BENSON PARISH COUNCIL Benson Parish Hall, Sunnyside, Benson, Wallingford, OX10 6LZ Tel: 01491 825038 E-mail:
[email protected] Minutes of the Full Council meeting of Benson Parish Council held on Thursday 25th July 2019 at 7:30pm in the Parish Hall Committee Room Present: Cllr B Pattison (Chairman) Cllr P Baylis Cllr R Jordan Cllr T McTeague Cllr P Murray Cllr J Sharman Cllr I Skeels Cllr T Stevenson Cllr M Winton Proper Officer: E Stanley (Parish Clerk) In attendance: SODC Cllr A Powell Reporter from the Henley Standard 17 Members of the Public Item 12 on the agenda was brought forward (see item 12) 1. Apologies Apologies were received from Cllrs F Lovesey, S McCann and D Olley, and District Cllr S Cooper 2. Declarations of interest Cllrs J Sharman and T Stevenson declared interests in item 15.c.i. 3. To receive reports from the following: a. Cllr M Gray – OCC Member Cllr Gray was not present. b. Cllr S Cooper – SODC Member Cllr Cooper was not present c. Cllr A Powell – SODC Member Cllr A Powel presented her written report (see attached) Cllr B Pattison expressed the importance of cycleways needing to be maintained and kept clear of overgrowth. Cllr P Murray asked if SODC is consulting with Oxford City Council and Cllr A Powell confirmed that Oxford City Council is in the Oxfordshire Partnership and part of consultations. Cllr J Sharman asked if SODC has plans to scrap or review the non-disclosure agreement that was signed by the previous term’s Council with relation to the Oxford-Cambridge Expressway.