
BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LOUIS HJELMSLEV The publications referred to in the text are marked *. Only those of major importance with respect to Glossematic theory have been mentioned. For a complete list see the Bibliography in: L. Hjelmslev~ Essais Linguisliques. TCLC XII, 1959.

1928. Principes de gramftl(lire ~. Det Kgl. Danske Videnskaber• nes Selskab. Historisk-fiIologiske Meddelelser XVI. I, 1928 *. 1932. Eludes Baltiques (these). Copenhague * . . L . . T. Hjelmslev (Selvbiografi). Festskrift udg. af K0benhavns Umversitet, 1932 p. 149 ft. 1934. Grundlaget lor daflSk GratfSftI(I#ik. I Anledning af to nyere Arbejder. Selskab for Nordisk Filologi, Aarsberetning for 1933, p. 2-3. 1935. On the Principles 01 PJwnernatics. Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 1935, p. 49-54 *. La categorie des GIIS. Etude de grammaire g6nerale. I: Acta ]utlandica VII, I, 1935. II: Acta ]utlandica IX, 2, 1937 *. Etudes de' lingNlSlique structurale organisks au sein du Cercle linguistiqwe de Copenhagwe. Bulletin du Cercle linguistique de Copenhague II, 1936, p. 13-15 by L. Ifjelmslevand H. ]. Uldall*. 1936. SYflSpunkt4r lor daflSk Fonetik. Selskab for Nordisk Filologi, Aarsberetning for 1935, p. 6-8, 1936 *. Essai d'Nne tMarie des tfSOJ'phbnes. Actes du IVe Congres Inter• national de Linguistes 1936. Copenhague 1938, p. 140-145 *. (= Essais linguistiques p. 152-165). Synopsis 01 an Outline 01 GlossetJSatics by L. Hjelmslev and H. J. Uldall. Copenhague 1936 *. Sprag og Tanke. Sprog og Kultur V, p. 24-33 *. 1937. Accent, Intonation, {jNanliU. Studi Baltici VI, p. 1-57 *. La syllabation en slave. Belieev Zbornik, Belgrado, p. 315-324 *. La natwre du pronotJS. Melanges van Ginneken, , p. 51-58. (= Essais linguistiques p. 192-199}. I ndledning til sprogvidenskaben. Forelaesning ved tiltraedelsen af professoratet i sammenlignende sprogvidenskab ved K0ben• havns Universitet den 14 Sept. 1937, Copenhague. (= An Intro• duction to . Essais linguistiques p. 9-21). Qwelques rllle:riorJs sur Ie systMne plumiqwe de l'indo-europlen. M~langes Holger Pedersen, Acta J utlandica IX, I, p. 34-44 *. FOJ'tJSe et substance linguistiques. Bulletin du Cerc1e linguistique de Copenhague IV, p. 3-4 *. La structure des oppositions dans la langwe. Onzieme Congres International de Psychologie, Paris 1937. Rapports et Comptes rendus 1938, p. 241-242 *. 1938. The syllable as a struclNral unit. Proceedings of the Third Inter• national co~ of Phonetic Sciences 1938, ~. 266-272 *. abet' die Be.neiungen der Plumetik 8111' spraciflJlS5enScllalt. Archiv fUr vergleichende Phonetik II, p. 129-134 *, 211-222 *. Quotations from offprint p. 1-18. . NeMe Wege der EsperitJSentalp1umetik. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Tale og Stemme II, p. 153-194 *. An OutliffIJ of GlossetJSatics by L. Hjelmslev and H. J. Uldall. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LOUIS HJELMSLEV 271

Humanistisk Samfunds Skrifter 1. Aarhus-Copenhague-Londres 1938. Unpublished. 1939. La structure morphologique. Ve Congres International de Linguis• tes. RaJ?ports. ~ruxenes p. 66-93 *. (= Essais linguistiques p. 113-139}. La notion de rection. Acta Linguistica I, p. 10--23 *. (= Essais linguistiques p. 139-152). Note sur les oppositions supprimables. Travaux du Cerc1e linguisti• que de VIII, p. 51-57 *. (Quot. from offprint p. 1-9). (= Essais linguistiques p. 82-89). Ny experimentallonetik. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Tale og Stemme 3, 1939, p. 76-94. N. S. Trubetzkoy. Archiv f. vergl. Phonetik 3, 1939, p. 55--60. 1941. De grammatiske kategorier. Translat0ren III, K0benhavn, p. 8- 16 *. Et par sprogteoretiske betragtninger. Aarbog for nordisk Maal• straev 4, 1941, p. 81-88 *. 1942. Langue et parole. Cahiers Ferdinand de Sau.ssure II, p. 29-44 *. (= Essais linguistiques p. 69-82). Sprogslaegtskab. Translat0ren IV, p. 11-16 and 30--32. 1943. Omkring sprogteoriens grundlaeggelse. Festskrift udgivet af K0- benhavns Universitet. November 1943, K0benhavn *. Sproget. Danmark og verdenskulturen. En samling radioforedrag udg. af Birket-Smith, 1943, p. 71-85. 1944. Sprogbygning og Sprogbrug. Selskab for nordisk Filologi, aars• beretning 1943, 1944, p. 6-8 *. Moderne sprogtaenkning. Videnskaben i dag, 1944, p. 419-443. Editorial, Acta Linguistica IV, 1944, p. V-XI *. (= Essais linguistiques p. 21-26). 1947. Structural Analysis 01 . Studia Linguistica I, p. 69-78 *. (= Essais linguistiques p. 27-36). Sprogets grundstruktur belyst ved simple modeller. Meddelelser i KDVS 25-4-1947. KDVS oversigt 1946-47, p. 55. Probllmy semantiky. Foredrag i Cerc1e linguistique de Bratislava, 30--5-1947. Slovo a tvar I, p. 63--64. Sprog og System. Verbet og Nominalsaetningen. Meddelelser i KDVS 1-11-1946. KDVS oversigt 1946-47 p. 32. Les methodes structurales et leur application eventuelle sur les sciences historiques. Foredrag i DSOM, 13-4-1945. Classica et Mediaevalia IX, 2, p. 272. Compte rendu. 1948. La d-tssimilation d'aspiration. Revue des etudes indo-europeennes IV, p. 69-76. Le lIerbe et la phrase nominale. Melanges Marouzeau, Paris, p. 253- 281 *. (= Essais linguistiques p. 165-:-192). 1949. ForeltiJbige undersegelser til en sammenlignende sprogtypologi. Meddelelser i KDVS 11-3-1949. KDVS oversigt 1948-49, p. 45- 46. 1950. RtJle structural de l'ordre des mots. Jourual de Psychologie normale et pathologique. Janviers-Mars 1950, p. 54-58 *. Semantikkens grundproblem. KDVS Oversigt 1949-1950, 1950, p.50. 1951. Grundtraek al det danske udtrykssystem med saerligt henblik po, stedet. Selskab for nordisk Filologi, Arsberetning for 1948-49-50, p. 12-24 *. 1954. Almindelig lonetik. Nordisk laerebog for talepaedagoger I, p. 233- 307 (). Sprogets indholdslorm som samlundslaktor. Tale ved Universitets arsfest 26 november 1953. Det Danske Magasin II, 2, 1954, p. 1-8 *. (= Essais linguistiques p. 89-96). Zl2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LOUIS HJELMSLEV

