The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the Serious Wounding of Governor John B
741 THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Congressional Research Service WASMNGTON, D.C. mss THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN F . KENNEDY : A CHRONOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY Suzanne Cavanagh Analyst in American National Government Government Division and Sherry Shapiro Bibliographer in Government and American Law Library Services Division March 28, 1979 742 FOREWORD This comprehensive bibliography consists of every relevant book citation that could be found in the Library's card catalog and Books in Print . Periodical literature was identified (and selectivelyin cluded from the Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature ; Public Affairs Information Service P .A .I .S . ; International Social Science and Humani- Indexties , Ameiica : History and Life ; Social Science Citation Index ; Magazine Index ; Psychology Abstracts ; Sociological Abstracts ; Comprehen- sive Dissertation Abstracts ; and the CBS's Bibliographic CitationFile . Some of the noted periodical sources are from computerized, on-line data bases external to the Library of Congress . Other sources referred to in compiling the bibliography were : The Kennedy Assassination and the Warren Report ; Selected References, by Richard Malow which is a CRS multilith report, GGR-119, published Sept . 23, 1966 (6 p .) ; American Political Assassinations ; A Bibliography of Works Pub- lished 1963-1970 related to the Assassination of John F . Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Robert F . Kennedy, [in pamphlet form] compiled by the Committee to Investigate Assassinations, with a forward by Bernard Fensterwald, Jr ., 927 15th St ., N .W ., Washington, D .C . ; 1973, 28 p . John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1917-1963 ; A Chronological List of References, [in pamphlet form] by the Bibliography and Reference Correspondence Section of the Library of Con- gress, Washington, D .C ., 1964, 68 p .
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