Stormwater Management Program Plan

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Stormwater Management Program Plan TOWN OF GLENVILLE SCHENECTADY COUNTY, NEW YORK Stormwater Management Program Plan For coverage under the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewers (MS4s) General Permit No. GP-0-15-003 November 4, 2019 Updated: Contents Section 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1 Section 2: Regulatory Background ................................................................................................................ 2 2.1 Designation ......................................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Receiving Waterbodies ....................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 Pollutants of Concern .......................................................................................................................... 4 2.4 Maps.................................................................................................................................................... 4 Section 3: Legal Authority and Enforcement ................................................................................................ 9 Section 4: Program Implementation ........................................................................................................... 10 4.1 Town Staff ......................................................................................................................................... 10 4.2 Inter-municipal Partnerships ............................................................................................................ 11 Section 5: Controls to Reduce Pollutants to the Maximum Extent Practicable ......................................... 11 MCM 1 – Public Education and Outreach ............................................................................................... 11 MCM 2 – Public Involvement .................................................................................................................. 17 MCM 3 – Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) .................................................................. 19 MCM 4 – Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control ........................................................................ 24 MCM 5 – Post-construction Stormwater Management ......................................................................... 26 MCM 6 – Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations.............................. 30 TWO YEAR PLAN...................................................................................................................................... 35 Section 6: Program Evaluation .................................................................................................................... 37 6.1 Annual Compliance Evaluation ......................................................................................................... 37 6.2 BMP Modification ............................................................................................................................. 37 FIGURES Figure 1: Map of MS4s of Schenectady County Figure 2: Map of Town of Glenville Figure 3: Town of Glenville Zoning Map Figure 4: Town of Glenville areas with municipal sewer service Figure 5: Map of Great Flats Aquifer Region TABLES Table 4.1 Town Staff and Stormwater Activity Table 5.6 Town Facilities Two-Year Plan APPENDICES Appendix 1 Acronyms Appendix 2 Definitions Appendix 3 Copy of Current MS4 General Permit Appendix 4 Submitted NOI and Acknowledgement Letter Appendix 5 Annual Reports Appendix 6 Facility Procedures Appendix 7 Construction Site (SWPPP) Process and Responsibility Information Appendix 8 Forms Outfall Reconnaissance Inventory Field Form Incident Report Notice of Alleged Violation Municipal Facility Operation Assessment Form Construction Site Inspection Form Post-Construction Site Inspection Form Section 1: Introduction The Town of Glenville’s Stormwater Management Program Plan has been developed in compliance with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (GP-0-15-003). This plan provides policy and management guidance to the various departments within the Town of Glenville for the purposes of compliance with the General Permit (GP). The Stormwater Management Plan is based on the Federal Stormwater Phase II Rule, issued in 1999, which requires municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) owners and operators in U.S. Census defined urbanized areas to develop a Stormwater Management Program. There are six program elements designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable. The program elements, titled Minimum Control Measures (MCMs), include: 1. Public Education and Outreach 2. Public Involvement/Participation 3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) 4. Construction Site Runoff Control 5. Post-construction Stormwater Management 6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Each MCM and the Best Management Practices (BMPs) that have been implemented to maintain compliance with the NYSDEC Stormwater GP are described in this plan. For each BMP, responsibilities to achieve and sustain compliance are clearly defined. Portions of the work necessary are provided through the collective efforts of several Town of Glenville Departments, especially the Department of Public Works/Highway, Building Department and Planning Department, along with cooperation in the Schenectady County Water Quality Coordinating Committee members. Stormwater management work is overall the responsibility of Town of Glenville’s designated Stormwater Management Officer. Certain components of this program have been codified into local law. Refer to the Town of Glenville’s Local Law Chapter 235, Storm Sewers for prohibition of illicit discharges, activities and connections to separate storm sewer systems. Refer to the Town of Glenville’s Local Law Chapter 270, Zoning, Article XI, Stormwater Management and Erosion Control. This Stormwater Management Program Plan should be reviewed on an annual basis and updated continuously to take into consideration the latest technologies and information to maintain compliance with the NYSDEC Stormwater General Permit. 1 Section 2: Regulatory Background Stormwater is water flow caused by precipitation (rain and/or snow melt) that flows across the land surface and runs into waterways, instead of being absorbed into the soil. In developed areas, roads, parking lots and buildings create impervious surfaces through which water cannot enter the soil, but instead runs off in greater volumes and speeds than it would otherwise. Stormwater runoff is often transported across cities and towns and discharged into local rivers and streams without treatment. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) established a stormwater management program that is intended to improve the Nation’s waterways by reducing the quantity of pollutants that stormwater picks up and carries into storm sewer systems during storm events. Common pollutants include oil and grease from roadways, pesticides from lawns, nutrients, sediment from construction sites, and carelessly discarded trash, such as cigarette butts, paper wrappers, and plastic bottles. When deposited in nearby waterways these pollutants can impair the waterways, discouraging recreational use of the resource, contaminating drinking water supplies and interfering with the habitat for fish, other aquatic organisms, and wildlife. In 1990, as required by the provisions of the Clean Water Act (CWA), USEPA promulgated rules establishing Phase I of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater program. The Phase I program for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) required operators of “medium” and “large” MS4s, those that generally serve populations of 100,000 or greater, to implement a stormwater management program as a means to control discharges of polluted stormwater from these MS4s. NPDES permitting authorities in each state could also designate additional regulated MS4s due to interconnections with neighboring medium and large MS4s. Phase II of the NPDES stormwater program was finalized in 1999. This second phase required permitting of point source discharges of stormwater from regulated small MS4s. A small MS4 was regulated if located wholly or partially in urbanized areas (UAs), with a residential population of at least 50,000 and an overall population density of at least 1,000 people per square mile, or as designated by the NPDESS permitting authority in each state. 2.1 Designation In New York State, the Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) is the delegated NPDES permitting authority and implements a State Pollutant Discharge Elimination Permit (SPDES) Program. Pursuant to the Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) Article 17, Titles 7, 8 and Article 70, the NYSDEC issued a SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from MS4s, effective January 8, 2003. General Permit GP-02-02, authorized operators of small MS4s to discharge to Waters of the United States in accordance with the conditions and requirements of the permit. Regulated small MS4s were required to submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to obtain general
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