~Tcrt 150 11 30 139 7] 68 56 53 12 70 Baroda ~m 1.528 108 108 496 248 248 236 236 • 13 142 Barolia ~"tfu-tn 400 18 18 9] 38 53 36 50 14 2 Bansa i{t~T 500 55 62 278 147 131 140 127 15 49 Basi


9. P@rsons Nil

J O. Males Nil

11 Females Nil

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NO·N-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ----_.. ---'------., ,....--______.....A.-- ______--.

II-Cultivators Ill-Cultivat- IV -Nun Culti~ Persons (including dependants \ who derive their principal of land who Uy i ng lll.bourers vatiIlg owner", means of livelihood from mainly and their of laud.; agri- ,..------"------~ unowned and dependants cultural rent V-Product ion VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII~Other their depen- receivers othAr than services and dante! and their cultivation miscellaneous 6 dependants sources Litera.tes Z ,~-~---~ y------"------, e-----.A------. "...----"'-- .. - ~ r-~~-~ _..A-.--__~ r----J.-~-~~ ,---?----... r----"-----.. c;e ';:' ao M.a.le. Fema.les Males Females :Males Females Males Females Males Female.. Mn.les Females lIlales Female£; Males Fe:m!l.le... 00

(13) (14) (Iei) (Ie) (17) (18 ) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (240) (25) (26) (2'7) (28 ) (1)

12 17 17 11 34 1

J4 15 2 4 1 3 4 2

2 3 - 2 3 3 30 22 6 4

1 2 1 2 5

59 73 42 63 5 25 3 5 16 1 93 6 7

3 4- 3 4 4 2 92 112 8 6 35 39 37 8

6 9 2 1 9 3 1 10

13 13 1 1 2 11

7 7 4 fi 1 24 12 2 3 13

S 3 1 3 14-

161 150 17 :'!O 99 69 97 107 21 2~ 106 15 24 10 2 8 16

74- 56 21 21 3 2 244 231 49 4~ 55 :::2 112 6 17

10 l~ 1 18

11 10 3 19


4 3 1 4- 2 5 21

3 5 to 4 4 14 2:! 3 1 23

I 6 I) 9 - 4 ? 4- 8 5 24

1 ] 2 1 2 4 4 2 2:'; 26

2 3 3 27

4 12 12 2 28

4 8 4 5 29

:I- 2 fI 30


I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their depe-ndants o Z Name of Village Number of Total No. of Persons Code r------.A.------. r---""'___---, . ___ -.A.____ --, r----___.._----~ No. of Occupied House­ Village Roman Script N ogri Script houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females

( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11 ) (12)

32 184 Budel 1,258 92 92 500 255 245 255 245 33 44 Chibora 600 61 69 354 198 156 130 106 34 107 Chohano ka Khandela ..~ I!fi1 ~i{i:S' 180 36 43 17-8 94 84 66 75 157 35 17 Dabri @ Ratanpura ~~T ~qi (d"'~(' 407 26 26 81 76 81 76

36 78 Dagar ~,~ 3,610 276 278 1,406 705 701 673 671 1,000 30 30 120 63 37 199 Dagocha ~~ 57 60 57 788 38 58 Dal ~{i:S 2,829 327 336 1,580 792 670 662 368 21 21 81 41 40 40 39 39 109 Dangi Khera ~T ?il' 40 27 Dantardi qitf-qT 724 62 63 321 160 161 117 123 21 Depura. 100 4 4 21 10 11 10 11 41 ~~ 22 27 124 59 42 204 Deola Kalan t~i~ 800 65 35 46 205 Deola Khurd 300 31 31 128 61 67 57 62 43 ~CfW' ~<{ 44 120 Deo Gaon iter me{ 2,073 100 III 534 250 284 233 271 45 79 Deoli it<:if\,?T 633 23 23 139 71 68 69 68 10 "46 188 Dewad it'al'({ 800 10 39 17 22 17 19 153 Dhai Khera 250 10 10 42 24 18 23 18 47 (f1f~ 73 77 377 192 185 142 48 63 Dharod ~~)q 688 139 165 Dhawara 940 31 31 185 96 89 95 89 49 qy~l' 50 99 Dhawari ~'T 150 22 22 89 36 53 36 53 51 169 Dhika Dhola (jl~ (1;,," 762 29 29 150 82 68 79 64 52 92 Dhola Pani ka Gura ~)m q'f~T Ilt'n' ~" 500 16 17 146 75 71 50 46

15 Dhulji ka Gura ~, 170 22 24 116 65 51 65 51 53 '!.{i:S .siT "tn' .... 40 Dolpura 603 37 40 201 107 945 73 6t 54 If)w~1' 21 21 100 57 43 49 4t 55 149 Dovdicha ~)".f;;n 1.511 56 124 Dudar 556 19 19 92 53 39 51 38 ~


SALUMBE~ - (Oontd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES XON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ----'--- ..A..- ---.. II-Culti vators III-Cuitivat- IV-Non-Culti- Persone (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ing labourers vating owners • means of hvelihood from or mainly and their of land; agrl- r------.A..- ~ unowned and dependants cultural rent V -Production VI -Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen- receivers other than services and 0 dants and their cultivation miscellaneous Z dependants sources Litera.tes c:l.0;: ~--.A.---.r---.Ao--'r--~--~ r---..A.-----. ,---_.A.-_--. ,-___.A._----. r-----'----~ r-~---"" ." lZl Males Females Males Females Ma.les Females Males Fema[eq Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

1 32

1 57 45 3 3 7 2 3 33 3 2 1 3 20 4 4 2 34 35

1 4 S 5 16 17 7 4 20 36 3 37 2 1 33 34 13 29 28 31 1 1 41 34 44 38 1 1 39 23 16 6 6 12 13 2 2 1 9 40 2 41

4 4 4 2 15 12 1 1 7 42 2 2 5 2 43

8 6 9 7 44,

1 1 45 3 46 1 47

44 38 6 I 3 4 4 48 1 1 49 50

3 4 ;>1

13 14 2 2 10 9 3 52 53

8 7 20 21 6 5 8 3 M 8 2 55 1 1 1 1 [)6

13 8 12 f'7 1 58 1 fig

4 2 5 7 36 38 10 11 30 33 13 60 61

I 62 - 1 3 I) 6 13 1 5 63 79 69 28 9 13 24 76 74 72 90 99 84 168 64 18 17 29 36 2 3 7 6 5 65

3 2 6 3 5 4 135 110 40 23 2 14 41 34 66 2 3 1 67 THE PRIJ.\IIARY PART II TEHSIL



( I) ( 2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (9) ( 10) (11) ( 12) 68 197 Ha

SALUMBER - (Oontd_ )

AGRIOULTURAL CLA~8E8 NON -AGRICULTURAL CLASSES _ ~ ___ .A... __ - ___------, r------..A..------___

II -CultlVators III - CulLivat­ IV ~on-Culti. Pel sons (including dependants) who derive their prin<'ipul 01 land wholly ing la bourers vating owners means of livelihood fr<.m or mainly and theIr of land; agri­ ,------"------, unowned and dependant,.; cultural ren t V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Tran"port VIII- Other their depen­ receivers other than services and dan'LE and thelI cultivation mis('p]}aneons;:; depend",nts Sour('e9 Literates ~-; ,--__ ..A. __-, "....-__-A. __ " r----'------... ,- -- ~- - -, ~--"----, r- __ -A._ -- -, 0;; '0:; 1\lale s 1< emales _\iales Ji'o:r.ales Males FE'nlales 1\1:a10s F~nnales Males Females Males FpInaies Males Fpma1es Malee 1- e=alea (f,

(13) (14) (15) (16) ( 17) (l8 ) ( 19) (20) (21) (22; (23 (24 ) (25) (26) (27) (28) (l)

2 1 3 1 61'1 4 2 5 69

1 2 13 12 10 9 9 70

3 6 2 3 44 42 23 20 6 11 74 I 71

5 7 7 4 2 1 39 45 2 .2 4 4 12 72 /' 5 6 12 18 3 6 19 II 3 73

1 74 18 6 5 3 48 48 42 52 21 21 33 75

3 3 2 3 3 20 25 25 32 24 23 27 8 76 77 78

2 3 79

80 140 157 22 2 3 10 3 24 34 10 19 29 1 81

9 3 2 8_'

8 4- 83

3 2 1 3 1 1 84

2 I 1 1 2 85

6 8 3 9 12 5 2 1 86

1 3 2 1 2 87 2 I 61 3 88

27 23 18 19 28 24 24 3.'5 39 4.'5 36 3 89 90

1 26 20 2 3 I 91

1 2 5 2 3

7 8 I 2 2


3 1 1 2 [I,.

9 4 7 25 31 3 I 96 !J7

2 2 4 15 12 1 1 I 98

11 18 4 .1 :3 1 99

30 31 61 48 I 21 ;2 100

II 4 2 8 4 5 1 101

-40 26 1 65 50 113 108 32 23 146 102

I 2 4 J03 84


I-Cultivators ofland wholly or m.ainly owned' and their dependants Name of Village ---____ .A..______..... Number of COde r­ Total No. of Persons No. of r----.A.-----, r-----..A__---_~ r----"----, Village OccupiE."d House- Roman Script Nagri Script houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females

( I) (2) (3) (4 ) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ( ll) (12)

Kataron ka Gura ~R"l


SAlaUMBER -(OoniJd.)

_____AGRICULTURA.L..A- CLAS3ES NON -AGRlqULTURAL CLASSES ------, --. II--Cultivators III-Cultivat- IV-Non-Culti- Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ing labourers vating owners means of livelihood from or mainly anel their of land; a.gri- .,-- ~------~ unowned and dependants cultural rent V-Production VI-Com.merce VII--- Transport VIII--Other their depen- receivers other than services and dants and their cultivation miscellaneous dependant:'! sources Z Litera.tes

~ __.A. ___--, -;;; ,--____ ..A.. ----, r-----"-----, r-__.A. -----, ~--___..._---, ,--___ --A. ___ --, r------"------, ,--___-"- ____ ·c <1> if! Males Females :\fales l;'.Hn.J.les :'.fd.les Fem,Lles Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fem.ales :l\-Iales Fem.ales

(13) ( 14) (15) ( 16) (17) ( IS) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (2S) (1)

for figures 1 104

2 I 105

10 4 I 2 3 I 6 1 106 .for figures

I 2 1 107

6 4 6 lOS 109 75 61 5 1 6 13 102 105 62 75 6 25 27 62 1 110 78 86 6 20 44 39 19 17 12 111

4 1 112

6 5 3 5 2 2 8 1 3 113 3 I I 3 1 2 1 2 '7 2 114 28 32 4 6 1 3 3 2 2 115

13 11 I 1 3 S 10 2 116

2 117



16 19 120

8 11 1 4 3 20 121

2 I 2 7 :\ 12:?

3 4 10 5 1 123

57 57 1 2 3 76 65 7 R 1 124 "'for fIgures 125

54 36 4 4 16 13 2 4 3 126

22 21 1 127

6 12R

S 12 5 6 I 2 6 7 5 129

6 I 2 ] :~o 3 1 2 2 1 1 2- 2 4- 131

1 1 :l2

32 28 16 10 77 65 12 14 fi 7 22 21 35 3 133 134

1 1:~1'>

2 ~ 1:~6 86 THE PRIMARY'- PART II


,--- --_-

I-Cultlvators of land wholl y or mainly owned and their dependants Name of Village Number of Total No. of Persons Z ,--_--A-__ --. ____ -_ ..A.. ____ -..,. ,r----'--_--"'I ' '"3 r-----______..A------" 'c Code N p. \_ Occupied House- Jj of Village Roman Scnpt Nagri Script houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females

(1 ) (2) (3 ) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) . (11) (12)

137 36 Naharpura 40 7 7 27 15 12 6 6 ~~~ 138 133 Nanga ;rl"'fT(T 150 16 19 98 47 51 46 47 139 123 Nayagaon ;:p:nmcr 401 17 17 67 37 30 37 30 140 85 Nayagaon ;r~ 1,126 39 39 193 98 95 95 95

141 194 Naya Tapra ;rq"( ~~ 237 22 22 117 53 64 52 64

142 119 Nodi Bhatwat'a ;i{~ l1Ti!1Il~ 357 14 14 70 38 32 38 32 143 191 Nimora i'f""'~T 728 45 45 212 120 92 102 82

144 72 Noli O'()~T 2,544 146 153 694 360 334 321 402 145 112 Oda atm 1,408 26 26 129 68 61 66 59

146 24 Orwadia at)~c(l~ 2,516 198 203 993 488 505 256 295

147 166 Pal Khandela q~~~ I 1,100 77 77 379 189 190 189 190

148 98 Pan Ganwara qTi1' "tc(~ 1,340 61 6] 271 136 135 135 134 149 29 Pani Kotra Qli'fr ~~ 373 60 64 291 154 137 ll3 102 150 151 Pavti .. ~T 200 14 14 26 27 26 27 151 171 Payara q1lt"U 1.656 117 121 527 251 276 200 204

152 74 Paroda QRm. 500 67 377 188 189 176 177

153 6 Patan .. ~ 300 65 55 201 95 106 30 38

154 128 Paya Talab Q1lf( ~ 150 15 15 90 46 44 45 42

1..,5 26 Pratappura mq~"U 79R 68 69 379 191 188 191 188

156 134 RaJpura ~'if,!'U 300 29 29 154 80 74 69 58 1.37 145 Ramina ~i'fl 2,153 24 24 106 52 54 52 54 158 71 Randela ~i~ 1.351 76 78 384 213 171 213 171 17 Rataupura @ Dabri ~8i{q~T ;a-qi ~T &e S. No. 35 '" 159 43 Rathoron ka Gura ~TO~l 'fi( TJl 553 25 25 III 60 51 5S 44 160 206 Rathodi ~o)6T 1,520 33 33 204 110 94 92 82

161 67 Ruwav -

164 91 Salawata ,«m~ 900 60 64 268 132 136 1I5 118 165 61 Salaiya ~~tn' 900 41 44 184 93 91 71 72

166 189 Salkoton ka Gura ~1if 'fif IJ~ 400 12 12 ;38 27 31 25 31

167 101 Salpura ~2:U 277 10 II .',7 24 33 20 28 168 137 Samarjap @ Kewra ~q~ ~qi ~~t 200 T5 15 66 3.'> 31 35 31 169 104 Sar.nora ~)~ 2,000 129 1~0 1,222 628 594 359 342

170 179 Sanjela ~~ 339 10 10 38 19 19 19 19'

171 28 Saradi ~~T 2,068 217 23.3 956 500 456 105 110 18 18 172 163 Sarwani ~~ 150 7 7 36 18 18 87 CENSUS ABSTRACT RURAL-(Contd.)

SALUMBER - (Contd.)

AGRICGLTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ,------__ --~------, ---- ~------~ II-Uultivators III-Cul tivat- IV--Non-CultI- Persons (in 'luding dependants) who dC'rive their principal of land wholly lng labourers vating owners mean~ 'Jf livelihood from or mainly and their of land. agr;- r------~------~ unowned ... nd dependants cultural rent V-Produ('tioll ~-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other the! r depen- rpceivere; other than services and ~. dants and their cultIvation ruiscel1a.neous dependants sources Literates ,-__--A. ___ ---, ,- --"- ----, ,~ __-..A-- ---r--"\ __ __ ,-----"------. ,r-- _...A-~_~ .... ~ __ J.-_ -~ r----Jt.-.--~ ,.,--_-"---_--, - 'F Males Females Males Fdmales Males Females Males Female'l Males Females Males Females Ma.les Females Males Female"

(I3) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) ( 19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) ( 27) (28) \ I)

9 6 1;;7 1 3 1 ]3'i


3 32 14" 1 141


9 7 9 3 6 14-3

8 7 15 16 5 4 6 4 5 1 24 1.1--j-

2 2 I l.

100 83 3 4 65 61 45 39 19 23 51 146


1 1 148

.. 1 9 8 31 26 4 I I \J

1 "iu

3 12 32 28 8 17 8 15 7 1 ,,}.

3 4 6 4 3 4 6 1 ,2

59 59 3 4 5 2 1 4 i -, ( 1 2 1,4 1 1 7 10 2 1 1 1 1 4 I " 1 .,

14 l '" for figures 2 1 3 6 5 15 ,

II 3 5 7 2 2 2 1 , )

1 1 5 8 2 2 5 3 5 1 I'. ! 2 ,

3 3 1 3 . ,

14 11 3 7 2 1 22 19 " ) . 2 1 .;

4 § 1, '" 127 119 3 4 2 13 20 123 104 3 3 17 ; ) J

1 -:Q

240 2:n 10 2 5 104 81 13 14 26 15 31 1 -.' ,


r-- I -Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their dependants

Kame of Village Number of Total No. of Persons Code ,..------_,._------~ r--. --"----, r-- - ____ . ..A... ____ -, ~---"-----, No. of Occupied House· Village Roman Scrlpt Kagri Script houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4 ) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

173 47 Sathpur 195 23 25 130 63 67 56 61 '"~~ 174 160 Sati ki Chori ~m !fi"T :eft~1 300 13 16 64 32 32 32 32 175 115 Satorda me~ 848 37 41 195 88 107 72 96 176 131 Sedri .. ~~ 1,092 68 69 ~49 164 185 117 136 177 162 300 22 Selpur ~ 7 7 38 16 22 16 17~ 52 Seriya .. ~ 2,500 330 392 1,524 693 831 302 326 179 108 1,372 127 209 Sespur ~~ 139 533 245 288 183 180 65 224 4 4 2 Shampura m~~T 13 8 5 4 181 101 338 Singpur f~~~ 31 34 159 83 76 66 61 182 31 Siga-wali m~l 225 55 59 230 113 117 54 58 183 30 Sihad Kotra 60 9 9 12 ~1~ .. 1Ii)~T 38 23 15 18 184 64 Sunadiyawara §~, q~T 450 21 21 101 52 49 15 185 125B Suran ka Kuda See S1. No. 58 §~ 'tiT !l~' 186 168 Sutharia 594 155 87 64 §'~f~r 30 30 89 66 187 87 Suwauton ka Gura 587 19 21 87 50 37 50 426 ~«l q;, ~T,.. . 188 20 Talab .. "~11r 1,408 68 68 343 160 183 159 181 189 122 Tejpura ~iS'I'~'{' 307 20 20 88 47 41 47 41 190 51 Thada 'iRT 250 Il9 ll3 510 256 254 239 225 Tharoda 191 50 ~~~, 1,281 72 77 331 161 170 137 141 192 59 Toda .. er.T 800 175 199 781 329 452 2~8 426 193 46 Tulchhon ka N amla ~1 ~ Ol~ 107 34 34 152 78 74 76 73 194 3 Utharda ~lq'"{~T 3,244 238 242 1,597 878 819 777 735 195 152 Vagon ka Gura qlql q;r 100 10 10 40 21 19 21 19 196 136 Vagpur ~~ 250 25 25 143 72 71 72 71 197 146 Vali ka Khera 2,648 34 34 167 78 89 66 79

198 57 Vesma 505 30 31 145 69 76 65 7.5

199 42 Viliyon ka Gura. 228 10 10 40 20 20 20 20

200 94 Virwa Kalan 600 73 73 346 174 172 157 163

201 95 Vms Khurd ~OO 52 237 124 113 lOB 97

~02 164 Wen 400 17 17 82 36 46 36 46 89 CENSUS ABSTRACT RURAL-(Gontd.) SALUMBER-{ Gonckl.}

AGK,lUULTURAL______A______CLASt5ES ~ ,..----_____NON-AGRICULTURAL - ____..A._ ___ CLAS~.E::' .______Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal -, II-Uultivators I.lI-Uultivat- lV-Non- means of livelihood from of land w-holly or ing labourers Cultivating r ~------. mainly unowned and their owners of land; V -Production VI -Commerce VII-Tran,;port VII -Other and their dependants agricultural other than services and dependants rent reeei vel'S cultivation miscellaneous and their sources dependants <5 ,..-__.A_ __-, Literates Z ,..-_.A_ __-, ,..-_J.___ -. ..A.. __ ~ ,------A-___ -... r-- --"-----, r----..A._- , , -----'-----, r- .;: Males Females Males Fema.les Males Male", Female.. ~1".les Females Ma.les Females lZl

(13) (14) (,15) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (2U) (21 ) (22) (23) (:24) (2u) (26) (27) (28) (1)

I :2 7 :l 2 173 174 6 4 10 7 6 1 175

8 6 1 2 18 24 I'} H 13 11 6 176 177 270 270 39 168 49 32 17 16 16 19 76 17H 15 14 1 I 1 3 6 12 25 33 14 16 36 179 4 3 1 180 17 15 181 24 31 9 7 19 13 4 5 3 3 2 182 1 4 3 183

30 31 1 1 2 9 184 for figures 181>

2 2 18() 2 187

1 1 1 188 18g

3 3 9 20 4 4 1 2 29 5 190

1 2 3 1 6 17 16 3 3 1 3 1 191

8 1 6 11 12 10 ,,t 5 64 192 3 4. 2 193

1 2 2 3 41 33 16 9 40 38 54 194 195 196

18 10 197

3 1 1 1 198 1 1£,9

1 13 6 2 2 1 1 1 200 15 14 3 2 5 :::01

20~ 90


POPulated- 141 1. No. a.nd Name of Distriot.- 18 UDAIPUR 2. Name of Sub.Division-SARADA 5. No. of Vllleges { Unpopulated- 4 3. No. and NaIllB of Tf'hsil- ]0 SARADA 4. No. of Trsct--81

6. No. of Hamjets- 28

7. No. of TOWDS- Nil

8. Area of Tehsil in Sq. Miles- 308

r--­ I-Cultivators of land wholly or ma.inly owned and their dependants Name of Villa.ge Number of Total No. of Persons ...-----A...___ -..., Code r------'------.,. r-----~--.-~ r-----'----~ No. of Occupied House. Village Rom.an Script N agri Script houses holds Persons Ma.les Females Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11 ) (12)

1 26 Adwas 9,964 6t'~CfT" 352 376 1,702 881 821 615 545 2 2,677 11 Ahabra ~ifU 92 103 451 231 220 151 121 3 8 Amarpura 1,465 ~~~T 54 55 276 139 IS7 120 Il5 4 33 Saba ka Magra an~n ifil ~ 200 3 3 21 8 13 7 13

5 149 Baba.rmal .Tif~~ 1,600 61 61 268 133 135 121 119 6 66 Badoli iJR)m- 4,311 148 170 673 344 329 207 203

7 59 Badgaon ~m. 2,535 182 200 892 444 448 252 250

8 86 Bagthala. ~~~ 762 21 21 139 76 63 76 63

9 119 Bandoli .~w) 1,102 67 67 392 206 186 206 186 10 61 Bana Kalan if AT ~m 1,815 49 49 246 123 123 123 123 II 62 Bana Khurd if'''T ~ 1,800 73 77 353 185 168 152 14 12 136 Baradi Bari Cf(RT .~T 400 13 13 63 28 .35 28 35 13 56 Behuti C~~) 993 35 35 182 90 92 81 84- 14 147 Bhaldia ~wRzn 350 37 37 199 98 101 98 101

15 12 Bharia ll1f~ 3,200 53 55 295 161 134 142 117

16 34 Bhatwara l1e~ 215 2 2 8 4 4 4 4 17 81 Bhimpur "'T"~~ 700 34 41 180 96 84 69 56 18 40 Butwas 1!..~CfT~ 050 30 31 136 77 59 77 59 19 43 Chandaji ka Gura 'ifO'CO\!fT ~ ", 584 22- 26 119 56 63 34 42 20 78 Chandoda ::er.:eir.n 586 60 60 296 164 132 156 121

21 118 Chawand "i!fT~ 3,043 438 442 2,024 994 1,030 460 445 22 140 Dagi Khera ':fl1T1' ~¥T 247 7 7 45 20 25 20 25 23 120 Daili ~TQwt 500 93 93 504, 256 248 240 227 24 116 Dakan Baori "1


RU RAL -- (Gontd.)


tI. Persons 13

10. Males 9

11. Females 4

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES .-----..Jt.------r-"\r-,------4------A------~ II-Cultivators of Ill-Cultivat­ 1 V-Non-Cultiva­ Persons (including dependa.nts) who derive their principal land wholly or ing labour<"rs ting owners of means of livelihood from lXlainly unowned and their land; a.gricultural r--- -. and their dependants rent receivers V - Production VI-CoIIlInerce VII-Transport VIII-Other dependants and their other than services and dependants cultivation misoellaneous sources Litera.tes ~ C--..A..--~ r-__.A.. __ ~ r-__ .A.. ___ ..... r---.A----...., r---..A.,-~ r-----"---~ r---..... -----...., r---J----...., -; Ma.les Females Ma.les Females Ma.les Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Ma.les Females Males FernaJ.ea "i

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

10 15 41 43 28 51 118 99 14 10 10 13 45 45 91 1 1

35 37 2 13 23 11 12 6 10 13 11 9 2

2 1 15 21 2 10 3

1 1 4

8 9 3 5 1 2 5

3 2 1 14 23 66 58 34 27 19 16 25 3 6 44 49 30 44 57 41 47 50 14 14 72 1 7 1 8

4 9

1 10

9 6 16 12 8 5 1 6 11 12

1 2 8 6 2 13 14

3 4 6 1 5 8 5 4 1 15


2 6 13 11 10 8 5 13 2 17 2 18

20 18 1 1 3 5 1 19

1 1 5 7 1 4 7 20

15 10 7 2 14 42 188 194 186 177 30 26 94 144 267 26 21 22

16 21 44 23 24

35 34 4 9 3 4 4 25

8 5 26

23 12 11 22 78 69 121 115 40 26 171 3 27 .. 2 2fl 3 2 29

9 8 II7 142 3 5 2 1 7 30

4 2 2 3t 92


I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned, and their o dependants Z Code Name of Village No. of r---______-"- ______Number of Total No. of Persons .-__ -A.__ -, r----- __ --'-- __-,. ___..A._--". Village Occupied House- Roma.n Script N agri Soript houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females

0) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 32 143 Dhori Chhaparwali q')~T "'~m' 249 33 35 147 76 71 52 41 33 18 Dhori Magarda til"T1:1 ~ 719 60 60 284 157 127 119 95 34 45 Digri .. f~t'R:) 800 89 94 482 232 250 205 21g' 35 5 Diwa.la fqCfnIST 500 13 13 97 49 48 37 38 36 23 Gamdi tmriT 651 71 71 392 206 186 200 175 37 7 Garmal tn:lffW 17 23 134 67 67 44 46 38 92 Gatoda tTiT~ 275 27 27 163 79 84 79 84 39 31 Ghatod ~Tffi~ 2,509, 155 157 780 409 371 390 356 • 40 65 Gopalpura tT)tnw~~T 513 25 25 130 62 68 60 68 4.1 84 Gura. Harnathsinghji ~~T ~;:n~f~) 100 14 15 70 35 35 20 21 42 83 Gura Mukn.ndsinghji ~~T 1!~qf~r 361 27 27 144 83 61 71 55 43 67 Gura Wa.ra 'l~T CfT~T 3,998 19 19 112 57 55 55 50 44 70 Itali i;i!"T~ 2,800 94 103 413 1£6 217 136 147 45 4.4 .• m~m 5,174 361 431 2,004 985 1,019 585 626 46 128 Jalar Devi ~~r 500 10 10 39 24 15 24 15 47 9 Jariana ~~awrT 1,219 20 20 99 49 50 42 43 4,8 14 Jawad '5fTCR 4,325 346 357 1,499 797 702 401 341 49 79 Jodhpuria .)q'~f~ 725 38 60 164 81 83 81 83 50 24 Junijar \ll.... T\if~ 674 54 68 271 146 125 94 79 51 85 Junpuria \i! .... ~~ 275 12 12 . 65 38 27 38 27 52 52 Kaohhola "'T~t=n 507 23 23 135 70 65 70 65 53 39 Kantoda. ~~~ 500 53 53 389 194 195 168 159 54 96 Karadia Ifi"~Tf~lfT 2,200 83 84 466 233 233 183 187 55 60 Kareli .. ~T 500 22 22 116 61 55 61 55 56 38 Karodia ... ~)f.tTT 460 39 41 184 95 89 94 '89

57 117 Katanwara ~T~~r 1,093 93 101 581 277 304 263 275 58 49 Kejad .. ~~ 2,279 221 238 1,187 613 574 293 276 1:)9 150 Kewda Kalan ifiCf~ 'fiW'T 3,584 29 33 ll6 54 62 45 59 GO 2 Kewda Khurd it;~T ~ 8,667 28 30 119 .'57 62 53 54 61 91 Khajuria ~~qT 16 16 98 48 50 46 48

62 142 Khakhadara ~n 275 21 21 110 56 54 48 46 82 75 63 100 Khakharia ~T~~QT 845 25 25 158 83 75 584 609- 64 125 Kharwad ~~ 2,200 166 206 1,198 587 611 6.3 75 Kherwa ~CfT 586 21 24 119 60 59 56 56 66 129 Khodi Mahudi ~~ q~r 2,200 53 54 378 192 186 154 150 263 282 67 99 Kunda .. !";:~ 2,024 180 194 867 425 442 93


RUH,AL-(G?ntri. )

8AHADA-( Gontd.)

AGRICULTURAL CI,ASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CL_'\.SSES • ------A...______---.._ ,------~------___ I[-Cultlvator'3 III-Cultivat- IV-Non-Culti- Persons (induding dependants) who deriye their principal of I.LIul wholJ~- ing labourers vating owners means of livelihood froIll or maInly and theIr of land; agri- ,- ~------, unowned and dependants culLural rent V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Trallbr0rt VIII-Other ~heir depen- reC01vers other than .;ervices and dants and their oultivation miscellaneous dependants sources c Literate~ Z 1----"---, ,.-___....:__, ~ __ ,.-___..A. __~ _____-"- __-.. ,--__..A._____ ,-______J..______v""--_""_--, ~ ·C l\Iales Females Males Females MalesFemales Males Females l\Iales Females 1Ilal('s Female" M11.1ps Females Males Females ,,(!;

(I3) (14) (15) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (:25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

I 2 5 13 11 8 8 5

4 2 4 9 22 15 8 6 1

I 7 7 6 S 4 6 1 1 9 9 9 34 1 10 4 1 6 35 .' , 1 7 5 3 36 1 3 16 6 6 12 45 4 37 38

I I 10 11 3 1 5 2 11 39

J I 40

4 4 7 7 4 3 2 41

4 2 6 3 2 I 6 42

2 5 43

5 4 8 21 20 14 5 5 22 26 27 7

56 40 31 23 5 6 124 141 III 117 73 66 172 4 45 46

3 I 3 5 1 1 47

158 131 12 144 146 28 16 66 56 99 49

23 • 15 10 9 12 15 1 6 7 50 5'

1 6 10 8 9 8 8 3 9 24 4

1 5 9 36 34 8 3 10 4

.)" .. / 1 5

5 9 2 2 7 18 5 57

47 49 119 104 119 115 35 30 29

1 2 5 3 6

3 7 1 1 ()I)

2 2 6l

3 2 5 3 3 1 11

I 3 1 9 64

4 3

1 1 36 35 1 6 66

75 40 34 64 26 32 12 13 15 11 57 67 94



I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly '>woad and their o dependants z Name of Village Number of Total No. of Persons Cod.. r------"------~ r-----.A..---...... r-----r---~ r---A __-., No. of Occupied House. \ iUage Roman Script Nagri Script houses holds Persons Males Females Male.. _Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( Iv) (1) (12)

68 37 Lalpuria ~~UfT 100 5 5 23 13 10 13 10 69 80 Lalpuria wTW~f~lff 40 40 253 132 121 132 120 70 "121 Lalpuria ~f~lfT 352 15 15 89 44 45 42 45 71 114 Limboda f~)i{T 226 34 34 197 103 94 97 88 72 76 Loharia w)~t1T 783 25 25 118 68 50 68 50 73 28 Mahudi Pal ~.1 qm 1,650 24 26 115 56 59 46 45

74 64 Malada ~~ 1,847 101 10.') 465 212 253 186 221

75 124 Mandwa ~TiTTClT 1,0lO 63 65 409 217 192 215 192 76 139 Madwara ~g~T 1,800 86 107 428 224 204 193 181

77 55 Mayar ~ 1,092 50 53 291 154 137 154 J36 78 22 Mehduda ~U 191 35 36 149 74 75 67 71 79 10 Nadwi .... rqer) 330 14 14 91 46 45 46 45 80 15 Naija,r ;:l1h'l"~ 1,067 111 119 544 294 250 209 180

81 1 Nakoli itT~ 1,505 25 25 no 57 53 43 28

82 127 No.1 Alkar "",w- 3Tw~ 1,200 50 50 338 169 169 156 156 83 87 Naoda .... TClifT 2,250 54 59 297 148 149 143 143

84 108 Narainpura ;::rRTtf~U 336 35 37 176 95 81 95 81

85 21 Naya Kuwa ;:n:;rr ~3T1 50 22 22 103 57 46 57 46 86 50 Neemuch ....)~ 533 28 29 165 87 78 87 78 87 4 Oda 8t)~ 2,492 16 16 58 34 24 26 19

88 42 Padarda q"Jg~T 500 34 38 ·231 III 120 82 90 89 144 Padla q'RWT 1,500 151 153 812 389 423 376 410

90 41 Pahadi ~T 460 22 22 105 51 54 20 26

91 107 Pal Ambala q'l'W ~II'1WT 800 6 6 35 18 17 11 14 92 llO Pal Balua q~ eJ~3TT 2,535 250 257 1,453 686 767 669 748

93 130 Pal Nathara q'TW ~l'l{'T 267 267 1,499 750 749 727 727 94 72 Pal Bhorai !tfl'W ~mi 3,892 258 262 1,333 683 650 64!l ;;08 95 104 Pal Bod lfft'=f ;tT,,:{,T 142 9 10 55 26 29 26 29

96 126 Pal Chhani qm ~Tit) 500 9 9 53 33 20 33 20

97 106 Pal Dhan ka Wara q'TW "'...... ,. ~T 2,200 305 305 1,755 860 895 857 893

98 98 Pal Godasar q'lW if)m~\" 2,200 131 132 917 462 455 453 450

99 69 Pal Itali qm ii!'l~ 2:,800 177 17 903 468 435 456 408

100 32 Pal Jaisamand ~'W ~~~q 2 2 2

101 95 Pal Jamunda q"JW- ~Tl!~ 2.200 107 109 605 326 279 320 276

102 123 Pal Kherki QlW ~~) 1,000 32 !32 159 84 75 84 75 lC3 115 Pal Limbada. q'Tw ~itT.. 2,000 119 119 667 332 335 332 335 95 . CENSUS ABSTRACT

RURAL (Oontd.)

SARADA (Oontd.)

