In the format provided by the authors and unedited.

The of Prasinoderma coloniale unveils the existence of a third within green

Linzhou Li1,2,13, Sibo Wang1,3,13, Hongli Wang1,4, Sunil Kumar Sahu 1, Birger Marin 5, Haoyuan Li1, Yan Xu1,4, Hongping Liang1,4, Zhen Li 6, Shifeng Cheng1, Tanja Reder5, Zehra Çebi5, Sebastian Wittek5, Morten Petersen3, Barbara Melkonian5,7, Hongli Du8, Huanming Yang1, Jian Wang1, Gane Ka-Shu Wong 1,9, Xun Xu 1,10, Xin Liu 1, Yves Van de Peer 6,11,12 ✉ , Michael Melkonian5,7 ✉ and Huan Liu 1,3 ✉

1State Key Laboratory of Agricultural Genomics, BGI-Shenzhen, Shenzhen, China. 2Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark. 3Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 4BGI Education Center, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, China. 5Institute for Sciences, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany. 6Department of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics (Ghent University) and Center for Plant Systems Biology, Ghent, Belgium. 7Central Collection of Algal Cultures, Faculty of Biology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany. 8School of Biology and Biological Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China. 9Department of Biological Sciences and Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 10Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Genome Read and Write, BGI-Shenzhen, Shenzhen, China. 11College of Horticulture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China. 12Centre for Microbial Ecology and Genomics, Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa. 13These authors contributed equally: Linzhou Li, Sibo Wang. ✉e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

Nature Ecology & |

Supplementary Figure 1. The chloroplast circos map of Prasinoderma coloniale.

Supplementary Figure 2. The mitochondrial circos map of Prasinoderma coloniale.

Supplementary Figure 3. The GC depth distribution of Prasinoderma coloniale.

Supplementary Figure 4. The concatenated phylogenetic tree of 19 with 31 single-copy mitochondria gene place Prasinodermophyta (Prasinoderma coloniale) to the sister lineage of other with high bootstrap support (100.0).

Treubia lacunosa 65/- Nardia compressa 100/1 Nothoceros vincentianus 93/1 Phaeoceros sp. 74/- 87/- Takakia lepidozioides 0.05 substitutions/site 100/1 Diphyscium fulvifolium 99/1 Polytrichum juniperinum 78/1 100/1 Physcomitrella patens nuclear rRNA Huperzia selago Equisetum arvense 4646 aligned characters 96/1 90/0.99 Angiopteris lygodiifolia 78/1 Arabidopsis thaliana tree topology: ML (IQTree) 87/1 100/1 Pinus taeda Marchantia polymorpha support values: ML/MrBayes 100/1 Nitella hyalina 85/1 Chara braunii 83/1 Chaetosphaeridium globosum 100/1 Entransia_fimbriata Klebsormidium nitens Coleochaete scutata 54/- 100/1 Cosmarium ochthodes 99/1 Penium margaritaceum 78/0.98 86/1 Netrium digitus 91/1 Mesotaenium endlicherianum 76/0.99 Cylindrocystis brebissonii 99/1 Cylindrocystis cushleckae 75/1 Mesotaenium caldariorum 92/1 Mougeotia sp. viride condensata 89/1 atmophyticus 69/0.99 100/1 Eudorina sp. 100/1 Yamagishiella unicocca 99/1 Volvox carteri Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 99/1 Spermatozopsis exsultans 100/1 Chromochloris zofingiensis 100/1 Hydrodictyon reticulatum Stigeoclonium helveticum 64/- Oltmannsiellopsis sp. 69/1 100/1 Ulva mutabilis 53/- 80/0.98 Desmochloris halophila Ignatius tetrasporus 58/- 99/1 Tetraselmis cordiformis 99/1 100/1 Tetraselmis striata Scherffelia dubia 100/1 Auxenochlorella protothecoides 100/1 Chlorella varibilis 100/1 Chlorella vulgaris 98/1 100/1 Coccomyxa sp. Botryococcus braunii 58/- 69/- Stichococcus bacillaris 100/1 Koliella longiseta 90/1 Pedinomonas minor 100/1 Marsupiomonas pelliculata 98/1 Chloropicon primus Pycnococcus provasolii 100/1 Nephroselmis pyriformis 100/1 Nephroselmis olivacea 100/1 Monomastix sp. Monomastix opisthostigma 100/1 Dolichomastix tenuilepis 99/1 Crustomastix stigmatica Mamiella gilva 55/- 100/1 100/1 Bathycoccus prasinos Ostrecoccus tauri 100/1 100/1 Ostreococcus lucimarinus 89/1 Micromonas bravo 100/1 Micromonas commoda Cymbomonas tetramitiformis 59/- Pyramimonas parkeae 100/1 Pyramimonas olivacea 100/1 Pyramimonas tetrarhynchus 98/1 Prasinoderma sp. 100/1 Prasinoderma coloniale 100/1 Prasinoderma singularis Prasinococcus capsulatus Prasinodermophyta 96/1 100/1 Verdigellas peltata Palmophyllum crassum 70/0.94 Glaucocystis nostochinearum Cyanophora paradoxa 100/1 98/- Cyanoptyche gloeocystis Gloeochaete wittrockiana Glaucoplantae 96/1 Rhodogorgon sp. Sporolithon durum Porolithon onkodes 100/1 100/1 73/1 Ahnfeltia plicata Asparagopsis taxiformis Gracilariopsis chorda 96/1 83/- 81/0.99 Chondrus crispus 60/1 58/0.99 Schizymenia dubyi 100/1 Helminthocladia australis Palmaria palmata 99/1 Bangia fuscopurpurea 100/1 Porphyra umbilicalis 98/1 Porphyra purpurea 81/- Pyropia yezoensis 100/1 Rhodochaete parvula 100/1 Madagascaria erythrocladiodes_ 86/0.99 Compsopogon caeruleus 99 Erythrolobus australicus 100/1 Timspurckia oligopyrenoides Rhodoplantae Porphyridium aerugineum 100/1 Bangiopsis sp. 100/1 Rhodosorus marinus CCMP769 Rhodosorus marinus UTEX2760 Rhodella maculata sulphuraria merolae

Supplementary Figure 5. The nuclear rRNA operon tree of 109 species with 4,646 aligned characters place Prasinodermophyta (Prasinoderma coloniale) to the sister lineage of other Viridiplantae with high bootstrap support (100.0/1). 100/1 Arabidopsis thaliana Pinus taeda 100/1 Nothoceros vincentianus Phaeoceros sp. Takakia lepidozioides -encoded rRNA operon 78/- Huperzia lucidula 57/- Equisetum diffusum 4172 aligned characters 100/1 Angiopteris fokiensis Polytrichum juniperinum tree topology: ML (IQTree) 100/1 64/1 Diphyscium fulvifolium 57/- Physcomitrella patens support values: ML/MrBayes Nardia compressa 100/1 57/- Treubia lacunosa Streptophyta Marchantia polymorpha 100/1 Nitella hyalina Chara braunii Mesotaenium endlicherianum 100/1 100/1 Cosmarium ochthodes Penium margaritaceum 100/1 72/1 Netrium digitus 100/1 Cylindrocystis cushleckae 81/0.99 Cylindrocystis brebissonii 100/1 60/- 100/1 Mesotaenium caldariorum Mougeotia sp. 98/1 Chaetosphaeridium globosum 100/1 Coleochaete scutata 100/1 Entransia fimbriata 0.05 substitutions/site Klebsormidium nitens 58/- 100/1 Mesostigma viride 100/1 Spirotaenia condensata Chlorokybus atmophyticus 100/1 Cymbomonas tetramitiformis 79/- 89/0.98 Pyramimonas parkeae Pyramimonas olivacea 98/1 Pyramimonas tetrarhynchus grade of 100/1 Nephroselmis pyriformis Nephroselmis olivacea Chlorophyta 100/1 Coccomyxa sp. 99/- Botryococcus braunii -/0.96 (unresolved) 100/1 Auxenochlorella protothecoides 100/1 Chlorella varibilis Chlorella vulgaris 100/1 Stichococcus bacillaris Koliella longiseta 99/1 100/1 Pedinomonas minor Marsupiomonas pelliculata 100/1 Tetraselmis cordiformis 100/1 Tetraselmis striata Scherffelia dubia 73/- Stigeoclonium helveticum 100/1 100/1 Chromochloris zofingiensis 100/1 Hydrodictyon reticulatum Spermatozopsis exsultans 100/1 Eudorina sp. 73/1 100/1 Volvox carteri 50/- Yamagishiella unicocca 94/1 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 86/0.97 Oltmannsiellopsis sp. 100/1 Ulva mutabilis 62/1 Desmochloris halophila 91/1 Ignatius tetrasporus 96/1 Chloropicon primus Pycnococcus provasolii 100/1 Monomastix sp. Monomastix opisthostigma Crustomastix stigmatica 100/1 100/1 54/1 Dolichomastix tenuilepis 51/- 89/1 Bathycoccus prasinos 100/1 Ostrecoccus tauri 100/1 Ostreococcus lucimarinus Mamiella gilva 100/1 Micromonas bravo 98/0.97 Micromonas commoda 100/1 Prasinoderma sp. 100/1 Prasinoderma coloniale 94/1 Prasinoderma singularis 96/1 Prasinococcus capsulatus Prasinodermophyta 100/1 Verdigellas peltata Palmophyllum crassum Cyanoptyche gloeocystis 98/- Glaucocystis nostochinearum 100/1 Cyanophora paradoxa Gloeochaete wittrockiana Glaucoplantae Asparagopsis taxiformis 96/1 Chondrus crispus Ahnfeltia plicata 97/1 100/1 93/1 Gracilariopsis chorda 99/1 Schizymenia dubyi 100/1 63/0.96 Rhodogorgon sp. Sporolithon durum 68/1 100/1 Porolithon onkodes 97/1 Helminthocladia australis 100/1 Palmaria palmata Bangia fuscopurpurea 100/1 Porphyra umbilicalis 99/1 Porphyra purpurea Pyropia yezoensis 100/1 Rhodochaete pulchella 100/1 Madagascaria erythrocladiodes Compsopogon caeruleus 59/0.99 Erythrolobus australicus 86/0.99 100/1 Timspurckia oligopyrenoides Porphyridium aerugineum Rhodoplantae 58/- Rhodella maculata Bangiopsis sp. 100/1 Rhodosorus marinus CCMP769 100/1 Rhodosorus marinus UTEX2760 Cyanidioschyzon merolae

Supplementary Figure 6. The plastid-encoded rRNA operon tree of 109 species with 4,172 aligned characters place Prasinodermophyta (Prasinoderma coloniale) to the sister lineage of other Viridiplantae with high bootstrap support (94.0/1).

Supplementary Figure 7. The coalescent phylogenetic tree of 23 species with 45 single-copy genes using ASTRAL place Prasinodermophyta (Prasinoderma coloniale) to the sister lineage of other Chlorophyta with high support (85.5).

Supplementary Figure 8. The coalescent phylogenetic tree of 28 species with 213 single-copy genes using ASTRAL place Prasinoderma coloniale to the sister lineage of other Chlorophyta with relatively lower support (79.0). In order to increase the number of single-copy genes to construct the phylogenetic tree, we allowed gene absence up to 8 species in one gene family. As for the species, 5 transcriptome data were added including Prasinococcus capsulatus, Cymbomonas sp., Pyramimonas parkeae, Monomastix opisthostigma, Dolichomastix tenuilepis but removed the Ostreococccus sp. RCC809.

Supplementary Figure 9. The concatenated phylogenetic tree of 23 species with 45 single-copy genes using RAxML place Prasinoderma coloniale to the sister lineage of Mamiellales (). PROTCATGTR AA substitution model and 500 bootstraps were used in phylogenetic analysis. The Prasinodermophyta, represented only by Prasinoderma coloniale, was resolved as sister to the Mamiellales (Mamiellophyceae) with high support (81). This artificial placement (i.e. Prasinoderma coloniale diverging within the Chlorophyta) gained high support by bootstrapping (100).

Supplementary Figure 10. Taxon distribution of the best BLAST hits of the P. coloniale genes in the NCBI non-redundant protein database.

calvin cycle

Fructose-6-p Maltose Glucose

2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 PGI 2 3 6 2 2 2 2 2 BAM 4 3 3 2 DPE1 1 2 1 1 BAM 1 1 1 1 Glucose-6-p 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 2 3 3 PGM 3 2 3 2 2 1 2 0 LSF2 4 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 0 3 0 0 Glucose-1-p ISA3 Linear glucans

2 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 AGPase 1 1 1 1 4 3 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 6 ISA3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 SEX4 0 0 2 5 1 0 1 0 ADP-Glucose 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 3 1 1 LDA 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 16 1 7 4 2 2 2 2 1 GBSS 5 4 10 2 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 4 7 3 3 2 AMY 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 Branched glucans 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 DBE 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 PWD 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 4 5 4 3 3 2 BE 0 1 1 3 3 2 4 4 SS GWD 1 2 1 12 4 8 6 4 Starch 2 4 3 3 P. coloniale M. pusilla B. prasinos O. tauri M. viride C. atmophyticus K. nitens Chara braunii 6 7 6 3 2 3 2 1 C. variabilis U. mutabilis C. reinhardtii V. carteri 5 4 8 7 2 3 4 2 C. merolae P. purpureum C.crispus C. paradoxa 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 7

Light Dark Supplementary Figure 11. Reconstruction the Pathways of starch synthesis and degradation in 16algae . Fructose-6-p, fructose 6-phosphate; Glucose-6-p, glucose 6-phosphate; Glucose-1-p, glucose 1-phosphate; ADP-Glucose, ; PGI, phospho- glucose iosomerase; PGM, hosphoglucomutase; AGPase, ADP-glucose pyrophophory- lase; GBSS, granule-bound starch synthase; DBE, debranching enzyme; BE, branching enzyme; SS, Starch synthase; GWD, α-glucan,water dikinase; PWD, phosphoglu- can,water dikinase; AMY, α-amylase; SEX4, Phosphoglucan phosphatase DSP4; ISA3, Isoamylase 3; LSF2, Phosphoglucan phosphatase LSF2; BAM, β-amylase; DPE1, Glucanotransferase (dpe1); LDA, Protein LIMIT DEXTRINASE; the gene copy number of each species is shown in the Supplementary Table 16.

Supplementary Figure 12. Structural Features of KYU and HAAO Protein Domains Constructed by Swiss-Model Homology-Based Approach. a) KYU based on the crystal structure of P. coloniale. b) HAAO domain based on the crystal structure of P. coloniale. c) KYU domain based on the crystal structure of human. d). HAAO domain based on the crystal structure of human. e) KYU domain alignment of a and c. f) HAAO domain alignment of b and d.


