Woking Borough Council

Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD)

Executive Summary - Sustainability Appraisal Report

October 2016

Woking Borough Council

Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) – Sustainability Appraisal Report

Executive Summary

1.0 Introduction 1.1 The Sustainability Appraisal Report (SA) assesses the environmental, economic and social implications of the Proposals of the Site Allocations DPD. It enables an objective assessment of each site and the contribution it makes towards sustainable development of the Borough. It also enables weaknesses in the Site Allocations DPD to be identified and appropriate mitigation measures introduced to make its delivery as sustainable as it can possibly be. The main purpose of the Site Allocations DPD is to allocate specific deliverable sites to enable the delivery of the requirements of the Core Strategy. The majority of sites appraised by the SA are in the urban area. However, the SA also appraises sites in the Green Belt to identify the most sustainable sites to deliver housing and supporting infrastructure between 2022 and 2027 and to safeguard land to meet development needs between 2027 and 2040. A full list of the sites appraised in the SA to accompany the Site Allocations DPD for Regulation 18 consultation is at Appendix 1. The Core Strategy has been subjected to a comprehensive SA that has been considered at an Examination. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) emphasises that assessments should be proportionate and should not repeat policy assessments that has already been undertaken. The SA of the Site Allocations DPD has been carried out in this context, recognising that the spatial strategic of the Core Strategy that the DPD seeks to deliver have been comprehensively assessed. A number of further sites were suggested for consideration in response to the Regulation 18 consultation. These sites have also been appraised using the same methodology to ensure consistency and for the same reasons above. The list of the sites is in Appendix 3.

1.2 The SA Report is a requirement of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. The SA Report also encompasses the requirements of the European Union Directive 2001/42/EC (SEA Directive).

1.3 The SA has been carried out as an integral part of the Site Allocations DPD process and it will form an important piece of evidence to demonstrate that sustainable development is at the heart of the DPD and has influenced key decisions at each stage of its process.

1.4 A Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening (HRA) has been carried out as a separate document to complement the SA. A copy can be obtained on request from the Planning Policy Team and will also be published on the Council’s website (www.woking.gov.uk).

2.0 The Sustainability Appraisal Framework 2.1 The policies of the DPD were assessed against the objectives of the SA Framework. The SA Framework has been used to provide a consistent basis for describing, analysing and comparing the sustainability effects of the various Proposals of the DPD. The SA Framework is objective-led and hence includes a set of objectives to be achieved by the various elements of the Framework. The SA Framework takes into account the requirements of the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004 and is informed by


comments of the statutory consultees as part of the consultation on the Scoping Report.

Table 1 is the SA Framework and the objectives that it seeks to achieve.

Table 1 1. to provide sufficient housing which meets the needs of the community and which is at an affordable price 2. facilitate the improved health and wellbeing of the population and reduce inequalities in health 3. reduce vulnerability to flooding and harm from flooding to public well-being, the economy and the environment 4. reduce poverty, crime and social exclusion 5. to improve accessibility to all services and facilities 6. make the best use of previously developed land and existing buildings 7. minimise air, light and noise pollution 8. reduce land contamination and safeguard agricultural soil quality 9. conserve and enhance biodiversity 10. conserve and enhance and where appropriate make accessible for enjoyment the natural, historic and cultural assets and landscape of Woking 11. reduce the causes of climate change – particularly by increasing energy efficiency and the production of energy from low and zero carbon technologies and renewable sources – and adapt to its impacts 12. reduce the impacts of consumption of resources by using sustainably produced and local products 13. reduce waste generation and disposal and achieve sustainable management of waste 14. maintain and improve water quality of the region’s rivers and groundwater, and manage water resources sustainably 15. reduce the need to travel, encourage safe, sustainable transport options and make the best use of existing transport infrastructure 16. maintain high and stable levels of employment and productivity, and encourage high quality, low impact development and education for all 17. provide a range of commercial development opportunities to meet the needs of the economy and, in particular, support and enhance the economies of town, district, local and neighbourhood centres

3.0 Key conclusions of the SA (this is grouped under appraisals of objectives, appraisal of options and Appraisal of sites)

3.1 Appraisal of objectives 3.1.1 The overall purpose of the Site Allocations DPD is to facilitate the delivery of the Core Strategy. The objectives of the DPD are therefore exactly the same as the objectives of the Core Strategy, and are stated in paragraph 4.10 of the SA Report. The objectives of the Core Strategy have been appraised against similar SA Framework. No purpose would be served by repeating that in the SA of this DPD. The SA Report of the Core Strategy is on the website (www.woking.gov.uk).

