From Ike New York Exprtet frm lit fmdrjM-ntltA!. March 12. which leach a scrupulous regard for the j tuff,re received the* in paymeot utf tolls fur travel Richmond, THE We to MR. ( LAY. the sod THE CASE OF CUEOLE. give, below, e Congress, to con- the Senate, honor of Federal Government, petition and transportation, and have been willing Th« the THE GAZETTE. Tol» wilt retire from (hr Uaih^toi*.—In to the honor of the An is to mix up lately transmitted to ■ Western member. 4i«ur>fu»b«d p«iMfm{« tinue to reaeive them to long a* it vti desirable ut motion was made to recon- utter indifference attempt mnking **•» yesterday, • with the It is authentic and serious. : is e leer is bJ the Public Authorities and the that they esse of the slaves of the Creole Seceir, day*. ji coM«apl*<0 community vote tho L-Mld Fund State I—Whig. aaA»VnSSffl»WIR O, a* tbetr sider the rejecting A (be dct'* 0< should be used as a currency, and ao long a ol free white men, whom, PETITION. frttod. ia Cor (rest, with wee lost case of I conjointly Uie after much debate, by nganMPnuN IX AND mutiny MAIM II •«, iMi before bie de- receipt by the public would enable company by _which, PHILADELPHIA in the Honorable the THURSDAY. to him o Boll it is contended, our Government, par- To Senate and House Wasbm^toa, giv, public the u«e of them, to meet ibeir obligation* to per- a tie vote—So the Locoe ere obenneteiy MARYLAND. allel hare refused to de- of the. United parture from the dry. son* in their and totlmir stockholders; shall not circumstances, of Representatives Stales, KEH I lONi WITH K.NOLAND—iHt employment determined that the people reap is a deal of trick in the re- OUR from • letter the Leri«la There good not be difficult to in assembled. The ebich I. on eniroct And whereas, the recent action of worse liver up. It would Congress RIGHT OF SEARCH. following, the benefit of thia money? Thia is these States. When our Cl.r .« to lure of and the Mayor and City Coun- sumption by Courts of Your memorialists, residents ortho from pe). Mr. rulogiom Maryland The refu- prove that English Admiralty State which we U«t Woeblogtua, not than the in the manger. will be none of this ft t|t r,*«a published cil of Baltimore, with circumstance* dog Banks resume there as a interest foreign which hit eeiTicet noJ dr.intere.tod together iiave the revolt of slaves pi- u! , feeling deep in the lortg public this and beyond the hare the money does uo more regnrded tb re was no item of new* which must Have anticipated by company wholly sal to let people and we thiuk it would be week, I trick, ani cannot but welfare and the Union these eeritle him their control, have ihe*# orders does racy, it, therefore, regard safely of if petrlrwiem Wly entirely deprived not the Distribution Act—it on 1st bo on the whirl* »o repeal than fair to fix the of Novovmber, with ttinpittint beating OF HENRY CLAY. or a and these mutineers as : but we , have seen, much re- THE RETIREMENT of theifcchara* ter utility cutreocy, lend to the hederal pirates pro- uted end to con- not restore the money as the and %T71 shortly be had between the U States Mr will retire rendered it for the company without qualification, day, to no further now than to that one ol the members of the Cab- time whe. Cloy impracticable pose go point gret, The npproechee time to meet ss to an increase un- to settle a half» dn'ii hell, of lire nnii.rn. tinue to receive them, and at the same prerent leave the Banks without hurrassment Grrai Britain, intended forever from the Le*i.l.r,vo Treasury—so out the difference, under our laws, be- inet, the Secretary of the Navy, A. P. heerd obove their or to on even the daily op- it has effect—it dis- of now between the two h « b.» b«er. thniy-tive obligation', carry of the tariff;—if any til that *' one subjects dispute eaitting where day. tween a mutiny of sluves ami a mutiny of Esq., teas at time on and in the aupport of the liherne., erations of their r*>ad ; among the other States the mon- Upshur, of>en, for render be »*»'r elwey. tributes In Inst the Legisla- countries, end which, the may of the it is not believed that ant action Pennsylvania year free men. and boasted advocutt ol the i‘i*» honor, sad ibn interests of ibe people And whereas, unqualified, orde*» which to Virginia. IsVir. a loan from the Banks to a minister from is run r more bril- on the of the could to the ey, belongs ture enacted while Union' —and special England dstly enp*e»eW I Riled .States. Few men have part company give Now, in the first place, reasoning dissolution of the whereat have been or in a condition to be thus bountiful and author- it We allude to ibe refusal, the a mnf honorable, of a more ummuI legisia- the currency of which they deprived, giuia meet the liabilities of the state, our- member of Washington. by iiROt, j upon tins subject, we must dispossess the Hon. John M. Bolls, Con- in even ihem value than would otherwise to entered uve earner ia any country; no on*. certainly, give greater to others—thus herself?