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7 KOX982 . bacteria

arin 9 5071.1- cteria

us-gr 99.9 9 GCF13066 XP 007513 een plant 100 660.1-B 100 99.9 AHB6 1-GNS athycoccus pr 77.5 92.7 -GNS ba asinos- 96.986.493.4 green 94.3 43.9 74.1 plant 99.9 -proteobacteria

33.8 99.9 100 4 s bacterium 100 100 90.1 1 alis-d 8 seiflexus sp.ineal RSe- 75.3 6 99.9 98.9. PRCOL 00002767-RA 98.4 100 2 10099.8 93.7 ochaetisod 76.2 66.1-Ro ia 97 99.2 76.1-Anaerol io spir oteobacter 100 98.8 93.4 97.3 100 ABQ888 esulfovibr d-pr 86 167826 100 1 laris- 93.6 64.6 Halod 75.6 86.2 94.8 99.8100 42.5 WP tracellu 49.9 8099.1 85.2 100 wsonia in 43.995.350.2 OBQ46651.1- 92.5 18.1-La 75.6 97.3 55.6 99.4 diatoms 90.3 96.6 CAJ544 aris- 94 99.7 69.6 stulifera sol 100 FISSO-Fi nutum-diatoms 99.6 Z5JFK0 ctylum tricor 78.7 A0A1 TC-Phaeoda 99.9 PHA donana-diatoms B7GCPB8CGN44 THAPS-Thalassiosira pseu 82 85.2 100 100 71.9 53.3 77.3 100 91.6 A0A1E7FLG5 9STRA-Fragilariopsis cylindrus-diatoms 99.3 100 99.8 95.2100 94.9 99.9 XP 012194 XP 857.1-Saprolegnia parasi 89.393.7 009846010.1-A tica CBS 223.65-oomycetes 56.9 phano 83.3 85.4 CCA22 myces astaci- 55.9 320.1-Albugo 91.7 70.8 KUF74 oomycetes 91.9 95.4 92.9 984.1-P ETN16 hytophthor laibachii Nc14-o 99.6 96.7 87 608.1-P 78.2 omycetes 0 87.2 hytophthor a nicotian 97.1 95.5 0 1 90.6 100 99 83 ae-oo 94.6 19.2 95.5 a para 77 99.9 mycetes 81.652.1 99.6 99.6 95.7 sitica INRA- 7- 90.9 AFY41441.1-Nostoc sp. PCC 710 43 acteria 99.8 94.9 100 Cyanobacteria -cyanob 90.1 310-o ix sp. PCC 7507 ia 100 omycetes Calothr nobacter 100 100 5608.1- 100 AFY3 7122-cya ia 92.9 100 ica PCC 99.4 100 100 cyanobactera 99.7 100

na cylindr 100 99.8 TXT22 219.1-Anabae C 7428- obacteri 98.2 702.1-Gal AFZ60 eocapsa sp. PC 12-cyan ia 92.4 AFM2 30.3 94.6 98.1 88.1 8 4595.1- lionel 322.1-Glo is PCC 71 cyanobacter . 100 virid ia 7 93.4 AFZ32 92.2 laceae ba obacteria 9 nigro- C 7202- a 37.5 100 Desulfom latoria 05-cyan 91.4 100 96.4 96.7 93.3 cterium eri PC 100 cyanobacteobacterrcteriai 54 onile tied 025.1-Oscil 95.7 AFZ09 ium stani PCC 106 TCP25 -b-proteoba oninum C 741801-cya- n 99.9 574.1-S jei-d yanobacter cyanoba SJZ759 -pro cteria ium ap 17059 100 teobacteri 975.1-C 11540173 AHG7364 copuli AFZ46 alothece sp.talis P CPCCCC 88 7437- 21 47.1-Ce bacillu yanobacter Algae- 100 AEA TCT184 a yta Algae- -1090 TCP15 061.1-C 334.1-H a orien aera P Algae- 78 34579.1- 3.1-Matobacteris daranu g AFZ55 AFZ43 yta 9201 3 077.1-32.1-BN Rippkae Glaucoph yta Algae nnheim shiensis- ia cyanosph e-33e-739 2 PVU7 Hippe iberstei m ceti-fusob 4780.1- Glaucoph hyta Algae- a SAI845 icoletell ia sp.-g- firmi ACK6 tanier Alga WP cutes Glaucophphyta Alga 8539.1- a mari nia treha acteria 455.1-S -Glaucop cteria 0108804 82.1-S a semoli proteo tyche gloeocystis- phyta WP ADO447AHE9 2 tima-- losi-g AFZ35 -Glauco nobacteri WP Sulfolo bacteria Cyanop tyche gloeocystis- ucophyta WP 0124593 5581.1- accharo d-pr na-g- -pro 0295229 72.1-A tyche gloeocystisearu-m 0295205 bus island oteobacter proteteobactero i JKHA- Cyanop te wittrockian7a 1-Glauco inus-cya 3-GNS ba YP PZR69 4.1-Hydr 763-Gla ALE1 Therm lobus solfatar bacteria Cyanop 001635 91.1-S quifex aeol a JKHA- a WPWP M 4496 cteria CCC809 icus-ar ia JKHA- Gloeochae 91 M050 bacteriaia 1058.1265.1-- S 55.1-P 129673 1296296 0 76.1-P ogenocrio n coccus mar ulfurih chaea Glaucoplantae C 0074 M0 EJL345 is rubeicus-ar q icus-a PQED- roteoba 018.1-C erseph mifer DS proteo teobacteria bacteria bacter ther bacteria KWW97561.1- AGG89991.1- erseph tes KOH4285 69.1-TBifidoh olibacteriur m bifidum-actinobydrogacteriae chloro teobacteracteriai EJX35 rchaea xa CCAC 00 icutes KDN84 -e-poteobacter acteria ia KSV uificales KPL3 m-e- -pro micutes A ETR76 ubrob -aqu -Glaucocystis cf. nostochin icutes WP SPM Pro icutes KIR6272 AKO952 93.1-Ca doxa CCA a KEO610 onella

H a 97.1-Ca -pro micutes cteria e-pr bacteria i 21.1-Ca proteo r hloro onella nibium ificales parado micutes W acter race 155-2 73402.1- mophi POOW s-firm e 1384321 ermo acterale a para firmicu t i-firm 3171.1- 27328.1- enes-e -firm 5 trophicu kii-fusob ia 725.1-a sp. KM09- 1-e- c phora 955.1-K anus-fir 9 633.1-A flexus aura a sp. IF05-L8 sp.-aquific- a 874513.1- i L350- group um-fir ndidatus Oscill lus tum-fusob 19-fir 3 ium sp.-fuso 4.1-Su nophor b 49.1-M ndidatus proteus tena tedonob 33.1-Th NP sp. ES-e 2 9.1-Mi ulobacteRhodr a TK-6-

p -Cyano gulanu 6 s bacterium GNS bacter bacteria ofundi- up bacteri AGU61 u 5-GNS ba . Sino ovumuptor litho sp. SB -180 1 Strep p bacteria ctinobacter Lau-8- T o Streptom aquifica - 75.1 L-asp YTYU 272.1-K la succinog m hwasoo s reuszer r Mycoba itasatospor us migul D fipia sp. P52

g nxiuqin arino QFND-Cya edi P iovulum cus-CFB nosus K02 les m nuclea cromo nobacter ntiacus J-10 Sulfur acter butzler oup bacter r rhizob ioclava in Chloro aquificale Nitratir a usobacter ae bacteri B aquifica olinel cillus mi lum pr group tomyces therm sp. FB gro c les rtyi VS- x Kra 1- EFH89 F -actino W o ibacill bacillu B grou vum algi ochlor

C Arcob bacteriu n

- 5920.1- 74.1-Th ucilagi cterium AP07 i nospor ploca sp. Khr

2 ia dokdon yces anula ium sp. GW3-a- 0449.1- acturoni iniba b les nii-C s

CFB gr

1 a ium SC denitrifica bacter cina 821.1-F cus DSM 78 bacteria eurin e-CFB sobacteriu Brevi artate oxida archae

7 AKF2 0640.1- c dica-a is fontis-GNS ba a cheer -fl-GNS ba 12-CF

t BAF7 2731.1- 0 -10- -a-pr acillus sp. FJA e

2 cola DG 898- EJF067 Aneur r 5.1-Fuso

Helico i a haikoue sp. CAE1 eptococcacsulfotomace u u KLE1 oides gal CDE91 1.1-An acillus m M a-pr a 70.1-Fu m GC -pro oteobacter 8406.1- S ccoides mcca ensis-C oautotro aurantia AB30 ns-g- isanensi o 12.1-B D tus-actinob 17-GNS

onas gula oteobacter r AAA0 teobacteri cteria

6942.1- s

i aenib s macacae- Bacter e 12081.1- ALQ3940 ivalis SJD

u 10160 oides justese se-Al KNB6 405.1-P n proteob proteob 03.1-De c i 8-actino t nsis-actin cteria 01 a BAM KON8346 n a-pr ehaloco FB gro KPD0 l 27-L0 ia bacteria hyrom h

e phicus- s KCTC 239

KOP657 c iifodini

WP - etosiphon omona

C 031.1-P n oteobacter 58273.1- KJS15 a acteria

a ia F acteria acteria uibacter

l PHJ384 Porp onas ging B bacteria p 6-actino

up bacteri

s PVX Herp rphyr actinobacter g 277.1-D bius saliph obacteri



AFH66 e Sang o






0630.1- a ia 5-actino bacteria

b 8.1-Po b

i ACZ62


a 04949.1- a

o Porp c a



KKC5 e ilus-C

O ia r



a bacteria 1




KGN9878 FB gro






OWR82941.1- up bacteri



a Tree scale: 10

Supplementary Figure 13. The phylogenetic tree of AO (Aspartate oxidase) based on IQ-TREE method, using the best model predicted by IQ-TREE with 5000 replicates. The important bootstraps are highlighted by the red color. EDM7

6751.1 qui


te synthetase compl

RLJ2145 WP WP ex WP 0860016 A 0532327 subunit- 0963321 PID7699 PPE 7.1-bacter


44.1 NadA A 99.1 NadAPlesio 68950.1- WL12316.1- 27.1 NadA a A0A3 a i

PPE r 0.1-Del e bacteria A AZR42 cystis pacifica SIR- 049.1-P t 29SIT5 9S VD707 c ium en E a PHS6 -San 66532.1- a -Ple A


a -Nann Schle Q o RA daraci PTT78 cteria group siocystis pacifica- 3 e acteria taproteob

752.1-M t teobacteri W36590.1- olynucl 0 TRA- 17.1-De 4258.1- dosymbi o

BAG443 Sali 9 KUF86 ocystis exedens- A r

OUU54609 1 nus amylo gelell p a WI53819.1-A - 488.1-P -pro Phytoph AOE903 Zhizho 6 teobacteri


nirad .


1 448.1-P proteob

proteob a sis-CFB eobacter s teobacteri Phytoph KIC0632 - A0A1 arin a thermo I 1-d- n -pro sulfobulb Thalasso ia KAE d acteria ba 62.1-B ont of Escarpi iae-g KAE thora cactor a i-g- i

lyticus-d- i-g - r ius amylo Z5KU0 ngheel o 934792 hytophthor elom -pro proteoba g

51.1-Ra obacter sal m .1-Cand i 924307 thora cactor d-pr bacteria ica-g n alayen up bacteri

a 2 FISSO-F d-pr i p bacteria p bacteria r

urkhol r KFM2 oteobacter 6.1-Mo paneur 4.1-Ph onas sp. HMWF00 i ia quaba o n 7.1-Ph l proteob PKL4 depolym rkmani oup oteobacter la caldifon f us oralis- a i a nicotian um-o bium sp.- bacteria 7188.1- cteria r oup bacter cterium idatus End lstonia sola i ia coli-g pneumon ytophthora b istulifera FB gro ytophthora p um-o deria lyticus-g- B grou B grou omycetes 8215.1- rococcus cer a acteria cterium Auxeno l a

t i scophthal m opaeus- a lamin arius- ia i CFB gr Deltaproteobacteria and Viridiplantae c nella enter ae-oo omycetes n proteo solaris- bacter him i

eran a GAQ91875.1- ia multivor CFB gr oteobacter chlore fragari rubi- bsiella m-CF w -d-p - m-CF

d-pr r g Candid ibri o mycetes tis-b-p a-pr ensis-C olissocli scherich obacter we acteria ia - diatom E lla pro oomycetes nacear olei-b g-pr almo p s-b-pr - d-pr um-d- ae-oo proteob Pedo ata-fusoba roteoba r XP 1 b-pr oteobacter 6424- Kleb o . 013900 KAA tothecoides- oteobacter -Stra .1-Kle

ebro t 9 mycetes ans-b-4-b- oteobacter aquatilis- atus Riflebacter e 641802 sormi roteoba 4

menopi oteobacter o 156.1-M num sp.-a um-b -pro 15.1-E Cyanob oteobacter 6 976.1- V 5.1-Citr e bacteriu ia dium ni b 1.1-T sus-b- 6 rtibovis- proteob 571.1-S a ochrace acteria onor gree 8 cteria ium sp. acteria rebou les teobacteria c cter jiangxi tens-gr proteo etes bacteriu cicella EOY222 aphidi n plants -pro t G .-cyanobacter a e xia sp.-gr cteria cteria C VL332 r um negl proteob ia VG08039

een plan i ia VB06 A PKU8 73.1-Th a ANU3 5 -pro teobacteri C TF5034 bacteria A a acteria ia OOK76602.1A - cteriacea angium oteobacter proteob 7855.1- ectum-gr een plants bacteria ia A ludiba acteria eobro ia-fuso ia Dendr ts teobacteri bacter abo s sp. BS56D- ma cacao- acteroid pseudar d-pr teobacter24-di - ia obium een pla acteria yseobacter -Hali PNX9 teobacteri catenatum- Allo -pro 2782.1- gree nts 5.1-Pa oello proteob bacteria a Flavoba T n plants m usitatum strphyra- -pro cteria NP rifoli green 60.1-B m sp.-cyano 199832.1- um a .1-Chr bacteria praten plants Pajar Ara se-gr en sulfur bacterfur bacteria bidopsi T6206 PIN2205 een plan 99.1 NadynechococcA u neus-d 0.1-Han s thaliana- 6958.1- yanobiu yanobiu gium ge droan gree ts GA en sulfur ba een sulfureenr sul ia thus impetig RLD955 coccusccus sp.-d xanthus-- d sp.-gre n plants WL08569.1- 9462.1- ferrugi YO58440 um sp. GDMCC 1.13 m-gr PW inosus- A 27.1-S rchan um-g A76841.1-A green APD0A rallo loris plants 0128302 422.1-C rtemisia annua- 594.1-C sp.-gre a gree APR9 limnae n sulfur bacter cteria XP 024361 n plants WP itiosangi 062.1-Physcomi 021.1-A .1-Myxoco obium ia trella pa TCD58PSJ05 7 25.1-Co Cystobacter ictyon luteolu gree teobacteri tens-green plants PZU99 aculum roteoba Chlor ium- -pro ia QDZ26067.1-Chlo 485.1-V Pelolorod b oteobacter ropicon primus-green PZR14 22.1-Prosthecoch sp.-a-p ia plants RJS270 oteobacter 93.984.577 QDF04080 obi bacteiumr sp.-a sp.-a-pr PTL77 3814.1- gobium a-pr PRCOL 00006555-RA 100 OJH39577.1- 05.1-Ch Cyanobacter a 84.4804852.5 RDD307 obacter 100 65.2 Chlor 73.4 toralis- 89.231.495.8 84.8 hingob 94.6 25.7 32.5 PIO47725.1- 74.693.395.8 KZK7 eensis- obacteri 48.696.692.6 ovosphin 47.2 52.6 99.8 AOS841 91 tererythr 96.5 22.4 9.1-Sp obacter li us-Cyan 93.6 90.7 57103.1-559.1-N acter kilau 78.5 3.1-Al 98.9 7 Erythr 99.8 . Cyanobacteria and Glaucoplantae

67.2 8 KXK cter violace 71.8 8 9 ANI7739 -Gloeob a 83.60 CCA91 . 2180.1- 6 86.3 RGP3987 Gloeoba obacteri acteria 90.1 ABC6 89.1 NadA Cyanob 88.8 6.1 NadA-bya sp.-Cyan 037-Cyanobacteria 100 0231738 iestleyi- ALA WP 01114019Leptolyndesmisg pr rphus CC WP ormi n polymo 3808.10.1-P- h bacteria cteria 99.8 aesipho PZV1 Cham hora-Cyanoba PZO4813 bya sp.-cyano rita lithop PSB58961.1-Leptolyng arga 1919.1- 70.1 NadA-Gloeom 96 PZV1 92 56.8 35.7 92.8 WP 0714544 81.2 APA-Cyanophora paradoxa-Glaucocystophyceaecocystophyceae 99.3 7.38 100 CY ae-Glau 58.3 90.1 hora sud 10096.5 NADA Cyanop 96.6 Z4HG50 9EUKA- 89 92.1 A0A2 A0A2Z4HGB7 9EUKA-Cyanophora biloba-Glaucocystophyceae 100 A0A3G1IUX1 9EUKA-Glaucocystis sp.-Glaucocystophyceae A0A3 100 G1IVD7 9EU 99.4 A0A3 KA-Glaucocystis incr A0A3 G1IW14 9EUKA assata-Glaucocystophyceae 94.6 80.893.3 G1IWN2 9EUKA-Cya-Gloen o 86.8 PSB chaete wittrocki 69.7 ana-Gla 98.5 08710.1- 89.6 93.4 WP optyche gloe ucocystophycea 96 9 0364827 Pleu