3.1.2 In summary, the SA of objectives of the Core Strategy revealed that majority of the objectives make significant contribution towards achieving sustainable development in the Borough and consequently, towards delivering the vision for the Core Strategy.


3.1.3 Many of the objectives have neutral impacts on the objectives of the SA Framework.

3.1.4 Although not a requirement of the EU Directive or the recommended process for carrying out an SA, an objective compatibility appraisal was carried out for the Core Strategy objectives. A key reason for doing this was to ensure that no single objective is substantially undermined or compromised in order to achieve another objective. In majority of cases, the objectives were mutually supportive of each other and would complement each other to deliver the overall vision of the Core Strategy. Based on this assessment, there is no evidence that the pursuit to achieve one objective will undermine any of the others if appropriate mitigation measures could be secured.

3.1.5 There were a few instances where conflict exists between the objectives. These were mainly related to the objective of concentrating development at the main urban centres where key facilities and service are available and the potential implications on air quality. This will mainly arise from increased traffic. There is no doubt that the main urban centres are the most sustainable locations for development. However, such an approach to development has its implications that have to be addressed. The need to promote public transport, walking and cycling and manage air quality would be critical in ensuring the sustainable development of the area. It is envisaged that the proposed mitigation measures will neutralise potential negative impacts.

3.1.6 The above conclusions will equally apply to the appraisal of objectives of this DPD. Consequently, its findings have been used to inform the Site Allocations DPD.

3.2 Appraisal of alternative options 3.2.1 The appraisal of alternative options has been done as an integral and important part of the SA process. Proposals in the Site Allocations DPD must be justified, and in particular, it should be the most appropriate strategy when considered against all reasonable alternatives. The appraisal of options is rooted in the spatial strategy of the Core Strategy. Options for the spatial strategy of the Core Strategy were comprehensively appraised as part of the SA of the Core Strategy and scrutinised at the Core Strategy Examination. It concluded that most of the new development proposed in the Core Strategy should be concentrated in the main urban area and land in the Green Belt should be released to deliver about 500 new homes to meet housing need at the back end of the plan period. The Site Allocations DPD reflects this conclusion.

3.2.1 Sites that will yield less than 10 net additional dwellings or 500 sq.m of employment floorspace had been rejected for appraisal in the SA because the DPD does not allocate such sites.

3.2.2 Sites within significant environmental and policy constraints that do not have a realistic prospect of coming forward during the plan period have also been ruled out for appraisal in the SA. The list of reasonable alternative sites that have been appraised is in Appendix 1.

4.0 SA findings


4.1 There has been a comprehensive appraisal of the Proposals of the Site Allocations DPD against the SA Framework to ensure consistency in the appraisal process.

4.2 The SA has been carried out as an integral part of the DPD process with an in- built mechanism for informing the development and refinement of the Proposals of the DPD and published for Regulation 18 consultation.

4.3 Based on the analyses of the SA findings, the following Green Belt sites were recommended for allocation in the Site Allocations DPD:

 GB15 – Land surrounding West Hall, Parvis Road, West ;  GB8 – Land adjacent to Egley Road, ;  GB1 – Land at Coblands Nursery and Lyndhurst, Brookwood Lye Road, Brookwood;  GB7 – Land at Ten Acre Farm, Smart Heath Road, Mayford;  GB2 and GB3 – Land at Five Acres, Brookwood Lye Road, Brookwood;  GB4 – Land south of High Road, Byfleet;  GB5 – Land to the south of Murray;s Lane; Byfleet;  GB12 – Land rear of 79 – 95 Lovelace Drive, Teggs Lane;  GB13 – Land east of Upshot Lane and south of Aviary Road, ;  GB10 - Land north east of Saunders Lane, Mayford;  GB11 – Land north west of Saunders Lane , Mayford;  GB9 – Woking Garden Centre, Egley Road, Mayford; and  GB14 – Land adjacent to Hook Hill Lane, Hook Heath (for green infrastructure)

4.4 It is emphasised that the majority of the sites recommended by the SA for allocation in the DPD are urban sites. The list of urban sites recommended for allocation is at Appendix 2.