La swatifi&ation du langage, Word 10, 2-3, 1954, p. 163-189·. (= Linguistics Today, New York 1954, p. 43--69; = Essais lin• guistiques p. 36-69). 1956. Etudss ds Phonitiqus diakctak dans ls domaine letto-lituanien. Scando-Slavica II, p. 62-86. • Om numsrus og genus. Festskrift til Christen MllJller (Copenhagen), p. 167-190·. Anime et inanime, plWsonnel et non-plWsonnel. Travaux de l'Institut de Linguistique I, p. 155-199. (= Essais linguistiques p. 211- 251) •. Sur Z'indipendance ds Z'epithete. Klg. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Hist.-filolog. Meddelelser 36, 1. (= Essais linguistiques p. 199-211) •. 1957. Etudes ougriennes: I, Theme et suttixation; II, Le systeme de Z'expression. Klg. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Oversigt 1956- 57, p. 51. (Danish summary). Preface to H. J. Uldall: Outline of . TCLC X. 1958. Dans qusZls mesure lss significations des mots peuvent-ellss Atre considbees comme formant une structure~ Proceedings VIII Intern. Congress of Linguists p. 636-654 (Oslo); (= Pour une semantiqus structurak. Essais linguistiques p. 96-113)·. Interventions. Proceedings VIII Intern. Congress of Linguists, Oslo. p. 143-144; 196-197; 666-669; 704. Essai d'une critiqus de la methode dUe glotto-chronologiqus. Pro• ceedings XXXII Intern. Congress of Americanists, Copenhagen, p.658-666., Introduction a la discussion generale des probl~mes relatifs a la phonologie des langues maries, en l'esp~ce du grec et du latin. Pro~ ceedings II Intern. Congress of Classical Studies, Copenhagen, p. 101-113. 1961. Practice and Theory in Structural Semantics. Language and Society, Essays presented to Arthur M. Jensen on his seventieth Birthday. Copenhagen, p. 55-63 •. 1963. Commutation et substitution, dsux .principes constitutifs du meca• nisme ds la langus. (To be published).

Reviews and notes in Acta Linguistica Iff, 1939 ff. Communications and observations in the Bulletin du Cercle linguistique de Copenhague Iff., 1934 ff. PUBLICATIONS CONSULTED (Those referred to in the text are marked *)

BAZELL, C. E. Phonemic and Morphemic Analysis. Word 8, 1952, p. 33- 39. * - Review of Louis H ielmslev: Omkring Sprogteoriens Grundlaeggelse. Archivum Linguisticum I, 1949, p. 89-92. (Review OSG) * BENVENISTE, E. Nature du signe linguistique. Acta Linguistica 1,1939, p.23-29. BLAKE, F. R. Review of L. Hielmslev: Principes de grammaire generale. Language VII, 1931, p. 50-54. BLOCH, B. A Set of Postulates for Phonemic A nalysis. Language 24, 1948, p.3-47. * - and G. L. TRAGER, Outline of Linguistic Analysis. Special Publications of the Linguistic Society of America, Baltimore, 1942. (Outline). * BLOOMFIELD, L. Language, 1933. * BORGSTROM, C. H]. A Problem of Method in Linguistic Science: the of its Technical Terms. Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskab XIV, 1947, p. 191-228. - The Technique of Linguistic Descriptions. Acta Linguistica V. 1945- 1949. p. 1-14. * BR0NDAL. V. Definition de la M orPhologie. Melanges van Ginneken. 1937. p. 43 ff. - Linguistique structurale. Acta Linguistica I. 1939. p. 2-10. - Les oppositions linguistiques. XI Congres Intern. de Psychologie. 1937. p. 242-244. - Ordklasserne. 1928. * - Sound and . Proceedings II. 1935. p. 40-45. - La structure des systemes vocaliques. TCLP VI, 1936. p. 62-74. BSLP = Bulletin de la societe de linguistique de Paris. * BUCK. A. DE. EgJptische Grammatika. 1941 * BUHLER, K. Die Axiomatik der Sprachwissenschaften. Kantstudien. Band XXXVIII. 1933. p. 19 ff. * - Phonetik und Phonologie. TCLP IV. 1931. p. 22-53. - Psychologie der Phoneme. Proceedings II. 1935, p. 162-169. - Das Strukturmodell der Sprache. TCLP VI, 1936. p. 3-12. BUYSSENS, E. Mise au point de quelques notions fondamentales de la phonologie. Cahiers 8. 1949. p. 37-60. * - La, nature du signe linguistique. Acta Linguistica II. 1940-41. p. 83-86. Cahiers = Cahiers . * CHAO, YUEN REN. The Logical Structure of Chinese Words. Language 22, 1946 p. 4-14. CHESTERTON. G. K. The Noticeable Conduct of Professor Chadd. (in: The Club of Queer Trades. 1905). * CLASSE. A. Review of E. Kruisinga: The Phonetic Structure of English Words. Archivum Linguisticum 1.1949, p. 79-81. * COHEN. A. The of English. The Hague, 1952. COHEN, M. Review of L. H ielmslev: La categone des cas I. BSLP XXXVII 1936. p. 2-6. . COLLINSON. W. E. Some Recent Trends in Linguistic Theory with SPecial Reference to Syntactics. Lingua I. 1948. p. 306-333. * 274 PUBLICATIONS CONSULTED

DID ERICHSEN, P. Elementaer Dansk GramflllUllik, 1946. - M. Hammerlch et ses m'thodes. Acta Philologica Scandinavica 21, 2, 1952. • - Morpheme Categories in Modern Danish. Recherches 1949, p. 134- 156. • DOROSZEWSKI, W. Le critere /onctionnel et l'evolution phonetique du langage. Proceedings III, 1938, p. 299 ff. EBELING, C. Phonemics and Functional Semantics. Lingua III, 3, 1953, p. 309-321.· EGE, N. Le signe linguistique est arbitraire. Recherches 1949, p. 11-30. • ENSIE = Eerste Nederlandse Systematisch Ingerichte Encyclopae• die. 1946-1952. • ERDMANN, K. O. Die Bedeutung des Wortes. Leipzig 1925. FIRTH, J. R. The Semantics 0/ Linguistic Science. Lingua I, 4, 1948, p. 393-405. • FISCHER-JORGENSEN, ELI. Acoustic Analysis of Slop Consonants. Mis• cellanea Phonetica II, 1954, p. 42-59. - Danish Linguistic Activity I940-41J. Lingua II, I, 1949, p. 95-109. • - On the Definition of Phoneme Categories on a Distributional Basis. Acta Linguistica VII, 1952, p. 8-39. • - Glossematics. Lecture to the Washington Linguistic Club, March 1951. (stencilled) • - HoUandsk Grammatik (A. Holck Justesen). lndledning oC Lydlaere. 1952. - Phonemics = Phonologie. Archiv fur Vergleichende Phonetik V, 1951, p. 170-200. (English translation by Garvin; stencilled) • - The Phonetic Basis for Identification of Phonemic Elements. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 24, 6, 1952, p.611- 617. • - Referat a' MIJder i del glossematiske udvalg, 1950, 1951 (stencilled), = Reports of meetings of the glossematic committee in the Copenhagen Linguistic Circle. (Reports). • - RetrUlrques sur les principes de I'analyse plumimique. Recherches 1949, p.214-234.· - Review of Louis Hielmslev: Omkring Sprogteoriens Grundlaeggelse. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Tale og Stemme VII, 1943, p. 81-96. (Review OSG)· . Reviews in Acta Linguistica V and VI, i.a. of K. L. Pike: ; B. Malmberg: Die Q_ntiW als Phonetisch-Phonologischer Begritt; K. L. Pike: Phonemics; A. Sotavalta: Uber die Struktur del' Laute (AL V, 1949); K. L. Pike: Tone ; B. Malmberg: Karl Liirobok i fonetik (AL VI, 1950-51). - 0.. Stemtlledsassimilation. Festskrift til L. L. Hammerich 1952, p. 116-130. • - Washington Lecture etc. see: GlosseflllUllics. • FOURgUET, J. Analyse linguistique et analyse phonologique. Recherches 1949,p.38-48. • FREI. H. Langue, parole et dittlrenciation. Journal de psychologie 45, 1952. p. 137-158. • - De la linguistique comme science de lois. Lingua I, I, 1948. p. 25-34. • - SaMSsure conke SaMSsure? Cahiers 9, 1950, e. 7-28. • FRIES, C. C. Meaning and Linguistic Analysis. Language 30. 1954, p. 57- 69.· GARDINER, A. H. De Saussure's Analysis of tile Signe Linguistique. Acta Linguistica IV, 1944, p. 107-111. GARVIN. P. L. Referential AdiMStments and Linguistic Structure. Acta Linguistica IV. p. 53-61. 1944. - Review of Prolegomena to a by Louis Hielmslev. Language 30, I, 1954, p. 69-96. (Review OSG) • PUBLICATIONS CONSULTED 275