6 rocapsa e 40.4 68.2 PZV2 ocystis-Glauco 29.3 . 4

46.9 12.1 NadA 75.3 100 4 7860.1- sp. CCALA 99.6 . WP 86.7 64.4 cystophyceae 95.7 100 9 0173049 1 PSF3 63 -Myxosa 161-C 98.9 100 Snowe 57.3 100 yanobacter 100 REJ496 1.9 58.1 5586.1- lla sp.-cyan rcina sp. GI1-Cya 1 20.1 NadA-Spi 98.5 65.2 98.7 82.3 EPF2 ia 93.7 99.8 99.7 WP 46.1-MAphanothece hegewaldii CCALA 95.673.771.3 99.7 3954.1 Quino obacteri 69.5 87 nobacter 100 10092.5 99.1 OL 00651 rulin 004969566.1-Haloferax denitrificans 65.4 99.6 icrocystis flos- a WP ireducens 89.6 T68068 a subsalsa- ia Natronolimnobius sulfur ia 99.8 PS 1638.1 Nad 9377.1- GNS bacter 87.2 PSBM AXR7 idia bacterium- bacteria 98.6 WP 48139.1.1-Mo- o linate synthase Cyanoba halococco 2-actino 100 RCJ42232090.17 - aquae DF 92.1-De ATCC 1303 cteria 98.3 0450544 PWB453 icum bacteria PMOHY396B51219.16 - rea prA-X cteria um glutam actinoba TBR58 Chro 016-Cyanobacteria ebacteri Actinoplanes sp.- RAM5 Chlor enococcus sp. PC17-CyC a Coryn ilyticum- micutes 6.1-Nostoc m ococcidioducens- A-M 98462.1- AEV82532.2ium- xylan yces sp.-actineus-fiormicutesicutesia 43.1 NadA icrocystisnobacte aer r BAB icrob 4.1-Cyli ogloe Streptom subtilis-fis-firr m icutes 2993.1688.1-- W cyanobacter .1-Luteim3176.1- us atroph. a -firm a sp.o CCALpsis sp.A CCALA ia QFU98586 AXL9 Bacill roteobacter ia Fischer uginosa onocytogen-e-p e ndrosp -Ali 7305-C a PZR7GA6438.1-Chthoniobacteralesestiell bacteriuo m-verrucoinutummicrobiaterell NIE a ARW07716.1us subtilis- subsp hafniense Hapalo ia SPC77 isteria mcterium fusobactebacteriar ia A T3320 ella ther yanobacter Bacill TC6273 ermo atlantica- 695-CyC a s s 051- 7-Cyan 347.1-L acterium proteo teobacteri siphonpsisa prol W32483.1- acteria ba acteria TFE77 6.1-T psis raciS-2b6 AR AYY77 -proAXX96164.1-bacteria ficales TFE66 mali Cyanobacter ia obacteri proteobDesulfitobnema sp. J25- oteobacter es -cyanob nobacter quificale AP 2.1-Nib err s CCMEE yanobacter a psilon repo is subsp.-e- e-pproteor proteb o quificale 877.1-M ceaeifica-cya cyanob n ia PDW0347 CAC3A9751 1 100.1-M imicr orskii CS 86200.1- .1-T ovum sp.-e 8-e- ificales PDV9 AUW9336 ia ia 869.1-E BAE ae-e- a sp.-aqui aquifical acteria pylori- OHE2669 ricoccus aq RKX4 es R AEE obium Sulfur EIL9037 ia AR A 5201- ium sp.-a a RLA67 hyointestinal i-aqu L obacteri ia i a a 6.1-Noca ethylacid -508 i TCW61300 honell r A WV88853 pylori B A 7255.1- 606.1-M ales r ethylacid ia quifex sp.-a e on W15488.1-VX03 8 15319.1- chaeon e t 0240.1- cteria saccharip acterium licobacter sp. MB1 t cteria RZP1 Cyanobacte-Cyanor b 7 ogenib -fusobacter acteria c 4549.1- ylobacter ersep otogalesles c 4.1-Ca6.1-n Su 9 culum sp.- motogal a a as natsushim a micutes 4 DAB4 b

uaticus-ver icobacter b 9.1-Rho Camp 8 224.1-M ihydr127.1-A rmotog 6.1-Syn iphilu 29.1-He o Candid S ycobacterdiar ser . 1942.1- iphilu -cyano acteria s 1

240.1-P N Ther -therm oteobacter .1-Br cterium roteoba u genoba - lfobacill hilum- betimon obales ar f fusobacteri donticum D 4.1-Hel fidibacter takai motoga proteob uki-fir V 76840.1- VL484 Sulfur ans-ther ota archae - G didatus V m fumar ia fusobacter - A err RUM32 e Komagataeibacter europaeus-a-proteobacteria m sp. d-pr m modesu bacteria PPB l m ns-GNS b a t danoba atus Chlor u adymon iolae- verr RUM62 perio 1-d- trophob Hydro icum-the a s-d-p i ucomicr arital u rucom ilum- 13.1-Le mosul r i Candi ium- p CBI6708 biform r ium lep e us thermo r ucomicr 76623.1- chaeogl t e archae llus nur o Y ethanoba t iolicum nsis-ther c el-ve c t actinoba ea myrio a e iridi lfobium icrob a

GAX869 PMP b o datus Posei

89588.1- .1-Ther icexed e cter fulvus-g

sipho sp. 1223 .1-Ar b acterale Thor b as sedimi

changba obia bacter um pseudo e i linea m rae- rruco obia a oploca asi -ver ia mesoph sipho glo x a

66.1-M enibaci r c PMP e i

l t toleran ermo acetylenicu f naruge p e actinobactecteriar micro rucomi o T72388 Geobacter sp.- s r otoga terie cteria bacter nectae-a ermo idatus bacter sp. HR- r i

o a

r o ediisal BA l s bacterium acterium sobacteri t i RLI85739 b 6.1-Pa h onas for m nis-d- bia a s-firm ulfobium doniale crobia N

36.1-Th C nse-fir - -pro 0239925 c atica-GNS - ium-

1 77.1-Th cidoba t thermo . 1 elobacter e rvidob .1-Cand . ina-GNS bacteria 9 r 74.1-Fu -pro WP 4 proteob i teobacteri icutes 7 u ia 50.1-Ocean 8 verr micutes 8 RII26042.1- ogeni m m

6 s archaeo


6 teobacteri 0772899 ODP2999 - 5

d -d TV726 32.1-P 9 ucomicr 1269935 92.1-Fe 965.1-A 0 - A ndidatus S bacteria

C p 5 - WP acteria proteob L Deha l r RLI59851 421.1-Geo 8 WP o

0 R a 1096045 t



o n RLE16 obia WP APG428 b 0902217 W a 45.1-Ca a PNU20 acteria


t WP 44760.1 -




a AP V



Tree scale: 10

Supplementary Figure 14. The phylogenetic tree of QS (Quinolinate synthase) based on IQ-TREE method, using the best model predicted by IQ-TREE with 5000 replicates. The important bootstraps are highlighted by the red color. ACL64914.1-Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans 2CP-1-d-proteobacteria


ACF44728.1-Pelodictyon phaeoclathratiforme-green sulfur bacteria


EDM75127.1-Plesiocystis pacifica SIR-1-d-proteobacteria

OCS02217.1-Campylobacter fetus subsp. testudinum-e-proteobacteria E 1.1-Dehalogenimonas lykanthroporepellens-GNS bacteria ACF46967.1-Prosthecochloris aestuarii-green sulfur bacteria I 6



9 ABB23158.1 ADY31915.1-KOH428Odoriba5cter5.1-S splancunxiuqihnicus-nia dokdoCFBnensis- groupC FBbacter groupia bacteria

ACF12726.1-Chloroherpeton thalassium-green sulfur bacteria 6

a TET67379.1-Dehalococcoidia bacterium-GNS bacteria B09986.1-Desulfobacca acetoxidans-d-proteobacteria ACD91 6 i





1 C

e i ACZ39619.1-Sphaerobacter thermophilus-GNS bacteria

t r KPL86246.1-Herpetosiphon geysericola-GNS bacteria -


M c



a 7

y c

b 163.1-Chlorobium limicola-green sulfur bacteria 0

x ALU74525.1-T a

o 6 CCF84623.1-Nitrolancea hollandica-GNS bacteria o b

e 2


t -Pelodictyon luteolum-green sulfur bacteria o 7

KUF47190.1-Myroides marinus-CFB group bacteria o

o e

. r t

c KZE79765.1-Myroides marinus-CFB group bacteria 1

c p o


- r



d p

ADV47395.1-Cellulophaga algicola-CFB group bacteria s

- -


s d

m n

ORL46382.1-Zunongwangia atlantica-CFB group bacteria - GAP63184.1-Ardenticatena maritima-GNS bacteria u n



enacibaculum dicentrarchi-CFB group bacteria v

o ABU571 l u


c u

c KQC1 r


y o

AE s


s s EKF55735.1-EIJ4002Galbibacte4.1-Joostelr marinus-Cla marFiBna-C groFuBp grobacteriaup bacteria u

f t


M69090.1-Muricauda ruestringensis-CFB group bacteria u


s r

o c

1453.1-Smithella sp.-d-proteobacteria e c 13.1-Roseiflexus castenholzii-GNS bacteria r e




x c






OCM99030.1-Bacteroides fragilis-CFB group bacteria o d d



e - ADY37896.1-Bacteroides salanitronis-CFB group o


p CFB bacteria EIM33227.1-Prevotella bivia-CFB group bacteria t n

s r

s M








e C

AMQ55361.1-AFKA02563.1lgoriphagus-Emticic sainaarue oligotnsis-CFB group bacteria . - -


p 4




r 2 ariovorax paradoxus-b-proteobacteria

o a



t c


2 e


AKP50482.1EIM74-Cyclob758.1-Nacteriuitritaleam amurskyhalalkaliphilaense-C-CFBFB ggroroupup bacte bacteriaria 9

e o 8

8 1.1-V

r b F



a a

K 012373612.1-Opitutus terrae- B c

A TB34407.1-Melittangium boletus-d-proteobacteria 1.1-Allochromatium vinosum-g-proteobacteria t T

e KYG77 A AKT41869.1-ChondromycesKXU crocatus-e34965.1-prote-Cephaobacterialoticoccus capnophilus-verrucomicrobia A 144.1-Alicycliphilus denitrificans-b-proteobacteria r ACB74074.1-Opitutus terrae-verrucomicrobia KFF08945.1-Chryseobacterium luteum-CFB group bacteria WP

i KYG05622.1-Sorangium cellulosum-d-proteobacteria a EJL84400.1-Polaromonas sp.-b-proteobacteria EIM98027.1-ParabADG302urkholACSderia91.1-Th2 h07ospita-b1 iomon-proteaosbacteria intermedia-b-proteobacteria ADI29017.1-MACD2ethylotene7841.1-ra versatilRalstoniais-b-p roteobpickettii-bacteria-proteobacteria 834.1-Roseivirga spongicola-CFB group bacteria ADL55820.1-Gallionella capsifeEON158rriformans-35.1-Cub-proteobacteriapriavidus sp.-b-proteobacteria rophica-CFB group bacteria ACMADV34255.101 -Acidovorax ebreus-b-proteobacteria EFH89271.1-Ktedonobacter racemifer-GNS bacteriaADJ29072.1-Nitrosococcus watsonii-g-proteobacteria EHL24291.1-Nocardioides sp.-b-proteobacteria ADC6131 ADX67603.1-W GCE49152.1-Thermosporothrix hazakensis-GNS bacteria ACU57971.1-Chitinophaga pinensis-CFB group bacteria AEE50577.1-Haliscomenobacter hydrossis-CFB group bacteria 122.1-Acinetobacter lactucae-g-proteobacteria ibrio parahaemolyticus-g-proteobacteria eeksella virosa-CFB group bacteria bacteria EGW22725.1AEF54707.1-Methyl-Marobacterinomo tundnas rposidoipaludumnica-g-g-p-rproteoteobacteobacteriaria KYQ81 ACY ACAAFV74887.100714.1-Pseud-Simomonasiduia ag puatida-grivorans-g-prote-proteobacteriaobacteria KGJ94545.1-Colwellia psychrerythraea-g-proteobacteria XP 47123.1-Rhodothermus marinus-CF ACK48337.1-Shewanella baltica-g-proteobacteria 003533945.1-chloroplastic-Glycine max-green plants KYZ32877.1-V ACZ7AMO808GB344.1-P80268.1-ObesD9ickeya00.1-E zeaeumetaumbacte-g-p jarpoteobacteronicaium p-ranimoteus-griaals-proteobacteria enicola-actinobacteria PSR88178.1-Actinidia chinensis var ANKOAF24025939.199.1-Esc-Klebsihellaerich pniae umoncoli-gi-prae-goteobacter-proteobacteriaia QCD89649.1-V actinobactecteriaria XP 002526010.1-chloroplastic-Ricinus communis-green plants KAE8698989.1-Hibignaiscus u nsyriacguiculuas-grta-greeneen plants plants actinoba engii- XP 010238478.1-chloroplastic-Brachypodium distachyon-green plants B group bacteria XP . chinensis-green plants 015612687.1-chloroplastic-Oryza sativa Japonica Group-green plants ABW00AEI10EK468.1-8A91.1-C59847.1Salinisellulo-pJaniboram onasaarcter gi hoylelvus-actini-actinococcusobacteriabacteria qingsh TKR8 13.1-GordoniRhoda phthalaticao -actinobacteria 4859.1-Populus alba-green plants ia ADB35442.1ACV79497.1-Kribbella-Nakam flaviuda-actirella multipanobacterrtita-actinia ooteobactebacteria ria ALG85EHB1 518055.10641.1--Mycolicibacterium rhodesiae- ME oteobacter 75.2 E a-pr 96.7 XP PON98185.1-T 52.8 024383400.1-chloroplastic-Physcomitrella patens-green plants AK83-a-proteobacteria va atlantica- acteria XP 79.8 1-a-proteobacteria 024383401.1-chloroplastic-Physcomitremrellaa orienta patensle-g-grereenen plantsplants Thiocla proteob 92.5 1-b- Viridiplantae F- 100 ni K ADJ23ABZ801.1-Hy73431.1E35157.1p-homicCaulo- rbobiuacterm sp.denitr K31ificans-a-a-pr -proteobacteria 99.9 F 99 K 99.4 GAQ83108.1-Klebsormidium nitens-green plants 4.44 99.3 98.2 onas testostero 13 AEG52645.1-Sinorhizobium meliloti 84.9 70.4 91.3 Comam 68.6 18.949.8 85.6 EEE43989.15591.1-Lab- renzia alexandrii DFL-1 KAA6425578.1-T 90.7 Delftia acidovorans-b-proteobacteria 73.4 ED6 78.4 E PR 99.9 W56327.1-chlor rebouxia sp.-green plants 100 14 ABX34185.1- 100 73.3 oplastic-Chlorella sorokiniana-green plants 63.6 86.7 EUB96602.1-Rhizobium sp-a-proteobacteria 99 97.8 ALR04070.1-Xylella fastidiosa-g-proteobacteria 100 100 95.6 GBG00217.1-Raphidocelis subcapitata-green plants 85 0 98.7

66.9 0

1 8.88 AEH90559.1-Mesorhizobium opportunistum-a-proteobacteria 5.4841.8 83.2 86.6 91.5 XP 82.2 013900684.1-Monoraphidium neglectum-green plants 65.5 92.3 EHK54572.1-Mesoinobacterhizobiru aminovm alhaogransi-a-proteo-a-proteobacterbacteria ia 71.5 76.4 80.9 99.9 AMS42906.1-Am 99.7 89.4 10082.2 99.6 ABS66430.1-Xanthobacter autotrophicus Py2-a-proteobacteria QDZ17769.1-Chloropicon primus-green plants 37.1 92.5 EIM31083.1-Microvirga lotononidis-a-proteobacteria 99.5 99.7 99.9 99.4 99.8 71.1 99.796.7 100 PRCOL 93.3 97.2 00006420-RA 91.8 100 72 92.9 99.8 12.2 99.6100 779887.9 83.8 99.9 84.68054.7 71 79.6 56.686.3 ACD05088.1-Akkermansia muciniphila-verrucomicrobia 98.7 85.6 97 8 99.1 . 100 87.4 96.9 88.8 1 50.686.7 EDY17481.1-Chthoniobacter flavus-verrucomicrobia

89.8 9 99 90.4 81.7 98.1 8 92 58.433.760.293.7 99.9 98.5 GAT32991.1-T 4 58.1 51.2 100 errimicrobium sacchariphilum-verrucomicrobia

79.1 . 70.3 5 86.1 99 87.9 52.4 94.7 98 YP 001634515.1--GNS bacteria 50.6 100 100 91 99.1 ACZ29387.1-Xylanimonas cellulosilytica-actinobacteria 92.9 80.9 EGV39193.1-Corynebacterium 92.4 90.9 86.8 ELT45837.1-Arthrobacter nitrophenolicus-actinobacteria 88.9 35.3 AMB59024.1-Microterricola viridari iglutamic-actinobacteriaum-actinobacteria 49.9 91.186.7

61.7 100 EEF60180.1-Pedosphaera parvula-verrucomicrobia 84.1 87.9

98.9 97.1 82.7 25.8 96.5 ADE55134.1-Coraliomargarita akajimensis-verrucomicrobia 89.5 WP 96.9 OCK07270.1-Tha 013043lassospi8r56.1-Ca sp. KO164oraliomar-a-pgroteobactearita akajimensisria -verrucomicrobia 99 36.5 96.7 ABC6 97.1 EJL3324626.101.1-N-ovosphingobium sp. 97.4 Erythr 70.4 99.9 95.3100 obacter li 94.9 85.6 100 toralis-

