SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL PROPOSE TO MAKE the above mentioned Temporary Order, pursuant to Sections 16A and 16B of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to make the following temporary road traffic provisions: -

1. Prohibit all vehicles from entering or proceeding along the lengths of roads specified in the First Schedule to this Notice or any parts thereof. Such restriction shall also apply in relation to the riding, leading or driving of horses or any other animals.

2. Prohibit vehicles from stopping or remaining at rest, in the lengths of roads specified in the Second Schedule to this Notice.

3. The Order is required to facilitate the holding of an on-road running event, namely the Surrey Half-Marathon. Save as specified in this Notice, vehicular access to and from premises along the lengths of roads in the First Schedule to this Notice will not be permitted. The restrictions specified in paragraphs numbered 1 and 2 above will not apply to such vehicles being used in connection with the said event (including those used for traffic management purposes), or to anything done on the direction or with the permission of a police constable in uniform or a traffic marshal, or any sign placed by . Emergency access will be maintained for the police, fire brigade and ambulance services and for organisations responsible for dealing with the loss of supplies of gas, electricity, water or electronic communications, to premises in the area and for the removal of any obstruction to traffic. The restriction on stopping specified in paragraph 2 above shall also not apply to any vehicle required to stop by law or in order to prevent an accident, or a local bus to allow a person to board or alight from the vehicle at a designated bus stop, or for the purpose of opening/closing any gate or barrier at the entrance to premises to which the vehicle requires access. No exemption will apply for disabled persons’ vehicles and all parking places in the lengths of road specified in the Schedule below will be suspended.

4. The Order will come into effect on 12 March 2017, for a period of one day, but the prohibitions will only be operative while the County Council or an authorised person acting on its behalf displays the relevant traffic signs. Access for pedestrians will be unaffected.

5. The no stopping restriction referred to in paragraph 2 above will commence from 06.00 hrs. Thereafter, it is anticipated that the temporary closures will take effect from 07.00 hrs until 14.30 hrs though roads will re-open earlier if it is safe to do so. The Council are satisfied that, in order to avoid danger to persons or other traffic using the road to which this Order relates, or for preventing the likelihood of any such danger arising, vehicular access to premises situated in such lengths of roads specified in the First Schedule to this Notice, or accessible only therefrom, may be restricted, save for emergency access as indicated above.

6. The Council are also satisfied, in accordance with subsection (3) of Section 16A of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, that the event to which the Order relates cannot be held otherwise than on a road. Such is the length of the route and the nature of the closure, the Council does not consider it practical to recommend alternative routes for the entire route, but diversion signs will be placed for H.G.V.s, directing them via Clandon, Send, and West and this route in reverse. Light traffic will be directed on to the A322.

7. A copy of the proposed Order, together with a plan showing the event route, may be inspected free of charge at (i) Surrey County Council, Quadrant Court, 35 Guildford Road, Woking, Surrey, GU22 7QQ between 9am and 5pm, Mondays to Fridays inclusive; (ii) Guildford Library, 77 North Street, Guildford, GU1 4AL, during normal opening hours; and at (iii) Woking Library, Gloucester Walk, Woking, GU21 6EP, during normal opening hours.

Further information may be obtained as follows: - Phone: 01483-720459; Website:; Email: may be directed through the website. Address, as below. FIRST SCHEDULE Prohibition of Vehicles 1) Kingfield Road (A247) Kingfield, from its junction with High Street (A247) to its junction with Wych Hill Lane (A247) 2) Vicarage Road (B380) Kingfield, the entire length 3) Westfield Road (B380) Westfield, the entire length 4) New Lane (D3706) Westfield/Sutton Green, the entire length 5) Sutton Green Road (D3707) Sutton Green, from its junction with New Lane (D3706) to its junction with Whitmoor Lane (D3707) 6) Blanchards Hill (D3707) Sutton Green/Jacobs Well, the entire length 7) Clay Lane (C14) Jacobs Well, from its junction with Blanchards Hill to its junction with Woking Road (A320) 8) Woking Road (A320) Guildford, from its junction with the Salt Box Roundabout (which comprises the junction of Woking Road A320 and Salt Box Road C14) to its junction with Guildford Road (A320) 9) Guildford Road (A320) , from its junction with Woking Road (A320) to its junction with the Mayford Roundabout (which comprises the junctions of Egley Road A320 Guildford Road B380 Mayford Green B380 and Guildford Road A320) 10) Burdenshott Road (D3686) Guildford/, the entire length 11) Smarts Heath Lane (D3685) Woking, the entire length 12) Smarts Heath Road (B380) Woking, the entire length 13) Blackhorse Road (D3680) Brookwood, from its junction with Smarts Heath Road (B380) to its junction with Saunders Lane (D3680) 14) Saunders Lane (D3680) Woking, the entire length 15) Mayford Green (B380) Woking, the entire length 16) Guildford Road (B380) Mayford, the entire length 17) Westfield Avenue (D3699) Westfield, the entire length 18) Wych Hill Lane (A247) Woking, from its junction with Kingfield Road to its junction with the Mayford Roundabout (which comprises the junction of A320 Guildford Road/Egley Road and Wych Hill Lane) SECOND SCHEDULE No Stopping 1) Kingfield Road (A247) Kingfield, from its junction with Westfield Avenue (D3699) to its junction with High Street (A247) 2) Westfield Road (B380) Westfield, the entire length 3) Westfield Avenue (D3699) Westfield, the entire length 4) Vicarage Road (B380) Kingfield, the entire length 5) Guildford Road (B380) Mayford, the entire length 6) Smarts Heath Road (B380) Woking, the entire length 7) Mayford Green (B380) Woking, the entire length Dated: 17 February 2017 Jason Russell - Assistant Director Highways Any Enquiries relating to this notice should be made as directed above: Traffic Regulation Orders Team Surrey County Council - Highways Hazel House, Merrow Lane Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7BQ Tel: 0300 200 1003 E-mail: [email protected]