医療政策サミット2019 特定非営利活動法人 日本医療政策機構(HGPI) 主催 Health Policy Summit 2019 Hosted by Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) 2019年2月23日(土) Saturday, February 23, 2019 医療政策サミット2019

■日時: 2019年2月23日(土)10:30-15:30 ■会場: 六本木アカデミーヒルズ タワーホール

10:30 開会

開会の辞 10:35-10:40 上野 宏史(厚生労働大臣政務官) 趣旨説明・HGPIの15年を振り返る 10:40-10:50 乗竹 亮治(日本医療政策機構 理事・事務局長)

10:50-11:50 セッション 1「次世代を担うキーパーソンと考える日本の医療」

11:50-13:00 ランチネットワーキング

13:00-14:00 セッション 2「リデザイニング人類社会 ~デジタル化する医療・国・個人の関係のなかで」

14:20-15:20 セッション 3「いま考える2040年の社会保障」

閉会の辞 15:20-15:30 黒川 清(日本医療政策機構 代表理事) *同時通訳あり・敬称略

Health Policy Summit 2019

■ Date & Time: 10:30-15:30, Saturday, February 23, 2019 ■ Venue: Tower Hall, Roppongi Academy Hills

10:30 Opening Welcoming Remarks 10:35-10:40 Hiroshi Ueno (Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)) Explanatory Introduction / Reviewing HGPI’s 15 Years 10:40-10:50 Ryoji Noritake (CEO, HGPI)

10:50-11:50 Session 1: A Conversation on Healthcare in with Key Leaders of the Next Generation

11:50-13:00 Lunch Networking

Session 2: : Redesigning Society – Digitization of the Healthcare-Government-Individual 13:00-14:00 Dynamic

14:20-15:20 Session 3: Setting a Vision for Social Security Towards 2040

Closing Remarks 15:20-15:30 Kiyoshi Kurokawa (Chairman, HGPI) *Simultaneous translation will be available **Titles omitted 2 | Health Policy Summit 2019 セッション1「次世代を担うキーパーソンと考える日本の医療」 10:50-11:50 Session 1: A Conversation on Healthcare in Japan with Key Leaders of the Next Generation

多くの政策領域と同じくして、医療政策を含む社会保障政策では、国民への給付や富の再分配のみならず、国 民に負担の分配を求める状況が発生します。特に、超高齢社会を迎えた我が国においては、社会保障領域での 今後の国民負担は、多くの国民にとって関心事になっています。国立社会保障・人口問題研究所が2017年に公 表した推計によると、2025年には、75歳以上の後期高齢者の全人口に対する割合が17.8パーセントに達し、2040 年代には高齢化社会がピークに至り、人口の35パーセント以上が65歳以上の高齢者になると予測されています。 このような状況にあって、「日本のあるべき医療・社会保障」について国民にビジョンを示し、説得していく 政治的リーダーシップは不可欠です。立法府で今後も活躍が期待される次世代のキーパーソンが思い描くビ ジョンは何か。与野党のリーダーの知見を共有します。

As is common in many other fields of policy, social security policy including healthcare policy can cause the redistribution of public benefits and wealth and may increase the burden borne by the public. This is particularly true in Japan, where the population is rapidly aging and the future public burden in the in the field of social security is a point of concern for many citizens. According to a projection published in 2017 by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, the percentage of Japan’s population in the late elderly stage of life aged 75 and over will reach 17.8% in 2025. They predict that this rate will peak in the 2040, when over 35% of the population will be 65 and older. In light of this situation, the public must be presented with a vision of the ideal form of health and social security for Japan and, to this end, convincing political leadership is crucial. What is the vision of the next generation of key persons who will be active in creating the legislation of the future? We will share knowledge from members of both the ruling and opposition parties.

セッション2 「リデザイニング人類社会 ~デジタル化する医療・国・個人の関係のなかで」 13:00-14:00 Session 2: Redesigning Society – Digitization of the Healthcare-Government-Individual Dynamic

国民皆保険など保健医療システムを含む社会保障の給付や負担などのメカニズムは、国民国家にとって、そし て市民にとって、国家と国民の関係性を形作る人類の「発明」でもありました。一方で、世界はグローバル化 し、デジタル化し、病原菌の伝播も、イノベーションの伝播も、医療データの収集も、全地球的なスピードで 進みつつあります。このように、人類社会にとっての保健医療システムが大きく変わろうとするなかで、国と 個人の関係はどのように変化していくのでしょうか。医療の概念は、どのように変遷するのでしょうか。デジ タルヘルスやデータヘルス、そしてデザイン領域の有識者とともに、医療のグローバル化とデジタル化が、人 類社会にもたらす意味合いを検討します。

To the nation-state and the public, the mechanisms governing benefits and burdens in social security systems – including healthcare systems like universal health coverage (UHC) – were a human invention for linking the nation and its citizens. However, the world has globalized and digitized. The transmission of both pathogenic bacteria and innovation as well as the collection of healthcare data is accelerating around the entire world. In light of such progress, how will the major changes to healthcare systems we are trying to make alter the relationship between the state and the individual from a societal viewpoint? How will the concept of healthcare change? Together with experts in digital health, data health, and the field of design, we will examine the implications of the globalization and digitization of healthcare for society.

セッション3「いま考える2040年の社会保障」 14:20-15:20 Session 3: Setting a Vision for Social Security Towards 2040

世界でも類をみないスピードで少子高齢化と人口減少が進む日本。65歳以上人口が約4,000万人とピークに達す る2040年には、社会保障給付費が、2018年度121.3兆円から、190兆円にのぼるという推計が2018年5月に経済財 政諮問会議で示されました。こうした状況を踏まえ、2018年10月には、「2040年を展望した社会保障・働き方 改革本部」が厚生労働省に設置されるなど、具体的な議論が始まろうとしています。今後、日本が限られた資 源をいかに効率的に活用し、また、生産性を向上させていけるのか。具体的な政策の打ち手は何か。2040年の あるべき姿を見据えたうえで、必要な施策について議論を深めます。

With a decreasing birthrate and aging public, Japan’s population is decreasing at a rate seen nowhere else in the world. According to a May 2018 finding by the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy (CEFP), the cost of social security is projected to increase from 121.3 trillion yen in 2018 to 190 trillion yen in 2040, when the number of people aged 65 and older will peak at approximately 40 million people. In response, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has begun concrete discussions on this subject, starting with the first headquarter meeting for social security and work style reforms for the year 2040 that was held in October 2018. In the future, how can Japan optimize the use of its limited resources and how can it increase productivity? What specific policies should be enacted? With a focus on the ideal situation for 2040, we will deepen discussions on what policies must be created.