85.6 88.3 a-pr

96 ADW133 oteobacter AP12-a-proteobacteria 89

59.9 68.6 EA 72.1-Geobacter sp. M18-d-proteobacteria ia 38 T14977 68.8 57.2 94.998.4100 AJF07

68.3 .1-Desul 99.4 55.2 59.5 926.1-Geoalkalibacter subterraneus-d-proteobacteria 100 furomo 57.4 91.3 nas acetoxidan


38.243.7 EPY12929.1-Paenibacillus alvei-firmicus-d-tesp 93.4 0 0 EKF3

1 roteoba 93.1 91.7 ADI259WP35.1-Geob4251.1a- cillus sp.- 35.3 020404216.1-Gracilimonas tropica-CFB group bactecteriar 98.588.795 EMT46320.1-Anoxybacillus flavithermus-firmicutes 99.9 75.5 99.9 B 98.6 88.7 acill 7.0891.792.8 98100 47.5 93 fei-fungi 50 99.8 98.998.3 84.9 E us xiamen XP 002152662.1-Talaromyces marnef 100 10082.5 EL6 GAT28322.1-Aspergillus luchuensis-fungi 100 91.5100 AJQ28514.1-Pelosinus fermentans-firmicutes 100 8783.1- 71.3 ensis-fir XP 002789254.1-Paracoccidioides lutzii-fungi 99.9 99.2 KOS62089.1-L XP 016756970.1-Sphaeerticirlliumulina d musivaahliae--fungifungi 75.9100 93.978.7 B micutes 95.777.7 ABR32978.1ADO840-Clostri83.1-Ilyobdium acter polytracill opus- EGY21298.1-Verticillium dahliae-fungi 80.4 99.9 us mycoide XP 009651770.1-V 96.7 TDZ74939.1-Colletotrichum trifolii-fungi 95.1 EMP15815.1-Fusobacterium nucleatuysinibm-fusobacteacillus sp.-firiarmicutes VEHE4A0079.1A2441-Fusobacterium varium-fusobacteria XP 016274870.1-Rhodotorula toruloides-fungi s-firm allemia ichthyophaga-fungi 100 ESK94445.1-Moniliophthora roreri-fungi E P icutes P ia EOQ99760.1-W 18124.1- 1.1-Fusobacterium nucleatum-fusobacteria AE ADK68489.1-Olsenella uli-actibeijneobacterrinckii-ifirma icutes 016293942.1-Kalmanozyma brasiliensis-fungi 90 XP 003192986.1-Cryptococcus gattii-fungi 98.7 A3451 XP 24.2 T42205.1-Cutaneotrichosporon oleaginosum-fungi Meg KL AlgAalge-32ae-7031333 19245 Y49548.1-Rhizoclosmatium globosum-fungi 1.1-Hippea maritimaa -d-proteobacteria OR BAC88829.1-Gloeobacter violaceus-Cyanobacteria sphaer 016604513.1-ORX492Spizell3omyces2.1-Piromyc punctatus-fungies finnis-funAlgae-507gi 94 XP Y61822.1-Neocallimastix californiaeAlgae-fungi-1 OR Algae-55227 ACL44852.1-AGY56Cyanothece577.1-Glo esp.obacter-Cyanob kilaaueenscteria a sp.-firm EDZ6PP1ADG921527.1-K59607.1AFXSulfur398.1-A-0347.1Arcimonasobacterrcobacte-Helico go tlandicamarb rinusnitrofigiacter-e-p pylolis-eroteobacteri-e-proteo-proterbiaacteriaobacteria BBH42522.1-Microcystis viridis-Cyanobacteria ACX52953.1-ADG048Ammonifex7 8.1-Kydegensii-firpidirmicutes BAG01677.1-Microcystis aeruginosa-Cyanobacteria ADG81 ADI00941.1-Syntrophothermus lipocalidus-firmicutes AFZ49620.1-Dactylococcopsis salina-CyanobEJF069acteria01.1-Thiovulum sp.-e-proteobacteria ACL68825.1-Halothermothrix orenii-firmicutes icutes ACK6EDZ98144.17009.1--RippkaAerthra orieospirantalis-Cy maximaanobacte-Cyanoriabacteria BAU66339.1-Stanieria sp.-Cyanobacteria AFY91959.1-Chamaesiphon minutus-Cyanobacteria WP ACC83578.1-NELostocS02276.1 punctifor-Xenocme-Cyaonobacteccus sp.-Cyanria obacteria EHC15877.1-KJH69Fischer899.1-eAllalitere thermllaalis atlantica-Cyanob-Cyanoacteriabacteria 107.1-Thermincola potens-firmicutes AFY90954.1- thermalis-Cyanobacteria

ADB59426.1-Haloterrigena turkmenica- KAF0230050.1-Fusobacteria bacterium-fusobacteria 033374256.1-Spirulina subsalsa-Cyanobacteria

tig00000144 g9045.t1-cyanophora paradoxa-Glaucophyta A


norvegicus-animals A icugna pacos-animals A

4 PQED-Gloeochaete wittrockiana-Glaucophyta C YTYU-Cyanophora paradoxa CCAC 0091 M0507 1-Glaucophyta 7 D QFND-Cyanophora paradoxaJKHA CC-CyanoAC 0074ptyche M0 gloeocystis763-Glaucophyta-Glaucop hyta 6 8 2 a tusciae-firmicutes

4 -Glaucocystis cf. nostochinearum-Glaucophyta 3



001030523.1-Bos taurus-animals a






NP 6 e A is-Cyanobacteria


POOW 006201351.1-V . a

r 1 h -e-proteobacteria

c h

XP c -

h 006738048.1-Leptonychotes weddellii-animals c r M

00882 0010092203.1-646.1-RNannospattusalax galili-animals r



e XP a - XP Chocr812-Chondrus crispus- e NP -

t a

o h s t

g y u u

l l c richonephila clavipes-animals b

GAX25174.1-Fistulifera solaris-diatoms o a i



r EJK66752.1-Thalassiosira oceanica-diatoms b c t




t s d



a i


f p

OQR80740.1-Achlya hypogyna-oomycetes PXF41782.1-Gracilariopsis chorda 00578-red1 859.1-algaeEmiliania huxleyi-haptophytes 1450864.1-Crassostrea gigas-animals l etranychus urticae-animals v 002293066.1-Thalassiosira pseudonana-diatoms h o a KAA8495557.1-Porphyridium purpureum-GAX95red al6g37.1-ae Pythium insidiosum-oomycetes e BAM81413.1-Cyanidioschyzon merolae-red algae t i

XP s l


01 u XP e

e s m OQS06229.1-Thraustotheca clavata-oomycetes a

f u XP s




b KAE9004757.1-Phytophthora fragariae-oomycetesGBM21086.1-Araneus ventricosus-animals i KUG01487.1-Phytophthora nicotianae-oomycetes n n

u KOO24666.1-Chrysochromulina tobinii-haptophytesOWF52161.1-Mizuhopecten yessoensis-animals o l a f Eukaryota PRD28178.1-T s e

o c

- 184.2-Galendromus occidentalis-animals l r r








V h

- r




ADC64355.1-Ferroglobus placidus-archaea 1

a c

015791989.1-T .


e a


003741 a - S XP 9 ABS55017.1-Methanoregula boonei-archaea v





XP 9 . r


4 4



N c



D 229445.1-Thermotoga maritima-thermotogales 2





c NP X EKF49223.1-Thermosipho africanus-thermotogales ADN37455.1-Methanolacinia petrolearia-archaea


C o

AMW33786.1-Fervidobacterium islandicum-thermotogales

b A ADA67247.1-Thermotoga naphthophila-thermotogales



ABR31428.1-Thermosipho melanesiensis-thermotogales

SUI25439.1-Sebaldella termitidis-fusobacteria Tree scale: 10

Supplementary Figure 15. The phylogenetic tree of NNP (nicotinate nucleoside pyro- phosphatase) based on IQ-TREE method, using the best model predicted by IQ-TREE with 5000 replicates. The important bootstraps are highlighted by the red color. JA T62665

.1-Anthu XP 008039 TFK36

TFK27 rium CFB bacteria TFK83 761.1-C 468.1-T amnicola 865.1-C 734.1-P Fungi OCF31 rame rucibu TFK99 Chrsp6 olypor oprin -Green KleflGAQ82 EAQ482 GEM092 tes versicololumr lae AEW868 120.1- AMQ569

A 346.1-P ORL45918

opsis mar 9S091 W us arcul a


X 84.1-Rh Kwoni plants r

ve-basi e 4 terula 47.1-Le t

4 04.1-Fl EDP9 c

85-S 2

ella heve a arius- 575.1-S 80.1-A

-basi 6 odotoru b

gracili 1 diomyccescibie l AMQ007

.1-Zuno p treptophyta . 1

u basidi diomyce KIF3048 euwenh 6635.1-


avobacter o

anensis- F la torulo s-basid r lgori

treptoph l


a omycetes- is-fungi tes-fungi g ODV8132 B 28.1-P e phagus san ngwang AGG68785.1- ides-b tes-fungi F basidio iomycetes- l oekiell Kord l

i RDC631 C 1.1-Hassa m


yta s

o 2.1-Su asidiom ium colu i

s mycetes-fun fungi n edobacter ia algici

n a EGW31 a blande e Schef fungi ia atlantica- s

homyces tanza ycetes-fung n 51.1-A m fersom o

a 174.1-S aruen a mnar llia byssoi t r cteria da-CF u i

gi l t

yces coipom i cryoconi m

pathaspo dhaer nsis-CF a CCA36 i a waensis- e-CFB sis-CF d - u

C B grou CFB gr 991.1-K a roteoba

F KLP1 ra passal ibacter sp.- c i

r oensis- dea-cya B 6521.1- ia XP fungi B grou u omag a tis-CFB group B 023902 g

group M idarum r s-g-p

p bacteria - ataella ph fungi o Fusari oup bacter bacteria 1 659.1-Que u . ia


-fungi 0 um fujikur p bacteria

bacteria a nobacte

2 af group ba b obacteri CFB gr acteria bacteria 8 rcus suber fii-fung a


c proteo oi-fun oteobacter a

3 Cre17 t i e cteria -Gree gi A .g713700 r . campestri bacteria


K ia a g-pr cteria ea-actin n plants oup bacter r 14-g- ia A .t1.1-Green al proteob oteobacter bacteria ctinobacteri Cre17 cteria obacteri ARO5009 ia

.g710200 d-pr roteoba 1.1-Y gae actinoba licus-a amag pestris pv tita-actino .t1.1-Green al trificans- ishiell a erythra a unicocca- ia sis-actino tum-actin AIF7351 phyra- ia gae nas sp. SKA opheno 9.1-V Green alg ntarius- olvox ferr coccus sp.-d- olyspor actinobacter GBF8984 multipar ae 99.9 m minu Green algae 7.1-Rap isii-Gr onas cam een algae 86.3 acter deni s friulien ia hidocel rallo phomo 39.4 is subcapitata- gium ge rella cter chlor oteobacter bacteria ia Green al tia sp. FGI94-g-p icrobiu micutes gae 98.6 95.1 accharop aquatica- a-pr Monne 90.5 oplane proteo rchan odanob throba 4425- Xanthom oteobacter erra

Green alg 99.7 41.1-Co Stenotro rantim nidis- ae Nakamu . sciuri-fir 82.3 ae-g- micutes 24.1-SKytococcus sede 99.3 100 100 oteobacter Chlva41 9 6-Gree 9 Leifsoniaseudar sp.-a-pr

n algae 95.1 . 70.3 9 5.1-Actin 19 65.1-S 5.1-Au 318.1-A 54.1-Rh 6664.1- ficans-fir 91.6 71.8 8183.1- ga lotono tes 7005.1- 18742 48.9 85.2 5306.1- sp.-a-pr KleflGAQ89 92.9 1206441 obactesr sciuri subsp 047.1-Streptophyta 99.897.1 9560.1-426.1-P o crassostre denitri 62.6 98.1 01 V0005 firmicu 99.5 91.8 icrovir CEM5 ibri WP 98.3 PZR13 EED3 micutes EIM006 ACV7 WP ACV0 BA Bosea AGB830 AGZ4487 tererythr 69.1 ERK6ACL39 ium sp.- 76 us thermo cutes 37.5 40.1-M 32.1-V taphylococcu 4.1-Al ium sp.-fifirmr i icutes annii- tes s-firm Geobacilguobactel r 97.1-S uobacter firmicu EIM27AOG04741.18 TCU06-7 entariu tes 0.1-Exi us wiedm RGP4164806.12 -.1-Exig lus alim firmicu icutes SQE492 s cereus- 98.6 Bacill ofundi- sp.-firm acillu libacil EDYACQ7040 3 robium TCI70367424.15 - acillus pr micutes 100 335.1-3.1-JeotgB Virgiba oflavimic KPU5 herm ETT7KIL5025 3 cillus sp.-fir 52395.1116.1-- AnoxybT a 96.9 PXY ia 35.4 RAL25460.17 - Anoxybacillus amylolyticus-firmicutes 96.6 ANB6 1156.1- a-proteobacter 78.2 100 ANB6 legae- ia 99.3 orhizobium ga a-proteobacter 99 tunistum- bacteria 97.4 65.1-Ne m oppor 71-a-proteo 100 hizobiu lae WSM12 56.1 98.5 WP 0466248 Mesor serru 80.9 37.399.981.6 biovar bi 94.9 23.7 8710.1- m ciceri 88.6 94.298.7 AEH8 Mesorhizobiu 93.8 3079.1- 98.386.9 ADV1 96.6 74 nectae-a-proteobacteria 67.499.588.5 AVX05476.1-Maritalea myrio 50.637.678.2100 85.599.373.9 99.3 98.6 93.4 98.346.7 OCK09850.1-Thalassospir 97.1 91.999.516.299.9 a sp. KO164-a-proteobacter 91.198.1 AKI00120.1-Ho ia 99.5 EIG56536.1- eflea sp.-a-proteo 69 Bra bacteria dyrhizobium sp.- AOE888WP 1242330 a-proteobacter 98 KPU5 97.1-Ra 48.1-E ia 98.8 rwinia psidii- AJZ58TEP698868.1- lstonia sola g-pr APR9 0383.1-Pseudo nacear oteobacter 97 OAG60197.1-P Pseudomonas fluo um-b ia 99.984.7 ADG30393707.1- -pro 95.9 93.7 arabu monas ae teobacteri 27 ADX4 rescens- 87.2 ACM3 19.1-BPando rkhold a 78.4 100 ADU35 g-pr 74.8 5088.1- rugin 94.9 3.1-Thi urkhoraea thieriao fung oteobacter 96.8 AEF9 osa-g- 94 EED6 3876.1- 84.8 99.2 89.7 96.2 lderi proteo ia 99.2 97.274.368.1 100 81 omona orum 99.8 100 Acidovo oa-animals 89.6 1505.1- oxydans- 163.1-Drosophila navoj 95.9 1.1-V a pseudom XP 017966 ulans-animals 99.7 6044.1- Acidovo -b-p bacteria s 89.7 23.1 roteobacter Drosophila sim nimal 99.216.8 85.3 s interme AAA81532.1- eum-a 97.7 ariovo rax avena b-pr 87.7 70.792.9 ribolium castan DO like- 100 94 Delftia sp. Cs1-4 oteobacter 99.1-T entea-T alsls 94.9 rax ebr allei- 34.6 Comam ia NP 0010344 nia arg s-anim 37.8 rax par dia K12 b-pr animalsa 99.9 hodam 98.4 765.1-R itis elegaarusn tti-ani- m s eus-be- subsp. avenae oteobacteiar

rhabd 100 XP 030538 sls -b-p Caeno oides ra nimanimall ls onas testosteradoxuso - roteoba 498284.1- ctyocaulus vivip gicus-a als WP proteo ia NP 81.1-Di trongyl animanimaa Animal sculus-a WP 1 -b-p cteria anim 96.3 KJH530 610.1-S 105188 b-p bacteria lates WPGCE454 1266313 4 roteoba A Rattus norvose taurus- 24.5 r TCC 198 024506 Mus mu sapiens- gellates oteobacte XP picalis- OWY72535.1 129890- 9 78.1-B ozoazoa PZR7 071798.1- Homo noflagel ebozoa PYM 26.1-He ni-b- NP 064295.2- zoa OLA9701 cteria 60-b- NP r 0010397 enopus tro choanoflAma moeo bebozoaebozoa 0.1-Th64.1-De i proteo ia proteo is-choa moebo 3 NP 005642.1- ae e 07946.1- Amo moebo ae 964.1-C 06.1-K rpetosiph NP 33.1-X olds-A Amo algae a bacteria bacteria evicoll ctyobacter alp e moldsolds-- A ADD93 PDH26 a RZP10 9.1-V rmosp t cyanoba eca rosetta- lds-A yte RPG7909

y acteria red alg 3-RA tedonoba 0010157 s-reredd alg ed alga acteria OLS1994 molds- ed algae h V ar sli slimem me molds- acteria hthoniob on llanstef NP nosiga br p erru lpingo RZO54606 orothr acteria erru slime m o CAN98 W ACY1

rda- ia-r t cellullulal r eum- 293.1-u 01 493.1-C p cterium 7.1-Mo slime oteobacteri P comicro 3.1-Sa llular ar slim slime mo e 1.1-Ma comicr r ix hazakensi us crispuurar n 10D-r proteob cterales ba inus-GNS proteob Cryptoph t AX4- 1 proteob 6.1-Eu acterale fanensis-