Review of Recherches Structurales 1949. IJAL 17, 1951, p. 252-255.· GELB, 1. J. A Study of Writing, London, 1952. • GINNEKEN, J. VAN. Il Y a plusieurs manieres de prononcer correctement les phonemes d'une langue moderne. Proceedings II, 1935. p. 65--69. GROOT, A. W. DE. Neutralisation d'oppositions. Neophilologus XXV, 1940, p. 1-19. • - Phonologie und Phonetik als Funktionswissenschaften. TCLP IV, 1931, p. 116-147. - and Phonetic Law. Lingua I, 2. 1948, p. 175- 209. • - Structurele Syntaxis, 1949. • - Voyelle, Consonne et Syllabe. Archives Neerlandaises de Phonetique Experimentale. XVII, 1941, p. 21-41. • GUEVARA, A. L. M. DE. Los "Principios de Gramatica General" de Hielmslev y la Linguistica. Introduccidn a la Ciencia del Lenguaie. Collecci6n Filol6gica V de la Universidad de Granada 1953. • HAMMERICH, L. L. Les glossematistes danois et leurs methodes. Acta Philologica Scandinavica 21, I, 1950, p. 1-21. • HARRIS, ZELLIG S. Methods in Structural Linguistics. 1947. • - From Morpheme to Utterance. Language 22, 1946, p. 161-183. • HAUGEN, E. Directions in Modern Linguistics. Language 27, 1951, p. 211-222. • - Review of L. Hielmslev; Prolegomena to a Theory of Language. IJAL 20,3, 1954, p. 247-251. (Review OSG) • HAVRANEK, B. Zur Adaptation der Phonologischen Systeme in den SchriftsPrachen. TCLP IV, 1931, p. 267-278. HINTZE, F. Zum Verhdltnis der sprachlichen "Form" zur "Substanz". Studia Linguistica III, 1949, no. I, p. 86-106. (Form-Substanz) • HJELMSLEV, L. See special bibliography above. HOCKETT, CH. F. A Note on Structure. IJAL 14,1948, p. 269-271. - Review of Nida: Morphology. Language 23, 1947, p. 273-285. - Review Recherches Structurales I949. IJAL 18, 1952, p.86-99. (Review Recherches) • HOENIGSWALD, H. M. Sound Change and Linguistic Strwoture. Language 22, 1946,p. 138-144. HOUSEHOLDER, F. W. Review of Zellig Harris: Methods in Structural Linguistics. IJAL 18, 1952, pI 260-268. • HUIZINGA, E. Cybernetica en Informatie-theorie. Nederl. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde IV, 41, 1953, p. 2670-2671.

IJAL = International Journal of American Linguistics. •

JAKOBSON, R. Die Betonung und Ihre Rolle in der Wort- und Syntagma• phonologie. TCLP IV, 1931, p. 164-182. - Beitrag zur allgemeinen Kasuslehre. TCLP VI, 1936, p. 240-288. • - Beschaffenheit der Prosodischen Gegensatze. Melanges van Ginneken 1937, p. 25 ff. - On the Identification of Phonemic Entities. Recherches 1949, p. 205- 214. • - Observations sur Ie classement phonologique des consonnes. Proceedings III, 1938, p. 34-41. - PrinzipienderhistorischenPhonologie. TCLPIV, 1931,p. 247-267. - Results of the Conference of Anthropologists and Linguists. Chapter II. 11-22. (IJAL 19,2,1953). • JONES, D. Chronemes and Tonemes. Acta Linguistica IV, 1944, p. 1-11. - Concrete and Abstract Sounds. Proceedings III, 1938, p. 3 ff. - A n Outline of English Phonetics. 1948. • - On Phonemes. TCLP IV, 1931, p. 74-76. Zl6 PUBLICATIONS CONSULTED

KARCEVSKY, S. Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique. TCLP I, 19, p. 88-93. Phrase et proposition. M61anges van Ginneken. 1937. p. 59 ff. KING, A. H. A Functional Apfwoach 10 English Teaching. English Language Teaching IV, 1949, 1,2. • KURYI.OWICZ, J. Derivation le~icale et dbivation syntruique, contribution a la tMorie des parties du discours. BSLP XXXVII, 1936, p. 79-93. - Lois generales de changement linguistique. XI Congres intern. de Psychologie, 1937, p. 244-245. - La notion de I'isomorphisme. Recherches 1949, p. 48-61. • LAZICZIUS, J. VON. A New Category in Phonology. Proceedings II, 1935, p.57-60. - Die Scheidung Langue-Parole in der Lautlorschung. Proceedings III 1938, p. 13-24. LEVI-STRAUSS, CL. Results I953, Chapter I. • MALMBERG, B. La coupe sylltlbique dans le systeme consonantique du ",anfais.. Acta Linguistica IV, 1944, p. 61-66. - Till Frdgan om Sprdkets System-ksraktdr. Vetenskapsocieteten i Lund. Arsbok 1947, p. 21-28. MAROUZEAU, J. Analyse sy~ique et analyse psychologique. Journal de Psychologle 43, I, 1950, p. 34-36. - Luique de la terminologie linguistique. 1943. • MARTINET, A. La double articulation linguistique. Recherches 1949, p. 3(}-38.· - Equiliiwe et instflbiliU des systemes phonologiques. Proceedings III, 1938, p. 3(}-34. - Function, Structure, and Sound Change. Word, 8, I, 1952, p. 1-38. • - Neutralisation et archiphoMme. TCLPVI, 1936, p. 46-57. - Ou en est la phonologie? Lingua I, I, 1948, p. 34-58. • - La phonologie du mot en danois. 1937 •. - Phonology as Functional Phonetics. 1949. • - Remarques sur la notion d' opposition comme base de la distinction Phonologique. ~I Congres Intern. de Psychologie, 1937, p. 245-246. - Reviews 01 N.S. Trubetzkoy: wundziige del' Phonologie, and N. van W#k: Phonologie, in BSLP 1946. - Rdle de la COf'f'ilation dans la phonologie diachronique. TCLP VIII, 1939, p. 273 ff. - Un ou de~ Phonemes? Acta Linguistica I, 1939, p. 94-103. - Au suiet des Fondements de la theme linguistique de Louis Hielmslev. BSLP 42, 1946, p. 19-43. (Review OSG). • MATHESIUS, V. Zum Problem der Belastungs- und Kombinationsl4higkeit der Phoneme. TCLP IV, 1931, p. 148-152. MEILLET, A. Review 01 L. Hielmslev, Etudes Baltiques. BSLP XXXIII, 1932, p. 157-159. - Review 01 L. Hielmslev, Principes de grammaire genbale. HSLP XXX, 1929, p. 1-5. - Review 01 L. Weisgerber, Muttersprache und Geistesbiidung. BSLP XXX, J 929, p. 12-14. MENZERATH, P. Neue Untersuchungen sur Lautabgrenzung und Worlsyn• these mit Hille von Ton/ilmaulnahmen. M6langes van Ginneken, 1937, p.35-41. MOL, H. See E. M. Uhlenbeck.

