THE GAZETTE, 9th JANUARY, 1948. 13

Hamilton Fair, of Elm Lodge, Promenade, New- The -said Application will be by way of Confir- castle, in the County of , Auctioneer and mation of the Transfer made to me at the New- Valuer, the Executors named in the said Will. townards General Quarter Sessions- holden in said County on the third day of February, 1947, from Dated this 1st day of January, 1948. the Executors of Thomas McClatchey, deceased, T. G. MENARY & Co., Solicitors for the in whom the license in respect of the premises Executors, 12 Mayfair, Arthur Square, has been in existence, or alternatively for a new Belfast. license. To the Ministry of Finance for Dated this 31st day of December, 1947. and all others whom it may concern. E. MCCLATCHEY, Applicant. GALWAY, M'lLWAINE & SEEDS, Sol- icitors for the Applicant, 52 Upper Arthur TAKE NOTICE that I, the undersigned, will Street, Belfast. not be responsible for any debts, unless personally To The Clerk of the Crown and Peace for the contracted. County of Down, County Court House, Down- Dated this 7th day of January, 1948. patri'ck; The Clerk of the Petty Sessions, JOHN McKEE, Bangor, Co. Down; The District Inspector of Bersagh, Police, R.U.C. Barracks, Bangor, Co. Down; Boardmills, The District Inspector of Police, R.U.C. Bar- . racks, Lisburn Road, Belfast. Witness: HENRY A. MAGINESS, Solicitor, Lisburn.

CHANGE OF NAME. COUNTY OF DOWN. I, the undersigned Simon Bok of "Trees," Fort- DIVISION OF DOWNPATRICK TO WIT. willam Park, Belfast, in the County of the City of Belfast, Mantle and Gown Manufacturer, orig- ORDINARY LICENSE. inally known as Szymon Szejnesznajder give Sirs, notice that -by Deed Poll bearing even date here- Please take Notice that I, Emily McClatchey, with I have assumed and intend henceforth upon of 378 Stranmillis Road, in the County of the City all occasions and at all times to use, sign and of Belfast, intend to apply at the General Quarter be called and known by the name of Simon Bok Sessions of the Peace to be held at instead of Szysnon Szejnesznajder the name by in and for the said 'County and Division upon the which I was originally known. 26th day of January, 1948, for a Certificate to entitle me to receive a License to sell by retail for con- Dated -this 22nd day of December, 1947. sumption on or off the premises, beer, cider, SIMON BOK. spirits, and all intoxicating liquors at the Witness present:— shop and premises situate at and known as Samuel Herron, "Grosvenor Hotel," 21 High Street, Bangor, in the Solicitor's Assistant, Parish of Bangor, in the County of Down and 13 Lombard Street, Division of Downpatrick. Belfast.