Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1944-06-08
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RATION CALENDAR PROCESSED FOODS bl~e stamp. A8 tllJ'l)ufll VB "aUd lnddl Cloudy nlte\y; MEAT red stamp. A8 throu.h we valid nddlnltely; SUGAR llamp :10. 31 (book 4) valid Indefinitely. slamp 40 for cannln. luger expires I'ob, 18. 1843; SHOE stamp. airplane stamps I and 2 (book DAILY IOWAN .THE IOWA: Cloudy,bowen. J) .llId Ind.,(lnitely; GA8Ql.1N!: A- II couDOn expIres June U; J'l1EL OIL per, , and 5 coupons expire Sept, 30, Iowa City's Morning Newspaper fIVE CENTS orlD AISOClAftD ...11 IOWA CITY. IOWA THURSDAY. JUNE 8.1944 'fBI AISOClAnD Pa&U VOLUME XLIV NUMBER 216 Ie• Inva ers To e irst rene .... ity GERMANS SAY ALLIES ESTABLISH BEACHHEAD HERE , Germans Admit Allies AlliedP~anesScourge AtaGfance- SHAff Sars ' .All Possible German Today IS Breo k Th raug h LI nes Reinforcement Routes /1 Bayeu! Seized ' In vas ion Heavy Bombers Meet owan Armies Move Inland Yank Tr~ops No Anti-Aircraft Fire, * * * In Heavy Fighting troops are Allied troops 1: a p I u r e first With Nazi Reserves ' mash Ahead officiallyProgress ~declaredlnva s i onto be "doing Fighter Opposition French cit.y. S better than expected" against stif- SUPREME HEADQUARTERS, PREME IIEADQUAR.. fe ned German resistance; allies ALLIED EX P E D I T I 0 NARY Nazis admit allies break through TER, Alii d Exp dilionary announce capture of Nazi-fortified FORCE (AP)-Allied warplanes, Halian defenses. Force, Thursday (AP)-Tbe al Commander-in-Chief cathedral town of Bayeux, five which have flown a total of 31,000 lies announc d today capture of Germans move in troops by th il' fi t French miles inland, and cutting of the sorties against Europe since June city, th 'azi Says Nazi Strength plane to cope with allied re- rol"lified town Bayenx, five Caen-Bayeux highway I, threw down a blnzing curtain or Broken by Advance inrol;Cements. mile in hore in th c nt r of Allied 1 e a d e r s-Eisenhower, of , bombs and bullet intended to th ormandy inv ion coa t, ROME (AP)-The Fifth Montgomery and Ramsay confer cut of! both help and escape for Yanks takc Mokmer airdrome and said the 111 '0 had cut ths army sma h d ahead north and aboard cruiser off the invasion German troops on the perimet.ers on Biak island. highway from Bayrux to 'a n IV 'j of Home toward Lake coast. of the expanding beachheads in 88 HI Y mo\' d inland in g ner Bracch iano and the key 'l'yrrhe Casualties-Still "lighter than France. ally l1eavy fighting against niau port of, Ci vitavecchia last expected." South o! Caen 250 to 500 Flying counter-attacking rman re on the ratl Soviet Army Paper serv . ht surviVal night in a drive so rapid and Landings-Troops and supplies Fortresses and Liberators heavily powerful that the Germans (The herbourg- lien-Paris -coulltr1 to continue to reinforce units storm- attacked road junctions to block Says Russia Ready railway and a main highway run themse lves described it official ing inland; axis radios report ad- off German reinforcements. In through BayeuK, '0 that capture ot ly as a "major bl'cak" through ditional allied landings on French this unusual front.-line use of the town cut3 both, contributing thei r liues. coast, but all unconfirmed by al- heavy bombers, ncither .mti-air For Eastern Drive to isolation of the Cherbouri pen Fanning out above the city lied sources. craft fire nor German fighter op insula.) the allies advanced so lar along Moscow Announces GERMAN RADIO REPORTS say that the AlUe ha ve established a foolhold on the beach between Trou- Caen, 18 mlles southeast of tho vitall!oa tal highway no, one Aerial- Allied airiorce maiD- position was encountered. tains solid cover over invasion Clouds prevented assessment of vll1e and VlIJersurmer on the French channel coast. This 15 B view of Trouvllle. German report \IBId Bayeux and nine miles Irom the that one officially announced Jast I Nazi Losses Heavy beaches; planes hammer at Ger- the damage done. the beachhead wat 16% mUes wide and extended "a rew mUes" In land. sea, was the scene of !! German evening that they "continued a man gun emplacements, communi- Possible RM Raids In Romanian Attack armored counter-attack which has rapid advance in the direction of cations and troop movements, United States government mon- S· th A C H G been hurled back, headquarters Civitavecchla," the closest port to Nazi air for c e otfers slightly itors heard a German radio broad- LONDON (AP)- The German IX rmy aptures o'use ro'up disclosed, nnd