Our Own Woodstock

Adaptation by

Miles Griffis

Based on the short story “White Angel” by Michael Cunningham Ext- Cemetery - Day Carlton (16) moves through the tombstones shaking his arms loosely, half dancing and half jogging. He is handsome and has a long dirty blond ponytail and a Creedence Clear Water Revival t-shirt and a buckskin jacket. Frisco (9) runs behind Carlton looking at the sky and falls over. He is a cute boy, he has a bowl haircut and wears a red turtleneck. FRISCO I think I’m coming into it!

Carlton looks back at Frisco who is on the ground staring at the snow before him. CARLTON Too soon, man. Stay loose Frisco. You’ll know when the time comes. Frisco looks up into the white sky, now laying on his back. EXT- SKY- DAY

From Frisco’s point of view the snow falls both up and down, spinning as if caught in invisible whirlpools in the sky. FRISCO V.O. I am excited and terrified. We are into some serious stuff.

INT- KITCHEN- DAY Carlton and Frisco sit on high stools. Their MOTHER (45) cooks breakfast with her back turned to them. Carlton covertly opens a small plastic baggie and pulls out two tabs of acid. He rips one in half under the table. He quickly takes his full tab in his mouth and holds out the half tab for his brother. Frisco opens his mouth like he is being given candy. The brothers each drink their orange juice. Frisco makes a face as if the acid tab tastes bad.

FRISCO V.O.(CONT’D) Carlton likes taking risks. But he’s good at risk assessment. He only gives me half a tab, considering my youth.

The mother turns around and serves the boys breakfast, she has no idea her sons just dropped acid. 2.

EXT- GRAVEYARD- DAY (CONT’D) Frisco is standing and leaning into the breath of wind that flurries the snow. FRISCO V.O.(CONT’D) This acid is called windowpane. It is for clarity of vision.So I’m trying to decide whether everything around me seems strange just because of the acid, or just because everything really is strange. A few weeks ago a single-engine plane fell on a family’s house across town. They were watching The Brady Bunch when it happened.

CARLTON Let’s go to the tomb. Carlton begins walking and is studded by snowflakes. Frisco runs after his older brother.


The tomb is massive and contains a pillared verandah. Large cast-iron doors lock the room where the stone casket lies. There are stone cupids on the smooth tiled roof. They are dusted in snow and have mischievous expressions. Carlton slides a tile from the floor of the verandah and pulls out a bottle of Southern Comfort. He takes a pull and hands it to Frisco who takes a small sip. FRISCO Do people still really live there?

CARLTON Man, you gotta stop asking that. I told you, the concert is over. But it’s a new nation, its everywhere. Have faith, little man.

Frisco passes Carlton the bottle of Southern Comfort. A bag of peanut M&Ms blows by. Frisco focuses on it. FRISCO V.O. There is a different country for us to live in. Far far away from Cleveland. A land where the rivers (MORE) (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 3.

FRISCO V.O. (cont’d) don’t catch fire and where I am a new person called Frisco and not Robert. CARLTON How are you feeling man?

FRISCO Great. Everything is itself right now. Everything is- Frisco looks at his hand, confused, but amazed. It is clear he is tripping. FRISCO (CONT’D) Oh!

CARLTON Stay loose, Frisco. There’s not a thing in this pretty world to be afraid of. I’m here. A collection of small birds jump out quickly from the tree nearby. They turn direction at the same time. The tree is bare and they move together in dark shapes. CARLTON (O.S.) I’m here.

INT- LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Hours later, the same day, Frisco and Carlton lie on a couch with the light of the television spastically crackling over them, its audio muffled.

INT- KITCHEN - NIGHT The mother beats beef into patties. The utensils of the kitchen are all a tacky yellow. FRISCO V.O. Our mother teaches kids called "exceptional" which means they know which day of the week their birthday is in the year 2013 but can’t remember to drop their pants when they pee. 4.

INT- LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Carlton and Frisco are laughing on the couch, but not paying attention to the television which is running advertisements. Frisco closes his eyes and the television continues to blare. As he focuses it goes quiet.

FRISCO V.O. Our father is a high school music teacher. He and Carlton never agree on what music is good. I can see him downstairs building a grandfather clock from a kit right now. The sounds of saws and sanding suddenly appear as we look at Frisco, who still closes his eyes. Carlton laughs next to him. INT- BASEMENT- NIGHT We can see the FATHER (50) below the kitchen sanding a large piece of wood. It is clear the father is actually sanding, but Frisco’s drug inspired imagination is showing us the blueprint of his home, with see-through walls and floors. We see a rat running through the narrow walls chewing on the electrical wires. FRISCO V.O. He wants to have something to leave us and for us to pass on. You see it’s just him, our mother, Carlton and me. Between us were several brothers and sisters, weak flames that died in our mother’s womb. We are not a fruitful or many branched line. INT- LIVING ROOM - NIGHT

Frisco opens his eyes and jerks his body rapidly putting his finger over his mouth and looks at his brother. FRISCO Shh!

Carlton has not said anything. Both realize this. Carlton stares at his brother, realizing Frisco is still tripping. There is a brief beat and then both boys share a big chesire cat smile.