NAERT, P. Arbitraire eI necessaire en linguistique. Studia Linguistica I, '1, 1947, p. 5-11. NIDA, E. A. Morphology. 1949. • Review 01 R. H. Stetson: Bases 01 Phonology. Word, III, 1947, p. 133- 134.· PUBLICATIONS CONSULTED 277

NOVAK, L. Proiet d'une nouvelle definition du phoneme. TCLP VIII, 1939, p. 66 ff. PERROT, J. La Linguistique, 1953. * PIKE, K. L. Grammatical Prerequisites to Phonemic Analysis. Word, 3' 1947, p. 155-172. * - More on Grammatical Prerequisites. Word, 8,1952, p. 106-121. * - Phonemics. 1947. * - Phonetics. 1944. * PORZIG, W. Das Wunder der Sprache. Probleme, Methoden und Ergebnisse der modernen Sprachwi$senschaft. Berlin 1950. Pos, H. J. Betekenis als taalkundig en als wijsgerig fenomeen. Alg. Ned. Tijdschrift v. Wijsbegeerte en Psychologie, 46, 1954, p. 248-253. * - The Foundation of Wordmeanings. Different Approaches. Lingua 1,3, 1948, p. 281-293. * - La notion d'opposition en linguistique. XI Congres Intern. de Psy• chologie, 1937, p. 246-247. - Perspectives du structuralisme. TCLP VIII, 1939, p. 71-79. * Proceedings = Proceedings of the lInd (IIIrd) International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. * Projet de terminologie phonologie standardisee. TCLP IV, 1931, p. 309-323. * Recherches 1949 = Recherches Structurales I949, Interventions dans Ie debat glossematique, publiees a. I'occasion du cinquantenaire de M. Louis HjelmsIev, TCLC V, 1949. * REICHLING, A. J. B. N. Over Essentiele en Toevallige Grammatica Regels. Groningen-Batavia 1939. - Over het Personale Aspect in het Taalgebruik. Bundel de Vooys, 1940, p.283-310. - Taal als Verkeersmiddel. (Language as a Tool of Communication). Menselijke Verstandhoudingsmiddelen, 6e Symposion der Soc. v. Culturele Samenwerking 1952, p. 76-85. * - De Taal, haar Wetten en haar Wezen. ENSIE II, 1947, p. 37-45. * De Taalschat. Encycl. Handboek v.h. Moderne Denken, 1951. * - Het Taalsysteem. Encyclop. Handboek v.h. Moderne Denken 1951. * - What is General Linguisticsl Lingua I, I, 1948, p. 8-25. - Het Woord. 1935. * Results = Results of the Conference of Anthropologists and Linguists. Supplement to IJ AL 19, 2, 1953. * ROBINS, R. H. Noun and Verb in Universal Grammar. Language 28, 1952, p. 289-299. - A Problem in the Statement of Meanings. Lingua 111,2, 1952, p. 121- 138. * Ross, A. C. The Fundamental Definitions of the Theory of Language Acta Linguistica IV, 1944, p. 101-107. ROSSETTI, A. Sur la definition du "mot". Acta Linguistica IV, 1944,. SAPIR, E. Language. New York 1921. * SAUSSURE, F. DE. Cours de Linguistique Generale, 4th ed. 1949. (Cours) * - Memoire sur Ie systeme primitif des voyeUes. 1878. * - Recueil des publications scientifiques. 1922. * SCRIPTURE, E. W. The Nature of SPeech. Proceedings II, 1935, p. 209-220. SEBEOK, TH. A. Results Chaptet' Ill, 1953. (See C. F. Voegelin) * SECHEHAYE, A. De la definition du phoneme Ii la definition de l'entite de langue. Cahiers II, 1942, p. 45-55. * SOMMERFELT, A. Can syllable divisions have phonological importance? Proceedings II, 1935, p. 30-33. Sur I 'importance generale de la syllabe. TCLP IV, 1931, p. 156-160. 278 PUBLICATIONS CONSULTED

SPANG-HANSSEN, H. On the Simplicity 01 Descriptions. Recherches 1949, p. 61-71. • STETSON, R. H. Motor Phonetics. 1951. • - The Phoneme and the Grapheme. Melanges van Ginneken, 1937, p. 353 ff. - The relation 01 the phoneme and the syllable. Proceedings II, 1935, p. 245-252. • - Segmentation. Lingua II, I, 1949, p. 46-54. •

TCLC = Travaux du Cerc1e Linguistique de Copenhague. • TCLP = Travaux du Cerc1e Linguistique de Prague. • TOGEBY, KNUD. Linguistics in Denmark: I940-I948. Symposium III, 2, 1949,p.226-237. • - Mode, aspect et temps en espagnol. Det Kongelige Danske Videns- kabemes Selskab. Hist-filol. Meddelelser 34, I, 1953. • - Qu'estcequ'un mot? TCLC V, 1949, p. 79-112.· - Structure immanente de la langue Iranfaise. TCLC VI, 1951. • TRAGER, G. L. Review 01 L. Hjelmslev, La caUgorie des cas. Language 17, 1941, p. 172-174. • See also BLOCH. TRNKA, B. On the Combinatory Variants and Neutralization 01 Phonemes. Proceedings III, 1938, p. 23-30. - General Laws 01 Phonemic Combination. TCLP VI, 1936, p. 57-62. - On the Phonological Development 01 Spirants in English. Proceedings II, 1935, p. 60-65. TRUBETZKOY, N. S. Anleitung zu Phonologischen Bescnreibungen. Edition du Cerc1e linguistique de Prague, 1935, 32 pp. - Die Aulhebung der Phonologischen Gegenstltze. TCLP VI, 1936, p. 29- 45. - GrundzUge der Phon%gie. TCLP VII, 1939. • - Die phonologischen Grenzsignale. Proceedings II, 1935, p. 45-49. - Die phonologischen Systeme. TCLP IV, 1931, p. 96-116. TWADDELL, On Delining the Phoneme. Language Monographs 16, 1935. UHLENBECK, E. M. The Structure 01 the]avanese Morpheme. Lingua II, 3, 1950,p.239-270.· - The Study 01 Wordclasses in Javanese. Lingua III, 3, 1953, p. 322- 355.· - and H. MOL. The Analysis 01 the Phoneme in Distinctive Features and tile Process ot Hearing. Lingua IV, 2, 1954, p. 167-194.• - ULDALL, H. J. Etudes de Linguistique Structurale. See: L. Hjelmslev. • - On Equivalent Relations. Recherches 1949, p. 71-76. • - Outline 01 Glossematics I, 1952 (proof). (Outline)· Now published, TCLC Xl, 1957. - TIte P1wnematics 01 Danish. Proceedings II, 1935, p. 54-57. • - Speech "nd Writing. Acta Linguistica IV, 1944, p. 11-17. • - On the Structural Interpretation 01 Diphthongs. Proceedings III, 1938, p.272-276. - Synopsis ol"n Outline 01 GlossemlZlics. See: L. Hjelmslev. • V ACHEK, J. C"n the Phoneme be defined in terms 01 time? Melanges van Ginneken 1937, p. 101 ff. - One A.spect 01 the Phoneme Theory. Proceedings II, 1935, p. 3J-.W. - P1wnemes and Phonological Units. TCLP VI, 1936, p. 235-239. - Z"", Prable", der geschriebenen Spr.clte. TCLP VIII, 1939, p. 94-104. VELTEN, H. 1. Sur l'evolution du genre, des cas el des pMties du discours. BSLP XXXIII, 1932, p. 205 fl. - Review 01 Ha"y Hoiierand Others: Linguistic Structures 01 A.fJJWic". Word, 111,1947, p. 149-153. • VENDRYES, J. La comparaison en linguistique. BSLP XLII, 1946, p. 1- 16. (Reviewed by L. Hjelmslev in Acta "Linguistica IV, 1944, p. 144- 147). PUBLICATIONS CONSULTED Zl9