AuRICULTURAL CLASSES NON -AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ------~------~ r------~ ------, II-Cultivators III-Cuitiva- IV -Non-Culti- Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ting labourers vating owners means of livelihood From or mainly and their of land; agri- .,------"------., unowned and dependants cultural rent V -Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen- receivers other than services and dante and their cultivation miscellaneol1s dependant.s sources c:i Literates Z .r---.A...--~ r---..A..--~ ,---...1....-----. r---J...----. r---.A------, r---~--__. r---"";'_--~ y---_-A-__-..._ .::::1... Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ~

(l3) (14) (15) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (20) (21 ) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (l)

68 I 69 2 I 70 6 6 1 71 72 5 6 4 S I 2 73

3 14 26 2 1 3 5 4 1 74 2 12 75 5 6 4 5 2 7 8 8 9 76 I 10 77 1 1 1 5 3 78 79

2{) 14 2 3 44 33 5 4 14 16 20 80

4 2 7 20 2 3 1 81

13 13 82 1 2 4 4 4 83 84 2 85 2 86 5 4 3 1 87

16 13 2 11 17 2 88 2 4 11 9 7 89 31 28 90 5 3 I I 91

7 6 10 13 23 92 12 11 II II 32 93

4 2 3 19 37 3 I 9 4 4 94

'35 96 I 2 2 19 97 3 1 6 4 29 98

2 2 ~l 21 2 4 7 9n

2 I 100

6 3 I 101



I-CultIvators of land whOlly or mainly owned and their dependants Name of Viliage Number of Total No. of Persons ,-______.A. __ - ______-., ,-___.A. ___ ...., ,-_____ .A. __ -_._..... ,-_-.A.--...., Code No. Occupied House- of V,lJage l{.oman SCript l\" agn Script houses holds Persons Males Females Males Fema.les.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) ( 6) (7) (8} (9) (10) (11) (12) 104 82 Pal Limbodi q'lw fwl1ftit 226 51 52 300 146 154 140 147 105 ·74 PalOda q'm'mt 800 61 61 327 166 161 166 158

106 6 Palodra q'n:n<{~ 1,200 107 109 564 259 305 218 242 107 109 Pal Sagotri q-m mrr)~t 2,500 328 337 1,976 1,000 976 999 976

108 III Pal Sarada q'lw ~, 2,054 398 411 2,432 1,248 1,184 1,245 1.179 109 137 Pal Sarnla ~ ~U;:rtn' 2,200 168 168 1,007 473 534 473 534 110 113 Pal Sepur q"l'W ~~ 1,500 100 103 552 266 286 266 286

III 146 Paluna q'T~;:rT 500 32 32 223 107 116 107 116 112 105 Palwali q'T~cnw1' 547 42 42 208 101 107 97 106

113 90 Pander qri~ 573 29 29 133 73 60 72 58 114 132 Parei ._ q'l=tt 1,600 57 57 299 157 142 157 142

115 133 Parsad .• q~rq 3,043 260 275 1,224 592 632 333 365 116 17 Payaodi 1:tfAS't 593 27 29 114 64 50 62 46 117 27 Piladhar qtwT~ 3,998 109 III 490 231 ;}fi9 192 217 118 73 Rathoda. ~N)GT 2,224 14] 141 668 337 331 184 189 119 63 Rebarion ki Charni =t~nftlil 'tit ~qft 300 109 109 431 208 223 194 186 120 36 Reth Bhuria =tq ~f~liT 647 25 30 111 56 155 56 55 121 145 Rawatlai ~T

124 54 Sakatda. ~~T 2,305 114 191 812 432 380 395 354

125 57 Salada ~~T 4,687 452 465 2,148 1,09:> 1,053 665 608 126 51 Sarada .. "«~RT 1,726 343 343 1,434 731 703 328 429

127 58 Sekdi ~lIi~t 275 6 6 39 21 18 21 18 128 19 Sema) ~"TW 844 137 138 565 283 282 199 184 129 94 SemA,ri .. ~rt\' 3,875 .'>79 58! 2,472 1,166 1.306 489 556 130 112 Sepur .. ~~ 1.185 80 87 426 200 226 176 199 114 131 30 Shampura. ~~T 1,268 47 48 244 114 130 130

132 103 Shampura ~~T 752 67 68 293 165 128 151 115 133 148 Singatwara ~ltTa

,AGRICULTURAL,--__..A...-. CLASSES______, NON.AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ,-:----' II-Cultivators III-Cuitiva- IV-N on-Culti­ Persons (inoluding dependants). who derive their principal of land wholly ting la.bourers vating owners D1eanB of Iivehhood froD1 or mainly and their ofland; agri- ~,------~ unowned and dependants cultural rent r------V -Produotion VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen- receivers other tha.n services and dante and their oultivation misoellaneous dependants sources

Males Females Males Fema.les Males Fema.les Males Females Males Females Males FeD1ales Males Females Males Females

( 13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1) 4 4 2. 3 104: 3 105 24 49 8 6 7 8 2 3 106 1 5 107 2 3 3 108 109

3 110 III 4, 1 112 2 1 ·113 114

1 5 6 58 54 159 177 30 172 12 115 2 4 116 1 2 9 18 I) 4, 12 14 11 4 21 117 - 1 1 5 4 42 34 72 79 33 24- 89 15 118 - 8 24 3 8 1 3 4 119 120 1 1 2 121

1 2 5 4 25 22 4 17 122 123 21 15 16 11 125 2. 124 184 189 32 22 37 82 90 81 29 22 2 1 56 48 127 9 125

5 5 94 108 78 85 226 176 191 17 126

2. 127

7 9 10 31 44 38 21 17 2 3 16 128 40 54 1 4 19 27 323 343 157 187 • 137 135 226 31 129 2 6 11 13 6 4 5 28 130 4 131

1 2 1 2 12 9 3 132 1 3 3 OJ 7 o 3 7 7 133 16 13 5 3 7 134

1 9 50 55 30 31 26 26 84 1 135

21 16 4 7 10 17 12 11 1 2 5 5 2 136 12 25 47 3u 86 81 54 31 70 1 137 7 8 13 8 7 23 17 105 56 58 108 84 88 1 138

27 31 3 1 2 139

1 140

13 14 21 17 1;:; 11 21 2 I 76 6 411 98 THE PRIMARY PART II

(Populated 189 5. No. of Villages -< 1. No. and NaIDa of Distriot-- 18 UDAIPUR 2. Name of Sub-Division-SARADA l Unpopulated 5 3. No.and NaIDa of Tehsil-ll KHERWARA 4:. No. of Tract-Sl 6. No. of Hamlets--106 7. No. of Town-1

8· A7eBj of Tehsil in Sq. Miles-448


I-Cultivators of land wholly or IDainly owned' and tl:i.eh· dependants N&IDe of Village Number of Total No. of Persons Code c:------;.c.__ _ r---.A- -" ".--____-"-- --.. ,-:::.K. __,:""\ No. of Occupied House­ Village ROIDan Script N agri Script houses holds Persuns Males Fem.ales Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12}

1 23 Adiwali aJ~l~ 13 13 59 30 29 30 28 "2-- 141 Ajlaiya. O1,,",(i5(,qT 25 25 132 62 70 62 70 3 90 Akhiwara at 14ti ~ T'¥1' ~7 7 29 14 15 14 15 4 96 Akot •• a{IIi)e 13 13 90 42 48 42 48 to 5 189 Amarpura 49 50 260 130 ~'U 130 130 130 6 53 Anela. •• ~T 24 24 124 71 53 70 53 62 Arsadawara 13 7 ~ <'Et 14161T,,' 14 53 23 30 23 29 8 63 Asartwara ~1crtF 12 13 63 24 39 23 37 9 69 Asariwara at~"T 78 78 43::> 199 236 109 - 236 10 87 Babalwara .Tifw~ 189 189 611 286 32.3 140 154 11 45 Babri •• ifTifU 16 16 72 33 39 33 39 12 163 Babri Khera iffifU 4. , 4 a6 14 15 14 13 125 BadIa. ., 130 130 657 303 354 253 281i

14 134 Bagpur 28 28 148 7l 77 69 75

15 158 Balewadi 99 99 ~43 279 264 264 262

16 48 Balicha. 306 309 1,~37 809 828 802 828

17 172 BaIDanwara 11 11 43 22 21 22 21 SI"' .... cn~ 107 Banibor IS iA'1qT~ 38 38 180 87 93 87 93 19 126 Banjara if;:\ifm 125 128 625 298 327 278 307 20 Banjarwara. if·N'i<61nr, 132 132 4-70 233 237 229 215 21 119 Baori .. 67 67 363 189 174 174 164 SlT

RURAL (Oontd.)


9. Persons 9

10. Males 4

11. Females f)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CI..ASSEE> ..A. --.. r----_---______.A. ___ ------.,

II-Cultivators III-Cuitivat- IV-Non-Cult)- Persons (including dependants) who derive their principul of land wholly ing labourers vating owners means of liveJihood.A. ______from --., or mainly and their of land; agri- .-- unowned and dependants cultural rent V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen- receivers other than services and dants and their cultivation miscellaneous dependants 0 ,-__ ..A. __ --.., sources Literates ~-.A. __--..r-_-.A.----..,--_.A. __ --.. ,-_-.A __ -... Z r---...... ----.. r::--.A.-~ r---...... _.--. a; ·c Males Females Males Females Males Females 1\'[ales Females Males Females Males Females Males II) Fernflles Males Females m

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21 ) (22) (23) (:!4 ) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

1 2 1

__.(. 2 2 3


2 5

1 1 6

1 1 7

•• I 1 2 1 8

9 5 50 54, 58 7[j 3:! 37 75 13 10 II

I .. 1 6 5 12

11\ 17 34 48 16 5 13

2 2 1 14 j 10 3 1 2 32 3 1r;

1 2 4 14 16 1 17 18

2 3 6 [i 11 fI 1 3 6 19

1 8 3 2 3 9 40 ., 20

7 5 6 3 <> 2 4 2 21 1 I 23 20 22 3 22

:l I 3 I 23 24

25 1 [j 3 26 13 27 , 2 28

2 1 I 2 21 21 29

30 ~ 13 31 100


I-Cultivators a> of land wholly ~ or mainly owned = !'.nd their ;>:'" dependants ri Name of Village .... ~ Number of Tota.l No. of Persons Ci Code ~------~------, ~ < ,..-___ .A. __, r-----,;;.c--~ .--__ ..A..-_~ ·c No. of f: d Occupied House- CD U) Village ROnle.n Script Nagri Script <._ houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females

(l) (2) (3) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)

32 34 Bhamatwara 40 40 247 109 138 109 138

33 101 Bhanadra 6 6 27 9 18 9 18 34 79 Bhanda -qJ;:cn 309 1,363 687 676 541 593 35 5 Bhankra l{t~, 30 HI 77 '64 77 64 3tt 44 Bhanwa l{r.rcn 8 48 29 19 29 19 37 140 Bharda 13 l{~ Bhallwa 20 -qT~ 20 83 41 42 41 42 ~ 160 Bhempur ~~~~ 16 16 93 47 46 47 46 40 77 Bhilwara -ql~~ 16 16 104 46 .'58 46 58

41 142 Bhudra ~,:{l 270 27() 1,315 645 670 569 598

42 103 Bhunwal "1q~ 18 18 85 43 42 35 39 43 174 Bichhiwara fcm')~r 62 63 355 174 l81 173 180

44 169 Bilakh fifl?1~ ':>18 526 2,753 1,326 J,427 1,233 1,282 45 35 Boslati a:n~H':n~ 40 40 239 122 117 122 117 46 10 Che.tol "Q

47 16 Chauki '

49 52 Chharora ~~~r 262 275 1,561 769 792 754 774 .";0 136 Chhota Karchba ~)i!'r OfiT~T 27 27 168 76 92 72 89 151 14 Chikalwas 'iif1~~ 49 41) 247 126 121 120 119 .32 146 Chikla :'i')··fR~·T 71 86 357 179 178 179 178

53 39 Chikh ';;ftq;~T 29 29 140 66 74 G6 74 54 56 Chitroda :qf~~RT 49 49 246 126 120 126 120 55 17.3 Chorai "'1m 55 59 329 165 164 165 164 276 56 33 Dabayacha ~'iifl 99 100 548 272 276 272 57 30 Daichra i;;m­ 33 34 173 90 83 90 83 ':>8 !J Da.iyawara ilfTql~l 15 35 20() 9J 111 III 59 41 Demat it~ 43 43 227 108 119 108 119

130 78 Deond.lI{:alan ~Cf;m;s Ofjwr 19 19 106 49 57 49 ;;7

61 84 Deonal Khurd i{Cfift~ 3 3 17 9 8 I) 8 62 138 Depur .. ~~~ 59 60 349 176 173 172 1(1) 20 Deri ~~) 62 63 340 168 172 167 172 12.3 64 :;7 Dhanol ~)w 39 39 243 JI8 12:'> 118 139 Dharpur 10 10 54 31 23 31 ~r~~ ()6 132 Dhelana 197 197 ],007 506 501 302 49.5 ~'~T1'l'T 117 1 DhIlnv~ 95 9.3 508 251 257 f~iif;qJ~ .leI


~ UlU-L:-{Oontd.)

-~BEBW AKA -(Coned.)

______AGBIOULTUBALJ.. CLASSES ~ ______NON -AGRIOULTURAL-J~ ______OLASSES ~ ------~ Per.on. (inoluding dependanta) who derive their prinoipal II-CuUivatora III-Cuitiva.- IV-Non-Oulti­ meana of li..... elihood frolU .af land wholly ting labourers vating owner. ~ =:. or mainly and their of land; agri- - unowned and dependant. oul1iura.l rent V-Produotion VI-Co:mm.ene VII-Transport VXII-Other their depen­ reoeivers other than servioe. and dants and their oultivatioD miaoellaneou. dependants .ouroe. Literates rr-_-----,A.,---- r-~--A---_..,., t a .'- ,. ~ .. r------_ .... oJ: .Kale. lI"amales Males FelUales Males Female. Males Female. Male. :remalea lIIal•• Femal_ Mal•• Femal•• Kal•• J.P.mal•• ~

(13) ( 1") (16) (HS) (17) (18) (19) (to) (21) (22) (23) (2") (26) (26) (27) (28) (1)

4. 32

.I at 1 67 18 .15 &8 79 10 3" - - 1 16 .- 36 3' 38

1 S9


1 & 17 19 18 IS &7 U

:3 I 1 4.2 1 1 .3 4 16 1 10 38 , 10 lI3 III « 6 ..6 .8

13· 6 6 "7 1 3 1 10 H.O ., •• 6a U8 26 68 3 & I 3 6 26 48 1 .I 1 1 60

I 4- 61 16 32 63 ." 4- 65 20 1 66

S 1 1

8 :3 1 1 2


14. 1 a 67 1..

~aDle of Village NUlDber of T.o~.1 No. ofPeraon. =' r-- r .A.. ____..... r---.A.-----_ Oode r------.--~~--~'~------~ ~ NO. 0-' Occupied House­ "I' ViUas. ROJnan Scrj,pt. bou.8ea Jaolda. Persons Malea Fe'Dl.lea i72

(1) ~2} (3) (~) (5) (0) (7) (9) (l.0) (ll) (I!)

187 Dolpura 25 26 144 80 64 89 64 4-6 Gaduma. 23 23 123 66 57 68 57 4J! Gara 61 61 314r 162 152 162 152

180 Gara 20 2l lQ.l 48 .53 ~ +i 72 9a GaraJ& 14 14 7of, *1 33 4.1- lNt .U 11 Gatrali 51 52 301 146 155 1" 1M 7. 67 Ghat; •• tm'l 61 51 2~5 1(\1 H4 151. IH 7lj 1 II Godawari q)1mrU ~ 2 2 , I 76 159 GOdI iT'W\' 162 162 768 405 3.6.3 4,01) 36& 11 GoTawara. 28 1*0 77 72 7-2: '17 " .... CiJI".... ~8 78 22 Govind Deo 18 18 ~8 36 4-.2 36. 4Z "' 79 19 Haraa;wara ~fil S3 33 162 77 15 77 go.. f!~''''''f SO 66 Ha.thla ,'NatT 14 1,. 8;. 40 ~ 4S 81 97 Hikan •• l["l1frt 21 21 244 111 133 57 75 8~ 191 .Taipura 24 24 114- 53 61 5tl. 31 \if~ 83 49 .Taira ". go 90 489 230 259 224 %4!i' ~ " 109 J'aIpak;a 3~ 221 llO III IlQ III 84- .~TIfiT 99 423 211 212 143 13~ 85 116 .Tawas .. ~ 86 118 Jawali ~ 5 20 9 11 8 9 15 g 87 100 J'hado' RR~ 4 7 8 7 88 40 Jhanjbarl Rim:l 70 353 175 178 163 169 89 117 J'buntn ~l 184 1,039 517 022 463 486 90 36 Jbuvarw& 42 42 228 104 124 104 124, trn~~ 666 3,180 1,537 1,643 1,441 1,525- 91 151 Kagdar ~ 603 10 10 55 30 25 30 25 9! 86 Kakardara ifilifiHI(1 44 93 168 Kalaliakad Ij';w,f~~ 19 19 95 51 44 51 180 755 374 381 150 156 94 181 Kalyanpur ~~'(' 161 139 140 720 366 354 347 351 95 51 Kanvai ~ 98 156 Kandal 7"9 180 334 152 182 141 167 97 4 K8llpur 32 32 169 86 83 85 81 98 38 Kanpur 26 26 143 68 75 68 75- 99 194 Kanpur 45 45 256 123 133 122 130 100 29 Karwara 179 189 855 415 440 327 33T 101 171 KarJi •• 38 3"8 184 89 95 89 95 25 10 15 10 10% 75 Kannala .... ("'181 '" lOS 155 Karnauwa '""I .... ' 15-2 30lS 150 155 150 1 • 0JItfMJ. .&BtDACT BUBAL-(Oontd.) Il."WARA-(Oontd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON.AGRICULTURAL CLASSES _,.___ --.. -----,. ll-Oultivators III-Cultiva· IV-N OD.-Culti- Ferson. (including dependant.a) Who derive t.heir prineip.. l of laqd who),[y ting la.bourers vating owners means of livelihood froUl or mainly and their of land. agri- r------..... --"'I -unowne_d and dependants cultural rent V -ProduotioJi). VI-Commerce VII-Tranl!lport VIIJ-Other their dspen- reoeivers other than aervicel!l and dante and their cultivation m~!!'I'I\IUaJ1"oul!I 0 dependantB SO'Grce. Lit.e1ifl:~" r-;-_j.__-"'I r--... -J. "----"'I ----"- '---~,-"'I r---A-..::'::':",",\ r---~ ,.~ lIIa-les F.unalss Males Females Ma16.l!l Females Male. Females Male. :remale. Kale. Yamalell Male. Female. M.le. FeDla1e. i {13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) f21) (22) (23) (24,) (25) (26) (27) (2&) (I)

~ 88 .. Ge I 'TO

1 1 ~. 1 ~ 1 8 n Tt I 1 I 'n

1 If" 1 1 '5 n ,. 1 'T7 1 .. 1 .,.'78 1 ;~ .. 30 52 58 % 1 81 1 82 " 10 I 1 as 8" 19 40 8 3 11 9 10 n 78 11 .5 1 2 2 88 81 12 9 10 ..... 88 ! I> 15 IS 23 16 I:) : I> .{O • 89 _;:. 8~

7 5 16 36 21 2 32 3'5 80- 79 _I ...'liS 7 6 3 4 7 10 102 98 70 78 38 29 1M 13 94, 8 3 6 5 3'7 95

1 0"-. 10 10 1-9 ! 9d 1 % ., 97 1 98 1. 3 •• 1 1 I 2 27 -28 ~ 4,0 ~ 1 28 31 M " 100 1 101 102


I _Oult;i",at;ora ef' land ..hoU;,- or mainl,. o'Wlled. and their dependao.ta Name of vm.p Number of Tot.al No. of Peraona Ood. co -"--"""' ,....---.__ --JI.- ____ No. 0' Oooupied Hoo_- Vw.c. Romao. Soript; Napi Seript; houaea holda Per.ona :Male. Female.

(1) (2) (I) (It) (S) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

Katewari 61 282 128 164 122 1« 106 lPf' Kas-- •• lOG 619 320 299 299 285 loa r~ 1frnR1fm~ 28 183 108 75 108 75 107 •• Katwi •• ~1' 39 197 88 109 88 109 lOS t~_ Kelawara ~I'!T 26 147 88 79 84 79 I.Oe lR Khadi Ovari wr.l~ 267 .26~ (128 725 612 680 110 136 W11#Pn ;,"tqt 24, 27 127 68 69 88 69 I~I U57 .A'If"A III III 531 282 24.8 280 us ,4. ltharadl war. ~ 36 36 170 86 85 86 86 113 25 KharadlWa1"&. .-Ufl... ,, 42 "'2 271 l4,3 128 l4.0 125 116 150 Khohkadra ...... ,.U 19 19 72 37 35 37 35 115 102 Khunadari 1IIIt~ .36 38 168 75 9S 69 83 110 14.5 Khuntaneri ~~ 1;)1 -.fi'l 263 12... 139 124. 139 117 111 Kojawara """'"'''',., U.9 149 853 420 433 335 360 us 170 Kotra .• 210 211 1,163 562 601 524 572 lUI 31 Laohhmanpura w"""j(f 3 3 17 10 7 10 'f 120 131 Lakora ~)l'f 35 35 174 80 94 80 94.

121 187 Lamba Ps.n.wa ~ IIAffT 22 22 103 50 53 50 53 112 us Larathi t=mqT 153 153 928 4.59 469 4.57 4,69 12& 3 Magra .• ~ 37 37 193 101 92 101 92 126 e4. Mahida qm 62 67 338 165 173 147 155 1215 ISO Mabudra q-pU .... 49 2"'6 122 124. 119 120 113 92 Mahudia "If.qt 21 21 101 49 52 4,9 52 127 184. Mahuwara "14.,1 32 33 162 81 81 81 81 128 1" MakadJap 46 46 245 115 130 115 130 l2i 106 14al 11 11 49 23 26 23 26 ISO 164 Mandwa. .. 99 99 538 267 269 267 26SJ l~n !~6 Manpura 4('''j'O 8 8 34 13 21 13 21 182 178 Masa.ron :ki Owari • • ~ 'If\' .n....u 216 1,218 595 623 590 601 133 59 Mithi Mahlldi ...~1' ~ 50 50 253 129 124 127 124

184. .~9 Mokarwara ...)~~ 12 21 83 "'0 43 29 31 136 ,,,3 Mothli ~ 32 32 191 95 96 78 86 las S5 Mudiw_ 27 27 154- 73 81 71 81

137 14.8 Mudwara 88 88 4.49 195 254 195

118 1.1 Nagar . 81 85 440 213 227 209 224,

l~ 91t Nag_ Maphr& 8 8 40 22 18 22 18 eBRsUi AB8'l'RACT E,URAL-(Oon-ttl.)

KBBB. ABA-(Oontd.) -----AGRICULTURAL-----'------. CLASSES r------A--NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES It-Culti­ III-CUltivat­ 1 V -Non-Culti­ Per.oDS (including dependants) Who derive their principal ing la.bourers vating owners Ulea.ns of livelihood {rOUl va1ior.. of land ~ ------______-A ______-. wholly or and their of land; agri­ ::mainly unowned dependants cultural rent V-Production VI--Coxnxnerce VII--Transport VIII--Other and their receivers other than services and dependants and their \ cultivation :rDiaoellaneous dependants ~ sourcea Literate. C---.A.-----. ,-__ .A. ___--. ___.A. __ -. ~ r::::-__..___----- C---.A.----. C---.A.----n r:-~ r----....__~ 'Gi "k Males Fern!l.les Mals3 Fem~le"l Mil-les Fema.les Ma.les Fema.les Males Females Males Fe:males Males Fexnales Males FeDlalee ~

(IS) (14) (US) (lG) (1 'i) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (26) (26) (27) (28) (1)

1 2 3 1 4 3 104, 15 17 106

3 106 107

4 7 108 1 15 24 13 10Q 110 1 2 12 III

1 112

3 113 , - • 114 1 3 8 2 2 9 3 lIti 1 11. :I 1 71 1 1 2 117 33 29 5 1 1I8 1fo

2 I~O 2 121

2 6'1 1~2 1ft

5 D 5 124. 8 7 125 126

9 127 6 128 129 130 13"1

1 3 19 7 13~

2 3 1 133

II 12 5 134- 1 12 8 .. 2 6 136 2 3 138 137

9 138 lOG


I-Cultivator. of land wholly or JDainly o'Wned and their dependants Nuxnber of Total No. of PerBoDB Name of Village r-----"-_.--...... __---'--.,-----.. t'::""--~---:::"\ Code Occupied HouBe­ r=_'----- Persons Male. Fe:rnalea M ... I.,. Fe:lDale. No. of N agri Script houaes holds vm.go (8) (9} (ll) ('12) (4) (5) (6) (7) (2) (3) 196 145 146 650 312 338 207 Nawa. Gaon ~,"Ilf l4.0 70 191 73 73 374 1'95 179 179 141 6 N awa. Gha.rBil "'" 'eR:T 52 53 313 151 162 Ilil If12 1.1 12 N iehla. Te.la.b ~t.'" awnr 15 15 Sg 4,5 440 45 -4.4, Nioh1a Thuria ;flow", -rftQ'T 143 83 30 11 11 65 32 3S 31 144 164. Oda. it~ 52 53 281 136 145 135 14,5 176 Odawas it'.I.I~ 87 -'l)fj 243 213 238 209 padri l4.t5. 114 1ftT.YT 81 so 30 34 168 87 69 Padiawara ~ I2!1 48 48 258 tl4- PadliB ) 48 Cl] ~Q'T 34 16 Hi 69 37 32 29 Pagsra 149 Is3 q''l1'U 15 76 83 361 174 187 20 ",'ITt 160 28 Fa.had 06 32 201 105 105 151 195 Paha.da ~''fl :n 34 185 76 IOU (J7 9~ Palsw. ., tflISf~, 152 129 302 215 q:m 111 111 598 296 22~ 153 110 Fared a 36 201 92 109 92 109 us.. 26 Pannarwara q~~ 640 328 158 170 122 136 Patillo ., q'c€trn HilS .S 59 61 19 19 120 61 59 Pipola qt~T 156 55 215 201 213 79 79 417 202 Pogra Kala.n Iftrr~, ...-:ori 167 122 50 43 20 20 94 50 4" Pogra. Khurd ql'l~t t!i' 158 58 175 192 i6n um 71 71 367 159 88 Rachha 43 4fi 17 17 9:! Re.hta. ~~eT 160 76 45 57 45 19 19 102 Raitr.. 161 47 ~~ 225 227 217 81 81 455 230 162 190 Ra.jol -' 'UIltTw II 73 36 37 37 Rarna Baori @:rT ~ 104 104 28 180 11.J-l 72 RantLwara ~lm.t ]4, 74 39 39 Ra:Il_B."W'"ara 165 89 ~"'T 39 38 37 ]4 78 3H Rani 166 27 ~'\' 133 128 ]27 125 61 61 261 Ill';' 143 Ratanpura ~~ 32 36 3:J i 1 :1 GS 36 Rs.tana wars. "(~~f 168 133 1388 1,:n5 217 238 5.,7 ri87 :.!,703 5ji1f+{ ~ ] 69 166 Rishabh Dao 179 209 79 397 11'15 212 it.. ,\,,,,T 78 liO 61 Robiya. R07 747 797 739 320 1.554 IiI 95 Ss.gwara mtT~ 46 IS ~~~ 172 71 Salah. -' 11>7 143 144 GS 305 148 San1.iter80 173 Jl::> m1ft~'t 74 67 20 20 143 174 08 iSamrUil ~;III' 36 35 14, 71 17,"j 81 SaLori ~ .. ~ 107 CENSUS ABSTRA T


KHERW ARA-(Gontd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NOH -AGRICULTURAL CLASSES .A- -., r- --, II-Cultiva.tors III-Cuiti va- IV-Non·CuIti- Person. (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly tlng labourers vating OWners In_DS of livelihood from or mainly and their of land; agri- r------.Jo-.- -, unowned and dependants cultural rent V-Production VI--COm.merce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen- recei".ers other thBn services Bnd da.nts and their cultiva.tion miscella.neous 0 dependants sources Literatell ,-___ .A. __ ~ Sri r-_J"..-~,---.A..---.,.-----"---" ,----"------, ,--_...... --:-"'1 r---.A----., r----~ ti -;: MaiM Females Males Females Mflles Females Maleii Fema.les Males F.IDale. Malee Females Males F emal.. lIal_ lI'emalell .aII>

(13) (H) (15) ( 16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24.) (26) (26) (27) (~8) (1)

3 49 41> (51 7tS 3 10 fU~ 38 140

2 2 3 141

2 14~ US 1 1 2 14,4,

1 1 3 3 14.5 3 4 4. IS 146

1 2 :: 4, (5 1 2 l'l7

52 65 4 4, US

1 2 3 8 U9

1 85 89 26 37 11 10 M 31 3l) 25 150

15 1 0 15 3 1 HI2

2 76 71 2 2 1 4, 153


'2 :! 6 14, 5 7 (5 1 I' 10 IS 1 155


1 2 IS 167


& 7 159 ::. 1 3 5 160 161

3 :: r;; 4 162

Hi 3 164


1 2 3 166

.> ~ 1 3 U 167 168

at} 41) 10 9 5 <4 241 31:~ 344 319 2t) 21 510 371 671 H4 169 r, ,- I :1 II ~ 170 2 8 :I 2 3 14 3 171

2 1 172 r. ]3 e 173

7 10 174 175 IUS




T-Cultivators of land wholly or e mainly owned ~ and their Namo ofVillBge :3 dependants r-______---..A-______--" >. Code .... !I> Number of Total No. of Persons ~ No. of o 8 r----..A.----" -----A-----. ,----""""__--., Village ROLll"'ll Script Nagri Script. Occupied House- i !.~ houses holds Persons Males Females :Males Females a:J (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (S) (9) (10) (11) (12)

108 28U 176 105 Saroli .. ~ lOt> 559 279 279 280 2a 25 128 63 65 1:>1 6 .• IT7 185 ShampurA ~~'U 12 67 30 37 30 178 50 Sukhbari ~~ 1~ 37 68 68 368 190 178 . 190 178 179 54 Sukhlal ~~~'8 ISO 88 Sulei 67 67 375 177 198 14,0 158 ~~f ~ 4.2 43 188 89 99 79 85 181 1.10 Sundra 't;:~T :;'" 17 17 81 39 4.2 39 42 18~ 85 Suvedra ~~ ~..... 0 596 295 301 293 301 183 112 Suveri .• ~it~T Z 87 IH 28 28 164 74 ~O 74 90 184 161 Tapana. <'NAT 185 73 Tha.na. II7 118 568 277 2!H 161 177 78 S4 78 S3 186 167 ThA.naMafi '"""v:n;:n ~ 30 30 162 37 38- 187 1"9 Thobawa.r& -n"'~~ l7 17 75 37 38 372 354 37!?; 188 32 Ukheri .. 3i~ 131 131 726 31H 72 65 189 20 Upla Thuri& ~.n~.. 2~ 22 137 72 65 ,CENSUS ABSTRACT .. '!II" . ¥ ~ ~ ~ •



AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ------~------~ r-__,------~---______~ II-Cultivator. III -Cultiva­ IV -Non-Cuhi­ Person. (inoluding dependants) Who derive their prinoipal of land'Wholl, ting labourers va ting owner. :means of livelihood froUl Or mainly and their of land; agri­ r------~ -, unowned and dependants oultural rent- V -Production VI-CoUlDleroe VII-Transport------, their depen- VIII-Other receivers other than services and and " dante their cultivation m.isoellane OU8 dependants sources Literat_ r---..A..-_--.. r---..A..-_~ c:::--..A..--~ r----'--__ r---.:;A;; __-, ~ __ .A.------,. r---.A.___ :-,\ Males FelUa.les Ma.les FelUa,les Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females i~

(13) (14) (16) (16) (17) (18) (IQ) (20) (21) (22) (28) (24) (26) (26) (27) (26} (1)

1 176

2 5 177 178

178 1 - 2 - 29 I 8 8 180 3 8 2 1 10 1.2 181 182

2 T 18S

1 1M 1 2 10 19 62 41 8 30 64 ., 185 1 6 186 1 187 18.

180 110


Populated 5. No. of Villagee { Unpopulated 1. No. and Name of Distriot-18 UDAIPUR !. Nam.e of Sub.DiviBion-VALLABH- 6. No. of Hamleta NAGAR 3. Ne. and NaIIle of Tehail- 11 BHUPAL SAGAR ... No. of Traot-82 7. No. of Towns 8. Area of Tehsil in Sq.Hiles !63

I-Cult.ivatonl of land whon.,. or :mainly owned and their dependant.s

Name of Village Number of Tot.al No. of Persons oj, r---.A..--- --" ,-____.A.. ___--:---., -A.-.--_ .. Code r= .---~...... ____ 'il No. of Ocoupied House- ,-_. ~ Village Roman Soript Nagri Script houses holds Persons Ma.l~,! Femfljes Maljll Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)' (10) (12)

385 490 2.221 1,128 1,093 476 1 Akola .. 8tre~ 5.310 604- 2 Anjan Khera ai~.,.. ~ 1,101 64 74 304 166. 1~9 131 103

59 92 549 267 282 21~ :II 4, Anopura. 3A)~~1 1.441 242 41 Babrans •• U"" 2.627 127 169 798 34i 333 81 Bsbaria. Khera anilf'(1:(l ~ 748 36 60 230 117 113 III 107 68 Badwai ifnli 800 66 62 299 145 154 145 154 , 34- Ba.lad .. 760 gO 154 76 78 72 74 if'mif '14. Bala.n kJ. Bhagal 171 8 36 20 1~ 19 15 .t:fi iii) ~" 282 134 19 Bari Ii~ 1.129 36 65 168 119 133 III 542 292 250 291 249 10 43 Bhopal Nagar "l)q~ ...~ 2,253 80 11 Bhupal Sagar 2.830 234 420 1.481 849 632 29!5 263 22 ,!~um~ 12 33 Bul .c:=s... ].153 82 97 386 205 181 117 94 13 67 Chakuri 1.592 29 54 308 140 168 137 167

14 51 Chokdi 1,115 4.3 64 298 149 149 88 83

16 50 Chorvadi 1.120 76 llS 518 274 244 210 197

l~ 2 Chothpura. ,,",~]U 1,587 33 41 208 109 88 104-

17 64 Dariba. d'~ 103 6 12 49 25 24 18 17 18 15 Devron ka. Khera. 'i"'~T ~r ~!T 1.081 fiO 267 135 93 Hi 27 Dhaneria ~ftltT 2.409 147 181 H74 44-7 427 3J6 3SS 25 33 l\W 98 89 20 3 Dhani ., ~) 825 JlI 107 117 107 21 69 Dhanna ki Bhaga.I ~T ...) ~~ 440 19 45 224 170 86 84 86 22 67 Dolatpura .ih~'ff~U 457 24 31 83 69 83 69 23 77 Gilund fiTw'~ 592 17 28 1.")2 • See Serial No. 73 53 Gars @Ummaidpur •. tTlT ;a-qi ;a'..qiC:!~ 62 51 50 24 9 Guj aria Khera. ~~QT ti", 943 14 27 120 25 Ij i) 61 fi7 20 78 Gujron ki Bhagal q~T I!Ift "m'l'{IS 778 19 "' 22 101 fi6 4f) 54, 43 26 11 Gulabpura 'twr~~l 539 21 472 232 240 226 2' 54 Gundli Khera. 'i.q~ W.T 1.500 61 93 119 95 90 28 38 Hadmatia. ~~ 760 2..1 42 194 81 445 219 226 199 29 56 Hingwania. tWr~T 736 61 135 123 125 210 J ajron kfl, Khf'lra 91I 47 67 266 131 ~161" ~ 111 ClDlSUS ABSTRACT RUR.AL-(Oontd. )


~. Per•• ns .Nil

10. K.les Nil 1 1. lI'eDlale. Nil


'---~ II-Oultiva.tors III-Cuitiva.t­ IV -Non-Culti­ Persons (including dependa.nts) who derive their prinoipal of land wholly ing labourers vating owners ______meanil of livelihood..A.__ from ___--. or ma.inlv and their of land; agri­ .,­ unowned ann: dependant,. cultural rent V -Producti on VI-Cornmerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen. receivers other than services and dants and their cultiva.tion miscella.neou. dependa.nts source. o Literates z r-~~ ,-----.-A.. __-, ,-----A-----., ,----"-----., ..... - ~ r------"------., ~-____,.__--. r------~

Males Females Males Females Males Fe=ales Males Female.. Males Females Males Females Males FelXlalcs Males FeDlale.

(13) ( 14) \15) (16) (17 ) (18) (19) (20) (21 ) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (J )

10 14 17 16 21i0 UUI 111 1 201 IS7 1 15 22 13 ~ 1 1 .. 2 24 ] I l~ 24 • 1 2 3 2 6 ,. ,. I 1 10 4

1 1 6


1 1 2 7 1 8

11 10 2 1 3 9 1 . '. 1 2 10 3l 24 164 171 16 6 233 lOG 36 11

10 7 3 l5 til 02 1 12

1 2 1 1 13

37 4 4, II 12 14 S!2 , 7 31 8 2 15

3 2 1 3 16

2 I 17

3!J 1 IB

1 12 11 1 19 10 9 20

~1 " 22 1 1 2J

9 1 24

I 1 25 26

2 27

2 7 1 28 15 11 3 7 13 .29 2 1 IS 8 .. 30 TJQ.: P~4ltY PART II TEHSIL


I-Oultivato rll of land Wholly Or D1ainly own~d and tbe-u dep.,ndant;. Name of Villag.. Number of Total No. of Perllon. Code No. ,,------'------,. r----..A---...... r----iA------...... _---.A.-_-, of Village Occupied House- Rom~n Soript Nagri Soript houses holdS Persons Malee Females :Ma l.,a Female.

