Open Discussion on Immediate Party Tasks

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Open Discussion on Immediate Party Tasks Wednesday, November 26, 1924 THE DAILY WORKER Page Three Open Discussion on Immediate Party Tasks The»i» on tho Political Situation and in the elections, the reactionary offi- workers and poorest sections of the th# Immediate Tasks of tha cialdom of the A. V. of Lb may now be farmers, is definitely out of the range Workers Pary. SUMMARY OF THE C. E. C. THESIS ON expected to try to convince the work- ISSUE LETTER ON ORGANIZATION AND of practical politics for the immediate ers that even the middle-class revolt future. Submitted by Foster, Cannon, Blttel- THE ECONOMIC AND THE POLITICAL and its organization into an indepen- CONDUCT OF THE PARTY DISCUSSION 8. The United Front and Our La- man, Browder, Dunno, Berman, I dent third party is hopeless, and that bor Party Tactics. they non-par- Abern SITUATION AND THE TASKS OF must return to the old Federation and City this meeting, which was held on We accept the conception of tho tisan tactics, which means to go to the Secretaries Central Committees on tbs organ- ths eve of ths full C. E. C. meet- united front tactics as outlined and tHE of old party councils, ECONOMIC SITUATIOM^ THE WORKERS PARTY OF AMERICA back door the ization and oonduot of tha party ing where theses were to be con- Interpreted by the Fifth Congress of beg 1 The Dawes plan and the victory there to for crumbs In the time- discussion. To be read at the next sidered and ths discussion officially the Communist International. We I* honored Gompersian manner. of reaction in the elections, with 1 Sharpening of the Class Stryg- on Its own platform, under Its own regular meetings of these commit- opened, an attempt was made to look upon the tactiCß of the united meeting the election of Coolidge and Dawes, " name, in the elections. To pene- 4. The C. P- P. A. and the Socialist tees thruout the party. force the to an Immediate front as a means of exposing the gle. This Is the period of the political hAt* raised the morale of the capitalist trate the P. P. A. (labor wing of Party. decision on our central treachery of the trade union reaction- capitallem. The chaos C. COMRADEB:—It la the class in the United States but have not decline of the LaFollette movement) means endorsing La- problem. This attempt was bitter- aries, class collaborationists, and In the candidacy of intention of the Central Execu- the reversed of the fac- of the capitalist system In Europe In the "third Dear ly resented by another section of of win- any fundamental participation party,” Follette the C. P. P. A. has merely tive Committee that In pre- social patriots, and as a means Is gradually extending Itself to this ths masting whloh Insisted upon a tors characterising the present period whloh Is absolutely unallowable. continued Its old policy of political convention period the ning over the masses for the struggle America. But In the United States party mem- study of ths theses and a more of decline of world capitalism. The the Workers collaboration with the so-called "pro- against capitalism under the leader- capitalism Is still strong, and la 6. Bolehevlzation of bership be given the widest pos- thoro discussion before coming to conflicts already appearing between In the diffioult period of gressive group” in congress. The C. P. dls- ship of the Communist Party, in struggling desperately against the Party. sible opportunity to study and decision. The result was com- the United States, Great Britain, and first P. A. fuctlonlng as the a to short, the means of build- forces of dissolution. All predict- class struggle just ahead, the has been labor ouss all phases of ths central prob- pletely demoralize the meeting, to as central Prance, over the application oh the necessity Bolshevik party. wing of the LaFollette movement It confronting ing the Workers Party into the masa able factors point, however, to an Is a real lem at present ths divert attention from the main Dawes plan, demonstrate the inability Party made remains the dominant lapor wing of Party of America. immediate downward plunge of The Workers must be Workers Party, in order that ths questions of polloy to questions of Communist of capitalism restore the world party. must LaFollette which to American industry, overcoming the Into suoh a It be the the movement, is whole party membership may be parliamentary procedure and tech- Three years ago our party adopted market. The process of disintegra- leading figure In every struggle of also subject pressure by the present slight upward tendency. It to Gom- able to arrive at a mature and well nic, and to finally break up the the position that a labor party policy is to produce workers; It must educate Its tion continues and bound Is not possible to prediot how mueh