4.5 After considering the representations received to the Site Allocations DPD Regulation 18 consultation and taking into account all other evidence, the LDF Working Group recommended that the following sites that have been identified to be safeguarded to meet future development needs between 2027 and 2040 be deleted from the draft Site Allocations DPD and be replaced by land east of Martyrs Lane – GB4, GB5, GB10, GB11, GB12 and GB13. This site has also been appraised.

5.0 Recommended mitigation to inform the DPD 5.1 The SEA Regulations require the SA process to identify suitable mitigation measures for any significant adverse effects predicted for the Site Allocations DPD. This is also an important component of the SA Report. In addition, recommendations to enhance sustainability measures within the Site Allocations DPD are documented as part of the SA report. The detailed SA Matrices in Appendices 11 and 12 of the main SA Report include a summary section at the end of each Proposal setting out the mitigation and optimising measures for each proposed site allocation. These have been incorporated into the 'Key Requirements' under each Proposed Site in the Site Allocations DPD, in cases where the recommended preferred sites have been allocated. Examples of some of the proposed mitigations measures are:

 Improved connectivity to green infrastructure;  Noise impact assessment as a requirement of development;


 Detailed flood risk assessment where relevant;  Implementation of Sustainable Urban Drainage (SUD);  Design of design to protect heritage assets; and  Improvement to pedestrian and cycle infrastructure.

6.0 Linkages with other strategies of the Council 6.1 The DPD is one of a number of Council strategies and documents that seek to achieve a similar goal of sustainable development. In this regard, the DPD will not sit in isolation but within a wider context of the Council’s overall drive to achieve sustainable development of the area. A list of the relevant other documents include:  The Woking Core Strategy;  Affordable Housing Delivery Supplementary Planning Document (SPD);  Housing Strategy;  Climate Change SPD;  Design SPD;  Green Space Development Strategy;  Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule;  Natural Woking;  Economic Strategy.

7.0 Monitoring the effects of the DPD 7.1 The DPD has an in-built monitoring framework with specific indicators to ensure a consistent and comprehensive monitoring of the delivery of the DPD. The outcome of the monitoring will be reported in the Council’s Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) that will be published by 31 December of each year. The AMR will be made available to the public via the Council’s website.

8.0 Consultation 8.1 The SEA Directive and the Planning Act both recommends public involvement in the SA process. Furthermore, they expect the outcome of public consultation to be taken into account. It is also a requirement that designated consultation bodies in the UK are consulted at each relevant stage of the SA process. These bodies are:  English Heritage.  Natural .  Environment Agency

8.2 The Council has an adopted Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) that sets out how it will consult the public on the preparation of planning documents. The requirements of the SCI are being followed in preparing the SA Report.

8.3 The designated consultation bodies were consulted on the Scoping Report and the SA Framework used for the appraisal. Their comments had been taken into account in finalising the Scoping Report.

8.4 It is intended that the SA Report will be published for full public consultation as part of the Regulation 18 consultation on the Site Allocations DPD to give the public an opportunity to input into the process. The consultation is likely to be in early 2017. In addition to the formal consultation, there has been extensive informal consultation with the Council’s key stakeholders and this will be on- going until the DPD is submitted.


9.0 Next Stages of the process 9.1 The SA Report will be published alongside the Site Allocations DPD for public consultation. This will allow the public the opportunity to comment on the SA Report and to highlight any new information that need to be taken into account. All comments will be analysed and used to inform further review of the SA Report before the Submission version of the DPD and its accompanying SA Report is submitted for Examination. The public will once again have the opportunity to participate in the examination process.

10.0 Conclusion 10.1 The preparation of the SA Report is an essential requirement of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004). It is fundamental to the preparation of the Site Allocations DPD to ensure its soundness. The SA has been prepared to meet the requirements of the EU Directive and the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act. It addresses all the key stages and tasks in the Sustainability Appraisal of Regional Spatial Strategies and Local Development Framework (ODPM, November 2005). The SA has been prepared as an integral part of the Site Allocations DPD process and its outcomes has informed the sites allocated in the DPD and the key requirements that the development of the sites should satisfy to be acceptable.