(1) (2) (3) «() (6) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (U)

II 7 lSfm'f( 7,363 400 472 2,150 1,085 1,065 800 765 12 4T Jaw... 'ifT~ 498 20 28 50 83 67 76 66

33 28 .Tawana. l5f1Wfl 4,173 228 296 1,419 749 670 632 571 ." 71 Kabirji ki Bhagal •• lfi1I'1'uft ., ltT'IW 460 18 29 135 76 59 76 59 35 30 Kakarwa 1II'iT~ 4..061 320 456 2,086 1,053 1.033 829 791

38 79 Kalayanpure. 110 15 34 Ifi~~ 16 63 29 29 34 3"1 14 Kana. Khera 1IfiT;n ~ 1,789 46 73 337 171 166 130 130 38 6S Kanar Khera ~ ..... 1,133 35 50 273 139 134 138 133 Ie 82 Kanwarpura cr:~T 450 36 48' 194 98 96 97 94-

4.0 29 Khartan.e. 'I(~ 2.031 177 229 1,000 484 516 34.5 381

39 Khedli lliwwl 303 13 17 82 46 36 45 3~

26 Kheri ~,.l 1,007 46 60 291 152 139 146 134

S9 La.lwaa ~~m 4-04 22 22 120 59 61 56 5K 13 Mali Khera ~tm ..... 1.079 86 465 254 211 252 211 1 Manohar Kheri ~~Wf\' 415 18 26 114 56 58 55 58 31 Matunia ~"'" 610 38 46 223 116 107 107 101 60 :Murlia ~U~ 1,029 55 63 274 140 134 122 118 80 Nadoll ;m.:Tw1' 1,117 29 64 270 124 146 123 141')

72 Narji ki Bhagal ~1 ..1' 11l1TW 8 15 83 43 40 39 S\}

76 Nawalpura ;r<:m~~T [3 23 144 76 69 74 6~ 4.8 Nilod f~"'" 2,613 120 174 875 435 440 410 39" U Odon kft Khera a:()fl Ifi'T W.., 373 9 45 28 17 28 17 '4 Pori q~T 3.110 171 185 883 482 401 419 360 49 Pa.toHa qiTftJlU 3,406 121 160 829 430 399 384 352

56 66 P"ma Khera it", W¥T 3i53 5 4 19 13 6 13 6 1:55Tfi:rqT 56 Z4 Phal_ia 2,782 49 70 322 158 164 135 137

67 39 Phalasia q:a~fodcU 700 20 32 137 71 66 69 66

58 70 Pitambarpura f'n'· .... TT 319 13 16 73 37 36 35 33 (tq~f(qi IIfnI:I5t 59 58 Raipuria Kalan 1,956 50 73 336 158 178 151 17!>

60 Jl Raipuria Khurd '('Ttt'~~~ ~i 855 37 34 166 85 81 84 80 '{n:n~ 61 35 Rama Khara. 1,969 52 101 509 252 257 250 256 62 Ra.wtia ~T~ 1,896 94 123 496 252 244 168 Ifl

83 Ruppura ~q~U 657 14 18 88 45 43 45 43

64- Sadipura. ~~, 503 25 31 120 62 59

6{j Sadri ~1q\" 1,333 97 138 595 3

66 Sanwa,li. Khars. ~iq~T ~.., 488 19 21 128 62 66 (J2 113 CENSUS ABSTRACT



AGRIOULTURAL CLASSES :NON -AGIUCULTURAL CLASSES ------~-"..,.,,_------~ ---~ r------..A.. ~ Persons (Lncluding dependants) who derive their principal II-Cultivators 111- -Cultlvat­ IV-Noll-CUltI­ means of livelihood from of land wholly iug labourers vating o·wners .-----______..A.. ______, or mainly and thelr of land; agrl­ unowned and dependants cultural rent V-Production VI-Commcrce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen. receivers other than services and dants and their cultivation miscellaneous dependants sources Literate!'! .----"---, ,---'-----" r---.A.--, r----'----, ,-__..A.. __, .-_-.A..-_, Males Fem'tles Males Femd.les Males Fem.:tles Males Fem'l.les Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

( 13) (14) (15) (16) (17 ) (IS) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

29 25 27 39 67 71 29 27 64 71 69 67 172 15 31

4 1 3 3 32

8 9 8 9 39 32 35 23 19 18 8 8 85 7 33 1 34

l~ 9 1.33 172 16 17 7 5 37 3\) • 89


HI 24 6 8 16 4 1 3 37

1 1 38 2 2 39 26 30 7 17 2 1 48 40 18 20 28 27 51 40 1 1 41

4 2 2 3 42 2 1 1 43

1 1 44 1 45

2 7 5 1 46

9 7 6 2 1 1 47

1 1 48

1 3 1 4f

1 2 2 50

3 2 3 1 19 1 2 ::0 11 51 1 5::

3 1 25 16 25 23 3 2 1 15 53

4 3 28 2G 1 1 13 17 76 1 54 1 f,5

5 7 1 8 6 4 5 8 6 2 1 57

2 3 58

1 6 3 12 1 59

1 1 3 60

-.. 2 1 61 11 4 2 2 4 7 4 9 55 89 15 62 63

3 3

1 5 5 9 10 12 6 2 25 21 65 66 114,


I-Cultivators of la.nd wholly CD tIC or mainly owned ~ and thelr ~. dependa.nts ~ N&n1e of Village .... f. Number of Total No. of Persons 'iii Code r- -"------:-"\ 0<:> ;-----"------. r::--J'--- --. r--..A..--_ No. of .0< Occupied House- I Villag. Roman Soript Nagri Script ~.9 houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

67 42 Sanwata 9i1fi!1 S.045 81 103 489 262 227 245 217 68 {) Sejgaria hrrf~ 746 41 69 361 168 193 156 179

69 20 Sha.mbhupura. mil 3~2 10 10 45 28 22 22 18 ~~ 6 Surajpura 281 48 56 253 126 127 123 125 70 ~~U 250 730 697 890 i1 75 '1:o.na. - ttlWl't 3,822 315 1.4.27 389 72 37 Tanda _ Iriw'f 293 26 46 135 71 64 61 64 73 1S3 Uuunaidpura. @ 868 3Q 54 305 14.') 160 145 160. Oura: =a~I!IZU :a-. W .,.4, ~.Ol4. 65 90 441 226 315 .226 215 18 U.-ol .. :a\it:'. 115 CENSUS ABSTRACT RURAL-(Oontd. )


AGRIOULTURAL CLASSES NON -AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ------~------~ r- II-Cultivators III-Cuitivat.­ IV-Non-Culti­ Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their prinoipal

of land wholly ing labourers vating owners ~. ______Ineans -J~of livelihood ______from ~ or mainly and their of land; agri­ unowned and dependants oultural rent V--Produotion VI-ComInerce VII--Transport VIII-Other their depen­ reoeivers other than servioes and dants a.nd their cultiva.tion Iniscellaneous 0 dependants sources Literates ~ r----.A..~ ___..A. __ ., r-__j._---., r-----..A..~ ,---J----~ - ,-----..A..----h r---..A..-~ r----..A..---., .!! Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fem.ales Ma.les Fem.ales Males Females Male. FelDales ~

(J3) (14) (15) (16) (17 ) (18) (19) ( 20) (21) (22) (2'3) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1 )

5 4 7 [) 6 4,.. 67 1 5 5 6 9 68 I 4 2 69 1 2 1 1 70 17 18 37 34 133 115 89 73 64 68 136 3 71

8 ~ 72 Z 73 21 74 116 THE PRIMARY PART II

(Populatea 128 5. No.ofViUage",-< L (Jnponulated Nil 1. No. and Name of District- 18 UDAIPUR 2. Name of Sub-Div~BioD- 6. No.ol HamJets 83 3. No. and Name of Tehsil-13 MAHOLI 4. No. of Tract-82 7. No. of TOWH"! Nil

8. Area of Tebsil ill Sq. Mile", aOI


I-Cultiva tors of land wholly or malnly owned and thei dependants Name of Vlllage NUHlber of Total No. of Persons Code r--- ______..A.. ------. ~ ___ ..A.. ___ --. r------.A------. r-- --'---, No. of Occupied Houc:e· Village Roman Script Nagri Script houses hold,; Persons ~lales Females Maks FeJnales

(I) (2) (3) (4) ( 5) (6) (7) ('I) (9) (10) (1 1 ) ( 1.2)

1 11 1 Akudru 3fT

2 l08 . Arnli 3flq~T 3,041 137 644 323 321 297 2ti8 ,')0 3 I 8 Anooppora ar.:tq,!~r 150 24 '27 104 42 42 4 74 Af'na 3fffiift 688 112 120 3i9 312

5 112 Bfldgaon «f:s~iq 1,950 ]38 HI 4.')1 ..101 414 ~i64

6 28 Banslia q-t«fwaT 600 128 134 7. 109 Babriya Khera «f

9 64 Basni Kalan iH~;:ft ""wi 1,000 60 7U 211 1~\J lSi) 10 55 BasIll Khurd «fT~1 ~

12 2 Bhunsol ~Ti'I~)w 2,852 242 278 1,3:35 656 679 481 471 13 49 Bhawli ~qi:'?) 900 85 111 499 252 ::.47 211 13t; 137 14 115 BhiTa Khera ~)<.'?T ~~ 1,095 42 294 149 14.• :!47 15 26 Bhimal Kitawton ki ~;qw ",,~T",,) 1.794 U8 ll8 52.") 25~ 16 72 Bhopat Kheri ~)-t~ ~~l 200 14 14 33 30 23 117 17 60 Bhumalwas ~qwq,~ 400 40 55 293 146 147 116 18 54 Bldgas iI)~1TT~ 1,352 3 J4- 7 7

19 16 Bijanwas f~rfqm 2,818 17(; 233 1.127 570 557 450 20 106 Bika Khera iI)



9. Persons 19

10. Males 13

II. Females 6

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES -----..... ------, ,------'"------~ II-Cultivators III-Cultivat- 1.\1" -Non-Cul-t1 . PeX:Sons (inoluding dependants) who derive their prinoipal -of land wholly ing labourers vating owners means of lIvelihood from ,--- __~ .A.______.... or maInly and their of land; agrI- unowned and dependants oultural rent V-Produotion VI-Commeroe VII-Transport VIII-Other the,!" depen­ receivers other than Eervioes and dants and their cultivation miscellaneous 6 dependants sources Litera1;es Z r---..A---""""" r-_-..A.--.....,. ,--___ fo-----" y----"-----" ,----"------., c---..A--~ r---...... ----. ,----"-----,,-; MaJe3 Females Male3 Female3 Males Females .Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females j

(131 (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (26) (26) (27) (28) (I)

5 5 3 7 4 4 1 15 17 7 1 5 7 8 4 5 8 I 1 7 13 20 1 2

8 12 2 3

3 5 1 3 3 15 4

15 7 2 4 10 14 5 1~ 5 2 8 5 4 10 11 I 2 1 1 15 6

1 I I 7

1 8

3 1 I 3 9 15 9 8 19 5 9

4 4 7 8 15 15 12 10 1 3 6 29 22 16 1 10

4 8 I 2 3 8 11

9 9 70 85 9 6 14 14 73 94 112 10 12

lS 17 I 6 8 4 4 6 3 13

4 1 9 5 2 4 14

I :2 1 4 1 1 2 2 13 11 6 2 15

4 4 5 6 2 16

23 19 3 9 4 2 15 3 17

7 7 18

1 5 2 91 53 5 6 18 21 23 19 3 5 4 2 20

1 2 9 6 13 21

4 3 I 2 I 5 22

2 7 7 16 1 13 14 23

6 7 1 1 24

3 3 34 26 52 47 56 49 49 40 67 I 25

59 26 22 18 15 15 15 55 58 54 58 64 2 2ti

5 1 ~7

7 8 3

2 1

4 4 5 17 25 13 18 l3 14 52 :2 30

3 5 11 34 22 119 119 65 45 197 23 31

4 4 3 32 118 THE PRIMARY PART II

TEHSIL c------

I-Cultivators of land "Wholly or mainly ow-ned'\ and their dependants Name of Village Number of Total No. of Persons r---- __ .A.. ____-., ,-__.A.. __ --. Code -"-- r---.A..----., No. of Occupied House. Village Roman Soript Nagri Soript houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (3) ( 4) (5) ( 6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10) (11 ) (12)

71 57 33 45 Deoji ka Khera 1tCl'\ifT qn ~ 276 24 26 137 77 60 34 100 Dharta "lR'nT 1,000 81 !=I 3 366 192 174 175 155 35 7 Dholi Magri ~,~ ~'U 972 99 124 606 302 304 287 289 36 119 Dhundhkia ,!"lfifiltT 2,677 141 170 783 395 388 245 257 37 4 (B) Digarkia T,&"'l~~T 1,233 69 79 352 170 182 142 140 38 62 Fateh Nagar ~~~ "'f(~ 610 208 350 1.706 952 754 161 110 39 96 Gadoli 'li(l T 1,400 203 244 1,0-18 521 527 382 365 40 40 Gadria"Was m,&"T~crT" 457 28 39 150 86 64 70 61 41 79 Gad"Wa .. rr'&"crT 600 52 53 264 133 131 126 128 42 27 Gadwara :rrGcrT~ 250 92 101 479 228 251 134 1"53 43 66 Gandoli Khera ,,;;qlwT ~ 664' 26 35 202 104- 98 98 91 44 8 Ganeshpura 'loi"~~~T 184 30 30 125 . 63 62 62 62 45 84 Ghanoli ~lwT 500 107 108 471 240 231 224 200 46 10 Ghasa .. 'l'tmT 3,878 532 598 2.783 1,443 1,34G • 1,066 979

47 61 Girdharipura ffr~"lm~U 429 26 31 1.:16 80 76 73 65 48 98 Golwara ;ft~~ 1,300 83 98 428 211 217 204 204 49 102 Goverdhanpura "lCfq~U 799 27 36 178 92 86 92 86 'l:sw) 451 432 50 77. Gudli ~,795 240 288 1,310 672 638 51 29 Holi ~l~T 718 38 89 312 169 143 1.57 132

52 Il4 Intali ~;:er~) 2,428 380 531 2,346 1,198 1,148 788 737

53 1 Jawad "'fCl''&" 5.456 368 1,727 892 83:3 701 617 64 68 Jawanji ka Khera .. ~l:IT~T iifil ~~T 196 22 J 51 78 73 73 72 55 113 Jodhana ~)~T"'ff 625 17 21 100 50 50 50 30

56 14 Kham ki M;adri Wlq' 1 2-10 234- 57 75 Kheln!i ~,;{wT 3,356 3S9 359 ] .667 7(;1 602 353

58 101 ~1=1"~~ 2,589 96 lol7 789 o

66 6 Magthaln In'lQl~ ],6.57 142 142 7(H 387 374 338 324 fi69 5.12 67 67 MahoI' ~)~, 4,763 888 888 3,509 l,SB 1,66S 121 125 107 68 36 Mandap 700 51 51 254 133 184 153 69 58 l'.fankhand 853 46 78 405 212 119 CENSUS ABSTRACT R ORAL-(Oontri.)

MAHOLI-( Could. )

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON -AGR ICULTURAL CLASSES ~------_"_------~ ,------Jo------r--, II-Cultivators III-CLIL ivat- IV--Nnn-Culti- Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ing labourers vating owners ,--______mea.ns of livelihood..A. _____ froUl - ______--, or mainly and. their of land; agri- unowned a.nd dependants cultural rent V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen- receivE'rs other -than services and da-nl;s and their cultivation miscellant-ous o dependants sources Literates Z ,------""------,. r----"---"""""'"'\ r---""""_--~ v-----"---~ ~ __ .:;.c.___ ~ ,-__::.A_ ___ ~ r---.A._--~ ,-__ ...A.. __ ::"'\- ~ .~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female.. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males FemaleS- 00

( 13) ( 14) (15) (16) ( 17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (I)

4 1 2 2 33

6 5 I 5 10 1 5 1 2 34

14 15 I '2 35

2 13 21 70 64 4 2 1 64 44 35 I 36 17 29 Jl 13 37 11 12 4 11 11 116 89 372 318 84 66 193 148 449 U8 38 68 47 8 13 39 79 34 23 67 8 39

I 1 9 1 1 40

6 3 1 1 41

1 6 6 54 72 5 4 13 5 14 10 18 42 '.. 6 7 9 43 1 1 44 13 3 1.5 4 3 10 45

3 8 3 5 113 103 183 171 75 74 235 23 46 7 11 3 47

7 9 2

19 26 43 22 22 36 27 87 75 31 30 1l

6 4 6 7 4 51

6 9 3 6 54 153 157 75 70 ll9 lQ8 211 13 52

3" 2 4 3 27 38 60 93 19 12 63 70 68 63

4 1 1 1 54 55

6 :2 ."i 2 7 4 18 3 56

1 6 16 IS 24 77 68 63 41 5 8 105 75 143 16 57 (:) 10 13 16 2l 21 39 34 46 44 62 15 58

3 2 2 I 9 12 9 1 59

11 11 1 3 8 5 2 1 60 3 7 I 61

1 19 20 11 31 21 15 17 1 27 IS 43 5 62 .. 11 IG 4 7 10 2 I 63 14 12 18 18 9 12 8 4 16 J4 26 2 64

2 13 7 11 20 15- 24 1. 4 ]3 65

49 50 II 66

[>3 42 60 G7 39 24'l 231 273 231 114 I\}5 505 4.21 776 185 67

8 14 4 1 68

5 1 9 11 14 21 4 69 120




I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned o and their :z; dependants Name of Village Number of Total No. of Persons Code ..A.. ______---, r------__ r----_.A.. __---, ..-----_Jo--___,..._" r----.A..-----, No. of Occupied House- Village Roman Script N agri Script houses holds Persons Males Females Males Feomales

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) ( 0) ( 10) (II ) (12)

70 33 Ma,.tadl ~~~) 875 64 71 379 194 185 182 174 71 12 Maruwas 1,233 "T~'~ 44 44 219 115 104 leo 90 72 83 Merta .. q-~(lr 1,000 184 205 980 473 507 264 241 73 59 Morath "RQ 1,653 97 74 500 260 240 231 2{)4 1,094 2-11 74 36 Mardi "T~) 86 86 462 241 21"5 241

75 4. (A) Murda ,,~~, 1,760 76 531 266 265 247 247 "" -'76 88 Nahar Magro. 1,200 227 - "'"~ ~, 76 138 '463 236 95 85 77 31 ~ai ka Dhana "f,t

80 73 Nandwel "fT;:q'~w 700 124 136 636 338 298 284 227

81 17 Nauwa "f3>,," 1,000 148 148 706 353 353 284 295

82 123 Nurda "f~:gT 4,188 133 146 745 380 363 348 334 83 80 Ordi 3{Tm 900 i41 149 683 340 343 292 284 84 76 Orwardia ],190 3{),""'d'~ 100 126 627 346 281 342 276 85 4 (D) Paluna Kalan qw,"," CfiWT 5,04(; 305 305 1,397 719 678 426 416 86 4 (F) PaJana Khurd QWT"f' ~ 6,800 217 217 1.222 624 598 315 309 87 24 Palwas Kalan 1:"~~ Cfi'~ 54 54 457 225 232 215 223 88 25 Palwas Khurd q'T~"m ~ S37 22 34 159 79 80 73 73 89 92 Paota .. q'J(f

90 43 Phahchra q:)w(~~r 2,33.) In3 11)3 870 450 420 2·11 214 91 56 Piplia .. q')qfwtfT 700 24 34 157 68 89 61 77

92 4 (C) Prakashpura Sf

93 97 Rahami ~,~qT 600 30 4}'; 215 117 98 103 88

94 22 Rakhyawal ~~ltT"w ] ,413 174 174 885 431 454 402 417 95 19 Raiji ka Gura ~) q;r 'T~ 400 10 10 60 36 24 35 21 -<>. 96 48 Rani Khera 318 13 42 16 26 14 21

97 11 Rania .. 4::1 6 7 25 16 9 16 9

203 98 4 (E) Rathana ~Qr-r. 3,866 95 32S 265 265 263 99 117 Roda ~m 591 21 29 117 50 fiS 50 44- _ !H-5- 100 36 Rodi ~)':g'l 1,000 1';3 53 157 138 ]57 158 101 90 Sak ria Kheri ~~f~~~) 1,700 88 102 598 30;; 2v3 27') 249 102 41 Sakro:1a ~l'~~T;n 3,109 187 187 1,005 505 500 374 374 103 89 Salera Kalan m~~ q;wr 1,183 166 223 571 520 389 335 J04 32 Salera Khul'd m~T ~i 1,117 ';0 II2 240 233 213 210 105 21 Sangwa ~hT!fT 2,356 218 218 1,095 578 517 467 420 121 -Cl!:NSU8 ABSTRACT RURAL-(Oontd.) MAHOLI-(OonM.)

AGRIOULTURAL OLASSES NON -AGRICULTURAL CLASSES --__.A- :-"\ r-- .----- J,____ =-" Il-Cultivators III-Cuitivat- IV-Non-CuIti­ Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of la.nd wholly ing labourers vating owners means of livelihood from. or mainly and theIr of land; agri- ,-- .------~.------~ unowned and dependants culturR.l rent- V -Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen. receivers other 'than services and dants and their cultivation miscellaneous dependants sources Literates 1'::: ____-'- ___-. r----"----. ,_---'-----. r------., c:---"----. Males Females Males Females Males Females Ma.les Females Ma.les Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18 ) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ( 1)

4 3 8 8 11 70

9 7 1 6 1 4 I 5 71

7 14 -6 7 4 15 125 146 34 37 33 47 51 1 72 13 12 2 8 4 5 2 2 8 9 12 73 I 1 I 4 3 10 7t 1 9 10 9 8 16 75 8 5 14 12 2 2 30 21 15 10 I 71 92 13 5 76 2 1 1 77 3 1 3 6 78

I 79

10 5 30 41 7 5 7 20 22 1 80 2 2 11 7 36 31 14 13 6 5 16 81

6 9 16 15 10 7 13 82

1 13 18 25 18 9 23 33 83 2 4 1 1 1 6 84

26 18 56 48 146 150 65 46- 124 4 85

12 7 7 8 15 8 81 80 149 149 2 43 37 218 30 86 1 1 8 8 I 12 1 87

6 7 I 88 6 9 1 1 I 3 89 2 6 7 6 10 55 55 51 35 89 96 5-9 5 90

2 4 1 4 4 3 I 3 91 13 6 13 11 3 92

4 2 2 I 6 6 2 1 1 93

27 35 1 1 1 1 5 94

1 3 95 1 5 1 96 97 5 98 3 4 5 11 7 99 100

1.2 10 4 5 17 25 2 1 3 17 4 101

31 21 30 27 14 13 13 10 43 55 35 1 102 2 2 2 23 36 47 38 73 78 35 31 101 8 103

7 3 2 4 5 4 1 12 12 31 3 104 7 3 9 10 2 4 50 22 19 13 11 16 1 105 122 'l'HE J'RlMAR, Y PART II



I-Cult.ivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their dependants Name of Village Number of Total No. of Persons Code ------"----._-----, • ...... ------. r----~ r---'------:-"I No. of Occupied House- - VUlage Roma.n Script Nagri Script houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) to) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1I0) (ll) (12)

106 57 Sanwar 6,461 650 650 3,876 1,966 1,910 591 551 ~Cilli" 107 81 Sarai Dabok ~ ~II"Ai 200 48 48 226 118 108 115 103 108 52 Sarooppura 342 27 33 175 95 80 73 65 w.~ 109 50 Sawania VlfTfirlrr 350 60 73 332 168 16, 151 143 110 57/.1 Shivsinghji ka libera. 14 14 88 42 46 ",'lIfttl!Plff lin' ~" 111. .~ Sindu ffiJ 1,300 199 246 2.110 630 580 392 355 112 91 Sobji ka Khera w'"nPfi Ifil q. 103 29 29 129 69 60 58 47 113 .70 Soli yon ki Madrl 1.685 83 83 467 235 232 230 220 WW~l,,"qR~ 153 10 13 63 20 33 9 11 114 .46 Soparia Khera m~ ~'" 115 .113 Sukhwada 300 67 73 283 132 151 108 97 '!~ 116 87 Suwawaton ka Gura 100 19 19 283 49 34 43 29 ~~1 EfiI '1fT 117 Thamla ..-n:raT 2.677 360 469 2,167 1,102 695 704 610 77 77 383 189 194 183 190 118 78 Tulsidasjl ki Saral ""~T~T IIr' ~"' 119 1.1.6 Uda Khera 3i~ ~ 723 45 79 356 183 173 183 173 2,855 142 167 785 405 380 367 342 120 39 Vadlar ....~ 121 5 Vajunda- 'lllnPffT.. 600 49 49 238 134 104 112 94 2,002 158 158 777 406 371 344 311 122 23 Virdholia IIlh~f,,",T 875 62 62 300 155 145 147 138 123 103 Vishanpura f~~T 124 110 VVadi .. ItRT 500 44 44 190 96 94 61'S 58 125 69 Wagroda ",., ot.')C, 300 58 65 359 193 166 191 163 126 93 W&grodl ,{fIf~'l 530 29 29 135 65 70 61 67 12'7 94 Wajvia - .,,,,:ail ... T 800 85 85 387 202 185 202 185 891 86 86 383 189 194 184 [90 128 37 Warni_ ~"T 1~3

CE~SUS ABSrr,ACT ~ .I' I ~ •

RU RAL-(Oontd.), MAHOLI-( Ooncld.)

____AGRICULTURAL---A- CLASSES ______NON-AGRICULTURALJ._ ___ CLASSES-:-- ______~ -----, r-

II-Cultivators III-Cultivat- IV-Non-culti- Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly lng la.bourers vatlllg owners means of livelihood froUl or mainly and their of land; agrl- --. unowned a.nd dependants cultura.l rent ,------V -Production VI-Co:m1D.erce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen- receivers other than services and dantli! and their cultivation miscellaneous dependan ts sources Literates Z ,.--__..A._----, ~-"""__"-I ,------"------, r----..A----, r---..A------, r----"-----, ,,--_._..A.__ ~ r---.Jo ~ ~ Males Females Malf's Fema.les Ma.les Females Males Fen,ales Ma.lee FelDaies Males Females Males Females Males FelDaJes IZI

( 13) ( 14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (H~) (20) (2]J (22) (28) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

54 58 45 43 39 42 382 392 541 514 22 15 292 295 215- 28 106 2 3 1 2 6 107 2 4 3 2 10 7 7 2 3 108

3 4 6 6 1 3 2 3 5 5 18 109 42 46 7 4 110 39 31 2 5 11 67 64 103 100 , - 22 19 98 5 III

4 1 3 7 , t 4 5 1 112

3 6 5 2 1 ,~ 31 113 , . 11 22 114 1 3 23 50 1 , . 3 115

1 1 2 2 1 _. ft ,. 2 2 2 116 1 2 45 48 97 ll2 101 111 83 75 43 50 190 26 117 3 3 1 .. 2 1 2 118 ... 4 119 5 7 14 12 3 6 4 11 1 2 9 2 . 12 1 120 14 5 1 I 7 4, 3 2 121

41 13 10 G 103 .. 45 .~ 8 2 122 2 3 2 3 5 14 1 123 I 4 30 32 1 124

2 3 I· 2 125 3 3 - .. 1 10 126 .~ 8 127 .. S 4 128 124 THE PRIMARY PART II

(Popula.ted 24~ 5. No. of Vlliages~ l Unpopulated 7 1. No. and Naxne of District-18 UDAIPUR 2. Name of Sub-Division_14 VALLABHNAGAR 6. No. of HQlDlets 39

3. No. and Name of Tehsil -14 VALLABHNAGAR 4. No. of Tract-82 7. No. o:f Towns 2 8. Area of Tehsil in Sq. MIles 792


I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their Q dependants 1i:"ame of Village ~umber of Tote.] No. of Persons Z ,--____..A- ______~ ,--__~ __.__..

(1) (~) (3) ( 4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ( 11) (12 )

168 147 1 59 Agoria 8l1l)f~ 1,400 48 63 315 167 147 58 25 33 19 2 UO Aila ki Bhagal antf5T .,n ~~ 80 8 12 23 3 24 Akorda 3l11Ir~ 32~ 34 37 196 95 101 93 98 4 197 Alu ka ;a:.hera. 136 75 61 75 61 3tT~ IItST ~ , 250 25 25 5 210 Akola .. 2,000 118 130 568 294 274, 247 231 6 113 AmarpQ.;ra aT ..."" 1,400 181 236 1,077 559. 5.18 448 419 aT~'U 7 240/2 Amarpura Jagir .686 45 80 339 165 174 ]42 152 Qf"'(~~1 ~ 8 179 Amha 150 41 52 290 143 147 143 147 anqf~T 9 193 Angora .200 27 27 142 68 74 68 74 3iq)~T 10 97 Annda .. 157 170 872 439 433 429 430 atf~T 1,.500 11 224/2 Arnis. .. ard'''QT 200 42 63 285 142 143 126 127 12 91 Asawal"a 106 108 3tT~",""T .624 29 40 214 99 101 13 108 Bagar •• .2.,216 63 74 354 193 161 IS5 • .J56

14 52 Bagthal .""" ~'>OO 61 64 319 170 149 Hi8 139 ...... fCi8 ' 15 10 BaJiya atrf.. tn 1.,302 45 59 320 171 149 169 147 16 II Balathal 1,077 78 78 350 196 154 195 154 "'T~ 17 125 Bamnla lfyqfZ:tqf ' 400 58 67 < • 258 125 133 90 85 18 63 Bana .. iI1;n 1.400 166 217 949 482 467 243 227

19 21 Banjarl ."",",~r .305 24 25 ~ < 127 60 67 60 67

20 124 Basra .. iff~ 2,341 170 247 1.077 581 496 553 470 21 Bar Gaon ~ 11i'I' 996 54 67 290 155 135 126 100 22 Bar Gaon .• 145 678 335 343 297 299 ~ ~Thlr 2,906 120 23 62 Barudia • .r~QT 1,250 89 113 449 255 194 222 163 24 25 Basha .. .T~T 550 24 26 134 81 5~ 77 50 25 76 Batharda Kalan il'N"~ ~t 1,600 249 305 1,392 695 697 258 238 26 73 Batharda Khurd 749 364 385 301 316 iff~~"~;n ~ 1,100 116 150 40 Batltarda ki Sarai@) See Serial No. 232 Sura.tpura iI'N"~ "') ~ ~ 'i{«{~ 27 202 Bedwi i"r 40 4 29 14 15 14 1.'5 28 145/2 Bejerda 300 18 20 96 50 46 44 38 G{~~' 29 245 Bf>ria "ftQT 355 7 7 38 22 16 21 16 30 117 i~~T 102 14 14 61 36 25 36 31 82 Bhac-hardl ~~ 175 26 32 122 70 52 70 52 125 -CENSUS ABSTRACr

RURAL «(Jontd.)


9. Persons- 1 10. Males- 1 11. Female.- Nil

______AGRICULTURAL..A--- CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASBE~ -. r------~ ---, II-Cultivators III-Cultivu.t- IV-Non-Culti- PersonS (including dependants) whc> derive their principal of land wholly ing labourers vating owners mea.ns of livelihood from or mainly and their of land; agE" i- ..A.. -. > wned and dependants cultural rent V -Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport. VIII-Other their depen- receivers other than services and dante and their cultivation JDiaceJla.neoua dependants sources Lit_tea ~ r------'--~ ----_,._~ r---.A..----,. ~--..A..--~ r- -. ____ .. ~ti -. .J;; 4> ---- Fema.l_ IlQ Males Females Males FelllBles Males Females Males Females MaIM Females Male8 Females Males FeIIlales :Males

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (~) ,('6) (17) (28) (1)

1 1

5 6 1 2 2 2 2

2 3 3 3 10 4

12 12 4 10 {} 8 17 10 1 2 1 2 2 5 5

1 1 21 25 41 23 15 19 33 31 66 6

I 2 2 2 I) 6 ~ 10 2 3 8 7 8

1 {}

3 5 5 ,,5 10 2 14 16 18 II

2 5 7 12 8 5 5 2 13 12 10 14

I 2 t 2 15 1 5 16

9 6 22 37 1 2 2 4 15 17

182 160 27 36 14 13 15 28 I 3 50 18 19

12 7 1 4 12 10 3 5 "'0 20 1 5 3 7 2 3 23 20 8 21 26 [8 I 4 I 10 22 4 22

!.9 20 12 S 2 3 23

3 3 1 24- 2 3 24 38 3 128 157 178 160 2 103 98 31 7 25 3 4, 13 18 32 30 - 15 17 77 26 for figures 27

3 3 2 2 1 2 28 1 ' ___ . 29

2 30

5 31 126 THE PRIMARY


I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned'l and "their dependants o NaDle of Village Number of Total No. of Persons z -.. ~_.A..-__ ----" _____~ __----:-"I ,.----,--.-"----"""'"\ ·5.. Oode No. Occupied HOUBe- - m of Village Roman Sonpt N agri Soript houses bolds Persons Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (IO) (11) (12)

32 129 Bhagrota k.a. Khera wttR\'cr, lIST ~ 65 10 18 98 60 38 58 37 89 118 569 286 283 250 33 39 Bha.mrasia. W~~ 89 246 34 184 Bhardla. '11~ llO 27 a3 142 76 66 75 64 35 3 Bharodi ~""'r 947 58 64 266 146 120 143 119 36 25~ Bhapura ~ 290 31 37 194 90 104 90 104 37 45 Bbate:;War- ~~ 4,025 237 319 1,370 708 662 669 629 38 208 Bhikawania. '¥ft~11n 510 45 52 264 130 134 121 ll9 39 145 BbiDla Khera WT1u qr 475 30 42 193 94 99 90 95 40 115 Bhopa Khera. "m w.r 665 72 80 380 186 194 176 182 41 99 Bhopa. Saga.r ~~ 300 37 49 218 109 109 103 105 4.2 lIO 114 532 284 248 227 213 87 Bicha Vera .r.-t ~ 1,,256 43 15 BijaIpura fif~~' 169 33 41 208 98 llO 96 100 42 Bljna. f"anpn 486 21 22 103 50 53 50 53 5 105 Bil ka W_ f~ lin 11m 542 14 14 62 35 27 34 27 46 158/1 Boria. ~~ 300 15 26 127 65 62 61 58 73 51 70 47 182 Borkia. .)U~ 450 22 26 124 49 48 189 Chamlawati 33 6 7 32 15 .. 17 15 17 ""'~ 49 151 Chargadia "~q"T 322 130 150 664 340 324 266 248 50 248 Chainpura. :i~ 280 18 18 79 40 89 26 28 51 218 (Jhol .~ 220 25 25 128 71 57 71 57 52 131 Dabiyon ka. Khera 225 27 27 126 62 64 46 ~ IIfiT ~ 53 130 Dabiyon ka Kbera .. ~zr, 'fiT ~¥T 225 6 7 32 15 17 13 13 54 186 Dabkia ~~, 25 7 7 36 19 17 19 17 55 221 Dangiyon ka Khera ~ 1lif -.rT ~ 60 13 14 82 41 41 41 41 56 36 Daroli .. ~n=n 1,300 204 305 1.120 576 544 407 389 57 156 Derawal ~ 55 21 22 III 55 56 .. 28 33

58 8 Devali ~) 1,800 89· 92 335 177 158 169 151 59 207 Deorl .. ~r 65 23 23 139 63 76 62 73 60 22 Dhamania 187 892 484 408 424 370 "''''".... q-f 1.400 176 61 29 Dhena tiffifT 82 19 20 116 62 54 ~ 5

62 98 Dhani .. ~r.:ft 6.0 29 48 _I~! - 90 63 41 Dhawa. 107 100 105 "T~ 352 43 48 207 96 64 li8 Dhawaria ~Q"T 2,000 ll4 123 558 279 279 272 268 65 37 Dhimra ~T 250 28. 40 214 118 96 llS 96 66 199 Dhi~ra Jagir ~~, \il'TfTl~ 25 8 32 ]1 18 18 67 13R Dodian ka Khera 72 71 ~W~'::ft IlfiT .n.-r 350 26 32 143 62 59' 127




AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLAI!fSES ------'------..., ,------_...... _------, II-Cultivators III-Cultivating• IV--Non-Cultiva- Persons (including dependants) who derive their prinoipal of land wholly la bourers and ting owners of ___means of livelihood.J.- from or :mainly un- their dopen- land; agricul- r-- --.. o ..... ned Bond theiy dante t.urelrent V -Produotion YI-Corn:mol'oe VII-Transport VIII-Other dependants receivers and other than services and their depeD- oultivation miscellaneous dante sources Literatee ~ .,-___ ..A..._----, _--..A...----, _---..A...~----, _--..A...----., _---.A..-----, ,,-- ___ ..A... ___--, _---.A.-----, _---A..---, ..-i Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males FelDale. Males Females M80lea Fema,lea 14801_ FOInales IlO

(13) ~14} (1~) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (28) (24) (25) (26) (27) (M) (1)

2 1 32 18 15 5 7 .. 13 15 11 33 I 2 5 3. 3 1 7 1 35 86

1 6 6 7 15 10 10 8 7 2 55 2 37

2 2 <1 12 1 3 1 38 3 3 1 1 B 39

1 I 6 8 2 4. 4. 40

1 5 :.\ 1 4. 2 41 '2 4 43 23 12 8 18 42 2 10 -. -. 43 44

I 1 45

4 4. 46 2 2 1 47 48

6 9 53 55 3 2 12 10 3 49

6 7 2 1 6 3 50 1 51

16 19 .2 62

2 4 53 54 55

1 13 17 44 31 45 37 I') f> -61 64 107 56

6 7 22 16 57

1 2 3 2 3 3 I 58

1 3 a9

1 5 6 14 14 I 3 39 15 18 1 60 2 61

3 4 6 34 80 3 1 62 2 4 4 63

3 7 3 2 1 I 1 64 2 65 66 9 12 I 67 128 THE PR:mtAB.y PART II TEHSIL

r=-­ I--cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their dependan. ts NaIDa of Village Number of Total No. of Persona Ooda ~------~------~ ~ ___..A._-_-. .r-----_.A.____ -. r---..A.--"""", No. of Occupied House- Village Roman Script. N agri Script houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (3) (4) (3) (6) (7) (8) (9) (1.0) (11) (12 )

68 177 Dorkua. ~atT 1,747 6 4- 34 18 16 18 16 69 17 Dudalia. ~~f~ 800 35 58 299 -154 145 153 143 70 246 Fatehpura '6'Ci~ 205 9 9 48 - "22 26 22 26 71 169 Fojwari q:a)\'iI~l 270 13 13 74 36 '38 29 31 72 178 Gadi ~) 212 9 10 55 26 29 6 10 73 13,{ G~~~wa.s Bhindar ka. qy~fttn~ ~l~ l!fi'l 265 12 15 85 46 39 46 39

74 ·28 Gadriawas tTRf~q11fRl' 344 23 37 194 94 100 89 98

75 1~ Gadriawas 500 19 19 86 42 44 26 31

76 III Gajpura ,,~u· 210 9 10 65 34 31 34 31 77 9 Gadoli "")~T 1,100 70 114 593 303 290 298 "288 78 244 Gl.dhpura. ~~~, 121 3 " 5 29 16 13 15 13

79 16~ Goga Ita Kher& ".iAT lin' ~, 100 18 '19 100 56 44 43 34 80 17Q Gokulji ka Khera •• tT)~, lin' ~T 165 12 12 59 26 33 25 31 81 95 Golan .•. qlst 964 28 29 136 66 70 62 69 82 233 Gopalji ki Bhagal. ~"q ,Vi,," 'fi' ~ .375 19 28 150 75 75 70 72 83 147 Gopalpura. q)cm;s~~ 20 11 19 108 48 60 40 46 84 21'1 Gopalpura. ,,"'ttms~~, 163 32 3a 164 85 79 80 7

85 13 Got.ipa rr)fa'trT 563 87 105 476 259 217 220 190 86 Il)O Gotipa Jagir ,,)feq'l :snq"h' 900 16 24 139 66 73 51 52 87 102 Gujaron ka Bas 125 15 17 85 42 43 . '28 30 'l~l "" 1fT ~ \ 88 240_ Gulabpura. 200 16 66 31 31 34 ~WTif~'O 5 35 89 201_ Gundla ~~ 100 19 t9 103 tn 42 61 42 90 3~ Gupra ... 614 42 43 218 118 100 ll4 95 ~~T 91 88... Gupri ~l 330 50 63 - 250 126 124 93 92 74 Gura 300 21 25 127 55 72 46 60 1!~T 93 123 . Hamerpura. ~~~U 507 54 55 255 128 127 120 --123 94 243. Haria Khera. ~~T ~" 546 33 34 156 75 81 75 81 95 84. HariaQ. ~f~ 125 • 20 20 77 38 39 38 39 96 106 Hariwas ~f~~T~ 470 26 28 155 74 /' 81 74 81

97 137 Hinta •.. ~ffl' 1,700 200 249 1.2~4 659 565 541 471 98 81 .. Jagpura. 500 39 41 174 B5 - 89 77 78 ~ 99 249 Jalon ka Khera 4fTwf ;m. ~T • 122 3 3 12 6 6 4 3 100 85•. Jaspura ~i~T . 639 36 86 184 97 87 97 8

101 229 J aswantpura .'. .~~~ 592 65 243 131 112 107 100 102 175 Javatra \il'i5IWU .. 374 38 169 -97 92 9'7 92

103 5 J4'Wada .\'iITcrn 250 43 ·43 180 98 82 2 1~9, (JEN~US ABSTRAOT

RURAL -(Contd.) V ALLABHNAGAR-{ Ooned.)

AGRIOULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL cr~ASSES ----...... _-- ---.. _------..A- :='\ Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal II-Cultivators III-Cultivat- IV-N on-Culti- \ ____means--J. of livelihoOd from of land wholly ing la.bourers vating owners ~ or mainly and their Qf land; agri- V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other unowned and dependants cultural rent other than services and their depen- receivers cultivation Uliscellaneous dante and their sources <) dependants __..A.. __ , Literates Z -r----..A..--~ ___.A--_~ r---..A..__ -.., r----..A..---, r--..A-----, ~---.. ~-'::'\ cs -~ Males Females Males Fe1nales Males Females Males Fema.les Males Females Ma.les Fema.les Males Females Males Femalel!l ~

(IS) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1 )


1 2 1 69 70

7 7 4 71

20 19 1 72 73

1 4 2 3 74

12 10 3 1 1 2 1 75 3 "76

I 4 2 1 77

1 78 11 9 2 79 I 2 80 4 I 81

4 2 1 1 82-

7 14 1 2 83 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 84

7 2 1 14 14 2 2 15 9 14 85

7 6 6 8 2 7 3 86

5 4 1 3 4 5 5 3 87 1 88 89

4- 5 90

1 I 1 21 23 1 1 '1 6 91

9 12 1 92

3 2 1 1 2 2 9 93 .. 94

• 3 g5 96

2 1 56 44- 22 11 25 24 13 14- 68 4- 117 8 11 9 98 1 1 3 Q9

1 100

4 3 1 19 9 .101 102 '-3 103 '.Hr~ i'J.tt1ftJ(J.!ty PAit± It ~imStL

. , I-Cultj.~or8 -of 1~lwholly or mainly ownedt and 'heir dependants Name of Village Num.ber of Total No. of PerSODs r-----..A--~ ____..., r-----'---.... Code r­ ------pc~--- '-~---::"'I r----.."._____..., No.. "" ~ 1-. ~ I j' • ~ , ~l _ Oooupied House - • " .' Village Roman SOl"ipt Nagri Script houses holds Persolls Males Females Males Females

41) (2) . (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

104 110 Jelai w., 450 21 28 137 67 70 65 7 105 170 Jetpura dJ~ 422 31 34 166 80 86 80 85 106 47 JoPjrka. Khera 26 26 99 51 48 art ....,. ~"'r 100 51 44 " 107 18 Joira ~q.f 1,250 52 84 411 218 193 214 192 I 108 157 Kaohar 2,010 77 85 435 219 216 196 194 109 146 Kalwal ""~ 800 49 87 395 199 196 176 174 \. , 110 152 Kankarion ka Khera. 100 17 19 86 46 40 44 35 111 116 Kapria Khera 915 47 51 241 119 122 98 94 !. ... m~," 112 26 Karanpura .~ 4,J17 ~67 307 1,404 726 678 451 410 l ..g'(' 113 167 Karecha. llim 1,035 37 39 185 100 85 100 85 114 135 Kedaria _U~ 750 ll3 122 512 275 237 271 237 115 15" Keharpura ~~~U 257 6 7 35 17 18 17 18 116 238 Kesarpura ~fl(i~r 786 58 83 396 209 187 123 109 117 163 250 31 32 145 77 68 77 67 tW11n It\T ~ 118 60 Kheroda ~~ 1,000 26 44 183 91 92 87 89 119 66 Kharsan 800 178 201 831 410 421 374 391

120 2 Kharwaron ka. Gura. 83 85 397 211 186 211 186 I 121 181 Khedia 50 9 12 69 39 30 30 22 ;' ,. 122 4 Khema X hera. '!If," 300 20 26 180 60 70 60 70 I' 123 213 Kheri .. .i,l 78 26 26 134 75 59 62 45 124 27 Kheri Maharaj ki ctiql ~U6f Itft 204 293 1,400 713 687 533 528 125 126 Kherli ~.~) 600 36 44 215 108 107 108 107 126 65 Kheroda w-.:m 5,050 582 690 2,908 1,502 1,406 500 489 127 220 Kheta Khera. _T ~'" 516 40 'SO 390 199 191 i66 153- 128 46 Khokarwas W)...~djl« 750 36 50 218 119 99 116 99 129 109 Khumanpura 707 6 9 43 22 21 17 15 ~j~T 130 141 Kia Khera ~~yT 59a 42 57 248 124 124 107 98 131 49 Kikawas ~dl'Ta 1,400 142 149 629 354 275 352 272 132 153 Kundai W.. tt 1,414 200 216 1,049 531 518 462 438 133 212 Kundia ,]~lfr 100 5 18 10 8 3 5 - 134 120 Kuntwas ~~ 3,895 155 217 - 1,B20 540 480 243 222

135 79 Lachhmanpura "8qGI~f 910 57 61' 291 160 131 129 105 136 289 Lalji ka Khera ~znq,- 80 5 6 32 17 15 9 9 137 133 Lalpura 81 67 81 67 ~U 500 31 31 148 138 236 Lunda 1,078 88 109 476 253 223 114

139 35 Madeda 1,079 5(} 50 275 138 137 129 RURAL -(Coned.) V AL"tABHlIAGAR-( Oontd.)

AGRICULTURALA CLASSES'______NON .AGBICULTURAL CLASSES ,------~------~Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive t.heir principal meaDS II--Cultivators lII-Cultiva­ IV-N on-Culti­ 'of livelihood from t.ing labourers va.t-ing ow:ners of land wholly ,-__- ______J._- ______-~ or mainly and their of land; agri­ unowned and dependants oultural rent V--Produotion VI--Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen. reoeivers other t.haD services and dants and their cultivation misoellaneous _< dependants sources Literates ,-- _ _A___""", c--..Jo.----;:-i r---~--~ r-'---~--~~ t~ ~ ... ~ Males Females Males Fema.les Ma.les Females Males Females Males Fe:males Males Females Males Fe:r:nales Males Femalee ~

. t, (13) (if» (16) {17) (IS) {l'O}) (20} (21) (2.2.) (2.3) (24) (2.5) (26} (2.'1) (2S) (1) - 2 9 1 104 1 1 105

4 3 106 1 1 3 2 107 II 5 4 3 6 10 2 4 3 108

11 9 7 11 2 1 3 1 10 109 2 4 - 1 1 110 1 2. 1 1 2. 1 3 3 140 21 12 III - 2 2 2 14 21 138 123 45 42 1 76 77 121 11 112 113

I 2 1 10 .2 114

1 115

75 71 5 6 6 1 5 116

1 2 11'1

1 .. 1 3 2 18 118 18 24 10 2 6 1 2 3 49 llg 3 120

4 5 3 6 121

1 122

5 4 6 2 2 8 1 123

I 2 85 93 47 44 1 45 21 24 4 124


305 284 21 23 58 66 227 210 167 149 3 1 221 184 350 36 126 8 9 25 27 2 12 127 4 128

5 6 7 129

2 8 8 7 7 II 1 130

1 1 1 2 131 15 14 2 7 14 24 11 10 .. 27 25 16 6 132 3 2 1 2 2 •.. 133 20 3 10 10 20 30 98 77 107 100 - 42 38 127 is 134

6 3 15 12 9 9 1 2 16 135 6 3 2 3 3 136 1 137 5 4 5 1 31 22 38 40 28 27 32 33 46 9 138 3 8 - 139 132 \ TBB PRIMABY .. , ~ ..- PART II TEHSIL


I-Cultiva.tors of land Wholly or mainly owned j andt.heir ~~ dependants Code ,.--_____Name ..A. of ______Villa.ge -:-"" .... <> Number of Total No. of Persons No. of 0< r-----"----- ~ _____,A...,, _____~ r'---...Jt.----~ Village ! .S· Occupied House­ ROlDan Script. Nagri Script ...:: 'houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (6) (8) (9) (10) ( ll) (12)

150 15 16 85 43 42 43 41 140 219 Mahuri Khera "Po' ~~T 141 86 Majewara ~~.T 1,200 140 156 724 375 349 347 312 142 223 Malkhejri 1U~'Q(~T 300 24 24 95 48 47 46 47 143 90 Mal ki 'I'us ~ ","f't\t 100 82 127 566 301 265 264 237 50 3 17 144 237 Malanawas qw~~ 5 31 17 14 14 145 32 .Mendesar :qo;:~~ 1,090 ll7 142 560 3ll 249 304 241 260 24 24 106 56 50 56 50 146 33 Mandesar ka Gura .. ~~~ft~l... 147 161 Mand Kalan :qof.~ 600 50 52 224< 96 128 84 106 148 231 Magri ka Phala "rr~T "" q;m 487 29 38 163 79 84 73 74 149 1 Man ka Was 800 98 127 499 267 232 253 220 'fA ~ emf 150 69 Manoharpura. q'i'f)~~T 1,160 18 .eO 174 83. 91 81 90

151 70 MaoH .. qT31'~ 600 92 504 265 239 248' 223 152 67 Mardikpura ~~~T 615 13 22 129 65 64 58 60 153 107 Masingpura :a:t'Tf~~'U 520 37 43 242 120 122 120 120 154 180 Medi Khera. iR'f ~ 165 10 11 54 \ 30 24 13 9 155 64 Menar .. ~,~ 5,000 348 480 1.922 986 936 679 637

156 61 Menpura iA'~~ 500 39 43 198 102 96 92 91 157 77 "Modi ~ 2,529 307 394 1,675 864 811 617 605 158 132 Mokhji ka Khera "~'fiT ~T 220 10 14 110 58 52 50 44 159 54 Morjai ,,~ 1,490 49 61 276 152 124 152 124 160 254 .Mota Kbera :q"re1 ~T 267 5' 5 17 7 10 5 8 161 192 Motira :q1wT:JT 200 18 21 122 58 64 54 61

162 12 Mundol ~q)~ 897 42 46 208 111 97 102 80 163 20 Murdia ~U~I:n 783 32 64 270 134 136 134 133 255 'Naglia 97 110 164 1'fl1Tfwtn' 29 29 207 97 llO 427 374 165 31 Nandwel SiT 'fiI ~T 75 4 4 23 12 11 12 175 119 Padam Khera 304 24 46 68 46 qq'I{ ~ 24 116 70 133 CENSUS ABSTRACT

R URAL-( Oontd.) V ALLABHNAGAR - (Oontd.)


II-Cultivators III-Cuitiva- IV -Non:cultiva- Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land ting labourers ting owners of means of livelihood from • wholly or and their land; agricultural ,------~ -. -filaluly unowned dependants rent receivers V-Product~on VI-Com.merce VII-Transport VIII-Other and their • and their other than services and dependants dependants cultivation miscellaneous sources Literates r---.A------., ,-__..A.-_---., ,-___.A______. ,-_-.A-_----., ~-_.A---__. r---.A-_----., r----"------., ,-____.A...--__.

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female"" Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (26) (26) (27) (28) (1)

1 140

2 1 22 31 3 4 I 1 43 4 141

1 I 1 142

5 4 13 9 5 7 14 8 13 143 2 144

() 2 2 2 I . -/ 4 4 145 4 146

4 5 2 4 4 12 2 1 3 1 147

1 1 5 9 5 1 148

13 5 1 7 7 149

2 1 1 150 8 12 5 3 I ... 9 151 6 4 1 1 152 2 153

4 2 13 13 I 154

77 74 21 25 79 85 38 23 92 92 146 155

3 2 7 3 3 156

4 7 32 26 2 II7 94 44 30 48 49 161 3 157 2 4 6 4 158 1

2 160

3 I 161

1 2 I 2 8 5 162 3 163 164

4 I 2 2 9 7 35 165 166

37 30 4 4 1 4 19 1 1 7 168

1 169 . 170 12 6 40 16 25 39 77 75 40 39 94 86 148 20 171 1 1 .1 2 172

6 14 7 13 1 3 3 J3 11 44 173 J74 1 ... 175 'tHE PRQrtARY PART II TEBSIL


CultIVators of land wholly Or lDail\]Y owned and their dependants Name Of Village Number of Total No. of Persons ~--~------~------~-~ r---.A.----.. ~----~------..r---~----.. Code No. Occupied House­ ofViUage :Bomlul Soript. N.,.gri Script hOUSEls holds Persons Male8 FelDales Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) ( f) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 176 89 Padampura. 367 18 ]8 76 37 39 37 q'''~U 177 100 Padmela q'I'.qwT 150 31 34 169 83 86 82 85 !78 205 Padund ~.. 125 139 iD8 604 306 298 134 135- 179 150 Padunda ~

183 101 Patawaton kilo Nim· q-m~11lfiT ;f\qC(", 60 1 2 11 5 6 5 I} wa.s. 184 S3 Patolia. q'R:Tf~ 175 TO 17 76 38 38 38 38 185 38 Phachar q'iT~~ 150 20~ 24 105 55 - 50 54: 41 186 164 Phalador q'iTWT~h: 50 ]6 16 93 46 47 3S 43 187 94 Phalet ~ 600 13 13 67 38 29 38 29

18S 114 Phasaria q;~'flh:ltT 1,921 ~5 67 350 192 158 186 150 189 96 Pindolia fq'~)f~ 600 47 88' 435 232 203 227 J96 190 214 Pipalwas cftq'~ 300 30 33 143 6() 77 56 44

191 190 Pipli Khera !ftqet ~T 267 11 12 58 26 32 8 10

192 241/2 Pipli Kher& Haveli @ qtq~t ~T ~6' o:a-q; 26 26 110 56 54 41 40 Pithalpura. f~~~~ 193 6 Piproli fqq'~)wr 1.800 79 375 189 186 189 IP6 Pithalpura(jV PIp Ii ~hera Havli fq~~~ ri f~ ~¥T ~~') See Serial No.192

194 227 Pithalpura fqqw~~T 1,228 70 91 436 212 224 204 217

195 247 Prathislllgh ka Khera sr'flf~

201 217 Rajpura 'U~~~Ti 2,0.32 116 185 83-1 404 430 365 365

202 136 Rarne. ki Bhagal ~f1:fT !!fiT ~f1(w 50 9 9 51 25 26 25 26

203 228 Rawaton ka Khera ~~('fl "'T ~T 60 13 13 56 37 19 36 19

204 44 Ranchhorpura ~;rg~~~T 230 17 19 115 60 55 59 54 205 122 Rama...... ~tf;::p:fT 2,431 26 26 165 78 83 73 206 103 Rani Dungla UO'ff ~"~T 923 34 37 75 80 75 55 Rathor - 207 "l))~ 600 47 55 221 107 114 107 114 - ~TC(C't~~T 208 6S Rawatpura 520 11 19 109 .51 58 51 58

209 57 ~ri:p 536 - 586 1,293 1,207 S70 810

210 51 Rupawah ~~t 500 39 39 190 103 87 101 87

211 256 Sagatpul'a ~"~~T 425 55 55 270 134 138 134 136. 135 CEl'fSU8 ABSTBACr



_____AGRICULTURAL~ ___ -..A.. ______CLASSES • ______,______NON-AGRICULTURAL .,Jt..______CLABSES --~

11-Cultivators Ill-Culti- IV-Non·Culti- Persons (including dependa.nts) who derive their principal means of vating owners . livelihood from of la.nd wholly vating ___ .A. ______~ of land; r- or ma.inly labourers agricu Itural V - Production VI-Commerce unowned and and their VII-Transport VIII-Other rent receivers other than services and their dependants and their cultivation dependantll miscellaueous dependants sources Literates '''~ _--.A.----. r---- .A. ___--. _---.A.---_-. r---.A.-----. r---~--.__.. r---.A. -- --.. r--- -"--__ r----"-~--. ..:.£: 4> Males Females Males Females Kales Females Males Females Males FelDales Males Females Malos Females Males Females 00

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (26) (26) (27) (28) (1 ) 4 176

1 1 177

17 16 5 11 91 80 41 35 18 21 28 178

2 2 I 4 171) 180 181 9 182 183 8 184 .0. 1 9 185 7 4 1 186 187

6 8 13 188.

t) 7 189

2: I 32 I 190

17 21 I 1 3 191 S S 1 3 5 3 1 - 10 3 192 193 for figures

2 6 7 2 194 195

5 5 6 6 2[. 23 6 4 196 197

3 3 3 198

I 1 2 1 199 3 1 200

1 25 34 6 15 S 15 9 201 1 202 . .- .. 1 1 203 1 1 204 6 2 1 .. 3 205 20(' 8 2 207

4 208

[3 II S 52 70 148 125 II7 102 85 89 281 26 209 2 210 2 211 136 THE PRIMARY




I-Cultivators of land Wholly or

b(. mainly oWI.ed .$'" and i;heir cJ ~~ dependants ;z; Name of Village .... <> Number of Total No. of Persons 0-< r------__ ..A. ___ --" r----_-..A.- ___--.. .-___ ..A-__ --.. e; Code No. ~------~------~ .~ of ~.9 Occupied House- Persons Males Females Males Females 00 Villa.ge Roman Script Nagri Script -< houses holds (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) ~6) ( 7) (8) {9} (10) (11) (12) 1,008 76 114 541 2\)5 24,6 214 21~ 242 Sagrampura ~~lq~'I(T 21a 72 Sakria "'T..o~q'l 125 13 17 76 38 38 29 28 1,105 561 544 469 476 214 173 Salera :m~~T 1,llO 163 236 215 25 8 8 38 18 20 lR 20 198 Samel ~~w 216 215 Samel 250 15 17 63 31 32 31 31 mq~ 217 ]85 Sarangpura 409 22 43 192 97 95 92 87 ~l~~T 1,060 54 88 436 217 219 190 193 218 236 - -Sarangpura mi'1~~T 300 44 182 9& 84 91 79 219 224 Sarwania ,"="fffi{lO' 36 220 75 Rata.-wal 25 13 124 61 63 56 58 m~T~ 25 1 2" 2 2 2 221 206 Satya Talal ~~ a'~t 222 160 Savana 200 51 51 254 128 126 122 117 ",,,'AT 223 226 199 14 29 147 74 73 5+ 57 "'Cf1'1U 224 235 Seed 1,947 50 51 238 ll7 121 115 121 r,,~ 225 195 Shishodion ka Gura 220 31 31 143 62 81 61 81 f5Tsr)f~ iiI\l 1,015 35 192 103 89 103 89 226 50 Siya.Kheri fmn ~ 35 418 264 227 159 Siyad .. f~lf1'V 525 171 197 837 419 254- 228 241/1 Solankiyon ka .Khera ,,)t=ifllfilfT

231 43 Surj 1,na ~~'ifT"," 420 42 47 250 132 118 132 118

232 143 Suratpura ~~"U 430, 25 25 109 51 58 49 53 233 40 Suratpura @:> ~~a'~T ;a-w:6 i(T~ 520 19 26 147 72 75 69 73 Batharda ki Sarai ~) ~Utf 234 209 Surkhand 300 2.> 25 131 67 64 62 61 ~~~s 235 92 Tank eTI;f; 1,750 ~6 93 392 207 185 176 161 236 53 Tarawat 2,500 171 203 844- 44-9 395 420 369 ~T~cr" 237 171 Telan Kheri 675 36 47 198 ll5 83 112 82 ~wT ~T 238 1,300 15i 192 866 458 408 384 339 30 Tus Dangiyon ki ~~ ~TfIT~ ttft 26 239 251 Udpuria ;a-q~f~ 183 5 10 59 32 27 23 240 183 Ummaidpura .240 16 22 107 58 49 6 ;a-~~~ 241 544 10 19 72 36 36 36 36 232 Umrawon ka Bela .. ':3""R:'",,1 ~f ~WT 242 23 Untha]a @ Vallabh­ 613 84-2 3,909 2,036 1,873 966 857 nagar ~of~T;a-~~~ 23 Va.llabhnagar @ Sec Seria.l No. 242 Unthala. ~'W~:=fIT~ ;a-qf ~on=sT 243 166 Vania Talai CfO'fftfT ~t 400 47 57 267 134 133 114 109 181 Varnoda llf':i{"lqT 375 40 44 217 113 104 III 102 24.'5 142 Warni .. 2,400 91 125 573 292 281 259 246 ~"T 137 CENSUS ABSTaACT - ...... L. ~ ·.RURAL-( Oontd.)


______AGRICULTU.RAL..A... CLASSES NON -AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ~ r-: ... II-Cultivators III-Cultiva- IV-Non-Culti- Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ting labourers vating owners lW6a:awof livelihood frmn or mainly and their of land; agri- r-- .A. ~ unowned and dependants cult.ur&l rent V -Production VI-Com.merce VII -Transport VIII-Other t.heir depen- receivers other than services and dants a.nd their cultivation miscellaneous dependants sources 0 Literates l2; A -;; r---...... _--~ r----A----. ,..--_...A---"",", -"""'"\ '-~--"""'"\ r-~--"""'"\! """'"\ ~-~---...... ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ClQ

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

22 II 18 9 3 5 1 10 7 5 212

3 6 6 4 2 213

2 1 18 I 1 37 27 25 26 10 12 59 3 214 215

1 216

1 3 4 I> 6 1 217

20 19 1 5 6 2 218 6 2 1 3 5 2 219

1) 5 3 120 221

4 2 8 4, 222

14 11 6 5 1 223 2 224 1 225 1 226

34 28 4 8 7 15 57 57 27 30 25 26 37 3 227 228

1 229 1 2 3 14 10 3 2 2 230 231

2 5 232 3 2 233 3 2 2 1 234 2 2 9 4 15 15 5 3 11 2 235 1 2 2 24 22 2 2 35 236 . 1 1 3 237 155 48 19 21 18 238 6 4 3 239 48 41 4 2 4 240 241

2 3 25 20 10 26 261 263 349 326 8 9 415 369 539 74 242

~or figures

7 9 -'7 7 6 8 6 243, 2 2 244-

4 5 7 16 10 5 4 I S 8 8 245- 138


1. No. and Name ofDiatrict--18 UDAIPUR 2. Name of Sub-Division-V ALLAB~ AGAR Populated . 204 , 6. No. of Villages { 3. No. and Name of Tehsil-I5 LASADIA i.. No. of Traot--82 Unpopulated 20 6. No. of Hamlets 18

7. No. of Town I 8. Area of Tehsil in Sq. Miles 333


I-Cultivators of land Wholly or mainly owned and their dependants Name of Village Number of Total No. of Persons .--- ;;.o,.. ______~ Code ,,------"-----. _-----A-----,r------"-- -_ No, .of Occupied House- Village Roman Soript N agri Script houses holds PerSOns Males Females Males Female ..

(1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (6) (7) ( 8) (9) (10) (II) (12) I 2lS. Aad an- 2,365 ll6 ll8 574 301 273 213 273 2 43 Agar 4,822 228 1,061 537 ~ 228 537 524 524 3 44- Ajni amAT 4,000 91 94 513 250 263 243 247 4 17 Ajnia ~~ 2,280 130 130 587 307 280 304 278 5 209 Akia Khera atIfI{T qT 275 28 28 124 63 61 63 61 6 ISO Amba .. 5 5 25 10 15 10 15 ~T 7 189 Ambao a:m:1fT1it 1,560 25 25 124 62 62 62 62 8 Q6 .An1bareti ~, 9 9 38 18 20 18 20 9 35 Ananda Gura atr.:r.:;n 'l~ 1.125 21 21 94 62 32 62 32 10 199 Anat •• aTi'fCf 2,485 44 44 204 99 105 97 103 11 188 Antrol ~" 1.106 24 26 15Q 78 72 78 72 12 151 Arvaro. an-qT 238 18 22 126 64 . 62 64 6Z 13 196 "Sagatpura 32 32 80 79 80 if~~ 159 79 14 78 Bageri _q"¥T 505 34 34 192 99 93 98 90 15 21 Balicho. "':;;n 1388 92 106 503 245 258 193 196· 16 2 Bali ka Chora am, ~~m 246 37 37 204 93 III 93 III Baman Gaonra 17 155 .n:r... t'(t~ 20 22 124 63 61 63 61 18 27 Bargl't.ton ka Phala. ~rrd ~ 'fim 600 17 17 101 60 41 60 ,41 19 37 Beda ka Sota ..... I!fiT I9'm 950 10 II 49 18 31 18 31 20 45 Bedas i .... g 1,506 138 141 642 311 331 311 331 21 1)3 Belvi .~l 2,000 25 28 135 7.2 63 71 63- 22 203 Bhaga Dera ~'" ~ .. 34 34 173 94 79 94 79- 23 173 Bhago. Gaon mITT 'It_ 5 5 22 13 9 13 9'

24 154 Bhagton ka. G ura. ~('("'f IflT IT.. , 7 7 41 19 22 19 22; ~. 25 97 Bhanawata ~.,leH'1I 93 117 566 285 - 281 285 28L

26 165 Bhandala ~t..-'" 1.448 47 50 OO~ 143 161 143 161 27 192 Bharkundl ~; 3,122 88 88 459 225 234 225 234

28 148 Bhatwara ~e~l 463 13 13 94 59 35 42 33 29 67 Bharew ~~. 2,050 47 62 287 138 149 138 149

30 124 Bhojpur ~\ij"~~ 1,~88 48 54 256 126 180 126 130 31 166 Bhumnia 1I'1'f'f., q I 33 34 173 84 89 84 89'" 139 CENSUS ABSTRACT RURAL-(Oontd. )

DISPLACED PERSONS 9. PE'rtions Nil 10. Males Nil 11. Females Nil

AJ.RICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES . .A__ ...A. ~ r- U-Cqltivators III--Cuitivat- IV-Non-Culti. Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their prinCipal of land wholly ing labourers vating owners :means of livelihood from. - orxnainly and their of land; agr~- :--. unowned a.nd dependa.nts cultural rent e------"-----V -Production VI-CoDlinerce VII-Transport VIII-Other t.heir depen- receivers other than services and dant.s and their oult.ivation lniscellaneouB dependants sources r--J....-Literates__ ~ ~J.... __• r-__ J...._---. ,.-__.J.----::"'I r-----.A__---. r----..A--- -:01 ~--...... __ ...... r---..A..--~ - :i... Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fexnales Males Females M alee Fe:m.a]ea aD•

(18) (14) (16) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) . (24) (25) (26) (27) (stl ( I) 1

8 2 .

7 16 6 3

2 2 1 3 4 5 6'

7 8


2 2 1 1 10 11 12 13

1 3 14

2 2 ] 3 40 46 5 6 4 3 17 15 1 16 17 18



1 21 22 23


1 25 .., 26 27

17 2 4 28 " 29

30 31 140



I-Cultivators of land wholly or ma.inly owned and their dependants Na.m.e of Village Num.ber of Total No. of Persons Code .,-_____-----..A..---- _____--::"'\ ,..--_ -"-___--, ,..-_____ ..A..___ --. ,..-__..A.. __ --.. No. of Occupied House- Village Roman Script Nagri Script houses holds Persons Males Female~ Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7 ) (8) (9) (10) (11 ) (12)

32 195 3,847 Bhunga Bhat ~~T.... ~;,8 59 43 59 35 116 Bikrun fit..... 1,350 28 29- 132 69 63 69 63 36 185 Bilkawas flI'~arm 1,005 22 22 149 72 77 72 77 37 58 Bilri Khera fif~' ~ 450 24 31 126 63 63 62 60 38 5 Bobdi -'~.. T 250 26 26 1I3 55 58 55 58 39 12 Bodki ., ....., 205 21 22 13Q 69 70 50 49 40 101 Boraj .. Iff?:R 1,506 4 5 24 15 9- 15 9 41 227 Boria Naya .lft1:rT ~ 911 53 53 204 98 106 'fT 80 42 76 Borka Pani llf)'I1('fiT ql;ft 205 7 7 20 13 7 13 7 43 81 ~orka Pani an, 'fiT q1ift 1,108 4 4 20 7 13 7 44 52 Chandaji ka Gura. ,.;r~T ~ ~~T... . 38 38 192 95 97 95 ~ 97 4,5 46 Chandal1a Gaon ~;:n~t'I' 12 13 79 39 40 38 4~

46 104 Chari .. ~, 2,052 67 73 3ay 181 156 179 156 47 132 Chari Gura. "i!A'T'RT. .. 17 23 91 47 44 47 44 48 115 Charnia 'i!fmiflfT 604 40 45 204 ll4 90 114 90 49 201 Char Potia 'O:iR q)f

64 72 Dhar .. ~'""""I!fn' 225 11 11 37 23 14 17 10 65 16 Dhanwari "l'T","" 500 70 95 450 237 213 216 193 66 34 Dhinkiya fqfl5fi1:tT 487 65 66 333 166 167 135 145 67 128 Dholia .Jagir 151')~T ~T~ 290 13 13 55 25 30 23 28 1,*1


LASADIA --( C jntd.)


___ ~ __ J..._ ____ ~ ___~ ____ ~ __--, r--- --"------., Persons (including dependants;, who derive -their principal II-CultIvators III-Cultivating IY -Non-cul-ti- mean ... of livelihoC)d from of land wholly labourers vating owners r- eA ---, or mainly and thflir of land; o.gricul- V-Production VI- Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other uno~\ dand dependants tural ren t recei- o-ther than services and their epen- vel'S and their cultivation miscellaneous dants d"pendants SOurces Literates ~ r-- ... _-A-__-, r-- --"------.. r- __.A._ -----, r--_ _"__ --~ r---..J..._ -----, r--- _1-"-_ --, r------"------, r---..A----. ~..... ct> Males Fema.les Males r"emales 1\1:ale8 Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femal{'s Males Femfloles 00

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21 ) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

I 4 32 , 33 34



2 1 1 2 1 37 38

1 5 14 15 4 1 3 39 40

1 1 6 7 14 18 4 1 41 42 43 44

I 45

~ 46 47 48

4 2 1 49

1 1 3 50 51

2 3 1 52 2 3 53 54

1 1 1 55 56

1 2 57 58


15 7 60

9 4 61

1 3 62

7 3 5 3 2 1 1 63 6 4 G!

1 3 10 12 10 5 9 (i5

8 6 7 4 11 9 3 1 1 2 1 66

2 2 67 142



1-Culti va.tors of land Wholly or ma.inly owned' and their dependants Name of Village Number of Total No. of Persons :i_ Code No.,..------., ,.-__..A._---. ,.------~-----~ r-- _.A. __ --., j of Village Occupied Houee- Roman Script N agri Script houses holds Persons Males FerrH~les Males Fema.les-

(ll (2) (8) (6) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (] 2)

68 42 Dholia Khalsa 6,166 114 161 784 417 367 414 364 ~T ""'"" 69 193 Dholi Magri wRI'.!5"1 ~1 988 9 9 46 18 28 18 28. 70 65 Duma ka Talab ~ "" ~ 362 57 58 288 147 141 145 14.1 71 158 Gadriawail flTwf'(lI'T1fm 868 42 86 405 206 199 194 178

72 137 Gadwas ,,~ 822 16 16 72 35 37 '33 35

73 91 Gagri "TIT~') 2,110 35 39 158 87 71 87 71 74 204 Ganera "it~ 30 31 179 94 85 85 74 75 208 Garda Bhima Kuda ,,~~ lt1~n P.T 37 41 184 96 88 93 84

76 218 Gatela ",cr~ 9 9 42 21 21 21 21 77 55 Gat ka Chhora. :rrn.- IIrT u)fT 23 7 9 37 17 20 17 20 78 94 Ghata 'EfBr 1,300 125 129 624 304 320 304 320 79 19 Gopalpura ")r:n~r 700 30 31 157 83 74 83 74 80 185 Gopalpura ,,)q~ 310 19 19 94 51 43 51 43

81 228 Gotra. .. tft~", 44 44 239 110 129 lID 129 8~ 31 Gujron ka Gura ~ijf{l IliT ... ~ 248 12 12 65 25 40 24 40 83 32 Gundla kl Bhag-al 1~T ltr) ~ 38 12 12 72 34 38 34 38 84 198 Gura .. tt:rr 676 47 47 227 116 III ]04 99 85 225 Hajari Gura ~~)~~ 1,604 69 69 294 160 134 160 134 86 206 Hiraw&.il ,n:T!fm 7 7 29 15 11 10 87 176 Hiraw-aton ka Akiya i![mii~l iiliT anf~r 338 22 22 109 54 55 55 8'" 168 Jailda .. ;:i~{ 13 13 57 31 20 31 ]3

89 82 Jambua "",nf3fT 846 10 12 60 42 18 42 18 gO 128 Jaya Khera \irTllT~~ 22 23 102 1')0 52 50 52 91 112 Jharoli m~)~i 549 50 54. 313 HI6 Ii7 165 146 92 103 Jiwa ka Talab 6ft~ iili'r CfrWT1if 801 47 49 257 ] 36 ]21 136 121

93 228 Juna Boria. G!.... T q)f~ 659 2S 28 133 6-1, 69 64 69 94 33 Kachumara ""'!.Jf~ 488 28 32 J 47 76 71 70 62 95 60 Kah>lra 75 39 36 39 36 ~~ 1,050 11 16 96 64 Kali Bhit ""~i ~T('f 4.295 271 299 1,432 718 684 710 646

97 139 KaJyanpura ~!tfA:J~T 715 29 29 131 68 63 67 62

98 6i1 Kannela 370 30 3_0 182 Yl 91 U1 \.)0 99 134 Karma' Kalan 88 III 88 III "'''''0'<=$ ~wt 42 47 199 100 175 Kftrmal Khurd ~"T~ ~ 22 26 114 48 66 40 53 101 183 Karsolia .~i.tf~qT 980 17 17 88 42 _ 46 42 46 102 57 41 ~ Kasotia !trft)f~r 222 J9 19 98 /57 41 103 39 I{_elwa. ~ 3.900 30 :W 131 70 61 70 61 143 CENSUS ABSTRACT


LASADTA-( Cont,Z.)

______AGRICULTURAL ..A.. ______CLASSES -, ,------NON-AGRICULTURAL______J,__- ______CLASSES -, Pf'rsons (including dependants) who derive their principal II--CllltIvators III-Cultivat­ IV-Non-Culti­ means of livehhood from of land wholly ing labourers vating O_fltrs or mainly and their of land; agri­ ,------.------"------, uno"Wned a.nd dependants oultural rent V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen­ receivers other than services and dants and their cultivation mIscellaneous dependants sources Literates ,--__.-A- __--.. r---.A----~ r---..A..---, ,-----....}..._ --..

