LATE BtLLl EXECUTION ; . WASltn(QTON.’A«t. Clapper «U j for •nmmart’ <«r the latnlorQwDtd. of Oltler and MuuaUni br Ute reraUUM. i«ni(bt fJrto* VnlUd NkUons—And lelli re» hi* R«aoB«- •nd otiMf tnctal-lndwlriH fl(t


JAPS FLEE FROM KISKA China’s Foreign Three Leaders, Three Flags YANKS OESIROY YankSj Canadians Minister to Join eiMOREPLiliS A! WEWAK BASE Land to Find A ll Quebec Conferees A LLIED HEADQUAR­ TERS IN TH E SOUTHWEST ay JOHN AL IIIOKTOWER PACIFIC, Sunday, Aug. 22 O f G arrison Gone QUEBEC, Au?. 21 (/P>—T. V. Soong, Chinese foreign (/P) — T h irty - th re e Japanese m in iste r, la expected to jo in the Quebec w a r co n fe re n ce w ith ­ planea wore shot out of th e ■ Br llM IttO N W. PAROU in the next 48 hours for discussions with President Roosevelt sky and 34 left in flames on WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 (AP)—American and Canadian forces,. , and Prime M iniater Churchili on China's rolo jn-Iorthcoming the ground fit Wewak, New offensive operations against Japan. Guinea, Saturday by Ameri­ their enemy g:one without offering final battle, stood undisputed Word of Soong’s expcctoa'arrival was the day’s second can Mitchell bombera and masters of K iska tonight and the once ambitious Japanese invasion . development focusing attention ,on plans for powerful new Lightning fighters to increase of North Am erica lay a bombed and bombarded failure. . smashes at the enemy in the — ^ ^ ------— :— :— ----- enemy losses there .since Tues­ Pacific. day to more than 800.' “No Japanese were found," With those words the navy told today ^ The first was the simul­ Attacking air rclnforcemeots Soviet Puts which tlio persiatcnt Japanese mov­ of seizure on A u g. 15 of the once strong enemy air and submarine taneous discloauro here and in ed In to replace a fleet virtually base in the Aleutian islands. Washington and Ottawa that Nazi Losses wiped out earlier In the week, tho a combined American-Canadi- Mitchells went after the gniundM Fogs presum ably aided the Japanese in evacuating the remnants planes while P-3S« batUed two-to- an force had occupied Kiska one numerical oddsjn the air. of their gaiTison, once estimated at 10,000 men. But the’navy, in island, the enemy’s last bas- At Million Augmenting this sew air blow, big tion in the north central Pa­ LONDON, Sun'dny, Aug. 22 WV- Liberators flew a roundtrip of more offering that supposition, was careful to qualifyi saying: ^ cific, without resistance. The Qcrmons have lost 1.000,000 than 2.000 mile« to heavily hit the “ It is not known how men killed and wunded in the third enemya nickel mining ccnter at Po- SlTOlien Early, presldcnUal sccre- summer of fighting in Russia, a spe­ melna on the east shore of Ihe gulf the, Japanese got away, tur. sold that Soons wbs expected, cial Soviet bulletin announced last of Bone. Dutch Celebes. Other but it 18 possible that en­ allhouffh be indicated amingmienU night. This Is a third of theh: esU- American plane.* attacked enemy air Back in U. S. Hands for hl3 Jolnlnff the confcrtnco had msUd etfecUves along the 1^00- bases in the Sqjomons. emy surface ships were not been finally complctfd. mllg Russian front. able to reach Kiska under Early olao sold that Bccrtlary of On tho basis of previous ... . Aellrity Limited to Air War etJmson. who rtcenOy return­ announcements this brought tho AcUvlty reported in tho Solomcms cover of the'heavy fogs ed trocR a tour or the uorlh African iwBts Of awmony and Iver ...... Mcur also was limited to the all. that have been prevalent” theater, would get In tomorrow and to 7.400,000 men kUled, m _ . . . American fighter planes attacked that MM- Oen. William J- Donovan, and captured since AdoU Hitler the enemy air base In tho Shartlond Two..weeka t)f the heav­ chief of the office of »tmt«tlo serv­ flnt plunged to the east on June 33, IsUmds below Bougainville, shooting Hie Asierlcan. Canadian and British flags, refpecUvely, fty above down a float plane and setting fires iest bombings'yet carried ices. U here. 1041. Frcaldent RMsevell. Priaeeu Aliee ani Winston Chnichlll In Ihb view Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Churchill .A ' spcclal Soviet communique on shpre. out against the Japanese of ihelrtatberinglo Qoebee, Canada. Princess Alice 1* wife ef Canada's Northeast of Munda. other fight­ casTaued the war tlitpplng iltuo- marking the second anniversary ot (oveinot-rencra), Ibe earl eS Athlone. pr^eded the landing, the at ft luncheon eoafcrcnce with the war last June 33 said that S.- ers strafed Japanese Installations on Lord Leathers, Brltliti miiiliter of 400X100 Qertnan and satellite Santa Isabel Island which has an navy disclosed in lifting war tranjport, and LcwU Douglas, had been killed or made prisoner, enemy seaplane hose. deputy chairman o f the Onied BtiM turning Russia into ai graveyard for The Japanese air raid on Munda, the silencerthat has cIoak> x war shipping tjoord. Qem ^ hopes ot world emplro. ‘ ...... red Aug. ed: nox^h-'Pa?lfi[o;iict{$iifl: a before It WM ovJdent that Roosevelt and 4,000 Killed Saturday Litvinoff Removed for . three. -ex-; Prime VinUler Mackcnile King of Even as these staggerlne -losses Canada Were Impreaed mainly with were announced, the Moscow radio “ ' “tned this' silti^eij^was . tho Uek of resistance. said that more than 4/X)0 other ^y a.M i^. ,the . In a aW t time KIski» being nozis loit their Uvea yesterday. os spoken or amona the ©lUUry'snd rtd aimj drew lu aooae Uaht- ..... Dcrou from Aust naval'observers her* a* a symbol flf- sr about vital Kharkov and- ham- •--I'ONDO N, Sunday,'AtitEr. 2 ^ / P )- ^ T h o •Soviet'^govemincnt In full retreat la the Salafuua s c o ^ ___ . i n ’shiashM anH'i,_ B new period tn JaponcM mlUtaiy mecM*atAtabbom Oerman forces Iri;firaiirpH5e move today reHaved.itB';Becond""'■ ‘ ‘ ' tor on the northeastern coast of the policy--* period In which Ute em­ near Bryansk and Spos-Dcmensk. fl'mbasstidor of his post tonight .pcpl I. b k M »' at Twin Bridges, Mont.. April 1, overlords, warning that, its contin­ Of U. S. SoU esUmated the Oermans had uation would have “a devsitatlng believed United States surfacb 1913. In 1917 be came to Jerome * tb- The Japanese disappearance A prominent businessman and from Kiska. Uklng an aeUve part In church iTs m.ujB rtclJlc war with'Jo IfelAXIM UTVIMOFF thing to create more stable condl- from Rlska brings to on erul the FUSHESof When aermtay vtoUUd her 1 Uons In Denmark.” declared a proc­ latest enemy attempt to set foot "We believe that we ««nir aome and welfare work tn the county, Mr. of their ships during a heavy fog, Thoreson was a member Ian boo-airgresslon pact and In lamation signed by Premier Erik De on North American coll. d that.couairr in Jane.'iMi. Scavemius with tho approval of Ulitors shows only two other and at night, .but this cannot be Jetome Pwibytertan tharth______LIFE confirmed,'' he said. FIRES i : i w ^ ter member of the county fair board, ■■ ^ e baek stronj la the ptf. King ClirUtiaa X. loTulons by foreign lorcea of stnKUmi of hU country.:Brll- The government, apparently suc­ United Staten territory, prior to Why did the Japanese leave AlXna) READQ0ARTE3lS'.I^ ft charter memtier « f the Jerome Allies Press ka7 NORTH AFRICA. Aug, J1 W)-Tbe ' notary club and m member of the sbaaespeare cessfully resisting 'Oemmn demands this war and one of tbem can FORT DODOB. la., Aug. 31 — that pnuecuUon of saboteurs be bardly be called an invaalon. The admiral credited the blood* air batUe for southern Italy Is golcs Chtmber of Commerce. Ho had terr- less victory to our Jap-kllUng bomb­ fuU tut (our days after the fau of. ed as cminty commissioner. Sridebtly thinking the censor talght ------later ilgnrtahBritaln'later i given over to the narls, sought to In the war of ISia, the British be tough on one occasion and lax the Soviets., iSiir Raids on stem the Ude o f open resistance to Invaded this country, capturlns a ing tolls. eicUy. Elected mayor lost April, Tbore- Air Chief Marshal Blr •• Arthur; I two former tenaa on another, Bgt. Jordan-. Hogan Denmark from severe rtivlsals. number of ciUes, . Including wrote tn several couecutlve let* Tlw I.______,. . Washington, which waa taken rounds ot ammunlUoa aod to drop IVdder's.nylnjt-buBsav--^ which as the c ■ French Bases foreed the surrender of PanteUeria. , taUns UU. aod again ten to hla parents that he toad en­ WEB'toiRel^se that during the Oeima and burned In 181t, such a large number of bomba and joyed a trip to StraUord-OB’ Avon. ■,tOli»DOK,,Aug'. 31 Ml - Mur'ky in iu fourth year. *lt hu been On March 9, IDIS. the Mexican to keep^p our w ^ tw t patrols, but aod cut fiJcllys comiaualcaUon.,-ta • tn U39. weather . slowed, the. pace of .the pieces even before the invtsioa-la''' Survivors lnr:iide his wlfo; three boma o( Shakespeare, each time Inevitable that certain filctloa has bandit, Pancho Villa, killed' IB giving a full account of hla expe- ■ Shells allied o&sault on HiUert fighter arisen. Any occupation produces Amerleans aod wounded many Uvea,” he declared. rlpphig at 1^ r a w Into'the i lU '': children, Oswald, Buriingame, CsUf., WAOTNQTOK;; Aug.- 31 plane.-netitBand w'or producUcn to­ now assistant manager of tho Amer> TlencM there; greaUr suscepUbUlty to supposed of­ others In on attack on Columbus, Aetaally Fonjht fla, Aito Finally, the censor made ttils t war productlan board orntlal uld day. after dx days of viriually fenses and causes Increased Irrita- N, M. , n ie KlsU battle. Admiral Kin­ lean Red Cross at Han PrancUco; tonight th»_ag«bcy hoped to release but allied tighten Willard, BeatUe, and Jeon, Jerome: UUoD on one of Rogan^ letters: Uon among the people.' kaid declv^. was actually fought TKaso Inform your eon that you shol(un..-shei]5'.'fQr' farmers and on Attu. L - broadsldeA^.. three brothen. Adolph, Nomun and huntea some; time this fan. • ksatsiza ___ Bmcm. aS'ol lono. Wash.; and a w tww weU wquaAjvted vrKH the “By the Ttcaplw bf Attii,. we dttalU of hli vltit to Stratford-on* The ammualUon. whlch„farmet» .'T v o ;canadian Mustangs pene- obtained ths mearu of prev. " Taurp, 30,innea__ sister, Mrs. R. A. Johnson, Ogden, say tl...... supplies froffl reaching Kiska- Shu, aad-set ;.Uies DtMi. Avan, rm.tlred of reading about It’ tratecT to'L e Bourset airfield .Just Pending funeral outside‘ Prance durlng-a late day Disappeajrance of ICiska Japs and tlie mesns of bombing Kiska by 0A8 attack and-ahot down a Qennan the th air force fram bases U - ______11 DAJTON, ore, Aug. 31—John and damaged a tug and four (OnUtMl «• Pa«< «. C»luui' ^naval attack^-aDW ?llson, grain warehouse employe, A'tanUUve plan for the dlstilbu- freight- train en^es'oh the way, the One of Big Mysteries of War u curious about a can Just de^ Uco probably will .be announced air mtolstty. news service said. • next week. Ko figures on the amount BAMBOO BAT. ol ttamuBlUon.avaUaWe lot Indi­ One-BriUsh, tighter w u reported Episcopaliatis to Bank to Be Set B i ^ v e d the Mi and anUf'ed. lost o vu -^ an ce in tha iiay^ opera- (Delayed) WV-Th*.-occupation of havg been poonding oahore at. the The contents—heJearoed th o hafd vidual aUtes 'vas bboOnaWe tojUght Kiska by United Btat^ and Cana­ tso principal landing points. Up at Air Field V-W M ft type Of tear gaa used to but' Indications were that itata dian troops was completed today In .Patrols penetrated to all impor­ Gather Sept 19 B. Aug. 21 ) -xtermlnate.rats. Wilson waa one of the slraogest anU-eUfflaxci tant parts of the former Japanese BOISE, Aug. ai m . - EptKotnl t. 21 WV-Tbe PlTst 8*. to zu n ^ In a cou^e ot b o u n . . ALaBU in SOHA n yetord for a iniUtary campaign— fortress Island and also ocfDts lit­ clergy and Ulty ot IdOo vU l'tiW tank has' s « est^Ushed an of- iMO.and 1^ . , , ■Tftvr. YORK,- Aug. 31 M>-W- S. ho dlsappearaneo .ot .the Japanese tle Kiska. Ihey found nothing es- their: annual convenllOT .tt'. " ' « « JOT umiua banking'services at c l e a n s • • ■ . government aot^tbrs-quoted the efenders.- cept'gear the Japanese bad aban­ O ^ n fleJft Boise, and wlU ertab- 8epL IB and 20 at Bt. Ulch ST. LOxiIS, Aug. ai—“New and 'nw occupaUon began flnnday doned In hasty flight, -apparently thedral, the Rt. Iter. Prank UAh ft similar one at the Mountain Improved vtpe cleaner*,” the aami»le Jajps’ ;Prisoners, Hecu anny air base wlthla a few .wmbvB wtwa tM . tlnl'.m iti hlta a ^ t a wtek or 10 daya ago. bl&up ot Idsho. an^iwneed_____ paekage. was marked, and A. T. Quisling cove, on the west ilde of There was no living Japanese . , ReporU bn work ot the paft-^tar dayi, j. u Driscoll, executive tIc« Pnul cigar store owner, had vUlotu jawldenf, annousoed today. • , To Get SiippKes a ta^ . : eariy yesterday and a U- Kiska, la rubber twats establish where and nothing but a few aban­ and plans cotaing yw..wiU last'nlght. beachhead. wlUle naval - artillery doned artillery pieces, in the midst bj discussed and layi'deie|ati^ t o Tht emces are being opened 'it - who have. been un« the roQueit of the war and.trcuury...... Amcrleao fled Cr m said lo«Uy,Uut • Wdki iaW.plane*. were heard ounded the Oerthide core a r « ot wreckage caused by mootha ot general ■.«wvenUon,.'"ot-'.tJ». seekiogithe old wlr*^ xim the ioutii; '. ,v ' . . . . - American bombing. thurclj at 01eTelana.-OV Kto«ttWl to the anay, DrJacoll' »ald. and type: now a war cm- J fcy .t£t ja p a ^ . would These uniu were. foDovad by r«c- What could have been one o f the lor October. .wlU be a- ' ------■■probably,, will b« • dbcontioued- ba loaded oo-Uja, ex^nge.'ihte 8a..'liltD.'action. During the second ular landing .for«ea dawn Sunday bloodiest batUe In .tha^iUeutlana after Uu war « d a . ...a t h s ______OrltMholm. vbtn sb«-(iU« ,for .tlia ;plMWs appeared, tt tfMi at QuitUng aod baton d a m Uoti-' toctae a ilmple landlns Job boeauu N chlctaa teatheial OriSaL .i.v.i-.- day atBamboo,'t)«7.. (CnOnal n * i *, Cil— t» Sundar, Ausfnst 2 2 , 194S I'age 1-wo TIMES-NEWa, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO house bsdtjutMM Us TamenSbeia. A cosUUon grwp had another- 38. Marine Chief To Free Italy? {AustraUan Labor The balance of power waa held tar Twin Falls News in Brief IndependenU who voted with tbs INVPOSI-WHII Wins in Election labor government. MELBOURNE, Australia, Aug. » There appeared a atnng pos> CsilfemU Goest From Cosil (Sunday) <;p)—Tho return to power slblUty todsy that Ubor would gain DOBSSEBI Dili 8Ump, WfttsonvlUe. CalU., R. oasklll iiu returned from of » strengthened labor-party gov-, eight to H seats. ; ; ■ ONmESIffiS, here for s visit with friends and r< Wash, where ho was enment appeared in prospect for ■WASHINaTOM. AUB. 21 ( « - . By sirs HAM stives. _____ In wsr work. Australia today on the basis of pre-, INSPECTOB’8 WIPE DIES Umlnaiy returns Irom the lin t gen­ President PhlUp MumJ « the " WABHIKOTON, Aug. 31 BOISE, Aug. 31 (JV-Mra. araoo I of Industrial O;— '■* letter to an > ‘ ------nkes Plane Hop Corpcni VisIU eral election since 1S40. ' Myers Campbell, wife of State Mlnea (OIO) rallied his unloni today I*-, •Dear Bill: ^ ,„i Jolm L. Van Ausdeln left U „ Cpl Dick Long, son of H. B. Ung. There were indications, as the hltvi a revenue prosnuu revlTlnB Uia' Just thought you would like to morning for FocaUlIo where h e will Is here on furlough from P o« Doug. count on yesterday’s balloting prog­ Inspector Arthur Campbell, died la Idea of a »25,«» celling to Ir-*’- know that you fellott-s wlw have' take a pline to BllUngi, Mont.. on ressed. that Prime Minister John a hospital .this anemoon. vldual Incomu to off«t what been manning the bl» Forts and business for tho Self Manufacturing Ounln'a Laborites would «ln o clear] A former resident of MuUan, sho . termed "eeUlah mlnarltj coiwres* .fighters wont have to worry Sbou* company. Flying Staff Sergtant working majority in the house. ’The had lived In Boise for more thaiy-'.. slonal demondi for a »alM la*. finding something to do when you Bruce Blansbury. son of Mr. end leader of the largest parly group In eight years. ^ ^ "'J OuUlnlns the ClO'a projiam 1: jme home. . Arrives Overseas Mn. U m el Sisnsbury, route three. the house customarily is asked to SunlTors Include her husband Kitcr !o all of the orftn^ticnj, You should bs able to go right Pfc. Pmnk Unamuno hss arrived Twin Palls, hss been promoted to form the government. and a son, Edwin Lee Bletcher. Muixay detlmi ' ta avlaUon, or^ that S « » safely overseas after sailing from a a sUlf sergeant snd received his Ths labor party in the recent Honolulu. Obalnnan Ocorje, D.. a » , of thei chanlcs, meteorologists and other* * Pclflo port. lie Is on uncle of Mrs. wings St La Mess, Tex. senate Jlnance eommlttM tod B«p-' veil as pilots. Henry O. Uolony and was formerly reaenUUve Dimey, D , OU», of We Everybody, It seems, book here noted In Ualley athleUo circles. Classified Bombardier SuD. P rices: 3 5 c til 2 , then 50 c tax Inc. boxue wayt and meaa* eomraiitee wants to have a hand in poat-war Loren R. Robertson, son of Mr. n o w ! •■h»vo already beffim a eunpaUn commercial avlstlon. And you know At "BMl" Camp and Mrs. Paul Robertson, has' re­ for ft MlcJ IM and oppwltloa to w how thafU pan out; the mor * Marlin Harry Di^vls, son o f Mr. cently been classified as a bom­ Ends Tues. tncrciued taxes for penonal hlgn merrier, meaning that many and Mrs. B. Davl*. Twin Palls. «• bardier and wlU receive his pre- Incomes or any Increwe In f Jobs for you boys. " arrived At the Farragut naval fllsht training at tho army air base pornte taxes. Over at the civil aeronautics board ig station to begin his recruit in Santa Ana, CsUf. Consrtss rejttled tti9 talaiy Umlt lOAB) the o^her day, a few thtaBS training. earlier this yenr. pdaslag » rtdor to une to light which you might Uke luj admlnlstrollon-fovortd meaiure MarrUge Llee&stt > know and poss alon?. Mother VblU Licenses to wed were Issued by mOTOF BING! THE lOVE OF DOTirij to nullify President ncK)»ettlf« or­ CAB now has on fUe 383 appllca- Mrs. I). N. Holt, Sturgis, Ky., is der tar Uic UnilUtlon. Hie President ons for new lines . . . get that, the county recorder to Herman let It become law wltbout bit dg- •'new" routes . . . There are only visiting her son and daughterjn- Phipps, 33, snd Hazel Booth, 37, Ceallnoed aa ««lnraander of the law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carson. Mrs. both of Twin Pslls; and Clyde Jac­ I iMElODY, MIRTH, COLOR. SWING.: naturc. C. S. otarine oonu, althgsih at 17 domestic lines In the country to­ Senator Oeorse, ea the Sale* IM day, you know. Holt U s former resident of Twin obsen, 18. and Betty Jo Johnson, 17, reUretneat are. U Llenl. Oen. Palls. both of BuhL Issue, told jeporleni today that Thomas Ueleomb. TltU partralt Ilellooplers to Be Rage don 't. tlUnk a sales tax could ot the ftoeral, wbt was cited by Hillcopters wUI be all the rage, To Farrspil Som«wti«re In FscUia -WDuU be passed unltu Um President Beosevell for bis ex­ . . . Deed on the short hopj, 10 U) tTfttlon recommended It.” Word Uw been received that Rsy Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Toler have re­ cellence of commanfl. was painted too miles, so If you get a chance to Msynard Aulbsch. son of Mr. and ceived word from Ihelr son, Pfc. Scnntor RadclUfe. D.. Md., b j naval artist MeCIelUnd Bar­ fly one of those strange bugs. Jump member of the floonco committee, ! Mrs. J. A. Aulbacb. Twin Palls, ar­ aaylord W. Toler, somewhere with clay, new reported missing Ib ac­ at It. , rived Prlday, Aug. 20 at the naval tho V. 5. marine force In tho Pa­ declnred that tie favoied a sales CAB hopes the change from ^ tax and argued that the 'poor i tion. ihilnlng station at Parrsgut to be­ cific war zone. Private Toler grad­ war-time svlaUon nntlon to peace-' gin basic training. uated as a marine aeromechanlo th030 with moderate incomes __ I time commerclsl flying can begin thb rich all would bo betUr oft from the navsl sir technical train­ I almost the minute Uie last gun is ing center. Navy pier, Chlesgo. Ho with It." fired. J Of HO expressed teller that wch _ was one of the 11 men who qualified Hearings for sppUcatlons will be. the Idaho stats guard from G ood*. as a maiine phyiltal l^^tiuctor. mica lev? '■probatily » UW# hlgVier I gin in September and CAB believes ing, Burley, .Buhl and Twin Fnlls PBOF. GAETANO SALVBMDrt tia o two per cent" should bt lub- B W IT T O E IS some certificates of operaUon can met with their commander, Llcut.' Btltut«d for the rlctory tax.. Divorce Deeree Comit Sfena of New Totk and be granted for new lines by the turn Col. OrvUle S. Peet. Boise, Friday Decree of divorce was Issued by Murray said In Us Utter that i of the year. even ^ In Twin PsUs. Professor Balvetalni of Bsrvard "eolXlsh minority la coiiBress" was There are a lot of rough spots to District Judge J. W. Porter to Mrs. university, leader ot ibe rree Italy pushing sales tax and othsr p’ - - SCALE SET 12.15 Edna Wilson, mother of five chil­ la tbs U. B, are .e smoothed out. of course, between; Divorce 8oIl Filed to burden “war worken who Money needed for emergency fur- dren. 6he married William Wilson here and the InsuguraUon oC these| ' Action for divorce has been in­ Aug. ao, 1834, at Soda Springs, Ida. least able to pay" a a d ’wu using lounhs, illness o f soldiers' wives anal post-war routes . . . T raffic control,; stituted In district court here by "propaganda” to the effect that ehlldren. cash for rent or medicine,' avoiding the duplication o f lines, de- Tho decree granted the mother cus­ Olenn Low, Buhl sheep worker, tody of all fl»e children and or- •low-lneome groups h«T« M excess expenses for dependents-thls is ttnnlnlng who Is entitled to a certi­ against Un;'Eitoa Xaw on exounds purelinslng power 'Wtileh U sup« ' wbat amy emergency relief Is used ficate and who Isn’t. of cruelty. They msrried July 30, dercd Ihe husband to pay fSO per poscdly adding to the dangers of for. By taking care of the problems The development that everybody IBti, In Ta’ln Palls. J. H. Sherfey. month support money. Mrs. W il^ Percy S. Bauer InflaUoa." on the home front, the soldier's Is Ulklng about over hero Is the Buhl, b atlomey for the husband. charged cruelty. T h e Intention, he said. Is “to levy mind Is relieved for the demands "feeder” line, so keep it in mind. a nAtlonal vaga cut directed prl- of the fighting fronL Ends Lesve Dies at Hospital marll7 against the ' In onler to flU evety one of the Short nelleepter Bop Peny 8 . Bauer, 7fi, route two, groups.’' It’s the short helicopter hop for J. O. Holile, who has been homo 731 seats at tho Orpheum theater passengers or msll or express with­ 1 leave from Parrsgut naval base, Filer, died at 8:10 p. m. Saturday at Murray suggested Income tax where a premier* benefit showing will leave today to return to his the Twin Palls county general hos- emptions o( *800 (or single persons. out too heavy a load, dropping in of the technicolor picture, ’This every 10 or 16 miles. post. He ws^'occompanled here by pital. where- he was brought early •I.SOO for married persons and MOO Is the Artny." vrtU be held Friday. tor each dependent to sUov a g*‘* ...... sell tills eervlce Mis. HoWe who will remain to during the dsy. Be had been (trioos- Sept. 3, tickets are to bo reserved at to the public, like today’s street . teach school at Castleford, The sail­ ly iU since Thursday. a>week couple 'bareJy enough" the n«t rate of *118. maintain "the health and productiv­ and buses. Csn't you sco b "feeder" or is the ton of Mr. and Mrs. R ay­ A naUve of McMlnnvnis, Tenn, ity o t the civilian populstlaa." tteason for Change Uklng off every IS minutes, csrry- mond Holsle. s came to Twin Palls county in Ing persons to homes in the sub< MEATS, BtJTTZR, OH EEaB, Jay MerrlU, chairmen of the local 10 Trade Name nied ISOT and had lived in the Filer ares •■rbsr OILS. PATS-Red stamps T, D, V since ISIS. AEB committee, who announced lost Two cerUflcalcs of trade name and W valid through Aug. 31: X , week thst tickets wo\ild go on sale Scmethlng else you con count Mr. Bauer leaves his wife, Orpha, Lady Marine an Increase'In the number of .)r Piler eoncena were filed Sat­ good Aug. 23 through Oct. 9; Y good] for 111 end »5£0 said lost night that urday with the county recorder. and the foUowlng children: WlUls r price had beeii set—first, to jen employed by.tho transcontUien- Aug. » through Oct. 3. . ' UI aUUnes. After Pearl Harbor, « Proprietors listed for Uie Mayfair . FB17IT8 AND VEOCTABLES. I^e, Filer; Emmett, Twin Palls; ‘Sai-ge’ Clicks . . . . . tnany scats as possible, and per cent of their planes were token Parms, which poichosed the H a m OANNQ}—R, 8 and T blue stamps Mt9. E. J. Payton. Jeromf, Mrs. second, to give everyone aS oppor­ Heller InUresO, are Martin MU* valid through Sept 30. Blue stamps Leon Plfe, Lavs Hot Springs; Mrs. tunity to sss^t tbs anny’s relief by tho air tronsport command. I ..hen conditions return to « eovlch, nier; Edwin J. Fox, Ebcino, ,U. V and W become valid Sept. i ' ' Draper. Phoenu, Arts, and, On Visit Here organization. peacetime basis, the major llnes'wlU CalU.; Charles Cnuner, Loa' Ani and remain good through Oct 30. . 3rd M. Bauer, Buffalo, N. T, •■SevenU people hat...... almost their present number; eles, and Ralph M. Wood, Soul BtlOAR—Stamp 14 In book No. 1 surviving are eight grandchll-' Twin Palls got 11s first official they would like to contribute to ; a sister, Mrs. Minnie Schulte, 'gander" at o Indy marine Si(tur> of ships, and thot wui mean almost I Pasadena, Calif. Tho other concern, valid for five pounds through Octo­ AER but felt they could not afford doubling tho number of Jobs. Martin Brokemgo company, shows ber; stamps 19 and Id worth flvo n brother, Dell Bauer, both ot day when pretty SgU ElUstMlh Al» to pay as high aa U30 or til for Los eAngcles. Jen. marine corps women’s reseiTa So you can see, BUI, things really Mr. Mllcovlch as sole operator. pounds each for home canning. tho premiere Uckets. Toklng this -re beginning to happen to ArtrihUnnl onrnlns ....II.hi. The body is at the Reynolds fu­ recruiter from Salt Lake Olty, stop* tact Into conslderatloo, the com- pM here as a prelude for future re­ that Job ready for you. Utrough local bouia. neral homo ponding funeral mlVVee has voted to sell « » tickets rongements. cruiting trips. for M.15. The sooner you get your, Navy’s Hospital SliOES-Stsmp 18 valid through Very srello and dashing in her reservation, the better seat you’ll Oct. 31. unUorm ot forest green and scar* OASOLINB-No. 7 “A ' eotipons in let. Sergeant Allen originsUy balls get Pleases Admiral new boslo books now good lor four from .Denver, Colo. Ehe b u beea In "Anyone who lias already pur* RED AIR POWER gollons each: "B" and "C” coupons' the marines slnee Maicb I ot chased an 111 seat can exchange bjs of old type must be ' ' CYANIDE FUMIGATION . year, and sUrt^ aoU*«''duty «a a ticket for f o ^ o f the |l7B.tlekeU. or SUN.WALLBV. Ids, Aug. 21 type which becomes effecUvS sergeant Moy 8. 