0 lular 0000308 S 0.1-Can g-pr 2866.1-


llular proteob 6 -cellul purpur i-g- 582.1-S EDQ8673 um-ce 1-g- 7 0 nculture deum iopsis cho andida TDX16 EGD7537 3 obia bacter 8 rine Gro bia bacter 2712- .1-San Chondr 7 pure ia sulph 8 ryarch bacteria lata-cel 8 GNS bacter T23O DICDI-ce idium olae strai sis-g- ii B1 7 s bacterium

sum-ce 0 cterium UM4b- 4 s-GNS bacter yticus-g- PRCOL acleodi Halian didatus Hei

S um discoi 6 tus Poseido -cyanob m lacteum oran

140.1Gracila- r 7 . d archae

ium pur 1 1 daraci rphyr 1 Galdier aeota arcuph II euryarcha


p ium

E ranea menen ium 13 2 20 -GNS bacter Q55DB4.1- s gium cel

n r ia eria fascic subglobu o gium och

h mosteliu h - acteria verru -ver 005712786.1- lla aestuar monas m y .1-Dictyosteli C 3.1-Po us amylol naceae ba schyzon mer g ia on MedD XP ia theta CCMP ieghe 28900.1- r mdall rucom o niales ar 3.1-Dictyostel Cavend rina xia comicr PXF4 m aeon- 646217 s mediter lulosum Altero niradi EME llard y ia raceum CM 55 10- XP cytostelium 849303 x 77.1-T archae yanidio icrobia shewane a eote-ar Sali Idioma obia EGC3179 s CM-OCT archae KAA cterium chaeon omona a

6581.1- l -d-


513.1-A n KYQ889 .1-Ali EGG21340.1- 19.1-C -d- ota archae

a proteob chaea 412.1-Gui Alter - verr

1349.1- d proteob a 831 -arch

AFS3 - -d-p 82856.1- p -S09

012752 r ucomicr

WL1 o

roteoba BAM t XP A aea e EKE EJI86243 acteria -C50- 005842 o acteria on-ar


a XP obia


Amoebozoa t archa AGQ00982.1- e cteria chaea

Rhodoplantae r



ea Proteobacteria

Tree scale: 10

Supplementary Figure 16. The phylogenetic tree of TDO/IDO (Tryptophan-/ Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase) based on IQ-TREE method, using the best model predicted by IQ-TREE with 5000 replicates. The important bootstraps are highlighted by the red color. Viridiplantae



and plan

s XP t ants



l 013598 rae-l




n land pl

PON4095 XP J




- ia Q 221.1-B T 017971 a tophyta

C 5 runus yed nd plants XP KAB121230 w 0 XP E u plants PTQ4120 9 icrob 0 KHG2290 k 015892 PON8812 9 8 024400 a Strep

4 XP 5 6.1-Pa

. rassica m . chinensis-

1 1 -land XP 482.1-T

. anthum f. kanehi

3 - ectus-la 002500 r

A rrucom . aea 003061 a 1 oensis var


v andis-

5.1-Ma - 783.1-Z t 086.1-P V

h 7.1-Gossypiu raspon o 4.1-Mo sis var olerace l i 2.1-T u g -arch e nd plants m micr vulgare 783.1-M heobr r PR n i cteria

u m a 438.1-M rchantia m W33950.1- s hantes-ve u hyscomi rema i cteria iziphus ju ia ander obus suber n

rella a

. nudiflora m deum a var oma cacao g momu m M 9789 u ia chinen icrom u ucalyptus gr mays-la c

n roteoba i ia KAA oriental c crobia u icrom rubra


polymor c m arbo . olerace u


o l - trella pa a onas com Cinna Chlor Spathol cteria cteria 641767 sonii- l group ba 1 8.1-Hor GAP184 t a juba- . a Actinid m cyclopop onas pusi - rucomi 7 imae DS

l cteria - bacteria -land 5.1-Zea -land a l 940.1-E

2 e-lan a REG1064 reum n ella sor -land

3 n us sp.-d-p -CFB oup bacter pha- land pl -ver Streptop d 4.1-T a-lan 1 d roteoba roteoba tens-lan crobiu

62.1-Le 3 1264.1- p proteo 877280 moda Gre plants Cyanobacteria p plants roteoba 0 -land d plants l Streptop plants a cteria l rebou okinian lla-Gr a 0 29313.1- GAP105 n rhabd d plants CFB gr iolicum n 8.1-Pe A 018729 ants t KAE philus osh WR81412.1- s cidimi nse-a- t PWZ2857 cta-d-p s-a-p vilinea A TKY7 TDW80138 plants s GAP153 d plants hyta R XP PRCOL K xia sp.-Gree een algae PSS itskevichiause sp.-a-p 62.1-B loline a-Greeen algae proteoba ia saccharol hyta Picro m fumar cteria yntropho patname REG3101 49.1-Lo a submar Methyla tella ere AGI39255.1- .1-Lar ellili 0000027 atus-a- tumefacien acteria ia n algae la sp. CF465- iphilu cyanoba nea caldi Gillisia methylosin TDY45 kinella ngilin n algae 1504.1- cyanobacter 7.1-Ar ytica-GNS 74.1-S Stigma The ina- nobactera 3-RA 07725.1- um visakhus gema m -cyanob 0315A- r 222.1-A sp. BK230ea- arvor acterium NUN1- moclostr changi fistulae-GNGNS Sbacteri ethylacid SMD3 3526.1-817.1-M .1-Niastel orph rdhii cteria 0550.1- grob obacteri licyclob um geph VVM 7122-cya ABQ171 idium GBF1 yzae-GNS bacteria OPY008 hodovul stercorar CFB gr forme CC cyanoba 1009.1- RKS5 540.1-M epidam um sp. UHCC m-cyan 98.1-De acillus sacch TDX60SEU0 T ica PCC yra-d bacteriaa 250.1-A isporu 9414- ia ium subTepidi oup bacte bacteriar TCQ40123 584.1-R nktothrix aga halococco -pro TFE76 osperm bacillu teobacteri 1367.1- na cylindr AFD00 sp. stercorar ari- TCV49 .1-Pla ostoc flagelli um ovagenal CCY oteobacter ides mccar firmicu TDX32 Dolich 845.1-M s sp.-firmi ia TCT1 nabae micutes TCO95707 a rysospoiar spumi sp.-a-pr AFZ33 ethanoce tyi BA ium- tes 1114.1-N ides-fir cutes cutes GCL34165 dular firmi 794.1-S .1-Chthon V1- firmicu 876.1-A zobium ia lla conr AUB4QEI40267.139.1-C- h esentero tanier GNS bactertesi eorhi KTB4 iobacter AFZ57 10.1-No s aureuscutes- oteobacter 8801.1- ia cyanosph adii HZ2 100 g-pr flavus-ver CEJ468 223.1-N


Dehalo a . 95.1


1 AHJ302 euconostoc m 54-ar . 0

6 ifaciens- 87.8 us sp.-firmi aera P 3887.8 taphylococcu . 100 7


9 85.1 genim . 86.6

77.2 5 TDX89 chaea 5 9 CC 7437- rucom . ibacill BBA onas alken 0 240.1-L


7 71.1-S ncia alcal

71771.1- 3 ia

icrobi . Paen

4 8 rovide Geobacter igigne cyanoba 4 . TDV92 ns-GNS ba a 1 QBS061007.11 - oteobacter sulfurre cteria 79 38.1-P a-pr 45.8 TDP1 bacteria ducens- cteria 99.8 TCT368 rthaii- GCL65016 a d-pr 98.9 bium ba flavus-actino .1-Aqu oteobacter obacteri ALL62 abacteri 91.4 phingo yces albido 73-actin 925.1-P 12.8 arab um pictum ia 82.1-S Ac-25 urkholderia -b-p treptom acteria cariben roteoba 89.6 TDN847 a sp. VKM sis-b- 168.1-S ibbell -actinob VDY1 proteoba cteria 60.3 .1-Kr la oryzae 8510.1- 97.9 PWW71 cteria Thiomonas sp. CB2- cteria ctinophytoco s-a-proteoba 92.7 TDW75968 b-proteobacter 100 056.1-A trophicu ia 77.4 TDV55 raeibacter diazo RMG6507 82.9 76.6 0.1-Chl 81.7 oroflexi 79.9 97.893.4 acteria bacterium 65.5 762.1-Oha proteob -GNS ba 57.6 96.3 TDP87 m sp.-a- 45.6 cteria 95.5 96.2 66.8 hizobiu 96 97.8 728.1-R 89.3 78.834.1 TDP21 73 26.465.1 99.8 75.7 100 96.8 proteobacteria 96 285.1-Variovorax sp.-b- 99.5 100 TCM34 99.2 81.8 99.5 98.1 95.799.5 100 99.8 27.8 9147.471.46798.2 SFE46845.1-Acidovorax wautersii-b-proteobacteria KleflGAQ84280.1 92.9 57.367.4 89.7 TDN435 80.6 34.1-Azoarcus indigens- 99.8 TCT021 b-proteobacteria 87.7 30.1-P SFV1 aralcaligenes ureilyticu 89.2 3352.1- s-b-p 99.9 Massili roteobacteria 65.6 83.3 94.3 TDS44 a namucu 74.6 98 286.1-N onensis- 44.4 86.747.9 85.6 b-pr 12.3 95.4 ovosphin oteobacter 14.3 56 35.2 75.5 gobium ia 90.7 55 98.6 96.8 97.3 97.3 sp. GV01 98.7 1-a-proteo 94.7 bacteria 5.34 92.1 100 95 100 100 9



3 100 ALI3464 99.4 99.1 GBL4141 2.1-Can didatus Nitr

6 92.8 . 2.1-Nitr 85.1 RAS3


50.7 5 osocosmi 88.3 52.7 7662.1- osarcha 81.3 99.5 cus oleoph 52.9 96.9 Thaum eum sp.-a 83.9 ilus-a 74.8 99.7 93.5 archae rchaea 100 rchaea 99.5 97.1 99.9 GBL3742 ota archae 71.856 87.8 98.5 94.2 0 96.587.933.5 87.4 75.2 0 SDI3716 1 on-ar als 75.2 83.4 4.1-An XP 030151620.1-Lynx canadensis-animmals TCP0 chaea elus dromedarius-annimai ls aerol KAB1266002.1-Cam vegicus-a alsls 1 4.1-Pr ineacea .1-Rattus nor s-anianimm a 716.1-R opion 104836 us musculu 99.6 NP 001 87.1-M s telfairimals- ls TDP46 ivibri e bacteriu NP 0013500 chinop anima VGP860 ubrivi 176.1-E as-ani mals vax gelatino dicaro b m-GNS 004709 TDQ92159 649.1-A XP assostreathys gig croceaata-an- i oxylicus- bacteria 3.1-Cr imich mals PRR74 17.1-K ra pistill mini sus-b- 01143896 9.1-Lar is-annimalsi als gi lebsielcella lysin b-pr XP Stylopho T8-a QFR1536565.1-4 M.1-Caba oteobacteri 830088 -animnimals PZW3189 proteob KAE 2738.1- la quasip oxocaraella sp.can ides-fufungin gi TDX45 ilytica-fir PFX1 aster-a oore llero acteria a 562.1-Trichin ia nasturtii fungi elanog la torul osolani- TDR935 .1-Bur lla stamsiniai udei neumo micutes KHN86 996.1-B 4.1-The 856.1-Tontarin gi i RKQ4930 phila m kholde niae- KRZ90 odotoru ssis crispa- ia TDY48 s-b-p 293.1-C hizoctonia TDQ27551 rmosp g-pr acteria REH48 04.1-E acillu -firm roteoba Droso para ida-funa-funn g ria contam 65.1-Rh minis f. sp. tritici-fufungin a TDY13 oteobacteri 031622 -fungi 3.1-Fab icutes 243.1-R TDY6ADR24 3 976.1-A s oceanisedorothr XP lula ar bacteria nterovir cteria 609036.1- GEM090 928.1-S 928.1-T NP ula hyal shisoii - s-actinob ix hazakensinansi - a CUA72 ccinia gra sianum actinobacteobacterr i 472.1-M .1-T micutes TDX60 ibacter pa GAP406 lgor Lachnel a 581.1-M ga rhi 027612 004.1-A enacib e-actino ia b-p achnell a PTX9 imini XP 9.1-Pu higgin PTX9 enacibacu iphagu a obia roteobacter a nocero 0047.1- etotrichum ia i REG1 erid s-firm r s-GNS bacter 10976 litoral 964.1-H aculum cae cificus-CF 1 acus-actin cteria e 590.1-L t lgiba arivi omyces flavu 1476.1- 4886.1- 56.1-Fl ianim s zhangzhou cteria c TDQ59387 G TCS91 TVY2 .1-Coll cillus sp.-fir bacteria TCP18 tis-a-p icutes KAA a 1800.1- obacteri B rga tractuo ia etotrichum ucomicr b lum gal oteobacteri TCV89 cter wando .1-Agr o C ariba 031004 oteobacteri alanae acterium e B grou roteoba 7 TCP97 t ia tomyces sp. GP555.1-B- a s-GNS bacter exiline verr 0 XP Opitutus sp.Spa ER46r - o d-pr nipela 895.1-M .1-Coll roteoba a group ba r 530.1-N actinobacter 9 1-actino i cter flavus-laicuCm d-pr r p Pelo TQN74189 0 ensis-C -

e p bacteria 3 879.1-T cteria Strep odococcus op nse-actin ium- t robiu ycolicib d tobacteria cteria .1-Meso

. - c a flocculi- sa DSM 41 gi-CF s-d-p 1 357.1-C -CFB s TDW45491 a ensis- linea sub nensis- Eukaryota rans- - -CFB u a TIC90070 PFG1497 b m sacchar FB gro n r o annhe icoletell B grou c a


h 746.1-M 62.1-Rh t 71091.1- c estudiniba group ba sp. PhB15 ix hazakensi i

a o kyonggie philum roteoba FB gro x r cricetiba CFB gr

e sp. CNZ285- ricetiba up bacteria io indicu e bacterium p GNS bacteri obia bacter o marin 26-CF PKV - p bacteria imia ha

m n

e iphaticivo -e-p TDY08 a semoli

s singapor - orothr o H olyticum- TDU521 s i up bacteria i verru r l oup bacter R cteria ospora a-GNS ba B grou acterium b a i cter osteomye 0 cter intestinal cter aquar

n v ucomicr um thalpo i sulfovibr 2 emolytica athayibacter llum al t rmosp o

- f hopalu comicr s LR76- mnib err l a omon e na-g-

u r t a firmi p bacteria


s bacter coli


h i e

a ia o cteria D

y obacteri e obia cutes 024.1-R - proteo verru 1.1-The seudode 57.1-V ius-g h a .1-Micr 1 157.1-A -g-p . Desulfor



e esulfatibaci ampylo

t 0 is-g- litidis- phing comicro c -pro TDX76 3 roteoba

a bacteria 56.1-P 4

TDS76 b RFC490 1 proteob


3930.1- teobacteri S l PZW2250 g-pr

y N

TFW68931 601.1-D 900.1-C p bia 576.1-S S cteria

m oteobacter TDT878

a SDP3




ACL04 ALU98 1 a VTR27 .