Males Females 1\'lale8 Fen~ales Males Females Males Female" Malps Females Malps Females Malps FemalE's Males Fema.les

(13} (14) (15) (16 ) (17) ( IS) (19) (20) (22) (23) (24) (26 ) (28) (1)

1 I 1 1 2 3 68 69 2 70

3 7 II 6 3 3 71 2 1 1 72 73 5 II 4 74

2 2 1 75 76 77 78

I 79 80

I 81 82 83

3 9 84 85

3 5 6 86 87

10 3 2 81; 89 90 1 1 I 1 91 92


6 9 94


I 7 3 6 7 6 27 19 4 96

I 1 4 97

1 US 99

7 13 I . , 100 101


103 144




1-Cultivators of land Wholly 0 .... mainly ow-ned o and their z dependants Name of VIllage NUluber of Total No. of PerSons 1 e------"'------~ r-----..A.. - ---, ...-- --~--.-- ____ r---..A.--____

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) ( 9) (II) ) (11 ) (12)

162 Kesarpura if;~qu 912 47 58 339 169 170 165 167 105 120 Kesrabad ~6'(1iillq 6.798 390 431 2,327 1,192 "'1.135 1,192 1,135 106 100 Khokhri Kalan ~)~) ctiwi 658 47 258 134 124 134 124

107 102 Khokhri Khurd ~)~~T ~ 710 50 76 2.'57 133 124 133 124 108 202 Kheri .. II 13 62 32 ~~T 30 32 30 109 14 Khf'rsia ~~lfT 172 i5 15 81 45 36 45 .-i6 110 199 Khora \Vult~ ~~ etW-f 4,721 14 14 70 36 34 36 340

HI 156 Khunta ~;:e'i 5,296 200 214 1,017 527 490 425 404 112 20 Ko.d Kharia

117 62 Lew~ 3,420 327 I .. akhu ka wT~ cti, ~cn 124 134 685 3.53 332 326 llS 8A Lalpura .'i85 1 1 12 16 27 16 WTW~T 43 27 119 50 Lasadia w-6Tf~l 1,666 612 558 2,811 1.443 1,368 1.205 1,299 l!lf) 221 7] Liknia wTcri'";'flfT 2,067 28 28 15~ 83 -;1 83 121 210 Limba Khera f~1=liI'T ~~T 624 IS 18 £..1 39 42 39 42 122 80 Liphapha f"'l"qiTlliT 159 7 7 41 19 22 19 123 174 Lodta .. ~~,:lT 857 7r; 84 aR4 :no 210 174

124 107 Lohagar w)~~ 4,649 164 168 913 447 46il 4·46 J,64 4J Madawata 69 28 30 163 79 84 1=f~CKn' 54 126 1::18 Mahuri Khera ~T ~, 687 23 24 114 60 5H ]27 27 Mala ka Gura 757 17 17 83 44 44 mWT "" ';"f~T'" . 128 ,156 qmT ctiT atl~' 420 21 2[> 108 57 Il7 129 161 Mau q:;; 690 10 ]0 51 25 26 25 26 150 Mana naon 'fATl'lfq 346 33 39 233 123 llO 11(> 124 57 67 57 131 133 Mand Kalan qT;:~ ctiWf 424 13 67 32 lR4 Manrlvi q~arT 341 343 1 760 874 886 862 868 133 2Q2 Mangrol 389 28 2'3 74 .58 ;.8 ~~r~)w 134 f>9 Manpura 331) 25 27 lIt; 62 36 qTpt'!~l 13.'5 207 Manpura: 1]9 If'S 346 3i,4 :3,10 347 qR~~T 154 26'7 139 12.'< 139 127 136 1\fayda ~(l]'i{l 8,242 154

74 1\Ia:vda q~, 22:; 12 12 5;; 26 G Modji ka Khera q~t ctiT ~~ 120 6 41) 17 23 17

216 }\fokhampura ql~~~U 571 23 25 113 L] 1>2 61 145

RURAL -( Oontd.) LASADIA-( Ooatd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON -AGRICULTURAL CLASSES =-____. _ ...... -A.______---.., r------A.--

II -C!l.ltivators III,C!l.lttvatall ~ IV-Non-Culti Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land WhoUy or labo'll"e's va.ting owners of means oflivehhood frolD Dlainly unowned and t.hetr Ia.nd: agricultural ,--______..A -.. alnd th81i" , dependa.nts rent. r<>ceivel's V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other dependa,2\t.s and their other than services ... nd dependants cult.ivation miaeellaneou8 sources Literates ~ ,.-__ ..A... __-.., ".-_._.A.. __ --, r---.-oA..------, ,.-__..A... __-,. ,--__ ...... _-_--, ,..-__ .A.._---" ,..----Jo... __--. r----~_-.! Males Females Males Femalos Males Female, Males Females Males Females Ma.les Females Males Females Ma.les Fem.ales ~

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (I)

1 1 3 2 104 105 , . 1 106 107 108 109


5 2 21 15 65 61 11 8 65 111 2 112

1 113


5 1 47 26 229 244 64 69 175 16 115 116

2 5 6 2 17 5 117 lIS

1 1 1 8 4 26 25 102 36 11 119 120 121 122

I 1 1 124


1 126 127

4 2 128




6 13 1 5 5 1 132 3 133

1 4 1 1 3 3 J:{4

2 2 1 1 3 135

1 136 137 IS?

139 1:;16



I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned_ and their dependants Na.me of Village Number of Total No. of Persons Code No. r------..A..--______~ r----.A- _-_-, ,.--___-_.A.. _____ ~ ,..--_.-' ___ -, of Village Occupied House- Roman Script N agri Script houses holds Persons Males Females Mal.es Females

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10) (11) (12)

140 7 l\Iorchana 'l~;n 150 12 61 28 33 28 33 141 219 ]'lugana ,,!mo:rr 2,607 259 260 1,201 609 592 444 452 142 257 Mund Kosia l!r~ ~"\'mtn 198 21 21 101 17 .54 38 44 143 129 Mundla q;::s...... r 495 13 13 59 35 24- 35 24 144 - 141 Munia .. 33 38 186 87 99 87 99

145 200 Muyala 508 16 ](} 92 49 43 49 43

146 213 Nad ;n« 3,736 91 91 496 ~64 232 263 230

]47 187 Nada Phala ;:m(T ~ 249 6 6 49 203 23 26 23

14S 2:20 ='I

150 3 Xal k", Gura PfTw ~ I!~T 1 17 17 54 22 32 22 32 151 147 Nalwa PfTwen 2,237 151 l87 976 49:1 483 485 475 132 53 Napania !'f Illf;ftn 180 10 10 55 30 25 30 25 153 10 N arsingh ka G ura Pfdffi! ~ 'l¥T 140 13 16 43 18 25 18 }'54 105 Narwah iFenc.:;) 500 8 11 54 30 24 30 24- 155 178 Natela i'fli~T 800· 46 53 292 IS! 141 144 133

156 239 Nathia Khera Pff~T ~ 18] 12 12 71 3.~ 38 33 3R 157 197 Nimbarwara ;;1;:;;n:Cfl~T 4:29 15 Iii 86 52 34 5:2 34-

158 8 Nlmri Gura ;:illl"~1 ~~ 100 10 10 42 18 18 159 114 Niml'i Talai i'(t~~l ~ 5 5 28 18 10 IS 10 160 49 Ovran 31t~~T 1,737 78 100 408 240 252 232

161 90 Pahara q~p~r 5,000 167 16'3 772 40.'5 367 402 ~65

162 144 Paira __ qf'l~ 397 35 192 96 96 163 126 Panch",Oura q"l-qT '1~ 30 30 HiS . , 8] 77 81 164 38 700 13 13 7:3 43 34 4] 16;'; 143 Parel -_ q'1~w 1,053 64 74 IRn 222 143 154

166 110 Paria Barge"ton ka q~~ if~iT~l ~ 3,8\)6 23 23 110 :,0 60 50 60 167 113 Parla Boran ka qT~c;:n ~~ ~ 3n 113 101 113 101 168 205 Panola qT<~)m 4,665 313 375 844 828 285 287 169 119 Parwari Sakh q-~q~') ff;'!.l!f 516 24 25 76 70 76 70 170 24 Phata ka Talab tni'iT

173 117 Raipur ~(t(~~ 22 22 108 56 52 174- 15 Rathornn ka Oura ~~1 'fir ~~T 325 3i) 35 154 79 75 71 7(1- 175 152 Rathoron ka Rhera ~~)~1 "ti.l ~ 378 13 17 118 54 64 54 64 147 CENSUtJ AB§,!,If,ACT RURAL-(C011 td_)

>lI.- L ASADrA~-~(Contd.)


II-Oultivators IIr-Oultivat­ IV-Non-Oulti_ Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ing labourers vating owners means of livelihood from or mainly and theIr of land; a~rictl.l­ r-- ~------;.------__" unowned and dependants tural rent V-Productlon VI-Commerce VIr-Transport VIII-Other their ,lep2n- receivers o"l;her than services and dants and their cultivation n, tscella neous dependants sourco~ Literates r----"---""""'\ "-----"-----,, r----"-----" r---..A.._---, ~__" r- _..A.. ___ """",\ ,..--_..A..__ -, r---..A._-'__'

Males Females Males Female;; :l\Iales Females Males Female" Males Females Males Females Males Femal!,)s Males Females

(13) (U.) (15) (16) ( 17) (18) (19) (20) (2l) (22\ (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1

-~ 140 11 11 46 41 58 60 50 94 2 141

5 4 4 6 142 143 114 145

2 146 147

4 148 149

2 150

1 1 6 6 151 152

1 154

7 s 155 15:1

1 157 158 , 59

3 3 1 1 2 4 160

2 2 1 1 Hll


163 164

8 7 6 Ii 2] 35 s 15 27 165 .- le6 In7

1 7 4- li5 102 346 346 91 88 390 89 168

16 !)

170 " . 171

1 173

8 5 174



I--Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their depend an ts Name of Village Number of Total ]'0;0. of Persons ,-_.A. __ "'-' Code ~ .... ------~--.... ------~ r- --~-----.. ~---- -"-----,-..., No. of Oc('upied House- Village Roman Script Nagri Script houses holds Persons 1\-Iales ~~emales Males Females

(11 ) ( 12) (l) (2) (3) (4) (6) (0) (7) (S) (9) (10)

16 75 43 41 31 176 181 R ...thoron ka Semlia. ~TI5~l ... «"f\4QT 627 11 106 177 89 Rsti Kaka ..-'Rft .... 2,200 43 48 197 91 106 91 108 97 108 178 66 Relwara =t(iOjCllt~' 239 44 46 205 97 60 61 179 69 Rodade. ~')~ 975 24 24 121 60 61 12 181) 18-2 Bagwe.ria ~'"Unr.q, 302 7 7 28 11 17 7 85 92 84 181 29 Sakalda ~~1 374 35 36 180 95 40 60 182 61 Sardi .. ~qT 545 20 22 114 47 67 28 25 183 II Sarkaniya Talai ~-.;~ ~ 675 10 II 28 25 21 17 21 17 184 22 Sarniya ",~f.:fq, 275 8 S 38 ]35 62 73 62 185 136 Satpur ,,~~ 25 73 16 13 186 143 Sawsla 6 6 29 ]6 13 ~'" 40 35 33 187 180 ~qf"a:n 15 16 79 39 164 202 164 188 214 Shakar Kand ~~ 1fiO=... 222 73 366 202 342 18 23 114 55 59 55 59 189 172 Shahpura 'mn~l 215 241 215 190 211 Sihar .. ~~ 77 SO 4li6 241 26 33 191 13 Sobji ka Gura. 165 II 14 80 40 40 wnnn "" '1.' 85 63 J92 25 Sode.la ~RT," 210 24 26 loi8 S5 63 26 135 80 J;5 SO 193 121 Soldeo ~~ 259 26 124 118 124 194 226 Suraji ka Khera ~m.,. ~ 718 48 49 242 liS 60 195 51 Tatakia C!'dllS'QT 365 26 27 121 61 60 464 483 196 II Tekan .. i",;r 4,600 lS4 187 952 4.69 483 74 73 197 171 Tiawaton ka Phala Mit,,",' .,. .wi 500 26 30 147 74 73 25 24 25 198 140 Uda.imanpura nl("""1~ !oJ 49 24 75 7i5 75 ]99 191 Ultan .• ~;r 1,593 34 42 UH 76 63 iSO 60 200 86 Umar Kota a;q~ ~T 820 24 29 128 65 54 41'; 54 201 196 Und.wela 3t~ IR8 J8 19 100 46 196 102 94 102 94 202 177 Vajpura ~u 882 38 167 85 82 S,) 203 149 Wali Bhima ~ .h:n' 403 32 46 40 46 40 204. l42 Wehr&. i~ 1" I6 Sti ]49


RURAL -(Gontd.)

LASADIA-(Ooncld. ) \ AG RICULTURAL CLASSES NON -AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ------~------~ ------_.._------..,. II-Cultivators III-Cuitiva- IV-Non-Culti­ Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ting labourers vating owners means of livelihood from , [ mainly aDd tbeir of land; agri- ,------. ------""'------~ uDvIVned and dependants cultural rent V -Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII~Other thelr dopen. receivers other than services a.nd dants and their cultivation miscellaneous dependants Sources Litera.tes Z .--__.A. __---" r---_"_---~ ~ __.A. __~ r---~--...... r---~-~~-__.._--~~--~--~~--..---~~ -;::: l\'Cales Females l\'Cales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females &S

(13) ~ (14) (15) ( 16) (17) (18) ( 19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1 ;.

2 1 1 176 177

\ .. 178 179

1 4 4 180 a 1 6 181 2 1 5 6 182 183 184 185 186

4 7 187 188 189 190

12 4 2 3 1 191 Hl2

HI3 194 1 195

1 4 196 197

HIS 199

1 2 4 1 200 1 1 201 20:' 203 204 150


1. No. and NaIDa of Di.irict-18 UDAIPUR 2. NaMe of Sub-Diviaion-rHALASIA Populated 280 5. No.of Villages { Unpopulated 15

3. :No. aDd Nama of TehBil- 16 PHAI~ASIA 4. No. of Tra.c'-83 6. No. of Hamlets 8 7 . No. of Towns Nil 8 Area of Tehsil in Sq. Miles 300 ".....------

I-Cultiv&tors of land wholly or xna.inly owned' and t,heir dependants Name of Village Num.ber of Total No. of Persons .- -- ______A._ __~ ____--... r--- - __-.... Cod.. r----~--...... r-----.A.----...... , A No. of Ocoupied House· Village Roma.n Soript N e.gri Script housss holds Persons Male .. Fem.ales Males 1- smales

(1) (2} (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

1 44 Adalakar 9 9 55 23 32 23 32

.2 38 Adiwas 24 27 128 62 66 60 65 3 97 Adkalia. "' ..... 'mq' 40 40 234 128 IG6 128 106 209 Adkaua .~lII'itSiln 87 87 409 193 216 184 210 5 192 Adol ant<;5 50 50 183 90 93 90 93 35 176 86 9G 86 90 6 94 Ajroli Bari ~'Ot=ft qi 35 7 95 Ajroli Chhoti 9 !) 52 30 22 30 22 SR~~~ g~ 6 6 14 7 7 7 7 8 182 Akodra ~)~ 9 154 Amarpura 51 51 306 148 158 148 158 a:nt~~~ 18 18 87 45 42 10 131 Amba .. art1=IfT . 11 134 Atnbasa 22 22 81 44 37 ~"'T 1.2 126 Aznbavi Upli ~li!ifT1CT :a'q'<;5T 8 15 60 34 26 13 35 Ambiwara ~T~' 30 30 124 65 59 65 59 20 100 50 50 47 ,'10 14 40 Aml.. ta af~a-~ 20 15 16 Amlta 0(1~ 141 142 793 377 416 377 416. 16 20 Amod aw:f~T 51 55 269 ,138 131 136 128 17 102 Amra Upla anq~, :a'~ 22 22 91 42 4!) 42 49 18 103 Amra Nichla a1J~~l f",,~ 46 46 251 126 125 126 125

19 114 Ada Haldu atHH ~~ 7 7 21 14 21

20 254 Atat.ia at~Ta'jIl'T 58 54 245 128 117 97 85 21 79 Atwal .. 13 13 60 31 29 31

22 157 Awarda 43 43 ]82 93 87 71 62

23 156 Badraua 74 92 240 214 17_7 157

Bagpul'a 179 210 v_.n'.~ 428 373 345 24 210 iiffi1~U 25 267 Bagd G(~) 15 15 76 34 34 42

26 129 Bah! G("~) 10 1-0 49 21 28

27 258 Balti-ka·Khera ilf~)l!f)l' ~~f 3 3 14 7 7 7 7

28 59 Banda Cl'on'T 7 7 35 20 15 20

29 147 Banpura ii!I"f~~T 201 4 4 18 9 9 9

30 204, ;riEfl!fm 1.127 57 61 182 88 !}4 88 94- 31 201 Barad •• 29 29 148 78 70 77 7~ 151 CENSUS ABSa'RACT

RURA.L -(Cant,L.)


9. Persons-Nil.

10. Males- Nil.

11. Jj'ama les - Nil.

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ______--____ ... "\ ~------__ .A ______~ ___~

II-Cultivators III-Culthrat­ IV -Non-Culti· Persons (including "dependa.nts) who derive their principal 01" I .. o.d wh~lly ing labourer~ vating owners means of livelihood from or ma.inly ... nd their of land; agri­ ,-.------____.\...------"-" unowned and dependants cultural rent V-Productron VI-Commerce VII-Tra.nsport VIII-Other t.heir depen­ receivers other than services and dants and their cultivation miscella.neous· dependants sources Literates ~ • ___ ..A.. __ --.. ~ ,--__ .-A..._--.. r----..A-.--.--.. r--_ _A_ __ r---..A-.--...... ,-__..A... __...... r---.A.":'_ - ...... ,---_..A.. __ --.. c; .r: Males Females Mal.. s Fema.les Males Females Ma.les Females Males Females Males Femaleo; Males Females Males Fema.les Jj

(13) (14 ) ( 15) ( 16) (17) (18) ( 19) ( 20) (21) (22) (23) (U) (25) ( ~6) (27) (28) (l)


1 I 1 2

2 3·

9 6 4




1 8


42 42 2 I 2 10 36 37 4 4 3 11

J8 16 16 10 12 3 13 3 14

10 15

3 13 16




2 4 2 2 20 17 7 9 9 20 21

5 10 16 12 3 3 2 22

2 2 5 4 17 8 22 19 l7 24 19 23

3 I 5 6 4 3 100 67 13 7 96 24

21 28 26 27 2 28 29


I 31 152



I-Culti vatorB of I and Wholly or mainly owned and their a dependants Z Code No. Name of Village Number of Tot.a! No. of Persons .-___ .A.. ___ ---.. r---- _..A_ ____---. ,------"-__~ ..: Occupied House- Roman Script Nagri Script ~ bousf's holds Persons Males Females MalE's Fen., les

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10) (ll)

32 241 Bansdi... ]3 ilt~~):£fT 13 64 31 33 29 32 33 77 Bansi"Wara if.... mif"" 27 27 158 79 79 77 75 34 231 Bari ifl"" 17 17 79 42 37 39 36 35 121 Badia Padar if':S~ q~ 12 12 62 33 29 36 50 Barwali ~~) 20 22 134 66 68 66 68 37 3" Bashi if~) 512 5 36 20 16 20 16 38 168 Belnia iiwfonrT ]8 21 93 55 38 35 22 39 62 Bhagora"Was ~tft~T,," 9 32 14 18 14 18 40 83 Bhakumba ~T'f~T 13 13 71 33 38 41 253 Bhamrla ~"fun 9 59 31 28 31 28 42 I] Bhamti ~T1:fe) 48 4R 220 112 108 112 IDS 43 247 Bhandekhar ~l"i~l:" I J 11 .';8 30 28 30 28 44 186 Bharbhatt ~~~[ 14 14 105 49 56 39 42 45 19.3 Bhi:lwdia ~Cff~lJT 1,091 J3 73 37 36 46 143 Bhilwara ~m!if~ 3 10 7 3 7 3 47 100 Bhiyana f~lJT:rrT 17 17 81') 43 42 43 42 48 260 Bhura __ 4H ~~T 58 267 148 119 145 119 49 17 BiC'hhawera fifm~~' 171 18 891 462 429 295 279 50 222 Bljli fiflS1(:;) 16 16 96 53 43 28 22 5] 48 Bilawas .)<=5~'" 6 6' 36 18 18 18 18 74 Binagiya 52 ifl:rrTIlTlfT 8 50 21 21 29 53 58 Bina"Wera ijf).... T~ 3 3 15 10 5 10 l'i ;;4 161 Biro. .)~T 2;) 31 163 74 89 f~)C!") 1'i5 78 Biroti 72 72 .331 165 166 165 166

56 114 Bobdawara Kocharia "lif:S'f!II'~T -.ft'iff~ 16 19 99 50 49 50 49 ."i7 136 Bokra if)"ti"U 5 14 9 5 9 1)8 7 Boria ift~m 247 12 12 81 37 44 37 44 ."i9 196 Bor K hera .)~~",T 5 5 32 13 J9 6 1;0 122 Buja if 'itT 7 7 32 HI 13 3

61 233 Buja

62 86 Bujra i(;jf':St 4 17 ... . -~- - 9 8 9 63 92 Burawara li!U~~t 14 16 83 42 41 42 41 64 138 Chakli @ MurH. :qT~) ~ 1!~T 2 2 II _.5' 6 5 6

u5 ] 8.'') C.handwas ~T,," 1,258 46 47 228 113 115 108 114

66 172 Changla 'ilt'1'wt 29 .32 157 .86 71

67 205 Chatarpure. 34 164 S6 78 86 :H~3 -CENSUS AlIS'l'::RACT R U:a.AL-( Oontd.) PBALASIA-(Oontd.)

_____AGRICULTURAL..A...- ______CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES r-- II-Cultivators IU--Cultivat- V-Non-Culti- Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their prinoipal - of land wholly iug labourers vating owners means of livelihoodJ;,.______froID --. orma.Inly and their of land; agri- r--_ unowned and dependants cultural rent V-Production VI-Conlmerce VII- Transport VIII-Other their depen- receivers other than:' services and da.nte ~dtheir cuI tivatioD mi_llaneous dependants sources Literates ,,----'---, r--_..A..___ ,_----A--...--. ,----.A..___ , r- ~..... ,---...... ~r- .! Males FeIDal'38 Ma.les Femal eS Males Females Males Females Males Femalea Males Females Males Fema.les- Males Fe_ales J.5

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (-28) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

2 1 32

2 ~ 33

3 1 3~

33 28 2 35



4 5 7 1 "I G 2 4, 3S 39 40 4,1

1 42 43'

10 14 ~4 37 36 M 1 43' ,,'of 3 7 4; 61 55 57 49 36 33 13 13 56 a 49 24 19 1 2 56 5i 52 53 74 29 54

11 55 56 ";7

2 oS '1 10 59 t; 11) to 1 .1. 60

" 61


63 64 • i 8 1 :;I 5 65 ~ 73 II 6 7 2 2 . 4 66 61 154 THE PRIMARY pART II TEHSIL

I-Cultivators of land wholly or ma.inly owned and their dependants N_e of Villas- NUDlb.r of Total No. of" Persons Cod. r------'-- r--~-' r- _.._ -,,----"---"""", Ko•• f OcoupifMI HOWIe•. Tina.. RODl_ a.rip. Nagri lien._ houaoa holda P.rsolUl Kales FOUlaI•• Male. Females

(I) (.I) (S) ( 4) (5) (e) (7) (8) (9) 0) (11) (12) .. 1&4. .16 25 1" 65 79 68 187 tm=iT a a 18 ~ 12 6 U '0 lCsa Cha.tard.i 'I(~ 10 10 67 29 28 IS 10 Tl 2 •• Chohan...... '1' .... ,ft 19 22 111 -60 51 59 50 -T. 219 Chokari >;f~" 10 11 tOe 2D 27 29 2'1 3 ,.. 76 Dabl..... WTlfWl l) 6 8 18 20 18 20 ,.. M8 Dadmia .,.Nt", 7 7 35 19 18 Ilit 16 ? 7 4.0 23 17 T~ '7 Dadmia Belaa .,.r...... i1!'" 17 23 '6 14,8 Damana i(1f1'ifl 101 107 54,5 5186 260 236 201 174, 71 .18 Da.mana ~ 88 ~8 92 82 TI 70 DeTanwar...... ," 5 LJ 31 17 1. 17 14. ,.8 249 ' .. ,.WAf 4 4 12 6 8 6 6 , 4, 80 Ig4. Deola •• haT 22 H 14. 4 3 3 16 15 76 j,l 35 4.1 35 81 34. ~"'i"i" &.1 171 Deri Ghati 5 5 19 13 • 13 ~ 81 180 66 e7 378 lal 127 110 81. N 121 ne,ra .. 4,3 44- 184, .7 17 .7 .7 U lit Dhadh..... ali 39 40 234 107 127 4 3 •• 4,1 Dhal.... 3. 42 278 136 141 135 14,3 .7 289 Dhamai :I: :I: 12 3 T 5 7 •• 104. Dlaara.an 1. II 84 '10 3j, 29 17 .. • 87. l' 20 14,8 71 •• 71 69· .. 2" DhiJBri i4 64 264, 132 13l1: 132 132 ,I 275 Dhinui Saai 15 Iii 7. 4,1 37 41 37 It US DhinkUa 1:21 21 126 68 •• .S 58 91 173 Dhundhkia UI 20 103 58 14 13 H 81 Dob 25 27 188 aa 76 87 '5 .6 99 Dolria .. ""+5(; .... 27 27 13. 76 60 72 60 9. 256 Dungariaw_ '!.'f( ....fW 9 It 4,8 26 22 26 22 14 31 97 273 Galdar ql~'(' H 63 31 32 32 98 Gamdi tmm • 9 46 28 18 28 IS , 9 37 Hi 21 1. IS 99 Ganeshpura ~'('1 100 Uill Gantia 'lift!1fl 26 26 162 98 64, SS 64 101 19 Garanwas ""'''lf1W 61 61 289 14,6 143 141 14,3 102 268 Garlan 15 Hi 83 4,3 4,0 40' 103 195 119 11 11 4,3 18 25 158 CENSUS ABSTRACT

RURAL -(Contd.)

PHALASIA-( Contd.)

NON-AGRICULTURAL C.LASSES ______AG RICULTURALJ>- CLASSES _....__ --. r--- ;---. II-Oultivators III-Cll.ltivat- IV-Non-culti- Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ing lahourer. vating owners m.eans of livelihood f,om .A-- or ma.inly and their ofland; agri- ~-- ~ unowned and dependants cultural rent V-Production VI-CoInm.erce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen- receivers other 1;hari. servioes and dante and their cultivation misoellaneo u s <3 dependants sources Literates y-__ Z ~ __J>---~ .A..-_, r---J. r---~--, r---..A.----., r---~--~ """\ ,.-----'-----, r---.A----.. ."3 Female.. ~ Ma.les Fe Dil.les MaJ.es Females Males Fema.les Males Fe:m.ales Males Females Males Males Females Males Females UJ

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

64 78 1 1 68 69

7 7 1 3 8 1 2 1 76 1 1 71 72


7. .. 75 IS 10 8 9 4. 12 16 16 2 1 11 11 12 76 90 S2 2 2 77 78 1 79 80 81


8 16 3 5 19 16 11 9 13 83 2 84

103 124 15 3 I. 17 21 IS •• S 89 I. SI

I !t2

HI 2! 17 iii 93

I ~4 4, 4, .3 96 97 98

3 tg

9 2 4. 4 100 3 2 37 101 102

18 25 103 156 '1'BE 1»RIMMlY PART It rtEBm


I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their o dependantS z Name of VIllage Number of Total No. of PerSODS .____ .A.. _____,--, ....-__+":""'_--. :i Code ,-­ ------., e- r- ~ No_ of Occupied House­ en Village Roman Script N ... gri Script houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females

(1) ( 2) ( 3) (4) ( 5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

104 2fS4, Gejvi .' ~~CfT 23 23 1~5 69 56 69 56 105 22 13 14 65 38 Ghorimari ff)T1~T~T 27 106 177 Godana Q~T;n 101 521 269 252 63 6fi 107 23 20 20 115 158 158 4-3 Godawara If'RTC:(T~T 7 7 33 18 108 53 Godawaton-ka-Para. If)cn?J(al ~ 3J 31 172 89 83 Nichli. ~~ 138 127 Kaw-e! 29 29 147 79 68 ~ 13.l.) 110 Khajurna 9 9 24 25 24 157 CENSUS ABSTRACT

RURAL --(Oontd.)

PHALASIA-( 00 ntd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON -AGRICULTURAL CLASSES _ ---- - ___..__ ___ - ______--,. r--______..A.. ___ -----""' II-Cultivators lII--Cultivat- IV -Non-Culti­ Persons (including dependants; who derive t peir prinCipal

of land wholly ing labourers vating owners means of livelihood.A.______from ~ or mainly and their of land; agri_ ,­ unowned and dependants cultura.l rent V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their dep"n- receivers other than services b.nd dants and their cultivation miscellaneous o dependants sources Literates z ,..-- _...J..-__~ ".-- __..A..--~ r----../"---, r-----"-----... r----.A.---... ,_--..A.__ -... or------.. ~ MalesFemales Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femaie Males Females Males Fem.ales ~

(13) (15) {l6} (17) (18) (19) (20) ( 21) (22) (23) (24) ( 25) (26) ,27) (28) (1

104 38 27 • 105 206 187 14 1 106

15 14 I 1 1 10'1


2 1 6 4 1 109 (; 1 llO 21 12 3 4 35 25 43 51 50 111 3 2 2 112 113 114 1I5

116 4 2 2 1l'7 I 1 11.118 120

2 1 12 18 9 121 I 2 2 2 1 2 122


12~ 251 250 2 51 34 72 74 I 2 34 47 10.") 27 125


14 10 5 3 12'1 128

129 130

1St 13il

6 4 4, 1 133 134

2 2 135

1 8 5 138

87 83 137 138 139 usa THE PRmAay



I-Cul'tiva.t.ore orland wholly or mainly owned a.nd tb.eir o dependants ;)!:; Narne Dr VlIlage Number of Tota.l No. of Persona ,_-______".______~ ,-. __ ....A-.----., ,,------"------~ ".--....._--~ 'Ji,.._ C,0 d e N o • Occupied Houae­ .;s of Village Roman Script ~ agri Script houses holds Persons Males Fema.les Ma.les FemalE''''

.( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (") (7) (8) (!) (10) (11 ) (12) "

145 Khakhar tm~~ 4.763 IJ.l9 207 873 468 405 31! 277 141 174 Khakharia Khera ~r~~"TqT ~T 13 13 69 33 36 142 51 Khara ~1'U 7 7 36 18 18 18 18 143 207 Khfirdia ,~~'ih:n 48 49 260 127 133 127 133 47 Khera ..

174 215 Madri 371 386 2,036 1,017 1,019 971 !)74 , , ~. J.75 45 Mandli Chhoti 8 8 62 33 29 33 15• . CENSUS ABSTRACT RURAL-(Oontd.) PSALASIA-( Oontd.)

A<1'RICULTURAL CLASSES -___ NON .AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ------_ _.._ r-- ---. Persona (inoluding dependa.nts) who derive their principal -rI-Cultivators Ill-Cultivat- IV-Non-CUlti- means of livelihood from of land wholly ing labourers vating owners ,------_.J.-_------. or mainly and theIr of land; a.grl- V-Production VI-Commerce VII -Transport VIII-Other unowned and dependants cultural rent other than services and thoir depen- receivers cultIvation tDi.scelianeouB <) dante and "their sources Z dependants Literstee ,...._--A-__--. ,--_..A..__ ""'_ "'_ __.A.._~ r----.J-__---. r---..A;.----. .r----"'-- --,. r---.A.----. ,- _ - ..A.---, -.!. aI 1:0 Mah" Fe·ua.l~s Males F',males Malt's Females Males Fem.aies Males FeD181es Males Females Ma.les Females Males FeDlsles

(13) {14} (15) (16) (17) (I 8) (19) (20) (21) (22) ( 23) (24) {25 } (26 ) (27) (28) (1 )

15 11 8 8 38 30 63 60 2 2 30 15 12 S 140

23 2~ & ~ 141 142


1 144. 145

2 2 146 147

3 3 1 4 24 22 3 :I 7 2 IS 148 1>W

39 38 150 151



148 137 6 6; 29 21 2 1 25 5 154 "55 , 2 4 34 32 73 56 39 34 87 7 156 157




22 24 161

1 1 162 163

1 164 - - 165 in Pipalw8.l'B 2 15 166 167

2 1 1 4 1 2 168

7 9 169 170



1 1 1 173

20 15 23 21 56 ••1 174 3 9 ._ . .. ' 17\ 160 THE PRIMARY"


I-Cultivato..... of land wholly Or mainly owned and their dependants Name of Vi11age NUIIlber of Total No. of Persons r----"----., -"-- r------"------. Code ,------.... Occupied House- No. of hou&e8 holds PerSODS Males FeInales Males Fem a le Vill.ge ROlDan Script Nagri Soript

(6) (7) (8) ( 9) (10) (11 ) (12) (1) (2) (8) (4) (6)

8 12 62 34 28 34 28 1"16 114-A Madva 145 744 381 363 341 328- 117 146 Magwas 123 13 13 93 44 49 44 4.9 178 52 Melania. 80 -4.10 203 207 203 207 179 212 Makradeo 79 PopUlation 180 220 Makri 12 43 21 Z2 181 132 Mal 12 36 204. 108 96 37 34 182 183 MaJ.pur 36 20 20 86 44 42 44 42 183 211 Man_ 23 131 72 69 184- 188 Manda ka Khet 23 11 11 102 61 51 lSI 51 186 96 Mandvi Bhagar.w.... ~T oqq)d.. liQ 28 84 39 45 33 41 186 III Manpur ql":!( 28 29 126 62 64 62 64 187 213 Masingpura qm~ 29 18 11 7 188 117 Mit;hi Bali ,,~ ~~ 3 3 90 1n3 251 262 251 189 165 Mohammad Pbal_I.. ,,~ IIJM1fir1n 90 50 24 26 24. 180 166 Morjar 11 11 32 18 14 IS un 279 Mor:ma.gra q~, 6 6 9 9 44 21 23 21 192 32 Moa Ma.huli ,,)it ~\=sT 57 32 26 32 191 286 Moyani q)1:nift' IS 13 23 24 124 65 lS9 19. 191 Mundawali '14 ,,,f)1 13 13 72 36 36 196 36 Mund Koaia q~ lIIS)ftrQl ~ See Serial No. 64 139 Murli @ Chakli ~~~ 192 101 91 101 91 196 4 Nagmala 3S9 31 82 "'" '"~ 3 3 12 5 7 5 7 197 265 No.1 Gejki ~qm- 14. 14 49 27 22 23 19 198 208 Nala ~, 21 123 63 60 63 60· 199 98 N a1 N analD. 21 ~ """" 3 3 16 6 10 10 200 107 Nal Kevdi ;nw ~T 8 8 37 19 18 19 18 201 106 Nalva .. ~ 13 15 61 31 30 15 12 .02 170 Namli •• ~ 6 6 3S 16 17 16 17 203 261 Nandia ""fhlll 28 29 128 69 59 64 57 204 181 Nandvel ~~ 193 109 84 104 81 205 160 Nawa Gaon -34c 37 "'(' qt" 229 123 106 116 lOB 200 82 NawaGaon 49 53 81 179 95 84 95 84 20T 9 Nawa Khola "'"1'tlII1 "'"1Ifn;s1 637 81 Ut 19 101 56 45 56 4.5 208 284 Naya Den 'tin ~ 50 50 198 107 91 6 209 226 Nenbara "if~ 27 27 ISS 77 56 77 SIO 2'79 Nenaji-ka-Bara ;l..,wft lin ~, 11 11 Si ail H- 18 Sll 106 Net.wall .I"~ 161 CENSUS ABSTRACT

HURAL-(Oontd.) PHALASIA-(Gontd. )

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ~------~ ~ -., Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive ~heir prinoipal LI--Cultivators III-Cuitivat- IV--N on-Culti- means of livelihood from of land wholly ing la.bourers vating ownerS or mainly and their of land; agri- ,- -"------, unowDedand dependants cultural rent V -Production VI-Commerce VII--Transport VIII-Other I;heir depen- receivers other than services and da.ntE! and their cUltivation miscellanen us 0 dependants sources Literate.. Z ,----"------. r---.A..----...... r--_...A..---.,. ,-__--'---_-., _--.A..------, ,----.A..---.,r-~----__., ,- " ...... "; 'E:

(l3) (14) ( 15) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25' (26) {27} (2S) (1)


1 2 19 19 8 3 6 4 6 7 16 17" 17. 179

included in Pipalwara 180

19 22 2 2 181

58 .55 1 4 3 3 3 5 1 5 2 IS2 183

69 58 2 1 1 2 184 185

1 4 4 1 5 IS6 187

8 5 3 2 1~~ 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 for figures

3 196 197

4 ;$ 1 198 199 200

201 <, 6 8 3 2 ;2 4 1 cO .> 3 202 203

;) 2 4 204

5 :3 () 205

4 1 3 2 6 206 - 207 20S 101 89 209 ... 210 15 13 ill 162 THE PRIMARY PAR,T II TEHSIL

I - Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their dependants

Name of V;Uage Number of Total No. of Persons ~ __ ~_ _ ...... ~ ..A.. ,-__ _.____~ Code r------..A. ----_:""'1 No_ of QQcupied House. Village Roman Script =" agri Script houses holds Persons Males Females Males Fe:males

(1 ) (2) (3 ) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11 ' (12)

212 80 Newaj iTcrNf 40 40 233 115 118 97 loa 213 243 Nichli Kaler ,.. '-):q~r ilfi'm-~ 3 3 13 8 5 8 5 87 89 403 212 191 70 80 214 46 Oda ai't~ 215 240 Ogna a{ttfQ(T 207 226 958 508 450 219 197 216 229 Ovran .. aftCfti 42 42 204 107 97 103 9iS 217 257 Padiarwas q'f:;;;~crr~ 3 3 17 8 9 8. 9 218 232 Palawara q~C(r¥, 39 39 157 79 78 79 78 5 26 15 11 15 219 105 Palia Khera q'TM'l1:JT ~'T 5 11 220 227 PaIia Khera qT(l'fTlfT ~ 17 17 109 54 55 54 55 22 116 57 59 54 48 221 87 Panarwa q'l~1 22. 222 269 Panian q;:rrlfn:r 6 6 23 10 13 10 13

223 68 Parda ,_ q~~T 4 4 22 8 14 8 14

224 89 Parwer q'~q.~ 14 14 87 49 38 49 38 15 61 39 225 8 Patia .• qrcrr~:n 15 42 38 40

226 115 Patwel. • q'le~w 12 12 61 32 29 32 28 5 5 22 12 10 12 10 227 251 Pemadevi ka Khera ittn~Cfl iIfi't ." 228 1 Phalasia q;WT~r.-y 1,816 204 214 992 530 462 321 201 q:;a'f;TGf Population 229 219 Futagarh '" . 230 249 Pilak .. q'l{:SiIfi' 19 19 79 42 37 42 37 231 276 Pipalwara q)q"wC(T¥" 82 8l) 445 221 224 211 222 232 278 Pipalwara cftq'WCf~T 12 12 69 31 38 31 38 26 27 146 76 70 76 70 233 263 Ranpul" ~r;J~~ 16 234 135 Ratanpur ~~ 4 4 9 7 1 69 65 319 161 158 150 142 235 228 Richhawar ~"\'t§T?oI~ 236 71 Rohimala ~~~ 44 44 245 129 116 129 116 237 235 Rop itq' 12 12 56 30 26 238 15 Sada ~ 60 61 391 189 202 185 202 239 67 Sahiwara me:1cmT 18 18 112 53 59 53 59 240 281 Salar .. ~~ 17 17 86 4:3 43 37 37 168 83 85 83 8i) 241 288 Salar-ka-Bara m~~ Ifi'T II1¥' 36 42 242 237 SBldari mt"5~~r 31 33 15:t 74 79 69 74 221 108 15 24 243 167 Salu KheTa ~~ti~ 43 4a 11'3 41 41 37 244 130 Sandawara ~",~T 18 18 78 37 19 19 22 245 270 Sandmari ~1ITtt 10 10 41 22 246 262 Sankhla ~~T 12 12 55 27 28 27 2H 247 54 Sarbli _ - ~l '1 "I 31 18 13 18 13 i~ CENSUS ABSTRACT

RURAL-{ Oontd.) PHALASIA-( Oontd.)

