OpenGL ES 3.0 API Quick Reference Guide Page 6 The OpenGL® ES Shading Language is two closely- Preprocessor [3.4] related languages which are used to create for Preprocessor Directives the vertex and fragment processors contained in the The number sign (#) can be immediately preceded or followed in its line by spaces or horizontal tabs. WebGL, OpenGL, and OpenGL ES processing pipelines. # #define #undef #if #ifdef #ifndef #else WebGL 2.0 is based on OpenGL ES 3.0. #elif #endif #error #pragma #extension #line Examples of Preprocessor Directives [n.n.n] and [Table n.n] refer to sections and tables • “#version 300 es” must appear in the first line of a program written in GLSL ES version 3.00. If omitted, the shader will be treated in the OpenGL ES Shading Language 3.0 specification at as targeting version 1.00. • #extension extension_name : behavior, where behavior can be require, enable, warn, or disable; and where extension_name is the extension supported by the compiler • #pragma optimize({on, off}) - enable or disable shader optimization (default on) #pragma debug({on, off}) - enable or disable compiling shaders with debug information (default off) [4.1] Types Predefined Macros A shader can aggregate these using arrays and structures to build more complex types. There are no pointer types. __LINE__ Decimal integer constant that is one more than the number of preceding newlines in the current source string Basic Types __FILE__ Decimal integer constant that says which source string number is currently being processed. void no function return value or empty parameter list __VERSION__ Decimal integer, e.g.: 300 bool Boolean GL_ES Defined and set to integer 1 if running on an OpenGL-ES Shading Language. int, uint signed, unsigned integer float floating scalar Qualifiers Parameter Qualifiers [4.4] vec2, vec3, vec4 n-component floating point vector Input values are copied in at function call time, output values are Storage Qualifiers [4.3] copied out at function return time. bvec2, bvec3, bvec4 Boolean vector Variable declarations may be preceded by one storage qualifier. none (Default) same as in ivec2, ivec3, ivec4 signed integer vector none (Default) local read/write memory, or input parameter Compile-time constant, or read-only function in For function parameters passed into a function uvec2, uvec3, uvec4 unsigned integer vector const parameter mat2, mat3, mat4 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 float matrix For function parameters passed back out of a function, but in out Linkage into a shader from a previous stage not initialized for use when passed in mat2x2, mat2x3, mat2x4 2x2, 2x3, 2x4 float matrix centroid in inout For function parameters passed both into and out of a function out mat3x2, mat3x3, mat3x4 3x2, 3x3, 3x4 float matrix Linkage out of a shader to a subsequent stage centroid out mat4x2, mat4x3, mat4x4 4x2, 4x3, 4x4 float matrix Value does not change across the primitive being Precision and Precision Qualifiers[4.5] uniform processed, uniforms form the linkage between a Any floating point, integer, or sampler declaration can have the Floating Point Sampler Types (opaque) shader, OpenGL ES, and the application type preceded by one of these precision qualifiers: sampler2D, sampler3D access a 2D or 3D texture The following interpolation qualifiers for shader outputs highp Satisfies minimum requirements for the vertex language. samplerCube access cube mapped texture and inputs may procede in, centroid in, out, or centroid out. Range and precision is between that provided by lowp mediump samplerCubeShadow access cube map depth texture with comparison smooth Perspective correct interpolation and highp. sampler2DShadow access 2D depth texture with comparison flat No interpolation Range and precision can be less than mediump, but still lowp sampler2DArray access 2D array texture represents all color values for any color channel. Interface Blocks [4.3.7] sampler2DArrayShadow access 2D array depth texture with comparison Uniform variable declarations can be grouped into named Ranges and precisions for precision qualifiers (FP=floating point): interface blocks, for example: FP Magnitude Integer Range Signed Integer Sampler Types (opaque) uniform Transform { FP Range Range FP Precision Signed Unsigned mat4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix; isampler2D, isampler3D access an integer 2D or 3D texture uniform mat3 NormalMatrix; // restatement of qualifier highp (−2126 , 2127) 0.0, (2–126 , 2127) Relative2 –24 [−231, 231 −1] [0, 232 −1] isamplerCube access integer cube mapped texture float Deformation; } mediump (−214 , 214) (2–14 , 214) Relative2 –10 [−215, 215 −1] [0, 216 −1] isampler2DArray access integer 2D array texture Layout Qualifiers[4.3.8] lowp (−2, 2) (2–8 , 2) Absolute 2–8 [−27, 27 −1] [0, 28 −1] Unsigned Integer Sampler Types (opaque) layout(layout-qualifier) block-declaration A precision statement establishes a default precision qualifier for usampler2D, usampler3D access unsigned integer 2D or 3D texture layout(layout-qualifier) in/out/uniform subsequent int, float, and sampler declarations, e.g.: layout(layout-qualifier) in/out/uniform usamplerCube access unsigned integer cube mapped texture declaration precision highp int; usampler2DArray access unsigned integer 2D array texture Input Layout Qualifiers [] Invariant Qualifiers Examples [4.6] For all shader stages: Structures and Arrays [4.1.8, 4.1.9] location = integer-constant #pragma STDGL invariant(all) Force all output variables to be invariant Structures struct type-name { Output Layout Qualifiers [] invariant gl_Position; Qualify a previously declared variable members For all shader stages: invariant centroid out } struct-name[]; // optional variable declaration, location = integer-constant Qualify as part of a variable declaration // optionally an array vec3 Color; Arrays float foo[3]; Uniform Block Layout Qualifiers [] Structures, blocks, and structure members can be arrays. Layout qualifier identifiers for uniform blocks: Only 1-dimensional arrays supported. Order of Qualification [4.7] shared, packed, std140, {row, column}_major When multiple qualifications are present, they must follow a strict order. This order is either: invariant, interpolation, storage, precision Operators and Expressions 7. < > <= >= relational L - R or: Operators [5.1] Numbered in order of precedence. The 8. == != equality L - R storage, parameter, precision relational and equality operators > < <= >= == != evaluate to a 9. & bit-wise and L - R Boolean. To compare vectors component-wise, use functions 10. ^ bit-wise exclusive or L - R such as lessThan(), equal(), etc. [8.7]. 11. | bit-wise inclusive or L - R Operator Description Assoc. 12. && logical and L - R Vector Components [5.5] 1. ( ) parenthetical grouping N/A 13. ^^ logical exclusive or L - R In addition to array numeric subscript syntax, names of vector components are denoted by a single letter. Components can be [ ] array subscript 14. | | logical inclusive or L - R ( ) function call & constructor structure swizzled and replicated, e.g.: pos.xx, pos.zy 2. L - R selection (Selects an entire operand. . field or method selector, swizzler {x, y, z, w} Use when accessing vectors that represent points or normals ++ -- postfix increment and decrement 15. ? : Use mix() to select individual L - R components of vectors.) {r, g, b, a} Use when accessing vectors that represent colors ++ -- prefix increment and decrement 3 . R - L + - ~ ! unary = assignment L - R {s, t, p, q} Use when accessing vectors that represent texture coordinates += -= *= /= 4 . * % / multiplicative L - R 16. %= <<= >>= arithmetic assignments L - R 5. + - additive L - R &= ^= |= 6. << >> bit-wise shift L - R 17. , sequence L - R

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