Masajid of Bo-Kaap

Ramadaan Sunday Lecture Series Sunday 3 June 2018 Masjied Boorhaanol


• In Jumadil Ula 2 H a huge caravan carrying large sums of stolen Muhajireen wealth was on its way to . • The prophet (s) along with 200 men set out to intercept this caravan. • Muslims arrived too late but planned to capture it on its return journey. • Quraish would send an army to prevent this • The two forces would meet at Badr


• The Muslim army left Madinah marching westwards towards the plains of Badr • Abu Sufyan RA anticipating danger took the coastal road to avoid the Muslims • He sent a messenger to Makkah to inform the Quraish of the threat to the Caravan THE MUSLIM ARMY

• 300-317 men • 85 Muhaajireen and 230 from the Ansaar • 70 camels • 2 horses ( Al Zubair ibn Al Awaam and Al Miqdad ibn Aswad) • Generals: RA and Sa’d ibn Muaath RA • Commander: Nabee S THE MECCAN ARMY

• The Quraish prepare an army to defend the Caravan • 1300 plus men • 100 horses • 200 camels • Chiefs of the Quraish like Abu Jahl, Utbah, Omayah


• The Caravan of Abu Sufyan escaped • The Quraishi army wanted to retreat but Abu Jahl convinced the army to continue • The Prophet (s) not planning for war convened and war council to ask the sahabah their opinions ARRIVING AT BADR

• The Muslim army arrived first • They occupied all the water wells • They captured two Quraishi scouts and interrogated them and discovered many details of the Quraishi army THE EVE OF THE BATTLE

Friday night 17th of Ramadan THE EVE OF THE BATTLE ِ ِ إ ْذ يُ غَ ِّشي ُك ُم النُّ َعا َس أََمنَةً ِّمْنهُ َويُ نَ ِّزُل َعلَْي ُكم ِّم َن ال َّسَماء ِّ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َماءً ليُطَِّهَرُكم به َويُْذه َب َعن ُك ْم ِرْجَز ال َّشْيطَان َوليَ ْرب َط َعلَ ٰى ِ قُ لُوبِ ُكم ويُ ثَبِّ َت بِه اْْلَقَْداَم Remember) when He covered you withَ ْ a slumber as a security)" from Him, and He caused rain to descend on you from the sky, to clean you thereby and to remove from you the Rijz (whispering, evil suggestions, etc.) of Satan, and to strengthen your hearts, and make your feet firm thereby."

Surah Al Anfaal 8:11 THE EVE OF THE BATTLE

• The Prophet (s) spent the night in • The Quraishi army arrived during the night • War would begin at sunrise


ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِِ إِ َّن اللَّهَ يُح ُّب الذي َن يُ َقاتلُوَن في َسبيله َصًّفا َكأَنَّ ُهم بُ ْن يَا ٌن َّمْر ُصو ٌص “Indeed, loves those who fight in His cause in a row as though they are a [single] structure joined firmly”


• The army organized in rows and straightened them like in salah • The standard bearer of the Muhajireen - Ali (RA) • Standard bearer of the Ansar - Saad ibn Muath (RA) • The overall standard bearer Musab ibn Umair (RA) • The commander in chief Muhammad (saw) THE DAWN MOMENTS BEFORE THE WAR

"O Allâh! The conceited and haughty Quraishites are already here defying You and belying Your Messenger. O Allâh! I am waiting for Your victory which You have promised me. I beseech You Allâh to defeat them” THE DETERMINATION OF THE MUSLIMS

“They are fewer and less armed but these are people ready to fight to the death. We will not be able to kill them without them dealing us an equal or worse blow” THE “WISE MAN” TRIES TO STOP THE WAR

• Utbah ibn Rabeeah • Tries to prevent the war • Offers to personally pay the blood money • Uses Jahilyah family ties • Abu Jahal taunts Utbah for being a coward and convinces him to fight THE BLESSING OF THIS UMMAH

“I have been given five things that were not given to any of the Prophets before me: 1. I have been supported with fear (cast into the hearts of my enemies) for a distance of one month’s travel; 2. the earth has been made a place of prostration and a means of purification for me, so when the time of comes for any man among my ummah, let him pray; 3. war booty has been permitted for me; 4. a Prophet would be sent only to his own people, but I have been sent to all of mankind; and 5. I have been given the power of intercession.”