AGRIOULTURAL OLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ~------~ r------.., II-Culti vators III-Cultivat- VI--Non-Oulti- Persons (inoludi ng dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ing labourers vating O'WDerli means of livelihood from or mainly and j,beir of land; agri------~------.., unowned and dependants cultural rent V--Produotion VI--Commerce VII-Tranl"port VIII-Other their depen- receivers other1;han services and dants and their cultiva1;ion misoellaneous Literates 0 dependant.s sources Z r---.A.----, r-----A---_ ,-----"-----... r----..A..-----, r--j. , ...---_.A.-_-.., r---;"---.., r----"---... 3... Males Females Males Females Males Females M.,les Femal_ Malee Females Male", Females Malell Females Males Females c;r.,'"

(13) ( 14) (15) (16 ) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (251) (23) (24) - (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

17 15 1 212 213 11 28 21 63 61 40 29 214

10 9 7 5 10 10 121 98 87 72 2 52 59 175 17 215

1 1 3 1 I 216 21'7 218 :n9 220

3 11 12 3 2:11 222 223 224-

1 2 2 225

I 226 2!7

4 1 4 3 7 6 81 69 116 113 97 69 176 33 228 included in. Pipalwara 229 230 I 3 I 1 6 2 231


233 3 3 2 2 3 2 234-

6 13 3 2 2 1 I 23;', 1 236

'30 26 237

2 2 7 238 I 239

1 ., 5 240 241

4 1 1 4 2 242 93 89 2 2 243 2 244 245 ... 246 247 THE PJtJ~4~¥ PART II


I-Cultivators of land wholly or ma.inly owned and their cO dependants z Name of Villa.ge Nuznber of Total No. of Persons ,-- ---, ,-- -"- ,,.___-.A.----" ."! Code ~------No. of Occupied House- ~ Village Roman Soript Nagri Script houses holds Persons Males Fe=alee lII(ales Females

(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

248 245 Sarka Kbera 7 7 40 26 14 26 14

249 6 6 26 13 13 10 9 130 Sarli ~T

250 176 Sarna. ,,~ 2 2 II 7 4

251 119 Sarwan ,,~~ 34 42 176 93 83 19 20 102 51 51 51 51 252 42 Satka ., ~ 253 256 Selana ~wT;::n 64 69 357 175 182 175 182

254 24 SemIa ~r 8 10 40 20 20 20 20 255 266 Semla.-ki-Phali ~:qWT I!If\' q;Wl 6 6 35 22 13 22 13 256 236 Sera ~'U 68 68 301 154 147 154 147 257 17 I> Shivpuri ~l 18 18 109 58 51

258 2 Shyarnpura !f~r 120 4 4 17 5 12 5 12 259 18 Shyampura ~~~r 19 19 llO 64 46 64 46 260 13 Sigri Niehli "lq~l ~l 2,749 114 114 649 325 324 317 321 261 14 Sigri Upli ~~l 40 40 1157 84 73 82 73 262 33 Sisvi ,"~l 21 21 llO 58 .52 53 49

263 12 Som ~ 52 54 282 143 139 136 134 264 165 Sultanji-ka-Khera. ,!wdi.,~ ""' WyT 4,382 92 93 429 220 209 2 3 265 93 Suri Mala ~~l 'fTm 11 12 51 27 24 27 24 266 113 Talav Shila:mata 4 4 27 15 12 15 12

267 192 Talaya .. ~T 3.481 30 31 172 84 88 84 88 268 25 Thadi Veri IIfRl ~l 10 10 47 30 17 30 17 269 57 Thobawara tqN~ 3.481 52 52 302 144 158 6f) 87 270 49 Thuda ~~'q'l 11 11 66 36 80 36 30 271 120 Tindori ~t~'it 12 13 71 34 37 272 19 Tumdar Namavari. ~'R~ ." ... ,an::..... 40 43 45 222 100 122 95 114 273 26 Turgarh included ~ 44'lf ;r.;n 48 49 269 138 131 138 131 Nala 274 43 Ubapa.n a;anqTGf I:) 9 40 HI 21 19 21 275 242 Uchhalti Beri ~~l ai~l 5 5 21 15 6 15 6 276 217 Umaria '5q~TqT 12 12 65 32 33 32 33

277 277 Undra 4 4 29 12 17 12 17 278 244 Upli Kaler ~, "'~~ 10 10 35 18 17 18 17 279 60 Upreta '3"q-tC!T 76 82 426 202 224 202 224 28u 91 Wayawara emfT"'T.' - 12 12 56 28 28 28 28 165


RURAL-( Oontd.)

PHALASIA-( Ooncld.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES _____ ..A. ______----, r------4 ------, IV-Non-Cultivat- Per.oDS (inoluding dependants) who derive their prinoipal II-Cultivators of III-Cultivating ing owners of IneanB of livelihood :trOIn land wholly or labourers and land; agrioultural r- _..._ ----.------"' mainly unowned their dependants rent receivers Yo-Production VI-(Jommerce VII-Transport VIII-Other and their and their other than services and dependants oultivation dependants miBoellaneous . 0 sources L Iteratee Z r----A..-.----'" r----'----.. --. r----..A. - ---. r-'-~ r----"---.. 3 Males Females Males ji'eIuales Males Females Males Females Females Males Females Males Fetnales Ma.les Fem.ales J

(13) (14 ) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)


3 4 249 7 4 250 84 79 3 6 4 4 261 252 253


255 256 58 51 257 258


5 3 3 4, 260 1 1 2 281

I 1 4 2 4. 2.2

3 2 4 3 263

194 182 2 5 6 6 8 12 8 1 6 264 265 S66 267 268

13 13 62 55 4 3 269

270 34 37 1 271 3 4 2 3 1 272 273

ll;74 275 276 277 278 279 280 THE PRIMAB.Y PART II

1. Me. aad N __e Gf Di•• riot--18 UDAIPUR I. lil.... of Sl:tb-Diyi.ion-PHALASIA POPUlated-126 5. No. ofViUages S. Jio. and. Nalne of Tehail-I" SA IRA. 4. Ko·. oJ' Tr_~83 { U npopulated--Nil 6. No. of Ha.mlets 217 7. No. of Towns Nil 8. Area of Tahsil in Sq. Miles-257


1-Cultivators of land wholly or lllainly owned: and their dependants N umber of Total 'N o. of Persons Name of Village j;;C______,-__.A- __ --. -A-_ r-_--..A..------"' .,----__ Code .----~ No. of Occupied House- Village Roman Soript Nagri Soript houses holds Persons Males Females Males FeInales

(1) (I) (3) ( 4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ( 11) (12) 1 •• Ajaipura 80B 14. 14 75 38 37 26 28 • 15. Awani 1.110 340 401 190 100 90 98 98 lSI da 185 15~ 783 379 404 316 341 a Bacru ~"q' 4 7~ Baguni _,,;ft 14 14 65 39 26 34 23- 6 .6 Banai .. ;r.:nf 99 106 472 .238 234 236 231 6 96 Ba.nara ~ 22 23 105 56 49 54 47 7 ~ Bar Gaon q qt" 66 57 257 130 127 100 88 i 120 Bo.rundiya if~~~ 42 47 235 125 110 no 100- 71 81 34~ 188 154 159 124 9 .. Bansliya .m~ 10 39 Basna .. .19'"'" 667 26 28 139 80 59 80 59 , 12 11 32 BatoD. ka Gura ina-'l ifiT Iff' 2SS 5 i> 22 10 12 10 Bateri .• iii.. , 900 89 39 200 101 99 92 93 13 104 Babra .. 7 21 109 48 61 17 24 ~ 1.678 47 52 241 124 117 103 14 90 Bhadwi Gura '~"T "!..' 15 ~g lSI 10 11 54 25 29 17 20

3 Bhanpura 2.476 208 238 1.191 1574 623 270 289, ~1"":Af('1 ,. 126 Bharodi ~ 926 16 13 391 194 197 187 188 77 Bhat Madra \11a' 1=rtqt 744 48 60 278 143 135 110 93 57 81 859 190 169 141 128 S BhatoD. ka. Saoira '1lif ;m Ql1RI 3.951 111 Bich~a Khera ilT"i!Im ~ 7 7 35 20 15 19 13 (; Bokhara 1.199 109 192 982 513 469 225 296 ~''''T 13 Brahtnanon ka Del­ W1l!nn I!f\'T \!lEiEfI,. 200 11 16 74 35 39 35 36 wara 17 Brahmanon ka Kal­ .T~ lin' "'WEti,;n 185 140 658 326 332 321 330· wana 78 Chalwa. ~, 29 30 159 86 73 85 71 84 87 303 188 161'i 128 139· 86 Chatia Kheri :;;nfeqy ~ 116 Chhali .m 78 84 409 211 198 195 179 1,520 101 121 661 289 272 289 272 61 Chhipali U~ 89 Chorbaori (Jaswant­ 795 25 27 122 58 64 48 53 pura) ""<.,.Iet,,. (.Et_~i


9. Persons-Nil 10. Males- Nil 11. Females-Nil

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NGN_AGRICULTURAL CLASSES __.A. ~ -"------~ II-Cultivators III-Oultivat- IY-N on-Oulti- Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their principal

of land wholly ing labourers vating owners means oflivelihoodA______from ~ or mainly and their of land; agri- r- unowned and dependants cultural rent ~--Produc- VI-Conunerce VII-Tran"'port VIII--Other t.heir depen- receivers tion other .. ervices and dants and their than miscellaneo u , dependants oultivation sources 0 Literates Z r-----..A..--~ ,.----..A..___ -., ,---_..A..__ ~ c--- _..A.. ___~ r------'----~ ., "-~ t "'----~ r-----.A.---~ -;e '0::: Males Females Males Fem.ales Males Fem.ales Males Fema.les Males Fe:r:nales Males Females Males Females Males ." Females 00

(13) (4) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (2.) (l) 10 14 S 1

2 2 2

2 2 1 3 1 6S 58 t) ) 3

a 3 '1-

1 1 1 2 5 2 2 1> 26 29 1 1 1 3 8 23 7 1 3 3 4' 2 1 1 5 4 1 9 8

23 19 & 5 & 9 10

12 10 11

1 2 4 6 2 16 12 31 37 13 1 16 16 4- 2 1 14

4 6 3 4 1 3 Ii

100 125 5 4 46 37 49 92 76 52 28 24 120 13 16 5 2 1 3 1 3 17 22 28 3 6 6 8 2 'J '8

42 36 3 3 4 2 19

1 1 1 !!)

174- 169 1 8 4 5 .- ~l 3 1 .J2

1 1 3 1 1 25 Z:'f

1 1 1 1 24 4 5 6 20 1 19 25 6 5 1 8 13 L 1 9 1 26 4 27 2, 4- 2 4 2 4 3 2 28

1 3 3 29

2 30

so 12 4, .- 19 ~5 17 10 7 4 ~7 32 31 168 THE PRIMARY PART II TEHSIL


I-CulLivators of land wholly or maInly o,"vned and the I' d"pendants Ol- \ r--- ______Name ...A.. ______i'la,~e -, Number of Total No. of Persons Code r----~-----, r-----..A.------, ,..-__ ..A.. __~ No, of Occup ied HouHe- Village Rnman Script "; .lSI'1 Script; houses hOlds Persons MalE>" Female. Males Females

(1) (2) ,3) (4) (61 (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12,

32 100 Dhirji ka Gura e'f-'r~iifT am ~¥' 117 17 20 97 47 50 40 44 33 108 Deoron ka Khera ~ .. ~t

34. 46 Dhol G)~ 2,610 187 210 876 44" 354 338 35 41 Dhundi ~';Sl 651 96 107 494 271 223 266 220

36 11 Diyan " f'1{ttlif 400 .1)9 60 332 158 174 102 112 37 19 Gaiphal 1,498 65 79 381 201 180 143 122 ~~

38 126 Ghata " ~nC1 1,434- 52 52 296 154 142 150 141 39 87 ~)~;;n 1,924 IH2 606 3,64,7 1.'91 1.856 471 5j3 40 36 Guman 1J,q'1'if 1.1107 53 59 289 154 135 138 119

41 14 Gunawal ~ifl~ 3.611 98 107 504 256 248 226 212 42 18 Gundali il;'~.. 1.970 Ifi 132 593 302 291 280 269 43 42 Hathiyaval ~f~~ 119 120 533 277 256 274 252 567 52 75 !97 153 144 114 103 44 91 Hundar ~;~

45 70 J aswantgarh \i{~C5(~ 2,738 217 249 1,188 619 569 486 445 46 78 Jelanj ~AT 484 9 9 39 24 15 24 15 47 20 Jemli ;jt{~ 1.643 66 76 330 175 155 161 140 48 9 J"halon ka Kalwana, , mm l!fi'T 1!fr8i!i iii i' 1,238 108 117 497 260 237 254 232 49 80 Jharoli R~ 48 49 224 119 105 ~7 73 60 122 Jirai '""~t 144 36 54 184 91 93 81 Sf) 19 21 117 59 58 59 5J 93 Jogiyon ka Gura 'I5i1;ft1ff "'" '1'" 631 .52 69 Josiyon ki Bhagal Gitf~ ""' ~ 56 60 242 126 116 III 104 (Jaswantgarb), ( \if"~;:a'I~) 53 56 Josiyon ki Bhagal \!j')'fulif ~) ~ 21 23 109 47 62 47 60 (Rawla) (ucmT) 18 54 81 Jhunjharpura II!·~T~~U 6 7 39 21 18 21 55 96 Kachhba "'Ui(T 900 87 88 424 216 208 198 18:3 56 29 Kadechh criu 59 59 304 151 153 143 150 57 75 Kagti .. ~ 11 12 60 34 26 34 28 58 98 Kalji ka Gura ~I'ift .,. 'I" 309 8 10 69 35 34 17 12 57 59 109 Kalunda ~.. :gl 22 25 116 63 53

60 2 Kamba !'fi1'q{r 400 71 85 330 182 148 84 67

61 34 Kamal ",'{m 2,481 223 238 1,028 520 50S 317 290

62 21 Kanj i ka Gura !'fi1'ififT am q:p 706 57 62 270 137 133 118 113 43 47 43 47 63 64 Kakan ka GUI'a. ~~--r..¥t 286 15 19 90 463 4-3'; 64 38 Karda ~T 2,505 259 279 1,255 638 617

65 84 Khakri l!(~ 773 27 40 190 96 94 70 65 69 53 66 16 Kundwon ka Gura. !l~l .,. ,.r 400 28 33 129 71 58 U7 62 Layau ~ 684 22 24 99 52 47 169 I(J ENSUS ABSTRACT


SAlRA-{ Oontd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ---, ------...... ------~ r-- --- _--"------II-CultiV"ators LII-Cultivat.­ IV -Non-Culti- Persons (including dependants) who derive t.heir principal of land wholly ing labourers vating owners meaIli' ,flivelihood from or mainly and their of la.ud. agri- ,------__..A. ____ ------..---., unowned and dependants cultural rent V-Productior VI-OomD1erce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen­ receIvers other than services and o dants and t.heir oult.ivat.ion miscellaneous z dependant.s sources Literates ~ ,----"----~ r----..A.-_-~ r---...... --~ r-----"----~ r---"'__~ ,-__...... __--., ,-_---'-___""""" ,--_.A-__--., .~ Males Females Males Females Males Female!! Males Females Males FeD1ales Males Females Males Females Males Fema.les rLl (27) (28) (1) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24 J (25) (26) 2 32 4 3 1 1 1 1 2 3

1 1 1 4, 1 2 4 33 3 34 7 8 2 6 7 60 59 20 15 64 1 35 2 1 3 2 10

32 38 3 19 20 2 4 21 36

52 44 1 1 5 3 13 37

2 1 2 38

46 45 31 22 37 58 422 427 387 371 44 26 353 384 451 56 39 I I II 15 4 4 40

2 2 15 25 13 7 2 2 41

5 3 4 4 3 6 3 4 7 5 10 42

1 2 2 1 1 43

1 3 4 3 34 34 1 1 44

46 43 9 9 32 38 18 12 18 11 10 11 85 7 45 46

9 11 1 1 4 3 47

2 2 1 2 I 2 I 1 48

15 19 14 8 3 5 8 1 49

3 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 4- 50 51

10 1 2 9 3 2 20 2 52

2 4- 2 53


11 12 1 5 9 3 1 1 7 2 55 6 3 2 4- 56 57

14 16 3 1 1 4 4 2 58

(; 3 1 59

"75 62 4 I 4 3 8 10 7 5 5 60

22 16 23 27 9 2 114 139 35 34 106 11 61

7 5 8 6 5 3 62

I 63

70 71 22 26 1 4 24 29 41 38 17 10 69 I 64- 13 23 13 6 :3 65 1 2 1 3 66

3 16 4 1 6 170 THE PRIMARY- PART II. TEHSIL. ,....._----- I-Cultiva.tors of land Wholly or lDainlyowned and their dependants

~ Code No. Nam.e___ of Village ..A- Number of Total No. of 1'0Isons .. of Village .----_ r---,J...--~ r­ ----"------..r---..A-----. Oocupied Hoose­ ;I Nagri Scrip~ houses hold. Persons Males Fema.les Males Fema.les (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 68 119 Mada ma'T 102 118 561 285 276 207 199 69 9.1 Madarda 4,184 104 112 516 275 241 266 230 '70 t5() Manda.. a. 15 16 84 34 50 31 45 28 30 137 68 71 H Madri (Deoatban) ... 1fl~ ('''H'",,,) 69 58 66 72 36 Madri (Jagir) ~ (~) 68 59 268 132 126 131 125 73 1 Maga •• 5.340 41 41 165 84 81 59 52 74 121 Majawad il\iiii!i& 8,100 113 141 663 343 320 308 76 -86 Majawari ".IEi¥' 6,791 91 120 459 235 224 202 76 117 MaJa.riya. (Delwara) 4WJlf

84- 106 Nal illS 121 151 775 3J I 388 309 321 85 61 Nab.a.ron.lka Gora "'" W 43 51 236 126 UO 89 74 99 Nayon ka. Gura ~;n1ifIfilW;A @ Bbagwan Des ka See Serial Mo. 15- Gura 'f1:aIC51I.,C(i'EI "'" ~'l 73 80 376 183 86 12 Nikor tiPfIi~ 8.002 193 167 179 1.693 155 161 722 364 359 87 67 Owaran (Deoethan) ar)C5I'ti (~;:r) 358 345 88 68 Owaran (Jagir) at"\'i!m (~n:) 1.198 108 ll8 356 283 273 267 257 89 28 Padarda 2.273 372 413 1,999 1,017 982 832 808 1,000 105 192 515 253 262 215 220' 90 15 Palasma q~ 91 49 Palidana q'TwlC(lill 6,557 80 92 423 207 216 181 178 92 43 Paner .. ~ 2.100 170 176 840 435 405 314 382 93 53 Paneri ki Bhagal ~T 11ft ~T115 29 32 113 50 63 47 50· 94- \24 Patiya qtfa:~ 144 52 52 259 136 122 111 100 582 28 29 139 69 70 68 66 95 88 Phutiya. ~C!:I(T 96 112 Phutiya Khera 27 28 149 81 68 72 57 ~lQT... . 97 47 Punawali T'A'fST 101 127 559 269 290 227 237 293 150 143 147 98 97 Bana .. ~"'T 1.209 52 56 138 99 30 Rawachh ~ 165 167 - 842 433 409 415 408 100 58 Rawalian (Deosthan) dC51fwqi (ii!ll""'i"') 155 170 749 381 368 368 360 101 57 Rawa1ian (Jagir) .. ~W&ri (~n:) 3,448 213 229 978 495 483 476 466 21 102 71 Ranawaton ka Gura ~~ CIIT '!~ 70 9 12 46 25 15 20 237 220 226 103 37 Bovda ~ 6,944 90 101 457 216· 171 CENSUS ABSTRACT




II-Cultivators III-Cultivat­ IV-Non-Culti­ Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ing labourers vat.ing owners means of livelihood from or mainly and their of land; agri­ ------.., unowned and dependants cultural rent --V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other t.heir depen­ receivers other than services and dants and their cultivation miscellaneous ($ dependants sources Literates Z r----A.----. r,----"-----. ,-__J<_ __ --., r----"------. r-----"-----. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males FeDlales 1 (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1) 34 34 4 4 10 18 17 17 14 1 2 22 68

1 7 11 1 4 69

2 3 1 1 1 70 1 2 2 3 1 7 7 I 71

1 1 72 14 20 2 2 9 7 1 73 14 1 2 5 3 18 16 2 2 31 74

19 25 1 3 13 11 16 75

7 4 1 76 2 2 2 4 1 77 2 4 I 2 3 1 78 1 1 1 3 11 79 1 3 1 6 19 17 11 SO

81 3 6 4 3 3 2 10 82 61 75 4 25 56 29 18 42 64 5 4 35 25 227 16 83

1 74 67 3 1 84

26 27 2 2 4 2 4 1 86 for figures

6 2 5 5 8 I 3 6 4 •• 86

4 8 1 3 2 87

5 9 4 2 7 5 3 88

1 2 26 30 26 17 100 107 31 19 126 12 89

21 19 3 11 3 3 5 8 7 15 90 16 15 2 5 5 6 2 I 4 2. 2 91

1 I 12 18 1 7 4 11 2 92

1 9 2 2 2 2 93

23 21 I 1 1 I 94,

I 1 3 2 95

2 3 7 8 96

7 8 1 5 11 6 10 21 20 4 23 97

2 2 I 3 4 98

12 1 6 7 ij9

3 1 3 3 4 2 1 4 26 100

2 10 5 4 2 2 5 1 2 51 1 101

5 10~

4 1 2 2 I 2 103 172 THE PRiMARY PART II TERSIL


I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned e.nd their o Z dependants Code No. Name of Village NlUDber of Total No. oj Persons ~ of Villap:e r------"------., r----"-- - -.. r------"---- ____

\ 1) (2 ) (3) (4 ) ( 5) (6) (7) (8) 19) (l0) (11) (12 )

104 40 Sadra .. ~<{l'T 1,683 116 122 573 310 263 2~7 244

105 62 Sagri ka Gura m~l it>( ~¥T 558 16 19 79 38 41 37 40 106 66 Semtal ~t:fi!T~· 72 89 364 188 176 172 161 107 114 Sainwara ~iff!l1¥T 82 85 466 239 227 198 lS4

108 7 Sairs. ~T~ 1,197 221 249 1,143 565 578 257 260

109 31 Samal m~ 103 115 496 257 239 233 214 11 0 22 Sanchli «T'O'.iE?f 83 89 362 174 188 169 lSI III 24 Sewad 6,181 156 164 761 383 378 176 178 ~<;fl' 112 72 Shri Malion ki Madri 49 I!olfqTw)l:rl '-fiT "'Cf¥t 48 51 221 114 107 59 113 5 Singara 620 120 146 636 320 316 251 244 f~fTTl'T 114 102 Siyadiya 165 f~~T 69 71 333 165 168 160 115 82 Suran .. 16 95 47 48 46 47 ~~if 16 161 116 113 Surajgadh ~~~~ 69 69 342 174 168 166 51 117 74 Suthar Madra ~~~~ 400 23 29 129 68 61 54 lIS 94 SU'llVawton ka Gura ~CfT~l... 1!fiT ~GT.... 578 31 33 143 72 71 59 58 119 48 Suwawton ka Gura ta'CfTCffil1!fiT ~~ 673 92 106 541 291 250 258 222 '" ~. 120 44 Tirol a-l~)w 1,089 64 74 332 160 172 137 144 121 76 Tirpal f"l~qTw 244 276 1,186 587 MI9 311 298 18 122 25 Umarna '3"t:f~if' 42 43 174 89 85 5 123 33 mrod '3"q~)q 47 50 213 107 106 77 67 :124 115 Udithal ~~1~w 77 84 4]7 220 197 190 175 31) '125 103 Undri .. ~,,~ 17 17 71 35 36 35 ,126 26 Visma .. 171 136 128 ft;r1Cf~r 75 80 353 182 172 CENSUS ABSTRACT

RURAL (Oontd.)

SAmA (Ooncld.)


II-Culti vators III-Cultivat­ IV-Non-Cultivat­ Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ing labourers ing owners of means of livelihood from or mainly un- and their la.nd; agricultura.l ..A. ------; owned and their dependa.nts rent receivers V --Production VI-Conunerce VII-Transport VIII-Other dependants and their other than services and dependants cultivation rniscell aneou" o £

(13) (14) (15) ( 16) ( 18) (19) (20) (21 J (22) (231 (24- ) (25) ( 26) (27) (28) (1 )

10 17 2 1 6 2 10 104 4 1 1 2 05

2 1 3 10 11 3 106

17 19 1 1 4" 4 13 17 6 2 11 1 107 5 4 87 94 38 41 99 120 79 59 211 39 108 7 6 4 4 2 " 9 7 2 4 3 1 109 2 ;; 1 2 2 10 110

57 50 49 53 17 20 58 62 26 15 77 III

39 40 1 2 3 3 11 9 7 112

26 23 8 .., 20 27 6 8 4 4 5 32 113

1 2 2 1 2 I 114

1 1 115

8 7 6 116 5 " 3 5 3 1 :. 117 " 5 3 3 6 1 2 2 118 6 7 11 7 8 3 6 3 2 30 119

3 9 10 3 7 13 3 3 1 120 162 149 2 4 14 31 26 27 65 83 3 " 7 82 121 00 tH 6 3 2 2 1 122

23 28 2 2 3 "8 1 1 1 4 123

10 10 1 4 1 15 11 1 124 125

29 26 8 10 9 3 19 1 126 17~ THB PRIMAAY PART II

POPulated-224 1 No. and Name of District-IS UDAIPUR 2. Name of Sub-Division-PHALASIA 5. No. of Villages { Unpopulate d - 2 3 No. and Name of Tehsil-I8 KOTRA 4. No. of Tra.ct--83 6. No. of Hamlets 87

7_ No_of Town 1

8_ Area of Tehsil in Sq. Miles 764

I - Cultivators of Jand wholly or mainly owned and their dependants ~ Name vi Village Number of Total No. of Persons Code No. r------A... ------., r----_.A._,--.. -. ,----- _-A- __ ---~ r---...... _--~ 3 of Village Occupied House- ~ Roman Script .'iagri ScrIpt houses holds Persons Males JTemales l\i[ales Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10) (11 ) (12)

]. 153 Adabela 46 46 233 113 120 III 119 2 225 Amba. 9 9 41 21 20 21 20 Amba 27 27 157 79 78 711 77 3 66 '~T+$fT Amba-wa 56 56 274 143 131 138 125 4 53 a:n~""'T Amli Ghati 15 15 101 66 45 55 44 5 125 a111t<.?) ~) 3 3 20 12 8 6 102 Aroli ka Khera m1tW-f ~ ~ 12 8 Amri ._ 16 17 116 58 58 4,3 47 7 105 3fT"'f~) 12 14 64 30 34 8 104 Anduji ka Was 3fi <{'ii'fT

20 61 Bayana i{~T;::n' 14- 14- 56 29 27 29 25

2J 244 BedJdhar 17 17 71) 46 33 4-3 33 22 116 Bedadhar G{slQ{ 3 3 20 10 10 6 4

2:~ 146 Bckariawad i{"'nf~t.nqq 15 15 87 47 40 47 40 24 46 Bekariya ~"f.''ff(~T lHI 181 927 489 43K 472 o{':{;<;; 25 38 47 47 200 103 97 \}l "+(Ti'~ 26 138 Bhader 16 16 89 45 44 43 27 151 Bhagarawad ~ TTl T':{l

30 122 Blw,ta ka Mani -ofTen

31 171 Bhiaru fut(TU 31 31 149 so 69 su EhiIn Talai 13 14 64- 35 29 32' 24.1 +ft~ ffw-If 175 CENSUS ABSTRACT

RURAL (Contd.)


9. persons .. Nil

10. Males Nil

11. Fema.les .. Nil


II-Cultiva-tors III-Cuitivat­ IV-Non-Culti_-- Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive -tbeir principal of land Wholly ing labourers va-ting ow ners lneans of livelihood from or mainly and their of land; agri------'--., unowned and dep"'ndants cultural ren-t V-Produc"tion VI-Co:m.rnerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen- receiver.. • other than services ODd dants ano their cultivation miscellaneous dependants sources Literates ~ r---~-'-" r------'------., ...---"----. r----'~'----...., r----A.--, ,---"----.,,----.-"------. ~ Ma1'F "li"emq,les Males Felllales Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female", . Males Female"! Males Females a;

(13) ( 14) (US) ( 16) ( 17) (18) ( 19) (20) (21) ( 22) ( 23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

2: 1 2 I


1 3

2 1 3 5 4,

1 1 :>


5 3 10 8 7

.4 8

4 3 2 II 10 11 12.

4 11 8 13 2 3 14

1 15

3 3 16 17

3 7 4, IS 19

2 20

2 1 2-1

4, G 22 23

2 4 11

. 2 1 26 27

30 31

1 '32 176



I--Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned a.nd their depcndan-ts NaD1e of Villa.ge Number of Total No, of Persons Code r------~ -----~ ,-_._.;;A.._--. ,---- Village Occupied House- No. of ROlDan Scri pt Nagri Script houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (II) ( 12)

33 137 Bhuta. ki ID1li ,!wT qiT~' 13 13 65 26 39 24 3& 3~ 12J Bburi Dhebri ~~r ~iiR"1 8 8 44 27 17 27 17 36 236 Bhuri Dhebri 17 17 92 43 49 43 49 ~.... ~'" f\' 36 Bhut-wad 36 ,!('f~ 28 28 167 78 79 66 64 37 10 Bija. ktlo Parwa 6 6 40 22 ","'nn~ ~ 18 22 16 38 146 Bika.rn.i .1'q;~T 87 88 409 220 IH4 71'; 71 SO 80 Bildiya 29 84 167 79 88 .1'm~ 79 88 ~O 15 Bilia ~. Iftt=ft~ 26 26 26 II 15 11 15 4,1 192 Bilwa.n 114 114 563 311 252 252 ...~ 311 4.2 211 Bordi iIf~r 14 14 88 47 41 46 40 4,3 208 Bordi .)~') 32 32 210 108 102 108 102 4,4, 117 Borli 24 24 108 50 58 49 56 .~T 4,6 26 Bosi arm') 8 8 52 25 27 25 27 .... 169 Buja 'f,:s'IT 49 49 244 147 97 147 97 4,'7 233 Buria 66 343 182 161 181 161 ~f~ 4.8 7 Chambua 17 16 113 61 52 61 52 ~ 4,8 18 Champa ki Nal 'OiIiqT Ifi'T ;::rn=r 45 238 128 110 114 99 60 21 Chana.ki Um ~ 11ft ~ 12 12 59 32 27 27 22 .....o lH 161 Chanpar 'iiffq'~ Z 35 35 189 91 98 90 98 52 147 Chanparia ;;riqTftq,. 23 23 104 54 50 54 50'

63 71 Chhoti Padawa.li UTc!;T q~~r 63 66 247 .131 116 II3 98 64, 182 Chhot.i Subri mil ~,. 62 75 369 182 187 182 187 66 222 Chikla "i!f~r 26 26 142 69 73 69 72 56 235 Chikli .. :;;ff!i('l'W'T 30 30 201 104 97 104 97 67 31 Chilkha "i!fr~T 13 IS 72 34 38 29 37 58 85 Chivarwari "i!fjCf~errtt 22 22 90 47 43 47 43 59 201 Cboki .. ..)lfiT 16 16 75 40 35 40 35 48 205 Choki Magri "i!fA>T qtTU 12 12 57 26 31 19 27 65 Chuli " "ft=rT 7 IT 39 22 17 22 17 16 fi9 Chundawaton kJl ,,!:g1Cf~:''f ~T ~ '8 8 as 17 16 17 Khera 2g 173 Dahnia ~~~ a 12 57 29 28 16 Dang .. ' II II 65 33 32 30 ~hT 67 Dedkia nr~T 7 7 33 15 18 15 223 Dedri .. it~,. 4" 220 107 113 10~ 113 70 Devraka W_ ~T ItiT 'I"ftI' .., 11 8 9 1.,,, CENSUS ABSTRACT RURAL-(Oontd.)

KOTBA-( Dontd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL--_..A-______CLASSES ~ ----~------... II---Cultiva tors IIr-Cu!tiva.- IV-Non-Culti Feraona (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ting labourerli vating oWners means of livelihood from ormBinly and their of land; agri- ..A...... unoWll<3d and dependants cultural rent V-Production VI--Cornmerce VIr - Transport VIII-Other ~irdepen- reoeivers other than servioes and dants and their oultivation :miscell aneou. e: dependants . sources LiteJ'atee Z y---..A.._-t---, r-- _:;1... __'-> r----"---...... ,. ,.-_-..A.. ____ ---, r---~--""""\ r----"-----, r--_..A..---, r- n ~ lIales Females Males Fema.les Males Femalea Males Female. Malee Female. Males Fema.lell Ma.les Fpmal"" Male. Fernale. :I

OS) (14.) (16) (16) (17) (18) {lD} (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (26) (26) (27) (28) (I)

• 1 33 14, S6 .. 15 3& • S7 ., lt6 TO 6'7 ISS 20 87 J I. J SU 4.0 4.1 1 I "S 4..

1 1 1 "6"" "6 1 4,7 48

14. 11 4,9

5 IS 50 51

liZ 4, "- 14. 14 4 53 1 54

1 55 66

I) 1 5T 68 .. 59

1 7 3 60

~I 2 82 68

2 1; 2 64 6a



I -(Jul1...... t.oN of land wholl". or 1Da.i.nJy oWZMMi and-their .:; dependants ::z; N am" of Villag& Num.ber of Total No. ofPereoDIl Code No .•- r---..A----, r------"""------. r----..A..-----. 1 ------_._------~ Occupied House- -n of Village Roman ScrIpt Nagrl Script houses holds Persona Males Females Ma.les.. Female!! (1) (2) (3) (5) (6) ( 7) (8) (9) (lO) (ll ) ( 12)

.22 22 126 66 88 136 Dhanodar "l';:ft~ 60 66 .. 419 195 Dhedmfl.riy& (~~l 84. 91 496 262 234 241 22Z 'ro 245 G 4,3 18 215 I. ~ II 11 47 26 21 .:U 71 103 Dhoya ~)tfl 26 Diga.vrl Damron 37 231 123 108 123 lea ,. 191 f;SiTf'(~) ~~ .7 15 205 160 715 75 76 76 7. 190 Dlgavrl Pandaron ki ftmT~) ~"" 74, Dotar __ 32 3:2 l1U~ 86 73 79 71 US i()~ 227 176 'IG 200 Dungariya Gaon ~qfu:n q11f 33 33 104 70 Gadlis. ",,,rwql 10 10 85 38 4.7 3t! ~f. 4.4 00 7'1 108 'fBf(qiEiiU 78 181 Gandhi 8ar&n& 'ftl$ft' mT;n' 00 375 181 192 Garda. .. 19 121 08 53 08 7. 106 iT"Ol 30 207 Ga.u Pipl. '1'3i tf\"ImT 82 488 265 228 251 24 128 61 67 4.5 I~ 35 Ghani k& Khat 'efT'ft "-' • 71 171 173 171 17:1 8. 87 Ghats. ~, II 216 Ghora.M&ri ~4. 17\1 815 94 8S 9l ~T qorU &4, 213 Godaiwftr& llt 58 28 30 28 iT~1!fi'l1' .5 162 Goriya .i'tftQT 10 10 6G 36 36 86 187 God I'f~ 10 10 4.6 20 26 20 87 4g Gugrod 1'f~1t,. 81l 85 4,0 A 212 196 171) I7l I. 221 Guran .. .,0 '70 386 187 179 172 1.,.. n 95 Guran .. tJ.~"" 32 11'S3 74 79 7'( SO 128 Bar -- ~ 2:8 143 6f! 77

~1 40 Haral ._ ~ 15 16 81 39 42

92 2::.l9 Hasreta ~~ 17 17 90 52 38 93 62 Hathnl ~ '" 215 14 94 114 Inda. ka. Kher.. ~ "'" -..r 6 36 III Hi 16 H 89 J adi ROy&ll WBr~ 7 7 39 ~3 19 Jatora .. ~~(' 10 10 45 23 22 "9"1 110 JaIDbua 12 ]2 63 34 29 VB 112 .Jola.i 'J 41 23 18 If' 113 .r elai Dhabra Jl 11 56 30 2fl "100 :W Jhalra 22 HI 12 111

101 :14 .Jharka Khadra 12 12 64- 27

102 150 Jher ]06 lO() 267 :un lua 24H Jh.r H! 102 47 178 CEJlSUS ABSTRACT RURAL-(Contd.)