- Langage oral et langage par gestes. Journal de Psychologie 43, I, 1950, p. 7 ff. VOEGELIN, C. F., and TH. A. SEBEOK. Results, Chapter III. 1953. • VOGT, H. L'etude des systMnes de cas. Recherches 1949, p. 112-123. • - Review of Louis Hielmslev, Omkring Sprogteoriens Grundlaeggelse. Acta Linguistica IV, 1944, p. 94-99. (Review OSG) • - The Structure of the Norwegian Monosyllables. Norsk Tidsskrift f. Sprogvidenskap XII, 1942, p. 5-6. • WEISGERBER, L. Das Gesetz del' Sprache. 1951. • - M uttersprache und Geistesbildung, 1941. • WELLS, RULON S. Immediate Constituents. Language 23, 1947,p. 81-118.· - Eeview of Recherches I949. Language 27, 1951, p.554-570 (Review Recherches) • - De Saussure's System of Linguistics. Word, 3, 1947, p. 1-31. (De Saussure) • WEYERS, C. F. M. Correctness or Comprehensibility? Levende Talen 161, 1951,p.344-349. • WHITFIELD, F. J. Prolegomena to a Theory of Language by Louis Hielms• lev, Translation. Indiana University Publications in Anthropology and Linguistics. Memoir 7 of the IJAL. Supplement to IJAL 19, 1, 1953. • WIWEL, H. G. Synspunkter for Dansk Sproglaere. 1901 • WIJK, N. VAN. La delimitation des domaines de la phonologie et de la phonetique. Proceedings III, 1938, p. 8-12. - L'etude diachronique des phenomenes phonologiques et extra-phonolo• giques. TCLP VIII, 1939, p. 297 ff. - Phonologie, 1939. ZWIRNER, E. L'opposition phonologique et la variaticm des phonhKes. Archiv fur Vergl. Phon. II, 1938, p. 135 ff. - SPeech and SPeaking. Proceedings II, 1935, p. 239-245. - und K. Zwirner. Grundfragen der Phonometrie. Phonometrische For- schung~n Bd. I, Reihe A. • PUBLICATIONS CONSULTED FOR THE 2ND EDITION

(Those referred to in the text are marked *) ALARCOS LLORACH, E. Gramtitica estr'lfctural (segun la escuela de Copen• hague y con especial atenciOn a la lengua espanola). Madrid 1951. * ANDREYEV, N. D. Models as a Tool in the Development 01 Linguistic Theory (= The Model as a Tool in Linguistic Analysis). Word 18, 1962, p. 186-198. * ANTAL, L. , Meaning, Context. Lingua X, 1961, p. 211-219. BAR-HILLEL, Y. Logical Syntax and Semantics. Language 30, 1954, p.230-237. BASTIDE, R. Sens et usages du terme Structure dans les sciences humaines et sociales. The Hague 1962. BAZELL, C. E. On Some Asymmetries 01 the Linguistic System. Acta Linguistica V, 1945-1949, p. 139-145. - Syntactic Relations. Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 8, 1949. - On the Neutralisation 01 Syntactic Oppositions. TCLC V (Recherches Structurales), 1949, p. 77-87. * - Structural Notes. Dergi II (StUdies by Members of the English De• partment) Istanbul Edebiyat Fakiiltesi Yayinlari. Istanbul 1951, p. 3-27. * - Glossematic Delinitions. Id. p. 107-117. * - Review of Knud Togeby: Structure immanente de la langue Iranyaise. Id. p. 133-138. * - Review of A. W. de Groot: Structurele Syntaxis. Id. p. 142-144. - Linguistic Form. Istanbul Universitesi Edebiyat Fakiiltesi, Yayin- larindan No. 574, lstanbul 1953. * The Sememe. Litera I, 1954, p. 17-31. * - The Choice 01 Criteria in Structural Linguistics. Linguistics Today, 1954, p. 6-16. * - Three Conceptio!,-s 01 Phonological Neutralisation. For Roman Jakob• son, The Hague, 1956; p. 25-30. * - On the Historical Sources 01 Some Structural Units. Miscehinea Home• naje a Andre Martinet, "estructuralismo e historia" I, La Laguna 1957, p. 19-29. * - Meaning and the Morpheme. Word 18, 1962, p. 132-143. BECH, G. Uber das niederliindische Adverbialpronomen ER. TCLC VIII, 1952. BENVENISTE, E. Structure en linguistique. Sens et usages du terme Struc• ture dans les sciences humaines et sociales (R. Bastide), The Hague 1962, p. 31-40. BOLINGER, D. L. Locus versus Class. Miscelanea Martinet, 1957, p. 31-37. * - Generality, Gradience, and the All-or-None. The Hague, 1961. - Binomials and Pitch Accent. Studia Gratulatoria A. W. de Groot (= Lingua XI), 1962, p. 34-45. * COSERIU, E..Sistema, Norma y Habla. Montevideo 195.? * - Forma y Sustancia en los Sonidos del Lenguaie. Montevideo 1954. * - DeterminaciOn y Entorno. Dos problemas de una linguistica del hablar. Romanistisches J ahrbuch VII, 1955-56, p. 29-54. - Logicismo y Antilogicismo en la Gramtitica. Montevideo 1957. * - Sincronia, Diacronia e Historia. EI Problema del Cambio Linguistico. Montevideo 1958. - Contribuciones a los Debates del VIII Congreso Internacional de los Lingiiistas (= Reports VIII International Congress of Linguists, Oslo, 1958, passim), published in stencilled form for private circu- PUBLICATIONS CONSULTED FOR THE 2ND EDITION 281.

lation by the Universidad de la Republica, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias, Montevideo 1957. - and\.w~hington Vasquezi Para la unificaciOn de las -ciencias fonicas (Esquema provisional). MOntevideo, 1953. DIDERICHSEN, P. Semantiske problemer i logik og lingvistik. Nordisk Sommer Universitet, 1953, Vetenskapens Funktion i Samhallet, p. 248-278. • - The Importance of Distribution versus Other Criteria in Linguistic Analysis. Proceedings VIII International Congress of Linguists, Oslo 1958, p. 156-182. - S~e E. TRANEKJAER RASMUSSEN and P. DIDERICHSEN. EBELING, C. L. Linguistic Units. The Hague 1960. ELLEGARD, A. Review of I. de Sola Pool: Trends in Content Analysis. Language 36, 1960, p. 532-534. ERVIN, S. M. The Connotations of Gender. Word 18, 1962, p. 249-262.

