Investl-Gate' CHPC
All the News of AR the Point~s Every , Thursd.y Morning rosse Pointe ~ws ~omplete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home of th~ New. VOL.41-NO. 9 Pul>lI.htd or $e.ond CI... M"II .. "I tho Port Offl .. at Dotrolt, Michigan GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1980 25. Po. Copy $10.00 '0. YeCl' 34 Pages-Three Sections-Section One Lakeshore Displays Frozen Tableau Group Formed to Comhat Disease IReye's: Doctors Move into Action By Dean Brierly Ann Arbor or Detro~t Chilo Reye's Syndrome in Michi. Child Health -and Crippled dren's Hospital. gan last year, -and 23 appar. Children's Services of the With the recent out- "The tertiary care center ent ca,es so far this year, it's department of Health, Edu. I break of Reye's Syn- is ideally suited to provide not surprising that the medi. cation and Welfare. I drome in Union City, care because they have the cal community is taking ac. Cc»nputu Helps : near Battle Creek, resi- most consistent long.term ex, Hon to fight the disease. The group is currently dents throughout south- perience with Reye's Syn. Dr. Baublis reports that a gathering information on pro. ~""".~,;".".-, .. ~,,<//,.. ,~, ;~ ~ eastern Michigan are be- drome," he says .• , Don't six.state coalition comprIsed viding supportive services for I <;,' .,.;~,';~,.,.,.,.~~.~.,.;',;,:.• ; "~,:'.', mi m d wa,te time taking your child of Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, families stricken with Reye's; ""- ,,-... - ~ co ng or~ an more to your community health Wisconsin, Jndiana and lIlin- identifying families where ..... O/~ concerned WIth the pos- center becau'p thpv will I ";0 h.o mot ~",-1 'n_..,.,n~ ~ ""'e~"e_ "_ .., e'_" _.
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