Lithological and Structural Control on Italian Mountain Geoheritage: Opportunities for Tourism, Outdoor and Educational Activities

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Lithological and Structural Control on Italian Mountain Geoheritage: Opportunities for Tourism, Outdoor and Educational Activities IRENE BOLLATI ET AL. QUAESTIONES GEOGRAPHICAE 37(3) • 2018 LITHOLOGICAL AND STRUCTURAL CONTROL ON ITALIAN MOUNTAIN GEOHERITAGE: OPPORTUNITIES FOR TOURISM, OUTDOOR AND EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES IRENE BOLLATI1, PAOLA CORATZA2, VALERIA PANIZZA3, MANUELA PELFINI1 1Department of Earth Sciences "Ardito Desio", University of Milan, Italy 2Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy 3Department of History, Human Sciences and Education, University of Sassari, Italy Manuscript received: March 6, 2018 Revised version: July 13, 2018 BOLLATI I., CORATZA P., PANIZZA V., PELFINI M., 2018. Lithological and structural control on Italian mountain geoheritage: opportunities for tourism, outdoor and educational activities. Quaestiones Geographicae 37(3), Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań, pp. 53–73. 4 figs, 1 table. ABSTRACT: Mountain landscapes are generated by the interplay of endogenous and exogenous processes, whose recip- rocal importance changes over times. The Italian relief reflects a high geomorphodiversity and an overview on iconic mountain landscapes, representative of the lithological-structural diversity of the Italian relief, is presented. The study cases, located along Alps and Apennines and in the Sardinia island, are exemplary for the comprehension of the role of the substratum in shaping mountain landscapes and of the deriving risk scenario. Moreover, mountain landscapes are characterized by a high potential for use in terms of: i) ideal open-air natural laboratories for multidisciplinary educational purposes including geological-geomorphological, historical and ecological topics; ii) possibility of spe- cific outdoor activities that take advantage of outdoor sports (e.g., climbing, canyoning, speleology). These feasible and versatile opportunities favour the enhancement of such environments under different perspectives as well as the involvement of local communities and the socio-economic return deriving from mountain geoheritage management. KEY WORDS: Italian relief, lithostructural landscapes, geomorphosites, outdoor activities Corresponding author: Irene Bollati, [email protected] Introduction and aims the range of a few kilometres in complex structur- al contexts like those of the two main mountain Italy is a country with a great variety of beauti- chains of the Italian peninsula, the Alps and the ful and highly scenic landscapes deeply connected Apennines (Bigi et al. 1990). These two main rang- with the lithological-structural diversity and the es are elongated spreading mainly from West to long-term modelling action of exogenous and en- East and from North to South respectively, cov- dogenous processes, whose reciprocal importance ering a great part of the national territory and be- has changed over times (Soldati, Marchetti 2017). ing characterised by different climatic conditions, The wide latitudinal extent of the Italian territory from the Alpine to the Mediterranean morphocli- and the articulated altitudinal ranges are mainly matic environments. Since morphosculptures are responsible for a marked climatic diversity which strictly controlled by geological structures and li- plays a fundamental role in making Italy a country thology, on which surface processes act, being in with such a great landscape variability (i.e. geomor- turn mainly climate related and/or climate condi- phodiversity sensu Panizza 2009, see also Melelli et tioned, in the most sensitive areas climate change al. 2017). Different lithologies may outcrop within impacts are very acute and play a fundamental © 2018 Author(s) This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license doi: 10.2478/ quageo-2018-0025 ISSN 0137-477X, eISSN 2081-6383 54 IRENE BOLLATI et AL. role in landscape shaping and evolution. Among look at the surrounding landscape, and hence these sensitive areas, mountain environments are suitable for interpretation of scenery. Recent dec- particularly vulnerable to disturbance and prone ades have witnessed an exponential growth of to change, (Beniston 2003, Garavaglia et al. 2010, scientific interest and, consequently, of research Reynard, Coratza 2016). Considering water action on geomorphosites located in mountain areas in different physical states, it is possible to inves- (i.e. mountain geomorphosites) (Reynard, Coratza tigate changes in the climate-related processes 2016, Bollati et al. 2017a, b), as part of geoheritage along altitudinal transects on reliefs character- (sensu Osborne 2000). ized by altitude variations. Areas at the higher Mountain environments, due to their peculiar altitudes are