FISCHER-]0RGENSEN, E. Om Vokallaengde i dansk rigsmal. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Tale og Stemme IS, 1955, p. 33-57. - The and its Application to Phonemic Analysis. For Roman ]akobson, 1956, p. 140-151. • - What can the New Techniques of Acoustic Phonetics Contribute to Linguistics? Proceedings VIII International Congress of Linguists, Oslo 1958, p. 433-478. - Die Bedeutung der funktionetlen Sprachbeschreibung fur die Phonetik. Phonetica 4, 1959, Supplement (Symposion Trubetzkoy), p. 7-28. - Almen Fonetik, 3 Udg., K0benhavn 1960. • - Some Remarks on the Function of Stress with Special Reference to the Germanic Languages. Congres Intern. Sc. Anthropol., Bruxelles, 1948 (printed 1961). FLYDAL, L. En spraklig Analyse av Norske Boktitler I95z. Morfeme i Reklamens Tieneste. Bergen 1954. FODOR ISTVAN The Origin of Grammatical Gender I, Lingua VIII, 1959, p. 1-42; II, p. 113-161. • For , Essays on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday, 11 October 1956. The Hague 1956. • FREI, H. Crite-res de Delimitation. Linguistics Today, 1954, p. 16-26. - L'unitt! linguistique complexe. Studia de Groot, 1962, p. 128-141. • GARVIN, P. L. Some Linguistic Problems in Machine Translation. For Roman ]akobson, 1956, p. 180-186. • - Syntactie- Units and OPerations. Proceedings VIII International Congress of Linguists, Oslo 1958, p. 626-632. • - A Descriptive Technique for the Treatment of Meaning. Language 34, 1958, p. 1-32. - A Stuay of Inductive Method in Syntax. Word 18, 1962, p. 107-121. • GAUTHIltR, M. Review of K. L. Pike: Language in Relation to a Unified Theory of the Structure of Human Behavior I, Word 16, 1960, p. 392-398. GESCHIERE, L. Fonction des Structures de la nhrase Franyaise. La Notion de Structure, La Haye 1961, p. 11-32. GODEL, R. Les sources manuscrites du Cours de linguistique generale de F. de Saussure. Geneve-Paris 1957. • GROOT, A. W. de. Classification of Cases and Uses of Cases. For Roman Jakobson, 1956, p. 187-195. • GRUNEWALD, G. Bemerkungen zu einer vergleichenden Betracktung von Sprechen und Schreiben. Phonetica I, 1957, p. 193-202. • HAAS, W. Concerning Glossematics. Archivum Linguisticum VIII, 1956, p. 93-110. • - Linguistic Structures. Word 16, 1960, p. 251-276. HALLE, M. See R. J AKOBSON and M. HALLE. 282 PUBLICATIONS CONSULTED FOR THE 2ND EDITION

HARARI, F. and PAPER, H. H. Towards a General Calculus of Phonemic Distribution. Language 33, 1957, p. 143-169. HATTORI, SHIRO. The Analysis of Meaning. For Roman ]akobson, 1956, p.207-212.· . HAUGEN, E. The SyUable in Linguistic Description. For Roman ]akobson, 1956, p. 213-222. HIORTH, F. Origin and Control of Meaning Hypotheses. Lingua. VIII, 1959, p. 294--306. ]AKOBSON, R. and M. HALLE, Fundamentals of Language. The Hague 1956. • ]UILLAND, A. Review of E. Alarcos Llorach: Fonologia espanola (segun el metodo de la Escuela de Praga). Word 9, 1953, p. 162-163. - Structural Relations. The Hague 1961. • ]0RGENSEN, ]. Languages, Calculuses and Logic. Logic and Language, Studies dedicated to Professor Rudolf Carnap on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday. Dordrecht - Holland, 1962, p. 27-38. * KUIPERS, A. H. The Circassian Nominal Paradigm: A Contribution to Case-theory. Studia de Groot 1962, p. 231-248. KURYl.OWICZ, ]. Personal and Animate Genders in Slavic. Studia de Groot, 1962, p. 249-256. • LADEFOGED, P. The of Phonetic Statements. Language 36, 1960, p.387-397. Linguistics Today. New York 1954. = Word to, 1954. Page-references are to Linguistics Today. MALKmL, Y. Studies in Irreversible Binomials. Lingua VIII, 1959, p. 113-161. MARTINET, A. Structural Linguistics. Anthropology Today, Chicago, 1953, p. 574-586. • - Substance phonil}ue et traits distinctifs. BSLP 53, 1958, p. 72-85. * - Elements of a Functional Syntax. Word 16, 1960, p. 1-10. • MEY, ]. L. La categorie du nomlwe en finnois moderne. TCLC XIII, 1960. Miscelanea Marlinet = Misce14nea Homenaie a Andre Martinet, "estructu- ralismo e historia" I, La Laguna 1957. MOUNIN, G. Review of H. Steen Stwensen: Word-Classes in Modern Eng• lish, with SPecial Reference to Proper Names, with an Introductory Theory of wammar, Meaning and Reference (Copenhagen 1958). Word 16, 1960, p. 409--414. • NEHRING, A. Review of Recherches Structurales (TCLC V, 1949). Word 9, 1953, p. 163-167. O'CONNOR, J. D. and ]. L. M. TRIM. Vowel, Consonant, and Syllable - a Phonological Definition. Word 9, 1953, p. 103-123. • PALMER, F. R. Linguistic Hierarchy. Lingua VIII, 1958, p. 22&-242. PIKE, K. L. Language in Relation to a Unified Theory of the Structure of Human Behavior. Glendale, I, 1954; II, 1955; 111,1960. PRIETO, L. ]. Figuras de la e~presidn y figuras del contenido. MisceIanea Martinet 1957, p. 243-249. • - D'une asymitrie entre le plan de l'e~pression et Ie plan du contenu de la langue. BSLP 53, 1958, p. 86-95. REICHLING, A. ]. B. N. Feature Analysis and Linguistic Interpretation. For Roman ]akobson, 1956, p. 41H23. - Verzamelde Studies. Zwolle 1961. - Meaning and Introspection. Studia de Groot, 1962, p. 333-339. • ROSETTI, A. SurZa tUorie de la syllabe. The Hague 1959. SCHULTINK, H. Review of B. Siertsema: A Study of Glossematics. Museum 61, 1956, p. 148--149. - On Word-Identity. Studia de Groot, 1962, p. 354-363. SIERTSEMA, B. Further thoughts on the glossematic idea of describing linguistic units by their relations only. Proceedings VIII International Congress of Linguists, Oslo 1958, p. 142-143. • PUBLICATIONS CONSULTED FOR THE 2ND EDITION 283