KOTRA-( Gontd.)


I1_Cul1ij.vstors III-Culti'Yat- IV-Non-Culti- Persons (including dependants) who derive their prineipal of'land wholly ing la.bourers Tating owners lDeans of livelihood frolD or :ma.inly and their of la.nd; agri- -'--- WIlowned and dependa.nts oultural rent V-Produotion VI-OolDlDerce VII-Tra.nsport VIII-Other t.heir depen- receivers other than _r'Yioes and da.nte a.nd their oultiva.tion lDiscellaneous 0 dependants r---.A..___ sources Literat_ Z r---..A:,_---" r----J ___--" ,.-__ .A.. __--.. r---"""----., ,.-_--A.___ , r---.A._--., 41 --.. 't: Hales Fema.les Males Femnlee Mal"B F"male. Ma.les Females Males FeJDales Males Females Males Fetnal_ Males Fe:rn",les rn"

lit (III) ( 14) (IlS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (H) (23) (24) (26) (26) (27) (28) (.... )


1& 1.1 4. 1 4 .0 70 71

72 73

IS 4, 74,

lSi 84. I 1 5 75 S 7. • .,.,

78 2 T. 4, 1 80

l. S. 81

82 S a s •• S4 sa

K •• S~ 87 • S l' • 1 I> ~ S 8. 00 .It'1 4. 1 .3 . .,., '9S

!f6 9;



lOv • S 3 lui • ... 3 ... 6 }O:! • 9 J"; THE PRIMARY PARTn

X-Qultivato.1I of land wholly or mainly owned and their o depend an tB ______NMDe of..A.. __Village _ NUlllber of Total No. of Persons • Cod. r---.A--_~ r--____.A...... r--_...... _--..., No. of Oooupied Hou_ 1 Village Ro:man Soapt N ...gri Script hOU8~ bolda Peraona Males Feln.lee V.lelll Fem.ale Q (1) (2) (I) ( ... ) (6) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ( 11) (12

IN 184 .Jo81bad. "')'Tn.-. 118 118 286 27. .18. 271 106 1.,. .Jud. at"" 01 271 14.g 122 78 Tl loe 1"1 .Jun. Pad.. 2' 120 83 lI7 OS 67

1_ 1155 l't._~.. IS 177 V.2 VI 85 ~15Il~ '8 liS Kal_ o 8 28 140 140 ~8. ~ I" 118 1&8 Kala Khe~ ~~ 10 ST 160 78 f7 ., .. ~() .to 10. 50 III »2 :S:aU Duna_i ..m;ft (tT~ U lUI 81 :S:alim. iij$if....,q 10 I~ 100 60 110 11. 9Q Kand. ~ 10 10 8" 408 .&

114. 209 Kanajw. ~.". ... T t ~ 12 20 12- 116 119 Kant.hari,.­ ..huf

U'I 107 Khanbl. .nar"" 20 20 {UI 50 1" 152 KhBnpa artqy 18 HI 95 ~t uta US8 KharOoD 11 11 22 ~ I H 2"3 Kharawam ... 14 oft • • ~l 121 78 }(hera 23 26 78

128 22 Khila 32 3! 180 82 1)8

Ulg 28 KhokharioD ki Nal 17 17 107 5f!

130 160 Kodarmal 3b 38 179 86 86

III 240 Koldhara ~EfU ( I 11 56 30 30

13~ 176 Kolia .. 1II\)fWlff 54 28f1 143 137 l.2

1.3 81 Kukra ka Khara P'" 1II\l ~ 174 94- A(t !I~

13CS 133 Kunda! Niohli ~fii~

la'l 132 Kunda.l Upli §~~ 17 1'1

lIS 63 Kutiyon ka Lewa ~~~t~ 11 I 1 !'HI 2R

110 156 Kut.ra. Mariy. !f~U qtf~ 14 14 67 32 :$ •• 4\1 .'j 140 126 Kyar... "RT HI 181



KOTRA -(C.)ntd.)


I[ -CUltivators [II-Cultivat­ IV-Non-Culti­ Persons (including dependants) who derive theirprincipai of land wholly ing labourers vating owners means of Ii vehhood from 01" mainly and their of land; agri­ ,------"------~ ullowned and dopendants cultural rent V-Production VI-Commerce VII- Transp::>rt VJII-Other their depen­ receivers other than serVIces and dants and tbeir culbivtLtion miscellaneous depenuants sources Literates -; --"'- ,---A..-_--. r-----"--- --., r----"-----. ,-----'-----. - _,,--.--"""'--- r---..A------. -~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Malps It'emales Males Females Males Females Males Females :Males Fernales 00

( 13) (14) ( 15) (16) (17) (18) ( (9) (~O) \ 21) (22 ) (23) (24) (25) -(26) (28)

1 1 1 104

5 11 18 14 3 1 26 18 105 106

15 107 108


1 110 111


113 114

11 11 ll~

1 116

3 1 117

3 2 118

1 3 119

7 1

1 121

1 122

1 1 1 2 2 123 124



1 3 2 1 127 128

129 130

2 131

1 132 133

2 1 134

1 3 135 136 137



1 ]40 H2


I-Cultivators of land wholly or main y owned and the r dependanh a Name of Village ~ ,.... ______----"-- ______.--I!"",...._,. .. ~ Number of Total No. of PersoDS 7 Oodf) No_ r-- _--A..-_~ ,..___ ..A._~ ___ --. r----....A.-_--,. -i of Villa.g!!> Oocupied House~ ro RODlan Sari pt Na.gri S<>ript houses bolds Persons Ma.les Fema.les Males Femalee

(1) (2) (3) (4 ) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10) (II) (12) 141 4,3 Kyari 1!f~1 III III 524 275 24.9 271 247 142 g 3 Kyarian I!f4 ,f<:q i 3 17 10 7 10 7 l4.3 4,2 120 Luharoha '!~ 120 627 3M 302 310 269 144. 214 Luhari ~~n:l 14 14 71 40 31 35 31 at; 74 Lunawaton ke. W_ ~~ ~ ~ 12 12 24 20 17 13- 14,6 238 I"una Talab ~"" ~ 9 9 35 1-5 20 "' It). 14.7 218 Lunk .. ~ 42 43 231 117 1-14 117 114 14.8 73 Madra. ~ 102 III 433 223 2H) 108

149 56 Madri ""~t 21 21 95 47 .4,8 47 48- 150 82 Madula "l~m 9 9 47 24 23 24 22 151 Mahad 64 2·n m~ 65 297 153 144 143 138 152 212 Mahadi qT~ 173 175 885 459 426 4,05 396 153 79 Malavari qTm~l 15 15 78 36 4,2 36 42 }l'i4 189 Maldar Nichli ~~ ''''T:aw1' 7 7 .24 12 12 12 12 Maldar Upli 155 188 q'f~0iqt;ft 8 8 4,2 19 23 19 23 Malwa ka Chora 156 50 q'TWil{{ "" 'ift~ 109 109 5SS 323 260 182 157 157 97 Mal-wia ~,",qlttT 46 46 220 109 HI 105 III 237 Mamer 158 "";)~ 112 116 542 285 257 224 205 159 226 Manasi q;::n~l 23 23 III 56 55 56 55 160 148 Madwa ~ 200 200 992 492 500 480 496 161 234 Mandwal qG';:m;s 60 60 363 181 182 178 179 162 76 Matasula qTffi~;;:Sl 28 28 149 75 74 64 60 Maula. __ 163 62 "'T~<::n 21 21 99 59 40 59 39 164 230 Medi q~l 42 45 228 121 107 115 101 12 165 Mekhan ~ 12 12 6~ 34 29 34 29 166 93 Merpur ~~~ 33 33 137 78 59 43 36 167 17 Mewaron ka Math - . qcn~ -m,,~ 66 66 381 199 182 107 120 168 ?-39 Morchhuchha ")~~~T 1)0 50 292 156 136 i56 136 169 98 Moriya ka Khuna - . ,,)f~!:tl OflT ~;::n 3 3 18 9 9 9 9 170 29 Morjara "~1 38 38 218 106 112 106 112 171 72 Mundawali -i:gyq.;s1.. 22 23 135 68 67 56 64 172 231 Nakola ;:rT~<=JT 22 22 139 6f) 70 60 61 173 101 N arsinghpura ;:r~f~Ju 8t1 96 405 209 196 176 148 174- 54 Nawawas ;::rcncn~ 13 1.3 73 37 36 37 36

175 179 Nawawas ;:rct~TiH 134 138 748 402 346 392 341 176 164 Nawawas Sere. 'f

RURAT.. -(Contd.)

KOT..R _~-( Con td.)

______AGH.rCULTUH.AL..A- ______CLASSES -, NON ·AGRICULTUR AL CLASSES r------..A_-----______-, II--Cultivators III--Cultivut- IV--Non-Culti- Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of W 1)1 ly ing labourers vating owners means of livelihood from or mainly and their of la.nd; agri. .,------_A_ ,...... , u.nowned a.nd dependants cultural re:at- V-Production VI-CommercA VII-Tr;f\nsport, VIII-Other the-ir depen· receivers other than services and dants and their cultivation miscellaneous depend"_'li ~ sources

,.--_ -"-----., r- _ ___J,__._ ___ ..A..-_.-, Lit.eratell Z ----"-----" .----"'----, r--~j__~----. r---.A.-_""\ ,....__ J_ __--.. .~ Males Fem",les Males Fe.na.los Males Feruales Mal~s .... Fema.les Males Females Males Femfdes Males Females G) Male. F"malee IZ!

(13) ( 14) (15) ~16) ( 17) (IS) ( 19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1) I 1 1 2 1 [) 1 14,1 a2 13 82 2 1 1 143 6 U4 2 3 5 4 145 146 , 147 6 15 24 20 43 38 5 2 37 30 45 148

J4,9 1 150 2 5 4 1 4 4 151 5 8 13 9 6 4 7 23 10 152



155 14 I} 11 1 116 98 10 156 4 4, 157 55 49 3 3 3 3 158

HS9 9 3 3 1 20 1 150 2 3 1 1 IffI 11 14 2 162 1 163 6 6 164

165 13 13 1 2 20 9 22 2 14)6 92 62 167



J 70 2 1 10 2 171 9 8 1 I72 !} 6 9 ~3 10 8 4, 4, 4 4 10 173

174 t) 5 5 175

... 176 184



l-Cultiva tors of land wllOlly Or mainly owned and their d.,pendants ,..--______Name _.A._ of VoUage Number of Total No. of PerBons r----.A------, ,--__....A- __ ---. C'Jde No. Occupied T-Iouse­ ,,-----;--"'------, <:.-5 of VIllage .l~oman Script ~ agr1 Script houses holds Persons Males Females Ma.les Fema.les

(1) (2) (3) (4 ) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10) (ll) (12)

177 134 Nayar .. 27 27 123 69 54 69 54 178 185 Pada.lwara 26 26 ·140 72 68 72 68 179 69 Padawali Bari 171 q'g'(afWT ~T 82 87 399 203 106 162 180 157 Padlai "~T~ 23 23 115 64 51 64 51 181 155 Padli .• 44 q'l~wT 18 18 89 41S 44 45 -18.2 64 Padion ka Chora qt~wl ~ ,.;fl~T 13 13 75 37 38 37 38 183 52 Palayon ko. Pipla. ]3 42 33 ~fl:fl ~T ~qWT, 13 75 42 33 184 32 PaIsa .• 49 qT~T 45 45 214 116 98 55 181) 193 Palasar qTwm1;' 42 42 244 125 119 125 119 186 48 Pandibor mlifR: 16 16 81 36 45 30 36 187 94 Paoti q'TCfeT 17 17 196 117 79 117 79 188 37 Paoti q'lllrl!'T 15 15 87 50 37 40 33 189 198 Patharpari 159 q'l~lVT 53 53 335 176 159 176 190 138 Phuta Talab 17 17 17 17 ~l!'T aTWTif 9 9 34 191 5 Pipaldari 13 q'l-q~~T 7 7 30 17 13 17 192 91 Piplan q'Tq'wi 67 67 306 173 133 149 126 193 3 Pipli Khera 19 19 72 31 41 31 41 Ift~T W" 194 77 Pipli ka Khera 24 27 24 'TTQwT 'flf ~T 9 9 51 27 195 33 Pipli Mal 105 S2 97 'TTq'~T q'lw 36 36 197 92 19. 130 Punawali '!ifTCifWT 8 8 37 22 15 17 15 197 20 Rai uf 28 28 130 73 57 73 57 198 219 Rajpur ~T~~ 32 32 193 103 90 103 90 199 II Raneji ~of>il'T 21 21 94 46 48 46 43 200 143 Ranora ~VfRT 2 2 15 8 7 8 7 201 88 RayaD. ~niT 11 11 48 23 25 23 25 202 60 Royalon ka Khera ~)lfWl ~f ~JT 3 3 16 9 7 8 7 203 163 Runjiya ka Khuna ~~ ~ ,-!ifT 44 49 241 118 123 118 123

204 217 Sada ~'g'( 112 113 610 303 307 3,,3 307 205 27 Salriya m~~T 20 20 100 55 45 51 44 206 86 Sambhar Mal ~ 'q'n=f 18 18 92 44 48 44 4S

207 2 Sarnel .. ~w- 8 8 33 15 18 15 18 208 109 Samija ~~T 65 66 364 144 160 118 132 209 119 Samoli .. mtitw-) 208 213 1006 538 468 523 453 210 55 Sandar ~~ 30 30 124 64 60 1'14 tiO 211 175 Sandmaria ~ i .. +nnl:fT 76 76 346 170 176 170 176 212 123 Sari ~~T 25 25 115 59 56 lS~ 56 IS;)



II-Cult,ivators III-Cultivat­ IV-Non-Culti - PersOns ( including dependants) who derive their principa.l • of la.nd wholly ing la.bourers vating owners mea.ns of livelihood from or mainly and their of land; agri­ ~ ------~ unowned and dependa.nts ·cultural rent V-Pr0duction VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other cheir depen­ receivers other than services and dants and their cultivation miscellan eous dependants sources ___LiteratpsJ'o- __ '-"\ 3 c:'---"------. r-;----'-___" ,--_..J...__ -" ~ Males Females Ma.les Fel'llales Males Females Males Ji'e males Males Fema.les Males Femalos Males Fema.les Males Females IX2

(13) (lol) (15) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)



4 14 16 14 179 180


182 183

6 3 46 184 185

6 9 186 187

5 5 188 1 189 190 .. 191 15 2 3 192 193 194

6 8 195 1 2 196 197 198 199 200


I 202 203 204

2Q5 4 1 206 ' .. 207 I 208 2 I 6 9 9 4 S 6 7 15 209 3 1 1 6 9 7 7 210 - 211 - - 2 212 186 THE PRIMARY PART II TEHSIL


I-CultivatoI'll of land wholly or mainly owntld a.nd'their dependants Na.me of Villa.ge Number of Total No. of Persons ------~.~------~.------~ r---.....__-~ ,-.------'--_ -~ ,-__.A-_---""\ Code No. Occupied House­ ofViUaoge Roman Sorip, Nagri Sorip$ house. holds Pemona Males FeIDa.les Ma.les Females

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

213 224 Sawan ka Kyara 46 55 309 152 157 139 146 ~lCfi'f "" 1fIn~ 214 44 Sei 11 11 60 35 25 35 ~f 25 215 34 Semia ki ThaI ~cm,,~ 43 43 211 107 104 100 100 216 23 Sira ki Khand 5 5 32 16 16 16 "t~l 11ft ~ 16 217 6 Sivari ka Chora ~fql~f ..., "'"=, 19 19 95 49 46 49 46 218 180 Sondraph ~Tq; 38 38 181 97 84 97 84

219 127 Sulav ~~il{ 69 69 343 184 159 179 154 220 227 Sura 24 24 96 52 44 5.2 44 ~'U 221 57 Suraj Bara 7 7 26 7 19 7 19 q~'R ill'" 222 202 Talao •. ftw", 26 26 166 80 76 79 76 223 170 TandlB ~r 12 12 66 37 ~9 37 29 224 39 Tarawaia d(lq(005f 17 17 III 55 56 26 28 225 41 Teja. kB Wa.s ~ ifiT 'fllt 209 209 544 522 542 622 226 84 TepBr •• aqn 28 28 ~06 57 49 57 49 227 51 Thalan IIfl"STif 19 19 86 48 38 48 38 228 196 Thalan Nich!a "'"" ;:ft:q(i51 30 30 163 79 84 79 84 229 194 ThBIBn Upla. q;s:s,~~ IS 18 95 46 49 43 48

230 8 Tha.mIB Bari 12{t1{wT if,) 2 3 10 6 6 4. 231 58 Thapia. I!:fNfQT 8 8 44 22 22 22 22 232 120 Tilarwa. f~~ 66 66 300 153 14.7 IliS 147 233 115 THai f~)f lH 51 204 108 96 108 96 234 124 Tinsara. 27 27 131 68 63 68 63 235 129 ToranB 14 14, 59 32 27 32 27 236 25 Tuli ka Khet t1wf ... , tiff 22 22 105 59 46 59 46 216 Umria. 237 ~~lfT 91 96 tH6 270 2"6 270 246 238 135 Umri Padar 21 103 50 53 50 ~)~ 21 53 14 Ukhaliyan 239 ::a (... f will if 26 32 119 66 53 66 53 240 178 Veeran ~rq 85 86 4,82 251 231 251 231 241 100 "\-T eerpura. cft~ 62 60 285 143 142 107 110 242 204 WaH ~) 10 10 63 31 32 31 32 243 99 Was 'I"m "l2 -89 366 186 180 112 109 244 228 Wav

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES ~ --- ~ ------~ II-Cultivators III-Cultivat­ IV-Non-Culti­ Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ing labourers vating owners means of livelihood from or mainly a.nd their of land, a.gri­ ,-­ -"-- ...... unowned and dependants cultural rent V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Tra.nsport VIII-Other their depen­ receivers other than services and dants and their oultivation miscellaneous dependants _ source" Literates ,--__ J... __...... r--_...J...___.__---. ,---_ "'-----. r---J...------, r-__ J;;_____ r-_-:J:;:__-~ r----.A. --.. r---:F-_-,

-Yale. Females Ma.les Fema.les Males Females Males Fema.les Ma.les Females Males Females Males FelXlales Males Females

(IS) (14) (US) ( 16) ( 17) (IS) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (1)

9 5 6 213 214 7 215

216 217 218 219 220 221 1 222 223 29 28 224

1 1 225 226 227 228

3 1 129 230 - - 231 232 233 .. - 234 - 235 236 237 238 139 140

6 1 6 11) 7 11 21 1 141 2'2 11 8 8 17 30 51 14:t - 244 188 LIST OF UNPOPULATED VILLAGES District-IS UDAIPUR

S. No. Code No. Na'Yle ofViUage Area in Acres S. No. Code No. Name of Village Area in Acres. Tehsll: -1 BHIM 'i'e)lsil.-14 VALLABHNAGAR l 79 DaUyar 1 216 /tjbra •• 200 Tahsil: -2 DEOGARH 2 80 Gokalpura 20 1 125 Chauki Khera 8 3 174 Laxmipura 533 2 39 Kfitharya ... 4 222 Mslunda 145 3 73 Mukanpura 30 5 127 Partabpura 18

4 114 Surji Khera 240 6 256 Purshotampur.. TehsiI:-3 AMET 7 257 Sonigaron ka Khera 1 39 Ballachaj ka Gura Tehsil:-15 LASADIA Tehsil:-5 RAJSAMAND. 45 Chauhanon ka Khera.. 1 79 Pithawas 88 2 131 Damania Khera 2 85 Jodhpura LOP7 3 163 Deolia Jagir Tehsil:-6 RELMAGRA 4 164 Ganga Gura 1 29 Karma Kheri 19] 5 73 Gainer ka ~lagr& 2 16 Kishanpura 6 186 lia.ra Khera 480- 3 45 Mokhampura 446 7 198 Kaparwas 482 Tehsil:-';' KHAiMNOR 1 31 Dhanwara 534 8 92 Keli 1,580

2 91 Ghati ka Math 326 9 79 Kitki Kui 417 3 170 Kheri .. 114 10 75 Khokria 110-

4 113 Ratujana. 1,415 11 170 M!l>hudi Khera

IS 164 Shyampur Bjran 14 12 83 Paimandli 1,253

Tehsil:-S GIRWA 13 4 Pa~ia .. 155 72 Naya Khere. 50 14 84 piplapani 849 Tehsi1:-9 SALUMBER 15 159 Richhari 1 157 Bhima Gaon 500 16 196 Ta.1ai .. 2 161 Jambuda. 350 17 106 Ta1pur 3 143 Kadwan 2,500 18 122 ' Ss-tya Kundi 4 180 Mandir 500 19 217 Ja.khlada 5 158 Padwa 250 20 231 Loharia 207 HIS Sbyarnpura 1,000 6 Tehsi1~-16 PBALASIA Tebs;}:-10 SARADA 1 197 Sa,rdarpura 1 135 Balandar 2 198 Bhatiya 3 Eklingpura 1,363 3 199 Champapur

29 Ja~bura 4 290 Dhuli Bhakri 16 Juna Kuwa 389 5 291 Pader ..

Tehsil:-ll KHERWARA 6 250 Nal Pilak 1 147 Ghatta 7 287 Ajaipura 2 113 Hathia 8 140 Kolicha.r 3 124 Jhulilawara 9 141 Amla Pader 4, 173 Kesharpura 10 144 Mali Parwal () 162 Panisala 11 108 Ja,da Ankhla Tehsil:-12 BHOPAI.SAGAR o 142 Anjroli Chhoti 1 55 Ali 500 l~_ Rana Rent 2 65 Amarpura 142 13 289 292 Naya Khera 3 8 Chak Papadia 323 14 Khajurna 73 l\lunneh ki Bhagal 28 15 293 Tehsil:-18 KOTRA 5 36 Sardarpura 288 1 131 Daran . . . . } Not· Available- 6 17 Singharia 316 2 68 Lllharon ka Was .. • CENSUS ABSTRACT RURAL-(Contd.) KOTRA-( Oontd.) •

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL______L ______CLASSES ~ ------~ ------II-Cultiva.tors III-Cuitivat­ IV-Non-Cuhi­ Persons ( including dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ing labourers vaiting owners means of livelihood from or mainly and their of land; agn­ ~ ------~ unowned and dependants cultura.l rent V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other theIl" depen­ receivers other than services and da.nts andt,heir cultivation miscellaneous dependants Bources ____..... _:...... ,. ______J-.--~

Males Fema.les Males Fe'llales Males Fema.les Ma.-les Fe males Males Fema.les Males Femalns Ma.les Females Males Females

(13) (14) (I5) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (I)

177 178

4 14 6 7 16 14 179 180


182 183

3 55 46 184 185

6 9 186 187


1 189 190 191

15 5 5 2 3 192 193 194

6 8 195 1 2 196 197 198


200 201

1 202 203 204

4 1 205 206


2 I 6 9 9 4 3 6 7 15 1 208 3 1 1 6 9 7 7 209 - 210 211 2 2U 186


I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned' and their >.l dependants ~ Name of Village .... e Number of Total No. ofPe'rl!lon:a 00 r--_J--~ r---- J-_ ----. ~ ___.__ ~ 1 OodeNo. c:a...: Occupied House­ w of Village Roman Soript Nagri Script. <._t= houaes holds Persons Males FeInalas Ma.les Female8

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

213 224 Sawan ks Kyars •• 46 65 309 152 157 139 14,6 214 44 Sei 11 11 60 35 25 ~t 35 25 215 34 Semla ki Thai ~~~III'W' 43 43 211 107 104 100 100 216 23 Sirs ki Khand £) 32 16 16 "t~T ~1 ~ 5 16 16 217 6 Sivari ka Chora ~"T

222 202 Talao •• 26 26 166 80 76 79 76

223 170 Tandls 12 12 66 37 29 37 29 224 39 Tsrawala 6't(ctE'SC 17 17 III 55 56 26 28 225 41 Teja ka Was ~ IiIIT ena 209 209 1.066 544 622 542 522 226 84 Tepar •• aqT~ 28 28 106 67 49 57 4,9

227 51 Thalan ~1i'f 19 19 86 48 38 48 38 228 196 Thalan Niohla I!.fai ~ 30 30 163 79 84, 79 84, 229 194 Thalan Upla qai ~qm 18 18 95 4,6 49 43 4,8

230 8 Tharola Bari qTlfE'St if',) 2 3 10 6 6 6 4. 231 58 Thspis I!fT1trQT 8 8 4" 22 22 22 22 232 120 Tilarwa f~~ 86 66 300 153 l4,7 163 14,7 23a 115 THoi fffW)f lSI 51 204 108 96 108 96 234 124 Tinsara fa;:ei'tC 27 27 131 68 63 68 63 .235 129 Torana (fT~ 14 14, 59 32 27 82 27 236 25 Tuli ka. Khat ~W'r ""T ~« 22 22 105 59 46 59 4.6 237 215 Uroria ~~lfT 91 96 616 270 246 270 246 238 135 Umri Padar 21 21 103 50 53 50 '31n:T ~ 53 239 14 Ukhaliyan 3(.q fwQ lit 25 32 119 66 63 66 53 240 178 Veeran 85 86 482 251 231 251 231 24,1 100 Veerpura '"'"~T~"(l 52 60 285 143 142 107 110 24,2 204 WaH 'fTt=iT 10 10 63 31 32 31 1J2 Was 243 99 '72 82 866 186 180 112 10~ 2441 22S Way a 1 'l 4ft 3 .( a. 187 CENSUS ABSTRAOr

R URAL-tOoncld.) KOTRA-(Concld.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES -"-- ---"""'\ r::.. '="' II-Cultivators III-Cultivat- IV-Non-Culti- Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their principal of land wholly ing labourers vating owners means of livelihood from or mainly and their of land. a.gri- r------"-- -... unowned and dependants cultura I rent V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport VIII-Other their depen- receivers other than services and dants and their cultivation miscellaneous dependants sources Literates ~ ~-..A..._-__. r---.A;------..., r-----..A- _----"------,r----A------.. r---- '-----...... ,---~------. --, r----~_. d5 -I: Males Females Males Femaleo Males Females Ma.les Females Males FeIDales Males Females Ma.les Females Malee Fmnales Jj

(13) (14) (16) (16) ( 17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (II

9 5 4. 6 213 2101. 7 .,. 215 216 217


IS IS 2 219 2Z0 221 1 222 223 29 28 224

1 1 226 226 227 228 3 1 '29

.. ~ 230 - 231 232 .. - 233 - ... 234 235 236 237 - 238 t39 140

4 e 1 6 6 15 7 11 13 21 1 '41 142

11 8 8 8 17 0 38 45 3 4 51 8 143 .. 24' 188 LIST OF UNPOPULATED VILLAl!ES District-I8 UDAIPUR

S.No. Code No. Name ofViUage Area. in Acres S. No. Code No. NaDle of Village Area in Acres- Tehsil: -1 BRIM 'L'ehsil.-14 VALLABHNAGAR 1 79 Daliyar 1 216 Ajbra •• 200 Tehsil: -2 DEOGARH 2 80 Gokalpura 20 1 125 Chauki Khera. 3 174 Laxmipura 533

2 39 Katharya 4 222 Malunda 145

3 73 Mukanpura 30 5 127 Partabpura 18

4 114 Surji Khera. 240 6 256 Purshotampura Tehsi1:-3 AMET 7 257 Sonigaron ka Khera 1 39 Ballaehaj ka Gura Tehsil:-15 LASADIA Tehsil:-5 RAJSAMAND 1 45 Chauhanon ka Khera. 1 79 Pithawas 88 2 131 Damania Khera 2 85 Jodhpura 1.097 3 163 Deolia J agir Tehsil:-6 RELMAGRA 4 164 Ganga Gura 1 29 Karma Kheri 19] 5 73 Gainer ka l\Iagra. 2 16 Kishanpura 6 186 :Hara Khera 480 3 45 Mokhampura 446 7 198 Kaparwas 482 Tehsil:-7 KHAiMNOR 1 31 Dhanwara 534 8 92 Keli 1,580 2 91 Ghati ka Math 326 9 79 Kitki Kui 417

3 170 Kheri •. ll4 10 75 Khokria 1l()

4- ll3 Ratujana 1.415 11 170 Mahudi Khera

164 Shyampur Biran 14 12 83 Paimandli 1.253

Tehs.l:-8 GIRWA 13 4 Patio. .. 155 72 Naya Khera 50 14 84 Piplapani 849' Tehsi1:-9 SALUMBER 15 159 Richhari' 1 157 Bhima Gaon 500 16 196 Talai .• 2 161 Jambnda 350 17 106 Talpnr 1,202' S 143 Kadwan 2,500 hs 122 Satya Kundi 4 180 Mandir 500 19 217 Jakhlada 5 158 Padwa 250 20 231 Loharia 207 -6 198 Shyampura 1.000 Tehsil:-16 PHALASIA Tebsll:-lO SARADA' 1 197 Sardarpura 1 135 Balandar 2 198 Bhatrya 2 3 Eklingpura 3 199 Chamt>apur

S 29 J aYp!mra ... 4,. 290 Dhuli Bhakri

16 Juna Kuwa 38,9 6 291 Pader .. Teb,sjl:-11 XHERW AltA 6 200 N al Pilak 1 147 Ghatta 7 287 Ajaipnra. 2 113 Hathia 8 140 Kolichar 3 124 .Thusawara. 9 141 Amla Pader 4,. 173 Kesharpura 10 144 Mali Parwal 5 162 Panisala 11 108 Jada Ankhla. Tehsi1:-12 BROPAI.SAGAR o 142 Anjroli Chhoti 1 55 Ali 500 12, Rana Rent 2 65 Amarpura. 142 13- 289 Naya Khera 3 8 Chak Papadi~ 323 14- 292 Khajurna 4, 73 Munneh ki Bhagal 28 15 293 Tehsil:-18 KOTRA 5 36 Sardarpura 288 1 131 6 17 Singharia. 316 2 68 f~~~~o~' ka Wa.s .. } Not Available- 189 LIST OF HAMLETS

No. & Name of District:-18 UDAIPUR

s. No. Tehsil:-l Bhim

I 40 A,run.e!" B,l~,tl'l k,1, B,tnet Tarkan.>! l~h"J'" Tl1ko ka Talan .KJ I"nt\ u UdahL 1\I<>1'in .Jugir Up"" ku l{:uw,t N£1kit Vsria J".oiia 7 lThras 83 E .. hiln,lto ka B,t'-< R"l'alo ka Bns Li "'1"[ RnHIH-t(l ka Bl"'; loCn Llion k,t J:',.'tl'jn &2 J~agana 8 33 Biliawil< Chltipa.la .1"b,tl"awaJ'i GU]·~t- ~Hthnli L:q)l'j ka Khol';1 r_' im Bhata ;\Iadala 3 70 Hagnx .. Arnbala l\Totela, Ghawaria Rajwa Ka.li (~hat.i Rupard 4 Bali Adabal 9 ]0 Borva Bedin AjIIla la Rhadaton ka Baria Atria Bhoj a Thali ka Baris Badag Deonia Badal' Ghati Godaton ka Baria Jasn Kl'f'ra Kalahad JudiH Rn.m.a Thakar ka Baria 1\iowH ka. Talab 10 74 Chatan A.ran Nasa B"di" Deva ka Gaon Na)·n Pitr Chnl'ode n ka Baria Naik"n ka Baria P,"ttia k£1 Cho' n II 84 Chhaj.li Bajaton ki Guar Reltnn 1 ~hadat.an ka Gura Shivji ka Gun, Bhadotan ki Gua.r Ru 1 i n Kbn'" Chand",la ki Guar Chhot.a Aran Bar n"rin AloIa 5 22 Dhnna Ba lai ka Hari" DUg",,\\'as Bhur't ka Baria J-<:aJIH\.v,':S Chpia ki Ghnti Deva ka Da.ria IlS Haredit T~a!arH Kndnijo ki GUllr 1<:<] 1)('d " [' 1\'fnto ki Gujnr 1'::"ti Chuln ;Ullthia KhnjuJlia 14 50 Dhoti .. Chora l<:hnT"Ilia DaJlill l(h<'onl'a SRtn'{",llI'lu, Kugti Talah }\:urnhar'on ki Kakar l';;:usu.lpuru. 15 28 Dungar K hc'ra Dariar" Hidwa Lag(inrn Gunda ka Haria La,khat-on ka. Tiliab ~ajko!l ka Baria Lidin 16 13 Hatun .. Baniyon ka Baria J\'Inli ka Guar Laro ka Bat'ia 1H>1v:" l";:het 17 63 Kachhbali Gajuria }\1e~1 i Gonnn Ghat 1\Tordi ka Dnnta Hn7.u i j kn Gura N<)llitl Kuwi Hn Ii ibl.8ra KavR,"Thar K"li Kakar Na.~aKllwa lVTnlna,vad Otft l\"{('din Padmela Nay., THhtb Pnoria Pnthri Phutia E IlPl'a Tala,i Pipn}dnrd Kahnr; Hajn ki Uawnr Dhira ~Ulll,oton ka B.tria Ga.'var T,di" .Tngawas Taj.!,ria ReI 190 LIST OF HAMLETS d. No. Code :'Jo. Name of Vil1age :-.rame of Hamlets s. No. Code :Xo. ~u.me of Village

Tehsil :-1 BmM (Cun.cld.) Rohiri ki G uar 18 55 Kaletara Baria Nichla Amatar 8iroJa Bhilon ka Baria Thakaron ki Guar Dhodiloya 25 60 =". t bd Barota ka OJ'a 19 Usria 26 39 ~andawat Bida ka :.\tathHl'

Tahsil :-2 DEOGARH

Amargarh 6 103 I{_unwathal GiT"dhar GIHa 1 29 Alnargarh H,aja ka Dba.na. 2 116 Halela Chankara ki Bhagal 7 130 Mad Delra 3 51 Hawala Rukwa ka Khera 8 115 Nal'Das ka Gura U8iLria ki Bhagal 3G Kal:'laria Jogela 9 37 Nimjhar Haria • Haria 5 40 Khakharda Jivu ka Khera Haria Jogela 10 120 TapIa Umraj 191 LIST OF HAMLETS s. No. Code No. Name of Villa.ge Name of Hamlets S. No. Code No. Name of Village Name of Hamlets

Tehsil:-3 AMET

I ;)4 Agriu Bara 7 46 Jetpura .. Brahamanon ki Bhagal Dhani Jaton ki Bh<.tgal 2 23 Bikawus .. Dhakujawas Soda ki Bhagal 8 125 Kishanpura Bhagal Talai Kachoda Bhollliyon ki Bhagal

!) 112 l'.Iurda vVajepura :~ 92 l)okawarn Laxmipurn SabIa ka KhpTa 10 48 Hillganwas Khedia Piplia 4 36 Gadrola .. Hiru ki A~Rn Il Il3 Ulpura Rakrlia ka Khflra

5 97 Ghosundi Gadriawas 12 71 Asnn. Kotesari Tikad

6 21 G ugli Odn 13 68 Chliwand Khera Chawundia


1 70 AnL,]ia BandaI' ki Bhagnl 14 42 Dhundiwas DJIO('n, ka Gurll Chudana ki Bhag,ll Dasllna ki Bhnga} Ii) 119 Gmnri Chndann ki Bhagal Niehli Bhagal .Juira ki Bhagnl Prn'abja ki Bb,lgal :i\Iohudtt ki Bhngal Snni Nichli Hhllgal RUH"\."\'g,ton ki Bhagal If) !H) c:llata. BhilaJ'i \\' Ol·id ,y",li Bhagui Bhilwara Genaji ki BhngHI 2 146 AtdU1uba Adrn:; In ki Bln~gal .i\Jegji ki Bhagal Nichli Bhagal 17 87 Gawar Bhutarawala Gawar ka Bhilwara 3 133 Atri An'lhawad ki Bhagal Kodiyon. ki Bhagal Dolki Bhagal Naya Khera Kad ki Bhagal Rebar-lyon ki Bhagal Kanji Talai ki Bhagal Chatruka ki Bhagal Motagar ki Rhagal Suja Kelwa Ukhal Bhata 4 96 Bad Gaon Dasana ki Bhagal Dhola ki Bhagal 18 109 Gowal Hinduji ki Bhagal Pannaron ki Bhagal Lewal'i Bhagal Navi Bhaga,} 5 116 BadguJa Bala ka Gura 19 143 Halai ki Bhagal Bhila ki Talai Kakar ka Bhilwara Bhima ki Dhani Dhllnj ki Bhagal 20 92 Hamer Pal Gundi ka Bhilwara DOla ki Bhagal Jawalia Kihtwaton ki Bhagal 21 5 Oda M amadev ki Bhagal Jilwara Sakriya ki Bhagal Pchharon ki Bhagal 22 54 t-lobha ki Gawar Kaduria Baradia ki Bhagal Tulnh Pichhor ' 23 140 Badwa ki Bhagal 3 73 Bania Tukra BaJ'diwali Bhagal 114 Kalinjar Banjari Gangawata l'i Bhagal 24 .. Dagri ki Bhuga1 ),'[uchi ki Bhflgal Korna ki Bhagal lVI.Hnlawata 1'i Bho.gal ~ ichli Rhagal Shakhla ri BhagaJ Pa.tudi ki Bhagal Sbakhla ri Bhagal Sutharon ki Bhagal 7 159 Bal10kra .. N awn, Bhilwara 25 124 I~amoda .. Amli ki Blmgal Brnlllnanon ki Bhagal Rhuliyon kj Bhagal I~ttdn ki BhaguJ 8 J Bansa Asnn K.atHl'Waa ki BIHl,gal Od<1 LoharOD ki Bhagal Medai ki Bhn.gal 9 132 Bara BagJ'(~ch()n ka Gunet PcLrtnal'OU ki Bhagal Mali Bhagal Otali ki Bhagn} Od;Nudia Dant", ka Bhilwara I{hokhara ka Bhilwara :NIat.a ka Bhilwara Solankiyon kit Gura Nnwa Khet