Health Policy Summit 2019 | 3 日本医療政策機構 代表理事 挨拶

「医療政策サミット2019」にご出席いただき、誠にありがとうございます。日本医療政策機構は、2004年に非営利・独立・ 超党派のシンクタンクとして活動をスタート、今年で15年目を迎えました。国民が真に必要とする医療を実現するには、幅 広いステークホルダーを結集し、政策の選択肢をオープンに議論し、責任ある決定を求めるプロセスの確立が不可欠である との考えのもとに、「Healthy Debate」というキーワードを掲げ、活動を行ってまいりました。

2018年は、診療報酬・介護報酬の同時改定をはじめとし、医療計画や介護保険事業(支援)計画の新たな期がスタートする など医療・介護一体改革を進めるにあたって変革の年となりました。また当機構では、世界認知症審議会(WDC: World Dementia Council)と連携し、3月にはWDC会議を東京で開催致しました。WDCは昨年12月には5周年を迎え、記念誌には安 倍総理の巻頭辞が掲載されるなど、世界の認知症対策における日本の引き続きのコミットメントを示す機会となりました。 さらに当機構は、AMR アライアンス・ジャパン(薬剤耐性: Antimicrobial Resistance)の設立、NCDアライアンス(Non- Communicable Diseases:非感染性疾患)の日本事務局としての正式登録など、感染症・非感染性疾患の両分野においてもマ ルチステークホルダーが連携し、グローバルで対策を進めていくプラットフォーム構築を主導してまいりました。

2019年は、大阪でG20サミット、横浜でTICAD7(第7回アフリカ開発会議)が開催されます。ユニバーサル・ヘルス・カバ レッジ(UHC: Universal Health Coverage)はもちろんのこと、AMRやNCDsをはじめとしたボーダレスな医療政策課題について 日本が主導して議論を進める重要な年となります。そして、今年は「平成」から新たな元号に移る節目の年でもあります。 2040年に向けて真に持続可能な社会保障制度が構築できるよう、中長期的な視点からの取り組みをスタートさせるのはもち ろんのこと、短期的な視点では給付と負担の見直しに関する議論も避けて通ることはできません。そして高齢化最先進国と して、その取り組みを世界へ発信していくことが引き続き求められています。

当機構においても、国際的課題である認知症については、引き続き世界認知症審議会(WDC: World Dementia Council)と連 携し、認知症にやさしい社会の構築に向けた各国との連携・共同研究などを深めていく予定です。さらにはNCDsの視点から、 疾患横断的に患者・当事者の声を政策立案に活かすための試みを進めてまいります。また、日本を含む世界各国において、 国際的脅威ともなっているAMR対策については、AMRアライアンス・ジャパンを通じて多様なステークホルダーとの連携を 深め、さらなる政策の進展に寄与していきます。

昨今の医療政策課題は国内課題でありながらもグローバル課題でもあるという状況が生まれています。だからこそ、グロー バルな視座からマルチステークホルダーがオープンに議論し、論点を整理する場が必要なのです。「医療政策サミット 2019」では、産官学民のマルチステークホルダーが集い、これまでの成果そして課題を整理しつつ、「平成」の次の時代を 見据え、これらに向き合う将来像やビジョンを、そして喫緊の解決策について、議論を深めてまいります。オープンな議論 が行われ、参加者ひとりひとりが立場を越えて行動する、そのきっかけとなる場にして頂きたいと願っています。

日本医療政策機構 代表理事 黒川 清

4 | Health Policy Summit 2019 Greeting from HGPI Chairman

Thank you for joining Health Policy Summit 2019. Fifteen years have passed since HGPI began its activities as a non-profit, independent, nonpartisan think-tank in 2004. In order to implement the healthcare the public truly needs, we have brought together a wide variety of stakeholders to openly debate policy options operating under the banner of “Healthy Debate.” It is our firm belief that this is absolutely necessary for us to create a process by which responsible decisions can be reached.

2018 was a year of change. There was a simultaneous revision of medical service and nursing fees and our plans concerning the Future Vision for Health Care and nursing insurance support system reforms entered a new phase. This brought us closer to welcoming a total reformation of healthcare and nursing. Working together with the World Dementia Council (WDC), we held the WDC meeting last March in Tokyo. Last December marked the fifth anniversary of the founding of the WDC. Prime Minister Abe contributed the opening address to the publication commemorating that event, giving us in Japan an opportunity to exhibit our continued commitment to building countermeasures for dementia around the world. Additionally, HGPI formed the Antimicrobial Resistance Alliance Japan and was formally registered as secretary for Japan in the Non-Communicable Diseases Alliance. We gathered multi-stakeholders from the fields of both communicable and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and provided leadership in the construction of a platform to pursue measures on a global level.

In 2019, the G20 Summit will be held in Osaka and the Seventh Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD7) will be held in Yokohama. It will be an important year to advance discussions on challenges facing borderless healthcare policy to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR), NCDs, and, of course, Universal Healthcare Coverage (UHC). Japan must provide guidance in these discussions. This year, the Heisei Era will draw to a close and a new period will dawn for Japan. To facilitate the construction of a truly sustainable social security system by 2040, we must not only begin medium- and long-term efforts, but we must also recognize the fact that debates about revising benefits and costs are unavoidable in the short term. And, as the world leader in societal aging, we must continue to keep the world informed of our response to that issue.

HGPI recognizes dementia as a challenge facing every country. We have continued our joint efforts with the WDC to form plans to pursue unified, joint research with every country so that we may build the dementia-friendly societies of the future. Additionally, to address NCDs, we are pursuing cross-cutting research to make the most of opinions gathered from both patients and caregivers to support the creation of new policies. Finally, AMR is a threat to every country in the world including Japan. To support efforts to combat AMR, we will expand our partnerships with various stakeholders through AMR Alliance Japan and increase our contributions to policy development.

