Janna Levin | 9780307948489 | | | | | Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space Quotes

Levin has inverted the usual formula. Here, though, the focus is on the flesh-and-blood people who make the science happen. A few Astrophysicist and author Janna Levin has a good nose. At the time, I thought it was crackpot science, even though Stanford and a number of other major research centers had built versions of his detector. An astronaut floating nearby would see nothing. Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space 1st edition did this read like a soap opera full of departmental squabbles, politics, money-wrangling, and even a little madness thrown in? Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! Ken No, this is science for Everyman. Here, we see a tendency for poeticism, which isn't bad in and of itself, but is rather corny when compared to the restraint of the rest of the book. As the global network of gravity observatories nears the final stretch of this race, it gets harder to turn attention away from the promise of discovery, although there are still those who vehemently doubt the prospects for success. The passage of a through the experiment would change the interference pattern. Is the answer worth the price? However, it is the background theme of this book. It is worth sitting back and letting that sink in. In this book Janna Levin says, "In the Milky Way, there may be one neutron star collision with another neutron star every ten thousand years, although these predictions are still very uncertain. Hope Jahren. By the time the epilogue comes around, the discover Not long ago it was announced that scientists working on something called LIGO detected gravity waves, literally sound, from colliding black holes 1. As that sound got closer to our Local Supercluser of galaxies, dinosaurs were chilling on the spot where you're reading this from. The thing that stopped it getting All The Stars because really, if there's anything going to catch my attention, astrophysics and advanced project Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space 1st edition are high on that list is that it didn't really feel like a book. If close enough, her auditory mechanism could vibrate in response. The prose is transparent and joyful. In September the LIGO project made the first direct measurement of gravitational waves and observed the first ever binary black hole system. Soon after, approaching nearby star clusters, industrialization got under way and the steam engine was build. Published March 31st by Bodley Head first published March 29th This being about May-ish timethe room was packed and consisted about 50 I was in Glasgow a couple of months back, and a friend invited me along to a Skeptics in the Pub night - they regularly have interesting people along, at the front of a room beneath a pub, to talk about whatever sciencey or philosophical or what-have-you thing it is they work on. I came across Black Holes Blues rather late, when Kip Thorne mentioned it as somewhere you would discover the difficulties the management of the LIGO gravitational waves detection project went through. When there is prestige, Nobel Prize, and personal fulfillment on the line, all is fair. Sensibly, Levin spends a fair amount of time on the doomed work of Joe Weber, whose bars proved controversial when no one else could duplicate his work. She also captures the cost of getting to this point, both financial—this is big science in its truest sense—and, in many cases, personal. For science nerds who also love a good story, this one's a keeper. I absolutely loved this approach when I first came across it. Tethered by gravity, in their final seconds together the black holes course through thousands of revolutions about their eventual point of contact, churning up space and time until they crash and merge into one bigger black hole, an event more powerful than any since the origin of the universe, outputting more than a trillion times the power of a billion Suns. Timothy C. This book comes at a juncture in astrophysics, when theoretical has quite captured the minds of popular science enthusiasts. Levin never speaks to Drever directly; he is present only through earlier recorded interviews, and is now suffering from dementia. The machines were taken offline over the past few years for an upgrade to their advanced detection capabilities. Why does Levin report that Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space 1st edition has only heard his voice in recordings? Community Reviews. Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space

Sign in. It would be like winning the lottery but only if the lottery were on another planet and you couldn't buy a ticket. No human has ever heard the sound of a gravitational wave. In Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves: miniscule ripples in the very fabric of spacetime generated by unfathomably powerful events. Should have read the dust jacket flap or a good review before I picked it up. And if you have a news tip, correction or comment, let us know at: community space. Mar 29, Minutes Buy. Again Levin inevitably knows this, but seemed to prefer the dramatic notion which overwhelms a vague qualifier. Hardcoverpages. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. The book is currently available in hardcover. How to Invent Everything. She gives due credit to , a lone pioneer who built a gravitational wave detector in the sixties and thought he had found something, but was later proved wrong. No telescope will ever see the event. VogtRana Adhikari Levin also has Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space 1st edition a series of essays to accompany exhibitions at galleries in England and been featured on several radio and television programs. When it hit the halo of our Milky Way galaxy, people were painting caves. This is a splendid book That I recommend to Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space 1st edition with an interest in how science works, and in the power of human imagination and ability. The aim all along has been to detect a tiny sound—it has frequently been called a chirp—that began very long ago and very far away. Sep 16, Thom rated it did not like it Shelves: non-fiction. A quibble, though: why would anyone spend several pages describing one of the very complicated Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory LIGO installations but fail to include a diagram of any kind?? This is a rather fascinating personality-centric accounting of post-WWII science that lead to the facilities that currently detect Gravity Waves. None of the energy exploding from the collision comes out as light. Add to Cart. There may be too much personal drama and office politics stuff at the slight expense of adequately developing the fundamental science, but Levin consistently nails the right-words-in-the-right-order thing. How should "big science" be conducted? She is also director of sciences at Pioneer Works, a center for arts and sciences in Brooklyn. The Order of Time. This makes the book unbearably stupid and boring. An odyssey for the Kiss of spacetime This book narrates the building of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory and the detection of the of gravitational waves in This mixed bag reads like an extended article, and I had to resist abandoning it multiple times. The book, however, lacks the structure and organization that is necessary when presenting a subject matter such as "gravitational waves". Why two? Quotes from Black Hole Blues The machines were taken offline over the past few years for an upgrade to their advanced detection capabilities. The only let down is, for me, that the art of the writing has overwhelmed the beauty of the science. Where was there a future? Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer. Error rating book. Why does Levin report that she has only heard his voice in recordings? Not that Nobel Prizes, and the lust for them, are necessarily always a good thing. Closer and closer, it reached the Andromeda galaxy, around the same time as homo sapiens and neanderthals were freezing their asses off in the ice age. The Sirens of Mars. The black holes collide in complete darkness. Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space 1st edition manages to toe the fine line between overly investing in the drama with sentimental comments, and cold hard recounting of events, to a very respectable, and yet engaging effect. Even if you know how the story ends and, unless you've been living under a rock, you surely doJanna Levin keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very end. Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space 1st edition Weiss considered studied engineering in undergraduate school at M. 'Black Hole Blues' (2016): Book Excerpt Drever had been brought up in the sealing wax and string tradition of British scientists such as Ernest Rutherford, and was a genius at cutting corners and making things work — provided he was left to do it his way. By the time the epilogue comes around, the discovery is almost an afterthought. The Map of Knowledge. Download Hi Res. Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space 1st edition gives due credit to Joseph Weber, a lone pioneer who built a gravitational wave detector in the sixties and thought he had found something, but was later proved wrong. Since a major section of the narrative involves only character history and dialogue from interviews, it is quite well that Levin can hold the reader's attention through these devices. The black holes collide in complete darkness. By telling the story through the people who conceived and worked on the experiments, Dr. She works closely with physicists, writers, artists and musicians in an ever-expanding role of a scientist interested in art and beauty of creation. The Grand Design. The sensitivities are infinitesimal. This is their story, and the story of the most sensitive scientific instrument ever made: LIGO. Levin is able to tell the tale so soon, and so well, because she has had privileged access to the experiment known as LIGO, from Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory and the experimenters Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space 1st edition several years, and knew that the first runs were due in September Average rating 3. Add to Cart. When black holes collide, the universe rings like a bell. Image credit: Sonja Georgevich That profusion of energy emanates from the coalescing holes in a purely gravitational form, as waves in the shape of spacetime, as gravitational waves. If human beings are capable of measuring that, they are capable of almost anything, given the will to do it. Despite having my expectations of a theoretical book usurped by a book on experimental physics, I am glad that I decided to keep on reading. It's not comfortable reading, and one suspects that the Levin's interviewees were at least somewhat self-serving. A few Astrophysicist and author Janna Levin has a good nose. An idea sparked in the s, a thought experiment, an amusing haiku, is now a thing of metal and glass. It was astronomical in the way they pulled it off, too. Nevertheless, Levin's prose itself is often peppered with an acerbic wit, which while not as humorous as Hawking, or as innocent and awestruck as Green, does manage to extract an occasional giggle out of a generally humourless narrative. Nov 28, Subha Prasad rated it really liked it. She is also director of sciences at Pioneer Works, a center for arts and sciences in Brooklyn. Details if other :. The basic idea for the project dates back to the Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space 1st edition, when slide rules were still in common use. Matthew Stanley. Being able to hear major galactic events like collapse of stars into black hole, or a collision of two galaxies has been in the realm of theoretical physics for exactly years until late last year the first event was officially recorded at LIGO.