6he •■ellekrt’' In­ two for the 15.50 seals. Tickets will Resr Admiral Luther Sheldon, Jr.,! Sept. I (exchange to be dono by go on sale hero on a big scale thlsl ssslstont chief of tho navy bureau stantly with Twin Falla residents week, Bs soon tts we get our sales | mall starting Aug. 33, sendhig old who met her'oa hex briet tnllUlitop of medicine snd surgery, expressed ccupoM and Uts inspt^ns rtccidV. ORLO WILLIAMS here. forces organised to handle them." satlsfscUon wllh the Sun Valley - - ...... ssponde (Twin Palls rsUOD offloo hours-i Twin F.1U FlBiTil Co. In the youngest of the wanen's No n «d Tspe val convsleKent hospital after e 10 a. m. to < p. m.) serrlca branches, she took her re* esUmated last night that the Ru pletJng a two-day inspection. Army emergency relief w&s or­ slans sre building 30,000 pisnes . ■'I am t^eased and Impressed with erult training at Hunter college, N, ganised by tho war department to Y., now exclusively the WAVES’ yesr and ndmltt^ the Soviet air the faculties at Sun Valley and in extend as^tance quickly where it strength In battle "has surprised Its operation to dote. Ths surround- , “boot” camp, ’mere Is now t regu­ will do the most good. As an ' lar tnilnlng school for lady mirlnei many experts most of whom did not ,lngs here sre Ideal for a conviil- St Coxnp La Jeune, Kew lurer, N. 0 want to bellere thst the Soviets lescent center,” Admiral Sheldon AMERICA’S FAVORITE BIG SHOW! After six months training St Bun. have risen to a position where they I said. ler. she waa sent dlrcctly- to VM. ths soldiers who were killed In the' m produce so many planes." He disclosed also that the navy marine recruiting, heodauarters at lirmy bomber crash at Oowen field Only five per cent of the soviet -ss considering taking over other TWIN FALLS Salt lUOce City. recently, were living at Boise and planes shot down recently- were ‘ "It’a great to be a mariner she had no Money was lighten and bctnbors of British and said. furnished by AER to taks them American manufacturers, the cor­ WEDNESDAY' A u g . 2 > 5 . In civilian life, Sergeant Alien «ss home and cover funeral expenses of respondent, Karl Zeppelin o f ’Itans- their husbands. — an News Agtncy. said in a Ber- Urging as many as possible te . broadcast recorded by the Asso­ ONE DAY ONLY-South o f East 5 Points tickets for the Twin Palls premiere ciated Prea. ss can do so, UerrlU said: ‘'Hot only According to Qerman figure*, ha BAHiEV, Aug. 21-Resr Admiral U It an opportunity to eontrlbute asserted, the Russlsns lost 0.000 Luther Sheldon. Ir, Washington. a worthy cause but It's an oppor- first line planes from Jan. 1 to Aug. D, O.. assistant chief of the navy ■ see a great show." 1,19t3. In IBU, the Qermans down­ bxuvsu of medicine and surgery, bc* Buppiementlns the soldier cast in ed 1B,4M Soviet first Une planes, he Pred Meech proudly strldlog along e«npanled by Comdr. Prances J. the picture is » long list of stage, dedsred. Braceland, who recently anived in Main avenue at side of his erect screen and radio i>ersonalil]es who •The Soviets, , now os before, a Sun Valley, left Aug. 30. They soldier son . . . Young lady Jumping contributed their services. Among throwing strong air formatiODs. e a good 12 Inches as fellow in big peclslly fighter planes into battle. sedan honks tils super-hom at her I these ars lieut. Ronald Reagan, Alan Bale, Prances Langford. Joan Ihe Russian planes are almost all . Admiral Sheldon Is making a tour GREAT 3 RING : . . S*atfloUc young miss with red, Leslie, George Uurphy, Rate Smith, built of wood and “their equipment of the west looking over possibilities white and blue ribbons in her gdden ecraes nowhere up to the standards ' eks . . . Oouple ot young fellows OeTttud* Htesaen. aeet*s Tobias '■ convtieweol twspltal sites in and Charles Butterworth. of other belllgemt countries. The ___national poAs for the U. S. navy. I very antique Modal T, swiftly Ovists are striving at any cost for and capably disposing of large 'WhUe on tour he is slso inspecting chunks of watermelon . . . Resii : hospitals already commissioned. The ' oyster with two cultured peulsi Record Flight by porty expects to return to Wash* In it on display tn Jewelry store' m gt^ O. 0 , somellme in 8^t«m > window . . DnslghtJy weeds on ber. northerly side of old sUge depot. . . One-Engine Plane The Hospital Little boy marching along with NEW TOBK. Aug. 2i *fcwltcher-1 hlstory-lJCO miles, from Id'-*— AOMITTED for Mrs. rtances &, Douglsss, Haz- klddin’ *' to couple of £o]lak«l*|tlisCtMM •—Gloriottslj^ GrCAtcf flight, and , Mrs. Hairy Jones, Shoshone; Mrs. CASTER-FInal rites tor Mra. at Iho WsrtfS Chsitsn c«<»a TsUat GloHoualy Grander were cuftlss P - « , ------C. W. Owens, Bubl: S e n e Norris, Minnie Cssltr will be held at 3:30 Blast Set at 12 •quipped vlth aindllsty fuel tanlca. ;Klnibeily! Buby Hawklna, Pst Ad- m. Tuesday st the While mor« i S i B W - KEWFIWT. N. J . Aug. 31 iJPHTbt I It took six and a half hours to. klnstn, Mrs. 0. L. PetxoldC and baby --JXJ chapel with Rev. Max BpUn- •earcH far vhstims of the ex;^oelon c o w the IJOO mUeo. The cempany J WARNER BROS! NenrtiTonlcl Bad O n at the Coagoleiim-Kalm, ' ' and Mrs. W. B. Dowd and baby ter, Burley. ofUcUUng and burial said the planes s t s q ...... all of Twin Palls. the Burley cemetery. Ins. t^aat bere ended today with foot level most o f t the r te o m j yer, funnier, more filled with UulUs tbsm evtr before.'^-LoB Fall Shoe Styles Angele* Examiner. . o f Safetp FlyUtg GENERAL MOTORS -Xh* show bss a charaeter of Its own . . . jm i can't afford to miss iW’—toe A>les Herald-Si^ess. Cut 61 Per Cent ", \ . eommendsbleJn every department la c h act a real circus ftttur*."—Ssa Diego THbune-Sun. SIMPHONY/<^^.AIR "A nlgbty grand show . . . pitnty of thrills. lai»hs. and ezdtlng voluntarily redtKed the number of • DomenU . . . worth every penny spent to see lt.'’-L«>ig Beaeb styles msd« for tbir fall tor » per Morning Buo.1 .....‘i as conpared wllh the number « . . . a stellar east of elovns,' scrobtts, aerialKts, god anlmU ... fall l e ll ^ tn IMX 'Boot and ■ tralneTi,“-S»n Pranclsco Examiner. • ' iBhos Raeorder.* trade pu&Ucattoa *«tro*mllned . . . wllh just u many exdted acreams.aDil thrilled. ' nld today. - THE NBC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA hsiHl c la ^ as usual. . . aU that clxcuua pmmlse in eaUrtaln.. -- - [OaSUtesman. • . • . ■• Dl. rXAfIK BLACt COHBDCTIIIS low. AudleoM ihriUed to exblbiUons ot Its feadsss *rtUls."-portUnd Oregonian.; ; . ' • « v c a TH NBC MTWOSI Ant> AKtMSlil 1 SISSm? /.'*'®*"'"* iiim*KTs : ******* MoiiBfs J WEATHER STATION KTFI ...... S o r TIMIS , 1 }tre^ £jatm iiV t par. Uatie PLU8=*' VtW ety & Latest War News’ Sunday, August 22, 1943 TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO- Pago ThreS: ,.

wide arta estMiiUng to the M u t e r - Coming With Russell Cii-cus Navy Recognition Bean, Pea Crop and Arcoieetlons. ' ■'■■''/■ty NEWIAIGPLAN F A iD IR M Z E ) TOIS L E R 10 Industry Cfrows Much atteiitlon has been to:> tho builnesa of rogulng both beani.' llAZELTON. Aug. 31-r-lt' U »• and peu In the Held to cut down tbs ported by Bert Dariowi. that the hand picking as* much aa -posslblo * processing of the bean ftr»d: pca seed and yet It U thought that l&rs« . REPORTED READY FENOFORSEWES crews will be employed In .the two crop at the wurehou.w! ^cre will b» Br JOHN U CVTTEK Over In Soviet Bussla thero.JAs LOS ANOELES. Aug. 31 W*-eix a real industry »s the sovcnunent wart^ousei here in handplcUiu'tba'. .WASIIINQTON, Alia. 31 OLB — A beets' a sUU-endowed school where dirty, half-starved chlldrcQ received hu turned over the produetloo of seeds this fall and winter. ' new uu pUi] b; one of th6 le&dins boys and girls ore taught to be cir­ regular nourishment today for the cus performers—a vcniable paradise first time since they were left to to IncrciiM federal revenuo and to the child mind. fend for themselves two weeks ago build IndlTlduoI uul business re- Tlie nearest approach to anything irren home with little food eerrej ugaliut a postwar depression of the sort In this country is at plumbing or bedding. ii- v a a wpccted today to Bot early Bloomington, HI- where aU the fa­ . nuthorltlca . look, charge • comlderaUoQ by conffress. mous circus “flying" acts maintain after The auLhor, an Influential their headquarters. the chlld/en’a plight to the sheriff’s ber ot one of the congressional tax So Intensive Is training In office. AuthorlUea otild the young­ f J t commltue, declined um ot his Dame. act of the flying tropeie there, tho est child, a year-old baby, was ' He uUmatcd that his proposed Y. M. C. A. gytnnaslmn b given MUte state of malnutrition. revision of federal taxes would yield over to It every week day morning Neighbors said tho children's par­ the treasury $40.000,000,000 a year during tho wlnur months. The ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Busch compared with the anUclpntcd 138.- • gmduntlOQ exercises” come In the had gone to Knnsaa City. They said 500,000,000 for UiU year. On that spring when all the acts Join In pro­ Mrs. Busch left two and one-hal baalj It »UU would fail far ahort of ducing a big Indoor circus and the lonths ogo. Busch, o, shipyard work* the 112,000,000,000 additional taiea, Voung -nedgllngs" taka -fUghf In .r, left two weeka ago, they.said Mvlngi, or both, already l>ein« ask­ public for the first time, when hs reeclvcd word his parents ed by the treasury for 1944. Here Aug. 23 ere Ul. - This proposal would replace the Russell Bros, three-ring circus InvcstlBators said the house was present voluntary war ^ n d pur­ coming to Twin Falls ono day Wed­ “indescribably fllUiy." The floor was chased with an ‘ Induetea Bavins*’ nesday, Aug. 2S. h u a headline at- Uttered with trash, Uiey said, and plui tied up with slight revision of Uon one of the oustandlng Bloom­ ENSIGN C a (BILL) LINDSEY the plumbing was out of order. They Individual and corporate Incons tax ington aerial acta—the Flying Val. . . . Bon ot Mr. and Mrs. C. n. said tho children Apparently had rales. entlnos. In the "aristocracy" ol (Cal) IJndiey, receives ceramli. slept In chairs and on the floor ■nio five major steps would bt Bloomington aerlallsts (and tlio lion and ssilcnment to the naval there was no bedding. I, Substitute for war bonds a ___ WAC Group Refuses ‘Captui-e’ word Bloomington on a' circus act recognition schoel at Ohio tilate • Tho oldest child. Violet. 18. told i)T>« of non-ncBOtlable, Interest- Is like Sterling on sliver), the university. (Staff Engravlad authorities her father left her |17J bearing government bonds, redeem­ name ' ot Valentino looms high, to buy food but thnt the money had able alter Ihe war. In Ai-my Paratroop Maneuver backed by many years ot tradition. not lasted long. Sho said she and J, Permit tax "credits” for pur- Yet. de.iplte tho long years the the other cliUdren had lived “mostly cl;o48 of such bond*, up t« 18 ] INDlANAPOLie, Aug. 21 OU?) — ... K. P. donned gas masks and name Valentino has been Identified 1 cornflakes and bread," cent ot taxable net Income, to eiout field headquarters of the first doslied gleefully trora tho kitchen. with skill In the air. It Is signifi­ Ensign Lindsey Besides Violet, tne children we: flUM their purchase. The accent troop carrier command recovered Many sllU stalked about the field cant to ;;ote Uiat the ValentUios art Phyllis. 14, Michael. II, Ernesi, Jr., such bonds would be to get them today from asurprlse “Invasion"’ dur­ long aficr the maneuver was over all young folks In the vigor of life. At Navy School Jack, 3. and Rotmlo 1. Into the hands ot Individuals Instead ing which the commander wns-^cnp- and public address system was forced Their present emlnance In the realm ot banks and Investment houses. tured, soldiers on K. P. duly got a to order them back to unpeeled po­ of while tops is the heritage of 3. Increase from sir to "eight holiday and the WACS repulsed o tatoes and dirty dlslies "at once." many generatloru. Ensign C. B. ff. G. Henry Towell Offlcea: Filer, B uhl, fuid the Denver Tmding Post or New members of tJie high school Rhodes, former guard and assistant and Junior high staff arc J. N. Registration at cnpliUn, succeeds L. A. Huddleston, Wenatchee, Washington Back o f Post Office in Twin Falla. Shalnwald ot Portland, commercial, W.R. Skinner, 74, Lewiston, who was rtlschargcd by and Marvaret Grady, Boise, seventh U. of I. Sept 24 Wool Growers to Poarch three weeks ago. grade, BOISE. Aug. 31 l/tVRcglstrallon Tcscliers returaln* to the high Called by Death days for tho diversity oT Idalio^ Convene Monday scliooV from last year are Elmer >WUUam,Rllcy Skinner, 74, Tw in fall opc/ilng will be Sept. 34 and 23. SALT LAKE CITY. Aug. 3t (UJ!)— Eddlngton. principal, sclcnee and Falls famer.-dled at 4;30 p. m. Snt- tho slate department of education Members ot thp National Wool coach; Morgaret Artherton, • urday at tho hbme ot his daughter. reported today. Growers' association will meet here Buagesand gl-- ...... Mrs. Owen Crawford, route Second semester reftlslratlon days Monday to determine whether tliey TWIN FALLS NEWEST & FINEST Katherine Schnleder, ^ s llsh and after a two montlis' Illness. at the University of Idaho, southern will seek conUnuatlon of the present social science, and Campden Meyer, A resident of Twin Falla since branch, will be Oct. 33 and 30, First government wool purchase plan, F. superintendent. 1918 when he came from Oklahomn, semester students registered at the H. Marshall, organlialion secretary, RADBO CLINIC... New on the grade school staff are Mr. Skinner was bom Aug. 31, 1BB8, lantltutlon on Julr 6 and 7. had announced today. Ludle Wchster. Jerome, fifth gmde; In Logansport, Ind. He was a mem­ Opening day lor the Lewkton Morsliall pointed out that many Elliabeth Rlcdel. Emmett, third; 11a ber of the Followers of Chc-lst Normal will be Sept. 7 and Rick's wool growers have been dissatisfied Holloway, Eden, second; Lois EJlls, cliurch. college ol RcJburg will open Its with prices paid, especially oi Pocatello, first grade north aide, and Burial v,-lll be In Twin Falls cem­ doors on Sept. 16. basis of early appraisals. Mrs. Iva Lou Oamblin, Dietrich, pri­ etery beside the grave of his wife. The Northwest Nai.irene college, Many wool grou-ers who will at­ mary south side. Mrs. Nellie SUnaer, who preceded Nampa, will dedicate a new library tend the 28Ui annual naUonal ram Francis Rltt Is returning_____ him In death In March of 1D19. on Sept. ID and registration and sale here nest Tuesday are expccted coin school principal and sUth Surviving are six daughter, Mrs. studies will begin on Sept. 20. to attend the meeting. ManhaU said. grade teacher. Beth Wlmmer returns O. E. Nugent, Eagle, Ida., pnd Mra. a* fourth grade teacher. Florenca Crawford. Mrs. Lyla O. Nelson, Mrs. Myrl HoUo»=ay. Mrs. Esther Bhane and Mrs, Mildred Smith, all of Twin Falls; three sons Special Service R. 8. Skinner, Buhl; Dale L. Sklc]- Boise, and Eulng J. Skinner. Ribbon for WACS '■ CB brother*. Arthur, Stillwater. Okla.; Charles, Comhjg. Calif.; and It. I>. Skinner, Filer, and •Ext«rior view, showing s...... that a service medal has been ap­ one slsUr, Mn. nosle Itoof, Oakland a n d ' space for two cart In the big ^1vc-1q proved for WACS to wear. City. Okla. service shop. The medal wlU not bo manufac­ Tho body Ues at the-neynolds tured until after the war, but. In th# funeral home with funeral or- meantime, they will wear ribbons of rangemenls awalUng word from rel­ o a ARE Invited to visit our ble Modem rayoD moire of reguUUoti campaign atives. Radio Cllnlo where we are equipped wllh ribbon slie. Ths ribbons will have a A NEW, MODERN mou green center and end edges YUie very latest and most efficient of test­ of old gold. Real Estoto Transfers ing and service equipment to handle all types Women who have eerved honor­ ably ts women's army a u z lll^ of repairs, to service and overhaul radios, publla corps members and who subaequent- sddrcsj equipment, record players and all ^ther ly enlist or are appointed to the women's army corps are authorlred 300 New Fall Junior and Misses Coats- types of electronic equipment to wear the ribbons. They will be ATIO. 18 AND ELECTRONIC SERVICE available Sept. 1 when th« WAAO Deed; E. B. Sallee to R. E. Tur­ otflclany becomes the WAC. ner, »10. Pt SWNE 3 10 17. Dressy and Sport—All sizes, All colors— Deed. R. E. Miller to MyrUe M m- sey, $1. Ft. Blk. 13 Moorman's lat addition. Wo have- been fortunate In makins Rites Conducted connections with Parts Supply IN A CONVENIENT ADG. » houses ttno still are able to supply For Mrs. Spence »14“ t® replacement parts tor pnctlcally Deed: R- 0. Hyde to Edna B. Em­ Funeral services wera held tor erson, II. Lot ], Sec. 3. 11. ao. all types of equipment, and these Coldle Bpence at 8:30 p. re&ources mske our services even DRIVE- Deed; T. A. Waters and Busanah Friday at the Twin Falli mortui Barki, 1178. Lot 1, BDc. B. Golden more Important when critical short- chapeL Pastor John B. Trude, «* agea have “laid up” suioy radios. the flruley Seventh Day Adventls ■church, officiated, with Pastor E. B. HoUsted, TVln Falls, ■«i«nwr Deed; V. McBride to J. M. Plei^e, Xluils for the services w u fum- «0. Lot 9. Blk. 14. Twin Falls. ^ » d by Pastor and Mr«. Truda. RADIO and Deed: 0. E. Edmlnlster to V. B. Pallbearer* were a N. Prather, V. Morgan. »10. Lot 3. Blk 3, Senior O. Hlntoa. Clarence Schneider, H- addition. w»d UcCluiky, Art Doriimua and »r r ------... 3 ^ ^ Deed; Praoce* M. Wan to K. A. New Silk and Rayon— also Fall Cotton Keveren, *0. p* NE« 3S 1118. Auto Service Fi-ocks—All sizes— Kural Teachers DEPOT Convene Aug. 28 ^3” *0 »1495 An organUatlon meeUn* for all Complyls; with WPB requests, our tubes, paiti and " rural teachem of Twin PttUa county equipment bfl held Saturday. Aug. M, at I0:M a. m. In roccn 110 ol tbs blah •chool, Mrs. D o^ Stradley. ooustf superintendent, ftttnouoccd. , teachen under her lur- udlctlon to be present, the said Uut New N e w FaU wans for the ensuing year would be discustd .and school fuppUe* dis­ Phone 4 6 0 tributed. J. P. Louis. Salt LbIm City Sweaters Hats nup man, U l« be present tor a ae- ography class demonstnUon. Oealg&ed for young Oar aAd-oolorlUk Interior view ahowlns .flu/ modemal A eoUecUeoof «ldrt» for -taek- small section of our con)- favorite styles In coat ‘Mehool.«odl*U plete ’ testing - and serrlce styles' and tUp-overtl $L98 laboratory. ^ C. Vern Yat FARM FOR SALE And tbe7 eom« in the Ham's most vlbrut ^htdttt See thesel “ • 8 2 ^ 9 8 S1.98„S3.98 $5?98 $498 Auto Service Ce Ckimcr 2nd Ave. and 2ndSfreet East-Across front j Four TIMBS-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Snnday, A ugust 22,1943

ITUCKER’S NATIONAL Four Little Blackbirds Sittin* on a Fence HOW THINGS APPEAR FROM

■i.SSJlf'.AieiS'S! jWHIRLIGlG W r ^ B E -T h e WM Ubor boMd hu lUgtid • b«- PEGLER’S ANGLE nlDd-tne*ac«aes revolt u ^ t tha whlu Bouse by NEW YORK—An old union friend It will be like old Ume*." «M on Cl PTMldent patSuM ittm i to ■•Picket line," the execuUve yelled. execute lla reconimend»lloi« Sec » “You are out of touch, oldUmer. cnclulown on Ubor, etp«cUUr John fUthy rich from being bought oft. You can't get picket* the«i day* s .k t .V' s -a w . K v a v ' - s - U Lewi*. Dniem P. D. n. aecedea to, has been telUng • with Uil* manpower diortaoe. Mc­ „ ai tbelr requeaU, presidential «&d pub- me Uiat he h a » ." ' Nutt would slap them aU Into the Us memlien mu)' reUra u a sKn army and navy.” Uul the? ftre dbgutted wlUi the flee ta Washing, My old friend wa* loaded I< kdmloljtnUon'a poUUcftl tiandUns one, however. *0 h* pulled 0 of UU« TltU Iscue.' in cenUml points new and lugmentfd McNutt The WLB held en IndlffnaUoa nondeferrabla and meellns not long t«o. vlUi Chair- d it a nma WllUwn H. D»vto, > loyal new desk. dealer, and Wayca L. Morw. • pubUe , “Look that over," he said. “See If member, a* tbo principal aunlUnta see pickeu listed Uiere. PlokeU ot the chief exeeuUve. That th e » b an essenUal occupation." tno men eould agree on uythlnE Is "WeU. you are out ot touch Just amaiing. They complained becaiae Mr. RooeeveU bad CUie same," Uio execuUvo Insisted. ; WHCfcntk f « I « tailed to enforce Uulr edict) In regard to queatlozu patrloUo “A picket line would ]om the place Involving dbputea about wagei and JurledlcUon. Tbo service. wlUi. business. Things have chang. head mivn has pigeonholed their progress Ie»t It alien­ ^My friend lay* that the way: ed. We have got to get a new ap. ate the worUngmen'a voUi. thing* are now, why thAe never was' proach,’ The chief cauia for their reaentment v u that Ihelr such a need, a oylng need he call* The s^utlon was a radio program. proposal to abolish the checkoff for Mr. Lewis’ miners It (being quito a steady reader of First Uiey wanted to try newspaper bnd been sidetracked by the Preildent. He Uie jutehera' paper or r •' ads. but Uie ne«rspaper* told them wlUi A luggcstlon that wllhboUlng the diggers' dueji heart, press) for boycotu Uiey would have to atand In line on from their weekly pay envelapei be eonUnued. but that ha* come out of retirement strictly the walUng list for about Uiree weeks the funds of the United Mine Worken be Impouoded. in the Interests of our national mo­ and cut Uielr space requirements by Such A step would cripple John L.’ IndusUlaUy and rale. Ris client* this Ume are not, ■wo^Uilrdi. The adverUslng depart- HATIONAL REFAUEKIATIVU politically, but only Umporarlly. At the preienl mo­ pressure groupe, union* or racial or ment, according to the WUl-ers, It Is only an empty reUglou* faeUon* but his old vic­ gesture. The time to have dried up coatributlona was tim*, tho big manufacturer* and before John L. caUed tha recent itrlke, and prevented merchants, especially the chain STUMBLING THROUGH the dbtrlbutlon of walkout beneflti to his follower*. stores. They knew hi* work Jn Uie y could fl^re^Uiei^r - time government’s remarkable ability to shut Hng the matter would be released from 1900 Pennsyl- '■ ------ftway. They posted ion labor and sold by union dcrk* and the effect wa* mlraoUlous. “ its eyes, tire a gun In the air, and have a bird t'CRia srenue. presumably after (lie CiatdJta con- yingj-. - lalj at Its feet. fereace with Prime Minister OhurchUl. Salea went off 31 per cent In 3« hour*, and wlUiln a week tha sltua- Thia time it waa-Cong. Maitla Dies who customer li never right," but it did , Uon WM Uioroughly under control. > pulled the trigger when he charged Mr. FREnOGATIVES-Prcsldent Roosevelt' ha* flatly no .good so, finally, one bright cxe- I They are keeping It up as lnsU(u- r: Bovlngdon with two odious departures from refused to approve an arrangement by which U>e sen­ cuUve Who used to light my olt ' Uonal adverUslng to hold tales down ate foreign relaUona committee should be Informed la union friend all over Uie country *' the American norm. Without shouldering too and. for Uia end of Uia war, my old advance of all private and postwar covenant* U ut and call him all kinds of a liar friend U planning a campaign to it- much of the burden of proof, the Hawkshaw he may negotiate with othen of the United Nations which he is, caUcd on him to help^ Tlve and rebuild sales In which the ,4^ Of -UnTAmerlcanlsni,.aecufled .Mr.:.Bovlngdoa- family. Ho seem* to be pursuing, the same poUcy-whlclt EDSQN’S VIEWS OR DOINGS announcer'* Uieme wUI b* thal thesifc of being a former premier danseur and a brought so much frief to Woodrow Wilson after the My friend hesitated at first, part­ domes are slricUy scab, made In ^ first World war. man o f com m unistic tendencies. ly from honest confusion, because fink ahops and sold only by rats. Klgti ranking and DemocraUe member* cf this he couldn’t immediately adjust hi* They figure that will bring Uis cus­ But the alleged ballet dancer didn’t get the committee, where aU overseas settlements must bo IN WASHINGTON mind to Uie Idea of a friendly boy- tomer* tearing back. “ hook because of Congressman Dies' charges. considered first, liave had several discussions with cott but once It penet...... For a grocery chain, my friend - vmat seems to have cost Mr. Bovlngdon hla OordeU Bull' and Dean Acheson. assistant secretary out his hand and said saved the day by spreading rumora The SmaUer War PlanU corpora. mission that the corporation has Z. ' $0,500-a-year Job was that part of his life hls- of state In.U.. charge .... .of economic...... affairs,-A, “nie legislators forth hU best effort* Uiat their butter-wa* all black-mar- 1 Uon Is apparently atepptag out ai obtained about all the war business —s basis. ket and moetly gear-greased, color­ tory revealed In his answer to these charges. soften the way for congressional ratlllcaUon of future tho flni ot tha government wai It can for Uie UtUe fellow*. An OWI 'Don’t you mean cost-plus?" the ed wlUi house-polnt, Uielr beef wa* » It appeared that some o f this history was as treaties and projects If they ware In touch with P. D. agcncles to begin reconvertlon u survey covering the first quarter of riNO AND ALSO PONQ execuUve asked. cerUfied...... 1...... and their X* now to civil service and OEW as It was to the B.'* larger design. the pursuit* ol 1B43 Indicated that, of the conoetna Since Uie trusting V80 ladles "My Qod, no, i mean minus," t all Japanese and *mug- m public. It also appeared that these agencies As a veteran- of boUi house and senaU, the secre­ peace. Brig. Oen. employing lU people or less, only S8 said my old union friend. "If I make Robert W. John­ per cent had war contract*, per figure Pot Shots I* a magician. It's another dollar, my taxes will “ had Investigated him no farther than his own tary of sUte thought weU of mis Idea. 60 did Mr. 10 up to u* to wave our wand again Acheson. a suave and amooUi person. They promised son, chairman of cent had been unable to get war (and hope that tome ot you me Into tha red. if I can run up recommendation o f hlmseU before hiring to convey the proposition to the White House. 8WP0 and a vice- contract* and 33 per cent had not some expenses to deduct, I might chairman of the atltusnt* rush to Uie rescue). him. But Mr. Roosevelt entered strenuous objections. He tried to get war conU-aeta because YouTI remember Uiat when the barely get by. Don’t think I am be­ W hat Mr. recalled tho consUtutlonal provision whioh give* the w ar produeUon their product* were not required ing mercenary. After all, a man is board, ha* asked ladles ceded some electrla fan* up OEW was true, ail right. He did have a degree chief execuUve power to handle all transactions with for war or because their exisUng at the USO center, wa asked for enUUed to a modest Uvlng, Isn't, of the sUver shirt*. It not only eaved foreign Bovemment*. Like Mr. Wilson, bo means to for and received 'civilian business was aU they could him but It drove so much business In economics, summa cum laude, and a Phi help, presto, not only a fan arrive at ngrecmenis during and alter the conflict, his disc handle. a complete air conditioning , So Uien Uiey sat down to plan a over to his compeUtor Uiat the com­ Beta Kappa key from Harvard. He had taught and then submit them to Uie senate for an aye or nay from the army. blower affair. Icampalga Tho executive, who sell* petitor went too deep bUo hi* white economics at Kelo university In Tokyo, and He h u taken off "Washington figures don’t Impress Now It's ping-pong balls. You Just j noUilng, said he would have to cut paper allowance and may have to He ha* been warned by friends that it would bo his tllver star and me,” say* Chairman Johnson, "our ...... ■ "0 per cent right away -upend for three monUis. had traveled extensively and knew several hi* olive drab and can't buy 'em. not even the OSO. . ------friend, Juit speaking languages. Including Japanese and Russian. wise to satisfy capltol hill, but In this Instance he In­ PitR EdMB figures or any others." Neverthe­ Even the'army, navy and Red Cross My eld friend likes It back In har- tend* to assert hi* constitutional prerogaUve. donned a suit of less. he points out that tha number haven't been able to get results off the end ot hi* tongue wlUwut ess. Always a marvel at thtaklng And it was true that he had been economic conservative business gray with of request* for assistance comtag for Uie local center. Right now Uie Uiinklng, said, ”I wIU have a picket up dirty rumor* an smear*, hi* In- adviser to a woolen firm. snappy tie, and that's symbolic. For line in front of your New York place lenulty Is blazing again and ha flg- ADMISBION—Although the scheduled date for the Into the 6WPC offices are only a eervlce boy* who visit the center But it took the-Dles accusations to reveal from here on In. according to the fourth or a sUUi of what they were this afternoon and I hope to cover ire* Uiat he 1* doing his bit to win IBM DemocroUo national convention 1* still a year ex-general, smaU business firms— cant play ping-pong; no balls. you from coast to coast In a week.. that this Japanese economic expert hadn’t distant, David K. Niles !