Recent healthcare policy challenges facing Japan are the same challenges facing the world. That is why – now more than ever – we must hold open debates with multi-stakeholders with a global outlook and refine our stance concerning those challenges. Multi- stakeholders from business, government, academia, and the public have been gathered here at Health Policy Summit 2019. Together, we will review past successes and challenges, and, with eyes to the new era dawning after Heisei, we will pursue further discussion to define our vision of the future and to construct rapid policy solutions. It is our sincere hope that this Summit empowers each and every attendee to work beyond their position through open debate.

Kiyoshi Kurokawa Chairman, Health and Global Policy Institute

Health Policy Summit 2019 | 5 開会の辞 10:35-10:40 Welcoming Remarks

上野 宏史 厚生労働大臣政務官 東京大学卒、ハーバード大学大学院卒(行政学修士)。1994年、通商産業省(現・経済産業 省)入省、17年間にわたり、経済政策、中小企業対策などの企画立案を担当。内閣府政策統 括官(科学技術・イノベーション担当)付参事官補佐を最後に退官。2010年、参議院議員 (1期)。その後、衆議院議員(2期)。この間、衆議院厚生労働委員会理事、国土交通省国 土審議会委員などを務める。2018年、第4次安倍改造内閣において厚生労働大臣政務官に就任。

Hiroshi Ueno Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare After graduating from the , Mr. Ueno obtained a Master of Public Administration degree from Harvard University. He entered the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (now the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) in 1994 and, over the next seventeen years, was responsible for drafting various economic policies and measures for small-to-medium enterprises. He left the ministry after serving as assistant counselor to the Cabinet Office Director General for Policy Planning where he was responsible for science, technology, and innovation. He was elected to the House of Councillors for his first term in 2010. Next, he was elected to the House of Representatives for his second term. In that period, he served as Director of the Committee on Health, Labour and Welfare and was a member of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism’s National Land Council. He assumed his role as Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare in the 2018 reshuffle of Prime Minister Abe’s fourth cabinet.

趣旨説明・HGPIの15年を振り返る 10:40-10:50 Explanatory Introduction / Reviewing HGPI’s 15 Years

乗竹 亮治 日本医療政策機構 理事・事務局長 / CEO 日本医療政策機構設立初期に参画。慢性疾患領域における患者アドボカシー団体の国際連携 支援プロジェクトや、震災復興支援プロジェクトなどをリード。その後、国際NGOにて、ア ジア太平洋地域を主として、途上国政府と民間企業および国際NGOが共同参画する医療アセ スメント事業などを実施。また、米海軍と国際NGOらによる医療人道支援プログラムの設計 など、軍民連携プログラムにも多く従事。慶應義塾大学総合政策学部卒業、オランダ・アム ステルダム大学医療人類学修士。米国医療支援NGO Project HOPE プロボノ・コンサルタント。 政策研究大学院大学客員研究員。東京都「超高齢社会における東京のあり方懇談会」委員。

Ryoji Noritake CEO, Board Member, Health and Global Policy Institute Mr. Ryoji Noritake is CEO and board member of Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI). He also serves as a pro-bono consultant for Project HOPE, a US-based medical humanitarian aid organization. Through HOPE and HGPI, he has led health system strengthening projects in the Asia-Pacific region and engaged in US Navy's medical humanitarian projects. His focus is a multi-sectoral approach for health issues such as public-private partnerships and civil-military coordination. He was a Working Group Member for the World Health Organization's "Expert Consultation on Impact Assessment as a tool for Multisectoral Action on Health" in 2012. He is a graduate of 's Faculty of Policy Management, and holds an MSc in Medical Anthropology from the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He is currently a Visiting Scholar at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, a member of Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Policy Discussion Roundtable for Super Ageing Society.

6 | Health Policy Summit 2019 セッション1「次世代を担うキーパーソンと考える日本の医療」 10:50-11:50 Session 1: A Conversation on Healthcare in Japan with Key Leaders of the Next Generation

自見 はなこ 参議院議員 参議院厚生労働委員会理事、自民党女性局局長代理。長崎県佐世保市生まれ。1998年 筑波大 学第三学群国際関係学類卒業、2004年3月 東海大学医学部医学科卒業。2006年 大田区池上総 合病院内科後期研修を修め、2007年4月東京大学医学部小児科入局・同附属病院小児科勤務、 2008年4月東京都青梅市立総合病院小児科で勤務。2009年4月から虎の門病院小児科で非常勤 医師として従事。そのほか、2015年自民党参議院比例区(全国区)支部長、日本医師会男女 共同参画委員会委員、日本医師連盟・日本小児科医連盟参与、東海大学医学部医学科客員准 教授を務める。2016年参議院議員選挙比例区(全国区)初当選。 Hanako Jimi Member, House of Councillors Director, Committee on Health, Welfare and Labour, House of Councillors; Acting Director, Women's Affair Division, LDP. Born in Nagasaki Prefecture. Ms. Jimi graduated from the College of International Relations within University of Tsukuba's Third Cluster of Colleges in 1998, and from Tokai University's School of Medicine in 2004. After finishing her residency in Internal Medicine at Ikegami General Hospital in Ota Ward in 2006, she enrolled in Pediatrics at the University of Tokyo's School of Medicine in April 2007, working simultaneously in the University of Tokyo Hospital's Dept. of Pediatrics. In April 2008, she worked in the Dept. of Pediatrics at Ome Municipal General Hospital, and worked from April 2009 as a part-time physician in the Dept. of Pediatrics at Toranomon. She also served as a Chairperson for the LDP's National Proportional Representation Electoral District in 2015, as a member of the Japan Medical Association's Gender Equality Planning Committee, as a participant in the Japan Medical Federation / Pediatric Federation, and as a visiting associate professor in the Department of Medicine within Tokai University's School of Medicine. She was first elected within the National Proportional Representation Electoral District (Nationwide) to the House of Councillors in 2016. 鈴木 隼人 衆議院議員 東京大学卒業(2000年)、東京大学大学院修了(2002年)、経済産業省入省(2002年)。 経済産業省退職後、衆議院議員選挙に初当選(2014年)。衆議院議員2期目当選(2017年)。 国会では、財務金融委員会・外務委員会・沖縄及び北方問題に関する特別委員会・消費者問 題に関する特別委員会において委員を務め、党では、経済産業部会副部会長・青年局青年部 副部長・商工・中小企業関係団体委員会副委員長を務め、政務では、認知症国会勉強会主 宰・若者の政治参加検討チーム主宰・サイバーセキュリティ対策推進議連事務局長・若者政 策推進議連事務局長代理を務める。また、社会貢献活動として、認知症予防の会代表・全国 認知症予防ネットワーク主宰・育menサミット代表・貧困の連鎖解消プロジェクト「Youth Aid Japan」代表・東日本大震災復興支援NPO「BLUE FOR JAPAN」理事など、国会外でも精力的 な活動を行っている。