Narrated by al-Bukhaari (427) and Muslim (421) THE MUBARAZAH

• Utbah, his brother Shaybah and Utbah’s son Waleed step forward • Three Ansari’s step forward • Utbah says: we want to fight our own people • The Prophet saw selects: Ubayda ibn Harith ibn Mutalib, Hamza and Ali (RA) THE MUBARAZAH

• Ubaydah vs Utbah • Hamza vs Shaybah • Ali vs Waleed THE MUBARAZAH ِ ِ ِ ۖ َِّ َه َٰذان َخ ْصَمان ا ْختَ َص ُموا في َربِِّه ْم فَالذي َن َكَفُروا ِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ قُطَع ْت لَُه ْم ثيَا ٌب ِّمن نَّاٍر يُ َص ُّب من فَ ْوق ُرءُوسِه ُم ِ الْ َحمي ُم "These two opponents (believers and disbelievers) dispute with each other about their Lord."

Surah Al 22:19 THE PROPHET CONTINUES TO MAKE DUAH "O Allâh! Should this group (of Muslims) be defeated today, You will no longer be worshipped.”

Prophet’s hands are in the air and his shirt fell off THE PROPHET CONTINUES TO MAKE DUAH

Abu Bakr came, picked up the cloak, and put it back on his shoulders and said: "O Prophet of Allâh, you have cried out enough to your Lord. He will surely fulfill what He has promised you." ALLAH GIVES THE GLAD TIDDINGS

ِ ِ ِ َِّ إِ ْذ يُوحي َربُّ َك إِلَى الَْمََلئ َكة أَنِّي َمَع ُك ْم فَ ثَبِّتُوا الذي َن ۖ ِ ِ ِ َِّ آَمنُوا َسأُلْقي في قُ لُوب الذي َن َكَفُروا الُّرْع َب فَا ْضِربُوا ِ ِ ٍ فَ ْو َق اْْلَ ْعنَاق َوا ْضِربُوا مْن ُه ْم ُك َّل بَ نَان "Verily, I am with you, so keep firm those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved."


ِ ِ إِ ْذ تَ ْستَغيثُوَن َربَّ ُك ْم فَا ْستَ َجا َب لَ ُك ْم أَنِّي ُمم ُّدُك ْم ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِِ بأَلْف م َن الَْمََلئ َكة ُمْردفي َن "I will help you with a thousand of the angels each behind the other (following one another) in succession."

Surah Al Anfaal 8:9 THE WAR CRY

ُّ َسيُ ْهَزُم الْ َج ْم ُع َويُ َولوَن ال ُّدبُ َر "Their multitude will be put to flight, and they will show their backs."

Surah Al Qamar 54:45 THE WAR CRY

ِ ِ ٍ ِ ٍ َو َساِرعُوا إلَ ٰى َمغْفَرة م ْن َربِّ ُك ْم َوَجنَّة َعْر ُضَها ِ ِ ِ ال َّسَماَوا ُت َواْْلَْر ُض أُع َّد ْت لْل ُمتَّقي َن "And be quick for forgiveness from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth."

Surah Al Imran 3:133 Events of the Battle EVENTS OF THE BATTLE

‘Umair ibn Humam, a lad of sixteen, who flung away some dates he was eating crying out: "These (the dates) are holding me back from Paradise." So saying he plunged into the thick of the battle and died fighting bravely as the first shaheed EVENTS OF THE BATTLE

The Prophet [pbuh] took a handful of gravel, cast it at the enemy and said: "Confusion seize their faces!" As he flung the dust, a violent sandstorm blew like furnace blast into the eyes of the enemies. EVENTS OF THE BATTLE

With respect to this,

ٰ ِ ۖ فَ لَ ْم تَ ْقتُ لُوُه ْم َولَك َّن اللَّهَ قَ تَ لَُه ْم َوَما َرَمْي َت ٰ ِ إِ ْذ َرَمْي َت َولَك َّن اللَّهَ َرَم ٰى "And you (i.e. Muhammad [pbuh]) threw not when you did throw but Allâh threw."

Surah Al Anfaal 8:17 EVENTS OF THE BATTLE

Ali (RA): The prophet was the bravest one on the battle field on the day of Badr. He would be the closest to the enemy and when things got tough we looked to him for protection. ِ ِ ِ َوإ ْذ َزيَّ َن لَُه ُم ال َّشْيطَا ُن أَ ْعَمالَُه ْم َوقَا َل ََل غَال َب لَ ُك ُم الْيَ ْوَم م َن ِ ۖ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ النَّا ِس َوإنِّي َجاٌر لَ ُك ْم فَ لََّما تَ َراءَت الْفئَتَان نَ َك َص َعلَ ٰى َعقبَ ْيه ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ۖ َوقَا َل إنِّي بَِريءٌ مْن ُك ْم إنِّي أََر ٰى َما ََل تَ َرْوَن إنِّي أَ َخا ُف اللهَ واللَّهُ َش ِدي ُد الِْعَقا ِب And [remember] when Satan made their َdeeds pleasing to them and said, "No one can overcome you today from among the people, and indeed, I am your protector." But when the two armies sighted each other, he turned on his heels and said, "Indeed, I am disassociated from you. Indeed, I see what you do not see; indeed I fear Allah. And Allah is severe in penalty.”

