The Peril of the Republic of the United States of America
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© 2016 Adventist Pioneer Library 37457 Jasper Lowell Rd Jasper, OR, 97438, USA +1 (877) 585-1111 Originally published in 1899 by Fleming H. Revell Company. Published in the USA June, 2016 ISBN: 978-1-61455-046-4 THE PERIL OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES PERCY T. MAGAN, Ph. B. If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could better judge what to do, and how to do it.—LINCOLN Chicago New York Toronto FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY PUBLISHERS OF EVANGELICAL LITERATURE 4 | The Peril of the Republic of the United States of America PERCY TILSON MAGAN (1867-1947) CONTENTS The Peril of the Republic of the United States 3 Preface 9 Chapter 1 — A Nation’s Birthright 11 The United States comes into existence over a principle—All men created equal—“Consent of the governed” doctrine—Declaration of Independence one of great general principles—Comments on the Declaration by Charles Sumner—The Roman theory of unlimited power—The European theory of unlimited power—The American theory of limited power—Opinion of John Quincy Adams— Thackeray on the painting in the rotunda—The American principle of government—The Bible doctrine of government—God and the nations Chapter 2 — The Crisis of ‘61 23 The American Civil war a contest over a great principle— Lincoln’s great Gettysburg speech—The Declaration means just what it says—Lincoln’s ideas of the Declaration—Judge Douglas’s ideas of the Declaration—The ideas of the Fathers of the nation concerning the meaning of the Declaration of Independence— Thomas Jefferson on slavery—James Madison on slavery—A house divided against itself can not stand Chapter 3 — A War for Humanity’s Sake 33 The nation as it issued from the Civil war—The sorrows of Cuba—Causes of the revolution in Cuba—Sufferings of the Cuban people—The causes of their sufferings—Declaration of war against Spain by the United States—Reasons for the war— Not for the increase of territory—Forcible annexation, criminal aggression 6 | The Peril of the Republic of the United States of America Chapter 4 — A Chapter in Criminal History 43 The beginnings of Spain—Visigoths become Roman Catholics—The Saracens arrive in Spain—Magnificent civilization of the Spanish Saracens—Their houses, gardens, and libraries, and contributions to science—Their learning contrasted with papistical learning— The Saracens conquered by the Spaniards—The Spaniards attempt to convert the Saracens—Odious persecutions—Expulsion of the Saracens from Spain—Degradation of Spain Chapter 5 — The Spanish Inquisition 55 The secret reason for the Inquisition—Everything based on the Bible—Treatment of the Albigenses—Stories circulated concerning the Jews—Position of Queen Isabella—Ideas of King Ferdinand—Evidences that a Jewish conversion was not sincere—The hall of torture—Modes of torture—Why the people of Cuba and the Philippine Islands rebelled against Spain Chapter 6 — “The Council of Blood.” 65 Free spirit of the Hollanders—Crimes of Charles the Fifth in Holland—Philip the Second and Bloody Mary—The Edict of 1550—Fearful persecutions—William the Silent—Hollanders flee to England, and the commerce of Holland declines—The preachers of the Reformation—Field preaching under guard— Camp-meetings in Holland—Composition of the Council of Blood—Deeds of the Council of Blood—All the inhabitants of Holland condemned to death—The siege of Leyden—Relief of Leyden—Founding of the Dutch Republic Chapter 7 — American Imperialism—National Apostasy 83 Why Spain was conquered—Why America was chosen to conquer her—The setting sun of Spanish glory—An Old World power is driven from Cuba, but an Old World idea invades the United States—The doctrine that might makes right—The doctrine that right makes might—American Imperialism—The Declaration of Independence mocked at—The forcible annexation of the Philippines—A. D. 1899 ideas of the Declaration—Jefferson opposed to conquest—Ideas of John Fiske—James G. Blaine on wars of conquest—Macaulay on colonial empires—The American Revolution a war against the colonial system—Supreme Court Contents | 7 opinion versus United States dependencies—The national records opposed to dependencies, in the organization of the Northwest Territory, treaty of cession with France over Louisiana purchase, in the treaty of Washington over the Floridas, in the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo over California, Nevada, etc., and in the Gadsden and Alaskan purchases—A change of front on the “government by consent” doctrine—The purchase of the Philippines—Recent opinions on the “consent of the governed” doctrine—In the track of King George—Grand words from Carl Schurz—Criminal aggression—Can the government endure half citizen, half colonial?