Hayato Suzuki Member, House of Representatives Mr. Suzuki entered the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) in 2002, after completing undergraduate (2000) and graduate (2002) degrees at the University of Tokyo. He was elected to serve his first term as a Member of the House of Representatives after resigning from METI (2014) and was later elected to serve a second term (2017). Within the Diet, Mr. Suzuki serves as a Member of the Committee on Financial Affairs, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Special Committee on Okinawa and Northern Affairs, and the Special Committee on Consumer Affairs. Within the LDP, he serves as Deputy Director of the Economy, Trade and Industry Division; Deputy Director of the Youth Division; and Assistant Chairperson of the Committee on Organizations Involved with Commerce, Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises. Within government affairs, he chairs the Diet Study Group on Dementia as well as the Youth Political Participation Study Team, and he serves as the Secretary General of the Cybersecurity Measures Promotion Caucus and as the Acting Secretary General of the Youth Policy Promotion Caucus. He is also actively involved in initiatives beyond the scope of the Diet, with social contributions including his service as Representative of the Dementia Prevention Committee, as Chairman of the Japan National Dementia Prevention Network, as Representative of the Summit for Actively Engaged Fathers, as Representative of Youth Aid Japan, a project that breaks the chains of poverty, and as Director of BLUE FOR JAPAN, an NPO that supports reconstruction in areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. Health Policy Summit 2019 | 7 セッション1「次世代を担うキーパーソンと考える日本の医療」 10:50-11:50 Session 1: A Conversation on Healthcare in Japan with Key Leaders of the Next Generation

津村 啓介 衆議院議員 1994年東京大学法学部卒、日本銀行入行、2001年オックスフォード大学経営学修士取得。 2002年民主党・衆院選候補者公募に応募、合格者全国1号となり、翌年第43回衆院選にて初当 選。2007年には、世界経済フォーラムより、Young Global Leader(世界の若手リーダー250人)に 選出される。2009年内閣府大臣政務官となり、国家戦略室、経済財政政策、科学技術政策等 を担当、その後民主党青年局長などを経て、2018年国民民主党代表選挙に出馬。現在、党副 代表、当選6回。著書に、「国会議員の仕事-職業としての政治」。自民党・林芳正議員との 共著(2011年中公新書)。

Keisuke Tsumura Member, House of Representatives Following his graduation from Faculty of Law, the University of Tokyo, Mr. Tsumura joined the Bank of Japan. He obtained a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Oxford University in 2001. He was listed as the DPJ’s official candidate of Member of the House of Representatives for the 2nd electoral district of Prefecture in 2002, and was elected to the House of Representatives in the 43rd election in 2003. In 2007, he was selected as one of the 'Young Global Leaders' by the World Economic Forum. In 2009, he served as Parliamentary Secretary of Cabinet Office for National Policy Unit, Economic and Fiscal Policy, Science and Technology Policy, and Local Sovereignty. Thereafter he held a number of positions including Chief of DPJ Youth Division. Since 2018, he has been serving as Vice-President, Democratic Party For the People. He published a book "Politics as Vocation", co- written with Yoshimasa Hayashi, a member of the House of Councilors (LDP) in 2011.

橋本 岳 衆議院議員 衆議院議員(当選4回、岡山県第四選挙区【倉敷市・早島町】選出)、自由民主党組織運動本 部団体総局次長、自由民主党岡山県支部連合会会長、前自由民主党政務調査会厚生労働部会 長、元厚生労働副大臣、元自由民主党政務調査会外交部会長、元厚生労働大臣政務官、昭和 49年2月5日生まれ。血液型A型。みずがめ座。岡山県総社市出身。平成8年慶應義塾大学環 境情報学部卒、平成10年同大学院政策・メディア研究科修了。

Gaku Hashimoto Member, House of Representatives Elected four times as a member of the House of Representatives, Gaku Hashimoto currently serves the Okayama 4th Electoral District (Hayashima Town / Kurashiki City). He is Deputy Director of the Interest Group Policy Division at the LDP Party Organization and Campaign Headquarters as well as Chairperson for the Federation of Okayama Prefecture LDP Party Branches. He has formerly served as Foreign Affairs Division Director within the Policy Research Council and Parliamentary Secretary of the MHLW. Born February 5, 1974, he is a native of Soja City, Okayama Prefecture. He graduated from Keio University's Faculty of Environment and Information Studies in 1996 and their Graduate School of Media and Governance in 1998.

モデレーター Moderator

乗竹 亮治 日本医療政策機構 理事・事務局長 / CEO 「趣旨説明」をご参照ください。

Ryoji Noritake CEO, Board Member, Health and Global Policy Institute Please refer to “Explanatory Introduction.”