10.2 It is envisaged that if the outcome and recommendations of the SA Report are followed it will make a positive contribution towards achieving sustainable development in the Borough.




Urban Area sites

SHLAABY046: Library, 71 High Road, Byfleet, KT14 7QN

SHLAA n/a: , bus/rail interchange, railway flyover and Victoria Arch, High Street, Broadway, Station Approach and Victoria Way, Woking, GU22 7AE

SHLAAGE011: Land at Albion House, High Street, Woking, GU21 6BD

SHLAAGE006: Trizancia House, Thomson House and 72 (Woodstead House), Chertsey Road, Woking, GU21 5BJ

SHLAAGE033 Land to the rear of Waitrose Supermarket, Bampton Way, Woking, GU21 3LE

SHLAAGE026: The Cornerstone, The Broadway and Elizabeth House, Duke Street, GU21 5AS

SHLAAGE029: 2-24 Commercial Way and 13-28 High Street, Woking, GU21 6BW

SHLAAGE030: Victoria Square Development, Church Street West, Woking, GU21 6HD

SHLAAGE031: 1-12 High Street and 26-34 Commercial Way, Woking, GU21 6EN

SHLAAGE070: The Big Apple American Amusements Ltd, H.G. Wells Conference Centre, The Rat and Parrot PH, 48-58 Chertsey Road, Woking, GU21 5AJ

SHLAAGE028: King’s Court, Church Street East, Woking, GU21 6HA

SHLAAGE018: 113-129 Goldsworth Road, Woking, GU21 6LR

SHLAA n/a: Griffin House, West Street, Woking, GU21 6BS

SHLAA n/a: Concorde House, 165 Church Street East, Woking, GU21 6HJ

SHLAA n/a: Synergy House, 8 Church Street West, Woking, GU21 6DJ

SHLAAGE066: 30-32, Woking Railway and Athletic Club, Systems House and Bridge House, Goldsworth Road, Woking, GU21 6JT

SHLAA n/a: MVA and Select House, Victoria Way, Woking, GU21 6DD

SHLAAGE076: Chester House, 76-78 Chertsey Road, Woking, GU21 5BJ

SHLAAGE073: 79-87 Goldsworth Road, Woking GU21 6LJ

SHLAAGE061: Spectrum House, 56 Goldsworth Road, Woking GU21 6LE


SHLAAGE062: The Coign Church, 1-5 Church Street West and 5-19 Oaks Road, Woking, GU21 6DJ

SHLAAGE074: The former Goldsworth Arms PH, Goldsworth Road, Woking, GU21 6LQ

SHLAAGE068: 1-7 Victoria Way and 1-29 Goldsworth Road, Woking, GU21 6JZ

SHLAAGE010: Road Industrial Estate, Woking, GU21 6EE

SHLAAGE019a: Timber Yard, Arthurs Bridge Road/ Moor, Woking, GU21 4NQ

SHLAAGE019b: 73 Horsell Moor, Horsell, GU21 4NL

SHLAAKW022: Elmbridge House, Elmbridge Lane, Kingfield, Woking, GU22 9AW

SHLAAKW036: Sherpa House, Kingfield Road, Kingfield, Woking, GU22 9EH

SHLAAKW009a and SHLAA009b: Backland gardens of houses facing Ash Road, Hawthorn Road, Willow Way and Laburnum Road (Barnsbury sites 1 & 2), Barnsbury Farm Estate, Woking, GU22 0BN

SHLAAKW010: Backland gardens of houses facing Laburnum Road, Ash Road and Ash Close (Barnsbury Site 3), Barnsbury, Woking, GU22 0BU

SHLAA n/a: Chertsey House, 61 Chertsey Road, Woking, GU21 5BN

SHLAAMS007: 1 to 5 Elliot Court, North Road, to the rear of 1 to 13 North Road, and 95-105 Maybury Road, Woking, GU21 5JL