9 ia





Tree scale: 10

Supplementary Figure 17. The phylogenetic tree of AFM (Arylformamidase) based on IQ-TREE method, using the best model predicted by IQ-TREE with 5000 replicates. The important bootstraps are highlighted by the red color. AEM

71 XP

ADV4 129.1-M 018275

9590.1- fungi PKY

ACA8 urica KDN48 i A 936.1-C


WX45383 tes n 05926.1-

u CAZ94 uda ruestr f Cellul - 5696.1- CRG9051 S288C-

s WP R AEA XP WP 491.1-T


KGJ99344 X A

a 1545109 utaneotri gi


K TY592 1548551 031006 i ophaga oflagella

3 43598.1- 783.1-Z b .1-Flag Asper


a Shewa evisiae

0 fungi

h ingensi

5 ADR22 1.1-T illetiar o

1 14.1-Ri n 18.1-Co eus-fun


. algicola gillu g .1-Thal chospor 61.1-Cycl 791.1-L 1 i Fluvii obelli ellim l nella wo - ls alaro T a s ia anom l rmor

r ckettsiales endo 814.1-M s DSM 132 s campestri l e setta-choan onas mar e

m s als cola taf a galactani ls assotalea sp. ND1 a als als RDC620 rdyceps m omyces cer solani- ssis crispa- a myces islan e anima ls DSM 142 achnell on oleag obacteri m nimal odyi l




arivi y nimal


ala UB mals para m anim -anim rius- s-anim XP fensis DSM g tti-anim anima A goeca ro als

52.1-A u EGC3398 e rga tractuo itima- TCC 5190 58-CF -ani 639197 s Sacchar gicus-a um xiam s IBT ula hyali S

vorans- - symbion PZR31 e s inosum- hizoctonia ypsizygus ma als ilitaris- 1 37-CF n arus-

. C 951-fung alpin omeda dhaer t sculus-a als dicus-fun 4 KYQ882 e CFB 915.1-S A0A2 go abelii oides ra 5 fa-anim 28561-fun r .1-Dictyostel6.1-Dictyostei l B grou sapiens- itis elegan anim nimal i

4 901.1-A c t of 16823- enense- 7027.1-

4 ibacter sp. HM sa DSM 41 6A-g CFB gr B group a anim XP na-fung hon pisum 8-g- fungi 3 EGG18809.1- grou - elus dr D5FYC fungi f 98.1-T T 330.1-R 986.1-H 020435 7 u 534.1-S rhabd trongyl eum-a richop .1-Pon Mus mu 8 n Homo -pro p bacteria Rattus norve als als proteob 027612 gi 1 zospir g p bacteria DAA0 Sus scro s

BBO522 0 ieghe CFB gr CFB gro oup bacter i i 226.1-H um discoi als ium pur lax sp. H2-a- bacteria XP cyrthosip teobacteri gi i ctyocaulus vivip 7-Pe P -anim 26-CF Caeno RDB20 9.1-Cam CUA68 s ventricosus- ACF52 mosteliu a oryzae- X 004.1-S nimal anim 74.1-S Cavend 004993 126149 mica exsecta- F7616- acteria lium castan GAE598 eterosteli oup bactelagibr a sexta-anim 299.1-S deum pure up bacteri XP 598570.1- rsalis- B grou 003670.2- 067604.1- 78.1-Di 780.1-Araneu ribo tenotroph 001 byx mori eria fascicm ulacteum 999241.1- um-ce ia 125885 opictus-a 51.1-X CFB gr a NP 024508 1.1-For proteo b-pr NP NP tenotrop um albu AX4- cterales NP anduca NP 506025.1- 21 p bacteria XP 07.1-A 00.1-T anthomo omona oteobacter KAB .1-Bom cellul llular KJH522 ia NP 029346 edes alctrocerab do Rhodoplantae homon m PN50lata-ce-cellul l bacteriaoup bacter a XP 212.1-M nas arbo s maltophi ar slim slime m 029673 ed algae as maltoph 106135 5.1-Ba ae ar slim GBM771 0010345 ia-r PRH04 TWI12685.1- 0-cellulular XP 766.1-A ricola e molds ia NP 001 urar olae red alg lia-g slime mo olds 030033 364.1-B e molds ia NP 120732 ae pv ilia- lar XP eum- . pruni- -pro slime 02973 041 urkho Lysobacter g-pr ia sulph teobacteria XP XP red alg a lderi A0A5 g-pr oteobacteri moldslds schyzon mepurpur r rda- a multivor ruishen ACV2 C7VGI1-Ottowiaoteobacter Galdier idium yanidio oteobacteri 5796.1- ans-b ii-g- a rphyr iopsis cho a-pr proteo ia Kangi -pro 31294.1986-- C us crispus ella kor teobacteriabacteria 4.1-PoGracilar oxydans- A0A2 EME obacteria eensis DS hondr ium P1PS Cyame4 mangan 849783205.16 118-- C 05-actin M 16069 L4-A arina REG2776 hniel KAA PXF4 dobacter CNS-2 Chocr8 A25-g-proteobacteria 2.1-Ar A0A2 -g-p la loraci Fulvim GEL7400 roteobacter enicola changi K9A9 1-Ch onas sp. a 8.1-Myxo um geph B7-K 6734.1- ora ar TDP61 angie ia 57B7M SMC9 alinisp alterom 771.1-B coccus viresceyra-d lla teobacteri radym -pro 84.2 A0A2 43.1-S Pseudo b-pro OLS1845 onas sedi ns-d- teobacteri la

proteob 99.3 4.1-Can minis- a 93.8 ABW006 1227.1- uganela sp. HH101- a didatus Hei d-pr acteria 100 T3-D oteobacter 100 BBN8 ganell obacteri mdall 85.1 E7VP 97.2 archae 87.690.1 100 9 ia . 81.1-Du 16.1 7.54

ota archae 9 ficax-actin AAP 100 A0A1 74578.1- 9 A071 Pola on LC 3-a 96.1 OF a inef bacteria ribacter 100 filamen rchaea 99.3 100 Franki 93.1 100 ata-actino tus-CFB 92.4 98.8 9312.1- 100 ia 80.8 corrug group ba 100 95.2 Kribbella flavida DSM 17836-actinobacteria 100 68.5

cteria 7 ADP7 ospora A0A2G1C5A2- . ctinobacter 98.7 7786.8 3 88.3 4505.1- ocarp Rhodo 9 45 ra sp. L5-a GER5980 bacteraceae ADB3 9.1-Acr acteria 3.1-Ulvi 82.7 onospo bacter ma 90.6 icrom -actinob rinus- 100 100 86.5 GER9823 a noduli CFB group bacter 9 9.22 867.1-M 9 nospor a ia 95 38.4 . obacteri 100 8 ADU08 cromo 87.627.7 xaci-actin 99.9 0.1-Mi ora tara 95.6 94.8 95.8 A0A3E0PFD8-A 74.2 55.1 RAO1896 Micromonosp cidobacteria 99.6 79.7 100 23.4 99.9 TWG16214.1- 98.846.375.9 93.939.3 99.9 100 92.7 37 88.1 100 94 100 13.995.5 98.9 99.9 71.2 97.5 bacteria 100 m-d-proteo 95.2 ngium cellulosu 47.1 4089.1-Sora 9 56.4 AUX2


. acteria 9 VUF10601.1-Methylobacterium dankookense-a-proteob 92.4 71.378.6

9 TWB12400.1-Nitr . ospirillum amazonense-a-proteob 8 acteria 9 KPI095 47.1-Actinobacteria bacteri um OK006-actinobacteria 74.8

86.7 84

94.5 99 99.9

85.995.9 A 96.2 YM52426.1-C 86.488.6 83 orallococcus sp.-d- VTR08 proteobacteria 72.3 544.1-C 95.8 99.9 lostridioides dif

41.2 COS1984 ficile- 95.1 firmicu 41.5 4.1-Str tes 98.4 91.8 100 eptococcus pne 99.9 96 VVE 82.3 56.3 100 92.3 STQ974081818.1- 88.1 95 umoni 98.4 100 Pand 98.9 99.5 14.9 8.1-Janthi ae-fir 93.2 oraea 99.4 27.672.2 micutes 98.284.1 79.3 6 89.7 nobacter sputorum lebsormidium nitens 91.6 4 KleflGAQ88986.1-K . 100 2 Cocsu628 midium nitens 100 ium livi -b-proteoba 589.1-Klebsor 100 75.1 KleflGAQ86 midium nitens 60.3 55-Co dum- cteria

lebsor 8 KleflGAQ79 . b-pr 065.1-K 94.3 99.8 um nitens 53.4 97.6 7 96.4 ccomyxa sube oteobacter 88.2 KleflGAQ89 midi 9 lebsor 69.1 96.8 Pp3c8 39 um nitens 10053.1 515.1-K 100 100 37.9 579.1-K ia midi 100 99.9 lebsor 78.6 KleflGAQ81 hyta 97.3 99.5 llipsoi 97.3 60V3.1.p-lebsor 238.1-K Streptop 73.6 dea KleflGAQ86 scicola- eptophyta 100 midi a-Str 100 99.1 Por loea mu um nitens 99.3 phyrid um nitens pirog a muscicol midi um nitens 100 21107-S ogloe midi s 99.7 ium pur 0071S Spir lebsolebsor r ChocrPor6 u SM00 12104- 828.1-K m755- pure 0032S 010.1-K des 574-C um SM00 us atmophyticu llata 100 PRCOPorL u Porphyra umbilicalis KleflGAQ89 9 hondr fii 8 m4969 95.5

rf . KleflGAQ80 lorokyb a filiculoi 4 eum Cre0Mesvi12 40000705 us crispus 32-Ch Azollvinial llendcucuo ts -Por 1S065 369492-S- a purpur .g095145S021 phyra lla moos eangustuseptophyta CBJ264 4-RA Chrsp5 idium een plan umbili 2.g0086lagin7 e XP 904-M nthocer tens-Str 18.1-Ectocarpus .t1.1-Chlasil m Azfi s0072.g6-S0 e rphyr tens-gr KOO23400.1 005833 - calis ide Ostlu 87050- esostigma 786-A MicpuMiccoROstta2148-Ostre1 C o o42393 trella pa 9-RAta Sacu v1.1 s002 3.1.p-Po dium ni alveolata Viridiplantae Selm 602.1-Gui ydomo viride AANG 004hyscomi sormi mis- alveola s 4591 19660V C60404 Chryso 0000685sostigma vir KleflGAQ86 Ostreococcus luci nas rein Kleb a llard iculosus- ia a 1-Mi Pp3c2909.1-1 P aticum- Diatom ix Pp3c1 7-Me s-diatom chromia theta-Cr hardtii brassicafoPRCOrL crom-Mico rcoccus tauri psis Cre03 brow 024359 oadri aris--Diatom Cocsu641 Gb 10016- itrella obacteri emyell 1 8540V ulina tobi S0743 GBF9232 omon n algae XP GAQ85360.1- a solari yticus nobactebacteriar 566.1-K a nas pusilla olypothr cteria .g153900 yptomon m micr T Cre01 rnutum bacteria mari 070.1-V abaeno JAC81 as commo Mesvi65 7.1-Fr Cre12 nii- stulifera sol 4b-cyan 16-Co Ginkgo3.1.p- biloP nus odiniu bacteria Cre1 lebsor h ads Fistulifer 7-cyano oxa Chlva46 KAA PR PSC6 aptophytes CEL94 oxa .g026900 7122-cya 3.1-Rap 1908.1- Chlva27 ix 6.1-An cyanoba XP .t1.2-Chlam Y9214 cosphaer 130.1- .g543052 Symbi W58870.1- 1.g4683 xa 62.1-Fi kybus atmoph oris MiccoRC 642778 ccomyxa sube midi da

M orphyr 1703.1- us actylum trico BA 007512 7437.1- evm.mod


BAZ0 2-cyano a parad c um nitens 93-Ch ba hloro ica PCC a parad p s SAG 1403- Y1815 .1-Cro hidocel

u T GAX1 G 39.79-cyano .t2.1-Chlam idium 01-Ch haeod etraselm 50.t1.2-Chl GAX207 s 2 9.1-T lanktothr BA parado i

l .t1.1-Chlam

0 OLQ05754.1- iabili CC 7822- caryochl ydomo

ophor a C10901 952-C 6 Micra 669.1-B lorel

ophor c purpur Chlor 8

i astigocole el.contig 312 l rebou i 2 is subcapitata- 437.1-P na cylindr ana SA lorel llipsoid phora b Nostoc sp. PCC 710 0 is PCC 880 la varia nas rein 87S02 -

m 652.1-P 16.1-A ctinium con mus var M is CCQ56016 ella sor eum u amydom la varia

rucosa P 1-Mi xia sp. i sp. GSL018- ydomo c athycoccus pr nabae 04.1-M a ydomo ea

r 002184 r 18.t1-Cyan o Chrsp1 richor 4503.1- y m hardtii 03.t1-Cyan h bilis XP oriental cromon

HAN73 p

o okinian 8.1-Po diopsis cub r nas rein A1-2 1.t1-Cyano n ABW260 bilis nas reinonas rei 035.1-A o AFY4 a gree P ductrix-

882.1-T s


126 g71 0278453 -gre

8 eothece ver p ippkaea as commo rphyr 5

u green a-gr n plants 204 g177 AFZ56 2 roococci s WP hardtii en plants hardtii nhard asinos-

9 i

RUS98 l 545 g198 l green a

m een plants idium

u plants tig00001 r 778.1-R tii

o 614.1-Glo

53.1-Ch P plants tig00000 Chlor purpur da



ophyta ADN12 eum RUT105 Viridiplantae Cyanobacteria and Glaucoplantae Tree scale: 10

Supplementary Figure 18. The phylogenetic tree of KMO (Kynurenine 3-monooxy- genase) based on IQ-TREE method, using the best model predicted by IQ-TREE with 5000 replicates. The important bootstraps are highlighted by the red color. a









i i




- XP



t 006735


l -fungi

l flagella 081-fung


X EPB -fungi g

XP RCN382 P NP a



KJH416 0 13480

013303 905.1-L o

80867.1- 0 446354.1- 1 mals n R choano AAG502 XP 4 gi a 15-fungi VE75 7 NP


tr 0 stii SLH14 005415 gi h fungi 09.1-A 3 us-fungi A0A A0A1 XP fungi

c 001 56.1-Di 8 - i 645.1-N eptonychotes we -1-fun

9 399.1-Or a e-fungi 0G4GNJ5 Ancylo 010889 t is MX1- 7 ecto-an i 25.1-Ca t Q9DNU9 SY rum-

178237 . e yzae 70- gi KAB 1 KRX1 Rattus norve s gilchri canis CBS ncylostoma s a crassa OR74A 786.1-Geo - dicus-fun S288C- o E ctyocaulus vivip iform OUC50030 r fungi

750176 c ecator amstoma ceylan s diaphan nsis-fungi evicoll

a S-fun h fungi sea-fung orum 365.1-E 8284.1- enorh c aria or A0A yzias javani i XP JAN555 n ospor asiticus SU .1-Bos taur e

o evisiae rhous- teropus a l


0G4GNJ5MMI VITB- C 015789 p phyton rub 2.1-Ar g gi s lastomyce abditis ele n ora ro icrosp yricul

i abitans- caninum us cerebr spiza fortis- t licola CB T p .1-T e zophagu gicus-a Symbi l lus luchue 1 erican sox lucius- ddelli richi nosiga br richo l .2-Neur omyces illusislan par

a 1.1-Da f 048.1-Tmadi a s dendro S 107.1- P richi i i - XP icum- r nella ne arus- cus-bon alar ergil fungi i ia mel omyces cer a-fungi us-ani 1 odiniu - 571.1-B 756.1-P a lignoh EKX . fungi i-ani A0A2 a 105.1-M XP 031548 llidiu us-ani sperg AG-1 IB-fun nella na 6 5.1-Rhi 29.1-T i phnia m gans-a nimal n -anim 4.1-Mo .1-T 9 9.1-Glom 54487.1- 020894 etranych i anima m anima 6.1-Gigasp 956782 yllomyce A0A5 R5GA94 9S -V m 9 allem maell oxa-fung m nasatum mals sorghi- anima 5 anim a 2.1-Asp itrell lsoni- mals 00692 1 Sacchar solani micro 7 XP 859.1-A mals y fishes l ogenitusea- okayam s als s 002622 003717 462.1-A A8C0Y tiva-ani nimal D 002850