Surah Al Anfaal 8:48 EVENTS OF THE BATTLE Ibn ‘Abbas said: "While on that day a Muslim was chasing a disbeliever and he heard over him the swashing of a whip and the voice of the rider saying: ‘Go ahead Haizum’. He glanced at the polytheist who had (now) fallen down on his back. The Helper came to the Messenger of Allâh [pbuh] and related that event to him. The Prophet [pbuh] replied: ‘You have told the truth. This was the help from the third heaven.“ [Sahih Muslim 2/93] EVENTS OF THE BATTLE

Al Abbas RA: “I was captured by a man who was bald and had the most handsome face, and who was riding a piebald horse, I cannot see him here among the people.” “Allâh the All- Mighty strengthened you with the help of a noble angel." NOTE

Angels were just there to assist but the fight was for the muslim

“For each one are successive [angels] before and behind him who protect him by the decree of Allah. Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves” EVENTS OF THE BATTLE

‘Ukashah bin Mihsan Al-Asdi’s sword FIGHTING YOUR MOST BELOVED ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ََل تَج ُد قَ ْوًما ي ُْؤمنُوَن باللَّه َوالْيَ ْوم اْْلخِر ي َُواُّدوَن َم ْن َحاَّد اللَّهَ ِ ِ َوَر ُسولَهُ َولَْو َكانُوا آبَاءَُه ْم أَْو أَبْ نَاءَُه ْم أَْو إ ْخَوانَ ُه ْم أَْو َعشيَرتَ ُه ْم ۖ ِٰ ِ ِ ِ ِ ۖ أُولَئ َك َكتَ َب في قُ لُوبِه ُم اِْْليَما َن َوأَيََّدُه ْم بُروٍح مْنهُ "You will not find a people believing in God and the Last Day having affection with those who oppose God and His messenger even if these were their fathers, their sons, their brothers or their clan. God has placed faith in their hearts and strengthened them with a spirit from Him.

Surah Al Mujadalah 58:22 FIGHTING YOUR MOST BELOVED ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ۖ لَويُْدخلُُه ْم َجنَّات تَ ْجِري م ْن تَ ْحتَها اْْلَنْ َهاُر َخالدي َن فيَها ِ َّ ۖ ِٰ ِ َِّ ۖ ِ َّ َرض َي اللهُ َعْن ُه ْم َوَر ُضوا َعْنهُ أُولَئ َك حْز ُب الله أَََل إن ِ َِّ ِ حْز َب الله ُه ُم الُْمْفل ُحوَن “He will cause them to enter gardens beneath which streams flow that they may dwell therein. God is well pleased with them and they well pleased with Him. They are the party of God. Is not the party of God the successful ones?"

Surah Al Mujadalah 58:22 The end of Umayah ibn Khalaf

Allah will bring justice to the oppressed THE END OF ABU JAHIL Volume 5, Book 59, Number 324 Narrated 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Auf

While I was fighting in the front file on the day (of the battle) of Badr, suddenly I looked behind and saw on my right and left two young boys and did not feel safe by standing between them. Then one of them asked me secretly so that his companion may not hear, "O Uncle! Show me Abu Jahl." I said, "O nephew! What will you do to him?" He said, "I have promised Allah that if I see him (i.e. Abu Jahl), I will either kill him or be killed before I kill him." THE END OF ABU JAHIL Volume 5, Book 59, Number 324 Narrated 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Auf

Then the other said the same to me secretly so that his companion should not hear. I would not have been pleased to be in between two other men instead of them. Then I pointed him (i.e. Abu Jahl) out to them. Both of them attacked him like two hawks till they knocked him down. Those two boys were the sons of 'Afra' (i.e. an Ansari woman). THE END OF ABU JAHIL

Allah's Apostle said on the day of Badr, "Who will go and see what has happened to Abu Jahl?" Ibn Mas'ud went and saw him struck by the two sons of 'Afra and was on the point of death . Ibn Mas'ud said, "Are you Abu Jahl?" Abu Jahl replied, "Can there be a man more superior to the one whom you have killed (or as Sulaiman said, or his own folk have killed.)?" Abu Jahl added, "Would that I had been killed by other than a mere farmer. "


"This is the Pharaoh of this nation.”