8 | Health Policy Summit 2019 セッション2: 13:00-14:00 「リデザイニング人類社会 ~デジタル化する医療・国・個人の関係のなかで~」 Session 2: Redesigning Society – Digitization of the Healthcare-Government-Individual Dynamic

筧 裕介 issue+design 代表 / 認知症未来共創ハブ 運営委員 1975年生まれ。一橋大学社会学部卒業。東京大学大学院工学系研究科修了(工学博士)。 2008年issue+design 設立。以降、社会課題解決のためのデザインロジェクトに取り組む。著書 に『ソーシャルデザイン実践ガイド』『地域を変えるデザイン』他。代表プロジェクトに、 震災ボランティア支援の「できますゼッケン」、育児支援の「親子健康手帳」、300人の地域 住民と一緒に描く未来ビジョン「みんなでつくる総合計画」など。グッドデザイン賞、日本 計画行政学会・学会奨励賞、カンヌライオンズ(仏)他受賞多数。

Yusuke Kakei Chairman, issue+design / Steering Committee Member, Co-Creation Hub for a Dementia-Friendly Future Born in 1975, Mr. Kakei is a graduate of Hitotsubashi University School of Social Sciences and went on to earn a Doctor of Engineering degree from the University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Engineering. Established issue+design in 2008. Since then, he has focused on design projects aimed at providing solutions to issues facing society. Authored “Practical Guide to Social Design,” “Design That Changes Regions,” and others. Projects representing his work include “Dekimasuzekken” (which means “‘I can do it’ Jersey”) which supports emergency volunteers, the “Family Health Handbook” in childcare support, the “Comprehensive Plan to Build It Together” initiative that involved 300 regional supporters working together to paint a vision of the future, and others. Winner of the Good Design Award, an encouragement award from the Japan Association of Planning and Public Management, and many others, including from Cannes Lions in France.

神武 直彦 慶應義塾大学大学院 システムデザイン・マネジメント研究科 教授 慶應義塾大学大学院理工学研究科修士課程修了。同政策・メディア研究科博士課程修了。宇宙 開発事業団入社。H-II、H-IIAロケットの研究開発と打上げ、人工衛星および国際宇宙ステー ション搭載ソフトウェア独立検証に従事。欧州宇宙機関研究員、宇宙航空研究開発機構主任開 発員を経て、2009年より慶應義塾大学准教授。IMESコンソーシアム代表幹事、日本スポーツ振 興センターハイパフォーマンス戦略部アドバイザーなどを歴任。現在、Multi-GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Asia Steering Committee Member、ロケーションビジネスジャパン実 行委員長。データポータビリティ、情報銀行、スポーツデータなどデータ利活用に関する各種 委員。Asian Institute of Technology 招聘教授。

Naohiko Kohtake Professor, Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University After obtaining a Master’s degree from Keio University Graduate School of Science and Technology and a Ph.D. from Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance, Mr. Kohtake worked as an engineer in R&D and launch operations for the H-II and H-IIA Launch Vehicles at the National Space Development Agency of Japan. He then served as associate senior engineer at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, where he developed onboard independent verification and validation software for satellites and the International Space Station. He also served as Visiting Researcher to the European Space Agency, as President of the Consortium on Indoor Messaging Systems, and as Advisor of the Department of High-Performance Sport Strategy at the Japan Sport Council. He currently holds a number of positions including Steering Committee Member, Multi-GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Asia; Executive Committee Chairperson, Location Business Japan; Adjunct Professor, Asian Institute of Technology; Member of Various Policy Committees on Data Utilization such as Data Portability, Information Bank, and Sports Data Analytics.

Health Policy Summit 2019 | 9 セッション2: 13:00-14:00 「リデザイニング人類社会 ~デジタル化する医療・国・個人の関係のなかで~」 Session 2: Redesigning Society – Digitization of the Healthcare-Government-Individual Dynamic

堤 浩幸 ロイヤル フィリップス シニアバイスプレジデント/株式会社フィリップス・ ジャ パン 代表取締役社長 /フィリップス・レスピロニクス合同会社 職務執行者社長/ 株式会社アルム 社外取締役(2018 年 10 月資本提携)/ 一般社団法人日本画像医 療システム工業会(JIRA) 理事 IT事業に30年以上携わり、主に日本、欧米、アジア企業においてグローバルなマネジメント 経験を有する。また B2B、B2C、B2B2C の全ての事業モデルのオペレーションをリードし、IoT に向けてのプラットフォームと新事業の創造に力を注いでいる。2017年3月にフィリップ ス・ジャパン代表取締役社長、フィリップス・レスピロニクスの職務執行者社長に就任し、 デジタル化が進む医療環境にイノベーションを創造し、ヘルスケア領域における多角的なソ リューションプロバイダーとしてのフィリップス・ジャパンを牽引。IoTの推進、教育、サス ティナビリティにも熱心に取り組んでおり、各サミットやフォーラムのゲストスピーカーや 大学の外部講師に招かれている他、2015 年からは「やまなし大使」を務める。 慶応義塾大学 理工学部卒、米国スタンフォード大学ビジネススクールにてエグゼクティブプログラム修了。

Hiroyuki Tsutsumi Senior Vice President Royal Philips / President and CEO Philips Japan, Ltd. / President Philips Respironics GK Mr. Hiroyuki Tsutsumi has been in the IT industry for more than 30 years with management experience at global companies in Japan, Europe, US and Asia. He also has led operations in B2B, B2C and B2B2C, while devoting his energy to creating IoT (Internet of Thing) platforms and new business models. In March 2017, Mr. Tsutsumi became President and CEO of Philips Japan and President of Philips Respironics. He leads Philips Japan which is embracing digitization and integrated solutions as a driving focus in the disruption of the current healthcare system. He is also committed to promoting and educating IoT and is invited to speak at Summits and Forums, as well as is a visiting lecturer at universities. Mr. Tsutsumi obtained a Bachelor of Science for Mechanical Engineering at Keio University in Japan and completed Stanford Executive Program at Stanford University in the United States.

山中 竹春 公立大学法人横浜市立大学特命副学長・医学部臨床統計学教授 早稲田大学政治経済学部卒。理学博士。専門は医療統計学。九州大学医学部附属病院助手、 米国国立衛生研究所(National Institutes of Health)研究員、国立がん研究センター部長等を 経て、2014年横浜市立大学医学部主任教授、2018年より同大学特命副学長。厚生科学審議会 専門部会、厚生労働省先進医療会議技術審査部会、日本医療研究開発機構 (AMED)、医薬 品医療機器総合機構 (PMDA) 等の委員を兼任。現在は、医療ビッグデータの構築、ヘルス データサイエンティストの育成に関心を有する。

Takeharu Yamanaka Specially Appointed Vice-Dean / Professor, Department of Biostatistics, Yokohama City University School of Medicine Mr. Yamanaka received BA in Economics and PhD in Mathematics from Waseda University. His professional experience includes Assistant Professor, Kyushu University Hospital (2000); Research Fellow, National Institutes of Health (2002); Chairman, Department of Biostatistics, National Cancer Center (2013); Professor and Chair of Biostatistics, Yokohama City University School of Medicine (2014); Adjunct Vice President, Yokohama City University (2018). He currently serves as a member of several committees at the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW), Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED), and Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Agency (PMDA), etc.

