Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1944-06-08

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1944-06-08 RATION CALENDAR PROCESSED FOODS bl~e stamp. A8 tllJ'l)ufll VB "aUd lnddl­ Cloudy nlte\y; MEAT red stamp. A8 throu.h we valid nddlnltely; SUGAR llamp :10. 31 (book 4) valid Indefinitely. slamp 40 for cannln. luger expires I'ob, 18. 1843; SHOE stamp. airplane stamps I and 2 (book DAILY IOWAN .THE IOWA: Cloudy,bowen. J) .llId Ind.,(lnitely; GA8Ql.1N!: A- II couDOn expIres June U; J'l1EL OIL per, , and 5 coupons expire Sept, 30, Iowa City's Morning Newspaper fIVE CENTS orlD AISOClAftD ...11 IOWA CITY. IOWA THURSDAY. JUNE 8.1944 'fBI AISOClAnD Pa&U VOLUME XLIV NUMBER 216 Ie• Inva ers To e irst rene .... ity GERMANS SAY ALLIES ESTABLISH BEACHHEAD HERE , Germans Admit Allies AlliedP~anesScourge AtaGfance- SHAff Sars ' .All Possible German Today IS Breo k Th raug h LI nes Reinforcement Routes /1 Bayeu! Seized ' In vas ion Heavy Bombers Meet owan Armies Move Inland Yank Tr~ops No Anti-Aircraft Fire, * * * In Heavy Fighting troops are Allied troops 1: a p I u r e first With Nazi Reserves ' mash Ahead officiallyProgress ~declaredlnva s i onto be "doing Fighter Opposition French cit.y. S better than expected" against stif- SUPREME HEADQUARTERS, PREME IIEADQUAR.. fe ned German resistance; allies ALLIED EX P E D I T I 0 NARY Nazis admit allies break through TER, Alii d Exp dilionary announce capture of Nazi-fortified FORCE (AP)-Allied warplanes, Halian defenses. Force, Thursday (AP)-Tbe al­ Commander-in-Chief cathedral town of Bayeux, five which have flown a total of 31,000 lies announc d today capture of Germans move in troops by th il' fi t French miles inland, and cutting of the sorties against Europe since June city, th 'azi­ Says Nazi Strength plane to cope with allied re- rol"lified town Bayenx, five Caen-Bayeux highway I, threw down a blnzing curtain or Broken by Advance inrol;Cements. mile in hore in th c nt r of Allied 1 e a d e r s-Eisenhower, of , bombs and bullet intended to th ormandy inv ion coa t, ROME (AP)-The Fifth Montgomery and Ramsay confer cut of! both help and escape for Yanks takc Mokmer airdrome and said the 111 '0 had cut ths army sma h d ahead north and aboard cruiser off the invasion German troops on the perimet.ers on Biak island. highway from Bayrux to 'a n IV 'j of Home toward Lake coast. of the expanding beachheads in 88 HI Y mo\' d inland in g ner­ Bracch iano and the key 'l'yrrhe­ Casualties-Still "lighter than France. ally l1eavy fighting against niau port of, Ci vitavecchia last expected." South o! Caen 250 to 500 Flying counter-attacking rman re­ on the ratl Soviet Army Paper serv . ht surviVal night in a drive so rapid and Landings-Troops and supplies Fortresses and Liberators heavily powerful that the Germans (The herbourg- lien-Paris -coulltr1 to continue to reinforce units storm- attacked road junctions to block Says Russia Ready railway and a main highway run themse lves described it official­ ing inland; axis radios report ad- off German reinforcements. In through BayeuK, '0 that capture ot ly as a "major bl'cak" through ditional allied landings on French this unusual front.-line use of the town cut3 both, contributing thei r liues. coast, but all unconfirmed by al- heavy bombers, ncither .mti-air­ For Eastern Drive to isolation of the Cherbouri pen­ Fanning out above the city lied sources. craft fire nor German fighter op­ insula.) the allies advanced so lar along Moscow Announces GERMAN RADIO REPORTS say that the AlUe ha ve established a foolhold on the beach between Trou- Caen, 18 mlles southeast of tho vitall!oa tal highway no, one Aerial- Allied airiorce maiD- position was encountered. tains solid cover over invasion Clouds prevented assessment of vll1e and VlIJersurmer on the French channel coast. This 15 B view of Trouvllle. German report \IBId Bayeux and nine miles Irom the that one officially announced Jast I Nazi Losses Heavy beaches; planes hammer at Ger- the damage done. the beachhead wat 16% mUes wide and extended "a rew mUes" In land. sea, was the scene of !! German evening that they "continued a man gun emplacements, communi- Possible RM Raids In Romanian Attack armored counter-attack which has rapid advance in the direction of cations and troop movements, United States government mon- S· th A C H G been hurled back, headquarters Civitavecchla," the closest port to Nazi air for c e otfers slightly itors heard a German radio broad- LONDON (AP)- The German IX rmy aptures o'use ro'up disclosed, nnd the aUied