MOTHER(O.S.) Boys! Dinner is almost ready. Set the table, please. CARLTON Coming, ma! Both boys whiz up and begin clearing the table. FRISCO V.O. We know the moves cold. Spoon. Fork. Knife. Paper napkins triangled. No one would suspect a thing. And like that it’s set. Carlton walks over to the large glass door.

CARLTON Here come here, little son. Frisco walks over to Carlton at the glass sliding door that looks out onto the blizzard. Snow throws itself at it and the faces of both boys reflects in the glass, their backs to the living room. They are a part of the blizzard. Carlton opens the door and the cold air rushes in. EXT- OUTSIDE - NIGHT Outside there is little sound but the throw of wind and snow. Frisco and Carlton stare out. Carlton squeezes Frisco’s neck affectionately. INT- LIVING ROOM - NIGHT

Carlton whispers into Frisco’s ear- CARLTON You wait, Frisco. Miracles are happening. Fucking miracles.

A slow, uplifting electric guitar riff begins to play over the howl of the snowstorm. FRISCO I believe it.

They linger there for a moment, looking at the storm and we get a point of view from Frisco. The guitar riff continues and the snow glows a bright light blue, a hint that Frisco is still tripping. We stay here for a moment.


MOTHER(O.S.) Boys! Come get your food. EXT- CEMETERY - DAY Snow is melting in the cemetery. It is a warm spring day. Patches of dead grass are becoming exposed. Frisco walks in track pants, a tie dye t-shirt, and big furry snow boots. FRISCO V.O. I’m walking east. By my calculations I’m only three hundred and fifty miles from Woodstock. The sun feels so good and I’m ready for an early nip of southern juice. I’m celebrating my bright bright future today. Miracles are happening and winter is over. EXT- TOMB- DAY Frisco walks up to the tomb and begins to slide the tile that hides the Southern Comfort. He stops as he bends down. He listens. There are moans, ruffling, and dead grass snapping. He slowly creeps around the corner of the tomb. Two people are clearly having sex. It is messy. There are clothes half on and sloppy, smothering kisses. Carlton’s ponytail indicates that it is him. The GIRLFRIEND (17) below him is a thin brunette. They are clearly inexperienced and uncomfortable. Frisco watches for a few seconds and we get a point of view perspective. Carlton focuses on his girlfriend before looking directly at us. He continues his awkward thrusts that are hidden by jackets. He winks his right eye. It is confident and direct. Aimed right at Frisco. EXT- CEMETERY - DAY

Frisco runs home as fast as he can. He jumps over tombstones and leaps the fence of the cemetery. He looks like he may cry. INT- BEDROOM - DAY

Frisco sits on his bed cross legged and listens to a vinyl that spins on a table. He is still visibly upset. The album cover is out next to it, it is Neil Young’s "After the Goldrush". Playing is the chorus of "Only Love Can Break Your Heart".


Carlton comes in without knocking. His girlfriend leans silently in the doorway listening to the music in her own world. CARLTON Hey little man. I hope I didn’t freak you out. I wanted you to know I’m so happy my brother was there at my deflowering. When I saw you, it made it real. So real, man. I want to be at yours too. Nine is too old to be a virgin. We’ll get you laid soon, man. Frisco sits silently. Carlton puts his hand on Frisco’s shoulder and then squeezes his neck. Frisch looks at him with big eyes.

FRISCO Really? CARLTON Really. Now we (pointing at girlfriend) are going to go meet up with some friends at Frank’s but we’ll be back tonight for Mom and Dad’s party. We’re gonna make it our own, little man.

Carlton winks at Frisco. Frisco smiles. Carlton leaves the room with his girlfriend. Frisco gets up and dances on his bed, by himself, to the Neil Young record that is still playing.

INT- FRONT ENTRANCE - NIGHT People talk throughout the house which is decorated in optimistic streamers. Frisco is the only child in the house. He is at the front entrance, just before the living room. He is taking coats and fetching drinks. Old women kiss him on the cheek and men give him handshakes. FRISCO V.O. Our parents have a party to celebrate the end of winter. It was a long and bitter one my Mom said. The first wild daises are poking up next to the graves. There is a knock on the door. Frisco goes to answer it and the party continues to lull in conversation and conservative folk music.


The door opens and standing in the awning are Carlton, his girlfriend, and six other friends. Three are boys and three are girls. They are all sixteen to seventeen. They are sly-eyed and dressed in bell bottoms, fringe, and flowers they have picked from lawns. They all have wild and long hair. GIRLFRIEND Hi, Bobby. FRISCO Hi. FRISCO V.O. I have the urge to lock the door and phone the police. It is my job to take care of the door after all. But they walk in and invade the party. INT- LIVING ROOM - NIGHT The party takes up the entire living room and kitchen which are connected. There are extra folding chairs set up for people to sit. There is wine, beer, and many different snacks on various tables. A record table turns playing the adults’ music. Carlton dances over to the turntable with a box and picks through it before taking off the adults’ record, mid song, and replacing it with the Doors. All goes quiet when he puts on the music. They resume talking when it starts and some adults eventually catch hold of the beat.