the pers machine. The C. P. P. A. was considered judgment before pass- meeting in disorder. was the only way of applying the tac< sharpening further crises with further capitallem can overcome the crisis members in Marxism and Lenin- humbled by the results of the election, ing final decision. tics of the united front to the political ism; It must completely reorganise Similar attempts will inevitably of the class struggle. with its present artificial program which fall below its expectations, yet To this end, for the most thoro conditions of America. To this de- Itself on the basis of shop nuclei; produce similar results. The Cen- 2. A year ago the United States of great building operations, be- it will continue the alliance with La- and widespread discussion In the party by the It must be monolithic party, hewn tral Executive Committee therefore cision our was moved had entered upon a period of economic cause, not being based upon normal a Follette and will remain one of the history of the party, the Central of piece, prohibiting fractions, calls upon all party committees to following considerations: The exlst- depression, which our party foresaw Investment for profit, It Is not one forces pushing the movement in the Executive Committee is making groupe, and tendencies; It must so organize and conduct the discus- ance of the strong mass movement in (Sept. 1923—resolution on economic measurable. All known and pre- direction of a third, petty-bourgeois, ample provisions to give the mem- party make relentless struggle against sion as to prevent the occurrence the direction of a farmer-labor situation for the Trade Union Educa- dictable faotors Indicate renewed party. bership full opportunity to familiar- number of opportunism in all Its forms within anywhere in ths party of incidents as evidenced by a large tional League conference) and which crisis, unemployment, and sharpen- The socialist party, which up to ize themselves with the points of state farmer-labor parties, the Workers Party, against the 2/t of this kind. local and we correctly Judged to mark a crislß ing of the class struggle. July, 1924, was trying to retain a view of the minority as well as that International tendency, represented Ws are enclosing herewith a and also by the formation of the C. P. in American economlo life (third con- certain measure of independence as a of the Central Executive Commit- 2. Party Movement in the group around the Volkszel- copy of a C. E. C. resolution on the P. A., which we interpreted as the re- vention, Workers Party and March political party, tee. Merges In LaFollette “third party." tung, as well as against the more has since then almost party discussion. This resolution, sult of this same mass pressure to- 1924 thesis of C. E. C.) The develop- completely merged with a guarantee dlsous- The outstanding change In the Insidious and menacing danger of the C. P. P As that the together with this letter, must be wards independent political action. We ment of this crisis followed the ex- A. in the political situation le the appear- farmer-laboriam in our ranks. LaFollette movement. Th*: sion will be carried on In a con- ths guide of all responsible party also realized that, unlike the Commun- pected course up until Sept., 1924, ance of the LaFollette petty bour- socialist party has practically ceased structive manner, the Central Exe- 6. No Substitutes for the Work- committees during the party dis- ist Parties of Europe, our task was except for a short period of slight re- geois alliance and the merging with to exist as an independent politics cutive Committee considers it nec- ers Party. Nothing can replace the cussion. The discussion must be as not to win away the masses from covery in the first quarter of 1924. In it of the farmer-labor party move- party. It will support essary to lay down some general Workers Party either the leader the formation thoro and complete as possible. All reformist mass political parties speak- the month of August more than 2,000,- ment. This le the American ex- as of the petty-bourgeois principles regarding the conduct of of the proletarian revolution or as party under party members must be given full ing in the name of labor, because 000 workers were unemployed as the pression of the “demooratlo-paoi- the phraseology party.” ths discussion for the advice and the practical leader In the every- of a "labor opportunity to hear and discuss all there were none at that time in the result of this crisis. fist" period, of Illusion on the part guidance of all party committees, day struggle. The Idea that a 6. The Bourgeois Wing of the La- points of view and to freely express United States, but to compel ths re- expected low point In the of the rebelling workers that their which will be responsible to the 3.
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