10 | Health Policy Summit 2019 セッション2: 13:00-14:00 「リデザイニング人類社会 ~デジタル化する医療・国・個人の関係のなかで~」 Session 2: Redesigning Society – Digitization of the Healthcare-Government-Individual Dynamic

モデレーター Moderator

髙松 真菜美 日本医療政策機構 マネージャー 大分県出身。九州大学大学院医学系学府医療経営・管理学専攻卒業(医療経営・管理学修士 (専門職))。卒業後は、保険者である健康保険組合の連合組織、健康保険組合連合会(以 下、健保連)に2007年に就職。健保連では、診療報酬・介護報酬同時改定業務などを担当。 2017年より日本医療政策機構に出向。保険者機能強化に関するプロジェクトを企画実行。 Manami Takamatsu Manager, Health and Global Policy Institute Originally from Oita Prefecture, Ms. Manami Takamatsu graduated from the Kyushu University Department of Health Care Administration and Management, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, with a Master of Health Administration. After graduating from Kyushu University, in 2007, Ms. Takamatsu began work at the National Federation of Health Insurance Societies (KENPOREN). At KENPOREN, she was in charge of work related to the simultaneous revision of medical service and long-term care fees. In 2017, she was seconded to HGPI. She is working to plan projects related to systems for the delivery of healthcare in Japan, and the strengthening of insurer functions.

セッション3:「いま考える2040年の社会保障」 14:20-15:20 Session 3: Setting a Vision for Social Security Towards 2040

阿真 京子 一般社団法人 知ろう小児医療守ろう子ども達の会 代表 1974年東京都生まれ。都内短期大学卒業後、日本語教師養成課程修了。マレーシア 国立サ ラワク大学にて日本語講師を務め、帰国後外務省・外郭団体である(社)日本外交協会にて 国際交流・協力に携わる。その後、夫と飲食店を経営。2007年4月、保護者に向けた小児医療 の知識の普及によって、小児医療の現状をより良くしたいと『知ろう!小児医療 守ろう! 子ども達』の会を発足させ、2012年7月に一般社団法人知ろう小児医療守ろう子ども達の会と なる。同会による講座は150回を数え、5000人以上の乳幼児の保護者へ知識の普及を行う。現 在まで同会代表。東京立正短期大学 専攻科 幼児教育専攻(『医療と子育て』)非常勤講師。 15歳12歳9歳三男児の母。厚生労働省「上手な医療のかかり方を広めるための懇談会」、「救 急・災害医療提供体制等のあり方に関する検討会」、内閣官房「薬剤耐性(AMR)対策推進 国民啓発会議」構成員。総務省消防庁「救急業務の在り方に関する検討会」委員。

Kyoko Ama Representative, Ippan Shadan Hojin Shiro Shoni Iryo Mamoro Kodomo-tachi no Kai Ms. Kyoko Ama was born in Tokyo in 1974. After graduating from a junior college, she completed a Japanese language teacher training course. She then worked as Japanese language teacher at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. After her return to Japan, she joined the SOCIETY for Promotion of Japanese Diplomacy, an auxiliary organization to the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which she was involved in activities of international exchange and cooperation. Afterwards, she managed a restaurant with her husband. In April of 2007, Ms. Ama established “Shiro! Shoni Iryo Mamoro! Kodomo-tachi” association, whose objective was to improve the prevailing state of young children and infant care by disseminating information on child and infant care to parents and guardians of children. In July of 2012, the association became a general incorporated association, bearing the name “Shiro Shoni Iryo Mamoro Kodomo-tachi.” The association conducts 150 lectures to over 5,000 parents and guardians of infants and young children. Ms. Ama is currently assuming the role of representative of the association, and is a part-time lecturer on childcare and childrearing in the field of early childhood education in non-degree courses for graduates at Tokyo Rissho Junior College. She is the mother of three boys, aged 15, 12, and 9. Member of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s "Roundtable discussion for the popularization of methods for effectively consulting with medical professionals" and "Investigative committee for the ideal system of providing medical care during emergencies and disasters" as well as the Cabinet Secretariat’s “National council on raising public awareness of AMR countermeasures.” Committee member of the Fire and Disaster Management Agency’s "Investigative committee for ideal emergency services." Health Policy Summit 2019 | 11 セッション3:「いま考える2040年の社会保障」 14:20-15:20 Session 3: Setting a Vision for Social Security Towards 2040

榎本 健太郎 厚生労働省 参事官(社会保障担当) 1989年東京大学法学部卒業後、厚生省に入省。石川県(厚生部長寿社会課長)に出向し介護 保険法の施行に携わり、2011年国土交通省土地・建設産業局建設市場整備課長として建設労 働者の社会保険加入の推進、2013年厚生労働省に戻って老健局介護保険計画課長として第6 期介護保険事業計画と地域包括ケアの推進に向けた制度改正、2015年保険局国民健康保険課 長として国民健康保険の都道府県単位化の施行、2017年医政局総務課長として医師働き方改 革の検討や医師偏在対策に向けた制度改正などに携わり、2018年7月より現職。 Kentaro Enomoto Counsellor for Social Security; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Mr. Kentaro Enomoto entered the Ministry of Health and Welfare after graduating the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Law in 1989. He was appointed to Ishikawa Prefecture (Director, Aging Population Division, Welfare Department), where he was involved in implementing the Long-term Care Insurance Act. In 2011, as Construction Market Division Director within the Land Economy and Construction Industries Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, he promoted enrollment of construction workers in social security. In 2013, he returned to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, as Long-term Care Insurance Service Plan Division Director within the Health and Welfare Bureau for the Elderly, reforming systems to promote community-based integrated care and the Sixth Phase of the Long-term Care Insurance Service Plan. In 2015, as National Health Insurance Division Director within the Insurance Bureau, he worked to implement prefectural regionalization of National Health Insurance, and in 2017, as General Affairs Division Director within the Health Policy Bureau, he was involved in system reforms including efforts aimed at advancing discussions on physician work-style reform and physician maldistribution measures. Counsellor Enomoto has held his current position since July 2018.