10 2 Bori Majra 1(hero 26 97 KherIia Tiw,u.'l 13hagal Bardai ki Bhagal 11 121 Chanwa Bhagal Sarjela 27 91 Kelwara Chhawni k i Bhngal Dola ki Bhngal 12 139 Deoron ki Bhagal Padra ki Bhagnl Kanaji ki Bhagal Fajlai Kol pipli KQthi ki Bhagal 13 144 Dhol'an .. Brallrnanon ki BhagaI 28 136 Kodar Riehhwad Bholial'u Gura Chauhanon ka Bhilwu1'a Chftdana l{i Bhaga.l D~tsana ka, Bhilwara Janllue ka Bhilwara Dangra Bhilwara Nora ki Bhag,tl Wali Thakri Bhilwara Rawali Bbngal Nichla Khet Thakur ri Bhaga1 Gura l~i TIhagal ~ .; . 192 LIST OF HAMLETS

S. No. Codo No. ~am_e of Villa.ge Namt" of Halnlets f:;. N,,_ Code No" N alUO 0 f Village


29 147 l~odakra Bichli Bhagn I Pasua Bid",nltnn ktl.. GUl"a SUtlVll'H ki Bhagu1 KVI'1lWatQll ki Bll<~gal LUlli ka. BhiIwal'fI. 30 126 Kot.ra ::\Lllld ki Bhngal }Ol "giyon ka rt;}w rHt 31 154 Kllneholi J3hanlu ki Hhagn 1 N;li I~hagal Farod" ki Bhag:ul Jnton ki HJlag.~! Pipla ::'.lancli ki BlIng" I Ni"hla Pipla 32 L23 l~Hdia Bhilwara l~p,; di Hhngf'.l. C]HlIf}P1 tOll ka Was 39 117 Moracha " Bhilwara ~a,'ia ka Bhilwara. ~ i .. hli Bhagal Nichli Bhflgal ]..>("[n, ki Bhagal Uparli Bhagal P('lH Wu,s P('li Bhngn 1 40 80 Nathaji ka Gura Bhojda, HutharOll ki I3hagal Lewa ke Tu,lab ki Bhagal Rut-haroH ki Bhagal Tcliyon ki Bhagal 41 83 Nathela. .• V.'a Vbakad ki Bhugal 52 110 Sangath .. i\dav.'H Iu Kala, Puira ki Bhagal Balawata ki Bhagal Nctla ki Bhagal Bruhrnnnon ki BhagaI Xichli I{ her; 1 )oralH~ ki BhagaI Pan:wri ki Bhagal Dhpr Dai Ra~·li Talai ki Bhagal Coli Gura Sn;"U>r>l ki Bhagal Hpma ki Bha.gal Sarna Khera ki Bhagsl E"harWHl"On ki Bhagal Uparli Khori Xohara ki Bhagal Olai ki Bhagal 42 138 Oda Bardu ki Bhagal ':)uthal"On ki llha.gaI Bannalaia. ki Bhagal Tako1a I)u,buniVH Cr.li ki Hhagal l\1agiyo;t ka Thana 53 21 Sevantri Anli'I'alab Hawtoll ki Bhngal 54 76 Sukha Gaon Dadiuri Bhuga1 43 85 Oladar Chadalla ki Bbagal Dholn ki Bhagal Unda,wilton ki Bhagal Gogawaton ki Bhngar Kachrawat.on ki Bhagal I{'harwara ki Bha.gal Lathn ki Bhugal LiHV>lt"i Bhagal 1~thnd'L ki Bhagal S,;,wa.ii ki Machi 55 lIS Tuludri Chandana ki Dhagal 44 156 Palaehh Rama ki Bhagal 56 12 Tundawara Solankian Solankiyon ki Bhagal; 45 160 Parmaron ki Bhagal Bajda ki Bhagal 57 58 Tandawara Gujaran Bagrin ki Bhaga1 Kuna ki Bha,gal Chhapria ki Bhagtll.. Phihar l\la.gri RMl.1eIa ki Bhagal 193 LIST OF HAMLETS s. ~o. Codo No. NMne of Village Nallle of Harnlet-l S. No, Code No. Name of VIllage Natne ot Hamlets

'l'ehsil:-4 KHUMBHALGARH (Ooncld.)

iOI Thoria Ut.rj_,tr ki Dhani 60 48 lJparla Ghatra Sarkari Bhflgal Bhanlla kl Bh,'gal Bhul da ki Maf'hi Cnhital' 61 141 Uplawas Biehla was Futa Tctlab Niehla was Katolra kl BhagaJ Kb ~: lJ J, l~h .. i 62 148 UsaI' Biehli Bhagal Le,va ka GU! a Chanda.na ki Bhagal ]'lItHIa ka Talal> N ardl ka Bhilws.ra Xagla ki Bhagal Selamagri ki Bhagal Kohra ki Bhagal Uparli Bhagal 7 Um.arwas Ch.tlll1l kl Bhagal Upar ka Bhilwara Dd'lana ki Bhagal 1\L,wa ka GUI a Piplia kl Bhagal 63 157 Wawda •• Chadhana ki Bhagal Teja ka Gura Gamra ki Bhagsl


1 95 Aaatia Vir Bhanji ka Khers. 5 19 Kelva Bhagal

2 23 At:ma Dhani Baba ki Bhagal 6 139 Khn,ramala Kharamala Bhagal Badlawali Bholanki 7 60 Pha_ra •• Bhagal Kharwadon ki Upli Bhagal 8 Bhagal ~4 Rajnagar- Gadriawa", Manda

58 Dhanwal Dhani Bhagal 9 42 Sangat K.e,lan ••• Kankroli

4 57 Dovad Dhani Bhagal 10 47 Sanvar Dhani Gura.

Tehsil:-8 BELMAGBA

1 83 Antarpura Galia Khera @ Raghunath- 8 27 GiJund Gadriyawas pura Kama Khera Mali Khera 2 9 Bakhatpura Dagolia Khera Ragespuria. Tils. Khers 3 60 Banedia .. Arjungarh 9 7 Kuraj Gadriawas Kala mana 50 Bhama Khera Gadriawaa Kana, Khera Kumaria Khera. 73 Dariba Katia Khera Mandpia Khers. Uadia 6 13 Daulatpura Bhdon ka Khera Rathoron ka IChera IO 77 Rajpura .• Gadriawas

7 68 Dhameria Khati Khera 11 62 SanE'era .• Kharon ki Dhani Medi Khera Kiron ki Dhani

Tehsil:-7 KHA.MNOB

1 1 t Ataliya Ka .doion ki Bhngs.l 9 10 Chikalwas Malwara Rebariyon ki Bhagaf 2 6') Balicha BiLt")n ki Bhaga\ Timela ki Bhagal Bhilwara Devdon kJ Bhagal 10 26 Dabun Bara Bhilwara Kharhacion ki Dhani • Balaiyon ki Bhagal Rebariyon kl Bhagal Bamaniya Chhota Bhilwara 4,1 Barwara N ok.:!a ki Bhagal U nthado ki Bhs.gaI 21 Bhensa Kamer Btlmaniya Bar Bhunkaia ki Bhagal 11 87 Dadni Bhilwara Madrechon ka Gura Kothara Kavala Manoharpura Nawa Ghar Rewa Talai 5 45 Bhutala Khedar Netawaton ki Bhaga,} 11 Dadwal Dhinda Kad Pllana 12 '-()~ Bilot,a. Bhut~yan 141 Depur Bhilon ka N ala Gajela IS Majhera Ss.riehha 14 12 Dhaila Borana ka Gura Lawaron ki Bhagal 40 Charno ki Madar Uthadon ki Bhagal N ala kl Bhagal

2~ Chhots Bhanuj a Babariya 15 39 Fatehpura Balda ki Bhaga~ Ba1iawaF! Bili ki Bhagal Bhllwara Boron ki Bhagal Meraj ~yn, Kalada kl Bhagal Nat ki Bhagal Sodadar Rebariyon ki Bhagal Sutharon ki Bhag.. l 1~4


S. No. Code No. Name of Village Name of Hamlets S. No. Code No. Name of Village Neme of Hamlets.

Tehsil:-7 K~AMNOR lOontd.)

16 5 Gaon Gu~·a. Bagrechhon ki Bhagal 32 22 Kosiwara Babriya Talai Balon ki Bhagal Balan ki Bbagal Her ki Bhagal Cha;klodi ki Bhagal Brahmanon ki Bhagal Dasanon ki Bhagal Chau Kari ki Bhagal Gara Kadiyan Kharwaon ki Bhagal Uhun Khar Molu ka Gura Hanuman ji ki Bhagal l\lota Bhuwara Kharwaron ki Bhagal Pannaron ki Bhagal Lawaron ki Bhagal Salimba ki Bhagal Rama ki Bhagal U tawali ki Bhagal Rebadyon ki Dhani Sadula ki Bhagal 17 DO Ghorach Banjariyon ka Gura Suthl;l.ron ki Bhagal 'Thoriyon ka Garh 18 13 Gudlan Dhikala ki Bhagal 33 69 Kotela Ranchhor Sagar - Dhimdi l<:i Bhagal - Gadriaon ki Bhagal 34 188 Kothariya Rod.L Khera Jogawton ki Bhagal Miyaramji ki Bhagal 35 71 Kuncholi .• DhanJi ka Khe"a Rethon ki Bhagpl Sindlon ki Bhagal 36 51 Kunda Ra wa I{:hera Suratganji ki Bhagal Sut4(lram ki Bhagal 37 16 Kuntwa Chandawaton ka Gur& Talai ki Bhagal Dasanon ki Bhagal U chharon Jd Bhagal ..bJkponiyon ka Gura Upli Unthadon ki Bhagal Gujal'a ki Bhagal U s1th_adon ki Bhagal Kadicha ki Bhagal Kharwaron ki Bhagal 19 190 Gg.njol , . Jamllta lJas Nilba Wadi Kudawala Nlehh Bhagal _. Rmnji ki Bhagal 20 129 ,Jetelp. Sarwaniya Rebariyon ki Dhanl Sisoda ka Gura Tal Uparli Bhagal 21 7 Jhalon ki Madar Balaiyon ki Bhagal Hanja ki Bhagal 38 78 LoJmadri .• Biehli Pawti Bangala ki BhagttJ Ber ki Bhagal Bapda ki Bhagal Bhilon ka Khera Bhanwara ki Bhagal Chadanon ki Bhagal UonjJtra ~i Bhagal Khadela ki Bhagal Dang ki Bhagal Khadela ki Bha~al Dhadwa Nichli Pa.wli F,ndalan ki Bha.gal Pana ka Dhana. Gura Haridasji ka Ranawaton ka Gura LIj.}~lon \i:i Bhagal Rebariyon ki Dhani Merawali Solkhiyon ki Bhagal Oriya Talab Butharon ki Bhagal Punjawaton ki Bhagal Uparli Paoti Sarbadiyon ki Bhagal Talaiyon ki Bhagal 39 49 Losing Bhilwara Tonkda ki Bhagal Cbanpanon ki Bhagsl Dhana 22 187 Jagela Khokheri Khami Khera Uthadon ki Bhagal 23 58 Kadmal Bagola ka Gura 40 34 Machind •• Dharchho 24 85 Kaga Maodarda Gadriyon ka Gura Thoriyon ka Gura Sagroniya ka Gura Sutharon ki Bhagal Wogeri 25 33 Karai Reba:riyon ki Dhani 41 8 Mandka 13him Tala ki Dhani 2f? 79 Karoli Bhatiyon ka.Qura Gajawaton ki Bhagal Bhuu.lya ka. Gura Jamlola GujaTwara Patiya Moj a'Waton ka Dhana. San)leta Nibel& Panwa .~ 27 Molida Deol a ki Dhani Piplya Golayan Sitian Karda Kardiya 27 42 Katp_ar J akdon ki Bhag&l Kundal 43 140 Mandiyana Shunawata Doli 28 82 J{:esuli Khetji ka Nohra Kodiwara Mediyan Sawara Nawa Gha.r Rohera ka Khajuri 44 94 Maruwas Bala ki Bhagal Dang ki J3hagal 29 25 Khamnor Badon ki Bhagal Jodhawaton ki Bhagal Gll.jar Garh Parmaron ki Bhagal 45 23 Molela Baler Soi ki Bhagal Bhapon ki Bhagal Dojrqa 30 17 Khedliya •• Forkon ki Bhagal Dojma ki Bhagal Gadriyon !

·S. No. CQ.4e No. ~d.m6 of Vi!la.ge Nane of Hamlet§! S. No. Code No. Name of ViUa.e Name of Hamlets

Tehsil:- 7 KBAlIlfOR (CQncld.)

46 47 Morion ki Karjyan Kumawaton ka Gura 65 62 Semal Bhilwara Mataj i ka Khera Bolya ki B:p.aga.l Palera ka Gura Parinaron ki Bhagal Solankhiyon ka Gura Ph~la ki .l;3hagal Sema ki Bhagal 47 8 Hokhara Babariyon ki Ta.ai Dasanon ki BhagaI 66 ]93 Sihad Bljlai Dodawa kl Bhagal l}i~l.l;lii Dungela ki Bhagal Karnwa Siyawon ki Bhagal ~~lw4t Teliyon ki Bhagal Teliya ki Talai

-40S 17~ Ne.inpura Man-pura. 67 12 Sisoda Kalan DudhiBeri ~\~I:badon ki Bha.g",l 49 53 Nedeh Aehhi Baori Mokela Juna Gura Rath0'in ki Bhagal Khetpal ka Gura Satela i BhagaJ Majawaton ki Bhagal SeiaIR ki Bhagal (Chhoti)' Nay... Khera Rebariyon ki Bhaga! 68 13 SisC!da Khurd Chadanon ki Bhagal Shavsinghji ka Gura Parmaron ki Bhagal Sindlon ki Bhagal Sutharon ki Bhagal

~O 75 Neechli Odan Barwasiya Bhilwara 69 67 T~ntol AgarJya ki BhagaJ Borona ki Bhaga! ·51 120 Negdia Bhilwara Bhipoj :Naia Odo k~ B!"ll;l-~al Panchwati ki Dh&ni U parli Dhani 70 43 Tulan Uu!lhft ki ;J3hagal Khat'wadon ki Bhaga! ~2 148 Pakhand Gura Netawaton ki Bhaga! Kesarpura Pema ki Shagal

n 68 P~rawa! Khar Bawri Nichla N ohra '7I 135 Ulpu:ra Pitia Rega ki Bhagal U parla N ohra '12 63 Unwas Bani ki Bhaga! Biohla. Nobra Biry~ ki ~Aagal Wadiya Rufidatiya r Kuriyon ka Bhilwara -~4 64 Paeuniya •• Mal kaUura. Mani ki Bhagal

~5 80 Fipalw&S BQilela 73 lS2 U.an Deoron ka. Gura Dang ki Bhaga.l Re.I?!"9D kJlr Gura (Niq-hl-.) Godl'iyon ka Gura adrlyon ka. Gura Kharw-adon ki Bhagal Khadet.on ki Bhagal Puniya Talai Khan Dawa.Ii Rati Talai Nichlawas Solankiyon ki Bhaga.l li6 '17 Rabchha GadriyawlUl Nohra Rugaji ka Reth '74 18 Usarwas •• Badliwali Bhagal Wala ki Bhaga! Balon ki Bhagal Balon ki Bhagal Sani -67 Rakhamgarh Khumji ki Dhani Banon ki Bhagal Sani 16~ Brahmanon ki Bhagal 58 Roopawali Lakholi Baroliyon ki Bhagal 143 Barwalon ki Bhagal 69 37 Sagrun Anger ki Bhagal Bhopon ki Bhagal Si1"ohi ki Bhagal Biliyon ki Bhagal Cha.wdiyon ki Bhagal Dang ki Bha.gal ~O ;J6 S~loda Khera Sar ki Bhagal Kolaji ki Bhagal Kumharon ki Bhagal Nohara-ki Bhagal ·-61 145 Salor Bhilon ka Ukharya RE'bariyon ki Bhagal Nawa¥hQ.r Surtig ki Shagal '62 66 Sarsuniya Chananiya Sutharon ki Bhagal

~3 9 Sayon ka Khera Ambawa ki Bhagal 75 152 Uthapda S~lela Balawa ki Bhagal Dungawaton ki Bhae;fI1 76 139 Uthnol Godriyawas Kharwadon ki Bhagal l\![ll~~na Kharwadon ki Bhaga.l Rati Talai Sani Sani 1\fukana Khana ki Bhagal Kharwadon ki Bhagal Nawagha_r 77 70 Wagol Bhtlon ka N ala Parmaron ki Bhagsl BhoimaIiyon ki Badi Rebariyon ki Dhani Brahmanon ka Nohra Seriya ki Bhagal Tirnela ki Bhagal 78 ..- 38 Wati Balayon ki Bhagal ChatlhanOll ki Bhagal '64- 28 Bema Biehli Bhagal Chauhfl-non ki Bhaga.l Gopligji .lei Bhagal Jodha ka Talab Gura Kyawaton ki Bhagal Kadan RanawatQn ka Gura. Kundal Sutharon ki Bhaga! Luharon. ki Bhagal Tankoda ki Bhagal 196 LIST OF HAMLETS

8. No. Code No. ~aro.e of Villa.ge Na"IU of Hamlpts S. No. Cod_) No. Name of Village Name of Hamlets.

Tehsi1:-8 GmWA

1 14~ Bali Mala ka Gura 11 111 M

2 107 Bedwas Rakhampura 12 73 N'ti Bida Chak Diyan 3 104 Dedkia lOlera Thakron ka Kher-a Nohara

4 130 Jamar Kotra Dalnaron ka Gura 13 76 Si.,arma .• Golera Darda 5 103 Kanpur •• Khera Kalarod Umprda Kodiyatr Jhampa Phala ka Gura Piplia 6 176 Kurabad Bandi M angri Rata Khet Bhutiya Rayata Sura. ka. Gura. SelH GaIi Todi Sajjangarh

7 121 Laka.dwaa Dhamghar 14 94 Sobhagpura. Rughnathpura Gordhanpura Palithal ka Wala 15 87 Titardi Bilia Dhola ki Pati 8 36 LakhawaH Dangion ka Gura Manpura 16 44 Sabalpura Oton ka. Gura. Sujalpura Mandopi Daya ka Bara Khaliya ki Bhagal'

9 156 Lalpura Partal 17 46 Sapetia Bhadvi 10 22 Madar J asanji kilo Gura 18 57 Bujhra Nays. Gura

'l'ehliil:-9 SALV"MBEB

I 53 Adkaliya KaprawS:ton ·ki. 16 127 Isarwas Dangiyan Dai1a Bhagal Tapara

2 Bedawal Aryawa]e. 17 97 Jetans, Dhawda Badawata. Jaipura Kawadiaphula Khanawata 18 73 J aimalpurJL Kekodie. Magraphala 19 10 Jetpura Sanwal 3 &8 Bamania Amarawaton kilo Ware. Wagaton ka Wara 20 III Kenar Kharwara Joshiwala LaJawaton ki Bhagal 21 121 Kaluthara Champa1alji ki Bhagal. l'ichhli Magri Ranawaton ka Wara Sui Magri 22 18 Kant .. Sarvania. Suliya Magri Upadhya Ware. 23 12 Kota Satupura

4,9 Basi Sigawat 24 166 Pal Khundela Dhada Kakar Shamchot Kayada Juje.wat Mendi Phala oThuntha Mahura 5 4.4. Chibora •• Kagawaton kilo Wars 25 98 Pangawar,a, Garda 107 Chohano ka Khandela. Alpur 26 171 Pa.yara Chuda wela "I 78 Dagar Gameta kilo Phala Gopalpura Lamb! Dungri Rebariyon ki Dhani 27 6 Pa.tan Payari 8 :J8 Dal Namchot 155 Sada Manpur Kalipol Bayawat 28 Dugawat 29 104 Samora Mayawaton kl!.. Gura 9 120 Deogaon:: Bhagal Nadi Nokhli Rugf:mathpura 30 28 Raradi Bhl'1rmaton ka Phala. 10 158 Dhai Khera. Upla Phala. Bhilwara Dholkakar 11 68 Dharod Damanware. Minwara Sobhawara Tejawatoll ka Phala

124 Dudar Sonaria 31 115 Satorda Gadeyoll ki Bhagal

13 4.1 Gaonda Chokha Wara 32 131 Redri Har Jala )ton ka Pll1Ma Kali Magri 33 52 Sedya Bujda 167 Gated Dolpura 20 Talab Daglia Ii ~ Gudel Barela Nad Dangiyon ki Bhagal Kali Magri 35 50 Tharoda .• Mino ki Bhagal Piplia Tharoda ki Bhag a- 197 LIST of HAMLETS

::8. No. Code No. Nama of Village Name of Hamlets s. No. Code No. Name of Villa.ge Name of H a.mlets

Tehsil:-10 SABADA 96 Karadia •• Jalampuria 1 40 Butwas Khan Kal 9 12 Bharia Bhariasani 10 III Palsarada. Badgari 2 Baori Kali Ghati 3 US Chawand •. Ambala Katawaton ki Bhagal Kharad Kolar 141 Depura Rela Rakhamandi 4 Se-thol 5 101 lJhani Medi 11 146 Paluna. Gimcha Khera Kawi-ta Khera 6 92 Gatoda Jagatpura 12 94 Semari BJ'ahmanon ki Bhar;al 7 44 Judol Baluka Wpspllr Darjanpura Soorugaon Dogh ki Bhagal Kerpura Nich!i 13 148 Singatwa.ra. Pipaldara

62 Kachota~. Bhagal 1~ 122 Thana Keodi Tehsil:-ll KHERWARA.

1 69 Asariwara Kalalia 19 1 Dhikwa.s Airan Rabai ~ 158 Bale-wadi Ambiha Sannati Kuwader Paldara 48 Balicha Budra Semlai Damarpura GalTIAti Kala:a 20 93 Garaja Kator Gogo, Kalan Lapra Khair-wan 21 159 Godi Bisri Nalpara I Nichla Para 22 22 Govind De~ Sara 126 Ba.njara Kalalia 23 409 Jaira Kakra Dungra Mana Para Kuwedia Wadosar 132 Bara Karchha Niohli Padar 24. 117 Jhuntri Kharari Upli Padar Khetiala. Modia 18 Bara Katarwas Padura Wechla Its1 Ka.gdar Bhatdia 8 Bharoti Bhila.n Tilri Bilkhai Kanu war.. 7 Bharoti Brahman Bhervi MandW'a Gathia Panwa Ratanpura. 87 Babalwara Deokakar Samdar Kumarpara Bara Gura Padlia lSI Kanvai Rf'l Badanpura Gaira Remarwara Raira 79 Bhanda .• Bhatki Chari wara. Bambala Gugarwara 27 29 KarW'a.ra Barorwara Kakar wara. Bilia Khut wara Tor wara Godwa Masan wars 28 15 Katwi Mair Phutala 11 142 Bhudra ._ Kn,TIl;a llhati 29 74 Kharadiwara. Kator Hundra 'l'ha pa,·awali 30 III Kojawara. Bhagiwas Mala 12 169 Bilakh Godawat K",Ia,wd.t 31 154 Ma.ndwa •• Roda K;kot R'_Hn}1,t 32 6 Nawa Ghara.n. P'''"o.:r)rpara Kharw-a 52 Chharora n.h~~ar para TC;h;tLarl 33 88 Rachha. •• r<'da BI-,;chl", Phala D1·0"", 'war~ Chand Saori 3aharia. Itnwa }, ,,~ 1vr"l Manwal 34 !l5 Sa.gwara •• I)....:~), ,'fi C 1 (1 ,t _-ctn NichJi 14 14 Clllkalwas Umra (lw ,\\ In Upli 15 33 Da.bayaC'ha F.' . 'r J ,." 'H) Umra N " 16 41 DOlnat Kal.}'.t mala :P..- : '" Padla 17 20 Deri Sd.tsugra P '1", I .... j fJl ,1 f'''j,...,. ,'to 18 57 Dhanv1 13n(~jora JHHl1-1 .... a '1',,1 h" I(athwa f~'-11.o, I{h ata. 35 32 Ukheri I;y""wa 198 LIST OF HAMLETS

Ii. NQ. Code ]'iTo. Name of Hamlets S. No. Code No. Name of Village Name of Hamlets;


1 52 Akola Balda Khera S 15 Devron kilo Khera Ra-won ka Khera Blmg"l Dhuvdnia Khers 9 54 Gundli Kher.. Gundli Khera GadUrlB." as Surta l~hera 10 7 Jaama Gadariawas Kalaj i ka Kher& 2 4.6 Anjan Khera BangIa Udaji ka Khera a 4, Anoppura. ChaTnaria Khera 11 76 Nawalpura Bhimllo Khera. 4,1 Babarana .• Jaitpura 12 4.4 Pari Baladia Khers.

"Ii 4,3 Bhopal Nagar Kajorpura 13 4~ Patolia Munds. ka This. 22 Bhopal Sagar Minon ka Khera 14 Gajainghpura • Railwav statIOn & Sugar Mill. 15 35 Ramo. KherA GadariaW!1.8

7 33 Bul Gadariawas 16 18 Uflrol Gadaris.wa,a Tehsil:-13 KAROLI. 1 76 Orwadia Anwalis ka Kuwlil. 123 Nurda Dhs.na Surda ki Swai Dangi Khera - Kajiya 2 lOS Amli Sedgdiya Dhani 39 Vadiar Bara Litriyon ka Dhana. 15 24 Palwas Kalan N agon kilo Khera. 69 Wagroda .• Gadriyon ki Bhagal Manlnatara 16 4(D) Palana. Kalan Rampuria 5 28 Bansliya Red 17 4(F) Palana Khurd Jerna .. 2 Bhansol •• Dordai Dangi Khera Godela Lalawaa Sutharon ki Dhani Suthardi Gad"Wara 7 &2 Dabok Anandpura .18 4(E) Rathana Bigtiys. ki Kheri Sarai Da,bok Khakhaiya Kheri Ga,doli Dhani. • Naya Talab 19 57 Sanwar J&lampura Tllora - K&pasariya Khera. Talai 10 Ghasa D.lrgawaton ki Bhagal 20 Thamls •• Lodawas • Lnnbawaton ki Bhagal - Mal Nimbola ka Gura Mamadeo Purawaton ki Bhaga.l Khati Khera Harda"Waton ki Magri lQ 77 Gudli Motl Khera 21 14 Kham ki Madri Nohra B 'ahma.non ki Baori 22 15 Bitholi Dhank Kania. 11 114 Intali '. . ChaiJa Khera Turkiya 12 1 Jawad Banri 23 16 Bijanwas •• Jhalon ka Kuwa Dhani N"gdiya Sura1' ka Gura Nard,v;iya Doli KUl'da 24 17 Nauwa. Khadra Amba ka Kuwa Sar"'\\..anla 25 67 Maholi D ... b Kuwi Morda G

S. No. Cod" No. ':;-ama of ViUa.~e N.l.lna of Hamlets 8. No. Code No. Nam3 of Village Na.me 0; Hamlet9-

Tehsil:-14 VALLABHRAGAB (Ooncld.)

Lunda Amba ka Khera 159 Siyad Ambaka Gura Shivpura Boria lIrlanjl ka Khera Rathoron ka Gura. Sundip 227 pjthalpur.. Shisavapura Semlla Chita k, Shag81 Malan ka Gura. RaulChandra ki Bhagal 23 Unthal& •• Bhopalpura Ie 14.8 Nimri Gadriawas Gadriawas Kalan Gadria wail Khurd 11 217 Rajpura. Kawa Rajpura Gumanpur Bohya ka was @! Keahavepura Kalipahn I i Kir Khera I~ 173 Salera Daulatpura Talok ji kilo Khera Vijja ka Kher& Valra

Tehril:-16 PHALA8IA.

102 Amra Upla Amd... • 47 Khera. Majra Oda. 62 Bhagorawlloll Oda 8- 18S Manda ka Khet Talai

58 BinaV<'era Oda 7 166 Netawali Khakha.ra Khera

63 HiraV<'as •• Majra Oda 8 176 Sarna. Salu Khera

Tehsil:-17 BAIRA.

41 Dhundi _ 1 25 Umama .• Mamadeo 16 Fanch ... waton ki Bhagal Paba Bilo ki Bhagsl. Dhmnaniya. Bala Khsrwaoron ka. Gura Kherll.liya. Rathoron ki Bhagal Kothanadi Mojawaton ki Bhaga.t.

59 Awani Moha. 17 15 Pala.ema Gujron ka Gura Kadesh.. ka. Gura 103 Undri Rupa ka Chora. IS 19 Gaiphal Kuma...... ton ka Gura Khanera. 123 Bagruda Kolar Pachhla Gura Khera 19 38 GUlDen Ba1i3r Gujaron ka Gura Khejrio ka Gura Kakarawas L8.tar

65 Banai Ganeshji ka Gura 20 14 GunBwal GUYs No.1 • Gula No.2 45 Bargaon Makhon ka Gura Kheradlya • Padyaron ka Gura Aradia

, 54 Banslya Bhlmji ka Gura 21 42 Hathyawal Bagra. Kadeshs. ki Bhaga.l 10 B",tt>ri Motaji ki Barli Parmaron ki Bhagal 3 Borkltri Shisodiya ki Bhagal 3 Bhanpura. Bagar Bhaukar ka Talab 22 70 Jas-wantga.rh Berki BhagaI Hajela I)u'awHton ka Gura Rnth0rop ka Cnra Gt'l loton kll Gura. Sambharon ka GUI a I-\:UIllh

IS 6 Bokhara •• Chawandwas TIhankrota ka Garh KU'a 24 9 Jhalon kaKa.lwana Majwara 25 96 - Kachhba Deoron ka Rhera IS 116 Chhali Umaria GudarivuV<'as. Bagdara Mouja";;aton ka Gura. Nal ka Bas '\. imachmata ka Kher& Thoria Bhilwara Phulfakron ka Bart~.

101 Dadiya. A~on 14. 26 34 Kamol Balayoll kilo Gura ·Malu Kathya Gadriyon ki Bhagal Gadr'on ka Gura Mota KhE'ra. Tarawas u 46 Dhol Cha.nda ki Bhaga.l Parathaji ki Bhagal 27 21 Kanji ka. Gura Bhadkli 200 LIST OF HAMLETS fl. No. Code No. Name of Village Nama of Hamlets S. No. Code ~o. Name of Village Kame of Hamlet.

Tehsil.~-17 SAIRA (Concld.)

28 38 Karda Nichli Pn,tplonki Owri 57 Ra-walion (Jagrr) (Contd.) KharwoLron ka Gura. Bale.. ha ki Bhagal Khalunn ka, Gura Khejll ki Khurdi Kumawaton ka. Gura Baolya ki Bhagal Lakharon Bharuwa In Rhugal Lawaron ki Bhagal Bhilon kl Hhagul Mudawaton ki Bhagal Bllawaton kl Bhagal Nalodar BJahmanon In Bhagal Sim ka. Bhilwara Dabron ki Bhngal SoIankiyon ki Bhagal Ka;]wa kl Bhng-al ShutaruIl ki Bhagal Pajplon ki Dh.lgal Talab ka Bhilwara Dal ]lYOn ki 13hag.l,l 4,7 37 Bayda Renpura 1 9 Mada Baja ka Was Birawcha Mahajanon ka Khera Janp[«'ll Gul " ki Bhagal 10 92 Madarda DC'la kJ IHwgn] Kod"awas Da~'a ki Bhagal Mogl~-" ka Thana Galllpa] Hantod't IVlnhudl ko Karchha. J araga ka Than Nayngal'a Saldaya !i8 «Ii) Sa.dra l\logiyon ka thana Sawroopji ki Bhagat 81 1 Maga Akonka Thag Ratho"d, ki Bhagal Maga ka ]\fal E>sao-to ki Bhacral Shivi ki Bhaq;-tl 32 121 Majawad Gat;va Loh tron ki Bhagal KUl~a'! Golaji ki Bhagsl Ratltol'on ka Gura Khar'Tadon ki Bha,gal Mandi k i Bhago,l 33 Narsingdas ka Gura 31 S~mal Teng 'a 34, 23 Madar 8ihtoo ka Payro KudIawas Pipla ka Nala 36 107 Modwa ARaj i ka Khera Vsleriya Padlyaron ka Gura 50 22 Ba.nohli Bhadkli 86 110 Morval Hatiya Tala. Deodon ka Oura Unan

87 55 N adeshlll& Brahmanon ki Bhaga1 51 24, Bewad Balayon ki Rail Gadriyawas Balra Kadeshawas Balayon ka Bala Sobhawas Godara Jimji Ka Oura 88 lSI Narhaon ka. Gura Jalimpura Nani.

28 Padra.d.a .. Barawali 52 5 8inga:ra Jorma • Chitrawas Keringji ka Gura Hayla Palaya 53 102 Siysdiy. BaIubala Pipalna Inta. ka Khet Pichawara Mahuri ka Kundal Sakriya GIani ka Khet Rakdia ka Khera 4" Palida.na Dalpatpura Jojalaya 64_ 113 Surajgarh Pipla ka Chora Kumaharawas 55 94 Suvawton ka G1U'& Thalan ka. Gura (l1 4,3 Paner Digri Kelwon ka Khera. Gada ka Gurs. Oda ka Gura 56 48 Suvawton ka Gur. Gadriyawas Tegca 124, Patiya Halda ka Khera 57 4, Dhikoda .• Kitawfloton k80 Gur. 4,7 Punawali .• 1tfadl'ccha ka G ura. M-lndawaton ka Gura Koviya 97 Rana Bhat Purill,.ron ka Gura Kaya Khera Bijla.i

.5 30 Rawachh 1\{01'>1 ka Khet 58 76 Tirpal BHlw \ra. (Khanela) KpLl ...... o,ri Rhil", tra (Lawariya) K,'Ol I' ku Khf't, G.li 1jira. UUI~a. h,JJ" , la, k.l Khuna Nagaji ka Uura ]\1, 1 k" J-\:!tpt V,l'" k-1, Khet 59 115 Undithal l:<:'l~r-t 1"l-c::l(hnfiVUl1 Sutharon ka Bas

57 Rawaliall- (Ja.gir) A 111 60 26 Visma Upl,. Vi,ma Utl I ,',J') ki llhagal Bh"wr'<~ ki Bhagal l"I'-"veha Am'> , kc' Khct Dell" Hili .iyon ki Bhagal ,!"Jhs:il,- 18 KOTRA 1 53 Amba.wa. .. Ghpr Cbump')' 4 169 Adseri P"'01cL 5 46 Bokariya. K ttlw<~ MagI'S P rF;:tn :I 105 Amri Tap"I' kl Bar S Pi! ,J S ~'V t tia. 3 166 Anjani Jhanjar Bhuv6 Juy 201 LIST OF HAMLETS

8. No. Code No. Name of Village Name of Hamlets S. No. Code No. Name of Village Name of Hamlets Tehsil:-lS KOTRA (Concld.)

t'i 38 Beral Tibamaki Phali 21 17 Mewara ka Math Baniya. W-.d Dera Wad 7 HJ2 Bilwan Adiwara LambaHaIdu 22 72 Mundawali Devlia. SaraIi 23 101 Narsinghpura Bhilwara. 8 18 Champa ki ~ al Amba ka Khadre Kadh ki Baori

9 71 Chhoti Padawali Mandi ka Khera 24 138 Phuta Talab Amli 10 49 Gugrod BBgah& Bhima Beri 25 3 Pipli 'Khera Deramanan Kharni ka Khet Phah Padar 26 11 R~neji Bhadero Rupawaton ki Phali Selton ki Pha1i 27 2]7 Sada Chandet Dediara 11 163 Ko.gwa' .. Gamani Saletera 28 119 Samoli Amba Barohanpar 12 H.7 Khajuria .. Bhut Khuna. Bordi Bhilon ki Basti Thap Bhnra Dhebra Buian 160 K(darma] Badhiyala Chadu 13 Gara Gherno k& Wa~ 14 43 Kyari Bhadawari TIlaro,ni Jadi Makni Jaleri 42 Luharcha Bhutgoni Kadan 1.5 Khuna 16 247 Mahad BaIdhapa Kyadan Jani-wa... J\feyali I{:hokhara Phindul. 'd ThaI Pipli ka Khet 212 Mahadl Polga!"& 17 Bhubdia. Phala. Rupni Choyal ki N al Semia ki ThaI Dabi -wala Tilarni Umnia ki Nal Uplawas 18 56 Malwa ka Chora Dungli ThaI 29 127 Sulav Anjana Uplawas Tibra. 14,8 Madwa. 19 Bithia Ban ka. Was Bokhra Badl 30 41 Teja ka Was DU1·gl.Wat Kh,).dra. 31 120 Tilarwa. Bera Phali Nal"n... wat Raphdan lEa Khat Roopani Talsb 32 17~ Veeran Katran Khaner 20 93 lHerpur Jurr... Merpur Kberi Wadli