West Byfleet
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Land at West Hall WEST BYFLEET VISION DOCUMENT / JULY 2015 Land at West Hall / West Byfleet / Vision Document / July 2015 All plans are reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of HMSO. Crown copyright Reserved. Licence No. AR152684. Barton Willmore The Blade, Abbey Square, Submitted on behalf of Reading Berks West Hall Estate Company Ltd RG1 3BE T: 0118 943 0000 F: 0118 943 0001 E: [email protected] Desk Top Publishing and Graphic Design by Barton Willmore This artwork was printed on paper using fibre sourced from sustainable plantation wood from suppliers who practice sustainable management of forests in line with strict international standards. Pulp used in its manufacture is also Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF). Barton Willmore Copyright The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Barton Willmore. J:\25000 - 25999\25100 - 25199\25100 - West Byfleet Project\A5 - Reports & Graphics\Graphic Design\Documents\25100 - West Byfleet - Vision Doc Document Status: Final Revision: d Author: Various Checked by: TL Authorised by: Dom Scott Issue Date: July 2014 Contents Vision ..................................................4 1. Introduction. 6 2. Planning Context. .8 3. Site Appraisal ........................................10 4. Design ............................................. 20 5. Delivery and Phasing ................................. 28 6. Key Benefits ........................................ 29 Land at West Hall / West Byfleet / Vision Document / July 2015 Vision THE DEVELOPMENT OF LAND AT WEST HALL WILL CREATE A SUSTAINABLE EXTENSION TO WEST BYFLEET, PROVIDING NEW DWELLINGS AND OPEN SPACE OF THE HIGHEST DESIGN QUALITY THAT WILL HELP MEET THE IDENTIFIED HOUSING NEED IN THE BOROUGH AND FACILITATE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE LOCAL HIGHWAY NETWORK. THE DEVELOPMENT WILL EMBRACE BEST PRACTICE TO CREATE AN ATTRACTIVE, SAFE AND SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY WITHIN A STRONG SOFT LANDSCAPE SETTING IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO EDUCATION, EMPLOYMENT, HEALTH, RECREATION AND RETAIL OPPORTUNITIES. The Vision is underpinned by a number of key themes: • Accommodate significant elements of Green Infrastructure to respond to the landscape setting; • Retain, protect and enhance the existing landscape structure of woodlands, field boundaries and linear rows of trees; • Deliver approximately 592 dwellings and open space in accordance with the requirements of the Site Allocations DPD (draft Policy GB15); • Create a strong new landscape edge to the revised Green Belt boundary; • Improvements to and creation of new pedestrian and cycle connections linking to the existing network; • Deliver highway, access and transportation improvements to the immediate and wider network; • Adopt a best practice approach to drainage including implementation of a SUDS Management Train; • Create an integrated, safe and locally distinct extension to West Byfleet that embraces the requirement of the Woking Design SPD. 4 5 Land at West Hall / West Byfleet / Vision Document / July 2015 1. Introduction THIS DOCUMENT IS PREPARED IN SUPPORT OF WOKING BOROUGH COUNCIL’S SITE ALLOCATIONS DPD AND SPECIFICALLY SUPPORTS THE PROPOSED ALLOCATION OF LAND AT WEST HALL, WEST BYFLEET AS A HIGH QUALITY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. 1.1 The document demonstrates the potential for the delivery of a highly sustainable integrated development of circa 592 dwellings within walking distance of the District Centre of West Byfleet and its associated services and facilities. 1.2 Technical information in respect of highways and transportation, heritage, landscape and drainage are summarised in this document and have been the foundation to the design concepts being put forward at this stage. 