—WAig ized the issue the Banks to in French Chambers, to ratify the tieaty lataly unjus^ by consenting selves of oilier idea than this, that gresa fur has in hut place, the 'hi. than Mr. and it mint He mo*t gratify- belong to them—Therefore, uny Virginia, for the Clay; BANK QUESTION. n ol the loan, of what were call, the into between England and France, •oppres- the | That from and after this nothin* HIE RESUMPTION part slaves are under the law* of House of and in pub- tag to Him now bn is about to retiru from great Resolved, day, properly, Representatives, conceded to travel and March 14. ed relief notes, irredeemable in specie for sion of the slave trade which treaty theatre af hie labor* and usefulness to witness ihn j will be received for tolls for transporta- Richmond, these slaves sailed) re lic under his own signature, and the nmnunt Virginia, (whence newspapers, to search ail ves- ! even his tioa on the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, banks was dis- hce These notes issued the British Government the tight kind and friendly fueling which political The biil concerning the years. as too, even as staled that the Secretary of the Bianch but funds current in- cognized property, Repre- boldly slaver*. The now manifest towards him, and to hear Washington thereof, to several and constitute the sels that might tub* .p|H»nent* cussed the whole djy Saturday. millions, the Constitution of in a conversation with him in the they suspect or other fund* at rate* there nearly sentative pioperly, by Navy, with the of the honorable and gnnernti* testimony theyb**ar Baltimore, equivalent if not of British had ma la iteatie* was out the main circulation, Pennsylvania, this a and did avois government to hi* hts manliness, h»s splendid talents to. The question upon striking the United States. In sense, then, m»st manner, end worth, public place of this Mr. Daniel the ol The icsuinp- on immediate dis- principal powers Europe upon subject, i and hi* noble nature. One of the most promim-ot I 1st ol January. opmed certainly Philadelphia. amount of American property, nimsell the advocatt of an c-ni given her this vn: that in Sc natr, a fine and in t on thoi has taken place does not the oil bad agreed to yield piivilege. man of the opposition pirty the perhaps ZJT The Alexandria Oar,ette states that debate against striking out, reply its wav from Richmond to Now O leans. solution the Union"—and whereas a of of their nation*, the most man, dming with a friend last advanced brace these notes—or if it does, the Banks of searching the vessels respective prominent business km done at several of the fisheries to of the arguments by two American fell into a Hiitish has in a letter address- f.w remarked of Mr. who l>ecamc many Ports, Secretary stated, if to be J days ago, Clay, to that be- reluse to redei m the *' he when found in certain latitudes, supposed in week. Several loads of Shad were brought Mr. Hollenian. lie had completed them, relying upon where this if not confis- Hon. A. W ise, that • He aiiKjWt ttf conr+r sat ion, that ho ha l been Port, property, ed to the Henry trade. France, alone, has re- contract under which were in the slave him fur a and su'd the week, at |7 per hundred. fore we readied the Ilouae, they issued, the that is«! s or surh ns,” engaged j Congress with great many years—that place during j cated, was put out of law, never held expressed opini> the on her t alive* Mr. Wallace of and there is hut little doubt that the courts a fused Us make valid treaty part. 1 r,e wn« a semiet of he House of Represent He wits followed by from all other in !