*'pUgnmaglng tha husUngs originally, and this Is taken as an How obout some of you conslltu- meaning In this caee smaU manu­ Indication that the need of small been in'Japan for 23 years; that his business and whooping it up for a fourth term. A recent trip it* digging around, locating om facturers—will get government as­ business for assistance has decUaed ore ping-pong balls you arent experience consisted of something less than covered mldwestem and farm stales where dlsaf- sistance If they want It and a head fecUon is reported among farmers, middlemen and start over big business In resuming Ing any more, and mailing .. two years with this woolen company, between certain segment* of organtted labor. business handled by SWPO Is not bringing ’em to the center? If Ifs CLAPPER’S OBSERVATIONS tha production of civilian goods. tha true Index Uiat It i* doing It* 1920 and 1922; that he conceived of lectures The former conductor of a radical people'* forum In There Is no question about the more convenient, drop ’em ot the, Boston talked with pcntmaster*, Internal revenue col­ Job. When SWPO has nothing to do, T-N office. • . on economics as s6methlng to be Illustrated legality .of this move. The smaller lt< Job will have been done. by rhythmic bodily movements while clad in lectors; marshals and a horde of other federal em­ war plant* act. sponsored by Sen. “Small business today U in good ployes. He warned that Uiey must' send none but James E. Murray of Butte. Mont. APPBOPRIATB NAMES DEPT. NATIONS AT WAR a modest O-strlng; that he had belonged to condlUon," snys Johnson, “with one Consueto Ospltal. of Emerson, is a loyal henchmen to the party assemblages so that, If and hli senate small business com- reservaUon. Where there is suffer­ WASinNOTON. Aug. 31—Several, a band "groping toward Intuitive communica­ P. D. R. decides to run, the 1940 performance at Chi­ mlttee, set up the SWPO In WPB student nurse. method, and Uiey made i t ' war. tion” ; that, at age 60, he entered Columbia cago can be duplicated. If Mr. Roosevelt figures that ing. tha sulferlng Is acute. It Is un­ pIUlul renegrade American Journal­ There caif be no argument about war ^ and charged it by law not only with fortunate that In a country needing tmlverslty Teachers college to ‘‘tie up his time* are not propitious, then he may be able to con­ "mobilizing the productive capacity MR. ANTHI8 DOES A NEAT ists who work for the axl* were ln~ guUt Uils time. It is right there^^) full capacity production there on Uie heads ot two brutal dleUtors. equipment into a something he could sell and trol tho balloting for his possible successor because the >f small business concerns to aug­ SWAN DIVE dieted recenUy for trea*oa. More to should be any unused. Wo should, Dear Pot*o; delegate* wUl be his appointees. ment war production," but alio with therefore, take advantage of the the point would be a reward for the , Second, It will be wholesome to then become a part of modem organized Ur. Niles and Harry Hopkins, the other co-man­ "Insurldg that email business con- Bean this Uie of the troubles of delivery ot Mus- ahow tor a change that murder by life." ‘open capacity' ot amUl business and ager of the movement, are not orthodox or old-fash­ eerm will bo . < . utUlted in the' put It to use." one Robert M. Anthls, foreman at sollnl, dead or. wholesale Is Just a* Intolerable to That was In 1040, and three years later ioned politician*. They are what is known In the social production of . . . materials for both Krcngel’s war shop. a liv e — prefer-1 society as murder la tadlvldual cases. PutUng Uils “open capacity' .. Bob rides a bicycle to work when Mr. Bovlngdon sold this bundle of equipment welfare profession as “upUft men." war essential ond elvlllaa purposes.'' work on civilian products Is Uie ably dead. The I We have never been', able to see But they have one great advantage over the Jim hi* "A" coupon book gets low. It same should be Uils straight. We shoot DiUlnger. to OEW at considerably more than the price awPC Idea for remedj-lng this sit­ wa* low the other morning. Bob was Parley type at thl* parUcular moment. A* bsck*Use The Important word here Is "es­ uation. ^ranged regard­ whose crimes were trivial misde­ o f hay. wlre-puUer* for a decade, they have had an lafluen- sential" and, according to Gen.— low, too, in bed, when he should ing HlUer. meanors compared wlUi Uie «lmes Next time OEW will probably be more care­ Just how these views coincide wlUi have been well on hi* way to wrk. When Italy Ual voice In the handling of key patronage, and the pardon-Mr. Johnson, everything la those of Senator Uurrayi 1 of RlUer and MussoUnl. tilUer'a ful before It fills such an Important and national eatabllshment wa* never-larger th an ----- Washington is a matter of degree— Oversleeping, Bob awakened to rend{r», w hloh predecessor, tho kaiser, lost hla war, business com-nlttee remains t find Uiat ho had but three minutes cssenUaUy practical Job. But It had to learn 80 When they ‘'give advice," the boy* UsUn. A, B or 0 ; one, two or three—and seen. There have been a number of may not be long but he moved to Holland, got hlm- MeanWhUe; a presIdenUal crony who toured the •'degree of essenUallty" Is the newest j work. Dispensing with wo shall bUTom new ftlfe, and lived Its lesson as m any other government agencies executive sessions with Johnson on Bob'dashed out the door out L ______wn belt held a session with the head man. Asked for of the degrees. Thu*, a small busl- the Job he ha* done, and soma dis- nave the prob­ have, through fumbling and stumbling and hi* opinion of condition*, ho blurted. “Mr. President. nes* firm wanting to get back Into and Jumped on hU bike lem of what to d( haughty country squire surrounded • halr-pulllng. If you run again, you wUl be llcked." producUon of bird cages or per> aatlsfactlon with the result*. The already in “high" when he reached w ith MussoUnU by luxury and lackeys. Let some eommltue Is to Issue a report next the sidewalk. But he never got any : KamM* CU»»<» Yet the amazing thing is that Washington P. D. R. threw back his. head. Uughed and replied. fumery couldn't get much help, but When Qermaay kid murder a feUow ta a drunken “My poUa don’t ahow that, and I have betUr Informa- if It wanted to get back Into Uje month. The general Idea of having forthcr-4t leAst Uie bike dl ‘ " surrenderi, which Is almost certain fight and he Is executed. When a must bo given some credit for the fact that Uon than you." production of garbage palls or c SWPO convert' part ot It*, energies Dob most certainly did via air .... to aiding clvlUaa good* production to occur within U» next 13 months, dictator plans and carries out Uie we seem to be on the way to w inning the war. That Is perhaps the nearest Mr. Roosevelt has come openers or refrigerator* eertUlcd _ tho huidlebafa and onto his face In we shall have the problem of what murder of hundreds of thousands, No one will claim that the way to fight in­ • admltUng that be 1* hankering after another help- necessary by Uie office of civilian at this time Is understood to have the street. U> do wlUi HlUer. he become* a sacred cow, and you tag. been approved by Senator Murray Someone—ws don't blame them competence and promote efficiency Is requirement*. It would have the de­ and the tommlttce. It Is not too early to decide what mustn’t touch him. . gree o( esscnUalltyneceuary to get for not admltUng It—had Ued a long we shall do with them. There through m inor scandals, rows am ong tho big­ rope to the bike and to the clothes Third, I don't want to see Uie real government help on a contract. s. A*. problems wlUi which we must deal wigs and presidential rebukes. But maybe This mark* an Important transl. SU6PICI0DS line post. When the bike reached simple, clean-cut way to dispose VIEWS OF OTHERS the end of the rope Mr. Anthls took obscured by' a long postwar con- they all add up to "democracy in action." Uon In tho war producUon effort. A llUe girl wrote to hea^-en ask­ ot one ot the les*er problem*'con­ troreray over what to do with the And darned If they don’t seem to get re­ THE WAS CHANGES SCHOOL COUBSB Heretofore, the Smaller War PlonU ing for U for her parent*. off like a gUder. Ves, Bob finally got to work but nected with the end of the war. two head men. We know they wlU sults. It took a war — A world war at Uvat, to make radical corporation has devoted all It* ener­ Tho letter went to tho dead letter Just shoot Uiem. be on our hands. Let's decide now gies to helping the UtUe feUows get ,3t oa Uie bicycle for It. like lU changes In the curriculum In high schools, but tho office, where a sorter, a Mason, sow owner, wa* *UghUy Jn need ot re­ No trial Is needed. We know they what to do wlUi mem and dispose £?, change Is being made and being made rapidly. order* to make war materials. Now' It and took It to his lodge. As re guilty. They forced war when ot Uiat business quickly. That would It 1* to step tato the field ot civilian pairs. And as for Bob's gasoline CORRECT, SENATOR U has long been our conUnilon that the publlu result £3 was coUected and sent -ipply, well, it^ now even lower Chamberlain was begging for peace. slaipllf; also the task of punishing Senator Bone of Washington (Democrat) *chool systems In Uie United States h a « made les* consumers' goods, and It Is possible the chUd. Don't allow international law to lay the lesser criminals. Thera will have there may be some scrambling to Soma months later she wrote than befora It* pabled hand on Uils business. If writes this editorial about the suspension progress the past twenty year* than any other science 0 Jo Uta Jalnt to be a list of Uiose-but yoi>-may tf educaUon can be caUcd a science. AlUiough not one get In on the ground floor of re­ (Imllar letter, and added a pos tho IntemaUonal law experts get be sure Uiat nothing can be done ' of prison sentences on Anaconda Wire tt In five graduates went to college after graduation, all geript: 'Don't *end It Uirough Uie Into thl* noUilng wUl ever happen. Entrance of Uie 8WP0 Into thl* POEM WITH A P im cn - BY about them unles* Uie two head men Cable company officials who- did not deny were prepared for enU-ance to college, wlUi no Uioughi Mason* thl* time. lAst Ume they AN U-YEAR-OLD Why make It complicated? If they are promptly. ahoU You cant pun­ furnishing defective wire to the government. given to those four-fUUa who were compelled to start kind ot business Is a curious deveU kept back £3.”—Sheffield, England,, try to exile Uiem, you wUl have ish Uie lltUe -fellow* whUe allowing opmont, and in a way Is an ad- The invasion of Sicily they say. “ The cold, h ard fa c t remains that the crim e making a living. Weekly Telegraph. ' In a very peculiar way their henchmen trying to help them Uie top men to reUre to a life of return from Elba. We ahould always ?ase. • • • for which an American.boy would be shot to All that Is ended now. Heads of publla schools, obey­ Is In our hands today. ing toe dictates of those In charge of the war effort, be having to watch them to guard I am not In favor of a Carthagln- death. If committed In a war zone, has . . . But though we are winning are going all-out In their eftorU to give their studenta USE OF DIGITALIS FOR Cur production of war goods is them BgBlnst escape ploU. ShooUng Un peace. I came home by air last been considered so trifling that It should be Uie neceasary requlremenu In the field he or she la thtanlng 1* so much simpler. They-can be. week with a German prisoner, a punishable by a pitifully small fine. most.-Ukely to be placed. found If we want them.. J. Edgar; young luttwatfe lieutenant. Re was And It cant be long that way. Hoover could get them. In fact It I "If the greed of men goes to such length The Rupert high school, we note, this year taelude* HEART ILLS EXPLAINED So let u* go to work now a pleasant lad and became quite photography iruchemlstry and meteorolon and radio By DR. TnOMAB D. UAKTER8 of “so much efficacy should not be At either the welder, the riveting 1* Uie Job he did m tha kidnaping' pomilar among tho American army that they are willing to endanger the Uvea in physics. sub/ecU that ean be of much value durlns gangsters here in America Uiat sug­ officer* on the plane. They made o f soldiers to en rich themselves they wlU condemned a* dangerous or un machine or the plow. gest* to me that tha same ruUiles* the next few yean. leboel wUl also give credlU ageable’* through careless usi. And buy more war bonds and siamw him a Short Snorter. I have hi* . find that some day, when this terrible war to itudenu who work part Ume down town In' tnflus- extemslnaUon should b« appUed to signature on my bill. 1 sat beside parUclpit* in acUvlUe* which dan- . When properly used In Uie treat­ To give aitler ant* In his pantsi comes to an end, the people of America will tries reUtod to tubjecu being taught. Ih#-primary ment of cirtaln types of heart dis­ —Ueyd Webb (Age II) Uie gangster In Europe. him on the plane and pointed out purpose of this is to glTe tha studtnl practical trala- gmu*ly burden tb* heart muscle. ease, such a* congesUve heart foU- the building! on Uia New York aky- write an Iconoclastic thesis against such In­ iagjiertalaly needed at thU Uin*. In result, heart ISU Itta Ave. East What good win it do? Une. equities In a fierce whirlwind of retribution.’ disease may be m . auricular flbrlllaUon. cardlao Flnt, It. will rid u* of tha two I WhU* pubUo lehools are changlag their eunleulum asUima'. and certain oUier condl- ODB DULLETIN BOARD I believe humanity want* war now to help In the war effort, the change will be luting praoipUatad., tlon*,.dlsltall* 1* the source of great men who pulled Uie trigger for thl* I 1 ^ th*n It ba* ever wanted It. and we beUeve will pror# of permanent benefit.— Manv of Uieta > M. D. U. Burley—“Ole* sound* un­ war. RlUer and MussoUnl saw the' NOTABLE VICTORY comfort and, indeed, frequently life- usual Thanks for the letter, War* of aggression can be made Im- Minidoka County Kewi (Rupert). peo^e wUl havAl BrlUsh prime minister and the possibl*. It WlU be a long and dif­ The Premier Smuts or pro-war party in uvlng. In the treatment of cardiac French premier crawl to Munich • lorlb ed fori d lM ^ for which It has been proven tECTURS ficult task. I can think of no more South Africa has won a amashlng victory, dlgtta li*. begging for peace. ElUer-and Mus-, appropUtff beginning Uian to shoot ’• not the correct rtmedy, Uie result* SUp Quire, onetime Twin Fall* sollnl wonted to use war aa thelrl Which all Americans Join Secretary of State ____ I ii a dms county deputy aisessor, roamed tho two men'who began thl* one. CordeU Hull In hailing.-The South Africans, iwhoa* -use tb« “ when*pwtS*atoMlt^ paUeat must ua*. around town la*t.«cek on a vuiu none too enthusiastic about going to war amendment to the federal consUtuUon « 1U be con­ In the. condition* for . which It u He'a now motorcycle traffic patrol, darrtand in order; Bost'effecUre, the resulU are bad. at first, demonstrated two to one that they sidered In coogreu. Hi* quectloo Jj sot so ea** u U Uiat it* opumum man at Idaho fall*, and tell* u* he HISTORY OF TWIN FALLS looks. It desenret UumgbUul dellberaUoa rather than benefit* may ba had a very, fine time about a month „ ,-Ff now to go down the Une against hasty action 00 emoUonal gnniod*.- which i* manifested by lot* of and It half ago when Charley Dunn AB OLBANEO FBOH THE ITLES OP THE TIMEB.KBW8 - totalitarianism. n. u . - _ " *^emtl«ed. Youth* of 18 are considered okl e&ough to fight, wa on lUitan Difltall* . . . . appetite, headache. verUgo. and v u up Uiat way on a fishlsg trip. - Thto should be of tatereit to Herr HlUer and are told; therefore they are old enough to Tot«. But U then by nausea and vomlUng. More Mr. Dunn, of the grocery own­ 15 YBAM AQO-AtJO. M, WS n YEARS AOO, ATia. U, ItlS t ao Important dnig *lne« It* to- Oeorga Donait. promlneat attor­ -to hlB Joe Ooebbela. who tried to In- this prindpla were sound, it would follow that ilaoa ing Dunns, wm bauUng a boat be- J. O. Finch, broUier of s . J. men over U are eooildered too eld to light, they ^ WUllam WlUi. Wnd hi* ear.-. ney and Democratic orator, wUI act Plncb. county clerk, h u accepted •' ^e„South African election on b«- In ntt. -nw preparaUofi* of -- temporaiY chairman and deliver should therefore be denied the right to rote. IllUtaiy d l g l ^ used to tha treatment of Patrolman -Skip noticed soma a poslUoa wim Uie Buhl Milling and :: -half of the Their Interference apUUide makes a poor eort of queUOcaUoQ for the alight infraction, and stopped the Uie keynote addrts* at the Demo- nevator eompany u bookkeeper, ttidi from Uie cratlo it«te 'eonvantlon at Orange« V resulted In.^bringing out an tmusuaiiy heavy right of niffrage, . . »*vea of tti* Foxglove. Twin 8«1U gent. He recogolied t o . ^ c h cams from Oklahtma, . vote, which changed the United party's olur- Everybody haa ceen youngster* of W who had better (troyed. toaleiyaptoms will dereioo. Dunn right away })ut Oha*. didn't vme, W. Orr Chapman, chairman whOT he wae Interested In oU judgment oa pubUo affairs' than nme fuU-fledged ^ l>»«n Zf the drug 1* dlseonUaued, Ui6 tozle recotnlte Skip, on account of be­ , of tiie oommlttee which made Uie drilling, o f 73 to a m iijb rl^ o f &9, eliminated the clUsens 20 reart older. KtTertbeles*, .the vote cannot the snbjKt of totenilve itudy, and iaos BuUlde, *ad it may be cause efclp w u disguised behind I eeleoUon, a n n o u ^ hers lu t night., :S;/|uitJ-war,VUMcaader party and Wotted.out ' be confetred tipoa new age iroups *lmply becatue tome known to b e U u t d S S rwumed later la tmaller doe- B. It-aweeley. champion ahot of Order group, t f their xumiben appear imarts than their elders. heart muscle ate or iritb lottger Interra]* between 1 ,^ * m m lm a n Quire lectured P. H. ^ iD .'w b o n w for ■ num- Idaho, who iron tha (Ute (hoot on , Tha >!iu«innentr over- inowlag the ]«wn; Cut it mope* a week wbea he Ion* Met . . . ’'I . . IBB OENTLEMAN W meeting'of'-Uie.Slwaaii club* of a, ceeUBBi ipf t'long Uma. t v - m m X W .XBZBO SOW ^ i Sundoy, Aiucuat 2 2 ,1 9 4 8 I TIMBS-NEWS, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO . Page F|v«v- M-K Company Paiticipating in Educator Dies BurglarsGeteO • mmm Editor Denies Cases of liqiior. COEDR D'ALENE, AtW- 31 41»----- ' 116 Different Huge Projects Ezra Pound Is Burslars used heavy boring'and <. By HAROLD F. 08B0ENL leverage tools to 'break down, the >. EDUCAl DIES Hailey Native nimost bursl&r-proof door, of the BOISE, Aug. SI WViSorry W. Morrison. Whfte-halred oqu«e- HONOLULU. Aug. 31 tilJtt-A Fll- NEW HAVEN, Cona, Aug. 31 CUB HAILEY, Aug. Jl — The Idaho state liquor store here lest '. Jawed president of Morrlson-Knud- Big Operator Iplno.who rocenUy escaped from his —Or. WllUam Lyon Phelps, 78. na­ Hailey Timei wants it understood nlsltt ond escaped with SO to TO . tionally-known autlior, editor. Ut- cases of liquor. Ed Rudd, store man- • uid that Flnlftod v m pn> sen oompsny, Ine, general contrac­ occupied toonwluut « ld today that ^ t though Ezra Pound was tor* of Boise, comes pretty close to enuy criUo and teacher, died early Jwn In Hailey he Imt a naUve 0813’. announced today, pared to t«k# up negoUAtlon* for.» Uio Japariese.have forced the PJiU- loday w lus'hom# after sufferlag a of tills little itock-rowlng com- Rudd told the burglars had broken' sepoTftM peace to be conduct«d by being k mlUlAry secret. through the back door, made of re­ He's a secret beiause fc» Ipplnes-populatlori'mto-slave Ubor relspse following a cerebral hem­ way o( SWcUiolm but «ltbout for* It storvition wages alter stealing orrhage two months ago. inforced steel and suppUed with; m*l awtdlih osBl»tan«>. outside Idaho ever heard of three, heavy metal locks and a twtH eohtrast, to put It mildly. With lU the food ond money they could Phelps, professor emeritus of Eng­ editorially this way: -Hjb *t*tement wm made a/Mr n find. lish Utcialure at Yale, was recup- Torgeltlng for a moment that. by'four latch. Tho door,, he s&ld, . delegation repnaentlns a number or ....nry J. Kalscr. with whom lifl Is waa installed In June following in- associated In many ventures-rwd "Bvet>‘6ne work, even the entlQg at bis home, since he left Ezra Pound lived here but one poUUcol groups caned on Pmldeot small chUdren. to earn a few mouth- New Haven hospital last month. He year, we wish to stand on pure other burglary in whliA nearly 50 ' Rlito RyU of Finland rt-1 demaaded because even In his home atata It cases of alcohol were stolen. Is doubtful If many persons .real- luU of 'tJiclr, own food' .that was suffered a relapse on Sunday, his teehnlcallty. stolen,” ■ he-said, rft/ls. work - condlUoQ becoming steadily worao “A federal employe neither StiCBct time of the burglary was »t6M vs tnveaUsate tha poMlblUty tee the extent of Mar not known. Rudd sold an taventory operations. starve.", • • ed at *:50 s. m. gains nor loses residence fay rea­ of a leparsta peace 'With Riiwla, Tha Plllplno 'called hlmseU Jose Kielps...... toownk to Yale men as son ot his employment. Ezra wos being taken of stocks and a The demand* were Incorponted And tJ t pearl complete list of losses will be avsil- Harter and a few months before, De La Crua, wl^holdlng hU nlllir,- was vni Lampson professor of Pound's fatlier, while In Holley, In a letter aUned by 50 prominent rect name to, prevent enemy relall- Eogllsh Uterature from IBOi untu was a federal employe. ‘Thus lor abie when the invcntoiy Is com­ nnna And delivered to Ryti by tha hare been definitely on the military atioh on his family. One of tho few pleted. !de to a larBB measure. • 1B3«. He was bom in no proof has been advanced delegnUons. a dl*potch. pubUjhed Defenses and air bases in Alaska who have- managed to flee the.Is­ New Haven Jan^a, 18U. He received showing him a resident ot llailey. In tha newspaper Dsgens Nyheur, lands klnce they were conquered, jte his bachelor of orU degree at Yale -Besides you're not a native and faf Islands In the Padflc. and and a party were picked up by an bases and army camps In ft doxen in l»S7, continued as a graduate of Ualley till you've lived here ” ?Se*?etter alM Buegestcd that a American vessel .from the fishing student and Joined the faculty after 3S years or more. AU others are • REPAIRING , seBanl« pe“« could be fatUltaled sUtes within the conUnentol lim­ ixjat In which they left Manila boy it* of this country are strictly mili­ WILtlAM LYON PHELPS receiving his degree of doctor of Johnny-Come-Lotelys." by & clianee ot sovemment with J. 3J days before. He hinted that the Pftund mtntis iim indltied ' > REBUILDING tary work U which M-K has toeen boat had been under Japanese com- pWSewphy. K. paaalUvl succeeding Prof. Edwin huiy in the, past two yearn. But Tolerant of CtlUcIsn for treason wtlh several other A Complete Llnkomles M premier. Paoslklvl. a persons by a federal grand Jury. equally Important to the war effort Phelps was as tolerant of crlUcUm ..r » j ^ Senlce for fonntr premier. Is president of the AU Idaket ; Plnnlih secUon of the lolenwUonal of hli consenatlsm and catholicity Chamber of Commerce and chair­ of tute as he was of the critics of vere honored there on successive man of tUe FUmlsb Export assoela- De la Chii. whose Kngilsh is fal­ the leoo’s who found him a radical afternoons. tering hut whose sincerity Is ob­ because he thought contemporary Phelps was Ills orn best press 118 Different PreJeeU vious. said thousands- of Fillplnoi literature was deserving of academic agent. Once he got Tunney to de­ Colnclde* With Confcrenctt ■ cn's quarterly r Washers The delivery of the letter to RyU re .living for the day when Ameri- study and distrusted his penchant liver a lecture on Shakespeare ;at Parts are available for all iw e d the com p a iport on July 1 showediwed the compaiport company in troops appear on tlie beaches to for the writings of such Russian »u- Yale, and an another occasion, when Maytag models. coincided with couferecce* among two OPENS SEPT. 13 partltlpoUnj ln*116 -dlfftttnt J- HARRY W. MORRISON rive out the Jnvnder. thon as Tolstoy ond Turgenev. nnnljh officials and mlUlory lead­ ecu,, from near the Arctic circle W ALBION. Aug, 31 {/!>—Albion nor­ Hb outlook upon material aspects er* ^ Finland's status in the war Alaska to the southernmost part mal school wlU open on Sept. 13, WILSON-BATES ,,as quite as broad. He was fond < * APPLIANCE and renewed speculation that the of Mexico, and from the Atlantia with you again as w did at Bataan President R. H. Srjyder sold today. material comfort, always ate like government was zeelcing a formula to the Pacific. Kaiser company. MacDonald and He announced 1IH3-44 would be Kahn, Inc, Pacific Bridge company, and Corxesldor.” , boy ot IB. smoked the brand of cigan that would permit peace. That sounds like a lot of work for . "You who have never lived under Uie first school year conducted by Amy LoweU affected by the gross, Baron Carl Qustnf Emil Manner- one firm » have underway—but J. P. Shea company, Inc, Utah the college under the lour-year plan Construction company and M-K. Japanese, rule don’t know how and although not a drinker, vigor- helra Finnish commandcr In ctUef. "project" to M-K doesnt mean Just tliankful you should be," he added. placed In effect by the state board ously defended the right of the In- and his chief of staff returned to Together they can 'put $10,000.0« of eduratlon early thla year. one building Job. It may mean any worUi of equfpmenc and t.OOO train­ "My couatryoich are working only dlrUaeJs Co drink In the manner of Helslnltl earlier this week and Aome number of cotutrucUon items under because they havo to eat but thelt -Students entering Albion this prOHWnsuls. » ed engineers and technicians into fall may. however, plan to continue 3 Wuorimaa- minister to Berlin, has on* contract. Ot« "projeet" In the hearta are not In the .^otk since Ilenored Gene Twiticy SPEEDS OF LIFE been in Uie Plnnlsh capital lor some tlS, for example, Includes an im- action. tlicy know It's for the benefit of the on with the two-year b.uls," ho 'Hiese conpacies also have form­ said, "and receive a Uaclier’s cer­ 'Die genlnl professor played .. Ume. . disclosed numbed of Alaskan de­ hsted Japs. ..