MONTAGE The montage occurs simultaneously as Frisco speaks- FRISCO V.O. Carlton has arranged a blind date between our parent’s friends and his own. It’s a Woodstock move. He is plotting a future in which young and old have business together. The future shines for everyone, rich with the possibility of more nights like this. -Carlton’s girlfriend cuts straight through the crowd and dances rhythmically and confidently. She is beautiful and sexy. Everyone watches her take over the party. She wears a red headband and has stunning eyes.


-Frisco maneuvers and sneaks about the party downing the remainders of wine and gin and tonics. He becomes tipsy. -FRANK (16), Carlton’s friend, dances with the mother of Carlton and Frisco. She lets loose. The scene of the adults and youth dancing continues.

It is clear some of the adults are a little drunk as many of the women laugh wildly as the young men dance with them. Frisco walks over to his brother and occupies the side not taken up by the girlfriend. Carlton’s friends surround him as the party continues. FRISCO Shit this is some miracle huh Carlton?

All of Carlton’s friends laugh cruelly at Frisco and Carlton joins in. Frisco’s face sinks when he realizes he’s embarrassed himself. Carlton continues laughing and says sarcastically-

CARLTON You bet, little man. INT- LIVING ROOM COUCH- NIGHT Frisco is asleep on the edge of a couch. His mother approaches from behind, the party is still in swing. She touches his shoulder and whispers- MOTHER It’s hours past your bedtime.

FRISCO No! MOTHER (Smiling) Yes.

FRISCO No. MOTHER (Sternly) Yes.

Frisco runs to Carlton and hugs his waist in protection. CARLTON Whoa!


MOTHER Say goodnight to Bobby, Carlton. It’s much past his bedtime. GIRLFRIEND Goodnight, baby. She smiles and combs the hair behind Carlton’s ear with her thin fingers. FRISCO No! Please. Carlton! CARLTON Sorry, man. Night. Carlton puts his hand on his girlfriend’s waist. Frisco and Carlton’s father arrives and picks up Frisco. He carries him up the stairs. Frisco screams and shouts. INT- BEDROOM - NIGHT Frisco lies awake in his bed in his pyjamas. His night light glows blue. He can hear the music and conversation. FRANK (O.S.) Hey! Did you guys see that? There was a flying saucer outside!

Frisco quickly gets up and creeps down the stairs. Everyone, adults and youth, have gone through the glass sliding door outside into the spring night. They all look up at the sky. They begin to filter back in. Frisco hides in the hallway watching. Everyone enters and one of the adults closes the sliding glass door. The party resumes though has lost steam since its origins. People are quieter and the music has become slower.

EXT- CEMETERY - NIGHT Carlton looks at the moon and sky above him. He looks into the party from far away and smiles. He sees his parents kissing. He sees his girlfriend dancing slowly and beautifully by herself. 11.

EXT- BACKYARD- NIGHT He hops the fence of the graveyard and runs through his backyard at a sprint excited to join the party. INT- HALLWAY - NIGHT

Frisco watches as Carlton runs towards the closed glass door. He opens his mouth as if to speak, but doesn’t say anything.

INT- LIVING ROOM - NIGHT The girlfriend looks out the glass door and sees Carlton running just meters away. She shrieks a warning. The entire party is alarmed and looks just in time to catch Carlton erupting through the glass. The noise is a loud OOMPH followed by the delicate fall of colliding pieces. People scream among the silence of the shocked room. Carlton falls forward into his girlfriend and they crash to the ground with the girlfriend on top. Carlton looks at his girlfriend and finds a shard of glass in his neck. He pulls it out and blood begins to flow. It gets darker by the second. Carlton’s mother launches herself onto his body, she puts her arms around Carlton ignoring the girlfriend.

MOTHER Are you alright? Carlton! Carlton! Carlton’s face is in a light and confused smile. He is stunned and he is fading quickly. People scream out classic emergency advice and someone is on the dial phone with 911. The mother and father try to plug the holes with their hands but the blood flows through. FATHER It’s alright. It’s alright. Don’t move. It’s alright.

MOTHER Is anyone doing anything?! Jim! The girlfriend leans in and whispers in Carlton’s ear. She holds him as tightly as she can. The parents scuttle over them in panic and Carlton goes limp. Neil Young’s song "After the Goldrush" begins to play and continues into the next scene.


EXT- CEMETERY - DAY Frisco walks. He wears a red hat and a buckskin jacket, far too big for him. He is in the same spot in the cemetery that Carlton stood in before his death.

FRISCO V.O. We are living in a future that’s turned out differently than we planned. Our mother has established her life of separateness behind the guest room door. Our father barely says words. A plane goes by overhead and Frisco looks up at it. FRISCO V.O. The girlfriend cried so hard at the funeral she had to be taken away by her mother. At least she had protected herself by trying to warn him. I thought he would just bump his nose.

Frisco walks toward the tomb. The plane in the sky makes a jet stream overhead. The third verse of "After the Goldrush" plays as Frisco walks off into the cemetery until we no longer see him.