City Council Previews North Core Infrastructure Detailed Site Plan
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GREENBELT News ReviewAn Independent Newspaper VOL. 80, No. 14 15 Crescent Rd., Suite 100, Greenbelt, MD 20770-1887 FEBRUARY 23, 2017 City Residents Ask Away! City Council Previews North Core by Diane Oberg Petitions were the order of the the developers have long been Infrastructure Detailed Site Plan day at the February 13 council promising potential buyers that a by Kathleen Gallagher meeting, with eight petitions re- walking/biking path was to con- ceived. As is their usual practice, nect the south core to the station. Q: What’s about 80 pages chosen for the FBI relocation of the DSP. Director of Planning council took no action on these The petition says the main issue long on 11” x 17” paper and still has been pushed back a number and Community Development petitions but will consider them is that WMATA will not permit needs a magnifying glass to read of times. For a while, a final Celia Craze and City Manager at future meetings, if council construction over an easement most of it? A: The North Core decision was expected to be an- Nicole Ard were also present. action is needed. (Council’s re- it owns until the location of the Infrastructure Detailed Site Plan nounced in December of last Bellah reported the city had sponse to a petition from Green- FBI headquarters building has (DSP) for the Greenbelt Station year, but in October word came been notified that the DSP was belt Advocates for Environmental been determined. Meanwhile, the “town center” and Metro garage. out that it would be delayed until being submitted by Beall’s group and Social Justice regarding a developers are running a shuttle The North Core DSP was the March, placing it firmly within to the Maryland-National Capital concept plan for the Lakeside to the station. Residents are con- topic of a January 30 workses- the bailiwick of the Trump ad- Park and Planning Commission. North tract was reported in the cerned that when the developers sion, in which city council met ministration. A copy was also provided to the February 16 issue.) turn operation of the community with city planning staff and Garth According to Beall at the time city, and review by the Advisory Reports of other issues and over to the homeowners asso- Beall, development manager for of the meeting, GSA met with Planning Board (APB) and the actions from this council meeting ciation, continuing to operate that Renard Development Company, the bidders and was in the pro- Greenbelt Advisory Committee are reported separately. shuttle will be cost-prohibitive. LLC. Beall and his group will cess of preparing for the final on Environmental Sustainability Access to Metro Concert Band develop the site if Greenbelt is Environmental Impact Statement (Green ACES) was in process. Greenbelt Station residents The Greenbelt Concert Band chosen to be the new home of (EIS) to reflect the added traffic Although it is expected that re- asked council to work with the petitioned council to waive the the FBI. impacts that would result from view by the State Highway Ad- Washington Metropolitan Area matching requirement for the The area primarily covers the the increase in parking require- ministration (SHA) and WMATA Transit Authority (WMATA) and funds it provides for the band’s existing Washington Metropolitan ments of last year. He said GSA will result in changes to the plan, other authorities to develop and director. Council has imposed a Area Transit Authority (WMATA) wants to make an announcement the city is reviewing it as if it implement a viable, sustainable new requirement that any group parking lot and road facilities. It in early March, and it should were a final design. solution for providing them ac- receiving operating funds from is a mixed-use transit-oriented be expected that once that oc- The staff recommendation was cess to the Greenbelt Metro sta- development comprising private curs, there will be a relatively for council to approve the plan tion. The petition noted that See PETITIONS, page 11 retail, residential apartments and short time to go to closing. The with some conditions. The re- hotel and office uses, as well as significance of the latter is that port describes the overall plan the parking facility for Metro having an approved DSP is a as “well-conceived and meets commuters. As an infrastructure requirement for going to closing. the needs of many competing Greenbelters’ Radio Show DSP, the document at this phase Community Planner Jessica includes the roadways, utilities Bellah presented the staff review See NORTH CORE, page 9 Addresses Sight and Vision and site layout but no buildings by Matt Arbach or detail on private develop- ment on the site. It also includes Council Discusses Crime, Greenbelters Rev- tree conservation, landscape and erend “Radio” Ray stormwater management