THE NEXT STEP. SPORTS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2015 THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 DAILYIOWAN.COM 50¢ UISG ELECTIONS UI panel eyes more UISG wary of split openness After a year of operating as one party, University of Iowa Student By ALYSSA GUZMAN Government will feature senators from two different parties.
[email protected] After recent events caused uproar in the African-American community, stu- By GRACE PATERAS |
[email protected] 2015-2016 UISG Senate dents at the University of Iowa gath- ered to form the President’s Black Stu- split in the recent UISG elections has The Real Party won the most recent UISG dent Advisory Committee. newly elected members concerned. election with 52 percent of the vote. In the wake of events such as the A The REAL Party grabbed the pres- However, more members of the BEACH KKK statue displayed on the Pentacrest idential and vice-presidential seats, but the Party were elected to the senate. The and resultant controversy in December BEACH Party took more seats in the Senate. breakdown: 21 BEACH Party senators and 2014, students met with President Sal- University of Iowa junior Michael Kessler 18 REAL party senators. ly Mason and formed the committee in ran under the BEACH banner and was elected order to help create an environment to be a senator for the third year in a row. that is cognizant of all cultures, specifi- Because of his strong friendship with cally black culture. BEACH Party presidential candidate Sam The committee is composed of 14 Af- Wampler, he said he was upset at the results rican-American UI students, including when they were announced April 10.