02:13 Aluminum, at last Viessmann welds with a record-breaking machine The laser, at last Zwilling, of all companies, could not cut. That’s been taken care of. May the Powder be HELLO, MR. with you! PRESIDENT YONGFENG LU Additive manufacturing is the future of production. TALKS ABOUT EVERY- THING EXCEPT HIS But what will this future look like? PRESIDENCY OF LIA → Page 26 PUBLISHER TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG, Johann-Maus-Strasse 2, 71254 Ditzingen, Germany; www.trumpf.com RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENT D.ENG. H.C. Peter Leibinger EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Verena Buttler, Phone +49 7156 303 – 31559;
[email protected] DISTRIBUTION Phone +49 7156 303 – 31559,
[email protected], www.trumpf-laser.com/laser-community CONSULTING Helmut Ortner EDITED BY pr+co GmbH, Stuttgart, Norbert Hiller, Martin Reinhardt CONTRIBUTORS Florian Burkhardt, Catherine Flynn, Norbert Hiller, Prof. Seiji Katayama, Prof. Reimund Neugebauer, Martin Reinhardt, Julian Stutz PHOTOGRAPHY Kameron Bayne Images, KD Busch, Oliver Graf, Peter Kainrath, Gernot Walter, Adam Wiseman DESIGN AND PRODUCTION pr+co GmbH, Stuttgart, Gernot Walter, Markus Weißenhorn, Martin Reinhardt TRANSLATION Burton van Iersel & Whitney GmbH, Munich, Germany REPRODUCTION Reprotechnik Herzog GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany PRINTED BY frechdruck GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany 02: 2013 Cover illustration: Gernot Walter EDITORIAL ruly impressive is what can be achieved by an interdisciplinary meeting of creative minds. Together, developers Dirk Sutter (TRUMPF), Jens König (Bosch), and Prof. Stefan Nolte (Friedrich Schiller University, Jena) succeeded in transforming the ultrashort pulse laser Tinto a tool ready for use in industrial mass production. The team has now been nominated for the prestigious German Future Prize.