>••• md further, that he never held conver- of that tinguished property j to that a voluminous corres- when Mr. w*s the and leader STATISTICAL FACTS—MARRIAGES d the will sustain them. The there- in a It is also known all, Clay Petersburg. Mr. VV. advocuti pro- resumption refused the b> m-fit ol ihc law lo se- sation on that or any other subject, sa.d the Senator, mg and. distinguished laying In over the census tables, fot Virginia, some ear the small amount of has been canied on between the govern- body, glancing ol out and fixing fore, embrai ing only in the or in liner, with Mr. Butts— pondence down hi* knife ami fork, and becoming eloquent priety striking cure it toils owners. This Id, public place | the other we were to find that there no H>- It n ti s on is scarce- ments of the U. S. and England, upon this vety lw was then day. surprised lier than the l»t ol J ry. nk pay ible demand, Su I s, an I the I lull. John M. Butts lias ! a* he warmed ap wiib the subject, day »*ye of Virginia, one o| lie* md whusess a is a of white mules in the State. fur some atd if s*tve moat lend id man ! ever beheld, and such majority 1.478 the b the ly at all. in the most conelu. subject years pan, memory the S| for putting piks beyond hope any resumption in th” <>( the Federal Con- proven his charges, no white and contemplation was a and atich a leader a* legislative body Lantern has 182.074 mules, ol So much for os Mr. Stevenson twitted little by speaker Virginia of relief—to their Pennsylvania resumption. line ol distinc- Hive the tistimonv ol Mr. aright, * I believe I ! prevent any shaping solution, drug's a broad manner, by ver saw in this country, and might say 187.324 white females—being 5.250 in favor of the lias the follow the Bniish f »r taking so high a stand as course si as to c*use an outcry lor the The Maryland Bank Law of Richmond. Va.; also Secretary ia no maa caa know kirn t*d nut tion between an act thus committed by Philip Harrison, | any country! while Western has 189.149 to refuse Great Biitain the of search whilst Ladies; Virginia of the the to ease off the Bunks aud Edward right admire and lov# him. he has bo noble and generous j further extension suspension by ing provision against slaves, und free men, for under n cir- bv Missrs. C. M. Biuxlon all male*, and fi males— a an : France and the other of had i « and is so and honorable in be j 182.421 showing majority He would the Brokkrs o- great power# Europe nature, manly next Legislature. prevent cumstance* could free m* n tv c me p VV. Johnson, of Virginia—therefore, your near aa I can recollect “ it to her. The British I dues." I give the words as of 6,728 against them. and then a curtail- And be it enacted, That it shall be the willingly yielded government extension of discounts Tiiis in the Cteol -. then. | mi inoriulisls view with alarm the danger ! hem, as wne to me. Such is the perty. mutiny in issue liefuie Eu- they repeated Our has always been that emigration the outlie information baa been busy n false impression ment for this by banks, by duty Governor, upon The ir. a oflic r surh anti- presenting of a opponent; can it be called ; purpose is no common mutiny. slaves, of high Cabinet holding testimony political entries off such a number of males to the South and violated this end to be sustained of a before sueb an that Bank of this State has nre rope upon matter, expected ! flaltetvT No, it is but the honest eapression requiring resumption ap- any ihe eye of the slave holding States, American and revolutionary opinion*, of fe- influence of ihe and elevated nature—of a man who hast West, that there would Ire a large majority be m tdu to the the of this act, to direct the in its arrogant claim by the moral | genetous peal could L,jgis!uture. provisions not malefactors, but properly also. and would pray your honor- to an and only respectfully to the tales not to do even opponent, male* in the State ; and hence our surprise at dis- if the to issue a scire facias governments of the old world in opposition justice He argued further, that crops only Attorney-General It be admitted, however, that able the safety of this Union) «%ho ran and admit* noble may body (fur out the appreciate qualities, our error. The ladies do not would forthwith such Bank : voice of America, thus holding covering Virginia were to they against provided, can the resti- severest censure of republican though their possessor be hi* antagonist. A pub- wanting resumption even if Americans demand to pass the Congress were in numbers tothe men; and whether the to or do- 4J»*a that whilst the mooarchies of be to Mr the W lug emulate equal be available at a much earlier day than that refusal pay any foreign can for hav- Europe lic dinner will given Clay by tution of their property, Englishmen upon the Secretary of the Navy a of in the is shall not be considered a vi- to thelf aid in ihe slave members of Congress previous to his departure— males compose majority bitths, State, the 1st of Junuarv, and that therefore it mestic broker laws and willing give suppressing resist it upon the that the avowed such obnoxious doctrines, be “a feast of reason and a flow of a on the ascertain- ground, ing in with freedom in owr it will indeed a question which has bearing wus no in favor of that olation of any the