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School and Community Newsletter Ph. 523 8860 Email: [email protected] www.maruia.school.nz Raise Achievement - Value Excellence

Term Two Week 1 Wednesday 30 April 2019 Term Dates for 2019 Kahui Ako Leaders Meeting - Nelson 6 May Buller Cross Country 20/23 May National Young Leaders Day (NYLD) 30-31 May ERO Review 17 June Inspire Festival 5-6 September Year 8 Discovery Day – Westport 4 November Term 2 ends Friday 5 July Term 2 Monday 29 April ends Friday 5 July Term 3 Monday 22 July ends Friday 27 September Term 4 Monday 14 October ends no later than 20 December (390 half days) This Week’s Thought “Ko te kotahitanga te iwi – We are united as one family”

AWARDS Miharo: The Miharo is a daily award chosen by the children for the child who is an outstanding role model during the day in the areas of achievement, courtesy, cooperation, collaboration, respect, responsibility and fair play. The recipients of this award for the last week are: Ella Inch, Fletcher Sanders, Toby Inch and Kate Inch Kia ora whanau Thanks Rachel, Natasha and Stacey for your assistance with the swimming in on Friday. The children all put in a great effort and it was awesome to see everyone giving things a go. It was especially good to see them working together in the relays with the children from Sacred Heart. This week I would also like to say a very big and special thank you to Mrs Thomson for all the wonderful learning that you have facilitated with the children this term. The children have really appreciated that and look forward to your day each week. I have truly appreciated your support too this term and thank you for helping me survive what has been a very challenging term. I am sure we will see you back on more occasions but all the best for next term. Yesterday we had a visit from Tim Manawatu, the Buller Rugby Development officer. The children had an hour of fun drills, games and general rugby skills. I would like to thank Laurie from Reefton Rugby Club for organising this and bringing Tim over. Also, thank you Kane for coming and joining us. Miss Ieti showed awesome skills with ball in hand and even Mr King managed to have a few runs during “Rippa.”

TERM TWO BUS TIMES Remember that next term the bus times change again with Frog Flat being first in the morning and afternoon and Springs Junction second. The Frog Flat morning pick up time will be 7:50 am. For Springs Junction the morning pick up will be at approximately 8:30 am. In the afternoon the Frog Flat bus will depart school at 3:00pm and should be at Frog Flat around 3:25pm. It will depart from school in the afternoon for Springs Junction at approximately 3:45pm We will confirm these times again in the first newsletter of next term.

CLASSROOM HAPPENINGS: This week we have finished with swimming and the pool is now closed. The children “celebrated” with a day of swimming at the Reefton Pool last Friday. This week they have been developing their t-ball skills. We have been busy with our reading, writing and maths programmes – creative writing including story planning and graphic novels, spelling and STEPs, group and individual reading instruction, number knowledge, including fractions and decimals for the older children working with Mr King, and Mr King’s group have started learning some things about statistics this week using the weather data they have been collecting all term. Miss Ieti and I will be reviewing each child’s individual learning plan over the holidays and adjusting these for the start of Term 2 with your child. If you would like to have some input to this reflection please do so - a reminder that your child can share these with you at home as they are available online within their Google Apps environment. Our current focus continues to be on reviewing and adding to the children’s understanding about keeping themselves healthy – building on the work they did with Carmen and Harold. EVENTS: Teacher Only Day – On the first day of Term Two, Monday 29 April, there will be a Teacher Only Day for every staff member. This was to be in Murchison but that event has been postponed. Instead, Maruia School staff will meet here at Maruia on the 29th with a focus on Kahui Ako and Term 2 preparation. There will be no school on this day so Term Two begins on Tuesday 30 April for the children.

Cross Country: The annual Buller Schools Cross Country for Year 5-8 children is scheduled to happen on 20 May next term. This is being held in Reefton so look out for more details early next term. Children, keep the training going over the holidays.

National Young Leaders Day: I will be taking 7 Year 6 & 7 children to this day in at the end of May. We have been taking our oldest children to this event for a couple of years now. This year we are likely to be joining up with Sacred Heart and Reefton Area School children for this event. Because of our numbers and the fact that it is an overnight trip, I will need one parent to accompany us this year, preferably a mum to provide support for our girls. Let me know if you are interested in joining us on this trip.

Manson Nichols Hut – Lake Daniells Rebuild: As advised last week, I am talking with DOC about taking a group up to observe the hut rebuild process sometime in Term 2. This will be a day walk to check on progress and we are likely to be accompanied by some children from Reefton Area School.

Hanmer School Camp: At our parent meeting during camp-over we discussed the idea of a camp at Hanmer built around some snow experiences at Mt Lyford. Accommodation is available to us at the Hanmer Forest Camp during the first week in Term 3. I am just waiting for the ski field to get back to us re booking days with them before I confirm dates but it is most likely that we would be looking at the last three days of that first week of Term 3, 24-26 July – before calving gets into full swing.

