Big Revenue Losses from New Tax Freeze

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Big Revenue Losses from New Tax Freeze QUOTE 3 5 c Here’s looking at you, kid. —Humphrey Bogart ONE HUNDRED TWENTIETH YEAR— No. 48 CHELSEA. MICHIGAN. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24. 19.91 22 Poges This W eek Supplem ent k •. s* 4 ;WV • :s Big Revenue Losses From New Tax Freeze Chelsea School District and other ly reassessed at 50 percent of its sale be asked to approve additional out-of-formula districts were given a price. -------- operating millage next year if the one-year reprieve after the state The bill does not have a provision to district faces heavy losses. legislature voted last week to delay a reimburse school districts or any __ ‘‘We h av en ’t d ire c ted ad­ property tax freeze until next year. other taxing authorities for loss of ministrators to start making cuts,” Chelsea School District faced the revenue. However, it’s likely, accord­ Mills said. prospect of losing $787,000 in revenues ing to the Michigan Association of “But what we may do is have them for the 1991-92 school year if the first School Administrators, that in­ start looking at their 1992-93 budgets version of the property tax freeze had formula districts (those that depend this November so they can take into passed the House of Representatives. heavily on state aid) will not lose any account the possibilities.” The senate voted 33-0 to freeze money because they are guaranteed a The effect on the Chelsea district’s assessments two years at 1990 levels, certairi level of funding per student by proposed bond issue for renovations but pressure by school districts and the state. and building would be minimal, Mills other governmental agencies, who According to Chelsea assistant said, because a five percent rise in had already worked out their budgets, superintendent Fred Mills, Chelsea assessments after the second year persuaded legislators to delay the Stands to lose between $600,000 and $1 was assumed in debt retirement freeze. million for the 1992-93 school year. tables. The compromise version of the bill “It’s kind of hard to guess at this Chelsea School District’s operating will freeze assessments in 1992‘at 1991 point because we don’t know what will expenses have increased about 7-8 levels, in addition, in 1992 voters will happen with the consumer prWe in­ percent annually over the last decade, be asked to decide whether a perma­ dex,” Mills said. Mills said. Some of that is due to an­ nent yearly cap of five percent should Another unknown is the level of new nual employee raises, but much of it, JASON riRAMMATICO doesn’t seem to be too thrilled parents decide whether their child is ready for be put on the rise in property tax construction in the district, which Mills said, is due to student population as Dpcrcvu-uauguagt/speech-language consultantvvuouimiui Jane"Rosew«m#v asks him....... lo^ aiuucikindergarten. gai veu* Theiuc uiBuiudistrict willnui nttvchave tiuuutabout 190j assessments. Specifically, assess7- eould-af feCt the-f unding. growth. identify objects during kindergarten screening at North kindergarten students this fall, about the same number as ments could rise five percent, or the The 136 out-of-formula districts T think what’s going to happen is 20 Elementary school last week. The Chelsea School District this year, rate of inflation, whatever is less. If state-wide stand to lose about $100 years from now people are going to held its annual screening, designed primarily to help voters approve the cap, it would million to the bill. Mills said it’s, not look back and see that what happened amend the state constituticmr -lilfply t.hp rttxtfi w ill h e flhle to fin d i from 1991 to 1993 set the tone Jor much money to reimburse the public education in Michigan for the The bill also would require that districts. next 20 years,” Mills said. Gina’s Owner, Rene Papo, Plan when a house is sold it is automatical­ Mills also said it’s likely voters will “I think we’re at a critical point.