—The command, “Silence!”—Liberty at the point of the bayonet—Lord Macaulay on slavery in the West Indies—Is history a fable? Chapter 8 — Manifest Destiny 113 What is manifest destiny?—God’s dealings with the nations—The case of Nebuchadnezzar—The Most High ruleth in the kingdoms of men—Story of the Philippine revolt against Spain—Cruelties of the Spaniards—Aguinaldo and the Americans—The great seal of the United States—Opinions of George Francis Adams— Principles born at Lexington and buried at Manila—Admiral Dewey’s estimate of the Filipinos—Can the Filipinos be made good American citizens?—Is it a Christian duty for the United States to forcibly annex the Philippines?—Christ and civil government—“The Bible in one hand and the shotgun in the other” doctrine—Is the United States a Christian nation?—Militarism and democracy—God uses nations as instruments—The case of Assyria—“My Country, 1899”—The Recessional Ode—The task of the forefathers and the task of the sons—Is it Live through all time, or Die by suicide?—Which way shall the tide of destiny set? Chapter 9 — In the Trail of Rome 141 The two great republics—Cause of the transformation of Rome from a republic to a military monarchy—How nations lose their own freedom—The case in the Philippines—Parallel between the last days of the republic of Rome and the present time in the United States—Roman expansion—A Roman war in the cause of humanity—The liberty that was not given to the Greek republics— Rome’s treatment of allies—Opinion of Rollin on the Roman 8 | The Peril of the Republic of the United States of America expansion policy—American expansion in reality contraction— When will Cuba be vacated—How God punishes nations—Not political theories, but prophetical principles—The Bible concerning the Roman republic—The Bible concerning Roman expansion— Bible prophecies relating to the United States—The sealed book, why opened now?—The ruin of Rome and the peril of the United States Chapter 10 — Amity or Armageddon? 169 Proclaiming peace and preparing for war—China the storm center—The czar’s manifesto and the Peace and Disarmament Conference—The United States formerly the champion of peace— The Monroe doctrine—The advent of the United States in the Orient, does it portend peace or war?—Washington’s farewell address—Carl Schurz on the English alliance—“What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?”—Position of Jerusalem in the world—Position of the United States in the world—The vision of the great image—The ten kingdoms of prophecy—The God of heaven shall set up a kingdom—The image struck upon the feet—The reason for this—The kings of the East— Turkey and the great powers—Prophecies concerning Russia— The apostasy of the United States—All nations in rebellion—The armies of heaven—The kingdom and citizens of our Lord and of his Christ Appendix — The United States and Slavery in the Sulus 197 PREFACE bout ten years ago I became deeply interested in those prophecies of the Bible which relate to the history of this world. As on the sacred pageA I read and pondered over the outlines of the great events of earth, both past and yet to be, I determined to make a thorough study of human histories, for the double purpose of satisfying myself as to the truthfulness of the Bible concerning what had already transpired, and that through these things I might better understand what was yet to come. In 1891 my friend and fellow worker, Alonzo T. Jones, wrote his “Two Republics, or Rome and the United States of America.” It was my privilege to read this remarkable work in the proof; and, from the general field of the annals of mankind, my attention was specifically turned to the prophetical and philosophical history of the Republic of Rome and the Republic of the United States. During the past nine years, having occupied the chair of history in the College at this place, my duties have accorded me abundant opportunity to pursue my cherished theme. With me the study of the great events of the present has been with the one desire that, guided by the Word of God, I might, through the things transpiring around me, read correctly the events which are yet to take place. The matters touched upon in this little book were long ago recorded in sacred, prophetic Writ. They vitally concern the welfare and peace of the United States, and are intimately connected with the deeds which will ulti- mately bring to a close the long and tragic history of the world. We are apt to believe that we live in better times than those with which others have been favored; but those wonderful words of James Russell Lowell apply just as much to the present time as to any time in past history:— “Careless seems the great Avenger: history’s pages but record One death-grapple in the darkness ‘twixt false systems and the Word.