SHLAAMS037: 101-121 Chertsey Road, Woking, GU21 5BG

SHLAAMS039: Walton Road Youth Centre, Walton Road, Woking GU21 5DL

SHLAAMS041: 29-31 Walton Road, Woking, GU21 5BX

SHLAAMS092: Regeneration Scheme, Woking, GU21 5RE

SHLAA n/a: Forsyth Road Industrial Estate, Forsyth Road, Woking, GU21 5SU

SHLAA n/a: Monument Way West Industrial Estate, Monument Way West, Woking, GU21 5LY

SHLAAMHE011: Car park (east), Oriental Road, Woking, GU22 8BD

SHLAAMHE014: Royal Mail Sorting/Delivery Office, White Rose Lane, Woking, GU22 7AJ

SHLAAMHW051: Somerset House, 1-18 Oriental Road, Heathside Crescent, Woking, GU22 7BAG

SHLAAMHW030: Former St Dunstans, White Rose Lane, Woking, GU22 7AG


SHLAAMHW031: Owen House and The Crescent, Heathside Crescent, Woking, GU22 7AG

SHLAAMHW043: Coroner’s Court (former Woking Magistrates Court), Station Approach, Woking, GU22 7YL

SHLAA n/a: Quadrant Court, Road, Woking, GU22 7QQ

SHLAAMHW014: Coal Yard/Aggregates Yard adjacent to the railway line, Guildford Road, Bradfield Close, Woking, GU22 7QE

SHLAAMHW029: 11-15 Guildford Road, Southern House, Jubilee House, Lynton House, Station Approach, Woking, GU22 7PX

SHLAASJHH011: Corner Garage, 16-18 St Johns Road, St Johns, GU21 7SA

SHLAAWB023: Land at Station Approach, , KT14 6NG

SHLAAWB050: Camphill Club and Scout Hut, Camphill Road, West Byfleet, KT14 6EF

SHLAAWB003: Camphill Tip, Camphill Road, West Byfleet, KT14 6EW

SHLAAWB014: Car park to east of Enterprise House, adjacent Social Club, Station Approach, West Byfleet, KT14 6NW

SHLAAGE052: Barratt House, Chertsey Road, Woking, GU21 5AB

SHLAAGW004: Goldsworth House, Denton Way, Woking, GU21 3LG

SHLAABR019: BT Telephone Exchange, Bagshot Road, Brookwood, GU21 2RP

SHLAAKN026: Car park opposite The Vyne, Reading Way, , GU21 2DU

SHLAAMHE013: Car park (west) and signalling station, Oriental Road, Woking, GU22 7AE

SHLAAMHE016: Lion House and car park, Oriental Road, Woking, GU22 7BA

SHLAAWB071: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15 Road, West Byfleet, KT14 6LW

SHLAAGE072: Land over Woking Railway Station, Station Approach. Woking, GU22 7AE

SHLAABY031b: Churchill House and Beaver House, York Close, Byfleet, KT14 7HN

SHLAABY017: Works at 11 Royston Road, Byfleet, KT14 7NX

SHLAABY038: Land to rear of Byfleet Village Hall, High Road, Byfleet, KT14 7QL

SHLAABY065: 96-120 Church Road, Byfleet, KT14 7NF

SHLAABY016: 94-100 Royston Road, Byfleet, KT14 7QE


SHLAABY018: Wey Retail Park, Royston Road, Byfleet, KT14 7NY

SHLAABY064: The Manor School, Magdalen Crescent, Byfleet, KT14 7SR

SHLAAGE023: Part of car park at Centre, Denton Way, Woking, GU21 3LG

SHLAAMS035: Monument Hill Playing Fields, Alpha Road, Woking, GU22 8HF

SHLAAWB008: Phoenix House, Pyrford Road, West Byfleet, KT14 6RA

SHLAAWB025: Electricity Sub Station, Birch Walk, West Byfleet, KT14 6EJ

SHLAAWB017: Camphill Industrial Estate and Apex Court, Camphill Road, West Byfleet, KT14 6EB

Green Belt sites

SHLAABR024: Five Acres, Brookwood Lye Road, Brookwood, GU24 0HD

SHLAABR014a: Land at Coblands Nursery and Lyndhurst, Brookwood Lye Road, Brookwood, GU24 0EZ