** To Open Chinese Restaurant Here Office Complex Slated for Chelsea-area residents who like said she might purchase a license for frozen yogurt store, probably one of Chinese food may not have to drive all. Gina’s Cafe after village council the franchise operations.. However, the way to Ann Arbor to get it by the allowed a license to be transferred for she hasn!t selected a final company. Completion in Next Three Months end of the year. The Common Grille, which is under She has decided, however, that she Gina Pantely, owner of Gina’s Cafe, construction downtown. likes the European style of frozen Developer Rene Papo said work businesses, including a fast-food would reserve six or seven acres for a and Rene Papo, whose Arcus Cor- The space next to Gina’s Cafe also yogurt. She also wants to offer at least should continue on his new office com- restaurant, car wash, and equipment motel. poration owns Chelsea Shopping has room for another business or two, tour kinds of The parcel is zoned for highway ac- Center where the cafe is located, plan and Pantely said she wants to open a yogurt. Hospital and Old US-12 next week. interest in locating there. He said he cess commercial businesses: to enter a joint venture to bring a The new facility, which Papo said will house physicians as Well as the Tentatively called “The Chinese hospital’s billing department, should Place,” the new restaurant would be Planners Schedule be completed in about three months. Seven CHS Students— located next to the cafe In space oc­ The billing office is now at Chelsea cupied by Chelsea Community Shopping Center, another Papo Hospital. The hospital staff plans to development. That space is scheduled move to Papo’s new office complex Hearing on Home to become the site of a Chinese Qualify for State opposite Polly’s Market on Old US-12 ““ restaurant antfrfrozen yogurt store. once the complex is finished. Initial. In other developments, Papo said site work has been completed and Occupation Ordinance he and the village are close to Forensics Competition footings have been poured. deciding the best way to extend water Pantely, who would be the working and sewer lines to a site immediately Chelsea Village Planning Commis­ parently has water pooling in its park­ Seven members of the Chelsea High- The—annual Chelsea forensics partner, said the only thing that will east of the future office complex. That sion will hold a public hearing next ing lot as a result of the new parking school forensics team have qualified showcase will be held next Tuesday at kill the.project is if she can’t fjnd the site is scheduled to be developed into month on a new home occupations or­ lot, which may hdve been constructed^ for state competition May 3-4 at 7:30 p.m. at the high school. right Chinese chef. single-family and multiple housing, as dinance^ too high to permit the normal flowsr Western Michigan University, . “I won’t do it if I can't get the right well as a daycare center and low-cost The ordinance, which would update Eisele was asked to consult an To qualify, a student had to place in person,” she said. housing for senior citizens. and expand the current ordinance, is engineer and come up with a plan to “However, we’re willing to pay designed to regulate businesses rwX0t^totortaBattiSon' Work Scheduled some bucks for the right person.” She- handle the problem. “I want to start building some residents run out of their homes. homes there,” Papo said. He said Chelsea had twadistrict champions. To Start on Office said she has begun her search. The village has had several cases in Finally, the commission recom­ Rob Coelius won in prose for “Lost at Panteljrsaidtlrerestaurant mended that Chelsea-resident Tim_ single-family homes would start rjecent years in which it has been in out in the $ 1 0 0 7 0 0 0 to $120,000 C,” a humorous piece about high__F qj* Sec’ty of State seat about 25 people but would be dispute with a business owner over in­ Eder be named to take the place , of school algebra. Becky Pryor won in Marilyn Guenther. Village council range. * terpretation, of the ordinance. The poetry “9-10 with assorted poems on the Work was scheduled to begin this was scheduled to act on the recom­ She plans "to have a delivery service. most recent case involved Royalty Two other projects are still under women’s movement. week on the new Secretary of State ‘‘I think Chelsea is ready for this mendation last night. investigation, including a golf course Limousine Service, which was run out Chelsea had three second places. branch office at Village Plaza. kind of restaurant, don’t you?” Pante­ of a home on Flanders St. That case is on land around Pierce Lake and a ly said. mobile home complex near Hatch Megan Stielstra competed In infor­ Plaza developer Mike Kennedy said still in the courts. mative 9-10 on ‘^Umbrellas,” Brett Pantely said she’d like to model the The hearing will be Tuesday, May Village Power Stamping Cq. off Cavanaugh Lake Rd the state plans to be moved into its restaurant after Ann-Arbor's Middle opposite the Chelsea United Methodist Salamin presented poetry by David new quarters by June 1. 21. - Edder, and Chris Craig, Christine Kingdom, which she said is her The commission met for their To Be Interrupted Retirement Home.
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