Lecture 18: The ‘Abbasid


Eurasian from 600-1100 CE Intellectual life, government, and the economy Questions: What were the characteristics of Islamic empire in SW ? What was the nature of intellectual life? How does it, and the function of intellectuals, compare with China at this time? What explains the cultural flourishing under the ‘Abbasids? The Umayyad (661-750 CE)

• Capital at ()

• Conquered a vast empire by 711

• Governing elite = (military aristocracy) • Separate garrison towns

• Non-Muslim monotheists allowed to practice = protected status • Polytheists not tolerated

• Cities and economy thrive Great , Damascus (706-15 CE) Dar al- Conversion to Islam


Qur’an ( only)


Mosque, Qairouan () (670 CE)

Great Mosque, Cordoba (late 8th c. CE)

Ibn Tulun Mosque, (879 CE) The ‘ (750-1258 CE)

• Non-Arab resented disenfranchisement • Persian revolt led by Abu al-Abbas • Seized power from - and massacred - Umayyads • Except • Ethnically inclusive government • No significant military expansion • Border skirmishes with Byzantines • River (751 CE) defeated expansive Tang Chinese • Persian administrative techniques • Tendency toward absolutism • New capital at (762 CE) Baghdad

Crossroads for wide-ranging trading network - land and sea


Artistic, cultural, religious center of the Muslim

Agricultural production increases Manufacturing Ease of transport and trade Harun al-Rashid (786-809 CE)

Great patron of culture

One Thousand and One Nights

What is he like as a ruler? Muslim Intellectuals

Interpretation of Qur’an & Shari’a

Ulama = religious scholars

Public observance of moral standards and social values mandated by Qur’an and Shari’a

Qadi = judge Resolves disputes according to Islamic

Not priests - Educated religious experts Arabic

• Geometry • Mathematics • Medicine • Optical Diagram •

Diagram of an eclipse Medical treatise Hellenistic inheritance

Cultural crossroads = Hindi

Practical knowledge & experimentation

Greek philosophers Map from of al-Indrisi Dar al-Islam

Empire of language, culture, inteectual life + commerce (even afer began to agment politicay) Writing as Art:

How do the Chinese and Islamic traditions of calligraphy differ?

Why do they differ?

Calligraphy by Mi Fu (1052-1107) What does this tell us about the different status and function of intellectuals in Chinese and Islamic society?