Three Yoruba IJUticnaries. Review-article in Bulletin de l'Institut Fran~is d'Afrique Noire, Dakar, 1959 (T. XXI serie B, p. 572- 579). • - Stress and Tone in Yoruba Word Composition. Lingua VIII, 1959, p. 385--403. • - Language Learning and Language Analysis. Lingua X, 1961, p. 128-148. • - De Zinsintonatie in Toontalen. Den Haag 1962. • - Timbre, Pitch, and Intonation. Studia de Groot, 1962, p. 388-399. • SOLA POOL, I. DE-, Editor. Trends in Content Analysis. Papers on the Work Conference on Content Analysis of the Committee on Linguistics a.nd Psychology, Social Science Research Council, Urbana, University of Illinois Press 1959. SPANG-HANSSEN, H. Recent Theories on the Nature 0/ the Language Sign. TCLC IX, 1954. • - The Study 0/ Gaps between Repetitions. For Roman Jakobson, 1956, p.492-502. - Typological and Statistical Aspects 0/ Distribution as a Criterion in Linguistic Analysis. Proceedings VIII International Congress of Linguists, Oslo 1958, p. 182-194. - Probability and Structural Classification in Language Description. Copenhagen 1959. • - Glossematics. Trends in European and American Linguistics 1930- 1960, Utrecht 1961, p. 128-164. * STANKIEWICZ, E. The Interdependence 0/ Paradigmatic and Derivational Patterns. Word 18, 1962, p: 1-23. STEEN S0RENSEN, H. Word-Classes in Modern English, with SPecial Re/erence to Proper Names, with an Introductory Theory 0/ Grammar, Meaning and Re/erence. Copenhagen 1958. • - The Phoneme and the Phoneme Variant. Lingua IX, 1960, p. 68-88. - A Note on "The Phoneme and the Phoneme Variant". Lingua X, 1961, p.302-305. - An Analysis 0/ Linguistic Signs Occurring in Suppositio Materialis or the Meaning 0/ Quotation Marks and their Phonetic Equivalents. Lingua X, 1961, p. 174-190. • Sfudia de Groot = Studia Gratulatoria dedicated to Albert Willem de Groot in the year 0/ his seventieth birthday. Amsterdam 1962. (= Lingua XI, 1962).· TOGEBY, K. Review of B. Siertsema: A Study 0/ Glossematics. Studia Neophilologica XXVII, 1955, p. 247-249. TRANEKJAER-RASMUSSEN, E. (together with P. Diderichsen and E. Fischer-J 0rgensen), Den sprogteoretiske Situation i lingvistisk og erkendelsesteoretisk Belysning. Selskab for Nordisk Filologi, Aars• beretning for 1944-45, p. 4-14. • Trends = Trends in European and American Linguistics I930-I960. Utrecht 1961. • TRIM, J. L. M. See J. D. O'CONNOR and J. L. M. TRIM. TRNKA, B. On the Morphological Classification 0/ Words. Studia de Groot 1962, p. 422-425. UHLENBECK, E. M. Limitations 0/ Morphological Processes. Some Preli• minary Remarks. Studia de Groot, 1962, p. 426-432. - De Beginselen van het Syntactisch Onderzoek. Taalonderzoek in onze Tijd, Den Haag, 1962, p. 18-37. • - An Appraisal 0/ Trans/ormation Theory. Lingua XII, 1963, p. 1-18. • ULDALL, H. J. On the Preparation 0/ a Text. Archivum Linguisticum XI, Fasc. I, 1958, p. 1-17 (published posthumously). • UNGEHEUER, G. Logischer Positivismus und Moderne Linguistik (Glos• sematik). Sprakvetenskapliga Sll11skapets i Uppsala Forhandlingar 1958-60, 1961, p. 1-24. • 284 PUBLICATIONS CONSULTED FOR THE 2ND EDITION.

VACHEK, J. Some Remarks on Writing and Phonetic Transcription. Acta Linguistlca V, 1945--49, p. 8~93. • WEDBERG, A. Laran om uttrycks- och innehdllsformef' i glossematiken. Nordisk Sommer Universitet 1952, Ksbenhavn 1953. WHITFIELD, F. J. Review of E. Alarcos Llorach: Gramatica estructural (segun la escuela de Copenhague y con especial atencidn a lei lengua espailola). Word 9, 1953, p. 279-280. • - Review of B. Siertsema: A Study of Glossematics. Language 31, 1955, p. 550-554. • - Linguistic Usage and Glossematic Analysis. For Roman Jakobson, 1956,p. 670-675.· SUBJECT INDEX

References are to those pages only where the terms are defined or explained by the context.

Accent, 99 ff., 209, 210. combined phonemes, 103. accent syntagm, 209, 210. commutation, 35, 78, 97, 98, 102, 110, act(e), 140, 141. 164 ff., 171 ff. algebra of language, 20 ff., 59, 60, 61, commutation-commutation test, 174. . 65, 75, 94, 95. commutation, experimental 173. amorphous mass, 145 ff., 168. commutation test, place of 172 ff. analogous categorical structure of the complementarity, 73. planes, 207 ff. concept, 190 . analogy, 184. .. concordance", 90. analysis, 40, 47, 49, 50, 67 ff., 71, 74, conjunction, 18, 80, 81. 89. connection, 73. analysis, examples of 94, 95. connotative semiotic, 212 ff. analysis, two kinds of 48 ff., 68, 97, consistency, see sel/consistency. 111,169, 172ff., 194. consonant, 79, 119. analytic, 40, 47, 49, 50, 67 ff., 71, 74, constant, 73, 83, 84, 126. 89, 168. constellation, 73, 83, 84, 166. applicability of the theory, 51, 52, 62. constituent, 208, 209. appropriateness, 50, 53 ff., 58 ff., 65, content, 15 ff., 92, 118, 147 ff., 148 ff., 194 ff., 203. 150 ff., 168 ff. arbitrariness, 50, 51, 53 ff., 58 ff., 203. content-figurae, 155 ff. archiphoneme, 180. content form, 17, 118 ff., 130, 131, articulation (specific term), 74, 189. 145 ff., 152, 161. autonomy (specific term), 73, 84. content substance, 16, 17, 149 ff., 150 autonomy of language, 30 ff., 51. ff., 162, 223. contextual meaning, 129 ff. Basis of division, 70 ff., 156, 205. correlation, 73, 80, 164. both-and function, 18, 73, 82. correlational hierarchy, 73, 74, 179.

Calculation, 24, 57, 58 ff., 222. Decreasing inventories, 104, lOS, 143, calculus, 22, 33, 58 ff., 127, 222. .157 ff. case, 78, 186 ff., 200 ff. deduction, IS, 40 ff., 199 ff. catalysis, ad 25a, 78, 84, 190 ff. definitions, system of 67, 92, 93, 157, category, 66, 90, 91, 93, 98, 170, 175 ff. 164. cenematics, 16, -209. denotative semiotic, 212. cenemcs, 16, 204. dependences, 71 ff., 86 ff., 106 ff. central constituents, 208, 209. derivate, 74. chain, 66, 74, 81, 89, 98 ff., 147,155 ff., description, 20, 22, 24, 25, 58, 60, 64, 171, 178, 206. 65, 81, 94, ISS, 195, 204 ff. class, ·40,60,68,74, 81, 85, 167, 177. determination, 73, 80, 82 ff. coalescence, 182. diachronic linguistics, 109. cohesion, 73, 83, 84, 190, 195. dimension, 200 ff., 204, 207. colour-scheme, 145, 168. direction, 90, 200 ff., 209. combination (specific term), 73, 83, 84, disjunction, 19, 80, 81. 170,178, 195. distribution, facts of 66, 76,77 ff., 197, combinations, possible 20 ff., 33, 59 ff., 198. 66, 68, 71, 75, 96, 105, 178, 179. division, 68, 70 ff., 74, 104, 173, 205. 286 INDEX