鈴木 馨祐 財務副大臣 目黒区立不動小、開成中・高、東大法卒(在学中はボート部で活躍、アメフトも経験)後、 大蔵省、福岡国税局、ジョージタウン大外交大学院フェロー、在NY副領事、厚生労働省(出 向)勤務を経て、2005年に衆議院議員初当選。霞が関時代には、途上国支援、国際金融、高 齢者・障がい者政策の企画立案に加え、福岡で地方の中小企業経営の苦しい実態を学び、米 国では9.11テロを体験。第48回総選挙において、103,324票をいただき当選(四期目)。国土 交通兼内閣府大臣政務官、予算・外務・TPP・議院運営委員会各理事、自由民主党副幹事長、 党国会対策副委員長、党青年局長等を経て、現在、財務副大臣。行動する改革派として、無 駄削減、道路財源一般財源化、北朝鮮・中国問題、温暖化対策等に積極的に取り組む。法人 税引下げも主導。サラリーマン家庭(父は千葉県、母は八王子市出身)の長男として昭和52 年2月生まれ。 Keisuke Suzuki State Minister of Finance Attended Meguro Kuritsu Fudo Elementary School and Kaisei Junior and Senior High School. Graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo, where he was active in the rowing team and tried American football. After graduation, he joined the Ministry of Finance and worked at the Fukuoka Regional Taxation Bureau. He then became Fellow at Georgetown University School of Foreign Service. After serving at the Consulate General of Japan in New York and completing a temporary transfer to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, he was elected to the House of Representatives in 2005. During his time in Kasumigaseki, he was involved in policy-making for support for developing countries, international finance, and support for elderly people and people with disabilities. It was during this period he learned of the struggle facing SMEs the Fukuoka region. He was in the US during the September 11 terrorist attack. In the 48th general election, he was reelected to his fourth term with 103,324 votes. After serving as Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism / Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Cabinet Office; chairperson of committees on Finance, Foreign Affairs, and TPP; Deputy Secretary-General of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP); Deputy Chairperson of the LDP Diet Affairs Committee; and Director of the LDP Youth Division, he assumed his current role as Deputy Minister of Finance. As an active reformist, he has worked to decrease waste, to unify national funding of road infrastructure, to solve issues with North Korea and China, and to fight global warming. He is also a leader in the effort to decrease corporate taxes. He was born in February 1977 to an office worker’s family. His father is from Chiba prefecture and his mother is from Hachioji City.

12 | Health Policy Summit 2019 セッション3:「いま考える2040年の社会保障」 14:20-15:20 Session 3: Setting a Vision for Social Security Towards 2040

モデレーター Moderator

市川 衛 医療ジャーナリスト / 日本放送協会(NHK)制作局 科学・環境番組部 チーフディ レクター

2000年東京大学医学部卒後、NHK入局。主に医療・健康関連の番組を制作する。主な作品に NHKスペシャル「睡眠負債が危ない」「終わりなき被爆との闘い~被爆者と医師の68年~」 (文化庁芸術祭優秀賞)など。医療ジャーナリストとしてYahoo!JapanニュースやHuffington Postなどで執筆。医療健康情報の発信の質の向上を目指す「メディカルジャーナリズム勉強 会」代表。京都大学医学部非常勤講師。厚生労働省『要介護認定・介護レセプト等情報の提 供に関する有識者会議』構成員。

Mamoru Ichikawa Medical Journalist / Chief Director, Scientific & Environmental Programs Division, Program Production Department, Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) Mamoru Mark Ichikawa is a principle program director of NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) and is widely active as a healthcare journalist. His field involves Broadcasting,Book,Magazine and Web writing.His blog on Yahoo!Japan(the largest news site in Japan) had more than 15 million page views in 2017. On 2016, he set up an organization aimed to improve the quality of healthcare journalism in Japan with more than 700 journalists, MDs and researchers. Member of MHLW’s Expert Committee on the Provision of Long-term Care Requirement Certification Data and Nursing Care Claims Data.

閉会の辞 15:20-15:30 Closing Remarks

黒川 清 日本医療政策機構 代表理事 東京大学医学部卒。1969年渡米、1979年UCLA内科教授。1983年帰国後、東京大学内科教授、 東海大学医学部長、日本学術会議会長、内閣府総合科学技術会議議員(2003-2007年)、内閣 特別顧問(2006-2008年)、世界保健機関(WHO: World Health Organization)コミッショナー (2005-2009年)などを歴任。国会福島原発事故調査委員会委員長(2011年12月-2012年7月)、 公益社団法人グローバルヘルス技術振興基金のChair and Representative Director(2013年1月- 2018年6月)現在、内閣官房健康・医療戦略室健康・医療戦略参与、マサチューセッツ工科 大学客員研究員、世界認知症協議会(WDC: World Dementia Council)メンバー、ハー バード公 衆衛生大学院 John B. Little(JBL)Center for Radiation Sciences 国際アドバイザリーボードメン バー、政策研究大学院大学名誉教授、東京大学名誉教授。 <http://www.kiyoshikurokawa.com>

Kiyoshi Kurokawa Chairman, Health and Global Policy Institute Dr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa, MD, MACP; Professor Emeritus, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies and the University of Tokyo; Chairman, Health and Global Policy Institute; Member of World Dementia Council and International Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC) member, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, JBL Center for Radiation Sciences. A graduate of the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Medicine; he was a professor of medicine at the School of Medicine of UCLA (1979-1984), at he University of Tokyo (1989-1996), the Dean of the School of Medicine at Tokai University (1996-2002), President of Science Council of Japan (2003-2006), Science Advisor to the Prime Minister (2006-2008), Executive member of many national and international professional societies, WHO Commissioner (2005-2009), Institute of Medicine of National Academies of Sciences of USA; and Chairman of Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission by the of Japan (December 2011 – July 2012). (His website: http://www.kiyoshikurokawa.com/en)

