Cambridge Five Spy Ring Part 27 of 42
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U U O IN THE .'92'AT'I0l92'--. L___-J I Attorney GeneralRobert Kennedy{before the Senate Commerce Committee! made a pitch for the l Administration's controversialpublic accommodations section in its civil rights program in Congress. His warn- ing: Wyeare going to have a good deal more dlfeuities in the'U.S." unless this part ot the programis passed. Kennedy conceded barber shops, bowling alleys. pool halls. beautyparlors, doctors,lawyers couldbe exempt. INAACP. At the Opening or the 54th annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Chicago, executive secretary Roy Wil- kins forecast a summer oi Negro discontent and demon» stratlons. The plan: Non-violent protests according to local conditions "and" the reaction of public oicials." Main target: A march on Washinqton, D. C. lITests. U. S. oicialsesaid President Kennedy'sJune Ill moratorium on atmospheric nuclear tests still holds. Reason: Evidence of reported recent Russian atomic ex- plosions L! inconclusive, not yet regarded as breaking the Kennedy moratorium. Still scheduled: The mission to Mosco 1 starting July 15: or Avereii Harriman for nu- clear testban talks with top Sovietofcials. Q__,_,.__I?} r . it .- e 0 92/ _,_.._e_.__ _ I _ __ __.* , . i _ _i _ ;i__ _;Q§ H .. "'- --,- .. _|. -_~._ _ ___ L ."_ _,.»._r _ I 11*._ 1* .T..j_2>.-_'F"¥".5'i~@-Zs_--.-.,<f'~_.'[email protected],__,_s..1 1. ,_ v- ;_-»h$,_w.;w4-*3, ___n_""_ ¢.¢5,92~.__u__'= .._--r ac 1, Q,__z_.,92, 15: .,;e*'_;;p"'~.~; m- n.Mmpwg . 92*'__ -' I __:-i,_~:.~.:_7 ,i.b'_l_:. J.- ,5 ~'~*_:_£.Y...»-2 * i i ll i- is £- J .1. T U Q 3 Stand|0v3r * ware.-weainiroeueeaeeonipie ' Casper Colicihon ..___._._.__ toChristine; tomor-I resumes C0 rod ......_______ @1951Case1'01? . Sgy fir,/riot.'7" . PAPERS ASK "WHY?" igiioach lC_.._..._... Evans ___.._._____ LONDON. July 2 IUPIJ.-1 The trial oi Soviet spy John Prime Minister HI-rnl Mic-1 Gale i. milianisced 1' newscandal Vasssll already had produced today over the revelation that questions about the efficiency Fiosen i _a former British diplomat was or British security services. the "Third Man" in the 1951 London newspaners lode: asked why lf. 12 Icsrs to discover Si.lll1VGii.......___..____,__ .BurIess-MacLean defection to took RU-Sii. : Phill:iy's rolein the Burgess- I Lord Privy Seal Edward» %M|,|:I_,n_,_§tls.irveg; and he Tove!_.___..___.___ was permitted to escape. Y!-Ieath announcedin Parlia-I Trotter _.._._._.__ i ment esterday that H» A. R. iKi y, a formerBritisli " Phiibz. who hid Qgrn work- Teie Room I diplomat and newsman missing lingBeirutss in a correspond-V .fron1 Beirut. Lebanon. sincei ient tor the British newspapers Holmes gJanuanr. hadtipped of! ac-i isnnday Observer and Econo- icuscd Soviet spies Guy Bur- -mist. left his Beirut apartment 92/ Goody HgessDonald and Mac];-canon Jan. 23 to attend s party. He =Ma_v 25. 1951. that British ..never arrived. ' security oiriciais were on - to . His American wife reported i-them. .his missing. but later asked Bursesa and lHaeLesn, for- Police tocall off the search mer Foreign Office oiiiclals, .When she received a telegram both ed to Russia the same from Cairo signed i 9'-. sy. LdrdHeath saidyestergiiy I ll thag an-I§pHFy a I LordHeath saidPhiiby. iii.ian . has sincereceived a 1 i. Jetter indicatingher husband . ./ .1 . in my have gone beyond the Iron i-18in 3 Soviet-bloccomm-y_ i Curtain. He said Philby. s for- ;l';¢/ er llrst secretary of the Brit- I M°~'*°°53|-"Bess denied I . Ill Phiiby wasthe thirdman" in 'I i . h Embassy in Washiriiton. hhe case.He saidhe hadmg ii card fromPhiih! andhad no was a former Communist and !d@q_Eb.ere_ne,..________ Was. had been a Soviet agent before .---~, _ 948 while working in the tor- J, [1 -I {clan Qfilice. .r.? Ther_ev5_1Zai_1qLea.--=:=:-=-aaiew i -_ _ .1 biowto-ivtr.-iviscmh-Fr;*w-hose governmenthasbeen rocked by 92- // I the aex-and-security scandal involving resigned War Min- W later John Protumo and caii u " girl Christine Keeler. _,.I . Mr. Macmillan. lhenForeign Minister, defendedPhilhy in 1 . 1955 against opposition accusa- ftions that he was the I-iiwfl The Washington Post and .._.._..Z man in. the Burgess-MacLean Times Herald . roiiv" The Wushinqton Daily News ._____ SPEAKS TO COMMONS . The Evariinq Sin: i The Priine Minister planned 0a majorforeign speechpolicy r9>~@ New York Herald Tribune ______,__ to the House o! Commons to- NewYork Journal-American morrow following his weekend ~'92r New Mirror York ____.._....