forces Rome, 40 mlles to the northwest stronger resistance. Fifty-three cast that. allied "nulsance raiders" drive in Romania north or lasi General ;Broken'; were said to be doing generally by road. German planes are destroyed were approaching southwest Ger- appcared to have ended yestel'day, Jap AI'rbase on BI'ak T his morning's communique Wednesday and 23 allied planes many, possIbly presaging a re- R · d Hints Invasion Date "better than expected," placed the allied armies more than fail to return. turn of RAF night attacks on t.he and the Soviet army newspaper . h h Red Star in Moscow said that Rus- etom men s German Broadcasts I O mJl es a b ove Rome on aweid Weather- Improving with wind R elch w ich as been spared re- k f t d t d ' d ,. II h'l b b sia now was ready to launch her Move Places Yan s Henry J. F. Miller Aside from these two towns, su­ ron , an yes er ay s a vances moderating and seas calmer. cen y w I e om ers concen- preme headquarters II a v e no apparently were well beyond Naval-Forces continue bom- trated on tactical targets.) own promised offensive against Within Bombing Range W F dB II Of Army Air Force place-names, Ignoring a continu­ these lines. Gen, Sir Harold Alex- bardment of coast and escorting of , Allied fig.hter planes were hold- the Germans from the east. ar un II ing stream of German broadcasts d d · h'" j I d d th Na~is' Losses Heavy Of Ph',I,'pp',ne Islands Sent Home to U. S, an er, cornman er - In - C leL 10 troop and supply vessels. ng an aerla cor on aroun . e which reported new allied attack. ltaly, pro C Ia i m e d that "the beachheads that spelled a virtual The abortive German attacks . I strength of the German armies has death warrant for enemy aircraft in the province of Moldavia cost ADVANCED ALLIED HEAD- ---__ WASHINGTON (AP) _ The all the way [rom the Pas de Calais been broken." trying to attack, while swarms of the Nazis more than 10,000 dead QUARTERS, New Guinea, Thurs- WASIUNGTON (AP)-Backing area on Dover strait to Nantes at N · M T army reported yesterday that Maj. the base ot the big Brittany penin­ Allies Cover 10 Miles aIlS ove roops other planes of nearly every sort and tremendous losses in equip- up the war department with vir- Gen. Henr y J. F. Miller was Th 1 II . urged the G ma le'nf e ment during ihe savage lighting pay ~AP)-The Mokmer airdrome sula juttinll out Into the Atlantic. e a d vance was a ong a malO sco er n . I orc - tualJy every dollar it requested, A headquarters communique highways west and northwest of By AI'r to Combat ment routes, from May 30 to June 6, Moscow on Biak island, giving Gen, Doug- "broken" to lieutenant colonel the city, including the routes num- Flying weather continued bad announced last night.. A Berlin las MacArthur a base within the house appropriations commit- a~d sent home from ,Englanq. f.or said the allled landing beaches .-1 • .... 01 I . fOl'eign broadcast Claimed at ieast bombing range of the Philippln s \ee rccommended yesterday a atl Indiscreet remark at a cock- had been cleared of the enemy and bered one and two and the Mag- R· f t an ... enemy ,res!S""nce ",ow y 10- $49,100,002,795 fund to fllUtnc had been linked up by flank ex­ Liana coastal road, the allied eln orcemen S creased, but the allied airmen 10 Soviet rifle divisions had been has beeb stormed and captured, tall party hinting at the time set tensions in some cases during the I t " . d ' d ' I J 1 d" h d t d t 0 d th naLlon's far-rlung fighting troops covering a distance of 10 flew ower than cus omary to pour wipe OLi. or eCls ve y mau e , ea qual' ers announce . ay on for the invasion of Europe. second day of the invasion while miles from Rome as they reached explOSive and air-borne rein- TI 1e Ber I 1D, b roa d cas.' sal' d the t h e' 13th d ay of · th e Invas ion 0 f th e armi es during the fiscal y ar SUPREME HEADQUARTERS I b '11th f I'd d T d h t starting July l. The fank to which he was re- steady reinforcements poured in northward to wthin five miles of forcements down on the Germans. a. enol' 0 aSl en e ues ay Sc ou ens. duced is his permanent grade, by sea and air. Lake Bracchiano. ALLIED EX P E D I T 10 NARY Fighters in a 50-mile arc strafed and added that only mopping up Rear Slab The unanimity of the commlt- held slpc 1936, The rank of major Nul Account As the battered German Tenth FORCE (AP)-Savage fighting and bombed in advance of the al- operations were in progress, This Stalled and bloodily repulsed lee is expccted to be duplicated by heir lives.
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