X P C.cos-fung a brassica agna-a ls Guillar 019.1-E ls KYQ968 G KMQ487 Sugiya als XP 15.1-W anthoph a parad adria us urticae- animal XP uccinia ls XP E RGB3273 T2608 TRA- RIA9875 ax prim 5 CAFR ctinia teneb s EDQ8803 RIB0485 CRG83149 9548.1- EGC3972 dia theta CCM -anim KJK6G5 A hizoctonia opsis ciner 59.1-T Honda xaiptasia ticum-A nimal mals izopor 4083.1- formis- s EIM214 498.1-X915.1-P EF O-Cafeteri DAA0 cryopinoprin a ieghe als aricus sp. Sym A8028 5.1-Dictyostel anim s acteria ea ferme 436.1-0.1-ScR h pallidarosa-se lveola ANB1 mosteliu Alveol KNZ56 4.1-Heter als CED84 21.1-Da a roenb P271 351.2-LeucoaC g proteob EGG20433.1- CEL52 oteobacteri ntalgian -sea ane ta m lacteum a anemo ata g-pr acteria osteliumium pur 2-cryp KLO1261 stris-g- ergen EJU05 001834 5469.13 - teobacteria pure a-Str tomonad XP proteob Cavend album P sis-Str mones -pro a -cellul nes KXN8 silvestris- 3-g- KAA PXF4 um-ce amenop nas campe eria fascicu amenop obacteri 849763 1213.1- N500- llular ar slim s iles ysobacter 3.1-Po Gracilar cellula slime me molds L anthomo 36-cyan BAM lata-cel iles acter sp. OR92-g 79496.1- XP teibacter sp. 913 acteria 005713 rphyr iopsis cho r slime 49.1-X obia idium lular olds 7919.1- odanob Cyanid ucomicr 919.1-C slime mmoldso 17.1-Lu ta-cyanob icrobia purpur PNS0 verr ioschyzon m rda- 0785668 67.1-Rh rucom hondr eum- red alg ia hirsu ium- -ver EME us crispus- lds WP 0436949 a 26473.1- erola red alg ae WP 0274898 74.1-Scytonema sp.obia UIC bacte 100r TPP4 e strain 10D ae s bacterium teobacteri 1250.1- Galdier red al WP 82.1-Okean -pro bacteria ucomicr AGU6814 Leishm ia sulph -red gae 1557524 err acterale proteo WP V 8.1-Cr ania don urar algae 1241455 vi76-d- acteria AGU6819 ia-r WP hthoniob acter fuscus-d ia ithidia aca 35.4 7170.1- ovani- ed algae 72 aceum Cb proteob 7.1-Her kinetopla TMP9 953.1-C us-d- oteobacter petomo nthocepha 97.7 99.1-Cystob d-pr 99.2 PZR73 ium viol ospor

8 AGU681 nas muscar stids 17.8 loides- 84.8

li-kin 9 100 acteria . 0026286rchang etoplastids 4 19.1-A um- WP proteob ngom kinetopla 99.8 151.1-A yxococcus maccoccusr coral onas desou 100 rallo AGU6822 stids A91 48.1-M tiaca-d- ia 99.9 KF 8.1-Str zai-kine 100100 99.6 18.1-Co a auran ESL0 igomo toplastids 96.2 AEI627 tigmatell d-proteobacter 8559.1- nas galati- 97.3 20.687.7 0143937 99.4 nutum- Trypan kinetopl 85.5 WP 68.1-S osoma r 97.5 ium mi angeli astids 98.4 SC58-ki 91.5 0026155 Hyalang XP 00931 61.2 WP bacteria 1906.1- netoplastid 89.7 3890.1- proteo 99.6 100 ia Trypan s 38.375.5 inis-d- osoma gr 96.8 100 KFE6 ayi-kinetoplastid onas sedim CFB group bacter

s 100 99.4 2588- 64 99.6 nsis DSM 90.2 736.1-Bradym 85.8 TDP75 aga pine PRCOL 100 98.7 56.3 hitinoph 0000308 93.1 645.1-C 4-RA 100 93.7 acteria -left part 35.4 ACU58 -cyanob 85.956.9 48.5 97.813.3 93.4 dea VB512170 100 92.285.6 llia byssoi 88.1 6

99.2 . PRCOL 99.1 62.8 6.1-Hassa ia

0000308 3 4-RA 100 KIF3397 CFB group bacter 8 100- 53.9 8 ossis DSM 1 1 acter hydr 28.2 100 95.5 . 98.2 menob 9 82.6 Halisco 86.6 89.1 50.292.8 AEE51548.1- 98.1 100 100 100 100 KIF27755.1-Aphanocapsa montana BDHKU210001-cyanobacteria 76.3 89.382.965.696.990.389.251.595.899.9 79.9 89.793.9 91.888.391.3 AEL25439.1-Cyclobacter 100 ium marinum DSM 745-CFB group bacteria 92.7 PKQ697 98 79.1-Raineya or bicola-CFB group bacter ADR22813.1-M ia arivirga tractuo ACA8 sa DSM 41 5697.1- 26-CFB grou AEA43597.1- Shewanella woodyi p bacteria 100 Fluvii ATCC 5190 AEW008 cola taf 8-g- fensis DSM proteobacteria EHQ4321 16.1-Ni 16823- astella kor CFB gro EHQ03391.1-Myr eensis GR20- up bacteri ADV4 9.1-Gillioides od a oratus DS 10-CFB gro 92.8 9584.1- sia limn AEM M 2801- up bacteri 89.7 96.8 71121.1-CelluM l aea DSM a 80.2100 ophaga CFB gr 95.558.894.8 ACV2 urica 15749- oup bacter 86.594.2 algicola 99.8 5797.1- uda ruestr CFB gr ia DSM 142 oup bacter 100 Kangi ingensi 74.5 37-CF ia 99.8 ella kor s DSM 132 B group bacteria 100 93.3 eensis DS 74.1 78.9 58-CF 89.4 M 16069 B grou p bacteria 100 -g-p roteobacter

62.1 97.6 ia ABW202 99.9 100 EUJ263 64.1-A

23.7 93.2 ELK4KIL468397.1-Li 100 lkaliph 94.4 54.4 94.8 9419.4 7445.1- steria gr 95.4 AEW036 8.1-Jeotga ilus ore 99.6 99.8 88.581.4 98.4 99.9 94.8 99.799.8 99.8 99.8 s invadans-Stramenopiles 92.993.6 95.2 100 Haloba ayi FSLmland -Aphanomyce 75.1 23.9 ACQ7042 A0A024U374 9STRA mycetes 17.52.7 95.2 KYD2 ans-oo 100 99.3 94.1 WP phanomyces invad opiles 98.3 96.993.5 53.1-S ii OhILAs-fir 083.1-A tramen 94.7 ANB6 libacil 008871 100 29.8 F6-1 XP omycetes 9999.7 0910569 cillus sp. BA yces astaci-S 51.4 5843.1- hanom iles 100 98.8 KPU5 -Ap myces astaci-o 100 AJH593 lus campi 183-fir 7 9STRA phano menop 9 9.1-Exi ulfobacil A0A3R7BTU tus-Stra les 5 4261.1- micutes 009831005.1-A enopi 100 XP omyces stella ycetes 7460.1- Geobacill 96.1-Opitutus sp. GAS368-ve micutes -Stra-oom m 59.6 B-20 salis-fir TRA-Aphan mycetespiles AGB171 guobacter lus acidop parasitica 20-oo a 94.3 WP 77.1-B Anoxyba 85LI70 9S legnia CBS 223.65 amenopiles 08-fir micutes A0A4 apro ina VSa-Str 0077027 Bacill PC-S ameno EL us sp. B41 micutes 1 SAP parasiticgniaa dicl teobacteri acillus an ium sp. hilus DS 67BZT legnia prole vata-Str teobacteria Y581 09.1-Ha us wiedcillusm sp. B7M apro lya hypogyn b-pro a ia A0A0 4.1-Sa -Ach -pro a WP 470.1-S 10-b a M 10332 012209 ans CJ2- 14.1-N13.1-Ha 13 2016AT1b0 - XP EQC2794 7 9STRAaustotheca cla teobacteri ia AEN0 1520420 lovivax ru -Thr lenivor oteobacter ia ESP thracis- V9YIA doxus S1 -pro teobactercteriai WP annii- firmicu A0A1 g-pr teobacteri OYR5565 -firm -pro atronoco 1-fir rruco 9 9STRA rans-g 05836588031.14 - nas naphthraxa para b-pro 6243.1- lovivax asia firmicufirmi 1-firm icutes V9ZZ4 rinig roteobroteobactea ria micutes tes micro romo ariovo rescens- oteobacter 15.1-S ber XH A0A1 V 3124-b-- p cutes icutes Pola a piriflo -b-p bacteria ia bia a sp. NT80-b b-pr cteriaacteria tes haloph ccus amylol 8099.1- rwini orum 8.1-Hal Candi -70- 38318.1- monas fluo 90.1-Ha alinig WP ACS1 sis MBA 40-6- ia CUS04 ticus-ar ABM ADD44 14.1-E Ralstoniumi sp. BJB actinobacter WP 8-actino 0109026 archae Pseudo acteria ABK proteoboteobacte-actinoa r b a a ACL24 datus Haloilic arcb h i ranum eria fung acteria WP EFH82 cteria WP Ag1- r orubr cariben faria MC bacteria 0144318 0236537 W 8850.1- e chaea vi-b- t g-pr 936.2-C KQN41702826.10 - lopar yticus DSM 10 a WP thinobacter sp. ia a c P 273.1-S deriarkhold bacteria 0079202 1265785 KQM151 GAQ31559.1- 20-40 oteobacter acteria cteria teobacteria a acteria m casei S1 salinum KPU5 proteob acteria um hal ia ambi 1 44.1-Ha obacteria b 987.1-C aeon DL3 proteo proteob bacteria 2 obacteri 267.1-K vum sedim urkhoarabl u a-pr obacteria o

05.1-Jan 3-a- -pro 6 older ii BKS a e assella al t ans DR1- i-GNS ba 6 arab ucobacter 70.1-Ca onum tyrr bacteriu o andida 3 Arthr tackebra 40.1-P da-a- r 41-GNS odura 2075- proteo 1 8.1-Fr -arch lobacter proteoba p 72.1-P Burkh proteob 222-a 33-actin 37.1-K 0994028 nodgr 1-actinob - 4 Brevi oteobacter 21.1-T 1 s-cyanob hloro 524-a 926.1-P 28-actin g 6 1-ar oleivor tedonob -

WP GNS bacter i 72.1-Le obacter AJZ587 1-a- 5 aea 1-a- 7 enti-a 0-a- ns-ar a-pr . tus Prom

1 4975.1- 2 ALL62 75.1-S ogoltabi 431 ldilin igori chaea s qingsheng ans sp. J32-a- s JS1-cyan ellen ium sali rchaea 8336.1- - ndtia nassau flexus aggr lantibacter

K oteobacteri enguno D tedonoba


ACB6 i DSM 139 chaea nsifer sp. Root42 c rchaea 0464559 DSM 438 YR53 aueensi . bacteriu EKU4 ificans PD1 ea aero sp. FB24-a sis-ar netobacter i DFL-1 t p acter race

g-pr WS-G2 - DSM 449 y

tunistum WSM s WP elativor xus castenholzi 0967654 o ei DSM narum is MCS1

sp. b ineofilu hodococcu aueensi m 91.1-E ibacter tsum WP pyxis macr a chaea 1.1-Aci u iphila c i xandri 2999- SC A sp. Leaf1-actin bispora cter racem r

t m sp. Leaf44- m sp. CF080- egans DS phila-

e -arch m oppo43.1-Cr h e ensis DSM t


obacter kil lis mar

Roseifle c 109.1-R a m breve cterium mifer DS

phingo a ctinobacter 0606438 coccus denitr l aea ADI904921 ispora p s castenholzii b ora acid GNS bacteri i

o cteriu m hizobiu hizobiu obacter kil n

WP sp. dassonvill enzia ale n u

i EME Para aricau r

0280343 s 20.1-S rmob agoien M 9485- a ifer- -

G -GNS bacter 44728- Labr 75993.1- Mesor WP M M 4496 71.1-Gloe

- N actinobacter

GNS bacteria atenulisp 089.1-R 1 obacteri ia S 0707.1- ecola sp. HTCC . villei sub Roseiflexu 63.1-M

2 sis-GNS ba 6.1-The PMP 19.1-Gloe 74.1-Phylloba b


cterales b a a

0547240 a 8709.1- GNS bacter actinoba 9


3-GNS ba ABL7 2 47832.1- t

e WP 8 417.1-C EUC01 0231745 a

r 1

i AEH8 6939.1- ABI657 ia a 6 EEE EJN062 ia 37.1-Glaci 3 AGY593 ADG9008 WP cteria 0

tedonob a

opsis dasson cteria ACU72 P

ABU5 cteria ia


ocardi 56.1- K 0101795


231.1-N 129894 2 W P ADH66

Tree scale: 10

Supplementary Figure 19. The phylogenetic tree of KYU (kynureninase) based on IQ-TREE method, using the best model predicted by IQ-TREE with 5000 replicates. The important bootstraps are highlighted by the red color. al



anim mal

015790 003737 al

XP XP -an i

015910 024508 644.1-R AF16-


e s-anim

ia 775.1-Gal 1 029832 19.1-T


749.1-P 314.1-S GBL8678 hipicep OWF46030.1- -Rhizar

etranych um dentatu m Rhizar 328.1-Ixod tis briggsa itis elegan endro XP XP

arastea halus app XP KZS1 trongyl ranea 005102 01 0.1-Ar d algae Amoebozoa habdi ata 017293 rhabd mus occide

141514 us urticae- 0582.1- assicae- D-re hagosto m

toda tepidar oides ra Mizuho es scapular 960.1-A aneus ven ae JAR697 Alveol endicul ra subter 451.1-K Caeno Animal XP Caenor ebozoa 5.1-Cr 029962 Daphni hora br lveolata zoa pecten yessoen Amo XP ntalis-a bozoa anima red alg tti-anim plysia cal formis- ryptole 04.1-Fu ia-A 031589 assostrea gig atus-ani ae strain 10 a tricosus- 6564.3- odiop

XP 50.1-Oeso p ongospo

ioru is-an moebo XP 772.1-S a magna eum- Amoe 026210 ae bozoa 505450.1-

l -Sp e molds- 031 bias mar nimal m-ani al ndulus he era vel ed algae ebozoa

146.1-Or NP imal CAP3 um-A ifornica Plasm n merol 13999 mal moebozo Amoe alar a brassica KAE 227.1-A anima KHJ93 4 ia-r purpur red alg e molds- Amo ar slim -anim BS- ias fasciatus-b sis-ani mal lds-A 828033 mor as-ani 9EUKA Chrom 6.1-Sa itrell rda- eochro -gastro urar molds- teroclitus- V idium fungivor cellul nabas testudi l ar slim atus-bony fishe KAB al VE- L 8.1-Lar mal idioschyzo nder luci mal lacteum- r slime mis aur rphyr AX4- 126715 NP pods cellul slime mo ia sulph 0010689 H5QPK5 VITBC- iopsis cho oebozoa XP imich anim lular ony fishes otostelium eum- cellula 0046998.1-Cam operca G4J1D2 PLA deum neus-b eus-an 3.1-Po -Am thys crocea- 1.1-Cyan A0A0 mostelium NP 26.1-B al Galdier XP s G4IAE7 9A lata-cel N500- 064461.1- Gracilar lanopr purpur lidum 828.1-Eelus dr A0A0 030864 ony fishes-anim imal G4ERX2 XP 7951 ieghe um discoi 030801 os taurus- 849871 A-P 233.1-Gor chinopomeda al A0A0 Rattus norve anima E-T album iumP pal BAM 29893.1- A0A0 KAA 8279.1- 645.1-C eria fascicu s telfairirius- - ictyostelium XP illa go anima l 5 9EUK -fungi 021382 XP EME amar anima PXF4 ostelium 005416 1 9MYC ysphondyl -fungi rilla gicus-a .1-Dictyosteli e-fungi 104.1-L hynchus par anima l Cavend phora 244.1-Geo gorill l -Pol -fungi XP P6N9C obalum -fungi onchur nimal l DICPU-D 031450 a-anim 52A0N 0.1-Heter bioticum 13480 Fungi a striata dospizam fortisvulus- - 640237 ago tricho 1 827.1-P al A0A2 m micr 2 POLPP yces conferva i XP animal A0A1 XP 022789 hasian F1A3J7 A8408 um endo XP 413.1-S us colchicusestica-a- animn a EGG14731.1EF - i 027050 D3B43 48.1-Ustil ynchytriu rtus-fung canis CBS l 100 477.1-P tylophor imal Chytriom orum a pistilla anim Synchytri XP ocillo 049.1-S icrosp lytica-fung 020604 pora da al SPO315937.13 - lomyces hi 242.1-Or ta-stony cora fungi micor 91.3 2850.1Powe- l owia lipo eri- 15-fungi XP 029179 bicella nis-stony cor TPX7 031022 870.1-arMr

