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P!l)_n.ted a.t .the Cen.tJie, 413 K/f./.JMlaan, Am6.te.Jtdam. The Cen.tJie , 6011.nded .the 06 Feb'1.U1V1.IJ 1946, ,u., a non p!W 6U w:Ut.u.:tio n a.t .the pJWmo:Uo n o 6 pwr.e!i and ill., appUc.ationJ.,. 1.t ,u., -6poY11.>01Led by .the Ne.the.Jtland6 Gove.Jtnmen.t .th! .the Ne..the.Jtland6 O!Lganiza:Uon 6DIL .the 06 PUILe Re-6e.a!Lc.h {Z.W.0.). MATHEMATICAL CENTRE TRACTS 134 PROCEEDINGS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ALGOL 68 J.C. van VLIET (ed.) H. WUPPER (ed.) RECHENZENTRUM DER RUHR-UNIVERSITAT BOCHUM, BRD, MARCH 30-31, 1981 MATHEMATISCH CENTRUM AMSTERDAM 1981 1980 Mathematics·subjectclassification: 68-06,68B10,68B20 Co~uting Reviews: 4.22,1.52,4.34,4.12,5.23 l. INTRODUCTION "What can we do with ALGOL 68?" is the question raised by the chairman of the Standing Subcommittee on ALGOL 68 Support in the first contribution to this conference. The three main topics of the conference suggest three possible answers to this question: one can teach the language, implement it, and apply it. The papers collected in these proceedings deal with various aspects of teaching, implementation, and applications. They do not attempt to fully answer the question of what can be done, but they hopefully will provide some useful pieces of information, both to those who want to learn more about the,language, and to those who are actually involved in problems in the areas addressed.
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