6 Land at West Hall / West Byfleet / Vision Document / July 2015 Figure 2 shows the site in its immediate context whilst Figure 1 shows its location within the wider Borough Figure 1 / Woking Borough Oct 2012 Core Strategy Proposals Map BIRCHDALE C Scotland Bridge E N O The scaling of this drawing cannot be assured R O Y Dartnell Park W S T A S D T S E Revision Date Drn Ckd R E A D Scotland Lock Y C R O - - - - Playing Field A D L I A R A R L L N O E B A R N Drain Pavilion A S D D I D A R R Sch A O E F I R D V K R E D E Y Site Boundary R E Playing N A A U P P N R S E E Field E L V H T - 29.18Ha / 72.11Ac A F L E L W R Rive Ditch E L E O S N Drain N O A L D E T H T T H E D R D A A R O R A R D S K KINGS AVE O R A Y M C D D L Y O E A S R O O A E R U Q N N Allotment V E K I O U T A Gardens E T Cricket C D S E D N A D L O S E O A A Drain Ground R PW S O D D R O A R Hall T Pav O A O R L L N C V E W L A K T I E L E H N H S E L O O P L N C C M D R L M O U I E K W O R A E B C A B L A S R O A D 18m L C A V I C R Wks West Byfleet V PA E D N L PA RV IS RO A D Junior & Infant O U G H I G R O D H R Y S T O N E O A D R O Schools PINEHURST N 18m S Wks Station 24m Drain Iss Sinks 16m 19m FB A R O G H S H I T Subway A Recreation M T R E A I S T O Ground A245 C A245 Path L Drain E N Drain O S Hall Pav Oldwood A Drain Pav P PO Pond PW P Old E Path U R N O 19m A D Wood A PW R O I S C P A R V Path H PW H Drain Drain D O A 26m B O Path R B A S I R Health Tins Path C L O E S Broadoaks D E Tins Pol Sta A Centre Liby Wood M 18m Wood Recreation Ground Drain L C HIGHFIELD ROAD T Y H R E Sluice A245 O C Drain T L S O C N R S The Moat E E D E R D E D R D A O R O HIGHFIELD ROAD G O Track S R W D E E T O E M V PA C N O T A O U N RK A W T R T B N O A Allot CL R R 18m Y WY B L E C Gdns A R E R N C L Boat W I N G L E B E L FOSSE A West Byfleet House N E H A D A O R Dodd's G MAITLAND C T S C E N Wood I N R E K B367 C E S West O L K W A BRUCE C M O Hall D Dodd's D S L P A T O Y R E Wood C R B T A L F F RO D C KC O GLEBE G R S A Site Boundary was drawn using GB15 Boundary Plan on the R C T T K O RY D O C N U H West Hall B U E following PDF: A L E E ' M R B C M U R R A D S Farm Y S O L A N O E E A A R 17m D K C Drain S 17m D S http://www.woking2027.info/allocations/allocationsdpdgb1gb16.pdf O D D 18m The accuracy of the boundary will need to be confirmed by D solicitors. Barton Willmore shall not be liable for the accuracy A 26m O Drain of data derived from external sources. R Dodd's Lane (Track) T L LY H O B A N K F R O Long Walk A D Path Towing Path O ' S L A R Sanway D O D D C K Drain A Drain O DRAFT Sports Centre Drain CLOSE Do dds Lane (Track) Ditch Project Path N Broad WEST BYFLEET THORLEY O Path L R E H D A C Golf Course Dodd's Bridge A Z E L R D Golf Drawing Title Course 16m Path Drain SITE BOUNDARY PLAN R LEY Path G Tk O M25 B367 H T M25 Date Scale Drawn by Check by Golf 02.07.15 1:5000@A2 M.D. T.L. Track ASH C Course Nursery Project No Drawing No Revision D A N E T Drain R 25100 RG-M-01 - C O U I L Mast 50 150 250m H A R E H L C L O 0 100 200 S E Path R I D G W Drain 16m A Y Drain Sewage 33m Drain Works D A RIDGWAY FigureClub 2 / Site Location Plan Planning ● Master Planning & Urban Design O R House Council Architecture ● Landscape Planning & Design ● Project Services Y Cottages Environmental & Sustainability Assessment ● Graphic Design A Path W G Golf Course D Drain 17m bartonwillmore.co.uk I R Lees Farm Settlement Certificate FS 29637 RIDGWAY 21m Cottages 7 Offices at Reading London Bristol Cambridge Cardiff Ebbsfleet Edinburgh Leeds Manchester Solihull Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of HMSO. Crown Copyright Reserved. Licence No. 100019279. J:\25000 - 25999\25100 - 25199\25100 - West Byfleet Project\A4 - Dwgs & Registers\M Planning\25100 - RG-M-01 - Site Boundary Plan.dwg - A2 Land at West Hall / West Byfleet / Vision Document / July 2015 2.