SHLAABY043: Land south of High Road, Byfleet, KT14 7QL

SHLAABY044: Land to the south of Murray's Lane, Byfleet KT14 7NE

SHLAA n/a: Brookwood Farm SANG, Bagshot Road, Brookwood, GU21 2TR

SHLAABY078: Land east of Byfleet, adjacent Summer Close, Byfleet, KT14 7RY

SHLAA n/a: Byfleet SANG, land to the south of Parvis Road, Byfleet, KT14 7AB

SHLAA n/a: Six Crossroads roundabout and environs, Chertsey Road, Woking, GU21 5SH

SHLAAMSG009: Nursery land adjacent to Egley Road, Mayford, GU22 0PL

SHLAAMSG016: Land to the north east of Saunders Lane, between Saunders Lane and Hook Hill Lane, Mayford, GU22 0NN

SHLAAMSG017: Land to the north west of Saunders Lane, Mayford, GU22 0NN

SHLAAMSG025: Ten Acre Farm, Smarts Heath Road, Mayford, GU22 0NP

SHLAAMSG030: Woking Garden Centre, Egley Road, Mayford, Woking, GU22 0NH

SHLAA n/a: Mayford SANG, land to the south of Moor Lane, Mayford, Woking, GU22 9RB

SHLAA n/a: First SANG at Gresham Mill, High Street, Old Woking, GU22 9LH

SHLAA n/a: Second SANG at Gresham Mill, High Street, Old Woking, GU22 9LH

SHLAA n/a: Woking Palace, Carters Lane, Old Woking, GU22 8JQ


SHLAAPY004: Land rear of 79-95 Lovelace Drive, Teggs Lane, Pyrford, , GU22 8QZ

SHLAAPY005: Land east of Upshot Lane and south of Aviary Road, Pyrford, GU22 8QZ

SHLAASJHH035: Land adjacent to Hook Hill Lane, Hook Heath, Woking, GU22 0PS

SHLAASJHH044: Land to the rear of Hook Heath Road, Hook Heath, Woking GU22 0LF

SHLAAWB019b: Land surrounding West Hall, Parvis Road, West Byfleet, KT14 6EY

SHLAAWB004: Broadoaks, Parvis Road, West Byfleet, KT14 6LP

SHLAABR021: The Meadows, Bagshot Road, Brookwood, GU21 2RP

SHLAABR0030: Blackhorse Road and Heath House Road, Brookwood, GU22 0QT

SHLAABR0036: Land at the corner of Heath House Road and Rough Road, Woking, GU22 0RB

SHLAAKN029: Land at Lynbrook, Road, Knaphill, GU21 2QF

SHLAAKN030: Land adjacent to 1-6 Littlewick Cottages, Littlewick Common, Knaphill, GU21 2EX

SHLAAKN036: Land at The Mount, Chobham Road, Knaphill, GU21 2TX

SHLAAKN064: Stanley Farm, Corner of Limecroft Road and Chobham Road, Knaphill, GU21 2QF

SHLAAKN052: Land off Carthouse Lane, Knaphill, GU21 4XS

SHLAABY069: Byfleet Mill, Mill Lane, Byfleet, KT14 7RR

SHLAABY073: Land to the south of Murrays Lane, Byfleet, KT14 7NE

SHLAA n/a: Murrays Lane, Byfleet, KT14 7NE

SHLAABY079: Land south of High Road and adjacent M25, Byfleet, KT14 7QG

SHLAAHEW006: Woodham Court, Martyrs Lane, Woking, GU21 5NJ

SHLAAHEW016: Land adjacent to 462 Woodham Lane, Woking, KT15 3QA

SHLAAHEW027: Land to the east of Martyrs Lane, Woking, GU21 5NJ

SHLAA n/a: Hoe Valley SANG, Westfield Avenue, Woking, GU22 9PG

SHLAAMSG010: Compound, New Lane, Sutton Green, GU4 7QF

SHLAAMSG011: Land adjacent to Maybourne Rise, Mayford, Woking, GU22 0SH


SHLAAMSG012: Land to the south of Mayford Grange, Westfield Road, Woking, GU22 9QR