-einendouily important part in Yale Oeorse A. Orlpcnburg, minister to fense units at widely scattered un­ ed BddlUonal comblnaUons with tificate at the end o f that time. many other firms, Including some "We wlU conunue Uia two-year life for two decades. Two ot his HIGH, LOW & STOP Sweden, has Just returned to his disclosed points In that northern in Iowa, MlnnespoUs, Lo# Angeles, most popular counes, *Tenn; post Id Stockholm following several barrler-terrltory. e way they have of helping U Ian of teacher's training, as long "ew York and ItawaU. a we /eel It U neccasnry." and Browning." ond riHtrfJonl, days of conferences with goTcm- Working on another "project”, The San Ftancisco-Oakland tKl Slates wln-Uie var." porary - Drama," - often • me t - In - lour What Speed Are You In? ; _ ment leaders, but he Is eipecltd to thousands of rollrDad.maintenance A teacliera’ refresher insUtute for brldgi Is'ah'exaiople'Of Uie'fr-... Instructors in Minidoka and Cassia sections of ISO students each. His A re you Blowing down In life w ith achcs, pains, slckncss ' go back to HelslRU shortly. At men at 40 different locaUUea ln>m ly rivalry that exists on these Joint drawing room was the scene ot re­ Stockholm, he could make contact Portland, Ore, to Tucson. Arlt, Lake. Minnesota; Ro&s dam. counties will be held at the college ventures. Sept. 3 and 4, Snyder added. ceptions for all visiting notables and nnti dlsenao? I f so uae M A R V E L M IN E R A L IT E , a new with America, BrltUii or Soviet dlp- and from San Diego to Osden. Utah. MscDonald and Kahn, QtntraS Wash,', and the P&eUlc naval alt John Oalsworthy and Qene Tunney lotnstle officials. For U-K is now helping the South­ ConjtrucUon.- J F. Shea, Pacific bases. diacovcry which is brinffing helpful results. Nail Minister Bctums ern Pacific, the Onion Paclflo and Bridge and M-K banded together to M-K has six subsidiary corpora- INDIAN DAY FBOCLAIMED EMdcnce of aerman uneasiness Ssnta Fe railroads "keep ’em roll- form Oie ' Transbay Cotutructlon llon.-i of its own. and In addition Is BOI6E. Aug. 31 a m —Idaho In­ I will give you an examination to locote your trouble ond Its cause. over the Finnish trend was seen In ing” by supplying men and equip* company, and bid against another stockholder in the CaUfomla Ship­ dian da>’ was officially proclaimed Ut me explain my Mineral and Vitamin method to you. the hurried return to Helsinki of ment for maintenance »xirk along comblnaUon composed of Dcchtel, ■ Sept. 2« by O o v .^ -A . Dottolf- $100,000.00 ■ Dr. WIpcrt von Blucher, Oemian those war-busy lines. Kaiser ond Utah construcUon. today. In anoilyrf proclamation, TO LOAN ON minister, alter on absence of several Became Partners In 1912 Transbay was awarded the contract yards, and In firms building heli­ the governor urvptT Idahoans f ’ PAHM * CITY pnopenxY months. Morrison and Morris Knudsei for the west crossing from San copters at Bristol, Penn., making chureh.^alty days on Informed sources In Stockliolm came partner* in 1913 to ensage In Francisco to Yerba Dueno, tlic most marine engines at Sunnyvale, Calif.; PEAVEY-TABER CO. Dr. Ham Diagnostic Clinic strictly engineering contract work. reducing tnagtieslum ore at Snr PUONB »01 PHONE tU CONSULTATION FREE 354 NO. 1 bellwed that Finland would wel­ hatardous part, at a bid of Bbetheae Street East come any peace initiative from the Knudien. now chairman o f the less than the other group. But the Jose, Califs ond In a shlp-bulldlng HEAD TIMES-NEWS WANT A outside. Includins any eugsuUons board of the corporation whlcli Bechtel-Kalser-ttlalJ comblnatioi firm In Rhode Island. directly from Moscow, but K was succeeded the partnership, la no got the contract for the' crosslni Men who have" work<^ with Mor­ doubtful that she was prepared to longer active In operations o f the from Yerbn Buena to Oakland, In­ rison throush Uie yesrs are proud make the move herself. cluding the canUlever span. ot tlielr boss' amailng energy and Finnish hesitation was attributed Using the Other JslDt FreJecU hts desire to handle every detail to fears of Qerman reaction and Uie Besides Boulder dam and the Sun know every emplo)-e pcrsonaUy. possibility that Russia would inter­ ...... - - .... Morrison Francisco bay bridge, some of i Bet Vp FouBdatloD pret any direct approach as the keeps In personal touch with every other major projects the "Joint vi Tliey coll him "Uis best guy In the M-K Job. no matter where It 1« or ture" scheme has made possible country to wirb for," and point rs equivalent of capitulation, leading to how many thousands of miles he Soviet dictation rather than nego­ rccent years are: typical o f his metliods to the Pacl/lc tiation of peace terms. must travel per month. Grand Coulee dam. Bonneville Ulands Employes’ foundaUoi Frank T. Crowe, M-K superin­ dam, Coos bay'brldge. Parker dam. Boise, welfare organization s Nevertheless, observers believe the tendent who was In charge of con­ government must take a sincere, More bland. Drtmerton and Pearl by Morrison and oUier contractors You MUST Consider struction of Boulder dam for the ' bold step 'if it wishes to convince Harbor dry docks, the Columbia riv­ on tho naval air bases In the Pa- • • iponles, Inc.. of which M-K er Jetty, the Delaware aqueduct In clflc. the people at home and abroad of participating firm, wrote of New York. Tacoma narrows bridge. its desire to withdraw from the war. Morrison once: Discussions under way may be lesd- Bhasut dam, Chicago subways. Cor­ "He wants to sign the final estl- pus Christi naval air station, and a est construction Jobs ever under- Ing to tuch a step, but best infonned msws before the ink la quite dry on Ptnnlih and Bwtdlah sourwi In- New Jensey powder plant. ' takeii, collcd for building ot the' conttact." M-K sUll undertakes some proj- and air facUlUes scattered the sUted that so for there U more Morrison, who. with Utah Con- ects or its own. The Alaska pruJecU smoke thw fire. . ^ rltoiy extending a quarter, of tlie are exclusively M-K's and so Is the way around the world and employe: mighty Dale JloUow dam at Cellna, i.OM civilians ot peak of constnjc- contractlng venture In 1831 In order Tcnn.; construction at Luke field, Legless Aviator to bid on the tlOO.000.000 Boulder Ariz,; the naval ordnance plant at dam contract, explains this "Joint Pocatello: Chula Vista, Calif., air- and Uierenltcr' at Wake, Guam. To Fight Again venture" plan, now standard prac­ port; Mosei lake, Wash., housing Cavite and elsewhere. QUALITY! tice among contractors on much project; the Ssnta Ana river bridge Tlie Coniractora’ foundation «-a: heavy construction, this way: at Colton. Cslir.i its railroading set up to Bce that none of the fam­ AlilED HEADQtlABTERS. "Boaldcc dam proved to the gov­ work, lt» Mexicsn conslnictlon ilies of these men's dependents NORTH AFRICA. Aufl. 21 WV-CoI ernment Itself and to private busi­ and others now underway. . remains in need, and Harry Morri­ Oraham West said two months ago ness as well that no Job Is too big to be let to contract , It is otso supplying capital and son is sccins to It that the purposes «hen both his legs were blown off equ^ment for such "Joint ventures" of the organlMtion ore carried out ,t he would fly asain. and .. What Boulder Dam Taught "Boulder dam taught the co to the letter. an official statement conllrmed Ander All of which adds up to quite , . . but before you can conBlder th e q u a lity In tho shoes you buy In th e se w nrtorn prediction. structlon industry that whereas single contractor alone might not dam power house, Oregon; Qencve expansion for a couplecf small-to.... Now in England West lias receiv­ steel works, Utah; Norfolk dam. engineers who gave up reclsmatlon days, you must know something about that quality. Wc guess this ed a special pair of artificial legs possess the financial resources, the trained personnel and the necessary Mountain Kome, Ark.; Santa Fe bureau Jobs to start a shoe-string which will enable him to ride the dam. Azusa, Cjllf.; Madras. Ore- contracting firm 33 years ago..... - question has been asked us as many times as any: "Is it truo sky laives again. He 1» expected back equipment to build such a large Job. base; mine itrlpplng at Embar- sprtng. In north Africa soon. he could build it in conJuncUon with that tho shoes I buy today a r e n ’t ns good aa those I bought before th e w a r? ” West commanded a Spitfire group. other contractors If all resources of A native of Portland. Ore, ho was the group were pooled in Uie cf- And our answer rnust be, "W ell, yes and no. You see you’ll have to look —and is—one of the most popular foru officer# in north Africa, according “, , . Our company's policy is to to your manufacturer, really. If he has been used to making to the men who ought to know. associate Itself with oUier compa­ Axis resistance in Tunisia was nies . . . In Joint ventures formed lor YoqII find ibe Seoity Isbel and medtlUoa on e^ery gtnuine Ilolhcnoot* good shoes for you to buy, you can bet he’s going to do his level best to con­ gasping lU last on Cop Bon when the purpose of building a opecifle West, 31. rushed onto a flying field Job. When that specific Job Is com­ tinue giving you good shoes . . . but he doesn’t have the finest grades o f leathers to help his men fisht a gro&s fire pleted the Joint venture disbands. around a captured German plsne. •The some group may later n. he used to have. You’ll g e t tho best possible when you choose a reputablo THe.E--n e held a biff bomb wired unlle in the performance of other Join, but at no time docs each com­ y trap. Ttie fire touched it brand from a shoe merchant you know . . . but the beat today off. ponent company lose Its own IdenU- ty and independence of acUon with When West regained conscious­ isn’t quite as good as it w as tw o y e ars ago. Wen in the arm y w h o se w o rk is ness. his first words were: respect to bidding and performing “111 fly aealn. All Z-wont to do Is other contracts.” , Nine Itlalfl Calls more im porUint than oura g e t the b est Quality among reputable m a n u fac­ Tliere are nine main units making up the «.-esleni group rep- turers is about eighty per cent, probably, of what it was. Does that answer yoiir TtsenUd to the ao-caUed “six com­ Last Honor Paid pany" Joint ventures—W. A. Bech­ question?” tel company, Bechtel-McCone-Par- Mrs. Nicholson sons cor^rstlon, aeneral Construe- A final tribute waa paid at FHday *■- company of Seattle, Henry J. afternoon services‘ to Mrs. Ada E. Nicholson at the Wlilte mortuary chapeL Christian Scientists cosduct- W c usually find that It does. A nd th e n we go on to point out that w c are h a p p y that ' ed the serrioe. Music was provided by Mrt. Jul- MOTOR TUNE-UP the brands of shoea we c a rry a r c good shoes . . . the best shoes w h ic h cun be let Boone. PaUbearera were W una Ofn«at0T A- Startrr Walter, Will and Robert Nicholson, aU sons of Mrs. Nicholson; a sraatl- - ni:iUJIM)IN(J _ made . . . under every varying circumstance. Leather went to w a r rig h t *on. Oerald Nicholson, and a son- Anil Auto I'.Mnlliig ROTHMOOR* ln>Uw, 0. W, Kevao, aJl of Twin r‘tKK’S ID.AHO .SKUVtCE o ff the soles o f our sho^ss. B u t t h e shoes we o ffe r todav are aa G O O D o r B E T T E R Falls. W\ Main Nr., Phone 743 COATS IS those you’ll find anywhere . . , and remember this, your shoe merchant is the- man to look to . . . . he'll treat you right if he’a honest be- S79.00 — he’U want your business oncc this man's war is over Don’ t worry about quality.

PRESERVING OUR IDEALS Let this little Scottie onthnRotbmporUbel lUs ts the third ot ihow you tbs way io « prid* In th«Ir funeral wfvkti. Th«y adrertlsements deaUn« more «tyle- more fios Tith the problem at . .aeedlin^m ore rich buylos choes. Now thot our wuntry It ttn^gling hr lurvCral qtt*litj«~*nd more o f - thm ld«aU hova b*coiBt prteeleu. the lon g wetr that ■ay«t. n«’ll do it W* oni eooperortno In «v « y woy with ehwthii' of All eommunfty to erder fo molntoln Ih* relfaiow cuttomt which govern our Ifyoi. Other RotWnoor Cooti S49.00b>S139.00 WHITE MORTUARY ih u ko n -C la tk

Bertha CampbeU’s Store Sund&7r Ausfuat 22,1043 TIMES-NEWS. t w i n f a l l s . IDAHO o Pa/je Six Northwest Twins in Marines Horse Show Eriti-ies Indicate Educator Here IIIIEBORAII’IS Top Display Here Sept. 6, 7 Entries thus tax for the hone .Tucker, Otonto. Beldlng; O F i N E n e (how scheduled Sept. 6-1 at Jaycee iTucker, Jr. Pinto, Beldlng; SOLDIEBiSIESS nAILEY, Aug. ai--^U ot an__ac- park Indicate that some ot the Tucker, Knight, s e ld ln g ;______WAanmoTON. Au«. Ji w - —M of Magic Valley horseflesh Turner, Chico, geldlne; Curtis Turn­ ddent at Triumph mine had risen •me S3 yeai» nba *pent u o m ^ n„. perform, Ijmn and Jenny Stew­ er. Ctilpeta, gelding; Thomas Dllu, io two today with the death of John Elmer Bell, 35, Holley, hMlMS ror her l#t« biMbwil. ld»- Wllng and Sons O on itn icl.„...... art. co•managcr^ said last night. __ _ Creath Baroaid, hrt eca. WlUiiua E. Bor^.are ta- pany, Botsa, was paid today by high The horse show la sponsored by n « . aeldlng; A teUow worker, Carl N l ^ . 40, inj turned to occount by Mi*. B o ^ Troop B ot the Idaho volunteer re­ died Wednesday u result of injur­ military and civilian leaders at cere­ ies received a (ew bom earUer In M ft hMWM to #ert«i aea »t monies at the MounUln Home air serves and by tho ’Twin Falla Junior BUB6 Door canUea wifl Uw «B0 Chamber ot Commerce. Preceding S peS «:*W a n i'cbl«, Buster.'geldl theday In the same sccidenL A mine. ^ base at which the (irm received W oSdedwtthat«,a^.haH'^^ Mfflce JoSsa In the Union i»tlo a Idaho's tlrst'aimy-navy pen­ the show by one week will ba the log; WUma Cole, Dixie, mare; Carl And -XltUo Borah" MW« to get marathon rido scheduled for Aug. Peterson, Diamond. Brewing: Mickey ot ore plunged M (tet down a 60 nant. per cent Incline, enishlr^ N lj^ . R ffreat deaj o f eaioynien < Brig, Gen. Warren T. Hannum. 38-29 over a route which will In­ Cameron. Keno. gelding; Topy Ma- these elforts to RU>^e ua clude city, farm and backwoods chaeek, Buster, geldln*; Dao Boger- BeU. Who was on top of the r ^ cle pleMWji Salt Lake City, Pacific division engl- aon, Btlnky, gelding. at the time, sulfered a rraeturea - - T, made the award ot the pen- HoratboQ Entries FIVE-GAITED skuU and collapsed lung. He suc- m S S u . tho UiWinOt of ----- ( to J. W. Tertellng and N. L. fonned Tlsltors. Newest entranU In the marathon, OrvUla Creed, Kitty Cob, ____ Tertellng, owners of the (inn which ” Stakagc*of Uie -shlT" wheel axle -I dont think of It m work, tha eo-manasen announced, ara Dr. H. B. Oroome. Jana Arden, rushed tha Immense bate to co Arlene Lowery, Mn. Jessie Daniels, mare; Prank Benry, Orand Stone­ on the ekip was termed the cause though at the lounge W8 i I * “ In nine months’ time, _ very biwy cJiecklng bags anu r Delmar Tucker, M. U Spencer snd wall. stallion; J. W. Beese, Senator. of the accident Bell had Just step- . « ol Tlslton snd employes Creath Barnard. Others are opect- staUloo. ped'onto the ora load when to; ■ S . S , ® - watched. ed to sign up this week, HALTEK axle broke. A skip b a whwW She can draw, iiUo. oa »ici‘ Ueut. G. A. Hebert, officer In Entrants In the horse show up to (Suckling colts to one year—may car operating on rails and used to ptrlenco after the Ivt w charge of navy recruiting In Idaho, last night Indicated that the cnvds be shown on halter or loosa by ERWIN flCnWIKBEBT carry mine ore on Inclines. prQsented "E" lapel pins to the em­ &xAyES5‘..s!=;'.»v„. The Pstlfle northwesf* famed Anderson twins, Bhixley JUe (le«) at Jaycee pork Sept. 8-7 will see a msre’s sldeJ . . . Director e( admission* and BeU had been working at the TH- and Gloria Hope, are new member* at the t). 8. marine corps women’s ployes o( thi company. Hugo Trelck, wide variety o f horses In aU classes. Oene Helms. Peggy, (lily: Qeoe umph mine for five years. “My friends hCkva called mo a representing tha workers, responded. acllog dean at the Callege ot Xda- roerre, aeeerdlng to word reeelred by Sgt. Ocorge M. Faalson. Twin The list to doto—with owner, horse’s Helms, Vie, fiUy: Curtis Turner, be at Caldwell, win be at the Bortt Nov. i. 1607. at GranUvlIle. ' Ecavenger because I beg mijazlnM. FaUs marine recnltcr. The rlrU are U and are danghtets of Sir. and Field Aecepled name, horse's sex and rider It the Bed. horse eolt; Mickey Cameron, Eegenon boUl In Twin Falls un- DUh, Bell mairied PhyWs Co^ion p S cards and cla*rett« to BIrc. Dewey J. Anderson. Colfax. Wash. Ttitir blrlhs were almost CoL Hugo Rush, Oowen field, rider Is not the owner-U es tol- (entries not yet listed.) in Twin Fans July » , » » . He Is S S e to my boys." »he Mid. "It is ill t pkm. Simday t« InUrrlew high Dalqoe In medlca] history, morklaf one of the fen cues In wblch tbo Boise, wing commander, accepted PLEABUBB nOBSE ■ehosl gradoale* and aenlora who sunlved by his wl> and a two- - hard now, to reach them because of mother and twins, bora by Caesarean openUoo, sarrlTed, (Slarlno tho completed’, field oa behalf ot year old daughter, Lorraine. the transportoUon diniculUea but are Interested In eontlnolng with corps phote) the second air force. Tony Machncek, Buster, . their civilian sebooUng. Other survivors are his mother I gtt around aa often as I can.' Oov. O. A-Bottolfte: Wallace Savage, Trocer, gelding, I Jennings, Orey Doff, gelding; Lynn and father, Ur. and Mrs. Joseph A couple of B o l« WAVES hove terming the completed Darrel Peck; M. L. Spencer, Bed.; Stewart, Prince, gelding; Oladj’a B. Bell, Oakley; (Ire brothers. Bud. been stnUcned In the Atlanlto trlotic inspiration to all ol gelding. W. P. Crawford. Tucker, Otonto, gelding; Delmar In overseas service; Clyde, marine board area: Miriam Walker Idaho, to labor, to Industry and PINTO Tucker, Knight, gelding; Mrs. Prank in the south Pacific area: Floyd and Washlngtoa and Phyllis Tuller at Rules Added for the senerol public as we move (i Keniy, Shadow Mist, mare; 'Thomas Grant, Oakley; Vtme, Jackson, ALL JAPS FLEE ward In this war eHort" Qene Helms, olaie, sUUlon; DUU, Choice, geldlny: 'F D&lUmore. Olodj-s ’Tucker, Otonto, gelding; Wyo„ and a sister. Mrs. James “ Tho speed and eftlcleney of this gelding; Uivor Bloxham...... C,OFI.i)EANIO UCUU A. W. Mntkley, fonnerly of Tire Applicants Fairchild. Ogden. Utah. Creath Barnard, Rex, gelding; WU- gelding; Spencer Se Wurster. Sliver, Idaho Palls, la now » navy «ecuUv« Important eoostructlon project li- mo Cole, Dixie, mare; M. L. Spencer. Funeral services are under the ofllcer, sUUoned at San Franclacfc lufltratea what con be accomnUshed Red, gelding. W . F. Craw(ord; Helen stallion, M. U Spencer; Carl Peter­ auspices of the U D. a clmrch and Provisions which must carricd FROIKISKAISLE when employers and employes work son. Diamond, g e ld in g : Helen the miners union, They will be held Ho fonntily was with Uie general out by tire applicants because of Oreenhalgh. Tony, gelding; Lewis accounting offlcc here. His wife, IFraa FiM OnO together as a team, each under­ Oreenhalgh. Tony, gelding; Mickey iEISTUDENIS tlie Harris (uneni chapel ot 2 the reduced quota were annc^nced Jennings, Runt, geldlrig. Cameron. Silver, stallion. Mrs. Louise Way MorkJey ot DoUfl Joint statement at Quebec where al standing and sympnUietlo to the AMATEUR JUMFEOS ... To acquaint prospective students The body I ■ • .here last night by Chief Clerk Carl lied leaders are plotting new troubles problems ol the others,” ha sold. . FAMILY GROUP vJth educational opportunitiea at ly Monday. and Ta'ln ?aUa Is f fmalnlng M. Andereon of the county rationing m y Cox, Red, gelding; Don Itog. Gladys Tucker. 0elmor “Tucker. Wnihlngton. tor the axis: Bpeclsl Ooesti erson, Sttoky. gelding; Don Porter- tha CoUega ot Idaho at ColdweU, board. -ThejJrescnt owupatlon of Klslta Special guests at the ceremonlcs Delmar Tucker, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Schwlebert. director of ad- fcUss Margaret McMialaln, — . 'It Is now nece&sary that all ap* Held. Sky Orey, mare. Frank Henry; Horry end Curtis ments for the coming school year daughter of Mrs. O. Orr, Jormerly frees thB:tet vestigo of North Amer­ ere members of the Idaho State mlulons and acting dean, will bo ot Is a new course ottered b dress de­ I plications for tires show a < ican: t^rrjBiy Of Japanese forces." EJdltorlal assocIaUon. Members ot CUU.DREN'S CLASS Turner. the Rogetton hotel Sunday untU 3 of LewUton, went to Martlniljurg, ' plete Inspection ol each tire or Delmar Tucker, Jr., Pinto, geld­ PALOMINO signing tor women and. the con- W V.. during her vaeaUon, to com* Last bppeiltlon Ab|. U Boise uniU ot Minute Maids, Wom- stTiJCtlon ot new hanJ-iurtaced ten- , rehlcle," he said. ’This b provided enS bond-selUng group, appeared ing- Lavar Bloxhom, Oilppcr, leld* Lynn Stewart. Prince, geldbg: plcie her training for » pUot't rating. w that the board may allot tires Days alter Uiat Ixxnbardment Ing; Chuck Wurster. Pete, gelding; At that time he will Interview any nU courts tor use In the expanded Mi.« ucMmimln Is manager of the where they are needed most.” briefly. Wanda Cole, BusMr, gelding; WUma high school graduate or senior In­ wrrtlme physical education pro* ; f i ' from the sea the last enemy oppo- . Tho Mountain Home base was - calcterU jn -.tK#-Interior-buUt^. to addition,-Anderson declared, slUon . wu reported on Aug. 13. Oale, Dixie, mare...... - ...... Tumtr..Flax, maxe: M..L, Spencer, terested In continuing his formal gram. ■ Capt Raymond Muiphy. whose wlJ« all applicants must state in their Tlien'lt was only light anti-aircraft finished ahead ot schedule although WESTERN ' Silver, stallion; Mlckcy Cameron. eduauon. Caldwell, he saysr wUl Is the former ...... it tho vehicle Is used lira against bombers .and tlghtera speclflcatlona added to the contract Weston Dennis, Buft. gelding; Sliver, stallion: Peggy Grover, — continue to serve civilian students Is suUoned at BolUng field, In for. which shottered buildings with di­ made ...... Lewis Jenntnss. Runt, gelding; Lew­ try not yet announced). es an Independent, church-related, by Vlrslnla. “AppUcaUons wUl be returned If rect hits and set olt many (Ires at is Jennings, Oray Dog, gelding; V E m cix fully accredited (our-year college ot B. P. Moason o! BlftcUool. wlio they do not show this Information," Oertnjde cove and north head In Lyna Stewart. Prince, gelding: J, K. Frank Henry, Grand stonewall, arts snd sciences. recently returned from Ala»U where the chief clerk lald. the main camp and north of Rey­ Pour-englned bombers have be Crowley, Smokey. gelding; OUdys stallion. In an accelerated'dual program, operating out of the base for seve. the college wlU oI(er a special course YOUNG'S he made a survey of accounting nard-point. D A I R Y — = problems o< tho Alaskan railroad! Sometime shortly thereafter the days, and air corpe personnel unc to army air corps students, in ad­ lor tho CAB, *ald he was eurprlsed Japanese escaped, (or two days loter Col. A. J, Melanson. have been si dition ‘a carrying on the regular to find many men from Idaho. when ^erlcan and Canadian tloned there since early In tha sui Coupons Allotted liberal arts courses leading to a Montana, and other northern Rocky I. B. BRUSH, 60, troops made their landings no enemy baccalaurcate degree. Military and A Eetter civilian students do not meet In mountain states Uj the empli forces were found on Kljka. TO Ji For Extra Sugar the tame classes, however. ’Their air services up there. Ha »p«n RegardleM ol tlie method of .. I for c weeks on thei survey. cape, all of Uie enemy had disap­ Slnc« . programs are separate and distinct. Ferry Stock Man ping sugar are -now being Issued Wartime entrance requirements WAO SgL Louise ComhoJf, whose MENBYDEAIH peared when Amerlctm and Cana­ I coupons, the Twin Falls county ra- ..ow permit above-average 17-year- MILK husband Is o member of the Poos- lUCHPIELD, Aug.31-Pollowlng a dian troop.1 leaped Into the Icy surf Is Called at 81 IE ' Honing board advised retailers lost and charged onto the rocky beaches old high school students to enter IN A B E T T E R B O m E l , teUo police force, has been staUon- lingering Illness, Theodore B . Brush, OLENNS FERRY. Aug. Sl-BOb- > fij. 0 ' night concerning sise and denomi* ollege at the end of their Junior In the (Int reported Joint action ert Parmley, at, rancher and stock­ latlons ot the coupons (or to, prominent Richfield business by American and Canadian ground westward, thereby Insuring the (all • DACRO 6BALE0 man, died at the Hailey cUnlca) hos* man Ot this area for tho lost 31 of Klska ItseU," he explained. sugar. Tlie College ot Idaho, Dean • il late Prlday evening. He had forces In the AlcuUans. years, died at 4 pjn. today at the These ara in denomlnatloi • PA8TEUBIZED LATsen nureing home. Death was ’That we couldn’t kill moreJops," Schnelbert said, has been fortunote n confined for several montlis. PUee of nitht Myilery Admiral Klnkald added, “was dlj. one, three, five and 10 pounds. Size In retaining most o( Its regulo.r fac­ 0 nOMOQENIZSO hla home In Richfield before attributed to a throat ailment ond BppolnUng to everyone. However, ot the coupon la about two by ulty. Moreover, at a time when Where the Japanese might Mr. Pormlcy had been bedfast for From toBT Oroeer or being Uken to tho hospital at fled Is a mystery. However It Is I had the Jnps chosen to sUy and three Inches. The yare valid up to housing (or girls is presenting the past four months. and Including Feb. Si. 1944. at year dMr. Hailey. poMlbla that surface uolts slipping He came to Idaho 4S years ago. light (rom tliclr entrcnclied strong­ major problem on many campuses, Mr, Brush was bom In Weeping holds and foxholes, our casualties tlie C. o( I. has secured an addl- through the fog to carry out the, Ho had been a' member ot the phone; 64 Water, Neb, May 20. 1883. tho son evaeuation might have crept baclc| Masonic lodge (or hall a century would have been heavy." Uonal women’s residence hall. of Charles O. Brush and Mrs. Au> to bases in the nortliem Kurl Army estimates ot potential cas­ Flier Now Major: Among some of the new develop- WILL BE LARGER grnta Mann Brush. He woa a grad* and the Modem Woodmen for 40 ualties In taking Klska by (orce ran possibly at Paramushlro, ent-, WABHINQTON. Aug. 31 W>)—Dis­ years. He was a member o( the uate of the eolleio at Shenandoah, naval base which already ha.i been, Christian church. to 7,000 wounded and killed. 2 Made Captains closure that the govemmut has, la., and was assistant cashier bombed three times by American: adopted a merchant ship building Mr. Parmley was bom Dec. 3, 18S1 Changes tVhoIe Picture Tti'o Magic Valley men received the Shenandoah bank and later forces reaching ever closer U In Kentucky. Admiral Klnkald said the blood­ their captaincies and one was pro­ program for lim well above this Coin, la. enemy’s homeland. Funeral services will be held moted to the nnk o f major, aeeonl- year's schedule was coupled today Came In 1007 less victory of Klska changed the The lack of opposition on Klska Tue.