provisions of this act." ill trade, we, America, always argument day. of of nations know no such property, and (or having so dishonorably equivocated sou). _ ment the cause of this If the male u are who will weie obstacles ia the of ______of disparity. Mr. of Norfolk, then made The Brokers the mouths, throw ing way phi Taylor persons that, therefore, this, in the British eye, is regard thereto, and to request the Piesi- be now an amount notes to ihe traffic. CONfrllLSS. and female birth* the same, the difference, out, in which return the It inks of lanthropy, if not desiring favor long speech against slrikirtg upon hut mutiny und no Treaty stipulation dent immediately to remove the Secretary must he deaths the of to embarrass- B it undo r this closk of there «i< In tbe Senate, Mr. Clay'* resolutions in relation existing, produced hy among he combatted of the arguments that will be likely occasion philanthropy, many compels a surrender of the malefactors. of the Navy from the honorable office he this be so, it would be worth we which the • o the TattC and the of tha govern- females—and should Mr. lew indeed of which ment. nonceuled another object, ergo-—yed espendiiure* Hollenian, Thus, the British Government may bede- now hoi !s, and, as in duty, your petition, we a tim. uf has ever been aiming ai. ment, are still under discussion Tha debate so tbo pains to discover what are the causes. Are have noticed. Now is it fair that such mincing, government England I'.-ndtd in their course, no matter how the ers will ever pray. eis in to tho in or or a — end which received its check from tbi* fa. has hi out several of tie first speak account for diffr*renee, climate, diet, Mr.Holloman succeeded, and made id kind of resumption should impose upon strongest ought American Government may look upon the H. McLandburgh, T. G. Fisk, to at the and much new light ihe state »d in to those injunctions of fashion which seriatim to the of the va- our Banks to resume ear- country in the last war,—her attempt giasp Senate, upon slnrery reply arguments any obligation act. Now, though this may be good P. J. Gardner. James Johnson, dominion of the seat. This is thv ulterior the conn »;• commerce, its finance*,—and it* hurry (in the opinion of physician*) thousand* of rious who hud commented up lier than, of what other Bnnks universal tty, gentlemen independent ground of argument in u British newspa- E. M. Roberts, Jnn. Liggett, aim of John Bull in hi* of the wants—has resulted from the consideration of these lemales to the grave, yearly T Who will answer. on his first Indeed his mob do, it may be considered they will he able policy suppressing speech. per, it is good for nothing in an Ameri- Jas. McClintick, D. Ac S. Cliuite, friend-* have the in this t some five too jr., •lave and our whole will now have resolutions, a that tha impractica- Our bachelor power views bad run the gauntb of to resume without severely pressing trad/, country altogether proof can, for we live under a different law and James Clarke, David Thompson, its white reiterated those 7 We think not. We causa to thank Mr. Cass, our Minister to Fiance, ble notion* of of our men are becotn- whole Congressional District—fi»r popu- or six He their debtors sug- many public j speakers. Constitution, to which wa owe obedience. James Palmi r, John Welsh, males to 22 female* ! And them with much firm- to to the above far his efforts to the French government modified to a which indicate* a dispo- 1st ion stand* 24 779 106 views, and defended gest gentlemen compare enlighten inf degree, We propose, however, to examine the James Rowe, J. H. Holcomb, bank mobs shelved a with the real and the true nature of the between u* and sition to look o. thine* a* are. .Messrs. have a ma jority in every county except Clarke ness, that described resumptions upon dispute they really they declaring British view of the question. Robert MeCommcr, Hiram McGowen, — re- on Whilst the matter was of M and of Rhudt as follows : Frederick, 5,579 male*—5 540 fe- of resistance to ssion that bona ft le character of the ihe British this subject. Kvan«, line, Simmonds, Island, spirit oppr> prospective A vessel starts from one American Pert Win. M. Subzbacher. and our own McDowell, Cass a made most excellent and d* male*; Claikc, 1,420 female*; Jef- from the most generous in- Banks, and decide before the Chambers, Mt. published pam- speeches, completely male*—1,447 sprung sumption by for another. Force change* her course, J. A. Mathiss Barman, our Pinto, a of the entire and and duuble-r* fi >ed ah male*—4.342 females; Berkeley, feelings of nature”—which accordingly.