2 950.1-A faveolata-ston ls . XP TPX4 yzae 70- 4 cropo als 9 1076.1- 8.1-Y ta-fungi ra mil 98.5 002843 aria or XP lepor y corals XP scovopsis web 020891 a-stony cora 99.5 92 TPX6 817487 yricul ia pustula DJ-fungi XP 004993 982.1-E 31.9 KAE 46.1-E xaiptasia ls 70.5 bilicar E-fungi 644.1-Salpin pallida 501.1-P ngipes B goeca ro 98.5 bicolor setta-choan -anim 78.5 1.1-Um lara lo 46.2 KOS186 al 85.3 34.3 oflagella 7679.5 003718 tes-Opisthokon 91.2 76 XP 1.1-Chayaloscypha e-fungi ta 92.4 KAA641563 roma 84.785 95.9 99.7 938149908.1-H 93.4 ium theob 78.399.6 KAE gi 98.4 024728 79.2 XP atobasid PRCOL 93.1 ides-fun 00003084-RA 89.3 86.6 -right part 85.9 4.1-Cer la torulo 64.6 88.1 559319 odotoru um f. sp.-fungi 38.5 KAB 13.1-Rh m oxyspor PRCOL 00003084-RA 90.7 99.9 usariu GEM087 488.1-F 100 031053 gensis-fungi 55.7 XP 95.4 99.7 91.7 oniella shandon 97.7 3.1-Kw fungi 98.7 51.6 552813 la imperatae- 92.1 KAA 99 021867721.1-Kockovael 73.494.6 XP 56.2 94.5 58.993.7 KAE8540889.1-Cryptococcus cf. gattii-fungi 91.8 95.3 97.9 73.994.7 90.1 89.6 17.991.5 AUB23137.1-Cryptococcu 93.8 87.6 s neoform 87.787.8 ans var. grubii-fungi 94.8 63.5 88.7 97.2 90





87.4 100 16.567.8

96.3 88.4 55.3 98.5 95.8 98.5 8777.6

71.5 93.3 91.297.8


9 93.8 WP 70.8 . 67.4 1068372 50.2 2 25.1-Breviba 95.4 WP 1424958 cillus fortis-

3 firmi

. cutes 24.3 66.1-L 3 ysiniba 86.6 9 97 WP 0686720 cillus sp. SDF 33.9 86.6 0063-fir 20 75.3 99.4 81.1-Ocean 97.2 95.6 94.5 99.4 WP micutes 49.9 34 92.3 98.1 98.3 0994246 obacill acteria 83.4 WP 068373239.1-Kerstersia gyiorum-b-proteob 100 0424036 03.1-S us sp. Castelsard WP 97.3 a 5.2 WP b-proteobacteri 95.5 91.9 15471 olibaci ysiensis- 82.2 86.1-Geom o-firm 92 llus sp. R5-4 dus mala ia 45.889.5 WP priavi 17.3 icutes 84.1-Cu oteobacter 52.1 1532391604.11 - WP 0710728 b-pr 91.3 WP s sp. Pch-P- 87.1 88.8 WP 1537314 Bacill icrob 1-firm omona 38.6 ium sp. JCM 19 icutes olar acteria ia 87.1 99.9 1426428 12.1-Fi us pseudom proteob 9 QGJ18356.1-P 9 a-b- cteria 99.8 oteobacter . 99.9 7 68.1-Sporosctibacillusa ph m sp. Panam b-pr roteoba 94.4 ycoides- 037-fir bacteriu gloea sp.- bacteriaia 70.1-P micutes romo 4.1-Zoo 84.1 WP firmicu 33.1-Ch s sp. GS1-b--protep o 91.9 1277803 sychrobarcina sp. osphor 1077989 KAB296734 imona nius-b oteobactebacteriar WP ivoran tes WP b-pr 30.2 141 54.1-Glaci -proteo ia A0A5 cillus sp. Z8A15- - s-firm obacter spsoxidansa - 19721366.1-Lu firmi 1532344 um-b 99.5 icutes WP chrom C5W174 9B cutes 05.1-A oteobacter cteriaa .1-Br jinxing firmicu obacter xylaeao sputor g-pr ia 64.6 96.9 adymonaia sedim WP 1008545 chrom andor roteoba tes 30.1-A ylolyticus- -a-p teobacteri ACT 59.1-P A0A3 inis-d a-prooteobacteteobacteriar ia A0A3 -Ph s sp. CUR795 adius am a M8FUZ 1508095 anthropi a-pr -pro cteria OWY72062.1- ycisphaer YN10 -proteo WP alinir L7TJN8 9BACT composti- 1-d- bacteria 00.1-S bactrum acter-a TMP9 6 9BAC haiticus- teobacteri oteobacteroteobr a WP PYL4 ae bacteri proteob zobium WP WP minob WP 0828388 PZR74 1733.1- 1093407 8.1-Ochro g-pr -a-p ia T rius nan a-pro WP PZR79 -Phyci acteria WP esorhi ia 143907 1413249 8 7595.1- cyanoba bacteria WP 1080657 um-P 277826 79.1-A bile- ia ia -Pla 75.1-M bacteria 0735599 802.1-C V sphaera KAB Roseova ia KIF233 91548551 029.1-Cerr nctomycetes bacter VC gr WP V WP 15.1-Gem ucomiccteriur m ium mo yxis terrae AKS err 0679627 oteobactear sp. S0819- obacteria ia oup 1363547 actinobacter 16.1-C85.1-o M ucomicr sp.-PVC 26707.1- ata-actino bacteria WP 1546584 53.1-V WP WP 1550884 hthoniob

WP KA B A WP WP hthoniob -a-pr 41833.1- pibacter hingop gata-actino WV07199 14.1-A obia bacteTDX1r 6 SEK mnicol 8.1-Ap actinobacter ia 1294701 66.1-Cycl actinobacter ia 0496214 0249398 group corrug 1543529 yxococcusmata sp. sp. SH- obia bacter dis-actin 81981 8 ctinobacter itiosang 57.1-E cterium lkalili 2.1-Sp rallo -cyanob a corru is-actino acterale ium- ctinobacter rchang acterale a 13.1-E a sp. CP22- i hanocap a pari ia 28.1-Wino ospora r coccus sp. Z5C101 ium- PVC gr 15.1-A W tinilytica- e 0091784 ophytica- ceae-a t acteria aceae ba 284908 .1-L enzhou obacteri ium sp. GDMCC c 5.1- L 07.1-P ium- verr pospor 57.1-X s bacterium A23-a 46.1-Fr s bacterium WP a bacteria ocarp ythropol roteobacter 19.1-teno ium sp. Cb G35- oup KAB acteria iseniba b onospor roteobacter PL17- ucomicr 1521467 ysobacter verr cardia bacteria p sa montana AB02

crocar ysobacter m tellatospoellar end -a-p odobacter WP ora gela u ucomicr -g-p gradskye 2.1-Acr o seudoxan icrom anthomo xiangel um xiam PVC sis sp. r group up bacteria ateuri obia- g cter elega 5B-d- -ver group bacte r -ver 64.1-A A-48 -cyanob 83.1-Rh rauser B trophom group obia- PVC 36.1-Ca 88.1-No B group dococcus er F rucom rucom 06.1-M maris- proteo a defenden 001-d C la mar 1.1324-d- GER9823 6-CFB group rtiactinosp FB gro - enense- -CFB PVC nas-g- lla sp. ZXX BDHKU 6 d-pr 68.1-P thomona 1554247 1553346 mycolatop - icrobia icrobia 512170 aris - ns-CFB -proteo group W bacteria WP onas ma 1553896 9.1-Rho nsis-CF sp. 28-YE g-pr oteobacteri WP 1552209 S ina-g 0209097 cella sp. 3539

D g-pr o proteo CFB gr -PV -PV WP 2.1-Dese BBFL7 WP 122686 29.1-A 210001 proteo s

WP oteobacter 1 i bacteria C group s-g-p dea VB arini -proteo C group s s composti- group ba rinckia 205-C 258392 n

WP a sp. CL23-C teobacter i e ltophili bacteria oup bacter bacteria n cterium amurskye ga sp. RKSG06 a KAB o roteobacter -cyanob Beije 11117195 d FB grou 1555434 10.1-M bacteria k

o WP a-g-p ia cteria WP bellia d llia byssoi bertkochi

s Fulvivir g-pro a acteria 7576.1- n ia acteria ba e roteoba p bacteria


ia a 1542230 l 47.1-Zo teobacteri SED4 53.1-Ro n

o 1992.1-

4.1-Hassa WP Flavob N - cteria

1 .


15521 1556012 3

a 1439532 8

6 KIF3397

20568.1- WP WP 7 WP C



Tree scale: 10

Supplementary Figure 20. The phylogenetic tree of HAAO (3-hydroxyanthranilate 3,4-dioxygenase) based on IQ-TREE method, using the best model predicted by IQ-TREE with 5000 replicates. The important bootstraps are highlighted by the red color. ASS

48075.1- OWY21641.1-


KIF3140 opods Bacteria Candi Eukaryota s

RKP0 pods ds RIB0317

Sphi s-arthr PWL3034 datus Fluvii todes 1.1-Hassa 9.1-Br

8828.1- arthro thropod ngobacter thropo nimal PQJ12265 fungi nema PZR32 6.1-Gigasp ls-ar PTM1 umim mals- s

i als-ar 3.1-Rose Thamn um-a g llia byssoi atodes n nimals- 8836.1- iales ba cola rifle icrob u anima rior 485.1-A f is-ani

.1-Flavi - -anim

s thropod

i s culisetae- chins ocephal c

i gans-a ora ro ium sp.-C l als-nem OLA9702 Bactero cterium ivirga u ls-ar

psychrob nsis-CF zospir dea VB c tricosus- ns


sp.-CFB gr sea-fung u tti-anim

i is sphaer m nasatum 0.1-V PYL3 RQO30262.1- es scapular anima idetes bacter t atus-sea ur TSM CS a oryzae- t daria i abditis ele cudomyce acter stenotro 512170 FB gro steatoda tepida erru B grou 5391.1- m llidiu rpur

S agna- comicr - oides ra als-cni aneus ven enorh 1 Para i-ascom . S-CF madi

0 PZR74 V -cyanob up bacteri ospora obia bacter b-pr p bacteria 8.1-Zan err T oup bacter 4 -anim ians aibai ium- 869.1-Ixod ucomicr 4 trongyl 6.1-Ar phnia m 803.1-C phus-C B grou oteobacter 0 35.1-Ca stony corals 2 3.1-Ar cnidar ella sp.-CF CFB gr 1043.1- ocentrotus pu als J ycetes pallida ora- PYM -fungi hthoniob ium 13 2 20obia bacter acteria M mals- 029834 418.1-S

FB gro p bacteria a O 01685.1- 10.1-Da trongyl oup bacter ia OMH8003 millep 01591 750562 XP 0010229 GBN0943 xaiptasia ata-ani nis-stony cor PYJ26 acterale B grou ia V up bacteri XP NP opora erru CM 55 10-ium- 024505 micor 150.1-V KAB 401.1-S ony fishes comicro s bacterium JAN527 XP ra pistill PZR79 verr p bacteria 874.1-E erru ia 1.1-Acr pora da 030.1-C bia bacter verr ucomicr 51 canus-b ny fishes comicr a 030846 Stylophoocillo -ver ucomicr 020906 hthoniob obia bacter XP eus-bo ium- rucom obia XP acterale 029193854.19 -059.1-P styanax mexmisi aur OWY72063.1- verru obia XP bony fishes dates s bacteriumium- comicricrobia eochro djan- verru PFX3 480.2-A als-chor 027040 anim cyanoba comicr obia XP istis mur -ver 007232 539.1-Or yripr cterium rucom obia XP us colchicus- dates RAO7533 TDX16 031602 251.1-M s-chor icrobia XP hasian nimal 7.1-Dyel -cyanob 029937 584.1-P gicus-a la jiang XP PZQ1645 acteria 031446 als-chordates 2.1-Rho ningen XP Rattus norve s-anim danoba sis-g- 599199.1- us musculu cter denitr proteob NP 13.1-M dates 98.9 ls-chor acteria rius-anima ificans-g 98.8 0010282 23.6 omeda WP -pro NP elus dr 0964146 teobacteri 99.9 9.1-Cam 24.1-L 100 KAB127883 ysobacter a 100 capsici-g 99.5 -proteo 52 animals-chordates 95.7 os taurus- 95.1 65.4 62.1-B 93.3 bacteria 87.560 23.3 NP 0010691 100 73 98.5 97.8 99.9 81.5 58.1 96.79688.5 99.4 99.8 92.798.4 99.9 99.5 92.157.4 99.693.8 PRCOL 98.8 64.9 00002913-RA 91.9 10.8 100 57. 3 72.6 99.5

85 100 99.2 RDW20154 100 .1-Oceanobacillus ar 98 enosus-firmicutes 99.9 EEM 11498.1-Bacil PSK lus pseudom 96.7 99.8 14754.1- ycoides-firmi Brevibacill cutes 20.5 us porter 94.2 93.3 SPL9 i-firmicutes 74.6 28.8 45.6 3547.1-

100 97 100 2HBV Actinom 64.9 A-P adura 99.9 99.8 AOU9522 seudom parvosata sub 98.3 96.656.8 ebsiella variicola-g-proteobacteria 2.1-Ach onas fluor 7.1-Kl 13.6 sp. kistnae-actin WP 11146045 proteobacteriaa e-g- 100 escens-g- lla pneumonia teobacteri romo 99.9 -pro 89 9 lebsie 9 obacteri 100 . bacter ru 929.1-K 9 EJK88 cloacae-g-proteobacteria proteo obacter cteria bacteria a

65.5 hlandi 74.9 16.656.1 .1-Enter la oxytoca-g roteoba 90 73.9 99.2 VEG463 VAG24352 lebsiel ns-g-p bacteria 96.9 i-b- 56.1-K ODV3703 proteob 96.6 61.1-M 1549554 . aureofacie sis-actino 99.7 acteria WP 97.8 micutes 99.2 OR 8.1-Mi ycoliciba aphis subsp atislavien nes-fir 84.7 W51559.1VVT- 1 oror crocystis aer cterium 9358.1- monas chl dococcus wr flavescens-a monocytoge RDB22 Pseudo 3.1-Rho Mycoba Mari uginosa 0991.1- Listeria icutes XP OLN83682 TVY2 nobacter AZE1 GCE3817 micutes a POM617 748.1-H cterium ctinobacter acteria OWZ03772.1- 031003 NIES-9 7929.1- acteria KUF8EE0 Y la sp.-firm ia sp. EC-HK KSZ4 TMG7323 4795.1- 8-cyano TMU78 parme ia TSA0 ypsizygus ma lyticus-fir obacteri P 53506.1- .1-Coll Cohnel s-actinob U 583.1-L ia -actinob ia 89.1-P 716.1-P E nse-actin bacteria

2 Lachnel 377-g 8361.1- tes 6969.1- etotrichum 1 roteobacter tes tes 175.1-H

cillus chitino 1 ium acne nsis-actin achnell 1.1-Be Phytophthhytophthoo r -pro REK6 2 Phytoph tes rmor -g-p 6 obacteri ora sp. BB1 hytophthor teobacteria aeniba . lula hyal micutes 1 eus-fun oteobacter - Comam ula hyali L chloro Cutibacter diomyce roteobacter a haikoue ascomyce ydroge taproteob 98.1-P ascomyce i a scomycetes firmicu m thora infestan b-pr um-fir n a palmi gi-ba V204 planticola -b-p ina-fun 4158.1- o ra meg phyti-fung QA lantactinosnospopr i-basi h na-fung ascomycetes a nicotian s-fungi- a sidiom ta-fungi- fungi-a onada nophag

REB7 b 54.1-P oultella nensis- i vora var cromo t acteria ba gi-asco

7-fung a akarya- CP14C ycetes

n i-ascom i-ascom

s VT413 longipe ceae bacter 7.1-Mi la sp. H567- a interm A s s 70.1-Ra mycetes ia pustula 2SS1- p ae-oo . palmivor rium witschiae- T30-4 . oomyce ycetes ycetes attae-fungi- terococcus faeci W cterium

KIR6068 S bilicar ALCF coccus lugdu mycetes ordetel

1 -oom eria sp. UY 0155843 edia-

- phora 5.1-Fusa illus wel b tes a-oo 0.1-En ium- WP inus -

p -b-p ycetes

r 4.1-Um b-pr

30.1-B o rkhold hialo mycetes

sperg t b-pr Staphylo e roteoba

o oteobacteri

RGP6527 b

oteobacteri 641030 a PQF7623 arabu entinus tigr c

503.1-P t AOB324 348.1-A e KAA 7482.1- r cteria



94.1-P 837.1-L ARB7 a 026626 017994 a


RPD75 RZF271

Tree scale: 10

Supplementary Figure 21. The phylogenetic tree of ACMSD (amino-β-carboxymuco- nate-semialdehyde-decarboxylase) based on IQ-TREE method, using the best model predicted by IQ-TREE with 5000 replicates. The important bootstraps are highlighted by the red color.