->dBy. or Wednesday nt the while Pacific picture. Ing to a dispatch from war head­ .Comlr^ to Idaho la 1D07. he lived —despite the heavy air and sea Oleruis Ferry Masonic temple with •Tlie northern route—the short­ quarters ot W ashln^n Saturday, combined Americon>BrI me year at Boise and before mov> bombardments—was In a way a sur­ Ion shlpbuUdlns committee Rev. James Opie, Episcopal pastor, est route to Japan—Is now cleared Worth Charies Clark, former Twin Ing to Richfield, where ho organ- prise. Never before In this war have officiating. Masonic ritual will be and from Attu we are only 910 miles Palls resident, was promoted to a standardize ship designs. Ued the first sUta bank and actcd the JopancBo withdrawn from o A marlUme commission ipokei* conduciod with burial in Glenns from Paramushlro, Japan's north­ major in the army air corps; Or. J cashier Uiere for saveral years. base wlUiout waging a suicidal fight. Rost cemetery. ernmost naval air and army base.” Gordor D. Oldham, a former phy­ man confirmed that the combined He resigned to go Into the real On neighboring Attu, defeated chiefs o{ staff had npprored a IBU A grandson In the armed forces he declared. sician and surgeon here. Is now i estate and fam loan business and Japanese troops armed even with Is expected here (or the services. Admiral Klnkald said the Japan­ capUln in the army medical corps, program "In cxccu of 30,000.000” later Insurance and farm manoge- bayonets tied on sUcks, raided dead weight, o r carrying capaeJty, He Is Everett Oorby, Fort Sumner, ese Infestation o( the Rat and near and Lee Edwin Van Ostran, Buhl, ment. He ran a drug store nt Rich­ American camps In a (Inal (utile is a captain in the army englpeer tonnage including 800 fail i...... N. M. Island bases lost June served the field lor 30 years. liattle last May. Then survivors Survivors Include one ton. Charles United States well but ho would not say how Active In civic atfaln, he w hugged grenades to their chests and more than S0,000,000 tons was H. Parmley, Olenns Ferry; a daugh­ "It made us aware of our danier member of the state central ..... died on the Island they hud sought ter, Mrs. C. Z. Sllbaugh. Glenns and as a result we rushed to com­ colled for, mlttee, a county commissioner and so vainly to retain. The difference Tho production planned for 1044 Terry; Uiree grandchildren and a pletion a chain of air and sea bues Special Training lor many yean a member of the at Klska eould represent a ehuiga sister. Mn. BU Ryan, CoUax. la. to defend our western approachti." would be about twice as gnat - local villsge board. He was a mem­ In enemy policy. The oUicr grandson Is Vernon the entire U. S. merchant mar continued. ,”Now. when the time For Cadet Stone ber of the Methodist church and Parmley. Olenns Ferry, The grand­ comes, we will be ready to use them on January l. 1S4U U tui m t._ the I. O. o. P. lodge. OOODTNO, Aug. 31—Cadflt hank that 80,000.000 tons—or B,00» ships— daughter Is Mrs. Bemlce Cappa, (or a gigantic o(fenslve which will Stone, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. BarrlTsn Olenns Feny. • break Japan’s back." will have been built aloee ttae ' The body rests at the Zaeher- Stone, Is attending Muskingum col­ est start of the ' ... was married Sept. 6. ISOO, to ■A goodly number ot the estimat­ lege. an outstanding liberal arts col­ F L O ! OF JAPS Bey (uneral home. ed a.&00 Klska Japs were kliled- Oeorgla Erelyth, who survives him lege. In New Concord. O. Cadet Stone IS do two sons, Tlieodore Brush. how many Is difdcult to estimate— Is in tha army speclallied training Richfield, and Garth Bvelyth Brush, by the relentless pounding of the program and was one o( 4S0 tadeu Motmlaln Home; five grandchlU 60-Day Term for llUi air force under the command from all parts of the country who drtn; two sisters. Mrs. ElUs Miller, ot Ma]. Oen. WUUam O. BuUer and started back to school Aug. 9. Chairman Donald Bmwood, Neb., and Mrs. Charles iPrem Pitt Oa» Furniture Theft heovy surface bombed- Ihs day at Muskingum college be­ the war production board cqtu]' Mengel Syracuse. N. Y.. and two the enemy preferred not to try to JEROME, Aug. a3-0horlcs Hugh- gins at 8:45 a', m , ond tha adeta while announced publicly for Ui« brothers, Charles and William save the Island they took on June es, 23. pleaded guilty to a charge “More than 6,SOO.OOO pounds of or# required to Uke at hours of flnt'Ume the creaUon soms months Bnish, Olsde, Kan. 19. 1943. of stealing a quantity of household bombs were dropped on Klska since class work weekly. Stone was sent ago of a DrltUh-Amerlcan.Canad- .Funeral rites will be conducted No one here knows precisely how fumUure t>clonelng to Tony Apo- last August. Two o( the navy's bom> to the college (rom Camp Mm W, Jan combined committee ea r‘ tt 1:20 p. m. ‘Tuesday at the Rich­ thi) Japanese escaped nor how many dacn, Jerome, and was sentenced to bardments were the heaviest In I Tex. ardliaUon of ship design. He field gyro with Rev. J. H. Coulter. CO days In the Jerome county jail PMlflc naval warlare,” be said. It "the ftnt attempt In hlitOiT at. Bhoshone, oinolatlng. Interment Offlclsl estimates of the garrison by District Judge T. Dailey Lee. Imero, Sicily, was founded Intomatlonol coordination In ehlpi will be In the Gooding ccmetery •ss tlian a month ago were between Recently Hughes had been dis­ BEAD -nMES-NEWS WANT ADS, building.’" under the direction of the Thomp- ,000 and 10.000 men, although *' honorably discharged from the army mortuary. KIclaU admitted there could I and had been given permission bjr SherKf Lee Johnson'to stay at the Suit Filed Over ISvS-'SESu'S^S,. homa o( Mr. and Mrs. Apodaca, 'A-number of Japanese lam Jerome Mexican family and friends r : Buhl Agreement B and C Coupons arges whlch. were seen here early o f" the-youth------;------Claiming breach of asreement ln>' uly disappeared after the last ‘ Taking tumltura ot the family ' volTlng a Buhl milk collection route., Must Be Traded while they were away. Hughes sold Eldon Stokes haa filed dlstiict court I It to J. U. Fort, a second-hand fur­ PINAL ^ suit against J. R . McUurdle. Buhl. In for New Ones niture dealer, for «3S. U was valued The complaint asserts thkt lost In them, although It would have between lao and IlDO. Jan. 14 McMurdie sold his ton and been o honlbl# trip even It their Picked up by "Twin Falls poUcc a half truck to Stoltes for :------~B' sod “O' gasoUna coupons men ’Thunday, he was returned to whereupon Stokes leased the won’t be valid afUr Sept. 1 .U Uiey were awaiting them somewhsre at Jerome and brought before Probata are of Uie present old type— thoao tea. Judge William O. Comstock. Ha must be exchanged for'the new cou­ It also Is possible the Japanesf CLEAN-UP During that time McMurdie waived preliminary hearlne and was use It to haul for the Jerome Co- pons being Issued by OPA. may have been teducing the gar> bound over Friday to answer the *niat was announced last night by rlson a tew men at a time tor operative creamer?, and v u to turn months, so graduaUy thit It wu charge in district court today. orer all proceed to Stokea. Itu Ut> Out N. Anderson, chief clerk oi ter was to pay him tlso pa month the Twin Falls county rottoiilns unnoUeed by aerial reeonnaiisance. One Big Rack and finance operaUng and aalnte- board. • $24.75 nacea costs. Andtrson’a statement cleared up Asserting that McMurdla returned what many '3 ' and "C” toolders Mays Services the truck March 1 and has not kept had been wondering: Does the doODINO. Aug. Sl-Funeral riUs M A 7 TRE SS the agreement for the remainder tbange In coupons affeo^ only the tor James Map will be held at of the six months period, (ha plain* eastt “nje ehleJ clerk’s announee- ment said It definitely offcets Idaho 3;S0 p. m. Sunday at the ’Thomp­ DRESSES tiff asks; 1. Accounting of funds re* and the old typ«.“B" and “ C“ cou­ son mortuary chapel with the Twin ceUed by the defendant during the Falls Elks lodge offlelaUng and m Beeoad Are. S. noa* tl-W Bare tre prists and plalu In bright or dark agreement period except January and pons wlU be worUiless after the end burial at the Gooding cemjtety. ' Pebniary, In operation of the milk of this month.- tooM youll want Street dmtes or frills , xoule and extm hauHng. Ha also “Ration holders may redeem their you'll love to wear, ’nils Is the final closeout T»Ud old ‘B’ and ‘0 ’ coupon# with imt of * y o asks aecountlns (or gas, oil n - all of our fpring and sumnier dresses, __ . paln. Z Judgment for th» total thelf boards,* he said, 'by moiling aU t® / X fu«» rocelred except for Jiauary (hsm toId Wth tiret irtspection recorda elttf at ooa big reductlco-all tisk reprwented. . and Fabniaq’ .trom the ooopentlva afUr Monday. and for extn hauling, mloui tiper- appUes to 100 oUcg and malntanaiica' ecats and IsUon bulk CO.,-— minus the agreed »I30 per month. Anderson expjslned that after Raybnn and Kaybom and B am Btpt. 1 no "B* or "0 - coupon wljl One Big Rack THOROUGHBRED Povey are ftttomtys for Bto)ie>. I be valid for transfers to consumers unless the word 'Mileage Ration** II* ptlnted 00 tha face of tho eou- Youth, 18, Faces inn. Ihe old typ« coupons are Idea-. Utfled by th« verdi ’Tenxvlta de> ODDS & ENDS C L A S S TC S: Uraty of eca unit ,ot fasoUoe. ------detached at time o f sale. u prlct •dmlhistratlos.’' Every Sportleigh Is styled alon« Ureleas, lim e., ( Ji7 *Slli*l«g.' it I less ilflcs to see you through the duration and 'i . m anattl^ „ : r

Stmdar, Ansm l 22,1943 Tim es-n e w s , tw in palls, id a h o Pag«;s^ifl,4 Filer Girl Weds CARE OF YO UR CHILDREN HAZELTON « By ANGELO PATni Verlln WlUlameon, teaman Uilrd taoes. is hero on delayed travel Belty mu visiting at Jano'a house from Farragut to his new staUon bccause her mother was doing war ■St .San Francisco. Hs has been at work and thero was nobody at home PWragut naval training.station tor feT lN a FORTRESS BABB. Eng-- . Sergeant’s Bride td keep an eye on Betty that atter- seven Rvonths. land. Aug. a i tUR—The crew ol - • noon, ine two UtUa girls were alttUig per capita per year, a tax study by U lu Beulah SouthworUi. fomer BatUln' Dobble couldn't get their .. Jenkins, Balis Wed T on the floor plnying with paper dolls the aUte Chamber of Commerce Kaaelten resident, now of Bae»- damaged bojaber much above tree* . when Aunt Caroline came In frotn showed today. . mento. Calif., la vlslUag her sunt, top level but they i>oured lead Into ffhoppUng. Bhe swooped and lifted Taxes paid in Uis Gem state to Mrs. Venr^ Gale for leveml day*. every target they taw t e 100 .miles ., Joaa o({ Uv6 tlooi. twang her shoul-' local, state aod federal goremment Mlu Mary Hinton. Vancourer, and gave Americana la one narl At Carolina Nuptial 4«r high, cuddled her dose. Jtlssed will amount to opproxlmataly ISO,- Wash, has returned to her heme af­ her, gave her an affoctlonata spatik p r l ^ camp » th rif „ , ,. ■ •. Miss Marjorie Balia and Cpl. Robert C. Jenkins, Twin Falls 000,000 during the present year, £^l ter a visit wlLj her broUiK, 7erl l%ree men aboard the Flying For- and sat her do«-n on the rug again, Hinton, and tamUy. Touplc, were married at a 9 p. • m. ceremony Thuraday, A u j. laughingly. W. Muiphy, secretary, esUmated, treu got three enemy planes during making the avtiage tax load men Pegg. RcM waa hcattu to btr i>H the raid on Schwelnfurt, Oermany, - W . a t Columblo, S . G . ^ , , . . Betty looked on gravely. When than because the atatei civil. elub this week attended by eight Aunt Caroline went out ahe turned *100 but two of their engines wera set on ' The vowa were pledged at the First Baptist church with Ian .population is now below Uie members and tbelr leader, Un. firs. to Jane and uid. "I wish my mother half-million mark. Olaude Brooks. « V « * Chaiilain McGraw of Fort lutd time to play with me." *^0 leveled off first at 10,000 Jacluon rcadins th cere- Danger that Incieased leWea will Staff SgL Oeorse Qrose la vblUng feet and saw a imaU town with a Jan« looked turprlsed. "Dotsn't be Imposed on real and personal relaUves in Haxelton whlla - - w ony. anybody Itrve you?" ahe asked. IB-day furlough. factory and made a bomb run," It wu Betty's turn to look sur­ property was seen In the aludy. sold First Ueut. Qton Hoyt, “but Weds Soldier The bride wore a powder blue ‘ State and local tax admUUstra- Pfc. Toney Tousley, Ogden, Utah, Jersey drtsi with navy blue aece»- prised. "Oh, yes, I guess so. but my visited at Uie home ot Mrs. Tousley's wa found that flak had damaged the mother never has time. She's alwaj-s tors fear Uiat excise taxes will release so « e couldn't set Uie bombs ' eories. Mrs. UeOraW acted w ma> longtr prodMte the volume ol re.. portnls, Mr. iad Mr*. C. L. Smith. tron ol boMir. too busy or tired or something." Mr. and Mrs. Obarlu Hoiinhont away. « Needed Nourishment nue Uiey h»v« la the past." Murphy Bomba Pashed oat Cpl. Dick tAwrence attended the uld. “If cost ot government rtmalna have bad as their house guest Uie bridegroom. Mra, Victor Dala Darber. who Children need to have aftecUon past week John Boraskl, Tech. Sgt. -W. P. Miller climbed showered on them every so often to Uie same and excUe Uxes fail to Mrs. JeoUna la the daughter ot waa Mlu riorice Biftlth before her meet this demand, the burden must Olty. Mo. down to the bomb bay aod wlUi Mr. and Mrs. Frank BalU, Edea. Keep their tpltlts growing aod il9w« Ur, and Mn. Orval Davla have nothing but a foot-wlde catwalk Tsarrtage al Sandpc ' crlng as the spirits ot lltUe children Ine^'ltably Increase on real and per. She B____ _ (filaff Enjravlng) sonoL property." been entertaining relaUvu for Uie betweeh him and Uie ground, pushed school and h u been employed oa must do. The briefttoW- spent on past several days. Ur. and Urs. the bombs out. 'We missed the fac­ mother’s Up before bedtime, listen­ Said excise taxes paid In 1SI3 deputy clerk, auditor and recorder ere approximately (5,000,000 greaU A lon u Skagp, Miami, OUa, left tory but set « good sired forest , ing to a song or a story, the hasty o n TMtsday aJler *!l»iung hla aWer at the Twin Fallf county laughing careu on the wing, the r than thwe collected by the sute tire.' house. In 1930; property taxes collected by her« and CurUs Davis arrived from Unable to stay at the alUtudcs. < Filer Girl W ed s hour of patient loving attenUon .j^efiver that tame day to vUlt bis Corporal JenUiu, (on ot Ur. and granted In time of weariness and Uie state were 11,900.000 less Uian Ihe bomber dropped to a 100-foot Mrs, wmiwn Jenkins, Twin Palls. tn 1039 and licensee, fees, etc., were brother. level whUe the navigator, 'Second Sandpoint Man dlscoursgcmcnt to llttio children by / M r . and Mra. H. E. aundeltlnger Is a Twin Falla high Khool graduate. their mother*. Is as ncccssaij to about »800/)00 leu In UU than In U«\it R. P. Anderson plotted a Be li aUUontd at Foit Jadutm. in s the report shows. ^and Mlsa Mary Nopton returned roi te. « « « (heir growth aa the food they get. from a week’s outing at tbs J. B. At Home Rites Indeed, food without aftecUon falls Taxes eoUtcted by local govern-' T%e crew "made a chapel out o f . mental units dropped nearly U.OOO,- K eel cabin In,the Ketchum area. the plane" praying their motors FILER, Aug. 21— At an 8 > nourUh a chUd adequately. M lu June Uelstand was returned General’s Life m. wedding ce re m o n y today It Is true many mothers are obllg- 000 in lOti below Uie 1939 level, but would not blow up. Tech. Sgt. John coUecUons o! federal Income and fioxn Layton, Utah, where the has Thomas, Muskogee, Okla.. said. A ' ...iss Florlce Sm ith, daughter . a to work for Uielr llvtag and for Told at Session their children's living, 'm cio would other toxes wlUiIn Idaho Jumped t employed for two weeks. Oennan plane tried to attack and of Mr. and Mra. G ilb ert Smith, stay «th their UtUo ones If they from a little moro than tSOO,000 in ground bottcrles tired at Uiem pc- • A review of the life of Oen. Doug­ 19» to $18,331,000 in IfiU. federal rlodlcally. las MncArthur presented by Mrs. Filer, became the bride of could. But there are many mothers HAILEY Victor Dale B a r b e r , a t the who need not leave home but who taxes are caUected cn a fiscai year “Aboat that tlma we went over a Paul Coanar was ih« highlight oJ buls and the total paid Into the the Fulls ATenue club meeting held home o f Wa p a re n ts . M r. and can slay homo with the little ones prison camp at about 60 feet,” Hoyt Who need them, surely there are BoUe office ot Internal revenue for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Oray and said. 'The t>oys waved and waved at the home of Mrs, UlUe Askew. Mrs. V. D, Barber, Sandpoint, the 13 months ending June 30,1943, The sketch given was written by enough women who have no little chU dm and Ur. and Mrs. MarshaU and It looked'lUce Uiey were yelling The bride wore a nnvy blue en- ones to care for, enough women wu »30, be with her mother, Mrs. Margar* fighter airdrome. Two enemy fight* ' • Rulh Pa«._Ura_^Edna_AlrtBg«>n frock. Mrs. Sraltl>. tno bride’s mot only from their own mothers. Every is no .more simple or leu painful gave a'Tiiimorous Ksalng, Tatljer et, Paul, on Uie news ot Uie deaUi of ers trailed ua a long time and mads ; er, wore a black drcas with white mother ot young children who can meUiod.” her sliUr. Mrs. Hay Wallis in BoUe. eight passes and finally gsvo up," PUya Nursemaid." accfsjorles and Mrs. Berber’s stay home to care for them should Aa a climax to the afternoon the Mr. and Mrs. William Miller are Tho plane met lls own toroiatlon. • sembig waa ot light blue. do so with a free conscience. Bearing in receipt of a tetter Isom tbelr ton. escorted by Spmirts, over Uie west members staged a ihower for the chUdrcn la Uie greatest service new baby of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rev. Doty, Methodlat minUter, EMERSON Otenn, Australia, sUUcg Uiat he U coast, where they were tired oa by b C ^ M P F I M AUu jruuiila Powell, wbe is read the ceremony in the presence woman can render her country iln In good health, hating recent, Haua, Carol Ann Hsus. plelored on the day the beeomt shore batteries and anU-alrcratt ’ of 25 wedding guests. or at any oUier time. 'been discharged from a hospital ahlpe which tried to down Uiem by Oueate of the (jlub were Mrs. Ed­ tbe bride « f SgL Pad a Moert, No SalntltQte for MoUier Uis. B. E, Harris, Provo, Dtah, U na Arrington. Mis. Connor, Mlu Un. Barber Is a graduate of Uie there. Ho hod been suffering with lobbUig Shelia Into the waut ahead. ^ I R L S Wejidover field. they could. Including parachutea WATANAPO was employed by the Union Pacific tliouglit. A stranger can hand a H. Peterson and H. V. Moncur. nea and which was caused by a fun­ child lU food, csretully cooked, after and clothing, to lighten Uie ship The third and (ln»l «vent In the compiny. Consuelo Ospltal has returned to gus peculiar to'Uiat locality, and got in safely. “Etpiorlng Wat«r» fiUU" proiram The bridegroom, a graduate of the tha prescribed diet list. Any trained resume her nurse's' troltUng la Po> Mrs. Thelma Brooks and aon Bar* oJ ihe Vfiilftnapo Cwnp FUt prtpup Mrs.EWohllaib Church Ceremony nurse can supervise Uie routine ot catdlo after a two weeks' vacation ney arrived Irom California this Sandpoint high school with the IS a little child's day. oceording to Uie Water is necessary to enable ev­ v u held Thuridt; att«nioon at clou, attended the Texas Technical at the home ot her parents, Mr, week. Mrs. Brooks has been In' Ban ery living creature to breathe and Hwraon p»fk- Leader of WCTU For Miss Powell Institute and graduated tn 1042. . latest authority. Any kindly woman and Mra. John Ospltal. Francisco, while Barney has been Mrs. Alired Pugllano, vho tiu Mrs. Hany WohlUlb was named can help a child wlUi hla unruly but­ ilra. W. T. Cole was a business studying musle In Hollywood. dIgMt its food. An Informal luncheon followed the tons, or his bruised knees. But. «i\ly »erved ai nwlmmlng Instructor at president of the Womea'e Christian And U tah Soldier ceremony, and Mr. and Mrs. Barber visllor at BiacUoot. M lu Nora Carter arrived «»ch meet, wa« lulsled by Muriel Temperance union when Uie group that child's mother can tu t Uie this we>k. after spending her' are making their homo In Sand- breath ot life Into Uiat food, and Jana Bon:p, daughter ot P. P. Pugllano, who haa eanwd her fish met at her homo Friday, M iss J u a n it a Powell and point. Borup. hss sustained a broken col­ honor u piused bjr Zenu Smith, Other ofllcers elected were Mrs. that da}”i work, and th o» troublu’ Sgt. Paul B . Moore, Wendover iieallng. lar bone. pool manager. F. Oj. Salisbury, vlce.prealdenc F ie ld , U t a h , w e re united In A meeting with th* demonttmUon WATER Mr. Smith oul5ted the girls hi Mrs. ftonk Rowan, treasurer; Mra. There Is a bond ot affection be­ marriage at an Impressive ngtnt. Miss Florence BchulU, has their Xrog honor by demonstroling F. Monroe, correspondUig aecretary, WENDELL tween a mother and child that Is been called tor Aug. 37 at the home SOFTENERS for tJjem the 8cJiafer prone pres- and- Mrs. Joseph Black, recording nuptial ceremony Thuraday at beyond any human tie In perma. ot Ur*, a. C. Bariow. Evco’one In­ ____ and______endurai___ lasts ‘ Trustee Election NOW AVAILABLE lure meihod of artificial respiration. secretary. St. Edward’B Catholic church, Corp. Harold O. Smith arrived on terested Id this work has been ln< WENDELL; Aug. ai - Terms ot Thoaa winning the Icog honor The proitani c«\ducwd by Mi». Mlis Powell, daughter It Mr. and Uirouth llte in tpSto ot time or dis­ furlough to visit hla wlfo nnd daujli- tance or change of clrcumstanct. vlted to attend. . J. Parr and O. U, Qunnlog. W ITHOUT PRIOniTY were Dorl* Ann Weaver. Betty Ann Gladys Domogalla consisted of dla- Mrs; Henry Powell, Twin Rilla, wi ter. and mother, Mra. Elsie SmlUi. chairman and member ot the board RuueU. Betty Ann MUner. Virginia ctisslon ot articles on the topics, There Is notiilng to take the place tradlUonal white bridal gown of i He U stationed at the MetxopollUn of thst bond of affecUonnte i ot educaUon, are expiring, and two HIgginA. Dorothy Lea Barry and drinking problems In army camp, i Un and net. Her veil was held airport In Van Ifuys, Calif., where derstandlng. HANSEN members for terms ot three years Marguerite Oondlaga. popular youth club In Chicago, alcO' place with a cototxet of seed pcaili. he li chlct ot publlcaUons. Let any mother who can. fltay each will bo elected Sept. 7. Nom. Polly»-og Honors were won by Dor- hoi In the human machine, how to Rosea and gardenias made tip hei Misses Pay and Norma Schou- inatlona must bo in the hands of ABBOTT'S reduce alcoholism and the future her lliUe children so that none .. V3 SHGBUDNE NO. oihy Lee Barry, Belly Ann Milner bouquet. weller and Mtsa Dotina Oates have them can know the grief of not be­ Ur. and Mrs. Charles Prior, who Mrs. Anno Kappel. clerk, at leuC and Jnnlee PugUano. Besldca the bootleg era. A discussion of a youth Miss Betty Lou Powell, bride’s relumed to their studies In Cali­ ing loved by Uielr own mothers, who were caUed to Blackfoot by Uie lll- six days before the elecUon. Phone 95-W leatlier honorg more than 100 health center in Twin Palls concluded the •later, gowned In a peach format, fornia, the former two at Scripts ■ ■■ so busy with Uie >forld.’8^altali* neu of Mrs. Prlor’s alster. Met,. beads were earned and Mvtml sltla was maid of honor. Her bouquet waa college In Clorememt and M lu Gaws to leave no time for Uie oiio spe­ Bull ■ Miilone, an employe at the READ TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS. partially passed ihs gwlmmlns It was announced that the ttate of white camotlons. Tlie bride’s at Camp Hoan. Riverside. cial duly Uiey owe their chUdreii. State hospital, relumed bringing confcrcnee would be held In Buhl mother wore a rose and gardenia Miss Oertrudo McOinnls returned Mn. Malone wlUi them. Mrs, Edna in October, Mra. ?. A. eorange. frcm Spokane, where she spent the A iIindiH s< Salley accompanied the Priors to W . PoweU gave ills fianghler summer. Slacktoot. DurUig Mrs. Malone's msrrlaBe. Staff Sgt, FYank n. Dar. Theodore Qrlfflth has Joined the stay It la expected Uiat ‘ Marian Martin dano, Wcndo%-cr field, wivs best man. navy and It lUtloncd at Farragut rccclve a visit from her .... _... The vows were read by Msgr. J. P. tor basic training. 'u u ir I daughter-in-law, Capt. and Mn. H. Pattern Twins Feted at O’Wole in tha prcsctice ot mans Taenty-elght men are on thi W. Sawyer. Qmi Frantlsco, and an­ friends and relatlres. sQuad for varsity foottoU in Wen. other son, Bgt. Grant Sawyer, Camp Party by Cadets A wedding dinner followed at dell high school reported Cooch Cy OAKLEY fannln. Tex. Miss £va Stokes and Miss Qrpha Campbell's cafe. Quests beside the Adkins. , Is the Stokes, who wUI leave lOon to study bridal party were Mr. and Ur*. P. K. Corp. Led Lawson come from MU- present statement twm the home of In Los Angeles, were honored at wurl 10 visit his parento, Mr. nnd Mr, and Mrs. Mark Bouthworth OtU Sampson, who has been U1 for Wall, Long Beach. Calif,; Fatlier and son. John, have been vialtUig the past several days: party Thursday evening at ths home Donald W. Slmmoiu. Mlu Peggy Mra. Ernest Lawson. He will go to o f Mrs. Roy King. Calltomla and then return to Fort at the homes ot Mr. and Mrs. Walt Albert Clark Bennett,______^ fashio^^ Powell, Mlsa Betty Lou Poirell, Miy SouUiKorth and Mr. and Mrs. Jo- pinner was served at th# beginning Ho#emary Powell and Richard Pow- Bennlng, Oa„ where he has been of Ur. and Ura. Qtorge Bennett, of the evening and a plcluce ihow tronsterrcd. aeph amllh...... „ .... sUheTwlnPolls eil. aSaters and brother oi Uie 'Bride, Miss Edith Matthews has returned was followed by a elumber | Miss Mildred Florence, Mlsa Jo­ iudlofflon Murlln Lancaster, petty Friday rooming a waffle and I officer third clou, left for Los An^ from Kaysvllle, tttah, where she sephine Simmons, Mias Addell Sim­ gelea after visiting his parents, Ur a visitor ot her slater and brother- and egg breakfast was served. mons and Mrs. May Kltffncr. all The event staged by the Junior and Mrs. Georgs Lancaster. in-law, Ur. and Mrs. Kenneth Len- otTwln Falla, and Mtsa Alice Kcntvl- Mrs. Jcihn BlUs and children re- ardson. Ura. Mary Payton accom' Cndeta was In charge ot Miss Joyce fer, Staff Sgt. B. Turner, Staff Sgt. FAIRVIEW Bolton, preJldent Committees In. turned to their home in Boise after ponied her on the trip. Shuffelbeln. Staff Sgt. PUsUff, and vlsltUig at the home of her parenb, Mrs. Wllford De La More and eluded Miss Ivy Condle and Mlsa SUff egt N. Aulton. end Pfc. Joe Dorothy McCain, briakfaat! Mlu Mr. and Mrs. C. w . root*. daughters, Bonnie and Barbara, Po­ Jo Ann Doramua, who had a blood Winona Whltehtod and Mlu Berdette and Mrs. ISerdette, all ‘ MUs Peggy Cosslngham retutntd catello. have been -vWUng rdaUvi tnnstuslon at the hospital, la rs. Oleada Bailey, dinner, and Miss Wendover field. trm a vUlt to Long Beach. Calif. covering at her home. Kathllne King and MUs Verl* Sergeant Moore and hb bride left Jean Rutherford. Tacomo. Is . Harold Hamby U home from ORIGINALS Belt arranged for the glfta that Friday morning for Wendpter where hotisa guest at the A. A. Beruoa Uke City wIUi her daugbtera, Rose­ PorUand. Ore, where he underwent were presented to the girls. . they will moke their horn home. mary snd Wlla Dean. medical treaunenu FOR JUNIOHS « « « . • ¥ * Mra. Clyde Petersen returned from Prca Charles S. Clark and John A Quests at Uie Bohannan home a month's visit in Ban Francisco. Clark made a buslneas trip to Salt were Mrs. R. W. Qualls, Mrs. Max Teacher Marries Housewarmingfor Mra. Beth Boysen returned from liike City last week. Quails, Oraots Pass. Ore, and Mrs. a TUlt at Cedar FalU. Iowa, and Mn. XjrdU Itead, Pocatello, U vl*. Miles Welch. -TWEtTE BELLS' F. N elson Couple went on to hu home In Boise. lUng relaUtes here. Mlu l>aris Jesn MeOlean U vltlUng At Burley Rite Mn. Dorothy Vanderloos returned Mr, and Mr*. Ronald Hale. Poca- here from Portland at the J. W. Chart your courso , . . sight yotir BVRLSY. Aug. ai - Ulas Hallla Forty members of the Moose to Compton, CaJlf., after visiting her ieUo, Ur. end Mrs. ZUphet Bate, Lawyer horns. man . . . and youll sink same Rynearson. sister of A. C. Ryrear- lodge and friends lurprised Mr. and aunt, Mrs, Nelli# Dyar, AahUin; Mrs. Rensldo Egbert, Valle­ Biu Chamber Is doing some re­ with Utls new carols Bllng Cordal. son. Burley, an l^wrence J. Sea- Mrs. FtrreUl Kelson at . a house Mrs.- Edith Griggs, Osceola, Mo. jo, Qallt.; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pas. pair 'wovtt on Faiiview and Bu. etta Corduroy two plecer. OxiuaUcot' slnss, nupeiX tann», were unUed WkTmins party M day evening. arrived to visit her dauehter. Mn. kett. Bprlngdale, were present at perlor schoolt Bed. Desert Tan. Junior tlm 11 In jnoiTtaga Friday, Aug. IS, a ThA gueat4 presented Mr. and M. o. Bernard. tbe family reunion of Mr, and Mn. Mr. and Mra. Oarl Bhaner, itats to U. Methodist parsonage with ...... Mrs. Nelson with a coffee Ubie. V«lare t^oy Orlaham. I^wood, WaUaee A lUle. Others present manager of Uia Modem Woodman Brooks Moore reading ths cere* Games were the diversion of the Calif., is Tlaltlng her grandparents. ereRlng. were Ur. and Mrs. David R. Mar. lodge, Rlrle. Ida., and Mrs. and Mra. mony. Ur. and Mr*. O. W. Foot*. tlndale, Anna Lou Hale, Whitney Oubler were guesu at Uis B. E. Members of the immediate___ Refreshmenta consisted ol «and< D w l* ta »p returned to Pocatello uale and Hilda and FleldU>g Hale. pembtr homa Ules witnessed the ecemony, and wlche*. aa]»d and coffee. after' vUIUng at the home of hU tbe bride wore a pink ansemble pareats. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Estep. wltH white accessories. Mrs. Moore Mr. and Mra. John Bona have played wedding ir.usle during tha Phy Delta Y Group left fOT Bakersfield, ColU. ceremony. Ut«r sa infonna] re. Plans First Party Mrs. SaUy Wlillamt, Loo Angeles, eeptton was held at th* hom« of Mr. A welcoming party tor new mem­ visited at the home of her daugh- and Mrs. Leslie IngoatUi. bers of the Phy DeitA 7 group waa tor, B. E. Prcneh. M rv Kesalnger ha* ta-iXht ’uAool plotmed ^rhen the group met Friday Un. ciK> Pitnca and tamUy lell for several yean, and lut year the In (he ’‘V rooms with Mlu Bope for Soda springs to be with Mr. taught at Arbon. Ida. Mr. Ketsinger Blaser. presldenL empJtpyed there by the rail- y o u r W o r H n . lonns In the Jackaoa community, Mits Shirley MlUer. MUs penr whesre they wUl moke their hone. and Mlaa Betty Duniin WUl Mr. 'aad Mia. Del pltvo and taa* The couple left on a trip north of form the eommlttee for U» avant. Pins to spend a ICi-day w « « o n i t u B OUvaland Ij named after Uosei Surprise Party Calendar Clnnlaad. a land a««nt'w bo laid out Uit dty In 17M. UouatalD View club vIU meet ForMisslCunkle Wednesday, Aug. 3j. at tha hana ot JUNIOU .-189 cdOIU.. . Mrs. Gertie Sauders, with UrtNora I TO! that tlnt-baek-ta-Khoo\dn«s ______, - ...... luiprUe Rayl ai co.boate*s. hara this Jumper,' Marian Uutln birthday and famreU party for her « « « P»lMm BUS in a soft wool or dur- dauffhter, Mia Bonnie Jean Kua* Caasp Le»-Eto.Bo-Call «|U meet better, late model »hl» cortuny. Wear It- orer the Ue. who wiU leave for Lot Ahgelai t 8 p. m. Monday at the home of Improved Sportaier IB»artlr eontrattlng blotue. Junpar Tuesday to enter Woodbury « l . Mrs. 0 . Edwin Kobloson, 111 'StiUd and biotue it«- easy, sewlns, wltti Purchase the fur eoat of your Scout Shoe thj IneJuded Sew Chart. ' welner rout waa held In the 2 3 3 3 0 3 1 choice trom our quality-wlst . bacK yard of th« Kunkit home. A '41 Ford D« luxe 4-I3oor birthday ctki was lervtd. QuetU selection . , , and know you . Am«rte«l oldBBt nama Uk. aocoi' vera Mlu m u is CUtlelter, Min HO PlymouUj D* Lux* <-Door will bars Uie beit- for-your 8bo«a..l able leaUier and soles a Audrey Weathertiy. Mlu joao ■4i Buptf De Luxe PVjrd. fl cyl. tallmenta. Bsles ara aaas«« LeClatr, Miss Shirley Walker ADd " ' AU< KINDS OP tashlon-right vcruUUty and ’ ot v ea r .'.M v a l OOMFORTI Pattmj « H may be orderwl only . . . libera. , created wim the expert oattt- Ins to tortng ymi k gnsA se- In: junioratsvd BIXIEENmlu «lxes 11. CEKXB 12. IS, tA H, Bmral other Bdodels maathlp Uiat a m m you o f . lactlon of dreader ihoet for IS,coin t«, for17 thb and Mjulu It. Bln &UrUn » . hooMr. pat* .UaUni weanbUlty. - . . requlTMw o. wnta IH plaint; yud.1 84-tach8IZB, NAUSi Ubile; USED blourt,ADDBE 88. BTyLE sg.lneh NOMBBE. faWe. ' Temple Marriage ou doot nna Use.esact TEN CENTS more tnd Uie OAKLEV, Aug. ai-M n. Oiarlm a you n a t la w r MV«t> storlan Martin Patteni Book U Rloa and Lorca OUletU,' DkIo. wen Furniture we cao ordCT rrar dial* - married Aug. 11 la the L. D. a. tern, , San Fraselioo.. Ortr youni Smart hand btf ptlUro lUGUESV -OABH PB10E8 SUppen i« officially .get ;for prinled rUht la boot pie to Balt Lake City. Mr coats are held In r*. A ^ w t ^ ^ u y youn bow for Bod j’onr older to Tima* ■* * • P h o n t 78 ' Otorg* Benloff for 8 i ^ cncKi u d .thlliPMl r S S i>ep»up*nt,Twto to Unoleuia can bt tnpalred by HAYES melting a m s crayon tato thtm, ------•- rotteli Uie lurfat* Furn, Exchange. PsgsE i^t^ TIMPS-NEWS. TwfN.PALLS, IDAHO Sundny, Auemt 22.1948 EIGHT TEAMS IN BURLEY’S SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT TODAY

^ IJinaUy Gets Break Single Elimination Sammy Byi-d Event Opens at 9:30 Tops Golfers CHIcAao, Aug, ai WV-’The ex- R U P E R T , Aug. 21—Eight o f the Magic Valley’s crack Yankee ouUletder, S3-yeu--old 8am iBoftball teamfl w ill meet.hero S u n d a y in a tournam ent th at Byrd, hit a heme nm in golf today will carry with it the chnmpionship of south Idaho. —o sharp sub-par 33-34—«7 wrtjft pushed him Into tho halfwoy 5 M . The tournament, to be held a t the high school ftthlctic of CWeago's victory naUonal chom- field, will show three teams from Burloy, two from Twin Coaeh Calls Bobcats’ plonshlps with a 39-hole aggregate ■ F a lla and one each from Dcclo of 135. nine strokes under standoid and Rupert. The eighth team figures. Grid Material “Fair” The Philadelphia pro was Uie only Motors Beat iHeyburn and Paul. compeUtor among the six first round B U R LEY, Aug. 21— Only two of Coach Rulon Budge’s 1943 front runners to better his score on T » »* «. /T1 There remained « powlblUly that the second trip of the T2-hole medal BaptistTeam ■ regulnra have returned to school but that’s not saying the • - concludes tomor- Bobcat mentor won’t field a strong football team thia fall. row wlUi a double round. STANOtNQB toumunent opens at B:30 «. m. to- He has plenty of material'availnblo—material which he Is Tt»a»— W. U PcU morrow bul Emcsl Cfuner Mfl OU* Staff Sgt Jim Tumesa, Staten GUu and Pibil____ J t 1-000 WiUlams, the tournofflent tnnnsters. willing to admit is "fa ir.” Island. N. Y, Uie 18-hoIe leader Jarcee* ...... 1 0 I-OOO did not lake them Into coiuldera- The two returning firat-etrlngera are Calvin Paco, atar full- with a C7 took a pair of 3S’s for a *• • — - ...... * tton when drawing up the Khedule back, and Bob Departee,, J37 total and dropped info sccond today. guard. However, there w ill bo place. Craig Wood, the duration V. The tournament will be » tingle S. cliamplon frem Mamaroneck, N. seven others who got in Y., hooked up a TO wlUi his 8Q for elimination affair and trophies will enough football la s t f a ll to be awarded to the winners. Bruins Will 139 and third position, while Nelson t>r. H. T. Rice and Bill Prank make letters back for the of Toledo was one over par wlto m. 73 to card 140 for fourth. Pounding Ui« baU tor II hlt«. in­ will be the umpires. Begin Drills The tournament schedule: :se latter players are Wea Bell. cluding & by Ray PrtU, Max Bat« and Pago Lake, half­ Football uniforms will be handed the Union Motors made ihelr ctort 9:30 a. m.—Decio vs. Burley H. and backs; Bert Sorenson, center; Rol-I out to prospective candidates for In the second half of Uie TwUi Palla and Manning and Ivan Doggett,! Uie m i Twin Falls BnJins Monday SoJlboll league icpjon a winning oni 11 a. m.Wohnson-Sprogue. Bur­ guards, and Kclto PlUmore, tacUe-l and Tuesday, principal John D, at Uie cxpenie of the BaptlUls Pri' ley, vs. Rupert. In aU between 3S and 40 candi­ Flatt said he hod been Informed by day nighu Tlio score was S to 3. 1 p. m.—Campbell’s cofe. Twin dates have answered Budge's call, Coach Hank Powers. PracUee wiU Thr Motor* scored four ruiu Ir. Falla, vs-.Farmers Equity, Burley. : lie hos Issued equipment and prac- begin Uttr In Uio week. the first inning and Ihereafltr Uio 3:30 p. m.-Unlon Motors, Twin tlcc will begin Monday. Tha principal said that Head rails, vs. Heybum-PauL wofl never In doubt. They DILL niCKcr The schedule, «M ch wos drawn, Coach Powers will be osslsted by two in the filth and three ' The winners of the first last ipring and subjcct to cbangt. Coach Monk HnUJday. who will wUl meet nt 4 p. m , and the winners I . , , Veteran New York Yankee follows: catcher who yesterday hit (he handle Ui« reserves. Holliday, who of the third and fourth contests! Sept. iO-Bulil. Uicre. ■■■' an impressive rccord-at Oak- ■ * p. m. The ch ZOOth double of hli long career, lie also added a home run. Sept. IT—Ooodlng, here. .. 'Ill be making his coaching de­ match win be at 7 p. m. Sept. 24-Oakley. there. but here. 'The Campbell^ cafe team of Twin Oct. 1—Open. SUnley MetUer will be Uie third Palls will be composed of players Nov. fr-Ftler, here. member of Uie football coaching llenrr fprioee) Oana. TI»«aU's gift (a bitebill. ilrufdrd ironnd liv Dud Davis, Ihe Bapllsts' hurlcr, taken from several teams In the Nov, 11—Rupert,‘here. staff. He will havo chorge of “ BOt two of his team’s hits. Irons got City league there. The Dnion Motors Nov. 19—Jerome, here. Cubs. Uie freshmen and sophot (he miner lesgtic* for yean u an ealfiddtr until a ytar ago. Then are a regular member of that cir­ Yanlcs Defeat Roger* Homiby, m&nater « ( Ihe Fort IVorth dob of Ihe Tezat leavne. the other two. candidates. The aiass and Paints and the cuit. finishing In a Uo for runners- Prtnclpal Platt said Uiat a letter tamed blm Inlo a pitcher. Tbe Tezu leigoe folded and Detroit crab­ up honors In the first half and Ued bed him. Now he'a pltchlog well and hllUng j»-b a lh In pinch rolei. Jnycces, who, wliii Uie Motors, are Indians, 8-3 from E. P. Orlder, secreUry of the tied for the second half Wadershlp, for the lead in the second half. Dempsey Plans ctate aUiletlc Bssoclation, Inferred will meet 'Tuesday night at Jaycee CLEVELAND. Aug. 21 (fiV-Circult ‘.hat Uie Sept. 6 rule governing th< park. blow by Bill Dickey and Charlie Big Bond Bouts itorUng of footbaU practice did no This Is Harry Barry Ulklng and The tabulated Kore: Dove Season Keller led Uie way today as the New appi’ to schools starting clastu be­ if yqu farmers tlilnk you aro busy, Rooldes’ Hits Unbi. Uobir York Yankec.i whipped Cleveland, OGDEN. Aug. ai

— Lieut. fore that date. you oughU take a look at Uils pls'-.e. On the 8 lo 3, to capture Utelr Ilth Straight Comdr. Jack Dempsey o f the 0. S. Of course our houis are not so long Opens Sept. 1 series. guard, former world 'heavy- as yours, but we're on toe move Defeat Cards The Yanks, with Hank 'Borowy welght boxing champion, said today while we're at lU I used to work oa BOISE. Aug. 31 three-day tie plans to propose to U. S. treasuij Buck Newsom PHILADEIPHIA. Aug. 31 fcp) — Sport Front effective in aU but one stanza, sand­ a farm and milk ten cows every Ray Hamrick, the PhllUea' U5.000 lagel^en season for nine eastern wiched a five-run slxtli Inning be­ officials a series of boxing matches, morning and be in Uie field at seven Qt CEORoe r. r e u m o n d Idaho counties was announced to­ tween Uiose drives over league featuring leading performers, under 0 clock, and then repeat the oper­ rookie aliorUtop from Nnslivllle, day by the state fish and game park’s high but close right field trciuury sponsorship to sell Finally Wins ation after six In too evening. They came through with hU first and deportment. bonds. second major league hits today to fence to mnke It three in a row ST. WOTS, Aug. 31 WV-BuUcy ^11 me that Uie fann hands do not lead rreddle Fitzsimmons' team to With another Twin Palls high Sngehens may be taken Aug. 39, after dropping the Ilrst two games Under hl.i plan, D cm j^y sold in Buck Newsom broke into toe win­ follow this schedule any more but a S-3 triumph over Uie world cham. .Jhoot gridiron season Just around Aug. 31 and Sept. 2, In Bear Uke, of the scrici. n Intenlcw here, top-roriking fight- j ning column today for the tirat Ume that was back in Kansu, maybe It’s plon St. Louis Cardlnol*. the comer there comes from some Carli}6u, Bingham. Bonneville, Jef­ Keller’s drive cnmo wUh bases both In military servi<^e and oul, I in elgl.t sUrts wlUi St. Louis. He different in Idaho. far olf land a round of "Rahl Rahs" ferson. Madboii, Clark. Fremont empty In the second. Jeff Healh would e asked t take part in the plU;hrd the nightcap of today's dou­ We have toe best grade of rough Also performing brilliantly dC‘ bouls. fenslrely as the Phillies copped the for the Bruins. Ifs Bill "Phnnnaclil counties and that porUon of Power matched It in the fourth with Hoy ble-header with Philadelphia and lumber Uiat has been carried in toU Mnte Wllllnm H." Folsom w county north and west of Uie Snake Cullenblne on bnse, and the Tribe AdmL«lon would be by war bond won It, 4 to 1, afwr the Browns took yard for three or four years, at rubber game of the Cards’ five-game purchases only. final appearante of Uie season In doing the cheering. river. scored another on Buddy Ro.ur‘s the opener, 6 to 3, to sweep the four- least Uiat U - • • Charley- • toe ^yard - He's the son of Lieut. Col. 1j The bag limit is Uiree birds,. Uie single, a walk, Eacrlllco, and Ray Dempsey said lie hoped to see a ame series. 1 tells t . Wee can plane tola - Shlbe park, young Hamrick singled match between heavyweight cham­ In the first Inning and romped home Folsom, IVn commander,'and .... Tigers Wipe out possession limit the same. Mack's fly. It wus Jeff’s fourlh Old Bobo had to be yanked in the lumber o: boto______sides. _If y so long before he signed up wIUj The mourning dovo season will round tripper o( the wries and his pion Joe Louis and Billy Conn In­ nlnto alter the first ts-o men sin­ want to make a granary, bog house, when Suiter Adams clouted one of cluded In the series he proposes. Harry Drechecn’a offerings for a Uncle Sam was one of the Bruins' Bosox Lead, Win open Sept. 1 for 10 days In Ada sUth of Uie year aBnlnst the Yoiikj, gled Relief hurler Qcorge Casterl garage or chicken house, we have though his 1043 total Is only 13. Remind* that Uie war department pracUtiUy aU Uie dhnenslona. IxU home ran against the left field all-time cago stars and also < DtrrROIT, Aug. 21 (flV-The,Bos­ (north of the foothill road) Adams, saved the game.-however, by re-1 the city's bc3t swimmers. Boise, Butte, Elmore, Qem. Jerome, ’Die dccl^lvc fireworks came In Uie plans to send Louis overseas for ei- tiring the next toree men. Newsom' IxlJj. And 2x4s to 3xl2a, We atiU stands. ton Red So* squandered a flrt-run hlblUon bouts for the troops after This 3-0 lead held imU] the Cards Tlie jihcers for the Drains ...... Payette, Twin Falls. Ooodlng, Val­ sUth as pltchcr Jim Bagby was hlhiself drove In what proved to ^...vo plenty of Umt good hardwood lead today but Uien scored on Paul tour of army service commands. flooring and at leu than fir floor- Ued the count in the sixth on Wal­ 1 a "V" letter to Hal Wood, former Rlchardfl- error in tiie UUj Innbg ley. Washington and Lemhi coun- chased to cover. Dickey's , dou­ be toe winning nin with a single in ties. bles by Joe Gordon and Keller, and 1 this country, Dempsey sold the toe fourth inning. •• t prices. We’ve ordered a car of ker Cooper's homer into the lelt sports editor who's now doing to defeat Uie Detroit Tigers, 7 to 6. lalch could be held once the cham- field pavilion after a double by Etan big time Krtvenerlng down o; Hungarian partridges may be tingles by Nick Etten and Frank Home runs by Ocorge McQulnn rdwood and our present supply Richard* threw Uie baU away with CrosetU and two walks did the busl- lon returns. hordwood Is limited. But If you Muslai, who collected three hits In coast. Here's the lette'r: a runner trapped off second, and taken from Sept. 1 to 10 in Boise, and Frankie Hayes, and a triple by Wlth Ray Poat pitching In the "I’m convlnccd the scries would Mark Christman, sewed up toe open- J fUid onyUilng In toe pUe that four times at bat to boost his league- •'lltllo,.stranger, and how ar_ Roy Partee raced home with the Oem, Payette. Washington, Elmoro raise millions of dollars In wa leading batting marlc to J55. and Adams counties and that por­ stJinsa and Nick Etten stand- er for the Browns. ' wUl fiU toe bin. we'U make you a by now? i hop# everytlilng is going wlnnUig run,' bonds, perhaps bUllons." Dempse; Klnl timti bargain price on lU We have D - SchooUioy Rowe was lifted Into all right with you. I suppose the In the ID-hIt Detroit attack. Rudy tion of Ada county north and eas' said. Phii_»d»)phi« t i t h the win column for the 13ih time, of the fooUiiU road. A second Hun­ ray roofing in aU toe different newspaper la keeping you* quite York belted hla 23th homer and The one-Ume Mnnniaa mauler weights. Also some dimension lum­ thereby winning another tlOO bonus busy. (Ye Olde Scrivener’s note: 13th mis month and boosted his garian partridge season will co­ reached Salt Lake City today and ber. We Just got an approval from from the FhlUles, when Ramrlck The sailor hasn't learned that Hal runs batted In total lo 64 to tie incide with the pheasant eeaun In immediately visited his mother, Mrs. “ •* government for i singled sharply to left In the eighth In San Diego.) I sure wish Nick Etten of New York for Amer­ October. C. Dempsey, in suburban Murray. hlng pine iumt to' send McrrlU May home with the ican Itague Icoflershlp. dccIdlng run. ‘ ' working at the pool. should be rolling k. _ • :c on- ship and I tjCramfr, cf ! H«ilh. 1( 2 1 of next week. We also have some “ ■ . SifiKS'i . of the times wi Pauline Betz to i’ Single in door ond window sashes and a UtUe used to have there. There seems I c ? i of cemenu And slacked lime. to be lack of women swlmmera for Play Miss Brough 9th Beats Senators Now let's skip across toe s >me reason though. i A half doien rolls of print L. SOXTTHAMPTON. N. Y., Aug. 21 p 7 0 CIHCAOO, Aug. 21 yp) — Wally leum came in Uils week. It’s In^ “I facts yoo are starting to dope UP)—Pauline Beta. Los Angeles, and P 0 0 Moses’ single, scoring Vince Castlno oQl the eomlnf lootball season? ’ Crinl ■ l a . six foot and nine foot widths, a Louise Brough, Beverly Hills, Calif, from second with two out In the some of toe patterns that have been :ss onr Hale championship teai finallsU In tho 1043 naUonab, ...... 1 I 0 ? ninth, salvaged the final gamo of - ...... re spread l« the four eom en ...... ,,.r. ChrUUnan. baulrlli. McQulnn proving so popular. A big shipment again today In the tlUe round of the the Washington series for the White of wallpaper was unloaded also. We esnh. Seems funny. Hope It Meadow club invltaUonal tennis Sox today, 8 to 4, after the Chi­ have three oil stove healers that )'l be long antll we all can be tourney with Ui# same result-a trl- cagoans had dropped three of toe must be sold before toe 24Ut of this k yelling for those Bruins. I ' for Miss Betz. first four contests. month. W«-ro going to make you a I't thlDk the reltows wlU ever championship was ail but de­ real prlco on these, sci if you need forget tbe grand eoachei and people cided In the first set which ended — oil heater this winter, wo can there In Twin Fall, who backed with Miss Bets out In front, 11-B. •e save you some money. We cnr- our teams and I hope they are doing 'Hie second nko went to her, 6^1. . oU for heating stoves and have or® than ever. Even The men's title wUI be decided to­ storage for 3,000 gallons, 'nie price - . . are busy with wsr V/ooiA I...... morrow with Francisco Segura, Ecu­ Is lOo a gallon for first grade olL work I hope they are Uklnc Urae P*n«. Cullxnon. 1 ador. and Sidney B. Wood. New Ithird., illttln,. Yoi...... We try to keep Uie tanks full, so if thieh will help i York, u the finalists. you buy a stove we can furnish you them more Ihan any one realizes in - ...... with tho oil. rla. EulMi tiuti nkhirdi. ' ' the folore." lluitiion. CuiUrMn, Man, the lOOff.aenenil paint has McKean to Meet Andrews Chalks iro been rolling out, weVe writ- CubsSmother Have the Wiley's shot their wad? York: Ihciini Yo...... 10th ;n and wired the company for a Did old age creep up on them while pluhiri Ilinilow. George Schneiter His Victory new stock to keep up our sales, they were winning Uie first half SALT LAKE CTTY. Aug. 31 (JFh- BOSTON. Aug. 31 W>-Nate An. riie man who has used General Brooklyn by LS-1 championship of the City SoftbaU Yoanff Dick McKean. “gUot kUler". drews chalked up his lOth victory Paint alft-ays comcs back for It . i . BROOKLYN, Aug. 21 — The league? Lopez’ Initial of the Tcdesco golf tournament, has of Uie season today as ihe Boston Just had to stop here to wait on'iSl customer and I sold him some palM' Chicago Cubs made merry at the ex­ That's what the oUier team.1 are Ills toughest asslgrunent tomorrow Braves beat the Cincinnati Reds, 3 pense of the Dodgers today, scoring when he tangles wiUi professional to 3, in Uie last game of Uie series. too, . . Wo have slilngle stain, Uie asking after the Wiley’s started the Homer Wins Tilt kind that will hold Its color and an easy la to l victory on the second half with a loss—to a team George Schneiter, Bolt Lake City, Andrews gave up five hits, in­ strength of elgbt singles, two dou­ 'NE^V YORK. Aug. 31 W>-Cfttchei for the UUe. cluding Ray Mueller’s seventh Kin^tU. Sacridcn; __ wlU preserve your shingles for 8 to that couldn't win a gams In the first A1 Lopez socked his first homer of homer of the season and a pair of 10 yean without anotoer coat. bles. twa. triples, one homer, 13 half. And'they hope the answer McKean, who admits he has been ind ------Ksbtl ...... the year today to give toe!>ltts&u«b playing golf only about doubles by Bert Hoas. Wo have some good fly spray for bases on baUs and two Brooklyn er- in. the affirmative. Pirates a 4 to 3 Tictory »it/b.ri MtluUrrtr. 1* pitchnr - ■ ■ j elltnlnated CI«.n«U . ruqwL TODAY'S IINC-UP your COBS and some government fly Bni it's Ume that they reach the Qlanta. traps toat wUl really catch toe flies Ueantim# the veteran Lon War- end «r their string especUIIr after GRAND AMERICAN TO OPEN OF IHE neke yielded only seven scattered The circuit blow came in the nln\h toat gaUier at your back door. V*y Olsh, ihelr star hnrler, e*. after Elble Fletcher had singled and HcCumck II VANDALIA. O.. Aug. 31 W>)— A shipment of Pemisylvanlu truck hits to win his second gime of the pUlncd Is Ye Olde Serlrener that TIslon. ir 4 0 HOP USED CAB season, both against the Dodgers. nullified Uany Feldman's good Emery, l-up, ’Dlls, quiet Miami'TUl&ee of 300| tires came In tola morning and now the Wiley's quit five years age be- pitching for the Oiants. • aeorge turned back Uie . i i i dressed up today to greet thousands] BinSSnimWIH we've got most of the truck alzes -----> they felt they were geltlog Piit.bMXfh ...... of brother Earl Schneiter today. 3 of visitors Wednesday. Thursday We stUl need some 3U7 ten ply, but and a, in turning in a flre-under- S"%j and Friday as toe Amateur Trap*. we expect to get Uiem next week. We EhooUng association presents its Used C ars A re G ettin g also have somo premium quality 7J0 por 18 hole*. ■' > ‘ I _.jie notable sport notes that Ye 44th annual Grand American classic. Harder io Buy—Buy Now by 30 8-ply truck Ures. We I..... 83SX20 premium Olde Sport Scrivener has purloined ___^ni lliuf. WltUlRuso, While There la StUl Some from one Jack Cuddy of Uie United M [at U>u, Untlltr. Hian. We have pracUt. Press: THE STANDINGS MmL ’r>r<>.t>4M blui llJ. i. Selection. site truck tires. . _ __ . passenger tires toa Eight of them Joe Cronin, Red 6o* pUot. has AHKBICIN LBACUB We Have a Belter Selec­ went cut yesterday and at toe rate- pinch-hit five homo runs already tion of Used Cars Now toey are going today, we will tell this season-just one short o f the nr.n. more. A man came down from Sal­ major league record of six pinch- T h a n for Somo Tim e. mon Dty and bought 17 fUty-flve homtrt established by John H. FYcd- gallon barrels of toat AMcansas erlck, wiUi Brooklyn. In »33 . . . >6Tlmenta] baUoons wlUi re- WANTED V Instruments have reaehed IMl BulckSedanet-RAdlo,heat­ motor oU. A lot of it U used In a Eddie MUler of the Reds threatens des of more than 33 miles. USED PISTOLS — EtIFLEB er, defroster, good rubber. mine where they have all kinds of to break his own all-Umc major SUOTODNS . . . MUST DE IN IMI Mercury sedan—Very clean, gas and diesel englnei. He told me league record of J83 for shortstop GOOD BtlAFB toat It had proven to be' tbe best fielding. Eddie, wlU> only 10 errors, radio, good nbbcr.- oU that Uils company had ever used. now hss a mark of about .857. IMl Plynouto Sedan-Low mU«. And toey-ve tried »U too higher RlghUielder* St&n Muslal of tha We wlU pay uah for Used fund igt. good rubber, beater priced essum oils. Lots of this oil Toebk SnaU Electrie AppUaaoea, jr^ardlnals and Dltk Wake'fleld'of the lOil Chevrolet Ooupe-8 pai ...... • use In farm Uacton Tiger* lead their rtspcetlre leaguea and other hardware Item* yon in Ui» Salmon Clty> doBt need. ger, good rubber. ChallU-Uackey counUy, We're sell­ Cdasf HELP IMI Fonl Ixidor-Low .mUeaio. ing lots of It here. too. Remembvm" Bt nt A«N|a.u4 r>«> S48 and 16S hlU. 31 All Eligibility Unsi B« in Good Con^Uea >0 total bases; Wake. Terr clean, good rubber. we give you a good B-quart change for 83Ue. ’That U the —wi. and IM hits, SO of WO Meiwnr 00D»- eedan-Ha?e lod 308 total bases. Rules Suspended to tee to appreciate. old pre-war jnlce. RICHMOND, Va, Aug.' 31 - War Effort Bring In-any tlfle ahan* (hat Mao. the grocer, got ta a load o< yon. can spare oT. doaJl. peed. 1030 Buiek -tedan-Oood rubber, N. Y , iB t t . EasUra league, pitched The Southern.conference, weklog to . .1 WlUdtlphU watermelons yestertSiy, the kind boost loitering fooUiali over the war Tour worthless or dead hor«ei. is a Oher; in. Bed. - ExcepUon- that are red dear to the rind. Ba a Iwo-bltter to win a ll-lnnlng . eovs. sheep &nd hogs «ui bring « Aug. 18, foUowing a hurdle, voted today to suspend all •Qy Cleon. also has a good stock of vegetables, of Its ellglbUity niles so that Uis It ATTENTION 111 1038 Olda TWtor-Pour aimovt fruits and erocertes and meats. me- '>%er schools can 'use any aniti* We now haw »ome very Uae, oe« thw-wry clean Youll always find Uie bigbeA q u £ able athletes, including s«nlee men. htnd-made Ity at Uae^a. The barber U ttm In InUrwUiiglale aUileUa. • EX-S1AJ0R8 WIN toss coupe - SxcepUcnalljr selUnc -SSo halrmils, and b« can HUNTING ; good except fcs- Uit Onx ^hey% not raUonedi " SCnSOCLE REVISED Q^lKt ’Twin fU ls, SU; Ooodisg, Hope-Jrou are toe tame. - toe Yanks’ best KNIVES ai«-ttcier since the heydey of MILWAOTCEE, Aug. 31 tffV-Mar- jloohcd four hit, to two of toem ponderona hom« nmi,' HARRY BAKRY’S ' HIDE Glen 6, Jenkins Kamet, inebitUng a'home , and hctns DIAMOND OUTTolet Bales di Serrlee BARGAIN TOWN bM« Wig. Ha-'taSaUi'e s U t o ^ ' with the Qreal Lakes and • ^ U, cqntenUn* himself wttii a ■ Unlveralty of Denver & TALLOW CO. HARIDWARE Co. H a ^ m b^ .Oeniud. - s s ’osi. Mlbday.s.toX k ; fe ll 'ra.-' Sunday, August 22, 194S TIMES-NEW S.TWIN FALLS. IDAHO ■Pogc Nilie y i M K S Heads Do^vn!—Live Ammo Sprays “Battlefield” Pupils of Eyes Betray 12 of N K I FLIERS ySE 16 Students Lying About Dime I m 1,400 By HOWARD W. BLARESLEE ...... -s of the pupU. This acUoQ' W I D B F O m S Asseclsted Press Science Editor of the telescope wm transml " ' TO Br NED BCaSELL AMERICAN BOMBARDMENT to an automatlo recording pen. . . IDAHO FALLS. Aug. 31 (UJ9 - 15TH AIUdY OnODP HEAD­ HAIJIl-TON, N. Y., Aug, 31-Sbc- KEADQUARTER3 IN ENQLAND, tcen Colgate university studenu • After each record had been Uken, Idaho I-eglonnslre* began arriving QUARTERS, SIdly. Aue. ao (De­ Aug. 31 (UFJ—The German airforce tried (0 lie about stealing a dim^ it was studied by an observer who' here today for opening tomorrow lated) QLTJ-^len. Sir Btrold R- L. was revealed today to be using cap­ and the pupils of the eyes of J3 of did not know the identities of either' of the asth annual American Legion . O. Alexuder, killed sround com* tured American Flying Fortressts In them betrayed their faUehoods. tho guilty or the Innocent. This' &nd Forty and Bgbt Idaho depart- minder In the Mcdltemowa the* iU defensive batUa against tha observer correctly read tha lying in, iMtr. revealed today that 7.400 The tell-tale eye sign was a s.. fleets------of- the ^ four-motored----- jjy Boeings widening of the pupil, lasting about 13 of the IS wRo'-wefe tryihg to lie.' Dclegatea will register tt______^ e r tc a n (old lflra vere killed, .The I that for several months tha natis atory experiment seeking new .lest Btnictlon, a second and tho Forty and Eight'grand Many. hare been sneakbg captured Ports, for truth. The work is reported in appeared. This promenade will be held Sunday. 