—Rich. Compiler. phlet containing history affair, molished Mr. Calhoun bis frrson, 4,931 dependent and lakishertoa British Port, where C. Plntten, Henry Suhxhacher, m females ; males to the resistance to informed the French what the sir actions the of our do- 4 C3I ile*—4,129 Morgan, 2,462 lie tyranny own government design I upon subject protecting compared Florida. — YVe lenrn from St. force takes advantage of its act to II. Sosman, John W. Robey, — Augus- — and 5 706 males— at several to tiio William Tell, and aim of England wi«, and it is to the able man. mestic industry. Their speeches should l>* pub- 1.651 females; Hampshire, epochs into freedom. The Brit- tine dates to the 15lh instant, that Major convert slivery Ceo. Sosman. he the that is to be in all of the 4 997 females. the Jack Cade, whose history he mis. ner in which treated subject, lished find circulated parts country, [for has succeeded in the ish Government undertakes, in justifying in the has took Wat and other rebellions. Plympton capturing — to learn a-crihed in a great measure, the refusal of the that the people might see who are their veritable The retention of power Legislature Tyler’s] the of several Hogan. We are gratified of his fears notorious chief Short Grass, together with this, justification principles French bars to the In all friends those in been a favorite mensur© with the eastern He renew ed the expression from the New York Journal of Commerce Cham ratify treaty. pro- amongst high place*. always his and their Twen- involved in it. mobs were son-in-law families. have an effect The House of i* in the of the State; and we recommend to our that even in :hut the is rid of this se- bability, tins circumstance will upon Representatives engaged portion Virginia—where with their and 1st. That the institution of country fairly and wnich the ty-three settlers, baggage municipal ihe instructions of Lord Ashburton, and considei at ion of Retrenchment in the expenses of western brethren—a« one way to divest them of it so little known, against ■end McLeod. The of Lock deprive and one with his have slavery in the United Stales, is against people port of was so decided—it slaves, family, for them of a deal of tbs tone which the government, besides a of miscellaneous bu —to go over the Ridge and take wive* fiom among sentiment society seem to have been leas gr edy game good peculiar variety crossed the YVithlacoochee on their the luw of nations,—for no matter, though " on would he to the way we know so well how to as-rume, *n their si them ! There is a scarcity of the gentle sex’’ dangerous exasperate liberates ibis time than before—pnrtly, trust, English diplo ness._ to the Hammock to n set 'h>' municipal law of England Annukli/igi open 1 this side of the mountain—and eastern mind the extension of Hunk bus were unw to s* u the milie intercourse. Virginia public by it will not be it cun because they illing MR. SCOTT’S SPEECH. tlement. More tire to follow, some pro. slaves, contended, its to make the de- and the continuance of the evils inter, s'.s tin* »t hnx- To permit the British or any foreign government may readily spare overplus, up pensions thus break the law of nnother great of Country put we a'lall before our readers the hablv to Clear YY'ater harbor, wt st ol municipal Next week, lay We don’t of a vitiated | however t« search our merchant vessel* on the high sea#, is ficit in the western portion of the State. currency. to the law of na- ird to gratify local feelings just of Mr. Scott, of where Fort Harrison was locat- nation, unless, according excellent speech Fauquier, upon After he concluded, the Tampa, m and what the of th« United States would never recommend the celebrated act of the old Romans question hey might think tin ; partly per- people of the Stnte’s share of the ed. This is the first time n settler has tions. the subject receiving on out the 1st of was w;.s a eousent even if there existed the to our friend*—but so illustrious an striking January a because McLeod very expen- to, greatest appa- example might, south of the not* d 21. That this or was imps, Land Fund, which the Lncofocot of to advanced YVithlacoo- mutiny incorruptible we are free to the were decided in the offirinative—78 40. customer to the At rent necessity ; bh them treaty, or matrimonial alliance*: day which there can Fulls ; but as soon as night came hy sum ndered to fensible, on uccounl of Niagara The issue made the for the elections is most now to Major Belknap. by Enquirer if our rec »mmend*tion should be d. it nate upon whut it prudent he retraced his and touk u more • mall armed ships. Several cases of this kind have ■