mainly characterized by glacial and characteristics, provide key sites for the compre- periglacial processes and landforms, while run- hension of Earth surface evolution through space ning water action prevails in glacier forelands, and time (Reynard, Coratza 2016), while also of- in areas at lower altitudes and characterized by fering a great potential for the development and milder climate (e.g. Bollati et al. 2017a). Where promotion of tourism and leisure activities by glacial and karst processes combine, some of the planning ideal outdoor laboratories with scien- most spectacular landscapes are generated, like tific and educational purposes (e.g. Pelfini et al. those characterizing the most eastern portion of 2016). Detailed analysis aimed at identifying and the Alps (e.g. Cucchi, Finocchiaro 2017). Instead, quantifying different values characterizing geo- at lower altitudes where, for example, widespread morphosites (see a review by Brilha 2016, Bollati shales outcrop along the Apennines, badlands (i.e. et al. 2017b, Brilha 2018, Coratza, Hoblea 2018), calanchi in Italian, Bucciante 1922) are common for the selection of the most valuable ones both and popular, while on the Alps impressive earth for conservation and promotion purposes, are pyramids have been modelled on glacial hetero- currently becoming mandatory. If the aesthet- metric deposits (Bollati et al. 2017a) being distinct ic value represents the fundamental value for features within the Italian landscape (e.g. Bollati raising interest towards the physical landscapes, et al. 2016a). among the values usually assessed through spe- Besides the main mountain ranges, Italian is- cific methodologies there are also the scientific, lands are characterized by other kind of moun- including the ecologic support role, the cultural tainous relief, often linked with active or relict and the socio-economic values. volcanic activity (e.g. Mount Etna and Aeolian Moreover, potential for use of each site may islands in Sicily, Giare plateaux in Sardinia), or include the possibility of practicing various out- with large outcrops of granitic (Mount Capanne on door activities (e.g. climbing, canyoning or spe- the Elba Island) and calcareous (Tavolara island in leology) (Bollati et al., 2016b, 2017b), linked with Sardinia) massifs and where also the articulated geomorphological features and based on litho- coastal landforms increase in importance (e.g. logical and structural variety. Outdoor activities, Lucchi et al. 2017). field works, field trips are in fact considered very Geosites are defined asportions of the geosphere important for getting in touch with Geosciences that present a particular importance for the compre- (e.g. Sturani et al. 2018 and references herein). hension of Earth history (Reynard 2004). Among Concerning climbing, this diversity deeply affects the different type of geosites, geomorphosites routes styles and difficulty (i.e. climb-diversity; (Panizza 2001), i.e. sites of special geomorpholog- Bollati et al. 2014, 2016b, García-Rodríguez et al. ical significance, are often the most spectacular. 2017). As indicated by Gray (2013), rock climbing Geomorphosites may be essentially single, isolat- sites – but this concept may encompass in gener- ed landforms (e.g. a waterfall, an erratic boulder, al outdoor activities – may be considered, in fact, etc.) or groups of landforms encompassing fairly producers of abiotic ecosystem services (i.e. 17. large geomorphological landscape (Grandgirard Cultural services, Geotourism and leisure) deriving 1997, Reynard 2009a, b) and their outlines can from their geodiversity. In the case of canyoning, take various forms and trends (Coratza and fluvial modelling and structural conditions allow Hobléa 2018). Recently, Migoń and Pijet-Migoń the formation of different streams morphologies (2017) proposed a new category of geosites, i.e. suitable for different types of canyon exploration viewpoint geosite, as localities which offer a wider (Ortega-Becerril et al. 2017), while turbulence of LITHOLOGICAL AND STRUCTURAL CONTROL ON ITALIAN MOuntain GEOHERITAGE 55 water-flow controls sport feasibility (Panizza, An overview on some iconic mountain land- Manca 2006). Finally, in the case of speleology, scapes, that may be considered hot-spots of Italian in presence of soluble bedrocks generating en- geomorphodiversity, will be presented in this pa- dokarst systems, this outdoor activity, in the edu- per. The structural and lithological heterogeneity cation perspective, may be very diversified (Schut together with the different types of climate, that 2006, De Waele 2010, Ballesteros et al. 2015). underpin such a diversity of landscapes and the This possibility of educational versatile ap- development of a rich and varied tourist offer, proaches, including outdoor activities, favours especially when linked with outdoor activities, also the
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