1710 98>day campaign put the still bearing thelr American mark­ the Journal of Experimental Psy­ in stability of Tho principal ^a k cr, Roane W « - Qermiiw In th# worst predicament ings into , the Fortress formations chology by Dr. P. K. Berrien and sign vrns not as reliable as the first. Ing, Memphis, 1 — ------— they have yet faced. Alexander told on missions against targets in Eur­ gion commander, will arrive Mon­ ope. G. H, Huntington of the Colgate Tlie movement which spelled lies Anslo-Ameriean war correspondent department of psychology. In ths eyes of (he dozen prevari­ day, 'Waring will address the Le-' St i press conference. Tlicre has been no indkallon For many years physicians and cators, also appeared now and then gion at the annual banquet Monday T h e aermana are In * Jam. ... whatever that tha Portresses have night and tho public at the Para­ been used in any bombing attack psychologists have found the human In those UUbig the truth. At lesst uld. -TVa are closing In on them eys to be one of the best recorders four of the truth-tellcrs would have mount theater Tuesday night. now. We are bound to win now and on Britain. Waring, assistant chief of staff of Ease Into U. S. Ponnaliont of emotions. Pupils have yielded dl- been rated guilty by (he eyo record the aemsns miut b« thlnUns they aimoetls information about a variety alone. the 33rd divlsloo In the first World STB bound to lose. WeWo got them Accounts of the German tactics of ailments, particularly those in Tho standard He deUCtion melh- war^ toured tho training camps in* aU right, but It will Uke time." said the nazl aerial spies aboard which mental upsets were Involved. oda read emotions through changes America and Inspected the Americaa BrltUh Lostea tteaTiest the Ftirtresses sometimes managed Thltry-two students psrticipated in blood pressure or through the forces In Africa the post year u a The British suffered the heaviest to ease into a raiding formaUon and in the Colago experiment. They re­ galvanlo electric current In the guest o f the war department. cosualtlM In the Sicilian campaign, remain many minutes before they ported to the psychology laboratory palms of ths hands. The 32 persons The convention will close Tues­ iMlng 11.835 doftd, wounded and were discovered. The concentrated in Paris, one to do a stealing Job, taking tha eye tesU were given the day afternoon with election of de­ taisslng.. H# rsporttd. whlls Oa. fire of the American ships usually the other to be innoccnt, both ' - ' - pre.uure reading simuluneously as partment officers ftlnd tha submis­ nadlan casualties totaled 2J68 for ft knocl'ed them out of tho formation sion of resolutions. when they were spotted. subjected to lie detecUon. a check, snd they gLVe about ths grand total for all ftUied forces of Secret Inslroctlans some percentage of lie detection as The Forty and Eight, the Legion’s 21,623. The figures covered the pe- Crewmen said the Oerman-held Each pair received secret In- tho eyes. Combining the blood pres­ fun organization, will hold its prom­ rlod up to last Tuesday, wheh the Portresses apparently were enade at 3 p, ra. Sunday, to be fol­ used as firing posts against .... .nictions. One was to told merely sure records and the new eye symp­ campalm ended “ »« capture .} go Into a hall and wait there. toms of lying mads It possible to lowed by the annual banquet at Americans, but merely sneaked in Hotel Rogers. Ployd Warner, Kel­ of Mmlns. for two purposes: When questioned afterward, he was pick 80 per cent of those who lied. (An oflicUl (UUment issued at to tell the truth about everything May Be More Valid logg. Idaho grand chef da gars, aUled headquarters In north Atrlca 1. To report the altitude and gen­ he did or saw. Possession of a dime. Dr. wlU preside. Ctrl Nellsca, Gib Har­ last Wednesday eitlmated allied coa- eral course of the raiding formations bor. W ash, national correspoiident ‘ to the ground batterlea and fighter The other was sent to a designated rlen notes, is not much of an . ualUes at Ji.OOO. but thU figure pre­ stations, spot In a lecture hall, where he about which to do serious lying. of the organisation, will be present. sumably ineludcd air force and The whine of live machlns gsn buUet* teaches seldlen t« keep (heir beads down as (hey adraoce across would find a sum of money. He ... Probably no deep-seated fesni w B. P . “Bud" Moc, KcUogg.-.Js this diunmy balUefleJd at Camp SaqU AnIU, Calif. The lnlsee« crsw] Mtro$i tbo lleli, threuth loihdet 3. To tiudy the American fonna- being concealed by the Colgate p president ol the Idaho department. naval euutiUn vhUs AJexamder’s lions for infonnatlon that might be lake this money, but lo deny, report covered only ground forces. aad bsrbed-wire barricades while gunner fires Just above their beads. Nolo dut fly »s shots hit opposite bank. useful in future defensive opera- any connection wiUi tha taking. If varicators. For that reason Dr. B The headquarter* statement also es­ Uons. he deceived the lie detector, he rlert suggested that in a real cri timated axis dead and wounded at could keep ths money; usually one inal investigation, the lying eye t Utile Aid to Germans might prove more valid than not fewer thsn SJ,000 and axis pris­ But there was every indication dime. oners at nort thsn 138,000.) ^ t the Job had been no more help- For tesUng, the student sat in a these laboratory experiments. Alexander said tha Germans lost chair, and answered questions, while I I One of tho early findings of Dr. 10,000 o( ttielr original 300,000 troops small telescope some distance Derrlen's Study was that liars are in killed and wounded sjid 134.OO0 Grange Furrows away was focused to detect varia­ not always shUty-eyed. diln prisoners. Ths original axis forces By J. R. C R AW FO R D tion In UiB size of the pupil of one '^klgned to coastal defenses, four Ital- the danger of getting caught by eye. An obsen'er operated the tel­ thelr.oR-n fighters and anti-aircraft escope, adjusting it to (he changing I WENDOVER, Utah-Just been Twin Falls county lair had thought gunners. two Qennan divisions la ’•poor, watching a bowling match, Elko. of it and arranged to girt a part of The Fortresses being used-by the widely-scattered positions" as battle Nev„ vs. the base team. Of course I their receipts to the USO or put Qerroons were those which made didn't know anybody on either team, on ft bond drive or Red Cross drive University of Oregon groups, he said. Rave you ever watched for the forced landings in nazl territory, Many Bleiitans Deserted but we Americans have to have or given one day's receipts to army the crewmen apparently having no Send that boy in the service somebody to root or navy relief, we could have had ft deepening night to paint the first Mnny Sicilian soldiers deserted, perceptible wisps of the Milky Way chance to destroy them before their donned civilian clothes and returned for so I rooted for fair cach fall. Baseball, horse racing seizure. the W endover and prlieilghUng have gone on very across tlio moonless August skies? to their Tlllsges and farms. Alexan­ Ii a deep blue sky free of )me. the Some others might have been re­ der said he was not concerned with team. Mnybo wo weil. with soltbaii teams traveling America, • be- all over tlie country. Why, I saw in first glimpses of tho‘brighter por- built from parts of Portresses which ___se wo move the paper where ft baseball team Uons of this faint luminosity offer crashed In enemy territory. about, more read­ from Portland, Ore., was going to real poetic delight. Utcr it becomes would bs punished with death, ily adapt our> jday In Sslt Lake, and a team from a cicUnuous mbty band. A L E T T E R Alexander revealed he originally selves to our sur­ the SnnU Ana, Calif., air base «-as ' IS nature of the Milky Way was expected the Sicilian campaign roundings than in BaJt Lake and played a team long a myatery. In mythology it «as take up to three months, and \ some of our neigh­ there. IVe been wondering ever considered a highway to heaven, or a A M SEEKS agreeably surprised when It took boring countries, since I was in Wells the other day heavenly river, the dust of heaven, only ona month and one week. H« any r*t« I've or lights held by splriU. Modem Mid the 'flghUng taught the allies found myself.------poets have added their bit to these I g s f l l l H O M E many lessons, especially in the use frcm quite often, away J. n. Cri«t«H fanciful theories. of alr-bom« troops, which he ac­ from home but rooting for tha team Callfomla, or Many Squ|M Ezplanadon knowledged had not been completely WASHINOTON, Aug. 31 0}j0 where I was. If the folks that n itishfui thinking. Even in ancient times there were Northwest Airlines today applied perfected. her© from other countries were...... many real scientists who sought rea­ Re singled out U. 8. army engl- sonable explanations for Uils delicate to the civil aeronautics board for willing to root for the country of authority lo fly commercially to August 22, 1943 : neers lor tpeelal praise, paying trib­ their adoption we'd hear lets of di> something gettinc sky band. One thought it a tone of ute to their "remarkable road*buUd< stars, the light of which was par­ Tokyo. vided ailegiancc. No DlfferenceT The first domestic air carrier to • This is really mid-summer— address of Jack McIUU. Anj'one QuesnaU, Twin Falls, has begun ing feats in the wUd Sicilian moun- Anyway, wc should be tially obscurcd by tha earth’s shad­ weYe In the lull between culti­ know it? Please forn'ard It to us his recruit training at tha OS nut what asphyxiates me Is that ow. that atnrs were so crowded to­ apply for a route to Japan, North- support the institu tha folks who ration th« gas sea no; said, "the vital needs of c«m- vating and harvest. In the mean­ and we'll see that it's sent to naval training station at Farragut. pica of America if ...... __ gether here that they illuminated time, the civilian Is looking at tlie Funke. Robert Sutciilf, apprenUce sea­ accept of her bounty. Far too difference between the fellow who I ...... e between the tJrUted Stttes, 3Wes In the wilds of Idaho and the each other. Theophrastus conslrtcrcd Alaska and the orient will require calendar and realises that it's man. la home on leave from tho School Enrollment of our Inhabitants arc eager to U cracks In the sky through which really full—therc’a the Third War • AnoUier memo regarding Doug- naval dental school at USO. eastern eeaboard. Nor for that mat­ light supposed to be brhlnd Hie Inauguration as soon as possible Ixus A. KaiveUtrom, A. M. M. 3/0. WENDEtX. Aug. 21 - EnroU- cept all the advantages Uiat ter between a fellow who lives 10 of commercial air transportation Loan Drive coming upnextmonth; mcnt in the Wendell grade and high have to offer, but ore reluctant to dome of heaven was shming. The school starts soon; the Army Ho is in the South PacUie and • Commissioned, la tho army air . 13 miles from town and one w noted Aristotle said it v,-as a insss over routes proposed in this appil- woA recently injured and Is now corps as second lieutenant was schools totaled m with 143 tn high relinquish Uie national tics of the lives .one mile from, town, 1 cstlon." . . ■ . t . • Emergency Relief fund s' • school, 109 in Junior high and 244 Xnthcriand. The melUng pot. In othi of glowing gas, a reai'&cbula. The In the USH Mobile Hospital No. ’Robert’ Bui'ks, Jerome,-From far Ulklnff to a lad from back in Iowa The Jour routes applied for are 6. Wa sincerely hope bo recuper­ In the grade school said Supt. Wil- — words. Is hardly hot enough in and h o said that tliey alt had plenty Greek Pythogoras. who lived around off New Caledonia, in the South >mfl cases to do the work. 5S0 B. C., con'^ldered it a vast mul­ from AnchoriRC, Alaaka, to Manila, ates in short order. Pooific came evidence that there liam Doerin*. -igh school enroll- of gas ir they onned a tractor, and via IhJtch Harbor, ZCiska, Attu, About a Sennen most o f them do. They Just draw a titude of very distant stars. ' are Idahoans there in the form of Went to church and heard a good GftUteo Solved Punle Psramushlru. Kurlte Islands, Tokyo • Now let’s get doi.7i to some of 1 of J, L. StandJey. Twin little out of the tractor barrel and and Shanghol; from Anchorage to handle It In the light ■...... ir and Junior classes, he said. sermon, However, one thing that age oi wanted fall goods; there's the personals of the week which struck mo quite forcibly wu the tha car can't teU the difference. Calcutta, India, via the Aleutians, will bo news for you. In front of a sign which Don’t know whether the gas board Tok>-o. Peiping and Chungking; alwsj's canning to bs thought of; statement of the chaplain that "Ood couW ------his telescope on it In 1510 nnd found there's eull one more circus to ____ .Velcome to Idaho's Bus­ is not on cither side in the present, that Pythagoras more than 3,000 from Sestttle to MarUla. via An­ play in Magic Valley; all in all, • PiivaU.Warren Cox, Richfield, tard Rooet." CpL Hanr Lee Mc­ any oUier World vrar. Ood does years earlier had given the correct chorage, the AleuUarts, Tok>-o and it's a good thing there is a lull. has Just received an honorary dis­ Combs. aooding, and Mrs. Mc­ not condone war, but wanta His explanation. The diffuso belt was Bhanghai; from Seattle to Calcut­ charge and will go on to Bloom­ Combs visited the past week at his children to so lire that (hey may b« broken Into countless numbers of ta. via Anchorage and the Aleu-i • First off let's took at the mail field, Missouri to farm. Lt. Oairis home. RIciiard 0. Estes, Ouhl, bas at peace with all naUons and all tiny stars, cacli loo dim for the un­ tlans, Tokyo, Darien, Peiping and I —and wa have one letter from Robertson and Mrs. Robertson been, recently commissioned a sec­ Time Tables His r • •• GOOOINGROM aided eye to detect individually, but Chungking. . ' A/S Uwrtnce B. Zuck, 9M Col­ and sons are visiting at the Ourke ond lieutenant In the army signal CAB'S present policy Is lo defer 8el«dal« at pumivm tnlut «a4 mat Noi producing a cumuiaUve effect in lege Training dcUchment, CAlr Albert home in Richfield, Aviation corps school at Fort Monmouth. lieve it Is, what docs ...... this band o f light. spplications for Intcmatlonal routes Crew), State Teachcrs' College, Cadet Ray Suddreth, Rogercon, N. J. A ir Cadet Victor Scovel, has any-nsUon. to ask for success for, The MiUcy Way encircles the v..- until after the war. Oswego, New York. Zuck is a for­ bos been assigned to basle flight completed his pre-flight training its amed forces? We should rather GROUPS c m tlre sky. Our immense star lyslcm Daniel 0,.Thomas, who now oper­ mer ilsnsen and Kimberly boy training at Balnbrldge Air Fteld, at Santa Ana. Cadet Karl Wilson, ' aak for Ood's guidance in perfecting ates a flying school, applied to the Georgia, aOOOIKO. Aug. 31-A complete b thought to be arranged In a and is anxious to get in touch Burley, has taken as his b ■ and a world that may watch-shaped disc, JO times as wide CAB- to extend his operaUons into with bis pals from back home. live in peace snd friendship with list o f officers for 1843-44. monthly feeder air aervice from Farmlnglon, program chalmien and commltlea as thick. Our sun and its planets Formerly located at Sheppard • Recently married were Miss others. One may see oil about him, quite Inconspicuous inside this N. M., to Albuquerque nnd lo Salt field, he says to tcU Preston lien- Mary Coughlin and Lt, Armour Ashton, and Sgt Allred Harti__ folks who cannot get along with members as announced by Francis Brchinan.-president of the Ooodlng somo distance from its center - man that hs Uled lo look him up Anderson, both of Twin Palls. They wig. Oxford. Mich. CpU Morris coNtfscnoxa anybody, but arc constantly ~at outs When we look skyward in the di­ while he was there but a move to were married Sunday, Aug. 1, at Reynolds, Hansen, has been spend­ L l s l with someone. And others seem lo Botory club, is as follows; Officers. Francis Brehman. : rection of tile thin part of the disc a new base Intervened. Our thanks Homestead, . ing hla furlough at home. have friends and gel along beauU- we do not see as many or as distant Thinner Explodes, to Zuck for hb letter and It wlU MUy with all. Kor does one have ‘ ident: Erie Whipkey, vlce-preslc..... WBtLS nsAKcn J. E. Farmer, post president; James stars as when we look toward the be answered shortly. O 6/Sgt. Dexter J, Reddick, Jer­ • Outstanding event which is IDtU; Einpt 8aniw> Cunningham, secretary; Dorah 11. far away rim. Starts 2ad Fire ome, has been reported missing In coming up is an oldtlme wcstera* tho Pacific area. Cpl. LawTenca R. hone race over a course 80 miles Vo. tl» U... _!!*!!!’**!.__ I Sutphen. treasurer; Luciano Uria The view of the Milky Way JEROME. Aug. 31—J. D. Noland • In the same mail, a letter from sbouli tiirough o modem telescope Is a of the Jeroma Farmers' Implement Meech. TwUi Falls, is furlough­ long and taking a period of two ^ ^ N.nlik,iuiS Jesus, "Love ...... _ ' and Waiter C. Baby, dirtcton. I Pfc. D. W. Ainsworth, who is with Club servicc, E. Whipkey. J. Par- thrilling, sight. How inslgnlficsnt company is becoming "a mite leery' an engineer’s- battalion some­ ing at home from Fort Knox. Pvt. for fi lU completion. It wiU bedays fself." Tbo nile, I say, is simple: Indeed tho thinking person fecU Wayna A. Fuller, Twin Falls, has heJdb.. . between .Twin Falls and Sho- follow It is not so simple to ui. ler. R , M- Robertson, Uo Bice, E. -* a certain paint thinner which where In tha South Pacific. He B. Bolte, Branch Bird and B. W. when ho views the sbundance of ths ns inellped to explode. Not long says we should have a medal for reported to the Armored School slione basin u a fore*runner to who like to have things pretty much tiny celestial Jewels and reallies CommunlcaUon Department, Fort the two-night hone show being ir own way. Rudelaon; program. August, B, Rob­ _ while he was painting inside the tbls letter from home, but well ertson; September. Dr. E. a Robin­ their enormous distances from our Noland eslabllshment. some of (he leave the mcdais to tho gals and Knox. To be married: Marjoria led ft week late • • If it were simple, tO' avert » earth. thinner exploded, ft firo started and Balia. Twin FaUs, and Cpl. Robert by the Ttaop 8 would ba 80 much easier than son; October, A. W. WUimi; Novem­ gents who are in uniform on our ber, A. F. James; Oecetnber, S, Bird: Uie fire dep,irtment was summoned. many ftants. Ainswortli says be O. Jenkins, Twin Palls. Tha mar­ ___th* ‘ K i - wage »-ar. Vet U our civiUiatloa is riage will take place at Fort Jack­ ride U a______to survive, wo must Icam to live January. Dr. p. E. Barrett; Febru- COMTLETES BASIC Again Friday, at 1:20 p, m, the has been overseas for about a year aty, JuJius Schmitt: Mstch, E. L. CASTLES'Ono.Aug. 21—Pfc. Mar­ fire alarm sounded and trucks rush­ and a half and where ho Is lo­ son. South Carolina. 39 whllo the horse show wIU take with each other in peace. A man told place Sept. 8 snd 7. Already over ms the other day that civilixaUon Is Cramblet; April, George Harrison; ita Novok. son of Mrs. Ann Hole- ed to the Implement company build­ cated there are boys fnm Buhl, May, Horace Shipman; June, Sher- » 1 W , CosOeford. recenUy complet­ ing. It was another can o f the "drat­ Kimberly, Burley, and Csstlc- • Practice obserTDtloo flights 13 riders have signed up to enter' .“!i'sr.sS;S always advanced by wars. I think have been on the program for this grueling event. ha really meant that scienca was ed basic training at the t?. 8, marine ted" paint thinner which had ex­ ford. . . and, of course, good old coipB base at San Diego. Calif., and ploded. Considerable smoke damage Twin Falls. Hs says they aU en­ the Twin Falls Clvu Air Patrol advanced by wan. for out of our — done this time. better known as ths CAP. Tho • While I think of It. let me t»- K l ' - - . necessity for sunivaj we advance is now homo on furlough. When he, joy this letter and send their, .. Carter, M. W. WUllams and ccnpieted his training at San Diego I thanks. He bas one request that Kroup has taken up miUUry drill, mind }'ou of ths contcst for service and develop Ideas-that wa have had, discipline and ground instruction men and women wlilch Detweller’s but that have lain dormant, either Frame Jeffries; attendance. J. he was promoted to be a prlvaie.' we pau on to our readers to ful- Bchmltt. D.> Sutphen and J. Cun­ first class, and swarded a- slurp- fUl. Be wshts to get In touch xmder Meritt Shotwell. Uuinlng is sponsoring—write them a letter because they were loo expensive to and operation officer, assisted by on the aubjcct, "What we expect N i l l develop or there was not sufficient ningham; public InformaUon. Free- shooter medaj. with Keith Jacobs, formerly of Earl Skidmore. Jolm P. Ensign, of the folks on the home front"— Interest in them lo JusUfy thelr de­ — ------and S. L. Bulllvan; music, Twin Falls, and so, if anyone can ■y.r.js- .•if H i ■ - E. Whlpki Hailey, U now in AviaUon Oid- and if it's Judged, the W ilUM •rrtrtat •( 4i«0 P. ta. «i4 SiSO velopment. gire us Jacobs address weli tend Straora Matter DECLO it 00 to Ainsworth. nftcce at Shenasgo Depot, Green- writer, one of you. wiU recelve an , • 'i ? ' Boite, "Alex' ^ISOTi!' . viUe. Penn. Donald Ziegler, FUer, award o f ft US War Bond. Write'' But tn war necessity rather than at any lengttv-er as briefly as you ' t, 8. SuIUvan. A. Schubert. • A constant correspondent of Aerographer MaU, 3/c. U fur­ expense rule# and cost U no deter­ loughing at home. Don A. McDon­ please—but wriU so that your mining factor. Strange hcrw wt are Deelo D iursday______ours, Mrs. j. 6. Bryant, sends us news of Chester Schmecbei, who ald, Eden, Is enrolled at the Fre- letter will be postmarked before so penudous where the welfare of weeks in Boise with her daughler, FUglit school at San Antonio, Tex. Oct, 1, Ui3. All writei Lett go. - ’ our poorer classes is cancemed but who was a surgery psUent '* Is in Mew Qolnea; Ted Rasemeyer, Alms ADd oblecU, a Sulllnin, M. who Is now in Australia, and Ray­ Horland Simonds, MUcer Heights, 10 Bsnereua of our substance when • There, that c le a n s up'tha - the naUon and iU wealth are at W. Tftt« and chairmen of club ser­ mond KasemeJ’er at Camp Lee, has returned to Seattle where he stake. Seenu almost u If wa thought vice, vocational, iDtemational and Virginia. These boys are ali Mrs. is stationed with BS navy. t*Vem tongue wagging fcr this week— more of our wealth than we did Just ------lUnlty service committees; Bryant) grandsons, and there is Wahl of tho same community Is we're always glad to hear from . But that couldnt be, .for we geaat-at-arms, Zeb Robinson; audit sUil another grandson, Ross LuU, a guest at the home of his uncle any o f you gents (ihcllentalljr,' ' are ft Ohristlan catloo. a capital- n and R, somewhere in the Atlantic: She al-. we HA'VENT beard froffl any, of ' Ulio An- ^ Mr#. n i« a HansA, Pocatello. .. you gals in ths am ud u m on) :. -u..- Ind "OhrlsUan-' so folks would no- here TUitlng her daughters. Mrs. so reports Harold Harman work­ and w « proislse an . Immediate Uee It, because sometimM you can ------— interna. ing hard at ShreTeport,f U.; My­ tional aerrice. P. James and Ted Ed- Rex AJeen and Mrs. Darrell Dar- answer la on effort to m n ytFUt. 'hunt BRANcii CONNkCnoN hardly teU by the way w* act, with ron and David Howard at Camp, our Barlem riots. Detroit riots, not returns at msU ..cftU.'..Altbaugti‘^ .'V.\ Connie Anderson. Chaliis, is visit­ CUIbora^ La.; Andrew Roberts, .1 -Recently married were: Oeor- Margaret Detweiler, who been' asVS: sultera and such). , , Community servloe. Dr. Boblnson ing her uncJa and aunt, Mr. sod somewhere In the South seas; bUl- Vou know, 1 believe that if th«! and I* Uria; boys' work, M. Tale gie Wilson, Rogersoa, and Mss- handling this depurttneat ot'tha^'' *< ' .An)m IVw'niit ? Jiw p B. Mn. cy Anderson. toa Henderson at Camp Barkley,' - ter Sgt. David Bartlaj, .- nawa-letter. Is jrtumiwr WsftfitaV' , . TwiN-rat.i.S'WKt.t« - Mid a . Harrison; Boy Scout troop. Mr. and- M rt WiUfleW Hutst vU- Texjj and Johh Bryant at Cape L. TTrla, U. Anderson and Herb, Plan yoiir } well undertftks Um JpbMbbugU , ■ Clark: crippled children, Dr. Barrett! Ited at Blackfoot recently with thelr Town, South Africa. All these boys To help In theth fslt harvestelp it may lack tha .Uiueli onlj’ a , " daughter and soo-in-lav, Mr. snd receive (hli cews letter from home ...... Mexican ...... and J . Farmer: Rural-uiban, H. J.! and we ujr that Mrs. Br>-ani is feminize band and luart can glre High Grade Lead Shipman. William Pyle and WUliam Mm DomUd Andenoa. vacation! have arrired in Twin Palls M es; student loans. D.Stuphen and Mrs. Howard. Manning returned doing a.whale of a Job what with are now stationed at tiia. labor Found at Hailey,*• Bolto: ypuf-a club. AIw Watson.: oms fn m - Pnvg, Utah, where she A planned vacation means^an all her canning and other civilian camp here. These men will find : • vain , nert wok, HAaSY, Ida. Au». 21 ' ftlster, Msxine. She vu insured vacation; a vacation duties. ' work on various farms throughout covery of high grad# lead oi___ S home by her brether, Maglo Vtilsy. and be a real' ' ------who h u spent ths sum- covered by a H a r tfo r d G olfer'a In getting this Important ^ TWIN PUU T«AK8IT a cross cut on the Soft-foot Itvet Same (Committee .X^inks aboard th« V. B. 6 . __ — '-»» Ptnln* twul eori»»T cm ol the Csmas mine in Slalnr county I mu. In OaUfotnla with his psruu Policy— Hartford Automobile dooo. I u ii .Will attend school in Dodo this Kean wiUi a Fleet Post Offloe was repotted here. For Third Drive Insurance — Hartford Burg- of San Frandsco. Calif. Outside . The Hailey Times reported Supt. lary and Holdup Inauranco of ths .Tsrtous deletions made by naval air thOntng center at C frank B. Flugholf u saying the (irst itSAb WANT AD3. and other needM fo r m s o f I the censor ths letter was fine. pua Chriiti, 7 a :, and car 01 the ora wu in transit to tha protection. ------He says he is getting fat on oavy aloaed an tasign in nan smelter and that shipments Irora the . wm B.-& auodelftuer wiU beans and would Uke. to know the was Paul 0. Daksr. PUe^. ' pment wouid eoattnue. jw to^^.rwponslble for the war Mid tha cut had opsoe. b o d d r lr s to begin tha middle of ... j body of high grade lead PEAVEY- THE ABOVE NEWS UITSB.MAY B£ CUPPKD AND MAILSD TO ore. amylns sa to U per cent lead that t)u ;-SPOT CASH canytog good , silver .and gold •.ft»'Dend or Worthless Horses, COABI OUABD. WAG. WAVS; MAB. MAWNB AUXILMBT. OB I_____ w»*4'agtifl-*iiisil ' ' M ute and Cows ...... • K M L t O k x c a , OP THB D01M0& U CU k irttb'ttiia'tarter effort whieh «iu' Twia-Wh TABER CO. UAB«''..UJCS TBOOT FASU paliM At a l^iUe Sent^^lt Di ; Pajfe Tert" TBTES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Sunday, A n^st 22,1948 BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR HOOPLB RED RYDER By FRED HARMAN m u lUES 1 USI Eilll &y Adeline /ylcEifrcsh eoPVniOHT, 1049.