Health Policy Summit 2019 | 13 全体司会 MC

マット マケナ二 日本医療政策機構 マネージャー 米国コロンビア大学 公衆衛生学修士課程(MPH: Master of Public Health)卒業。専攻は国 際保健における疫学。在学中は半年間にわたり、世界保健機関(WHO: World Health Organization)コラボレーティングセンターである上海メンタルヘルスセンターに在籍し、 中国の薬物乱用に関する研究、および国際疾病分類第11改定版(ICD-11)の作成において分 類と検証のサポート業務に携わった。卒業後は米国ニュージャージー州にあるGenesis Research LLCの上級疫学研究員として、主に精神疾患ならびに米国規制薬物法におけるDEA Schedule II / III薬物に関する市販後の薬剤疫学研究に従事。さらに医療ビックデータの専門 家として、米国内および国際的な数々のデータベースを用いて、患者数1億人を超える規 模の研究を計画実行した経験も併せ持つ。その他10年以上にわたり、公的機関の通信部門、 日本の中央省庁向けプレス業務、国連機関、および製薬企業での業務経験を経て、2018 年より日本医療政策機構に参画。主に薬剤耐性(AMR: Antimicrobial Resistance)対策、ヘ ルスケアイノベーション事業を担当している。

Matt McEnany Manager, Health and Global Policy Institute Mr. Matt McEnany joined HGPI in 2018. He is responsible for the Institute’s work on antimicrobial resistance and emerging healthcare innovations. Mr. McEnany holds a Master of Public Health in Epidemiology with a Certificate in Global Health from Columbia University. While attending Columbia, he was posted for half a year at a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center, the Shanghai Mental Health Center, where he researched drug abuse in the People's Republic of China and worked to support the localization and validation of the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). Following that, Mr. McEnany worked for New Jersey-based Genesis Research LLC, where he served as Senior Epidemiologist primarily in charge of post-market pharmacoepidemiologic studies dealing with mental health disorders and prescription opioids. Mr. McEnany is an expert in Big Data healthcare research, with experience planning and executing studies including as many as 100+ million patients across dozens of US and international databases. He also has over ten years of experience working in communications in the public sector, creating mainly press materials for Japanese central government ministries, United Nations agencies, and multinational pharmaceutical companies. 12:30-12:35

主催: 特定非営利活動法人 日本医療政策機構 共催: 国立大学法人 政策研究大学院大学 後援: 厚生労働省、外務省 Organized by: Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) Co-hosted by: National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) Supported by: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA)

10 | Health Policy Summit 2018 日本医療政策機構 寄附・助成の受領に関する指針


1. ミッションへの賛同 日本医療政策機構は「フェアで健やかな社会を実現するために、新しいアイデアや価値観を提供し、グローバルな視点で社会にイン パクトを与え、変革を促す原動力となる」ことをミッションとしています。当機構の活動は、このミッションに賛同していただける 団体・個人からのご支援で支えられています。

2. 政治的独立性 当機構は、政府から独立した民間の非営利活動法人です。また当機構は、政党その他、政治活動を主目的とする団体からはご支援を いただきません。

3. 事業の計画・実施の独立性 当機構は、多様な関係者から幅広い意見を収集した上で、事業の方向性や内容を独自に決定します。ご支援者の意見を求めることが ありますが、それらのご意見を活動に反映するか否かは、当機構が主体的に判断します。

4. 資金源の多様性 当機構は、独立性を担保すべく、事業運営に必要な資金を、多様な財団、企業、個人等から幅広く調達します。また、各部門ないし 個別事業の活動のための資金を、複数の提供元から調達することを原則とします。

5. 販売促進活動等の排除 当機構は、ご支援者の製品・サービス等の販売促進、または認知度やイメージの向上を主目的とする活動は行いません。

6. 書面による同意 以上を遵守するため、当機構は、ご支援いただく団体には、上記の趣旨に書面をもってご同意いただきます。

Health and Global Policy Institute: Guidelines on Grants and Contributions

As an independent, non-profit, non-partisan private think tank, Health and Global Policy Institute, (the Institute) complies with the following guidelines relating to the receipt of grants and contributions.

1. Approval of Mission The mission of the Institute is to improve the civic mind and individuals’ well-being, and to foster a sustainable healthy community by shaping ideas and values, reaching out to global needs, and catalyzing society for impact. The activities of the Institute are supported by organizations and individuals who are in agreement with this mission.

2. Political Neutrality The Institute is a private, non-profit corporation independent of the government. Moreover, the Institute receives no support from any political party or other organization whose primary purpose is political activity of any nature.

3. Independence of Project Planning and Implementation The Institute makes independent decisions on the course and content of its projects after gathering the opinions of a broad diversity of interested parties. The opinions of benefactors are solicited, but the Institute exercises independent judgment in determining whether any such opinions are reflected in its activities.

4. Diverse Sources of Funding In order to secure its independence and neutrality, the Institute will seek to procure the funding necessary for its operation from a broad diversity of foundations, corporations, individuals, and other such sources. Moreover, as a general rule, funding for specific divisions and activities of the Institute will also be sought from multiple sources.

5. Exclusion of Promotional Activity The Institute will not partake in any activity of which the primary objective is to promote or raise the image or awareness of the products, services or other such like of its benefactors.

6. Written Agreement Submission of this document will be taken to represent the benefactor’s written agreement with the Institute’s compliance with the above guidelines.

特定非営利活動法人 日本医療政策機構 Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) 〒100-0004 Global Business Hub Tokyo 東京都千代田区大手町1-9-2 Grand Cube 3F, Otemachi Financial City, 大手町フィナンシャルシティ グランキューブ3階 1-9-2 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo グローバルビジネスハブ東京 100-0004 JAPAN TEL: 03-4243-7156 FAX: 03-4243-7378 TEL: +81-3-4243-7156 FAX: +81-3-4243-7378 Info: [email protected] Info: [email protected] Website: https://www.hgpi.org/ Website: https://www.hgpi.org/en/