SHLAAMSG013: Silverly, Pyle Hill, Woking, GU22 0SR

SHLAAMSG014: Sunhill House, Hook Hill Lane , Woking, GU22 0PS

SHLAAMSG018: Land between Homespun and Little Yarrows, Guildford Road, Woking, GU22 0SD

SHLAAMSG027: Havering Farm, Guildford Road, Mayford, Woking, GU4 7QA

SHLAAMSG037: Runtley Wood Farm, off New Lane, Sutton Green, Woking, GU4 7QQ

SHLAAMSG038: Land to the south of Smart’s Heath Road, Woking, GU22 0NP

SHLAAMSG040: Land to the north east of Hedge Cottage, Saunders Lane, Mayford, Woking, GU22 0NT

SHLAAMSG041: Land to the south of Moor Lane, Woking, GU22 9RB

SHLAAMHE012: Land to the south of Old Woking Road (Shey Copse), GU22 8HR

SHLAAOW021: Land to the south of Carters Lane, Old Woking, GU22 8JQ

SHLAAPY006: Warren Farm Mobile Home Park, Warren Lane, Pyrford, GU22 8XF

SHLAAPY020: Cranfield Cottage Paddock, Pryford Road, Pyrford, GU22 8UT



Urban Area sites recommended for allocation  (UA1) SHLAABY046: Library, 71 High Road, Byfleet, KT14 7QN  (UA23) SHLAA n/a: Woking Railway Station, bus/rail interchange, railway flyover and Victoria Arch, High Street, Broadway, Station Approach and Victoria Way, Woking, GU22 7AE  (UA6) SHLAAGE011: Land at Albion House, High Street, Woking, GU21 6BD  (UA2) SHLAAGE006: Trizancia House, Thomson House and 72 (Woodstead House), Chertsey Road, Woking, GU21 5BJ  (UA24) SHLAAGE033 Land to the rear of Waitrose Supermarket, Bampton Way, Woking, GU21 3LE  (UA5) SHLAAGE026: The Cornerstone, The Broadway and Elizabeth House, Duke Street, GU21 5AS  (UA8) SHLAAGE029: 2-24 Commercial Way and 13-28 High Street, Woking, GU21 6BW  (UA9) SHLAAGE030: Victoria Square Development, Church Street West, Woking, GU21 6HD  (UA7) SHLAAGE031: 1-12 High Street and 26-34 Commercial Way, Woking, GU21 6EN  (UA18) SHLAAGE070: The Big Apple American Amusements Ltd, H.G. Wells Conference Centre, The Rat and Parrot PH, 48-58 Chertsey Road, Woking, GU21 5AJ  (UA4) SHLAAGE028: King’s Court, Church Street East, Woking, GU21 6HA  (UA12) SHLAAGE018: 113-129 Goldsworth Road, Woking, GU21 6LR  (UA20) SHLAA n/a: Griffin House, West Street, Woking, GU21 6BS  (UA21) SHLAA n/a: Concorde House, 165 Church Street East, Woking, GU21 6HJ  (UA15) SHLAA n/a: Synergy House, 8 Church Street West, Woking, GU21 6DJ  (UA16) SHLAAGE066: 30-32, Woking Railway and Athletic Club, Systems House and Bridge House, Goldsworth Road, Woking, GU21 6JT  (UA13) SHLAA n/a: MVA and Select House, Victoria Way, Woking, GU21 6DD  (UA3) SHLAAGE076: Chester House, 76-78 Chertsey Road, Woking, GU21 5BJ  (UA22) SHLAAGE061: Spectrum House, 56 Goldsworth Road, Woking GU21 6LE  (UA10) SHLAAGE062: The Coign Church, 1-5 Church Street West and 5-19 Oaks Road, Woking, GU21 6DJ  (UA11) SHLAAGE074: The former Goldsworth Arms PH, Goldsworth Road, Woking, GU21 6  (UA14) SHLAAGE068: 1-7 Victoria Way and 1-29 Goldsworth Road, Woking, GU21 6JZ  (UA17) SHLAAGE010: Poole Road Industrial Estate, Woking, GU21 6EE  (UA27) SHLAAGE019a: Timber Yard, Arthurs Bridge Road/ Horsell Moor, Woking, GU21 4NQ  (UA28) SHLAAGE019b: 73 Horsell Moor, Horsell, GU21 4NL  (UA31) SHLAAKW022: Elmbridge House, Elmbridge Lane, Kingfield, Woking, GU22 9AW  (UA32) SHLAAKW036: Sherpa House, Kingfield Road, Kingfield, Woking, GU22 9EH  (UA29) SHLAAKW009a and SHLAA009b: Backland gardens of houses facing Ash Road, Hawthorn Road, Willow Way and Laburnum Road (Barnsbury sites 1 & 2), Barnsbury Farm Estate, Woking, GU22 0BN