the aUied forces Rome, 40 mlles to the northwest stronger resistance. Fifty-three cast that. allied "nulsance raiders" drive in Romania north or lasi General ;Broken'; were said to be doing generally by road. German planes are destroyed were approaching southwest Ger- appcared to have ended yestel'day, Jap AI'rbase on BI'ak T his morning's communique Wednesday and 23 allied planes many, possIbly presaging a re- R · d Hints Invasion Date "better than expected," placed the allied armies more than fail to return. turn of RAF night attacks on t.he and the Soviet army newspaper . h h Red Star in Moscow said that Rus- etom men s German Broadcasts I O mJl es a b ove Rome on aweid Weather- Improving with wind R elch w ich as been spared re- k f t d t d ' d ,. II h'l b b sia now was ready to launch her Move Places Yan s Henry J. F. Miller Aside from these two towns, su ron , an yes er ay s a vances moderating and seas calmer. cen y w I e om ers concen- preme headquarters II a v e no apparently were well beyond Naval-Forces continue bom- trated on tactical targets.) own promised offensive against Within Bombing Range W F dB II Of Army Air Force place-names, Ignoring a continu these lines. Gen, Sir Harold Alex- bardment of coast and escorting of , Allied fig.hter planes were hold- the Germans from the east. ar un II ing stream of German broadcasts d d · h'" j I d d th Na~is' Losses Heavy Of Ph',I,'pp',ne Islands Sent Home to U. S, an er, cornman er - In - C leL 10 troop and supply vessels. ng an aerla cor on aroun . e which reported new allied attack. ltaly, pro C Ia i m e d that "the beachheads that spelled a virtual The abortive German attacks . I strength of the German armies has death warrant for enemy aircraft in the province of Moldavia cost ADVANCED ALLIED HEAD- ---__ WASHINGTON (AP) _ The all the way [rom the Pas de Calais been broken." trying to attack, while swarms of the Nazis more than 10,000 dead QUARTERS, New Guinea, Thurs- WASIUNGTON (AP)-Backing area on Dover strait to Nantes at N · M T army reported yesterday that Maj. the base ot the big Brittany penin Allies Cover 10 Miles aIlS ove roops other planes of nearly every sort and tremendous losses in equip- up the war department with vir- Gen. Henr y J. F. Miller was Th 1 II . urged the G ma le'nf e ment during ihe savage lighting pay ~AP)-The Mokmer airdrome sula juttinll out Into the Atlantic. e a d vance was a ong a malO sco er n . I orc - tualJy every dollar it requested, A headquarters communique highways west and northwest of By AI'r to Combat ment routes, from May 30 to June 6, Moscow on Biak island, giving Gen, Doug- "broken" to lieutenant colonel the city, including the routes num- Flying weather continued bad announced last night.. A Berlin las MacArthur a base within the house appropriations commit- a~d sent home from ,Englanq. f.or said the allled landing beaches .-1 • .... 01 I . fOl'eign broadcast Claimed at ieast bombing range of the Philippln s \ee rccommended yesterday a atl Indiscreet remark at a cock- had been cleared of the enemy and bered one and two and the Mag- R· f t an ... enemy ,res!S""nce ",ow y 10- $49,100,002,795 fund to fllUtnc had been linked up by flank ex Liana coastal road, the allied eln orcemen S creased, but the allied airmen 10 Soviet rifle divisions had been has beeb stormed and captured, tall party hinting at the time set tensions in some cases during the I t " . d ' d ' I J 1 d" h d t d t 0 d th naLlon's far-rlung fighting troops covering a distance of 10 flew ower than cus omary to pour wipe OLi. or eCls ve y mau e , ea qual' ers announce . ay on for the invasion of Europe. second day of the invasion while miles from Rome as they reached explOSive and air-borne rein- TI 1e Ber I 1D, b roa d cas.' sal' d the t h e' 13th d ay of · th e Invas ion 0 f th e armi es during the fiscal y ar SUPREME HEADQUARTERS I b '11th f I'd d T d h t starting July l. The fank to which he was re- steady reinforcements poured in northward to wthin five miles of forcements down on the Germans. a. enol' 0 aSl en e ues ay Sc ou ens. duced is his permanent grade, by sea and air. Lake Bracchiano. ALLIED EX P E D I T 10 NARY Fighters in a 50-mile arc strafed and added that only mopping up Rear Slab The unanimity of the commlt- held slpc 1936, The rank of major Nul Account As the battered German Tenth FORCE (AP)-Savage fighting and bombed in advance of the al- operations were in progress, This Stalled and bloodily repulsed lee is expccted to be duplicated by heir lives.