"Allâh is Great, praise is to Allâh, Who has fulfilled His Promise, assisted His servant and defeated the confederates alone." Madinah receives the News of Victory MADINAH RECEIVES THE NEWS OF VICTORY

Zaid bin Harithah was dispatched to Madinah, to convey the glad tidings of victory to the Muslims there MADINAH RECEIVES THE NEWS OF VICTORY

• The Muslims were over joyed • Islam now became a force to be reckoned with • Justice for the oppressed like Bilal • Wealth returned to the mahjireen • A miracle from Allah MADINAH RECEIVES THE NEWS OF VICTORY

Jews and hypocrites spread news to the effect that the Prophet [pbuh] had been killed, and tried to impress their false assumption on the fact that Zaid bin Harithah was riding Al-Qaswâ’, the Prophet [pbuh]’s she-camel. MADINAH RECEIVES THE NEWS OF VICTORY

الم Alif, Lam, Meem (1)

ِ ِ غُلبت الُّروُم (The Byzantines have beenَ defeated (2


ِ ِ ِ ِ في أَْدنَى اْْلَْر ِض َوُهم ِّمن بَ ْعد غَلَبِه ْم َسيَ غْلبُوَن In the nearest land. But they, after their defeat, will overcome


ِ ِ ِ ِ ۖ َِِّ ِ ِ في ب ْض ِع سني َن لله اْْلَْمُر من قَ ْب ُل َومن ۖ ِ ٍ ِ بَ ْع ُد َويَ ْوَمئذ يَ ْفَر ُح الُْمْؤمنُوَن Within three to nine years. To Allah belongs the command before and after. And that day the believers will rejoice


ِ َِّ ۖ ۖ ِ بنَ ْصِر الله يَن ُصُر َمن يَ َشاء ُ َوُهَو الَْعِزيُز الَّرحي ُم In the victory of Allah. He gives victory to whom He wills, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful


َِّ ۖ ِ َّ ِ َوْع َد الل ه ََل يُ ْخل ُف اللهُ َوْع َدهُ َولَ ٰك َّن أَ ْكثَ َر النَّا ِس ََل يَ ْعلَُموَن [It is] the promise of Allah. Allah does not fail in His promise, but most of the people do not know

Surah Ar Rum 30:6 Death of Prophet (s)’s daughter DEATH OF PROPHET (S) DAUGHTER

Usamah bin Zaid related that they received the news of the manifest victory shortly after Ruqaiyah, the Prophet [pbuh]’s daughter, and the wife of ‘ bin ‘Affan had been committed to earth. She had been terminally ill and the Prophet [pbuh] had asked ‘Uthman to stay in Madinah and look after her. THE NEWS IN MAKKAH

Shocked disbelief THE NEWS IN MAKKAH

Abu Sufyan explains to Abu Lahab how the Quraish lost "The facts are the met our enemy and turned their backs. They [the Muslims] put us to flight, taking prisoners as they pleased. I cannot blame our tribesmen because they faced not only them but men wearing white robes riding piebald horses, who were between heaven and earth. They spared nothing, and no one had a chance”

Abu Lahab one of the last of the shayaateen to survive


Abu Rafi' and Abbas's wife Lubaba sat sharpening heard the news of the men in white riding between heaven and earth, they could no longer contain their happiness, and Abu Rafi exclaimed: "They were angels!" Abu Lahab was so furious that he forced the frail Abu Rafi' to the ground and beat him up. Lubaba grabbed a nearby tent pole and hit her brother-in- law over the head, crying: "Do you think that you can abuse him just because Abbas is away?" ABU LAHAB Lubaba wounded Abu Lahab so severely that his head was split open, laying bare part of his skull. The wound turned septic, and his entire body erupted into open pustules. He died a week later

PROMISE FROM ALLAH ِ ِ ِ َواذُْكُروا إ ْذ أَنتُ ْم قَلي ٌل ُّم ْستَ ْضَعُفوَن في اْْلَْر ِض تَ َخافُوَن أَن َّ ِ ِ َّ ِ يَ تَ َخطَف ُك ُم النَّا ُس فَآَواُك ْم َوأَيََّدُكم بنَ ْصِره َوَرَزقَ ُكم ِّم َن الطيِّبَات لََعلَّ ُكم تَ ْش ُكروَن And remember whenُ youْ were few and were" reckoned weak in the land, and were afraid that men might kidnap you, but He provided a safe place for you, strengthened you with His help, and provided you with good things so that you might be grateful."

Surah Al Anfaal 8:26 PROMISE FOR ALL TIMES In today’s battles we keep this in mind

Surah Al Anfaal 8:26 PROMISE FROM ALLAH

A wonderful and striking coincidence was the establishment of Shawwal ‘Eid (the festival of the Fast-Breaking) directly after the manifest victory of Badr. It was actually the finest spectacle ever witnessed of Muslims.


[email protected] RHAA OO N B O D L E I I S



2018/1439 M Series of Short Talks after Taraweeg Salaah


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