Economy, principle of 204, 220 ff. implication, 182, 189. eitner-(W fumtion, 19, 73, 164. induction, 14, IS, 40 ff., 62. empirical primiple, 37 ff., 63, 204. intense exponents, 208, 209. empiricism, 37 if., 59, 188. interdependeme, 73, 82, 84. "emploi", 87. internal relations, 9 ff. entity, 177. interpolation, 191 ff. equivalence, 73. invariant, 154 fn., 172, 174, 178, 181, exclusion, 75. 188. exhaustiveness, 37, 57 ff., 159, 205. invenl(Wy, 66, 68, 81, 104, lOS, 143, exist, 84, 152 ff. 157, 204, 220 ff. experimental data, 50, 59, 60 ff. inversion of the sign-orientation, 161 ff. exponent, 208, 209. irresoluble syncretism, 187, 191, 192. "exposant converti", 209, 210. iSom(Wphic,217. "exposant fondamental", 209, 210. expression, -15 ff., 117 ff., 147, 148 ff., of the language, 36. 163. expression form, 17, 117 ff., 146 ff., Language, 53 ff., 137 ff., 215 ff. 151 ff., 161. "langue" II, 126, 137 ff. expression substame, 16, 17, 93 ff., 96, "langue linguistique", 53. 106 ff., ISO ff., 162 ff. latemy, 189. expression taxemes, 203 ff. lexicology, 21. extense exponents, 208, 209. linguistics VIlf'SUS glossematics, 51, 225. extension of commutation, 164 ff. linking lines, 106, 107. external relations, 7 ff., 121 ff. localists, 200. logical conclusion, 189. Facultativity, 189, 205. jiguratJ 119, 136 ff., 155 ff., 216, 217. Ma?l;jestation, 115 ff., '126 ff., 182, finding, 22, 96, 106, 107, 165, 169, 18~, 203, 206 ff. 184 ff. marginal constituents, 208, 209. f(Wm, 11 ff., 16, 20, 22, 67, 87, 90 ff., maximal system, 118. 121 ff., 126 if., 216 ff. meaning, 129 ff., 188, 189, 196 if. "forme" (de Saussure), 6 ff., 11 ff. member, 74, 81, 170, 177,207 ff. frequemy, 76 ff., 193. meta-(connotative semiot;c), 214. fumtion, 18, 73, 86 ff. metalinguistics, 212, 219. fumtional category, 170 if. meta-(scientific semiotic}, 214. functional teaching, 108, 109. metasemiology, 214. junctional category, 170 ff. metasemiotic, 212, 213. junctive, 79, 83, 86 ff., 106 ff., 126. method, 50, 51, 57, 97, 98, 156 ff. minimal system, 118. Games, 217. m(Wpheme, 67, 78, 87, 91, 157, 192, generalization, principle of 184, 196, 208, 210, 211. 205. nuwphology, 21, 87, 90. glossematicians, 27 ff. mutation, 218. glossematics, I, 14. glossematics versus phonology, 15 ff., Naming a71d symbolizinK, 131, 162. 206. natural languagll, 53, 224. glossemes, 14,88, 199 ff., 204. negative entities, 1 ff. grammatical prerequisites, 185, 186. net, example of the 93. neutralization, 120 ff., 180 ff. Heteroplane fumtion, 19, 24. non-language, 215 ff. "hocus-pocus" versus "God's truth", 34. non-semiotic, 215 ff. homoplane function, 19, 24. norm (e) , 138 ff. number of units, lOS, 118 ff., 204, 205. Identification, 98, 110, 111, 169, 171, 207. See also recognition. Omkring Sprogteoriens Grundlaeggelse, ideograPhic, liS, 118. 25ff. ideophonic, 118. oppositions, 92, 120 ff., 182 ff. immanent study of langwage, 28, 38, 56. oppositions in writing, 120 ff. INDEX 287

Of'der oj the elements, 75. reduction, principle of 172, 199 ff., orthography, 112, 119 ff. 204,205. Outline oj Glossematics, 14, 26. relation (specific term), 73, 80, 82, 83, overlapping, 123 ff., 180 ft., 205. 164, 170, 177 ff. overlapping in writing, 124. relational hierarchy, 73, 74. overlapping with zero, 189. relations, 3, 18 ft., 71 ft., 81,88,94,96, 177 ft. Paradigm, 74, 167 ff., 175 ff., 190. r8soluble syncretism, 187, 192. paradigmatic, 19, 73, 74, SO, 126 ft., 179. Scale of values, 219, 223. parole, II, 137 ff. schema, 137 ft. part, 70 if., 74. scientific semiotic, 214. particular analysis, 85. segment, 40, 68, 70 ff., 74, 198. partition, 26, 71,74, 81, 104. selection, 73, 99, 126 ft., 170 ff., 178. permutation, 174 ff. See also subOf'dination. phonematics, 13, 14. self-consistency, 37, 57 ft., 193, 202 ff., phonetic qualities, 8 ff., 64 ft., 98, 207. 183 ft. See also sound. semiology, 53 ft., 214. phonemes, 2 ft., 122ff., 137, 171 ff., semiotic, 53 ft., 212 ft., 218 ff. 198, 199 ff. sentence, 165, 166. place, 81, 89, 92, 105, 133,168, 171 ff., setting of glossematic analysis, 22 ff., 176, 191. See also positional defi• 27, 47, 48, 106, 110, Ill. nitions. sign, 15, 54 ff., 117, 118, 126 ff., plerematics, 16. 144 if., 162, 163. pleremes, 16, 208. sign-function, 36, 147, 150 ff. positional definitions, 97, 98, 105, 168, sign-system, 126, 131, 136 if. 176. simplicity, 37, 63 ff., 155, 194 ff., practice, 139. 202 if., 220 if. predicting, 33, 57, 59, 64. sine, example of 190 if. premisses, 32, 50, 63, 67, 69 ft. solidarity, 73, 78, 82, 128. pre-phonemes, 102. sound, 9 ft., 100 ft., 106 ft., 203 ff. presence in the text, 84. specification, 73. /Wetaxemes, 205. speech, 53, 65, 108 ff., 137 ft. principle 0/ analysis, 67 ff. spelling-pronunciation, 120. procedure 0/ the analysis, 24, 50, 68, 98, spelling I'efOf'm, 120. 104, 105, 156, 157, 204. stratilicatio-n, 138 ff., 142 fn. 1, lSI ff. process, 32 ff., 36, 73, 74, 80, 81, 179. structural linguistics, 93, 94. productive text, 129, 130. structure, 9 ff., 52, 53 ft., 88, 89, 93. profusion of ligurae, 221 ft. 118 ff., 197, 207 ft., 215 ft., 219 ff, Prolegomena to- a TheOf'y of Language, subOf'dinatio-n versus selection, 178. 28. substance, 16, 54, 56, 93 ff., 96, 106, pro-visional nature of glossematic analy- 127 ff., 150 ft., 174, 182 ft., 203 ft. sis, 28, 207 ff. 214, 21 9 ff. See also co-ntent sub• pseudo-syllables, 101 ft. stance, expression substance. psychology, language and 31 ft., 91. "substance", de Saussure 3 ff., II ff. purport, 144 ft., 148 ft., 150 ff., 218 ff. substitution, 190. purpose of language, 219, 223 ff. sum, 171,176,177. "superpositio-n", 121 ff. Ram = he-sheep, 156 ff. suppressio-n, 120 ff., ISO ff. "rapport", 88, 90. Sltspended manifestation, 189. realization, 17, 171 ff. suspension, 180 ff. realized,85, 170,222. syllable, 79, 81, 98 ff. Recherches Structurales, 27, 28. symbolic system, 217 if., 224. reciprocity, 73. syncretism, 180 ff. recognition, 23, 34 ff., 93 ff., 108, 170, syntagm, 90. 210. 171, 190ff. syntagmatic. 18, 73, 74, 80. 126 ff .. 179. "rection", 89, 90. syntax, 21. 87, 90. 178. recurrence, 34 ft., 197, 198. S:l'nthesis. 40,47.49.50,91, 168, 171. 288 INDEX

system, 9 ff., 19, 32, 56, 66, 6B, 73, 74, Uni/Of'mity of the dependences, 79 ff. 80, Bl, l38ff., 179. universal operation, 85, 199. systematization, examples of 201, 205, usage, 54, 56, 138 ff., 196, 21B. 206. "Valeuf''', 5 ff., 92, 132,217. TfUemes, 199 ff., 205. values, 92, 219, 223. tenninology, 14, 29, 67, 73, 74, B2 ff. variable, 73, 83, B4, 17B. text, 18, 26, 40, 41, 49, 59, 70, 73, 74, variant, 172, 177, 17B, IBB, 205. 80,84, 179. virlual,85, 170, 199. theory, 57 ff., 60, 63, 69, 91, 92, lOB. vowel, 79, 99 ff. thought, 150, 162. tool of communication, II, 224. WOf'd, 49, 67, 76, 7B, 104, 131 ff., tf'ansterence, rule of 81, 134. 155ff., 165, 173,175, 198. tf'anslatability, basis of 21B, 219 ff., wOf'd-content, 155 ff. 224. Wf'iting, III ff., 122. trial and ef'f'Of', 36, 96, 173 ff. typology, 96. Zef'o, overlapping with 189.