plans. Raysor and his wife, The target for a decision by Police Staffing, Legislation the General Services Adminis- Rene Sewell-Raysor by Diane Oberg know that getting tration (GSA) on which of the older is accompanied three competing sites (Greenbelt, The recent attempted and ac- said that the air bag thefts ap- by an increased risk Landover or Springfield) will be tual break-ins at Roosevelt Center peared to be a one-time spike. of developing a dis- along with concerns about other They are easy to remove, he said, ability. This can be a What Goes On crime issues and police under- and disreputable auto shops can daunting and frighten- staffing were discussed at the charge much more than they pay ing prospect and one Saturday, February 25 February 13 meeting of the City for the stolen bags. There are a can often feel isolated 9 a.m. to noon, Donation Council. In addition, two resolu- variety of devices that drivers can and without support. Drop-Off, Parking lot between tions were introduced and council purchase to prevent such thefts, Information on ser- Municipal Building and took positions on several pieces he said. vices, equipment and Community Center of state legislation. In addition to the incidents advice from those Monday, February 27 Crime above, officers were also dealing in the know is very 7:30 p.m., CERT Meeting, The previous week, a vehicle with a sexual assault in Frank- often not readily on Greenbelt Police Station had been driven into the Mini lin Park where, Kemp reported, hand, yet is so vitally ARBACH MATT BY PHOTO Mart at Roosevelt Center and police arrested a suspect within 8 p.m., Council Meeting, important. To allevi- Reverend Ray Raysor the ATM stolen. Two unsuccess- 35 hours. Municipal Building. Live on ate this situation, they ful attempts were also made to The theft of ATMs is a region- produce Sight ’n Vision and Se- necessities that make navigating Verizon 21, Comcast 71 and break into the Sunoco station on wide issue, Kemp said. The de- nior Talk Radio. Their mission a new set of physical challenges 998 and streaming on Centerway. (See story in February partment is reviewing camera includes giving practical, detailed possible. They emphasize the 16 issue.) In addition, there was a footage and other information and information concerning disability need for developing ease with the Tuesday, February 28 rash of driver’s side air bag thefts is coordinating with other law services and organizations and internet and email (often a spe- 3:30 p.m., Senior Citizen Ad- in Greenbelt East. equipment, such as wheelchairs, cial difficulty for seniors), these visory Committee, Community Acting Chief Thomas Kemp See POLICE, page 9 canes, disabled-friendly vehicles, now being the main conduits for Center etc.; outreach and the creation finding essential information and 7:00 p.m., Advisory Commit- of a system of support for those services. tee on Education, Municipal Raysor himself is blind. Hav- who feel isolated and alone; and Building exposure to significant legislation ing lost his sight at 13 through a ., Todd Turner and program development for the childhood incident, he learned to 7:00 p.m disabled. cope and persevere and ultimately Listening Session, Municipal Even though their goal is to spent 37 years as a food contrac- Building reach out to the entire spectrum tor for the Randolph-Sheppard 7:30 p.m., Green ACES/Green of age and situation, “the target program, which provides vend- Team, Community Center demographic is persons living ing opportunities for the blind Saturday, March 4 with disabilities and seniors who on public and private properties. 7 p.m., Buried Treasure, may experience age-related limi- He is a pastor at Saint Didy- Greenbelt Youth Musical, tations,” according to their web- mus Interdenominational Church Community Center site, Of in Bladensburg, which focuses Sunday, March 5 frequent concentration are topics on the disabled. He says “The 1 to 3 p.m., Community Art such as learning to read Braille biggest challenge of blindness Drop-In, Community Center or converting one’s vehicle to ac- is getting people to accept that commodating a wheelchair. The most things that I set out to do 3 p.m. Buried Treasure, MICHAEL REINSEL BY PHOTO radio programs often deal with I can do given the training, the Greenbelt Youth Musical, Signs of spring, such as these purple crocuses, are beginning Community Center to appear in Greenbelt yards. the practical details and hands-on See RADIO, page 4 Page 2 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, February 23, 2017 Correction The February 16, 2017, Letters to the Editor ERHS Celebrates High 2016 Graduation Rate story incor- THANKS! with concerned residents whose rectly identified the person in Thank you to GHI members huge presence influenced council charge of Multiple Pathways and Friends of the Woodlands to oppose the high-rise develop- at ERHS.