THE BTORY: Joe P»tkw, weU- • •'Indeed not," Mrs. narrlngton lortd editor of the B!ldT«l8 Exprto. diuckltd. ■'but you can't make Ua' has bttn found lUbbed' to d«lh. too (lulckly If you want It to bo Socleir reporier Tat Oertlind, good,'" •port* wrller Clein Evan*. '»• •■It tliafs It, I forglvo you.” He newtpapennan Daw EUoo . gave her a quick hug. C»nnlned to »oIre the mwdcr. Pat slipped off her perch There «n> lw« clua: a Ihre.tenlor, kitchen Uble. nntlrned MUr fonnd amonr ■’What are Clem and Mary do> pjpen, Mid fhe »«>>« » mao who ing?" sheviskcd. attacks Dare In the dark of Joei •That's whot I came out about. eniplf bops*- ^ Pnt. We're going to have a Jook around the place and 1 knew you'd the TypKwniTEii never forglvo me II wo started with­ out you. Como on, sleuth.'^ Ho start­ WASH TUBBS By LESLIE TURNER CHAPTER IV ed toward Uia door, ••By tlie way. ■Hiey buHcd Joe Parker the next Aunt Sarah. wCU stop any time ■- ftltcmoon. cat. You know me." Pnt never knew how slie got throiigli ttie *hort service nt the church and ORnIn Bt Uie grave when Clem and Mar;^ were already In the golcnin "Ashc.i to ashes and Uie study, a large room filled with dust to dusl" hrouKht fresh tears to books and souvenirs Uiat Joe Por- the eyes of alrnost Ever>’one In the kcr'a friends had sent him from all crowd. Of course, Dnvc Elson’s firm part.1 of the world. Exquisite wood hand on her elbow helped n lot. carvings, autograplied first editions, Later, after tlicy had gono back oddities of every kind. All eloquent lo iho blR I'oiise Uiat lind been testimony that Joe Parker had been Parker's liomc since childhood, pat loved by all who knew him. decldcd thnt the ccrlbhled nt "Look everywhere," Clem told an Immcn.-ie basket of red ro-n tliem, -Don't miss a Uilng. Thero'a OUT OUK WAY By WILLUMS os much of a comfort to her a bound to be some dew. tliero aU thing else. ways Is. No crime Is perfect," "He v.a.1 a great man—and Hla wife shook her head riespalr- Irirnd to n\l Tjho knew him." ItiRly. "I’m twglnulns to doubt Pnt could not help bclnn slie said. surprised nt Uie donor, for Ran­ Pat almost agreed. Bhe, toe dolph Atherton never agreed wlUi her momento when the was BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By EDGAR MARTIN Parker. Not on the plans for the they would never know Hie truth. new city pork. ImprovInR Mnln Half-heartedly, she sat r atreet, or anythUig else. But hla Parker's desk. .50 jJnccro and Ihoucht/uJ, Mary. CTem and Dave were told her that trngedy hud conquer* aearchlng tlie book shelves and the rd nil other enemies and the flow­ overflowing lUlng cabinet whero Mr. ers were Atherton’s final tribute, ■■mat man never paid tribute t anyone but himself, Pnt," Dave re­ marked sareastlcally when *ho told him about It. •'He has one ambition Enid when the girl opened a drai —money. }Iow ho gets 11 doesn't "Dlalr turned It In.'ilde out," matter.” ’'I know," she nodded vaguely, The (tlrl lauBhed. "My. liut you're •'but I Just—" cynlcnj," she told him. "Is thot' ‘ ‘ Ht-r voice trailed off Into nothing New York does for you?" nd Dnvc turned back to his search, •'Maybe tlfo Is what doe.^ it, Pal. sympalheticnlly silent. Pufs fingers caressed the key- People arc funny when you rcI around and see a lot of tlicm. You bonrd of the old typewriter on tl don't trust anybody, not even desk. Aljsently, she rolled a slieet self. 8eo wliat I mean, Put?" paper Into it nnd began to type U.. centence that U u old ax high "Sort of. But Ifa i^Tong, Dave, all school typing classes. wrong.^' GASOLINE ALLEY By KING Dave ran Ills fingers througli his •’Now Ij the time for all good hair In a cliarnctcrlslle gc.^ture Uiat men-" filie stopped, stared nt Uie line of r THE PfJlENDSHIPS W M A: IS VBJV NICE. K L SVJITCH’ and get the chill oi ir lx>nes,'' found Itl" OVEi? AT WHIf?L- (To be eonllnued) LIFE’S LIKE THAT By NEHER ‘ AWAYPAUION A lllllo Inter Clem and Miiry Ev­ TtTfOICHT.’ ans came in. Dave switched on the light and HOLD EVERYTHING the glory of the open fire was ma.?k- ed by the brighter—and less mantle—table lamp. The ten. so plplngly hot and de- llcioua when Mrs. Harrington had brought It In, had cooled alnrmlngly and Pot followed the houMkecpcr Into the kitchen to brew more. She smiled ruefully at tlio heavy bolt on tlie kitchen door. At lea.'st the mysterious prowler would rot get in that way again. ■'Wc should have known better.’" THE GUMPS By GUS EDSON "Whnt, dearie?" Mrs, Harrington buiitled from the FOR OOOPNESS SAKE, IT TI?y cabinet to the atovo and back again. THE AWSTERyZ'tflfTL's) tVHATf^' PONTTtrVTTJ She eavo Pat a quick, questioning WKArsAl-l_THe ' 3RKM5UR SHOOTING OF JON (A WOMAN WHEEPtE rrOUT. v ll’il look. MY*STEt?V ABOUT?«>U^ S ON /WE- WtU- BE LOCKEP IN MY IsHOTOON; OF/V«.A\YUPSARE •Tlie way Dave and I barreled ... BEEN STRLTTTINO ABOU I CANT b r e a s t ; PESPITE ALL ^ ^ W H O SEALEP-SHE'S THE here," Pat explained. "Why, Aunt LIKE THE CAT THAT ONE VOLfR CROSS-QUESTlONtNS-; *Z*OFTHE FAMOUS*XyZ* S.voh. «-e simply OJiked for trou­ SVALLOWEP THE CAMAI Kp OUT CASe.WOULXiNT rT BE ble. The door was unlocked—tlmt FOLLY OF /VNE TO BLAB alone should have cauUoncd us. Wc AT THIS CRUCIAL TIME? might have known the police would have lockcd all doors. Oh. nol Not Cleveland and Elson, Incorporated, Prito chumps." Mrs. Httnlngton la'JBhtd. “Hey, you two," Dave hailed them “I'm to proud of you slnc Irom Uio hall, “are you making tea became a corpoml—let’s bc for the whole town?” give that soldier an orderl"

THIS CURIOUS WORLD By FERGUSON "A fool and his number 18 coupon ore soon parted,” ...... SIDE GLANCES B y GALBRAHJI DIXIE DUGAN. By McEVOY and STBIEBEt



JHINK5 VER ^70U 6H;j- nn. tturtUAtc


Amwet: Have pita In thdr heads. ALLEY OOP SCORCHY By V. T. HAMUKT By FRANK BOBBINS

OWtfBP ^AfiANS^NHO•C^«CKEP cFFm rwFKe*v! t p o u t K>»W V « ) TXEYAi® OC- WHATTWfiY m u r o p M S / Siinaay, AugUBt 2 2 ,19iS TIMES-NEWS, t w i n FALLS, IDAHO Poga E lm en Sunday, A u gu st 22 , 1948 Pago Twelve TIMES-NEWS, TWIIJ PALLS, IDAHO all Hazelton waretwuses'have beu Meantime work la being tiished'on els per acre; with the arerage nm- nlng above that o{ a a j prorlotu New Carrier Wasp Launched Hazelton Harvest taxed beyond capacity with ever; the addlUon to the Beangrowers year, and with tnaay large acreages SCHOOL SYSTEM foot o f available stonge place tiut warehouse which will take care of reporting SO bushel yields through- ■ H A M K Fills Warehouses . coilld be located In the lawn secured the beaos now stacked on the ouU UAZELTOK, Aug. 91-Due to an tor storing the sacks ot beans that side. increase Is aceage ot'peas and also were hauled In from the fields at It is reliably reported that-the M l - M t UW to tho decided Increose In yields, the raU of to 7000 bags dally. yields have run os high as 70 bush­ 'lEAD TIMES-NEWS WANT ADa High school and elementary scliools in Twin ralla wlU begin all 01 first-period classes a t 0 ajn. Mon­ the day, with the exception ot first- Connolly hit labor dbputM net grade pupUa who will not report to S e^ lb lU tr to)W mat-on ihelr first class Ull Wednesday at mSoTtr mw bo tb« ft«t «> P"** 9 i|jn, Supt. A. W . Morgan an- t o on thB vnUdlt7 noiwced. Flrat grade youngsters are MAJOR " M U S T S " , S^lh»S«lStJ-.Wk<. taw required to bring their birth certifi­ •m« computf'i nUfgtt^n cates at that Ume. h e said. elos^ !n an oplnlco Bccompanylns Ai St. Edward’s parochial school, dJwUTB extcndlns to BOO opening for aU classes. Including the enploTW of Wird retail utorca In first grade, will be a t 9 am. Mon­ Nc» Tort Detroit «id Denver pro- day. READY-TO-^VEAR for B ack-To-School tWm (or iMlalennneo oT union Begalar Btu Schedols munbenhlp, cbeckon of dues, and Buses will operate on regular DEPARTMENT aibHTitloft. , ^ schedule Monday, meaning that tnie boari waived aside children from the country will bo tn ■ 'Teens or tots . . . you can equip them beat for first year col- ehartci nutls In a cotnpany brief town approxlmotely an bour before dalcd June » and filed with the school starts. Tuesdajr morning the loffe or first time frradc attendance right here in your Idaho WliD fi oiiaviwshades Hr. aUo a carrier, lost off Goadalcana] Sept. IS. 19<2. recourse ha» been formally threat- Preliminary enrollment tor the . . . some with novelty ened only once to date—by b sroup hlgivschoot totalsabout600.approxi­ ot le&den of the United Mine Work­ mately the same as lost year's fig­ button trim s and every­ ers charged with Inciting a strike ures. Flatt said. one a true stand-out for $ 8 -9 0 In PennsylTonU coal fields. “Many youngsters, boys especially, one or two picce style. Areas With Light Draft Calls have summer Jobs and have not specifically, had a chance to enroll yet so It Is held thatit the actt delegates leslsla- Now Will Be Hit Hai-der Later quite possible woll have SO or so Uve power lo the WLB "without cuf- moro enroll Monday." ho said. “Also, Just Received! Wdcnt standards,” cstablbhes com- WASHfNOTON, Aug. 21 {/P) — ping situation Is vdstly Improved, there arc about twice as many new pulMry BtbltniUon end thereby Im­ tales and communities wlioso draft Russia was informed that It couldn’t students coming In this year—77 pairs Uio Irtedom of contract quotas arc cut now so ttiey get a lorso part of Its latest lend- have enrolled to date." guaranteed by the constitution, and have to sUrt ntiolcsalc inductions lease requests. The American view Enrolled thus far in tho three GYM SHORTS flnaUy, that It Is •'Indefinite of pre-Pcarl Harbor fathers for Is Uiat It Isn't 0 questlori of tho high school dosses a r c : Seniors, 168; ahead of other placcs will have to ships themselves but of dock and Juniors, 153; sophomores, 1B7, and CThooee now . . . they're moke up for their light calls after unloading facilities. students, 77. hero In whiles, reds and tlie father draft gels underway. Persian gulf ports, tliough greatly blue In washable, wearable, Quota adjustments now being expanded, arc tald to be up to durable cottons. Regulation made In an effort to havo all states about thctr peak cargo capacity. In everjr respect. All sIki 98c mmmmn and boards exhaust their reserves Meanwhile the hazardous Mur­ are Included In thla lot. of non-fatliers ot about the mansk route ts In disuse because time, manpower officials say, will of 34-hour daylight In the Arctic cause some states and boards to danger lines. furnish more than Uietr share ot Obituary: The 6ea Otter. i SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. JI (UJ!>— men temporarily. vessel praised by President 11___ iVEDTOUIAH Col. Qeorge Baker ot selecUve velt IS montlis ago as tho probable BOISE, Aug. ai UD—TJ. B. District A Special Group of service's manpower division says answer to ship shortages. Is a dead Judge Chnso A. Clarlc has signed an ' Lake, three Salt Late City youths, Uiese states ond boards wUl get Issue. Tho small capacity of the order for the removal ot Archibald atudents at the Dniveralty of Dtah. crcdlt on future quotas so they craft—It was projected as a ship of Watson Loney. (». from the Ada were tafo today after a sheriffs go easier on fothera tn later months. 1^00 tons—pul It at a disadvantage county Jail lo Utah, to await action rtscus boat had followed directions Draft Director Lewis B. Hershey In comparison with the 10,000-ion of a federal grand jury on charges SPORT COATS of an army plane, which sighted the cautions, however, that It will take Liberty ships, as It would require that he stole lumber and roofing boys before noon today. time to make any such adjustments relatively moro men per ton of maicrlois from an Ogden army sup- The boys, Hal Osbor. Bert Smith and they will be spread over long cargo. • -epot. c alghted by periods., He also adds that tho ad- ShooUng stars: Nail onU-alrcraft ..ley’s arrest at Twin Falls .... The clc%-erest, casual-est, m o st w orth w h ile conta . 5day. lustment to start the father draft gunners need to study tlic stars, says announced In Washington, who e ot the boys, H. , : Isn’t go­ the Journal of Uie British Astro­ identllicd Loney as a witness in Uie you’ve seen 1 Brilliant, gay colorings of red, bro*n, W. Ojborn, on tmployo In the maln- Lindbergh kidnaping case. ing lo get perfect results by a long nomical association, quoUng Drlllsh tan and greens in the featured Parknioor. lOO^J. tenanee division ot the ordnance ahot. pUots os saying that tho Germans Loney was arrested Saturday by service commsnd at IlUl field, noU- Vast OPA Chaoca continually are mistaking SUlus, the Twin Falls FBI agent as he was wool for duration w e ar w ith S k in n e r linin gs to add fled onny olllelals ot the boya* pllBht OPA Changes races: With tho dog star, for on RAF plane. The preparing to board a bus tor Brig­ today, and a test piano was radioed $ 2 , 9 ^ 5 professors out by British now call It “the most sbot-at ham City, and pleaded Innocent to to their smart appearance. B o x models for the to Join the search. Ueut. Arthur date, the office of price adminis­ ator." charges of theft of government prop­ Wells sighted the boys shortly be* tration (OPA) b placing Its con­ erty before t7. S. Commissioner swaggery, casual look you’ll w a n t . Xore n..... trols over business in the hands of Henry W. Tucker at Burley Sunday. A sheriffs boat led them o shore . ,.;n so fast that the average His bond was set at $10,000. and he this afternoon. retailer won’t rccognlte tho place in Hoops Successful was held In custody In lieu of post­ The pilot said the boat was partly about two montlis. ing tiia*. amount. filled with water and the sail had Road Job Bidder Hoover said Loney was charged been either knocked or taken down, . ment store execuUvc is rewriting regulations over with stealing I13 rolls of roofing but that the boys waved and ap­ Construction company. T»,'ln___ _ material from o'government ware­ peared to be all right, partment stores. Tlie came type of was low bidder wlUj »35,369J5 for house, where lio was employed as a t the ■ change ts In store for foods, fuel and other industries. oiling of SJt78 mllfs of Uie Triumph lumber supervisor. A second com­ ...... — Jia e:...... mine acccss road In Blaine county, plaint said that ho tocic 3,000 board ended in tragedy on what they coll' Gasoline outlook: Don't put too the bureau ot highways amiounced feet of lumber owned by tho war ed "the trescheroua great Balt much slock In the gloom spread by todoy. deportment. Lake." Secretary Ickes’ pettoleuln adminis­ The bureau advertised for bids, lo Loney’s case wlU bo considered by "I’m so gUd the boys arc safe," tration for war (PAW) about east­ be opened Aug. 31. for the Etoclipll- the next federal griuid Jury called Mr. Harold Osborn said. ern civilians exceeding their dally Ing ot gravel adjacent to the Idoiio In Utah and if Indicted he will “I knew last night when they gasoline allowance so much th ' central highway between Conal stand trial In tederal court there. didn’t eom« home at the usual time thcy’yo endangered their cliances and Iho' Goodlng-Fairfleld Junction Hoover said Lonoy testified as a that something definitely getting rid of the pleasure driving In Camna county. "lumber expert” at the trial of ■ »n around Sept. 1. Bids also were called for stock­ Bruno Hauptmann, who subse­ Easlcmcrs have overdnum pretty piling ot gravel adjacent to the Saw­ quently was executed Cor the abduc- badly. It appears, but PAW put It tooth park highway between Hol­ Uon and killing of the Infant son on a little thick so motorists would lister and the Nevada state line and ■ aviator Charles Lindbergh. Uiat observe tho ban despite easing ot Eden and adjacent to the old Ore­ roll used In a ladder used In the WEA1944 Farm inforcement by OPA. gon trail between Hagerman and kidnaping did not come from floor­ Servant Slloansn Improves"' Buhl In Twin Pails and Jeromo ing In the attic of tho Hauptmann Plans Complete Ufe In the capital; The wlUjhold- counlles. They will be opened Aug. homo. WABHINOTON, Aug. 21 CU.R) — ns tax on wages Is easing tho household help sltuaUon in crowded Virtually completed war food od- BEAD TIMES-NE\VS WANT ADS. i . mlnlslraUon.plons Tor financing the shington. Housewives report they 1M4 fam and food programs today able to hire back maids who had awaited the return of congreu Xor quit domestic work for government flanl r-provaL or other war Jobs. Beems Uio maids Food official! sold they would be say they can make more money— “very much surprised”. If the pro­ net-than In Jobs where the boss has gram Involved any major changes > withhold the incomo tax. In present c^ieraUons. They sold Land boom: There's concern in they knew of no new “food pro- high government cireles over acUv- gnun.” ty In the farm land market. Thous­ Biulcally, the program prepared ands of .persons are buying Und. for submission lo -congress when It many apparently for speculaUve returns in mid-September, provides purposes, others as a hedge against for removal of government restric­ inflation. PRINTED / tions on production, support prices So land prloes have advanced and ‘ mixlerato use ot subsidies.*' rather sharply In better farming llie food subsidies, estimated t« CREPE I * ?• cost leu than 11,000,000,000 a Tear, The bureau ot agricultural eco­ will be opposed by some of tho e nomics wants that a disastrous land Jor fana organiiaUoas and by m m similar to that of World war GOWNS ^ ; may be In the making. Aid to Russia: Although the sbip- Full cut French crepo Dobbi briDgi b a c i tto wiitlmo cloch* In goivna. Large floral :"VO LCO "= tlie Maaon’t amartest Toung bozmet Fine Celt, prints on light gowns, Now fa ll styles, assort­ HAGERMAN » VOLCANIC CINDeB • DobbMued to y ou r bead. In x»«w fall colon. ed colors and sizes. Bobby Ueyen left for hla home Fire Proof Insolatlnf la Orand Cksulee. Wash. Be bna been vlslUog this summer at the twne of his grandparents, Mr. and BLOCKS EXTRA! For Stay-at-Homes! $3.98 Sta. Piank DlekersorL . TUB QUICK, HODBBN i Mr. ^ Uri. Vem Vader and WIT TO BUap. NOn . . . Blain Floor returned to their home Rayon Marquisette Panels Dry Ooodi 0«pt ta Chicago. They have been visiting ATAILABLB TOS ALL •t, the home ot Ws father. Pred OUILDINO PUBTOSEa. Just recelredl A big ihlpment of ray­ Vader. and with bis brotlier and tf...youw£ on panels — «x78 Iinlshcd size. Ivoiy ahade onlr. $ | .4 9 ur. and un. John Sanborn u p S f f i E T S i in yevr life by tMing imartly LadUs w fiT« rm .aii BIU FOLDS femfnlM... end... yeuweni lo Mala Floor Dry Deed* Dept ■ AU are genuine leather, patent.' rough eraln and aaddto , publican luncheon and meetlns at BijILD - MMODEL • REPAID piseae yovri«tf by being ilyl^ PO M P O M leather. Change compartntnt and IdcntUlcBtlQa gpaca. -the Owybeehotd In Boise last week. An T n « air .r tmtm Aaaorted eolnra. ^ . - Rev. MlDer of the WendeU Prea- ' ^ash and wi[l-e'oomed...yoiir . Hm m u l 01HIMI.S1 featured in ' byterlan church spoke Sunday . at choiea It qvoBty-firil, foiMoa- the Methodist church. Nett Sunday rich black suede . ipeaket :«m . be Dr. Oeorge CINDERM QDiSbTS CO. flrat Foelwior b f PEACOCK. $2.49»$4.98 ' ..Roiebeny. Twin Tails', district, su- JCBQHr. tDABO $9.75 Watch for neiv arrivals at - MAIN nx>OR DRV GOODS DEPT. ir. peilDtendeot: or. th« .Methodist ^tutb..StoJIoi^ the servlcea a pte> ' nhi!dttUKnnu be heU In the Leeton rjsilti hooQ^^^Dr.- Rosebeny; and RpBT E. LEE (V'.'ounM M' Uia-Jtoou-jitf -Ul’; ;«ad SALES CO. Idaho Department Store jiufortunwii: ; " I f It Isn’t Eight, Bring It Back” OTSWt.:.