PAGB mOU&TEEN MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, i m iHandT?0trr SnenfttQ fIrraUt ATcrage Dail.v Net Prem Run Tlic Waathcr For the Week Rndlng Faraenat nt O. 8. fVeathae -B uN M Key. IS. IMS The YWCA-*pon*ored New- The Sacred Heart Mothers CTlr- j The aSongater Brigade of the rectora; and Miaa Magda Neaniek I comers Club will meet tomorrow de will meet thin evening? at 8:ift { Halv'atlon Army will omit ita re-, I l l Past Masters and Mra. J. Larry Cochran for 3- ClMdy, mild with showers to­ About Town I night st 8 o'clock In the u p stsirs at the home of Mrn. .John Fit*|rer- hearaal tomorrow evening. A ape-. year terma. FRESGRiPTIONS 1 2 .8 2 9 night. Low 80-88. Wodneaday — — dining room of the Community V. i aid. 100 N. Lakewood Circle. j olal' rehearaFil will be held n e x t To Confer Degree The meeting waa opened with a : ' DAY OR NIOHT Mamber of the Audit ahowors ending onriy benomlng Sunday evening at 7 o'clock prior' few momenU of lilence in memory ] . BY EXPERTS fcupnttm ralb "The Politics of Red Cliina " will j Harvey Ward will talk on Interior Qurean of Circulation. pasrtty doady. High near M. decorating.. i St. Maiy'a Cirla Friendly Society to the evening aervice. of the late Mra. C. R. Burr, who; be dlBcueeed by L^rd undsay or Paat Maater St«wart Kennedy Mancheater-— A City pf Village Charm Blrlcer, currently a gueai rerturcr ! will meet tomorrow at 6;45 p.m. In was at one time very, active in the i ARTHUR DRUa The Ladies Aid Society of Ithf- upper pariah hall. Miaa Kdna haa announced the namea of paat et Yele Unlversltv, at a dinner Grotip C of Center Churc h worn-! m u te r a who will fill c h a in to ­ YWCA and served as a sponsor of. Emanuel Lutheran Church will ; Fox of Hr I lford, Dtoreaan preal- , en will meet tomorrow at 6:30 in the group for many years, j j meeting Dec. 3 at s pm. m tiic morrow night when Paat Maatera VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 42 (SIXTEEN PA(;ES) MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1H.5R (L!laas4f1ed A dT srtlahit on Pago 14) m b ! hold Its regular meeting tomorrow I deni, will ahow c olored alldea of the Rohhina room for a potluck, PRICE ElVE CENTS ConnecUcut Room, Main fU . Night ia Qbaerved by Mancheater Hertford. Reservatmn.a mu.«it be night at 7;.l0 in Luther hall. , Ihe aummer aclivltlra al GFS to )>e followed by a .aervdee m eet- Hostesaea will be Mrs. Kiith Holiday Honae. (;*Hnaan Gii la be­ i ing. Mra. Ralph Greene, will he Lodge of Maaona. Kennedy will be made by Dec. i with iiie service the m aater Bureau for Women's Organlza- W'erkhelaer. ehairnian. Mrs. Alice tween the age* of J2 and 17 are In­ ‘ In charge of tlie aiipper and Mra. i<g>»aa iii<| H»aa i ^ f t ’aa M^^aa»m i<|DN 1 Von Borclier. Mra. Harold Lehmiia vited to attend. Refreahmenta will * Grac e Agar,d In charge of the pro- Albert D. Krause will serve aa Ilona, Hartford. senior warden; Walter .S. Broad- and Mra. Lillian A. Giiatafaon. be nerved. I gram . well, junior warden; John A. Trot­ Thanksgiving Praparafifms Ragin Af Hoia't U S, Bids The Immaculate Conception Past Chief Daiighleia of Daugh­ ter, secretary: James W. Maher, HOUSISEWARES DEPARTMENTI Soviets Accuse Mother's Circle will meet Wednes-: The Women a Club of Manchea- St. Bernadette Mothera Circle^ DOMESTIC and ters of .Scotia Lodge will meet at treasurer; Graham L. Clark, senior d ay a t 8 p.m a! the home of Mrs. j ter will hold Ita November nieetin;; will meet at the home of Mm. Pet^r deacon; John L. VonDeck, Junior CtmellUB Fole\ Searborongh the home of Mrs. Helen Flavell, 88 I toniRhl at o'clock a I the Second Groaai. 32 Conway Rd.. tomof^row To Start Hamlin SI . tomorirtw night at deacon; Eric S. Anderson, senior Trust R d. I (.'onjfregatlonal (’lujirh. where all at 8:l.*i p.m. C*o-hoateaaea ^vlll be ' 7:4.1, steward; Herbert J. Leggett. j meetinga of Ihc rluh will be held Mra. Henry Michalak and Mrs. Junior steward; W. Sidney Harri­ Christmas gifts for the Orange I tliia aeaaon. It will be riien'a nlglit. 'Diomaa Llnehan. West of Spying I Dr. Rav Gibbons, exec utive di­ f son, chaplain; and Malcolm Rob- N-Parley Home at Hsihoro Pa may be anri the apeaker will be Hermann ertaon. marshal. brought to Orange Hall tomorrow rector of the (’oiincll for Social Field, co-aullior of the novel. Action of the (’ongiegalional Zion Lutheran (^hurch choir will A dinner will be served al nig h t. 