 (UA30) SHLAAKW010: Backland gardens of houses facing Laburnum Road, Ash Road and Ash Close (Barnsbury Site 3), Barnsbury, Woking, GU22 0BU  (UA19) SHLAA n/a: Chertsey House, 61 Chertsey Road, Woking, GU21 5BN  (UA38) SHLAAMS007: 1 to 5 Elliot Court, North Road, to the rear of 1 to 13 North Road, and 95-105 Maybury Road, Woking, GU21 5JL  (UA34) SHLAAMS037: 101-121 Chertsey Road, Woking, GU21 5BG  (UA39) SHLAAMS039: Walton Road Youth Centre, Walton Road, Woking GU21 5DL  (UA37) SHLAAMS041: 29-31 Walton Road, Woking, GU21 5BX  (UA33) SHLAAMS092: Sheerwater Regeneration Scheme, Woking, GU21 5RE  (UA35) SHLAA n/a: Forsyth Road Industrial Estate, Forsyth Road, Woking, GU21 5SU  (UA36) SHLAA n/a: Monument Way West Industrial Estate, Monument Way West, Woking, GU21 5LY  (UA41) SHLAAMHE011: Car park (east), Oriental Road, Woking, GU22 8BD  (UA40) SHLAAMHE014: Royal Mail Sorting/Delivery Office, White Rose Lane, Woking, GU22 7AJ  (UA47) SHLAAMHW051: Somerset House, 1-18 Oriental Road, Heathside Crescent, Woking, GU22 7BAG  (UA45) SHLAAMHW030: Former St Dunstans, White Rose Lane, Woking, GU22 7AG  (UA46) SHLAAMHW031: Owen House and The Crescent, Heathside Crescent, Woking, GU22 7AG  (UA48) SHLAAMHW043: Coroner’s Court (former Woking Magistrates Court), Station Approach, Woking, GU22 7YL  (UA44) SHLAA n/a: Quadrant Court, Guildford Road, Woking, GU22 7QQ  (UA42) SHLAAMHW014: Coal Yard/Aggregates Yard adjacent to the railway line, Guildford Road, Bradfield Close, Woking, GU22 7QE  (UA43) SHLAAMHW029: 11-15 Guildford Road, Southern House, Jubilee House, Lynton House, Station Approach, Woking, GU22 7PX  (UA49) SHLAASJHH011: Corner Garage, 16-18 St Johns Road, St Johns, GU21 7SA  (UA52) SHLAAWB023: Land at Station Approach, West Byfleet, KT14 6NG  (UA53) SHLAAWB050: Camphill Club and Scout Hut, Camphill Road, West Byfleet, KT14 6EF  (UA50) SHLAAWB003: Camphill Tip, Camphill Road, West Byfleet, KT14 6EW  (UA51) SHLAAWB014: Car park to east of Enterprise House, adjacent Social Club, Station Approach, West Byfleet, KT14 6NW  (UA25) SHLAAGE052: Barratt House, Chertsey Road, Woking, GU21 5AB  (UA26) SHLAAGW004: Goldsworth House, Denton Way, Woking, GU21 3LG


Appendix 3

New sites appraised in response to Regulation 18 consultation

 Land east of the A320   Byfleet Cricket Ground and Playing Fields  Land to the east of Egley Road  Pyrford Cricket Ground and Village Hall  Land at Tulip trees, near Ascan Croft  Woking Football Club, Woking Gymnastic Club and Woking Snooker Club  Butlers Well, Pyle Hill  The Brambles, Pyrford Road  Woking Football Club (a separate proposal from the one above)  West Byfleet Railway Station Car Park