Augustana Heritage Association June 19–22, 2008 in Lindsborg, Kansas Theme: “Children of Augustana”
TheAugustana Heritage Newsletter Volume 5 Number 4 Spring 2008 Welcome to Gathering VI Augustana Heritage Association June 19–22, 2008 in Lindsborg, Kansas Theme: “Children of Augustana” Welcome to the biennial national gathering of the tage of this historic community founded by Swedish Augustana Heritage Association in Lindsborg, Kansas, immigrants. Those attending the Gathering will enjoy from Thursday, June 19, through Sunday, June 22, the music and dancing, exhibits, special foods and other 2008. All sons and daughters of the former Augustana events in this Midsummer’s celebration. Lutheran Church, together with family and friends, Bethany College, Bethany Lutheran Church and are invited to inspirational music, worship, displays Messiah Lutheran Church, all in Lindsborg, are spon- and events on the theme, “Children of Augustana.” sors of the Gathering. Some 500 or more people are Participants will look back to the contributions of expected to take part. The local committee, chaired “old Augustana” as well as looking to the future as by Judy Burch, the Rev. Richard Monson and Janet the Augustana tradition continues in the Evangelical Monson, are working with the entire Lindsborg com- Lutheran Church in America. munity to welcome all who join this AHA Gathering VI. The Gathering falls during the annual Midsummer’s This spring 2008 issue of The Augustana Heritage Weekend in Lindsborg, which celebrates the living heri- Newsletter focuses on the coming Gathering VI in Lindsborg. (Note the Registration Form and lodg- ing information on pages 11-14. You may pull this out from the center of the news- letter or photocopy it in order to register.) photo by Jim Turner Bethany College – Presser Hall with relocated statue of founder, the Rev.
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