'Angry Harvest " Mr.a .laroea Mc­ I rehearse tonKirrow at 7:30 p.m. and lodge will open at 7:30. There Berlin, Nov. 18 (iip)—Thetzround agencies wero working In Geneva. Nov. 18 (/P)—The I Churchea. waa the pieacber at the Govern i.a in charge of the pro­ VVedneadF^y. the Rev. Paul Pall- Weat Berlin. ! morning aervii ea yeateirlay at the Speaks to PTA will be a social hour with refreah- United States today a t­ gram arul .Mra. .lanira Treybal and meyer J r . of CTirlat L utheran Soviet embassy in East Berlin The ex-Soviet lieutenant. 1. V. ! Center Congi cgiit Iona I Church Shri ifY Donald H. Potter of Glaa- ments after the entered apprentice tempted to break a deadlock Mra. Michael .Maloney will be co- rhUM’h. Hartford, former mlaaton- degree work. held its firgt news conference Ovchinnikov, replied; Conn. Bank & Trust Following the P:11 and II o'clock hoat eaae8. I ary to Japan, will apeak at the tonbiiry will be the gueat apeaker in the .1-power nuclear con>- , aervicea coifee hoiiis were helil to In four years today in an ef­ ‘ It ia well known that groupa > chtirch. Ail women of Zion and on Tueaday at the Washington fort to dramatize Ru.ssian of NTS and UOPE (two a'ntl- ference by offering to talk DON'T "Twar'" give the (ongregatlon opporiunity neighboring chun hex are invited. PTA ni»ellng. Hla topic will be SWII plenty of wear left In to talk with Dr Gibbons .Satiiidny Uoi<f4 Miller. WTI<* announcer, Juvenile rlellnqiieney. Three Get Posts charges th at West Berlin is Communist Riuieian emigrant or-1 simultaneously about suspen- will he the apeaker at the meet- ganlxations) are active in ^ ” 1 ! gjon of tests and a control shoe* nhen hrniighi here for evening the olTicera of the church, •Sheriff P otter aaya he la not an 0 ^ 1 a hotbed of western .spies Sudan General ] mg rpf Gibboiia Aa.sembly. (’athohe n*lie Hollinter P'PA will hold open B«rlin. \ t, , 4- expert repairing. logelher with Iheii wives and hus­ expert In Ihia field but he ia Inter- With YWCA Unit 0 f bands. met inforinslli' .iilli I>r j Ladiea of f’olumhu.a toninrfow hoiiae tomorrow at 8 p.rn Follow- against the Russian Commu­ Ovchinnikov said NTS is . * WORK DONK «H II,r, ! night at ft 1.’^ Ht the Kmghn» of ' ing a brief htieinea.e m eeting, ealerl In helping boya, having nist regime. ating an illegal radio atalion in ' American proposal, made Agreement Subject Glhhons at Ihe p,Traonage as Ihs aerverl for in yeara aa director Three new members were elect­ West Berlin and a printing ahop with the support of Britain, was Puts Army in y o u « AIT giieats of the Rew and .Mra, Clif­ I (’ohinihu.a Home He will «pe;ik on teachera and mom parents will The Soviets presented two Rus- greet the parenta In the cla.^a- of Ihe Boya Slate program of the ed to the executive committee of described as a w e.stern. eonce.s.slon ford n .Sinipson I ’Faith m the H om e" .Mra Morri.a 29-year-Old Soviet Army where anti-Soviet leaflets are be (Md’onnor chairman, and liei rom- rnonia. American Legion. I th* Manchester Unit of the Hsrt- lieutenant and a Moscow circus In'g printed. designed to etjd the sgenda argu­ . ford County YWCA at a meeting ment that haa snarled the con­ New Cabinet SAM YULYES The M aty W illiams Group of niitlee will nerve coffee and dea- A n.aval offiecr In Worfil War II. acro b at....who they claimed had He said NTS was using West To Stockholder Vote "SHOE RErAIRrvO 1 aert. he haa been ahenff aince and , of the committee held last week at Berlin to itVnd balloons east carry­ ference since it convened Oct. .H. the Second Congregational Church deierled to the I'eat, The two western powers insisted o r THE BETTER KIND ' on Nov. 4 waa reelecledato another ] the Community Y, for the Americana and then had ing anti-Soviet leaflets and alleged will hold a meeling tomorrow |{ciiiiion Night Set , Mrs. Glenn C. Cornish, chairman that any final agreement must (’airo, Ni)\. 18 (A*)- -(7en. 28 OAK STREET night at 8 o'clock at the home of 1-year term. He la a former firat a change o. heart. that the money for West The DAV' Auxiliary will hold a selectman of Glaalonhiiry and of the nominating committee, pre­ from contain strong provksions for two , Ibrahim Altboud took over Tlio Manclip.atPr Trust (’o.
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