__.__..__._ rneetini; with President Ken- New DailyYork News ._._._._i._ nedy. The speech was inter- preted _as partly designed to New PolYork ...__.___..___.___..__....__.. boost his wavering political The New York Timed ._._.._._.__.___ prestige in the wake oi the _ The Worker _-_-_._--_-_-_-_--_-_ Proiumo scandal. '. i The pre-trial vice hearing of The New Lauder _.__...._.______..._._.___ 92"_» 92 -, " The Wall Street Journal _._..___ J r National Observer _._._...__..._....._._ 4'5, ,A,i .45-*1. 9/ Dole --.-.-----_-------- |___.__._......e. ~ JUL 21953 NOT RECORDED 191 JUL 9 was . °"%fo.1iFi_lb-_"iIeo t'i'r-wvep¥i'Y1 | 92 J? -- --- -we 92¬i5 /J ,., ueununl. Mohr Wsrd._who introduced Proinmo to cnr:n:ne."resunier:omBr- Casper TOW. Callahan L eeéssewPAPERS ASK "WH92"." Conrad The trial of Soviet spy John Debooch Scandal Over I Vassali already had proiiuccdl questions about the efficicnc! Evans of British security services. iLomIrm newspapers today asked Gcie I951 siiv CeI Iwiiy ii. took 12 years to discover l"hi|hy's roic in the Burgess- Rosen I LONDON. Juiy 2 UPI!.---Ii921ag_Lcnn :1_i' and why he. Prime Minister Harold Mac- Wis permitted to eicapc. ~ Sullivan miiian -laced s new scandal e . s Tovei ;i-oday over the revelation that . Phiiby. _... who had. been..__ wort-|.. a. former British diplomat was. ing in Beirut as 1 correspond-, Trotter Ithe "Third Man" in the 1951 ent for the British newspaper: Teie Room Burcess-MacLean defection tel Sunday Observer and Econo- Holmes Russia. mist. ieit his Beirut apartment Gondy _..__._____;_ 1 Lord Ruivy Scai Edward: Jan. 23 to attend e party. He Heath announced in Pariia.-92 never arrived. ImcXK923'CsLCrdiJ.J' that H- A. R. xmi 'Phiibi'. a former British i- His American wife reported II ciipioinat and newsman missiri: his missing. but later asked Iirorn Beirut, Lebanon, since Doiice to caii oft the search. January, had tipped oft ae- when she received a. tciegram cused Soviet spies Guy Bur- from Cairo signed in_his name. _ LG:-ti-zsealix said "yesterday Jsess and Donald MacLean onI - May 25. 1951. that Britishj that__Mrs. Phiiby non-f4_1n 2:15- security oiiiciais were on to; ianci. 1ias-iiince received 1 Ii"; I J1_ _, thorn. - , ictoer indicating her husband I Burgess and MaeLe:111. for-_ is in a. Soviet-bloc country. mcr Foreigzn Ofiiee olficials, In Moscow, Burgess denied ,9- both ed to Russia. the same iPhilby was the "third man" in 92IA} _~ H Ida!. - the ease. He said he had not Lord Heath said Phiiby. 51. ;heai;_d from _ifhiiby unfilled no J -| ,f£é": Imay have gone beyond the Iron jidea. wncrene was. X... Curtain. He said Phiiby, s lor- of92' Imer first secretary oi the Brit- .Iish Embassy in Washington. was a former Communist and had been a. Soviet agent before I946 eign oiiice. while working __ ' in the e for--II This rcveranon cnrfie seunrew bigeu.toMr."§/iacmilian. whose government has been rocked by The the so!:-and-security Wdal involving resigned War Min- ister John Profumo nd 6!-11 Wushinqlon Poll Grid ______ L.:,_ _ . The girl Christine Keclcr. , /52 Qzp Times Harald 4- The I Mr. Macmillan. then Foreicl , ganrnster. dciendcd l"hiIh.92' in New Washington Daily News ___ I 1955 against opposition accuse- New Evtnlnq Slur lions that he was the I-wolf New York Herald Tribune .:'n1|n in she Burgess-i92.iacLean Icase. _ - New York Journal-Amerlca A/' I/INew York Mirror I srmxs 'ro commons II The Prime Minister Planned /f"i= 3 The York Daily Now; _____i in major foreign Doiicy 553%? The York Post Ito the House of Commons to- The New York Timon _.________ morrow Ioiiowing his Wcckcndf Worker meeting with {President Ken- The .. /._ ,=j1.' L The New Lauder _____________,__ nedy. The speech was inter-I |-...,,..-.,._...._,-_-_,-...-..1-.-_,- preied as partly eiesiined $0; DGII Wall Sires! Jqurg-mi i____i boost his waverinz D0113-169-1 nor nnconono National Ohlarvqr ._,_,___'__ prestige in the wake of the 191 out 5 ieez ?roiumo scandai. ! _ The pre-trial viqe.fheirii1x- 0! sociefy '5's_'t'F_b P I-I1 1'1"???-f__:-1'-T-7*! ,. i ¢-.._.--.--Z-- -n-.--- 8J._ [Bud r our '21962 Wf i :~i A- »;~1* ,4..a -...