To Give Berlin Back to Germans by Christmas
./.■V’-»i'<i-’~^. f- . ^ ■ ArerRire Daily Net Prem Rob I'Vrr tHt Wnek IM la g Tit* Wenther PAGE TWESTTY-EIOmr THURSDAY. NOVEMBER *0, 19N Nov. 15, MSS . iEanrlfPSitrr lEopnittg Ifpralb Fnreeaat of O. & WwttMT O f ■■■ 12,829 PYOr, ooUkr tovlglrt. Lww la $«■. la eroaolwg ffioadlaMo, efeaaeo oC cum laude) of Wheaton Collegej mintrsJs, and give pointers fori Member nf the Audit I Illinois I. His me^l'.cal degree U Miiseutn Fealureti eollectors. 04)eaaloaal rain late gala* May. BDgfe Doctor Essau Borean nf Omilatinn. About Town Girl Scout ISoics from Albany Medical College, Al Each afternoon from 3 to 6 p.m.; WINDOW SHADES la 4*a. bany, S.Y. lI9,Y2|. Thereafter hla Farragut Display two girls from Gln^Scout Troops, Manche$ter-—-A Gty of Village Charm ’2-year residence in psychiatry was Th*' first ChrtsLntas workshop of ; Girl Srout Troop 9ft, which mePtR Heads Clinic 20 and 2 are aaaisting at the mus- WASHAILE thr Manchester Garden Club wilt i ftl tlic Buncp t >ntcr for Rpiarrlpfl spent at Marcy State Hospital, •The Luta Junior Museum. In its : eum, While this work, gives credit j VOL. LXXVm, NO. 45 i followed by two yeara of speclallK- INTERSTATE (TWENTY-I''0UR p a g e s — t w o SECTIONS) M ANCHESTER. CONN., FR ID A Y, NOVEMBER 21,1958 be held at the home of Mrs, Doug- . Cliildrcn, plnyccl IiorI yrstfrday to I toward their service badges, th«i (UlaaaUled Advertising ea Page $» PRICE FIVE CENTS las Roberts In Bolton tomorrow) i Dr. Truman G.
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