FROM THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Charter: At last night’s board meeting we discussed and approved the charter for 2019. This is the last year that we are required to have a charter with the emphasis shifting solely to strategic planning from 2020. Early next term the Board will be sending out a survey to help them review and reformulate those plans and also, to give some direction to the review and renewal process getting underway with our school curriculum. We began this process of getting your thoughts with those preliminary discussions we had at the parent meeting during this year’s camp-over. The following are our strategic goals in this year’s charter, which are also connected to those of the Kahui Ako (Well-Being, Belonging and Success): Overarching Strategic Goal 2019 – 2021 For staff, children, parents and Board of Trustees to work together to ensure that “business as usual” continues (Including ongoing focus on goals identified with ERO). “Business as usual” is a phrase arising from our strategic review process and the feedback gained from the community emphasising the wide-spread desire that we continue to:

• Deliver high quality, responsive learning programmes that result in optimum levels of achievement for all children, especially in Reading, Writing and Mathematics • That there is a continued emphasis on building on our culture of a caring, family learning environment where all have a role in nurturing well-being and supporting each other’s learning • That we increasingly involve and make use of our local environment and community in this learning • That we continue to nurture the hauora of all children in our remote rural environment with particular emphasis on social, physical and cultural development. In order to achieve this overarching strategic goal the Board will continue to focus its strategic direction through its “Five Streams of Learning” Learners as Communicators Learners as Thinkers and Contributors Learners as Self-Aware Partners Learners as Healthy People Learners as Partners in Excellence

2019 Triennial Board of Trustees Elections: The period from 17 May 2019 until 21 June 2019 has been gazetted by the Minister as the range of dates for the Board of Trustees Triennial Elections for 2019. The Board of Trustees confirmed that the following timeline will be used for this year’s election. The election date is Friday 7 June 2019 and below are the key events when using this date: EVENT DATE Select Returning Officer by Wednesday 1 May 2019 √ Close Main Roll Noon Wednesday 8 May 2019 Call for Nominations by Friday 10th May 2019 Close Supplementary roll Noon, Wednesday 22 May 2019 Nominations Close Noon Friday 24 May 2019 Voting Papers Sent by Wednesday 29 May 2019 Election Day (voting closes) Noon Friday 7 June 2019 Count Votes Thursday 13 June 2019 Board Takes Office Friday 14 June 2019 Colleen Hunter has been appointed as our returning officer and we thank you for agreeing to do this again for us this year. The Board has also agreed that there will continue to be four elected members. So if you are considering putting your name forward for one of those positions have a chat with one of our current Board members (Peter Brooker – Co-opted Chairperson, Moneka Palmer, Campbell Sanders, Kane Inch and Ricky Inch) or with Colleen. Look out for more information from Colleen early next term.

The main parent roll is on the window at Maruia School. Please check that your name is on it. The roll closes on the 8th May and if needed a supplementary roll will be opened. Nominaltions will be called on the 10 May for 4 parent representatives.

CLASSROOM HAPPENINGS This week some children have continued doing athletics practise while others swim. We have continued helping Miss Ieti get settled into the school and have started getting the children used to routines that involve working with different teachers. A reminder that we are using a collaborative/shared approach to planning and to the learning programme. Miss Ieti is still getting her contact details organised so the best way to check in with her will be while she is at school in the meantime. As well as the usual programme with Reading Writing and Mathematics we have been renewing our routines and work with STEPS. I have started some children on new booklets while others are either catching up their book units with their online activities or vice versa. It is important that they keep these aligned.

I have also been checking children’s “Sticky Tricky” basic facts and spelling words – it has been great to see several children who have been practising hard have their goals adjusted for basic facts and have all or most of their words ticked off. We will have some kowhai trees for sale early next term at $10 a tree. We currently have around 150 seedlings with more to be potted up before the end of this week. POOL KEYS Can all the pool keys be returned as the pool is now closed for the season.

SCHOOL DONATION An invoice will be sent home today with the newsletter for the first instalment of our annual school donation. This is set at $50 a student and a reminder, this is not compulsory. Your donation can be paid directly into the school ASB account: 12-3161-0068667-02

Finally, I will be working off-site tomorrow in Nelson and attending a funeral there in the afternoon. Enjoy family time with your children over the holidays. Take care of one another and share the aroha.

Nga manaakitanga/With best wishes Peter King Principal School Newsletter: We have a newsletter mailing list. If you are not getting one by email and would like to, please e-mail your address to us at: [email protected] NB The newsletter is published on WEDNESDAYS this year however there may be some weeks when that varies. Any items for the newsletter must be at school by Monday, thank you.


NZDAIRY AWARDS WEST COAST & TOP OF THE SOUTH Justine Kelly 3 merit Awards 3rd overall in share farmer of the year. Micheal & Cheryl Shearer Leadership. Alexis Wells Merit Award & finalist Dairy Trainee of the year.

SPRINGS JUNCTION DOMAIN BOARD AGM The Springs Junction Domain Board will hold its AGM on April 16th at 6.00pm at the Alpine Inn Cafe. All welcome to attend for the election of Chairperson, Secretary and board members. Springs Junction Domain Board

MARUIA RURAL WOMEN Please note that there will be no meeting in April the next meeting will be on Thursday 9 May at the Maruia Hall at 1.30pm.

MARUIA PLAYGROUP A note for all new and existing pre school families in the Maruia Valley Please come join us on MONDAYS FROM 10.30 – 1PM at the Maruia Hall Playgroup Room. AN OPPORTUNIY FOR OUR LITTLE ONES IN THE VALLEY TO PLAY, EXPLORE AND INTERACT. Mums come along for a cuppa and chat (you don’t even need little ones! Just come say hi!) Please contact Vicki on 03 523 8872 or 021876590 if you have any questions.

MARUIA CHRISTIAN CENTRE – APRIL 2019 N.B. TIMES FOR THIS MONTH SUNDAY 14TH Service at 2.30 p.m. Sunday 21st Service at 10.30 a.m. ALL WELCOME

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