URMC 19510420.Pdf (7.525Mb)
Newt Holloway Nominated for Student Body President at theProgressive Party Caucus Newt Holloway, junior English major, was lhe approved by the Pro- Freshmen Bible. f In his Hesperia member, gressive at its Spruce member. and in the Party caucus l fraternity, Lambda Chi champion 1951, state ues- Alpha, he Womens’ Athletic day as Association, and fair reserve evening its candidate for been rush grand champion. At 1 1 ’ chairman, "D” club member. student delegate A &: M body president of the Virginia in the Little Inter- 1951-52. 11 national assembly, and I,ie art George Champion has attended P y accorded Monte Beli president. national, was the colt champion ts vite Colgate university, from 1948-50, the beef President, !,),Ue " b showman, show- ! Janet House e has been student champion ?/ , where lie was on the d v,te freshman foot- and the . president, ,0< v man, grand George Cham treasurer, representative to ball champion team, the Lacrosse the pi<m treasurer, and team, showman. She took seventh Virginia Paint- Leadership conference, member place of team, the er, swimming sailing team, in the secretary. livestock club, arena freshman-sophomore judging committee a member of the Vigilantes, a chairman, contest, is the vice president of Holloway, in the three publicity chairman, vice years he sophomore orientation and pep West ol the Rockwell, W.A.A. member, has been at A & president agricultural coun- M, has been council, and the book. At junio- cil, chairman year Rodeo dub member, tlass of agricultural dance, A & Haylofters president, automatic M, he is on the Ski club, and student I member, and Livestock club council laylofter club member, exhibition mem- member, on the constitutional re- sports reporter COL- ber.
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